Principles of Ethics in Healthcare

The scenario in question considers the case of Mr. Cote, who has Alzheimer’s disease in its end stage. His severe condition is complicated by a recent stroke, and the health care team has faced a serious dilemma regarding future work. Mr. Cote is unable to swallow on his own, and...

Ways of Obesity Interventions

Introduction Diet is a foundation of most weight loss initiatives, as it determines the energy and food composition consumed and demonstrates effectiveness in weight loss (Fock and Khoo, 2013). At the same time, physical activities play a support role in maintaining the diet-based weight loss achieved earlier. Therefore, these methods...

Emotional Learning Programs for Mental Health Improvement

Introduction Emotional learning programs may improve the population’s mental health and increase the level of educated people. It is the reason why business plans concerning the introduction of emotional development training at schools and colleges should be elaborated. According to Orton et al. (2011), public health entrepreneurial business planning stands...

Healthcare Research: Body Comp Lab

The central purpose of the present experiment is to investigate the ability to measure student body parameters, particularly adipose tissue, using a variety of techniques. The more specific objectives of the study include the use of BOD POD, HW, and BIA as techniques for physically quantifying adipose tissue, and BMI,...

Coronavirus Vaccine Development

The genomic evolution of the virus presumes that the novel SARS-CoV-2 has altered its genetic structure and now has different implications on people’s health. The SARS virus did not have such virulence and the ability to be transferred from person to person. Earlier, the infected population suffered from severe pneumonia;...

Researching of the Opioid Crisis

The term opioid describes natural, synthetic and semi-synthetic opiates, and new psychoactive substances, NPS that have similar health effects as opioids. These products are used in medical practices due to their ability to relieve agony. Opioids activate the release of feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain. These neurotransmitters are also referred...

The Importance of Aaron Beck’s Researches for Therapy

Aaron Beck spent his entire life proving that psychotherapy works. By his example, the psychiatrist showed how from a poor, fearful and nervous boy from an emigrant family, he turned into one of the most influential psychotherapists in the country and even in the world. Beck is rightfully called “father...

Vaccination of Healthcare Workers

Vaccination is the most effective way of protection against COVID-19: a highly contagious disease often followed by a set of serious complications. The effectiveness of this measure directly depends on the number of people vaccinated, since together, they generate a collective immunity for their sector of society. Health professionals around...

Schizophrenia: Causes and Symptoms

The leading causes of the development of schizophrenia include heredity, an unfavorable environment, and negative social conditions. Many scientists are of the opinion that schizophrenia develops as a result of the impaired metabolism of neurotransmitters, particularly dopamine, in the brain (McCutcheon et al., 2019). Neurotransmitters are biologically active substances that...

Mental Disorders: Symptoms and Risk Factors

Bipolar and Related Disorders Overview Unless otherwise noted, all of the following information was taken from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5th Edition (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). In general, bipolar disorders are characterized by manic, depressive, and hypomanic episodes. Hypomanic and manic episodes can be characterized by inflated self-esteem, increased...

Tuskegee Syphilis Study

Introduction Tuskegee Syphilis Study was a series of experiments conducted on unaware African Americans with the goal of uncovering medical evidence of racial disparities. Not only were the researchers driven by racial prejudice, but they also manipulated their test subjects with lies and deceitful information. The experiment gained wide resonance...

Sexual Assault as Childhood Trauma and Treatment

Patients who suffered any kind of violence during childhood are more likely to have mental and physical disorders when they grow up. Sexual assaults are the most common type of violence; they are observed in numerous families and are often silenced. What petrifies society is that parents or close relatives...

Transforming and Improving Health Care in Hawaii

Upon reading Chin and Sakuda’s (2012) article, various aspects of electronic health records (EHRs) critical in improving health care have become clear. The study elucidates current and potential interventions in EHRs that can help enhance Hawaii’s healthcare. The authors feel that meaningful use of data may take three forms: e-prescribing,...

Literature Review: COVID-19 and Eye Diseases

The spread of coronavirus disease that originated in Wuhan, China, led to a global pandemic affecting people in different ways. COVID-19 causes pulmonary problems and impacts other systems of the human body, including cardiovascular/circulatory, digestive, immune, and sensory nervous. Various forms of ophthalmic manifestations of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2...

Vermont Accountable Communities Model

Introduction Unfortunately, vulnerable groups in the US may receive improper medical care because of the flaws of the health system. Therefore it is of paramount importance to reduce costs and improve the quality of health by founding new screening models to access services needed. Such a model already exists and...

Information Technology Implementation in Healthcare

The coronavirus pandemic has shown how fragile the global healthcare system is. During sustained waves, several patients were often in serious condition, per one nurse. In this context, it would be reasonable to introduce an adaptive system based on the work of the artificial intellect. The main task is to...

Obesity, Cardiovascular and Inflammatory Condition Under Hormones

Abstract The essay discusses heart-related diseases and the obesity conditions in the human body. It shows the correlation between the different conditions and how they affect the functioning of other body organs. In addition, it looks into the action of peptides in various diseases and the response of the organs....

COVID-19 Vaccination: Necessity of Excessiveness

Introduction COVID-19 has set the world in a continuous state of crisis. It continues its stretch worldwide with new strains that revitalize the fight against the dangerous virus. Despite the tide slowly turning, the dangers and contagiousness of COVID-19 cannot be underestimated. Thus, one of the first universal and global...

Depression Among Patients With Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease with a pronounced genetic component. The disease significantly affects the physical and psychosocial state of the patient, as well as the quality of his life. Although psoriasis has traditionally been considered a dermatological pathology exclusively, to date, enough data has been accumulated indicating the...

