Obesity in the United States: Defining the Problem

Introduction, Definition of Terms, and Purpose Statement Obesity is a significant issue in many developed countries, including the United States. Obesity is defined as a health condition when a person has large amounts of excess fat (Brazier). This issue has become more prevalent in recent decades due to the high...

Mental Health Association of Depression and Alzheimer’s in the Elderly

Introduction Every individual experiences depression at some point of time. There can be several reasons associated with depression. In fact, it can be said that it is a part of life. However when depression sustains for a prolonged period of time there may be a more serious problem. It is...

Electronic Medical Records: Brands Comparison

Introduction Electronic medical records are medical records in a digital format, which have many advantages over conventional paper-based records. This paper compares three different EMRs; ABELMed PM-EMR, Amazing Charts, and e-MDs Chart. ABELMed PM-EMR is both easy to learn and use. During automating daily tasks, it is flexible enough to...

How Diabetes Works: Medical Analysis

Introduction Diabetes, a disease which alters the body’s capability to utilize glucose effectively, plays a significant role in the deaths of more than 200,000 Americans each year, six times the number in 1950. Diabetes is the fifth deadliest disease in the United States, and it has no cure. The total...

Dental Amalgam and Toxicity in the Body

Abstract This paper is intended to find out that the restorative material known as the Dental Amalgam has caused poisonous or similar disorders to the human body. The dental amalgam is substance which is used as restorative fillings in the tooth cavities of which large or half or more than...

Overview of Physical Therapist Profession

Physical therapists provide services and aid to patients including accident victims and diseased or injured individuals, to restore and enhance the functioning and the mobility of their body organs with the crucial aim of preventing disabilities of a permanent nature that have resulted from disease or injury (U.S. Department of...

Electronic Medical Record Coding and Implementation

Formulation of the Problem The main issue lies in the procedures of standardization for the programmers who work with EMRs’ implementation. During the process of setting the code, the IT team was confused by the number of variables’ variations. Furthermore, multiple ones can exist even for a single measure like...

Understanding the Skin Cancer Causes and Protecting the Skin

Different cells make up the body and they divide and also multiply in orderly way. The older cells are replaced by new ones. If there is a case of cancer, there are some cells inside the body that have already changed in function and appearance. These cells divide and grow...

Uncompensated Healthcare and Community Benefits

Introduction Uncompensated health care is any medical attention and treatment given to a patient by a health care/dental professional, hospital or medic without any payments by the government, non governmental organization or the patient (Mosby’s 2008, Dental Dictionary, 2nd edition).The care provided is considered voluntary work of the physician, hospital,...

Fetal Rights vs. Stem Cell Research

Discussion When we look at Western civilization as socio-cultural phenomenon, it will appear that, throughout its history, religion (particularly Christianity) always acted as counter-productive factor of cultural and scientific progress, closely associated this civilization. That is – religion always strived to erect obstacles, on the way of science broadening people’s...

Bedside End-of-Shift Report as a Healthcare Change

Change is inevitable and it is like a train, if one stands in its way it crushes the individual. In a health care organization there occurs change just like in any other organization. A situation in need of change in a healthcare organization is the old technology used in those...

Effect of Attentional Focus on Premotor and Motor Components of Reaction Time

Motor skills play a vital role in everyday activities that involve the movement of legs, arms, and the entire body, which can be grouped as gross and fine motor skills. Examples of gross motor skills include walking, running, jumping, and crawling. On the other hand, fine motor skills include writing,...

Schizophrenia: Non- and Pharmacological Treatment

Schizophrenia is a serious and mental illness in which emotional disorders, inappropriate behavior, impaired thinking, and the inability to lead a social life are observed. It usually develops in men aged 18–25 years and in women aged 26–45 years. The given disorder is sometimes inherited, but the main risk factors...

Malaria Campaign and Interventions in Guatemala

Introduction The world is full of fantasies and every one wants to be a part of these fantasies. There are some factors involved which keep a person active and smart. Health is a state of physical activeness which keeps a person mentally and physically fit. According to the world health...

Preventing HIV: Clean Needle Exchange Programs

Introduction Drug use by injection is the cause for approximately half of all new hepatitis C and one-third of all new AIDS cases in the United States each year. The implementation of clean needle exchange programs has been encouraged by numerous health officials as a method of reducing the infection...

Training vs. Patient Care Conflict in a Clinic

Introduction The Pediatric Department in a large outpatient clinic is responsible for diagnosing, treating, and helping to prevent diseases or injuries of children. The Executive Director of the clinic stated that staff should not take time away from their patient care roles to attend the manager’s monthly training session, which...

Biological Bases of Autism: General Analysis

Introduction Autism is a wide range of conditions that are marked by difficulties in social abilities, cyclic behavior, dialogue, and non-verbal communication. This disorder is sometimes referred to as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) due to the existence of many subtypes. Consequently, each person with autism has a unique group of...

Healthcare Economics and Financing

Introduction Healthcare represents a unique field of economy based on theoretical concepts and principles. It is considered that economics is a values-neutral science in which no judgment or value is placed on the theory or how the system works. Thus, the case of healthcare shows that this statement is not...

Barack Obama’s Health Care Plan

The health care plan proposed by Barrack Obama has three core elements. Firstly, it seeks to provide affordable and portable health to the average American. Secondly, it is expected to stem the rising health care costs, ultimately saving the average household about 2,500 dollars a year. Thirdly, it will have...

Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy and Oral Health in HIV Patients

Introduction Oral manifestations are the first signs of an underlying systemic illness like HIV/AIDS (Patel and Glick, 2005, p. 236). Oral health is an essential constituent of overall health and well being in a patient (Patel and Glick, 2005, p. 223). A patient with HIV is immunocompromised with many common...

Taking Pap Tests: Theory and Practice

The present description is about a consultation with a woman named Debbie, who has inquired about having the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination. Ms.Debbie has provided valuable information as revealed from her decisions; and the main objective of this article is to highlight the key aspects of this consultation and...

Health Care Leaders and Patient Safety

Abstract In the web of complex health care system, patient safety is one of the core components of quality health care, because medical errors not only cost human lives but cost trust in health care system also. Accountability for patient safety and quality is the current trend in health care...

Antibiotic Resistance Mechanisms in Bacteria

Introduction Shortly after the introduction of the parent antibiotic penicillin to clinical practice, a report came for bacteria becoming insensitive. These were the earliest reports of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. These reports were not considered significant as lab studies displayed that such resistance can be overcome by increasing the dose....

Team Coordination in Healthcare: Practicum Project

Introduction The topic for my practicum project plan is “Incorporating effective team collaboration/coordination to improve patient safety.” I selected this topic because, throughout my practicum experience, I observed poor communication among interdisciplinary team members. Johnson, Quinlan, and Marsh (2018) say that poor communication in the healthcare setting may negatively affect...

Methamphetamine Addiction and Interventions

Introduction Methamphetamine was synthesized in 1919 by Ogata, a Japanese scientist. In the 1930s, Temmler Werke’s pharmacists in Berlin developed the stimulant called Pervitin. Since 1938, the substance has been used systematically and in large doses, both in the army and defense industry: tablets of Pervitin were officially included in...

Inpatient and Outpatient Surgical Site Infections

Surgical site infections are common complications caused by surgical interventions, where a patient gets infected due to the surgical openings and weakened immune system. However, the main reason why such a clinical question exists is the fact that there is a difference in rates of surgical site infection occurrence between...

Patient Educational Tool: Diet and Hypertension

Introduction In this paper, the author discusses a patient educational tool for hypertension in an adult with an aim of analyzing it for use in providing patient education to the specific audience in this case- grown-up. The paper explains what a patient educational tool is, the specific audience for which...

Healthcare Managers and Innovative Practices

Introduction The ability of a healthcare organization to implement innovative practices depends greatly on its staff, especially the managerial part. Engle et al. (2017) attach great importance to middle managers since they serve as intermediaries between senior managers and nursing personnel. Researchers have analyzed the behavior of a number of...

Sugar as a Medicine in Europe and the Arab World

Introduction Nowadays, sugar is one of the most commonly used dietary substances that is primarily known for its sweetening properties. Nevertheless, the role and meaning of sugar were by far more versatile in the past than they are today. It was a luxury and was not so widely accessible to...

Pharmacology: Drug Licensing Opportunity

Statement of the problem Merck & Co. Inc. is a large multinational pharmaceutical company engaged in research and manufactures a wide range of medicines and drugs for human and veterinary use. The problem currently facing the company is that four of its most popular drugs would be facing substitutes in...

Medication Adherence Issues in Geriatrics

Introduction Medication adherence remains a critical issue throughout the care delivery process. In the field of geriatrics, both patients and caregivers encounter numerous challenges that affect the targeted outcomes. When the elderly fail to take their drugs correctly or follow presented advice, chances are high they will be unable to...

Utilitarianism in the Ebola Controversy of 2014

The greatest thinkers have made numerous attempts to give comprehensive definitions to the terms “good” and “bad.” In their works on moral principles and the essence of proper actions, John Mill and Jeremy Bentham defend the ideas of classical utilitarianism and focus on outcomes as the measure of appropriateness. This...

Organization of a Palliative Care Unit

Palliative care is given to those who are nearing the last days of their lives when providing the best quality for remaining life is more significant than prolonging a miserable life (National Ethics Committee, 2007). Sometimes even aggressive high quality palliative care does not relieve them of symptoms like vomiting,...

The Concept of Pharmacogenetics: Brief Analysis

Abstract This concept analysis paper dwells upon the concept of pharmacogenetics that is the study of people’s genetically determined responses to some drugs. Pharmacogenetics is mainly employed when treating cancer, cardiovascular, and mental disorders, as well as managing pain. The primary use of these tests aims at the provision of...

Diuretics to Treat Congestive Heart Failure

Abstract Diuretics and drugs that increase cardiac muscle strength (digitalis) are the main drug treatment for congestive heart failure. There are few randomized clinical trials that show diuretic treatment affects mortality rates of patients with congestive heart failure. Clinical experience shows their importance, however close monitoring is essential to avoid...

Improving Access to Pediatric Mental Health Care

Introduction Similar to adults, children also encounter many mental health challenges. According to the latest statistics, almost 20% of youth experience some mental health-related problems and have a mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder (MBDD) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2019; Delaney, Burke, DeSocio, Greenberg, & Sharp, 2018). Nonetheless,...

Polycystic Kidney Diseases: Types, Symptoms, and Complications

Polycystic Kidney Diseases (PKD) refers to an inherited disease of, but not limited to the kidney. It leads to the development of sacs that contain some fluids, otherwise called cysts, in the kidney. These sacs cause considerable pain to the patient or just get infected altogether. As these cysts continue...

