Stereotypes in “Moonlight” Film by Barry Jenkins

Introduction Moonlight chronicles the life of a queer black boy singled out for being too soft and feminine, but eventually transformations himself to a menacingly muscular drug dealer with gold teeth grills accentuating his maleness. The movie segregates the journey of an adolescent boy into manhood into three chapters. Initially,...

Stress and Burnout Among Nurses

Abstract This work presents research on the connection between stress and burnout syndrome among nurses and patient safety. It provides a review of the relevant literature and an analysis of key findings. In many cases, this syndrome resulted in a decrease in the level of healthcare. However, the practical implementation...

Art and Community Participation and Interaction

Introduction Artists supersede the adage that your reward is what you spend your money to purchase. Artists remain underfed and cities are losing their ballet, opera, and other artistic works to crows that pick up cultural remnants. A contribution to creativity in art is the evolution towards contemporary art (Markusen...

Plastics and Earthā€™s Ecosystem: Benefits and Drawbacks

Introduction Statistics show that approximately 5 trillion single-use plastic bags are discarded annually, which account for the more than 50% of plastic products produced (Andrady 54). A study conducted in 2016 by researchers at the University of California found out that 1.7 grams of microfibers are released every time a...

Cultural Heritage Course: Arts, Literature, Music

Lessons Learned from the Cultural Heritage Course In this course, I have learned quite a several interesting topics. First, I have learned several core lessons in music and enjoyed listening to the performances of the symphony and orchestra. Some of the interesting performances include the music and orchestration of Leonard...

Connection to Ancestry in August Wilson’s Plays

Introduction Connection to ancestry is a very important aspect of our society. By connecting with the past, individuals get insights concerning the factors that led to their existence and their descendants. In addition, connection to ancestry is instrumental as it enlightens one on the issues that their descendants experienced during...

McDonaldā€™s Company: The Flawed Fast Food Tax

As a McDonaldā€™s lobbyist, what would you like to see done by the Federal government that would be of help to McDonaldā€™s? McDonalds is one of the worldā€™s leading fast food restaurants serving more than 57 million customers daily with branches all over the major cities. The restaurant has variety...

Corporate Governance: Theory and Practice

Corporate governance is the management of organizational and legal registration of the business, optimization of organizational structures, and the construction of intra- and interfirm relations of the company by the objectives (Larcker & Tayan, 2015). The main function of corporate governance is to ensure the work of the company for...

Conflict Resolution in Professional Nurse Activity

Introduction The activities of professional nurses require not only high professionalism and compliance with all necessary rules but also the ability to find the right approach to a patient. In the practice of many medical workers, conflicts caused by different reasons occur quite often. If it happens, it means that...

Northwest Newsprint Inc.’s Production Issues

How should Northwest Newsprint (NN) ship products meet its market demands? Northwest Newsprint, which is a producer of Newsprint and pulp paper, has been having issues meeting the increasing demand for its products. Towards meeting its market demand, the company can take the following options, especially in the area of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Current Union and Labor Relations Issue

Abstract The paper explains the concept of labor relations, labor contracts, and how the employer and the employee cooperate when negotiating. The paper dwells on one of the current issues of the union/ labor relations and explains the phenomenon of today’s labor movement. During the research, a court case connected...

Rental Car Feasibility for Injured Driver

Introduction The case presented here in is lieu of the knee injury caused to this individual. He has broken his left knee and has to rent a convenient car for himself. His first three weeks of recovery will be critical in terms of mobility therefore only an automatic transmission car...

Alexander Hamilton’s Economic Theory and Philosophy

Alexander Hamilton was the first economist in America who held a principal political figure, but he never managed to become a president in America. There was a great depression in the 1930s where he was allied with the monetary policies in reverence to the American economy that held accountability for...

Afghanistan’s Public Health Nursing

It is unlikely that the medicine and healthcare will be at a decent level in a country where the war and destruction have been carried out for many years. At present, the level of the medical care in Afghanistan is gradually increasing; however, not in all the parts of the...

Stadiums’ Economic Impact on Local Economies

Introduction Governments and international organizations spend a lot of money to sponsor a wide range of sporting activities, groups, individuals, and teams. This practice has been believed to transform the lives of many people in areas that have frequent sports and related functions. This happens to be the case because...

The Drinking Formula Impact in Infancy

Data Collection Methodology This quasi-experimental quantitative research will use convenience sampling to involve participants. A quasi-experimental design is common for nursing research and enables the observational study of some phenomena (Henly, 2016). The expected sample size is estimated at 200 people. Thus, the data collection method should be both times-...

