The Human Tongue and Language

Introduction The human tongue is a vital organ and serves several vital functions in the human body. The organ performs various functions in the human body such as tasting, digesting, and so on. The tongue is characterized by several muscles that facilitate its movements and functions. The organ has several...

Euthanasia Pros and Cons

Introduction The question of human life value has always been actual. For centuries people have been trying to find a good and complete answer to it. An idea that life is a gift from some supernatural powers is very common, and that is why people have no right to make...

Review of “The Patriot” Movie

The award-winning 2000ā€™s movie ā€œThe Patriotā€ details a manā€™s life struggles at the time of the Revolutionary war. While far from being a historically accurate portrayal of the events or a real personā€™s life, the movie still manages to show the general sentiments of the time and tie them to...

Woodworking Skills in and Personal and Academic Traits

All areas of a personā€™s activity are interconnected, influencing one another in a particular way. Each individual possesses a range of specific interests and hobbies that might not have an obvious relation to their primary sphere of studies. Nevertheless, extracurricular activities are capable of having a direct positive impact in...

Rhetorical Analysis: Google Analytics App

Audience The genre selected for the present analysis is a knowledge base article. The chosen source is a support page for Googleā€™s Analytics application (ā€œHow can we help you?ā€ n.d.). The intended audience is represented by the users of the Google Analytics app, which means the people who want to...

Air Pollution: Effects

Air refers to fluid found in the atmosphere. Air is an invisible, odorless and tasteless gas mixture found in the earthā€™s atmosphere. These characteristics of air enable it to mix with other compounds released to the atmosphere which have almost similar characteristics, but dangerous to human health. These compounds are...

The Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department: Most Pressing Issues

This preliminary report is aimed to outline the most pressing issues with community policing in Savannah, GA, and to provide some discursive insights into how the functioning of the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department can be made de facto consistent with the slogan ā€˜to serve and protectā€™. The most challenging obstacle...

The Performance and Quality of Religious Healthcare

Religious healthcare core functions evaluation For the religious healthcare segment to thoroughly understand and evaluate its performance in the healthcare sector and thus strive to make improvements, it is imperative to assess the core functions such as healthcare divisions. To begin with, an element of measuring performance outcomes should be...

Applying Analytic Techniques to Amazon Business

Introduction Online stores are a significant element of the modern economy. These businesses account for an essential market share because they provide millions of customers with the ability to purchase products via the Internet. Currently, Amazon is one of the most successful representatives in this field internationally. For example, in...

The UK Juicers Company: Internationalization Theories

Introduction Internationalisation of companies has been rampant over the years with firms seeking to enlarge their client base with focus on foreign markets. In addition, firms have been seeking to promote their market performance as the need to outsource grips markets. Internationalisation adopts two forms namely downstream internationalisation and upstream...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Supply Chain Logistics Assessment

Introduction This paper is an attempt to discuss the notions of trade-offs between working areas of logistics, the relationship between the selection of location networks and competitive advantage, and logistics value proposition within the broader framework of supply chain management. It starts by giving an idea of what supply chain...

Quality Patient Care: Drug Errors and Nurses

Introduction Drug errors are the mistakes that occur in the administration of drugs to patients. It is possible to assume that only nurses are involved in this occurrence but the truth is that numerous medical professionals are involved in drug administration and therefore it is not professionally sound to blame...

Exercise for Obesity Description

Introduction Obesity is a condition that causes numerous health effects to the human body and thus reducing the life expectancy of an individual. The majority of the heart diseases also referred to as cardiovascular diseases are caused by obesity. There are numerous methods which obesity can be controlled and one...

Financial Reporting for Cadbury plc

Fair and true view The idea of a true and fair view means that the financial statement shows the true economic position of a company. The accounts are said to a true and fair view position when the opinion of the auditor is positive. The auditor considers the materiality of...

Practices of Older Adults: The Role of Diet in Healthy Aging

Introduction Aging is an issue that has attracted the interest of various researchers in the past, who have defined it differently. Da Costa et al. (2016) described aging as breaking down a self-organized system, causing a reduced ability to adjust to the environment. Lemoine (2020) considered aging a progressive accumulation...

Crime in American Society: Causes, Types, Costs, Etc.

Introduction Virtually all societies in the world experience incidences of crime in one way or another. In most countries, there are organized criminals who have been in existence for a long period and they use various means to carry out criminal activities. These groups are very well structured, commit very...

ā€œParadise Twoā€ by Thomas Struth

Introduction Many artists have used art as a means of communication with their audience and concisely passing information, encrypted in their art. These pieces of art include paintings, photographs, and sketches drawn to represent some information or to fulfill some people’s desires and ways of thinking. Looking at articles of...