GreenField Health as a Patient-Centered Clinic

Patient-centered clinics emerged because of the necessity to reform the traditional medical system, which includes such stereotypes as medical cards, telephone communication, queue visits, and several other features. According to Brown and Park (2014), a patient-centered clinic is explained as an institution where “a small group of primary care and...

Ethical Principles as Applied to an Ethical Dilemma (Medication Compliance)

Introduction In the practice of nursing or any field in medicine, it is very difficult to follow a single principle due to the involvement of multiple variables that need to be considered. Through the practice of the nursing profession, four major principles serve as a guide that applies to most...

Mentally Ill Criminals Analysis

Introduction The shift of all the mentally ill criminals from the infamous institutions which resemble warehouses to prisons can be traced back to the 1950s. This decision was the result of deinstitutionalization in US. This was made in order to close the institutions (warehouses) in which these mentally ill people...

Value-Based Purchasing Approach in Healthcare

Introduction The U.S. healthcare shows clear tendencies to head toward rewarding value. Recent changes in legislation (the Affordable Care Act) have drawn attention to value-based purchasing (VBP) programs. The present case study evaluates VBP in Medicare on the example of the PROMETHEUS reform and some other successfully applied programs. The...

Breast Feeding From the DNP Perspective

Common Myths and Barriers Regarding Breast Feeding Breastfeeding guidelines are crucial for supporting mothers and their newborn infants. Due to the presence and strong influence of breastfeeding myths in numerous communities, a DNP has to encourage patient education to prevent the instances that involve health issues in mothers and infants....

The Use of Anti-Inflammatory Treatment and Its Outcomes

The outcomes were measured before the beginning of the treatment (Day 0) and on Day 5 of treatment. Table 1 presents the initial findings, whether Table 2 contains the results collected on Day 5. The outcomes measured as part of the study include tear production based on Schirmer’s tear test...

HIV&AIDS Impact on Australians

HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus, with AIDS being its most advanced form – the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. This type of sickness is relatively new, having been first discovered in African chimpanzees in the 1930s, allegedly transferring to humans through blood contact. It became a pandemic in the USA during...

Homelessness and Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy

The management of HIV remains one of the key priorities of modern healthcare since AIDS as a likely outcome of HIV is still incurable. Therefore, studying the factors that aggravate the problem and create obstacles for managing the disorder is essential to the improvement of patients’ health status, preventing HIV...

Tuberculosis and Control Programs

Introduction Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly infectious disease that can be transmitted in almost any setting. Therefore, clinicians are to be aware of the dangers of the disease and the ways of controlling the associated issues. Careful control and prevention measures can minimize the risk of adverse events. The present...

Adolescent Pregnancy Issue Analysis

Adolescent pregnancy may be defined as teenage becoming pregnant. The term is usually used to refer to young girls aged between the ages of thirteen and nineteen becoming pregnant and especially out of wedlock. It may also refer to women who have not reached lawful adulthood becoming pregnant (Spitz 992)....

Hypothyroidism in Type-2 Diabetics in Texas

The paper aims to assess the relationship between non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or type-2 diabetes and hypothyroidism in the ethnic population in Texas, USA. In the first part, as no record is available, a working evaluation was done on the prevalence of the two endocrine disorders in outpatients in Texas...

Human Resource in Healthcare: Health Insurance

Policies adopted by employers to encourage or discourage enrollment in employer-sponsored health plans. The two kinds of policies are (i) regarding eligibility and (ii) the take-up rate. It is seen that in health coverage offering firms, 14% of employees worked for firms that offered cashback payments in the event the...

Medical Pharmacology: The Langendorff Experiment

Introduction The heart is a vital organ in living animals due to its roles in the transport of oxygen, nutrients and hormones to the rest of the body. Other functions of the heart include the elimination of metabolic wastes such as carbon dioxide and nitrogenous waste. The heart achieves these...

Alcoholics’ Rights for Organ Transplantation

Introduction Organ transplantation is a medical procedure in which a donor gives up an organ for transplantation into the body of a recipient with the purpose of substituting a damaged or missing organ. The procedure is a significant medical advancement that has gained traction in recent years for both positive...

Efficacy and Safety of Human Papillomavirus ‘Gardasil’

Introduction Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States, and continued HPV infection can cause cervical cancer in women, anal cancer, genital cancer, and genital warts in both men and women. First epidemiological data, derived from the U.S National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,...

Stem Cell Research. Fetal Rights vs. Science

Introduction The benefits to society by the introduction of new medical technologies have been considerable. For example, the introduction of vaccines and antibiotics has significantly improved the well-being of people all over the globe. The science of stem cell treatments, potentially as or more significant than these other innovations, is...

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Causes and Treatment

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is more than just arthritis. Indeed, many doctors call it “rheumatoid disease” to emphasize the widespread nature of this process. The term rheumatoid arthritis is trying awkwardly to say the same thing; rheumat refers to the stiffness, body aching, and fatigue that are often termed “rheumatism.” “Rheumatoid”...

Corporations’ Impact on the US Clinical Practice

Introduction The purpose of healthcare organizations is to provide patients with highly qualified medical care. Clinical practice is based on a systematic review of evidence and includes recommendations for proper organizing and optimizing the process of work. Nowadays, there is a tendency to modernize the implementation of medical services and...

New Pharmaceuticals and Their Path to the Market

When a new pharmaceutical is invented, several steps need to be taken in order for it to be brought to the market. Effectively marketing is an essential process, which is preceded by primarily drug development and drug manufacturing. It is very important to find just the right chemicals that will...

