Disease in Vaccinated Populations

This academic work is a laboratory report summarizing the results of a practical simulation of the epidemiological dynamics of a simulated population. Thus, the report’s central tasks are to summarize the data obtained, answer the questions posed, and analyze the results critically. Results This lab report’s main results were obtained...

Harm Reduction Initiative: Treatment of Addicts

Significance to Nursing Practice and Nursing Research Considering the necessity of helping people addicted to drugs to either fight this addiction or live with it healthier, it is likely to suggest that the qualitative proposed research findings on the phenomenon under study will contribute meaningful evidence in clinical settings and...

Watson’s Theory of Caring and Practice

Theories are essential for introducing and advancing various professional practices, hence the need for their evaluation to determine their relevance, as well as potential applications. In clinical practice, multiple models, theories, and frameworks associated with the evidence-based practice are advocated (Lynch et al., 2018). These ideas and concepts form the...

Deadly Deliveries: Insufficient Safety Practices & Maternal Death

A short film directed by Dufour and Gruber (2018) to support USA Today’s investigation into recent maternal death cases sheds light on the insufficiency of safety practices implemented in parturient women. It is intuitively clear that increasing costs of services should be followed by improved customer safety protection strategies. However,...

Healthcare Issues and Professionalism

Introduction As the defining global health crisis of our time, Covid-19 has had a considerable impact on different aspects of life in the whole world. Since the first case of coronavirus that was identified in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019, over 130 million individuals have been infected with...

Planning and Budgeting in Global Health Care

The article “Priorities and challenges for health leadership and workforce management globally: a rapid review” begins by noting the complex and dynamic nature of health systems. According to the article, such challenges arise from the divergence of healthcare contexts and service levels. In this regard, the researchers argue that the...

Cancer Insurance Evaluation

Introduction Different from other illnesses, cancer is characterized by significant pain, survival risks, distress, and emotional breakdown. The disease has adverse effects not only on patients but also on entire family members as well as those closely connected with them. The cases of cancer in all countries worldwide seem to...

Racial Disparities in Healthcare: Research Proposal

Ethical Considerations and Protection of Human Rights Since the study involves an extended number of participants, it is essential to pay increased attention to the consideration of ethics. Even though the purpose of this research is exceptionally well-intentioned, there is always a possibility that interaction and communication with participants chosen...

Strategic Planning Opportunities in the Area of Hospice Services

The United States of America is experiencing high growth in the elderly population. With the increase in the aging group and the high incidence of chronic diseases, health facilities need to invest in technology to reach as many patients as possible (Fausto et al., 2020). Therefore, healthcare facilities must create...

The Veterans’ Needs Assessment

The purpose of the veterans’ needs assessment is to address the concerns of military families regarding the assimilation of their family members into civilian life. In this regard, the study investigates veterans’ needs in managing adverse outcomes of military services, such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health...

How to Lower your Cancer Risk. Nutrition Action Health Letter

Cancer is the abnormal growth of cells, and it prevents other cells from obtaining nutrients. If a person is genetically predisposed to the disease, it can be difficult to avoid getting it. However, individuals could still minimize their risk by practicing certain behaviors. For instance, it is essential to adopt...

The Problem of Falls and Its Outcomes

The main measurable patient-centered practice problem I encounter in our Med-Surg/Covid/Cardiovascular unit is the frequency of falls. The problem of falls is related to safety and leads to negative outcomes for both patients and healthcare providers. Falls occur relatively often (once or twice a week) in my practice setting and...

Dentistry, Insurance, and Children With Special Healthcare Needs

America has a large population of children with special healthcare needs. According to the census of 2009, nearly 14% of all children in the USA aged between 3 to 17 have some sort of disability (“Statistics of children,” 2013). Since the medical system in the country is largely insurance-based, it...

Intervention for Lower Sepsis Mortality Rates

Introduction Sepsis remains a global public health problem that has not lost its relevance throughout the entire period of the project of this pathological condition. One of the primary goals of nursing care is to minimize the risks associated with complications, such as bacterial infections. In the case of sepsis,...

Peritoneal Dialysis vs. Central Venous Catheter-Arteriovenous Fistulae Mortality Rate

Introduction Over the past 25–30 years, there has been a steady increase in the number of patients with CKD in the world. This increase is considered to be connected majorly to an improvement in the detection of directly independent nephropathies. Additionally, higher life expectancy of the population, as well as...

Nurses and Patient Safety Culture

Nurses are responsible for promoting quality in healthcare organizations by proposing improvement initiatives and accessing patient safety culture. Examples of patient-centered care initiatives include Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) and Team STEPPS, focusing on safety issues (Yoder-Wise, 2019). Furthermore, the organizational culture of a high-performing healthcare facility requires...

Does Healthcare Access Meet the Needs of All U.S Citizens?

Introduction America is one of the world’s leading economies, with the highest Medicaid spending per capita. At the same time, the country cannot afford to give all of its citizens universal coverage. The governmental reform, stuck somewhere in transition between capitalist and socialist healthcare models, remains rather inefficient. Although there...

Nutritional Therapy and the Management of Cardiovascular Disease

Introduction Cardiovascular diseases, CVDs, continue to cause deaths, despite improvements in medical research and clinical practices. CVDs mortality rates have continued to rise, such that in the next 20 years, CVDs are expected to cause more than 23 million deaths. As a result, numerous treatment methods have been developed. These...

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Description

Introduction Babies usually die quietly and without evidence of a struggle. SIDS’s diagnosis is set when the infant’s death cannot be explained. It is the source of over 2,300 babies’ deaths every year. SIDS rates noticeably dropped between 1990 and 2018. Risk Factors Low birth weight Breathing and heart rate...

