The Youthful Population of Saudi Arabia

Commentary The youthful population in Saudi Arabia is still being faced with a growing rate of unemployment. This may appear as a paradox bearing in mind that this country is one of the leading producers of crude oil. There are several fundamental and systematic limitations that have significantly contributed to...

Predatory Lending Practices: Definition, Features, and Victims

Introduction Predatory practices are admittedly and notoriously unethical as they are harmful to the borrowers and potentially for a country’s economy. While the wrongness of the predictors’ actions cannot be denied, it is not uncommon for victims to be blamed as well. In order to define the guilty party, it...

Project Budget: Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up Estimating

Creating a budget for a project is a complex task that requires a careful analysis of the existing assets and an evaluation of the threats that the project in question may be exposed to. Traditionally, two strategies for calculating the budget are identified; these are the top-down and the bottom-up...

“Profit over People” by Noam Chomsky

Book Citation Chomsky, Noam. Profit Over People: Neo-liberalism and Global Order. New York: Seven Stories Press, 1999. Print. Author’s Credentials Professor Noam Chomsky is the author of the book “Profit over People”. Chomsky is a scholar who has written many books and journal articles in current affairs, politics, governance issues,...

Chile’s Economy from 2017 till Nowadays

Chile is regarded as a model in Latin America for its financial and political transparency. The country has been perceived to be among the fastest-growing economies for the past decade, making it substantially reduce poverty (“GDP growth (annual %) – Chile,” n.d.). The World Bank estimates that the influence of...

Security and Strategic Aspects of the Integration Process in the ECOWAS and EAC

Introduction Regional economic communities in Africa refer to a group of countries that have come together to spearhead economic development and political stability through the integration of trade, production, macroeconomics, and infrastructure. Moreover, these communities allow the free movement of individuals between their borders as long as they are members...

Debt Burden and Sustainable Economic Growth in Nigeria

Abstract This paper examines the relationship effects of debt burden on sustainable economic growth using Nigeria as a case study. The country-specific investigation aims to demonstrate how countries’ debt management practices may influence their ability to utilize this resource to spur economic growth. The current analysis of Nigeria’s public debt...

Banks and Banking in Spain

Introduction Spain is in South West of Europe. It has an area of 504,750 square kilometer. It had estimated population of 40,341,000 as of 2005.Its capital is the largest city namely Madrid. Some important cities in Spain are Valladolid, Burgos, Salamanca, Toledo and Badajoz. Great regional diversity is being displayed...

The Global Impacts of Corruption

Corruption, which is the abuse of power for personal gain, has long been a global issue that affects both developed and developing countries. It is a problem that undermines the rule of law, hinders economic growth, and erodes public trust in institutions. The negative impact of corruption on a global...

Market and Subsistence Economies

In the process of a long evolution, all countries have established the predominance of the market economy as the basic and most efficient form of economic management. It is based on commodity production, which is possible due to technology. Market economy assumes the production by individual, isolated producers specializing in...

Preferred Stock vs. Common Stock for Investors

Securities play an essential role in the structure of the market economy, as they are an analog of money in the form of a document. Possession of them gives the right to receive a certain amount of funds or certifies property ownership. One type of security is stocks, which provide...

Risks Associated with the Increase or Decrease in Yield Rates

Bond yield risk is the possibility of investment losses brought on by an increase in the going rates for brand-new debt instruments. For example, if interest rates increase, the secondary market value of a fixed-income investment or a bond will decrease. The price and yield have an inverse relationship, and...

Globalized Economy: China’s Role

In reading Sun Yuan’s The following factory of the world: How Chinese investment is reshaping Africa, one can arrive at ideas about why capitalism continues to work and how society contributes to it. The author draws attention to the problems of the clash between the inner core of Africa and...

Mortgage Lending Violations in 2022

Introduction The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) publishes a report every six months on violations of the law that were identified during inspections. The Bureau vetted companies and suppliers for compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The CFPB found multiple violations, especially inaccurate information in credit reporting and...

Post-Fordist Immaterial Labour in the Information Economy

The shift toward Post-Fordist immaterial labour in the information economy was originally hailed as bringing more flexibility for workers and freeing them from tight control by bosses. At the same time, this shift has resulted in the rise of precarious gig work and the primacy of unstable short-term contracts. Using...

Mexican Peso Crisis: Restructuring and Forgiveness

Introduction By the middle of the 1990s, Mexico seemed to be a prime example of economic liberalization. The country managed to attract a significant inflow of foreign investments. However, the success was short-lived since the political instability led to a drastic deterioration of the investment climate. The situation worsened because...

Insider Trading: The Key Aspects

Insider trading is trading in shares or other securities by people that have access to confidential information. However, alongside illegal forms of insider trading, there are legal ones. The insiders are not only directors or people from management, but any person “with a stake of ten percent or more in...

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the US Economy

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic led to an unprecedented contraction in the economy of the United States. The impact of the pandemic cuts across all departments within the federal government. Hiccups in supply chain management led to inflation due to the high demand for goods and dependability on imports. The lack...

Bangladesh: Investment Climate of the Developing Country

Introduction Bangladesh is constantly developing and is one of the most populous countries in the world. Because of its large population, a large number of the young and hardworking labor force. The country’s location attracts a lot of investment – Bangladesh is on the trade route between South and East...