Criminal Justice Technology

Introduction Advances in criminal justice technology is one of the most important factors that assists law enforcing agencies as well as service providers to enhance safety and give critical lifesaving assistance to victims of crime. Hence, it is worth noting that embracing modern technology in the cranial justice system is...

How Greek Mythology Subdued the Stress of Natural Phenomena

Introduction People have always created various stories to describe the world surrounding them. They were known as myths several millennia ago, which attracted individuals regardless of their backgrounds. Slaves, peasants, artisans, poets, and rulers appreciated them, as tales made their lives more meaningful and less stressful. Even though many people...

A Law Case Study: Determining Liability in a Fire Incidence

Introduction While there are many lawful matters in this incidence, the rescue services managerā€™s discharge based on his alleged neglect and the legality of this fire are the key items of concern. The soundness of this discharge can thus be founded on the legitimacy of the alleged negligence on the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Actions Following an Anonymous Call Alleging an Imminent Bomb Explosion

Introduction Nothing is as confusing as telephone calls that warn people of imminent destruction from explosions and other forms of attacks. This is because there is the likelihood that the person would be playing with the organization or the individuals concerned. It is also possible that there is the alleged...

Health Disparities and Health Promotion in Vulnerable Populations

Introduction Health disparities among the different populations pose a great threat to the progress of all countries in spite of their constant effort to minimize them. Reasonable access to health care has become very critical because of this. In the USA, even though it is the most developed country in...

Addressing Cancer: The Nursing Process

Among the range of illnesses that can affect the health of the population, cancer is among the most challenging and multi-dimensional. Cancer is characterized as a group of diseases associated with the abnormal growth of cells with the capacity of invading and spreading to other parts of the human body....

West Nile Fever: Definition and Scientific Articles

Introduction Many of the diseases, until recently considered exotic, which were mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical endemic foci of Africa and Asia, began to dramatically expand their range, capturing countries in the temperate climatic zone. In terms of the spread of West Nile fever in many countries, it is...

Workout Plan for Successful Fitness

Introduction The lower body muscles are divided into five categories, Quads, Hamstrings, Gluteals, Hip Flexor, and Calves. A good exercise plan would begin with a leg press with a set of about 10 15 repeats then followed by leg extension with three sets of the same repeats as the leg...

Domestic Violence in “Othello” by W. Shakespeare

Introduction Arguably, William Shakespeare’s works are a critical way of thinking about the different contemporary subjects existing today. In Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello, various issues affecting society during the 16th century are discussed. Writers, historians, sociologists, linguists, and the public, in general, use Shakespeare’s works as a vital reference point and...

Anxiety and Stress Affect Pain Relief

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework A conceptual framework is meant to include systems of concept, assumptions, expectations and beliefs that are in support of a particular research study (Ariola, 2006). However, since a concept is a notion held in an individualā€™s mind it is difficult to measure. In instances where a diagrammatic representation...

Crime Trends in London and Manchester: 2005 to 2009

The latest annual recap by the Home Office suggests that burglaries and violence around the nation may have at least held steady against the prior 2007/08 financial year, even shrunk slightly. Since the situation doubtless varies markedly across communities and over time, it is worthwhile investigating how the situation ā€˜on...

Operational Management: the Case of Apple, Inc.

Operations management is essential for productive businesses, as the concept implies the method of converting resources into final products. The term aims to transform the company’s inputs, including human resources, technology, finances, and knowledge, into ready-to-consume goods and services (Robbins & Coulter, 2015). In particular, the transformation process is being...

Contract Law Case: Charlie vs. Best Bargain

Issue Will Charlie prevail against Best Bargain Stores after he was denied a General Electric Smart Front Load Washer for $1.00 that was advertised? Rule of Law Advertisements made to the public normally do not amount to an offer but are considered as an invitation to create an offer. However,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Is PCR the Most Important Invention in Molecular Biology to Date?

Fridell (2005, p.8) defines Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) as a scientific technique that is applied in molecular biology to amplify a single or specified number of DeoxyRiboNucleic acids. In addition, Park (2004, p.587) claims the PCR technique is used to produce a large number of copies of a particular specific...

Alcohol Dependence in Modern Women

Introduction Alcoholism in women is a widespread issue; that is why the topic is important for previous, current, and future generations. Since ancient times, it has been known that a femaleā€™s addiction to alcoholic beverages is dangerous not only to her well-being but also to the health of her future...

Bordetella Pertussis Protects Against Severe Influenza

Introduction The article did not give us a summary of discusses protection against influenza virus pathogenesis by pre-exposure to attenuated Bordetella pertussis. The authors rather introduce us to the history of virulent influenza which should have been dealt in the introduction page. The abstract also lacks an in-depth analysis on...

