Cultural Diversity Audit Research Report of PwC

Preamble The objectives of this research report include providing the careful cultural diversity audit of PwC based on the materials from the Website of the company and other sources and identifying the possible improvements required for enhancing the internal cultural diversity of the company. The report consists of the introduction,...

COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Hospitals

Background Information Developed technological know-how directly relates to better-quality patient outcomes and safety. The use of upgraded technology in hospitals and healthcare facilities is growing significantly. Researchers predict an upsurge in global data to 44 zettabytes, with 80% being unstructured while 60% duplicating the original information (Mohamed, 2017, p. 4)....

Causes and Treatment of Autism in Children

Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition connected to brain development that impacts how people perceive and communicate with others. It also eliminates problems in the child’s social interaction and socialization. Autism spectrum disorder poses numerous challenges for treatment, although more significant research studying brain illnesses is increasing as...

Financial Management: Growth Financing

Growth financing is an important topic of consideration for managers since in order to continue the development of a business, one has to find the resources that will support this growth, which is a dilemma that EduSoft has faced. Evidently, to obtain money for the growth of a firm, the...

The Prevalence of Family Business in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Family-owned businesses (FOBs) have played an essential role in the evolution of business and continue to do so now. FOBs can be small, medium-sized, or huge businesses. The family business is the most common type of ownership model in the world, and it has a considerable effect on the...

Poor Nutrition: Impact on Poor Sports Performance

Introduction Performance in sports is determined by several factors, and nutrition is among the most important ones. The food that athletes consume determines their level of performance, and it has a direct influence on their strength, recovery, and training. The dietary requirements of a sportsperson depend on several factors, including...

Surrealism and Dadaism: Comparative Analysis

Introduction Surrealism and Dadaism are highly recognizable art movements predominant in the early 20th century. Supposedly surrealism that became common in the 1920s could have emerged from dadaism, which developed earlier in 1916 to 1920 and may have outgrown it. Both movements have distinctive cultural connotations and periods despite the...

Rawls’s and Nozick’s Theories as Applied to Criminal Justice

The issue of justice is obviously of paramount importance for the criminal justice system. According to common sense, as well as most philosophical perspectives on the matter, it should be concerned with providing individuals with their just deserts based on whether they support or violate the social contract. However, Rawls...

Restructuring of Los Angeles Police Department Fiscal Budget

Abstract The compilation of LAPD’s annual budget involves the administration of all fiscal resources, including the acquisition of all equipment and supplies, management of contracted services, and the processing of travel and training expenses. The Administrative Services Division (ASD) is responsible for the centralization of fiscal wage bills and synchronization...

Linguistic Knowledge to Improve People’s Lives

Linguistics is a comparatively large field of study, one that encompasses a variety of different approaches towards both analyzing and applying language. The English linguistics, in particular, have come to be known as considerably well-established, researched and discussed in the academic circles. However, the amount of materials currently present on...

Violence Against Indigenous Women

Introduction Abuse against Indigenous women is especially pronounced since Indigenous women are among the world’s most marginalized populations. Indigenous women face hugely disproportionate and severe levels of violence. Conventional interventions frequently attempt to address the issue of violence against women by establishing programs that focus the onus on the woman...

The Life of Moses in the Context of God’s Story

Moses is undoubtedly an iconic figure in the Scriptures, who’s actions under the guidance of God essentially led to the establishment of the Judaic faith which had long-lasting impacts on humanity and Christianity down the line. Best known for leading the Jews out of slavery and oppression in Egypt and...

Agricultural Adaptation to Changing Environments

Introduction Chapter 2 of the book under review, whose authors are Mike Brklacich and Maureen Woodrow, provides a detailed explanation of how agriculture is adapting to the recent changes in the environment. Specifically, the authors regard the case study of the farmers from Eastern Ontario, Canada, who are adjusting their...

Economic Inequality Between Genders

Discussions on the problems of gender inequality have been going on for decades. The difference in the earnings between men and women is called the gender pay gap. This gap is partly explained by different remuneration levels in traditionally female and male occupations, partly by education, positions held, and others....

Emerging Markets Growth and HSBC in China

Case History and Background Before the start of discussions with the World Trade Organization, China’s banking industry functioned as a wheel in a centrally located economy. During China’s post-Mao industrialization, the financial sector served social functions rather than the expected economic functions. The majority of China’s successful companies resulted from...

Female Authors: Struggles and Contributions

Introduction Historically, writing, authorship, and scholarship was a male-dominated field, something that continues to persist this very day. For generations, it was men that were writers, defining history, culture, and literature. Until the 20th century, it was very uncommon for women to be writers, especially recognized as professionals in this...

Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz’s Biography

Gottfried Leibniz is one of the greatest polymaths as scholars credit him with several inventions in various fields, including mathematics, psychology, metaphysics, law, physics, and engineering. He was born on July 1, 1646, in Leipzig, Germany. This biography seeks to look at his life story and his multiple discoveries and...

Roman Paintings and How They Evolved

Introduction Families in ancient Rome were often cramped and typically small. Some Roman homes were quite dark and necessitated the installation of windows. The Romans used divider paintings to open up and brighten their environments, making them appear larger. They made use of frescoes (Dardenay, 2018). A fresco is innovated...

Impact of Trump’s Decision on Cyberattacks

Cyber security is one of the most imperative components of national security, as many individuals spend much of their time online. Recently, many people have transitioned from traditional services such as visiting the banks to get money or financial aid. The internet has provided websites where people can log into...

