Guns, Germs, and Steel Book by Jared Diamond

In the book Guns, Germs, and Steel, written by Jared Diamond, the author discusses the factors that he believes helped certain civilizations succeed. Diamond believes that certain factors allowed European civilizations to develop faster than others. Among these factors were their geography, location along an East and West axis, and...

Battle of Long Island Impact on America’s Independent

The Battle of Long Island is one of the first battles of the American War of Independence. It took place on August 27, 1776, when British forces under William Howe confronted the American forces of Israel Putnam (Rust). The conflict resulted from a blockaded British army on the Boston Peninsula...

Modern Society’s Approach toward the Pursuit of Happiness

The term “pursuit of happiness” can be found in the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America. This statement relates to the freedom to participate in any activity that offers one joy. The activity in question does not violate other people’s rights or the law. The pursuit of...

The Separate But Equal Education and Racial Segregation

Racial segregation was common in the U.S. in the previous century. For instance, a “separate but equal” doctrine implied the provision of separate facilities of the same quality for people of color. In 1947, the Coordinating Board of Texas Colledge and University System established a new, separate university (Texas College...

Jamestown Area History Analysis

The Geographic Features The area around Jamestown had fertile soil and adequate water supplies in order to maintain reasonable harvests. This was utilized in the growing of tobacco plants. Similarly, further out, timber and iron could be found and used. These geographic locations and natural resources were instrumental in allowing...

Andrew Jackson: The President of the Common Men

Andrew Jackson represented the new generation of the political leadership of the United States. His presidency is a period known as the Jacksonian Era, also called the Era of The Common Man. Despite that, Jackson made many opponents representing the rise of the lower class. The election of Andrew Jackson...

The Early Republic and the American Civil War

The United States of America was founded as a republic, defined as a government in which the people hold sovereignty over the government and rule through elected representatives. During the first few decades of the country’s existence, the people of the United States were united in their support of republican...

The Chinese and Russian Revolutions

Russia and China have undergone significant amendments during the 19th and 20th centuries caused by political riots. Both states have experienced a series of revolts, leading to major changes in the ruling system and the deaths of multiple civilians fighting for their rights. Although the seizure of power and the...

The Vikings During the Medieval Period

The Vikings constitute a group of people that lived in the northern region of Europe during the Medieval Era (800 until 1066 CE). Initially, they settled in the Scandinavian countries of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. They practiced raiding, colonization, conquering and trading across Europe and North America. The Vikings often...

Discussion: Rights in the United States

Summary The struggle to promote and ensure the wellbeing of citizens has been continuously shifting with each decade, culminating in the present rights and freedoms the US population enjoys today. However, there have been many instances in the US history when people’s ability to enjoy their basic opportunities. A number...

Environment, Economy and Society in World History

Our planet’s environment and ecosystems may have shaped human development and society, but humans have transformed the planet in the pre-modern world. The study of pre-modern human-nature interactions provides insight into how human perceptions of the environment have changed. We seek to understand and learn how society and its relationship...

Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama Comparison

Between Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama, President Obama was the most successful both on domestic and international fronts. Healthcare is one of the most important metrics of success. Obama oversaw the biggest reforms in healthcare by presiding over the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA expanded Medicare...

Women’s Rights in the Ottoman Empire

Introduction The topic of women’s rights prior to the 20th century has been a very concerning one, requiring a significant amount of nuance and context. Certainly, a part of that topic is misrepresented by specific stereotypes. The Ottoman Empire has been perceived by many as a very constricting location, however,...

The Significance of the Civil War

The Civil War was a key and defining moment in U.S. history. The results of the war were far more significant than a straightforward Union victory. It affected the moral, political, and social fabric of the United States. These changes impacted every citizen of the country and impacted society throughout...

Causes of the Sectional Crisis in USA

The integration of the new territories represented not only a benefit to the United States but also a source of many challenges. The imbalance that emerged between North and South, supporters and opponents of slavery, led to a severe crisis that was never fully resolved before the Civil War. Thus,...

Contiones Before and After Cicero

The only public meetings where Roman politicians might give a speech in front of the people were the Contiones. An office bearer with potestas – a consul, praetor, censor, aedile, quaestor, decemvir, dictator, or plebeian tribune — summoned a contio. The speaker had the authority to invite the speakers and...

The United States in 1968 vs. 2020-2021

Summary At first glance, it is not easy to imagine that the events of 2020-2022 parallel past events. However, it can argue that 1968 was on a par with the mentioned period in many respects. The similarity is expressed in such phenomena as the epidemic, political prostheses, and presidential elections...

French Revolutionary Terror and Political Weakness

Introduction It is important to note that the French Revolution was an event of historical significance that shifted the course of humanity. It is undeniable that it marked a major change and transition in the power distribution from monarchies and aristocracies to the common folk. However, the revolution also had...

Urban Slums in the 1890s in New York

Introduction America has changed a lot in the last hundred years, reaching its maximum urban development. Interestingly, until 1870 such modern metropolitan areas as Chicago and New York were small towns with a population of no more than 60 thousand people (Betz et al., 2018). With the arrival of millions...