The Relation Between Law and Morality

Thesis The connection between the law and morality is rather controversial as, on the one hand, morality must be separated from law and on the other hand, morality is an inherent part of the law. Introduction The problem of law and morality is rather difficult, as many believe that there...

Quality Measures Implementation, Standards, and Barriers in the Healthcare Services

Introduction Quality measures for improving health care services provided The situation concerning the health care services provided by the staff members of the Health Science Center described in the case study suggests that quality improvement measures should be implemented about the needs and expectations of the organization and its staff...

Social Media: Negative Impacts

Introduction Social media is a natural phenomenon of modern hi-tech life. The impact of virtual communication is significant as people are often willing to pay more attention to online interaction. Besides, due to the development of technology, social media plays the role of platforms not only for communication but also...

Chest Pain Units: The Diagnostic Testing

Literature Review Chest Pain Units (CPUs) are the innovative systems of monitoring and treatment of patients with undifferentiated acute chest pain. Along with the opportunities of cutting the testing costs and earlier diagnosing of the cardiac diseases, the CPU approach presupposes difficulties of organization of a separate unit in the...

The Effectiveness of Peer-Mediated Intervention for Young Children with Autism

Introduction Children with autism often suffer from a lack of social integration and fail to engage meaningfully with their peers. Peer-mediated intervention is a prominent technique for developing social skills and fostering involvement in children suffering from autism. Such children usually have fewer social connections, especially in the school environment,...

The Meaning of ā€œThe Lotteryā€ by Shirley Jackson

Shirley Jackson wrote ā€œThe Lotteryā€ as a short story, and it was published on June 26, 1948, in The New Yorker. The first readers of the story were surprised by it because, in the past, works of the magazine were not identified as fiction or as events happening in real...

Foreign Direct Investment: Theories and Concepts

Introduction Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is regarded as a fundamental form of global capital flow (Cywiński & Harasym, 2012, p. 35). FDI has a considerable effect on both home and host economies. From the home countryā€™s point of view, FDI is considered to be a convenient means of capital and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Statistics: Analysis of Multivariate Data

Introduction There is no doubt that statistics is a multifaceted concept with a myriad of applications; currently, everything ranging from sociology, science, business to mention but a few in one way or another incorporate statistics in their day-to-day activities. With this in mind, it is worth noting that several statistical...

Clinical Uses of Ultrasound

Introduction The use of ultrasound in the field of medicine is one of the myriads of examples of the practical applicability of physics principles. Its use in this field actually began in the early 1930s and it has continued to advance in leaps and bounds. Ultrasound is actually a high-frequency...

ā€œHow Democratic Is the American Constitution?ā€ by Robert A. Dahl

Introduction The book How Democratic is the American Constitution? by Robert A. Dahl is a provocative examination of the American constitution. The book challenges the notions that most Americans hold regarding the sacred nature of the U.S. Constitution and its role as the foundation of Democracy. However, the circumstances under...

Who Is to Blame for the Current Health Care Crisis?

Introduction Indeed, the United States is facing a health care crisis. Notably, the soaring costs of health care services have forced many Americans to spend more on health care than any other area. The question that remains unanswered is whether the current health care crisis is all about rising health...

Audit Report for Getinge Decomat 8666 Washer-Disinfector

Introduction For automated cleaning, thermal or chemical disinfection, and drying of reusable general surgical instruments prior to sterilization in outpatient/same-day surgery departments, surgical centers, and ambulatory care centers, a variety of Washer-Disinfectors (WS) are in use. This audit report reviews a ‘Yearly Validation And Re- Performance Qualification Tests’ on a...

Social Issues in August Wilsonā€™s ā€œFencesā€

August Wilsonā€™s ā€œFencesā€ delves into the lives of African Americans. More specifically, Wilson uses the life of the protagonist Troy Maxson to explore common social conflicts and themes such as love, gender roles, and responsibility. Troy’s conflict with the Whites, as well as Toryā€™s relationship with Rose, are two dominant...

Review of Noel Carroll’s article ā€œForget the Medium!ā€

Introduction As soon as movies were identified as a separate, unique form of art, a number of theories, capacities, and laws were introduced to identify the components of moviemaking. Society entered an era of medium essentialism, the purpose of which was to study the essence of film as an art...

Public Health Campaign and Communication Tools

This study focuses on the Sierra Leone Ebola crisis as the main public health issue in this paper. The pandemic started in May 2014 and has so far claimed more than 10,000 lives (Fox, 2015). Health experts believe that the deadly disease emerged from an incident where a small child...

The State of Health of Niger Citizens

Introduction Clans, societies, countries, continents, and the entire world have faced a lot of pressure and need of solving health problems and health-related issues. This problem has seen the world, continents, countries, societies, and clanā€™s loss their beloved ones because of the poor state of health and the emergence of...

