Patient Assessment Data and Advanced Practice Nurse’s Decision

Introduction Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) use such information as psychological, lifestyle, history of trauma, and suicidal ideations obtained from the patient assessment data to recommend either cognitive (CBT) or dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). Nursing evaluation is a fundamental step in providing healthcare services and plays an influential role in selecting...

Researching of Collaborative Management

According to the description of Tom’s health condition and symptoms, it seems that the nurse should refer the patient to both physician and respiratory physiotherapist. Either of the two healthcare professionals will be able to adequately assess the risks of the patient’s condition and take up effective measures for improving...

Pathophysiology in Emergency Medical Care Decisions

Emergency medical care in the field is one of the most critical phases of care for patients. It largely determines whether a patient will live through the ordeal or not. Emergency medical care out in the field assists in stabilizing the patient to receive further care in the hospital setting....

“COVID-19 Aerosol and Surface Stability” by Van Doremalen et al.

Shortly after the beginning of the pandemic, extensive academic research was devoted to finding differences between the emerging SARS-CoV-2 and the prior similar strains to identify the most effective prevention and mitigation strategies. Van Doremalen et al. compared the stability of SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-1 in different environmental conditions. Namely, they...

Implementation of Commercial-Off-the-Shelf Electronic Health Record

Pros and Cons of EHRs In the present day, there are multiple commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) EHRs in the market, which increased popularity is determined by availability and efficiency. That is why the functional department was chosen for the transition to a COTS HER with the suggestion of three products – Epic,...

Patient-Medical Provider Communications

Introduction For health professionals to succeed in their careers, increasing patient communication, interpersonal interactions, and office service are key attitudes. Given this fact, learning how to communicate with patients more effectively can be quite engaging. The HIPAA Privacy Rule, which applies to health plans, healthcare clearinghouses, and healthcare providers who...

Healthcare Interprofessional Team Members’ Perspectives on Caring

Summary The article reveals the possibilities of applying Watson’s theory of human care among twenty-seven medical professionals. The primary purpose of the described study is to identify the prospect of using the theory in a professional medical environment and to identify the patterns obtained. All conclusions are favorable and confident...

The Centralized Reminder or Recall for Immunizations

Introduction My PICOT question aimed to determine if children between 2 and 24 months of age had higher immunization rates when their parents were reminded about the vaccination schedule compared to those who were not notified. The article titled “Supporting and sustaining centralized reminder/recall for immunizations: Qualitative insights from stakeholders”...

Depressive Disorder and Its Diagnostic Criteria

The psychological disorder I chose to research is depression or depressive disorder. Depression is a common mood disorder that manifests in the continuous feeling of sadness and hopelessness. According to Gans (2021), depression negatively influences individuals through symptoms that interfere with their functioning in daily life. The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria...

Influence of Dogs on Wellness During All Stages of Life

Multiple levels contribute to personal wellness and various factors that influence general health. People explore different approaches to improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and overcome fears. Dogs, often seen only as pet animals, could significantly influence a person’s life as therapy dogs through animal-assisted intervention (AAI) during all stages...

Culture of the Nacirema in Modern Healthcare

As the pace of changes in the contemporary health care sector is considerably rapid, there is always a risk of knowledge gaps’ occurrence for all professionals. That is why it is highly essential to assist health care providers in developing their competencies for its further maintenance in order to advance...

Marijuana and Its Use in Healthcare

Introduction Cannabis is one of the well-known types of psychoactive substances, the legal status of which has always caused a fierce debate between proponents of legalizing marijuana and those who believe that marijuana use should be criminalized. This speech is aimed at an adult audience (over the age of 18(21))...

Strategic Planning Processes in Healthcare

The organization’s strategic foundation is built on its mission, vision, purpose, and values. They direct and steer the goal, principles, and values that drive the organization’s actions and convey this purpose internally and publicly (Law & Breznik, 2018). The organization’s mission is to enhance both individual health and the general...

HIV and AIDS Epidemic in Africa: Causes and Effects

Introduction Epidemics have always been threatening and disruptive events that jeopardize the health, well-being, and lives of populations across large territories. The outbreak of deadly diseases is particularly dangerous due to its devastating outcomes on the healthcare system, society, economy, and human safety in general. HIV/AIDS is one of the...

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS): Duties

Nurses’ “to-do” checklists change rapidly when they learn that The Joint Commission (TJC) members arrived at one of their sites for an inquiry. When they discover that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has assigned the state health department to investigate a patient’s accusations, their meticulously planned day...

Impact of a Stroke on the Brain’s Arteries

A stroke affects the brain’s arteries and occurs when a blood vessel ruptures or the blood supply is blocked, killing brain cells. The main difference between a stroke and a TIA is in their duration. Thus, known as a mini-stroke, a TIA is a temporary block of blood supply that...

Depression: Psychoeducational Intervention

Introduction Understanding the threat and dangers of depression to an individual deepens, pushing researchers explore interventions to treat it. The disorder can affect individuals of different ages and significantly interfere with their lives. At the same time, interest in psychoeducational interventions in cases of depression is growing. However, this approach...

Epidemiology as a Medical Field

Human beings are unique creatures with many strengths but are prone to be affected by various diseases. The field of epidemiology can be defined as the study of health-related factors that can influence specific populations (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2018). Epidemiology explores causes of illness, disability, and...

