Climate Disruption: Understanding the Problem and Its Significance

Introduction Now, the climate crisis is a significant challenge facing humanity. Rising average temperatures substantially impact the planet’s climate, and these effects will become even more potent over the years. Besides global warming and melting glaciers, there is also an imbalance in all-natural systems, leading to changes in precipitation patterns,...

Madagascar Drought and Mitigation Efforts

Extreme weather events have been happening in various parts of the globe, leading to human suffering. This is the case in the Southern region of Madagascar, where extreme drought has left people with severe food insecurity. The drought has affected a population of 725,620 people in the regions of Andrefana,...

Business Transformation in the Context of Climate Crisis

Supporting An Environmentally Sustainable World In modern society, in conditions of urbanization of the population and concentration of industries, environmental problems are becoming increasingly important. Both enterprises and individuals show a responsible attitude to environmental well-being. The main catalysts of environmental behavior in developing countries are administrative requirements for the...

Human-Environment Interactions Influence Populations’ Health

Three selected readings highlight the global issue of human-environment interactions’ influence on populations’ health. While the world’s population and life expectancy continue to rise, there are many underestimated health threats associated with human activities, consumption, and the exploitation of natural resources. Initially, despite the development and progress of humankind in...

True Low-Carbon Urban Development Principles

The public concerns about the possible environment-related crisis emerged many decades ago, but, as practice shows, society is still unprepared for crises of any type, and the COVID-19 pandemic proves this statement. Thus, the international community should initiate social changes that will help avoid or, at least, minimize the risks...

Importance of the Clean Air Act Policy

The Clean Air Act is one of the most vital pieces of environmental legislation in the US. Currently, the policy is administrated by the US Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA. The agency works on all matters of environmental protection, collaborating with state and local governments alike. Currently only $1.4 billion...

Importance of Recycling for Environment and People

An urgent problem today is the issue of garbage collection and recycling. This is important because the country’s population is growing, along with which there is an active increase in the amount of waste polluting the planet. An article written by Ina Vollmer et al. describes the importance of plastic...

The World’s Need for Transition to Carbon-Free Production

The climate is constantly changing, and people are suffering from this, losing the opportunity to get food and earn money. In this regard, the world needs a transition to carbon-free production and financial support for developing countries. Countries must allocate a shared budget to make the transition to zero-clean fuels...

Impact of Marine Plastic Debris on Environment

Abstract Generally, there is an overall increase in the use of plastic commodities across the globe. The research paper will analyze the reviews of marine plastic problems in South Africa. The improper disposal of the debris contributes to the rising level of ocean contamination. Plastic waste affects the overall marine...

Biodiversity, Environmental Ethics and Theology

The environmental crisis has reached the point when it cannot be ignored anymore. The need to change attitudes toward the environment has given rise to environmental ethics – a branch of ethics studying the relationship between humanity and the earth. Environmental ethics aims to provide moral standards regarding how people...

Wolves Change the Course of a River

Hunters wiped wolves out of the Yellowstone National Park years back. However, they were reintroduced in 1995, and their impact on the park is remarkable. According to the video, the wolves created a trophic cascade—an ecological process that starts at the top of the food chain and trickles down to...

Climate Change: Factors and Future

Introduction Climate change is the gradual change of the Earth’s climate due to the rising amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. As a result of the shift in equilibrium, the ecosystem is under threat, including the future of humanity. For instance, the average global temperatures have risen by 1.2˚C,...

The Air Monitoring System in Dallas

On 29 December 2020, The Nature Conservancy in Texas, City of Dallas, and Texas A&M Transportation Institute started to install air quality monitors in nine Dallas neighborhoods. This ordinance is a part of the Breathe Easy Dallas project on that week. Breathe Easy Dallas is a collaboration with Texas A&M...

The Effects of Air Pollution

Air Pollution Air is an essential component for the survival of all living creatures. When harmful substances are introduced into the atmosphere they affect human beings, other living organisms, the climate, and materials on the surface of the earth. The atmosphere is majorly comprised of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and...

Importance of Life in Biosphere

Jane Poynter was one of the first eight pioneer members, known as ‘biospherians,’ to live in an enclosed environment where every aspect of one’s life is developed and maintained from the enclosure. The stay in the research center was not that smooth because the ‘biospherians’ faced their fair share of...

Environmental Health Problems Florida Facing

Introduction The chosen population health issue concerns environmental sustainability in Florida. Research on the state’s climate has revealed that 4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide are emitted into the air through power plant activities (EPA, 2022). Air pollution has been a critical issue that poses concerns about people’s well-being....

Sustainable Environmental Practices, Current Status and Recommendations

Critical analysis of the issue The sustainable approach to constituting business models has been majorly discussed in recent years. Despite its popularity, its success has been fairly limited, and the adjacent eco-practices “are insufficient in themselves to deliver the holistic changes necessary to achieve long-term social and environmental sustainability” (Bocken,...

Global Warming Effects on Earth

Global warming presents a considerable threat by having an enormous influence on humanity’s social, economic, and physical state. Global warming is the long-term process that refers to gradual Earth heating observed from the industrial and pre-industrial revolution periods (NASA). The issue results from the greenhouse gas effect caused by human...

Prioritizing Ecosystem Services in Conservation

Abstract The current work is focused on estimating the pros and cons of prioritizing ecosystem services in conservation. The significance of saving and protecting ecosystems requires interfering with the natural flow of events and taking action in order to get more profit for human well-being. From one side, people depend...

