Case Law Analysis: Intellectual Property

The following is a presentation of a legal case most relevant to the current operations of the Wixen Music Publishing company. Though the case of White-Smith Music Publisher Co. v. Apollo Co was tried in 1908, its outcome still affects the music industry. Apollo Co, a mechanical piano manufacturer, was...

Chris Anderson: Digitization of Music

In an influential article titled The Long Tail that was published in 2004, Chris Anderson asserts that we should forget about making about making a few mega hits in the charts. He claims that the future of entertainment lies in the niche markets that are not captured by the much...

Is Ornament Necessary in Architecture?

A famous and talented architect Adolf Loos considered simplifying various architectural objects his primary purpose. In his well-known essay “Ornament and Crime,” he suggested achieving a four-hour working day and easier shifts by removing ornament, and though many architects agreed with him, this idea has never been brought to life....

Vincent Willem Van Gogh: Life and Creativity

Vincent Willem van Gogh is a Dutch artist born on March 30, 1853, in Groot Zundert in the North Brabant province of Noord-Brabant, bordering Belgium. Memories of the famous artist about the beginning of life were sad, the childhood time was associated with darkness, coldness, and emptiness. The period of...

“His Girl Friday” Film by Howard Hawks

Watching His Girl Friday, one may not only enjoy dynamic comedy but also learn much about the technique of cinematography by how Howard Hawks fills energy in the static, prosaic environment. The restaurant scene, where Walter Burns leads his ex-wife Hildy Johnson and her fiancé Bruce Baldwin, shows a sign...

Ray’s “The Secret in Their Eyes”: Morality, Justice, and Love

Art is one of the popular forms of expression of human thoughts and deep feelings. In particular, cinema is one of the areas of art that allows people to raise and reveal eternal questions. The Secret in Their Eyes is a good example of a work that addresses critical human...

Rap Artistry and Production Concept

Introduction My career of choice is rap artistry and production; while this may not be the traditional answer you would get when asking someone what they want to be when they grow up, this has been my dream for a few years now. Rap has been an integral part of...

Laughter and Its Therapeutic Value

Laughing is not just amusing but good for one’s well-being. The therapeutic value of laughter has been thoroughly studied for the last decades and even laugh-based interventions were proposed as a method of healing. Recently, interest in non-invasive and non-pharmacological therapy has increased. Laughter therapy has grown in popularity and...

“Boyz n the Hood” by Steve Nicolaides: A Movie Review

The phenomenon of human development can be accessed from several theoretical perspectives, one of which is Piaget’s theory. Offering four stages of development as the foundational milestones in gaining essential cognitive skills, Piaget’s approach outlines the following developmental points: the sensorimotor object permanence), preoperational ((egocentric), concrete operational (conversational), formal operational...

“The Lord of the Rings” by Peter Jackson

This movie has an Oscar for its screenplay because it contains all the essential elements that engage the audience and allow the story to unfold in an interesting manner. Conflict is one of the key features of a good screenplay. For example, Lingerfelt (2016) argues that internal and interpersonal conflicts...

Shakespeare’s The Tempest in the Savage Rose Theater

A comprehensive assessment of a theatrical performance is a convenient mechanism for gaining new experiences about which elements of a spectacle deserve particular attention and can influence the impression of what viewers see. As an object of evaluation, I have chosen the online play The Tempest created by the ingenious...

Operations and Information Management of CC Music

Introduction The given report outlines the main features of CC Music, a company founded by Chris and Clive. It focuses on the provision of specific services to bands that include social media marketing, keeping business accounts, providing an updated calendar of events, and keeping track of the communications between the...

Famous Artists of the 18th Century: Jacques-Louis David’s Life

Jacques-Louis David is one of the most famous artists of the 18th century, not only for his art but also for the participation in France’s revolutionary movement. He was born in Paris in 1748, and throughout his life, he was a supporter of neoclassicism, which was reflected in his work...

Rapalje Band’s Musical Performance in Castlefield

In 2017, the Castlefield world music festival was held, and “Rapalje” carried the audience to the abyss of the Celtic folk again. Typically, the attendance at their concerts is repeatedly the same, but this festival attracted many new faces. After this concert, the number of “Rapalje’s” fans is likely to...

The Theatre Arts Program at the ABC Center for Families

In order to participate in the program to obtain the funds necessary for the implementation of a particular idea, it is not enough to find the required sponsor. The decisive condition is the correctness and completeness of the corresponding project application’s preparation according to the requirements of the grant competition....

Cover Versions and The Music of the Beatles

Cover Versions African American contributions have an important place in the history of music. By fusing different techniques which originated in Africa with their unique vocal abilities, black Americans provided the world with jazz, blues, hip-hop, and other notable genres of music. While a part of the population enjoyed these...

Music of a Classical Era: Personal Opinion

When discussing the music of the Classical Era (1750-1825), there are many things that one needs to take into account. Such aspects as design, form, and order make the works of this period unique and memorable. Since I began this course, I have listened to several notable and famous compositions,...

The Definition of Art and Visual Art

I do not consider a beautifully made tool a work of art because the intention for its creation is dissimilar from producing an art object. In my view, art serves the purpose of communicating the author’s thoughts through the objects that he or she creates. I do not think that...

