Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Overview: Diagnosis, Treatment, Care, and Condition

Introduction Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a lung condition that mostly affects people who are older than 40 years (Garvey, 2011). Albeit contentious, some researchers argue that COPD is not a disease, but rather, a description of changes in lung functions (Hall, 2012). Nonetheless, COPD often combines chronic bronchitis...

Social Marketing Strategy for Public Health

The creation of the social marketing system, associated with the public health practices generally requires thorough analysis of the social processes and the market environment, for arranging proper marketing activity. On the one hand, the marketing processes, as well as the business analysis of the healthcare sphere may be regarded...

Reasons Why Nurses Are Choosing To Quit the Profession

Introduction In any profession, a person training has a different feeling of the profession while still on training and a real-life situation at the place of work. Naivety is sometimes nominated as a course in the differences in the mentioned feelings. Consequently, the first impression or experience that confronts an...

Florence Nightingale: To Pledge or Not to Pledge

Introduction Florence Nightingale is regarded as the founder of the modern nursing profession. This pioneer started the first training school in the late nineteenth century where nurses could receive professional training. Her efforts led to the emergence of professional nurses, who are major players in the health care industry. Owing...

The Competence of Nurses: Educational Preparation

Of late, the nursing profession has faced various challenges. People have been questioning the competence of nurses that are prepared at the associate-degree level and those prepared in the baccalaureate-degree level. Few people understand their differences in competence. Basically, there is no doubt that both degrees have produced the best...

Childhood Diabetes in Saudi Arabia: The Prevalence of Type 1 Diabetes Among Children

Diabetes is one of the major chronic ailments facing children in Saudi Arabia. This trend has been observed in recent years, in the light of which campaigns have been launched to reverse the trend. The prevalence of diabetes varies from region to region. This necessitates further research into the reasons...

New Electronic Medical Records System

The current paper is aimed at introducing a new electronic medical records system (EMR). It is necessary to define the system, it is best made by Davidson (2009), who provides us with a clear explanation of what the EMR system is: “EMR is the over-reaching concept of taking all medical...

Anti-diabetic Medications Overview

Diabetes is a group of diseases that make a person deal with a lifelong condition that is defined by a high level of glucose in the blood. It is also called Diabetes mellitus and can be presented in three ways: Type 1 – this is the type of diabetes that...

Life Stories of Older Adults With Sickle Cell Disease

The article explores life stories of adults with sickle cell disease (SCD) to ascertain how they explain their longevity. While there are improvements in the management of SCD, individuals with the disease still commonly get insufficient medical support. Jenerette, Leak, and Sandelowski (2011) purposed to identify what else may account...

Coping and Subjective Burden in Caregivers of Older Relatives

Today, many studies have been commissioned to examine various issues affecting the quality of nursing care and to help enhance the delivery of professional care to patients. Since these researches yield a massive amount of literature, it is becoming increasingly difficult for healthcare givers to synthesize and use this literature...

Treatment of Severe Hyperkalemia: Potassium

Normal lab value range and cause of imbalance Normal blood potassium levels are 3.5 to 5.0 millimoles per liter (Potassium blood test, 2019). Potassium is an electrolyte, and its optimal concentration is necessary for the body to perform physiological functions. With an average level of potassium in the blood, there...

Professional Nursing: Personal Background

A professional nurse is described as one who has expansively studied the course of nursing hypothesis and practice. Additionally, for a person to be considered a professional nurse he or she must have clinical proficiency. Personal Background Related to Professional Nursing The art of professional nursing is diverse. For many...

Nurse’s Role in Healthcare Sentinel Events

Sentinel events “are complicated situations in healthcare institutions that can result in loss of limb or even death” (Athanasakis, 2012, p. 779). They can also lead to serious physical or psychological injuries. Nurse Administrators (NAs) and caregivers should use their skills to address such events. They should embrace the best...

Hospital Information Management Systems

Hospital information management systems (HIMSs) are vital for improving healthcare quality. Currently, healthcare organizations need to deal with a large amount of data that needs to be distributed among a wide variety of stakeholders. According to Ross and Venkatesh (2016), a HIMS is “an integrated information system which improves patient...

How the National Health Service Meets the Needs of Clients

Summary The demand for NHS keeps on rising each day and there is a need to provide quality and efficient services to clients to cater to the various needs which are escalating. Due to the increase in population age, patient’s expectations increased chronic incidences, and the introduction of new technologies...

Globalization of Nursing: Infant Mortality Rate in the US and Other States

Modern day society is confronted with several issues where health care problem occupies a significant proportion. Among the health care issues, infant birth and death indices are of considerable importance. They reflect the impact of underlying abnormalities associated with a network of complications which lead to adverse outcomes. In such...

Residential Carers’ Burnout in the Intellectual Disability Services

Aerts, D., 2001. Transdisciplinary and integrative sciences in sustainable development. In: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, Baldwin House, Aldates, Oxford. This article puts emphasis on the need for an interdisciplinary approach to human endeavor in the quest to identify a solution for a given problem. The article emphasizes the issue of finding...

How Evidence Underpin Care Delivery: Surgery Patients

Introduction Care delivery is an incredibly complex process, which requires the active involvement of both healthcare providers and patients in order to achieve the best outcomes. Without any doubt, evidence plays a critical role in it, as it helps the former to identify practical approaches and the latter to feel...

Psychoactive Substance Addiction Treatment

One of the most acute social issues of modern society is the problem of chemical addiction. The spread of drugs worldwide is growing at an accelerating pace and is turning into a global threat comparable to nuclear and environmental. The data of the World Health Organization show that out of...