Outlawing of Payments in Ransomware Attacks

Introduction Ransomware attacks are currently a major cybersecurity threat for many companies. This type of cybercrime is the cause of billions of dollars in losses every year, and its scale only increases. The main reason for the spread of fraud is the incentive in the form of ransoms that most...

Challenges of Hospitality Business in Nigeria

Introduction The travel industry is a huge supporter of the Nigerian economy, which as of late has extended consistently. It is obvious that the cordiality business has been adversely affected by the pandemic. The business overall is battling to restore the work to the state as it has been before...

Personal Eating Behaviors Examination

Abstract Dietary choices are important for the overall health and wellness of every individual. In particular, a combination of physical activity and eating choices can lead people to have a more fulfilling, productive, and healthy life. In recognition of this, this work examines my personal eating behaviors during the course...

Dominic Blakemore: Manager and Leader

Management and leadership are frequently thought to be terms that are essentially interchangeable. A manager is described as someone who assumes charge and is responsible for directing, administering, and seeing that events happen and operate as they should (Leroy et al., 2018). On the other hand, a leader may be...

Pray Away: Documentary Film Review

Pray Away is an American documentary film released in 2021 by Netflix. The director, Kristine Stolakis, devoted this work to exploring covenant therapy practiced by Christian associations in the United States. This film makes many convincing arguments for the unproductive nature of conversion or reparative therapy. Quality work incorporates a...

Assessing Past Leadership Experiences

Introduction Creating conditions for the productive work of colleagues and subordinates is a responsible task for any leader involved in team activities. In my practice, I have faced examples of both good and mediocre leadership, and this experience is useful for me to compare individual approaches and draw conclusions about...

Interpersonal Conflict and Worldview

Interpersonal conflict can be defined as the form of struggle that involves two or more people. This type of conflict differs from intrapersonal conflict, which only involves a struggle within yourself. Sometimes, intrapersonal conflict is called internal conflict, and it can be classified as mild or severe (Shen et al.)....

Are Liberalism and Pluralism Incompatible?

Introduction In the field of political philosophy, the question concerning the compatibility between two theoretical frameworks, namely liberalism, and pluralism, has been vividly discussed and taken to the center of the debate. Despite the lack of a clear answer to the question of whether liberals should be pluralists and if...

Latinos Childbirth and Perinatal Care

Objectives Latinos are one of the group among Americas rich culture who have ties with Latin America. These people have a rich culture when it comes to how they conduct their day-to-day life. In regard to childbirth and perinatal care, they have a unique way of ensuring pregnant women and...

Management Change in the Ozfone Company During the COVID-19

Introduction Remote work became widespread in the time of the COVID-19 outbreak and presented many prospects and challenges. Fortunately, the Internet and technologies allow working remotely almost in all job sectors. On the one hand, remote work provides more autonomy for workers and saves money without paying for the office’s...

The Acid Rain Pollution: Causes and Solutions

Introduction Humans and animals both rely on the natural resources from the earth to survive daily. However, this natural resources and the environment are majorly negatively impacted by acid rain. Acid rain denotes a mixture of dry and wet substrate material from the air that contains higher than average levels...

Environmental Issues in the Hospitality Industry: An Actual Trend

Abstract Sustainability is an important element of modern industries: it means the maintenance of balance between the industry’s operating facilities and its environment, and hotels should invest in sustainability development. For the hospitality field, which focuses on the organization of people living in hotels, it means zero-emission, waste recycling, supply...

Social Work With Native American Population

Summary The Native American or Indigenous population has historically been challenged by severe oppression ever since the European population’s first arrival in the Americas. Centuries characterized by severe generational trauma, forced segregation and migration, as well as discrimination, have been important determinants of health disparities and socioeconomic disadvantages (Van Dyke...

Morality Through the Lens of Kate Chopin’s “The Storm”

Introduction Kate Chopin’s short story “The Storm” depicts an unsuccessful union between the protagonist Calixta and her partner Bobinot. The story describes an adulterous sexual affair between Calixta and a former friend, Alcee, during a storm. Although Chopin explores these issues from a conventional perspective, she adopts a rather unbiased...

The Veil in the Modern Muslim Community

Introduction The purpose of this essay is to consider the most relevant theoretical and methodological approaches to the interpretation of the meaning of the veil and covering the face and body in women professing the Muslim confession. From the perspective of an outside observer who does not interpret Islamic culture...

The Reformation of Religion and Civil Wars in France

Introduction Between 1450 and 1750, France went through civil wars due to religion, where Protestants and Catholics caused this unrest. This was due to the rapid growth of Protestantism wherein every twenty people there was a protestant. The Catholics saw this growth as a threat as the French were formerly...

A Fresh Look at Christianity in the Therapy Room

Everyone who subscribes to Christianity is expected to be a missionary wherever they are. However, there is a challenge in applying related beliefs while counseling clients as a psychologist. Consequently, the paper thoroughly analyzes chapters four through six of the book Embodying integration: A fresh look at Christianity in the...

Social Media Marketing Plan

Introduction Social media monitoring is an effective strategy to identify what clients and potential customers say and write about a business. This information can help organizations find how satisfied their clients are, what product or service improvements can be implemented, how clients compare different competitors and many others. The definition...

Handling Ethically Challenging Situations: Utilitarianism and Deontology

Introduction The ability to choose between right and wrong has been a contentious issue about ethical principles that govern societal rules. Among the minds that have developed theories to address the matter are Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill. On the one hand, Kant is of the view that an...