“Fall Tiling” by Warren Chang

The painting of the famous contemporary American artist Warren Chang “Fall Tilling” is exhibited in the Monterey Museum of Art. This narrative artwork, painted in 2010, depicts typical agricultural workers who are tilling the soil in Monterey County, California. This portrayal of common people doing their daily work in the...

Manifesto of a Generation: “The Breakfast Club” by John Hughes

Introduction The Breakfast Club was different from typical films for young people of that time. The release of the picture determined the development of the English-language youth cinema genre for decades. I choose this film because although it is a simple story without plot twists and unpredictable ending, the most...

The Raft of the Medusa Painting

Introduction: Styles Realistic. This style is explained by the fact that the events depicted in the picture, precisely the struggle of the passengers who were left on the raft at sea for their lives, took place in real life. Furthermore, it reflects a situation that could actually happen. Representational. This...

Laura Pergolizzi Live Concert Review

Introduction What is one thing that Rihanna, Backstreet Boys, Christina Aguilera, Cher, Leona Lewis, and Celine Dion have in common? It is a piece of the heart of a music phenomenon Laura Pergolizzi, also known as LP, who wrote their hits. A successful, prolific songwriter, she took over the world...

Personality Affected by Culture and Family Values

The personality and ambitions of the person are closely affected by their family values and culture. Since the family is one of the first concepts each encounters in life, its importance and propositions shape its progress and dictate his or her actions in future life. The background given during childhood...

Grant Woods American Gothic “American Couple” Painting

An “American couple” is very beautifully portrayed in the painting. The background of their home is a very striking factor in the painting. The man is holding a pitchfork with a stern look on his face. The woman in the painting is very reluctant to make any eye contact whatsoever....

Metropolis as a Legend of the World Cinema

Legend of the world cinema Metropolis is a legend of the world cinema, which fully conveys the spirit of its time. Researchers state that one can even note some Expressionist elements in this movie. It is based on a mixture of biblical motifs and reflections on the class struggle, diluted...

“The Lazarus Effect” Horror Film

“The Lazarus Effect” is a film dedicated to combating HIV and AIDS in Africa. It tells a story about Zambian people infected by these illnesses and their lives. Undoubtedly, HIV changes the life of every person who has it. Still, I think that Constance Mudenda, a supervisor of several clinics,...

Playing Music and Its Benefits for Health

Nowadays, when there is a large choice of various hobbies, it may be uneasy to take up one. People usually consider all benefits that a particular pastime could bring them before pursuing it. To my mind, music-making is the practice that not only brings pleasure to the player and the...

Performance by the Frost Concert Jazz Band

Jazz is a musical genre that originated in the early 20th century and takes its roots in New Orleans. Since its popularization, there have been many subgenres of it that were defined by their historical eras. However, the standard components of jazz include specific musical instruments, syncopation, and the element...

Huun-Huur-Tu Live Musical Performance in California

In 2008, in a live performance in Fantasy Studios, Berkeley, California, “Huun-Huur-Tu” remained committed to their homeland’s centuries-old music style. The group exists for over a quarter-century, providing its fans with a lively, smooth, and warm sound. Their lyrics include the topics of nature, love stories, their homeland, sadness, and...

Colombian Singer J. Balvin

Colombian singer Jose Alvaro Osorio Balvin became famous all over the world as J Balvin and broke many musical records. During the 16 years of his career, he has released seven discs, sold 35 million copies of singles and 4 million copies of albums (Katler). Besides, the singer has become...

The Influence of A. Gentileschi’s Self-Portraits on Early Feminist History

Introduction The emergence of feminism was accompanied or, as it is often said, provoked by certain trends in art. One of the most famous painters, who supporters of this movement refer to, is Artemisia Gentileschi. Her revolutionary works attract attention and inspire thousands of people. Along with that, Artemisia’s biography...

Live Concert of Arctic Monkeys in Glasgow

The incredible performance of Arctic Monkeys in the heart of Glasgow was a phenomenal success among Scottish spectators. The band performed 20 musical compositions as part of the TRNSMT Festival at the historical site where protests and demonstrations once took place. The spotlights behind the drummer, Matt Gelders, and the...

Egyptian Art: A Form of Entertainment or a Source of Purpose

Introduction It is undoubtedly true that ancient societies have a significant impact on the contemporary world. Millions of people all over the globe are excited about discovering new pieces of art and architecture. Artists receive their inspiration and motivation from their unknown ancestors, intending to refine works created during ancient...

The Birth of Photography: Early Artists and Their Works

To begin with, the popularization of photography coincided with a revolution in art as such. An illustrative example can be found in the works of Alexander Rodchenko. He was the true Revolutional artist: in 1925, he renounced easel painting as elitist, as a continuation of bourgeois tradition (Rodchenko 38). As...

Movies Based on J. Austen’s Books Review

Introduction Both movies Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen are adaptations of the author’s novels. The films aim to describe the history of England, where women possessed numerous issues of oppression and inequality. The movies also illustrate how greed and financial gains shape cultural norms and...

Time Line: Design Examples

Introduction The examples of design works that will be provided below in chronological order can be discussed as closely related to each other. They illustrate various approaches to combining textual and graphic components in one work that were used during different time periods. Examples of such works include illuminated manuscript...

‘He’s Just Not That Into You’: Depiction of American Culture

Introduction Culture may be defined as the behavioural patterns of people within a given period of time, with regards to their beliefs, organizations and products of their activities (Jenks, 1993, p.2). Movies perform different roles in our lives. These range from entertainment to teaching the moral lessons behind certain issues,...