American Family From Colonial Times to Modern Day

Introduction America’s family cultural history changed from the colonial period to the modern day to represent the prevailing values every day. Rather than being a unified unit, the family institution has been in continuous transition. Throughout America’s history, it has become clear that the only constants for families have been...

The Era of Reconstruction in the United States

The American Civil War is considered to have ended when Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his last troops at Appomattox Court House in Virginia in 1865. This is deemed common knowledge; however, it seems that not enough attention is paid to the times that followed immediately after, the tumultuous...

Individual’s Role in the American Revolution

The Founding Fathers are featured prominently in most accounts of the American Revolution. The Revolution, on the other hand, began as a popular revolt in the 13 British colonies, affecting not only future historical events and international order but also the lives of a number of people, each with their...

The Age of Exploration and the European Conquest

Reflection In order to embrace the full extent of the changes that have transpired over the course of the known history of humankind, an array of concepts needs to be incorporated into the analysis. Throughout this course, a plethora of critical concepts has been studied. However, among the core ones...

Contexts in the Historical Narratives Interpretation

The brainstorming process I used when identifying the bias in the primary sources included asking questions about the pertinent issues that could affect the articles’ credibility, objectivity, and trustworthiness. In particular, the strategies of asking open-ended questions such as “Where and when was the source created?” “What historical context surrounded...

The US History, Markets, Geography, and Gender Politics

The United States prides itself on being a superpower, economic giant, a hub for immigrants, and a democratic nation that acknowledges human rights for all. There are several historical developments that collectively led to the formation of such a great country. Particularly, the progress of the United States can be...

Tahtib: Egyptian Sports and Military Game

Ancient Egyptians sometimes played entertaining games to prepare for warfare or conduct war. It was common for Egyptians to participate in a wide range of sports, such as jogging and jumping and traditional activities like archery or wrestling. “Shooting the Rapids” was one of the ancient Egyptian games (Fadel, 2020)....

American Independent and Revolution History

The “Second American Revolution” The 1812 war was a turning point for the United States since it provided an opportunity for the young nation to gain its second independence from the British. From what caused the war, it was clear the British were interfering with America’s affairs with France. Britain...

Systemic Racism in the US: Systemic Racism and America Today

Discrimination in the US is an issue that has been dealt with for decades; however, there are no signs of it ending. Although personal discrimination cannot be eliminated, systemic discrimination can be stopped with adequate efforts. Every American citizen requires an equal opportunity when it comes to utilizing the US...

Decline of Christianity in Europe After 1675

One of the reasons for the decline of Christianity after 1675 can be seen as the consequences of the Protestant Reformation. The enormous power to govern people’s lives and the concentration of control in the church could not help but arouse discontent among the congregation. People found it no longer...

The Perceptions of Race in America

In the US, racism stands out as a sophisticated dilemma that has affected the country for many centuries. Cultural and Racial biases have been in existence for long periods. The biases are witnessed in almost all sectors of our societies. They are witnessed in our schools, our justice system, and...

Colonialism and Its Diverse Structures

Introduction Colonialism profoundly impacted the societies that were subsequently colonized by foreign powers. This is because colonization resulted in the development of somewhat distinct communities, depending on their location. For example, colonialism left behind various institutional legacies in different regions. Consequently, these regions saw radically different economic impacts and social...

The Features and Peculiarities of the State of Kentucky in 1784

The discovery and the first settlements of the territory of the United States opened a wide range of new possibilities for people across the country back in the 18th century. The nature, native inhabitants, plants, and weather conditions presented aspects for developing convenient life for settlers. People were trying to...

Patriots in the American Colonial Society

The colonial era in early American history is known for the two groups of individuals in terms of their political views, patriots, and loyalists. The latter were people who supported the idea of remaining as a part of the British Empire (Leaverton 2021). On the other hand, the former was...

The Sectional Crisis That Culminated in the Civil War

Sectional crisis refers to the division between the free North and the slave-owning South in nineteenth-century America. This split had formed distinct cultural identities between the South and the North, ultimately leading to the United States Civil War in 1861. Therefore, it was a significant turning point in American history....

Patrice Lumumba and Imperialism in Congo

Patrice Lumumba’s life was not easy, but it definitely had a purpose and meaning. In 1925, Patrice Lumumba was born in the family of a Congolese peasant from the oppressed Batetela people (Muneeb, 2019). Most of the African leaders were taken under control by the colonizers very early, trained and...

Andrew Johnson and the Battle Over Reconstruction

After the Civil War, the North was determined to help rebuild the South, leading to a period of Reconstruction in 1865-1877. During this period, states that had seceded from the Confederacy were put under the control of the federal government before being readmitted to the Union. Abraham Lincoln and, later,...

Complications of Studying & Writing About World History

Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, and Steel. W. W. Norton & Company, 1999. The main idea with which Diamond begins his global explanation of the difficulty of studying human history is as follows. People and human collectives are living systems that exist among other living systems and are subject to the...

Samuel Tilden in the Controversial 1876 Election

After the Civil War, a period of political instability began in the United States. The country faced the task of restoring relations between the federal government and southern states, and this political process was called Reconstruction (Conlin, 2013). By the 1876 election, the population was significantly tired of Reconstruction and...