Researching the Concept of Biodiversity

In general, biodiversity is a key player in maintaining the survival of all kinds of life on Earth. However, in everyday life, it is hard to formulate what it is really about. What is surprising, scholars also tend to give broad definitions because of the wide scope of the phenomenon....

Bhopal Gas Tragedy in India: Reasons for Happening and Results

On December 3, 1984, in Bhopal, India, there happened to be a gas leakage of methyl isocyanate (MIC) from a pesticide manufacturing plant located in the city. The tragedy resulted in the loss of lives and other adverse negative effects on the community in Bhopal. At least 3,800 people died,...

Papahanaumokuakea Plastic Sea Pollution

Summary The article discusses plastic sea pollution affecting Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monuments. The Great Pacific Garbage region contains floating plastic debris such as floating fish nets, bottles, and shopping bags, which have affected the ocean life by ingesting these pollutants. The problem has been challenging to address, but recently, cleanup...

Climatic Catastrophe in the Year 535 AD

The video clip shows that volcanic eruptions caused climatic catastrophe changes due to the ashes and dust thrown into the atmosphere. Accordingly, it was also triggered by the effects of a comet. This eruption led to widespread global effects like drought and famine, crop failure, and causing unseasonable weather that...

Feasible and Realistic Alternative Energies Trends

Renewable energy comes from sustainable sources such as hydropower, wind power, solar power, geothermal power, biomass, and tidal power. Unlike fossil fuels such as natural gas or coal, and uranium ore, these energy sources are not depleted, so they are called renewable. The first factor leads to an understanding of...

The Future of Coal Plants Regarding Climate Change

The use of coal plants to provide energy has been at the center of the growth of many economies of the world. In the US alone, coal powers 25% of all electricity used domestically and industrially (Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, 2022). On the other hand, studies associate coal...

Stakeholders and the Physical Environment

In the past, suburban bedroom communities were considered “the future” as they could provide vast opportunities for households to improve the quality of housing. However, as time went on, most of such communities depended significantly on the constant changes in the private housing market. Thus, weaknesses in the bedroom suburbs...

Hurricane Katrina: Military and Civilian Response

Introduction Hurricane Katrina was one of the most devastating and costliest natural disasters in the whole history of the United States with $108 billion in damages, at least 1,833 people killed, and thousands of citizens left homeless. The major responders to the catastrophe included the U.S. military, the Federal Emergency...

Strengthening Resilience and Adaptive Capacity to Climate-Related Hazards

Critical analysis of the issue There have been numerous attempts to raise awareness both in the masses and among various business owners, however, no focused strategy that everyone would abide by has been implemented. This is particularly the reason that it is extremely important to strengthen the resilience that has...

Climate Disruption: Attracting People’s Attention

In recent years, the Earth’s climate has changed markedly, with some countries suffering from abnormal heat waves and others from winters that are too harsh and snowy for their liking. Many environmentalists argue about global climate change, including increases in average annual temperatures, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and more....

Improving Ecological Awareness Through Education

Introduction The toxicity of manufactured products is currently a prominent issue for numerous populations. Including various chemicals in the solutions created for home use has been a useful strategy for numerous production facilities, as this method often improves the manufacturing process and can be cheaper in the long term (The...

Pollution Rights Trading Will Effectively Control Environmental Problems

Extreme temperatures, an increasing number of natural disasters, and the rising level of the ocean are only some of the most urgent issues caused by dramatic shifts that are taking place. Environmental issues gained momentum decades ago, and countries, international institutions, and scientists have come up with various approaches and...

Recycling in the United States: Ball Corporation’s Report

Recycling is one of the most effective ways to reduce environmental pollution, but this process is not universally controlled across all U.S. states. An independent ecological consultancy, Eunomia, in collaboration with Ball Corporation, collected data and prepared the report about recycling rates and policies in all 50 states (Ball Corporation)....

The Biofuel and Food Industry Connection

Why throw away food when it can be used to make fuel for cars? We thought about this with friends, cleaning the dishes after dinner. Different options are needed in the climate crisis and the urgent search for practical problems, including the food industry. Of course, something may object –...

Coverage Story on Thunberg Speech

In the speech held at the United Nations climate action summit, a climate activist girl called Greta Thunberg argues about environmental degradation as an emergency. Greta began a great crusade to fight global temperature and carbon emission rise when she was eleven. She is from Sweden, is short, wears no...

Climate Change: Improving Global Health

The climate of the planet is changing, and today it is impossible to deny. The temperature of air and water is increasing every decade. When discussing warming, people often discuss the risks to nature and the economy: plants and animals will suffer from high temperatures, and droughts will force many...

Profitability of Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy in Australia

Undoubtedly, the recent increase in popularity of campaigns to decarbonize the globe proves renewable energy to be a current and future trend globally. For this reason, many countries worldwide are gradually investing in growing their onshore and offshore wind projects to serve subsistent and large-scale markets in the future. For...

Organizational Problem of Everest Tragedy of 1996

The tragedy of the mountain Everest refers to the events that occurred on May 11, 1996 and led to the mass death of climbers on the southern slope of Everest. Two expeditions at once – Mountain Madness and Adventure Consultants simultaneously began their ascent on May 10th. In total, there...

Green Initiatives of the Toronto-Dominion Bank

The Toronto-Dominion (TD) Bank is a multinational company based in Canada that provides financial services. As a business that can provide a significant influence over other companies, it has a duty to protect the environment. TD Bank has several initiatives that aim to achieve that goal. This paper will assess...

