Contrast of Irony and Sarcasm: Insights From a First-Order Metalanguage Investigation

The relationship between irony and sarcasm is a matter of active discussion in the linguistic society. These forms of literary expressions have much in common, making it challenging to define and differentiate them accurately. In addition, scientists argue about the types of behavior that should be identified as ironic and...

The School of Athens by Raphael Da Urbino

Raphael Santi (Da Urbino) is an artist, graphic artist, and architect of the Renaissance. He is considered one of the outstanding representatives of the Umbrian school. His career was rapid, but very short since this greatest creator died at the age of 37 (Graham). The great Raphael Santi painted his...

The Locate of Art and Design and Scientific Model

Abstract Science is an essential aspect for the growth and success of art and design. The incorporation of Science in art and design can help to improve and diversify skills. This is similar to the idea of social co-creation towards the creation of value. For instance, the scientist, computer scientist...

Sculptural Perspectives: Kritios Boy and the Dying Gaul

The Kritios Boy and the Dying Gaul are remarkable monuments of ancient sculptures. Although the significance of both statues is excellent, they are very different works of art. The purpose of this essay is to compare the two sculptures and analyze their similarities and differences. First of all, it is...

A Good Scary Movie and Key Requirements

Sometimes it seems odd that a movie that was shot over half a century ago remains scary for contemporary viewers. In contrast, modern scary films are simply irritating and do not possess the former quality. Indeed, filmmaking is one of the most popular mediums that thrive today, with horror movies...

The Venus of Willendorf: The Significance

The value of the Venus of Willendorf is its aesthetic component. The creation of this work of art demonstrates to modern people that their ancestors were concerned about beauty issues (Zygmont, n.d.). It has no practical application, and the theory that it could be used for religious purposes can be...

American Folk Music and American Roots Music

Music is probably one of the most powerful forms of feeling expression that significantly vary across the countries. Each nation has its unique vision of the world and implements different genres to share people’s joy, sorrow, pleasure, problems, happiness, and other emotions (Manard and Coelho 61). In the United States,...

Bob Dylan’s Songs from the “Blonde on Blonde”

Bob Dylan is a legendary person who, through music, was able to convey emotion and meaningful lyrics. The singer has covered many topics related to political, social, and philosophical trends. In 1966 he deviated from his mainstream American folk movement and released the album Blonde on Blonde. The album is...

Horror Films: Role of Women

Younger’s article highlights horror films as the medium where women have a more pronounced role and an agenda. She bemoans insufficient and inadequate female representation in cinema and the genre’s past but tries to convince the audience that recent works manage to avoid the issue (Younger). The author appeals to...

Changing of Art When Life Is Getting Faster

In the developing world, everything is changing rapidly: new technologies are coming, people’s views on many things are changing, and art is also changing to some extent. Perhaps this is due to the change in time, people’s tastes, their interests, and their development. Artists, musicians, and other creators adapt their...

Development of Cubism Overview

Cubism is a modernist movement of the early 20th century, its origin is attributed to 1907 and is associated with the works of Picasso and Braque. In this period, the departure from the naturalistic tradition prevailed in the visual arts. With the development of new visual means and increased expression,...

“In America”: Family and Immigration in Movie

Over the years of observing its negative social, economic, and political effects on migrant communities, immigration, in general, and immigration to the United States, in particular, has lost a substantial part of its appeal. Disclosing the troubling underbelly of sociocultural challenges and economic struggles that immigrant families often face in...

The Works of Louis Moreau Gottschalk and Amy Beach and John Paine

One of the key similarities between the works of Louis Moreau Gottschalk and Amy Beach and John Paine was that each of them utilized unique piano pieces that related to background and ethnic descent. Gottschalk perfected the Creole elements, Beach incorporated numerous folk tunes (for instance, African American, Scottish, Native...

Erin Benay’s “Caravaggio and Caravaggisti in 17th-Century Europe”

The essay “Caravaggio and Caravaggisti in 17th-Century Europe” by Erin Benay describes the artistic contribution and style of a famous artist, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, and explores the problem of originality. Numerous attempts of imitating his works led to the emergence of the term Caravaggisti which identified his stylistic followers....

Modern Ballet and J-Setting Southern Dance Styles

The dance represents a spectacular art of bodily movements and symbolic communication about the human experience. The art of dancing is closely intertwined with the symphonic musical accompaniment and, as a rule, with the lyrical background. In this essay, I will analyze three dances that vary in style, tile of...

The Culture of Music Consumption: The Changing Trends and Indie Label Management

Abstract The nature of music industry has created a scenario where only management savvy indie labels ends up successful in the music marketing. Management dilemmas associated with production and marketing of music are critical for any successful indie label. This report explores the link between modern sales techniques and consumption...

Effects of Music Therapy on the Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia

Abstract Clinicians have, over the years, recognized and utilized the therapeutic properties of music in alleviating the psychological and behavioral symptoms of dementia for patients and their caregivers. Dementia encompasses a range of conditions and diseases characterized by the progressive impairment and deterioration of a person’s cognitive domains. Without a...

Reaction to the Purchase of Victrola

In the paper, a description of how an urban factory worker has bought a Victrola to play records that reminded him of music he grew up listening to is provided. Essentially, the narration can be interpreted in two distinctive ways. First, the purchase of Victrola is a sign of embracing...