Racial Disparities Within US Healthcare System

Healthcare remains one of the vital industries, serving as a determinant of a well-developed, functioning society. All elements of this system are engaged in providing their respective communities with better standards of care. In a way, the system is a reflection of this society and the context, in which its...

Measles Vaccinations in Colorado State

Introduction Twenty-one years ago, the WHO declared the USA a measles-free country. However, since that time, numerous cases of measles have erupted in different states. There have been outbreaks in Washington and New York, Michigan and California, New Jersey, and American Samoa. Measles is a highly contagious disease, and vaccination...

Medication Errors Due to Terminology Miscommunication

Medication errors occasionally occur in the healthcare practice and cause safety issues for patients. Miscommunication leading to medical errors might occur in interactions between the practitioners or between a healthcare worker and a patient. In particular, medication errors most commonly occur in practitioner-patient communication due to mixed-up terminology or non-clarity...

Aspects of Obesity Risk Factors

Introduction Obesity has become one of the most pressing concerns in recent years. Most studies attribute the rising cases of obesity to economic development in both low and high income economies (Ameye and Swinnen, 2019). These studies show that obesity is more prevalent in high-income economies, and is more prevalent...

Challenges of Intimacy and Sexual Relations

Both TED Talks by Peggy Orenstein and Philip Zimbardo, although exploring different gender perspectives and general topics, emphasize the barriers that young men and women encounter when attempting to formulate their own understandings of intimacy and sexual relations. By using data from their research involving actual participants, the two speakers...

Changes to Data Collection Methods Since the Implementation of Electronic Health Records

Medical research is constantly developing due to modern technological advancements. Electronic health records (EHR), which include patients’ medical history, are used to store and share data to provide sufficient healthcare (Dash et al., 2019, para. 8). The application of EHR to daily hospital routines resulted in changes to their data...

Lymphedema as a Lymphatic System Disease

Diseases of the lymphatic system are common among adults and children. There are many types of these pathologies that require different treatment approaches. The most common problem is lymphedema, which develops when the formation of lymph and its outflow through the capillaries and lymphatic vessels from the organs and tissues...

Evidence-Based Practice Improving Nursing Care

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a healthcare approach that applies the most current research available to improve the safety and health of patients while reducing overall costs and variation in health outcomes. It uses problem-solving approaches that combine best practices from the latest medical reviews with clinical experience and the patient’s...

Researching of Personal Health Recorder

At the moment, people have become more concerned about their health. They are searching for ways to improve control over their health, and find services that will help with this. There are many applications to help the patient monitor their condition. However, people are concerned that data may be leaked...

Schizophrenia and Dopamine Level

Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder that affects a person’s cognitive functions. People with this disorder suffer from psychosis, delusions, and apathy (Millard et al., 2021). This illness can manifest due to genetic predisposition; indeed, it is one of the factors that can provoke it. Various psychological traumas, stress, and...

Improving Diversity in Healthcare Leadership

Introduction One of the current trends in the American democratic society is to make sure that all citizens, regardless of their ethnicity, age, gender, race, and sexual orientation, are provided with equal opportunities and rights. Diversity is a key to improved understanding of other persons, and while a growing percentage...

Importance of Medical Leadership Study in African States

Efficiency in a health care setting involves management skills and leadership abilities. Management and leadership have been developed in the business field, applying knowledge to the companies, aiming at financial profit. However, leadership in the medical field needs another perspective, which is different from the business one. Management in health...

Experiences of Childbirth of African, Indian, and American Women

Pregnant women refugees from Africa face many issues during migration. The mothers felt fear, loneliness and did not understand how the baby would be born because they had no previous contact with the Australian health system. At the same time, the situation was complicated because they did not know their...

Obesity in Adolescence in the Hispanic Community

Adolescent obesity poses serious health problems to Hispanic communities, health service provision, and nursing practice. Therefore, adolescents considered to be obese have surpassed being overweight and have increased risks of succumbing to chronic health conditions. Additionally, any health issues that begin in childhood and continue through adolescence can be serious...

Diet and Mortality Rates Studies

Three scientific works that explore the relations between nutrition and public health were selected for the assignment. They are Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and Survival in a Greek Population by Trichopoulou et al., Midlife Moderation-Quantified Healthy Diet and 40-Year Mortality Risk from CHD by Dai, Krasnow, and Reed, and...

The Allied Health Segment: Dietetics and Physical Therapy Career

Allied health is a department of health care that deals with the delivery of services that involves the identification, evaluation, and prevention of diseases and disorders, dietetics, rehabilitation, and health systems management. Two careers that are of interest within the allied health segment are dietetics and physical therapy. Dieticians are...

Nursing Leadership and Management Competencies

It is believed that a nurse should have strong leadership skills. This should manifest itself in all areas of work and relationships with different people. For example, in dealing with patients, a nurse is a strong and significant person since they help people, “lead” them to recovery as a leader....

Software Technologies in Healthcare

The presentation by David Smith, Nicole Sowers, and Scott Randall on Champ Software and Nightingale notes is an outstanding demonstration of how a team can take on the challenging task of modernizing health information systems. The most interesting part was about Minnesota’s success story, which implemented the software for the...

Readmission Rates: The Effect of a Discharge Follow-Up Service

Vernon, D., Brown, J. E., Griffiths, E., Nevill, A. M., & Pinkney, M. (2019). Reducing readmission rates through a discharge follow-up service. Future healthcare journal, 6(2), 114–117. Web. The primary purpose of this article is to examine how readmission rates influence hospital finances. Ninety-eight Washington hospitals were reviewed from 2012...