Diabetic Ulcer Healing and Closure Interventions

Introduction Diabetic foot ulcers are among the most widespread complications of diabetes and a major nursing problem, as they are difficult to treat and may lead to amputation. The key problem with diabetic ulcers is that they are the primary reason for non-traumatic amputations (Sarinnapakorn, Sunthorntepwarakul, Deerochanawong, Niramitmahapanya, & Napartivaumnuay,...

Learning Communities as Interdisciplinary Teams

Introduction This paper presents a review and critique of the article that utilized a quasi-experimental research design. The selected study investigated the benefits of learning communities and presents three hypothesis, which stated that students might have higher average grades and retention rates, as well as completed more credits while involved...

The UAE Aviation industry Issues and Strategies

Introduction The global aviation industry has been marred by numerous challenges over the recent past. From the volatile global oil price and the global economic recession to rising cases of terrorism and cyber threats, the aviation industry is in a precarious situation where individual companies have to find ways of...

Chemical Attack on the Super Bowl: Recovery Plan

Emergency Response Scenario and Thesis Statement The Super Bowl takes place in the Louisiana Superdome that has a capacity for a football game of 72,000 people. The Super Bowl is the most significant event in the football season, so the Superdome is full. During the first minutes of the first...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Diversity in Indian Workforce: Laws and Policies

Introduction Diversity in business refers to the recruitment of workers from all backgrounds irrespective of race, religion, disability, gender, or status. The law governing the provision of equal employment to all is clear. However, most organizations have not adopted diversity, and thus discrimination of the minority groups is a common...

Miami Family Health Assessment in Nursing

Introduction Generally, many people consider the family to be an important social unit. This is fundamentally true because societies are made up of family units. Similarly, families dictate the type of social structure a society would have. Furthermore, the actions of family members and their lifestyles often affect societal wellbeing....

The Flat-Screen TV Market: Supply and Demand

Introduction Although new technologies and devices are released every year, there are certain products, like flat-screen TVs, that remain popular among customers. In the past few years, prices for flat-screen TVs have been falling. The supply and demand framework is a valuable tool that is commonly used to determine prices...

Employee Engagement and Its Role in Performance

Introduction Many companies implement various strategies that are geared towards boosting their success. For instance, some engage in establishing a culture or an atmosphere that is in tandem with their mission and vision while others emphasize the need for engaging their workers who are regarded as crucial assets that have...

Homeless and Mass Incarceration’s Connection in US

Introduction Today homelessness is considered to be a critical issue for the USA as almost half a million of citizens do not have their own houses or flats. They are in a constant search of subsidized homes, shelters, goods, clothes and food. These people have limited opportunities and are not...

Terrorist Activities in Media Broadcasting

Introduction Today, the media plays an important role in the life of any person living in a developed society. We rely on the media for information and entertainment and obtain the vast part of our knowledge about world politics through mass media sources, such as newspapers, television, or the Internet....

Affirmative Action Policy in Higher Education

The Policy The concept of affirmative action has been evolving over the years. According to Babkina (2003), the concept of affirmative action was meant to eliminate the sufferings of the minorities and enable them to access benefits enjoyed by the majority. It was meant to eliminate institutionalized discriminations such as...

Women Living With Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most commonly studied disorders. Anxiety, as a feeling, is experienced by millions of people every day and for different reasons such as stress at work or fears for the family members. Normally, this is a temporary feeling and it goes away over time. Typically, anxiety...

Art in Fassbinder’s “In a Year of 13 Moons” Movie

In a Year of 13 Moons is a movie written and directed by Ali Rainer Werner Fassbinder. The filmā€™s lead actor is Volker Spengler. In the film, the lead actor stars as Elvira. The film describes Elviraā€™s last few days on earth. Elvira is a transsexual woman previously known as...

“The Making of a Leader” by Dr. J. Robert Clinton

Abstract The Making of a Leader by Dr. J. Robert Clinton explores the complicated nature of spiritual dynamics. The book provides readers with numerous accounts of leadership stories that are meant to serve as guidance for emerging leaders. In the first chapter of the book, Dr. Clinton describes five main...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Oremā€™s Nursing Model: Self-Care Deficit Theory

Introduction Nursing models involve special approaches to work that differ from one another by the target audience, the nature of the interventions, the technologies used and other aspects of the activity. As the concept for analysis, the Oremā€™s model of nursing will be considered. Its second name is The Self-Care...

Australiaā€™s Liberal Democratic System

Introduction Nowadays it becomes clear that the modernization of public life, which began in Europe a few centuries ago and subsequently covered the other countries that do not lose their national identity. Human activity in any era is included in the socio-cultural basis of ethnic group, nation, and civilization. Even...

Asthma Incidence and Smoking among African Immigrants in California

Problem Statement African immigrants suffer a high risk of asthma fatalities compared to major ethnic groups in California. This is large because of socioeconomic disadvantages, poor housing conditions, and the lack of proper access to health care services (Findley & Matos, 2015). Smoking is also a contributor to this outcome...

