The Navajo Indians: Native American Studies

Introduction The Navajo Indians are Native Americans who live in states such as New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona. In early history, the Navajo were hunters and gatherers. The tribe also adopted crop and livestock farming as means of obtaining food. Crop production involved cultivation of corn, beans, and Squash. After...

Nursing Education and Practice

What Does It Mean to Be a Nurse? Nursing is a profession that involves taking care of people who suffer from various problems. Nurses have a wide field for practice, working with patients of different ages, and providing assistance to attending medical doctors and surgeons. Contrary to the common opinion...

HSBC Bank’s Staffing Change: Communication Plan

The Need for the Change in Staffing and its Impact on all Stakeholders HSBC Bank wishes to appreciate the contribution of all its employees to the organization’s productivity, thanks to the company’s advanced knowledge sharing base and its excellent connection with the widening array of co-workers and consultants. The outcome...

The Detrimental Consequences of Plastic

The production of the plastic began in the early 1940ies, and the material became essential very fast. Plastic is the most widespread and used material in the modern world. It is everywhere, starting from the smartphones that people use every day, fleece, teeth brush, and food containers. Goods made of...

Japanese American Internment in Literature Since 1946

Introduction Japanese internment is a dark chapter of American history. The literature about it changed its tone overtime from analytical to a study of civil rights. The findings show that events such as the World Trade Center attacks and improvements in psychology. With time the publications became more critical of...

Hennes and Mauritz Company’s Marketing Strategies

Introduction Hennes and Mauritz (H&M) remained above its competitors in the clothing industry in terms of profitability and satisfaction of customers. H&M chain store successfully used components of marketing mix to increase overall sales of its products. In order to attract low-income earners to this scheme, the company kept the...

Healthcare Regulatory Agencies in the US

Introduction In the USA, there are plenty of healthcare regulatory agencies to go around – they monitor and regulate every sphere of public and private healthcare, on various levels ranging from state to federal. These organizations work with nurses, hospital personnel, and legislative bodies, in order to make sure that...

American Dream in the XXI Century

The notion of the American dream is popular all over the world. It has been mentioned in various objects of the American popular culture so many times that eventually it became a stereotypical ethical value associated with the American society, its lifestyle and principles. In spite of the overall popularity...

Nursing Change Initiative Implementation and Sustaining

Evaluation of the change plan To determine whether the change plan is effective or not, both intermediate and outcome assessments are required. In the course of the project realization, it is necessary to specify how well the initiative is implemented. It can be done through an assessment of stakeholder engagement...

The Problem of Pressure Sores in Elderly Patients

This paper aims to review the issue of pressure ulcers in elderly patients in long-term care facilities. Research suggests considering modern-day evidence-based methods of preventing pressure ulcers, methods of management of PUs, and its causes, and the prevention methods and comparison of the effectiveness of existing management practices. The study...

Popular Research Paper Topics

7 Practices of Effective Ministry

7 Practices of Effective Ministry is the book written by Stanley, Joiner, and Jones with seven main tasks for effective leaders being discussed. The peculiar feature of the book is the authors’ intentions not just to teach the reader but to share a story that demonstrates how to use hints...

“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Introduction Even though scars are quite a usual phenomenon and almost every person has them, they are able to produce a strong influence on their lives. Scars are perceived as something dark and negative. Basically, they are just the signs that somewhere in the past, an individual has suffered a...

Multiple Intelligences Theory in Education

Introduction The paper provides a model of the innovative school development, which is based on the multiple intelligences concept. The approach was elaborated by the professor from Harvard University, Howard Gadner. In contrast to the traditional understanding of human mentality, Gadner’s methodology claims that intelligence should be viewed as a...

Petrarchan Woman in Wyatt’s and Marvell’s Poems

Renaissance poetry has become influential in many ways. While not being followed directly, it has been incorporated in many areas of art and served as a source of inspiration to several generations of poets. A great example of this is Francesco Petrarch, whose poetry of the early Renaissance was both...

Infections Prevention: Quality Improvement Team Meeting

Quality improvement (QI) projects usually cut across multiple clinical disciplines. An effective QI committee should comprise of an ad hoc team made up of representatives drawn from the affected practice areas that ideally report to the facility’s CEO. The QI committee holds regular meetings to identify the practice domain for...

New Employee’s Success and Performance Management

Introduction Maximizing the success of new employees sounds like an employee’s personal concern. However, the truth is that it takes great input by the employer to ensure that new employees excel and become effective in their jobs as soon as possible (Bauer, 2010). In an attempt to maximize employee effectiveness...

Staffing Problems with Staffing Solutions

There is a staffing problem that needs an urgent solution. The concern for many organizations is how to deal with staffing issues. The success of any employer relies on the quality of staff the organization has. It also depends on how one acquires and maintains them. The exit programs must...

The Riding Hood and Modern Society: Sexual Background

We were all growing up listening to different tales that were either retold or read to us by our parents. When young children grow older, they tend to interact more with these stories and try to fit themselves in the framework of their favorite tales. Consequently, tales are still relevant...