Nursing Trends. Use of Physical Restraints on Patients

Hospital services serve as indispensable tools in providing care to patients. The staff employed may play a prominent role in executing diverse roles during an emergency, intensive care, long term pre and post operative conditions or illnesses. In recent years, patient safety has become a serious concern. Investigations have revealed...

Maternity Nursing: Breastfeeding Initiation and Continuation

Introduction The improvement of maternity care quality and the reduction of infant morbidity are the main concerns of maternity nursing. It has been broadly addressed in professional literature, research findings, and statistical data that the health of a newborn child vastly depends on breastfeeding initiation. The World Health Organization (2018)...

SEC vs. ACC Graduation Rates

The United States of America is famous for different sports organizations conducive to arranging for the protection and strengthening of the health of a community. They can be national, regional and local. The most important and well-known organizations are SEC (the Southeastern Conference) and ACC (the Atlantic Coast Conference). The...

Prenatal Tobacco Exposure and Children’s Development

Purpose The issue of the impact of prenatal tobacco exposure, which refers to maternal smoking during pregnancy, on child health and development is still highly urgent and requires an appropriate governmental response. Researchers note that among “women who gave birth in Australia in 2012, 12% reported smoking during the first...

Mifepristone Drug: To Approve or to Disapprove?

Mifepristone was initially developed during the early 1980s at the French pharmaceutical company Roussel Uclaf. (Creinin MD. Medical abortion regimens: historical context and overview. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2000; 183: S3-S9.) Mifepristone is a synthetic steroid, an anti-progestin that obstructs the action of progesterone (a hormone necessary to maintain a...

Needhama on Agression Management

Introduction Aggressive behaviour exhibited by patients with mental illness is a major occupational challenge and hazard faced by mental health nurses. (Beech & Leather 2006). On the one hand, such behaviour puts nurses under extreme stress; on the other hand, it grossly undermines the quality of care in many instances...

Financial Operating Changes in Healthcare System Reform in the United States

Introduction The United States has one of the unique and most complex healthcare systems in the world. Its notable features include the absence of central governance with multiple players involved, inequality in access which is based on the type of insurance coverage, and dependence on market conditions and legal issues...

Airline Safety Practices and Medication Administration

Introduction Now-a-days nursing has developed its all functional activities in accordance with technological, political or socio-economical rapid change. The changing boundaries of professional responsibility and its influence on their scope of practice have been emerged. Nursing around the world needs to feel the confident and the essential and significant contribution...

Critical Review of Rhabdomyolysis

Rhabdomyolysis has been defined as the dissolution that leads to a “nonspecific clinical syndrome causing extravasation of toxic intracellular contents from the myocytes into the circulatory system” ((Alterman, 2007, p 64). I am pursuing this subject for my critical review. Searching for the matter related to rhabdomyolysis was interesting and...

Electronic Medical Record Adoption Issues

Introduction The case study reviewed in this assignment involves a multi-office practice that operates in small cities and rural locations. It tries to adopt an electronic medical record system to supplement its digital scheduling and billing processes. However, the system’s adoption is accompanied by difficulties, most of which stem from...

Antigens, Cure, and Disease in Immunology

Introduction Our immune system functions to resist infections by specific pathogens. Whether inherited, acquired, or induced, immunity in all forms builds the protection mechanism of the body. The functioning of the immune system depends on a wide variety of substances, though; the most remarkable ones include lymphocytes, especially B cells...

Pharmaceutical Industries: Changes and Challenges

Introduction Pharmaceutical industries are responsible for the manufacture of drugs. Like any other industry that we know, they aim at making profits. However, they are not exempted from the challenges that other firms go through. Like any other firms, they face challenges. Environmental factors are part of those challenges. In...

Exclusivity and Initiation: Breastfeeding Rates Variances Among Minority Population

Breastfeeding is an integral part of an infant’s nourishment process that allows a child to receive the nutrients required for uninhibited development and health improvement. However, there are also indications that a range of mothers have a rather vague idea of the significance of breastfeeding, hence reluctance among the specified...

Obesity in Children in the US

Obesity is one of the main health problems affecting children in the US. “Since the 1970s, the prevalence (or percentage) of obesity has more than doubled for preschool children aged 2-5 years and adolescents aged 12-19 years, and it has more than tripled for children aged 6-11 years” (Focus On...

Impact of Stress on Performance

Stress is an individual’s physiological response to an internal or external stimulus that makes the body to respond as if one is in danger. “The fatigue occurs when one has to handle more than they are used to.” (Williams, 1998, p. 135) According to the way Robert is behaving and...

IL1 Emerging Infections, Zoonoses and Bioterrorism.

IL1 (Influenza-like illness) is a non-specific respiratory condition most commonly occurs in elderly. Its manifestations are slight fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue, and rhinorrhea (Carrat et al 1999; Monto et al 2000). Influenza virus is easily transmissible via close contact or by touch of nose and mouth. Virus is expelled...

Health Liberties of People With Disabilities

The ethical dilemma discussed in the article by Bannerman, Sheldon, Sherman, and Harchik (1990) focuses on people with disabilities and their liberties associated with their health conditions. On the one hand, the exercise of personal choices by patients seems to be their inherent right. In its turn, the option of...

Atypical Presentation of Illness: Diagnosing the Cause of Chest Pain

Atypical presentations of illness in older patients represent a challenge for nurses because their diagnosis is rarely considered in medical training, thus leading to difficulties in managing individuals’ conditions. Such presentations are considered ‘atypical’ due to the lacking signs and symptoms that characterize a condition and its further diagnoses. Nevertheless,...