Depiction of Slavery in Tarantino’s “Django Unchained”

Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained (2012) represents a vivid reconsideration of the American slavery experience. The director employs a range of unexpected steps to describe the U.S. past. In particular, Django Unchained follows Tarantino’s traditional narrative style, which strongly relies on the audacious interplay with genres and interactive dialogue with the...

“House of Flying Daggers” by Zhang Yimou

House of Flying Daggers is a film directed by Zhang Yimou. The picture was released in 2004 and was nominated for an Oskar for the best cinematography in 2005. It combines the genres of action, drama, adventure film, and wuxia. The plot develops around the adventures of Chen, a young...

Defining and Redefining Art: Discussion of the Problem

Introduction Defining abstract concepts, such as beauty, art, success, family, is often connected with uncertainty and multiplicity of meanings. Different understanding of the people may shape their interpretation in numerous ways. In the case of the concept of art, there are several interrelated definitions of it established by society. Reviewing...

Social Stratification in the Music Art

Selected Songs Music, movies, and novels are powerful tools that artists use to address most of the issues affecting their societies and attract attention of policymakers. The crafted messages become new ideas for overcoming the challenges many citizens experience in their lives. The first song for this analysis is “Same...

Simplification Is the Best Way to Express Ideas

The material presented during the five week really impressed me. All visual art covers the main problems of our reality. Looking at the picture or digital video we begin to understand really important things. Nevertheless, the way of our understanding differs from the other people’s point of view. We observe...

“In the Heights” by Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center

The given paper will review the theatrical performance of In The Heights, which was produced by Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center. It is a musical performance by an American author and composer Lin-Manuel Miranda based on a book by Chiara Alegria Hodes, which describes the life of the Washington Heights...

Family Relations in “Love Actually” Movie

Introduction Love Actually is a popular motion picture watched by millions on Christmas Eve all around the world. The entire plot of the film is a compilation of short life stories that many viewers can easily relate to. Despite being labeled as overly melodramatic and, at times, boring by numerous...

“ScoobyNatural” in the TV-Series “Supernatural”

Without any doubt, ScoobyNatural is one of the most successful episodes of Supernatural. According to Manuela, it is perhaps the most exceptional one of the famous American television series. The reason for it is the significance of a monstrous element of the film, which makes numerous individuals think more profoundly...

“Free to Be”: A Jazz Concert Review

The concert ‘Free to Be’ revolves around freedom, its joys, and its sorrows. The big band arrangement does the hard bop justice and sounds American to the core. The concert asks the listener to consider what freedom means to them and the people around them, and what it took to...

Modern Art Surrealists and Abstract

Surrealism brings out the art in its purest form and this is an advantage as the imaginations of the artist are candidly expressed rather than their rational thoughts. Freud in expressing his averments on Surrealism intimates that art under this direction is used to express the hidden or pressed feelings...

Review of Diana Kroll’s 2002 concert

Quite melodic jazz combined with Diana’s gentle vocals makes the performance incredible, the quality of it surpasses all expectations. The music concert was performed in 2002 by the following musicians: Diana Krall – vocals, piano, Dan Faehnle – guitar, Ben Wolfe – contrabass, and Rodney Green – drums (Diana Krall...

Touch of Hitchcock: Psycho and Vertigo

There are movies with an interesting plot and a strong cast, after watching which people change their lives. Some movies influence the way of how the whole filmmaking industry is developed, and the work of Alfred Hitchcock is one of such significant contributions. In the 20th century, this director demonstrated...

Proposal on Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth

I chose the painting Christina’s World because of the strong emotional appeal I think it has. It impressed me very much when I saw it for the first time. The painting was printed in an art book that I was reading, and the moment I opened to the page where...

Horror Movies: Cause of the Craving

Human nature remains an understudied notion; sometimes, it is difficult to explain why an individual enjoys things or actions that cause fear and anxiety. One of such issues is that people are ready to spend money to watch horror movies, and consequently, experience fear. According to Stephen King, the most...

Analysis of Lee Friedlander’s Photographs

Friedlander is famous primarily for his street photography – raw, real, brazen. Lee Friedlander’s photos are like music, and that music is jazz. Through a few notes, previously nonexistent space is built up, beginning to live its own closed and self-sufficient life. In the free improvisation of light spots, the...

Ballet Nutcracker: A Kaleidoscope

Introduction The Nutcracker is a world-renowned ballet that has been captivating the audience for more than a century. Composed by Pyotr Illyich Tchaikovsky in 1892, the ballet was originally choreographed by Lev Ivanov and Marius Petipa. It is also important to note that the libretto was adapted from “The Nutcracker...

Olafur Eliasson’s Exhibition: Aesthetic Strategies and Interpretive Approach

Olafur Eliasson’s Exhibition The unique relationship between an artist and an artwork is largely defined by the idea lying at the foundation of an art piece, as well as the unique perspective and the tools that the artist adopts to convey the idea in question. The message behind Olafur Eliasson’s...

Protest Music in the 1960s

Since ancient times, music has been an essential component of any culture. While it has always allowed people to share their feelings and connect with others, creating melodies and signing are the ways the world population goes through specific life events. With the help of music individuals celebrate personal achievements,...

Paleolithic Cave Art: The Use of Irregular Grounds

People are undoubtedly a part of the animal world, but they are somewhat beyond it as they are capable of reflecting it in diverse forms. Paleolithic cave art can be seen as one of the first attempts to reflect on the world around them and reveal it in some ways....