English Reformation and Its Consequences

The great Protestant Reformation took place in Europe from approximately 1517 to either 1555 with the Peace of Augsburg or 1648 with the signing of the Treaty of Westphalia1. There were many movements that were sparked due to Martin Luther nailing his Ninety-five Theses to the door of the church...

The Great Fire of Chicago Causes Analysis

Background The Great Fire of Chicago of 1871 has been one of the highly debatable issues in the history of the United States. The exact cause leading to the spread of the Great Fire of Chicago and the aftermath of the conflagration remains a critical topic of research for the...

The Early American Colonization

Modern America is regarded as a nation of opportunity and wealth. This was also true for Europeans throughout the early days of the New World. In order to achieve dominance in Europe, the expanding powers sought for land in America. Because it was so far away from Europe that direct...

Primary Sources on Brutality of Native Populations

Introduction Throughout the nineteenth century, Europeans occupied a significant part of the world and interjected in local political, cultural, and religious matters to the point of a complete change in direction. This abuse of power was justified by media that depicted local communities on the occupied territories as inferior and...

American Industrial Revolution

The American Industrial Revolution occurred between 1820 and 1870 and characterized with a rapid growth of industries. The mechanization of agricultural and textile manufacture, as well as a power revolution involving steamships and railroads, influenced social, cultural, and economic situations during this time. Most Americans were living as farmers and...

Aspects of Life in Industrial America

The dawn of industrialized America created a diverse and distinct landscape of today’s American society. The most impressive thing for me when learning about this period was the story of George Washington Plunkitt, who was a ward heeler. He was a part of the efforts to have the policies of...

The Uncivil Historical Podcast Analysis

Introduction The study of history is of particular value in many aspects. Hence, first of all, it gives a profound understanding of what society was like in the past and what motivated it. Moreover, studying the experience of the past years can provide valuable insight into how best to solve...

Jim Crow Disfranchisement of Southern Blacks

The first step toward racial equality in America was signified by the Thirteenth Amendment, which in theory should have abolished slavery in 1865. Nevertheless, racial oppression was still relevant in many states, specifically in the South. Several laws – which were later named Jim Crow laws – in the 1870s...

The US History and Its Five Critical Moments

Introduction The American Dream is an ideal that has been a part of the nation since its founding. It is the belief that anyone, regardless of their background in life, can succeed through hard work and determination. From the end of the Civil War to the present day, the nation...

The Houston Riot 1917 from Primary Sources

During the time of the mutiny of African American Troops in 1917, racism prevailed significantly in the US. People of color were against racist government officers and systems, while the whites wanted to preserve their supremacy. This led to the outbreak of many rebellions in the US, including one in...

New Perspective on the Enslavement of Native Americans

Enslavement history is one of the crucial and most studied problems of the United States. However, the issue of enslavement of indigenous people is less discussed; many citizens do not equate the conditions of enslaved Indians with enslaved Africans. Andres Resendez expands on the topic in the book The Other...

The Causes of the Civil War in America

Introduction The Civil War pitted the Union Forces against the Confederation Congress, and it was the USA’s darkest and most controversial struggle. The conflict killed at least 620,000 citizens, afflicted countless others, and left the Confederacy in devastation. Slavery was a major political concern in the United States during the...

What Was Reconstruction, and How Did it Come to an End?

Ways of returning the rebellious states to the Union were discussed before the end of the Civil War. It was to determine the future of the states themselves, the fate of the fighters against the federal government, and the situation of the freed slaves. President Lincoln, a supporter of the...

The Legacy of the Gettysburg Address

Introduction Abraham Lincoln delivered his most famous speech as president on November 19, 1863, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. This speech, delivered at Union Cemetery after the Battle of Gettysburg, was intended to help mourn the troops who perished, but it accomplished far more. One of the most important speeches delivered during...

Jews Under Muslim and Christian Rule

Introduction Not having their state, the Jews were forced to emigrate and live in various countries under the rule of different nations and religions. Everywhere they were perceived as strangers, they were subjected to additional taxes and legally infringed on their rights. However, the attitude toward Jews differed in various...

History Uses and Abuses in Canada

Introduction Rendering to MacMillan (2010), history is useful when used properly to make wise decisions beneficial to humankind. The past is unpredictable enough to back up any position, no matter how dubious (MacMillan, 2010). Contrary to the use of history, some people sometimes misinterpret the history of the past through...

The East India Company: Nature and Character of Revolt

The East India Company had already conquered large swaths of India in the first half of the 19th century, but it still had two goals which were to maintain its conquests and to profit from the commerce. The Company’s disloyalty and greed had no bounds in achieving these goals. Many...

The “Global Powers” and the World Order

Introduction The history of the development of the world order includes the rise and fall of states and forms of government. Significant events such as wars and revolutions affect individual countries. In most cases, the war negatively affects the state; however, sometimes, it may become the foundation for future development....

The Haitian Revolution and Slavery

The history of slavery is filled with tragedy, sadness, and grievance. Independently on the place of its occurrence, slavery always brought the same consequences. While the enslaved nation craved liberty and justice, their slavers put a great effort into maintaining the usual order. The history of the Haitian revolution is...