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist

Job Description A Registered Nurse Anesthetist is a nursing professional who administers health care services to patients. Registered Nurse Anesthetists are also known as Advanced Practice Registered Nurses and may offer be basic or specialized services as dictated by the needs of patients (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014). Typically, different...

Learning Styles Analysis in Nursing

Introduction Arguably, the efficacy of teaching and learning in nursing considerably depends on learning methods and learning styles (Boström & Hallin, 2013; Peyman, et al., 2014; Tsingos, Bosnic-Anticevich, & Smith, 2015). As such, different learners adopt different learning styles depending on how effective the learning styles are in meeting learning...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Industrial Age and Early Capitalism

Introduction It is a common truth that those people who do not remember the past have a limited opportunity to understand the real nature of things that happen to their society. The mindset of society has experienced significant changes during the last centuries; however, the repercussions of older values can...

Cultural Competency in Health Sciences

Introduction Globalization has influenced a number of changes in the way the delivery of healthcare services is done. This phenomenon has been necessitated by the increasing level of diversity inpatient needs with regard to their values, beliefs, behaviors. This element led to the emergence of a new concept in health...

Judicial Process of Public Administration: Baker vs. Canada

Introduction By and large, administrative laws are an important characteristic of any country that claims to be democratic. Procedural fairness refers to a set of values that are safeguarded by legal assurances embedded in the law and meant to protect citizens. Essential values associated with procedural fairness include an individual’s...

Social Marketing and Political Advertising

Advertising Student Name Professor Name Course April 21, 2017 Social Marketing and Political Advertising While some people may still focus solely on commercial use when considering advertising, the use of advertising in political and social marketing is also quite extensive. Advertising is a tool to communicate or sell ideas, concepts,...

The Legacy of Ancient Civilizations Philosophy

As a matter of fact, the ancient texts are relevant even for the modern world. It seems that ancient people have known something that is hidden from today’s society. Ideas that are outlined in the ancient texts contain actual information, a unique philosophy that should be taken into consideration and...

Nursing Education Regulatory Requirement

Opening Remarks New recommendations from influential agencies such as the Institute of Medicine, American Nursing Association, and American Association of Colleges of Nursing require nurses to hold a Bachelor of Science (BSN) degree to enhance patient care outcomes (Grant, 2014; Jones, 2015). In realization of the fact that most nurses...

Martin Luther King’s and Malcolm X’s Prosecution

Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X are well-known leaders of the cultivation and development of the black movement, which was aimed at the recognition of black people as a race in the United States of America (Howard-Pitney, 2004). It remains apparent that they had a high contribution and influence...

Financial Institutional Policy in the Hierarchy

Policy Type Summary of the Policy (in your own words) Explain if the policy is effective and provide a rationale Describe the financial outcomes of the policy Provide examples of policy violations National Health policy is focused on the improvement of the state of the health of the nation. The...

Team vs. Primary Nursing Care Models

Introduction Various nursing care models characterize healthcare delivery in the contemporary healthcare centers. Some of the models that medical practitioners undertake as they deliver services to patients include team nursing, total patient care, functional, and primary nursing. During my time in a certain hospital that is near our home, I...

International Expansion and Decision-Making

Expansion for a U.S. firm is an excellent opportunity to increase the brand’s strength as well as develop its potential for increasing profitability. However, there are a plethora of factors that could undermine the success of an American firm abroad if it does not take into account certain crucial aspects...

Telecom Companies and Their Readiness for Change

Organizational Change High competition has pushed organizations to adopt approaches that are aimed at gaining competitive advantage. Adenike, Omotayo, and Abolaji (2013) pointed out that organizational change has become a significant part in enhancing organization’s competitiveness due to the increasingly changing business environment. Armenakis and Harris (2009) observed that advancement...

Nursing Process and Culturally Competent Care Delivery

Introduction Since 2000, the Hispanic population, i.e., persons of Latino descent, in the U.S. has grown by 43%, raising the demand for culturally appropriate nursing care for this cultural group (Sobel & Metzler, 2016). A disproportionate risk of high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, TB, and HIV/AIDS has been observed among...

Endometrial Cancer Symptoms in Women After 35

Studies have recurrently highlighted the fact that endometrial cancer is more common in women in the postmenopausal period. However, there has been an increase in the number of women being diagnosed with endometrial cancer at a significantly earlier age. It is also apparent that the younger women being diagnosed with...

John Locke’s Utopian Ideas on Property

The Age of Enlightenment can be regarded as the epoch when people put reason above all and believed they could explain everything. Importantly, this was also the time when moral (Christian) values were seen as effective doctrines everybody followed without hesitation (Perez, 2012). John Locke is one of the most...

Nutritional Support During Pregnancy

Introduction There is a variety of changes that transform a woman’s body during pregnancy. The nutritional pattern followed by the mother will affect both her and her baby’s health. Eating healthy is an essential requirement during pregnancy. It is also important to stick to a balanced diet so as to...