Biden Administration’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

In recent years, the rising cost of college tuition and the increasing burden of student loan debt have created a college affordability crisis in the United States. To address this issue, President Biden’s administration has proposed a student loan forgiveness plan to relieve millions of Americans struggling with student loan...

Factors that Influence Demands

To begin with, demand is the customers requirements and desires, which might be changed because of external factors. When saying “demand,” economists mean the desires of customers to buy some products or services during some period of time, and these wishes can change due to different aspects and situations on...

Financial Analysis of Post-NFL Bankruptcy

Introduction Dermontti Dawson was a former Pittsburgh Steeler who appeared in the NFL from 1988 to 2000. Despite a successful career, he experienced significant financial issues and declared bankruptcy in 2010, having around $70 million in debt (Andrew, 2022). Overinvestment in real estate, according to his instance, is a primary...

Options to Combat High UK Inflation Rate

Introduction Inflation is a significant point of concern for all experts in the economy, as well as for ordinary citizens. The rise in consumer prices, which is not comparable to the values of the next few years, has a significant impact on consumer behavior and business. In order for society...

Circular Flow Diagram and UK Economy in 2021-2023

Introduction The Circular Flow Diagram paradigm is a beneficial tool to grasp better how the economy functions. This model’s primary goal is to explain money circulation throughout a market. It distinguishes between the marketplaces for products and offerings and the sectors for these entities’ production parameters. Krugman and Wells (2020)...

The Minimum Wage: Positive and Harmful Effects

The minimum wage is one of the many political-economic systems measures that work to redress the economic imbalance. It is the minor salary that an employer must provide to their workers at any given time. Many have strong feelings regarding the minimum wage principle, which is a contentious subject. It...

Are Minimum Wages Harmful or Helpful to Economic Growth

The minimum wage is an economic policy in which the state controls the minimum income of the citizens. It is distributed all over the world and is embedded in any economic model as an essential element. This model has both economic benefits and disadvantages that affect the outcome of any...

What Are the Three Most Important Changes in the American Economy?

Over the last 50 years, the American economy has experienced several key changes that have impacted various economic indicators. This essay analyzes the effects of the changes on the American economy, focusing on supply and demand, production, unemployment, entrepreneurship, and other economic indicators. By examining the interconnectedness of different components...

Tax Return Form 1120: Internal Revenue Service

Tax return Form 1120 shows the company’s profit, deductions, taxes, credits, and payments. Deductions allow you to reduce the company’s taxes by calculating them from taxable income. Some of them the company can make in the expense column in the income statement. In addition, certain categories of deductions allow you...

Strategic Management in the Evolving Landscape of Cashless Payments

Problems/Issues The field of cashless payments continues its expansive growth and development as the demand for innovative payment methods grows in need to optimize and speed up payments. Traditional players in the market of non-cash payment systems still retain their weight and leading positions. However, due to the rapid development...

The Use of the Circular Economy Approaches

Introduction One of the basic laws of nature is the cyclicity of life. As the need to improve business sustainability increases, many companies adapt this cyclicity to their processes and conditions. Thus, by using the circular economy approach, firms are able not only to reduce their negative impact on the...

The Importance of Strict Budgeting

A strict budget is essential for a company to follow, even when experiencing phenomenal profits, for several reasons (Boyd & Pitre, 2020): Sustainability: Following a budget ensures that the company has a plan for allocating resources, and it helps to avoid overspending during a period of high profits. This helps...

Gross Domestic Product: Measure of Economic Health

In today’s modern world, economic health is a crucial indicator of the overall well-being of a nation. Gross domestic product (GDP) is the most commonly used measure of economic health and is used to assess a country’s economic performance (Amacher & Pate, 2019). This essay will examine the importance of...

Comparison of Settlements of Virginia and Massachusetts

Introduction The purpose of the original settlements of Virginia and Massachusetts was very different. Virginia was founded as a commercial venture by the London Company in 1607 (Chet, 2019). Its primary purpose was to make a profit, as the settlers were expected to find gold and other resources to bring...

Expected Returns on Investment

Estimating expected returns is crucial for the investors, as it helps to make informed decisions. Expected returns help to anticipate the profit or loss from an investment in a situation of uncertainty (Magni, 2020). Investors can estimate returns from either one investment or a portfolio investment based on historical performance...

Unveiling the Benefits and Drawbacks of Free-Market Capitalism

Introduction Free-market capitalism is an economic system in which goods and services are produced and exchanged based on the laws of supply and demand, with little to no government intervention. It is a system widely adopted in the Western world, making it a widespread and often controversial topic. As such,...

Financial Performance of the US and the State of Georgia

The US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), a division of the US Department of Commerce, is in charge of generating economic statistics, such as data on the GDP, personal income, and global trade. By disseminating timely, pertinent, and reliable economic statistics, the BEA aims to advance understanding of the US...

Irrational Exuberance Chapter in Civil Society by Edwards

There is no doubt that capitalism has proven to be the most efficient model for economic relationships so far. However, with the consistent focus on expansion and profit increase, which companies are expected to pursue in the capitalist environment, the opportunity to support vulnerable and marginalized communities is reduced substantially...

Mexico’s Economic Integration Issues

Introduction Mexico, a member of several economic integrations and regional trading agreements, has been actively participating in initiatives aimed at deepening its economic integration with other countries and increasing trade. While Mexico’s membership in various agreements has helped to boost its economy, it has also faced challenges such as increased...