Showing Importance Towards Non-Material Things

Introduction New studies have shown that materialistic communities view wealth as a source of happiness. An excess of material wealth is thought to be a measure of contentment in these communities. However, excess material wealth does not bring a genuine feeling of peace and satisfaction. Like the rich, poor people...

The Theme of “Female Agency” in Literature

Introduction Female agency refers to women’s capacity to ultimately effect change that has a ripple effect across society. This involves altering society’s opinion of a lady and constructing an image that previously did not exist (Timko & Maria, 2020). The concept of female agency is exemplified in three novels: Wieland,...

AMZ Bank’s Main Problems and Their Solution

Introduction The realities of today’s economic conditions are based on meeting the constantly changing needs of customers, increasing labor productivity, and maintaining a leading position in the market. A commercial organization is a social system that develops according to business principles, but production capacities and a management system act as...

Social Relations After Impact of Technology

Introduction In today’s technological landscape, individuals can access many opportunities that past generations did not have. The pervasiveness of technology in this culture has resulted in a deadly addiction in many people’s life. Michael Harris, in his book, discusses his fascinating analysis of this generation’s connection with technological innovation and...

Impact of Technology on Commercial Drivers

Technologies are rapidly evolving and spreading, and their use in business usually becomes a competitive advantage. Moreover, they typically facilitate work by performing various tasks instead of people. For example, in freight transportation, they help drivers monitor the condition of the vehicle, protect and unload cargo, and find the optimal...

Apple and Samsung Firms’ Technology Innovation

Introduction The invention process is a complicated and time-consuming phenomenon. J. Tidd and J. Bessant (2009) propose this theory concerning the concept of innovation. It starts with an image that might be considered a vision by others. And then, can the tiresome method of continuous checking and error occur as...

Discussion of “Atonement” by McEwan

“Atonement” by McEwan is an amazing in its sincerity chronicle of lost time, which is led by a teenage girl, in her bizarre and childishly cruel way, overestimating and rethinking the events of adult life. Having witnessed the rape, she interprets it in her own way – and sets in...

Square Enix Group’s Corporate Philosophy

Introduction Correctly defined business activities and objectives often promote the enterprise’s growth and ensure that its overall economic standing is stable for years to come. However, the corporation’s leaders should be especially knowledgeable of the specific organizational endeavors and their benefits for the desired developments, presenting the most crucial ideas...

Colonialism and Economic Development of Africa Through Agriculture

The level of economic development of modern Africa is primarily associated with the continent’s colonial past. The contemporary socio-economic situation of the local population is characterized by poverty and a lack of work opportunities (Europian Commission). These circumstances may be related to changed farming practices and agricultural traditions, which in...

Class and Racial Ideologies in “Bastard Out of Carolina” by Allison

Introduction In Bastard Out of Carolina, the author renders and challenges major stereotypes on identity through the harrowing account of the narrator, Bone. She builds a portrait of a brave, traumatized girl considered illegitimate by the State and who endures repeated abuse without recourse. Mythological positions about poverty, sexuality, and...

The Cultural Effects of the Press

Most people take the printing press for granted, and many find it hard to imagine modern life if the printing press had not been invented. People would not have been able to read books, newspapers, and magazines. Posters, flyers, and pamphlets would not exist and would not come to individuals...

The Shake Shack Firm’s Digital Marketing Audit

Executive Summary In this digital audit marketing report, I have applied the 7Cs framework to Shake Shack, an American chain of fast-food restaurants. I focused on revealing strengths and weaknesses in the following aspects: corporate culture, convenience, competition, communications and content, consistency, communication, and customer journey. I have examined Shake...

The Problem of Sexism in the Workplace

Introduction Sexism is usually understood as gender discrimination, as well as several biases and prejudices against female representatives. The most striking examples of the manifestation of these notions are various organizations and industries where labor is needed. In many cases, the sphere of work is the source of the formation...

Contemporary RnB (Rich & Beautiful) Music

Introduction The genre of RNB appeared across the Southern areas of the United States in the 1940s, featuring electric guitar, piano, and drum sounds. Numerous blues musicians were able to release their new music specifically in the South, where the level of appreciation in regard to blues and derivative genres...

The Americans with Disabilities Act Provisions

Introduction For the past century, the primary focus of the US national legislature has been given to the notions of social equity and inclusion. The US, being a conglomerate state for people of various backgrounds and beliefs, has recently initiated a series of congress bills that center around the gap...

Microsoft Corporation: PEST and SWOT Analysis

Background Today, Microsoft Corporation is a world leader in software production, provision of services, and Internet technologies for personal computers and servers. Over the years, the company has experienced ups and downs but was able to overcome the crisis and keep the bar of the leader in the development of...

The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on the Airline Industry

Introduction The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the global airline industry became a worldwide obstacle to proper mobility. The dramatic effects of the health issues on transport communications across the globe are affecting people internationally, even two years after the initial breakthrough of the coronavirus (Bouwer et al., 2021)....

Negotiation Situation in “The Godfather” Movie

Introduction When people negotiate, they aim to reach an agreement regarding a particular issue or conflict. Those involved should possess various skills, such as verbal and written communication, leadership, rapport building, and decision-making, to ensure that they succeed in the process and receive the intended outcomes (Watershed Associates, 2021). They...