Leading and Managing in Geriatric Nursing

The problem of a shortage of nurses who are in charge of elderly people in medical facilities has proven to be rather topical nowadays. It is faced worldwide and tends to cause problems to both patients and nurses. Therefore, it requires an effective and efficient solution. The project oriented to...

Warbings Office Systems Company’ Human Resource Management

Introduction The recommendations made to Warbings Office Systems should lead to increased profitability of the firm as a result of improved employee commitment. In summary, the recommendations include conducting an employee satisfaction survey and introducing a performance appraisal for all the staffs. They also include the development of SMART objectives...

Big Data: Features, Technologies, Users

Business growth and development require information. However, the exponential growth of a firm depends on the marketing strategy. A firm’s marketing strategy is a product of analysis and decision-making. Thus, information facilitates a firm’s exponential growth. Data analysts revealed that billion bytes of data are created daily. The exponential increase...

Psychological Attitudes, Their Nature and Origins

Introduction What makes people like lemon tea but hate fishing? To answer this question, an understanding of the origin and nature of attitudes is required. Many theories have been developed to try to understand what makes people have positive or negative attitudes toward different things. This paper will cover the...

Fat Taxes in the US

Abstract The number of obesity cases continues to rise globally, owing to the rising number of people who have ventured into unhealthy eating while at the same time ignoring the impact of exercising on their health. As a result, countries such as the US have established mechanisms, which they deem...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Healthcare Team Model and Transitional Care

Introduction There is a variety of nursing care models, each of them presenting specific attitudes to the process of looking after a patient and reaching the highest patient satisfaction level. All models, despite divergences between them, aim at encouraging nurses to arrange the most favorable working environment, which will inevitably...

Five Components of a Lasting Relationship

People decide to enter into intimate relationships with to fulfill self-interests. However, an individual might face problems in keeping the relationship alive since it has never been an easy task. Human beings rarely compromise on their interests yet marriage calls on each person to accept challenges and to adjust according...

Managing Leadership: Traits and Characteristics

Leadership and Management There is no doubt that any specialist who would like to achieve success in the field related to coordinating other people’s efforts should see the difference between various notions that are often misunderstood. More than that, this assumption is especially important when it comes to those who...

Science in Shelley’s “Frankenstein” and Condorcet’s Works

The celebration of human reason in science began in the 18th century. The period was also known as the Enlightenment, and the works and achievements of its brightest representatives such as Luigi Galvani, Voltaire, Erasmus Darwin, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Immanuel Kant changed the lives of millions of people. It was...

Slip and Trip Fall Prevention Plan at the Bartow Regional Medical Center

Introduction As an individual grows older, neuromuscular deficits become a reality and may affect the physical performance leading to increased dangers of falls, especially in the hospital environment. According to the Center for Disease Control, the number of older adult falls in the US alone was 46 million in the...

Kenyan Government and Media Communication

Introduction In developed nations, media communication is an attribute guided by policies and openness achieved through civilization. These nations are organized and run through the rule of law that directs people and delivery of information. However, such attributes as civilizations and patriotism are not core for all nations depicting differences...

The US Constitution’s Foundation History

Introduction In the years following American independence, the country had to undergo a complex process of forming a republic. The inherent nature of democracy, as it is known today, was challenged as the Founding Fathers explored various possibilities for creating ‘the law of the land.’ Eventually, these substantial differences led...

Jim Mallozzi’s Positive Leadership in Real Estate

What elements of positive change do you see implemented by Jim Mallozzi? At the outset Jim Mallozzi explores the use of optimistic energy with a view of realizing organizational goals. Optimism, based on positive thinking, is regarded as a great tool in leading business institutions (Kelly and Cameron 215). This...

United Parcel Service’s Environmental Management

UPS’s alternative-fuels fleet as a response to trends taking place in the company’s general environment Every country exists in a constantly changing environment that can be subdivided into the internal and external layers. The general environment is a part of the external environment and consists of international, technological, natural, sociocultural,...

Decontamination Plan in the Local High School

In case of a chemical attack, a decontamination plan is what can save people’s lives. Decontamination is defined as a set of procedures aimed at eliminating the danger caused by the natural environment, industry, or people (Maniscalco & Christen, 2011). Peculiarities of chemical terrorism include a large specter of action...

Logistics: “Isn’t It Obvious?” by Eliyahu Goldratt

Summary of the Book The book “Isn’t It Obvious?” by Eliyahu Goldratt gives a detailed analysis of a company that is struggling to tackle its problems and realize the targeted goals. One outstanding fact about the company is that they have a Jonah (or the goal). In order to emerge...

China and India as Business Destinations

Introduction The current wave of globalization has transformed how business operations are executed. Within the past three decades, the number of multinational firms doing business in foreign countries has increased significantly. New practices such as offshoring and outsourcing have become common in the recent past (Gaspar et al. 12). These...

Memory Retention and Improvement Strategies

Introduction Many people suffer from various disorders that limit their ability to effectively retrieve information from their memory. While some cases are caused by complications in cognitive development, others may be caused by some acquired illnesses or physical damage of some parts of the brain. Memory loss can a short-term...