Demand for Healthcare Services and the Related Factors

The provision of healthcare services to a population in a given country may be affected by the related factors such as the country’s expenditure for these services, technological know-how level, among other factors. For example, in the United States alone, it has been projected that healthcare expenditure would double by...

Parkinson’s Disease: Evaluation of Nursing Care

Introduction Nursing strategies are very influential in the management of patient care. Although the mode of their execution varies with the case, certain options need to be carefully considered as they may irk patients. Generally, patients with declined mental functions as observed in dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease may need to...

Healthcare Strategic Budgeting Issues & Solutions

Introduction Strategic budgeting, both from a theoretical perspective and in execution, has always been a hot topic for debate among experts in the economic field. This topic is extremely relevant for the healthcare system, which contains questions of effective personnel relations, technological innovations, and new challenges in terms of diseases...

Hospital Value-Based Purchase Program

Today, one of the top priorities of the US healthcare system is the prevention of overuse, underuse, and inappropriate use of medical services. Thus, it is imperative that the focus is shifted from quantity to quality. This means that medical facilities should be evaluated not by the amount of work...

Mexican American Children and Type 2 Diabetes

Multiple programs aim to cater for primary, secondary as well as tertiary care in children with diabetes, diabetes-related diseases, and disabilities. There are government-based programs that run through the department of health and human services. These include the programs running under the National Institute of Health (NIH), as well as...

Prioritisation and Competent Nursing Practice

The management of patient life has become a concern for today’s health care professionals. This is because of the increasing complexity of cases that rely on their association with other complications. As such, careful evaluation of the patient’s life would become the important aspect and commences from the past history,...

Health Science Professions: Speech Pathology

Introduction Speech pathology refers to the study of problems encountered by people regarding their speech, mastery of language, voice development as well as the passage of solid food through the throat. The problems can be physical or cognitive and they require treatment through therapy by use of facilities located in...

Reducing Fertility Program in Bangladesh: Analysis

Strengths The program helping to reduce fertility rates in Bangladesh has a variety of advantages and effective interventions. First, it is critical to underscore that the decision to educate women about contraception is effective in dealing with the knowledge gap between the sexes when it comes to healthcare. Another important...

Health. Prevention of Pregnancy

The availability and application of safe and modern methods of contraception have allowed women to avoid or decrease the number of unplanned, teenage pregnancies. Birth spacing of a minimum of 2 years is recommended by doctors as a minimum gap that should be maintained to keep the mother healthy. Conception...

Health Information Policy for Industry and Public

Introduction Public health issues can be addressed by relating policies that target the needed change. In general, those are complex and require appropriate planning to ensure that the overall impact on the population is positive. Some regulations, for instance, those relating to information technology are necessary to provide the protection...

Information Technology for Healthcare Quality

The development of computer science and technologies brought about new opportunities for the automatization of different processes. Modern information systems have powerful tools that make work with large amounts of data fast and simple. The manager of the care coordination department needs to use these new opportunities to make the...

Gene Mutation: Progeria Analysis

Gene mutations are changes in the nitrogenous base pairs resulting in the false expression of protein due to false translation and transcription processes. Genetic mutations could be due to substitution, addition, deletion, inversion of base pairs that are caused by chemical or environmental factors. Genotypic alterations result in a change...

Dental Hygienists Helping Underserved Population

Low-income individuals are not able to have proper access to dental health due to the lack of insurance coverage. Therefore, as a hygienist, it is critical to understand that these people should focus on preventative measures. The main reason is that the given approach is more affordable than treating an...

Patient-Centered Medical Home as Quality Initiative

Introduction The changing health needs of different patients are something that requires evidence-based care delivery and treatment models that result in reduced medical costs. Leaders in the healthcare sector have been focusing on different initiatives that can improve quality and maximize people’s experiences. A good example of such innovative strategies...

Alcohol Cessation in Pregnancy

Maternal-child nursing is a critical field that focuses on the health needs of women during pregnancy and birth. It goes further to empower medical professionals to provide evidence-based care to newborn babies. Professionals in this specialty focus on the psychological, physical, neonatal, and political issues affecting the health outcomes of...

Euthanasia or Assisted Suicide

Introduction The present paper looks into the issue of physician- or doctor-assisted suicide or euthanasia from several perspectives. It neutrally brings forward the arguments put forth by both the proponents and opponents of this act. In the last section of the paper, an evaluation of the entire argument is made....

Cancer and Contemporary Therapeutic Approaches

Introduction Cancer is a hazardous disease due to its appearance patterns and potential lethality. It results from cell mutations, which occur randomly and can, therefore, affect any person at any time with no prior symptoms or indications. Furthermore, advanced stages of cancer are often incurable and lead to the death...

Autism and Alzheimer’s Comparison

Introduction Two neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and autism are not on the list of the most common conditions but have a significant effect on the patient’s well-being. Alzheimer’s disease is understood to be one of the most common central nervous system and mental pathologies, which usually affects...

John Hunter in “The Knife Man” by Wendy Moore

Introduction The book, “The Knife Man”, is an effort put forth by Wendy Moore, to state the outstanding efforts of John Hunter, who was one of the innovators of medicinal practices. It is a collection of what Hunter had done to solve many medical issues of patients related to surgery,...