Hepatitis B and C Infection in Kidney Dialysis Units

Introduction The following is a research proposal on the epidemiology of Hepatitis B infections in the dialysis units. The dialysis units are the sources of the Hepatitis B virus. This knowledge helps to look for ways of preventing kidney dialysis patients from hepatitis infection which will be the concern of...

Even Givers Have Needs: Challenges Nurses Face

Introduction Nurses spend much of their time in hospital environment interacting with patients and visitors from all walks of life. They put on a smiling face daily, which is always reassuring. By spending much time with patients, nurses normally have a major influence on their safety and experience. Moreover, communication...

Memorial Hermann Health System (MHHS) Community: Healthcare Initiative

Implementation Plan for Proposed Initiative The new initiative proposed for implementation at Memorial Hermann Health System (MHHS) community is to improve community healthcare through broader use of telehealth services in the Greater Houston area. MHHS community efforts in this area are extensively focused on serving the needs of diverse and...

Who Can Become a Donor For the Milk Bank?

Introduction Providing assistance to the milk bank is an essential condition for donor help that vulnerable recipients need. At the same time, not every woman can become a donor since the verification and preparation procedure requires a preliminary assessment of about one to two weeks. In addition, the number of...

“Being a Physician” Personal Experience

It is hard to deny that a person’s life and health are extreme values, but many people fail to maintain good health due to various reasons. Healthcare professionals are ready to help in preventing serious health issues and providing care to those in need. I have been fascinated by the...

Menstruation Practices in India

Menstruation is essential because it plays a crucial role in a women’s reproductive health. Inadequate knowledge and education are the primary causes of adverse issues associated with menstruation. In this case, I would educate the girls about the importance of hygiene during periods. Genital areas’ cleanliness reduces infection incidents by...

The Efficacy of Breastmilk over Formula in Newborn Infants

Background Breastfeeding is one of the most key aspects of post-partum care. Mothers are generally encouraged to breastfeed and many express desire to do so. However, despite recommendations, many introduce formula partially or fully in the first months or even weeks of an infant’s life. Formula is an FDA approved...

Passive Leg Raise: Search Method and Summary of the Studies

Introduction Patients diagnosed with hypotension usually have a low level of water in the body. To solve this problem, it is typical to resort to intravenous fluid resuscitation (Kyriakides et al., 1994). However, it is often unclear when and how much additional fluid is necessary for maintaining cardiac functions. Passive...

Health Policy Trends Awareness for Health Administrators

Health policies represent a robust field for research since they reflect the current state of health management, at the same time providing an insight into key community issues and the overall state of healthcare efficacy. Moreover, the assessment of the existing legislation on health issues provides insights into the further...

Three Causes of Edema That Result From Increased Capillary Pressure

According to Dehler, Zessin, Bartsch, and Mairbaurl (2006), cardiac pulmonary edema also known as congestive cardiac failure (CCF) or congestive heart failure (CHF) occurs in alveolar hypoxia pathological because of an increase in pulmonary capillary pressure. Cardiac pulmonary edema is directly linked to high capillary pressure by alveolar fluid reabsorption,...

Safety Committees of Kindred Hospital Houston Northwest

Patient and personnel safety is critical for healthcare facilities’ proper functioning, and the committees are a profound solution to regulate hospitals’ risk reduction and security checking activities. In the long-term acute care organizations, welfare providence is administrated via several communities that contain nurses, physicians, and government representatives who meet several...

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Pathophysiology

Introduction of Disease Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a disease of pelvic organs in women. Specifically, it is defined as “an infection of the upper genital tract occurring predominantly in sexually active young women” (Curry et al., 2019, p. 357). PID can cause infectious processing spreading through different parts of...

Presentation of Change Models in Carrying out Indication-Based Training in Nursing

Introduction In nursing, revolutionary concepts have been established to investigate the phenomenon in different administrative backgrounds. Lewin’s three-step variation theory and Lippitt’s Phases and cognitive theory of Transformation model are examples of collective modification theories. This essay scrutinizes the efficiency of two revolution theories, social cognitive theory and Lewin three-step...

Perspectives in Human Physiology: Biochemistry, Enzymes and Metabolism

The Structure of Enzymes and Their Role in Metabolic Functions Enzymes were discovered by the German chemist Eduard Buchner towards the end of the nineteenth century. The word enzyme was coined from the active ingredient of the yeast juice that promotes fermentation. Enzymes are organic catalysts that speed up chemical...

Implementing Evidence-Based Care in Nursing

Implementing Evidence-Based Care Evidence-based practices (EBP) refer to the strategies that have been shown by clinical research to improve patient outcomes. They are medical or clinical interventions proven to have a positive effect on the health of patients. EBP is a patient-centered approach that can significantly improve nursing care delivery....

Physicians and Pregnant Women Interactions

Introduction Analyzing the frequency of interactions between physicians and pregnant women is essential for assessing the level of care patients receive from their healthcare providers. The information that has to be collected includes medical records, commentary from patients, and commentary from physicians. This data is vital in illustrating how often...

Resources for Nursing Ethical Decision Making

The American Nurses Association (ANA) Center for Ethics provides an explanation, justification and serves nurses as resourceful aids for nurses’ facing challenging ethical dilemmas. Other articles available in the clinical practice include social justice that renders protection by offering patients safety and health. End-of-life Issues is an online source that...

Seasonal Flu: 2011-2012 Influenza Outbreak

Introduction The following analysis presents the next America’s flu outbreak challenge. The influenza pandemic that was reported in the last two years shook the entire globe with many people hospitalization cases reported in the United States. Many people lost their lives to the disease, and it was estimated that more...

