Patient Safety Standards and Medication Errors Policy

Over the last decades, quality and safety within healthcare delivery have risen to become major concerns in health policy and research. Medical errors remain the primary cause of injuries, and the relations between nurse staffing and quality outcomes have been highlighted by several studies (World Health Organization, 2016; Waring et...

Applying Information Management Solutions

Improvement of healthcare quality and provision of patient safety are the primary concerns of healthcare providers. There are some solutions that are applicable to diverse healthcare scenarios. For example, information management solutions can be useful to provide patient care of high quality and increase patient safety thus reducing the incidence...

Role of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Introduction The nursing role has evolved to be at the forefront of primary and clinical care in the health care system. Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) have roles in research, administration, and providing high-quality patient care. The advanced nursing role requires skilled and highly motivated individuals that influence the nursing...

Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment

Nowadays, cancer is still considered to be one of the most dangerous diseases that involve numerous complications and significantly reduce people’s chances to return to normal life even after the expensive treatment. Despite the fact that medical scientists have made a range of important discoveries that can help patients to...

Nursing Practice Authority and Future Needs

Introduction The complexity of modern tasks promotes the need for the increased efficiency of health workers, their ability to make tough choices, act under pressure, etc. Under these conditions, nurses, who work with patients and who satisfy their needs, become the most vulnerable group. Advanced practitioners have enough autonomy to...

Madeleine Leininger and Transcultural Nursing Theory

Summary “Provision of culturally competent health care: An interim status review and report” is an article written by Carol Lynn Esposito for the Journal of the New York State Nurses Association in 2013. This article aims at reviewing the current nursing literature that relates to the recent progress of the...

Affordable Care Act and Its Stakeholders

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was a landmark health legislation signed into law in 2010 by President Barack Obama. The purpose of this policy was to increase the number of citizens who had access to medical insurance cover, lower medical costs, eliminate inappropriate practices in the industry, and maximize efficiency....

Health Literacy Importance and Impact on People’s Health Status

My initial impressions after watching the video by NASEM health and medicine division (2012) on health literacy were those of shock and alarm. Although I have always realized that some patients may have difficulty understanding the prescriptions of their physicians, it has never occurred to me that the problem grew...

Human Immunodeficiency Viruses in Preventive Nursing

Research Project The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care was selected for submission of the research. It is the official journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. The reason for choosing this particular journal is that it is a peer-reviewed journal that has an outstanding...

Health Care Policy in Mercy Miami Hospital

This project is based on an interview with one of the employees at Mercy Miami Hospital. The peculiar feature of this site is that its people underline the importance of cultural differences and use them as one of the main strengths of the organization (Careers at Mercy Miami hospital 2016)....

Chikungunya’s Epidemiological Analysis and History

Introduction Chikungunya is an infectious viral disease caused by mosquitoes (Chretien & Linthicum, 2008). The first case was reported in Africa in 1952. Since then, the virus has spread to other regions of the world. Its major symptoms include headache, rash, muscle pain, fever, and joint pain. The disease has...

Asthma Factors Among African Americans in California

Discussion and Conclusion The purpose of this study was to examine risk factors predicting asthma among adult foreign-born African Americans in California. The study was premised on the backdrop of the failure of past researchers to investigate the health status of adult foreign-born African Americans as a significant minority group...

Ethics in Winkler County Nurse Whistleblower Case

Ethics in Professional Nursing Organization Nowadays, ethics and advocacy are highly important components of nursing and any kind of medical practice, and there is a variety of nursing organizations that tend to focus on the active development and constant improvement of the healthcare system. One of them is National League...

Institutional Review Board Review and Its Types

What is IRB? The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is the committee charged with the responsibility of approving federal-funded studies involving human subjects. The institution was created as a solution for the rising cases involving the violation of participants’ rights by various research teams in the course of conducting biomedical studies...

Homeless People with Mental Illness and Healthcare

Introduction The topic of the interventions available for homeless individuals who are mentally challenged has ignited a heated debate among scholars. On one side of the debate, a section of the scholars argues that uniform approaches should be applied to all the homeless people, irrespective of their mental health status....

Gender-Based Discrimination during Surgical Training

Writer background: All authors–Adrienne N. Bruce (School of Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA), Alexis Battista (MedStar Health Research Institute, Hyattsville, MD, USA), Michael W. Plankey (School of Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA), Lynt B. Johnson (Division of General Surgery Department of Surgery, MedStar Georgetown...

Science, Nursing, and Knowledge Base Expansion

The concept of normal science seems to be crucial in the realm of nursing since it promotes the further improvement of patient outcomes and the enhancement of knowledge and skills acquisition among nurses. The emphasis on the exploration of the existing opportunities and the use of research as the tool...

Doctor of Nursing Practice Program in Reflections

Introduction The American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] (2006) offers a comprehensive overview of the essentials of Doctoral Education for nurses. In particular, the Essential VIII, which is termed “Advanced Nursing Practice,” states that a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program needs to develop the following competencies in its...

Nursing Values: Judie’s Case

Introduction The case of Judie reveals a pressing issue that many nurses may experience in their workplace. The situation when one’s personal and professional values do not align with the strategy of the organization can result in various conflicts and have an adverse effect on the quality of care and...

Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea or Vomiting

Introduction Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) are one of the most feared cancer treatment procedures due to its severe side effects (Cohen, Moor, Eisenberg, Ming, and Hu 497). The treatment is classified as an anticipatory because it is a conditioned response. This means that an individual undergoing CINV is exposed...