The Introduction of a Vaccine Against COVID-19 Among Healthcare Staff in Moldova

About 180,000 Moldovans, encompassing over 9,000 children and around 900 expectant mothers, have been diagnosed with the coronavirus disease since the commencement of the pandemic, and over 5,000 people have died because of COVID-19. On March 7, 2020, a Moldovan female passenger returning from the Italian Republic was confirmed positive...

Organizational Structure of Google Company: Case Study Example

Is Google Centralized or Decentralized? The organization structure at Google is highly decentralized, which makes sense considering the large size of the organization. The decision making process is spread across a number of individuals and outlets, with some of these individuals being located miles away. This gives the management the...

The Role of Businesses in Addressing the Global Challenges

In the course of the development of civilization, humanity has repeatedly encountered complex problems, sometimes of planetary nature. However, still, this was distant prehistory, a kind of incubation period of modern global problems. They became fully apparent in the second half and especially in the last quarter of the twentieth...

European Influence on the American Culture and Society

European influence on American culture is best described as omnipresent. It can be seen everywhere, including culture and traditions and even the Constitution. This essay will take a look at the European influence on American culture and examine it in detail. European Influence on the American Culture: Introduction American culture...

Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth Comparison

Want to know more about the similarities and differences between Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth and their works? This essay example is here to help you out! Keep reading to get some ideas for your Wordsworth and Coleridge comparison paper. Wordsworth In this review, we are going to discuss...

Gender Discrimination and Performance in the Workplace

Introduction Gender discrimination today happens to be a great hindrance to optimal performance at the work place. This could be looked at from various perspectives more so on innovativeness and the quality of work. For developed countries for example where the economy is driven by service based industries the impact...

Taylor Swift’s Blank Space Music Video: Analysis Example

Blank Space Video Analysis: Introduction A music video is a short film integrating song and imagery. It is produced for promotional and artistic purposes (Machin 52). Music videos have evolved significantly over the years. Most of the traditional and modest scenes in the videos, which mainly involved bands and artists...

The Nightingale Pledge Reflection and Meaning

Nightingale Pledge Meaning: Explanation and Discussion Nightingale Pledge is a popular declaration of values for the nursing career (McDonald, 2004). The statement was written and adopted in the year1893. The pledge states, “I solemnly commit myself in front of God and in the attendance of this gathering, to permit my...

Positive Effects of Multiculturalism: Essay Example

Multiculturalism Essay: Introduction With the rise of trends towards the globalized world, the countries have become open welcoming people from all over the globe. Such openness could not but lead to the outbursts of migration and mixing of cultures. This issue is especially acute in the case of the developed...

Global Supply Chain Advantages and Disadvantages

What is the role of technology in defining the pros and cons of global supply chain? Find the answer here! This essay analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of global supply chain management and explains why GCCs and GPNs are considered the main factors affecting a sustainable global supply chain. Keep...

Importance of Relationships and Family in Frankenstein

Theme of Family in Frankenstein: Introduction The family relationship is the most important intimate relationship that involves humankind. If there is absence of this intimacy relationship, human beings would not transform to what they are expected to act, and this deforms the essence of human nature. The feelings are always...

Cuban Migration into the United States

The United States policy on Cuban immigrants and refugees has dramatically changed over the past decade. Preferential treatment and a speedy path to legal permanent residence for Cuban immigrants in the United States date back to the 1960s. After Fidel Castro’s 1959 communist revolution, Cubans began pouring into the United...

The Impact of Advertising on Adolescents

Introduction Advertising has become an integral part of every person’s life. Teenagers can also see advertisements on the street, hear on the radio, watch on their smartphones or TV. Every year, advertising is being researched more deeply, and advertisers are using more powerful techniques that affect people’s behavior. Due to...

How Nurses Can Create Healthy Communities

Introduction Nurses play a critical role in improving societal health outcomes. They possess the knowledge and skills to deal with illnesses and eradicate factors leading to poor health outcomes. Nurses can also empower individuals and societies with knowledge and skills to preserve their health and well-being, reduce disease burden, and...

Essay about New Technology and Its Impact

New Technology Essay Introduction New technologies play an increasingly important role in human lives. Nowadays, it is hard to imagine everyday life without a computer, cell phone, iPod, the Internet, etc. All these innovations become a considerable part of social life and change the way people live, communicate, work, and...

Grammar Translation Method Definition

Grammar Translation Method Definition: Introduction In the study of a foreign language, the goal is to be able to read its literature or to benefit from the intellectual development that occurs as a result of the study (Larsen-Freeman, 2000). Grammar translation is a method of studying a foreign language. In...

Theme of Blindness in King Lear Characters: Essay Example

Blindness in King Lear: Introduction In King Lear, the recurring images of sight and blindness associated with the characters of Lear and Gloucester illustrate the theme of self-knowledge and consciousness that exist in the play. The leading images are pertaining to those characters in the play that cannot use their...

Madeleine Leininger’s Theory of Transcultural Nursing

Leininger’s Theory of Transcultural Nursing: Introduction Nursing was hardly defined as an academic discipline or even as a profession in the 19th century (Alligood, 2014). In the 21st century, the recognition of nursing was observed in different practice areas, including education, leadership, informatics, and management. Nursing frameworks and theories start...

Is Religion Still Vital for Society?

American law is closely related to the American civil religion, is its written basis, is regularly updated, refined and improved. Civil religion in the United States plays an important role both in legitimizing the decisions of the country’s leadership, especially those of a foreign policy nature, and in shaping the...

The Film “Gran Torino” by Clinton Eastwood

Introduction “Gran Torino” is a unique picture in its genre, giving a certain “food for the mind”. This is a story about a cruel fate, turning points within the country, losses, gains, friendship, hatred, freedom, and independence. In addition, the film serves as an excellent source for studying forensic and...

