The Musical Composition “Lux Aurumque” by Eric Whitacre

The compositions of Eric Whitacre can be categorized as neoclassical choral electronic music, and this statement requires a detailed analysis. Neoclassicism implies the renewal of conservative musical material in order to extract and enhance the value of the aesthetic elements in it. Neoclassical music does not duplicate traditional classical music,...

10 Things I Hate About You Comedy by Lazar

It is generally accepted that comedy is always funny, but this is not always true. Sometimes dramas and tragedies have humorous moments, but that does not make them comedies. The main feature of comedy, among other genres, is that the characters receive what they want, and the plot always has...

Walter Salles’s Film The Motorcycle Diaries Analysis

Walter Salles’s film The Motorcycle Diaries focuses on the journey across South America of young “Che” Guevara and his friend Alberto Granado. Ernesto “Che” Guevara is well-known worldwide as a Latino-American revolutionary who became a symbol of rebellion. At the same time, most people forget that he was not only...

The Shutter Island Movie by Martin Scorsese

Introduction The neo-noir genre, which is more auteur than mass, is valued for the special atmosphere in which filmmakers reveal the deep personalities and experiences of characters and raise acute social issues. Although the vast majority of modern directors have moved away from this style, which is aimed at a...

Diagnosing Abnormal Psychology in Media: “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”

One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a famous psychological comedy film that revolves around the behavioral traits of Randle McMurphy, the main character. Initially imprisoned due to the statutory rape of a 15-year-old girl, McMurphy decided to be transferred to a mental health hospital to escape hard labor in...

Roman Republican Busts and Coins

One can depict or assume a lot about a past culture from their portraits, statues and other works of art. Throughout history, Romans have been known as a very powerful and warmongering nation. They respected older people and valued three virtues: pietas (respect for authority and tradition), fides (being true...

“The Star Trek” Film and Popular Culture

Introduction The film Star Trek was produced during the civil rights turmoil in the United States. The film addressed various issues that affected the country at that time, such as gender inequality, war, and civil rights. Star Trek has highlighted various leadership models, and how they have affected the country...

The Performance of Norah Jones ”Live from Austin TX, (ACL)”

I chose the performance of Norah Jones, “Live from Austin TX, (ACL),” released in 2008. It features vocals, piano, drums, guitars, trombone, and double bass. The concert took place in the big hall, and there were many people there. I felt like the part of the audience while listening to...

Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex Production by Max Stapleton

Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex is a tragedy that explores the story of King Oedipus. In Greek mythology, King Oedipus was the King of Thebes, one of the largest cities in Ancient Central Greece. Of all Sophocles’ Theban plays he wrote, three survived, which directly or indirectly touched King Oedipus. This essay...

The Film “A Time to Kill” by Joel Schumacher

In the film “A Time to Kill,” my opinion is that Carl Lee Hailey was right to have murdered rapists who assaulted his daughter. This is because of anger and the weight of the two white men’s injustice to his daughter. Therefore, he was justified in murdering the men in...

Sequence Analysis in Bless Their Little Hearts

Introduction It is hard to disagree that movies are not only created for entertainment. Films are a unique way of communication, and directors can use an extended number of various tools and methods to convey information to millions of people. In movies, it may be essential to find valuable sequences...

Statue of Liberty and Vietnam Veterans Memorial

The Statue of Liberty and, to a lesser degree, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial count among the most famous American monuments. From a purely visual standpoint, the majestic, towering statue of bronze and the modest and reserved memorial with names carved into slabs of black stones may look like a study...

Jake Brigance’s Personal Traits

Jake Brigance is a thirty-two-year-old Mississippi white male; he is the protagonist who is typically self-assured. He is a brilliant, arrogant, ambitious, and courageous lawyer. He is the main character in the movie by Joel Schumacher, “A time to kill,” where he is a justice and an empathic man who...

Ruth Asawa’s Oral History Interview

Ruth Aiko Asawa, born in 1926, was a sculptor primarily working with wire to create abstract forms. During her earlier years, Asawa and her family faced hostility and adverse reactions often due to their Japanese heritage and the discrimination that the second World War cultivated in America at the time....

Malevich’s Black Square Analysis

Until 1913, the world of art was limited to objectivity and realistic representations. Some critics say that art reached the deepest point of its downfall during this year. However, in 1913, a new art movement, Suprematism, laid a foundation for the liberation of art, leading to the development of modern...

The Paintings “The Long Rain” by Tanguy and “Palm Sunday” by Stevens

Introduction It is hard to disagree that art is one of the humans’ best and most influential achievements. There is a vast number of forms of art, and people still admire the paintings, sculptures, or musical compositions created hundreds of years ago. Genuinely talented artists created incredibly believable pictures, and...

Critique of “Disney’s Dolls” Article by Maio

Introduction Kathi Maio, in the article Disney’s Dolls, argues that despite the transformation of the images of the princesses, Disney uses the same pattern for each of them. In particular, using the example of various studio projects, the author examines how a man and romance are portrayed as the ultimate...

The Book “Living with Music” by Ralph Ellison

Ralph Ellison’s Living with Music is a story about jazz musicians, and a reader is transferred to twentieth-century America to explore the circumstances, daily activities, and the inspiring power of music people experienced. The essay contains various musical terms and names of famous jazz artists and reflects the author’s thoughts...

Aspects of the Renaissance Time

I think that your assessment is quite right – the Renaissance was indeed a time during which people managed not only to recover from war and plague but also to build a new cultural legacy. During these times, not only intellectual and scientific but also new social life thrived (Hunt...