Breast Cancer: Discussion of the Problems and Way of Treatment

Introduction The problem of breast cancer becomes of great concern nowadays, as “The National Cancer Institute predicts that one in eight women born in the United States will develop the disease in their lifetime and that the probability of a diagnosis increases once a woman turns forty” (Carter, 2007, p.100)....

Health Issues for the Aging: Ineffective Clinical Guidelines

The current healthcare system in the US poses substantial challenges to the geriatric care providers, leading to low-quality medical procedures and little attention to both clinical and nonclinical issues with regards to socioeconomic determinants. With approximately 50% of aging patients failing to receive recommended treatment for chronic diseases, the question...

Information Technology Training in Primary Care

Introduction Summary Nursing skills, IT training, and education are important factors having in-depth implications on the quality of health care. Many studies have been conducted on this topic, mostly in America and Canada. This paper has tried to bridge the gap between literature available on imparting information technology training in...

Telecare: Informatics in Health Care

Telemedicine refers to the use of information and communication technologies to transfer medical information for the delivery of clinical and educational services. It dates from the sixties, during the space race, when the vital bodily functions of astronauts in the space were remotely monitored from the Earth by doctors of...

Clinical Decision Support Systems in Examples

Introduction Nowadays, advanced technologies are actively used in various fields of studies and human’s activities. Medical practice is not an exception, as there are a number of tools incorporated into the healthcare system through data technologies. These technologies contribute to the Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS), which aim to assist...

Childhood Obesity: Issue Analysis

Metabolic disorders of any kind are of major concern to health care providers because of their interference with routine hygienic activities. Certain complications would commence their pathological role since the early childhood days. This could lead to serious consequences in the later stages of life and needs to be curbed....

Temple University Hospital Environment

Introducing proper care tools and creating an environment in which the length of patients’ hospital stay can be reduced are essential steps toward improving the performance of a healthcare facility. Therefore, introducing the proposed changes to the Temple University Hospital (TUH) environment is an important change that will allow for...

Barriers on the Way of Promoting the Practice of Exclusive Breastfeeding

The realization of the exclusive breastfeeding intention for women can be associated with certain barriers to address, and the action plan designed to overcome these issues should include particular milestones to follow. While implementing certain changes in promoting the practice of exclusive breastfeeding among pregnant women and mothers, it is...

Hospital Contact Associations and Private Organizations

Hospital Contact Associations, government agencies, and private organizations have influenced the development of healthcare and hospital through additional financing, philanthropy, and technological support. The role of Hospital Contact Associations is to support hospitals and help them to solve daily problems. It is not to “run the place” but to support...

Opioid Epidemic Article Analysis

Article Summary The article I have chosen for the analysis is entitled “The changing face of the US opioid epidemic: Middle-aged black adults see rise in deaths” and was published in CNN Health this year. The publication addresses a concerning trend in opioid use for recreational and medical use. The...

Diabetes Chronic Condition Management

Executive Summary The purpose of this data review project is to examine the diabetes management practices applied by Anthem through data review of key indicators and compare this information to the benchmarks set by the AHQR. The focus is on diabetes as a chronic condition because it requires specific attention...

Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Issues

In The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, it is stated that health promotion is “the process of enabling people to increase control over and to improve, their health.” (WHO, 2008, p.1) Green & Kreuter (1991) define health promotion as “the combination of educational and environmental supports for actions and conditions...

Forearm and Upper Arm: Blood Pressures in Students

Introduction Kathleen A. Schell & Julie Keith Waterhouse are the two authors for the research article. Both authors are qualified nurses from University of Delaware School of Nursing, Newark DE USA. Schell is DNSc, RN while Julie Keith is Phd, RN. The title of the article is “Comparison of Forearm...

Health Insurance Exchange: Economic Perspective

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a significant federal statute, the goal of which is to ensure that all US citizens have equal access to health insurance. A health insurance exchange or marketplace is defined as an area where residents may identify the conditions for having health insurance (Mulligan, 2017)....

Pharmacogenetics Characteristics and Development

Pharmacogenetics is a relatively young branch of medical science, but it is supposed to have significant potential when it comes to the effectiveness of treatment methods and attempts to make responses to various diseases more individualized. As the term suggests, the scientific branch in question studies the way that genes...

Prescribed Drugs With Complementary and Alternative Medicines

Pharmacological Management Plan CAMs Contraindicated with Current Prescription Creatine Creatine supplement is metabolized in the body to creatinine which is excreted through the kidneys. The body also produces its own creatinine; therefore, in individuals consuming creatine supplements, the total creatinine is high. Creatine supplementation results in water retention by skeletal...

Adolescent Immunizations: Issues and Policies

The article addresses the problems of immunization coverage and current policies aimed to expand immunization among adolescents. The authors state that many groups of children are at risk because they do not receive immunization and related services. The study shows that it is possible to improve immunization coverage of adolescents...

The Diagnostic Test and Cooking with Spinach

Target The target statistical concept is diagnostic and screening tests and the “gold standard” test in the sphere of healthcare. The “gold standard” test is usually the preferred version of diagnosing a patient with a specific disease. However, it is typically expensive or difficult to access and distribute (Ancker and...

Cholecystitis: Review of the Illness

Symptoms Cholecystitis is usually characterized by abdominal pain in the right upper quadrant (RUQ) or epigastrium that may radiate to the back (Bridges, Gibbs, Melamed, Cussatti, & White, 2018). In 50% of cases, high-fat meals aggravate the pain; however, some patients may have pain only present on palpation of the...