Health Care is a Birthright

The provision of healthcare services for the world population is a challenging task. It is complicated by insufficient coverage of people, whereas this circumstance is a clear violation of their rights. As follows from the World Health Organization’s principal conclusions, the observance of access to medical facilities should be a...

Partners and Stakeholders for Health Advocacy in Kenya

Kenya is currently among the countries with the highest rates of HIV transmission rates, with 1.5 million known instances of HIV (Avert, 2016). Despite the steady progress in the field, achieved primarily via dynamic development of the healthcare infrastructure in the country, the latest mortality rates are estimated at 36,000...

Exercise and Heart Attacks: The Relationship Among Women

In a study of the relationship between exercise and heart attacks among women who do not smoke, gender plays a role as a confounder. This is because men and women engage in different levels and types of exercise (Saracci, 2010). Engaging in exercise lowers the occurrence of heart diseases. Gender...

The Situation of Obesity in Children in the U.S.

In the recent past, childhood obesity has become a serious health issue in the U. S. More than 23 million children (<20 years) are obese. A child is termed obese if his or her body mass index falls at or above the 95th percentile as guided by the child’s age...

Health Care Issues and the Economics

Introduction Health issues have continued to attract the attention of many people, especially lately when the human population seems to be facing more complicated health challenges daily. Certainly, these concerns from several analysts are of help to the improvement of measures applicable to addressing health challenges. Some issues of prime...

Universal Determination of Death Act (UDDA)

Introduction The Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA) is a draft state law provides a definition of death mainly for application in situations that require legal intervention (Holland, 2013). The Act was drafted in 1981 and offers explanations for when a person can be legally considered dead. According to the...

Legalization of Euthanasia: Key Arguments

Conventionally, people used logical arguments to induce others to take some actions or change their opinion. Technically, persuasion refers to the same methods, however, it uses emotion-appealing techniques. Nowadays, real-life debates include the components of both logic and emotions. Some researchers suggest that the argument is only successful when there...

Programs to Increase Physical Activity in Miami, Florida

Promoting physical activity (PA) and combating obesity represent two essential objectives in the healthcare sector. A sedentary lifestyle can result in cardiovascular disease and increase the risk of diabetes, while physical activity has proven to be effective in disease prevention and health improvement.1 In this regard, it is crucial to...

Best of Breed Approach Versus Monolithic Approach

The best of breed approach to the health care information system was designed to provide support in the emergency department, where workforce requirements are complex. The key benefit of using the best of breed approach for IT systems implementation is its ability to allow healthcare providers to share information in...

Policy Measure to Address Disparities in Health

Social, behavioral, and environmental factors that contribute to disparities in health among the homeless Homeless people live in deplorable conditions. Consequently, they experience more health problems than people living in better shelters. Homeless people’s living conditions and difficulties make them experience disparities in accessing healthcare. Environmentally, homeless people expose themselves...

Madeleine Leininger’s Culture Care Theory

The theory of culture care developed by Madeiene Leininger can have profound implications for the work of many nurses and other healthcare professionals. It is critical to examine the way in which the so-called called meta-paradigm concepts are described within this framework. In particular, one should pay close attention to...

Better Spending, Better Care: A Look at Haiti’s Health Sector

Introduction The Hispaniola Island was initially inhabited by the native Taino. However, this ethnic group was later annihilated by settlers from Spain within a period of two decades. Hispaniola also witnessed a massive influx of French settlers during the early 17th century. Before the close of this century, the French...

Nursing Application for an All Inclusive Family

Myra Levine described nursing as supportive interventions geared towards establishing healthy living. They are fundamental assumptions that are used in the basic execution of nursing (Levine, 1967). She indulged basic principles and knowledge that could be used in combating a better approach to nursing. With her ardent support to the...

Cultural Communication in the Medicine

Introduction Cultural communication is an essential part of nursing nowadays. Patients are becoming more heterogeneous with the varied cultural populace, and thus nurses should adapt to this changing population with the aim of providing culturally proficient care. Researching and getting knowledge on culture is vital for a holistic evaluation of...

PTSD: Coping Mechanisms and Recovery Paths

Another very important predictor of PTSD is peri-traumatic dissociation in which the individual loses sense of self,/has a problem with images, and also lacks a sense of realization. That is, the person starts living an imaginative life that makes him/her relive past traumatizing events. PTSD can also be predicted by...

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Strategies for Access to Care

Abstract Many countries like the U.S. have failed in providing equal opportunities in accessing healthcare. In Part I of the assignment, it was noted that the Southside Community in Chicago is one of the most underserved communities in the U.S. with over 800, 000 constituents suffering from easily preventable ailments....

Nursing Process Assessment in Solving Medication Errors

Introduction Nursing is a very critical process, which requires a lot of care, attention, accuracy, and dedication. It is a scientific, client-oriented, systematic, and goal-oriented approach, where the nurse and the client work together to ensure quality health care is provided. Moreover, it is a continuous process that a nurse...

Principles and Skills of Medical Practitioners

Introduction Nurses and physicians need to apply their competencies to address emerging issues in care delivery. The principles of autonomy and beneficence dictate the decisions such professionals make. People’s cultural and spiritual needs are also worth considering when providing the best medical services. The current case revolves around a patient...