Mound Cultures of North America

The mound cultures of North America were communities that were oriented toward building a specific type of house to shelter themselves and their supplies. The construction of the mounds as part of ceremonies and sacred events included the burial of a chief or significant person. They were usually pyramid-shaped funerary...

The Cold War Times and Economics

Capitalism was set against communist ideology. Karl Marx’s conceptions of communism affected practically all of the world’s labor classes. Although communism rightly identified the capitalist platform’s profiteering at the expense of the public and exploitation of workers, communism itself had several shortcomings. It missed the network of economic impulses, and...

“West European Jewry 1940–1944” by Bauer

Subject and Thesis Statement This chapter is devoted to the situation of Jewry in Western Europe during the Second World War. The main subject is the consideration of how the attitude towards the Jewish population in European countries was formed under the influence of Nazi policy. From the author’s point...

Unemployment After the US Industrial Revolution

The thing that made me “wow” in this class was the topic of industrialization. More precisely, the fact that although industrialization was the economic forcing factor, it also left many Americans unemployed was interesting to me. According to Locke and Wright (2019), economic progress, technical innovation, social and cultural evolution,...

The Declaration, The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights

Thomas Jefferson drew on Virginia’s Declaration of Rights for the Declaration of Independence first lines. The Virginia Constitutional Amendment accepted it after it was drafted by George Mason. The Declaration of Independence was written to justify seceding from a state; the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written to create...

Changes in Practices of Warfare Since World War II

Reduced Number of Wars The most important and striking trend in the change in the practice of warfare in the world is that the number of armed conflicts has significantly decreased. The most famous confrontation of the twentieth century after the Second World War is the Cold War, the essence...

US Military Interventions Between 1918 and 1962

Introduction It is important to note that interference is a military intervention by one or more states upon the sovereign rights of another state as a subject of international law. It is also identified with intervention in the internal competence of states. However, the purpose of conducting military operations may...

The Gilded Age in the United States’ History

Introduction Each stage of economic history has its peculiarities since, at different times, people have other problems that change the economy in one direction or another. There was such a stage as the Golden Age, which at first glance was remarkable, but corruption prevailed in the political system, which hindered...

The Role of Women in Ancient Greece

The position of women in classical Greece, at first glance, seems marked by contradictions and paradoxes: powerful goddesses inhabit the Olympus of the polis, in which mortal women do not enjoy political rights. This phenomenon was a popular subject of studies by philosophers. One should mention the texts transmitted by...

Zionism Issues in Israel and Palestine Conflict

Zionism is a nationalist movement advocating for regaining residence of the Jewish state within the territories of Palestine, Canaan, and the Holy Land of Jewish through connection and attachment to the land. Zionism pushed on the agenda of establishing a state that could make the Jews liberated from discrimination, humiliations,...

Analysis of Genghis Khan’s Tactics

The Mongols were typical nomads; the only work they knew was that of a watchman, a shepherd of countless herds that moved across the Asian expanse from north to south and back, depending on the seasons. The riches of the nomad are all with him, all in reality: these are...

Freedpeople in the US and Around the Globe by 1877

The condition of people who were in a state of slavery could be characterized as people unable to benefit from the results of their labor. Furthermore, such work is not done with their consent – they are deprived of the right to refuse to work (Foner 565). On the other...

The Reformation Consequences for Europe and America

The history of humanity is characterized by many historical periods which significantly influenced the path of development. These include wars, revolutions, upheavals, death or rise to power of new persons, and reforms. The latter includes significant changes that have occurred due to the policies and efforts of one or more...

Analysis of Alfred Milner’s Telegram to Joseph Chamberlain

Introduction The telegram written by the High Commissioner Alfred Milner to Mr. Joseph Chamberlain on May 5, 1899, provides a vital insight into the political and social environment of South Africa, as understood by Alfred Milner. Being under British rule, South Africa required consistent management, and the issues regarding the...

Rosa’s Parks Influence on American History

Rosa Parks is an important figure in the American history of the development of the society of the United States of America. The woman gained fame thanks to her activities to combat racial segregation. Therefore, she became the initiator for the appearance of a bus boycott in Montgomery. This was...

Pre-Colonial East Asia and Its Economic Bond

Despite a wide range of unique factors and challenges of diverse natures, East Asia was significantly economically connected to the remote states and the rest of the world in the pre-colonial era. The primary economic connection was conditioned by greatly developed transcontinental trade routes that tied prosperous and advanced states...

The 1960s and America’s Role in the World

Introduction The 1960s was a highly influential and unstable period in America’s history. It is the time of the civil rights movement and the Vietnam war, both of which have left an undeniable impression not only on American society but the whole world. The aftereffects of these events still have...

The American Civil Rights Movement in US History

The civil rights movement was a four-century legacy in American history that resulted in the end of racism, slavery, and white supremacy. The discrimination associated with white supremacy was central in the political, economic, and social development in the United States. The African-American search of civil liberties was encouraged by...