The Beauty of the World Art Piece

The art piece expresses the beauty and picturesqueness of the world around people. It is full of bright colors, and a central element is a large number of pink flowers. Behind them, one can see a mountain landscape that evokes admiration. Initially, people can think of this picture as some...

Oliver Stone’s Interpretation of the Vietnam War

Introduction History entails a detailed analysis and examination of past events and describing how they affected or supported human affairs. Investigators and scholars rely on different mediums or sources to learn more about different occurrences and happenings. Over the years, history has been documented in letters, written materials, and oral...

Michala Petri and Lars Hannibal Music Concert

Every music concert is a unique experience for both performer and listener, even if the piece played is a classic that different composers have played thousands of times at different times. In this essay, two musicians, Michala Petri and Lars Hannibal play three different compositions (SHMF). First, it is Johann...

Writing and Photography Overview

The understanding of the process of creating literary works of any kind can be enhanced through its comparison with other types of art. For example, the consideration of this initiative contrasted with photography with details inherent in these activities might help grasp the meaning of aspects affecting the resulting products....

A Philadelphia Museum of Art Experience

Philadelphia Museum of Art is one of the most sophisticated museums in the US. It is also one of the most visited museums in the nation and is reported to offer satisfactory experiences. The museum, offering both historical and contemporary artworks covers the visitors with various types of experience. My...

Tupac’s Fake Death Conspiracy Theory

Introduction A conspiracy theory is a claim that some larger, more complex event was planned and orchestrated by a smaller group of people than is generally known. One of the most famous examples of a conspiracy theory is the idea that Tupac faked his own death and is still alive...

“The Hurt Locker” by Catherine Bigelow Review

“The Hurt Locker,” a war drama directed by Catherine Bigelow, was released in 2008. Thus, the action develops slowly, gradually concentrating into a dense, almost physical tension that does not let go for a long time after the finale. In this film, Catherine Bigelow shows that war is an addiction,...

Understanding Society Through Popular Music

John Lennon was a British and American singer, composer, artist, songwriter, and social campaigner who ascended to global fame as the Beatles’ creator, co-composer, co-lead singer, and guitar player. He was known for his fighting spirit and sharp sarcasm in his art, poetry, music, illustrations, movies, and discussions. The song...

Polychrome Glazed Tomb Figurine of a Troupe of Musicians on a Camel

Introduction. Polychrome Glazed Tomb Figurine of a Troupe of Musicians on a Camel The figure of five musicians on a tall camel. The Sogdian origin of the figure. Highest level of Sancai art. Polychrome pottery of the Tang Dynasty (AD 618 908). A unique piece of art. History Placed in...

Louis Armstrong: The Famous Jazzman

Louis Armstrong is inarguably one of the brightest musicians of the twentieth century, and even people without significant expertise in genres correctly associate him with jazz. The jazzman’s life was full of interesting and pivotal moments, and his striving to craft and perform better compositions made him an inspiring figure...

The Painting “The Fireboat” by Charles M. Russell

The artwork I choose is The Fireboat, 1918, by Charles M. Russell. It is an 18 x 12-inch oil on-board painting that can be found at the C.M. Russell Museum in Great Falls, Montana. After the death of Frederick Remington in 1909, Charles Russell became the most famous artist specializing...

The Image of London in “My Beautiful Laundrette” by Frears

My Beautiful Laundrette is a British movie filmed in London in 1985 and directed by Stephen Frears. The film combines comedy and drama genres and depicts the story of a young Pakistani man reuniting with his old friend and eventually engaging in a romantic relationship with him. However, the plot...

Making of the Oscar Film – “The Hurt Locker”

The Hurt Locker is a 2008 war film with six Oscar awards for best film, best director, original screenplay, film editing, sound, and sound editing. The critics rated the movie high and appreciated it for its original script and epic but still dramatic atmosphere of the Iraq war. Despite some...

Francis Bacon in History of Art

Francis Bacon is one of the most famous English self-taught painters who mainly worked in expressionism and figurative painting. As a rule, the artist created frightening, disturbing, wild, and exciting images in his works. His favorite themes were screaming, suffering, agony, loss, defeat, death, and doom, which were often framed...

Hip-Hop Music, Culture, and Technology in Society

Introduction Hip-hop music, also referred to as rap music, is a category of popular composition developed in the US by African Americans with efforts reinforced by Latin Americans. The genre consists of a style of music accompanied by rapping, a chanted rhythmic speech, and vigorous dancing (Forman 158). Hip-hop music...

Jazz Styles and Artists: Louis Armstrong and Others

Introduction Jazz is one of the most famous music genres, and its influence on various communities of American cities is immense. There are numerous performers from cities like New Orleans, Chicago, New York, St.Louis, and Kansas City who, in their time, managed to reach the souls of their audiences and...

The Crazy Horse Memorial: Original Intent and Interpretation

In the Black Hills Forest in South Dakota in the northwestern United States, on lands considered sacred to the Oglala Lakota Indian tribes, the world’s largest memorial carved from Thunderhead Mountain was created in 1948. According to the project, the finished statue, which has been in the works for almost...

Quentin Tarantino’s Film Once Upon a Time Review

Quentin Tarantino’s film Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood (2019) is a comedy-drama that represents the alternate history of one famous event. An alternate history narration is a subgenre of science fiction that tries to answer the question “what if,” providing an alternative view on the same historical event (Schneider-Mayerson,...

How Do Different Artists Confront the Modern Age?

Modernity, especially modernity in art, is a subject that is not necessarily about encompassing the present. Instead, it can be interpreted as looking at a phenomenon from the perspective of a person living in the present. Modernity, while often associated with nonconformism and nuanced approaches to stagnant processes, is also...