Epidemiological Research Study: The Random Errors

Introduction Epidemiologists carry out research studies and compile clinical results for various health issues affecting people in different communities. During analysis of these research findings, confounding and random errors occur. This makes epidemiologists cautious when developing research studies to minimize their occurrences (Loewenson, 2004). The role of P-values and Confidence...

Nursing Philosophy of Advanced Practice Nurse

Whenever a patient is brought to the hospital, his or her family members are the first to get to the hospital to give the required support. The role of a nurse is to ensure that the patient regains his or her state of wellness as quickly as possible. I am...

The Yersinia Pestis Pathogen Investigation

The modern world still faces a number of biological threats which impact the state of health of the nation. The current stage of the development of healthcare and technologies serves as a certain guarantee of the protection from the most dangerous and complicated diseases or viruses. However, one realizes the...

The Roles of a Nursing in Health Care

Introduction This paper is aimed at discussing the health problems faced by a male patient, who is aged 29. His height is 1.85 meters while his weight is 111 kilograms. It should also be noted that this person is a heavy smoker, and he predominantly leads a sedentary lifestyle. Furthermore,...

Evidence-Based to Reduce Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Assessment Evidence-based practices to reduce VAP have been known to critical care nurses for some time. Unfortunately, these widely prescribed guidelines do not all the time result in alterations in performance. The reason is that critical-care nurses are not repeatedly integrating the evidence into their practice. As a result, VAP...

Personal Nursing Philosophy

A philosophy of nursing offers guidance with regard to the best practices that define and characterize the nursing profession. It consists of values and practices that cover the four metaparadigms of nursing that include health, nursing, human beings, and environment. My personal nursing philosophy is based on values that include...

Ethnicity and Labor Stratification in the UK National Health Service

Discrimination and bias in the workplace have been associated with adverse outcomes such as low job satisfaction and employee retention problems (Moceri, 2012), hostility and poor quality of patient care (Wheeler, Foster, & Hepburn, 2014), as well as exploitation and isolation (Batnitzky & McDowell, 2011). To guard against these outcomes,...

Healthy People 2020 Objectives Related to Dental Health

Today people all over the world promote health improvement. Healthy People is a program that summarizes information from all spheres of health care and provides a range of objectives that should be considered during the next ten years (Healthy People, 2016a). Oral health is not an exception, and every decade...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Triggers, Clinical Manifestations, and Therapy

Introduction Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental condition that originates from experiencing terrifying events and getting haunted by them long after they happened (Kinchin, 2005). It is characterized by symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, panic attacks, and recurrent thoughts about the event (Kato, Kawata, &Pitman, 2006). The disorder...

The Choleycystits: Review of Literature

“The description by evidence-based medicine (EBM) principles and methods was used to analyze the literature of using Chinese traditional medicine (TCM) for treatment of Choleycystits” (“ZY, D., GL, W., X, L., J, L., DZ, Z., & CQ, L.”, (n.d.).). Eight medical research databases were searched including Chinese Clinical Registry Center,...

Lyme Disease in Children. The Lyme Disease Bacterium

Lyme borreliosis is the most common tick-transmitted disease in the world. Although it is highly treatable in its early stages, the infection is characterized by a wide range of neurological disorders that can substantially affect the quality of life and well-being of the infected persons. This report will discuss the...

Americans’ Readiness to Coronavirus Vaccination

Nowadays, one of the most dangerous and deadly diseases is COVID-19. Mass media and countless articles discuss the various vaccine development projects and how all of these tests are claimed to be the primary step of a major breakthrough. However, people had high hopes for different vaccine inventions in the...

Infant and Mortality Rate in South Africa

South Africa Currently, South Africa is one of the leading countries in Africa with the highest death rates. The trends in key indicators of mortality suggest that infant and adult mortality will increase in South Africa. According to Karim and Karim (2010), there are high expectations of death rates increase...

The Potential Benefits of the Agile Team Model for Acute Care Delivery

Introduction Hospitals are considered centers for acute care delivery for more than one hundred years (Fuller & Drenkard, 2011). An overview of a typical hospital care setting will allow the wary observer to detect the flaws in the health care delivery system. It is the responsibility of nursing practitioners to...

Health Condition and the Academic Level Relations

Abstract To determine the relationship between health condition and the academic level completed, the study performed one-way ANOVA. Descriptive statistics indicated that the mean of academic level completed increases with health condition. Hypothesis testing holds that there are statistically significant differences in the means of academic level completed among the...

The Nursing Manifesto: Environment for Nursing Practice

The Nursing Manifesto presents numerous ideas that reveal the importance and urgency of changes needed to be made to provide the most suitable environment for nursing practice and change the face of healthcare for better. The Manifesto provokes many feelings and inspires the reader for many thoughts. I was impressed...

Substance Abuse Therapy Positive and Negative Outcomes

Introduction Although a great majority of those individuals who are involved in substance abuse believe that they have what it takes to manage and monitor their substance consumption, very few of them manage to strike this delicate balance of maintaining a healthy inclination to substance use in the long run....

“Aging Well” by Vaillant Review

Discussing generativity and aging, Vaillant (2002) states, “If the task of young adults is to create biological heirs, the task of old age is to create social heirs” (p. 114). Hence, the statement describes the tasks of adult life by Vaillant. When presenting his six adult life tasks, Vaillant placed...

Managing Communicable Disease in the Complexities of a Humanitarian Emergency

Rift Valley Fever (RVF) is a zoonotic viral infection that affects farm animals and can be transferred to humans. It is stretched further by mosquitoes of the Aedes or Culex genera (World Health Organization, 2011). The RVF disease is caused by the Rift Valley Fever (RVF) virus, which belongs to...

