Criminology and Victimology: Victim Stereotypes in Criminal Justice

The criminal justice system has several inefficiencies most of which can be interpreted under a variety of lenses. One of these explanations concerns the ideal victim mold that many law enforcers, criminal justice prosecutors as well as several other persons have held about crimes committed. The paper shall look at...

The Abortion Law in Ireland and Canada

Both the republic of Ireland and Canada are at the extreme end of a continuum on the abortion debate. For one, abortion was illegal in the republic of Ireland before case X gained prominence (BBC News 2008). On the other hand, Canada was opposed to abortion, and only relaxed the...

Drinking Laws and Obedience to This Law

Introduction Drinking laws in a country should be defined clearly to avoid irresponsible behavior within the society. It important for bar owners to keep watch and ensure they sell alcohol to the authorized persons as stated in the law. The drinking laws should be known by bar owners so that...

The ‘Lock ‘Em up and Throw Away the Key’ Mentality Isn’t Working

Introduction Prisons in the United States suffer from serious problems associated with overcrowding, poor sanitation, violence, drugs, and sexual assault. It has been argued by many over many years that imprisonment is expensive and ineffective, yet it continues to be a major feature of penal policy in the justice system....

Meditation in American Prisons from 1981 to 2004

Buddhist philosophy is a thought process that can be easily applicable in the die-hard competition of the Modern era. It can bring solace to the human mind once applied correctly. Buddhism has an often-overlapping quest for the ultimate end in life- Enlightenment. The concept of enlightenment in Buddhism is called...

Balance in the Administration of Justice Security

Outline It is almost impossible for a country to experience peace when security as well as justice have not provided to her citizens. Moreover, other than just providing security and justice, a form of balance is of equal importance which should be applied in all undertakings of their administration. There...

The Future of Society Depends on Treatment of Juvenile Offenders

Introduction In its development towards civilized relations, society has enacted a system of laws, the disobedience to which entails corresponding penalties. Jurisprudence has recently paid specific attention to the age of criminals: there has been a tendency to introduce a lighter sentence in cases involving juvenile delinquents. However, witnessing the...

Motivation & Control: The Police Supervisor’s Dilemma

Introduction It is reasonable to insist on the fact that motivation and control are two opposites since control always induces to commit obligations under the leader’s authority and seldom applies some incentives. In its turn, motivation is unlikely to be promoted if it is controlled. After an overhaul examination of...

The United States Bill of Rights Amendments

Introduction The inclusion of the Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution came by December 15, 1791 through ratification of the 10 amendments presently known the Bill of Rights. Previously, the anti-federalists had championed for provision of a law that would resist the citizens from tyranny and they were...

Crime and Justice by Curie

The problem selected for analysis deals with the problem of unemployment and crime. Such findings are related to merely all types of crimes, such as robbery, auto theft, homicide, rape, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny-theft, and so on. The results of the studies by Currie proved the tendency of crime occurring...

Adolescent Sex Offender Treatment

Introduction The increase of juvenile sexual offenders is considered to be one of the central problems of modernity; this person can be characterized as youth committing sexual act with other person against the will of the victim in a threatening, aggressive or exploitive manner. The depth of the problem lies...

Juvenile Life Without Parole Sentence for Non-Homicide

Outline The development of Juvenile non-homicide as a social problem has remained a central focus within the corridors of juvenile justice, attracting wide interest among social researchers. The conviction of teenagers to life imprisonment has triggered several arguments across the board, with one group supporting the act while the other...

Social Law System: Term Definition

Introduction The social law system is meant to acknowledge the citizens about the rules and regulations which apply to them, and which the judges who convict the victims should use. It is made available to the citizens in some kind of written documents or through the verbal means by the...

Being an Advocate and Neutral Facilitator Challenges

Mediation and advocacy are interconnected fields because they both can participate in the negotiation or dispute between the two parties concerned. Regarding that, they may often encounter the case that concern human conflicts thus taking responsibility for the dispute resolution. Advocating as well as mediating are effective systems to improve...

FMLA Applied to Employers With Less Than 50 Employees

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a great recognition of the importance of family life and work balance, particularly the changing role of men regarding child care (Martocchio, 2007). As for the extension of FMLA to organizations having less than 50 employees are concerned, I am in favor...