Coups in Latin America: The Role of the US

Counter-Narratives The Mexican Revolution was a milestone on the way to the formation of statehood in the country and the movement toward social reforms designed to improve citizens’ standard of living. However, despite the dominant view that the events of the early 20th century had exclusively positive effects, this can...

Conquest of Mexico and Yucatan: Fundamentals and Features

Introduction Central and South America became the site of a turning point in a large-scale battle, after which the local tribes came under the control of the Spaniards. In general, it can be conditionally divided into two main campaigns, namely the campaign against Mexico and the Yucatan. As a result...

The Flapper Lifestyle During the Roaring Twenties

The flapper lifestyle is indeed unique in a certain sense; if I were to define these women, I would call them a phenomenon contradictory in their phenomenal contradictoriness. It may sound confusing, but that is precisely the feeling flappers invoke in other people. I admit the existence of this phenomenon...

The Brook Ship Photograph Analysis

In 1781 the English Brook was launched for the first time. It was used to transport enslaved Africans, and conditions were harsh. The first diagram of the ship did not appear until a few years later and was written by William Elford. At around the same time, the image appeared...

Was the Industrial Revolution Positive for Society?

To begin with, it is necessary to consider the positive consequences of the industrial revolution in the economic sphere. Firstly, the quality has improved, the volume has increased, and the cost of production has decreased, since machines work more accurately than a person, without making any mistakes. Secondly, the prices...

African American Civil Rights Movement

Until the mid-1960s black servicemen did not have the right to engage in command positions. Their brave participation on the battlefield was poorly explained by the personal initiative or a desperate financial statement. The mass attraction of African American soldiers to participate in hostilities was obtained during the American intervention...

Civil Rights Activists Luther King and Malcolm X

The 1960s brought enormous cultural and social change to the United States. The civil rights movement rose to prominence as the call for equality grew stronger in American society. Black activists joined the fight and began an active push for desegregation. The new generation, primarily represented by the student movement,...

French and Haitian Revolutions Comparison

The issue of freedom is central in all the events happening during Haitians’ fights for their independence. It is hard to disagree that French and Haitians perceived freedom variously. French people used double standards regarding the right legislation of their enslaved colony. Talking about freedom, each side had various opinions...

Las Pachucas During World War II

Introduction As a pivot point in the history, World War II led to significant social changes and the destruction of old formations with a subsequent creation of new ones. This tendency may be traced on the example of Pachucas, Mexican American women whose fight for freedom against patriarchal stereotypes was...

Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott

The name of Rosa Parks will be forever engraved into American history for her crucial contribution to the launch of a mass civil rights movement. On December 1, 1955 she started the Montgomery Bus Boycott by refusing to give up her bus seat to a white man. Despite of being...

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Future Struggle

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is a landmark federal statute prohibiting racial voting discrimination in the United States. During the height of the civil rights movement, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed it into law on August 6th, 1965, and Congress changed it five times to reinforce its protections (“VOTING...

Wind of Change: African Nationalists’ Challenges

The Wind of Change, which is the abstract name of the movement for independence throughout the African continent in the 1960s, is one of the most influential events in African history. This is because, after a long time of colonialism on this continent, the nations earned a chance to build...

Podcast on Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin’s Works and Beliefs

Introduction This essay critically reviews the ‘S22/03 Dorothy Hodgkin’ podcast from BBC’s Our Times series—in which Melvyn Bragg and contributors analyze Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin’s (1910-1994) works and beliefs. The critical podcast review addresses the important historical lessons acquired, the exceptional characteristics of Hodgkin’s work and life, teachings about the era...

The History of Marginalized Groups in the United States

Within the framework of American history, the perception of the development of the country and civilization is presented exclusively from the perspective of White Americans themselves, ignoring other groups. The author emphasizes that the history of America is told “from the standpoint of the conquerors and leaders of Western civilization”...

The Revolutions of 1848: Historical Overview

Beginning in Sicily and expanding to France, Germany, Italy, and the Austrian Empire. The 1848 Revolutions were a series of republican uprisings against the European monarchy. They all ultimately failed and repression, with liberals becoming increasingly disillusioned. However, this historical period involves several important events, personalities, and countries, allowing for...

Underdeveloping Reasons of Africa, Asia and Latin America

Introduction Two of the most critical contemporary global development concerns are poverty and globalization. Despite the vast possibilities of globalization to accelerate economic growth through increased international economic integration, its influence on reducing poverty levels has been inconsistent and even minimal in some countries. In many places in developing countries,...

Cuisine and Agriculture of Ancient Greece

Introduction There are many reasons for modern students to investigate the development of cuisine and agriculture in Ancient Greece. First, the examination of the landscape and opportunities shows how ancient people contributed to their prosperity, addressing available resources and knowledge. Second, the interests of the citizens affected the choice of...

Jane Addams’ History of Activities

The history of Jane Addams’ activities in this module seemed particularly interesting. This is due to the fact that my research paper focuses on the study of the activities of women politicians; hence the story of Jane is of particular curiosity. Her contribution to the development of social homes for...