Assessment of Geriatric Patients: Old Age Problems

Old age is characterized by slowing down of physiological functions and the impeded renewal of body tissues. As the body breaks down, the geriatric becomes weaker. Every system in the body shows reduced functioning as the metabolic process is slowed down. As there is a slower and reduced renewal of...

Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus: Infections and Treatment

Introduction Vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE) is a bacteria or what is also known as germ is a bacteria that causes bad infections. The first strains of this bacteria first appeared in Europe by the year 1986 and three years after (1989) the first incidence in America was reported and between the...

Autism in Toddler: Effects of Dietary Intervention

Autism is a complex behavioral syndrome, which impairs the behavioral development of toddlers, and its main causes and treatment are yet to be located conclusively. Increased prevalence of autism is of greatest concern for the family and practicing pediatricians because the minimum age for diagnosing autism is not clear as...

Surgical Site Infections Care and Change Proposal

Introduction Considering the etiology of surgical site infections (SSI), it can be noted that diseases of the skin and soft tissues are usually the result of any mechanical damage or surgical manipulation and are caused by a wide range of bacterial microorganisms. In this situation, they are, to some extent...

Diseases Prevention and Management. Nursing Research

At the present stage of development of the healthcare system, socially significant nursing is undergoing several substantial changes. New approaches aimed at the prevention and management of chronic socially caused non-communicable human diseases are introduced. They have to apply the PICOT framework for specific clinical cases, such as doctor and...

Nursing Research for Patients’ Safety and Health

Research is a vital aspect of modern nursing practice. Nurses have become advocates for their patient’s safety and health quality. Nursing research is necessary due to its timely contribution to evidence-based practice with a priority set on the contemporary findings in the essential areas of health care. A nurse practitioner...

Ethical Values & Decision-Making in Nursing

In the nursing profession, decision-making is expected to ethical as prescribed by the Ethical Code of Conduct designed by the American Psychological Association (APA). Essential VIII implies that nurses should always remain professional in resolving complicated situations and daily practices. Professionalism can be regarded as the constant presentation of the...

Future of Nursing Education in the United States

Over the last couple of years, health care has been changing its focus. There is more need for expertise to observe community health and handle chronic illnesses than treating episodic and exceptional cases (Battié, 2013). Care settings are moving outside of health centers and into communities, and thus, the current...

South Africa as a Country with High Mortality Rate

Introduction: South Africa Regular improvements in the fields of health care, medicine, and nursing are observed in the modern world. Several years ago, the South Africa region experienced a serious Ebola outbreak and the increase in infectious diseases that resulted in 69% of death (Jimenez, 2015). Bearing about 1/4 of...

Future of Nursing and Florida Action Coalition

Introduction It should be noted that the introduction of the Affordable Care Act has resulted in significant alterations in the healthcare sector. It allowed not only providing care to people in need of it but also evaluating the job of a nurse from a different perspective. Nurses are agents that...

“Attributes of a Good Nurse” by Aydin et al.

Introduction The selected article for this critique is a mixed-methods study, using qualitative methods for data collection and quantitative tools for statistical analysis and categorization. The article’s title is Attributes of a good nurse: The opinions of nursing students, which was written by Er R. Aydin, Mine Sehiralti, and Aslihan...

Nursing Education in Poland and Brazil

Introduction The present paper will compare nursing education systems in Poland and Brazil. I have selected these countries since I knew just a little about them and wanted to explore some more information pertaining to their nursing education systems. This research helped me to better understand how political and cultural...

The Integration of Primary Care and Public Health Nursing

Introduction A community health assessment serves as a cornerstone of proper treatment and disease prevention. Based on the informal observations made during the community visits, advanced practice nurses can better understand the cultural, linguistic, and social peculiarities of the given neighborhood or larger areas they monitor and evaluate (Edmonds, Campbell,...

Cultural Training of the Staff to Improve Health Quality in the Community

Executive Summary This report is conducted to address the issues related to the recently identified decline in the performance of a new health care facility opened in a culturally diverse neighborhood. The content of the document presents the learned causes and outcomes of the problem, as well as outlines the...

Prioritizing Tasks: The Most Common Workplace Conflict

Introduction Of the various types of workplace conflicts, prioritizing tasks is the most common type that happens between staff members. In my practice, the complicated and tense situation occurred between two nurses, whose interests were opposite. One of them needed assistance with handling the request of a patient while she...

New Beginning Program Procedures and Methodology

Statement Any adult aged 22 or older is eligible to apply for the New Beginnings Program, which offers opportunities for counseling, education, teaching life skills, and vocational training for adults with ASD. They are asked to fill out an intake form to gather basic information (Appendix A). The New Beginnings...

Program Evaluation as an Essential Part of Public Health and Its Types

Introduction Being essential to public health, program evaluation is the process of thorough collecting, analyzing, and using data in order to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the program. Usually, during the evaluation of a program, program need, program plan, program impact, and program performance are assessed (Holly, 2014). It...

Different Types of Reviewing Nursing Research Works

Introduction Three types of review are generally distinguished in nursing research: the literature review, the systematic review, and the integrative review. The last two are subtypes of the first, and all three are utilized in practice, and so a significant amount of confusion can surface if one is not familiar...

Current Sources of Evidence-Based Standards and Guidelines for Prescribing Psychiatric Drugs

The task of prescribing psychiatric drugs implies a huge amount of responsibility and sufficient knowledge. Due to the effects that continuous consumption of psychiatric medications, particularly, the long-term effects causing chemical dependency and difficulty for withdrawal, the use of the latest sources of EBP standards for prescription is required (Lally...