Interest Groups in the United States

The American governmental system provides the legal regulation for interest groups which can influence the legislation passage. The interest groups have influenced the legislation many times throughout history. These groups were created thanks to the constitutional amendments and guarantees of freedoms for every citizen. Interest groups mainly aim to represent...

Women’s Mental Health after Receiving or Being Denied an Abortion: Summary

The belief that women experience negative emotional well-being result of early termination has been the reason for enactment trying to order different approaches to limit admittance to early termination. Biggs et al. (2017) hypothesize that the restrictions on abortion and the denial of abortion lead to adverse mental outcomes for...

Infant Mortality: Influence and Prevention Measures

Case description Barbara is 40 years old and expecting her 4th child. Her doctors have advised her that, due to her age, she is at high risk for possible fetal death. Barbara conducts research on the internet. She finds statistics for fetal deaths from 2002-2011 based on age and race....

A Coder’s Job in the Healthcare Industry

The job of the coder is currently one of the most demanded in the job market. Its immense popularity is explained by the computerization of most jobs that did not involve modern technologies before. However, being a coder is quite difficult, as the job presumes a wide range of knowledge...

Advanced Nursing Practice in Texas

In nursing practice, the scope of operation dictates the guiding principles a nurse practitioner (NP) is entitled to operate within. In Texas, the Registered Nurses (RNs) are under a restricted form of practice under physicians’ supervision. The Texas Board of Nursing regulates nursing activities within the state. The practice competencies...

Aspects of Nursing Communication

At the moment, in my employment setting, the principles of active interaction among colleagues are being promoted as one of the key aspects of optimizing the workflow. Nursing communication is viewed by the management as a necessary element of productive activity, and the focus is on collaborative and team practices....

COVID-19 Influence on the Brain and Learning

The effects of COVID-19 on the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems are widely documented. However, recent research shows that the virus also affects the brain. According to studies conducted in the United Kingdom and Germany, 20-70% of COVID-19 patients experience neuropsychiatric symptoms (Boldrini et al., 2021). Some of the symptoms recorded...

Health Care Outcomes for Latinos in Delaware

In Delaware, majority of the people are Latino, one out of three kids is Latino and one out of 31 adults is also Latino. However, most of the population this community is marginalized (Salud America, 2019). Latino face disparities in physical health, parental care and mental health where depression is...

Nursing: Maintaining the Patient’s Privacy

Today social media embraces all spheres of people’s life; however, there are professions within which social media should be used with caution not to do irreparable harm. Nursing is one of such professions since disclosure of any medical information may seriously damage both sides: the patient and the nurse. According...

Masks and Social Distancing in Fighting COVID-19

Public opinion constitutes an essential attribute in determining the popularity of a particular issue. In essence, public members in many countries have played a substantial role in mitigating the spread of COVID-19. This is a disease caused by a coronavirus, which was first identified in Wuhan, China (Zhang et al.,...

Cultural Competence Concerning Native Americans

Culture affects health care as it determines the people’s urgency to seek modern-day preventive care. In clinical practice, cultural competence is vital as it helps the practitioner develop culturally sensitive techniques essential in determining nurse-patient relationships. It builds the nurse-patient understanding, which is crucial in ensuring safe healthcare delivery to...

Communication Barrier With Non-English-Speaking Patients

In our time, society is diverse and multicultural, so new challenges in health care are emerging. That is, nurses are faced with the problem of providing quality care to sufferers of all religions, races, and cultures. Although this is a difficult task, considering that even English-speaking patients find it problematic...

Partial Hospitalization Group Observation

Identify the group characteristics: name, meeting location and time, etc. For this observation, I chose a Partial Hospitalization group that meets five days a week for four hours. There is no particular name for this meeting, hence it is recorded as Partial Hospitalization Support. They meet Monday through Friday from...

Misinformation Online in Healthcare: Preventive Measures

Sometimes people opt for determining their diagnosis based on the symptoms, using the information they seek online in spite of arranging doctor’s appointments for proper health analysis. Unfortunately, society might be easily disinformed, considering that the quality of media data on web pages is not always assured. As a result,...

Diversity Competent Practice: Teenage Mothers in Foster Care

Giving birth at any age is normally a challenge to women, but it is a more difficult experience for teen mothers and more so for those girls in foster care. Research shows that in the developed world, the nation with the highest number of teen pregnancies is the US (Font...

Supporting the Population’s Health: The Role of Nurses

The health of the population is one of the most important factors in successful national safety, security, and social development. Additionally, it is an important resource for ensuring the stability of the state, and can be considered as a point of evaluation of the state policy in the social care...

Global Health History and Evolution

The first stage of global health is tropical medicine, which occurred in the 16th century when Europeans explored the world and discovered new lands (Palilonis, 2020). As people were settling, they discovered various diseases and, along with indigenous tribes, suffered from infections and epidemics. The next stage is military medicine...

TeamSTEPPS Agency’s Principles and Importance

TeamSTEPPS consists of five major principles: the team structure and four other skills. These include leadership, communication, mutual support, and situation monitoring (Zerwekh & Garneau, 2021). The above abilities inter-relate with each other to guarantee that teamwork is enhanced. Communication is one of the significant aspects of Team STEPPS that...

Sweeteners in Maternal Diet and Their Effects on Infant Weight

Abstract It has been widely reported that the diet of a breastfeeding mother influences the nutritional composition of milk that she is producing. However, the variability in human milk when it comes to the content of different chemical compounds remains understudied. There is a necessity to collect as much information...