Mexican American Nationalists Call for a Separate Republic in the Southwest

The following document is a call for a separate republic to Texan Mexicans. At the time, they were experiencing violence and crimes committed by the Texas Rangers. The message was typed and features printed signatures of two people: the First Chief of Staff Luis de la Rosa and the Second...

The United States’ Loss in the Vietnam War

The Vietnamese War escalated in 1969 after Kissinger and Nixon agreed on an important strategic decision. It was determined that the most viable way to alter the military balance in favor of South Vietnam was through the destruction of bases in Laos and Cambodia1. The US military held the notion...

United States Progressive Era

The Progressive Era in the United States was a period known for industrial and political changes that took place from the 1890s until the 1920s. This era marked a rise in suffrage and improvement in women’s rights, leading to the Nineteenth Amendment, which was passed in 1919 and gave women...

The US History: Impactful Events of the 60’s

US Involvement in Vietnam The Vietnam War has a rather severe significance for the history of the United States of America. The study of the causes and factors that led to the involvement of the United States in this military conflict is of practical importance. Therefore, this event, which awakened...

American Social Activism During the Mid-1960s

Social activism and various movements play an essential role in shaping regional and global policies, moral values, and culture. For example, the Black Lives Matter movement united people of color worldwide, showing that the issues of racism and ethnic discrimination are not resolved yet. If I were to go back...

Ancient River Valley Civilizations

Ahmed, Abdelkader T., Farima El Gohary, Vasileios A. Tzanakakis, and Andreas N. Angelakis. 2020. “Egyptian and Greek Water Cultures and Hydro-Technologies in Ancient Times.” Sustainability 12 (22): 1-26. This scholarly and peer-reviewed article focuses on a historical topic and comments on what hydro-technologies existed in Ancient Egypt. The authors admit...

Biography of Joan of Arc: The Radical

Joan of Arc was born in the early 1400s when her country of France was at war with England. She came from a modest background, but her radical nature is seen through her belief that it was her divine calling from God to lead the French army to victory against...

How Racelessness Can Lead to the Success of African Americans

Introduction I am 19 years old. As a native Egyptian, I was born in Egypt and represented Egyptian nationality. Like other Egyptians, I am frequently helpful and courteous, especially to travelers, as my homeland is one of the most important tourist destinations in the world. This nation has so many...

Influence of Anne Frank’s Diary on Dutch and World Society

Biography of Anne Frank Anne Frank was a diarist who was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, in 1929. Before she died in Bergen-Belsen in 1945, she was able to maintain a two-year-long diary reflecting on her life under Nazi occupation in Amsterdam that has influenced literature since its first...

The Black Death: Impact on European Society

By the beginning of the epidemic of the Black Death in 1346, Europe was considered overpopulated, and the standard of living was rapidly falling. The inhabitants suffered from wars, famine, disease, and poverty. Poor sanitary conditions combined with the lack of space in houses led to the rise in illnesses....

The Cold War: Contemporary European History

The Cold War was a unique phenomenon that represented a fundamental political conflict on a global level. Researchers define the cold war as the state of extreme hostility between two states, with the extent of the confrontation bordering the state of war yet not reaching it fully (Bouwman 2). However,...

Las Pachuchas: Fight for Freedom

DeLong, C. (2020). The politics of aesthetics: Las Pachucas and the zoot suit.  The source provides an insight into Las Pachuchas’ style preferences and clothing choices. Some prominent subtopics are the origins of their mode of self-expression and a preference for suits, their clothes’ symbolic meanings, and media coverage. The...

American History in the Entirety of Trump’s Speech

The United States prides itself on being a multi-ethnic country and a host country to people of many races and originating from various backgrounds. However, there have been persistent socio-economic inequalities among the citizens. Thus, in his inaugural speech, President Donald Trump recognized the need to recreate a greater America...

Why Did Africana Studies Emerge in the 1960s?

The late 1960s became iconic year for the emergence and development of Black Studies. The disciplines that illustrate the cruel and challenging history of people full of bravery and tension enhanced to be a part of the American higher education. Black Studies immersed in schools, colleges, universities, and more, and...

Discussion: Omer Bartov’s Hitler’s Army

Omer Bartov is a distinguished professor of history whose works on various books are appreciated globally. He has written many articles and books, the most popular being his extensive studies concerning the German Nazi Army atrocities committed in World War II. In this regard, his opinion is mainly based on...

Industrial Revolution and International Affairs

Introduction Industrial Revolution presents one of the most important events in human history, which determined the future of society’s way of living. However, its’ positive aspects in an increased number of workplaces and higher salaries had multiple negative consequences on the society and economy. This essay will explore how the...

The Cold War: Cultural Changes

The Cold war between the United States and the communists emerged after World War II. It was associated with ideological, economic, military, and political confrontations (Wang, Xiaojue 1154). Massive cultural changes marked the post-Cold war period. The fall of the Soviet Union led to new social relations that facilitated the...

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle about William I

According to the chronicler, William was an excellent ruler because he maintained order and respected God, among other things. William acquired a reputation as a ruthless warrior due to his many victories in battle. With the aid of an invading army, William sailed from Normandy, beat Harold at the Battle...