Interprofessional Team Experience in Psychiatric Practice

The presented paper will describe a care improvement project that was carried out by an interprofessional team from a small psychiatric practice. The project involved the creation of a program for educating patients with substance use disorders. The paper will define the type and purpose of the team, describe its...

Patients Experiencing Homelessness: Mental Health Issues

Introduction Homelessness is a serious social problem the country has yet to solve. According to the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (2018), over 30 thousand people experience homelessness in Florida. These people have to face numerous challenges, including mental health concerns that are often regarded as significant public health...

Anorexia Nervosa as a Brain Disorder

Introduction Anorexia nervosa is a prominent eating disorder that has a tremendous impact on people’s lives. It is characterized by an uncontrollable desire to be thin, low weight, food restrictions, and a fear of gaining pounds. This disorder can be diagnosed by using a few criteria such as extremely thin...

Soldier and Veteran Suicide Prevention Hearing

Purpose and Participants This paper is a summary of a government meeting regarding the prevention of suicide among members of the military. People who work in the profession tend to encounter potentially severe stress throughout service, which can lead to mental issues. As such, Senators Kirsten E. Gillibrand, Martha McSally,...

What Causes Medication Administration Errors in a Mental Health Hospital?

Patients with mental health issues are a large group of patients who deserve special attention and attitude from the medical staff. Since the beginning of the XXI century, people with mental health problems are seeing doctors more and more often. They rely on medical workers to get the right diagnoses...

Use of Botulinum Toxin for Cosmetic Purposes

Organism Biology Clostridium botulinum is a group of gram-positive bacteria that are capable of producing a toxin known as botulinum neurotoxin (Carter & Peck, 2014). Among the types of bacteria that are specifically responsible for the negative effects that the neurotoxin has on people, one must mention C. botulinum Groups...

Chronic Pain Treatment With Opioid Analgesics

Introduction Chronic pain is a widespread medical problem that affects patients’ quality of life and often causes disability. While eliminating the cause of chronic pain is often not possible, managing chronic pain using various treatment options can reduce the effect of the condition on patients’ life and health, thus promoting...

Adolescent Depression: Modern Issues and Resources

Introduction Today, teenagers encounter many challenging health-related issues; mental health conditions are one of them. This report presents the aspects of depression in adolescents, addressing the external stressors associated with it. The paper also discusses the assessment strategies a medical professional can utilize along with the related ethical parameters. The...

Health Warning and Personal Action Plan

People often cannot adequately look at their lifestyle and detect problems that may be apparent to others. Some of the habits and choices that seem reasonable to a person may be dangerous in the long-term, leading to significant health problems. Analyzing my life, I can identify a lifestyle that puts...

Healthcare Reform and Ethics in Nursing Viewpoint

Introduction The recent healthcare reforms, including the Affordable Care Act that was passed during Obama’s presidency and the Trump administration’s subsequent attempts to repeal it, concerned themselves with the availability of health insurance as well as the federal costs of healthcare. The policies have been the subject of significant amounts...

Ethics vs. Healthcare Reform from Nursing Perspective

Introduction Ethical issues addressed in nursing practice are not always associated with tense working conditions and the challenges that are directly related to the care process. Healthcare reforms adopted at the state level affect the activities of nurses directly and play a key role in forming opinions regarding the profession....

Islamophobia in Community and Health Implications

College Essay Societies tend to be guided by moral values, principles, and norms. Such attributes dictate the behaviors and practices of different community members. However, some of the beliefs associated with specific regions are ineffective or inappropriate. Personally, I believe that there are certain ideas in our society that are...

Transplant Tourism Debates: Pros and Cons

The issue of moral rights is a rather complicated and controversial one. In this learning scenario, two speakers debate over organ transplant tourism. Dr. O’Connor states that transplant tourism is a real problem that grows steadily and needs to be addressed immediately. The speaker notes that according to the recent...

HIV & AIDS Education Programs and Interventions

The implementation of the intervention The proposed intervention was to introduce community-wide education programs to raise awareness of the people regarding the needs of HIV/AIDS patients and to dispel the myths that lead to stigmatization of the disease. This practice is among the main recommendations of the UNAIDS (2014), and...

Health Services Administration: Legal and Ethical Issues

The Health Services Administration Department outlines several values that guide and empower healthcare administrators. These include empathy, leadership, contemporary, multicultural, and integrity. Healthcare administrators use their competencies to manage care delivery systems and hospital networks. This is done to meet the health needs of more patients. As a professional focusing...

Personal Nursing Philosophy: Concepts and Values

Key concepts of my nursing philosophy The key concepts of my nursing philosophy revolve around my core values, which include integrity, honesty, advocacy, compassion, respect, patient privacy, and knowledge. Compassion is the backbone of my nursing philosophy as I believe that I am a gift to humanity and my duty...

Community Windshield: Miami, Florida

Introduction of Community The community under consideration is Miami, Florida. The rationale for choosing it is the fact that it is the area I live in, so there is an opportunity for conducting assessments during different times of the day and days of the week. Windshield Survey Vitality Are people...

Healthcare Technology and Strategic Planning

Goals The goals I have established for this week were connected to the processes of learning and integrating gathered knowledge into practice. The first goal was to learn more about the roles of strategic planning in the nurses’ work. The second goal was to find more information about the technological...