Effect of Industrialization on the United States

Introduction The Industrial Revolution was an era of major changes in all the life areas of many countries. Beginning in England, the industrial revolution quickly spread throughout Europe and to the United States. The best description for the notion would be a period of change, which led countries to transform...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Could Artificial Intelligence ā€˜End Mankindā€™ or Is It All Alarmist Nonsense?

Introduction Not so long ago, the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) was in the earliest stages of its conception and was only pondered over in science fiction. In fact, the alarmist trends in some parts of contemporary global society owe their existence to the early sci-fi novels addressing the ostensibly...

Shared Leadership in Healthcare Settings and Its Effects

Background/Introduction Surgery leadership and its effects are barely investigated in recent literature (Barling, Akers, Di Lena, & Beiko, 2017; Dā€™Innocenzo, Mathieu, & Kukenberger, 2016). Also, the methods of the introduction of SL in healthcare settings are rarely studied (BrĆŗn, Oā€™Donovan, & McAuliffe, 2019). However, the existing literature suggests that SL...

“Indian Fire God” Painting by Frederic Remington

The purpose of art is to provoke thoughts and evoke associations in the beholder. Some works attain this objective through the beauty of their images, whereas others rely on different strong emotions. Art has many sources, and, while some paintings focus on the depiction of actual events, other pieces reflect...

Media’s Effects on the Human Brain

Introduction This topic involves studying the effects of the continued use of digital media on the human brain. The issue presented is becoming more urgent every year since the usage of digital technologies and social networks has an increasing impact on human life. Almost half of the world’s population uses...

Medication Safety and Reconciliation in a Homecare Setting after Discharge from the Hospital

Introduction Medication errors are some of the factors contributing significantly to poor patient outcomes, such as morbidity and mortality. This problem is compounded further when patients are required to self-medicate once discharged from the hospital. Therefore, there is an overarching need to address this problem for improved patient outcomes. This...

Milestone 3: Plastic Pollution

Introduction One of the central issues that affect the wellness of the Earth’s population is plastic pollution. Today, almost every person knows that plastic kills millions of animals every year by entanglement or starvation (Parker, 2019). However, a rare person realizes that plastic is a source of significant problems with...

Prejudice and Discrimination in the Judicial System

Introduction Every country believes that the United States has a robust democratic system where the rule f law prevails over personal, political and racial issues. However, the recent events that occurred in the political and judicial system expose a different part of this admired country. Cases of racial discrimination have...

Confucianism as the State Ideology of Ancient China

Introduction Ancient China is a civilization with a varied and long history of philosophical discovery and thought. Among others, the teachings of Confucius have had the biggest impact on the modern understanding of China and the cultural perception of Asian philosophy. Confuciusā€™s teaching put much emphasis on personal improvement and...

Aloe Vera Treatment: Description and Benefits

Boon, Heather & Smith, J. Micheal. (2004).The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to the 50 Most Common Medicinal Herbs. Robert Rose Publishers. p.25-33 If the book was a stop shop for all the information concerning the Aloe vera species as a traditional and non traditional medical remedy then it has undoubtedly...

Medical Law, Ethics and Professional Practice

Introduction Medical law, ethics, and professional practice are essential in the field of health and medicine as it manages, legislates, and control ethical behaviors in professional medical practice. ā€œMedical law, ethics, and professional practice also enable patients, their families, the society and the doctor to have proper regard to health...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Desperate Housewives Show: Housewivesā€™ Love

Introduction The development of pop culture through media has been going forward at a steady gait for the past five-six years. Any separately taken culture is several set traditions, ways of living, social orders that are inherent in a specific group or nation, changing under the influence of external and...

Religious Health Care Analysis

Introduction In any consultancy procedure, it is important to identify areas that top the list of agendas. Considering that health care is most critical, it is important to identify major issues that stalls its provision. It is also important to note that Religious health care system has been performing as...

A Collaborative Stress Management Initiative for Mothers of Cancer Children

Abstract The article explored the psychological stress experienced by mothers who have cancerous children. The author proposed that support groups are advantageous in stress reduction among mothers of cancerous children. The author did an experimental research to establish his findings. The research is current and relevant to contemporary health issues....

Healthcare Reform: Affordable Care Act

Introduction The human body is a complicated walking-talking-thinking engine with mutually dependent systems and subsystems composing or representing the complex whole. The breaking down of any one of the body’s structures can lead to a rush down in big quantities of complex medical issues. Where there is a system breakdown,...

All Knowledge Is an Illusion

All knowledge is an illusion. While this declaration does not mean that we should support the supernatural or ignore knowledge, I trust that it is essential to accept some limitations of knowledge that relate to its source. Unless we consider some fundamental premises, we may be surprised to come across...