Iron Deficiency Anemia Diagnosis and Symptoms

Based on the description of Ms. A’s condition, the patient has the most common type of anemia – iron deficiency anemia, “particularly microcytic anemia, which is characterized by the small number of red blood cells” (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2016, para. 2). It is important to mention that microcytic anemia can...

Nursing Career: Achieving Goals and Objectives

Nursing is not just an occupation, but rather a noble profession, which is exceptionally dynamic. Nurses can work in rehabilitation centers, schools, hospitals, etc. This diversity significantly appealed to my interest, since the career will also enable me to give back fully to the society, that is, directly get in...

Childhood Obesity and Eating Habits in Low-Income Families

Introduction The modern nursing practice deals with health issues that are affecting the majority of the American population. While the past problems included such things as epidemics from bacterial illnesses, nowadays most of them are controlled by medication. Even the most severe cases can be cured in inappropriate conditions. Nowadays,...

Drugs Comparison: Montelukast, Flovent and Albuterol

Although Flovent is considered an effective drug to treat asthma, it is rather expensive, as it is a brand name and does not have a generic alternative. However, there are other drugs used to treat asthma that are cheaper and often sell at discounts. The first alternative for Flovent and...

Nursing Education: Quality, Safety and Systems Thinking

How would you prioritize the competencies in Hunt’s (2012) article? In her article, Hunt (2012) discusses the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies. She emphasizes that those nurses who are taught these six competencies can improve care delivered to clients and improve their health outcomes in this way....

Asthma: Description, Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Introduction: Asthma as the Most Common Chronic Disease in the 21st Century Background Asthma is considered one of the greatest scourges of the 21st century for a reason (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). Despite the fact that it is no longer a death sentence for the patient, it...

Predicting Pressure Ulcers in Critically Ill Patients

Introduction In the article “The challenge of predicting pressure ulcers in critically ill patients: A multicenter cohort study”, Ranzani, Simpson, Japiassú, and Noritomi (2016) focused on the risks of having pressure ulcers that are faced by patients with severe health problems. Professionals underlined that even though these preventable events are...

Postpartum Depression: Methods for the Prevention

Introduction Postpartum depression is a pressing clinical problem that affects new mothers, infants, and other family members. According to O’Hara and McCabe (2013), the estimated prevalence of postpartum depression ranges between 13 and 19 percent. There is a variety of risk factors that can affect the development of postpartum depression...

Mental Health of Patients with Medical Comorbidities

Research suggests that patients with medical comorbidities often fail to articulate the concerns related to their mental health, which tends to make these issues untreated. For instance, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] (2018), approximately 30% of cancer survivors do not share their psychological health problems...

Gastric Cancer Treatment: Research Instrument

Selecting an Existing Instrument for a Study When a researcher selects an existing instrument for application in a study, several major factors must be taken into account. In the first place, preference should be given to instruments that ensure the validity and reliability of the collected data. Furthermore, the results...

Vaccines and Autism Relationship and Debates

The link between vaccination and autism is hotly debated in the media despite the fact that the alleged evidence is definitively disproven by the scientific community. The following paper contains the analysis of two articles, both of which deal with the matter from different perspectives. The first is an anti-vaccine...

Religious Ethics and Health Legislation in Nursing

Spiritual beliefs affecting the health policy reform process Spiritual beliefs and political ideologies are inextricably linked to each other since the former impact the latter. In particular, the majority of people associate certain beliefs with social benefits, prosperity, and other positive phenomena (Ernecoff, Curlin, Buddadhumaruk, & White, 2015). It is...

Prescription Drug Use in the United States

Introduction Prescription drugs are a critical life-saving option for many patients. According to Kantor, Rehm, Haas, Chan, and Giovannucci (2015), the use of prescription drugs in the United States has risen since 2000, and 59% of American adults used one or more prescription drugs in 2012. Moreover, about 15% of...

Stress Migraine in Women After Menopause

Abstract The age of 40 and 60 years is the time when a female organism undergoes several changes. It is usually called menopause and characterized by such symptoms as irregular or no periods, uncontrolled hot flashes, sleep problems, mood and weight changes, and unpredictable headaches. In this paper, the researcher...

Telephone-Based and Online Post-Acute Nursing Care

Literature Review Researchers have invested in studying the effectiveness of telephone-based and online care in monitoring patients’ conditions in post-acute care. For example, McMahon, Fonda, Gomes, Alexis, and Conlin (2012) explored how telephone-based care and online care can improve patients’ adherence to treatment in the context of poorly controlled type...

Miami Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Action Plan

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that population-based communicable illnesses cause significant adverse effects on both state and local levels. Sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS are among the most widespread epidemiological ailments in the United States. However, numerous initiatives aim to decrease STD and HIV incidence, most notably Healthy People...

Cancer Stages, Treatment and Side Effects

Introduction The modern healthcare sector faces numerous challenges that include diverse diseases deteriorating the quality of life of the nation and resulting in the appearance of complex problems among the population. Moreover, the sophistication of these issues increases every year due to the tendency towards the further worsening of the...

Adaptation in Modeling and Role-Modeling Theory

The Concept of Adaptation The modeling and role-modeling (MRM) and the transitions theories have contributed a lot to the development of the nursing profession. These patient-centered models focus on the best approaches that can be used to manage health concerns. One of the outstanding concepts in the modeling and role-modeling...