Iron Deficiency Anemia Treatment Strategy

Introduction Anaemia, which is a condition that describes a low concentration of red blood cells, is a significant issue acknowledged by scholars and healthcare professionals globally. According to World Health Organization (WHO, n.d.), anemia mostly affects women of reproductive age and children less than five years old, with a global...

Firearm Violence as a Public Health Issue

Introduction Over 100 Americans are killed by gunshots every day, and almost 200 are seriously wounded. These fatalities are avoidable. A holistic strategy is required to combat the gun violence pandemic (Rajan et al., 2018). The public health approach involves decreasing and avoiding damage, sickness, and mortality, in an attempt...

The Impact of COVID-19 on American Values

Introduction Particular attention should be paid to how individualism affects the perception of the covid pandemic. Thus, a high level of individualism is manifested in many areas of people’s lives. This is reflected in the decision of the individual to take the first place, the decision of the priorities of...

Leadership Versus Management: Healthcare Leadership

Organization heads play a major role in determining the success of an entity. Such heads include business leaders and managers serving at different levels of the organization. The world often confuses the two positions; a business leader and a manager. Often, people with the role of leading businesses adopt the...

Tuberculosis and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis

Tuberculosis is a common infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is now a significant problem in many countries around the world; regardless of the level of economic development, since 1990, there has been a worldwide increase in the incidence of tuberculosis among people. Morbidity increased three times, and mortality...

Biochemical and Neuropsychological Models of Childhood Psychiatric Disorders

Differential diagnosis of psychiatric disorders associated with neurological diseases or affective disorders remains relevant to the present day. It requires a thorough analysis of not only the conditions of the disorders but also the clinical picture as a whole. It should be noted that most authors studying this issue pointed...

Decriminalizing Abortion for Women’s Health’s Sake

Introduction The debate for and against abortion has caused controversies worldwide, with some groups ruling out the act as heinous while others support the termination of pregnancy only in desperate conditions. Although pro-abortionists base their arguments on women’s rights over their bodies and their autonomy in deciding whether or not...

The Tuskegee Syphilis Research: Violation of Principles of the Ethics Code

Introduction The Tuskegee Syphilis research violated several principles of the ethics code, which primarily are: respect for a person, justice, and beneficence. The stated goal of the study was to study the effects of untreated syphilis in 600 African—American men from Macon County, Alabama – from the moment of infection...

Postpartum Depression in Women and Men

The source of the information is a newspaper article written by a health news reporter, Cara Murez. The article was published in the U.S. News & World Report newspaper on June 27, 2022. The title of the article is “Postpartum Depression Can Hit Both Mom & Dad, Sometimes at Same...

Organizational Change Regarding Language Barriers in Healthcare

It is important to note that an effective treatment and care delivery process is highly dependent on a health professional’s ability to communicate critical and essential information to a patient. Implementing any form of change meant to improve an organization cannot be done without ensuring that the shift will be...

The 1918 Pandemic Representation

The 1918 pandemic caused by the flu influenza, also known as Spanish flu, led to the death of more than 50 million people worldwide and was believed to be one of the tremendous diseases in the history of humanity. Many reports, books, and articles were published to shed the light...

Importance of Learning More About Autism

There is a well-known phrase that states: “Knowledge is power”. Being aware of the differences that people around one have can help them make the lives of those people easier. One example of those who are ‘different’ is individuals with autism spectrum disorder, or ASD. As per Centers for Disease...

The Remote Patient Monitoring System Benefits

Introduction Healthcare is a rapidly evolving and significantly responsible field that requires continuous updating and upgrading of its evidence, professional knowledge, and skills. With the global advancement of technologies and digitalization, the sphere of healthcare faces both a need and an opportunity to facilitate care-related processes to benefit patient outcomes....

The NUMY-06 Injection and COVID-19

Testing Summary The compound called putative neuraminidase inhibitor NUMY-06 (independent/controlled variable) should be tested by injecting it into an infected rhesus monkeys (experimental group) as an injection buffered with a 4% solution of HEPES-HCL. Both the experimental group and non-injected rhesus monkeys (control group) will be exposed to the Omicron...

Epidemiology and Public Health

The Journal Descriptive epidemiology deals with the spread and occurrence of diseases in a population. For such epidemiologists, it is essential to find out which social strata get sick, when, and where. The underlying causes of diseases are clarified by analytical epidemiology, but descriptive epidemiology does not allow assumptions about...

Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses

Introduction The Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) is an association of professional nursing specialists who operate in a subfield of medical surgeries. The assessment of the organization reveals that it is a large institution uniquely representing medical surgical nurses across the United States. Its community focuses on a wide range...

Health Aspects of Young Adulthood

Young adulthood is better characterized as a period of health-impairing lifestyles. This stage is defined as the period between 18 and 26 years, a time when youth have resources and a lot of time. This point in life is usually dubbed a transition period because people are moving from underneath...

The Solution-Based Approach to Rehabilitation

Professional rehabilitation centers provide patients with services to reduce the influence of illnesses. They usually focus on the current problems experienced by the clients, neglecting their relationship to the solutions. However, the modern alternative to this approach, solution-focused therapy, targets more future-oriented goals in a relatively short time. Vocational rehabilitation...

The Triple Aim Framework and Financial Issues in Healthcare

Financial Reimbursement Strategies Various reimbursement strategies aim to compensate physicians for their work and decrease patient costs. There are at least four parties involved in the process: a patient, a service provider, an insurer who provide money for the provider, and a government that regulates the process (Picecchi et al.,...