The Online Personal Health Records on Medication Accuracy and Safety

Introduction Schnipper (2012) believes that medication-related errors are among the main challenges in primary care. More so, medication-related errors are more profound in the outpatient setting, where medication reconciliation challenges the reduction of medication errors. The occurrences of medication-errors have increased medication-related morbidity and mortality. In fact, Schnipper (2012) reports...

Dietary Analysis Project and Calorie Intake Control

Controlling intake of foods and beverages calorie intake is essential to the achievement of calorie balance (Ferry, 2011). Comprehending calorie requirements, having knowledge of food calorie sources, as well as recognizing the link between foods and beverages as well as the high/low body weight, are all essential concepts when constructing...

Modern Technologies: Merit or Disadvantage?

Introduction Technological advances are one of the most significant benefits of the modern world. The fact that various machines perform tasks on behalf of people is considered a characteristic feature of a developed society. However, it is also necessary to comment on the drawbacks of technology when it comes to...

Marsupials: Evolutionary History, Key Features, and Ecological Role

Mammals are vertebrates, and the main distinctive feature separating them from other animals is the presence of mammary glands. Other differentiating characteristics among mammals include integument, skeleton, and internal anatomical features. In modern times, this class of animals exists in three clades ā€“ marsupials, monotremes, and placental mammals. Marsupials are...

Use of Technology by Teenagers for Emotional Support

Introduction Nowadays, children receive a cellphone at the age of nine and use it daily afterward, which, for their parents, serves as a way of protecting a young individual. As the year’s pass, teenagers begin to feel the constant need to be connected to others through their smartphones. Technology has...

The Ontological Basis for Participant Action Research in Healthcare

Introduction Research can be defined as a ā€œthorough and systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject in order to discover or confirm facts, theories and their applicationsā€ (Philippa 2005). There are several types of research that are identified depending on the nature and purpose of the study. Participant action research...

Amazon Web Services (AWS): Optimization Possibilities

Introduction Businesses often experience multiple changes necessitated by changing environmental and technological factors. Most organizations rely on websites and the Internet to reach out to new markets and clients worldwide. Therefore, the need to expand business operations on the Internet led to the development of powerful and complex servers that...

Autoimmune Disease: Sarcoidosis

Introduction Sarcoidosis is a disease that is characterized by abnormal development and the gathering of chronic inflammatory cells. These cells develop into nodules that collect in a variety of organs. The syndrome is also referred to as sarcoid or Basnier-Boeck-Schaumann. The disease is common in various parts of the world....

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Symptoms and Causes

Introduction Coronavirus disease (2019) is an illness triggered by a brand new virus that can infect an individual in case he or she inhales the droplets of coughing, sneezing, or particles generated by breathing. Another way of becoming infected is touching a contaminated surface and then touching oneself (especially, eyes...

Jurisdictional Standards to Civil Internet Issues

The internet has come a long way from a lawless nature to an entity where there are laws and guidelines/ regulations that monitor the way it is utilized. At the core of this is the call for jurisdiction in relation to resolving all civil internet jurisdictional issues. The question whether...

Computerized Tomography Laser Mammography

Introduction The problem of cancerous tumors has affected civilizations across geographical localities for generations now. Women, mostly due to their physiological nature, have been on the receiving end, and many have succumbed to the cancerous tumors. According to figures adapted from the American Cancer Society (ACS), breast cancer is the...

Cardio Vascular Accidents

Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that cardio vascular accidents, which are usually called strokes is regarded to be rather dangerous pathology, which may cause irreversible consequences, and even death. The fact, that there are several types of cardio vascular make it difficult to diagnose and treat. The...

Pascalā€™s Triangle, the Sierpenski Triangle, and the Mandelbrot Set

Relation between Pascalā€™s triangle and the Sierpenski triangle Both Pascal’s and Sierpenski are triangles. The Sierpenski triangle is obtained from Pascal’s triangle by marking or coloring the odd numbers and leaving the even numbers without color. Properties of the Sierpenski triangle and the Mandelbrot set Both the Sierpenski triangle and...

Thermodynamics and the Arrow of Time

Introduction Heat transfer is a common process in most machines, especially where two surfaces are in contact. The process is conceptualized as energy in transit. The transfer of heat is used to perform work, for example when the parts of the machine are in motion. Heat can also be generated...

The State of Modern Australian Aborigines

Introduction Questions of interethnic relations have always been the focus of the attention of politicians and researchers in states with multi-ethnic compositions. In this context, the longest-standing Aboriginal issue in the Maritime Union of Australia is one that has been highlighted in many studies. Aboriginal living standards have changed significantly...