Nutrition Plan for an African American Woman for High Cholesterol

Overview and recommendations Persons with health conditions that require close monitoring should adopt strict lifestyles that would promote good health. In the management of high cholesterol, nutritional plans must be carefully designed with a concise understanding of how excess fats lead to weight gain. It is also important for the...

Roles of a Leader in Emergencies

The primary function of the emergency management team is to prepare beneficial arrangements and protocols as a response to specific emergencies and other natural disasters. They are also helpful after emergencies because they coordinate with government agencies and other elected officials to reduce harmful effects. Some organizations have qualified to...

What Can America Learn from Japan?

Health Outcomes in Japan Are Significantly Better Than Those in the US, Even Though the US Spends Much More on Health Care After the devastating consequences of the World War II the population of Japan was suffering from very poor level of health. Today this country turns out to have...

Measures of Disease Frequency: Zika Virus

In 2016, the Zika virus caused a widespread epidemic in several countries. The United States also suffered from this disease, as can be seen from the statistics published on the CDC website (“2016 case counts,” n.d.). To see a clear picture of the effects of Zika on the U.S. population,...

Change Theories in Evidence-Based Intervention

Kurt Lewin developed the theory of change in patient care. The theory includes three main categories: driving forces, constraints, and balance or balance that is achieved as a result (Barto, 2019). This model includes actions such as defrosting, changing and subsequent freezing. Another approach in this paper will be the...

Healthcare Issues: Becoming Pain Free

Healthcare is only a disease care system that focuses on soothing the pain instead of changing an individual’s habits. Chronic pain is an epidemic that is ravaging society because people have become dependent on health practitioners to make them feel better, instead of seeking knowledge and support on how to...

Inferential Statistics Article by Florin et al.

The paper summarizes a current nursing research article in terms of its aim, methods, results and conclusion, before examining how the authors have used the ANOVA statistical tool to inform its conclusions and recommendations. The aim of the study by Florin et al (2012) “was to investigate Swedish university students’...

The Treatment of the Patient with Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Vincent Brody  67 years old. Has a 50-year history of smoking 2 packs a day. Admitted with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Related to stress and pain experienced as a result of COPD exacerbation Priority Nsg Diagnosis # 1 Risk for respiratory distress symptoms: Subjective data: “This cough...

Nursing Shortage Causes and Solutions

As the Baby Boomer generation starts to age and exit the workforce, the job market is likely to experience deficits in skilled workers. However, the nursing field seems to face an additional challenge as the need for such professionals continues to grow. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Employment Projections 2019-2029...

Prevention-Oriented Health Policy Goals

Prevention-oriented health policy is a modern medical practice, the main goal of which is to prevent chronic diseases. It is possible due to early detection and timely correction of imbalances in the body, which would lead to various conditions and pathologies, and their complications. In the past centuries, the main...

Right to Timely and Appropriate Healthcare for Everyone

The right to the maximum achievable standard of health as a vital right of every human being is envisioned in the World Health Organization constitution, a requirement for all UN member nations. This essay seeks to assess the level of attainment of this goal in the United States and globally....

Enhancing Skills of Staff in Healthcare Facilities

There is a positive correlation between nursing education and patient outcomes established by numerous studies. They claim that the efficiency of evidence-based practice (EBP) in healthcare is significantly dependent on one’s qualification (Melnyk et al., 2018). The link between these two notions is frequently considered as a combination of intertwined...

Strategies for Providing the Appropriate Level of Care

The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) report on To Err is Human increased awareness of the importance of improving healthcare services quality. The IOM developed a framework that underscored the need to establish healthcare strategies that emphasize safe, patient-centered, effective, efficient, and equitable healthcare to all patients (Robertson-Preidler, Biller-Andorno, & Johnson,...

Nanostructures in Tissue Engineering

Society is currently living in the dawn of the nanomedicine age. Nanoparticles and nanodevices are increasingly used in the development of drug delivery systems, cancer treatments, and surgeries. Operating at atomic and molecular levels, nanotechnology comprises the fields of science, engineering, and technology. One of the major medical advances in...

Impacts of Environmental Justice on Health

Environmental justice entailsequal distribution of environmental harm and benefits to all beneficiaries (Pavlich, 2010). It revolves around environmental health by trying to ensure that there is access to a good environment for habitable living. Impacts on health will look at how environmental justice affect health of individuals (Freudenberg, Freudenberg, Klitzman...

Exclusive Breastfeeding and Evidence-Based Practice

Literature Review Breastfeeding is a crucial process that allows infants to receive the nutrients needed in the future for developing immunity to specific diseases, as well as maintaining good health, in general. However, numerous mothers prefer to use a formula instead of breastfeeding, thus abstaining from it (Shepherd, Walbey, &...

Tobacco Intervention Initiative in India

Health Care Initiative and Rationale for Choice India is a low-middle-income country, as its GNI per capita calculated using the Atlas method was around 1,900 current US dollars in 2020 (The World Bank, 2020). At the same time, in 2020, India ranked 131 out of 189 participants in HDI, being...

Evaluation of Articles on Affordable Healthcare

For this assignment, I picked two reference materials for evaluation. Their score for every parameter from the Information Source Evaluation Matrix are listed below. Who? What? Where? When? Why? TOTAL Bio-based materials as applicable, accessible, and affordable healthcare solutions 2 3 2 4 4 15 “Accessible and affordable healthcare? Views...