Latino Community and Culturally Competent Care

Introduction Cultural competence in health care refers to the ability of the health care system to deliver quality cross-cultural healthcare services to all patients, irrespective of diverse beliefs, values, and behaviors. The goal of cultural competence in healthcare provision is to reduce disparity in health care and provide optimal healthcare...

Friendly Digits Company’s Ethical and Legal Complication

Ethical Analysis Friendly Digits is currently facing two ethical dilemmas, which are fraud and dishonesty. In this case, the frameworks of consequence, rights, character, and pragmatism are the key pillars that are used to analyze the above dilemmas. Based on the Badaracco ethical analysis, there are two options in handling...

Theories of Second Language Acquisition

Description The study by Roberts and Liszka investigates the processes of second language learning. The authors examine a particular linguistic issue that is researched by other scholars from many angles, namely the acquisition of tense and aspect morphology (Roberts & Liszka, 2013). According to the researchers, they aim to assess...

The Use of Animals in Laboratory Research

Introduction Due to several factors, scientists have been able to make a considerable breakthrough in many spheres of human life. However, the methods employed in reaching this progress do not always involve only humans’ endeavors and participation. Along with technological advancements, laboratories widely use animal research to achieve the results...

The European Union’s Preference of Soft Power

Introduction After European involvement in major military wars during the 20th century, the regionā€™s foreign policy approaches changed significantly. An important feature in this change is the establishment of the European Union, which brought together 27 member states with the aim of developing an economic and social system. It sought...

Significance of “The Information” by James Gleick

The article we are going to analyze is called The Information. It is written by James Gleick. It becomes obvious from the title, that the article centers around information, its importance and history of its triumphant march. It is quite clear why the author decided to devote his article to...

Social Media Usage in Transparency Services

The objective of this memo is to analyze the effectiveness of the government using social media and the Internet to ensure transparency in service delivery. In the past, print media has been the most preferred mode of communication between the government and the citizens. However, this preference has changed with...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hospital Setting Miami: Conflict Resolution

Introduction Conflict is commonplace in many lines of work, especially those that deal with high levels of stress and responsibility. During my time at Hospital Setting Miami, I have encountered a variety of situations that were representative of different types of conflicts. This paper will provide information about one such...

Crime Scene Investigation Effect in Justice System

Abstract Movies have been known to influence popular culture in different parts of the world. Analysts believe that the “CSI effectā€ is one of the fruits of popular culture. The argument presented in this paper is that the effect has significantly influenced jurors in such a way that they ask...

“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” by James Thurber

Introduction The story ā€˜The Secret Life of Walter Mittyā€™ by James Thurber is a narration about the life of a man who is forced to lead a life of fantasies because he is not ready to deal with the realities of life. When reading the story for the first time,...

Images of Mother and Child in Mary Cassattā€™s Works

Introduction The history of the Impressionist movement would not have been complete without the name of Mary Cassatt. She was born in America but moved to Paris to study art and stayed there for life. She is known as a painter, draftsman, and printmaker. Still, she owes her popularity to...

Religion Criticism of in “Salvation” by Langston Hughes

ā€œSalvationā€ is a short narrative by Langston Hughes, the famous Harlem Renaissance writer. The narrative addresses Langstonā€™s childhood experiences with issues of Christianity, faith, and salvation. Langston wrote the short narrative as an adult more than twenty years after this childhood experience. ā€œSalvationā€ is quite a short narrative and it...

Medical Device Cybersecurity in Practice

Introduction In the contemporary world of rapidly developing technologies, science and medicine advance quickly powered by technological innovations expanding the potential of contemporary healthcare employees and facilities. However, alongside the evolving technologies, the threats they bring about development and growth as well. In particular, one of the most widely known...

Social Roles and Functions in Relationships

The formation of oneā€™s self begins with answering the question “who am I”. The self-conception presents a set of concepts by which one determines what he or she is. This is the central part of the process of socialization that develops in the course of human interaction with other people....

Civil Disobedience: Socrates vs. Martin Luther King

Introduction The idea of civil disobedience and its credibility has been considered by philosophers, politicians, and activists since the formation of governmental systems. The idea stems from the notion that laws should be obeyed until they are superseded by a more powerful force such as moral notions, survival, saving a...

General Features and Etiology of ADHD

Occupational Profile: Condition Description Definition Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental health disorder that is expressed by extensive impulsivity and deficient attentiveness (Gallagher, 2014). The disease normally refers to the childhood onset; however it can persist into adolescence. The relevant disorder has a significant impact on a patientā€™s...