How Tsunami Works: Causes and Process

What is Tsunami A tsunami is a sequence of long and high waves generated when there is water disruption in the ocean. The disturbance can originate from different sources such as meteorites, volcanic eruptions, landslides, and earthquakes in the sea (“How a tsunami wave works,” para 1). However, the common...

The Haiti Quake and Disaster Aid

Introduction The task of mitigating the risks stemming from natural disasters through aid to the populations is complicated by numerous obstacles that are frequently neglected by international organizations. One of the examples of this phenomenon is the occasional earthquakes in Haiti, and the lasting nature of their problems is determined...

Global Warming: The Importance of Addressing the Climate Crisis

I agree with your statement that global warming has many consequences, and a few of them were listed in National Geographic’s video. Besides, multiple evidence-based scientific discoveries emphasize the importance of addressing the climate crisis urgently. As the population grows globally, industries that serve and feed them enforce production and...

Tecnocap’s Recycled and Recyclable Aluminum Closures

Introduction Sustainability is a prominent trend. Recycling enables people to achieve sustainability. Tecnocap’s aluminum cans are 100% recyclable. Product Identification Tecnocap’s metal closures are made of recycled material. Tecnocap’s cans can be recycled themselves. Tecnocap’s products can be customized. Benefits for Consumers Tecnocap’s bottles are extremely durable. Consumers can use...

Climate Redux and Earth System Governmentality

Climate change is at the top of current discussions around the globe. Allenby’s “Climate Redux: Welcome to the Anthropocene” and Lovbrand et al.’s “Earth System governmentality” offer timely insights into this discussion, albeit in different ways. On the one hand, Lovbrand et al. (2009) discuss how the integrative Earth System...

“The River and the Corruption of Memory” by Khan

“The River and the Corruption of Memory” The springs of life, including the waterways, rivers and wetlands of Bangladesh, have birthed joy and pain, creating a bitter-sweet situation in their history. “The River and the Corruption of Memory” addresses water sources such as rivers, reservoirs, and lakes as a social...

Examining the Potential of Digital Earth Services in Connection to Global Warming

Introduction Environmental issues surrounding the subject of the Earth’s condition are a crucial topic of scientific discussion. The numerous problems concerning the changes in natural welfare require grounded interpretation and subsequent search for suitable solutions to maintain our home planet’s state. Over the course of humanity’s existence, the characteristics of...

“The Amazon Cannot Be Recovered Once It’s Gone”: The Issue of Deforestation

Introduction In the modern world, despite the rapid and successful development of technology, there are many problems that require immediate solutions. One of these issues is to reduce the number of forests and green spaces. This is especially true of the precious and vital Amazon rainforests. Such areas provide a...

Responsibility for Climate Migration

During the search for the causes of the collapses of historical and modern societies, Jared Diamond’s Five Points Framework emphasizes the environmental factor as pivotal. In the same way historic nations met their demise when faced with the degradation of the environment, the modern world is jeopardized by climate change....

Greenpeace and Solution to Ecological Issues Promotion as the Core Value

The deterioration of the environment because of human influence is one of the most-discussed complex issues in the contemporary world. At first glance, this problem is not a social or political topic, as the nature of the challenge is commonly attributed to scientists such as geologists, meteorologists, ecologists, and others....

Plastic Ban and Technology: Society’s Use of Plastic

Prohibiting the manufacturing and usage of plastics will endanger human health and environmental sustainability. Once the plastics were devised by the Swedish engineer Sten Gustaf Thulin in 1959, they were intended to become a better solution to paper bags considered awful for the ecosystem by cutting down trees and preventing...

Climate Change and Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Climate change is a serious and persistent problem that affects every facet of people’s lives. With each passing decade, the pollution and changes to the environment enact irreversible damage to the world, with many of the problems humanity faces today being rooted in the mistakes of the past. The usage...

Environmental Studies: Life & Culture in the Pacific

The journal “Culture and Sustainable Development in the Pacific,” by Antony Hooper describes how different cultural beliefs in the Pacific affect development. According to Hooper, culture and development are factors that are always intertwined. The relationship is affect in every aspect of life including the media and political debates. Most...

Flood Environmental Issues in the Netherlands

Introduction With the current situation of constantly rising sea levels, the Netherlands is at the constant risk of floods, and those calamities were harsh incentives for the country’s development. Its history is full of floods, many of which were devastated nationally. Almost all country territory is in danger, which pushes...

Solar Power as a Solution to Environmental Problems

Introduction Unfortunately, humans have not been rather rational when using numerous resources on this planet, and now people face many challenging environmental problems. One of them is climate change, and it is believed that this process has already had and will have adverse effects. Thankfully, scientists are doing their best...

Chief Executive Officers Payments

There have been many issues concerning with the Chief Executive Officers are paid highly and enjoy a lot of incentives in the originations compared to the staff in the same organizations. This argumentative essay will try to support my stand on whether I agree that CEOs should be paid highly...

Climate Change and Environmental Anxiety

One of the world’s leading issues has been climate change or global warming. Even though the weather has slowed it, it still has a place in our hearts and minds. Since 1970, temperatures have risen by 1.3 degrees to 1.9 degrees in some parts of the United States. Global warming...