Feasibility of Modifying Crime Map

Abstract This short report reveals the problem effecting crime map which is the project of Metropolitan Police Department. This is mainly covering the district people and hence has not been found to be of much use for students and residents. It is proposed to overcome this shortcoming by taking simple...

Prison Culture: Term Definition

Introduction There has been contention in the area of literature whether prison culture results from the environment within the prison or is as a result of the culture that inmates bring into prison. The importance of the culture that the convict brings into prison, in shaping or bringing out a...

Organizational Behavior and Criminal Organizations

Many criminal justice agencies are trying to reinvent themselves so as to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Doing so often requires that the organizational culture change. What do you see as the impediments to cultural change in criminal justice agencies? No matter how perfect and well-organized criminal justice agencies seem to...

Police Supervisor’s Dilemma: Control and Motivation

The level of control needed in a police institution is related to the capability of officers to construct an inspiring environment. On the one hand, a police organization needs to administer a certain degree of control to ensure that the goals of the organization are being met by the officers....

The Issue of Moral Reasoning Processes in Justifying Behaviour of Professionals

Criminal justice professionals need to be trained in ethical practices and moral reasoning to justify behavior that justifies their roles and expectations from society. It is vital to enable a comprehensive analysis of the ethical perspectives of moral reasoning and behavior so that criminal justice professionals can effectively fulfill their...

Human Rights Problem of Domestic Help in El Salvador

Introduction The Republic of El Salvador is situated in the continent of Central America. Sharing borders with Honduras and Guatemala, it lays on the shores of the Pacific Ocean (Edward H. Lawson 1996, 426). The country covers a geographical area of 20,742 sq. km. (8,008 sq. mi.) with varied topographical...

Community Policing Assignment: A History of Police Work in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction The criminal justice system helps in the enforcement of the laws by ensuring that any individual who breaks the law is arrested and charged for the wrongs done. The police are part of the criminal justice system and are responsible for the arresting of the law breakers and gathering...

Facilitation of Bribery and Bribery Sanctions-Penalties

Bribery (Commercial) According to the commercial bribery act, a person is charged guilty when without the principal/employer’s consent and contrary to his best interests confers/agrees to offer upon agent/employee/fiduciary any benefit with the purpose of influencing the conduct of employee/fiduciary/agent in relation to the principal’s affairs. Agents/employees/fiduciaries are also guilty...

Affirmative Actions in Employment

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify what is affirmative action. The concept of affirmative action is to be explored along with the applicability of the concept in United States. With the increasingly diverse work environment with people form multiple ethnicities and backgrounds coming together to work with...

The Court of Law: Merits and Difficulties

The court of law is one of the pillars of the democratic system. It is that important part of the system from which people expect to deliver justice. This is why it is very important that the judges and other court members deliver the most justice they can. In order...

Supreme Court Decisions on First Amendment

Abstract “Bill of Rights “is the first ten amendments made to the American constitution. However, the First Amendment is considered to be the most pivotal. The First Amendment to American constitution guarantees the rights to freedom of religion, speech etc. However, Supreme Court has expanded the meaning of First Amendment...

Maximal Punishment for Sexual Criminals

Introduction Everyone should remember that they are responsible for their actions and doings. That is why people should learn how to be stricter with the persons who are not adequate in society. Among the crimes that can be committed by people, sexual crime is one of the cruelest and humiliating...

Dismal City Police Department: “Do More With Less”

Community policing has gained impetus in the recent past in an effort to enhance the safety of the public and the quality of life in communities. This new approach is especially important in this era of recession, high unemployment rates, and increased crime. Frequent budget cuts and a low number...

Informational Privacy Issue of a Killed Soldier

Technological changes are always faster than the rate of legislation. Usually, legislation is done as a reaction to some occurrences and seeks to close emerging loopholes. The development of technology comes with a related code of ethics to guide operations which may not legally binding. The case of John Ellsworth...

Critical Incident Management in Criminal Justice

Introduction Scenario Based Planning is the widely used technique in the sphere of business planning and management. Originally, this tool was invented for military organizations, and now it is also extensively used by Criminal Justice and Security organizations. This technique is of great importance for police officers and criminal justice...