The Movie “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” by Ang Lee

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is a Chinese movie that reveals Asian culture, worldview, and values. Ang Lee, the film director, showed the importance of solid morals, true love, and traditions in an adventurous manner with various scenes of martial arts fights and emotional dialogues. The plot moves around the Green...

“The Sacred and Profane Love” by Titian

Introduction “The Sacred and Profane Love” is an oil painting found in Galleria Borghese, Rome. The artwork was designed by Titian and has been analyzed by different people to reveal its meaning. The art was created in 1514 and consists of two women and a little winged boy. Therefore, one...

Three Topics in “The Red Balloon” Short Film

The first thing that I find interesting in the short film The Red Balloon which was filmed in 1956 by Christopher Anderson, is the topic of specific “wind” that propels the balloon throughout the whole picture. For instance, the balloon’s first movement is when Pascal was denied access to the...

Performances “Get Out” directed by Jordan Peele

Introduction In this paper, I will present evidence supporting Ernest Dickerson’s claim that Jordan Peel’s Get Out is “the perfect Black horror story.” Dickerson makes this claim in the documentary Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror, which develops the overall thesis statement that “Black history is Black horror.” The...

Music at Mary Baldwin: Seung-Hye Kim

The performance under consideration is the virtual concert of Seung-Hye Kim. She is not only a pianist but also a successful composer. During the event, she presented several works of contemporary musicians, thereby providing the audience with an opportunity to learn more about recent works (“Music at Mary Baldwin,” n.d.)....

“Black Panther” Hype: Critical Response Essay

Proma Khosla’s essay has specifically targeted people who are enthusiastic about movies. In the first paragraph, Khosla has stated that the film “will be broadcast in movie theaters, on TV screens, and in the hearts and minds of audiences around the world who flocked to theaters to watch Hollywood’s first...

Comedy Analysis: The Woman Next Door

Introduction There have been significant cultural trends in which artworks convey the role of women. Focusing on the feminist discourse, various social groups and individuals have presented it in popular settings, especially the conventional media. Social media’s role in feminist expatiate shows that women’s liberation is portrayed negatively because the...

The Beatles Band’s Strategic Musical Evolution

Introduction The Beatles created the aura of rock music in the US through their classical masterpiece releases that revolutionized rock and roll to the enchanting genre it is today. The musical characteristics of a song are the features that captivate the target audience and ensure it maintains its competitive edge...

Epic and Romance in Medieval Art

Medieval art is characterized by the appearance of new genres such as epic and romance. The Bayeux Tapestry and the Song of Roland are masterpieces of medieval art. These works represented historical episodes from the wars that were fought in the early Middle Ages. In contrast to the epic, the...

The Romantics: Initiators of Progress

The Romantics of the 19th century are not exactly what is typically associated with the term today – and to understand their history and cultural significance, one would need to travel back in time. The Romanticism was a movement that spanned across different forms of art – from music and...

Rock: Composers, and Special Features of the Genre

Rock Music Rock is a genre of music that was originated in the United States in the late 1940s and became extremely popular throughout the years. Rock stars attract large crowds to stadiums and become idols for their fans. As a genre, rock is very diverse since there are many...

Analyzing Modern Art: Works Comparison

The standards for art changed over the centuries from strict and proportionate to daring and distorted. Today people choose what to accept as a masterpiece based on the work’s originality, presentation, and cost. Most viewers would feel uncomfortable in the art gallery if they could voice their personal opinion. Others...

Composition of a Good Scare

Starting off, modern horror films and media rely on the element of surprise to scare the audience. Horror media, especially film, has developed considerably, both as a sphere of culture and an avenue of art in the past few decades. With the improvement of modern technology, filmmaking, and understanding of...

Italian Futurism of 1909-1944 and Its Influences

Introduction Futurism refers to a social and artistic movement that Marinetti established in Italy in 1909 and which lasted to 1944. The movement championed machine age advancements and urban environment significance, propelling people in a progressive mindset. It advocated for science and technology with its mantra seeking to provide answers...

Portico Quartet Jazz Concert Review

Music is often seen as a more expressive art form that may unlock once emotions become too vast for words. Portico Quartet takes the idea of music expressing nuanced emotions even further, transporting the audience to the realm of lucid dreams with their masterfully designed sound and carefully thought-out harmonies....

Jazz Music and Civil Rights Liberation

Introduction Jazz music has progressively gained popularity as a genre for the Black ethnicity. The music has penetrated the mainstream but mainly served to unite blacks during the slavery period. However, its popular adoption fails to reconnect with its history connected to the struggles for liberation by African Americans. Jazz...

Impressionist Cézanne’s Biography and Art

A highly sensitive topic for an analytical essay is discussing the genius of famous artists combined with a critical examination of their talent. The objects of this paper are the biography and art of Cézanne, a famous French post-impressionist painter whose work fell in the second half of the 19th...

“The Physician” Film and Narrative Tradition of “The Epic of Gilgamesh”

Introduction The Physician is a German movie released in 2013, based on a historical novel by an American novelist Noah Gordon. The movie’s plot is about a man whose mother died from sickness during his childhood, and he vows to travel the world to study medicine. The plot essentially repeats...

Diviners, Priests, and Elders and Their Role in Art

Appreciation for special, esoteric knowledge has existed in every community, leading to the ubiquitous presence of a caste that supposedly has the ability to serve as the mediator between the divine and the ordinary. As a result, the functions of diviners, priests, and elders in society have been mostly homogenous...