Musical Instrument Families and Ensembles

Instrument families It is important to note that several instrument families possess unique characteristics. In the case of country music, the most used one is the strings family, which includes dobro, banjo, or autoharp. Similarly, rock also belongs to the strings family, such as bass and guitars. However, jazz mostly...

Classical Symphonic Music Analysis Event

History proves that classical symphonic music is almost immortal, which speaks of its significant cultural component. For this essay, I watched and analyzed four video recordings of musical performances. They are united by the classical character of compositions and features. The purpose of this paper is to review the videos...

The Engraving “The Great Wave” by Hokusai

The selected object for this podcast analysis was Hokusai’s The Great Wave, a famous print of art from 19th century Japan. I chose this object as I have seen the art in various media forms numerous times, and although I was aware that it originated in Japan, I had little...

The Art of Dancing: Public Education

Introduction Jacques d’ Amboise is an American dancer known for his widely successful program aimed at teaching young school children the art of dancing. He began by teaching just 30 kids, but the course was so popular that it quickly expanded to have over a thousand students and many talented...

Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches by Creswell

The quality of the introduction is of great importance for any piece of academic writing just as for any piece of writing in general. In his book Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, Creswell offers a variety of practical information on how to achieve great results in the...

“Jar With Figures and Faces” Moche Culture

It is not always easy for a person of the 21st century to understand the meaning of artworks that come from foreign cultures and nations. According to Trever (2019), the Moche civilization was one of the representatives, the works of which “appear to modern eyes as a grotesque curiosity” (23)....

The Theme of Jealousy in Relationships Reflected in Art

Jealousy is one of the strongest emotions which is often portrayed in the arts. It often causes people to experience a wide range of feelings, from insecurity to fear of rejection and anxiety. Jealousy is a destructive emotion that has the power to ruin relationships and threaten the trust between...

The Newport Jazz Festival

Newport Jazz Festival is a grand musical occasion held every summer in Rhode Island. It was initially established as the first annual American jazz festival starting to attract notable jazz musicians, including Billie Holiday, Dave Brubeck, and Ella Fitzgerald. The line-up for the 1998 Newport Jazz Festival included Diana Krall,...

EMI Music: Company Analysis

Introduction EMI Music is one of the largest and trusted sound recording studios in the world. In general, this is the synonym of reliable cooperation, high-quality services, and trust of the clients, hence, the reputation of the company is high enough. As for the competitive environment of the company, there...

Chazelle’s “La La Land”: Mixing the Old With the New

Introduction This paper will be covering the opening scene of a famous 2016 musical called La La Land. It is often referred to as the freeway dance scene because it was filmed on a busy Los Angeles freeway interchange. The vast list of dancers includes Reshma Gajjar, Hunter Hamilton, Damian...

Film 2000 Week 13. Analysis

Introduction Since the beginning of the 1990s, Noël Carroll has become one of the key figures in the American philosophy of art, proposing alternative answers to the dilemma of “what are movies made of?” For the film theory, this problem was closely connected with the desire to establish the status...

Latin American Film Study on “Plaff!”

Introduction There have always been great debates between those who create art and those who are eager or not willing to consume it. Those kinds of debates use to turn into huge arguments that entailed great discoveries within the art sphere. As such, there were many discontents with Espinosa’s Imperfect...

American Studies 1890’s Portrayed in Art

Introduction The relations between the human beings within the society have always been characterized by substantial controversy arising from the conflicts between various social classes. People of the wealthier layers of the society and the people living in the poorer conditions have always tried to defend their interests and express...

The Twilight Vision Exhibition and Tsara and Brenton’s Essays

Photographs have hidden meaning Photographs have been known to contain hidden “meaning” (Dowler; Kelsey, Stimson, 1). It is even at times “hard” to understand the meaning of photography (Hossaini). The main idea propagated in the Brenton reading is that of imagination. Imagination is a very important aspect in the event...

“Meditating Female Shaman Effigy”: Formal Analysis

One of the characteristics of Native Americans is the intention to live in harmony with nature. As a result, many artworks of the Ancient Americans before the 1500s were devoted to the theme of spiritual connection between humans and nature, and the role of shamans was underlined. In this paper,...

The Passenger Opera Analysis

The Passenger by the composer Mieczysław Weinberg is the opera based on the autobiographical book of the same name by the Polish writer Zofia Posmysz. The libretto was written by the Russian music critic Alexander Medvedev. The opera has been praised by critics for its stunning music, and at the...

King Mycerinus and His Queen: Proposal

The sculpture King Mycerinus and His Queen is one of the oldest artworks of Egyptian culture, which dates back to around 2490-2472 B.C., about the same age as Giza’s pyramids. This artwork depicts two figures of King Mycerinus and his Queen, who froze in the move. I chose the sculpture...

Japanese Painting Styles and Their Development

Japanese art can be acclaimed as having its unique style and special spirit inspiring by its sophistication and fineness which can be hardly confused with anything else in the world. Japan is especially known for its three styles of painting which are yamato-e, sumi-e, and ukiyo-e. These styles developed as...

Darabont’s “The Shawshank Redemption” and “American Graffiti” by Lucas

The two movies “The Shawshank Redemption” by Frank Darabont and “American Graffiti” by George Lucas are a great portrayal of the time they were set in. “American Graffiti” represents the culture of young people, who felt free and liberated. “The Shawshank Redemption” is a glimpse into prison life, limiting freedom...