Childhood Obesity and Eating Habits in Low-Income Families

Introduction The modern nursing practice deals with health issues that are affecting the majority of the American population. While the past problems included such things as epidemics from bacterial illnesses, nowadays most of them are controlled by medication. Even the most severe cases can be cured in inappropriate conditions. Nowadays,...

Studying Philosophy and Its Benefits

1. Explain some of the benefits a student may gain by studying philosophy. While studying philosophy, a student can gain a range of benefits because of learning the principles of developing and analyzing the knowledge which can have different sources, including objective and subjective reality. As a result, knowing the...

Leadership and the Graduate Nursing Role

Nurse as a Leader: Reporting the Quiz Results Although it has been confirmed by numerous studies that leadership skills are not hereditary and can be fostered successfully, being at the helm of a team is a nonetheless challenging task (Cherry, 2016). The absence of the ultimate leadership style that is...

Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Theory

Introduction Dorothea Elizabeth Orem (1914-2007) was a nursing theorist and the pioneer of the self-care nursing theory. She received a nursing diploma from Providence Hospital School of Nursing in Washington, DC. Also, Orem earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Education and a Master of Science in Nursing Education from...

Primary and Progressive Nursing Care Models

Nursing Care Model Healthcare organizations utilize different nursing models in order to organize their work so that it managed to benefit both professionals and patients. Depending on a particular model selected by a facility, nurses receive an opportunity to enhance the quality of provided care and make team collaboration more...

Emergency Room Wait Time: Literature Review

Khankeh’s Study Citation Khankeh, H., Khorasani-Zavareh, D., Azizi-Naghdloo, F., & Hoseini, M. (2013). Triage effect on the wait time of receiving treatment services and patients satisfaction in the emergency department: Example from Iran. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 18(1), 79-83. Type of Study, Design Type, Framework/Theory Type of Study:...

The Iraq War in Structural Functionalism

Introduction The dictatorial leadership of Saddam Hussein inspired the U.S. to wage war against Iraq. The U.S. wanted to restore peace to the citizens of Iraq who had been oppressed for a long period of time. The functionalist theory employs a qualitative approach of analysis in explaining and differentiating between...

Penguins and Environmental Changes

Introduction Exploring nature and numerous creatures by which it is represented is, perhaps, one of the most exciting and at the same time challenging tasks. Unfortunately, not everyone can witness the incredible diversity of nature in person. The American Museum of Natural History, in turn, offers ample opportunities for diving...

End-Tidal Capnography and Evidence-Based Practice

The end-tidal capnography is used to monitor the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) (Kerslake & Kelly, 2016). No use of capnography can result in adverse situations or severe damage, even death. To ensure that patients’ life is not at risk, medical personnel need to use capnography more often. The equipment...

Stress-Coping Strategies in Nurses

Introduction The PICO question guiding this paper is; in nurses working 12-hour shifts, do strategies to control stress, compared with doing nothing, reduce nurse errors, and improve patient outcomes, in a period of one year? The paper is a critique of a quantitative study examining effective interventions for stress reduction...

Google Company’s Employee Behavior Management

Google has managed to stay competitive in its industry because its employees understand its values and culture. The firm’s employees have a deep appreciation of the company’s organizational culture because it helps them achieve their personal as well as corporate objectives. Google’s management has made all employees understand its goals...

Birth Control Pills and Cervical Cancer Development

Introduction Cervical Cancer is one of the illnesses that have been associated with a high level of mortality among women, and the health care system has partnered with various organizations focusing on cancer to create awareness of the risk factors associated with the disease. It is apparent that most researchers...

Crowd Pressure in Hughes’s Salvation and Orwell’s Shooting an Elephant

People often behave in a certain way not because they want to or think that they should behave in this way because it is the right thing but because they experience the pressure of people around them. The nature of this pressure is curious: it is not that people who...

Stress Reduction in Healthcare Students

Problem and Purpose The critiqued article was authored by Barbosa et al. (2013) who addressed the issue of stress among graduate health care students. The authors clearly state the problem: students experience significant stressors, which is practically important because it can affect their education and further practice. The purpose was...

Nursing Philosophy in Emergency Trauma Care

Introduction In their work, nurses should apply theoretical principles of nursing to their practice depending on the settings and specific needs of patients whom they serve. Much attention should be paid to identifying differences in needs and expectations typical of various groups of patients (Wetzig & Mitchell, 2017). The purpose...

Industrial-Organizational and Social Psychology

Abstract Industrial-organizational psychology studies how individuals behave and cooperate in work settings. Social psychology studies how the behavior of people is influenced by the presence or opinion of others (Kuther & Morgan, 2012). Bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree holders’ are offered many employment opportunities due to the high applicability of...

Social Media Policies and Code of Conduct

Introduction The modern era of social networking has transformed the manner in which many people share information. Social networks have revolutionised both the external and internal aspects of many organisations. Social networking has also transformed the nature of communication in many firms (Wang & Kobsa, 2013). This discussion therefore identifies...