Describing the Problem of Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is a severe problem that adversely affects many children. The rationale behind this statement is that if individuals experience a health issue in their childhood, it is going to lead to negative consequences in the future. Multiple causes and effects demonstrate that the problem should not be ignored....

Diet Patterns: Healthy Nutrition

This summary examines my diet patterns concerning the recommended values as well as considers adjustments to achieve a healthier diet. An imbalanced diet was identified as the major cause of death and the third-leading factor of disability-adjusted life-year loss in the United States (Mokdad et al. 1444). It is critical...

Tourette Syndrome: Chronic Neuropsychiatric Disorder

This paper aims to shed light on the condition known as Tourette syndrome. It is essential to know what causes the tics and what kind of tics they are. Acquainting with DSM-5 so one may understand the criteria for diagnosing this disorder, as discussed in this manual. ‘Maldie des tic’...

Discussion: Diabetes in the United States

Diabetes is among the most prevalent conditions affecting millions of people in the United States. According to the CDC (n.d.), “37.3 million Americans—about 1 in 10—have diabetes” (para. 8). There are significant racial disparities when it comes to diabetes. This condition is more prevalent and likely to occur in some...

How 911 Dispatcher Technology Has Reduced Healthcare Costs

As a 911 dispatcher, the traditional process was not straight forward as it is today. Dispatchers would pick a critical call’s information, return number, caller’s name, and the basic details of what was happening. The dispatcher would then broadcast this to a wide range of units within the specific area...

Researching of Obesity in Florida

Problems in the Community Obesity is a complicated health problem that arises due to various individual factors and causes, such as genetics and behavior. The latter include physical inactivity, activity, medication use, and dietary patterns. It is important to note that physical activity and food environments, food promotion and marketing,...

Epistemology and the Methods of Knowing

Introduction Epistemology is the science of knowing the nature, origin, and process of knowledge. It is a subdivision of philosophy that stands alongside ethics, logic, and metaphysics. As a rule, epistemological debates are directed to the discussion of the philosophical analysis of the nature of knowledge, belief, and truth, as...

Foodborn Illness Outbreak Across the Countries

The article titled “Hepatitis A Cases in Hungary Prompt Berry Mix Recall” describes the outbreak of hepatitis A in Hungary following a dinner at a restaurant where people who developed the disease ate a berry mix. The mix is produced in Poland and has been distributed to a vast number...

Leadership Competencies in Nursing

As a nurse manager at a Certified Home Health Agency, the most important leadership competencies for my area of concentration include leadership, such as team management, and education, such as ethical principles. A report suggests that “decision making, relationship management, communication skills, listening, leadership, conflict management, ethical principles, collaboration, and...

Gerontological Policy Analysis

Gerontology is the science of age-related changes and persons throughout their lives. It includes the research of people’s body, cognitive, and social developments as they age and societal changes caused by elderly society. This understanding is then applied to policies and interventions. Gerontologists increase people’s standard of living and well-being...

Aspects of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Introduction A group of chronic illnesses known together as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affect a person’s capacity to breathe normally. This presentation details a case study of a patient who visited the emergency room (ER) complaining of severe wheezing and shortness of breath. The diagnosis and treatment of COPD....

Nutrition Coach Certification and Further Work

Once qualified as a nutritionist, I plan to launch my channel on social networks, where I will share basic nutritional information and offer health guidance guidelines. On this digital platform, I intend to work with the young population aged between eighteen to thirty years. More importantly, I will focus on...

Servant Leadership, Cooperative Groups, and Productive Conflict

Servant leadership differs substantially from traditional styles based on power, positioning the leader as a servant, not a supervisor. Servant leaders should consider their employees’ interests first and act for their benefit – to ensure workers’ well-being and development. Under the guidance of a servant leader, people operate independently and...

NP Bill Review: S3506 or A1535

Bill Description The bill under review can be regarded as either S3506 or A1535, and it dwells on the possibility of providing nurse practitioners with more freedom in terms of individual patient care. This bill is exceptionally important because it will motivate nurse practitioners to complete 3,600 practice hours. They...

Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities Program Analysis

The Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities (IIF) program generates a wealth of data on industrial injuries and illnesses. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2021), there were 4,764 fatal work injuries in the United States in 2020, a 10.7 percent decline from 5,333 in 2019. Transportation and material moving...

Types of Assessment in Psychology

Introduction Neuropsychology refers to a discipline in the field of psychology concerned with exploring how an individual’s behavior and condition are connected within the brain and the rest of the nervous system. Specifically, professionals working in the branch are predominantly focused on how illnesses and injuries of the brain impact...

Measles Virus Persistence and Its Consequences

Treponema Pallidum is a spiral spirochete that is shaped like a corkscrew. It is the causative agent of syphilis, penetrating into the damaged area of the skin. The disease is prone without treatment to a chronic course and relapses, which can affect all organs and systems. The periodization of syphilis...

Utilization Management, Utilization Review, and Case Management Essentials

Utilization management, utilization review, and case management play a crucial role in the health care system for patients, insurance companies, and health care providers. These processes aim to improve the quality of health care delivery and optimize medical services in relation to their expediency and costs. In this paper, utilization...

Digital Examination of Melanoma

Felicity Reilly is the main author, and participant of the Academic Primary Care Research Group; the scholar has six publications at the University of Aberdeen connected to neuroscience, clinical trials methodology, diabetes, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Reilly and Walter (2021) participated in research and evaluation related to various spheres of...