Takashi Murakami and His Superflat Paintings

Introduction Throughout the past two decades, Japanese art has become increasingly dependent on unique self-expression opportunities and the mindful exploitation of Japanese cultural themes. Takashi Murakami is one of the best examples in this regard because of his skillful use of Japanese cultural symbols that he makes accessible to the...

McClinton and Valencia at Anya Tish Gallery

Dave McClinton delves into the gravity of American history by depicting the life cycle of a black’s inner life. The meaning of McClinton’s work is the depiction of the strength and hardships of the African American community, which contributes to the study of collective identity. Dave McClinton channeled his life...

What Went Wrong Analysis: “Frontline” Directed by Quinton Peeples

This is a 90-minute Frontline film that tries to trace back the emergence of coronavirus from China and the spread of this deadly virus across the globe. Despite several government warnings, the television program also scrutinizes how the United States was unprepared to combat the novel coronavirus. According to Martin...

The Film “Black Death” by Christopher Smith

The outbreak of the bubonic plague that struck Europe in the middle of the 14th century was one of the worst epidemics in European history. Yersinia Pestis, the plague-causing bacterium, arrived from its natural biome in Central Asia with trading caravans and, by the late 1340s, affected most of the...

“The Perfect Dictatorship” by Luis Estrada: The Concept of Dictatorship

Presumably, the best-known markers of a dictatorship are a personality cult and the systematic oppression of human liberties in a certain state. A combination of the two results in the lack of the possibility for the citizens to “change their rulers peacefully,” which Dent (2005) indicates in his dictionary (p....

The Passion of Legendary Martha Graham

In her writing, I am a Dancer, Martha Graham describes her attitude to life journey and mastering the dancing. She presents her feelings and thoughts in light and thoughtful manner, and the wonderful metaphors appear as if on their own. One of the most appealing passages that evoked some compassion...

Islamic Architecture in Its Historical Context

Islamic architecture represents a mixture of secular and religious styles dating to the origin of Islam to the contemporary world. The architecture works reveal various factors that contributed to the uniqueness of this art, including cultural interaction and religious affiliations. While these architectural components remain one of Islam’s identities, the...

The Movie “Pursuit of Happyness” by Gabriele Muccino

Perseverance; the desire to keep going when things seem impossible. It is a measure of success, or at least how much one is willing to sacrifice in the pursuit of success. It is difficult to achieve a goal without a plan or direction, but the end goal and path that...

Visual Analysis of Roden’s “The Thinker” Sculpture

A rather canonic and historically important art sculpture is placed in the Roden’s Museum in Paris. The statue that will be discussed is The Thinker by August Roden in the genre of Realism, created in 1881. The composition represents a man in a deep and intense process of thinking, encompassing...

Researching of Music of the Caribbean

Summary Caribbean music is a bright and profound celebration of the island culture. Its history is rooted in the region’s history, making up a complex melting pot of genres, with the most prominent including salsa, reggae, calypso, and reggaeton, among others. A complicated reflection of its past, the region’s music...

The Concert by Cécile McLorin Salvant and Sullivan Fortner

This paper studies the concert performed by Cécile McLorin Salvant and Sullivan Fortner at Brooklyn Bridge Park on May 5, 2021. Salvant is an American jazz singer famous for winning numerous awards praising her voice. Fortner is also an award-winning composer and pianist who is known for his artistic performance....

Silent Films and Foley Artists

A silent film is a black-and-white movie without sound. From the invention of film technology to the advent of modern sound films, silent films were the most popular entertainment. At first, there was no sound in the films, then they were with musical accompaniment, and then the help of Foley...

“Out of Paradise” by Adam Straus

The Museum of Art – DeLand, Florida, is a vital community visual arts museum committed to hosting several rotating master artist workshops, educational programming, reception, gallery talks, exhibits, and special events. The Museum is devoted to the fine arts collection, exhibition, and preservation (, 2022). The Museum has two separate...

The Development of the Gothic Style

For four hundred years, the Gothic style, which originated in the wealthy monasteries of the Paris area, dominated European art and architecture. Essentially, from the reign of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine until 1485, the Plantagenet monarchs controlled England, and many of them were renowned supporters of the arts...

Making a Masterpiece: “Once Upon a Time in the West”

Once Upon a Time is the West is a 1968 “spaghetti western” made by Sergio Leone and Sergio Donati. The film is recognized as one of the major influences for the biggest directors of the past 40 years, from Martin Scorsese to Quentin Tarantino. In this film, Leone managed to...

The Canvas “The Red Studio” by Henri Matisse

The standard way of thinking about representing the three-dimensional world on a two-dimensional surface is that the one-point linear perspective is the most common tool. It was discovered in 1420 in Florence by Filippo Brunelleschi to create the illusion of reality. However, the early 20th century artists seemed to dismantle...

Impact of Art for Liberating of People

It is important to note that art liberates people during times of hardship by providing freedom and space to escape the chaos surrounding them. For example, it is stated that while the buildings were burning and neighborhoods were sinking in poverty, outdoor dance parties were held in the streets with...

Pottery and Sculpture in Ancient Greece

Pottery The evolution of pottery in Ancient Greece was accompanied by changes in the decorations of items. In the beginning, the Corinthian black-figure was the main method adopted by the manufacturers of the sixth century BCE, and it was one of the techniques which did not change for an extended...