Meeting Leadership Challenges: Action Plan

Exploring Leadership Opportunities Being a leader is a challenging yet attainable goal. Although it used to be believed that being a leader requires a set of intrinsic abilities that are inherent and, therefore, cannot be trained, recent studies prove that the ability to lead, in fact, can be taught and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Battle of the Sexes in the Millerā€™s Tale

Introduction The Millerā€™s Tale is a humorous story about an old rich carpenter, his wife and two clerks. The latter two keeps seducing the carpenterā€™s wife in order to get her to bed. Among the various themes in this story is cuckoldry. The term cuckoldry refers to a man whose...

Homogeneity of Medication History Records

Introduction The primary goal of the research was to answer two questions: What are the most effective strategies for the reduction of medication errors during the medication reconciliation process? Which health care professionals contribute the most to the homogeneity of medication history records? Demographics of the Sample Population The sample...

Society in Renaissance and Modernity

Introduction The Renaissance is a widely discussed period in the world’s history as it altered the objectives and speed of the humanity’s progress. The processes of the fifteenth century significantly affected all European countries. The life of ordinary people, as well as that of the aristocracy, changed greatly and started...

Conflict Management in Healthcare Facilities

Introduction Conflict can be defined as a process where one party observes that its welfare is negatively impacted by another. Handling conflict in the workstation consumes time but is an important task for health care leaders. Conflict may take place amid doctors and other members of staff, and amidst the...

Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company

Executive Summary In todayā€™s competitive market, each company endeavors to gain advantages over its contenders. Managing human resources and work environment is paramount to enhancing efficiency and performance. To embark on the issue of fostering creativity and innovation in the workplace, one should consider the key determinants of a supportive...

Nursing and Patient Delivery Models

Presentation Background Today, there are numerous appeals related to the functioning of the health care sector and its future. The fact is that, very often, health workers are not able to deliver the needed care and meet patients diverse needs. For this reason, the U.S. health passes through a radical...

Capnography Equipment Capital Purchase Proposal

Ā Purpose On behalf of the Interventional Radiology Department, we express a strong need for investing in new capnography equipment with an approximate cost of $31,498 (see Table 1 for additional information about costs). Consequently, the purpose of this proposal is to optimize the current operational processes of the Interventional Radiology...

Philosophical Views of Ethics and Morality

Abelard and Heloise’s Notion of Moral Intent The central idea in their arguments was the same. Heloise argued that a wrong deed should not be considered as being against social morality if there were no intent to commit it (Moore & Bruder, 2011). Similarly, Abelard believed that one could only...

Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model in Nursing

Meaning The main concepts of Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model include human beings as identities consisting of two major systems, the behavioral and the biological systems. At the same time, the patient’s behavioral system is divided into seven behavioral subsystems, such as eliminative, affiliative, dependency, ingestive, aggressive, sexual, and achievement....

Child Development Assessments Comparison

The fundamental function of assessments is: to try to uncover weaknesses, to evaluate school readiness, to aid in structuring the curriculum and daily tasks; to evaluate the usefulness of a project; and to give parents advice (Wortham, 2008). Comparing assessments is important as it enables one to identify the most...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Matshidiso “Tshidi” Florence Mholo: Afro-Pop Singer

Matshediso ā€œTshediā€ Florence Mholo (born September 27, 1976) is one of those South African women who project confidence, strength, and genuine talent and find themselves in harmony with the multiple challenges the world poses. An outstanding Afro-pop singer, a mother, and a person of sagacity, she has earned the reputation...

Heart Failure Rehospitalization and Nursing Care

One of the emerging issues in health care is the prevention of unnecessary re-hospitalization of patients diagnosed with certain conditions such as heart failure (Verhaegh et al., 2014). In the recent past, a number of strategies have been implemented by hospitals to reduce healthcare costs and offer quality patient care....

Death from Christian and Buddist Perspectives

Introduction Healthcare providers should possess culturally competent skills in order to support the diverse health needs of persons from diverse backgrounds. Patients from different faiths and religious affiliations will tend to possess specific values (Meehan, 2012). That being the case, caregivers should acknowledge this diversity and provide adequate care based...

Bipolar Disorder and Its Three Types

Name of the Disorder Angst (2013) defines bipolar disorder as ā€œa brain condition that causes unusual changes in activity levels, energy, and moodsā€ (p. 1). Some psychologists call this condition manic-depressive disease (McCormick, Murray, & McNew, 2015). The bipolar disorder condition is usually characterized by mood swings. The patient will...

Conflict Resolution in Hospital Setting Miami

Introduction There is no doubt that those specialists working in the spheres that involve constant communication with clients should pay increased attention to conflicts that may occur at work. Speaking about the consequences of conflicts at work and the quality of customer service, it is especially important to focus on...

Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models

Introduction The reform of health care delivery in the U.S. is aimed to eliminate health care disparities and provide cost-effective and qualified care to diverse socioeconomic groups of the population. Therefore, the roles of the registered nurses and their practice are expected to change significantly in the future. The purpose...