Science and the Truth

Introduction The pursuit of knowledge or truth is an integral part of human existence. Science, as a body of knowledge that seeks to realize the truth through systematic approaches, is one of the commonly embraced reality approaches today. However, several instances show that science could either converge towards the truth...

The Belief Bias and Cognitive Sciences

Cognitive biases are errors in human thinking or deviations from rational judgment resulting in illogical conclusions. When these conclusions are caused by our tendency to evaluate arguments based on our pre-existing beliefs, a phenomenon called belief bias is observed. This paper is concerned with the way cognitive sciences scholars, in...

Scientific and Artistic Elements of Nursing

Introduction Contemporary nursing is a multifaceted field that incorporates elements from a wide range of disciplines. Due to significant improvements facilitated by the reliance on evidence-based approach, it is tempting to classify nursing as a science. On the other hand, many of its important elements, such as compassion, originate from...

Management’ and Employees’ Relationship

In the last 100 years, the world has experienced tremendous technological changes in different fields. The emergence of modern technology is one of the changes that has influenced our lives both positively and negatively. Many scholars have argued that technological changes, which happened in the 21st century, affected almost all...

Physical Activity Education Among Young People

PICOT Question In a group of participants ages 18 to 25 (P), does the provision of education regarding the importance of exercising 300 minutes per week (I), compared to a similar group that does not receive the education (C), increase their level of activity by 30% (O) by the end...

The Historical Background of African Americans

Abstract The paper presents the historical background of African American population. It states the historical events which brought African people to America. The paper includes the analysis of diversity within the concepts of culture, class, and religion. The issue of discrimination due to these concepts is also regarded. The evolution...

Respiratory Complications Reduction: Storytelling

Introduction Storytelling is a powerful communication tool that can be applied to ensure an effective change promotion. According to Gill (2011), storytelling has persuasive, motivating, and inspiring effects on employees as it allows them to understand the reason for change through an experience-based narrative that tends to be more compelling...

New Balance Men’s 611 Product Marketing Plan

Executive Summary The New Balance Company is attempting at entering the environment of the global economy with its latest Men’s 611 brand. However, competing with the brands that have already become household names is bound to be rather tricky. Therefore, the firm will need an elaborate branding strategy and an...

PeopleSoft Inc.’s Software Architecture and Design

The PeopleSoft Inc. was a company that provided Enterprise Performance Management software (EPM) performance, Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS), financial management solutions (FMS), Supply Chain Management (SCM), and customer relationship management (CRM) software systems (Kurtz 2012). Beside this, the company also provided software solutions for enterprise performance management, as well...

Nutritional Requirements During Pregnancy

Introduction Nutrition and pregnancy are the terms that are closely related to each other. The foods that a woman eats during her pregnancy have some effects on her child’s health. For instance, Arrish, Yeatman, and Williamson (2014) state that such adult illnesses as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and issues associated with...

Electronic Health Record Database and Data Management

Progress in modern medicine has resulted in the amount of information related to the health of patients to grow exponentially. This capacity of data has grown beyond the capabilities of manual input of individual physicians. As a result, health information technology was designed to work with corroboration with electronic health...

“Cask of the Amontillado” a Story by Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Poe’s short story The Cask of Amontillado illustrates some of the main techniques developed by this author in order to create a sense of suspense that engages the readers. In this case, much attention should be paid to the use of foreshadowing and irony. They are particularly relevant when...

Emergency Nurses Association: Interest Group Presentation

Group choice: Selected group: Emergency Nurses Association It is abbreviated as ENA The group is an advocacy institution ENA focuses on existing emergency laws The group promotes safe working environments The selected group for this discussion is the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA). The interest group conducts research to inform or...

Avera Health Organization in the United States

Avera Health is a non-profit health organization that spans across a number of US states such as South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Iowa. This healthcare system was founded in 1897 by two religious orders – the Presentation Sisters of Aberdeen and the Benedictine Sisters of Yankton (Avera Health,...

Health Programs for Priority Populations

Health program for children as a priority population Children are a vulnerable population who cannot make health decisions suffer the consequence of parents who are powerless to obtain government-sponsored insurance due to lack of resource connection, language barriers, education, and inadequate support systems leaving millions of children who are eligible...

Kendall Regional Medical Center Improving Quality

Health is one of the major concerns of every individual. Kendall Regional Medical Center has had to involve other partners to establish and offer the best medical services in the nation. The health center is also collaborating with other competitors by participating in the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers...

Health-Care Associated Infections and Monitoring

Introduction The modern healthcare sector is focused on the provision of outstanding care to patients and significant improvement in their quality of life. For this reason, individuals safety and health become the central values that should be protected and cultivated by all health workers. There is a wide array of...

New London Coffee Shop’s Marketing Project

Introduction Nowadays, the coffee shop market undergoes considerable changes and improvements. Organisations that make their decisions to enter this market and open new shops have to be ready to work hard and develop effective marketing plans to identify important goals and actions. In this marketing report, several elements of the...