Human Impact on Seismic Activity

Modern science is actively arguing that human activity extensively damages the environment. That results in climate change, global warming, and an increase in natural disasters. One of the underexplored disasters is the human impact on seismic activity. Gibbens (2017) suggests that people often perceive earthquakes as unforeseeable phenomena they cannot...

Von Wong on Environmental Pollution Awareness

The subject of the study discussed in the following review considers the works of Mr. Wong and their significance in raising environmental awareness. The thesis of the study is that there is an intrinsic need for environmental awareness to ensure the protection of the Earth, and art is a way...

The Science Behind Climate Change

The greenhouse effect is the retention of solar heat in a natural way that makes the earth habitable. Gries, Redlin, & Ugarte (2019) state that “even before the industrialization and the rising importance of fossil fuels, the Earth’s surface was modified by human activity through deforestation, agricultural activity, and urbanization”...

Oil Spills and How They Are Related to Climate Change

Since the discovery of oil and the emergence of the petroleum industry, the human impact on nature and the environment has grown exponentially. It was the moment when humanity became an active partaker in climate change. As of now, the overall influence can be described as primarily negative. It is...

Is Nuclear Power Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy can be defined as the sustainable, clean source of energy derived from naturally occurring resources. The main elements constituting this definition are sustainable, clean, and natural. Sustainable implies that the source can be regenerated over and over again without depletion. Cleanliness, which is the main force behind the...

A Climate Change Emergency in the US

Introduction Scientists now agree that climate change is the result of human activity. Some of these activities include the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Although many gases are emitted into the atmosphere that creates the greenhouse effect, carbon dioxide builds up and stays in the air for centuries, causing...

Hurricane Katrina and Failures of Emergency Management Operations

Introduction: Overview of the Hurricane The apocalyptic scenes following the destruction caused by one of the biggest disasters in American history, the 2005 Hurricane Katrina, were a direct reflection of the U.S. government’s failure to prepare for and respond to such a natural hazard. The Hurricane came from the coast...

Aspects of Environmentally Effective Buildings

LEED is a practical assessment system that allows analyzing the environmental safety of a building from several perspectives. For example, in the context of this certification program, the resource efficiency of water, solar energy, and electricity is considered (Nassos and Avlonas 191). Despite a certain number of vulnerabilities, by the...

Causes and Risks of Water Pollution

Introduction Global anthropogenic activities, manifested in industrial and agricultural initiatives and innovative technological solutions, have become one of the main causes of massive water pollution. This topic has been discussed by ecologists and other stakeholders for decades, and every year, the issue is raised more and more acutely. Large reservoirs...

Causes of Climate Change and Ways to Reduce It

Currently, the topic of climate change has dominated media platforms, international conferences, and research institutions. Although the subject is contagious owing to the associated interests, the world has experienced changes in climatic conditions that can be linked to the alteration of the natural composition of the environment in the recent...

Solar Energy in China and Its Influence on Climate Change

Introduction Renewable energy is well known as the ideal solution to combat the forthcoming panic of global warming. Solar energy is the renewable energy resource that registers the production of most minor carbon energy sources. This has made the rate of solar installations in China substantially increase in the recent...

Natural Climate Solutions for Climate Change in China

The environmental situation in China has become especially aggravated in recent years. It is due to the rapid pace of economic development with a predominance of the extensive type of development, when attention is paid to the rate of increase in production capacity and nature is viewed as a source...

Harmful Impact of Climate Change

Climate change is one of the most notable environmental problems that humanity is facing today. The United Nations (UN) defines it as ‘long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns’, which are affected by both natural cycles and human activities (United Nations). Global warming is one of the major consequences of...

Harm Inflicted by COVID-19 and Aplomado Falcons

Stating the Problem The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on all areas of society due to the global lockdown. Quarantine measures led to changes not only in the private life of people but also in the economic sphere. Many global economies are currently in recession, and their volume...

Energy Crisis and Policy in the United States

The energy-climate crisis is a serious problem all over the world that needs to be addressed. Energy is associated with security, which is critical to each state’s safety and independence. At the same time, a number of factors have shaped society’s view of the global energy industry. Currently, countries of...

Ways to Avoid Catastrophic Drought

Water supply has generally reduced in major cities over the years and measures to conserve water need to be implemented to avoid the possibility of a catastrophic drought. The main ways to improve the available water supply are to enhance stormwater harvesting, water reuse, water conservation and seawater desalination. In...

Anthropogenic Influence on Climate Change Throughout History

The atmospheric climate is defined as the average weather pattern over a period of time as determined by the mean and variability of wind, temperature, and precipitation. Climate change occurs when there is a long-term alteration of the pattern in a specific region. The are many external forces, including human-induced...

Climate Change, Its Causes and Implications

Introduction Climate change refers to the long-term transformation of regional climatic patterns. Warming unequivocally results from the high greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration in the atmosphere (Seo, 2017). The earth’s surface has significantly warmed following the industrial revolution, although some regions have experienced increased precipitation. If these changes are not mitigated...

Sea Level Rise: Major Causes and Effects

The rise of sea levels has been discussed for decades. Although fluctuations in water levels are natural, such an increase is alarming as it is likely to have a considerable impact on ecosystems and people’s lives. This rapid increase is associated with various natural disasters such as storms and floods....

Asbestos Case Study: Background and Analysis

One of the topical issues causing lively controversy, and at the same time affecting the health of every person, is the so-called asbestos problem. Since January 2005, the use of asbestos has been banned in the European Union. This material is interesting both on the direct topic of the use...