Samsung Group’s Supply Chain and Operation Management

Introduction Over the past few decades, Samsung has become the household name that has been integrated into every facet of people’s everyday life. Similarly, the company’s products have been integrated firmly into the business setting of numerous companies, thus cementing Samsung as a global brand (Tsai & Chang 2018). To...

“Moll Flanders” a Novel by Daniel Defoe

The Fortunes & Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe is a novel that already includes the main plot in the title since it tells about the whirlwind life of a criminal – Moll Flanders. Written as a collection of Moll’s memories, the novel follows the main character...

Abraham Maslow Theory of Motivation & Hierarchy of Needs

Abraham Maslow: Essay Introduction Abraham Harold Maslow was an American psychologist born in 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. He died in 1970 in Menlo Park, California (Poston, 2009). Maslow is still one of the most influential people in the field of psychology. He was a professor in four major institutions...

Parts of Table in Statistics & Advantages of Statistical Table

Tables in Statistics: Introduction A table is a form of a visual data that summarizes findings for a group of quantities. All information that is presented in tables is spread in rows and columns. Usually, data from a top row is associated with values given in a vertical column, which...

Obeying Traffic Laws and Reason Why It Is Important to Follow Them

Introduction Traffic regulations are a specific set of rules devised by the country’s government that must be followed on every road in that state. They are intended to protect both people and motorists on the road. Traffic laws are enacted to improve the country’s transportation network. If these rules are...

“My Year of Magical Thinking” by Joan Didion

Summary of the Narrative The book “My Year of Magical Thinking”dives into memories of Joan Didion’s life with her husband John and their daughter. She becomes fixated on a phenomenon she refers to as magical thinking and consistently reviewing the events leading up to John’s death’. She consistently reads and...

Personal Development and Leadership Program in Education

Introduction Education is a very important aspect of human development. An education system aims at providing people with knowledge and skills that would help them tackle day-to-day challenges. A good education should enable its citizens to be independent. The skills and knowledge acquired through the system should be reflected the...

Leader’s Personal Development Plan

Introduction The ability to set short and long-term goals is vital for the professional and academic career of a person who wants to play the role of a leader. These goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. These criteria are also known as SMART. This personal development plan...

Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory in Nursing Practice

Orem’s Theory: Essay Introduction Nursing theory is an important component of nursing education and practice. At the moment, there are many useful nursing theories that are used in a variety of settings and practice areas. Nursing theories are important as they provide a useful framework for understanding the nurse’s role...

Nursing: Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model

Need to write a paper on Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model? Check out our essay for inspiration! Here, you’ll find Dorothy Johnson theory summary, subsystem, metaparadigm, and application of the Johnson behavioral system model in nursing practice. Sounds interesting? Keep reading to learn more! Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model: Introduction...

Boeing 787 Dreamliner’s Marketing Strategy

Abstract Boeing remains one of the leading innovators and marketers of superior aircraft in the global aviation industry. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is a superior aircraft that has attracted the attention of many corporate clients. The proposed marketing plan entails the use of competition to dictate prices for the aircraft....

Romanesque vs Gothic Styles Comparison

Gothic vs Romanesque Architecture: Introduction Throughout the ages, architectural designs have progressed gradually in different regions. Architectural designs incorporated art to develop what we see today in the world’s cities and towns. Buildings are curved with unique and incredible styles and profiles. Most of the buildings in big cities possess...

Cause of Corruption in Nigeria and Solution of the Problem

Cause of Corruption in Nigeria: Problem Statement Corruption is one of the major causes of underdevelopment in various countries across the world. The lack of integrity and honesty in the use of public offices and resources for individual gain has led to numerous development challenges in various countries (Smith, 2010)....

Africa in World History: Reasons of Hindering Success

Colonization took place almost in all parts of the world, depending on the level of civilization that societies had then. Many countries would overpower colonial agents after a series of battles towards independence. Africa, in this case, appears to be among the continents that were at the hands of colonialists...

Frida Kahlo and Amrita Sher-Gil: Feminism in Faces

Introduction Feminism evolved to become the most potent force for progress. It was a way of preserving women’s dignity and strength, as well as their sociocultural and personal experiences. Ideas of feminism emerged throughout history, transforming from a movement for voting rights into a movement about women’s freedom and social...

Machiavelli’s Qualities of Ideal Ruler

Introduction Machiavelli has outlined the characteristics of an excellent ruler in his work The Prince. Machiavelli’s primary conception is that a good ruler has to focus on gaining and retaining power. Moreover, in The Prince, Machiavelli explains his rationale when arguing that political leaders may use deceit, cruelty, and strive...

Factors of “The Shawshank Redemption” Production

Introduction The Shawshank Redemption is one of the most iconic films produced in the nineties. Considering that it was a time where anti-prisoner sentiment in the US was on the rise, the film, which humanizes prisoners, would inevitably become controversial. However, controversies aside, the movie is also famous due to...

Figures of Terror: The “Zombie”

Introduction The term Zombie has been interpreted differently in society and associated with a different context. Its origin can be traced to Haitian culture and religion, although it has spread to many nations globally. Zombies became common in Western culture, particularly throughout the twentieth century, as a symbol for people...

Supply and Demand Trends Exhibited by Netflix

Introduction Commodity Netflix, Inc is a subscription streaming service based in America. It also produces its content and has been operational since 1997. The successful content provider offers customers a library of television series and films using distribution deals and Netflix Originals, the company’s production component. Based on its statistics,...