Constitutional and Administrative Law: Judicial Review

The need for judicial review is a particular aspect of many trials with cases of different levels. Here the social position of citizens and their constitutional rights are taken into consideration. The reason is that human factors can be predominant while providing litigation. The paper leads to investigate the objectivity...

Euthanasia Law: Legalization of Euthanasia Issues

One of the more controversial subjects in the medical field and elsewhere for many years has been the question of euthanasia, otherwise known as mercy killing or assisted suicide. Those who support the practice feel strongly that the individual freedoms of choice we enjoy during our lifetimes should also extend...

The Gun Control Controversy in the Constitutional Context

Introduction Gun Control is a controversial subject. The issues surrounding the debate usually provoke an emotional response. The debate generally centers on contradictory understandings of the Constitution. Some argue that U.S. citizens do not need firearms today in the way they did at the time of the country’s founding. No...

Criminal Justice System: Drugs and Crime

Introduction In the recent past, there has been an increased focus on the relationship between drugs and crime in most states in America. This has resulted in an increased focus on the enforcement of laws related to drugs in order to curb the rate of crime. The body that is...

Human Rights Conservation and the War on Terror

A large number of factors pose threat to human life and create a feeling of insecurity among the population, resulting in a disruption in personal and social life. Public Safety is the concept of governmental organizations concerned with protecting their citizens from all kinds of threats. The term ‘public safety’...

Homeland Security-Protecting Critical Infrastructures

Criticism against FBI post 9/11 Post 11th September, 2001 attacks on the twin towers of World Trade Center; the FBI has faced a brunt of a lot of criticism from the public and media alike. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the primary unit in the United States Department of Justice,...

Expert Novel Scientific Evidence: U.S vs. UK

If we analyze the issue of expert scientific evidence during the last thirty years, we would see the obvious treatment of confessions and unlawfully or unfairly obtained evidence that has been matters of anxious concern no less in other common law jurisdictions than in England itself. Whereas in the United...

Civil and Criminal Procedures

Criminal proceedings are court proceedings instituted by the prosecution against an accused person after his arrest and before any appeals. Criminal proceedings are instituted or commenced to deal with criminal matters only. It is worth mentioning at this point that there is a revertible presumption of law that an accused...

Catching up on Changes in Forensic Computing Law

If I were stranded on a desert island for six months I would not expect a great deal of change in the law, because it works so slowly. There are really only two things, which change the law: new legislation and precedence set by cases heard in court. The first...

“Who Shall be Judge” by Mayerfield Review

Mayerfield addresses the history and current state of the International Criminal Court and its tribunals. According to Mayerfield, the court was established to prosecute human rights abuses in the world. This was indeed the common agreement between the members who have ratified the court’s establishment. Human rights cases are forwarded...

“Vinson v. Taylor Case”: Case Review

In the Vinson v/S Taylor case, Mechelle Vinson accused Sidney Taylor, her supervisor at the Capital City Federal Savings and Loan, of sexual harassment stating that he was forced to have sexual relations with him as he had fetched the job for her. She testified that after initial denials, she...

The Question of Ownership of Art

The beauty and history associated with arts of work have in the recent past been tainted by storms of allegations of illegal ownership. Such claims have dented the reputations of both museum owners and private art collectors. Even more disturbing have been questions on how representative certain works of art...

Parents’ Responsibilities: Child Support Obligations

The system of family law has undergone rapid changes for the previous century. Such factors as non-traditional reproduction methods and sex relationships influenced the establishment of child legal support obligations. Child support is considered to provide certain financial support for children provided by their biological parents. The cause of the...

The Office of Prime Minister since 1979: Basic Changes

There is no such a person who has invented the office of prime minister in Great Britain. No one can find the exact day of the deliberate creation or commencement of the office. There are no essential qualifications for the office specified, no there are any disqualifications anywhere formally laid...

Management of Sex Offenders

Although sex offender treatment is an established clinical department, results concerning the effectiveness of how it handles its task has been slow to gather up. Treatment outcome studies are going on and one carried out in California best known as Sex Criminal Management and Assessment Scheme is used to give...

Mrs. Lowell: Legal and Ethical Environment of Business

Introduction Flags of Convenience have continued to be used by Maritime companies to perform their business activities. However, the flags are registered in countries that have questionable legal environment. Companies take advantage of the weak legal frameworks to register in the countries, and therefore escape stringent requirements in the developed...