Mental Health Diseases: Diagnostic Assessment

Case # 1 Diagnosis In the case under analysis, the patient, Zev, is a 45-year-old man who is obsessed with performing specific rituals many times each day, explaining this need as a possibility to prevent terrible things. Focusing on repetitive behaviors to reduce anxiety and persistent thoughts, it is possible...

Department of Health and Human Services: Survey of Information Security Program

Introduction The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the agency aimed at protecting health of American citizens and helping those who are unable to help themselves. According to the company’s website, HHS performs “a wide variety of tasks and services, including research, public health, food and drug safety,...

The Corona Virus and ‘Shock Doctrine’ by Naomi Klein

In the essay, the present situation with the Corona Virus is addressed in terms of the Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein. To be specific, the current paper refers to price gouging, the governmental reaction. Besides, a simple comparison between Shock Doctrine and the Second Precept is drawn. “The Shock Doctrine:...

Teenage Pregnancy After Exposure to Poverty: Causation and Communication

This paper analyzes a study by Harding (2003), which used the counterfactual causal framework to explain the rate of teenage pregnancy after exposure to poverty. Harding (2003) used the framework to explain “the difference in outcome between the world in which the subject receives treatment and the counterfactual world in...

Reducing Cancer Risk With Diet and Lifestyle Change

Abstract An assessment of colorectal cancer prevalence in different countries strongly implies that overeating a diet that comprises red and processed meat as well as a sedentary lifestyle could raise the risk of colorectal cancer. On the contrary, good nutrition, healthy body weight, as well as, physical fitness could significantly...

Health Care: Public Policy Decisions

The death tolls associated with Tylenol capsules laced with cyanide triggered much public outcry. As a result, there was a drastic drop in the market share of Tylenol. This signaled the end of the Tylenol brand in the market according to a majority of public relations scholars. For instance, Jerry...

Promotion of Public Health: Improvement Strategies

Whether physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, or sexual health is concerned, it is essential that there is a public understanding of the inestimable value of health. However, those who has ever tried to inform people of at least a healthy diet or the benefits of exercise have not always meet full...

Case Review: Women’s Health Care

A case study The case study shows that Sue is a hard-working nurse, who is willing and ready to attend to her patients and ensure that they get quality and affordable health care services. It is also evident from the case study that some of the patients in Sue’s unit...

Urinalysis and Its Usefulness in Toxicology

Introduction Kidney function analysis is one of the best tests conducted to assess the level of toxicological damage to the organ. Urine has been proved to be an essential sample in urinalysis and toxicology because, in diseased states, it contains abnormal molecules at elevated or reduced levels. Urine tests are...

Healthcare Economics in the US

In the US, healthcare is one of the most expensive areas, which limits the access of many people to the required services. 90% of annual spending is allocated to treat chronic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular issues, and so on. $199 billion is spent annually for heart disease and...

Healthy Nutrition: Fat-Free

Introduction A fat-free product ought not to contain more than ½ grams of fat-per-serving. This can only be attained if someone consumes the food’s serving size that has been stated. However, the moment someone consumes more than the stated amount, it stops being fat-free. The daily intake of fat is...

Older Adult Fall Prevention Analysis

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website provides much information on such a condition as falls in older adults that can significantly affect the quality of older people’s life. According to the reported data for the US, one in four adults (65-year-old and older) can fall at least one...

Using Evidence-Based Practice in the Nursing Field

Introduction Evidence-based practice (EBP) is essential in the improvement of health care quality and delivery. It involves the use of research evidence, models, and clinical expertise to inform clinical decision-making. While the ‘evidence-based practice’ is emphasized in the nursing field, the proliferation of perspectives on EBP seems to erode the...

Atherosclerosis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment

Previously, atherosclerosis seemed as an insipid collection of cholesterol in the artery made worse by the formation of smooth muscles, a view that has changed presently. The concept argued that endothelial denuding injury caused platelet aggregation and release of platelet factors. This, in turn, triggered a proliferation of smooth muscles...

Utilitarian Philosophy in Nursing

Abstract This paper explores personal philosophy in nursing. Utilitarian philosophy and its basics are taken as the main perspective to view such aspects as the role of nurses, nursing as a profession, the concepts of health and environment. Besides, the paper focuses on the functions of nursing education, administration and...

Disease Management and Its Relevance to the Managed Care System

Abstract Since the term disease management was introduced is linked to the hope of improving healthcare quality and reducing its cost, which is becoming one of the nation’s main concerns. Many organizations for the provision of managed care depend on disease management tools (programs and protocols). Evidence shows that despite...

Childhood Obesity and Healthy Lifestyles

Promoting Healthy Eating and an Active Lifestyle in Schoolchildren Summary O’Connor, a nutrition scientist, researched the various ways of fostering good eating habits and healthy lifestyles among schoolchildren (O’Connor, 2011). Her study aimed at describing the key elements of a balanced diet. She also highlighted the importance of physical activity...

World Public Health Status

Why the United States Is Concerned About Improving the Health Status of the World The world health status is a modern concept of human development in science today, although it has roots in antiquity. From the beginnings of human civilization, it was recognized that polluted water and lack of proper...

Plainsview Hospital: Measuring the Quality of Health Care

Introduction Quality issues in healthcare are not only focused on improving the health of individuals, families, communities as well as general populations, but also on increasing the value of healthcare, and working round-the-clock to enhance the core concerns involved in defining healthcare quality (Wubker, 2007). The current paper attempts to...