Improving Drug Administration in Healthcare Facility

Introduction RCA is predicated on the premise that good management involves more than simply resolving existing problems; it demands identifying ways to avert them (Latino et al., 2019). RCA assists businesses in avoiding the inclination to focus exclusively on a particular component to get at the quickest remedy. Additionally, it...

Thesis for Rhetorical Analysis Essay: That Sugar Film Directed by S.Dalton

An Australian director and actor, Damon Gameau, decides to test whether sugar is harmful to the body. His girlfriend is pregnant, and who, if not a future father, should think about healthy eating. Having gathered several doctors, Gameau calculates that for the purity of the experiment, he needs to eat...

New Care Plans and Change Initiatives of Nurses

The nurse influences five medical elements: providing patient-centered care, working in interdisciplinary teams, using evidence-based practice, improving quality, and informatics. Together, these enable an analysis of the nursing process and its effectiveness. A critical approach to nursing care involves evaluating actions and their results: which aspects of performance can be...

Medicare & Medicaid: Comparitive Analysis

Introduction. Medicare Parts A (Hospital Insurance): Eligibility Part A premium-free covers People aged 65 years or older A patient paid Medicare taxes for a minimum of 10 years when working (Grabowski et al., 2017) Must be enrolled for part B However, one is eligible for the cover without paying premiums...

Complementary Therapy in Mental Health Treatment

Background As a working nurse professional, ensuring the health and wellbeing of patients is the most vital aspect of everyday practice. Those involved in the healthcare sphere constantly need to improve their skills, both using the current evidence-based practices and improving their own work competencies. In this discussion, the field...

Kimball Hospital and Tanner Medical Center Merger Report

Summary Recent trends in the healthcare industry have demonstrated that mergers are an effective means for organizations to manage costs, increase efficiency, and provide optimal and accessible care to populations. Hospital consolidation has reached a peak in the last five years, with the top 10 health systems controlling 24% of...

Physical Exercise and Cognitive Function

Physical exercise is an important aspect of human life. Several available pieces of evidence demonstrate how physical exercise correlates with brain plasticity, which impacts human cognition and wellbeing. According to Santrock (2018), physical exercise induces both structural and functional modifications of the brain, resulting in biological and mental benefits. In...

Stress and Its Negative Influence on Health

The rapid pace of modern life and the variety of complicated situations people should cope with provoke a high level of stress. Even though it is a natural reaction of the human body to adverse psychological and physical conditions, stress negatively influences health and causes dangerous illnesses and disorders. Even...

The Health Education Program: Promoting Healthy Eating

Assessment Unhealthy students cannot experience cognitive development like healthy pupils. It is proper to identify and use an assessment method that seeks to change a school environment whose students have inactivity, obesity, and are ignorant of healthy food choices. The appropriate assessment method is the focus groups that is a...

Healthcare Institutions: Budgeting, Planning, and Implications

Introduction Budgets are used to help improve the financial stability of an institution, whether corporate or in healthcare. Preparing an effective budget can help identify areas for improvement, areas that are effective, and overall cost-efficacy within the institution. Within inpatient settings, nursing managers are responsible for monitoring budgets. In some...

Leadership, Technology and Nursing Informatics

Introduction Leadership, technology, and informatics are important components of effective nursing practice. To maintain excellent treatment and patient safety, nurses should instill practical leadership skills in their everyday activities. Nursing leadership is only effective if the entire team promotes outstanding patient care. Technology and informatics are vital in nursing because...

Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Female 35-Year-Old Patient

Patient Information Jane Doe was a female 35-year old patient who presented to the clinic for the first time as the records indicated. She was white, stood at 172 cm in height, and weighed 57 kilograms. Jane initially came to the clinic with her husband and was assigned to a...

Anglo-Americans’ Health Beliefs and Practices

Introduction The term “Anglo-American” is primarily used to refer to people living in the U.S. and having at least partial English descent or origin. As per the recent American Community Survey, over 23 million U.S. citizens report having English ancestry, making them a populous subgroup (United States Census Bureau, 2019)....

Should We Get Vaccinated for COVID-19?

Even though many people have “shopped” for vaccines, researching their differences and the potential impact on their health, the best vaccine is the one that is readily available (Lasca, 2021). Therefore, vaccinations present the only viable option for preventing the transmission of COVID-19 as well as reducing the risks of...

Patient Engagement Activities and Communication Strategies

Montefiore Medical Facility is a teaching hospital in New York City that mainly serves low-income patients. They have built a strong patient-centered culture via their use of Montefiore Medical Center’s hospitals, healthcare locations, and school-based clinics. They are always on the lookout for new methods to improve the services to...

Researching of Determinants of Health

Many elements interact to influence the health status of individuals. The conditions and surroundings in which people live dictate whether or not they are healthy. A person’s social setting, heredity, education, income level, and state of mind all significantly affect health. However, more generally recognized variables like the availability and...

Disconnectedness of Electronic Health Record Integration

The problem is manifested in a disconnectedness of EHR integration of Williams Medical Services (WMS) from Leonard Williams Medical Center’s (LWMC) implementation of a computerized physician order entry (CPOE) system, where the latter is supervised by the chief information officer (CIO) and IT department. The lack of cooperative measures between...

Affordable Abortions as a Reproductive Right of Women

Introduction Today’s paradigm of democratic values demonstrates an increased degree of recognition of human rights. However, the complexity and controversy of the social landscape contribute to the emergence of heated debates. More specifically, the exact scope of rights to be protected remains subject to different interpretations as various worldviews collide....