Elderly Falls Research in Geriatric Nursing

In order to successfully address the issue of injuries associated with the falls among the elderly, a systematic approach needs to be maintained throughout the project. The following paper describes the process of project implementation. The areas covered in the paper are the detailed description of project phases, the allocated...

Cybersecurity Issues of Healthcare Organizations

Introduction The paper aims at analyzing the article describing a potential implementation of unified cybersecurity standards for healthcare organizations. The analysis provides the rationale for choosing the topic, explores the positive influence of suggested changes in nursing practices, identifies potential difficulties and adverse effects of the proposed innovation, and discusses...

Influenza A and Bacterial Meningitis in Miami

Healthy People 2020 Overview The Healthy People 2020 initiative adopted in 2010 embraces a wide range of topics related to health care. The program includes forty-two topics, each of which has specific objectives and goals. Initiated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the program aims at providing...

Pregnancy, Human Development and Heredity

Pregnancy can be defined with respect to time and as a condition. With respect to time, it is the period from conception to childbirth (Hale, Saunders & Margham, 2005). It is vital to understand the physiological concepts that revolve around pregnancy and their implication in human development and heredity. Below...

Use of Telehealth in Healthcare

Introduction When people suffer from high-level chronic illness, which is mostly accompanied by excruciating pain, the notion that medical technology can reinstate their life is incredibly enticing. In recent times, the majority of people have been succumbing to chronic illnesses. However, they are currently entrusting their wellbeing in healthcare institutions,...

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and Treatment

What is the differential diagnosis for this scenario? In the case under discussion, the patient suffers from pain in her pelvis. It is also characterized by post-coital bleeding and some thin gray vaginal discharge. No dysuria, GI symptoms, and defecation problems are reported. Regarding the current complaints of the patient,...

End-Tidal Capnography and Evidence-Based Practice

The end-tidal capnography is used to monitor the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) (Kerslake & Kelly, 2016). No use of capnography can result in adverse situations or severe damage, even death. To ensure that patients’ life is not at risk, medical personnel need to use capnography more often. The equipment...

Asthma, Its Nature and Testing Tools

Asthma in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Demographics Asthma affects a vast number of people, with each population group being nearly as vulnerable to it as the others are. According to the World Health Organization (2016), there are 235,000,000 asthma patients. Therefore, it is crucial to create strategies that could help not only...

Nurse Understaffing Problem and Potential Solutions

Introduction The contemporary health care setting is aimed at providing high-quality care for its patients using the limited resources available for this purpose. However, there exist a number of problems that impair the ability to provide such care. The proposed project will focus on one such issue. The current paper...

Changes in Nursing and Patient Care

Introduction The US healthcare system has experienced huge economic changes in the last few decades. However, there has not been a conclusive and consistent solution to the elementary problem of cost control. The per capita expenses on health increases at about 6% per year, with cost on health care, increasingly...

Heart Disease Patients’ Education

Key Ethical Concerns Promoting the active acquisition of knowledge and skills that are necessary for managing health-related issues is a crucial step toward meeting the needs of patients with heart disease (HDPs). HDPs need to be able to recognize essential risk factors to which they may be exposed and, therefore,...

The Interaction of the Patient With Environment

Student 1 Perspective The adaptive process model is a holistic system that facilitates the constant interaction of the patient with the changing internal and external environment. This model implies the optimum health wellbeing of the patient, adequate quality of life, and death with dignity. Also, it includes the four physiological...

Brigham & Women’s Hospital and Huntsville Hospital

Introduction The present paper considers the missions, visions, and values of two healthcare organizations and discusses the implications of their similarities and differences. The organizations are the Brigham and Women’s Hospital [BWH] (2017) and the Huntsville Hospital [HH] (n.d.). The hospitals’ websites contain detailed information on their missions, visions, and...

Workplace Accidents in Hospitals: Musculoskeletal Injuries

Introduction Nurses are exposed to numerous hazards at the workplace, but some of them can be averted or prevented to a significant extent. Musculoskeletal injuries related to patient handling (MIPH) are among such avoidable dangers. Musculoskeletal Injury Case Zwerdling (2015) describes MIPH as a type of injury that can be...

Electronic Health Records and Plan-Do-Study-Act

Research Literature Support PICOT Question Restated What was the experience and impression of hospital staff such as practitioners, and its effect on the promotion and implementation of best practices to improve health outcomes and improve end-user/staff satisfaction and care efficiency? Observation of Academic Sources The first article under discussion is...

Lesbian and Gay Patients’ Medical Care and Education

Medical Care for a Lesbian Woman A biophysical factor that is described in the situation with a 45-year-old woman determines her sexual relationship with women over the past few years, and she denies the need to get a pap smear. What concerns psychology, such a change in Betty’s sexual orientation...

Pressure Ulcer Management Elements

Introduction The present paper is devoted to a literature review on the following PICOT question; the references used in the paper are summarized in Appendix A. The majority of the articles are systematic reviews, which makes them a good source of synthesized information (Katapodi & Northouse, 2011). PICOT: In long-term...

Stress Reduction in Healthcare Students

Problem and Purpose The critiqued article was authored by Barbosa et al. (2013) who addressed the issue of stress among graduate health care students. The authors clearly state the problem: students experience significant stressors, which is practically important because it can affect their education and further practice. The purpose was...