Ethics in Public Health Policies

Most professionals execute their professional duties under the guidance of ethical standards. Businesspersons and other professionals apply ethical standards to determine the right cause of action. There are certain business ethical considerations that must be upheld in business dealings. For instance, business ethics requires that every transaction must be fair,...

The End of Life Care Systems: Cost of Dying

Introduction Even though end of life care is an important healthcare policy, it can be regarded as non-feasible, thus making several patients to die at home with the support of hospice and family, instead of spending a lot of money on ICU hospital bills and patient visits. End of life...

Incident Report & Legal Department – Basic Info

There are a lot of cases when incidents occur and to make sure that everything is correctly noted and the appropriate measures are taken the specific procedure is invented. Incidents in the hospitals are controlled by the state and properly checked by the Quality Assurance department and Legal Department. The...

Emotional Intelligence in the Health Care

EI Level and Leadership in the Health Care Environment Not many people know how crucial the role of emotional intelligence for effective leadership can be. Kerr, Garvin, Heaton, and Boyle (2006) tell about the importance or even the necessity of cooperation of such processes like thinking and feeling and develop...

Understanding Epigenetic Mechanisms in Breast Cancer

Introduction Human cells become cancerous when they undergo genetic modifications that make them acquire growth and multiplication advantages. Cancerous cells do not carry out normal physiological roles in human beings. The processes that culminate in genetic changes occur in an orderly manner that involves the accumulation of inherited changes that...

Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS, Education & Community Mobilisation

Introduction HIV/AIDS is a slow progressing disease, which may exhibit different symptoms from different people. Oropeza, Bradley, and Johnson (2006, p.6) opined that these symptoms are identified by the stage of development. At the initial stages, the symptoms are few or none at all. After a longer duration, it is...

The Protection of Personal Information in Healthcare

Abstract The protection of personal health information is among the most important ethical issues that have emerged in healthcare services. Recognizing that the protection of medical information is core in providing the public with an effective healthcare system, it is prudent for relevant parties in the healthcare sector to create...

Nurse Turnover: Problem that Emerges

Introduction Nowadays, nurses are bothered with many problems and have to analyze their actions, responsibilities, and expectations to create a successful working environment. Among a variety of challenges and misunderstandings, the issue of nurse turnover remains to be one of the most crucial. Such urgency can be explained by the...

Moving Upstream to Improve Population Health Down Road

The researchers of nowadays have found the connections between the adult morbidity and life expectancy and the fetal development of a human being or the early life of the child (Halfon 2009). The upstream approach revealed an early reason of adult cardiac diseases and mortality rate. It turns out that...

Community Prevention: Type 2-Diabetes in California

Introduction Empirical studies that have been conducted in the state of California reveal that the health sector has initiated a community-based prevention and control project against the threat posed by diabetes. Evidence has shown that the population of the United States of America is highly susceptible to type 2-diabetes. As...

Researches of Medical Professionals’ Cultural Competence

Medical professionals’ cultural competence is essential for delivering quality care (Henderson et al., 2016). Nurses should be able to efficiently and respectfully communicate with patients and colleagues of different backgrounds. However, cultural differences between individuals can hinder communication leading to various complications in medical practice. Therefore, nursing students should be...

Promoting Positive Health Behaviors: Every Woman Matters

Every Woman Matters Program The prevalence of cervical and breast cancer has been persistent in the developing nations. This has remained so regardless of awareness created on the significance of screening programs. However, the Every Woman Matters Program was instituted to help women earning low incomes. The GAPS structure was...

School Closure During Influenza Pandemic

Introduction An influenza pandemic is of enormous significance both nationally and globally because it affects a large number of people. Historically, four principal influenza pandemics (1918, 1957, 1968-9, and 2003) have been reported globally. In 2003, the pandemic involved outbreaks of Influenza A, subtypes H1N1 and H5N1, and an outbreak...

Transporting Blood Gas Samples Through Pneumatic Transport System

In the medical field, laboratory examinations are playing a huge role in the interpretation of the clinical diagnosis of patients. Each test has its repercussions. Some of the samples need special handling depending on their sensitivity, stability, urgency. Its effects interfere with the tests such as arterial blood gas samples....

Osteoporosis: Diet, Nutrition and Bone Health

Introduction Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the bones in the human body. It comes as a result of an unbalanced relationship between the process of reorganization of the material that makes up the bone structure and the formation of new bone material. The number of cases of osteoporosis is...

Screen Time and Pediatric Obesity Among School-Aged Children

Introduction Increased screen time raises the likelihood of children becoming overweight/obese because of the deficiency of physical exercise and the consumption of high-calorie foods. With the level of overweight and obese children progressively rising, pediatric obesity has lasting consequences for the future. This study’s target population is school-aged children from...

Country with High Mortality Rates

The main challenge for dealing with high mortality rates in South Africa is HIV/AIDS. The paper presents a review of South Africa’s health care outlook. Most of the country’s population lacks the necessary importance of registering deaths. Culture and traditions also interfere with the accurate reporting of the cause of...

Spotlight on Bioethics in Healthcare

Case study Sarah is a forty-two-year-old woman, who has been battling breast cancer for the past four years. It has spread to her lungs. She underwent an operation to remove several tumors a year ago. New tumors have now appeared. Her oncologist, Greg, is recommending that she take part in...

Healthy People 2020: Reducing the Number of Adults With Functional Limitations

Introduction One of the major health factors discussed in the recent literature is the issue of physical activity. Most scholars and empirical studies have attempted to describe the relationship between functional limitations and the level of physical activity. It is argued that highly active people during their adult ages are...