CAN Community Health Agency’s Care Through Clinical Practice

CAN Community Health is a federal health agency in Florida, USA. Since 1991, the non-profit organization has continuously served the Florida community that lives with HIV. It has now extended its health services to the southern part of the country. The agency has always been dedicated to the continued wellness,...

Healthcare Policy Influences: COVID-19 Pandemic

It is important to note that healthcare policies play a key role in determining the effectiveness of the healthcare system in general. Developing and adjusting such policies is a crucial task, which is affected by a wide range of factors. These influences can be categorized into three major groups, which...

Obesity as a Wellness Concern in the Nursing Field

Obesity A Major Wellness Concern The history of obesity in the U.S. can be traced back to the 1960s and 1970s, when a slight rise in the percentage of people with unhealthy dietary habits and increased weight were spotted. However, what would later on be called the epidemic of obesity...

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Its Etiology

Decreased insulin sensitivity in the muscle, tissue, and liver leads to increased insulin production by beta cells of the pancreas. When beta cells can no longer secrete enough insulin to maintain blood sugar levels, hyperglycemia occurs. Left untreated, hyperglycemia may lead to coma and death (Silva et al., 2018). Epidemiology...

Cloning for Medical Purposes: Ethical Issues

Cloning is a method of reproducing by which a new organism, genetically identical to the one intended to be cloned, can be obtained asexually. The first attempts to clone animals appeared in the 1930s. A new stage was defined by the experiments of Scottish scientists, culminating in the birth of...

Advice for Affordable Healthcare Policymakers

Introduction As the costs of healthcare services in the United States continue to soar, it became necessary to devise a solution that will save billions of dollars that are otherwise needed to treat everyone. It is known that the cost of medical assistance has become unbearable for many, and receiving...

Employer-Provided Health Insurance (EPHI) Model

The United States is the only developed country that does not provide universal health insurance to its citizens. The majority of the U.S. population receives private health insurance as part of employer-provided health insurance (EPHI), while others are covered through social programs; however, 15% of Americans remain uninsured (Tumialán, 2019)....

The Implementation of a Safety Improvement Initiative in Healthcare Institutions

Safety Improvement Plan Maintain a relevant medication list Use health informatics for managing medication orders Create electronic prescriptions Report all medication errors cases Consider conditions affecting the medication Understand potential interactions between drugs Provide patient education Review the latest recommendations Improve personal skills and competencies Improve communication and learning among...

The Electronic Health Record Functions and Capabilities

Introduction The development of the medical industry is one of the top priorities in many countries, and many innovative systems significantly improve this industry. The latest invention for medicine is called electronic health record (EHR), and many hospitals actively use it. However, professionals still research the usefulness of this innovation...

Methods for Improving the Quality of Healthcare

The healthcare quality issue I have found in my clinical setting is the shortage of nursing staff. It decreases the quality of patient care. The total number of nursing staff in the hospital does not meet healthcare quality requirements (Davies et al., 2019). The shortage of medical staff is noticeable...

Clinical and Statistical Significance Differences

It is hard to disagree that evidence-based practice (EBP) projects are of extreme importance for the development of nursing practices and medical interventions. These projects are implemented in a sequence of steps and address a clinical issue with immediate practice implications. However, not all evidence-based practice (EBP) projects lead to...

The COVID-19 Section on the Federal Emergency Management Agency Website for Nurses

FEMA is the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and it was implemented in its current form in 1979. The official website of the organization provides a considerable amount of knowledge that might be useful for public health nurses. It includes data about emergency management, assistance during disasters, and even educational programs....

The Local “Birth” Experience in a Hospital

New childbirths are recorded daily in almost every hospital and local clinic, both nationally and globally. Some also take place at home with the help of a nurse-midwife in a situation where the mother is unable to access the medical facility. Such births are known as home births. Pregnant women...

Genomics in Patient Assessment in Nursing

Understanding the difference between genetics and genomics will promote a better understanding of nursing practices. While genetics relate to an inherited disease passed along through family member(s), genomics, on the other hand, looks at a particular gene in different ways and gives an idea to understand, relate, detect, and treat....

Qi Gong Practices’ Effects on Depression

Introduction Depression is a mental that makes people sad and apathetic, and gets in the way of enjoying their lives. In the US, over 9.5% of all adults suffer from depression of some kind (Friedrich, 2017). Women are twice as more likely to suffer from it than men. There are...

High Costs for Alzheimer’s for Elderly Americans

Population Description Aging in the United States is increasingly becoming a healthcare challenge, especially with the health needs and treatment costs rising. The Alzheimer’s Association (2021) produced a report in March, 2021, highlighting the incidence of Alzheimer’s dementia among American elderly. The population comprises people aged 65 years and older...

Sources Credibility in Internet Information About Stem Cells Research

Introduction The issue of sources’ credibility is of great importance in both educational and non-academic spheres. Particular attention of scholars is paid to the reliability of announcements in the area of medicine provided by various canals of information. An example of the mass controversy caused by the misuse of resources...

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Healthcare

Introduction Instances of medical malpractice have become a topical issue in the healthcare professional community. Such cases cause major disputes, and the potential ways of their resolution have been an area of intense interest across industries. In the case of medical malpractice, namely allied health professionals, there is a growing...

Diabetes: Community Teaching

Secondary Prevention of Diabetes Complications Diabetes is one of the most widespread diseases in the United States. A high number of risk factors and potential complications make this illness especially dangerous. Secondary prevention is the detection of the disease on an early stage and managing it to avoid complications. In...