Family Nurse Practitioner’s Clinical Roles

Introduction The advanced nursing role chosen for this project is that of a family nurse practitioner (FNP). These professionals occupy a crucial place in the sphere of healthcare since they take care of people across their lifespan (“Role and scope,” 2017). FNPs need to be graduate-educated and have a certificate...

School-Based Interventions for Preventing Diseases

The review “School-based interventions for preventing HIV, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy in adolescents,” conducted by a group of researchers in 2016, aims to evaluate the results of school programs for prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), HIV, and unwanted pregnancy in school-aged young adults. The review analyzes eight different...

Music Therapy as an Additional Means of Psychotherapy

Introduction Music therapy is a complementary means in psychotherapy and helps prepare patients for complex therapies and interventions. Music can be used in the course of treatment and rehabilitation of both children and adults suffering from somatic and mental illnesses. Systemic use of music applies to the treatment of physiological...

Dementia Symptoms and Awareness in Nurses

Introduction The present paper discusses a study which intends to improve the awareness of the Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) in nurses and correctional officers working at a correctional institution. Modern research indicates that medical and other personnel tends to demonstrate an insufficient understanding of BPSD and its...

The Advanced Practice Nurse Roles

The nursing field does not include only the direct patient care. There are several specializations that require additional skills apart from the medical knowledge. The nursing specialists include practitioners, educators, administrators, and informaticists. Each of these groups carries out a different task. Nursing practitioners are engaged in the direct patient...

National Institutes of Health: Training Needs

Abstract The paper provides the steps of the training needs analysis that was developed for the National Institutes of Health. These steps are based on the frameworks to assess the needs of learners who are planned to be involved in training programs. The analysis includes the identification of learners, the...

Anxiety and Depression Among Females with Cancer

The article by Burgess, Cornelius, Love, Graham, Richards, and Ramirez (2005) reports the results of a study which investigated the prevalence of and the potential factors of risk for anxiety and depression among females who have the early breast cancer during the first five years after the disease had been...

Nursing Shared Governance and Ethics

Ethics in Shared Governance Shared governance is a system that allows nurses to participate in operations and activities connected not only to individual patients’ well-being but also to the hospital’s structure. In this type of governing structure, nurses have a chance to obtain more information to care for their patients,...

The Issue of Nursing Shortage and Its Consequences

Introduction Proper nursing care is extremely important as it allows us to address the issues that can significantly decrease the quality of life of patients. Nevertheless, there are many important problems connected to the field that can hurt the quality of care and patients’ experiences. Speaking about these problems, it...

McLaren Health Care Facilities and Services

Introduction McLaren Health Care is a network of healthcare facilities that provides the citizens of Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsular with high-quality medical service (“Company overview of McLaren Health Care Corporation,” 2017). It was created in 1981 and is located in Flint, Michigan. The company states its mission as...

Ethics, Policy, and Finance in Healthcare

Medicaid Eligibility Fairness Every state has its conditions for people who want to receive coverage under Medicaid. In Florida, these criteria are established by multiple entities: the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Department of Children and Families (DCF) (“Florida Medicaid,” n.d.). DCF is the source of all regulations for...

Change in Nursing: Costello’s and Mitchell’s Articles

Changing Handoffs: The Shift is On The article by Costello (2010) describes the importance of listening to reports of previous nursing shifts, as this factor’s disregard might have an adverse impact on various healing processes in a hospital. Moreover, unlicensed specialists must adhere to the instructions provided by their team...

Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neurotoxicity: Analysis and Innovation Strategies

Innovation: Description Neurotoxicity is a serious problem affecting both the quality of life of cancer patients and the very possibility of antitumor intervention. A large group of modern highly effective cytostatics, including Cytarabine, induce clinically significant symptoms of neurotoxicity which may require modification of doses, delays in treatment cycles, and...

Pressure Ulcers Incidence and the Braden Scale

Why did the author access the PubMed system and then what for? An online literature search based on the PubMed system was used to gather available evidence about the possibility to reduce pressure ulcer incidence with the help of the Braden Scale risk assessment. In this article, it was necessary...

HIV/AIDS Epidemiology in Miami, Florida

This paper aims at discussing HIV/AIDS as one of the most serious and dangerous health problems in the United States, as well as in the whole world. The evaluation of this epidemiological problem is based on the statistical data gathered from such world-known organizations as the Centers for Disease Control...

Health Issues Among Miami Homeless People

People in Miami, FL Need Urgent Help Miami, FL is an urban community with rather dense population rates. The family houses by which the community infrastructure is represented heavily are mostly well-kept and in good condition, yet the health issues are getting out of hand. Particularly, the problem of homelessness,...

Breast Cancer Screening Promotion

Introduction To effectively implement community health promotion programs, social workers have to acquire some practical skills that are necessary to get people’s attention. What is more, they are to be aware of several theoretical constructs. In the article, Promoting Breast Cancer Screening in Rural, African American Communities: The “Science and...

Work-Related Stress Management in Professional Nurses

A sufficient number of nurses in a healthcare setting presents a factor that positively impacts the effectiveness of healthcare services. With that in mind, modern researchers are expected to pay close attention to the problem of occupational burnout in nurses and other healthcare specialists. More than that, high work-related burnout...

Nursing Medication Errors: Causes and Reporting

The journal chosen for submitting a publication is the Journal of Clinical Nursing, which is an international peer-reviewed source aimed at promoting high standards of nursing practice through evidence-based scientific inquiry. The publication incorporates knowledge and experience from different cultures to ensure the international exchange of ideas. The journal emphasizes...