Development of the Figure in Ancient Greek Art

Throughout history, Greek and Roman Empires have been considered to be the origin of Western culture. The art from these times lies at the foundation of the modern ideals of beauty, perfection, rationale, and balance. The rise and fall of Greece shaped a unique approach to artistic forms. This essay...

Review of Paper Routes Exhibition

One of the art missions is to express public opinion and draw attention to acute social problems through vivid and memorable images. Some art people use shocking images or performances to demonstrate the imperfection and cruelty of reality. However, other artists express their ideas by helping viewers see the beauty...

Life and Artistic Work of Jean Michel Basquiat

Introduction Art is constantly changing together with the world leaving an imprint in people’s perception. Likewise, Jean Michael Basquiat left a significant imprint in the modern world inspiring many artists, songwriters, and poets as well as ordinary people. Given the intricacy and often mysteriousness of his work, there is a...

Rwandan Genocide in “Sometimes in April”

In 1994, in Rwanda, members of the Hutu ethnic majority committed genocide against Tutsi ethnic minority, with almost 800,000 people falling victims of this mass slaughter. While the Rwandan genocide was shockingly brutal, mass killings and civil wars have been a persisting pattern among ethnically diverse African countries. It can...

Meaning of the Dadaist Disgust

Introduction Dadaism is a cultural movement that was initiated in Zurich, Switzerland. It is a nihilist movement of arts that thrived mainly in France, Switzerland, and in Germany from around 1916 to1920 (Ades 2006). The movement was based on the ideologies of illogicality, anarchy, and scorn, in addition, this movement...

Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” – Viewing and Reflection

The art of the theater is a unique kind of art that has not lost its popularity for many centuries. Among the well-known playwrights whose plays are considered to be the most celebrated, the English genius William Shakespeare occupies one of the leading positions. His works have not lost their...

Arts of Italian and Northern European Renaissances

Art is a very wide discipline that is used to convey messages in current communities or remind people of how things used to be some years back. Through art, the current generation can learn the culture of earlier generations. The future generations will also be able to know the culture...

“Midnight Cowboy” and “McCabe and Mrs. Miller” Films Analysis

Midnight Cowboy (1969) Subject: Mirrors and the Radio “Midnight Cowboy” is one of the movies that strike both with their theatrical imagery and the harsh reality that shines through the drapes of the scene. The wistful impression that the movie leaves owes its impact to a significant extent to the...

The Effect of Globalisation on Non-Hollywood Cinema

Introduction Globalization is considered a modern developing movement that created and significantly changed concepts and trends in the global film industry. The term “globalization” refers to “a process beyond that of internationalization when the systematic relations between countries affect global cultural, economic, and, to a certain extent, the political system...

The Art of Ancient Peru

Introduction The tendency to exercise a row of important of public utility functions including art being a system of communication, a sign of wealth, a display of power, and expression of religious beliefs can be well explored in the art of Peru belonging to different time periods. This fact can...

The Hidden Symbolism in Picasso’s Guernica

Pablo Picasso’s Guernica is one of his most famous paintings. It was finished in 1937 and is painted with oil on a canvas. It is, in fact, accepted by most critics as one of his most compelling and moving paintings. The painting is conveying an anti-war message showing gruesome nature...

“After the Ball” and “Wedding Ringer Movies” Comparison

Introduction It is been a while since I saw some spectacular romantic comedy. The recent ones are not engaging at all. Considering my intelligibility about good movies, I can only allocate two: “After the Ball” and the “Wedding Ringer”. Now, I want to share with you the impression. Main body...

Wolfson Campus Opera Ensemble Presents Pippin

Many people would agree that musicals are a wonderful way to spend their free time, and enjoy a relaxing atmosphere full of joy and bright emotions. Not long ago I had a chance to feel the truthfulness of the above-mentioned saying as I to visited “Pippin” musical by the Miami...

Beauchamp Company Case Analysis

The Description of the Situation The overall situation is about the Beauchamp acquisition by the company called Synergon. Considering the active acquisitive position of Synergon, which is the company that is famous by its numerous merging actions, the company called Beauchamp fully suits the Synergon’s range of business interests. Beauchamp...

“Not Mad”: Totally New and Fresh Remake of “King Lear”

Introduction On Friday, July 31, 2015, I had the pleasure of watching the Not Mad show directed by Matt Hune. The event took place at 1210 Stanford Street, in Houston, Texas, the location of the Hune Company’s Living Room. It started at 8 PM and lasted for 50 minutes without...

“Eugene Onegin” Opera by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin is an adaptation of Alexander Pushkin’s novel of the same name. The book consists of eight chapters, each of which is composed of stanzas written in verse (Doran 7). Pushkin’s book has been praised for vivid storytelling and innovative approach to structure (Doran 10). The...

Henry Moore: Study of the Family Through the Prism of the Artist’s Works

Henry Moore During this study, we have analyzed various artists and their works. There is a significant relationship between artists and their works. Different factors influence the works of different artists. In this study paper, we take an insight into Henry Moore’s pieces of art. Just as other artists of...

“The Horses of Pech Merle” Ancient Painting

The painting selected for discussion is called the horses of Pech Merle. It is located in the caves of Pech Merle in France. The cave contains other fascinating works of prehistoric art but the spotted horses are the most famous ones. The painting is dated approximately 25,000 BCE (“The Horses...