Health Information Systems in Nursing

In nursing, the health information systems (HIS) constitute a system that works to capture, store and manage the patient data with the option of transmitting it from one healthcare provider to another in the process of delivering care (Toromanovic, Hasanovic & Masic, 2010). The purpose of the topic is to...

Alternative Fuels and Personnel in Automobile Industry

This paper is aimed to consider two important issues connected with the automobile industry. The first is fuel alternatives. The other is the staff and potential productivity. The paper will speculate on how these issues might influence the company’s policies and strategies. Besides, it is going to provide examples of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Royal Dutch — Shell Group Merger in Nigeria

Analysis of the challenges facing the merger of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and Shell Transport and Trading, and recommendations on how these should be confronted The merger faced many challenges ranging from political to economical which made the management distort the company’s core values and objectives. The areas of...

Economic Models and Market Structures

Free market and mixed economy An economic system is important in allocating scarce resources. There are several economic systems that have distinct characteristics. In a free-market economy, there are minimal or absence of interventions. The market is controlled by forces of demand and supply. Further, the economy is self-adjusting. Thus,...

Toyota Company’s Lean Leadership Principles

Leadership provides a means for organizations to pursue their goals. The vision determines where the team wants to be in the long-term. The Toyota lean principles are important in the day to day running of organizational activities. The fourteen principles guided the success of Toyota’s change of strategy. The Toyota...

Bidco Oil Refineries Ltd.’s Foreign Market Entry

Introduction BIDCO Oil Refineries limited is a large manufacturing firm which deals with the production of a range of consumer products. The products include soaps, vegetable oils, margarines, fats and protein concentrates. The firm is based in Kenya but has expanded and has branches in the East African region. The...

“The Elements of Language Curriculum” by J. Brown

Introduction In his book “The Elements of Language Curriculum,” Brown addresses the teaching methodology and approaches used in it to teach language and indicates that although numerous strategies exist that are supposed to regularize teachers’ experience when teaching, the actual process is often either more holistic or more chaotic. Brown...

The Issue of “Othering” in Literature

The issue of “othering” was studied by plenty of authors. However, the need to examine the current situation remains. In this connection, in Frantz Fanon’s “The Fact of Blackness”, Nina McConigley’s “White Wedding”, and Eula Biss’ “White Debt” the act of “othering” and its impact as a generating factor of...

Information Systems: Patient Care Technologies

Introduction The adoption of technology within the healthcare sector has played a significant role in improving the quality of services delivered to patients by nurses (Blumenthal, 2009). There is a common belief among individuals that the adoption and implementation of various technologies in healthcare has a potential to reduce the...

Interpersonal Care Processes in Nursing Homes

Introduction The article “Interpersonal Care Processes, Falls, and Hospitalizations in Green House and Other Nursing Homes” forms part of Horn et al.’s (2016) work. The study investigates the problem of interpersonal care processes in various Green House homes and nursing facilities. The study claims the existence of a scholarly gap...

Recurrent Clostridium Difficile Infection Decrease

The recurrent Clostridium difficile infection (RCDI) is an issue associated with numerous detrimental health and economic effects. The current consensus holds that fecal bacteriotherapy is among the most feasible solutions to the problem (O’Horo, Jindai, Kunzer, & Safdar, 2014). The following paper outlines a nursing plan intended expected to decrease...

Transitional Nursing Practices in Oncology

Introduction Transitional nursing in oncology is an under-researched theme, which, nevertheless, needs to be addressed. While some of the researches are primarily focused on transitional nursing practices with no specifics, others provide an insight into the transitional care of cancer patients and cancer survivors. For example, McCorkle et al. (2009)...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Decision Making: Concept, Cases and Approaches

Introduction The process of high-quality decision making is dependent on heuristic since it provides assumptions, integration of options, and rational control. Decision environment often experience dynamics and swings which create short and long term effect on chances of survival for two alternatives to solve a problem (Fitzgerald 24). This paper...

Nurses’ Work-Life Balance and Patient Safety

Background of Study The clinical problem of the study can be introduced with the help of the PICOT question. For the study by Estryn-Behar, Van der Heijden, and the NEXT Study Group (2012), it will be as follows. In healthcare employees, do 12-hour shifts compared to 8-hour shifts have an...

Media Developing Stereotypes About Minorities

Abstract Social media is one of the most contradicting phenomena of the 21st century. People can create their accounts, share their thoughts, and exchange news in different ways. People think that they can control social media and gain many benefits. At the same time, social media is characterized by some...

Marx’s Labor Theory in Garnham’s and Fuchs’s Views

Generating theories is always inseparable from future debates. It can be explained by the fact that the world is constantly changing so that there is the need for the improvement of the generally acceptable postulates or making a particular theory more detailed in order to assure that it is still...

Social Anxiety Disorder and Its Symptoms

Social anxiety disorder is a condition that occurs as a result of excessive fear of social involvement. It is also known as social phobia. The fear arises from the suspension of being closely watched, and receiving criticism from peers and other members of the society (Mayo-Wilson et al., 2014). A...