Patient Care in Quality and Safety Education for Nurses

Patient Center Care as a Competency of Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Although nurses are usually viewed as well-educated and high-skilled professionals, specific quality standards for their practice were reformulated in the context of the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) project in 2007. The focus was on...

Nursing Ethics in Patient Advocacy

Mr. Lilly needed to receive an increased dose of morphine, but his condition made health care professionals doubt whether he was looking for painkillers just to overcome his pain or he wanted to satisfy his addiction. It was also important not to harm his health in this way. The nurse...

Isaac’s Case: Resolution, Positive and Negative Impact

Conflict Resolution Methods in Isaac’s Case As an assistant nurse manager, I will have to do everything possible to investigate the issue with Isaac’s behavior and think of the most efficient solutions. My duties involve taking care of all patients and staff in the unit and making sure that all...

Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory

Introduction The development of nursing theories became active within the latest decades. It is partially due to the rise of nursing as a science. These theories are mainly aimed at specifying, forecasting, and interpreting the phenomenon of nursing. There are some kinds of nursing theories like grand, mid-range, and nursing...

Evidenced-Based Nursing and the Meaningful Use

Why do not we do evidenced-based nursing? Recent researches prove that evidence-based practice significantly improves client outcomes. However, the results of the survey point out that nurses fail to implement evidence-based practices because nursing leaders are considered to have some barriers or show resistance. The fundamental reason for the leaders...

Cancer Risk Factors: Biology Concepts

The development of cancer cells is associated with the halting of the process of cell generation and decay that may be considered one of the basic aspects of the physical health. On the contrary, the cancer cell division is the characteristic feature of the irregularity of the cyclicality within the...

VEGA Medical Center: Detection of Depression

Practice Problem Petrosyan et al. (2017) report a macro-level issue: they state that the detection of depression is currently not very effective, which they attribute to the fact that the clinical guidelines are rarely followed in practice. For example, a needs assessment at the VEGA medical center reports that the...

Respiratory Complications Reduction: Storytelling

Introduction Storytelling is a powerful communication tool that can be applied to ensure an effective change promotion. According to Gill (2011), storytelling has persuasive, motivating, and inspiring effects on employees as it allows them to understand the reason for change through an experience-based narrative that tends to be more compelling...

Patients with Dementia: Communication Techniques

Discussion The article “Pilot testing an educational intervention to improve communication with patients with dementia” states that one-quarter of all patients over 75 years old have a secondary diagnosis of dementia. Also, it states that by the year 2040, the diagnosis is likely to become twice as common. To assist...

Electronic Health Records and Digital Regulations

Nowadays, almost every hospital in the US possesses a certified electronic health records (EHR) system; in particular, in 2014, 97% of them reported to do so (Gold & McLaughlin, 2016, p. 664). Does it imply that the EHR adoption is universal or near universal? Unfortunately, not: the possession of an...

The Problems of Nursing Activism

Introduction The whole healthcare system was created to help and protect people. Social justice is considered as a primary value for healthcare providers and, therefore, for nurses (Drevdahl, 2013). Social activists put their efforts to the system changing and development to make it more community-orientated and fair. It could be...

Malpractice and State Nursing Boards

Elements of malpractice and negligence in reference to nursing practice In general terms, malpractice denotes negligence in the way the medical personnel’s actions (or lack of them) inflict harm on the patient. The damage can be emotional, physical, or financial (Meehan, 2011). Malpractice is commonly associated with medical doctors’ misconduct,...

Bladder Cancer, Its Mortality Trends and Projection

Introduction The key role of epidemiology is to protect public health by providing important information about causes, incidence, and risk factors for a disease. Therefore, it is crucial to explore the recent trends in this field. One of the current events in epidemiology is conducting an analysis of bladder cancer...

Diabetes Interventions for Aging African Americans

Diabetes in Older African Americans Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a disease that affects the quality of life of millions of people worldwide. This condition is characterized by the inability of the body to metabolize glucose that leads to such health problems as frequent urination, fatigue, increased hunger, and...

Philosophical Thought and Its Levels in Nursing

Introduction In medicine, as well as in general philosophy, there are different levels of philosophical thought. Without structure, understanding, and comprehension of various philosophical thoughts would be extremely limited. In this brief summary, we shall go over the four levels of philosophical thought, which are Metaparadigms, Conceptual Models, Theories, and...

HIV and AIDS among African American Women

Abstract Many underserved populations face numerous health problems such as HIV, cancer, poor living conditions, and terminal diseases. HIV treatment compliance among African American women depends on the social support availed by relatives and public health workers. This essay gives a detailed description of HIV/AIDS among African American women. It...

Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory in Nursing

Introduction In the variety of nursing theories, Orem’s theory of self-care deficit occupies a significant place. With its clear-cut objectives and definitions, the theory is easy to understand and implement. In her work, the theorist explains the importance of self-care for patients during and after an illness. The core concepts...

Family Heritage Assessment and Health Traditions

Heritage Assessment Tool Health traditions can be regarded as an integral part of any family. Defining its members’ health behaviors and standards, these traditions are supposed to reducing health threats to which family members are exposed to a minimum. Even though family traditions for maintaining health standards may not align...

Computerized Provider Order Entry and Clinical Decision Support

In his discussion of Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) and Clinical Decision Support (CDS), Dr. Smith demonstrates their importance by considering their advantages in comparison to handwritten orders. For instance, he shows that CPOE has the potential of reducing the time required to communicate order information and the mistakes that...