Case Study of Schizophrenia: Symptoms, Misconceptions and Diagnosis

Introduction Schizophrenia is a severe psychotic disorder with a large variety of subtypes and correlated complications. The current case study describes the appointment with Jasmine Mack, an African American 18-years old college student who has recently experienced several symptoms associated with schizophrenia. Therefore, it is essential to thoroughly examine the...

“Documentation in Social Work”: Ways of Maintaining Documentation

Introduction The documentation of all processes and procedures in medicine plays an integral function. This is not only the coordination of all actions and plans but also an important aspect of quality control of services, reporting, and much more. In this regard, according to Documentation in Social Work: Evolving Ethical...

Canada’s Healthcare System and State of Medicare

It is important to note that Canada’s healthcare system is private despite the key goal being the provision of universally accessible medical care because it is financed publicly and delivered privately. It is also decentralized and mainly administered by each province and territory separately, whereas the federal government only imposes...

Agent Technology Based Modelization Systems for Healthcare

Bid evaluation is the process of analyzing the bids submitted by a different organization by examining the validity of each bid and comparing them against each other to enable the responsible organization to choose the best offer to help the organization meet its goals. Bid evaluation is a crucial aspect...

Preparing a Preliminary IT Budget in Health Care Organizations

Budget development is a critical step for any health care organization. A budget reflects the organization’s goals and objectives, contingency plan, and how outcomes of the proposed programs and initiatives are measures. The process of developing a budget requires management to choose between different initiatives and investments and “requires analysis...

Built Environment and Pandemics

Built environment such as homes, offices, buildings, open spaces, sidewalks, and transportation options has a direct impact on human health. Healthy built environments have services and resources that contribute to the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of the people who occupy it. An analysis of the existing built environments shows...

Communication as a Barrier to Providing Healthcare

Medical professionals face language barriers working with patients from diverse backgrounds. Diversity is based on race, gender, ethnicity, culture, sexuality, religion, socio-economical levels, and education. English medical professionals experience difficulty communicating with patients who do not speak English as the primary language. The language barrier results in the professional not...

Patient Engagement and Population Management

Patient participation is an essential part of healthcare and is increasingly recognized as an important part of delivering safe and people-centred services. Patients who are actively participating in care can make more informed decisions about treatment options. In addition, resources can be better used when they are in line with...

Effect of Weight on Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Each BMI Range

Weight is an essential parameter in ensuring the healthy functioning of the human body. Significant deviations from average weight can increase the risks of life-threatening illnesses. Usually, the weight index is estimated through the body mass index (BMI). BMI is a number that depicts people’s body fat considering the proportion...

Quality Assurance Standards, Staffing and Interventions

Staffing Since one of the primary purposes of this Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) is to provide high-quality treatment for people with mental disorders, it is necessary to pay close attention to recruiting talented psychologists and psychiatrists. Several funders and the program’s developers finance this QAP; therefore, standards related to staffing...

Developing Quality Improvement Nursing Projects

Developing quality improvement nursing projects is likely to have a massively positive effect on patient outcomes and the overall level of care, which is why pursuing the specified goal is quite important. Specifically, the emphasis on innovation seems to be the most reasonable route to take when shaping the project...

Women’s Healthcare: Eugenics and Sterilization

Women’s healthcare has a crucial role in the dissemination of comprehensive gynecological and obstetrical care. Women’s care began long ago with pioneers such as Elizabeth Blackwell and Margaret singer during the 1860s to 1880s. They focus on disseminating information relating to the female body as well as public hygiene and...

Florida House Bill 607 and Its Missed Opportunities

Nowadays, many people related to anesthesia are concerned due to the recent executive order, which occurred in 2019. Because of the possibility of canceling the strict anesthesia requirements and inclusive implementation of a new medical unit in this market, some of the medical representatives noticed interesting possibilities for professional growth....

Malaria: Nature, Symptoms, Treatment, and Control

Malaria is an alarming defect believed to have originated from early primates of Africa throughout the 21st century. It widely escalated and became a lethal communicable ailment to humans and infested continents such as Asia, Europe, and North America. The plasmodium vector conveyed by the female Anopheles mosquito found in...

Cultural Competence in Nursing in a Rural Hospital

Becoming more multinational, the population of many countries needs an adequate culture-based, patient-centered approach to medical care. Cultural competence in nursing is necessary nowadays, as it implies more than just sensitivity or knowledge of cultures. It is a whole practice of values ​​and attitudes aimed at optimizing the medical care...

COVID-19 Vaccine Studies: Design, Framework, and Paradigm

Khubchandani, J., Sharma, S., Price, J. H., Wiblishauser, M. J., Sharma, M., & Webb, F. J. (2021). COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy in the United States: a rapid national assessment. Journal of Community Health, 46(2), 270-277. The study aimed to investigate the likelihood of getting a COVID-19 vaccine on an American adulthood...

Reducing Nursing Errors in a Medical-Surgical Unit

Discovery The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic. Common Mistakes in the Field of Nursing Practice The rationale for the topic selection and the scope of the issue. Errors are prevalent in the nursing profession, and they can have serious consequences, including putting the health of...

Mental Illness and Madness and Approach to Mental Disorders

Currently, the biological concept is based on the following aspects of natural science: genetics, neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, and neuroendocrinology. Various disorders according to the biological approach are associated with genetic influence, damage to the nervous system, a violation of the exchange of neurotransmitters, and neuroendocrine changes. Therefore, treatment should also be...