Bulimia Nervosa Diagnosis and Procedural Plan

Diagnosis Bulimia nervosa The patient has been showing the tendency to vomit after every instance of food intake, which is the primary sign of bulimia (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). According to the existing definition, the diagnosis of bulimia aligns with the observed symptoms fully (Miller et al., 2021). Therefore, the...

Nursing Occupation: Professional Side and the Use of Social Media Networks

The dynamic increase of social media platforms and their impact on human life pose critical concerns and challenges for nursing students and nurse professionals. With the digital takeover of the modern lifestyle, nurses might become less mindful of the ethical and cautious use of their social media accounts. However, social...

Mental Stability and Obesity Interrelation

Abstract Aim The study aims to conduct an integrative review synthesizing and interpreting existing research results on the interrelation between these two types of disorders. Background Obesity is a serious chronic disease that complicates the functioning of internal organs, leads to other serious diseases, and negatively affects the quality of...

NIH Stroke Scale: Application and Effectiveness

NIH Stroke Scale is a tool that is primarily used internationally to assess the cognitive effects of stroke. It can scientifically be described as the quantitative measure of stroke-associated neurologic deficit. Before this scale, other scales were in use, but with the help of videos available on how to efficiently...

Northwell Health Care System Evaluation

Introduction Northwell Health Care System is a healthcare institution that provides health-related services to a consortium of at least 800 hospitals and care centers. Northwell Certified Home Health Agency (CHHA), a constituent of the Northwell Health Care System provides a range of professional home health services to its clientele. Medication...

ABC Hospital: Health Care Policy

Purpose To ensure the safety of medical personnel and patients during various radiologic procedures. To meet the objectives of Healthy People 2020, C1-C11, C-20, GH-3, GH-4, and GH-5. The goals of those objectives concern global health and the rates of cancer among the population, including the influence of irradiation on...

Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety

TeamSTEPPS strategies and tools are designed to enhance team performance and patients’ safety across the healthcare system. Some elements of the TeamSTEPPS are used on a daily basis, like brief and debrief meetings, mutual support with the task assistance, and providing feedback to team members to improve team performance. The...

Patient Teaching in Health Care

Nowadays, the medical field is constantly developing, and various proposals are advanced in order to improve health outcomes. One of the recent implementations regards patient education, which implies shaping the information while sharing it with a patient in accordance with his or her health behaviors for improving health status. This...

Epidemiologic Methods in Infectious Diseases Study

Introduction Epidemiology is a scientific subject that assesses the elements and distribution of illness and injury in people groups through space and time. Epidemiologic methods refer to the various concepts applicable in finding the causes of diseases and other healthcare concerns in a community (Huremović, 2019). The epidemiologic models and...

Importance of Cultural Competency in Nursing

The concept of cultural competency in nursing refers to the awareness of traditions and peculiarities of patients cultures, understanding of their values, and respect to their beliefs and views even if they differ from ones of a nurse. According to Sharifi, Adib-Hajbaghery, and Najafi (2019), cultural competency consists of “cultural...

Leadership Styles in Nursing: Which to Choose?

Leadership styles in the healthcare sphere are an important issue that needs to be thoroughly studied so as healthcare workers to be ready to follow innovations and adapt to various situations. While working with other health personnel and being crucial for patients’ safety and comfort, nurses are considered to be...

Albinism: Types, Diagnostic Methods and Treatments

Albinism is a group of inherited diseases in which melanin deficiency occurs. Melanin levels determine the color of the skin, hair, and eyes. Melanin is also involved in developing the optic nerves, which is why people with albinism encounter serious vision issues. Unfortunately, in some cases, the nurses are not...

History of Childbearing – Trends in the Cesarean Section

Tina Cassidy provides a historical account on the issue of childbearing. The author offers lively, informative, and well-researched cultural history of childbearing. While the childbearing practice is present in every culture, each culture has adopted unique ideas on the best way to give birth. Central issues present in her discussion...

Medication Research Case Study: Mathematics for Practical Nurses

Mrs. Schwartz is an 89-year-old lady who has come to your long term care facility. She has Type II diabetes. She has also recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. So far, she has exhibited mild cognitive impairment, as she is oriented to person, but not place or time. She is...

Multiple Myeloma. Disease Analysis

Introduction Multiple Myeloma is the phenomenon, which requires continuous attention, as it changes over particular time. Doctors were trying to find the possible cure for the disease since 1960s1. Additionally, it could be said that this blood disease is widespread, as it is “the second most frequent blood malignancy” in...

Survey on Opioid Crisis in Anytown

Summary A survey is a valuable research instrument allowing for the in-depth examination of different problematic situations, conditions, or topics of interest by querying a specific group of people and analyzing the gathered data. In this regard, surveys help scholars or organizations to raise discussions about disturbing issues, reveal solutions,...

Reduction of Deaths Caused by Sepsis: Nursing Intervention Plan

Nursing Theory Utilized As it has been already mentioned in the preceding parts of the proposal, the great role in the prevention of sepsis lies upon nurses. They should be able to notice the early signs and symptoms of this condition and immediately take appropriate measures. Thus, to provide patients...

Elder Abuse: Violation of Fundamental Rights

Elder abuse was largely ignored because it was seen as a social welfare issue. However, it has evolved into a public health and criminal justice challenge owing to the fact that it involves the violation of fundamental rights. It is an important matter to consider since this segment of the...

Networking, Mentorship & Leadership in Nursing

Network with Purpose Networking with a purpose implies behaviors Communication is the cornerstone of a network with purpose in nursing. Effective communication involves the nurse’s knowledge and ability to apply a specific set of behaviors. Amyx (2018) notes that “networking on purpose is about authentic connection” (para. 3). There, one...