Leadership Qualities and Attributes of Graduate Level Nurses

Introduction Every person can utilize different tactics and activities in order to become a good leader. There are many styles of leadership, and each one has its advantages and drawbacks. In nursing, the position of a leader can be critical as this profession deals with the sphere of human health,...

Nurses and Their Role in Healthcare

Definition and description of the issue Nurse practitioners play key roles in health care services. Nurses facilitate interprofessional collaboration for medical practitioners. Barriers to nursing practice continue to exist. Many issues are results of physicians’ lack of awareness. Barriers impede the nurse’s ability to produce positive patient care outcomes (Clarin,...

Healthcare Disparities of Impoverished Americans

Introduction The availability of affordable quality healthcare is one of the basic needs that every American should have. The country has made significant progress to ensure that every American, irrespective of the social status or any other demographical classifications, have access to quality healthcare. However, a report by DeLong (2014)...

Door to Balloon Time Reduction: Budgeting Plan

Discussions with the clinical site mentor about the actual performance of an organization have shown that primary angioplasty is much more effective in comparison with thrombolytic therapy when it comes to evaluating STEMI. It was also concluded that short door to balloon times dramatically improve the outcomes of primary angioplasty...

Dietary Laws and Food Products for Health

Dietary Laws Eating habits determine people’s way of life. It is difficult to perceive to what extent regular life is affected by changing the eating style. Waking up one morning and finding oneself keeping kosher dietary laws is a challenge. Although researchers note that “Kosher, Christian, and halal food laws...

Nursing Role and Leadership Styles and Skills

Introduction In health care and nursing, leadership remains one of the most crucial concepts for discussions. It is not enough to organize people or make them believe in developed leadership skills. It is necessary to know what to do even in the most unpredictable and unplanned situations. Sometimes, people are...

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing

Abstract The completion of master’s degrees is a key component in the professional development of nurses (Drennan, 2012). Graduates of master’s degree programs are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for the transition into clinical and educational settings. Nine essentials that outline skills and knowledge possessed by graduates of...

Social Media Platforms and the Nature of Healthcare

Articles Discussion The first article explains how tutors can create videos for different nursing courses. The practice can address multiple needs in the learning process. Videos can be used for pretest studying and pre-class listening (Bristol, 2011). The video can act as a tutor for the learners. Faculties can use...

Kendall Center’s Door-to-Balloon Time Minimization

My practicum project involved the implementation of an evidence-based practice strategy at Kendall Medical Regional Center to reduce the Door to Balloon Time in STEMI Patients. The need for the intervention program was caused by a high DTB time at the facility as reported by patients. The implementation procedure was...

Childhood Vaccination Policy in Florida

The chosen policy issue is childhood vaccination. In Florida, parents can exempt their children from vaccinations due to religious reasons, which leads to a low rate of vaccinations. As a result, only 38 of Florida’s 67 counties have kindergarten vaccination rates above 95% (Florida Department of Health, 2017). Vaccination rate...

India and China Health Care Challenges

Introduction Health care is a crucial component in a country’s effort to attain its desired level of development. Dernberger (1980, p.253) opine that, there is a strong correlation between social and economic development. Paying more emphasis on the economic aspect and neglecting the social aspect of country’s development leads to...

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing

Abstract Master’s education for nursing students is guided by the Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing that also prepare them for the doctoral level, flexible leadership, and changing systems. They determine what is expected from the learners as they accomplish Master’s nursing programs. Introduction Master’s education is critical for future...

Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields: Research Instrument

The Process of Selecting and Locating an Instrument A researcher should consider three factors when choosing an instrument for research: validity, reliability, and comparability with data from other studies (Bastos, Duquia, González-Chica, Mesa, & Bonamigo, 2014). The validity of an instrument is its ability to create results measuring what it...

Assisted Suicide: Humanitarian Escape of Suffering

Individuals who suffer from degenerative, terminal, or painful conditions that deny them the opportunity to lead a healthy life should be granted a right to euthanasia or assisted suicide. Today, there are heated debates regarding the legalization of euthanasia. Ethicists, religious people, and pro-life activists view assisted suicide as unethical...

Mental Health Issues: Incarcerated Adults

Introduction The major goal of epidemiology consists of the promotion of public health through the creation of appropriate programs for high-risk populations (Fletcher, Fletcher, & Fletcher, 2013). Apart from that, the development of measurements for the outcomes of such programs is also a necessity. Indeed, the measurements can be employed...

Heart Failure Patients and Telenursing Intervention

Introduction Telenursing is becoming a more and more popular method of evidence-based care that helps patients and their families to manage health conditions without having to drive long distances to the hospital. Telehealth is employed not only for people living far from healthcare facilities but also for those who need...

Diet Management in Obese Adolescents

Despite the measures taken to improve the quality of nutrition, obesity remains one of the primary areas of concern not only in the U.S. but also on the global scale (World Health Organization, 2015). Seeing that the promotion of healthy lifestyles among the community members and preventing diseases and disorders...

Health Programs for Priority Populations

Health program for children as a priority population Children are a vulnerable population who cannot make health decisions suffer the consequence of parents who are powerless to obtain government-sponsored insurance due to lack of resource connection, language barriers, education, and inadequate support systems leaving millions of children who are eligible...