Full Renewable Energy Plan Feasibility: 2030-2040

Global warming has become a pressing concern for the global community, as developed societies have reached critical levels of environmental impact. As the impact of various industries on the environment has attained a global and barely deniable level, new perspectives have been introduced. More specifically, humanity has come to realize...

Sociological Approaches to Culture and Anthropocentrism

Introduction Dear tree, It is regretted that the relationship between you, the trees, and us humans is existent on the master-object association. As it is, human beings are continuously cutting down members of your generation. Indeed, many of us are motivated by economic factors to obtain wood from the sapling...

Texas State Government’s Response to the Winter Freeze of 2021

Introduction Various disasters constantly occur in the world, including extreme temperature changes. On February 11, 2021, Texas began a record drop in temperature, leading to the shutdown of major power plants controlled by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) (Maxouris). This situation has led to widespread consequences affecting a...

Mitigating Climate Change in Massachusetts: Policy Recommendations

Introduction Problem Statement Climate change is an acute problem that involves a number of harmful effects on the environment and living beings on Earth. The consequences include extreme weather events, rising maximum and minimum temperature, poor air and water quality, sea-level rise, heat waves, shrinking glaciers, biodiversity loss, ocean acidification,...

Climate Change: Dealing with the Problem

We would like to point out our agreement with the fact that climate change is a real phenomenon, which, lately, became infested with the issues of politicization, which, subsequently, resulted in a massive disinformation problem (Van der Linden, Leiserowitz, Rosenthal, & Maibach, 2017). We can all agree that climate change...

Human Negative Impact on the Environment

Farms By farming, people mange agricultural lands to feed the world. It affects ecosystem by releasing carbon to the atmosphere and resulting in a loss of biodiversity. According to the graph provided in the activity, agricultural land use is increasing gradually since the 1950s (Howard Hughes Medical). It suggests that...

The FISHstory Project in Environmental Studies

Introduction In the 21st century, the preservation of the environment has become an area of growing interest for researchers across the globe. Indeed, while modern technological development introduces major improvements in terms of convenience in people’s personal and professional activities, these advancements come at a cost. The immense environmental impact...

Chemistry Work: Nutrient Dynamics and Lake Ecology

The numerical data that were provided in the manual for this assignment were automatically visualized in a two-dimensional graph illustrating the dependence of the concentration of pollutant compounds, phosphate, on the depth of occurrence as a function of the season for the two sites studied, TF0260A and TF0116. A closer...

Nature Journal Report Sample

Wildlife plays a vital role in economic, ecological, environmental as well ascultural spheres. It can include a broad range of species, ranging from amphibians, insects, and birds to mammals. As a rule, fauna includes some organisms that are native and the ones that were introduced or re-introduced to their current...

Environmental Considerations in Purchasing Transportation Services

In this article, the authors write about the evolving environmental concerns of present-day companies related to their transport and the effects of safe practices on customer retention. They claim that this area is significant for creating a competitive advantage in the current market conditions (Lammgård & Andersson, 2014). Thus, Lammgård...

Preparedness Planning in Case of Flooding

A flood is a disaster during which usually dry land is submerged underwater, leading to a major issue for agriculture, infrastructure, and public health. According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a preparedness plan for such threats is divided into multiple steps that meet a national preparedness goal (Department...

Description of Superfund Site

Introduction The selected superfund site for this analysis is the Diaz Chemical Holley in Holley, New York. The ID code for this site is 14470. The affected area is around five acres of physical land. This is the former facility of Diaz Chemical, the company responsible for the release of...

Biodiversity on the Earth: Why Is It Crucial for the Environment?

Introduction There are numerous global problems that pose dangers to humanity and the Earth. Some people claim that it has always been like this, and the planet has been facing some threats to its environment throughout its existence. However, people still have the responsibility to do their utmost to preserve...

The Drastic Effects of Human Pollution on the Environment

Introduction The climate and the environment are growing concerns, with our ecological situation becoming more and more dire each year. Extreme weather conditions, natural disasters and other types of problems are the most extreme consequences of human activity, but some are much more subdued. While an individual does not have...

Ecological Activism in Sound Art

Introduction Climate change remains a pressing global challenge, indicating the need for a collaborative effort to address the problem. The Paris Agreement was the first milestone recognizing the importance of a global shift in how people think and act towards nature (Rainforest Listening, 2020, para 1). Ecological activism has changed...

Organizational Justice and New Generation Employees

Organizational Justice Building relationships in an organizational environment is always fraught with difficulties due to the incongruences in the value systems of the participants. However, universal organizational values are expected to assist in creating a fair workplace for all participants, thus encouraging their motivation and engagement rates to grow. In...

Air Pollution and Its Consequences

Abstract Air pollution has been an increasingly major problem affecting the economy, people’s health, and the environment. Emission resulting from motor vehicle combustion, industries, bushfires, and dust are the major causes of outdoor air pollution, also known as ambient air pollution. Combustion of these fuels emits carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, particulate...

Plastic Pollution in Arizona and Recycling Measures

Introduction As a state with well-developed manufacturing industry, Arizona has to deal with a number of potential pollution issues. Additionally, it has to contend with more global problems, such as carbon emissions or the need to transition to cleaner energy sources. The problem selected for this presentation is similarly global...

Environment and Health Relation

Disasters as Determinant of Health Disasters normally lead to severe effects on the health of the victims, which could include the loss of lives and property (Leaning & Guha-Sapir, 2013). Some of the most common disasters are earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, fire, terrorist attacks, disease epidemics, drought, and landslides. Biological, societal,...