Criminal Justice Ethics Analysis

The public expects their police department to enforce the rules, not break them. When they do, it breaks down the trust of the public as well as tearing down the very fabric of society. The following paper presents evidence that corruption within the nation’s police forces does exist, especially where...

Tightening Budget: Action Overview

Introduction It has been argued by many over many years that imprisonment is expensive and ineffective, yet it continues to be a major feature of penal policy in the U.S. justice system. The prison system operates on limited funding. The addition of prison time in the form of mandatory sentences,...

Consumers Purchasing on Credit Analysis

The United States currently enjoys the “highest standard of living” in the world: more food, clothing, bathtubs, automobiles, household appliances, and toothpaste is available per consumer than in any other country; everything is bigger or better or more plentiful than elsewhere. By and large, Americans take their material well-being for...

Healthcare Program by Barack Obama and John McCain

Introduction The American presidential election is taking shape as days move. The major presidential candidates are warming up for the elections by going public on the major agendas that they are planning for the Americans in the next four years. Both Barack Obama and John McCain are very confident of...

Criminal Justice Sphere Consulting

Introduction The development of consulting skills is considered to be of great importance for effective work in cooperation with the clients and financial planning; the sphere of consulting management requires careful training of skills to succeed in business operations. The consulting companies, involved in the criminal justice sphere, can be...

Juvenile Delinquency: Main Theories

Psychological Theories Kohlberg theory of moral development outlines three different levels. In the pre-conventional level the concept of obedience and punishment channels moral reasoning and individual perceptions are formed on the basis of individual needs during middle childhood. The conventional level is reached when middle childhood ends; the expectations held...

Dividend Policy Rights Issues

A rights issue involves selling of ordinary shares to the existing shareholders of the company. The law requires that the new ordinary shares must be first issued to the existing shareholders on a pro rata basis. Shareholders through a special resolution can forfeit this pre-emptive right. Obviously, this will dilute...

Public Safety Department of Connecticut vs. John Doe

Introduction The “Megan’s Law” in Connecticut asserts that an individual convicted of a sexual crime has to register with the a Public Safety department soon as he or she is released from conviction to join the society, the law at Connecticut also requires the former sexual convict to be registered...

The Necessity of Innovative Sentences

Prisons suffer from serious problems associated with overcrowding, poor sanitation, violence, drugs, and sexual assault. State-run prisons experience the familiar problems of other public-sector institutions that face no competition: inadequate supply, poor quality, and high cost. To solve these problems, especially the cost factor, the UK has encouraged non-custodial and...

Health Insurance Crimes in the United States

The U.S. has a number of private insurance coverage based primarily on employment, along with public insurance coverage for the elderly (Medicare), the military, veterans, and the poor and disabled. Medicare is an enormously popular and effective insurance program for older Americans. Recently the increasing costs of Medicare threaten to...

Mentoring Dad on Call: Juvenile Delinquency

It is essential to start the youth organization in view of the increasing incidents of juvenile delinquencies which need to be tackled effectively in reforming children with such tendencies. The concept of Mentoring Dad is in keeping with the true spirit of being a mentor for all and a dad...

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 in the UK

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (hereinafter referred to as The Act) is a statute enacted by the UK Parliament. It is an instrument meant to implement and put into place the Freedom of Information legislation and give the same a national outlook in the UK. The most basic of...

Construction Law. Negligence, Tort and Duty of Care

Introduction The cases Chapman v. Hearse and Voli v IngleWoodshire Council are both legal cases that were tried in the High Court of Australia in the years 1961 and 1963 respectively. The Judges for the Chapman v. Hearse case was Dixon C.J.; Kitto J.; Taylor J.; Menzies J.; Windeyer J;...

Juvenile Violence and Influence of Education

In law, the term Minor or infant is used to denote an individual who is below the age in which one lawfully becomes an adult and is legally yielded rights granted to adults in society. The terms “infant”, “child”, “adolescent”, “teen”, “youth”, “juvenile” and “young person” are used interchangeably, though...