‘Made in China 2025’ Plan and Economic Nationalism

‘Made in China 2025’ consists of a ten-year-long plan that aims to improve the manufacturing foundation of China, which is primarily led by the government. The plan focuses on the high-tech industry and more specific assets such as improved information technology, energy vehicles, robotics, telecommunications, and AI (McBride & Chatzky,...

Marxist Political Economy as an Independent Branch

Introduction The Marxist political economy, as developed by Karl Marx, is a distinct and independent philosophical branch of governmental policy that significantly diverges from traditional financial systems. Notably, traditional economics tends to concentrate on the resource allocation and study of markets, assuming that people act in their self-interest to optimize...

Free Market vs. Regulation of Hospitals’ Entry

The idea of a free market, defined by rivalry, price cues, and a lack of governmental involvement, is a popular concept. However, there is debate regarding the claim that entry into the market is too easy for hospitals in free markets and that entry restrictions by regulators can promote societal...

War in Ukraine: The New York Times about Contemporary Ukraine

Ukraine was the vital pillar of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the main enemy of United States. The country became the second-most extensive and influential among the fifteen Soviet countries after Russia. Ukraine acted as the headquarters of the Russian navy fleet in the black Sea and a...

Mitigating Foreign Exchange Risks

Introduction: Foreign Exchange Calculations No matter what the underlying spot prices are on April 1st, the corporation has agreed to sell its 4,000 units on January 1st for $1.25 million. This is dangerously near the point where the business stops losing money. The mathematics computation is shown below; The corporation...

The SEC’s Role in Protecting Investors and Navigating Market Volatility

The United States government agency in charge of the country’s securities business is the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It keeps an eye on both transactions and the acts of financial experts. Its goals are to uphold fairness, integrity, and transparency; stop fraud and other dishonest behavior; and guarantee efficient...

The Impact of Government Spending on GDP Growth, Unemployment, and Inflation

Introduction Real GDP Refers to every financial activity done by the government, including consumption, investment, and transfer payment. Each form of public spending is dependent on the availability of government revenue. Most governments use different approaches, such as taxation, to generate revenues (Moore & Prichard, 2020). While some obtain it...

Differences between Accruals and Payables

Today, all organizations are responsible for creating specific financial statements representing all financial activities and performances that might affect their businesses. Different types of expenses are necessary for investors to identify the main features and changes in the company’s financial health and potential earnings. Accruals and payables are common accounting...

The Federal and Georgia Budgets Differences

Introduction The federal and Georgia budgets are both financial blueprints that detail how their governments will spend the funds. The President and Congress developed the federal budget, which is the budgetary blueprint for the United States government. Individual income taxes account for 51% of the federal budget, estimated to reach...

The Budget Expenditure Distribution in Exampleton City

In general, a city’s budget may be defined as a plan of income and expenditures with an expected allocation of available resources among services, departments, and programs. As a small yet developing city, Exampleton requires an efficient distribution of existing revenues to contribute to its growth. The city’s budget is...

State of Romania’s Economy Aspects

Romania’s GDP per capita has grown over the past ten years but remains much lower than the EU average compared to that of the European Union leader, Germany. So far, Romania ranks, respectively, penultimate in the EU in terms of actual per capita individual consumption, which in 2018 was 59...

Aspects of the Home Warranties

Introduction The maintenance, repair, and replacement of household devices that may break down over time are covered by a home warranty, a contract between a homeowner and a private business. An assurance can lessen the stress and unforeseen costs that frequently accompany home purchases. The repair or replacement of kitchen...

The Importance of the Home Warranty

Introduction Purchasing a considerably old home cannot always be regarded as a safe deal as information related to the items, their age, or useful life cannot be readily available. In addition, in the case of breakage, the search for a qualified service provider or handyman may be cost-efficient and time-consuming....

Affective and Cognitive Factors That Hinder Banking Relationships

Introduction The modern banking system presents a set of difficulties for an average consumer that can harm their best interests and lead to a loss of finances or inadequate handling. For various reasons, financial operations require a certain level of cognitive and psychological abilities that many potential bank clients lack....

Global Trade: Food Price Indexes and Data Collection

Global trade is a rather beneficial aspect for the economy. It provides people with extra job opportunities, exposes people to previously unknown brands, diversifies the kinds of goods being sold. However, it can be negatively affected by various crises, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis and the COVID-19 pandemic. The following...

The Future of Trade Integration in Africa

Introduction Globalization in the modern world economy is essential in shaping the economic development of many countries. Economic ties between countries are becoming closer because of the realization of significant mutual benefits. Trade is a major component of countries’ economic relations. The African continent is no exception and is committed...

Key Leading Macroeconomic Indicators

Summary of Excel Spreadsheet Report Analysis and Forecast Investors can use the economic review to determine whether the economy is experiencing a recession, for instance, before deciding whether to invest in a business that depends on purchaser spending. Economic indicators offer information about an economy and its growth or shrinking....

Maintaining the Safety of Financial Resources

Introduction Maintaining digital security in the field of virtual economic transactions between citizens is a vital step in ensuring the safety of people’s financial resources and the security of their identities. In the case study under analysis, several breaches of digital security standards can be identified. Specifically, the country’s residents...