Literary Analysis of Jackson’s The Lottery Story

Summary Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery is one of the most well-known and culturally significant short stories in the history of American literature. It provides an insightful and horrifying look at the comfort people take in passively accepting horrifying events as long as they are part of the accepted stability. Set...

The Dominican Republic’s Criminal Justice System

Introduction The Dominican Republic is the second-largest nation in the Caribbean, with just over 10 million population. It offers one of the most seemingly simplistic but unique justice systems in the world. The system represents a mix between the French and U.S. court systems, similarly very judge-centric but simplified greatly....

The Netflix Company’s Organizational Change

Introduction Multiple aspects of consumption were permanently affected by technological advancement, particularly within the entertainment industry. Modern gadgets and digital tools, such as computers, smartphones, and social media, indirectly contributed to the bankruptcy of many firms that have failed to adapt to the progress. By employing complex tactics and accepting...

Shakespeare’s “Othello”: A Venetian Tragedy of Love

Introduction William Shakespeare is the master of tragic plays, among which Othello, Macbeth, and King Lear are central. In this case, a tragedy narrates a plot about a good person losing their true sense of self due to mistakes in judgment or a character defect in unusual circumstances. In contrast...

Pharmaceutical Advertising Is Propaganda

Fake advertisement is prevalent in various sectors, and it has penetrated the pharmaceutical industry. Businesses have lost much money in fines after being found to be liable to inaccurate advertising, for instance, Purdue Pharma in pharmaceutical industry and Volkswagen in the automotive. The main aim of propaganda is always helping...

Violence and Generational Trauma in There There by Orange

“He did what? I’m sure that’s not true, he is not that type of person. I’ll talk to him and see what really happened.” The majority of sexual violence cases often go unreported in the United States. This may be due to society doubting the victim when they come forward...

Free Will as Controversial Concept

Introduction Free will has been a controversial concept for many centuries, as there is no way to prove or disprove its existence. However, different philosophical approaches at different times sought to comprehend the essence of the phenomenon and explain its origin. Determinism and libertarianism represent two opposing beliefs about a...

Lewy Body Disease in Aging Patients With Dementia

When entering the stage of aging, people become increasingly prone to the development of health issues. The alterations in the functioning of affected organs lead to the deterioration not only of physical functions but also of mental ones (Kurasz et al., 2020). Therefore, dementia becomes a tangible threat to aging...

Widget Sales Company Website Development Project

Project Manager A project manager supervises the planning, design, development, implementation, evaluation and maintenance of a project. In each phase, the project manager must perform specific duties to ensure it terminates successfully (Alvarenga et al., 2019). This section documents the duties a project manager must perform during the development of...

The Electric Vehicle Industry in the UK

Executive summary The UK is among the countries that have experienced climate change effects such as heatwaves. To effectively tackle this issue and lower the number of emissions, one sector to focus on is the electric vehicle industry. In the UK, the government supports the growth of the electric vehicle...

Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia: Assessing Risks

Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia offers consumers a variety of products and services in publishing, Internet, broadcasting media platforms, and merchandising product lines. With a global multimedia reach of around 100 million a month, MSLO still does not have a significant online presence. The company’s main focus continues to be selling...

Health Costs and Insurance in Healthcare

Article Summary on Health Costs Every month, U.S. citizens are required to pay Medicare premiums that go towards their medical expenses. Medicare has aided the access to health services to eligible U.S. citizens. Based on the income and prevailing situations, the government calculates an amount of premium for each employee....

Childhood Obesity and Overweight Issues

Introduction Childhood obesity has reached an alarming level in both developed and developing nations. Childhood obesity and overweight issues have been shown to have a negative influence on both physical health and mental well-being. Overweight and obese children have higher chances of remaining overweight as adults and acquiring noncommunicable illnesses...

Stockbroker E*TRADE: A Pioneer in Online Trading

Introduction Stockbroker E*TRADE presents itself as a pioneer in online trading for retail investors. The company is one of the oldest in the world, founded in 1982 (E*TRADE, n.d.). The number of employees exceeds 4,000 people, more than 30 branches have been opened, which are located in the United States....

The 1744 Lancaster Treaty and Its Effect

The relations between the Europeans and the Native Americans during the 18th century were a normal incidence both in the colonial frontiers and in English, French, and Spanish cities throughout the American continent. At the time, the northern-based Six Nations, or the Iroquois Confederacy, was one of the most powerful...

How the Tagalog Language Reflects the Cultural Values

The Philippines is a hospitable country where several cultures are intertwined. For a long time, it was occupied by Spain, then during the Second World War, American troops placed their military bases here. The foreign invasion has affected modern culture, but not so much as to significantly change it. The...

Acme Pickle Company’s Cost Calculation & Accounting

Fixed vs. Variable Costs A company incurs costs during the production of its products. The costs that go into a product can be classified as either fixed or variable. Fixed costs are expenses that do not change over a period of time, irrespective of the volume of the output. Examples...

Qureshi’s Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus Book

Few topics fuel as much disagreement between people as religious debates. Whether it is a matter of principle or habit, faith disputes are deeply emotional. What is more, most of the debates originate between similar religions. Both Islam and Christianity are representatives of Abrahamic religions, yet their distinctions are so...