Behavioral Health Data and Ethical Considerations

Behavioral health (BH) presents several specific issues in the field of information technology ethics (Rinehart-Thompson & Randolph, 2015), the importance of which is highlighted by the fact that people with BH issues can be regarded as a vulnerable population (Joy, Clement, & Sisti, 2016). Because of this factor, the ethical...

Legacy Community Health Service: Communication Audit

Executive Summary This report dwells upon the use of external and internal communication channels at Legacy Community Health Service. It has been found that both types of communication are utilized quite effectively. Employees of our organization also believe that these channels are rather effective and help them address all the...

Reducing Congestive Heart Failure Readmission Rates

Abstract This study is concerned with the rate of readmissions for patients with congestive heart failure (CHF), which happens within 30 days after one’s discharge from the hospital. The author examined whether an intervention of self-care education performed by nurses in the hospital before patients’ discharge could improve the outcomes...

Public Health Threat: Zika Virus

Introduction Zika virus is a relatively new disease in the United States. That is why it should be studied and people should be informed of its symptoms, potential complications, and recommended preventive measures. The motivation for choosing Zika as the subject of the public health paper is the fact that...

Kendall Regional Medical Center Improving Quality

Health is one of the major concerns of every individual. Kendall Regional Medical Center has had to involve other partners to establish and offer the best medical services in the nation. The health center is also collaborating with other competitors by participating in the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers...

Medical Errors Minimization for Patient Safety

Introduction The selected peer-reviewed article is the qualitative research study devoted to the investigation of patient safety and methods aimed to minimize medical error. “Patient safety” by T. B. Welzel was published in the professional journal, Continual Medical Education, in 2012. The paper was located through Academic Search Complete –...

Chronic Fatigue in Diabetes

Subjective and Objective Data The patient might share the additional subjective data regarding the chronic fatigue he is experiencing as well as provide a detailed description of pain intensity. Further, the patient should describe the type of diet he has because cholecystectomy is recorded in his medical history and the...

Advanced Practice Role in Providing the Highest Quality Healthcare Services

Nurse practitioners are clinicians that have received the appropriate license in order to target their medical practice on disease management and prevention. When implementing the role of advanced practice registered nurses, nurse practitioners predominantly specialize by the differentiation of patient population, as, for example, women’s health, pediatric care, or adult...

Ayurvedic Medicine and Its Cultural Value

What I Learned The most interesting element of the film for me was the cultural meaning of Ayurvedic medicine. It is closely tied to the history of Hinduism and has a lot of concepts that date to deep antiquity. The core eight concepts of the traditional Ayurvedic medicine were described...

Medicaid and Medicare Access Barriers

Introduction Medicare and Medicaid insurances were created in 1965 by the Social Security Amendments, which defines their purpose (Rajaram & Bilimoria, 2015, p. 420). Medicare is geared towards making healthcare more accessible to elders (over 65 years old) and the disabled. Medicaid works with the low-income population (Rocco, Gellad, &...

State Strategies: Massachusetts’ Health Reforms

Rationale “In 2006, Massachusetts passed comprehensive health care reform designed to provide near-universal health insurance coverage for state residents” (Keiser Family Foundation, 2012, p. 1). Such a step was needed to promote shared responsibility and react to existing issues of rising costs. The existing Medicaid program that operated at that...

Parkinson’s Disease and Primary Headache Disorder

Parkinson’s disease: recent advances Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been one of the least researched and understood conditions for a long time. Since the 1980s, due to a significant body of new research and a breakthrough in neurology, the scientific understanding of its mechanisms and causes has improved (Ali, 2013). The...

Insomnia, Its Possible Reasons and Treatment

The scenario for this paper presents ST, a 25-year-old male who comes to the clinic with a severe case of insomnia. His medication includes diazepam and alprazolam, and he says that they are helping him to go to sleep. His medical history shows that he was diagnosed with asthma at...

Childhood Obesity and Family’s Responsibility

Topic Summary and Research Questions Topic Description In this paper, the task is to select a topic and develop an academic summary of the offered issue. There are many fields where different topics can be discussed, including education, technology, family, and healthcare. I find the topic of childhood obesity as...

Health Information Systems in Nursing

In nursing, the health information systems (HIS) constitute a system that works to capture, store and manage the patient data with the option of transmitting it from one healthcare provider to another in the process of delivering care (Toromanovic, Hasanovic & Masic, 2010). The purpose of the topic is to...

Psychopharmacology in School Environment

Abstract The paper discusses the problem of academic performance, in the context of stimulant treatment. The idea stems from the suggestion to employ psychopharmacology, at school, as the means of treating low learning progress and ADHD. The argument, which is offered in this work, states that the regular use of...

Antidepressants Are No Better than Placebos

Introduction The following paper provides a response to the article, which is devoted to the issue of antidepressants as opposed to placebo usage. The key issue of the article is that antidepressants do not so much cure as they provide the patients with the knowledge that they are being cured....

Annual Health Exam for an Adolescent Patient

Introduction Annual exams can be utilized to assess the health and well-being of a patient and address any present complaints. Evaluating the state of adolescent health is especially important, as young people go through many changes during this period. Adolescent patients may experience alterations in their body as well as...

Question About Readmission in a Hospital

Introduction The issue of hospital readmissions has been identified as a source of unnecessary Medicare costs; according to Hugh & Ma (2013), costs for readmissions make up over fifteen billion dollars each year. Therefore, studying how readmissions can be eliminated can lead to the reduction of costs that may be...