The Canadian Film Industry as an Auteur Industry Since the 1970s

Auteur is a film made by individuals who also control all aspects of the production. This gives films uniqueness. Auteur means author in French. The auteur theory which emerged in1950’s that can be used to further define the context of this type of film. The auteur theory says that a...

The Pieces of Art From Varied Territories of the South Seas

There exists porteutous similarity along with a variety of differences and divergences in the styles of art form Melanesia and Polynesia. Namely, in different cultures of that regions a different understanding is seen in the treatment of the human figure; patterns; animals and plants; and the role of ancestor spirits....

Ballet Dance: ‘Early Works’ Created by Rosa

This is a response paper to a ballet dance event I attended at the Sadler’s Wells Theatre in London on the 2nd of April 2011. The title of the dance was ‘Early Works’ created by Rosa, a ballet dance company belonging to Ann Teresa De Keersmaeker. This was part of...

The School of Athens as Renaissance Art Embodiment

The Renaissance is the period of European history, characterized by significant progress in sciences and humanities, as well as philosophy. This has been reflected in all forms of art, including music, painting, literature and architecture. Originating in Italy, the Renaissance took inspiration from the Greek and Roman antiquity and coupled...

The Parthenon Marbles: The Greece Art

The return of the Parthenon Marbles to the place of origin has probably been the most well-known heated dispute in the museum art world for the last decades. Though those treasures of the ancient cultural heritage by their essence are of universal significance, they remain the inalienable part of Greece...

Parallel and Serial Search and Monocular Depth Cue

According to Wolfe, et al.,( 2008) a visual search exercise is normally measured by the length of time the search takes. When only a single feature of the target is different from the distractors, the time spent identifying the target is the same regardless of the number of distractors. This...

“The Manuscripts of Timbuktu” by Zola Maseko

In Oxford Dictionary, Timbuktu is referred to as “a remote or extremely distant place” (Timbuktu). However, this view is very narrow and does not reflect the reality. In The Manuscripts of Timbuktu, African scholars tell the story of the place and its scholarly heritage (Maseko, 2009). The film explains the...

“Prince Among Slaves” by Andrea Kalin

The film Prince Among Slaves depicts a life story of an African prince who became a victim of slavery exactly like any black person. In the history of the transatlantic slave trade, about 20 million slaves were brought to the American territory. Even now, this number looks unthinkable, but this...

When Cinema Gained Synchronised Sound Was Anything Lost?

History of Cinema The history of cinema extends to over a hundred years where it started off as a carnival novelty in the 19th century. As time passed however it changed from being a novelty form of entertainment to one that serves the masses with resounding effects on arts, culture...

“Inception” by Christopher Nolan

Introduction Written and directed by the man who brought blockbuster titles like The Dark Knight (2008), The Prestige (2006), and Memento (2000), Christopher Nolan megged another memorable masterpiece. London was chosen for the premiere of Inception on July 8, 2010. The film was subsequently released to the rest of the...

Zoe Leonard Works – Analogue Photo Series

Introduction Zoe Leonard has been very creative in her photography art though her works were ignored for quite sometime before they begun gaining recognition. Her works are critical in assessing the disappearing face of the 20th century lifestyle of the urban centres. They also highlight the increased obsolescence that non-digital...

“Casablanca”: Creating a Plot with the Help of Sound

Introduction Casablanca – the greatest film of all times ironically has long been just another ordinary film. Adopting the unstaged play, the screenwriters barely made it profitable to keep the production on. However, the movie has ultimately won Academy Awards and Best Picture awards. Undoubtedly, it is now known as...

The Mirror (1975) Movie Review

The Mirror (1975) is one of the greatest Russian movies to be produced after the Second World War which still continues to attract crowds of viewers to cinemas and film stores even nowadays. Its setting and plot revolve around the story that happens during the war time in Russia; the...

Pre-Columbian Art: Mexican Wall Relief

The Mexican Wall Relief accomplished in the limestone around 795 will be addressed in the following paper. This excellent artwork belongs to the art of Maya and can be acclaimed as a traditional piece of Maya art addressing religious themes along with authority adoration ideas. Evaluating this relief, it can...

Duke Ellington and Francis Bacon: Comparative Analysis

Duke Ellington Duke Ellington was an American composer and performer. He was born on April 29, 1899. At this period of time, the Wright Brothers were trying to build the first sustained flight with a powered, controlled aircraft. Aviation history can be found online Aviation history, no date. Black people...

Art of China: From Tang Dynasty to Qing One

Chinese culture along with its every component including art can be acclaimed as having its inimitable style and unparalleled spirit which can be hardly confused with anything else in the world. One of the most remarkable characteristics of Chinese culture and art is its homogeneousness during the whole period of...

Overview on the Marble Column From the Temple of Artemis at Sardis

Introduction The Metropolitan Museum features many significant exhibitions. One of the exponents in the Ancient Greece display is the Marble column from the Temple of Artemis at Sardis. It is an excellent illustration of the architecture of the era, which to this day remains an inspiration for many. Figure 1...

Post World War II Artist

Introduction Many artists have come a long way on making a name for themselves in the 20th century especially in the wake of the post World War II period. From sculptors to painter, fashion designers to drawing artists, many have come to a level of being renowned for their talent...