Responsibilities of Nurses and Principles of Nursing Competence

According to the American Nursing Association, a nurse must promote health, prevent illness, alleviate suffering, and advocate for individuals in her care. There are ten principles of nursing competence: client-centered care, interdisciplinary collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, leadership, informatics, safety, client education, professionalism, and priority setting. These principles constitute the...

Treatment of Medical Device-Related Pressure Ulcers

This comprehensive study by Dan Bader, Peter Worsley, and Amit Gefen (2019) presents a detailed review of the newest bioengineering tools, contributing to evaluating the damage to skin and tissues caused by medical devices. It also proves the need for collaboration between academics, clinicians, and industrialists to develop new effective...

Telemonitoring Blood Pressure in African Americans

Background Information: PICOT Question What is the impact of utilizing telemonitoring blood pressure (BP) (I) in African Americans with hypertension (P) relative to conventional treatment (C) on BP control? (O). In the United States, approximately 45% of adults have high blood pressure, and only around 54% can control it (CDC,...

Policy Reforms for Affordable Healthcare in the US

One of the government’s roles is to better the lives of its citizens, and this is only possible if the leadership is intentional in achieving related goals. Regardless of the political party, the president has a role in pushing for policies that meet the needs of all Americans. Consequently, the...

Health Problems of Aboriginal Communities in Canada

Introduction There are many aboriginal peoples and communities in Canada, including the First Nations, Inuit, and Metis. Unfortunately, the health status of Aboriginal peoples is generally much worse than that of non-Aboriginal Canadians (NCCAH, 2013). This is a severe problem that requires attention and government aid. The article “An Overview...

Using a Pico(T) Framework and Evidence to Develop Care Practices

Introduction A PICOT design is an excellent technique to outline research questions that look at therapy outcomes. The (P)-population is a sample of participants for a study that a researcher is looking for, including patients. It may be required to strike a delicate balance between defining a sample that is...

Organelles Disease and Its Consequences on Human Health

Introduction The faulty physiology of the cell’s organelles can result in a multitude of serious diseases. The development of technology and a better understanding of the human body have allowed scientists and medical professionals to examine the smallest elements of the body, such as organelles, and define their dysfunctions that...

Infections: Prevention, Control, and Obstacles

Infectious diseases pose a range of threats to public health, therefore, representing a major threat to be addressed. Thus, the measures aimed at curbing the rates of contracting infectious diseases and exposing vulnerable groups to them must be regarded as a crucial part of managing public health concerns. Presently, several...

The Phoenix Hospital’s Workload-Shifting Strategy

Introduction The chosen strategy is to make Phoenix Hospital the preferred hospital in Hanover County by employees and consumers by reducing the workload for the nursing department. This strategy can solve several problems of the hospital at once, since the hospital’s costs have increased significantly recently, which affects the economic...

Researching of Patient Safety and EPB System

Introduction Patient safety is a medical discipline that has emerged in response to the growing complexity of providing health services, which is accompanied by an increase in the scale of harm caused to patients in medical institutions. The task of this discipline is to prevent and reduce the level of...

Sleep From the Angle of the Biological Process and Its Features

Introduction We have recently begun to study sleep as a biological process. We analyzed different stages of sleep and its complex study as a cycle. We also investigated various factors of influence and disturbance of the sleep process. Particular attention has been paid to specific sleep patterns, factors affecting them,...

The Pressure Ulcer Prevention Education Plan

Introduction The Pressure Ulcer Prevention Education Plan aims to address incompetency issues among nursing staff that is mainly contributed by lack of proper knowledge. Prevention and management of pressure ulcers (PUs) amongst patients in various nursing and rehabilitation centers have been on the downward trend, evidenced by the increase in...

Breastfeeding in African American Women: Nursing Project

Intervention Plan The intervention plan is based on the purpose of the project, which is the improvement of breastfeeding exclusivity of postpartum women from African American descent. The plan will consist of several steps, each of them aiming at fulfilling a specific goal of the project. Such elements as the...

Suicide Prevention for the Elderly Population

Summary Suicide is a critical public health problem that affects individuals of all ages, sexes, races, and statuses. According to official sources, suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the United States (Barlow et al., 2018). Older adults (65 years and older) account for 12% of the population...

Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

The nurse spends more time with the patient than other specialists and understands his needs better than many. Nurses and nursing assistants help the patient perform basic procedures that people cannot commit themselves to due to their physical condition. There are many nursing care sections, each aimed at specific work...

The COVID-19 Vaccination: Resistance and Protests

Conversations on public health and prevention strategies came to the fore during the wake of the COVID 19 pandemic. The pandemic was declared a public health emergency owing to the spread of disease across the globe. From a global perspective, the COVID 19 pandemic brought out the need for considering...

Hand Sanitizers in COVID-19 Pandemic: Pros and Cons

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for hand sanitizers has grown substantially over the past couple of years. Moreover, most places of mass gathering of people have been equipped with these means of protection to create all possible conditions for improving the epidemiological situation. Hand sanitizing is aimed at combating...

Barriers to Healthcare in the US and How to Address Them

The design of the healthcare model, as narrated by Dr. Mitchell Katz in a TED talk, is based on a middle-class model that ignores the needs of those individuals in low socioeconomic classes. Healthcare workers do not take time to understand the obstacles of their low-income patients before criticizing them....

Nutrition and Diets: Impact on the Blood Pressure Reduction

It may seem that the effect of dietary regulation on arterial pressure has already been thoroughly investigated. Hypertension is a factor of risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke. In order to lower blood pressure, scientists recommend some changes, which include not only drugs and exercises but also following a balanced...