Policy on Roles of Licensed Practical Nurses

Nurse delegation is a critical process in the provision of nursing care. Delegation is the process by which nurses assign tasks to other persons to conduct nursing activities and tasks. Registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs) have to delegate tasks at various career stages. Some nursing facilities lack...

Sleep: Non-REM and REM Phases

Sleep has great general biological significance, playing an important role in the function of the brain. During sleep, metabolic rates and muscle tone decrease, contributing to the restoration of physical and psychological resources. Due to the most common sleep disorder — insomnia, there is great exposure to heart diseases such...

Determining Pros and Cons of Physician-Assisted Suicide

Abstract This paper discusses the ethical issues related to the legalization or forbiddance of physician-assisted suicide (PAS). It identifies various stakeholders that are involved and presents their arguments in support of or in opposition to medically aid suicide. The author argues that patients should have the freedom of choice concerning...

Aromatherapy Science and Implementation

Background Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years and is documented in biblical accounts for spiritual rituals and burials (Smith & Kyle, 2008). Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicine, used lavender in baths and massages. Rene Maurice Gattefosse, a French chemist, used it for healing burns in 1930 and...

Cancer Patients: The Effectiveness of Pain Diary

The study of clinical states in cancer patients is of fundamental importance for medical sciences. For example, it is well established empirically that one of the central manifestations of cancer development is pain. Research data show that more than half of cancer patients report pain (Dalal & Bruera, 2019; Durham,...

Tuberculosis Desease: Symptoms and Prevention

Introduction Today’s population records infectious diseases as the utmost killer presenting the greatest challenge to the global community. Governments in collaboration with health-based organizations are investing numerous resources in mitigating the spread and re-emergence of contagious illnesses. This paper seeks to explore one of the re-emerging infectious diseases the world...

Physical Health Care During Treatment for Substance Use

The research work that is going to be analyzed and discussed covers the topic of treatment methods for the use of addictive substances, such as alcohol, cannabis, and other. The article is published in the Drug and Alcohol Review journal in May of 2021. The title of the article is:...

Practices to Prevent Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Introduction The evidence-based project entails the implementation of bundled practices to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia, which is a common occurrence in intensive care settings (Sedwick, Lance-Smith, Reeder, & Nardi, 2012). Readiness Level Survey results show that the readiness level is high because the organization views EBP as central to the realization...

Governance, Management, and Organization of Healthcare Facilities

Introduction Healthcare professionals play an essential role in society because they treat the sick, assess risk factors, advise the public against unhealthy behaviors, and mitigate outbreaks, among other roles. Jobs in healthcare include pharmacy and surgical technicians, sonographers, doctors, and nurses. A shortage of health workers in one sector makes...

Protecting Informational Health Privacy

Personal data protection is a concerning issue in almost all spheres of human life because most modern technologies can track nearly all people’s activities. However, medical data privacy and confidentiality are a particularly complex and significant issue, since the current policy leaves many gaps and controversies. This topic of protecting...

Aspects of Nursing Research

Experimental and Nonexperimental Research Design Research in nursing can be experimental and nonexperimental, depending on the researcher’s goal. The former involves manipulation with a variable to determine how it affects the outcome (Nieswiadomy & Bailey, 2018). An example would be researching how a nurse’s intervention impacts a mother’s breastfeeding efficacy...

Weight and Health Professional Bias

In an examination where patients with extra weight went through a genetic testing, it was discovered that of 54 patients with weight issues 37 were hereditary disorders, 9 were medicine instigated obesities, and 8 obesities were because of cerebral injury (Kleinendorst et al. 9). Patients with genetic obesity issues more...

Diagnosis and Management of Asthma

Dharmage, S. C., Perret, J. L., & Custovic, A. (2019). Epidemiology of asthma in children and adults. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 7, 1-15. Web. This article summarizes the findings from the investigation of the relationship between genetic and environmental determinants in asthma’s high-risk groups. The role environmental exposures play in the...

Nutrition for Cerebral Palsy Patient

Introduction Children with cerebral palsy possess complex and challenging needs that require proper management. Nutritional management is one of the issues that require adequate attention from health care providers, parents, and their communities. Eating a healthy diet is an important aspect of maintaining the overall health and quality of life...

Isolation Wards Preventing Infections in Elderly

Effective infection prevention is one of the most pressing problems that emergency departments (ED) have to face. Since overcrowding is not a rare case in EDs, patients have to stay in close proximity to one another for a considerable period of time, which increases the risk of infection transmission. Acutely...

Role Re-Organization Among Registered Nurses

Registered nurses (RNs) continue to complete non-nursing tasks because of a lack of sufficient ancillary personnel and organizational role deficiencies in the healthcare system. Nursing work’s actual meaning is misunderstood because RNs lack an appropriate lexicon to define their specific roles (Grosso et al., 2019). Non-nursing tasks imply performing medical...

Crutcho Public School: Obesity in School Children

Community Diagnosis Numerous schoolchildren at Crutcho Public elementary school, Oklahoma City, are obese revealing how obesity is a threat to that community. Having carried a health assessment in the school, a community diagnosis identifies and quantifies the concerned health conditions. The community diagnosis will have four stages. The first one...

Euthanasia: The Legal and Ethical Perspectives

Introduction Many people feel that they have no control about when or how they are born, but they do have control over how they die. Individuals who have been diagnosed with diseases or chronic conditions may wish to end their lives early by suicide based on the fear of experiencing...

A Preventable Error in a Clinical Setting

A preventable error occurs when a different or wrong medication or medical procedure is given to a patient even though there exists a correct treatment for that condition. These mistakes may alter the patient’s health entirely, add other medical expenses, or even cause death. For instance, in our healthcare facility,...