Staffing Ratios in Health Care Facilities Bill

Currently, there are many issues in the health care industry that directly influence the professional practice of nurses. For instance: nurse turnover, nurse staffing ratios, patient satisfaction, quality improvement and much more. One of the biggest problems nurses face today is low staffing: nurses are often forced to provide nursing...

Dealcoholized Red Wine’s Role in Cardiology

Introduction The article by Chiva-Blanch et al. (2012) focuses on the health issues that are associated with the consumption of red wine. The hypothesis stated by authors was the following: red wine’s polyphenolic content may positively affect the protective functions of the cardiovascular system. In the course of the study,...

Obama’s and Romney’s Medicare Plan

Abstract Medicare was a major issue during the 2012 American presidential campaigns. Mitt Romney and President Barrack Obama agreed that some crucial changes needed to be done on the program. Notable elements of the president’s Medicare plan included the proposals to increase premiums for seniors, the need to cut the...

Employee Training Using Simulation Game

The use of necessary skills in work is an essential part of almost any profession. The better the employee is oriented in the assigned tasks and can execute orders in a qualified manner, the more likely that a specific organisation will receive a professional worker. An appropriate application that helps...

Fraudulent Practices of Recruiters on Migrant Workers

Introduction Recruitment is the process of analyzing, attracting and hiring qualified candidates to fill a given job position in the organization. However, this process is currently full of fraudulent practices, especially on migrant employees throughout the world. Fraudulent practices of recruitment agencies and employers make the biggest problem for migrant...

American Constitution Drafting and Ratification

Introduction It is imperative to mention the drafting of the Constitution is a fascinating topic that is frequently discussed by scholars. The importance of the document should not be disregarded because the United States had to deal with numerous difficulties at that time as a result of the Great Depression....

Identification of Export Documentation Scenario

Scenario One An LCL shipment of motor vehicle parts from a UK manufacturer to an importer in Johannesburg, South Africa. The goods will travel by sea in a multi-modal ship, using the DDP Johannesburg Incoterm. This is the required documentation. Pro-forma Invoice: This is a document that is sent by...

Sears Company’s Digital Marketing Strategies

Sears image creation using social media Sears has been around for over 100 years. Its recent launch of social media and product placement campaign aims at appealing to a young market aged between 10 and 17 years just before they get back to school. To achieve this, Sears has collaborated...

Art and Science Relationship in Nursing

The most important part of every health system is the workforce. Many health care providers, who have quite a mixed variety of specific responsibilities, are involved in the health care process. Nurses are the largest and one of the most important groups of these specialists. Some people consider the nursing...

Tesco Corporation’s Internalization Strategies

Introduction Tesco is among the global leaders in retail business and has expanded to major parts of Europe and beyond. This paper reviews Tesco’s internalization strategies against the scale of Porter’s Diamond analysis. Besides, the treatise applies the Resource-Based View Theory to explain the international strategy of Tesco during its...

Suicides in Gerontologic Patients: Interventions

Articles Appraisal Using Rapid Clinical Appraisal Tools Throughout the process of research, I have addressed several databases that contained many articles regarding the proposed topic of discussion. I have also found several search engines that helped me to discover quite a few medical articles that perfectly reflected the topic of...

Fast Food as a Cause of Obesity in the US and World

In the contemporary rapidly developing world people are always on the move. They want to save time whenever it is possible. Hence, people prefer not to spend evenings in the kitchen cooking fresh dishes or wait at the restaurant to have dinner. The image of a happy housewife wearing a...

The Importance of Cultural Framing

Introduction Setting the premises for a conflict, cultural frames determine the scope of the vision of the world for a specific social or ethnic group. Preventing the members of the groups in question from seeing past the frames set by the philosophy, which they created, the given phenomenon explains basically...

Schizophrenia: Approaches and Behavior

Modern Approaches Influencing the Development of the Disorder Researchers believe that schizophrenia can take its origins in the malfunctioning of certain neurotransmitters. In particular, one should mention glutamate and dopamine (Hirvonen & Hietala, 2011). In this case, one should not speak about the causal relations between the dysfunctions of neurotransmitters...

Remote Patient Monitoring in Medical Practice

Introduction The rising costs and growing pressure on medical interventions have caused the health care system to adapt to patient needs. Developing technological capabilities of health information technology has led to the wider adoption of telemedicine. It is revolutionary for the health market as telemedicine fundamentally shifts the process of...

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Healthcare Agencies and Their Regulations

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) CDC is one of the leading agencies in the prevention and control of disease in the United States. It was established in the middle twentieth century with the initial goal of controlling the global influence of several infectious diseases such as malaria and...

Patient with Sore Throat: Nursing Health Assessment

Subjective Data Kelly is a 24-year-old white female. She addresses a hospital with her chief complaint (a sore throat). She comes here on her own. She looks normal and calm. The only problem is that she does not talk a lot because it is evident that this necessity causes some...