Financial Decisions Influence Regarding Risk and Return

Introduction The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is a model that shows the relationship between the return and risk of investing in stocks and other securities. The return on securities using this formula is equal to the risk return plus the risk premium (Ayub et al., 2020). Discussion The risk...

Aspects of the Consumer Behavior Theories

Introduction Consumer behavior theories are models that aim to explain and predict how consumers make decisions and take action. They are based on psychological, sociological, and economic principles and can help businesses understand the factors that affect consumer behavior. The models applicable to marketing strategies regarding men’s skincare products include...

The Wealth Management Analyst Project

Summary Corporations should use financial securities as their products because they are widely available and easy to find. It would make it possible for the company to profit from investments and raise money as needed. In any event, if a business has a real site that clients can visit, it...

Microeconomics: Perfect Market Competition

Perfect competition matters because it creates numerous producers of identical goods and services, so no single producer may affect the market price. Prices are governed by supply and demand dynamics and are identical for all producers. This form of competition generates an efficient market since each producer is motivated to...

Resources and Economic Growth in the Indonesian Region

As a target article to analyze, the study “The Role of Natural and Human Resources on Economic Growth and Regional Development: With Discussion of Open Innovation Dynamics” by Saleh et al. (2020) is chosen. The article’s main topic concerns the assessment of the role of various resources, including natural and...

Revenue Sources for States and Local Governments

Introduction Fiscal management is just as crucial to the region’s prosperity as the resources and people living there. According to Simon et al. (2018), one can judge the quality of a local public administration by the nearest infrastructure. This paper explores the fundamentals of regional economies, namely how states and...

Macroeconomics and Microeconomics in Business

Introduction Economic relations are an essential part of human life and have a significant impact on both entire states and individuals. It is impossible to abstract from interaction with other subjects or isolate from them. For several centuries, the circle of these relations has been closely studied to identify patterns...

Free Trade Agreements Between Canada and Other Countries

The most appropriate department is the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT); in this case, one would be dealing specifically with the Minister. While the government may have the mandate to increase or decrease the number of free trade agreements, it is highly unlikely that there is an...

Oil and Energy Companies in the US: The Windfall Profits Tax

Major oil and gas businesses have made unheard-of revenues in the billions of dollars. Fuel prices are sky-high for households all around the world, and authorities are having a hard time dealing with excessive spending and declining economic growth (Baunsgaard & Vernon, 2022). Instead of any clever strategy by the...

Public Firms: Financial Reporting

Public firms are required to provide an annual report to shareholders that details their business activities and financial standing. The report’s front section frequently includes an amazing collection of illustrations, images, and a narrative that describes the company’s operations over the previous year and occasionally includes projections for the future...

The Stock Market Crash of 1929

On October 24, 1929, Black Thursday, a series of bankruptcies on the stock exchange ended the general fun and lightness that reigned in the United States in those years. On Black Monday, October 28, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell nearly 13%. The next day, Black Tuesday, the market fell...

How the Economy Affects the Welfare System

Introduction Despite having the largest economy in the world, the United States has the highest rates of poverty compared to other wealthy nations. The government uses a specific measure of poverty based on a minimum yearly income to categorize people as poor or not to decide who is eligible for...

The Population of the Alternative Currencies

Introduction Fiat money as a medium of exchange has existed for many years. In this regard, what began as bartering, the oldest means of trade, led to the development of hundreds of currencies and, consequently, to alternative currencies used by online communities today. Thus, conventional currencies have evolved throughout history...

Impacts of the China-Taiwan Conflict on the US Economy

History of China-Taiwan Diplomatic Tension For the past two decades, Beijing has demonstrated belligerent opposition against Taiwanese Independence since the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has considered Taiwan a Chinese territory since 1949. After losing the Chinese Civil War, the Republic of China (ROC) relocated to Taiwan and established a...

Economic Chaos of a Taiwan War

Tense and conflictual relations between countries can have an impact on all parties involved. Thus, a precise analysis of the situation, the reasons for the involvement of countries in a potential military conflict, and the possible consequences are necessary. The central topic of the paper is the effect that a...

Wealth Management: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications

One of the crucial components in the field of investing is the topic of wealth creation. This topic entails many steps in organizing the fundamental features of a portfolio. The wealth management process provides a straightforward way and approach to managing and building wealth, which will finally help the investor...

Investment in Training Is on the Rise, but So Is Ineffective L&D

The article by David Phillips introduces the dangers of the employee training investments based on the survey of various businesses. The research surveyed 600 Learning & Development (L&D) and HR professionals from large UK organisations with a global footprint (Phillips, 2022). Despite best intentions of the companies, nearly all employers...

The Impact of Railroad Strike on the US Economy

Introduction The US economy can continue functioning without freight trains, but not for very long. Economists and businesses are concerned about the possibility of the first nationwide railroad strike in thirty years. A lengthy walkout lasting a week or longer will seriously harm the country’s still weak supply chain, resulting...

Dollar Removal from the Gold Standard

The economic system is one of the driving systems for the development of the country. Thus, the government must constantly take various decisions and measures that will contribute to the improvement of this area. One of the most critical initiatives for the economy of the United States of America was...