Development of Humanities and Its Impact on World

Important works of Art and Written Text The period between 1800 to 2000 BC was characterized by great development in the world of arts. Many works of art, which included paintings and written texts, came into being at this time. However, there were three most important works of art, and...

The Art of Native North America

The art of Native North America is a very diversified and variegated phenomenon. This tendency in this art can be explained by the diversity of peoples and cultures inhabiting this region through the centuries. During all the period of human history, this territory was inhabited by hundreds of nations, speaking...

Hip-Hop Influence on American Popular Culture

The sphere of hip-hop influence on American popular culture is constantly extending, involving new forces and new interpretations. Previously hip hop was considered to be exclusively the culture of the oppressed and marginalized Afro-Americans, but at the present moment the racial and social boundaries are defied and such prominent hip...

The Record Contemporary Art and Vinyl

It is rather difficult to imagine any other nice and educative way to spend one’s free time for a learner of art as visiting some wonderful exhibition. So, I decided to visit one of the very interesting exhibitions called “The Record Contemporary Art and Vinyl” in the Miami Art Museum....

Opera in 19th Century

Opera in America’s past often conjures up old-fashioned, Victorian images of ample divas poised in extravagant settings. This larger than life musical genre elicits memories of a Tristan and Isolde singing their glorious love duet but too fat to embrace convincingly; an Aida richly costumed despite her slave status; foreign,...

Adolescent Music: Cultural, Moral and Political Messages

Introduction The two songs that I have selected are classified under the hip-hop genre of music. This is a genre that came about as a result of the hip-hop culture. It can be described by four major stylistic elements that define it, and those are rapping, deejaying or scratching, sampling...

Jasper Francis Cropsey Schatacook Mountain Painting

Introduction The Schatacook Mountain, Housatonic Valley, Connecticut painting is a product of Jasper Francis Cropsey who was born in February 18, 1823 in Rossville, Staten Island, New York. His style of painting was significantly under the influence of his upbringing, bearing in mind that he grew up in the countryside....

Islam in America: Movie Reflection

Today, Islam is one of the largest religions in America. More than 400,000 Muslims live in Chicago alone (Islam in America, 2015). Still, many people are ignorant about the main Muslim traditions, and Islamophobia is widespread. The movie Islam in America introduces Islam to the audience and carries the message...

Evolution of Rock and Roll in Radio

Rock and roll is a music genre that emerged during the close of 1940s and the dawn of early 1950s in the southern region of the United States (Aquila 46). The originators of rock and roll combined blues of African American origin, country music, gospel music and jazz to come...

The African American Art Expression

Introduction It is well-known that contemporary literature and art contain works of authors of different skin colors and origins. However, in 1926 the issue of diversity of art creators was put a little rough due to the emergence of the Harlem Renaissance. We’ve only been living in these ghettos for...

The Men Who Stare at Goats: Human History Against the Backdrop of War

American cinematography is known for its masterpieces touched upon burning issues of the modern world. The Men Who Stare at Goats belongs to one of such films which makes people think over the problem of wars captivated a human history. This movie is based on the book under the same...

Comparison of ‘Supermassive Black Hole’ and ‘Hit my Heart’

Introduction Music is an art. Listening to the music one may be captured in the absolutely new world where emotions and feelings have covered the whole space. Different music styles create absolutely different pictures in the human mind, but the reaction to the music is in most cases the same;...

“Avatar” the Film by J. Cameron

Avatar (2009) is a highly successful science fiction film created by James Cameron. It stars Sam Worthington, Michele Rodriquez, and Stephen Lang among others. The film has both human and computer-generated actors. The temporal setting of the film is the year 2154 when human beings are presumed to own a...

“White Spirituals in the Southern Uplands” by George Pullen Jackson

The study of the origin and development of music is naturally accompanied by the study of historic conditions and sociological ground for the development of music. Since there is great variety of musical genres that serve certain aims and are performed by certain people or groups of people on some...

Instrumental Suite in the Baroque Period

Introduction A suite is a musical instrumental masterpiece that consists of a series of changing movements or a series of dances of related keys or it’s a collection of pieces related to each other. In addition, instrumentals refer to a kind of music produced by the use of musical instruments...

Hip-Hop and Commercial Culture Relationship

It is doubtless, that the present-day culture became commodified, being oriented on the mass market. It is almost impossible for the cultural workers to resist the temptation to be driven by the corporate interests only. To preserve the universal value of the hip hop generation cultural heritage, it is necessary...

Horror as a Genre of Art

The Problem of Identity in Contemporary Japanese Horror Films Discussing the question of horror attractiveness, described in Timothy Iles’ article The Problem of Identity in Contemporary Japanese Horror Films we may distinct a notable point, which makes author’s opinion unique and differ Japanese horror films from Western horror movies especially...

Cultural Theory in Practice: Postmodernist Filmmaking

From the angle of creed and culture, many theories have been evolved since ages. The theories like post-structuralism, post-modernism, sex and sexuality, bodies and embodiment, empire, and globalization are some of the relevant concepts that are relevant in recent times. In the following discussion let us concentrate on one of...

Peter Weiss’ “Marat – Sade”

First published and performed in Germany in 1963 by Peter Weiss, Marat/Sade, which full title is The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat As Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton under the Direction of The Marquis de Sade, was highly acclaimed by the critics. In 1964, the...

