The WBS for the Vision Tec product


The WBS for the Vision Tec product is based on the fact that the Vision System product for the lucrative Pharmaceutical Market requires proper testing and assessment of the technological capacities. The project development requires proper identification of the target audience, as well as development potential, hence, WBS will involve aspects linked with the technological expansion for testing products beside pharmaceuticals.


  1. Vision System. All the elements of this system are intended at offering the reliable and stable work of the system, including development.
  2. Hardware structure. This level includes all the blocks needed for optical perception of the information, transforming it into the digital signal, and transferring it to the data analysis part.
  3. Software. Virtual part of the project will be needed for proper data processing, as well as data collection and analysis. Part of the software block will be needed for the project development: mistakes, bugs, and arguing moments will be logged into a special block, and offered for analysis.
  4. Data Base. This is a separate part of the project that will be developed constantly. Since all the pharmaceutical products have different labeling standards, the information reading and analysis will require various processing patterns. Data analysis element of the project will take information for comparison from the data base.

Hardware part

  1. Optical system. The primary input part. Reading of the visual information is the key part of the project.
  2. Data processing system. This will be presented by CMOS matrix that is needed for high-resolution video systems.
  3. Data transfer system. The data may be processed locally, or transferred to the data analysis center/block. Hence, all the cameras will be connected with a single data transfer system.
  4. Data analysis system. This will have to be featured with powerful computational capacities, and be able to proceed as much data within the shortest time as possible.

Software part

  1. Optical focus control. The data will be read from labels, hence, the optical system will be of high quality, and offer proper focusing system. In distinction with bar code reading systems, the system will be featured with the text recognition part. Hence, the text should be readable. This will be performed by focus control system that will ensure sharpening of the image.
  2. Data processing control. This system will look for and signalize data reading errors. If a lens is dirty, or the CMOS matrix is dusted, spoiled pixels will appear. The data processing control will ensure the quality, and launch ultra sound matrix cleaning.
  3. Data analysis control. The data will be analyzed in accordance with the data offered in the data base. The system will take data samples from the DB, and analyze them for finding similarities. Since the labeling is standardized, the system will be searching for the “known” elements. Otherwise, it will initiate a warning message
  4. Data base. This is the collection of the data analysis samples. This part will be filled in accordance with the labeling standards, and provide the necessary basis for data analysis and control. This will involve the names of the pharmaceuticals, contents, form, prescriptions.

The overall system will be based on the proper data processing and analysis, while the key importance and difficulty of the system is explained by the optical recognition of the text.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, March 14). The WBS for the Vision Tec product.

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