The Future of Same-Sex Marriages

Introduction The topic of the same-sex marriage has attracted heated debate over the years in the US. The protagonists and antagonists of this marriage institution have always clashed over moral standards of the society. In defining homosexual marriage, anthropologists formulate valid cross-cultural variations of modern and traditional forms. Same-sex marriage,...

United Kingdom Membership in the European Union

Introduction The United Kingdom is expected to go to a referendum in June 2016 to determine whether the country should remain a member of the European Union or not (Gifford 2015). A section of the society strongly believes that the United Kingdom should exit the European Union because the country...

Kant’s and Mill’s Ethical Philosophies

Introduction Human beings have always been troubled by various ethical and moral issues. These issues are associated with the major principles that define what is wrong or right. Principles of human morality usually focus on the distinction between bad and good behaviors. However, societies and individuals have developed diverse values...

Local Environments in Delaware

Abstract That human activity alters natural environments is difficult to deny. Global climate change is believed to be the main result of human activity. Like many other parts of the world, Delaware is extremely susceptible to the risks of environmental degradation. This paper provides an overview of the local and...

Qualitative Phenomenological Research Process

Data Analysis In qualitative phenomenological studies, data analysis is based on the idea of thematic analysis that includes several specific steps. According to Braun, Clarke, and Terry (2014), the key phases of thematic analysis are the preparation of data for analysis and familiarization with them, coding, identifying themes, reviewing themes,...

Female Arab Learners’ English Speaking Problems

Introduction The English language has increasingly become important throughout the world today particularly in the Arab world. This is why educators and parents in Saudi Arabia have become concerned about their childrenā€™s limited level in English especially in oral communication. English is a major problem in Saudi especially among the...

Two-Way Factorial Anova Analysis

Introduction This paper reports the results of an analysis of data using a two-way factorial ANOVA. The data set is briefly described; the assumptions for the factorial ANOVA are named and tested; the research question, hypotheses, and alpha level are articulated; and the results of the analysis are provided. Finally,...

King’s Theory of Goal Attainment in Nursing

Introduction Nursing theories have emerged as an attempt to systematize the nursing practices and the knowledge relevant to the field. Since then, many of them were modified to include other healthcare fields or focus on certain aspects of nursing. King’s Theory of Goal Attainment is one example of such frameworks,...

Evidence-Based Nursing: Research-Practice Connection

Receiving accurate results is important for any medical worker, but with the evidence-based nursing fidelity of the results could be improved. As Brown (2013) points out, professional care providers should always consider what parts of practice can be performed better and how it will help the patient (p. 286). For...

Global Business: Culture, Economics and Changes

The models of the culture of global automobile companies. The model of culture the most appropriate for the selected international competitor Some of the three most known models of culture are Hofstede, Hall/Hall, and Gesteland. Hofstede’s model arose from interviews with employees of IBM in over 50 countries. The other...

Affirmative Action Policy in American Society

Abstract Diversity is a characteristic feature of the modern workplace. Diversity as the focus on individual differences of employees is promoted by managers to increase productivity and the competitive advantage. Furthermore, the promotion of diversity in organizations is often connected with the adoption of such anti-discrimination measures as the affirmative...

Keystone Company in Australian Automotive Industry

Introduction This paper assesses the suitability of Australia as a host country of the headquarters of an American transnational firm, Keystone, operating in the automobile industry. High labor costs and perceived political uncertainty in the US informed the decision to relocate overseas. In this assessment, the SWOT framework is used...

Pasture Experiment: Fertiliser Treatments Response

Introduction A crucial part of the successful production of livestock is making certain that there is adequate grass to cater for hay and pasture needs (Briske et al. 2015). Nevertheless, limited soil nutrients restrain the production of forage. However, with proper management and proper application of fertilizer, the output of...

Transitions Theory Evaluation

Nursing theories are meant to improve patient health and quality of life by implementing certain nursing practices. It is essential to examine, evaluate, and utilize nursing theories as it helps to feel the gap between practice and theory. Smith and Parker (2015) note that the theories are useless if they...

Confederation and Constitution’ Comparison

Introduction At the moment we could observe a certain crisis of executive power in the USA. The last elections split the US society into two camps and differences in mentalities and points of view became evident. Being elected by the majority of people, the President still does not possess the...

Healthy and Nutritious Food for Young Children

Introduction Nowadays, many different manufacturers and businesses specialize in producing formula feeding for infants. There are also many controversies as to these productsā€™ ability to provide healthy and nutritious meals to little children that might not have access to breast milk regularly (due to health issues of their mothers or...