Examination of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

The deficiency or toxicity of the B12 vitamin can negatively impact an individual’s life, causing significant negative consequences. My doctor’s observations included anemia, a low count of blood cells, and their enlarged and immature state (Green, 2017). Other symptoms were occasional numbness in arms and legs, as well as complications...

Age of AIDS: Analysis of Problem

Some of the lessons acquired from the video include that people who were infected with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) experienced stigmatization among the people who lived among them. People avoided their association which made them feel unwanted in society. The disease mostly spread through homosexuality and communities who shared...

Perfect Competition and the Cost of Healthcare

Introduction Markets can be organized according to different competitive structures, including perfect competition, monopoly, imperfect competition, and oligopoly. Perfect competition is largely considered theoretical because it comprises certain features that may be impossible to replicate in the real world. Aside from the features of a perfectly competitive market, examining how...

Integration of Health Information Management System (HIMS) into Healthcare

Introduction A health information system (HIMS) describes a system designed to manage healthcare data. These systems can all be used in an institution to inform research, enhances patient outcomes, and influence policy-making and decision making (De Groot, 2020). The HIMS I chose for this project is the EHR and EMR....

Healthcare Disparities as Determinants of Health: Personal Experience

The role of healthcare disparities as the determinants of patient health is not to be underestimated. In fact, this aspect of public health has become the subject of intense interest for researchers and professionals. Reshetnyak et al. (2020) examined the influence of social determinants of health and concluded that their...

Health Effects of Smoking. Rhinosinusitis Symptoms

Smoking has become common among many people universally, including young adults. For instance, many college students are using tobacco due to peer pressure and lack of information about its dangers. Moreover, smoking a cigarette has become a part of leisure, more so to the youth. Although many young people smoke...

Health Information Technology: A Personal View

I am a registered nurse working in the psych and substance unit for eight months. I have used EPIC medicine technology at work for five years, where I electronically kept medical records as a mental health counselor. The subject is very familiar to me. I initially worked as a medical...

Analysis of Perceptions of Long-Term Care

Long-term care is a major site for people who have severe chronic conditions and are close to death. However, most people do not enter long-term care sites willing to receive end-of-life care, and many older persons stay at home to receive their long-term care (Sussman et al., 2019). According to...

Comparing Collaboration and Advice Giving

The Difference between Collaboration and Advice-Giving in the Professional Relationship The collaboration approach in healthcare usually involves the unity of the actions of therapists and patients. The scientists believe that it includes interprofessional relationships between the clinicians, patients, and their families (Cashell, & Morley, 2017). On the contrary, advice-giving is...

Discussion: Who Controls Nursing?

Nursing developed, changed, and adapted to scientific progress and political, social, and economic changes throughout history. Providing care to the sick and injured became an indispensable general practice that saved thousands of people’s lives and became synonymous with alleviation, safety, and the common good. Nursing has always been inseparable from...

Source Credibility of Health-Related Messages

Source credibility is one of the central aspects to focus on when dealing with health-related messages. The credibility of sources includes such domains as the author’s (and the source’s) credentials and expertise concerning the topic discussed (Real et al., 2018). For instance, monographs, peer-reviewed journals, official websites of health-related organizations...

Cardiovascular Disease: Study Analysis

Introduction Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains one of the health problems affecting many people today. Past studies have tried to analyze the nature of this condition and present evidence-based approaches to help protect more lives. The article “Occupational Versus Leisure Time Physical Activity in Reducing Cardiovascular Risks and Mortality among Ethnic...

Health Issues Differences Between Two Populations

Health issues of emerging populations differ from those of White non-Hispanic Americans in a variety of ways. Moreover, prevalent health-related problems differ among emerging populations. Hispanic people in the US account for over 16% of the US population (Edelman et al., 2014). The major factors that affect the health of...

Health Disparities and the Way Nurses Reduce Them

Introduction Functional ability and health disparity are some of the challenges experienced by many individuals in most developed countries. However, only a few studies have been conducted to examine the trends of these challenges. The main aim of those studies is to find out the strategies that can be implemented...

Researching of Board of Nursing in Texas

Board of Nursing In order to understand the differences between nursing professional associations and boards, it is vital to review the key features of each entity. A board of nursing (BoN) is a state agency that operates on behalf of the government. In total, there are 59 Boards of Nursing...

Health Policy Analysis – Economic and Budgetary Feedback Questions

The proposed policy requires incorporating chronic and complex migraines as essential health conditions to the Texas Compassionate-Use Act so that low-THC cannabis prescriptions could be offered to patients based on the respective diagnosis and condition. What Are the Costs and Benefits Associated with the Policy, from a Budgetary Perspective? Implementing...

Aspirin: Vascular Pharmacology

Aspirin is one of the most used medications worldwide, with its history going all the way back to 1897. It is a plant-based drug made out of salicylic acid, which can be found in Willow, scientifically known as Salix. Aspirin was originally intended as an anti-inflammatory drug but is currently...

The Story of Sam, OCD, and the COVID Pandemic

Her name is Sam, short for Samantha; you may not tell by looking at her, but she has a mental condition called obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). OCD affects more than 2 million Americans; its symptoms include unwanted recurrent thoughts that compel the sufferer to do things repetitively. For example, some patients...

Nursing Staff Risks and Insufficient Funding of Hospitals During the COVID-19 Period

Introduction The United States differs from many developed countries in its health care financing system. Suppose in many states there are centralized organizations that provide health insurance for citizens. In that case, the United States is characterized by the absence of a unified, universal health insurance system, in which resources...