Neurophysiological Disorders in Children

The neuropsychological disorder is a term that illustrates a brain injury-related impairment of mental function that may include one or more of the following: neurocognitive, psychotic, neurotic, behavioral, or psychophysiological manifestations. Many clinical symptoms are associated with illnesses affecting the cerebral cortex and its subcortical connections. They are frequently accompanied...

Reducing Healthcare Expenses: Structural and Individual Measures

Healthcare is one of the significant issues in the world, and in recent years, healthcare spending has significantly increased. However, improving healthcare quality and reducing costs are two incompatible tasks, making the situation difficult for governments, organizations, and individuals. This essay will discuss what can be done structurally and individually...

Discussion: Overeating and Behavioral Approach

Health behaviors are specific actions taken by people that affect their health. Overeating is the particular health behavior being addressed; it is a common habit that is difficult to break. The decision to break this cycle was made because eating too much is a major cause of obesity. Moreover, it...

The COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts on the US

Introduction COVID-19 outbreak began rapidly in 2020, and China verified the virus’s presence on January 7. The first verified case of COVID-19 in the United States of America was announced on January 19, while the first death associated with the epidemic was documented on March 2 (Boettke & Powell, 2021)....

Discussion on Xanax Withdrawal

Although Xanax is often prescribed in the US, not everyone is protected from its side effects. Some individuals who take the substance excessively may get addicted. A person may start the first stage of medical detox after enrolling in a rehab program for Xanax addiction. Those who have been through...

Hansen vs. Baxter Healthcare Corporation

Litigation encompasses controversial cases addressing legal issues. The case that will be discussed further, namely Hansen v. Baxter, highlights the importance of awareness of the legal and ethical issues when entering the market. In March 1991, Andrina Hansen was admitted to Mt. Sinai and was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer....

Limitation of Over-the-Counter Medicine Provision

Over-the-counter medicine provision is a controversial concept that has long been a topic for discussion. There is a wide array of over-the-counter products ranging from Aspirin pills to anti-dandruff shampoos and specific brands of mouthwash. While there are some important benefits to it, such as availability and reduction of healthcare-related...

Aspects of Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Introduction Everyone has qualities regarding their looks and viewpoint that they might not like. It could be a misaligned nose, excessively big or tiny eyes, or even an uneven grin. Even though some people worry about their flaws, these flaws do not affect how they live their usual lives. However,...

The Herpes Simplex Virus Antibodies Test

When explaining the results of an antibody test to a patient, I would start by defining the test’s purpose. First, I would clarify that two different herpes simplex virus (HSV) antibody tests are needed to identify the area affected by the virus. HSV-1 mostly affects the lips and involves only...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases

Introduction Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a severe condition that threatens public health. Awareness of medical workers and the community about this disease will allow for earlier diagnosis and treatment. The main danger of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the prolonged absence of symptoms. The consequences of the disease without...

The American Red Cross’ Policies and Functions

Introduction Non-profit public health organizations employ donations and private funding, which they mostly obtain from these sources, to advance fair access to healthcare. Non-profit organizations have existed and served local and international communities throughout history. As an illustration, these organizations have consistently promoted and carried out vaccination campaigns among the...

Henrietta Lacks’ Impact on Medical Ethics

The story of Henrietta Lacks is the foundation of modern medical ethics and humanistic treatment of patients worldwide, especially among minorities. After undergoing dangerous procedures during segregation at Johns Hopkins, Henrietta Lacks lost her cells and died a few months after the medical operation. The cells obtained by George Gay...

Laryngotracheitis Signs, Treatment, Consequences

Introduction Laryngotracheitis, otherwise known as croup, is a severe respiratory disease. The disease affects the larynx and trachea, resulting from a viral or bacterial infection (Ferri, 2021). The first symptom of laryngotracheitis is a violation of the voice function. Therapeutic measures for laryngotracheitis are reduced to antiviral or antibacterial therapy,...

The Surface Features of the Heart

Research The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body, responsible for all processes happening in the organism. The organ’s structure is complicated, making it even more powerful due to its diverse functionality. Interestingly, the heart starts developing during week 3 of pregnancy when many women...

Bilateral Mastectomy for Breast Cancer Prevention

One of the options for preventing the development of breast cancer is a bilateral mastectomy. The frequency of preventive mastectomy increased from 5% to 12% in the United States between 2004 and 2012 (Lim et al., 2021). The rise in popularity is mostly explained by the maximum reduction in the...

Dengue Fever Prevention: Epidemiological Analysis

The severity of the Dengue fever has sparked multiple discussions and studies regarding its prevention. To combat this disease, locations like Indonesia, Taiwan and Ethiopia have conducted studies on the matter. For these important measures, the scientists from these areas have reviewed the information and approach towards the required prevention...

Tourette Syndrome: Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a condition that affects the neurological system. People with TS experience “tics.” Tics are sudden, repetitive twitches, motions, or noises. Ticks are bodily behaviors that victims are unable to control. For instance, a person might repeatedly blink; this feeling can be disgusting. This paper explains...

Autism Spectrum Disorder Communication

Introduction It is important to note that autism spectrum disorder is a condition that is the result of abnormal brain development. The key impacts of the disease are manifested in a person’s ability to socialize with other individuals and one’s perception of his or her surrounding social environment. Patterns of...