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Chronic Pain: Extended Literature Review

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Innovative Nursing Chronic Care Model in Nepal

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Self-Identity from Theoretical Perspectives

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Charles Babbage’s Contribution to the Mathematics

Today, Charles Babbage is known as one of the most prominent mathematicians of the nineteenth century and as the author of numerous monographs on issues in such fields as algebra, astronomy, and engineering. Babbage was born in Walworth, England, on 26 December of 1791. The mathematician died in London on...

Professional Nurse Leader’s Interview on Nursing Philosophy

Introduction Nurses should develop adequate skills to deliver exemplary services to their patients. They should use leadership dexterities to influence and mentor others. Leadership has emerged as an evidence-based concept that can support the delivery of superior health services. This exercise, therefore, presents new concepts that can be used by...

Jackson Hotels: Determining Recruitment Sources

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Maternal Care Access in the Health Industry

Problem and Population It should be noted that maternal care is one of the critical areas within the healthcare industry. It strives for minimizing mortality and morbidity levels since the incidence rates are rather high in the state (Sakala, Yang, & Corry, 2013). Other crucial aspects of caring are family...

Substances Influence on Water

Introduction and Literature Review When temperature decreases, liquid changes into solid, which is called freezing. The temperature at which the solid-liquid change takes place depends on the chemical composition of the substance (Ge & Wang, 2009b). While pure compounds melt and freeze at certain temperatures, the addition of other substances...

American and French Healthcare Systems

Introduction Providing health care for citizens is a basic necessity for any country in the world. Without a doubt, a healthy nation can develop faster than one whose citizens are bogged down with health challenges unaware of how to deal with them. This paper compares and contrasts healthcare systems in...

Nursing Related Scientific Resources

Rosa Nursing Models Nursing care can be achieved through several organizational methods. The types of nursing care models applied to a particular health situation can vary from one facility to another or amongst patients. Several factors including leadership beliefs, economic issues, and the ability to recruit and retain staff determine...

Nursing Management for Patient Satisfaction

Nursing is a challenging profession. It requires professionals with good knowledge, a variety of skills and personal qualities. Some characteristics include excellent communication skills, intelligence, ability to work in teams and sense of responsibility. Nurse’s responsibilities go way beyond assessing patient’s health and performing medical exams. A nurse has to...

Fall Risk Prevention in Health Care

The fall risk prevention has always been an ongoing issue for the health care sector. There are numerous facts that evidence the appearance of a number of various complications among patients experienced falls in the acute care setting (Shorr et al., 2012). Accidental falls are one of the most frequent...

Obamacare and Universal Medical Insurance Coverage

Introduction Access to health care services has been a problem in the U.S. for a long time. The American health care system is stated to have been the most costly in the world in 2000, whereas occupying only the 37th position in performance and 72nd in the overall degree of...

What Feminist Theory Teaches Us About the Internet?

The article that is going to be analyzed in the paper at hand is called The Internet Is Full of Jerks, Because the World Is Full of Jerks: What Feminist Theory Teaches Us About the Internet and is written by the feminist scholar Adrienne Shaw. The title is partially self-explanatory:...

Autistic Student’s Behaviour Intervention Plan

ABC Chart Date, Location Antecedent Behaviour Consequence Possible Function 28/7, Math Class 1. The teacher was delivering a lecture. 2. Terry said she had not been getting much sleep lately. 3. 10 minutes after the class started, Terry put her head on the desk. 4. The teacher asked Terry to...

Bioethics: Medical Help or Christian Beliefs?

Introduction Christian discourses have been applied world over by individuals when making vital life decisions. In particular, various issues that have a bearing on a person’s religious standing are better addressed in line with the biblical stance on the matter at hand. Nonetheless, some occurrences, for instance, health decisions, require...

Assisted Suicide as a Solution in End-of-Life Care

The following paper stresses the ultimate necessity to help the patients exercise their rights to die in peace using medical assistance rather than suffer or try to commit suicide on their own. The paper also emphasizes the stress and financial issues that the patients’ families might undergo. For that sake,...

Training and Development in Military Units

Introduction Changes are implemented in organizations to streamline performance and encourage employees to focus on the best outcomes. In military units, changes are initiated depending on the goals and expectations of different stakeholders. Training and development are powerful initiatives that can prompt a change process in an institution. This discussion...

Future of Nursing Report’s Role in Practice

The IOM report titled “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” was written as a set of guidelines designed to transform the nursing practice, education, and leadership into more modern incarnations of these concepts. It includes such ideas as the implementation of residency training for nurses, the increase of training...

Electronic Medical Records in the United States

Introduction Today, the technological progress and the development of information systems allow for considerably facilitating numerous processes and operations in a variety of spheres, including health care. In particular, the innovational information systems permit for more effectually storing and retrieving the information pertaining to patients, their medical history, and drug...

Reactive Chemical Explosion in the T2 Laboratories

The T2 laboratories Inc. located in Jacksonville City, Florida suffered a heavy loss in property and human life following an on-site chemical explosion that occurred on 19th December 2007. As a result of the incident, four employees of the company were killed. The co-owner of the chemical plant was also...