The U.S. Government and the Global Fund: Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Introduction The United States participates in a range of international health programs, in particular, and contributes financially to several global organizations, including the Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. Prevention, as well as timely detection of those exhausting and life-threatening diseases, remain among essential public health issues, which actually...

Arthriogenesis: Advantages Over Angiogenesis in Athletics

All sports involve great stress on the cardiovascular, respiratory, and skeletal systems. Athletes spend a lot of resources on maintaining body tone and developing their physiological capabilities to perform regular training and achievements. In athletic sports, the principal stresses are on the cardiovascular system because sprinting or running long distances...

Hematologists’ Role in Preserving Public Health

People in the contemporary world are exposed to various health conditions that impact their overall wellness. As such, healthcare professionals have a responsibility to ensure that patients, and society as a whole, achieve optimum health status. Fundamentally, hematologists play a significant role in addressing blood disorders, some of which can...

Ways Public Health Leaders Can Engage Grassroots Organizations and Benefits

There are different ways of engaging grassroots organizations depending on the partnership between the leader and community groups. Two of the basic cooperation strategies include volunteering and policy analysis. Volunteer activities are significant for struggling organizations that operate on shoestring budgets (Atchison, Butler, & Damiano, 2020). As a public health...

Manifestations of Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

Summary The thyroid can become hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism (Sindhu et al., 2016). Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) produces fewer hormones. Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) produces more hormones. The two distinct conditions of the thyroid have diverse manifestations. The thyroid gland produces two hormones (T3 and T4) that impact health and affect an entire...

Pandemic’s Impact on Mental Health & Substance and Alcohol Abuse

Most parts of the world had been safe, free from any form of restrictions, and every person was allowed to socialize freely with their friends, relatives, neighbors, and even colleagues. However, this changed in 2019 when the world was fronted with a pandemic claiming the lives of people across the...

Health Economic Concepts and Implications

Healthcare is one of the most important spheres of society’s life. Any such large and global industry requires regulatory processes, especially from the financial side. Hence, for this, there is a healthcare economy that deals with the problems of efficiency, value, and behavior in the field of medical care. This...

Burnout Rates Reduction Among Hospital Nurses

Introduction High burnout rates are detrimental for the United States healthcare system, causing major losses in both finances and lives. The most suitable approach to their reduction can play a critical part in uplifting the quality of care to the desired standards, especially considering the current increase in pressure on...

Euthanasia in the Terri Schiavo Case

End-of-life care and its elements, specific euthanasia, are associated with many ethical issues because it is not always clear whether euthanasia is necessary and whether the patient wants it. An exemplary case is the story of Terri Schiavo, a woman who had irreversible post-coma unresponsiveness. The case took seven years...

Bipolar Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, and Therapies

Introduction Mental disorders are illnesses that cause emotional changes, the disruption of thoughts or behavior. Distress and challenges in participating in social events are common symptoms of mental diseases. Bipolar disorder (BPD), also known as manic depression, denotes a mental disorder characterized by significant mood fluctuations and can be life-threatening...

Economic Issues Impacting the Health Care Sector

Introduction Healthcare has always been an essential part of national and international development. The healthcare industry is complicated and comprises different sectors that facilitate the treatment of patients globally. The sectors provide medical services, manufacture medical supplies such as equipment and drugs, provide health insurance services or ease the provision...

Health Equity and Health Disparities

It is now common to use the terms “health equity” and “health disparities,” but they rarely have explicit definitions. Moreover, since these terms may be ambiguous, they can be used incorrectly, leading to improper use of resources. For people involved in public care, it is essential to understand these two...

Congenital Deafness and Deaf Culture

Addressing the aspects of deaf culture requires an understanding of the basics. Congenital deafness is when a person is born deaf, whereas genetic deafness refers to deafness that is genetically transmitted, which is relatively rare (Author 299). Congenital deafness is not necessarily genetic – for instance, it can result from...

Huntington Hospital: Management Challenges

Huntington Hospital (HH) faced management challenges that influenced its productivity. Based on employee comments, the previous management did not trust staff members, and with a poor communication channel in the hospital, there was no cohesive working relationship. The level of trust in the hospital was low, and it translated to...

Complementary and Integrative Modalities

Complementary and integrative medicine, briefly CIM, is a common term for healthcare treatments that have historically been excluded from conventional medicine. As proven efficacy and safety accumulate, complementary and alternative therapies are increasingly integrated with conventional treatments (Mayo Clinic, 2020). Consequently, by lowering exhaustion, pain, and anxiety, CIM can assist...

Relearning to Talk After a Stroke

Each year, hundreds of thousands of individuals worldwide suffer from strokes, and many may endure speech difficulties as a result. Some individuals believe that those who have problems speaking also have trouble thinking. However, following a stroke, a person’s capacity to understand and interact is influenced by the section or...

Vaccination and Its Economic Implications

Vaccination is created to prevent the spread of various diseases. Child vaccination is an example of positive consumption externalities, as it not only protects the vaccinated child but also reduces the chances of the spread of infections in society (“Externality,” n.d.). Vaccination has become one of the most influential scientific...

Duties of Learning Disability Nurses

Introduction Learning Disability (LD) is a neurological disorder that causes problems in interpreting information fed to the brain either through hearing, seeing, or touching. Unlike other medical terms that can be precisely defined, learning disability definition and what constitutes it has been a subject of much debate for a long...

PTSD: Prolonged Exposure Therapy

Foa and colleagues developed Prolonged Exposure, a standardized treatment, 90-minute, weekly therapy procedure for the management of PTSD. It enables a patient to encounter safe but anxiety-inducing events and stressors to solve their overwhelming stress and paranoia and process the terrifying event, which is crucial in treating Symptom severity. Prolonged...