Economic Systems During the Pandemic

Governments and organizations use economic systems to organize the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services across geographical boundaries. A better understanding of the economic processes helps understand how business adapts to external and internal influences. Pichler and Farmer (2022) analyze the effects of numerous factors that impact economic...

Floating and Fixed Rate: Key Principles

Choosing a floating or fixed interest rate is an important decision. Depending on external facts, one can either make money or incur significant losses. There are certain rules and indicators in which it is necessary to choose a floating and a fixed rate. Moreover, there is a theory of market...

How Raising Interest Rates Helps Fight Inflation and High Prices

There is a mutual relationship between business and government where the government regulates the environment in which business operates, and the businesses decide which government will be in place to influence their operations. Businesses look to the government to regulate or deregulate how they operate. This paper focuses on a...

Factors of Influence on the Target Project

The activity of public organizations is a complex process with its characteristics and factors of influence. This process involves many organizations, stakeholders, competitors, and collaborators. All this works as one integral mechanism to influence the political actions of any politician or party. Such influence can be exercised in many ways,...

Payment Model Shift From Fee-For-Service to Pay-For-Performance

Introduction Under the fee-for-service (FFS) payment model, medical professionals receive compensation for the care they provide to their patients based on their time and effort. Since payment focus on the number of services rather than the quality of those services, this creates an incentive for more substandard treatments to be...

Monetary Policy, Inequality, and Federal Reserve Interest Rates

One of the most effective methods for advancing and improving financial knowledge is the use of legislation and public policy initiatives. Individual Development Accounts, for example, are a legislative program started in the mid-1990s to assist low-income earners in building assets (Auclert, 2019). In conjunction with this policy, the Savings...

Choi and Storr’s Idea of Higher Morality of Markets

Introduction Since the 19th century, humanity has constantly been arguing about the morality of market societies versus non-market ones and whether the market is a driver of societal corruption. This discourse began with Karl Marx, who stated that “the market transforms man into “an abstract being, an automaton, and […]...

Macroeconomic Policies in Nigeria

Introduction The functioning of the economy as a whole is a focus of fiscal and monetary policy. Macroeconomic policy is to create a climate that is secure and supportive of a resilient and sustainable increase in the economy, which is essential for generating wealth, employment, and better living standards (Alam,...

Emerging Technology’s Impact on France’s Economy

Current Problem The French are currently dealing with a significant obstacle in the form of a high unemployment rate. According to the latest available data, the unemployment rate in France came in at 8.06% during the fourth quarter of 2020 (Macrotrends, 2022). This places it in fourth place among the...

European vs. American Freight Systems and Policies

The vast majority of cargo in Europe is transported by land. Roads are used to move about 70% of all goods transported on land (Wiegmans ET AL., 2018). Over the past few years, there has been an increase in the variety and volume of goods shipped to and from Europe,...

Exploration of Price Increase and Inflation Over the Years

Introduction Beyond Numbers is a new Bureau of Labor Statistics publication that explores how inflation affects the economy. The publication “Exploring price increase in 2021 and previous periods of inflation” studies price increases by 2021, including information on the previous periods of inflation (Bennion et al., 2022). In addition, it...

Impact of Covid-19 on the Economy

Background The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic was a rare and unprecedented occurrence, and governments around the world scrambled to implement emergency measures, such as social isolation measures, public awareness programs, testing and quarantine policies, and income support packages. The governments of the world hurried to implement emergency measures, including...

Tax Research: A Like-Kind Exchange

Introduction According to US tax law, a like-kind exchange, sometimes called a 1031 exchange, is a single transaction or a set of transactions that permit the sale of one asset and the purchase of a different replacement asset without creating a current tax obligation on the sale of the original...

Virgin Group: Investments in Start-Ups

Introduction Virgin Group is a well-known venture company that makes investments in start-ups that might change the world. In 2022 the firm has made yet another contribution that has been financially rewarding. In the summer of 2022, Virgin Group made an announcement that the company made an investment in Lightyear,...

The Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)

What is a HELOC Home Equity Line of Credit is a type of credit that is secured by a home and one is able to use it for anything. The way HELOC work is similar to the way the credit card is being used, it allows one to continually to...

The Decline of the Household Income in Suburban and Metropolitan Areas

Introduction According to Antonios, the article “Decline of Inner Suburbs” was written in a clear, easy-to-understand manner. The piece by Lucy & Phillips (2000) states that the household income in some suburban and metropolitan areas declined. Among the reasons is little to no reinvestment in structures which shortens the lives...

Supply Chain Disruptions and the Effects on the Global Economy

The research aims to define the key problems that appear during the supply process and how they affect the economic situation in many countries worldwide. The study will also show the recovery process and possible solutions to the existing issues in the sphere like planning and risk prediction based on...

Authoritarian Political Systems and Economic Development

Authoritarianism and populism are returning to the world, raising questions about how economically successful such regimes can be. As practice shows, economic growth is less stable under authoritarian regimes than in democratic countries. Economic growth gradually leads to forming an urban class and protests against authoritarian rule. Authoritarianism as a...

Pensions and Post-Retirement Benefits

Choosing the optimal discount rate is a task that requires taking into account information regarding both the company’s properties and external data. An employer should consider several factors relating to the business when setting the discount rate. In this case, the company’s financial stability is determined by characteristics that include...