Effectiveness of Sepsis Bundles: Danger of Sepsis and Septic Shock

Introduction Over the past decades, the world community’s interest in the sepsis problem has increased significantly. Despite the achievements of modern fundamental and clinical medicine, sepsis is still characterized by a significant prevalence and high mortality. Every year, it causes more than a million deaths worldwide, with a fatality rate...

Discussion: Plasmodium Falciparum

The malaria essence is that parasites enter the liver through the blood and destroy red blood cells. Even though more than a century of international work and study has improved malaria prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, plasmodium falciparum still kills over 400 000 people annually (Talapko et al., 2019). The genetic...

The Male Nurses: Emotions and Behavior

The paper is worth reading because the descriptive content allows scholars to apply the gathered information in practice and extend the study. Quantitative studies allow scholars to support their theoretical hypothesis with practical experience and real numbers, enabling them to foreground the discussed claims. For this analysis, the article by...

A Policy Brief on Healthy Aging and Ageism

Older individuals are urging a change in how society views and discusses ageing. Older people worldwide choose to concentrate on the opportunities presented by ageing rather than its restrictions. They are looking for strategies to enhance their physiological, mental, and social well-being to maintain their independence and activity as they...

Communication Skills Teaching Methods

As a people-oriented profession, dentistry requires strong communication abilities. Communication skills are indispensable to patient care for various reasons. For instance, they may include management of patient’s primary complaints, triage emergencies, setting a shared objective during treatment planning, and insurance of informed consent is acquired. Strong interpersonal communication abilities can...

Risk Management and Patient Safety

This report explores the 2022 Safety Management Plan for Management of the Environment of Care (EOC) in Duke University Hospital (DUH), North Carolina. In particular, the report examines DUH Plan’s compliance with the directives stated by the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM). In addition, the areas of potential...

The Morality of Selective Abortion and Genetic Screening

The continuation of species is a biological function that is present in all humans. Common social norms presuppose the desire to have children is natural and should be encouraged. However, genetic complexity might compromise future offspring’s opportunity to have a satisfying life. If a child is born with a medical...

Dentists with a Business Background

Dentists who have a background in business may work with office managers and administrative assistants to help them to solve different issues related to financial systems. The background in business benefits the dentist owner of the practice by enabling them to understand the financial intricacies of the company and to...

The Immune System Types and Functions

It is rather important for the human body to defend itself from various infections and bacteria. The immune system exists specifically for this purpose, incorporating innate and adaptive immunity and other features. These two types of immunity represent the main arms of the system. One of the ways with the...

Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) annually causes millions of deaths among infected individuals from the complications of other infections and diseases. HIV is a retrovirus that has a spherical capsid structure, which is enclosed with a lipid bilayer where glycoproteins involved in binding and entering the cells of the host are...

Australian Public Hospital Strategy

Australian public hospitals have faced many challenges during the last five years. Therefore, it is essential to mention the experience of the recent decision and its effect and designs a new strategy for the upcoming five years, namely from 2022-2027. In addition, some of the experience from hospitals worldwide can...

National Health Service England Teams

Types of Teams within NHS England There are four types of NHS England teams, each of which is suitable for specific tasks. Functional and cross-functional NHS teams can be comprised of organizational representatives and drive resource allocation and planning with regard to different issues, such as employee vaccination against COVID-19...

Drug Repurposing in Cancer Treatment

The topic of drug repurposing is currently receiving a great deal of attention in the field of health care. The article from Cha et al. examines this issue as part of the innovation policy of pharmaceutical companies operating around the world (2017). The authors describe in detail the goals and...

Norovirus: Causes and Mortality Rates

Although norovirus has become one of the most spread gastrointestinal-related diseases, the number of fatal cases is relatively small. Moreover, Hewitt et al. (2019) highlights that there is not enough evidence to prove that this disease is fatal. The leading cause of the disease spread is the poor quality of...

Cancer: Disease Specifics and RNA-Based Detection

Introduction Cancer is a common problem and one of the key causes of death in the population. Risk factors associated with the development of cancer cells relate to radiation exposure, damage to the body by pathogens, as well as hereditary predisposition. Different types of neoplasms are named according to their...

Reviewing the Health Spending Over Time

It is no secret that over time there have been especially noticeable transformations in the development of the US healthcare systems. Based on this fact, part of the expenses and income begin to prevail over others, being influenced by both external and internal factors. Thus, this paper is devoted to...

The Non-Profit Organization American Red Cross

Introduction Public health non-profits are organizations that receive most of their funding from private sources and donations and channel those funds towards equitable access to healthcare. Throughout history, non-profit organizations have been created and functioned to help local and global communities. For example, such organizations have always supported and carried...

Risk Management and Patient Safety: Health Services Management

The Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act designates a voluntary reporting system to expand the available data to evaluate and address patient safety and health care quality issues. This act authorizes the Department of Health to charge civil fines for patient information privacy violations. Furthermore, it provides federal privileges and...

Culturally Sensitive Care Importance

Introduction An unfortunate implication of the current interconnectedness of the world is that health concerns have also become international. As much as people are able to quickly travel around the world, so can infections spread extremely quickly across borders. The current pandemic has showcased how devastating the spread of infectious...

Health Insurance Coverage in Florida

Health insurance coverage is the comprehensive coverage on the means of financing an individual’s healthcare expenses as presented in the Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC). The coverage plan protects one against various medical conditions such as chronic diseases, serious illnesses, disablement, physical injuries, and death....