The Paintings of Van Gogh and George Seurat: Comparative Analysis

Discussion of contrasts evident in artworks from various ages and art movements is an essential part of art investigations. Understanding the differences between works created and analyzing the historical context of the era in question can significantly improve the historians’ knowledge regarding specific artistic approaches (Roslak, 2017). In this work,...

Liz Kotz’s Statement About Artists` Personalities

In most cases, all the artworks can be effectively perceived with reference to the context in which they were created. In this case, much attention should be paid to the artist’s personality as well as social, cultural, and political environments. When discussing the specifics of Simone Forti’s Dance Constructions (1960-1961),...

“Casablanca” and “Being John Malkovich” Films Analysis

Being John Malkovich The first film that is going to be analyzed in this paper is Being John Malkovich. This is a fantasy comedy directed in 1999 by Spike Jonze and written by Charlie Kaufman. The plot of the film is totally absurd and surrealistic. The main character of the...

Concert Report: Rondeau, Bach, Chopin, Webern and Others

Vertigo, Jean Rondeau Jean Rondeau is a Baroque composer; his compositions immerse the listeners into the atmosphere of the early 17th – 18th centuries. Vertigo is performed on the harpsichord that has a long history according to its external appearance (Warner Classics). That is the harpsichord with its balanced timbre...

Observer of Contemporary Art in Abu Dhabi

Introduction Every year photography as art becomes more and more widespread. As the old English proverb says, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Images can be used in various contexts, for example, to convey complex ideas more easily. A wide range of means of creative expressiveness, for example, the...

Black People in Art Overview

The position of the Black people in art was widely discussed at the end of the 19th century, including advocates who represented the African American community. Some of them, such as Booker T. Washington, insisted on equality in the distribution of equal and systematical schooling and the production of creative...

Establishing Scene: A Movie About the Great Depression

The image was taken in New York in 1929, and it shows the panicking crowds of Wall Street during the market crash that led the United States to Great Depression. Adjusted to the camera resolution, the shot can be applied as the establishing scene for a drama about the financial...

History and Meaning of Appropriation in Western Art

In art, appropriation refers to using pre-existing objects or images that have undergone little to no transformation. In the history of the arts, appropriation has played a significant role in developing art and its continuation. Over the past few years, some museums and art galleries have accepted art appropriation practices....

Works of Artists in the Style of Impressionism

The artists who utilized the impressionist style intended to make their work a captivating sketch of real life. In the Claude Monet painting in his Studio Boat by Édouard Manet, one of the impressionist features is the use of different shades of lighting. The painting is colorful and adopts brush...

Leonardo da Vinci’s Artistic Work

Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian polyhistor of the great renaissance age, is generally regarded as one of the most gifted painters of his time. He was born on 14/15 April 1452 in Florence, Italy, and died in 1519 in France. In his early life, da Vinci was enlightened in the...

Why Museums Want to Have Paolo Veronese’s Works

Paolo Caliari, known as Paolo Veronese, is famous for his large paintings connected with mythology and religious topics. His techniques of fresh and innovative ways of painting were noticed and encouraged by many artists and art critics. Along with Titian and Tintoretto, he was considered an excellent artist of the...

Inside Job Film Directed by Charles Ferguson

Inside Job is a documentary film produced in America, whose director is Charles Ferguson. The topic of this paper involves financial crises at the beginning of the 2000s. The film is aimed to provide an in-depth insight into the reasons, which led to crises, and outline its consequences for the...

The History and Implementation of Rotoscoping

The period from the 1870s and the late 1890s is regarded as the time when contemporary animation and film technologies started to develop. It originated when photographer Eadweard Muybridge discovered a method to capture the movement of a horse. Muybridge’s creative approach was tightly connected to Phenakistoscope technology. His innovation...

Popular Culture and Musical Success

Music Marketing management and cultural orientation The changing nature of the music industry has presented a new challenge to the new artists and their bands: breaking into the limelight and making their music known in the industry dominated by major labels. The popular culture seems to work for the major...

Billy Wilder’s Movies Overview

Billy Wilder is a prominent director and producer who made a great contribution to the development of American cinematography. He is the outstanding filmmaker who managed to give more than 50 years to the film industry. It should be stressed that Billy Wilder won six Academy Awards recognized as one...

Chinese Culture: The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

Introduction The mausoleum of the First Qin emperor is found in Lintong District, Xi’an, a province in China called Shaanxi. It is located beneath a tall tomb that is a reduced pyramid built over 38 years ago. It started after Emperor Qin took the throne while he was still aged...

Pan-American Identity in Saludos Amigos Film

Various American directors and producers addressed specific cultural features in their works. Some films even focused on constructing certain propaganda in order to forge a particular view of the Americas’ states. Saludos Amigos (Ferguson, 1942) is a perfect example of the Pan-Americanism movement, which is focused on establishing trustful and...

Verism, Classicism and Individualism in Roman Portrait Sculptures

The Roman civilization is the best known of all the civilizations of the ancient world. The Romans have left a vast literary legacy that allows one to trace the history of ancient Rome in an abundance of detail that never ceases to amaze him. The outstanding achievement of the fine...

Linguistic-Visual Art, Literary Art

For centuries, human beings have been considered the most advanced species on Earth. First, their sophisticated organization and intelligence form part of this advancement. Such superiority can be said to be a human being’s ability to express themselves through arts. Language, as one of the forms of human expression, has...