Two Research Philosophies: Positivism and Interpretivism

Research Philosophies The two research philosophies covered within the current paper’s framework are positivism and interpretivism. Positivism can be defined as an approach to studying human behavior and societal trends with the help of scientific methods (Eden, Nielsen, and Verbeke, 2020; Quinlan et al., 2019). According to Ghauri, Grønhaug, and...

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatment

Introduction Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is comprised of two segments, which are compulsions and obsessions. Compulsions are monotonous activities that a person tends to repeat to reduce the overall level of anxiety that may be generated through the interface of obsessions. The latter represent unwanted thoughts and doubts that affect a...

Marx’s Objections to Capitalism

The body of doctrine created by Karl Marx and, to a lesser extent, Friedrich Engels in the 19th century does not lose its popularity to this day. Marx refused to see his teaching as pure philosophy: if anything, he criticized other philosophical movements for their alleged inability to shift from...

Impact of COVID-19 on Physical Activity Behavior and Well-Being of Canadians

Introduction The pandemic has changed the landscape of the public and personal life to a tremendous extent, causing a significant shift toward the meticulous attention to health-related issues. Specifically, the issues of maintaining the proper rates of physical activity and controlling the exposure to health threats require closer attention due...

The Ballet Dancing History and Special Features

Introduction During the dance masterclass, I ended up learning the basics of ballet, namely warm-up, arm, and leg positions. In ballet, these aspects are essential. The entire masterclass was conducted by choreographer Brittany Cavaco, who seemed to me to be quite an attention to detail, which makes it possible to...

Data-Based Changes: Big Data Analytics

The Healthcare sector is heavily relying on the use of data to make significant changes in recent years. Data-based changes help healthcare systems to predict risks, plan for prevention, and recovery strategies to minimize losses. The use of big data and data mining enables healthcare facilities to detect infectious outbreaks...

Penal Labor in the American Prison System

Since the late nineteenth century, prison labor has become an integral part of the United States economy. While some convicts are given support and maintenance jobs in prisons, others are tasked with manufacturing goods or providing services to private corporations, non-profit firms, and state and government institutions. These inmates receive...

Researching of ABC Skilled Nursing Facility

Introduction A nursing facility is rehabilitation and a provider of medical care services while employing skilled practitioners to attend to patients. Many facilities are in-patient based, depending on the patient’s needs. In a nursing facility, medical experts, licensed nurses, therapists, pathologists, and audiologists provide essential medical services. Patients admitted to...

Religion: “Making Peace” Book by Jim Van Yperen

After reading Jim Van Yperen’s book “Making Peace: A Guide to Overcoming Church Conflict,” I am convinced that the church is not always a place of reassurance and comfort. Sometimes, this community of believers is a battleground of evil – both literally and figuratively. While most people know that conflicts...

The Decolonization Process in Asia and Africa

Introduction Decolonization refers to how colonies endeavored to become sovereign from colonizing nations in the previous decades. The process took place between 1945 and 1960 when numerous republics in Asia and Africa started achieving absolute independence from the European colonial administrators. Harold Macmillan, the British Prime Minister, predominantly played a...

Is the Mind Identical to the Brain?

Introduction The human brain is the most perfect and most mysterious mechanism. It controls everything that happens in the body, and therefore life. Mind is a set of cognitive and analytical abilities of man, due to which the intellect of the individual is formed. There is no standard interpretation of...

Ethical Dilemmas in Software Engineering: Volkswagen Ethical Dilemma

Introduction Software engineering correlates with certain ethical dilemmas that need to be addressed. However, as this particular field is becoming more prominent worldwide, the need for confronting such issues increases. Moreover, the fact that such ethical concerns are relatively new due to the rapid development of the technology industry creates...

For Sama Documentary on Syrian Filmmaker

Introduction The topic of war is common in modern cinematograph, and due to significant advances in technological equipment, realism and drama are characteristic aspects of such films. The documentary For Sama directed by Waad Al-Kateab and Edward Watts will be examined from the perspective of the cinematic elements used, the...

Strength and Conditioning Training: The Case Study

Introduction My name is Mark, and I work with Planet Fitness Hub, where we offer personalized training for athletes. We aim to provide specialized training that meets client needs. Our training sessions are personalized, whereby every athlete has their trainer and their training schedule. This is important to meet each...

Companies Response to Supply Chain Disruptions Due to COVID-19

Introduction Undeniably, supply chain disruption is not a new phenomenon for many leading companies worldwide. Over time, pandemics such as SAR-2012, MER-2013, and political situations, including Brexit and the 2019 China-US trade wars, have caused supply chain disruptions for many companies in some parts of the globe. However, the outbreak...

Feeding America Organization Curbing Hunger Crisis

The Organization Feeding America is a non-profit organization based in the United States with its headquarters in Chicago. The Organization is dedicated to curbing the hunger crisis for the vulnerable populations of the University State. Having a wide scope of a network that spreads throughout the country, Feeding America feeds...

Challenges Faced by Ryanair Holdings Due to COVID-19

Background The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly influenced not only individual companies but also entire industries. Among them, one of the most affected is the airline industry. In 2020, the International Civil Aviation Organization estimated that the pandemic could result in a reduction of about 1.5 billion passengers and 71% of...

“Psycho” Film by Alfred Hitchcock

Psycho is an American psychological thriller directed by Alfred Hitchcock in 1960; Robert Bloch and Joseph Stefano are the film’s screenwriters. This movie was definitely the most important milestone in the thriller-detective genre. Its spirit and influence are still clearly felt in almost every film and TV series about maniacs...