Motifs of Home and Family in “Munich”

Introduction The film Munich explores the historical events at the 1972 summer Olympics, where a Palestinian terrorist group attacked members of the Israeli Olympic team. The film is partially based on Vengeance, a book written by George Jonas that describes the assassination campaign, also known as the operation “Wrath of...

“I Am Legend”: The Book and Film Versions

The book and film versions of I Am Legend differ. Changes were made in the film for adaptation to the characters, plots, and connection to the title. First, the characters in the novel feel more real and include five main characters; Robert Neville, Kathy, Virginia, Ben Cortman, and Ruth. Kathy...

A Song “Help Is on the Way” by Tobymac

Music is an essential part of the majority of people’s lives because it inspires them and helps them to cope with the difficult circumstances they face. Although many popular songs inspire me, one of the main ones is TobyMac’s song called “Help Is On The Way”. Specifically, the song provides...

Tejano as a Musical Genre of Texas and Mexico

Introduction “Tejano” is a musical category originating from the Texas-Mexican border region. As part of a marketing campaign in the 1990s, Tejano was created as a musical genre to promote folk-influenced and popular songs like baladas, cumbias, and polka-rancheras. With the success of musicians like Selena, El Grupo Mazz, and...

Analysis of Brian Helgeland’s 42

42 is a 2013 biographical movie directed by an award-winning American director Brian Helgeland. The motion picture dwells on the events of 1945 when Jackie Robinson (Chadwick Boseman), an African American baseball player, became the first Black player to be signed for Major League Baseball. This film, although allowing for...

Expressionist Music and Its Features

Expressionist music is one of the biggest and most significant musical trends of the early 20th century. This direction was radically different from the previously considered traditional and classical music. Such a separation and denial of established principles was the main distinguishing feature of musical expressionism. Through a departure from...

The Future of Popular Music and Society

One of the key features of society’s life is a culture that represents the knowledge that is acquired and passed from generation to generation. Thus, as a part of the culture, music is directly connected with society’s life and values. Music, especially the popular music genres, reflects the important historical...

Essential Techniques for a Musician’s Tool Kit

Musical technique refers to instrumental players’ ability to exercise optimal control over their instruments to generate the desired musical effects. Improving the skill often requires practicing exercises that increase muscle sensitivity and agility. The compositional style is the composers’ talent and knowledge to create music. It differs from the instrumental...

Relations Between Marie Antoinette and Political, Economic and Cultural Contexts

Introduction Films, just like novels, often tell a story that relates to the political, economic, and cultural issues in society. In modern society, there is an effort among filmmakers to ensure that their productions are relevant to specific audiences. A film that is popular among the youth may not be...

Film “Dead Man Walking” by Tim Robbins

Freedom hits different when one has a life outside the walls of a prison, whereas those in prison are only free within their cells. On top of that, there is a different feeling for those set to get life in prison and those condemned to death, whereby a shooting squad,...

Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 Performance by Valentina Lisitsa

The Lassan, with its short but powerful entrance, is the first section of Lisitsa’s composition. Despite beginning with the C-sharp main triad, C-sharp minor quickly becomes the home key. She modulates easily from here on out, notably to the tonic and relative majors. The Friska is the second section, which...

“Hotel Rwanda” and “Equilibrium” Films Similarities and Differences

Introduction Hotel Rwanda and Equilibrium are two much-spoken movies centered around the controversial issue of questioning the option for choice in nowadays realities. The movie directors and scriptwriters convey diverse meanings in their works and want people to comprehend them carefully when they are overwhelmed with controversial emotions in a...

Artist Katsushika Hokusai’s Life and Artworks

The artist’s life Hokusai was born to an artisan household in the Katsushika district of Edo, Japan, on the 23rd day of the ninth month of the 10th year of the Hreki era (October or November 1760). Katsushika Hokusai was a brilliant Ukiyo-e artist who is estimated to have created...

The Types of Printmaking: Woodcut, Etching, and Lithography

Introduction Printmaking is performed using three major techniques: relief printmaking, intaglio printmaking, and lithography. All types of printmaking are based on a common principle: the image is drawn on some surface and transferred to a sheet of paper. The surfaces used for printmaking include wood, linoleum, metal plates, and stones....

The Body Film by Brian Evenson

Introduction The horror genre, which appears in film or literature form, is a form of art that aims to create a shock or startle to its readers or viewers. The main aim of the horror genre is to provoke a sense of dread experience to the audiences via scary images,...

“In the Heat of the Night” in Light of the Labeling Theory

Introduction The use of theoretical aspects of knowledge and related theories can provide valuable insight into the work and help to understand it better. Thus, this work applies liberal theory to the analysis of the Norman Jewison film “In the Heat of the Night.” It can provide information and predictions...

“Hallelujah” by Vidor vs. “Birth of a Nation” by Griffith

Both “Birth of a Nation” and “Hallelujah” were revolutionary for the beginning of the 20th century. One of the significant aspects of these movies was starring people of color and therefore giving them more representation in the film industry. However, both movies approached this element in very different ways, which...

The Elio Villafranca Jazz Concert’s Special Features

Jazz music entails a complex musical genre that requires advanced training to synchronize with other players and instruments. The typical reviewer may experience difficulties in detecting many visual and phonetic aspects throughout the musical performance. A musical performance involves several interactions between the music, text, artists, audience, and environment, all...

Noah Charney on the Fame of Mona Lisa

A TED Talk by Noah Charney, delivered in January 2022, discusses a question of art history – namely, why the Mona Lisa became and remains arguably the most famous painting in the world. As the author points out, the theme may be fairly controversial between art historians, as the obvious...