Medicare for All: Advantages and Weaknesses

The existing healthcare system has a considerable disadvantage of high costs of services, and Medicare for All is a viable solution to this problem. According to Bernie Sanders, Medicare for All implies covering primary care, hospital visits, lab services, medical devices, dental and maternity care, and prescription drugs (Kliff, 2019)....

End-of-Life Care: Suffering and Comfort Concepts

The central concept of end-to-life care is safeguarding a dying patient from possible suffering during that period of life. In addition to pain, suffering includes many problems: the inability to take care of oneself and a feeling of helplessness, guilt, and fear associated with the expectation of impending death. Moreover,...

Symptoms of Type I Diabetes

The patient provides information about chest pain, polyuria, and sweating. The patient also notes recurrent symptoms such as blurred vision and numbness of the limbs. The possible symptoms inherent to diabetes, which the patient also mentions, are unmotivated weakness, drowsiness, persistent thirst, and dry mouth. Pain in the limbs worsens...

Nurses’ Knowledge to Be Successful Healthcare Professionals

Introduction As they say, a master of information is a master of the situation. That is why it is challenging to overestimate the role that data plays in various spheres of human life, and the healthcare industry is not an exception. It is not a surprise that the more knowledgeable...

The H3N2 Virus Pandemics of 1968

The 1968 H3N2 pandemic resulted from influenza A/Hong Kong/1968 virus. The H3N2 virus contained two genes derived from the six genes from the A(H2N2) virus, associated with the 1957 H2N2 pandemic, and the avian influenza A virus. In the United States, the experience with the epidemic was unlike in any...

The Risk of Using Abbreviations in Modern Healthcare

The article authored by Kuhn (2007) analyzes the use of abbreviations and acronyms in healthcare and considers it a problem and a threat to patient safety. This problem implies abbreviations similar in sound and spelling, which lead to serious medical errors. In 2004, the Joint Commission created a list prohibiting...

National Health Services’ Human Resource Managers Addressing Post-Brexit Issues

Abstract The United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union forced organizations with the international workforce to address the challenges in recruiting, training, and creating career development opportunities. National Health Services (NHS) is an example of a UK company that highly depends on non-residential employees, and Brexit’s outcomes disrupted its HR...

The Profound Knowledge of Pharmacology

The successful absorption of the drug depends on various aspects. One of them is the gastric and intestinal motility of the patients. An increase or decrease in the acidity of the contents of the stomach and intestines can lead to a change in the ionization of drug molecules and their...

The Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the Healthcare

Introduction Emergency responders need massive amounts of information to guide their decision-making when a crisis threatens lives and livelihoods. The decision-makers take the information promptly and with sufficient precision to accurately appraise the situation. Visual pictures and other remotely sensed data are critical for response preparation because they provide a...

Nursing Violence in the Workplace

Objectives Bullying in nursing is defined by the American Nurses Association (ANA) as “repeated, unwelcome unpleasant activities meant to humiliate, distress and insult the target. “Categories of bullying in nursing; Hazing, Horizontal hostility, Workplace incivility, Workplace incivility, Lateral violence, and relational aggression. Common bullying behaviors include; yelling, public belittling, Condescending...

Agency for Health Care Administration Analysis

Introduction The Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) is a highly sought-after and effective organization dedicated to providing the highest quality of healthcare services to citizens. However, it is important to emphasize that a lot of controversies have arisen around the activities and policies of this organization. Therefore, I would...

The Physician-Assisted Dying Federal Legalization

When an animal is growling in severe pain and refusing to eat, most people would say that the moral thing to do would be to kill it mercifully. Even if the lives of human beings cannot be equated to those of animals, why can we not extend this same grace...

Women’s Healthcare and Social Darwinism

Introduction During the 20th century, women’s health was objectivized to an extreme extent, which led to the programs of compulsory sterilization. The reasons for doing it were formulated in different ways, but their main idea was rooted in the theory of Social Darwinism (Fordham University 1997). Two of the most...

Alzheimer’s: Aspects of the Illness

Summary Alzheimer’s is a medical condition resulting from progressive neuronal relapse in the brain. The world experiences increased pressure to combat or develop a better understanding of Alzheimer’s because more and more people continue to suffer from it as they age past fifty years. Many elderly Americans exhibit depression, apathy,...

Necessary Administrative Procedures for Admission to Treatment

Substance abuse can be defined as a pattern of harmful use of any substance which alters the normal functioning of the body. These drugs are either sniffed, smoked, or injected in the bloodstream. The drug addicts develop some disorders which require specialized care by specific personnel. This paper shows the...

Population-Based Health Information

Health data are information generated by healthcare centers relating to the condition, diagnosis, the type of treatment administered, and other patients’ definitions. In the modern world, healthcare data plays a significant role in assisting healthcare services to the general public and the prospect of disease outbreaks. Moreover, health data helps...

Acupuncture vs. Medication: A Comparative Study for Migraine Prevention

The study was undertaken to compare the efficiency of managing migraines employing acupuncture and pharmacotherapy clinical processes. In the study, the researchers wanted to explore the shortcomings of the standard pharmacological therapy and understand why acupuncture was widely used (Zhang et al., 2019). The hypothesis for the study was that...

Aspects of the Global Surgical Package

The Global Surgical Package is a range of services provided by a surgeon before, during, and after surgery. A surgeon or a group of surgeons receives payment for preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative services. Doctors working in the same group and having the same specializations receive equal pay regardless of their...