Similarities Between “The Physician” and Gilgamesh

Many films can draw a parallel with important events for humanity or the myths of ancient worlds in the modern world. Thousands of years have passed, and interest in this period still does not fade. Thus, similarities can be found between Philipp Stelzl’s film The Physician and the hero of...

Early Human Made Animated Art

Human beings evolved in various stages, Paleolithic stage being one of them. They drew images on the caves’ walls where they resided and then used small stone lamps that they made from animal fat to view the pictures. The art was a way of keeping information for future reference, and...

Review of “Hannibal” Movie and Comparison of Articles

The first article under consideration criticizes the gratuitous use of gore in horror media for its inability to impact the audience. While the techniques become more advanced, they do not contribute to the feeling of being scared in the same way as familiarity does (Harris). However, some shows manage to...

Messages in Bob Dylan’s Songs and Performances

Bob Dylan is one of the most unique and influential musicians of the 20th century, particularly in the 1960s. Born as Robert Allen Zimmerman in 1941, Bob Dylan created a new music style and is still regarded as the greatest songwriter and a prominent figure in popular culture more than...

American Shooters in the War Era: Art Comparison

Shooting for the Beef George Caleb Bingham, American, 1811-1879 Medium: Oil on Canvas Dates: 1850 Credit Line: Dick S. Ramsay Fund Accession Number: 40.342 The Songs of the War Winslow Homer, American, 1836-1910 Dates: 1861 Credit Line: Gift of Harvey Isbitts Accession Number: 1998.105.63 The comparison of these two American...

François Boucher and Madame de Pompadour

One of the most remarkable artists of the Rococo period was François Boucher, and his works represent the paining style typical for the artists of that time. However, his belonging to the most known Rococo painters is conditional not only upon his talent but also upon the outside assistance. The...

Modern Art History Based on Picasso and Cezanne

Barr, Alfred H. 1941. “Modern Art Makes History, Too.” College Art Journal 1 (1): 3-6. The reasoning on the relevance of art regarding its role during individual periods and the impact on the overall context of art history is the basis of the article by Barr (1941). The author assesses...

Byzantine Mosaic Work and Architecture in Examples

The Beginnings of Byzantium Art is an important element of understanding ancient history, such as past the Roman culture. The Byzantine Empire existed for more than a millennium between the 4th century and the 14th century and covered a large geographical region (Brooks par. 1). It extended to the southernmost...

Pablo Picasso’s Demoiselles d’Avignon and Art of the Early 20th Century

The Demoiselles d’Avignon, an oil painting by Pablo Picasso, is considered a masterpiece work of art, from which Cubism began. At the same time, the faces of the nude female prostitutes that are depicted on the canvas have an undeniable resemblance to masks, which was typical of the African period...

Robert Rauschenberg’s Monogram and Claus Oldenburg’s The Store Comparison

Robert Rauschenberg’s Monogram is a combination of painting and sculpture. The central element of Rauschenberg’s combination is a taxidermied Angora goat with paint on its face placed in the rubber tire. A black ping pong ball is placed behind the goat, meaning that the animal is defecated on the paintings...

“The Starving Boy in Uganda” Photograph by Mike Wells

Introduction In the contemporary world, the problem of famine or starvation is often neglected due to its slight relevance in the First World countries. Nevertheless, food shortage is a serious issue in the African and Middle-East countries, particularly in the trying times of pandemics (Humanitarian Aid). The photograph by Mike...

“Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture” by Cartwright

Painting, as well as other forms of art, serves to convey the author’s vision of the world. The choice of the plot is never accidental because painters want to share with their viewers the stories that agitate and captivate them. However, production is not the final step of the work....

Concept of the Monster in Frankenstein

The Monster in Frankenstein can be described as a metaphor for the relationship between humans and gods. It was created with a wide range of imperfections and flaws, which make it displeasing and even disgusting to other people. However, it was a conscious and self-aware creature, which understood its position...

American Suffrage Movement in “Iron-Jawed Angels”

HBO’s Iron-Jawed Angels offers a vivid, if fictionalized, look at the history of the American suffrage movement in the early 20th century. The struggle for the constitutional amendment guaranteeing female enfranchisement faced considerable opposition from within the suffrage movement as well as without. White and black activists from different social...

Plot of “Dope” Film by Rick Famuyiwa

The film Dope, directed by Rick Famuyiwa, focuses on the lives of three teenage friends who live in an unfavorable neighborhood and attend a public school, dreaming about a better future. The movie plays with stereotypes, portraying its main character Malcolm (Shameik Moore) and his two comrades, Diggy (Kiersey Clemons)...

Midsommar: Scene Analysis

Being a comparatively recent thriller, “Midsommar” has managed to take both critics and viewers by storm with its unique premise and stunning cinematography. The film is filled with scenes that can be used as an example of stellar filmmaking. However, one of the scenes stands out particularly strongly, offering the...

History’s Greatest Impressionists and History’s Forgotten Impressionists

History’s Greatest Impressionists and History’s Forgotten Impressionists are episodes from the documentary series The Impressionists: Painting and Revolution. They were produced by the BBC and aired in 2011. The episodes are devoted to the age of impressionism in European art. The narrator Waldemar Januszczak speaks about the history of impressionism,...