Health Risks of Homeless Population

Thousands of individuals in the United States are subject to homelessness and the associated risks. The homeless population consists of people who are permanently without housing, have temporarily lost access to shelter, are escaping domestic violence, and for many other reasons. In general, the issue of the homeless population is...

Factors That Changed the U.S. Health Care System

First of all, the state of the current U.S. healthcare system was affected by such demographic factor as population aging. The increase in life expectancy in the United States affected not only older people, but also the bulk of the workforce aged 20 to 65 years (Webster, 2020). According to...

How Diet Soda Intake Increases Waist Circumference of Older Adults

The article by Fowler, Williams, and Hazuda was published in the Journal of the American geriatrics society and seeks to address how diet soda intake is associated with long-term increases in waist circumference in a bi-ethnic cohort of older adults. As a result of obesity being linked with cardiovascular diseases,...

What One Needs to Know About Acne

Introduction A person’s skin contains tiny holes known as pores which can be blocked by dirt, dead skin cells, bacteria, and oil. When they become clogged, a pimple develops in the skin, known as a blemish or zit (“Acne – Symptoms and Causes”). If a person develops several spots at...

The Problem of Euthanasia Moral Acceptance

The concept of euthanasia became a topic of ethical discussion regarding the acceptance of specific procedures directly affecting the personal right to live. Scholars explore many issues concerning not only the medical and legal aspects but also the moral approach to understanding the necessity of the way to ease the...

Sibling Birth Order Personality Stereotypes and Structure

This study is about the connection between the position of birth and the personality traits of siblings. The study focuses on family designs to establish relationships as per the research done by other scholars. According to the existing literature, there is a significant association between birth order and structural traits...

HIPAA Training Session: HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules

Introduction HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act A federal law passed in 1996 (Ramli, 2021) deals with the privacy of patients’ data, including healthcare insurance coverage and uniform provider identity. PII: Personal Identifying Information Health information on an individual created or collected by a healthcare provider important to the...

The Role of Differential Diagnosis in Healthcare

Introduction Differential diagnosis, or establishing a list of suspected diseases, is critical because it directs our search for these diseases in a patient during diagnosis. It is unlikely that a disease will be identified if it is not included in the differential diagnosis. A critical factor is to include unusual...

Pharmacology Research: Cyclophosphamide

Introduction Cyclophosphamide is a prodrug commonly used as one of the medications within courses of chemotherapy. Since it is a prodrug, its pharmacological action unfolds after being consumed by a patient and with the immediate involvement of other biological matters that trigger its pharmacological function. Cyclophosphamide is administered to patients...

Diagnosing Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in a Young Man

In the case under consideration, the young man discovered a painless lump on his neck and sought help from medical personnel. He also feels constant fatigue and has a history of tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and mononucleosis. Fatigue and lump without pain give reason to suspect Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) (Mayo Clinic, 2022)....

“Cold Shock Proteins…” Article by Higuchi et al.

Reasons for Performing the Study Higuchi and colleagues performed their study to examine the processes of cell-free (CF) synthesis in E. coli and add new information regarding cold-shock proteins’ (CSP) roles and influences. The authors were interested in the impacts of twelve different CSPs on E. coli protein synthesis systems...

Theory of Interpersonal Nursing

Introduction Nursing theories bridge the gap between knowledge and practice thus influencing the patient outcomes. They are commonly applied in guiding education, research, and clinical activities. Specifically, the theories are used to evaluate care interventions and provide a rationale for decision-making. However, their application can only produce positive impacts if...

Care Coordination Plan: Analysis

The practice of giving patients the best treatment possible is referred to as care coordination. In order to enhance the delivery of healthcare, integrating diverse components of the process in a logical way is required. Undoubtedly, a care coordination plan’s performance depends on a number of factors, including health policy,...

High Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Caucasian Women

Statement of Objective As the medical field evolves, numerous pharmaceutical and lifestyle modification therapies are offered to patients suffering from various conditions that may vary in cost and effectiveness. Therefore, it is critical that medical professionals are aware of numerous available treatments for different conditions as patients may be resistant...

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Foot Muscles and Movements

Introduction Numerous muscles, tissues, tendons, and bones make up the foot and support stability, flexibility, and movement. Extrinsic and intrinsic muscles are the two primary classifications of foot muscles. Discussion Extrinsic foot muscles have their origins in the lower thigh, and they fit into various foot regions to enable gross...

Medical Device Manufacturer Launching a New Metal Alloy Prosthesis

Introduction The medical sector is regarded as one of the most important departments across the globe. It deals with human wellness, making this docket a more sensitive field than other areas of work. Introducing new devices into the medical sector requires good research to avoid any risks associated with it....

The Lone Star School of Nursing Website

Introduction To a great extent, Lone Star college is situated in Houston, Texas. Even though the community school has multiple departments, the report will focus on the nursing division’s website, which provides the entire database regarding the programs offered and the application process. The report examines the website’s purpose, audience,...

Ethics of Ending Life Support After Brain Death

Introduction Situations, when people fight for the lives of their seriously ill relatives who have no chance to survive without medical support, are not rare. People hope that a miracle will happen and the patient in a desperate state will suddenly recover, which explains their inability to decide on the...

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Intimate Partner Violence in the US

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on all aspects of human life. In order to curb the spread of the virus, state governments in the United States put strict mobility restrictions on their citizenry. Although these measures were found to be reasonably efficient in regard to combating the...