COVID-19: Virus Which Killed Millions

Introduction Historically, people have always encountered pandemics which led to numerous deaths; they were difficult to contain and lasted for several years. The COVID-19 pandemic became the first event in the twenty-first century that disrupted healthcare services worldwide. Today, official statistics which track new cases of the virus show that...

Why Evidence-Based Practice Is Essential for the Practice of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Background Evidence-based practice means to heighten the effectiveness of the nurse practicing. By gathering and analyzing evidence, an RN is enabled to define a customized care plan. Horntvedt emphasizes the idea in question, stating that EBP redesigns medical care to minimize possible risks. If RNs are allowed to access and...

Problem of Diabetes in the Elderly

I have chosen diabetes in the elderly as a topic for my community teaching project mainly because it is a very important and urgent problem in the health care systems of most countries. Its prevalence rates double every 10-15 years, and in 2015 more than 5 million deaths were attributed...

Electrolyte Imbalance in Human Organism

Sodium is an example of an electrolyte that promotes the normal functioning of the body. In particular, sodium is essential for nerve and muscle function, with the entrusted health specialists emphasizing that the correct sodium level is key to ensuring an individual’s well-being. However, the lack of enough sodium results...

How Covid-19 Isolation Contributed to Depression and Adolescent Suicide

The recent outbreak of the Coronavirus has resulted in the recommendation of various disease containment measures around the world. For instance, health care organization bodies like the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have been at the forefront in ensuring that countries around...

Mindfulness Interventions for Dementia Patients

Since the prevalence of dementia tends to increase globally, it is critical to understand its cognitive issues and related evidence-based interventions. The cognitive changes caused by dementia include disorientation, short-term memory loss, and personal care challenges. To cope with these ambiguous losses, people with dementia can be offered mindfulness training...

Pediatrics: Risk Factors Affecting Early Childhood Development

The advancement in developmental neurobiology allowed scientists to establish the influence of early childhood experiences on violent behavior in adulthood. Brain imaging demonstrated that diminished fear response was present in those children who had an increased tendency for criminal behavior (Sterzer, 2010). The experimental studies demonstrated that exposure to chronic...

Analysis of Drug Classification

Radiologic technologists play an important role in providing patients with care and assessment. These medical specialists are responsible for conducting imaging procedures to examine people’s physical and emotional well-being and promote diagnostic accuracy (Suchsland et al., 2020). In clinical settings, radiologists should identify and prescribe different pharmacological agents during the...

Factors Influencing Sleep Quality Among Female Staff Nurses

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic challenged every level of hospital management. The number of confirmed cases and deaths from COVID-19 is growing daily, overwhelming healthcare institutions with a shortage of staff, equipment, and medications. Hospital staff had to work long hours, resulting in sleep deprivation and various health problems (Kim-Godwin et...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Recovery Plan

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) alludes to two lung sicknesses, constant bronchitis and emphysema, that make it difficult to relax. Smoking is the most well-known reason for COPD, yet breathing used smoke, dust at work, or vapor from ovens, radiators, or synthetic compounds can likewise cause it (Howcroft et al.,...

Genetic Testing and Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

In my opinion, genetic testing at a young age can be beneficial. Although young people can identify incurable diseases, they can work to prevent them. They will know that they must lead a healthy lifestyle from a young age. This will help them delay the illness and lead a richer...

Access to and Coverage For Health Care in the US

While being oriented toward the well-being of the American nation, it is necessary to provide all citizens with the right to receive healthcare services in spite of their social and economic status. The rationale behind this position is that only a healthy nation can contribute to the further development and...

Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Cause-Specific Mortality in Black and White Adults

Study Summary In the article titled, “Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Cause-Specific Mortality in Black and White Adults in the Southern Community Cohort Study,” Matthews et al. (2014) strived to understand the causality between physical activities and adult mortality among male adults from two ethnic groups (African-Americans and Whites). The...

The Use of Social Media in Nursing

Social media has helped me significantly during the pandemic. First, it assisted in locating those in need, especially during isolation, quarantine, and lockdowns. Most people could not access shopping centers to purchase supplies. Such individuals could air their grievances on social media, asking for help. Also, it facilitated the coordination...

The Statistical and Clinical Significance of Studies

Evidence-based research implies retrieving and analyzing objective data that is not based on researchers’ opinions or subjective vision but on numerical and impact-based findings. For that matter, the statistical and clinical significance of studies is essential to demonstrate the validity of results and their relevance to the clinical setting or...

Access to Dental Care for Medicaid Recipients

Improving Access Discussion Oral disease remains one of the major chronic diseases affecting many children in the United States (Borchgrevink, Snyder, & Gehshan, 2008). This condition also affects many people in every low-income society. Several strategies should therefore be identified and implemented in order to improve access to dental care....

Homeless Mental Health Intervention

Problem Description Mental illness and homelessness are related; Many homeless people have mental illnesses; Illness makes escaping homelessness more difficult; They struggle to receive adequate care. Mental illness and homelessness are related in a bidirectional manner; the former makes one more likely to lose their home and complicates escape from...

Natural Disaster Preparedness in Texas: Nursing Response

Natural Disaster Southeast Texas is the territory largely affected by such natural disasters as hurricanes. Due to its geographic peculiarities, the area can be hit by strong hurricanes every year, with increasing severity and frequency depending on the ocean temperature that fluctuates each decade (Ahrens & Henson, 2021). Hurricanes are...