Fire Laboratory Conversion Into a Lecture Theatre: Fire Safety Report

Introduction Fire safety involves careful engineering which requires accuracy and scientific study. Like in other engineering disciplines, this is aided with experience and careful and skillful judgment. Engineering involves the need to evaluate fire hazards and risks and to offer fire safety strategies and designs based on performance. This essay...

Copyright Law – Umg Recordings, Inc. v.

Introduction The United States copyright law and the doctrine of fair use were enacted to reduce or prevent the use of someoneā€™s copyrighted materials without their consent. Any person who needs to use or cite another personā€™s intellectual property must have due rights from the copyright owner. In case individual...

Plastic Pollution – Problem of Modern World

Introduction One of the central issues that affect the wellness of the Earth’s population is plastic pollution. Today, almost every person knows that plastic kills millions of animals every year by entanglement or starvation (Parker, 2019). However, a rare person realizes that plastic is a source of significant problems with...

Contract Law Case: Reliabuild vs. Bill

Issue If Reliabuild claims the $350,000 from Bill as damages for breach of contract, Will Bill succeed in his defense? Rule of Law Mistakes in contract law occur when there is an inaccurate understanding by one or more parties to a contract and could be significant as a basis to...

Music Industry: A Revenue Plan for a Release

The music industry has an incredibly elaborated system since it includes multiple stakeholders. Moreover, within the last decade, its structure has undergone significant changes, and this rapid transformation demonstrated how innovations could ruin the existing sector of the industry. The mixture of audio technologies with computing technologies turned music into...

Converting Dimethyl Ether from Methanol

Dimethyl Ether (DME) is made by converting hydrocarbons which are first converted to methanol and then to DME (Molar 13). It can be made from other sources such as wood byproducts, household and crop waste, or from algae biomass. It’ chemical formula is CH3OCH3 and is considered a more clean...

Engineering Design and CAD Relations

The Creative Process of Generating new Ideas In engineering design, engineers have to come up with new ideas because if they stick to the same old styles people will become bored with their designs. Besides that, they have to update their skills by finding ways of applying ideas from other...

Nursing: Community Health Project by Nola Pender

Introduction This paper focuses on the health promotion model introduced by Nola Pender in the 20th century. This model is aimed at protecting a given population against health problems (Marriner-Tomey, 2006, p. 452). This model perceives health as a dynamic concept which is merely characterized by the absence of disease...

Strategy to Improve Mental Health of Immigrants

Compared with the majority group in a given population, migrants and their descendants have an increased chance of experiencing mental disorders. Most refugees and asylum-seekers face serious obstacles, such as a lack of prospects, poverty, and discrimination, in accessing comprehensive health services, including mental health ones. Therefore, immigrants need assistance...

Radio Frequency Identification and the Impact on Society

Introduction Radio frequency identification is a tracking technique that utilizes radio waves to identify and locate items within a specified area. The items could be living things such as human beings and animals or could also be objects in the form of products. Typically a tag also referred to a...

Tom Ford Company and Strategy

As a fashion designer of global repute, Tom Fordā€™s popularity has been enhanced by his unique designs in fragrances, luxury clothing, cosmetics, and accessories. The Tom Brand collection was created in April 2005, approximately one year after he had made a dramatic departure from Gucci. Once he had embarked on...

Prison Staffing and Correctional Officers’ Duties

History The nature of the work of correction officers within the American prison system is highly misunderstood. The actual responsibilities of the different sections within the prison department overlap. There is no clear-cut rule on the nature of the work or the roles these officers play in inmates’ lives (ā€œEvolving...

A Thematic Analysis of Denise Trumbauerā€™s Interview Critique

Introduction Nurses are among the important players in health care provision around the world. Their positive contribution to the medical industry cannot be emphasized enough. Zerwekh and Claborn (2006) affirm that nurses are an essential part of the health-delivery systems adopted all over the world. Despite their overall importance in...

Antibiotic Resistance: Effects of Antibiotic Resistance

Abstract Antibiotic resistance has become a public issue that is both costly and horrifying. The diverse studies undertaken have established this phenomenon is becoming hard to control due to what scientists define as mutation. Therefore, antibiotic resistance should be taken seriously. Also more appropriate measures should be put in place...

“Parable of the Sower” by Octavia E. Review

Introduction Within the current state of government and society order, it is difficult to predict the future regarding the abundance of current issues that can jeopardize a better future. The current civilization should consider the specific laws and ways of living in order to set to ensure a bright future...

Inequality in ā€œThe Lessonā€ by Toni Cade Bambara

Socio-economic inequality is the unfair distribution of resources and opportunities to the different groups and races in a country. In the contemporary world of capitalism, this problem is widespread in almost any society. Capitalists have secured the means of production while workers provide the labor force. Corporates and business owners...