UK Police Are Changing Their Attitude to Racial Issues

The relationship between the UK’s minority ethnic groups and the police has changed after the Stephen Lawrence tragedy. After 22 April 1993 when the black British teenager was stabbed to death in a racially motivated attack and nobody was ever convicted of the crime, the UK police were forced to...

American Criminal Law & Procedure

The law of the United States has been basically derived from the common law system of the English law. This law was in effect at the time of the revolutionary war. There are four most important sources from which the law has been derived. “These four sources are constitutional law,...

Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education Case

Introduction This research paper analyses the decision of Supreme Court in “Brown v. Board of Education “ 1which has given the way for the desegregation of schools by dismantling earlier system of “segregation” of white and black in schools. The decision is regarded as a land mark one as it...

Police Brutality: Analysis of the Problem

Police brutality is one of the problems faced by police agencies and the native population. Police brutality involves physical force and mental pressure used against potential criminals. Police brutality is characterized as misconduct and punishment by administrative agencies. A widely shared attitude that individual police officers are virtually free to...

Crone vs. UPS Legal Case

Introduction The case was decided by the United States Court of Appeals for the 8th circuit. The plaintiff was Sarah Crone and the defendant was the United Parcel Service. It was submitted on 18th April and filed on August 30th in 2002. Ms. Sarah Crone was a UPS employee who...

R. vs. Secretary of State for the Home Department Queen’s Bench Division

Summary of the Case The prisoners who were under life sentences of murder submitted their applications for leave against the refusal of their conviction by the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division). The prisoners kept striving to appeal against this decision and decided to have an oral interview with the journalists...

Federal Government Forest Service vs. Environmentalists

Introduction Identifying attitudes of the public and wildlife agency personnel is important to implementing management policies, particularly in controversial situations. All through the scholastic writing and conventional media there have been several debates about the condition of egalitarianism and the roles of citizens and the federal government in the United...

Criminal Justice and Crime Control in the US

During the past decades, America witnessed a continuous increase in its crime rate. However, the cause of greater concern is that crimes committed by minors, both violent and non-violent offenses also reached exorbitant numbers as compared with the previous decades. The State Commission on Criminal Sentencing policy presented the facts...

Law as a “Living Body”: Definition

Law as an institution is a rigid form of governing system that is responsible for the well-being of the population. However, in reality, a set of laws cannot be maintained and enforced in a rigid manner. The betterment of the population depends on the common sense of the law enforcers...

Organized Crimes of the 1920s in the US

The 1920s was an era that was known for organized crime: bootlegging, the fixing of the World Series, and corruption within police forces. Now the question is, who were the major players in these organized crimes of the 1920s and what were they involved in? What impact did these people...

The Creation of the American Policy

The writing and ratification of the United States constitution did not, as popularly perceived, run in a clear cut or a smooth process. Historians have always the U.S. constitution is such a wonderful document that it is , because its writers, the founding fathers in the convention, were visionary leaders...

Criminal Justice Ethics: Police Corruption & Drug Sales

The growth of police corruption instances involving drug sales is relatively easy to explain. The financial rewards offered by the sales of illegal drugs in relation to other forms of income, both legal and illegal, are enormous. The temptation attracts law enforcement officials who are becoming increasingly more discouraged by...

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 of the United Kingdom offers a framework of protection in legal terms to those who unveil information that is aimed at exposing malpractice and any other information of similar concern. In other words, the act aims at protecting the whistleblowers from dismissal or victimization...

The Range of Regulations Applicable to Health and Safety in Construction

On 4th December 2000, Mr. Vincent Dooley while working for McDermott Bros Contactors Ltd (MBCL) at 280 Bishopsgate slipped through a hole that he working on on the fourteenth floor and fell four meters on the thirteenth floor and sustained serious injuries. He died later that day from the serious...

Youth Policy: Brief Analysis

Queensland Juvenile Justice Act (1992) has a controversial approach to age of offenders and the role of caution and sentencing practices for young criminals. Queensland Juvenile Justice Act was approved in 1992. This Act is seen as a “hard” response to high juvenile crime rates (Hil 1998). The main objectives...

Juvenile and Crime: The Reasons and Today’s Situation

Research reveals that Crime activities can include violence and that the whole incidence of gang activity in schools has become quite frequent in the recent years. This is just a reflection of youth crime growth for the last two decades. In many nations we find that many young people get...