Interpersonal Relationships in the Movie Crash

The movie Crash (2004) raises multiple essential topics, and some of the described issues are still acute in society. All of them are connected with interpersonal relations, which form the basis of human existence. These include political correctness, ethics, the ability to forgive, trust, and other aspects of human relationships....

“Searching for Bobby Fischer” by Steven Zaillian

The film Searching for Bobby Fischer by Steven Zaillian is about the childhood of a chess player Joshua Waitzkin. The movie is based on the real life of the chess player. When Josh Waitzkin was seven years old, his family noticed that the boy has a great interest in chess....

Researching of Pop Art in the 1960s

Introduction The US in the 1960s was a country with a need for the people to express themselves in an extraordinary way. The classical art schools did not have the potential for divergent tendencies among the painters, sculptors, fashion designers, and musicians of that time. It was an appropriate moment...

The Movie ”Crash” by Paul Haggis Review

Section I There are two main characters in the movie Crash whose behavior can be considered to be a result of their acculturation. These are: Cameron Thayer (the black television director), and the Persian man’s daughter, Dorri. The TV director works in a white-dominated environment and he is so acculturated...

The Film “Wall Street” by Oliver Stone

The entire infrastructure of a people’s culture (political, economic, artistic, educational institutions, etc.) is interwoven with personal impressions, ideas, attitudes, and emotions. In terms of cinema/film – the visual/fine arts realm – there is no exception. Perfectly epitomizing this premise is the quote “Does art reflect life? In movies, yes....

Painting as a Translation of Photography in Two Ivans and Oksana

There is a productive tension produced as a result of the coexistence of photographic aspects and painterly qualities in the image and so, this paper aims at explaining how this painting is a translation of photography. According to Maniichuk and Brady, this painting is an example of social realism, which...

Athanasiou’s Photos of the Dolder Grand Renovation

Nadia Athanasiou is an artist who graduated from the photography class at the Zurich School of Design. Since then, she has been working as a freelance photographer. Athanasiou was a member of the Documenta Natura Foundation, which created extensive photo documentation of various construction, transport, tourism and research projects in...

Photojournalism. Is the Proof in the Picture?

Technological advances in electronic imaging and the proliferation of digital photography have greatly reduced the validity of the belief “the proof is in the picture.” Photojournalists depend greatly on this belief of the integrity of a picture, but in the age of today’s technology, there is a lot of debate...

Emotional Inmpact of Two Paintings Compared

The portrait depicts the slain Marat holding his murderer’s letter of introduction and the knife that had been used to kill him just next to his bathtub. In the picture of the return of the sons of Brutus, there is the depiction of a grieving leader (Brutus) mourning his sons...

Inti Illimani’s “El Aparecido” and Mapfumo’s “Nyarai” Songs

Songs “El Aparecido” and “Nyarai (Be Ashamed)” are examples of how the citizens of South America and Zimbabwe demonstrate their response to political and social changes. In “Nyarai,” traditional musical features are an 8-beat melodic cycle, the polyphonic interplay of bass and guitars, improvisation, and insistent articulation by percussionists (Schechter...

The Transition of Roman Art Into the Christian and Byzantine Eras

The Transition The Roman Empire had a huge impact on the artistic and architectural patterns of many places where the empire ruled. The artistic impressions that were depicted in the art and architectural forms addressed various forms of human activities and emotions. Roman Empire art and architecture reflected the value...

Substance Abuse: Alcohol and Drugs in the Movie “Ray”

The movie “Ray” by Taylor Hackford depicts the life journey of Ray Charles, a famous American pianist, and singer. The plot evolves as Charles grows up, from the age of seven when he loses his vision to adulthood when he tours across the United States as a rhythm and blues...

Mondrian’s “Composition With Yellow, Blue and Red”

For the purposes of this assignment, I have chosen Piet Mondrian’s “Composition with Yellow, Blue and Red.” The artist painted the picture between 1937 and 1942, and, according to Composition with yellow, blue and red (n.d.), it reflected the progression in his search for “the abstract quality of the line.”...

Imagination as a Source of Art

Janet Echelman (2011), in her Ted Talk “Taking imagination seriously,” proposes a new way of interacting with the ordinary things. When she was a teenager, she applied to several art schools but was not accepted to any of them. She decided to study art and sculpture on her own, and...

“The Clarinet” by Anthony McGill and Anna Polonsky

Introduction Although a concert cannot be regarded as an everyday routine event that requires an appraisal, the critical review of an attended concert may be highly beneficial for a better understanding of music. To create an appropriate analysis of any performance, a listener will inevitably concentrate on the general atmosphere,...

The Virtual “Anti-Corona” Concert Review

The Concert Environment The virtual “anti-corona” concert with Albrecht Mayer (oboe) and Kimiko Imani (piano) was performed as a response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. It consists of four prominent works by Johann Sebastian Bach arranged for the aforementioned instruments (“Albrecht Mayer Plays Bach’s Air”). The concert takes place at...

Life and Inspiration of Ana Mendieta: Article Review

Introduction The article by Petra Barreras Del Rio presents to the reader crucial milestones on Ana Mendieta’s creative road. The author interprets each period of the artist’s career, focusing on the sources of her creative energy, the symbols, and the meaning of her works. Mendieta was pioneering in the area...

”The Tempest” Performance in St. Louis Review

Introduction Plays are written to be performed on stage, although it may be fascinating and enjoyable to read them as works of literature. However, when watching a theatrical performance, one may get emotions different from those which could be gained from reading. Moreover, impressions of performances of the same play...