Nurse Principles Used in Patient Care

Introduction Many different theories explain what principles nurses have to use in their practice when treating patients. Guidelines concern not only physiological manipulations that are essential in a health care practice but also the psychological support that serves as a base for patients’ wellbeing. While most plans regarding physical elements...

American and British Healthcare Systems Comparison

The aim of the paper is to analyze the peculiarities of the US and UK healthcare sectors and compare the way they function. Discussion First of all, it is considered that healthcare is a right but not a privilege in the UK, which means that the access healthcare services provided...

Diabetes Diagnosis and Classification

Introduction Caring about one’s health is the most crucial and rewarding duty of every person. Prevention plays a significant role in the process of keeping oneself healthy. Knowing one’s family health history and being aware of possible health complications makes it easier for an individual to fight dangerous conditions and...

Leadership Mentoring and Nurses’ Motivation

Abstract This paper discovers submission criteria for the International Journal of Nursing Studies and proposes the article The Effect of Leadership Mentoring on Motivation of Nurses: A Mixed Study Approach. It reviews its content according to the publication guidelines and finds that leadership mentoring has an immense impact on motivation....

Fatigue-Related Disorder, Symptoms and Therapy

Possible Problem The symptoms displayed by the patient indicate that the woman suffers from adrenalin fatigue (AF). By definition, the identified disorder occurs when the hypothalamus and the adrenalin glands fail to function properly. The signs and symptoms such as the inability to get up early in the morning, as...

The Postnatal (Postpartum) Depression’ Concept

Introduction Postnatal or postpartum depression (PPD) is a subtype of depression which is experienced by women within the first half a year after giving birth. This state is rather severe since it impacts not only the women’s state of health but also the relationships within the family and the welfare...

Asthma Diagnostics, Care Plan and Patient Education

Subjective The patient states that she has been experiencing shortness of breath while at work. The patient cannot identify the onset of the symptoms but states that she has had them for a few months. The shortness of breath experienced by the patient is usually mild, which allows her to...

Childhood Obesity: Parental Education vs. Medicaments

PICOT: In children suffering from obesity, is the education of parent in a healthy lifestyle for the children compared with medication treatment, increase the outcome and prevention of obesity. Introduction and Background The incidence of overweight and obesity among children has become a global concern that is associated with increased...

Telehealth Implementation: Benefits and Challenges

Officially well-defined, telemedicine is the use of medicinal data traded from one place to another through electronic infrastructures to recover a patient’s medical well-being status. Telemedicine comprises an increasing assortment of apps and services using email, smartphones, wireless connection, and other types of broadcasting technology (Lustig, 2012). Telemedicine is not...

Excess Weight in Children and Education Goals

Patient Education Instructional Goals To come to the solution of the problem of excess weight in children, certain instructional goals should be achieved: Increasing the literacy of children regarding those factors that may affect obesity and the consequences of the problem. Promoting the need to follow appropriate medical practices. Encouraging...

Home Modification and Preventive Home Visits

Preventive Home Visits Home falls are one of the most complex health care issues, and researchers have looked into the most efficient ways of reducing home falls. One of the suggested ways of reducing the reported cases of the home falls in the development of home visit programs. The home...

Evidence-Based Research in Healthcare

Introduction The complexity of tasks modern nurses face in their functioning introduces a significant need for efficient tools that could help them to perform an in-depth investigation of a particular problem and choose the most appropriate model of care delivery. Therefore, the diversity of patients demands and cases stipulates the...

Affordable Care Act and Related Ethical Conflicts

Every major reform has its strengths and weaknesses, particularly when it comes to health care. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare or Trumpcare, was first initiated in 2012. Even though the Act was aimed at improving access to health care for underprivileged populations, it raised several ethical...

Statistical Procedure: Mammography Screening

Clinical Question and Intervention The clinical question for this research covers the following aspects. “In the primary care setting, for women of minorities aged 40-54, how effective is it for providers to initiate a conversation regarding recommended mammography screening versus not initiating conversation in increasing the rate of early detection...

Abortion Clinic Access Policy and Women’s Health

Introduction According to Wheeler (2013), access to abortion services is one of the controversial issues in modern American society. The issue remains emotive and divisive across the country. Rohlinger (2015) says that “since recognizing a woman’s constitutional right to abortion in Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court has in...

Family Nurse Practitioner: Requirements and Responsibilities

Education requirements Every representative of the nursing profession has certain educational requirements. It seems significant to highlight educational requirements for family nurse practitioners. It is worth pointing out that family nurse practitioners are responsible for undergoing the programs that are directed to the improvement of the essential skills and abilities...

Organ Trafficking Statistics and Patient Education

Introduction Organ trafficking is a problem that has been overlooked for decades, which led to the worsening of the situation. Kidneys and the liver are the two most commonly traded organs; the trading is differentiated into three categories that describe the nature of cases. The first category of illegal trade...

Readmission Rates Study’s Variables and Instrument

Extraneous Variables Considering that the proposed study is aimed at defining the factors that may influence readmission rates of patients with congestive heart failure, the extraneous variables to be used in the study can be presented by the consumption of fats and sugar by the participants of experiments. To exclude...

Childhood Obesity and Healthy Lifestyle Education

Introduction Obesity is a consequence of modern lifestyle. It occurs when the energy intake in the body exceeds its expenditure. Obesity is commonly measured via body mass index (BMI). The reasons for excessive body fat are diverse and depend on the nature of food and nutrition, slow metabolism, as well...