Diabetes Mellitus: Information Collection

Currently, diabetes mellitus is one of the most common non-communicable diseases in the world. This factor threatens the entire population of the planet. Diabetes is characterized by a long duration and slow progression. This is a chronic disease that affects how the body converts food into energy. The main cause...

Meeting Physical and Dietary Needs

Diabetes mellitus is a series of disorders that alter how the body utilizes glucose. Diabetes can induce artery thickening, leading to heart attacks, cardiovascular disease, and stroke risk. Consequently, a person with diabetes may have to avoid certain foods. Nevertheless, while diabetes requires adhering to specific rules, with the proper...

Language and Culture: Impact on Healthcare

Piacentini, T., O’Donnell, C., Phipps, A., Jackson, I., & Stack, N. (2019). Moving beyond the ‘language problem’: Understanding the intersections of health, language, and immigration status in interpreter-mediated health encounters. Language and Intercultural Communication, 19(3), 256-271. Web. The study by Piacentini et al. (2019) explores how language influences on provision...

Undefined Roles of Nurses and Doctors Lead to Conflict in Interpersonal Collaboration

Introduction The health care system faces an ever-increasing number of challenges, including a lack of resources, growing healthcare costs, and increased public expectations. Interprofessional collaboration is necessary to provide patients with comprehensive, safe and treatment. There is a broad range of misunderstandings and conflicts among healthcare team members in today’s...

Public Health and Private Medicine Relationship

Summary According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), public health is characterized by its mission which is fulfilling society’s interest in assuring conditions in which people can be healthy. The assuring conditions referred to in this paper mean collective promotion and protection of everyone’s interest in well-being. Private medicine, on...

Type 1 Diabetes and Appropriate Therapeutic Diet

Food and Nutrient Intake and Assessment In type 1 diabetes therapy, nurses monitor the quantity and quality of food that patients consume in their diet. Health workers also analyze the drinks consumed and the diet in general. To record the results of the assessment, the nurses make entries in the...

“Impact of Transcriptome and Gut Microbiome…” by Pastor-Ibáñez et al.

Article Summary There is evidence on the microbiotas’ impact on the effectiveness of vaccines, suggesting a direct link between a high diversity of gut microbiota and a more reasonable response to vaccination. It is comprehended that HIV infection reduces the richness and diversity of the gut microbial population and depletes...

Preventing Bedsores: Outcomes, Approach, and Budget

Introduction Pressure ulcers, or bedsores, are among the major health problems affecting limited-mobility patients worldwide. As defined by Kottner et al. (2018), this condition refers to localized soft tissue necrosis that results from prolonged pressure on the skin, particularly in bony areas of the body. Poor nutrition and inadequate care...

Doctors Without Borders: Organization Description, Aims, and Application Process

Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres) is one of the most prominent organizations doing global work. The organization, as evident by its name, specializes in providing medical and healthcare services around the world, particularly in regions where the health system is severely lacking or underqualified, or there is a sharp...

How Some Gut Microbes Awaken ‘Zombie’ Viruses

A news story published by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute claims that some gut bacteria have superpowers. This means they can resuscitate dormant viruses lurking in other microbes. A bacterial product of particular importance to human health is colibactin, a low molecular weight genotoxin produced by intestinal bacteria. Quite a...

The Effect of Meteorological Variables on Spontaneous Pneumothorax

Spontaneous pneumothorax can occur among young individuals with smoking habits. In this case study, the patient was informed to avoid high altitudes and to fly in non-pressurized aircraft. This indication is connected with the risk of developing severe breathing insufficiency, or hypoxia. Spontaneous pneumothorax is believed to happen because of...

Late Adulthood: The Main Categories

In modern gerontology, there are three main categories of human age at the stage of late adulthood. It is possible to consider and characterize these categories from biological, social and psychological positions. The first category is called young-old and includes subjects between 65 and 74 years of age. Usually, elderly...

Issue of the Urgent Need for Health Insurance

Today, the cost of doctors’ services, medicines, necessary procedures, and examinations often exceeds citizens’ income. The purchase of a V.M.I. (voluntary medical insurance) policy will help get out of the situation with a win-win situation, without worrying about the cost of treatment (Hamon, 2017). The registration of the policy guarantees...

COVID-19 and Drugs at Schools as Public Health Issues

COVID Vaccination Alexandria is one of those cities in Virginia where COVID transmission levels have already changed from substantial to high in a short period. Thus, the Health Department has announced the necessity to provide additional vaccine doses for people who are defined as immunocompromised (Cullum, 2021a). The author also...

Childhood Obesity and Overweight Issues

Introduction Childhood obesity has reached an alarming level in both developed and developing nations. Childhood obesity and overweight issues have been shown to have a negative influence on both physical health and mental well-being. Overweight and obese children have higher chances of remaining overweight as adults and acquiring noncommunicable illnesses...

Health Costs and Insurance in Healthcare

Article Summary on Health Costs Every month, U.S. citizens are required to pay Medicare premiums that go towards their medical expenses. Medicare has aided the access to health services to eligible U.S. citizens. Based on the income and prevailing situations, the government calculates an amount of premium for each employee....

Retinal Detachments: Floaters and Dark Areas

The retina is a light-sensitive layer placed behind the eye. When light enters an individual’s eye, the lens concentrates the information onto the retina. The retina converts the image to electrical signals that are transferred to the brain via the optic nerve (Agarwal & Gupta, 2021). In conjunction with the...