Talent Pipeline for Population Health

A Pipeline of Talent for Population Health The unceasing movement for improvements in the quality of care can be deemed as the defining characteristic of the contemporary healthcare environment. The shift of the focus toward the increase in the levels of patient satisfaction along with the speed of the recovery...

Characterization in ā€œJin Ping Meiā€ Novel by Sheng

David Tod Roy translated the Plum in the Golden Vase, a Chinese novel which was originally composed in the vernacular Chinese during the reign of the latter part of the Ming Dynasty in 1368 by unknown author who signed the literary work as Lanling Xiaoxiao Sheng. Initially, the famous Chinese...

Energy: What Everyone Needs to Know?

Tombstone The book titled ā€œEnergy: What Everyone Needs to Knowā€ was written by Jose Goldemberg ā€“ a famous Brazilian physicist, research scientist, and scientific leader of the renewable energy community. He is one of the world’s leading experts on energy and environmental issues. The book was published in 2012 by...

National Pharmacy: Mobilising Creativity and Innovation

Executive Summary This report was focused on utilising innovation and creativity theoretical models to improve the work environment at the National Pharmacy L.L.C. The motivational and creativity problems identified include inconsistency in task allocation, an informal approach to balancing competing needs and a lack of a structured creativity and motivation...

WWI and Interwar Military Innovations

Sentence Outline How did World War I influence interwar military innovation? Discuss the implications of your answer for todayā€™s military professional? Thesis: WWI influenced interwar military innovations by fostering the availability of tactical air support, prompting the need for using machine guns, and fueling the emergence of tanks. The deployment...

The Unlicensed Assistive Personnel and Registered Nurses

Introduction Conflict is a process that occurs as a consequence of differences between common goals, values, actions, and beliefs of two or more individuals (Higazee, 2015). It is a highly volatile situation that can halve either positive or negative result for all involved parties. Conflict is an inherent feature of...

Non-Profit Sector and Its Accountability

Non-profit sector comprises those organizations that distribute their income to meet various needs globally, instead of distributing it as a profit. Thus, such organizations are not meant to make profits. They are supposed to use the resources under their control to offer services and assist in mitigating crisis (Powell &...

Transgender Healthcare Barriers in the United States

The transgender population became visible at the end of the twentieth century when more and more people started openly reveal their gender identity as well as address healthcare professionals with quite specific issues. Transgender people can be defined as individuals ā€œwhose gender identity or expression differs from their sex designated...

Puritan Values in Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”

Introduction There is no doubt that law, order, and moral norms remain the components that allow to shape the society and to control people to prevent a wide range of unwanted situations. When it comes to the life of modern society and its members, it is necessary to say that...

Vaccination Misconceptions in Old Adults

Animal-assisted therapy is a type of therapy that employs animals for motivational and educational purposes, to facilitate treatment and improve social, emotional, or cognitive state of patients. However, there is also a number of scientific works pointing out the gaps in research concerning animal-assisted literature, which are made worse with...

Religious Perspective of Death and Dying: George’s Case

Introduction Nurse practitioners use their skills and philosophies to offer high-quality support and care to their patients. Concepts such as evidence-based practice and cultural competence are critical for caregivers providing support to individuals from different religious, social, and racial backgrounds. Such attributes make it easier for them to offer timely...

Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Interaction and communication play a vital role in the life of every human being. With their help, people can build relationships, transfer knowledge, receive the things they need or want to have, etc. Mainly, the representatives of the general public got used to the fact that all people can easily...

Greek Pottery and Ancient Art Periods

Introduction Greek art has evolved for more than 2,000 years with most of its traces found in pottery. However, a large part of the history related to Greek pottery began emerging after the dark period. Some of the major periods, which are visible from the Greek art during the time,...

Pressure Ulcers Prevention in Emergency Units

Abstract In the contemporary health care setting, pressure ulcers pose a serious health risk for individuals who cannot move on their own. Pressure ulcers may lead to severe complications and highly adverse conditions, and in some casesā€“even to a lethal outcome. Therefore, it is paramount to develop methods for more...

Transitional Nursing in Oncology: Phase IV

The research provides valuable results, and these results are discussed in the sections below. The main three questions of the research were the following: what transitional nursing strategies need to be developed to address patients with cancer, how can transitional nursing improve the life of patients with cancer and cancer...

Artemisia Gentileschi’s Art and Feminist Impact

Artemisia Gentileschi is regarded as one of the most prolific artist of the seventeenth century at a time when women were stigmatized and considered incapable of practicing any form of art. During her time, painting was a prestigious career that was dominated by men. It was a mode of communication...

Feminism, Oppression, Masculinity, and Homophobia

Introduction Feminism, a relatively new movement in the history of social, political, and philosophical thought (since it emerged in the late 19th century and evolved throughout the 20th century), has found an important place in modern social studies. During the 20th century, feminists succeeded in obtaining various rights that previously...