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in Healthcare

Introduction Regulatory boards such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) have developed frameworks that seek to formalize systems of accounting used by different types of organizations. These frameworks aim at monitoring and regulating the recording, reporting, and preparation of financial statements in various organizations. Key among these frameworks is...

Sociology of Aging in Today’s Society

Aging is the process through which an organism matures and grows old. It is characterized by progressive biological and psychosocial impairment of normal functions, as a result of internal and external influences. This paper shall explore a personal reflection of what aging entails. In our societies, it is an acknowledged...

Association Between Leukoaraiosis and Saccadic Oscillation: Study Critique

Introduction “Association between Leukoaraiosis and Saccadic Oscillation” by Chun-Ching Wu, MD; Yi-Ho Young, MD (2007). Background Wu and Young (2007) use an audio-vestibular test battery to analyze patients diagnosed with leukoaraiosis to investigate what the relationship is between dizziness and vertigo and leukoaraiosis. The paper’s abstract is lengthy and raises...

Diabetes Education Skills for Low Grade Literacy Patients

Case Study: “Chronic complications of diabetes are primarily those of end-organ disease from damage to blood vessels as a result of chronic hyperglycemia. The hyperglycemia causes changes to the blood vessels resulting commonly in eye and kidney abnormalities as well as peripheral vascular atherosclerosis.” Studies indicate that about 285 million...

Stem Cells and Related Ethical Controversy

Introduction Stem cell research has received a lot of public attention evoking mixed feelings and opinions. Some religious groups and politicians have strongly opposed the idea while scientists and a significant percentage of the public, are in support of the use of stem cells. Both parties have been leading campaigns...

The Community Oral Health Program: Pluralist and Elitist Perspectives

Introduction Most influence groups interested in public health issues are known to derive their power from various sources (Heaney, 2006). Sociologists and other scholars have developed a number of perspectives with the view to demonstrating how influence groups become powerful actors in health promotion, advocacy and policymaking (Longest, 2010). This...

Politics of Health in the UK

Policy Paper The purpose of this policy analysis assignment is to analyze the health policy document, Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Our strategy for public health in England published by the British Government. Smokers will be used as a client group for this analysis. The policy analysis will identify health-related challenges...

Reducing Healthcare Cost by Improving Health

Introduction Since the failure of the Clinton administration’s healthcare reforms in the early 1990s, political leaders in the US have always sidelined the idea of legally proposing effective measures of controlling the cost of health care both at the federal and state levels. However, the escalating cost of healthcare management...

Psychotropic Medication Prevalence: Safety Issues

Introduction Increased usage of psychotropic medication on youth for their behavioral treatment and emotional problems has been very alarming. This has aroused widespread attention in the recent past. However, very few studies have been published concerning socio-demographic behavior of youths under psychotropic medications and even in the management of approaches...

Perceptions of Health Workers of 12-Hour Shift on Fatigue

Abstract Nursing is an important career in the health care industry. More than in any other career, nurses are faced with long working hours. These long hours have been blamed for performance concerns as well as the well-being of the nurses themself. It has been appreciated in various studies that...

Parkinson’s Disease and Toxoplasma Gondii Correlation

Introduction Pathogens including viruses and parasites manipulate the host’s system to enhance their ability to be infectious. One such parasite, T. gondii, a protozoan, is often associated with neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) in its host (Xiao et al. 2010). Though it is known that T. gondii affects...

The Electronic Health Records Effects

Kranz, A. M., Dalton, S., Damberg, C., & Timbie, J. W. (2018). Using health IT to coordinate care and improve quality in safety-net clinics. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 44(12), 731-740. This journal examines the significance of IT in coordinating care and improving quality in safe-net...

Usher Syndrome and Mental Illness

Usher syndrome belongs to the number of hereditary diseases that occur extremely rarely. Its negative impact on the human body cannot be overstated as there are a lot of cases when this diagnosis is associated with various mental diseases such as schizophrenia in people of different age (Domanico, Fragiotta, Trabucco,...

The Level of HIV & AIDS in African Countries

Opening statement: HIV/AIDS spread in African countries is much higher than in other developing countries in the world, however, the number of infected people can be reduced. Background to the study: HIV/AIDS has become one of the most urgent problems in the whole world. Considering the statistical information, about 350,000...

Sleep Deficite: Sleep Deprived Society Implications

Introduction Undoubtedly, good sleep plays a vital role in an individual’s state of health and wellbeing overall. It impacts people’s quality of life, their performance, and even relationships. On the contrary, a continuous deficit of sleep can result in emotional difficulties, increased jitters, excessive daytime sleepiness, lackluster work performance, amplified...

Use of Illness Narratives of Patient/Client Journey

Narratives are personal accounts about the experiences of illness and health told inform of stories to other people. Narratives play an important role in health care system, especially in psychotherapy and psychiatry. Many clients have provided their individual accounts about their experiences in illness and health. Narratives provide an inquiry...

Breathing Is Fundamental for Your Overall Health

Breathing constitutes one of the most fundamental activities of daily living. It supplies the body with oxygen and is a valuable source of relaxation techniques. Although holding breath is linked with notable health benefits, overdoing it can pose serious health complications. Additionally, people performing the art should master the right...

The Legal System Issues in Law and Public Health

It is the responsibility of the government to protect the public from diseases and associated health risks (Gostin, 2008). Theories of democracy can describe why it is the collective duty of government to provide health amenities to the communities. In this regard, government responsibilities to protect the public from natural...