Aeneas and Gilgamesh in Mythology

Two old stories that played a significant role in fate are the Aeneid and Gilgamesh epics. In these literary works, the protagonists Aeneas and Gilgamesh are obsessed with uncertainty, so these epic stories accurately reflect the ancient culture and society. From the story of fate, we can see that the...

Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies Assignment

Dexcom Corporation is a healthcare company that distributes generic, branded, and specialty pharmaceuticals in the United States. The firm’s main goal is to offer quality health care and enhance the quality of care through the products provided in the market. This paper will identify business-level and corporate-level strategies and evaluate...

Researching of Security in Technology Management

Annotated Bibliography Albini, A., Tokody, D., & Rajnai, Z. (2018). The categorization and information technology security of automated vehicles. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, 16(3-A), 327-332. This source is a scholarly study conducted by Albini, Tokody, and Rajnai (2018), who works at Ă“buda University in Hungary, specializing in information security....

The Setting Role in American Short Stories

Introduction Writers employ setting aspects to help them create worlds and establish the limits of the possible and impossible within a story. While both phrases explain elements of a universe, the latter stresses that the world being described is unfamiliar to the reader. Worldbuilding is, therefore, most closely connected with...

The “Cry of An Unborn Child” Poem by Gabrielle Kruger

The debates about abortion do not seem to be edging closer to a conclusion as new issues emerge every day. According to Scarfone, 2019 witnessed a new spate of anti-abortion measures that were enacted across the United States (1). The new area of the division was whether abortion should be...

Is Equality Act 2010 Equal Enough for the Workplace?

Introduction Employment law is a broad branch of law that determines how employers and employees are protected. It regulates the hiring and firing of employees’ wages, shapes the moral standards enshrined in law, and deals with cases involving beliefs and free speech in the workplace. Employment law is designed to...

Salmonellosis: Problem Solution in Epidemiology

Salmonellosis is a dangerous infectious disease of the mainly gastrointestinal tract, transmitted by the oral-facial way. The pathogen of the disease is several serotypes of the bacterium genus Salmonella from the family Enterobacteriaceae. Thus, the most frequent way of infection is associated with the consumption of poor-quality food or thermally...

Hart’s Theory on Nature of Law

Introduction Law is one of the fundamental institutions of any civilized society needed for stable development and growth. The existence of strict regulations guarantees that all members of a particular community will be protected from abuse, unfair use of power, and the rule of the strongest. The law also ensures...

The Movie “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” by Lasse Hallström

Introduction Mental diseases and psychological disorders often serve as factors impacting the development of the plot in movies. What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, 1993, is not an exclusion as it portrays the life of a family affected by a disease. Gilbert Grape has to care for Arnie, his younger brother with...

Changing the Legal Drinking Age From 21 to 18

In the U.S, reaching 18 is a significant milestone because it symbolizes the beginning of adulthood. It is the age when young adults now have additional freedoms, including driving ability, voting, joining the army, and fighting for their nation (Patrick et al., 290). The minimal age limit is still a...

Machiavelli’s and Christine de Pizan’s Views on Virtue

Introduction Virtue is explicitly expressed in different terms and analyses from The Prince and The Book of the City of Ladies and other Writings. The two pieces of literary writings are the works of Niccolo Machiavelli and Christine de Pizan respectively. Empirically, de Pizen describes virtue in a homiletic perception...

A Managerial Conflict in the Workplace

Introduction Conflict is an occurrence in which individuals differ in terms of perception. Arguably, the difference results from cognitive divergence, which results in the tendency of an individual to disagree on the most effective opinion also conflict affect how individuals react towards diverging differences and have two implications, namely positive...

Information Security in a World of Technology

With the increase in the use of information technology, it is critical to maintain a sense of security and patient safety. An organization using information systems are at threat of losing their data to hackers. As a result, nurses and other healthcare professionals must safeguard patient data and follow the...

Ethnic Violence in the Era of Economic Globalization

Economic globalization refers to the interdependence of the world’s financial giants due to increased technology and trade across the borders. Economic globalization can lead to personality disturbance, inconsistent with identity. When economic globalization leads to disruptions and uncertainty of uniqueness, our identities change. When people interact with more extensive cultural...

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 and Its Consequences

Introduction The given historical analysis will primarily focus on the events of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The message will be communicated to a naĂŻve audience, which has no current knowledge of American history, its intricate developmental elements, or internal racial issues. President Johnson’s signing of the Act was...

Environmental Justice Problems in the Global South

Introduction The existing environmental problems are spread unequally among the countries, and this circumstance allows speaking of regional problems of the so-called Global South. The prevalence of issues related to injustice in this area is explained by the exploitation of its resources by the North, whereas the methods for addressing...

Derubis Yachts: The Introduction of E-Business

Company Presentation Derubis Yachts is a serial manufacturer of motor sea vehicles from Vitez, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It specializes in producing catamarans that are up to 14 meters in length; the total amount of companies across the world that work within the same category is 6 (Kraljević, 2021, p. 6)....

Fast Food Popularity in America: Cause and Effect

Introduction There are several critical elements without which human life would be impossible, including fresh air, water, and food. People conduct research, share observations, and enhance their knowledge of achieving high-quality products and services and ensuring their safety. At the same time, in this intention to create the best conditions,...

The Physician-Assisted Dying Federal Legalization

When an animal is growling in severe pain and refusing to eat, most people would say that the moral thing to do would be to kill it mercifully. Even if the lives of human beings cannot be equated to those of animals, why can we not extend this same grace...