Tuberculosis as an Infectious Disease

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease because it spreads through tiny droplets when released through coughs and sneezes. TB is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis, a human pathogen with a significant global impact. Mycobacterium Bovis is a cattle pathogen that causes bovine tuberculosis when humans consume contaminated food or milk (Moule...

Lifelong Disability, Chronic Illnesses, Comorbid Conditions and Aging

Individuals maturing with deep-rooted incapacities need to confront the very maturing issues as those that emerge for everyone. A lifelong disability is characterized as a condition or capacity decided to be essentially disabled compared with the typical norm (Saxon et al., 2015). The term is utilized to allude to individual...

Social Issues of Allocating Finite Resources

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus came with devastating effects on people’s lives and the economy. Its impacts on individuals’ social behavior and delivery of health care have been dramatic. The disease has also led to a huge burden that has resultantly overwhelmed the resources available for...

Drugs for Neglected Disease Initiative

It is estimated that more than a billion people around the world suffer from neglected diseases. Those affected the most are the poorest, living in conflict zones, urban fringes or isolated rural areas. According to DNDi Africa (2018), their needs are not a priority for policymakers, pharmaceutical organizations, or research...

Researching of Computerization of Medicine

In recent years, computer technology has penetrated almost all spheres of human activity, including medicine. The abundance of functional capabilities of computer technology gives unlimited directions for their application. The functionality of the PC and the ability to optimize the doctor’s work makes it an irreplaceable assistant in treatment, and...

Reducing Burnout Rates Among Hospital Nurses Through Group Therapy

Introduction Greetings, today I would like to share with you evidence, ideas, and the potential plan for action that I devised against a critical issue in the United States healthcare system. The presented evidence-based project aims to provide the basis for unified recommendations on how to deal with high burnout...

Opening North Alabama Medical Center Hospice Unit

Introduction The health care system plays a significant role in people’s lives. It provides an environment for treating various health conditions and illnesses and allows for the education of healthcare professionals and conducting of clinical research. Most medical centers usually provide their patients with inpatient and outpatient services depending on...

Key Vitamins and Minerals and Their Functions

The human body requires constant sustenance so that its key functions could remain consistent and uninterrupted. For this purpose, multiple minerals and vitamins are required. Though the exact number of these resources is quite large, several essential ones can be isolated. Despite the apparent difference in the contents of the...

Autism Causes and Treatment in Childhood

Autism spectrum disorder is broadly complicated, and with time and research, it becomes a more significant brain condition. These conditions can be characterized by asocial behavior and problematic communication. There have recently been issues regarding a growing number of children with diagnosed ASD, and this work aims to clarify symptoms,...

Nurses Turnover and Nurses Retention

Introduction Nurse shortage refers to the situation in the healthcare field when there is an insufficient number of nurses. Several factors contribute to the nurse shortage situation, which changes from time to time, making nurse shortage a relative term. The first scenario contributing to the shortage of nurses in healthcare...

Health Industry System’s Performance Improvement

Evolving information platform enables clinicians to gather data and information from practically all points of care, enhance treatment benefit, and interact with patients in ways never previously possible, all of which are fundamental drivers of managed care organizations and inhabitants’ health services. The ability of data to flow readily and...

Post-COVID Recovery and Government Intervention

The unprecedented outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has been long-lasting and has caused substantial economic recovery challenges. Due to this, the U.S. government has to actively design and enforce policies that will handle different issues that cannot be addressed by pure market forces, like the unavailability of market risks and...

The Affect of Climate Change on the Social and Environmental Determinants of Health

The problem of climate change on the planet is a popular topic for discussion at different levels. Despite its popularity, there is a lack of sufficient awareness in society about how climate change affects health. Meanwhile, for quite a long time, it significantly influences its environmental determinants. Climate change may...

Protection of Health Record Documentation

Standardizing medical documentation Standardizing medical documentation has sufficient benefits for the communication between doctors and the patient, improving its quality and making cooperation more productive. The healthcare system, in general, may undergo positive changes due to the innovations in the work with the problem-oriented record. The physician is fully responsible...

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Immunization

Autism is a more frequently diagnosed ailment than formerly acknowledged, and much is now being written in the mainstream media about the disease’s catastrophic and permanent characteristics. Alleged connections among vaccination and neurological delays, most notably autistic disorders, have sparked significant controversy and anxiety among parents seeking to make the...

The Computerized Physicians’ Order Entry Issues

Description of the Issues The core implementation is the integration resistance by the three physicians. With the Computerized Physicians Order Entry (CPOE) being implemented and expected to last the next three years, the management requires every practitioner to comment on the use of the process in their daily routine. Despite...

Researching of Acute Respiratory Failure

Introduction Acute respiratory failure (ARF) occurs when the respiratory system can neither maintain appropriate oxygen levels nor adequately remove carbon dioxide. This condition might affect both healthy patients or those afflicted by chronic pulmonary diseases. In most cases, people with acute respiratory failure require immediate help and additional oxygen. The...

Fraud in the Healthcare Industry

Healthcare fraud comes from isolated instances of theft of medical equipment to the actions of entire criminal organizations engaged in stealing patient information. There are many companies that exist only on paper and bill insurance firms that provide fictitious services to patients. Many people working in health care deny the...

Assessment of Borderline Personality Disorder Patient

Patient Isabel, 26 years-old female from Michigan, came to a social worker feeling pain and as if she was guilty; she was anxious, sleepy, and depressed. She narrated that her problem started immediately after her parents divorced when she was only three years old. For the better part of her...