The Rise in Prices of Used Vehicles

Prices of Used Vehicles Used vehicles have had one or more retail owners in the past. The price of these cars soared by 42% from December 2019 to October 2022, based on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (Vincent). Over the past year, prices of used cars have skyrocketed by...

Globalization and Technological Development

Currently, there are 195 countries in the world, each with its unique set of knowledge collected throughout the millennia. Nevertheless, the imperial conquest from 1492 to 1800 led to the discovery of new continents and nations and their cultures and traditions accumulated by the colonizers (Friedman). The wave of globalization...

Urban Economics: Expertise Influences Prosperity

Introduction Urban economics generally examines the problems caused by urbanization and located in urbanized areas. These problems may include crime, housing, education, public transit, and other issues. In recent years, urban economists have been specifically concerned about how these issues originate and connect to increasing levels of poverty. Discussion Moreover,...

Chile’s Development and Economic Indicators

Introduction Private ownership rights are typically upheld and protected in Chile, and people are free to invest in the nation. Expropriation is unusual because protected rights in capital assets are frequently recognized and executed. The judiciary is free from political intervention and has a good track record of upholding individual...

The Gross Domestic Product Analysis

GDP is commonly known as the gross domestic product, and many political leaders are paying attention to this factor to estimate future changes in their country and avoid possible financial risks. Politicians are using the changes in GDP data during the development of different economic instabilities like inflations and recessions....

The Role of Economics in Shaping Public Policy

Introduction Economics is essential in steering public discussions about business taxation, household taxation, and import taxation by changing the public perspective of taxes. Taxes are essential in running a government by providing public resources and services for appropriate economic growth (Korenik & Węgrzyn, 2020). Without taxes, the government would be...

The Investment Market Anomalies

Investors usually frame investment market anomalies as some unusual patterns in the market that may increase returns on investments. In a formal sense, anomalies are events that do not fit into an efficient market hypothesis, which says that investors cannot outperform a pure buy-and-hold strategy because the assets’ price reflects...

The Central Bank Currency in the Monetary System

Article Summary The article’s main focus is on the fundamental of the central bank currency in the monetary system. Armelius et al (2020) argues that individuals cannot be issued with the mandate of converting their commercial money into central bank money. The significant question is viewed from two perspectives because...

Minimum Wage in British Columbia

Introduction An increase in the minimum wage is a highly controversial issue across the world. For example, the current minimum wage in the United States stands at 7.25 US dollars per hour, despite the concerted government efforts to raise it to 15 US dollars per hour by 2025 (Marchand et...

The Globalization Impact on Cultural Production

Introduction Globalization embraces every country, gradually expanding its social, economic, and trade opportunities. It is an essential part of the evolution of countries and the emergence from colonialism, but it can affect the national core and culture. Certain phenomena are emerging in the higher education segment and the business environment...

The Looming Student Loan Default Crisis Is Worse Than We Thought: Critique

Descriptive Overview of the Article The author studies the release of new statistics on student debt and repayment in October 2017 by the U.S. Department of Education. This research takes a more significant look at student dues and evasion. Considering all university students relatively than only borrowers offers far more...

Capital Investment and Financial Management

A company’s capital investment is the money it spends on fixed assets like land, machinery, and buildings. Cash, assets, or loans may be used to fund the project. Businesses may struggle to start the ground without capital investment. I plan to invest in my sister’s small business which is an...

The Free Housing Myth in Canada

Introduction The free housing myth has been an ongoing lie in Canada since immemorial. The fact that the falsehood has polarized Canada has become a major concern. Therefore, I thought of this chapter because there has been a popular belief that the Aboriginal group in Canada has been receiving free...

Agriculture, Water, and Food Security in Tanzania

Introduction National Security is closely connected to the economic processes within the country. Integration in the global economic dynamics stabilizes a country’s financial balance and affects the general success of international trade. Therefore, economic development contributes to the maintenance of National Security through establishing international relations and commercial success. A...

Negotiating Globally: The U.S.-China Trade War

Donald Trump added to the controversy of his term in the U.S. President’s office by starting a full-scale trade war against China. Trump ended Obama’s strategy of putting pressure on China via high-level bilateral negotiations and indirect measures, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) project (Bown, 2021). Instead, the Trump...

Retailing Strategies for New Demographics

Shifting demographic is always an important component of market research. Yet, the contemporary changes in the consumer base are especially noteworthy. The report by PricewaterhouseCoopers (2015) has explored the substitution of baby boomers with younger generations as primary consumers and has outlined its implications for the retailing industry. Although the...

Startup Capital Ventures Investing in Zero2IPO

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze the intention of American Startup Capital Ventures (SCV) to invest in the Chinese Zero2IPO. SCV is headed by managing partners John and Danny, both of whom have experience of geometrically increasing the revenues of technology startups. Zero2IPO is a Chinese market...

Zero-Based Budgeting in Federal Budget Process

Zero-based budgeting (ZBB) is a different approach to creating a budget. While most strategies for budgeting account for the history of previous transactions, ZBB does not operate on financial history and automatically included payments (Coyte et al., 2020). Therefore, each period in the budget is planned from a clean slate,...

Aspects of Investing Resources in Stocks

Introduction Investing resources can bring significant benefits to individuals and their companies. Investment issues are widely discussed in businesses of various levels, attracting many entrepreneurs and employees. I watched a video about investors’ strategies and actions to choose stocks to buy created by Richard Coffin (n.d.). Even though buying and...