Australia: The Healthiest Country

Health is an integral issue in any society that wishes to witness growth in its social, religious, and economic sectors. It is against this reason that the Australian government has put in place a strategy that will ensure that its citizens live healthy lives free from infections. The strategy, therefore,...

Christianity and Shintoism: Death and Dying

Every religion has its peculiarities and customs that determine what life the followers of this religion lead. A person’s belief may have a significant influence on the decisions they make and their worldview. Some of the things that are influenced by beliefs are views on diseases, death, dying, and human...

Infant and Mortality Rate in South Africa

South Africa Currently, South Africa is one of the leading countries in Africa with the highest death rates. The trends in key indicators of mortality suggest that infant and adult mortality will increase in South Africa. According to Karim and Karim (2010), there are high expectations of death rates increase...

Militant Groups: Impacts and Management of the Militant Groups

Militant groups are on the increase in the recent past. The word militant means devoting one’s life as a soldier. The term describes movements that use terrorism strategies to conquer their opponents. The various militia groups or extremists rarely share ordinary tactics. The groups usually employ violence either in defense...

Ethics vs. The Law: Main Conflicts

Ethics is a philosophical branch that defines what is right and what is wrong concerning the actions of people, as well as the decisions they make. Being ethical ideally means doing good deeds and refraining from inflicting harm on other subjects. The question of ethics is largely dependent on the...

The Services Provided by the Healthcare Providers

Introduction Managing care in practice assist the managers to recognize the technology and develop their competencies in controlling or managing individuals and other materials that are needed for efficient health care provision. In addition, it deals with the practical and realistic quandary of managing in the medical care system by...

Factors That Edify the Outcome of Presidential Election

The recent presidential election indeed appeared to be one of the most extremely divisive, contentious, and controversial polls in the history of the US. However, the likelihood of President Trump winning or losing the battle was influenced by several contentious issues, and events that happened before the recent election illuminated...

The Concept of Fibre Optics Overview

Abstract Communication via an optical fibre is as old as the technology itself. This technology is the brain child of scientists Daniel Colodan and Jacques Babinet, who demonstrated how light transmitted through refraction. Consequently, other scientists followed suit brain storming and in less than 50 years ago, scientists opened a...

The Story of Martin Guerre

Introduction Taking on an assumed character/name or deception concerning oneā€™s identity is known as imposture. George Psalmanazar, Victor Lustig, Ferdindand Demara (The Great Impostor), Cassie Chadwick, Tichborne Claimant, Frank Abagnale (Catch Me If You Can), and a host of others have catapulted the act of imposture into a unique subculture...

Country with High Mortality Rates

The main challenge for dealing with high mortality rates in South Africa is HIV/AIDS. The paper presents a review of South Africaā€™s health care outlook. Most of the countryā€™s population lacks the necessary importance of registering deaths. Culture and traditions also interfere with the accurate reporting of the cause of...

Document and Workflow Management

Introduction Workflows are processes associated with work processes in administration settings. The technology of workflow helps to support operational processes such as case driven processes. Workflow management system helps to ensure that information reaches the designated computer or individual at the right time (Wil van der Aalst, 2004, p. 74)....

Analysis of Zero Trust Architecture System

Executive Summary Zero Trust Architecture is an innovative way of providing cybersecurity, which is beneficial for companies who have confidential information and, at the same time, outsource employees who do not work from the office computers. It is focused on protecting diverse resources such as databases, network accounts, and different...

ā€œWho Moved My Cheese?ā€ by Johnson

In his book, ā€œWho moved my cheese?ā€ Johnson (1998) explores change by narrating the story of four characters searching for cheese. He also depicts how each of the four characters goes about finding cheese. All four characters live in a maze where they are searching for cheese. According to Johnson...

Antitrust and Legal Rights in a Business Context

The principle of a corporate legal person is a key element in the United States. The principle is to the effect that a company is distinct from its members and one can only sue the company upon breach, but not its shareholders. A company can, thus, own property without necessarily...

Marketing Research for Wine Industry

Introduction The wine market is an extremely promising industry in the United States. However, the industry has faced some challenges lately as it transitions from personal to online sales. In particular, there will be a need to keep the seasonal surge in demand for wine sold online shortly. Besides, the...

MRI High Field and High Contrast Images

Introduction One of the most important merits of MRI is the capability to create high contrast images particularly for soft tissues. This ability enabled it to be the technique of choice in the field of medical imaging. The high contrast is attained as a result in variations in signal intensity...

Nursing Studentsā€™ Perceptions and Patient Sexuality Concerns

Research Problem and Purpose For Magnan and Norris (2008), the context of plumbing student nurse attitudes in the area of barriers to accommodating patient sexuality and sexual needs is occasioned by the erosion of social mores, the resurgence of teenage pregnancy and abortion rates, and the continued prevalence of sexually...