Sepsis Management in Prehospital Setting

Sepsis is a common and potentially life-threatening medical condition that is basically a body’s response to an infection. According to Olander et al. (2019), the definition of sepsis among the medical professionals has recently changed. Since 2016, sepsis has been defined as hazardous organ dysfunction elicited by a dysfunction of...

Mental Health When Working With Critical Patients

Introduction The provision of high-quality healthcare services during the pandemic is a critical initiative for guaranteeing the wellbeing of citizens while the needs of hospital employees are frequently neglected. The events of this nature are particularly seen in the area of mental health issues which are typical for personnel due...

Organ Transplantation and Donation

Organ transplantation is a process that should initially include various established ethical rules. Truog and Miller wrote, “Before the development of modern critical care, the diagnosis of death was relatively straightforward: patients were dead when they were cold, blue, and stiff. Unfortunately, organs from these traditional cadavers cannot be used...

Legalizing Medical Marijuana

Legalizing marijuana is a controversial question because people have different views regarding the safety of this drug. However, the fact that a significant number of states have legalized the use of marijuana in healthcare displays that this substance receives its support among policymakers due to its beneficial effect and safety....

Abortion Issues and Safe Practices

Bearak, J., Popinchalk, A., Ganatra, B., Moller, A.-B., Tunçalp, Ö., Beavin, C., Kwok, L. & Alkema, L. (2020). Unintended pregnancy and abortion by income, region, and the legal status of abortion: estimates from a comprehensive model for 1990–2019. The Lancet Global Health, 8(9), e1152-e1161. This source is a research paper...

Vitamin 12 and Its Deficiency and Excess Diseases

Physiologic Condition Vitamin B12 is among the eight B vitamins that assist in the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose, which is utilized to manufacture energy. Vitamin B12 further assists the body in utilizing proteins and fats (Wolffenbuttel et al., 2019). An individual with sufficient amounts of B12 has healthy skin,...

The Issues Regarding Euthanasia

Introduction Various issues arise within the healthcare sector that requires good decision-making to address them without causing harm to individuals. As a result, most healthcare issues require an ethical approach to determine the way forward to protect the reputation of healthcare professionals (Figueroa et al., 2019). One of the key...

Good Health and Well-Being Promotion Initiatives

It goes without saying that all people across the globe deserve good health and well-being. As I am pursuing a degree in nursing, I know that the responsibilities of health care specialists include not only the provision of quality health care delivery but the prevention of health issues as well....

National Student Leadership Conference Program Evaluation

The program is a medical professional orientation program offered by the National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC). It is intended for middle school students enrolled in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades and lasts for six days (NSLC, 2021). The used location is Crystal Gateway Marriott in Washington, D.C. As per the...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Addiction Treatment

Disposition The client is a 19-year-old Jonah struggling with PTSD and substance addiction. These issues are caused by the traumatic events the client has experienced. Child neglect, emotional and physical abuse, as well as other uninvolved or aggressive behaviors his parents demonstrated towards him have led to a number of...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment

Introduction Mike is a 15-year-old White high school student in the 9th grade. He lives with his family in the city and transits to school from home every day. He suffers from attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) which is a fairly prevalent condition in the United States. It is diagnosed early...

Epidemiologic Research and Related Ethical Issues

In the past, many scientific experiments were unethical in relation to the subjects who took part in them. However, there are currently principles that are established in the Belmont report that ensure the fairness, respect, and benefit of the experiments for all participants (SciShow, 2016). Even under these conditions, ethical...

Schizophrenia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction The provided case contains sufficient information to diagnose the patient with schizophrenia. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI, n.d.), the presence of signs such as hallucinations, delusions, cognitive issues, and negative symptoms is a marker of developing schizophrenia. Based on the information given in the summary,...

Vulnerable Population Assessment: First Nations

Introduction Vulnerable populations are those individuals faced with adverse conditions such as a lack of financial resources, being homeless, and being among ethnic and racial minorities. In this case, the clients are the Aboriginal populations of Canada and Australia. According to research, despite being among the First Nations, they comprise...

The Digital Divide Regarding Electronic Health Record

Introduction Hospitals in the US and around the world have come to face enormous pressures with the onset of the global pandemic. While bigger hospitals with more room and higher budgets might be able to accommodate the increased flow of patients, the smaller facilities are likely to run low on...

Analysis of Readmission Penalties

Readmission penalties have been regarded as harsh, disputable, but still necessary measures to facilitate the progress of the American healthcare system. In 2020, 2,545 healthcare facilities under Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP) had to pay readmission penalties, which was over 83% of all hospitals taking part in the program (“Map:...

Tuberculosis: Diagnostics, Prevention, and Management

Tuberculosis General Information Tuberculosis remains a serious problem for modern society. In 2017, it was estimated by World Health Organization as a leading pathology causing death from one infectious agent (Abongo et al., 2020). The disease is indeed a major factor in mortality in low-income and middle-income countries. Tuberculosis is...

The Endocannabinoid System and Treatment Solutions

Introduction The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) attracts a substantial number of scientists trying to study its effects on human systems and organs and find possible treatment solutions. Modern medicine raises questions about using external cannabinoids for the purpose of pain release, cancer cure, inflammation reduction, and smoothening epilepsy symptoms (Zou &...

Pregnancy and Reproductive Health in Public Views

Introduction Pregnancy changes a lot in family life, emotionally, physically, and behavior, especially for pregnant women themselves. Changes also include societal attitudes towards women but may differ depending on additional factors. For example, women may receive different care depending on their financial situation. Moreover, attitudes can be influenced by ethnicity,...