Importance of Artreach Community Arts Program for Women

Summary of the evaluation plan Evaluation is a very imperative process in the execution of any project/program. The ARTReach program is an 8-week community arts program that is meant to improve the way of living of marginalized young women by instilling life skills and capacity in them. Similar studies with...

Canadian Indigenous Horrors Films: “Blood Quantum”. Film Proposal

Film Proposal North America has been a home for many outstanding movies throughout modern history. Most of the notoriety is, expectedly, attributed to Hollywood filmmakers and their large productions, which does not portray the North American film scene fully. Canadian film plays a large role in the industry as well,...

How Alice and Giselle Teach Us to Comprehend the World

Every day now, people learn more about the world around them than medieval scientists in their entire life. Alice in Wonderland, a fairy tale by Lewis Carol, and Enchanted (2007) Disney movie are two peculiar stories about how a person reacts in an entirely new environment. This paper aims to...

Artistic Works: Genres and Examples

The division of artistic works into genres is a widespread classification applicable to any piece, and it covers all the possible forms of portraying reality. Its use facilitates the assessment of cultural products and the transmittance of the intended message through the means inherent in it. Hence, the analysis of...

Linear Perspective or Verticality

In the current essay, the central purpose is to answer the essential question: what effect does “linear perspective” or “verticality” have on us? Moreover, one of the artworks discussed in class will be presented and analyzed. The last part of the paper is devoted to a writing reflection form that...

American Food Industry in the “Food, Inc.” Movie

The movie in question dwells upon the US food industry. It unveils the secrets of the contemporary producers of food and the way food affects Americans. The movie reveals the downsides of the industry that has many negative effects on the environment as well as people’s health (Kenner, 2008). Clearly,...

Derain’s “Large Bathers” and Matisse’s “Pink Nude”

The given comparative analysis of art works will focus on Andre Derain’s Large Bathers and Henri Matisse’s Pink Nude. The painting Large Bathers presents and depicts a less sexualized form of nudity. In order to conduct a thorough analysis, one needs to take into account a number of parameters of...

François-Xavier Roth and Tabea Zimmermann

Introduction François-Xavier Roth’s and Tabea Zimmermann’s performance at Berliner Philharmoniker was focused on Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach’s Symphony in D major, Wq 183 no. 1. The instruments employed were violas, and the orchestra was performing Der Schwanendreher of Paul Hindemith. Tabea Zimmermann was also highly culturally influenced by Hindemith’s musical...

The Concept of “Pop Art” in the Culture

Pop art can be viewed as a unique phenomenon that combines different trends peculiar to the modern world. First of all, it started to serve as a commodity and can be sold to generate value. Second, pop art reflects the evolution of business and is often used as a method...

Hip-Hop in the Bronx and Link to Gentrification

Introduction Hip-hop is usually associated with economically depressed and predominantly African American (Black) neighborhoods. The art form originated in Bronx County, in the City of New York during the 1970s (Knight). From the beginning, it has been masked by mystery, and this is because the genre started on the fringes...

Latinxs’ Image in the “Dynasty” TV Show

Introduction Entertainment serves as a reflection of many societal changes and trends. The audience seeks not only entertainment but a genuine, accurate representation of real life. However, for decades, movies have been misrepresenting some marginalized groups of people and favoring others. A significant part of the demographic that is mainly...

Comparing and Contrasting Sheryl Crow and Hootie and the Blowfish

No matter what genres are used to express an artistic intent, at its core, all music seems to appeal to the same emotions and experiences. Therefore, the artists that could seem barely comparable at first appear to have a lot in common at second glance, as the overview of music...

“Good Hair” and “Americas: Mirrors of the Heart”: Documentaries Comparison

Introduction Racial identity may be defined as a specific sense of belonging to a particular racial group. It is based on the person’s perception that he or she shares the same heritage with this group. The examination of racial identity is highly essential for the evaluation of historical and social...

The Film Quiet Rage Analysis

As a psychological experiment, The Quiet Rage showed us how mental conditioning plays a vital role in how we view our lives and how people treat one another. It shows how us how we can lose sight of ethics and legalities once given the power to exercise over our fellowmen....

Movie Review: Miss Evers’ Boys

The Tuskegee experiment that took place in America over a period of four decades was an ethical catastrophe. The movie, “Miss Evers’ Boys”, captures the emotional and physical effects of the experiment on the participants, most of who succumbed to the disease. The experiment was a violation of most, if...

The Social Aspects Affecting Faith Ringgold’s Art

Introduction In the words of a great artist, “You can’t sit around and wait for somebody to say who you are. You need to write it and paint it and do it” (Ringgold). Faith Ringgold is one of the most well-known representatives of the modern African American creative community. Her...

Fantasy in “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” Film

The film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a piece of art that was authored by David Hands in 1937. The fantasy musical work teaches children and adults the severe effects of jealousy and the significance of true love. The writer aims to communicate the theme of love and...

The Paintings of Hieronymus Bosch and Georges Seurat

The two works of art chosen for this discussion were created in different periods. The first one is by Hieronymus Bosch, titled The Garden of Earthly Delights, which was created between 1503 and 1515 (Halle, 2019). This painting features some stories from the Bible and a variety of characters and...