Nursing and Policymaking: The Problem of Policy Accumulation

From the very genesis of active policymaking in healthcare settings, the process has been facing a variety of severe challenges in the way towards successful implementation. The major issue, however, concerns the fact that central decision-makers in terms of the existing policies have nothing to do with healthcare, being rather...

Minerals-Concept Fluoride and Dental Fluorosis

Fluorine is a common element abundant in the earth’s crust. Naturally, the mineral occurs in the soil, rocks, and water with higher concentrations in places that have experienced geologic uplift1. Many industrial processes are dependent on fluorides due to their use. The primary source of systemic fluoride is exposure to...

Complex Moral Dilemmas for Healthcare Administrators and Providers

A regularly used method in handling ethical challenges emphasizes moral principles, including respect for patient autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and justice. The four-quadrant approach is utilized to analyzing moral values as it questions a given case based on the patients’ liking, value of life, and appropriate features. Accountability is tolerating one’s...

Improving Patient Safety in the Radiology Department of a Hospital

The radiology department has a professional and legal responsibility of ensuring the safety of patients receiving imaging services. Radiation helps in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. However, inappropriate exposure can lead to health hazards for the patient exposed. Every profession in the radiology department has a moral responsibility of...

The Use of Antibiotics in the Treatment

A 41-year-old female presents to the doctor’s office you work at complaining of a sore throat and headache. Upon examination, she is diagnosed with a virus that is currently prevalent in the area she works. She is told to rest and drink liquids until the virus has run its course....

The Nurse Administrator as a Change Agent

Introduction The need to promote change is included in the range of responsibilities of any nurse. However, in an environment that requires quick thinking and immediate response to the patient’s needs, the role of a Nurse Administrator (NA) becomes increasingly significant. By definition, STEMI patients require immediate cardiac catheterization. The...

Considerations in Prescribing

The article, which discusses prescribing difficulties in America, provides a strong overview of the essential disparities in treatment that concern minorities. The issue gets extensive prominence, according to the fact that many Asian, Hispanic, and Afro-American citizens, who inhabit the USA, claim that they are discriminated in medical treatment. Specifically,...

Personalized Medicine: Applying Bench Research for Bedside Utility

Introduction Human health outcomes are often products of the interplay between several biological and environmental factors. Based on this relationship, scientists have often strived to learn a lot of information surrounding the physiological, anatomical and biological issues underpinning human health outcomes with mixed outcomes (Blau, Brown, Mahanta, & Amir, 2016)....

Effect of Nurse Staffing on Patient Recovery Time

The research paper discusses how nurse staffing affects patient recovery time. The identified PICOT question is “In hospital patients, what is the effect of appropriate nurse staffing compared to a large number of patients per nurse on reduction of patient recovery time within three months period?”. The research question is...

Medical Treatment Organization Within Canadian Health Care System

Introduction Canada has a universal health care system, including policies on treatment for the elderly, assisted living facilities, physical therapy, and mental well-being. However, specifically, mental health reforms in the United States and Canada have similarities and differences. Canadians believe that admittance to medical treatment should base on demand and...

System Implementation: The Health Information Management Systems

Introduction The health information system is a system made to manage data in healthcare. It includes collection, storage, management, and transmission systems that deal with electronic records related to medicine. Healthcare facilities, rather than hospitals that are operational and support the health information system, are always overlooking and managing systems...

Prevention and Treatment Methods of Pressure Ulcers

Introduction Pressure ulcers are skin injuries that occur after a prolonged absence of movement or a person’s inability to reposition themselves in order to relieve pressure from certain bone areas (Joyce et al., 2018). Many interventions concerning this disease are implemented, with some being more effective than others. Reportedly, more...

Herceptin and Breast Cancer Treatment

Introduction Cancer results from the cellular disorder that involves a poorly characterized sequence of molecular events that comprise unrestrained cell propagation, morphological and cellular alteration. It may also result from deregulation of apoptosis, angiogenesis, increased invasive cell activity as well as succeeding confined and remote metastases. It has now been...

Overview of African Americans’ Genetic Diseases

African Americans are more likely to suffer from certain diseases than white Americans, according to numerous studies. It is often due to the genetic predisposition of communities. Even though the genetic basis of disorders continues to be studied today, as many patterns have not yet been identified, some dependencies have...

Medical Misinformation in History and Now

The images that can be distinguished the most from the Topic 10 video are the posters from the book of Giambattista della Porta that show the similarity of human faces to animal faces. These posters illustrate the idea that a person whose facial features are similar to a particular animal...

Hypertension’s Effect on the Health Care Depressive Patients

Introduction Depression is one of the leading causes of various health problems in modern society. According to a recent report (1), depression will become the second most common health problem in the world because of the emerging lifestyle. The emerging technologies are changing the normal lifestyle and people are working...

The Health Concept in the Electronic World

Healthy Environment A healthy environment refers to creating a blissful environment involving culture, occupational safety, and a pragmatic lifestyle for employees. Supervisors appraising and providing positive feedback to the employees instills motivation. The physical environment should be safe and free from environmental hazards that may cause harm to employees. Strategies...

The Diagnosis and Staging of Cancer

Cancer Care Global spending on medical care is a major fiscal challenge in many countries. According to Brenner (2002), expenditures for terminal diseases will increase tremendously in the coming years. According to Brenner (2002), the number of cancer patients is on the rise. This is true because more citizens are...

Herpes Simplex Type Two: Etiology

Intrinsic Etiology The likelihood of infection by the same level of exposure to the virus differs among individuals. Further, among HIV-infected individuals, there is a differential rate of progression. Both depend on a number of factors related to the virus, host, and the environment. An individual’s genetic variability influences one’s...