The Important of the Upper Paleolithic Revolution in the Development of Culture

Introduction The origin of modern humans is believed to be from the continent of Africa. The evolution changes showed signs of development in terms of anatomy and structure but showed a significantly slight change in terms of lifestyle. As time went by, tools and artifacts used during the Paleolithic period...

“Twentieth Century Crisis of Belief” by Marheine

The article by Marheine titled “Twentieth Century Crisis of Belief” summarizes many ideas and social phenomena that distinguished 20th-century ideology, philosophy, and art. The main trends discussed by the author in the compilation of famous artists’ abstracts are the disgusting wartime pictures in literature and reflection of despair and exhaustion...

“American Psycho” Film and Lizardo’s “Fight Club” Article

Introduction The most obvious thing that can be traced in the Hollywood movies is the yearning for making money; as a rule, filmmakers do not always benefit from making unprofitable movies and vice versa, sometimes movies that were characterized as noncommercial gain success and popularity which brings them to the...

The National Museum of the American Indian

My visit to The National Museum of the American Indian was a revelation as I learned a lot about the American Indians history through the various exhibitions that I visited such as A song for the Horse Nation, Hide and Lenape shows the cultural artifacts of the native Indians. In...

The Sprawl and the Redevelopment Plan for Times Square

The video The Sprawl is showing us how change is not always good. All the music by Sonic Youth and Arcade Fire in this group of songs under this category of urban sprawl are really about the same thing. Each of the songs is about different aspects of the takeover...

Art & Culture. Monet’s Waterlilies & Hirst’s Shark

Introduction In the modern-day world of prevailing dynamism, that is moving from progress to greater progress, or better said, beauty to higher beauty in an endless motion, underneath all ostensible pandemonium and bewilderment. The trend, which dominates the globe, is its demonstration of orderliness and maintenance, which display their external...

Dada, Surrealist Movement and Artistic Production

Introduction Dadaism or the Dada movement was a cultural movement which originated in Switzerland. Although it began during the First World War, it reached its peak between 1916 and 1922. (Wood & Frascina, 173) It not only included art theories and manifestos and visual art but also poetry, theatre, literature...

Art Perception and Ways of Seeing

Art Different people will describe this term in their own different ways of seeing, thinking, and understanding. What people see or describe to be art today may not be what it was sometime back. Many of the things that were done sometime back we describe to be art today e.g....

Canadian Cinematography’s National Content

It is doubtless, that some historic facts can be adequately valued only years later. And at the moment looking back at the development of the Canadian cinematography one may admit that its way was not an easy one. At the moment cinema production is an integral part of the popular...

Pogues’ “If I Should Fall From the Grace of God” Review

Britain has always been a complex entity of four distinct unique national identities with individual peculiarities, customs and traditions. As far as Ireland is concerned, it has its own separate identity that is embodied in Irish music which is an inseparable part of Irish culture. One of the representatives of...

Comparison of Pieces: Baroque, Classical and Romantic

Over the centuries, the popular music changed, partly as cultures changed, as new instruments were invented and as the ability to manipulate musical patterns developed and became more and more sophisticated. Some of the earliest periods are sharply defined, because the changes which created them were major, The Baroque period...

Chinese Calligraphy: Zha Shibiao and Mao Xiang

Introduction The works of Chinese calligraphers of the late 17th century are rather fascinating and well-shaped in their details. The main message is implied in the delivery of Chinese mature style that was particular to dynasties of Ming and Qing. In this respect the deepest desire of mine was to...

Philippe Starck. Designer’s Interview and Response

Philip Patrick Starck is, probably, one of the best of the best designers known for his mastership in patterning and reshaping everything, from a toothbrush to a spaceship. In this respect the interview given by Philip Stark to the Die Zeit newspaper catches an eye of a mature observer. The...

Movie Censorship and Ratings in America

Introduction It is not possible today to think of a time when there were no movies or motion pictures. We can’t even afford thinking how people used to entertain themselves those days. We are fortunate that we have such a wonderful medium of entertainment in the form of motion pictures,...

Guided Tour of Early Christian And Byzantine Art

Introduction Byzantine art refers to the art that originated from Byzantine Empire. This empire resulted from the division that occurred in the Roman Empire, splitting the empire into two halves; the Eastern and the Western empire. This splitting also affected Italy since some parts of Italy fell under Byzantine rule....

“The Road” Film by Cormac McCarthy

Introduction The road is a film by Cormac McCarthy that talks about the struggles that a family had to go through in their effort to survive in a cannibalism society. Despite the fiction in the message, there are certain essential messages that have been conveyed in the book that reveal...

Blood Diamond Film by Edward Zwick

Blood Diamond is an adventure drama film directed by Edward Zwick. The film was nominated for Academy Awards for the Best Actor, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Djimon Hounsou. The film goes back to the event of 1996-1998 when Sierra Leone Civil War took place. In that period, the country experienced the...

Appalachian Music: About Music Tradition

Abstract The modern music industries highly rely on the old-time forms of songs since the modern music is made up of the traditional instruments and modern instruments that can all be found stored in the modern piano that can be used to add flavor to music. The old-time music of...

A Mythical Miracle on Utube: Tchaikovsky Concert

This e-concert is amazing. There are three different orchestras playing some of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s best pieces: The Tchaikovsky concert program began with the 1812 Overture with full cannon and bells as done to celebrate the 150th birthday of the composer in a gala with Yuri Temirkanov conducting the Leningrad...