Nursing and Physician Shortage

The nursing shortage is a complex problem involving many factors of influence. Ethics and culture can play a significant role in solving this issue. In particular, the conditions of work in which the employer supports and promotes ethics and the diversity of cultures are more favorable for the staff and...

Researching of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Fish oil has a high content of omega fatty acids, which play an important role in our body’s physiological processes. It regulates the production of hormones, participates in the processes of oxygen transfer to tissues, maintains vascular health, and improves the function of the digestive tract and excretory system (Shahidi...

Age Stereotypes and Ageism in Hospitals

Introduction to Age Stereotypes and Ageism Despite the fact that medical advancements have made humans more long-lived, prejudice and discrimination still plague people’s prospects for longer lives. In a perfect world, everyone views themselves as equal, regardless of ethnicity, financial level, gender, or age. Ageism, or age discrimination, is ingrained...

“Health Disparities…” Article by Nana-Sinkam et al.

Abstract This paper is aimed to criticize the article “Health Disparities and Equity in the Era of COVID-19,” written by Nana-Sinkam et al. (2021). The report focuses on the impact of clinical and translational initiatives on understanding health disparities and inequities. The paper will examine the limitations and strengths of...

Ethical Issues of Informed Consent in Intoxicated Patients

Since the participants in the current case study are heavily intoxicated, the process of obtaining informed consent becomes complicated. According to recent studies, the majority of people who filed questionnaires while intoxicated could not remember the event once they became sober (Martel et al., 2018). Therefore, an ethical problem arises...

Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory

Introduction Attention to patients’ interests and characteristics is one of the key responsibilities of nursing staff. Among the many theories of care, Virginia Henderson’s concept called the nursing need theory is among the main ones. With its help, junior medical specialists can control and address the targeted needs of patients,...

Hepatitis C: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) belongs to the family of the “positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses” and is known to be the primary cause of Hepatitis C (Comas-Garcia, 2019, p. 253). The pathogen in question is deemed as highly dangerous since it is believed to cause several types of cancers apart from...

Participatory Horticultural Therapy for Dementia

Equipment The activity requires basic gardening equipment, such as seeds, pots, and tools. It is preferable to have a dedicated garden spot outdoors. The participants should be provided with simple gardening clothes — gloves, aprons, and sun hats for the outdoor therapy sessions in hot weather. In addition, it is...

Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory Applied to Hemodialysis

Changes are integral to any process, especially in the healthcare sector. Proper management and study of the basics regarding this topic will support healthcare specialists in the improvement of their practice and procedures that concern carrying for patients. Hence, the Kurt Lewin change theory will be examined, based on such...

Factors Challenging the Development of an Effective Vaccine for HIV

Many individuals worldwide suffer from the incurable human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) since the vaccine to prevent and control the spread and negative impacts of the contagious virus remain futile. Developing this vaccine is one of the greatest challenges that medical practitioners and organizations worldwide have encountered for the longest time...

Mental Health Issues in the Asian American Community

Analyzing mental health concerns with regard to ethnicity is central to effective resource allocation. Asian Americans (AAs) are disproportionately affected by psychiatric disorders, depression, and self-image issues related to cultural concerns but seek professional assistance three times less likely than white Americans (MHA International, n.d.). The mental health situation of...

Escherichia Coli O157:H7: Analysis

Introduction Escherichia coli (or simply E. coli) is one of several types of bacteria found in the intestines of healthy people and most warm-blooded animals. E. coli bacteria aid in the maintenance of appropriate intestinal flora (bacteria) balance and the synthesis or production of specific vitamins. A strain of E....

Monitoring Compliance of Intravenous Therapy Pumps

Implementing a data migration and monitoring project in a healthcare setting is a complex aim that requires high-quality project management, both in regard to planning, strategic implementation, and risk mitigation. In this particular case, the aim is to implement an intervention in regards to the switch from one EHR (Cerner)...

The Syphilis Bacterial Infection and Disease

Introduction By engaging in sexual activity with an infected person, an individual can contract the bacterial infection syphilis. Treponema Pallidum is a spirochete bacteria that causes it. It can spread during pregnancy as well as during blood transfusions. Skin-to-skin contact is another method HPV can transmit, particularly if there are...

Causal Relationships Between Variables

The methodological basis of the proposed study is based on a quasi-experimental approach that allows the study of causal relationships between variables. It should be recalled that the independent variables in this study are the fact of cooperation between a general educator and a paraeducator and the socio-demographic characteristics of...

Euthanasia as a Medical Ethical Dilemma

Working in the medical field does not only mean solving complex clinical cases associated with severe illnesses. It also includes the ethical dilemmas faced by both experienced doctors and young nursing staff. These involve controversial situations related to the life and well-being of the patient. Such situations are formulated by...

Electronic Health Records Analysis

Significance and Essence In modern conditions, the treatment of one disease can be a complex process of many hospitalizations (including in different medical institutions) and outpatient observation. At the same time, a lot of medical histories and outpatient cards are created, access to which is very difficult for the attending...

The “Palliative” Documentary Film

Introduction The “Palliative” describes the work of Doctor Nadia Tremonti. The woman’s primary goal is to help parents and other relatives survive the deaths of children who have long struggled to live. The movie traces the female’s role not only as a palliative care physician but also as a psychologist...

The E-Cigarettes Impact on Respiratory Diseases

Smoking cigarettes used to be one of the most dangerous habits exhibited by young and older adults and adolescents. Recently, electronic cigarettes that use special devices to transform liquid with flavors and nicotine into vapor became popular. The producers promote their product saying it is much safer than combustible tobacco...