American Cancer Society: The Aspects of Melanoma

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer caused by the uncontrolled growth of melanocytes (American Cancer Society, 2021). It most commonly appears on the legs for women and the chest and back for men but also can occur on the other parts of the human body in the form of...

Suicide Risk Factors in Queer (LGBTQ) Community

Stigma and prejudice about a particular group of people may cause adverse consequences for their health and overall quality of life. For example, the LGBTQ community has worse health outcomes than heterosexual people (Zajac & Godshall, 2020). Specifically, the LGBTQ population is at greater risk of developing mental health issues...

Musculoskeletal System, Endocrine System, Sepsis, Osteoporosis

The purpose of the musculoskeletal system is indeed movement of the body. However, it should also be noted that no less important part of its functionality is maintaining the stability of the body. This is essential because the quality of life is significantly damaged when a person experiences a musculoskeletal...

Management of Mammalian Bites in Emergency Setting

Introduction Nowadays, animal bites are common (Rothe, Tsokos, & Handrick, 2015). Consequently, treating them promptly is essential, as, otherwise, it may lead to health complications. The primary goal of this paper is to describe the initial treatment, determine the most effective choices of antibiotics, and define follow-up care. In the...

Medical Assistance Programs and Their Stakeholders

Medication assistance programs are an integral element in providing quality healthcare services to the community. Every member should have access to healthcare; it is unthinkable and unfair that financial constraints can deny access to different forms of healthcare. Medication assistance programs serve as a safety net for those in communities...

Fetal Echocardiography and Congenital Cardiac Defects

Introduction Congenital heart defects (CHD) introduce a serious public health concern that may occur in the heart during the prenatal development of a fetus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017) states that about 1% (40,000) of children are born with such defects in the United States annually, and...

Social Media in Healthcare: Building Awareness and Preventing Epidemics

Introduction Due to the ongoing technological breakthrough, social media has become part and parcel of everyday life. Furthermore, social networks have started to be viewed as the tools that can be used to improve communication processes in business and other domains of people’s lives (Kass-Hout & Alhinnawi, 2013). Healthcare is...

Safety and Effectiveness of Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Health care is one of the necessary elements in the life of every individual; therefore, people are ready to pay a considerable amount of money for treatment. As a result, the demand for complementary and alternative medicine has recently increased due to the desire to stay healthy (Stanhope & Lancaster,...

Leadership in Registered Nursing

Communication is a Personal Attribute and a Learned Skill Personal communication style reflects an individual’s character and level of professional education. In general, I try to communicate with people respectfully and expect the same attitude from myself. My communication style may often vary depending on my confidence, which fluctuates depending...

Public Policy Theories Overview

Temporary assistance for needy families (TANF) is a program under which states are given block grants to use for their own programs to assist needy families and children, reduce the reliance of needy parents by promoting job training, prevent pregnancies among single individuals, as well as encourage the development and...

Complex Regional Pain Disorder

Introduction A 43-year-old male with a 4-year history of various symptoms is diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). CRPS is a neuropathic disorder characterized by chronic pain that commonly occurs after an injury and usually affects only one limb of the body. Although medical experts are not entirely certain...

Health Care Leaders’ Ethical Issues in the US

Abstract Ethics applies to many fields. It simply signifies a moral obligation to do right or wrong. Ethics in health care can be defined as moral principles that guide the medical care conduct between medical practitioners and patients. Ethics gives medical care choice of right and wrong and also outlines...

Medication Reconciliation Overview

The Importance of Medication Reconciliation Medication reconciliation refers to a formal procedure for developing the most accurate and complete listing possible of a patient’s recent medicines and comparing it to those included in the drug orders or patient records. The aforementioned process is done to avert medication errors such as...

Operation Management and Value Chain in Healthcare

Operation management is essential for any organization to ensure effective administration and maximize operating profit. Supply chain management and the value chain of any industry require planning and management of production, logistics, and collaboration with partners (Yanamandra, 2018). Indeed, supply chain management was proven to be helpful in cost reduction...

The Importance of Cultural Competency in Nursing

Cultural (intercultural) competence in nursing is the ability of the nurse to interact with people from different cultures effectively. Cultural competence has four components: understanding one’s cultural worldview, attitude towards cultural differences, knowledge of various cultural methods and worldviews, and intercultural skills. The culture-based perception of the disease affects the...

Ostomy Care: An Evidence-Based Community Health Plan

Introduction Health assessment is an evidence-based practice for monitoring community medical needs. Professionals relying on the tool will design proper plans to support the provision of personalized interventions. The use of appropriate frameworks will result in positive results. This paper gives a detailed plan that will transform the nature of...

Effects of Oscillating-Rotating Electric Toothbrushes

An increasing variety of toothbrush types is available in the market today. Aside from traditional manual tools implementing different bristle design solutions, popular options for consumers include oscillating-rotating (OR) electric toothbrushes and tools that generate ultrasound to improve plaque removal. Dental care recommendations related to toothbrush selection may need to...

Navigating PTSD: Diagnostic Approaches and Tools

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious mental health condition that needs treatment due to its potential negative implications. The symptoms include repeated reliving (nightmares, flashbacks, hallucinations), avoidance (avoiding people, places, and situations reminding the traumatic event), increased arousal (insomnia, anger outbursts, excessive emotions, difficulty concentrating), and negative mood (bad...

Weight Loss and Importance of Praise

The Argument For the Essay I agree with Afshan Jafar’s article because it emphasizes how praising people for being thin reinforces detrimental ideals on body image. While punishment in the form of fat-shaming is often harmful to an individual’s self-esteem, positive reinforcement in the form of praise for a thin...