Race and Ethnicity in “The Long Walk Home” Film

Summary For this study, a film called “The Long Walk Home” was selected, which was first released in 1991. This cinematic film tells the story of two families who faced crisis times in American history. One of the wives is a decent black maid who works hard both at work...

The “Wood” Exhibition at the Jefferson Museum

Introduction I went to the Wood exhibition at the Jefferson Museum of Art and History located in Port Townsend. The presentation illustrated the history of woodcraft in our region, showing the portraits of many people who contributed to building the town more than a hundred years ago. The featuring craftspeople...

Composer Pierre Boulez’ Biography

Background Pierre Boulez, the most influential French artist of his era and a renowned conductor and musical theorist who promoted the works of twentieth-century writers, was born in 1925 in Montbrison, France, and perished in 2016. Boulez, the child of a winemaker, concentrated on algebra and took musical training at...

Freedom of Expression in Artworks

Art has always been seen as the platform for uninhibited self-expression that is raw in its creativity. Furthermore, it is expected of artworks to push the envelope of the socially accepted, introducing viewers to the complexity of certain moral arguments. However, in some instances, art might appear to be undeniably...

The Painting “Yarrow Mamout” by Charles Willson Peale

A man laughed straight at us in this wonderfully drawn image. He is dressed in a blue jacket with gleaming gold buttons, a hefty coat, and a beanie as if he is just stepped in from the weather. His face is drawn to us by a bright red scarf peeking...

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Overture by Mendelssohn

Music was not majorly affected by Romanticism until the advent of the 19th century. German composers took the forefront when it came to Romanticism in music, with Beethoven, Schumann, Brahms, and Mendelssohn making sizable contributions. Symphonic poems, which struck a connection between music and literature, were familiar to Romantic composers...

Color in “Superman for All Seasons” Book by Loeb

Superman for All Seasons is a renowned comic piece around the world. The story surrounds the life and personal experiences of Clark Kent: an abnormal fellow who enters planet Earth from a foreign one, Krypton. The young boy lands in a meteor-like spaceship that falls close to Smallville, Kansas, on...

Iconography, Cuneiform Writing, and Spiritual Beliefs

The Conventions of Relief Sculpture and the “Stories in Stone”; Iconography in Relation to the Development of Cuneiform Writing Various scenes, carved in flat reliefs and painted, covered the walls of temples in Ancient Egypt. Egyptian artists reduced any volumetric three-dimensional body to two-dimensionality, refusing an illusory-perspective image. All specific...

Hip-Hop Contribution to Forming Positive and Negative Worldviews

Hip-Hop Is About Injustice Hip-hop contributes to forming both positive and negative worldviews and ideological attitudes of today’s youth. Like other manifestation of art, this reflects modern reality; that is, it raises questions that concern its adherents. It includes various issues of sexuality, gender identity, refugees, sexism, and racism. As...

The Film “Chinatown” by Roman Polansky

Introduction Chinatown is a 1974 neo-noir movie directed by Roman Polansky, based on a screenplay written by Robert Towne. The film is a detective masterpiece that got Oscar for best original screenplay, which is interesting to read and re-read, studying how the story is masterfully built. Shot in Los Angeles,...

Movie Review: Life as We Know It

“Life As We Know It” is a 2010 American comedy movie starring Holly and Eric. Their best friend couple, Peter and Alison, were crushed and died in a road accident leaving behind a small child called Sophie. Shortly after the crash, Eric and Holly learned that their friends had appointed...

Five Innovative Jazz Techniques: Overview

Innovative Jazz Techniques The process of learning to play jazz music is often compared with the gradual mastery of a foreign language. Jazz really is a separate musical language in which musicians communicate both with each other and with an attentive listener. Jazz music implies maximum freedom of interplay within...

Farewell to Manzanar: Analysis

Before the camps, Jeanne and her family enjoyed dinner together each night. They laughed and joked with one another, sharing stories of their day. During the camps, though, their dinners were much more somber. The family still ate together, but they spoke little and ate even less. They were all...

Role of Doña Bárbara in Latin American Nation

Based on what I read and saw in the film, Doña Bárbara is significant in building Venezuelan (and Latin American) national identities since it shows new collective consciousness and political perspectives based on multiple identifiers such as gender. Understanding identity and how nationalism can be constructed in various socio-political contexts...

Henri Cartier-Bresson’s and Martine Franck’s Photography

Berger John. 1972. Ways of Seeing. London: Penguin Books. The book by Berger (1972) is a monograph on the interpretation of visual arts from a viewer’s perspective. The book is targeted at a diverse population, including the general public as its primary audience, which is validated by its appeal to...

Jaws by Steven Spielberg Review

Jaws the film is a classic; it is one of the most famous and influential films in western cinematic history. It was released in 1975 by Universal Pictures and gathered worldwide fame and influence, both in positive and negative lights. While some may consider it outdated in mechanics, stylistic choices,...

Benin Bronzes Returning Back to Nigeria

The Benin Bronzes are a contentious issue because they form a significant appreciation in the general culture of the African culture both to the Nigerians and the African continent as a whole. According to Dan (37), another controversy results from who is dignified to retain ownership after they are deaccessioned...

Comparing and Contrasting “Casablanca” and “Bicycle Thieves”

Michael Curtiz’s Casablanca (1942) and Vittorio De Sica’s Bicycle Thieves (1948) are great movies with definite objectives. The production years are relevant for both movies, and the themes presented are factual. Vittorio De Sica’s Bicycle Thieves fits Italian Neorealism where through the leading protagonist, Antonio Ricci, the movie depicts the...