The Climate Change Scientist Vignette

Considering the scenario described in the third vignette, one may assume that Hannah Arendt would choose the path of telling the truth and publishing the study. She would justify her choice by interpreting a Latin idiom meaning “Let the truth be done, though the world perish” (Arendt 546). In such...

Earthquakes as the Natural Disaster Posing the Greatest Danger to Societies

Natural disasters have always been a significant threat to human life and safety due to the uncontrolled and commonly unpreventable features. Despite the scope of dangers and adverse outcomes associated with various natural disasters, earthquakes might be claimed to be the most dangerous to societies and people. Due to high...

Climate Change and Tesla’s Electric Cars

Introduction Global warming is a significant challenge in every part of the world, especially the industrialized nations. Countries experiencing global warming challenges specialize in economic activities where emissions from industries and vehicles have a significant impact on the environment. Nations manufacturing internal combustion engine cars pollute the natural ecosystem resulting...

A Threat to the Natural Habitat of Opossums Due to Pollution

Stating the Problem Pollution is one of the biggest problem humanity face, affecting the majority of Earth’s territory, which affects the climate change and has a direct influence on the wildlife. Pollution affects air, water, soil, and livestock, which worsens the condition of human health as well as the health...

Air Pollutants and Bioremediation Methods

Air pollution is one of the most concerning environmental issues, which has negative impact on planet. Not only atmosphere’s high quality is crucial for every aspect of biosphere, but air also is capable of transporting big masses of pollution worldwide resulting in other types of pollution and being impossible to...

How Multinational Companies Build In Cheap Countries

The expansion of multinational companies (MNCs) into developing countries is one of the main factors that currently shape the global business environment. On the one hand, it is advantageous for developing countries because corporations provide a flow of capital into the country, stimulate their economic growth, provide employment, improve infrastructure,...

Hydraulic Fracturing: Effects on the Environment

Introduction Fracking has been used widely in the US, and it is believed to offer great potential for crucial new sources of gas and oil supply. Currently, “hydraulic fracturing (fracking) has been used extensively in the US and Canada since the 1950s and offers the potential for significant new sources...

Installation Program for a Plastic Shredder on the School Grounds

I would like to review a program in which we intend to purchase a simple plastic shredder and install it in the school compound to counter the rising volume of plastic containers and plastic bags in the school environment and its environs. Students will be encouraged to drop their plastic...

Disasters Caused by Climate Change

The perception of power is changing in the twenty-first century. It shifts from the country’s military potential to its ability to react to crises in a prompt manner. It is essential to note that the concept of crisis should not be viewed from the perspective of political or economic developments...

Environmental Studies: Critical Thinking

The article “Impacts of the 1945 and 1995-1996 Ruapehu Eruptions, New Zealand” by Johnston et al. (2000) examines the negative consequences of two volcanic eruptions and demonstrates how social and economic changes influenced these consequences. The article seems to be written objectively, without any hidden attacks on other researchers. On...

Safe Drinking Water: Current Status and Recommendations

Critical Analysis of the Issue The deficit of clean water becomes more evident each year. As with most ecological disasters, the human intervention with nature is at the center of the problem. While World Health Organization, according to Martinez-Santos (2017, p.2), acknowledges that, “the number of people using safe water...

Climate Change and Mitigation Approaches

Introduction Climate change is an important modern issue, which requires worldwide attention and common efforts. There are three main approaches to minimize the negative effects of climate change, including mitigation, adaptation and activation. Activation represents actions that contribute to broader acknowledgement of the issue and encourage both individuals and social...

Electricity Source Determines Benefits of Electrifying China’s Vehicles

The findings show that an estimated 1.2 million Chinese people suffer consequences from air pollution. The article states that by reducing emissions from power generation, health and environmental benefits might be achieved. In order to help the Chinese citizens, a team of Northwestern University researchers studied the idea of widespread...

Hurricane: How Human Actions Affect It

Throughout history, the United States has had many catastrophic and costly natural disasters, some of which have caused billions of dollars in damage, and the number of dangerous phenomena is only increasing. Hurricanes are one of the most potent forces of the elements, which cause significant destruction, great damage to...

Gambian Rats – An Invasive Species to Florida

Gambian rat Cricetomys gambianus Waterhouse, 1840 Originally belonging to African territories, the Gambian rat quickly became an invasive species to Florida. In general, the natural habitat of this mammal is not densely populated residential areas, but for several decades the Gambian rat has been causing damage to Florida’s urban ecosystem,...

United Airlines’ Environmental Sustainability Initiatives

The adverse influence on environment prompted aviation to develop effective initiatives. United Airlines has designed several strategies while ensuring environmental sustainability. The company’s fuel efficiency, materials management, low-carbon fuels, and partnership with environmental organizations are clearly communicated initiatives that can motivate other airlines to launch similar projects. United Airlines makes...

The Problem of Environmental Pollution: Fresh Water

With the development of civilization, one of the more important concerns that are fast becoming a major threat is pollution and no form of pollution seemed to be bigger than that of fresh water pollution. Thus, the focal point of this dissertation is based on the factors and affects of...

The Protest Against the Environment-Related Policy

Americans living in Washington D.C. protested against the climate policies introduced by the state government. Washington’s policy aimed to monitor how the individuals residing therein generate electricity, what food they eat, and the kind of cars they drive. According to Balthazar (2013), although this approach would help curb the adversities...