Governmental Price Control in Agricultural Sector

The most regulated industry in the United States has always been agriculture. During the twentieth century, the state regulation of agriculture and agribusiness in the United States was distinguished by two characteristic features (Cheng et al., 2021). First of all, the state by its intervention does not suppress the activity...

The Commodification of Science in the Sugar Industry

Introduction Financial support for science, technology, and innovation is becoming increasingly relevant and changing its meaning. There are also the latest, complex funding mechanisms that are designed to influence the conduct of scientific research. When discussing the applied nature of some scientific research, it frequently refers to business involvement in...

World Trade Agreements and Anti-Dumping Measures

Introduction This academic work will consider such a phenomenon in international trade as dumping. Moreover, it will focus on the role of the WTO in managing international trade disputes, particularly examining issues related to dumping and anti-dumping legislation. Thus, the phenomenon under study is a process in which a country...

Future Stock and Bond Valuations

Stocks and bonds are the sources of dividends in the long term when income is generated by paying interest or returning invested funds when owning the relevant securities. In their financial statements, companies reflect stock and bond performance when comparing the results for a particular period with those of an...

Africa’s Fight Against Hunger in the Diamond Mines

Introduction Africa is a rich continent with diverse flora and fauna but is highly susceptible to climate change and, in turn, economic changes against this background. The agricultural sector mainly funds African states, not the industry and the information sphere. Accordingly, the state reacts very painfully to climate change when...

Economy: How the Market Runs the Economy

Introduction In order to allocate resources as fair as possible, the market economy is based on a set of dogmas that govern the distribution process. A healthy situation on the market can lead to greater accessibility of products and services and reflects positively on a nation’s global position. Under perfect...

Consumer Behavior and American Identity After Covid-19

Introduction Consumer behavior is dictated by American identity, while at the same time being an identity-shaping force. Peterson’s article analyzes the change in behavior during the pandemic, demonstrating that the consumption paradigm is shaping American identity. The dictated civic responsibility was a force that provoked overconsumption, since it was believed...

The Fiscal Policy History in the United States

Fiscal policy uses government expenditure and taxation to control the economy during macroeconomic conditions. The government uses the policy to create strong and sustainable growth and reduce poverty (Bossone, 2021). During recessions, governments might consider lowering tax rates or increasing their level of expenditure to spur economic activity and encourage...

Real vs. Inflationary Growth: What’s the Difference?

Real growth and inflation are associated with the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GDP is the total market worth of a nation’s products and services during a specific period (Feldstein, 2017). When Comparing periods of GDP growth, real growth takes inflation or deflation into account, while the inflationary growth rate uses...

An Agent-Based Model of Flood Risk and Insurance

Introduction In the present day, property and liability insurance may be regarded as a common practice for the protection of people’s belongings and health. It allows individuals to mitigate the risks of property loss in the case of perils, such as fire, theft, or accident. In addition, it allows to...

Changes in Demand and Supply During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Introduction The global coronavirus pandemic greatly affected the market equilibrium in several markets for personal care, medical, and consumer products (Anonymous “Supply, Demand, and Shortages,” 2022). The increased demand for a range of products led to increased product costs. This research paper explains – how increased demand for these products...

Brazilian Government’s Response to 2016 Recession

Introduction Macroeconomic conditions on the domestic or international levels may have contributed to the start of an economic crisis. The official reports and lack of inflation that characterized the recent unrest in Brazil necessitated a tight monetary policy, which led to one of the deepest and longest recessions in Brazilian...

Unemployment as an Imperfect Economic Measure

Unemployment has been an essential aspect of the country’s economy because the unemployed labor force cannot pay taxes or perform other activities beneficial to the economy. However, it has been debated that the unemployment rate is an imperfect measure of joblessness in the country. The unemployment rate is imperfect because...

Personal Finance: Turning Money Into Wealth

There are many different bond kinds, and each has benefits and drawbacks for the parties involved. Municipal and corporate bonds will be reviewed in this session. They demonstrate different levels of risk and are accompanied by several considerations before investment. However, it could be argued that municipal bonds are effective...

Encampment Project: Homelessness Eradication

Three Notes Encampment projects are usually helpful for few people or families. Homelessness eradication is almost impossible without efforts to combat unemployment. Temporary housing is an expensive venture. Article Essentials Taplin Jen published an article on 15th June 2022 in Chronicle-Herald about the intention of Halifax to allow encampment in...

The Impact of Supreme Court Decisions on the US Economy

Introduction The current U.S. Constitution is one of the oldest in the world. It reflects the fundamental ideas of federalism, separation of powers, the system of checks and balances, and judicial constitutional control, which formed the basis of the state system and the legal and economic systems of the USA....

Netflix: Globalization and Information Research

Summary In a three-stage expansion process, Netflix could make strategic decisions and establish effective policies in those markets. Before moving forward, they carefully selected a few calls to employ as a test and then studied those markets. One of the best strategies the business can employ to expand is to...

Regional Economic Integration and FDI in South Asia

Summary of the Article The article focused on the study of the modern achievements of regional integration and different aspects of foreign direct investments in South Asia. In the article, Aggarwal (2008) tries to explain the problems influencing the consolidation of international business in the region. Some of the barriers...