Vitamin Supplementation in Early Years (0-5)

Introduction Children below the age of five years are in active growth and body development stages. They require enough nutrients to facilitate tissue formation and to remain healthy and effective. Therefore, they need continuous vitamin A, C and D supplementation to enhance healthy growth. Despite obtaining the necessary nutrients from...

COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Attitude Toward Booster Doses

Introduction In their cross-sectional research, Pal et al. (2021) measured more than 1,300 U.S. health professionals’ hesitancy to COVID-19 vaccines and explored the hesitant and non-hesitant subgroups’ levels of trust in the healthcare system. According to anonymous surveys, vaccine hesitancy was noted in less than 8% of the respondents (Pal...

Educating a Patient on Zink as a Mineral

Zinc is an essential mineral, a structural component of enzymes, proteins, cellular receptors, biological membranes, necessary for the complete breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the formation of genetic material of cells, the metabolism of nucleic acids. Zinc is present in almost all cells of the body, but it is...

Malaria: Causes and Prevention

Some infectious diseases reappear again after a period of decline in incidence. One of such reemerging acute febrile infectious diseases is malaria. Every 30 seconds, it becomes the reason for a child’s death (Fauci, 2005). The symptoms include high temperature, headache, and muscle pains. The causative agents are the reason...

Administration Positions in Health Care

The health care system features a wide range of positions in administration, as each medical department and facility involves the management of resources and personnel. Administrative positions in health care can include many different responsibilities, from organizing daily schedules to managing billing and accounting systems. This essay will explore differences...

The Clinical Document Architecture and Continuity of Care Record

The Clinical Document Architecture (CDA), Continuity of Care Document (CCD), and Continuity of Care Record (CCR) are standards that are designed for medical data organization and sharing. Thus, the three formats are used in the field of healthcare for the documentation of relevant information about the patient, conditions, and treatments....

Hyponatremia: How Much Water Do You Actually Need?

Coaches frequently tell their players to drink a lot of water before they are thirsty. Some schools, like Mississippi State, do hydration tests before each practice to ensure their players are adequately hydrated. Walker Wilbanks’ untimely death as a football player may have been averted if he had not consumed...

Importance of Clinical Research Study Budget

It is critical for researchers, authors, and even consultants to know every cost linked to establishing a clinical research study coupled with the capability to document such expenses to authenticate budget requests. The group remains dedicated to the subject since there is a need to develop a clinical research budget...

Researching of Giardia Parasites

Various types of parasites pose a severe threat to humans by causing diseases. Giardiasis is an illness appearing because of the parasite called Giardia duodenalis and leading to diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain, and dehydration (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2021). These unicellular protozoan parasites are also known as...

Professional Platform for Ethics and Leadership

Professionals working in the healthcare industry, including clinicians, nurses, and managers, must implement a certain set of personal skills to ensure positive patient outcomes and improve the population’s health status. An essential part of those skills is associated with professional ethics and ethical leadership in the medical field. It is...

Emergency Plan for the Older Adult (OA)

Introduction The current presentation aims to address the following objectives: Identify emergency-related needs and challenges of an older adult (OA); Identify necessary emergency supplies; Specify emergency preparedness measures; Develop a personal emergency plan for an OA; Specify the importance of independent OAs Emergency-Related Needs and Challenges of an OA Some...

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Techniques

Introduction to CAM The National Institute of Health has identified three groups of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) to determine the funding of research projects: Techniques recognized by insurance companies and medical professionals as effective, such as chiropractic, acupuncture, and others. Techniques based on faith that make them impossible to...

The United States Preventive Service Task Force

The United States Preventive Task Force (USPSTF) is an independent, volunteer body of national specialists in prevention and evidence-based medicine that offers recommendations on clinical preventive services such as screening tests, counseling, and drugs. They are intended to help primary care providers, and patients determine if a preventive intervention is...

Interpersonal Communication Theory in the Dental Field

Introduction As a people-oriented profession, dentistry requires the development of solid communication skills. Such abilities are indispensable to patient care to serve specific aims, including management of patients’ primary complaints, triage emergencies, setting a shared objective during treatment planning, and insurance of informed consent. Strong interpersonal communication abilities can enhance...

The Mental Disorders Classification and Assessment

Mental disorders have long been considered to be the hardest to define and, consequently, difficult to cure health issues. Although few admit to having mental health issues, millions of people worldwide suffer from various symptoms of mental disorders. Therefore, it is crucial to encourage the perception of mental disorders as...

Health Information Technologies and Processes

Health Information Technology Health information technologies are vital in enhancing the efficacy of clinical interventions that promote a population’s wellness and disease management. Examples of health IT tools include Electronic Medical records (EMR), Electronic Health records (EHR), and Clinical Decision Support (CDS). EMRs are digital versions of clinical charts that...

Competence Assessment: Mental Disorders

Each person experiences traumatic events during their life, and sometimes it impacts the mental well-being significantly, and the episodes from the past may still have consequences in the future. Acute stress disorder (ASD) is not widely common but still can regularly appear in individuals who have gone through terrifying incidents....

Healthcare Collection Policies and Procedures

Introduction Preparing healthcare collection policies and procedures is a responsible task that involves different stakeholders. To receive competent and timely medical care, the relevant principles of payment for healthcare services are determined, and the responsible employees draw up appropriate protocols for receiving payments from the population. The importance of these...