Values in Noriko’s Decision to Marry In Ozu’s “Late Spring”

Before the start of westernization in the XIX century, Japan remained an exceptionally closed country for two hundred and fifty years. A rapid influx of foreigners and the new customs that they beheld caused the Japanese people to experience a certain state of chaos when they had to adjust to...

Art Critics on “Starry Night” by Vincent Van Gogh

Introduction “Starry Night” is one of the most famous pictures of Vincent van Gogh, which was created when he was in the asylum due to his mental health problems. It is generally thought that it depicts the view from his window there. The work of art has always been regarded...

Immortal Blossoms in an Everlasting Spring by Giuseppe Castiglione

Introduction Immortal blossoms in an everlasting spring were sixteen bird and flower paintings by Giuseppe Castiglione. Castiglione was an Italian artist and a Jesuit missionary based in China during the Qing dynasty, where he was known as Lang Shining. The particular piece of art is associated with eternity and the...

Public Art: Painting on the Ground in Times Square

My public art project is a painting on the ground in Times Square, imaging the planet Earth, around which representatives of various cultures are depicted holding hands. This art project has an inspiring function. Multiculturalism, which implies a plurality of mutual influences while maintaining national integrity as the basis of...

Discussion of Fictional Works of Art

Fictional works of art are of particular value to both culture and society. They are some indicators of the intellectual achievements of mankind, which can be used to track its progress. When considering contemporary works of art that could become classics in the future and remain relevant for a long...

Critical Aspects Attributed to Madonna’s Success

The case outlines the success of a prominent Queen of pop Madonna Louise Ciccone who successfully went through her music career. Despite her career, she also owned Chelsea Girl LLC, a limited liability company, and holds one-third of the record company Maverick. Besides, she is among those pioneers of media,...

Depiction of Judith by Cranach, Gentileschi, and Klimt

There is no doubt that every individual has a unique view of the same event and same person, and when it comes to art, there is an even more twisted perspective. Every artist has a distinctive way of capturing moments similar to one’s signature and handwriting that cannot be recreated....

Review of Tap Dancing Role in History and Nowadays

Tap dancing that gained popularity in the first part of the XX century, has remained one of the best loved dances in the world. Being relatively simple and not requiring musical accompaniment, the danse attracts people by its beauty and ingenuousness. People can danse tap dancing without learning to dance...

Square Dance Calling in the United States

Initially, musicians did not call the dances; however, similar to earlier country dances and minuets, musicians memorized the steps and figures after being taught at dancing schools. The cotillions, introduced by many French dance terminology and figures, were led by American and newly arrived French dancing masters and are still...

Theoretical Aspects in Arturo Gonzalez Documentary “All of Me-2016”

The standpoint theory is a theoretical perspective that argues that anybody knowledgeable is stemmed from a social position. The standpoint theory acknowledges diversity by welcoming the oppressed group of women (Halpern, 2019). The documentary shows that the US and Mexico border is the only line that separates the two nations....

Creation of Wakanda by the Filmmakers

Wakanda as an idea is a place where the cultures of different African countries come together and coexist in peace and harmony. The filmmakers created an imaginary copy of the African continent in order to redefine its history. Wakanda honors traditional customs and rituals, but the country also has advanced...

Music: The 00s and Modern Latin Alternative Rock

Introduction It can be said that music is both the heart and the language of culture. A specific cultural group’s melodies and singing manners can reveal many things about its representatives. So I dedicated my ears and mind to rock music from South and Central America. I found many new...

Violence in Joseph Rodriguez’s Photographs

Introduction Joseph Rodriguez’s photography is considered a meditation on the different types of violence in poor communities in East Los Angeles. Being a former drug user, Rodriguez took pictures of the gang life to escape his addiction and show how hatred and cruelty can destroy families and children’s lives (Martinique)....

Relationship Between the Medieval Music and Culture

Musical culture is one of the extremely complex formations in which aesthetic, psychological, social, communicative and other directions are intertwined. This multiplicity is associated with the special parameters of the impact of its basis – music. Music is among the most ancient and widespread arts in human culture. It is...

Between World Wars: Dada and Surrealism Movements

I performed a virtual tour of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) through the organization’s website. The top part of the homepage displays a bold statement in white with a black background reading, “We look forward to seeing you!” I wish I would have visited the museum physically, but I...

Invictus, the Real-life Story by Bolman & Deal

Introduction The real-life story of a leader called Nelson Mandela, together with his efforts to unite South Africans, is the overall inspiration for the film Invictus. Mandela’s new role as president presents several challenges for Mandela’s aim of eradicating racial prejudice and trying to unite his country. As the nation...

Ron Howard’s Film “A Beautiful Mind”

Ron Howard’s film A Beautiful Mind is well known in our country largely due to the incredible work of Russell Crowe, who played the role of John Nash in it – a real scientist who has been struggling with schizophrenia for many years. The story about Professor John Nash attracts...

A Musical Comparison of Beethoven and West

Every historical era has had its genius musicians who could exert a meaningful social influence. Such artists not only created musical works with a creative function but were also crucial historical figures of their time. However, a parallel comparison between the geniuses of past and present times may seem challenging...

Black Males and Character in Artwork by Kadir Nelson

Nelson, K. (2021). Ancient Wonders of the World.  This painting shows a liking of a National Geographic cover, with the images of cultural places such as the Egyptian pyramids, with a statue of a black male centered at the forefront of the cover. This represents the contributions of black men...

Late Antiquity and Classical Art

Late Antiquity may be characterized by a remarkable stylistic shift from realism that was typical for the art of the Roman Empire to the abstract style of Early Christians. Classical art focused on the depiction on the world’s beauty through naturalism and worldly themes. In turn, Early Christian artists did...