Science and Society in Black Panther: Long Live the King

In the graphic novel Black Panther: Long Live the King, Okorafor, and Covington explore both positive and negative effects of scientific progress. Wakanda, a highly developed country, achieved significant technological progress using a unique natural resource, vibranium. However, the creature that emerges as a result of scientific experiments with vibration...

Art Creation and Reflection: A Personal Art Piece

Painting is one of the most popular forms of traditional art, which has fascinated people by the variability of genres and the uniqueness of ideas hidden behind each creation. My favorite kinds of painting are landscape and still life. In the present paper, I would like to present my own...

“Schindler’s List” filmed by Steven Spielberg

Being one of the most prominent stories ever filmed by Steven Spielberg, Schindler’s List demonstrates a precise sequence of historical events which took place during the Holocaust. What is special about the film is that all the people and places correspond to reality, and the majority of events and dialogues...

Antonio Vargas’ “Documented”: The Challenges Immigrants Face

Introduction Immigration has been a hotly contested topic for many years. Many people, especially in developing nations, want to move to developed countries like the United States to seek better ways of livelihood and better-paying jobs. However, the traditional way of being registered as a migrant is long and tiresome...

The Film “Cabaret” by Bob Fosse

The plot of the film Cabaret had passed several stages from The Berlin Stories by Christopher Isherwood and I am Camera by John van Druten to the musical movie we can watch nowadays. Still, the movie does not only present some eternal values which are topical even nowadays but it...

“Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing” by Johnson

Music has many functions and purposes as it can entertain, comfort, raise important social topics, and highlight events. Music also can inspire and unite, as multiple examples demonstrate. “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing” by Johnson is an example of unifying and inspirational sons, since it brings Black Americans together, speaking...

“The Bucket List” by Rob Reiner: Rehabilitation Course

The current essay reflects the rehabilitation course through the movie “The Bucket List” by Rob Reiner. In the paper, I answer the question: did the patient portray any spiritual beliefs or distress throughout the movie? Moreover, I recall emotions felt during the semester after watching it and providing patient care....

“The Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo Buonarroti

Art Creation and Reflection Since ancient times, people have created art and marveled over it. The variety of art mediums allows every person to find his or her own favorite genre and explore the works of different artists proficient in it. As for me, painting is the most graceful kind...

Development of the Museum as an Institution

The concept of an institution requires that there is a mutual agreement on what kind of solutions are used to respond to the problems that arise as a part of everyday societal needs. To be more specific, the term “institution” could be related to either private or public organisms intended...

Who Should Be Given Credit for Inventing Photography?

Introduction Human beings naturally have a strong visual sense of the surrounding world despite the differences in individual tendencies towards visual beauty and creativity. Within a significant number of human inventions, photography plays a particular role in developing art and its use for personal purposes. However, the advent of such...

The Shawshank Redemption Film as a Realistic Story of Two Prisoners

The Shawshank Redemption is an American motion picture based on Stephen King’s novel, one of the most recommended films for many years. It was composed and coordinated by Frank Darabont in 1994. The film describes Andy Dufresne’s fate, a man falsely accused of committing the homicide of his wife and...

What Is Art For? Art for Life’s Sake by Dissanayake

Understanding the essence of art and the perspectives of its evaluation by people is not always easy. In comparison to other educators of art, the approaches demonstrated by Dissanayake are the most truthful and the most interesting. One of the first claims was the idea that art could encompass all...

Ladysmith Black Mambazo’s Concert in March 2020

Ladysmith Black Mambazo is the worldwide famous African male choral group with more than fifty years of performance history. In 2020, the singers were forced to cancel their tour due to the pandemic and death of the group’s founder, Joseph Shabalala (Ladysmith Black Mambazo). However, Ladysmith Black Mambazo gave one...

“Gone With the Wind” by David O. Selznick Review

Gone With the Wind is still considered the highest-grossing film in the history of American cinema. By 1943, it had over $ 32 million in fees (with a budget of just over $ 4 million, including advertising costs). In subsequent releases, it increased this amount to $ 76.7 million. The...

Impressionism and Symbolism in Music

In Claude Debussy’s “Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun” the opening melody is played by the flute. Throughout the whole piece, the parts of the woodwind section – especially flute, oboe, and clarinet – are very prominent and lead the melody. String section also plays a major role, coming...

Main Character in the American Movie “High Fidelity”

The main character in the American movie “High Fidelity,” based on the book of the same name by British writer Nick Hornby, is Rob. In short, the works tell of how the owner of a vinyl store cannot accept the termination of a loving relationship. Both versions were published at...

Youth Violence in the Film “The Interrupters”

Several factors have to be considered when discussing the different issues brought on by youth violence. Over the years, much has been blamed on economic, social, and cultural elements. Thus, it can be argued that the given quote “community members, youth advocates and youth themselves consistently say that it is...

Humor at American and British Film Comedy

Human nature never ceases to look for ways that can relieve pain and avoid suffering. Recent research has shown that the most powerful and healthy way to deal with sadness is humor. However, it appears that the film industry has not been using humor as a way of healing; instead,...

“The Birth of Nation” Film by David Griffith

The film The Birth of Nation is one of the most ambitious projects of the first half of the 20th century. David Griffith created this silent movie in 1915 and used as a base for the plot the books of Thomas Dixon. This film is a significant representation of the...