Researching of International Markets

Fair Chocolate Trade More than half of the global cocoa supply comes from the Ivory Coast. Moreover, it is estimated that 500,000 children exercise labor to support the market demands on the market. The practice is illegal and unethical, so specific measures can be implemented on an international, national, and...

Demand and Supply of Apples After Surgeon General’s Advice

Demand and supply of a product change considerably depending on various market factors, like price and customer preferences. When the doctor encourages people to take apples to lower cancer risk, many people will change their fruit preferences and opt to take more apples, considering the increased cases of cancer around...

The Impact of Raising the Minimum Wage

Most developing nations see a decrease in poverty when the minimum wage is raised. The minimum wage barely covers a small percentage of disadvantaged people and excludes those employed in the vast informal industries, making the impact negligible. An increase in minimum wage can present advantages and disadvantages for different...

Discussion: Symbiotic Justice in Taxation

The sustenance of a nation is only possible when the government has enough revenue to support its projects, pay the workers, and continually develop its infrastructure. During his time as the finance minister, Alexander Hamilton opined that it was important for the government to collect internal and external taxes that...

Check Fraud: Types and Indicators

Check fraud has always been one of the ways used by malefactors to acquire additional benefits. It can be defined as any effort to acquire money illegally, using paper or digital checks that are widespread nowadays (“Check fraud 101,” n.d.). Statistics show that an organization might lose up to 5%...

World Bank’s Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals

Introduction The 2015 historic international agreement on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) encourages all parties to establish and construct efficient local implementation systems. The policies require that members work with the World Bank to gather and evaluate data for measuring progress (Roa et al., 2019). This essay examines the role...

Aspects of Global Economic Trends

Globalization has affected individuals, groups, and communities all over the world and has had a big impact on sustainable development. Globalization has significantly altered economies, society, and the environment over the last several decades, and it has made our globe more linked than ever before ( Eitzenet al., 2018). This...

Records Management System of IIROC

IIROC is the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada, and it oversees and protects Canadian investment firms. Like any organization, it has many records of various activities that are necessary for business management and the systematization of information. Naturally, they have a records management system that ensures the efficiency of...

The Rise of the Middle Class in Africa

Africa has been going through not the easiest times right now. Many modern politicians and the public put their expectations for the improvement of the situation on the risen middle-class. African society has high hopes for this new tendency which may promise a better future. It expects a more developed...

Economies of Australia and China in Recent Years

COVID-19 has had a profound impact on the Australian economy. Most indicators in 2020 indicate that the country was in a recession phase. According to Australia Indicators (n.d.), the annual growth rate of RGDP decreased by 1.9%, index of production costs decreased by 0.4%, consumption spending decreased by 5.72%, investment...

Consumer Science: Shared Consumption Experiences

Introduction Shared Consumption Experiences was published by Rebecca Hamilton in Impact at JMR in 2021. The article discusses the subject of consumer behavior; however, contrary to other research made on the topic, Hamilton (2021) focuses on the experiences of a group rather than an individual. It is found that shared...

The Ethical Repercussions Inflation Has Had on Businesses

Introduction The effects of inflation have been detrimental to many commercial enterprises worldwide. It is due to prices of the factors of production have increased, resulting in a rise in production costs. The finished product cost usually goes up to provide the means for the company to continue operating profitably....

Government Policies Lowering Energy Costs

Introduction In the article “Biden Administration to Provide Over $13 Billion in Aid to Help American Families Lower Energy Bills,” Chelsea Cox reports on the government’s efforts to assist citizens burdened by high electricity charges. The United States Department of Health and Human Services plans to release money to help...

Information Gain in Customer Behavior Study

Introduction The information gain is a useful method to predict the behaviors of the customers and allows to better target and market products. Nevertheless, some limitations to this method are present. Discussion The cleanliness of data and the possibilities of recurring issues are one of the limitations of using information...

Gross Domestic Product as Economic Well-Being Measure

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) calculates the monetary value of all final services and products, including those bought by consumers and those manufactured in a nation over a specific period. It gauges every product created within a nation’s borders (Dynan & Sheiner, 2018). As a result, some activities—such as non-market activities,...

Analyzing Consumer Behavior and Market Dynamics

The Maximum Number of Tickets Sylvia can Buy in a Week If the budget is $24 and the cost of one movies ticket is $4, the maximum amount to spend on tickets equals the budget divided by the cost of one. Therefore, it will be; $24/$4, which equals six tickets....

Brexit Implications for the European Union and the United Kingdom’s Economy

Abstract Due to the challenges it faced and the differences between the European Union and the United Kingdom, the Brexit process featured a variety of outcomes. The EU was required to show its competence on both an economic and political level to deal with crises of various kinds, but the...

Oil and Natural Gas Industry and Its Effect on the European Economy

Abstract For European nations’ economies to expand consistently and steadily, access to energy resources is essential. Power consumption is continuously increasing; hence a long-term strategy for unified European policy is required. However, European countries now rely significantly on imported natural gas and oil while gradually converting to renewable energy sources....

Faith Integration of “Economics” as the Management of God’s Household

Originally, the word economics comes from the word “oikonomos” which is actually a combination of two Greek words ‘oikos” and “nomos”. These two words mean household and law respectively. The term oikonomos refers to the handling of a household. The perception of an economy as a household has really affected...