Discipleship in Christianity and Its Five Stages

Introduction Discipleship is a core element of Christianity and it enables believers to start their journey in the companionship of Christ. Nonetheless, before embarking on a journey someone needs to be aware of his/her current location in relation to his/her destination. In this scenario, discipleship will be addressed as a...

Labor Laws Violations by American Companies Abroad

Abstract Enforcing conduct between employers and employees is necessary when it comes to minimizing the likelihood of economic inefficiency for organizations. The US has established labor laws at federal and state levels to ensure that employers adhere to the minimum wage regulations. Besides ensuring that employers remunerate workers appropriately for...

Weapon Legalization, Its History and Texas Laws

Introduction The question of legalization of weapon has always been a stumbling block in American society. Since the birth of the American nation open carry has been considered as a natural state of things. Now, the legislation of various states of the USA implies different approaches to the problem of...

Nursesā€™ Intergroup Conflict and Its Stages

Introduction Conflicts can occur in various settings, but in the workplace, their impact can extend to one’s performance and relationship with clients. In hospitals, disputes between members of the personnel can also affect patients, whose level of satisfaction significantly depends on the quality of care (Moreland & Apker, 2016). Therefore,...

“Coming of Age in Mississippi” by Anne Moody

The Relationship between Race, Social Movement, and Citizenship: Personal Opinion and Response to Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody As a memoir of an African-American woman who was involved in the Civil Rights Movement, Coming of Age in Mississippi is most suitable for a discussion on race, social...

The Escape of Socrates in Platoā€™s “Crito”

In Platoā€™s work Crito, Socrates argues with his friend about the escape from prison. Crito has come to free him, but Socrates does not want to follow his friendā€™s advice and chooses to stay waiting for his punishment. Both Crito and Socrates present their arguments in support of their ideas....

The Manufacturing Sector of Singapore

Singapore is a country that has relied on the manufacturing industry to develop its economy. A manufacturing sector is a unit in the economy that deals with the processing, production, and development of goods from raw materials. It involves the biomedical manufacturing, electronics, precision engineering, general manufacturing, transport engineering, and...

Irony, Sarcasm and Anecdotes in Tina Feyā€™ “Bossypants”

Tina Feyā€™s book ā€œBossypantsā€ is a book that presents common themes in an unusual manner. The author is able to elicit a discussion about issues that beleaguer modern working women in an easy and sneaky manner. The book heavily relies on sarcasm, personal anecdotes, and irony in an attempt to...

Madina Azahra Palace Construction

Introduction Medina Azahara means the City of Flowers and it represents the ruins of the fortified Arab Muslim medieval palace in Spain (Khan, 2012). The palace was built in 929 by Abd al-Rahman. It was constructed approximately 13 kilometers northwest of Cordoba, Spain. According to the precedence set by the...

Mental Disorders and Used Treatment Paradigms

Introduction The diagnosis of mental disorders has evolved significantly in the last few decades as researchers continue to come up with different ways to address the issue. Disparate procedures may be involved in the diagnosis process to determine the type of mental disorder that one is suffering from and identify...

Eagle Mfg Company: Supply Management Analysis

Major Facts The supply management department of Eagle Mfg Co has not been functioning at the optimum level, morale is low, co-ordination between departments slows and supply of materials to different departments such as operations and maintenance inefficient. The management of Eagle is paying its Supply Manager Ted Jones a...

Nursing Care Models: Patients Health Improvement

Introduction Every day nurses face diverse tasks that should be accomplished to guarantee effective care delivery and improved patients states. The given variety results in the existence of numerous approaches used by specialists to meet different patients requirements and choose the most appropriate way to solve particular health problems. Moreover,...

Writing Strategies in Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye”

Introduction An appropriate choice of a writing strategy during the classroom activities seems to be a significant step to be taken. The way of how a teacher is able to check studentsā€™ knowledge and involve them into the education process (Ryder & Graves, 2003) influences considerably studentsā€™ activities and understanding...

Advanced Management Accounting in Business

Introduction Business leaders are becoming increasingly aware that environmental factors affect their profits in significant ways. As a result, Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) has emerged as a mechanism for assessing the extent to which organizational activities affect the environment in addition to how the underlying costs influence their businesses. EMA...

Cognitive Development from Modern Theoretical Perspective

Introduction The present paper is devoted to the domain of human cognitive development and the way in which it is portrayed by the modern theory in the field. Cognitive development involves the “growth and change in the intellectual processing functions of children as they age and mentally develop” (Brubaker, 2016,...

Emotional Intelligence and Executive Coaching

Introduction The term ā€œemotional intelligenceā€ (EI) is actively used today in the corporate setting in order to describe the capability of a manager, a leader, and a coach to address the emotions of the personnel, as well as to manage personal feelings and reactions. From this perspective, in addition to...