Tree Planting Ameliorating Climate Change

Introduction Climate change has serious effects on the environment and the existence of living organisms. Environmentalists and policy makers have been designing strategies to ameliorate climate change in sustainable manner. As one school of thought believes that planting trees is an effective strategy of ameliorating climate change, the opposing school...

Climate Change and Mitigation Measures in China

Chen, Y., Zhang, Z., & Tao, F. (2018). Impacts of climate change and climate extremes on major crops productivity in China at global warming of 1.5 and 2.0 C. Earth System Dynamics, 9(2), 543-562. Web. Chen et al. (2018) evaluated the effects of climate change on the growth of productivity...

Gamma-Ray and Environmental Problems

Gamma- ray spectroscopy refers to either art or science of selecting and quantification of radionuclide through examination of gamma- ray films as generated by the spectrometer. Gamma-ray spectroscopy is extensively applied in areas such as geology, safeguarding nuclear materials, industrial processes, forensics, and radiopharmaceuticals among others. In this experiment, our...

District Heating in the United States

Introduction The article analyzed in this discussion is from the PBS NEWS HOUR website (Mingle, 2021). The author evaluates the use of energy for heating in most United States home and the fact that change is necessary for environmental preservation. The article examines the historical perspective of home and business...

Aspects of Mass Wasting

Mass wasting refers to the downhill movement of soil and rock due to gravity. Most of the time, mass wasting is commonly associated with a landslide (Shi et al., 2016). However, a landslide is a general term under mass wasting characterized by a quick movement of geological elements. During a...

Protecting Shark Species

The objective of this lab assignment is to identify the role of sharks in an ecosystem and the impact of their extinction on the marine. Secondly, the research seeks to evaluate how fishing and protecting sharks can coexist. Sharks are dangerous animals but play a vital role in maintaining a...

Deserts of the United States. Reproductive Ecology

Introduction Deserts make up close to a fifth of the earth’s surface, and they occur in areas where the annual rainfall is below 50cm. Most of these deserts, such as the Sahara of North Africa, occur at low altitudes though others occur at relatively lower latitudes and are referred to...

Environmental Treaties in Addressing Climate Change

Climate change is increasingly becoming a pressing global problem. In response to the growing concerns, established international organizations and new coalitions have attempted to create a number of agreements. These solutions aim to put limits on emissions, pollution, resources’ use, and other areas affecting the environment.1 However, the effectiveness of...

Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture and Food

Background Earth’s climate is now changing faster than at any point in the history of modern civilization, primarily due to human activities. The impacts of global climate change are already being felt in the United States. They are projected to intensify in the future, but the severity of future impacts...

Environmental Impact for Nuclear Power Plant in Uganda

Introduction Environmental impact assessment is a study done in a particular area to determine the extent of positive and negative impacts caused to the environment by a particular project. It involves natural, social and economic aspects surrounding the environment. The reason behind the assessment is to sensitize decision makers of...

Underground Water Contamination in St. Louis Mo City

Water is a useful resource both for industrial and domestic purposes. As a part of their provisions to the citizens, many governments provide water through their corporations or companies that do the supply. In my town of St. Louis Mo City of Missouri State, contamination of underground water is most...

The Anthropocene: Human Impacts on the Environment

Summary Human actions and resource exploitation are reshaping the Earth in significant ways. Some practices, such as dam construction, forest cutting, and the conversion of natural lands to agricultural lands, directly impact the environment. However, other human activities have indirect impacts, such as climate change, an increase in greenhouse gases,...

Studying Human Impact on the Environment

Objective The goal of this assignment is to study current environmental issues, ascertain their nature, and learn more about which human activities jeopardize the environment. Results The “Tragedy of the Commons” is a social phenomenon, which transcribes when people are faced with a situation of limited resources. The deficit propels...

Fossil Fuels and the United States

There are several environmental effects associated with non-renewable mineral resources, and all of them are of a harmful nature. These are water, air, and soil pollution, radioactive and solid wastes (Miller and Spoolman 309). Moreover, the use of non-renewable minerals generates noise and heat (Miller and Spoolman 309). All this...

Aspects of Environmental Protection

The connections between the economy and the environment are multitudinous: the latter acts as a source of economic resources and as an outlet for emissions and waste. Environmental pollution, in return, leads to slow economic growth because it reduces the quantity and quality of resources. This means that the first...

Hurricane Katrina: Hazards Management

Introduction The events of Hurricane Katrina that hit the Gulf Coast in August of 2005 are best described as the most devastating. Lives were lost, homes were destroyed and property worth millions ruined in this natural catastrophe which is described as the worst ever in America’s history. The few who...

Disaster Preparedness Experience

I volunteer at a local library during my free time. Several pitfalls might be encountered in disaster planning for such an organization. First, the planners assume that only those who work in the library can take action in case of an emergency and fail to involve the local community. This...

The Truth Behind Climate Change

While there are critics who still doubt climate change and its impact on the future of human generations on the earth, the shifts that are occurring in the environment are hard to ignore. Most of the informed public that pays attention to global issues understand the seriousness of the issue...

Twitter Campaign: Impact of Water Runoff

Surface runoff is the stream of water on the ground that is not absorbed by soil—and it can be harmful! Water runoff can cause flooding, which means property damage and mold formation in damp basements—but that’s not all. Importantly, water runoff can cause pollution because the stream of water collects...