The Compositional Development of “The Last Supper” by Da Vinci

There are many pieces of art that portray historically significant or religion-based events. One of the most renowned artists who skilfully incorporated complex composition and style in such work was Leonardo da Vinci. In painting the Last Supper, he impacted the room where Christ and the witnesses are seen as...

Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque: Mosaics of Byzantine Art

Introduction The given formal analysis will primarily focus on Byzantine Art, where the emphasis is put on more abstract elements rather than a naturalistic one. The image is a mosaic, where it brings distinctive features to the imagery, such as depth. The depiction, as a part of Byzantine Art, consists...

Movie Music: Soundtracks That Make the Movie

As soon as the first films appeared, it seemed incredible because the picture on the screen was changing. But after a short time, the pioneers of cinema – the Lumiere brothers, Thomas Edison, and Georges Méliès – realized that there was nowhere without sound (Haider, 2020). Loud projectors make it...

The Exhibition Christian Sorrow: Panorama of the Crucifixion of Jesus

Title: The Raising of the Cross. Author: Peter Paul Rubens; Medium: Oil Paint; Size: 15’2″ × 11’2″; Date: 1610-1611; (Getlein 393). (Rubens). Title: Trinity with the Virgin, Saint John the Evangelist, and Donors. Author: Masaccio Fresco. Size: 21’9″ × 9’4″. Date: 1425. (Getlein 368). (Masaccio). Title: Isenheim Altarpiece. Author: Matthias...

Material Object’s Visual Analysis and Theoretical Interpretation

Visual Analysis As a product in question, an object made by using the technique of wood carving is considered. It is made in the form of a human figure in which the proportions are partially different from real ones. Its form contains both anthropometric elements and abstract parts that perform...

“The Death of a Salesman” Film by John Malkovich

John Malkovich’s film The Death of a Salesman is an adaptation of the 1949 play by Arthur Miller, which was also staged many times in the US, London, Berlin, and Bombay. The plot revolves around the main character, Willie, who feels despair, pity, and fear, being on the verge of...

Comedy and Humour from an Ethical Perspective

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected many industries ranging from restaurants to professional sports, even the movie theater experience will not be the same for years to come. With so many people quarantined, the demand for entertainment content grew, and eventually – the existing shows and movies were not enough,...

The Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt Van Rijn

The painting above is an artwork by renowned artist Rembrandt Van Rijn of the Baroque art group. The painting captures an emotional bitter-sweet reunion characterized by drama and grandeur. The two individuals in the picture display the most emotions considering their posture. The son, who is on his knees, head...

Music From China Ensemble

Organized at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, commonly known as The Met, a musical presentation from five Chinese was to perform on the so-awaited Music from China. On the 19th of January 2010, at the Central Park located venue in New York, United States. The concert, starred by Frederick Rose,...

Blues: Historical Origins and Modern Significance

It may be difficult to deny the significance of creativity in people’s everyday life. Any manifestation of humans’ creativeness may lead to art origin. Music does not make an exception since this kind of art may inspire, unite and influence people. Composing and performing music makes it possible to absolutely...

The Harvard Baroque Chamber Orchestra Performance

Baroque culture significantly impacted musical development in Europe, and the world still admires that period’s compositions. European music of the seventeenth and first half of the eighteenth centuries, created in Italy, France, England, and Germany, is characterized by contrasting elements and differential instrumental sounds (Music of The Baroque). Harvard Baroque...

The Return of the Prodigal Son Painting by Rembrandt

The Return of the Prodigal Son is one of the most insightful oil paints by Rembrandt Van Rijn. The piece is considered one of the veteran painter’s last artistic paintings before his demise in 1669. The portrait was created during the Dutch golden period, which marked the beginning of industrialization...

“Meet John Doe”: United States Power and Politics

Introduction Currently, democracy in the United States is endangered just like it was at the filming of “Meet John Doe.” The Americans do not clearly agree in a marginal way what actuality really looks like (Brackney, 2017). Essentially, humans are not inclined in having similar thoughts or beliefs. In discussing...

Art and Culture in the 21st Century

Born in Britain with Nigerian roots and raised between London and Lagos, Yinka Shonibare manifests a mixed heritage through artwork. In addition, his artistry prowess signifies a person living in two worlds with a global perception of issues such as nationalism, politics, and belonging. His work not only draws one’s...

Discussion of “Breathe” by Michael Smith

The sensuous plane is the dimension on which people listen to music without pondering about it. While undertaking an activity, one switches on the radio and loses oneself in the soundtrack. The mere auditory attractiveness of the music induces a thoughtless but pleasant state of consciousness. Copland describes the expressive...

The Song “Strange Fruit” by Billie Holiday

Musical culture is one of the factors in the formation of public protest. Musical compositions of this genre serve as a protest against the existing situation, politicians, social and global injustice, the way of life, and in general everything that enslaves people, makes them slaves, and perishes a personality out...

Art and its Impact on Religion

Artists inspired to formulate religious arts have proven their crafts to be essential as they increase knowledge of historical and biblical occurrences. The artist uses various textures, colors, and styles to bring history to life, expanding one’s visualization of past circumstances. One of the popular arts in religious paintings is...

Factors of “The Shawshank Redemption” Production

Introduction The Shawshank Redemption is one of the most iconic films produced in the nineties. Considering that it was a time where anti-prisoner sentiment in the US was on the rise, the film, which humanizes prisoners, would inevitably become controversial. However, controversies aside, the movie is also famous due to...