The First World War and Irish Nationalism

The First World War is not only a negative period for a large number of states but also a catalyst for certain conflicts. In particular, the nationalist mood of the society intensified in Ireland. Among other things, many facts and events of the war could be interpreted in different ways,...

“The Secret History” Book by Procopius

Procopius has written “The Secret History,” which is a text about the Roman emperor Justinian. This document appears meant to be private and not seen by the general public. It contains some of the personal details of the emperor and his wife’s life, which implies that this history was not...

Reasons Behind the American Revolution

The American Revolutionary War, also referred to as the American War of Independence, was a war from 1775 to 1783 between Britain and its colonies established in North America. In many ways, it changed the world’s balance of power and defined the course of future history. This war can be...

The West Colonialist Agenda: East’s Resistances

Colonialism is the process in which a powerful nation exerts partial or complete control of both the political and economic elements of another nation. Powerful nations’ colonizing comparatively weaker nations, aim to get insight into the latter’s rich economic resources and take advantage of the same. Globally, colonies have been...

The Ancient Contiones in the Roman Republic

Contiones referred to the assemblies in which influential legislators debated and presented their views to the people of Rome on policies proposed by the People’s Assembly and aspirants for public offices. Contiones took many forms, including legislative, electoral, and judicial. Even though Contiones never addressed many issues affecting the general...

Characteristic of World History in 1500 CE

Introduction The cultures, politics, cults, and commercial development of corporations and civilizations all across the world are discussed in this review of world history from 1500 CE. According to Bulliet et al., “the earliest complex societies arose in the great river valleys of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Pakistan, and northern China” (3)....

The New York Draft Riots During the Civil War

Summary The city of New York was likened to a small, blazing forest fire during the American Civil War, representing a tremendous threat to the city and the Union. During that period, the city was perpetually in turmoil over many topics, including politics, class, race, and the availability of work...

World War II and Communism Impact on the US

Over the decades, the central economic policy that contributed to the significant growth index in America has been capitalism. The approach enshrines the personal ownership of property and wealth hence imposing the importance of business competition for optimal profitability margin (Johnson, 1997). The concept rendered a proficient effect to the...

Historical Violence Against People of African Descent in the US

Introduction The history of black people in the United States is rooted in unmatched violence right from their shipping, slavery, and racial policy. Even after the Civil Rights Movement (CRM), people of African descent continue to witness several forms of injustice. The most recent issue is the problem of police...

The Historical Websites’ Brief Analysis

Source 1: Archives Hub JISC. “Archives Hub.” Web. Archives Hub is a website that provides readers with historical research on the topics they need. It is the archive of books, articles, and primary online sources. The website has a convenient search that allows students to find information using tag words....

The Anti-Black Race Riot as a Civil Rights Issue

In the given scenario about the anti-black race riot, I selected the role of a member of the NAACP. My further discussion will be from that person’s point of view. I am a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). I attended a local meeting...

Scientific Approaches to Medical History in Former British Colonies

Introduction The article’s purpose is to explain why the colonial and post-colonial era approaches are ill-suited to assessing medicine in Africa, the Subcontinent, and British India. The author emphasizes that British scientists transferred many scientific approaches to the evaluation of medicine in the then colonies, propagating the mistakes that occurred...

Historical Trauma in Native Americans and African Americans

The term historical trauma refers to a traumatic experience in the lives of several generations in a specific group of people united by racial, cultural, or ethnic characteristics. Examples of historical trauma in the history include different methods of harming an ethnic or cultural group, such as forced relocation and...

Proceedings of Anti-Jackson Convention in Richmond

The agenda of the authors is to reasonably prove that Jackson is not suitable for the nation’s highest office. Citizens thought that his election would be dangerous. This view is supported by such prejudices as inexperience in public service, intemperance of character, and propensity for violence. These three aspects are...

Representation of North American First Nations

Annotated Bibliography For the Child Taken, for the Parent Left Behind The first source used in this work is “For the child taken, for the parent left behind” by Renate Eigenbrod. It is a text written by a former student of a boarding school and expresses all the feelings, emotions,...

The American Policy: Impact of the National Security Council Paper Number 68

The given essay aims at examining the impact of the National Security Council Paper Number 68 (NSC-68) American policy during the early Cold War. The document will also address the role and consequences of the Iran-related events during this period in forming national policy during both the Cold War and...

Development of Nationalism During the First World War

Nationalism entails the establishment of a movement that supports and promotes the interest of a particular country or nation to keep the sovereignty of the nation. The urge to maintain self-governance is typically motivated by people’s need to form a homeland that resembles a national state. Nationalism is an imperative...

Religious Foundations of Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny was a turning point in the development of American imperialism and distinguishing specific territory boundaries. Despite a variety of political, economic, and social implications behind it, religious origins were highly prominent in the process of expanding the territory of the United States. Additionally, even though the cruelty of...

European-Native American Encounter After Columbus

Contact After Columbus, the contact between the Europeans and Native Americans was founded on the need to exploit and gain wealth from the Natives. The Dutch, the French, the Spanish, and the English established ways to enable them to be part of or have territory in North America to exploit...