Health Problem in China: Sheer Level of Pollutants

Introduction The main health problem in China is the sheer level of pollutants in the atmosphere which has impacted the quality of life of people in its various cities. Describing the Population and Health Issue As of late, China has grown to become the second-largest economy in the world, however,...

Water Pollution of New York City Rivers

Introduction Water pollution has become a significant concern because it adversely affects plants, humans, and animals. River pollution is caused by a wide variety of factors, but combined sewerage overflows (CSOs) are the main source of contamination in New York City Rivers (Wang 1373). Combined sewer systems are used to...

Hydraulic Fracking and Methane Pollution in the US

Hydraulic fracking is increasingly becoming a standard practice for gas generation in the U.S. The country predominantly embraces shale oil and gas extractions following successful horizontal drilling techniques. Nonetheless, sustained fracturing has trigged certain factions of society to voice concerns over the need to shift from natural gas advancements to...

Trans-ocean Transportation: Environmental Study

The ocean has always been an inseparable part of human existence. It serves as a source of food and a transportation network, linking all continents. Nowadays, airlines have given access to every place around the globe, but marine shipping continues to develop. The purpose of this paper is to give...

Aquifer Depletion: Origins and Sustainability Plans

The water resource is one of the basic necessities of life as it is included in the same league with food, shelter, and clothing. As such, its use and sustainability must be safeguarded at all costs. But in recent times, the opposite seems to be the case as the vital...

Nuclear Energy: Advantages and Drawbacks

Introduction Energy is an invaluable resource that satisfies people’s basic needs and brings convenience and comfort in life. Unfortunately, its consumption has strained natural resources, consequently causing an energy crisis. The world needs to scale up cleaner energy resources to reduce harmful emissions, and nuclear energy provides the solution to...

“Climate Change Facts and Effect on Economy” by Amadeo

Introduction These days, the topic of multiple ecological problems appears to be extremely relevant, and it is widely discussed among all the categories of the population. The fact that human activity has a negative impact on nature and its perseverance has become evident. Kimberly Amadeo attempts to address one of...

Environmental Justice Framework and Racism

In recent times, social movements aimed at protecting the environment have been witnessed in many parts of the world. Kendall (2016) defines a social movement as a purposeful group working together towards a common goal of realizing social change. Environmental racism is not a new term in social activism, and...

Increasing Gas Price and Alternative Energy Sources

The usage of gas in our everyday life is inevitable. Natural gas is one of the best alternatives to oil. It is also very much convenient for the environment. Natural gas is given the status of the cleanest of the fossil fuel (Eric & Smith 39). The united states have...

Contingency Plan for Environmental Awareness

Introduction As a student of this University and as a resident of Mother Earth, I must propose measures for environment preservation, and be one of the leading environmentalists. It’s time schools, universities, communities, and everyone is concerned about the worsening condition in the world. We have to adopt a most...

Discussing Climate Change: Randy Johnson

Introduction The issues of climate change are a significant concern for many scholars throughout the world. Many scientists have pointed out the need to address these problems in order to find an effective approach towards their resolution (Crate & Nuttall, 2016). Even though the body of research on this topic...

Garbage Collection Center in Al Mosoud or Farajhazza

Introduction When setting up a company it is very important to consider different factors before starting to assess the viability of the company in the future, in addition, it helps to do research about the company’s success in the targeted market. The research may revolve around the expected operations the...

How Human Behavior Promotes Climate Change

Uncontrolled reproduction is one of several behaviors promoting climate change. It increases the size of the population and changes its distribution and density. As the number of people on earth rises, the emission of greenhouse gases also increases. Large crowds also put more pressure on natural resources, hastening their depletion....

Ozone Pollution Policy in Seoul by Yoo & Chae

Introduction and Context According to the study report by Yoo and Chae, ozone pollution is a serious issue in Seoul, Korea: “The number of ozone warnings has increased from 2 in 1995 to 10 In 1996, to 19 in 1997” (49). The main reasons for such an increase were the...

Composition of Recyclables Delivered

Introduction Background to the study The data given in this paper is raw data that has been summarized and organized following research that was most likely intended to study the individual components of solid waste. What is therefore represented by this data are figures of certain variables that the research...

Absorbent Load Purifier Procedure

Introduction Purification procedure efficiency is not validated readily by examination of the equipments only. Based on this fact, purification procedures ought to be authenticated prior to utilization of the equipments or masses purified. The functioning of the formula is regularly checked and the apparatus serviced often. There are methods used...

Energy and Environmental Effect of the Pipeline Bust on the US Transportation

The Alaskan pipeline traverses mountain terrain, several hundreds of waterways, fault lines, frost grounds and wildlife migratory routes over a distance of 800miles. Oil exploration hotspots on Alaska’s north form part of a vast oil region spreading out through to Canada’s on the extreme east while, closing into Russia’s Maritime...

Modelling in the Marine Environment

Storm surges provoke increasing interest in relation to catastrophic occurrences and their damage in coastal and estuarine areas as the physical processes presently observed jeopardize coastal life. Notably, Global Warming raises the danger of coastal flooding caused by multiple phenomena (Rahmstorf, 2017). For instance, the Atlantic hurricane season in 2017...

Hazardous Waste: Approaches to Discarding Hazardous Waste

Hazardous wastes include products that can be discussed as harmful to people and the environment because of chemicals and specific substances they contain. As a result, these wastes need to be disposed of while following certain measures and guidelines. The reason is that the substances contained in these items, which...