Head to Toe Overview and Assessment

Head How to conduct the assessment The researcher performed a complete head-to-toe assessment on Mr. Joe, a 75-year old neighbor. The assessment of the head focused on the issue of shape and symmetry, the condition of his hair and scalp. The process involved physical assessment of the entire head. Review...

Ethical Issues of Conducting a Program Evaluation

Several ethical issues confront anyone conducting a program evaluation. They arise out of the actual process of doing the evaluation. They can also arise from mistakes of the evaluator. Lastly, there are some issues, which are intrinsic to the context of the research. The paper presents the ethical issues expected...

The Challenges and Roles of Leaders in the Groups

Leading a group is something that requires an individual to apply many leading skills. Some people are naturally born as leaders but others acquire leading skills with time. Whether an individual has received formal training in leadership skills or not, the most important thing is that every good leader must...

Health Education and Group Process in the Community

Introduction The health care sector has continued to face numerous challenges in modern times. Nonetheless, the health care providers have had to establish innovative strategies to meet the challenges that are observed in the health care sector. In recent times, nurses have been forced to work outside the hospital environment...

The Disease of Breast Cancer: Definition and Treatment

Definition Breast cancer is a serious disease during which the breast cells experience abnormal growth. The illness is a form of cancer, a widespread disease that is primarily characterized by facilitated uncontrollable cell multiplication in various parts of the body. The cell growth has the potential to form tumors, destroy...

Presidency: Shift of Executive Actions

Introduction In the US, the executive power rests entirely on the President of the country. Article II of the US Constitution, which establishes the ownership of the executive power to the President, does not provide for presidential powers to issue any normative or non-normative legal acts. The executive powers of...

Public Scrutiny, Standards and the Planning System

Introduction The definition of the term ā€˜professionalismā€™ can be generally disclosed though action performance on the superior level; the key characteristic of any professional model should be highlighted through individualā€™s specialized knowledge defining his qualifications. Conceptual and legal presentation of professionalism is based on the underline of the Code of...

Gender Roles in Society: Hinduism and Buddhism

Introduction Modern society is built upon the history and traditions of the past, with the events and beliefs of future descendent being shaped by their shared culture in a major way. Culture can influence oneā€™s life to a varying degree, dictating oneā€™s disposition towards themselves and others, as well as...

Masculine and Feminine Writing Features in “To the Ladies” by Lady Mary Chudleigh

The issue of identifying and understanding the possible gender differences in linguistics, specifically in writing styles between males and females has been an area of interest to many researchers for a long time. Even without their knowledge, males and females write differently even when expressing the same ideas and this...

Aspects of System Engineering

Introduction System engineering is generally required for the proper arrangement of the managed system and for professional risk management practices. Considering the fact, that the necessity to improve the entire performance of any system is required for the smoother decision making and problem solving processes, the system engineering practices are...

Case Study – Cyclone Larry

Main issue On March 20th, 2006, cyclone Larry devastated the banana industry in Australia. This was a cyclone with devastating effects which destroyed fruit worth of $300 million and approximately 4000 employers left without work. It was an event that took the producers by surprise because during a whole day...

Risk Factors of Bipolar Disorder

Introduction The risk factors involved in the development of the bipolar affective disorder (BAD) can include a multitude of components. These can range from basic hereditary predispositions associated with a number of genetic elements contributing to the BAD progression to ontogenesis. The latter is related to one’s overall upbringing and...

Psychology Case Study: Phenomenology

Introduction Psychotherapy has an interesting history of evolution beginning from the days when it was part of biology. Phenomenology, a term first expressed by Edmund Husserl in Germany in the mid-1980s, has been defined as ā€œStumpf’s introspective method that examined experience as it occurred and did not try to reduce...

Strategic Planning in the Homeland Security Organization

Introduction Strategic planning refers to an organized focus of an organization in the future. It is the determinant of where the organization is going to be in the future, the means to get there, and how it will be sure that it will get there. Some may confuse the focus...

FEMA: Organization Review. Essential Aspects

The current paper reviews essential aspects of one of the organizations that make part of the Department of Homeland Security. That organization is the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which is also going to be referred to as FEMA further throughout the paper. Despite the relatively young age of the Department...

Perceived Self-Efficacy Effect on Student Nurses Performance

Abstract The purpose of the proposed study is to investigate the effects of student nurses’ self-efficiency levels on their actual performance. Based on Albert Bandura’s theory of self-efficiency, the proposed research will compare the perceived abilities of the participants before and after they were exposed to the orientation course. Perceived...

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ā€œWarrior With Trophy Headā€: Analysis of the Piece of Art

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“The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison: Main Themes and Motifs

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Non-Polio Enterovirus: Emergency Management-Mitigation

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