Controversial Issues of COVID-19

Many people still oppose the coronavirus vaccination; they use different arguments to support their opinions. The greatest doubt among those who do not want to be vaccinated is a lack of confidence in the vaccine’s safety. Some individuals believe that virtually everyone who is vaccinated is, in fact, a test...

Transforming Biomedical Informatics and Literacy

The Internet continues to change how patients and health care professionals interact today. The Internet provides health-related information, including generally understandable symptoms, treatment options, and expected outcomes. An example of a medical website that provides patient safety information is MedlinePlus, providing general education for health consumers or a broad audience....

Psychological Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Introduction PTSD is a mental illness that can occur as a result of extreme trauma, such as physical, psychological, or sexual experiences. Traumatized people are more likely to acquire (PTSD), a condition in which the victim’s consciousness is dominated by the recollection of the traumatic incident, affecting their lives, mental...

Allocating Finite Resources and Social Issues

Introduction The limit of non-renewable or finite resources causes a necessity to develop a strategy for their advantageous utilization. Therefore, the problem of their proper allocation has been discussed by scientists worldwide for a long time. In addition, with the emergence of COVID-19, which only strengthened this issue, the concern...

“The Toxic Baby” Talk: Substances’ Effects on Body

TED ‘The Toxic Baby’ Many existing chemicals disrupt the functionality of the endocrine system of human beings. The human body is mainly exposed to atrazine through drinking water, which disrupts hormones in the human body. Also, it interferes with the exchange of toxic substances through the human placenta. The frogs’...

Impact of COVID-19 on Physical Activity Behavior and Well-Being of Canadians

Introduction The pandemic has changed the landscape of the public and personal life to a tremendous extent, causing a significant shift toward the meticulous attention to health-related issues. Specifically, the issues of maintaining the proper rates of physical activity and controlling the exposure to health threats require closer attention due...

Clinical Mental Health Counseling in Child-Centered Play Therapy

Abstract This research paper aims to conduct a theoretical review of literature on child-centered therapy. School-aged children are experiencing an increase in mental health issues that require the interventions of experts in mental health. Managing and treating mental health issues in children requires the role of clinical mental health counselors...

Providing Quality Care in Healthcare Setting

Reducing the Harm Caused in the Delivery of Care The reduction of harm caused in the delivery of care entails the reduction of adverse effects of medical behaviors. However, the problematic undertaking does not necessarily get to be reduced. A good example of that is the reduction of the exchange...

Discussion of Maternal Mortality Crisis

Amankwaa, L. C., Records, K., Kenner, C., Roux, G., Stone, S. E., & Walker, D. S. (2018). African-American mothers’ persistent excessive maternal death rates. Nursing Outlook, 66(3), 316-318. Web. The article describes maternal mortality, ethical considerations, policy, and causes among African American women. The authors give brief background information on...

Successful Institutional Food Management & Delivery Systems

Food is an integral aspect of human life because it is necessary for our survival. The art of providing cost-effective and satisfactory food and drink to a large number of people is known as Institutional Food Management, and it plays a critical role in medical care as it improves patient...

Occupational Therapy in Modern Healthcare Market

Introduction and Service Description Nowadays, private companies that provide health care services have been embraced by society as a means of choosing the best service option through market competition and a free market. For these reasons, more people are now willing to address specialty healthcare facilities when faced with a...

Medical Humanities’ Impact on Gun Violence

Introduction Mass shootings may be regarded as a serious complex social issue that regularly affects a considerable number of people. However, in order to minimize its scope, it is essential to understand what causes gun violence. From the medical perspective, mental health disorders are regarded as major factors that lead...

Dementia, Bladder Infection and Other Nursing Issues

Dementia Dementia represents an incurable yet preventable and manageable mental health issue. In the case under analysis, the presence of dementia must be determined by performing several key tests. Specifically, the patient’s cognitive and analytical skills will have to be assessed to determine the extent of his dementia progression. In...

Chronic Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Rural America

The article, Health care disparities across the urban-rural divide: A national study of individuals with COPD, first published on October, 2020, primarily explores the high burden of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in rural America. The authors highlight the marked disparities in access to health care between rural and urban...

Responsible Citizenship in Healthcare Administration

To analyze the phenomenon of responsible citizenship, one needs to find a coherent academic definition of it. One can analyze research articles that use the concept of “responsible citizenship” as a theoretical ground for empirical analysis. According to Gwata-Charamba (2020), responsible citizenship is characterized by strong patriotism, love of people...

Researching of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Summary Specific goal: To inform my audience about the stages of CPR. Thesis: Artificial respiration includes three main stages — respiratory tract, respiration, and blood circulation. Introduction Imagine a situation where suddenly, one of the people nearby lost consciousness. Which action would you try to take first? I was certified...

Aspects of Mental Health Services

Mental health illnesses affect a large proportion of the population, yet there are still contractions in the research findings and approaches to the provision of mental health services. According to Cubeiro (2018), 25% of the population is affected by some type of mental health disease. This is a large proportion...

Aspen Consensus Recommendations for Re-Feeding Syndrome

RS refers to electrolyte and metabolic alterations that occur due to increased or reintroduction of calories after a prolonged lack or decreased consumption. Calories, in this situation, can be from many sources ranging from oral diet and PN to enteral nutrition. To the article, RS was initially explained in World...

Variations in Writing Approach to the Propaganda of Stretching

Introduction Exercise is one of humans’ oldest and first health practices to maintain and preserve their healthy bodily status and high muscle functionality. Nowadays, medical and technical innovations and new pharmacological inventions overshadow this simple therapeutic technique, and people often underestimate its actual and potential positive impact. While novel medicines...