Racial Ideology and Slavery in the United States

Introduction Race has become a key factor in people’s lives and is at the heart of official change and social science. The human race can be divided into subgroups based on inherited differences in physical and behavioral characteristics, known as racial discrimination. No evidence of racial biogenetic differentiation has been...

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo for the United States

The United States is one of the largest countries on the planet in terms of territory size, yet many of its current regions had been acquired during wars. The Mexican–American War, which occurred between 1846 and 1848, became one of the most notable events in the history of the two...

Alexander the Great: The World’s Greatest Military General

Introduction Alexander III of Macedon, known worldwide as Alexander the Great, is frequently regarded as one of the world’s greatest military generals of all time. During the eleven years of his rule and campaigning, Alexander the Great “never lost a major battle” creating a great empire with considerably small resources...

Researching of Sojourners Truth

Born and raised as an enslaved African American woman, Sojourners Truth’s life significantly influenced the massive development in the United States. The abolitionist and a strong human rights activist traveled across America denouncing oppressors and slavery and highly advocating for women’s entitlement, their freedom, lady’s suffrage, and temperance. The women,...

“Remaking Hiroshima and Nagasaki” Book by Nemoto

Subject & Thesis Statement This article is devoted to the most popular misconceptions about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It describes the attitude of Europeans to the catastrophe and popular points of view about this strategic decision of Truman (Nemoto, 2019). The author’s opinion on this issue boils...

George Washington as the Foundation of American Nation

Introduction George Washington is widely known for being of the seven Founding Fathers of the USA and the first American president who served from 1789 to 1797. In addition to that, he was also the leader of the Patriot forces, who won the American War of Independence that ended in...

The Great West Expansion in American History

Introduction The history of the United States is a fascinating subject that can reveal many surprising facts about the past of American society and the country in general. As the country grew into the international power the United States is today, most of its history is well-known as it is...

The Faith of the Mongols and Other Conquered Tribes

Throughout the thirteenth century, the Mongols of Central Asia marched across much of Eurasia, bringing ruin and chaos in their wake. The Mongols’ reputation for killing spread far beyond their actual conquest. As he wrote from the safety of a Benedictine convent in England, Matthew Paris had no direct knowledge...

The Great Depression: Details, Reasons, and Effects

This slide introduces the topic. The Great Depression was a global economic recession that emerged in 1929 and remained until approximately 1939. That was the lengthiest and most intense Recession that the western Industrialized world ever saw, causing vital differences in financial institutions, fiscal policies, and macroeconomics. Despite its origins...

African Americans’ Life in 1900

Considering the life conditions in which African Americans were supposed to live during 1900, such a treatment is expected. Led by industrialization and related to its migration, many race problems appeared in this period (Locke & Wright, 2020). As far as white politicians took control over the voting polls, black...

Researching of Civil Rights Movement

The period from 1945 to 1965 designates one of the pivotal points in American history concerning freedom, democratic values, and civil rights. The civil rights movement aimed to eliminate racial discrimination and ensure that everyone has equal rights and opportunities regardless of skin color (LeMay, 2021). Some notable events include...

President James K. Polk’s Policies and Goals

Introduction Several notable events marked the 11th presidency of the United States by James Knox Polk. An unlikely president, criticized by the Whig Party opposition before, throughout, and after his term, Polk worked relentlessly to accomplish his goals. Among them were the Mexican American War and the downward adjustment of...

Patriots in the American Revolution

Introduction The mid-18th century has witnessed significant historical changes in the political arena. One of those changes is the emergence of a new county and a nation, the United States of America. This grand event that created a country, which later will become one of the most developed nations in...

The Reconstruction and the Civil War Impact on the US

Background The Civil War and the Reconstruction period had a significant impact on American society and the development of the political and social relationships within and out of the country. On the one hand, the first wave of globalization at the beginning of the 19th century shaped Western Europe and...

Problematic Generalizations About Civil War

The most non-obvious simplification is often the simplest possible. The heaviest battles were fought precisely on southern soil, and explanations about the South suffered significant losses. During the Civil War, most of the combat occurred in the South. This was a product of both sides’ battle strategy, in part. The...

The Fall of Rome: Gibbon’s Theory

Despite the fact that the Roman Empire fell a few hundred years ago, since then, scientists have been trying to establish the reasons for the disappearance of the great state. One such researcher is Edward Gibbon, who established his own theory of the fall of Rome. According to him, the...

George Washington’s Farewell Address: Description and Key Aspects

George Washington’s Farewell Address (1796) was a letter from one of the greatest American leaders to the citizens of the country providing explanations about his choice to not seek a third term. The Farewell was something deeper, it was guidance and support for American residents to have a safe and...

Native American Tribes Before and After European Influence

When Europeans discovered America in 1492, there were more than 2,000 different cultures flourishing that, while having similarities, were different from certain perspectives. An example is a fact that the Native Americans spoke several hundred different languages depending on the tribe and the locations where individuals would either settle or...

How British Government Played a Role in Industrialization

Introduction The British government safeguarded private property rights, which meant that displaced handicraft workers could not attack the new factories. It did not restrict salaries or pricing, allowing new business owners to manage their labor costs as they saw appropriate. It had gotten rid of guild rules that impeded innovation...