National Dialogue on Healthcare Policies

Introduction The national dialogue on healthcare policy provides a forum for physician-industry collaboration and discussion of critical issues to provide a way forward on emerging healthcare issues. Currently, two initiatives; the National Dialogue for Healthcare Innovation (NDHI) and the National Dialogue on Health Information Technology (NDHIT) and privacy, have been...

Strategic Approaches in Managing Elderly Patient

Introduction Elderly people have special needs making them prone to devastating consequences at times of disasters. These special needs are in terms of both physical and cognitive aspects. The elderly face many challenges and they need help in carrying out simple things such as eating, taking a shower, cleaning, dressing,...

Public Health Informatics Training

Analysis of the Training Requirements It is recognized that surveillance professionals should know about information communication technology, management, and public health disciplines (Joshi & Perin, 2012). Advanced training in population health and practice opportunities pegged on the core competencies enhances the surveillance capacity of the professionals. According to Allan et...

Hodgkin’s & Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: A Critical Comparison

Introduction Extant literature demonstrates that lymphomas are a diverse group of lymphoproliferative malignancies with differing patterns of epidemiologic prevalence, etiology, behavior, as well as responses to clinical management (Hochberg et al., 2009). The purpose of the current paper is to critically compare and contrast the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, management, and...

CDC: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report is a weekly epidemiological periodical made available by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta in the USA for the expansion of the community health information and suggestions received by the CDC from the different state health departments on various health issues...

Public Health: Self-Assessment

Introduction Self-assessment concerning the value systems and personal traits has provided me with multiple insights. First of all, it emphasized the importance and the meaning of self-awareness for a leader. Nahavandi (2014) maintains that self-awareness is the basis for such necessary skills of a leader as self-monitoring, the ability to...

Nursing: Paucity Concerning Patient Monitoring Practice

Introduction The research completed by Hogan (2006) begins with an exclusive and concrete introduction that creates a plausible background that necessitates the study. To achieve this, the researcher exemplarily declares the need to establish a monitoring system that would reduce the tendencies of deaths because of undiscovered early signs by...

Healthcare: The Focus on Patient Safety

The focus on patient safety in the hospital is to minimize harm. The hospital administrator should focus on the following guidelines. To begin with, it is vital to identify seasonal peaks in the falls of the injury. For instance, the rate of falls rises in the winter periods as a...

Sexually Transmitted Disease: Public Health Campaign

Abstract Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) affect many people in different parts of the world. Many youths are currently engaging in unsafe sexual practices. New infections are being recorded every day. A powerful campaign will encourage more youths to change their behaviors. This essay presents effective messages that can deal with...

Client’s Past Medical History in Medicine

Analysis of assessment data Areas for focused assessment This assessment focused on such areas as health beliefs or practices of the patient, past medical history of the client, family history, and emotional state of this person. It is possible to identify several areas of strengths and weaknesses, namely willingness to...

The Interrelationship Among a Bacterial Pathogen and Antimicrobial Drugs

Although the human body is a rather integral and protected system, the penetration of pathogens of various genesis into the internal environment can still cause serious diseases. This is generally true for infectious diseases caused by developing a parasite that consumes the host’s resources. In the case where the pathogen...

Evidence-Based Practice and Its Effects on Nursing Practice and Patient Care

Introduction The 21st century has marked a period where medical knowledge is in a state of continuous change every day. There have been new trends in diseases due to many confounding factors like changing climatic conditions, changes in diet, and lifestyles among others. As a result, there have been great...

The Individualistic Approach to HIV Prevention

The Individualistic Approach to HIV Prevention Described in Sherr’s Paper HIV has caused potential negative impacts globally. Several investigations on HIV and related challenges have been conducted. Prevention is indicated as an important approach in minimizing the impacts of HIV infection. Indicatively, there are several prevention strategies. There are also...

Canadian Surveillance System and the Use of EHRs

Introduction A substantial number of studies have shown that EMR-based data in the surveillance of diabetes has increased the information available for making policies and strategies required to cope with the rosining prevalence of the disease. Canada has spent billions of dollars on the use of EHRs. Implications of using...

Continuing Education for Registered Nurses

Continuing education programs have been on-going in the United States for some time now. In this respect, it is important to appreciate the fact that there is also a shortage of nurses in the country. In the same context, the medical discipline is evolving fast and requires competent medical personnel....

Prostate Cancer Among the Blacks in the State of Maryland

Empirical evidence reveals that race or ethnicity is the leading risk factor in the predisposition of men to prostate cancer. Statistical research data specifically reveals that the risk of developing prostate cancer is 60% higher in black males when compared to their white counterparts (O’Keefe, Meltzer & Bethea, 2015). Furthermore,...

Hepatitis B: The Epidemiological Determinants

Hepatitis B is an inflammatory liver disease caused by the DNA-containing virus. About 58 million patients with an acute form of infection are registered in the world every year (Terrault et al., 2018). According to WHO experts, the total number of patients with hepatitis B and carriers exceeds 1 billion...

Threats to Patient Safety in Nursing Practice

Introduction Patient safety is often a top priority to nurses. Patient safety is a top priority for nurses. There are leadership, teamwork, evidence-based, communication, learning, just, and patient-centered components of patient safety culture (Sammer, 2010). The need for quality healthcare globally is not questionable. Patient safety forms part of quality...