AHS: Course of Actions for Strategic Planning

For a healthcare organization catering specifically to the needs of a specific and rather vulnerable demographic, remaining competitive in the health sector and ensuring that all stakeholders are listened to and recognized as important in the healthcare system. As the case of AHS shows, the need for sustainable innovation should...

Coding for Vaccines and Procedural Terminology

As the case describes the procedure of vaccine administration, one should provide two types of codes. The first code would specify the type of vaccine administered to the patient. For the case under review, the appropriate CPT vaccine code is 90713, which stands for “poliovirus vaccine, inactivated (IPV), for subcutaneous...

Acute Bronchitis in Evidence-Based Practice

The problem statement is centered around the efficacy and plausibility of antibiotics usage for acute bronchitis. The search for evidence yields a mix of results, which is why the literature review was critical in order to derive a properly assessed and analyzed conclusion and recommendations. The quality and reliability of...

Public Health: Global Health Major

My degree aim is a Public Health Bachelor’s Degree in Arts. The profession I want to get is Health administrator or health policy or health promotion. Since I grew up in a rural community and saw what individuals face there, my desire in the future is to be able to...

Developing Your Identity and Role in Adult Nursing

The main reason why this research was done was to facilitate and maintain effective communication between patients who have cancers with their nurses. Effective communication is essential as it helps in improving the health results as well as the satisfaction that comes with the treatment (Arbour et al., 2022). This...

Handwashing Compliance of Healthcare Workers

The essential component of infectious safety is preventing the possibility of transmitting microorganisms from the patient to the medical staff and vice versa. Contagious diseases of medical staff associated with professional activity occupy a specific place in the structure of infectious morbidity. Infected hands play a significant role in the...

Healthy Sleep and Its Importance

Introduction Napping is a human physiological need, just like hunger or thirst. If a person is deprived of sleep, he will probably die in the end. It is not without reason that in Greek mythology, the God of Sleep, Hypnos, and the God of Death, Thanatos, were twin brothers (Barnes...

Management and Leadership in Healthcare

The professional level and quality of medical management are primarily related to the safety of medical care. However, one cannot ignore the fact that both the safety and quality of medical services are closely related to the quality of management of a medical organization. The effectiveness of this management can...

Vaccine Nationalism: Is It Inappropriate?

Vaccine nationalism refers to countries that are economically developed and which order many vaccine doses from big pharmaceutical companies even before the vaccines are approved for use. Utilitarianism in health dictates that interventions are appropriate only if they improve most people’s health outcomes (Ransom & Olsson, 2017). Therefore, vaccine nationalization...

Current Procedural Terminology Coding

From a position of a medical worker, it is crucial to accurately document Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes for clarity and transparency of the provided healthcare services. A proper selection of a CPT code is vital for the patient’s insurance provider and signals the sum necessary to cover the costs...

COVID-19 Immunization Promotion Plan

Health Concern The purpose of this paper is to create a health promotion plan for combating the spread of possible future variants of COVID-19. Given the tendency of the coronavirus to mutate into new iterations, it is reasonable to suggest that Omicron is not the last expression of this infection....

Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans

Promoting more physical activity is one of the most significant goals of public health policies. CBC News (2018) reports that updated physical activity guidelines for both adults and children were released in 2018. They are aimed at fighting “the obesity epidemic that affects nearly 40 percent of American adults and...

Dyslexia in Young Females Ages 5-9

The chosen peer-reviewed article is by Alonzo et al. (2020). The article discovers the extent to which kindergarten letter identification and phonological awareness predict 2nd-grade word reading and dyslexia in children with developmental language disorder (DLD). It also examines children’s age- and grade-matched peers with typical language (TL). For their...

An Ethical Problem: The Case of Lewis and Tamparo

The video on the case of Lewis and Tamparo: How Do You Choose When there is No Choice presents a phenomenon where a 21-years older woman undergoing treatment of Hodgkin’s lymphoma expresses distraught about the chemotherapy side effects. The woman’s situation comes despite having undergone several curative therapies. Therefore, in...

Amnesia in Lemonick’s “The Perpetual Now”

Introduction Amnesia refers to memory loss, including experiences, basic information, and facts. The press and digital media have to a great extent, fabricated amnesia. Various movies and YouTube videos have played a significant role in raising awareness of the disorder. However, these platforms have made people believe that one gets...

Types of Anesthesia and Medical Coding

There are three large categories of anesthesia used in surgical operations, and general anesthesia is one of the most common types aside from regional and local varieties. As the term implies, general anesthesia basically presents a coma induced with the help of anesthetic medications affecting the entire body. After such...

The Future of Abortions in the United States

Abortion continues to be a controversial topic within the United States. Despite the supreme court ruling of Roe vs. Wade, which safeguarded abortion nationally in 1973, people are continuing to fight for legal abortions. Historically, opinions on abortion rights in the United States have been divided among party lines, with...

Impaired Control, Impulsivity, and Alcohol Self-Administration

The purpose of the study The main purpose of the study done by Vaughan et al. (2019) was to identify the connections between the loss of control in alcohol consumption and impulsive actions with the latest drinking history and intravenous self-administration of alcohol in non-dependent alcohol consumers utilizing the computer-assisted...

Researching the Disease Prevention

Along with the development of new technologies and methods of patient care, modern medicine is characterized by progress in the field of prevention. The interest in this problem is connected with the fact that there was an awareness of the individual’s health as one of society’s values. It plays a...