Lyrics of “American Pie” by Don McLean

Attempts to unravel the meaning embedded in the lyrics are a critical part of listening to music. Even those who perceive music solely as an object for entertainment and do not subject lyrics to analysis experience the influence of superficial and hidden meaning. For a long time, discussions among musicians...

Haitian Arts and Their Impact on the World

The Republic of Haiti is a small country in the Caribbean Sea and lies next to Jamaica and Cuba. Despite its comparably small size, many significant artists were born here. A large number of names known in the world of painting originates from Haiti; however, not many people know this...

Country Performers Supporting Social Causes

Introduction In fact, country is a unique genre of popular music mixed with church motives, blues, and American folk. Country songs have roots dating back to the early 1920s in the Southern and South Western parts of the United States. Such melodies usually comprise dance tunes and ballads with overall...

The Cinematic Possibilities of the Book “Outlaw Platoon” by Parnell and Bruning

Introduction The film adaptation of a book can be viewed as a sociocultural phenomenon that heavily influences the formation of reading fashion in any culture. This is especially true today, when visual information prevails in society, partly reducing the reading activity of the population. Therefore, it is important to find...

“How We Listen” by Aaron Copland: The Art of Listening to Music

Aaron Copland composed “How We Listen” in 1957. People who study music or are passionate about music, mainly classical music, are the primary audiences of “How We Listen.” The goal of “How We Listen” is to help audiences who were previously familiar with music or had a passion for listening...

Rowling’s “Harry Potter” Book and Movie Differences

Introduction People passionate about reading books try not to disregard films based on the stories described in their favorite writings. However, many film adaptations have inconsistencies with the books, and some scenes may not coincide with the events written on paper, and readers rarely understand why. One of the main...

How Has the Internet Changed the Recording Industry?

Introduction The Internet has become the most critical factor in the development of the music industry worldwide. When the audience of Internet publications began to grow rapidly at the end of the XX century, it was discussed at conferences whether the Internet would displace television and newspapers. Online music distribution...

The Individual’s Aesthetic and Artistic Culture

Aesthetics has a direct impact on people since the individual’s aesthetic and artistic gradual development becomes a lever for changing the society where people live. Social progress does not stop; it makes a vast number of demands on people, requiring creative activity, creative thinking, straining spiritual forces, testing spiritual boundaries....

Pandemic in Seurat’s “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of la Grande Jatte”

Since the coronavirus pandemic started, it has become clear for the previous way in which society has socialized will most likely never be the same. Children across the globe have been pulled from daycare and schools, college and university students have transferred to online learning, while the majority of companies...

The Aeneid: Virgil’s Poem and Modern Film

The Aeneid is Virgil’s poem that depicts Aeneas’ journey. The Trojan has traveled to Italy, encountering romantic dramas, adventures, and problems on the way. A significant aspect of the epic poem is the love story between Aeneas and Dido. Moreover, the lovers’ first encounter is what subsequently caused them to...

Jacob Lawrence’s Paintings “The Great Migration”

They Were Very Poor The painting depicts a meal by a married black couple; men and women’s sad and tired faces stand out, with furrowed brows and lips compressed in a thin line. In front of them, there is a vast empty table, plates, and the dishes that look tiny...

Jennifer Hudson Musical Performance Review

Jennifer Hudson is a famous singer and actress from Chicago. Previously, I was not familiar with her music, but stumbling upon her recent recital in Central Park, I decided to listen to her performance. My friends from New York managed to attend the concert itself, but I could only watch...

Colour Contribution to the Mood of the Painting of Burial at Ornans

In terms of color, the artwork has minimal unconventional features. A robust white underlay and vivid amber yellow, vermilion, and olive green provide a welcome contrast to the dark tones that prevail in the crowd-focused horizontal strip. The colors used are given a wide range of intonations, with vibrant pops...

Researching of the Age of the Renaissance

The word “Renaissance” is the most sonorous and cheerful, but if you think about it, it is also the most incomprehensible in the history of art. At first glance, the Renaissance means something definite, unlike either the Middle Ages or the 17th-19th centuries. But the closer you look, the less...

The Unusual Biography of Shorter and Parker

Introduction For this task, I have chosen to analyze the famous American musician, composer, and jazz saxophonist, Wayne Shorter, and the legendary American alto saxophonist, and composer, Charlie Parker. These two performers have numerous similarities concerning their music to their own lives and characteristics. The two performers had comparable cravings...

The “Dawn of the Dead” Movie Analysis

Dawn of the Dead is set on the eve of the apocalypse, as zombies progressively take over the United States. The film tells the story of a mysterious sickness that sweeps the country, forcing the recently deceased to rise from their graves and prowl the countryside, fueled by a thirst...

“I Love Lucy”: Retrospect, Supporting and Subverting Gender Roles

Introduction TV shows of the past might appear to be simply relics of the bygone era at first sight. However, on further analysis, they can reveal a treasure trove of peculiar details and facts about the time slot that it is expected to portray. Moreover, with the fingerprints of multiple...

Relation of the Art and Design

In 1850, Wagner’s sayings led to controversy concerning Jewish music when he pronounced that Jewish music is unimportant, nonsense, and characterized by indifference. He wrote that the Jews had no passion to make him an individual who has the desire to undertake artistic creations. Moreover, Wagner did say that Jews...

Edgar Degas as a Famous Impressionist

The desire to draw began to manifest itself in Degas as a child, although his father prophesied him a career as a lawyer. Degas was from a wealthy family and did not need money badly, so he could afford not to sell his works and work on them repeatedly, striving...