Chlamydia vs. Use of Condoms Among Black Women

Clinical Question Among black women aged 15-24 years in Illinois (P), does health education and counseling (I) compared to condom distribution (C) lead to increased use of condoms (O) over a period of six months (T)? Type of Study The type of study indicated by the PICOT question is a...

Scope of Ergonomics in XYZ Limited

Executive Summary In any working environment that include operation of heavy equipment people are bound to pick up injuries that cut their efficiency in the work situation. These health effects cut the productivity in the workplace. Assessment of ergonomic issues is essential to ensure reduction of risks in the workplace...

HIV Treatment Compliance and Social Support Among African American Women

Introduction A subdivision of diverse groups into more homogenous samples is proposed as a way to gain clearer information on the treatment compliance dynamics and factors that influence it for a particular group. Namely, it is proposed to focus on African American females living with HIV and the acquisition of...

Evolving Nursing Practice

Nursing is a profession that has continued to undergo a rapid evolution. Nursing as a vocation touches on both social and economic factors in relation to humanity. Consequently, the current form of nursing practice is a product of changes that have sought to align the profession in relation to local...

Nursing: Life Cycle Change Theory

Introduction The radically changing environment in the field of nursing calls for urgent solutions to challenges that nurses come across as they perform their responsibilities. One of the problems that have been prevalent is the shortage of nurses in hospitals. Unfortunately, studies postulate that this shortage is likely to exacerbate...

Outbreak of Salmonella Enteritidis Infections

The United States Food & Drug Administration together with the Center discovered an infection outbreak in October 2011 for disease control, prevention, and other public health officials. This infection affected a chain of restaurants referred to as Restaurant Chain A, a fast food outlet in the US. People who ate...

State and Federal Nursing Bills

Introduction Nursing today is gaining momentum in the political arena. Indeed, various federal, state, corporate, and local entities have been coalescing around mounting concerns for the health of the nursing profession, the dependent health of the healthcare industry, and eventually the safety and welfare of patients (Smith, 2002). Due to...

Researching Ebola and Marburg Viruses

Introduction Ebola and Marburg viruses are considered among the deadliest viruses that can attack humans. These viruses are associated with the rapid deterioration of health and high mortality rates. The current treatment options for the viruses are ineffective and preventing the spread of these viruses during an outbreak remains to...

Databases With Articles on the Nurse-Patient Ratio

Research databases with journals and articles on the nurse-patient ratio Description: Wiley Online Library is a collection of online research journals and books. It is published by Wiley-Blackwell, the online publishing business arm of John Wiley and Sons, Inc. The site is not named as a database, but it qualifies...

Improving Quality in the Patients’ Risk of Fall Evaluation

Problem The problem statement of this study is not explicit but deducible from the introduction section. Cruz, Carvalho, Lamas, and Barbosa (2014) affirm that it is difficult to determine the factors that ought to be encompassed in a clinical supervision model in nursing for the promotion of safety and quality...

Reducing the Incidence of Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetic Foot in the Veteran Population

Implementation Plan Implementation of the Proposed Solution The research proposes to use a comprehensive education program to reduce the incidence of diabetes mellitus and diabetic foot in the Veteran population. Diabetes mellitus and diabetic foot are diseases that occur because of changing lifestyles in society. Corken (2009) argues that comprehensive...

Bad Health and Poor Choices

Thesis statement A case study carried out in Australia gives a clear picture of how health determinants impact the lives of individuals. This study considered the relationships between the health determinants, the choices that people make, and the affected populations. The study identified the general health determinants, the impact of...

Alzheimer’s Disease as a Neurological Disease

Introduction to the Disease History Alzheimer’s disease is a rather common condition in aging patients. Progressing at a moderate pace affects their nervous system and cognitive abilities significantly. The disease was discovered by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1906 (Prasad, 2020). Despite the time passed since its identification and recognition as...

Stem Cell Research as Ethical Health Care Issue

Stem Cells Stem cells are cells that have a reproduction potential into any other type of cell. Fetal stem cells are harvested from growing fetuses either created in vitro or from embryos that have been aborted and are less than 5 days old. There are two types of fetal stem...

Review of a Research Study on Family Planning

According to Healthy People 2010, family planning is supposed to give individuals and couples the ability to give birth to the manageable number of children (Cartwright, 2009). It ensures that children are spaced accordingly. Family planning is done through the use of contraceptives as well as treatments which enable infertile...

Methods Used to Prevent Medication Errors

Medication errors involve all the errors that occur in prescribing, transcribing, dispensing and administering drugs and may bring adverse effects such as death. Thus, prevention of medication errors should be prioritized worldwide for the health systems. In order to provide patient care of the highest quality, health personnel should use...

Florence Nightingale’s Legacy Overview

Introduction The famous British social reformer, Florence Nightingale, contributed to the development of modern nursing as a multifaceted medical area. The founder of multiple healthcare principles managed to meet the needs of both high-rank societies and margined citizens. Nightingale’s activity is often linked to the Millennium Goals that were developed...

Overnight Orthokeratology and Axial Elongation

According to Lin, Lin, and Lee (2002), myopia is a condition that is also known as nearsightedness or shortsightedness. In this condition, the light does not focus on the retina of the eye, but it focuses on the front of it (Lin, Lin, and Lee, 2002). Myopia makes individuals see...

The Art of Being a Transformational Leader

Being a leader is not an easy task – though the challenges of this position are often underrated, it requires a lot of focus and excellent skills of communication and collaboration (Laschinger, Finegan & Wilk, 2009). More to the point, a good leader must be able to motivate their staff....