Health Services Access and Health Promotion

Introduction to Selected Topic One of the Healthy People 2020 leading health indicators (LHIs) is access to health services. The nature of medical services available to a given individual will dictate his or her quality of life. Although the government spends a lot of money to support the health needs...

Emotions and Self-Identity in Western Society

Emotions play a central role in human cognitive processes. Although the psychological and cognitive aspects of human reality are closely interrelated with the emotional one and emotions largely affect the outcome of behavior, a person may find it difficult to explain what an emotion is. Throughout time, the complex nature...

The Five-Factor Theory, Personality, and Gender

Abstract Personality is an attribute that everyone has that reveals their true identity. It helps to define a person. The behaviors that one portrays can lead to some characterization about the conduct. There have been various theorists who have come up with studies on personality and its development. Freud developed...

“Vitruvian Man” and “Salvator Mundi” by Da Vinci

Introduction In Vitruvian Man, Leonardo Da Vinci presents a carefully studied illustration of human anatomy. Leonardo studied human anatomy as an artist as well as a scientist and philosopher. His treatment of art was not restricted to aesthetics and beauty, but it represented medium to search for a higher truth....

Native Americans’ Mental Health

Abstract Native Americans tend to acquire mental illnesses more often than other cultural groups that live in the USA. Suicide and depression rates among these indigenous peoples are growing. Native Americans are reluctant to seek help in medical facilities due to distrust and lack of awareness of the Native context...

“Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” by Jonathan Foer

Introduction Significant catastrophes always leave the scars in the souls of the generation-eyewitness. People receive physical and psychological traumas that may affect a generation or two after the event. Numerous ā€˜damaged’ voices of people who have suffered and survived the disastrous moments or their relatives shout in different ways about...

Madame Bovary by Gustav Flaubert

Charles was married to a young woman. She was his second wife. The first one died. His first wife was a widower. Charles married her because he was unsure of himself. In fact, his own mother was unsure if Charles could survive on his own. Even with impressive credentials and...

Patient Simulation Effectiveness in Nursing Education

Introduction The issue that is going to be reviewed within the framework of the current research paper is patient education. The latter is a rather complex problem that has to be recognized by doctors, nurses, and other individuals involved in the provision of healthcare. Patient education is essential, and it...

Hip Replacement Performance and Outcomes Measurement

Hip replacement is an effective way to manage arthritis, treat fractures of this joint, or combat other conditions. Despite the fact that this is a severe medical surgery, it is prevalent in orthopedics. This report aims to examine performance indicators and outcomes measurement for hip replacement procedures, recommend best practices...

Development of the Northern Slavery System in America

In one form or another slavery had been existing in any part of the world. There is hardly a nation that has managed to avoid this terrible form of a social development. The United States of America from the very beginning appeared as a slave-owning state. Slavery was the integrated...

Nursing Care Models’ Analysis

Introduction Nurses use different models to deliver care to their patients. Practitioners can select the most appropriate approach depending on the needs of the targeted individual. Other critical issues to consider include the nature of the health setting and the availability of resources. Experts in nursing practice have managed to...

Hurricane Katrina and Emergency Planning Lessons

Introduction Hurricane Katrina was a storm that struck the Gulf Coast of the United States in 2005 and that caused massive damages that affected the social and economic lifestyles of the affected areas extensively. Government statistics indicate that the Hurricane caused more than 1,836 deaths, displacement of hundreds of thousands...

Oman Refinery Company’s Operations Management

Orpic is one of the largest organisations in the Sultanate of Oman and one of the most rapidly growing enterprises in the Middle East oil and gas industry. One of its recent strategic goals is to increase the asset base by more than $9 billion and the product output ā€“...

Depression and Self-Esteem Relationship

Topic Endorsement Research Topic The topic which is proposed to be studied is the relationship between depression and self-esteem. In this case, self-esteem can be defined as ā€œindividualā€™s subjective evaluation of his or her worth as a personā€; it does not necessarily describe oneā€™s real talents, and high self-esteem does...

Electronic Health Records in Urinary Infections Control

Introduction There is an enhanced need for healthcare coupled with nurse staff shortages leads to poor documentation and maintenance of patient health records. In recent years, several hospitals have implemented electronic health records (EHRs) as a part of quality improvement efforts to enhance care quality (Rojas & Seckman, 2014). The...

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Evolving Nursing Practice and Patient Care Delivery

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The Future of Nuclear Power: Conference Management

Project Objectives Project definition The Nuclear International Development Association (NIDA) proposes a nuclear conference to discuss the future of nuclear energy in light of the recent disasters in Japan. The objective of the project is to reassure the world that despite the risks, nuclear power remains viable. The fit of...