Cancer Screening Promotion for Middle-Aged Adults

Public health is a comprehensive notion that encompasses an array of serious points of concern that pose threats to modern society’s well-being. Among the many factors that affect public health, cancer-related conditions retain one of the leading positions in terms of damage and mortality. This group of diseases includes dozens...

Americans Who Attempted Suicide Aren’t Getting Care

Mental health is an important factor affecting both the overall quality of life and the individual’s physical condition. The article Survey of Americans Who Attempted Suicide Finds Many Aren’t Getting Care states that there is an increase in suicides associated with mental illness, stigma, and difficulties in the healthcare system...

Oncology: Caregiving Burden, Stress, and Health Effects

The illness selected for this paper is cancer, which is a serious disease that sometimes can also be chronic. Caring for cancer patients is more difficult than giving care to older adults (Bevans & Sternberg, 2012). The care needed for cancer patients includes assisting with daily living activities, preparing meals,...

Type 2 Diabetes: Study Purpose, Design and Results

Purpose Maintaining glucose levels in the blood has proven to help type two diabetic patients control their situational conditions. This investigation, which went for two weeks, was to test if patients who would exercise at moderate intensities ten hours a day could reduce hyperglycemia, which also proved to play a...

Acromegaly: Disease Prognosis and Treatment

The endocrine system is an integral part of the human body because it impacts growth and development, sexual mood, and metabolism. Endocrine diseases can occur when hormone levels in the body are too low or too high. Additionally, endocrine disorders can happen if human bodies respond differently to hormones. An...

Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

A learning difficulty is a condition that causes learning problems, particularly when writing, reading and doing math. A child with a learning disorder does not understand incoming information as a child who is usually developing normally. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental challenge described by several persistent issues, including troubles...

Healthcare and Governmental Efforts

The state should play a vital role in health in several areas at once. It is worth talking not only about financing but also about the direction of development of this most important industry of any state. First, the government should encourage continuous development in pharmacology, surgery, nursing, and other...

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Effects Worldwide

Covid-19 has remained a threat in many countries in the last two years. Numerous restrictions and precautions have been implemented in various nations, including encouraging people to vaccinate. In Moscow, Russia, the number of people reported having tested positive for the coronavirus has rapidly increased. October 2021 recorded the most...

Substance Use Disorder in the Context of Mental Health

Almost every day medical professionals face obstacles and challenges in their job. They should take a responsible approach to the treatment of patients and competently solve any issues. The life and prospects of the client depend on them, so each step should be considered and acknowledged. It is especially difficult...

Physical Activities as Treatment for Depression

Introduction Greetings, today I would like to highlight some of my findings regarding the following topic: is it possible to reduce depression with the help of regular physical activities? There is a definite need to define the best possible method for reducing the occurrence of depression and anxiety among the...

“Yoga for Depression” Article by The Minded Institute

One can say that depression is both biological and mental Black Death of modern humanity in terms of prevalence and negative impact on global health. Scientists say that “it is the predominant mental health problem, followed by anxiety, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder – as well as being the 10th leading...

Unpatented Pharmaceuticals for American Public

Introduction The pharmaceutical industry is greatly influenced by the registration of intellectual property rights for a product that has been manufactured. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office grants a patent for a drug after receiving a complete set of documents proving the ownership and exclusivity of the production, which has...

The COVID-19 Anti-Vaccination Decision

Introduction The first article in question is from the popular Vox website and talks about skeptics during a mass vaccination campaign. The second article is from a local news site in Virginia called Fauquier Times. The article talks about a possible bill against discrimination against unvaccinated citizens. The reviewed articles...

Followership and Leadership in Healthcare

Abstract This paper aims to identify patterns of the followership styles and their relation to the leadership styles with a particular emphasis on the healthcare sector. The analysis is based on a review of scholarly articles on the interaction between followership and leadership in healthcare. The results reveal that there...

Is Lying to Patients Against Medical Ethics?

The article by Shelly Schwartz provides a detailed examination of possible cases in which lying to patients is considered normal or accepted. The author focuses on instances where lying to the patient is a part of the support needed to soften the bad news or provide comfort in a stressful...

“First, Do No Harm”: Tread Carefully Where Oral History

In long-term crises like Covid-19, Jennifer Cramer (2020) asserts that changes in oral history fieldwork in inevitable. Therefore, before engaging in any activity that might result in more harm, Jennifer shows that following the law might be the one thing that prevents or minimizes the effects of an ongoing crisis....

Scientific Ethics in Tuskegee Syphilis Study

Infection with syphilis in most cases occurs sexually, is transmitted from person to person. Untreated or poorly treated syphilis in the vast majority of cases, despite individual deviations, consistently passes in its development through certain negative periods. I believe that it should be mandatory to inform the physician about the...

Malaria: Epidemiology and Burden of a Microbe

Introduction The name of the disease (Malaria) may be simple but its implications are not, especially its economic burden. Children under the age of 5 are more vulnerable. The malaria causing parasite called plasmodium was first discovered by Alphonse Laveran in 1880 in Constantine, a military hospital in Algeria. Sir...

Telehealth in the Pandemic: Benefits & Limitations

Telehealth has revolutionized healthcare across the globe, with patients having the opportunity to interact with their providers online using technology. The COVID-19 pandemic further hastened the uptake of telehealth with the introduction of regulations requiring social distancing and isolation for all. As a result, more people began to opt for...

Global Women’s Health and Rights

Introduction It is essential to ensure a woman’s general and medical rights. That is, Global Women’s Health and Rights, along with women’s right to education, freedom of movement, and fair wages, also have rights concerning their health. For example, women have the right to make decisions about their bodies and...