“Paradise Two” by Thomas Struth

Introduction Many artists have used art as a means of communication with their audience and concisely passing information, encrypted in their art. These pieces of art include paintings, photographs, and sketches drawn to represent some information or to fulfill some people’s desires and ways of thinking. Looking at articles of...

Lack of Scientific Understanding and Ian Curtis’ Song Transmission

Ian Curtis’s song “Transmission” written in 1978 not only explains the singer’s personal reaction towards modern life and technology but also, to an extent, accounts for the lack of scientific understanding by the general public in the US, today. The song has been written keeping in mind those specific people...

“The Slave Ship” by Turner: Romantic Landscape of Death

Joseph Turner, a prominent Romanticist, expressed strong opinions on the anti-slavery agenda, and The Slave Ship is a part of his activist statements. The background portrays a lost ship caught in the storm (Turner). Foreground displays sea creatures and chained black slaves pushed into the water. I find it fascinating...

Jenifer Wofford “Flor 1975” Poster

Jenifer Wofford, a contemporary artist from San Francisco, has created a series of works dedicated to Flor Villanueva, an imaginary immigrant from the Philippines. The drawings were initially outlined in ink and later colored and positioned in a photo editor. They show a Filipino nurse who moved to the US...

“String Quartet No. 10 in E-flat Majo” by Ludwig van Beethoven

The concert the author of this report had the opportunity to witness this year was the performance of the Peachtree String. The concert was held at the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra on April 16 (Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, 2020). The musicians performed Ludwig van Beethoven’s String Quartet No. 10 in E-flat major...

Attitude to Photography. Art and Design

In art and design, the artist’s primary aim is to make the audience interested and educated. Notably, actualizing this requires an individual to embrace critical thinking and present a variety of attractive photographs. Moreover, design, talent, and educational skills are prudent to enhance knowledge about what most viewers prefer to...

Freakonomics the Movie Overview

Introduction Freakonomics, a movie released in December 3 2010 originates from the book with a similar name. The directors of the movie are Heidi Ewing and Alex Gibney among others. Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, the authors of the book Freakonomics discuss social issues like abortion, parenting and the impacts...

Johann Sebastian Bach’s Sacred Cantata BWV 29

Introduction The sacred cantatas constitute a significant part of the scope of the music of the era of Baroque. The music that worshiped God and his creations in instrumental and vocal pieces aimed at praying the Creator. Being predominantly church music, sacred cantatas were constructed in strict form and under...

“Daughters of the Dust”, “Boyz n the Hood” and “Boy” Films

Introduction The issues that occur on the ground of social interactions, especially between different races, disturb many scholars and the entire public since their consequences are tangible and dramatic. The obvious point is that they directly result from social attitudes and biases, diverse cultures and traditions, and the complicated nature...

Program Music. Bedrich Smetana and Hector Berlioz

Program music is one of the key features of the Romantic Musical Style, which brings more depth and context to the performance. It is important to note that it opens a new window of opportunities to enrich instrumental music by providing a meaningful connotation. The given analysis will primarily focus...

The Art of Africa Understanding

The understanding of a well defined cultural or ethnic style was a significant reason for the study of African art. Through the exploration of the various ethnic styles, it becomes easier to recognize the standards of value and beauty that the African artists try to achieve and by which their...

Through the Thorns to True Self

The theme of suffering for the achievement of important goals is inherent to numerous novels, movies, and fairy tales of all time. The current paper compares The Little Mermaid, written by Hans Christian Andersen, and The Devil Wear Prada, directed by David Frankel. From one point of view, these two...

“The Eagle Huntress” by Otto Bell

The film is primarily a documentary as it depicts the real story of a young eagle huntress from Mongolia. Moreover, the director showed many details from modern Mongolian nomadic inhabitants’ lives and their traditional occupations. Watching the documentary, the viewer can learn about the living of Altai’s people and the...

“Indian Fire God” Painting by Frederic Remington

The purpose of art is to provoke thoughts and evoke associations in the beholder. Some works attain this objective through the beauty of their images, whereas others rely on different strong emotions. Art has many sources, and, while some paintings focus on the depiction of actual events, other pieces reflect...

Reginald Rose’s Courtroom Drama “Twelve Angry Men”

It is hard to disagree that all people are trying to achieve justice, equality, and freedom, and drawing the public’s attention to the fundamental problems is one way to do that. Since writing and words themselves are a great power, it has become a common practice for authors to express...

“The Journey Through and Into Darkness”

The Journey into Darkness – Who is in charge? The Do Lung Bridge scene is particularly archetypal in the context of the movie Apocalypse Now and cinematography in general. The scene begins with the boat approaching the bridge, as it is the last military post on the Nung River. Meanwhile,...

Controversies About How to Interpret Music

The question of how to interpret the music of the past is a matter of perpetual controversy. Should performers play in a way that recreates the music as the composer would have heard it, or should they adjust to modern conventions? One point of view, represented by longtime New Yorker...

Music Appreciation: A “Great” Composer

A “Great” Composer Historical Period One (1) Historical Period Two (2) Which historical period? The Baroqueperiod represents Western music composed between 1600 and 1750, following the Renaissance and leading up to the classical era. The term is borrowed from the Portuguese language and means an oddly shaped pearl. The music...

“Network” by Sidney Lumet

The Network is a famous American movie that was released in 1976 and gradually joined the ranks of the most culturally significant films ever produced in the United States. The plot is centered on Howard Beale – a prominent TV presenter who works for the Union Broadcasting System network. The...