The Ways Did Classicism Provide a Critique of Premodern Punishment

Premodern interpretation of punishment sees it as the only possible measure to prevent crimes and social disobedience. From classical perspective, punishment is a deterrent of crime. No one in the crime control establishment questions whether the system should so wholeheartedly redirect itself to fight violent crime. Nor does anyone bother...

Federal Tort Claim Act Overview

Introduction The Federal Tort Claims Act, Title VI of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, was approved by Congress in an attempt to alleviate the negative implications of the policy of sovereign immunity “when its employees are negligent within the scope of their employment.” (Federal Tort Claims Act, n.d.). Government...

US Police Challenges Today: Police Discretion

Introduction Police discretion is essential to the success of an officer and the public at large. Let’s not get carried away by the fact that police officers disrespect palpable offenders, but at times on duty, police officers too have to initiate measures to protect innocent lives and property and use...

Criminal Offences Without Reference to Mental State

Introduction The focal point of this paper would be to evaluate the difficulty of proving state of mind while defining criminal offences and the most accepted mode of action in this context. It is believed, that it would make more sense to define criminal offences without reference to mental state,...

Legislative Branch of Power in US Analysis

Introduction The legislature itself has certain responsibilities in the way in which it frames legislation, or in the manner in which it effectuates more general administrative changes. The judiciary may well have to fashion appropriate tools of review to deal with these novel institutional changes. Legislation or law making can...

Due Process Rights in Australia.

Introduction Due process of law is generally understood as the principle of which government must respect all of a person’s legal rights. This means that preference for some rights or most of those legal rights should be avoided especially when the government deprives a person of life, liberty, or property....

Welfare Legislation for Families

Introduction This paper will start by describing the three spheres that tie civilization jointly. The main institution of society is the relations or household which is out of order up into thousands of units. Secondly, its determination discuss the financial institution and its ties to the relations. The utilize of...

Healthcare for Immigrants: How a Bill Becomes a Law

Situation The problem/concern The U.S. is home to the largest immigrant population in the world. However, the demonization, racialization, and stigmatization of undocumented immigrants has predisposed them to serious challenges when accessing health care services (Monga, Keller, & Venters, 2014). The legal system has excluded such immigrants from rights, privileges,...

Area Maritime Security Committee and Its Role

Introduction The Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) was signed in 2002 following the terrorist attacks of September, 2001. The act tasked the Area Maritime Security Committees (AMSCs) to collaborate in securing the country’s ports, as well as respond to potential threats and prevent them. This report discusses the role of...

Recreational Marijuana Consumption and Acceptance

This essay will discuss the increasing public acceptance of recreational marijuana consumption. The drug has been considered too dangerous to use for most of the 20th century and remains illegal in many states, but an increasing number is moving forward with legalization programs. However, despite the punishments that were put...

Homeland Security and Critical Thinking Skills

Introduction Critical thinking stands for the ability to evaluate a situation objectively, from all sides, and weighing in the available evidence before making a decision while being aware of all of the emotions, prejudices, and biases surrounding the issue at hand. The ability to think critically is necessary for making...

Inside the Mysterious Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping

In a tragic crime, Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr., the baby of Charles Lindberg, the famous aviator was kidnapped on March 1, 1932, apparently for ransom. The body of the baby was recovered sometime later but it has never been positively identified as that of the kidnapped child. Many controversies have...

Precedence in Business Law Analysis

Precedent is a key feature of lawful experience, which requires courts to follow conclusions attained in previous cases, thereby altering the decisions in personal cases into a foundation of law. This article scrutinizes two major issues connected with precedent: How to distinguish the way that precedent acts as a source...

Effect of Law on Business Analysis

The law is one of the governing aspects of society and thus when it comes to transactions transacted within the business; the law has the power to affect such transactions. An example will include; The employment contract This is an agreement entered into between the employer and the employee at...

Legal Issues and Benefits over Surrogacy

Surrogacy is the act of a woman gestating and birthing a baby for another woman (Anleu, 30). Examples of this phenomenon can be found in the Old Testament of the Bible. For Abraham and his wife Sarah to be able to have children one of their servants carried the child...

Drug Trafficking: Investigation on Frank Lucas

Organized crimes have become major threats to the peace and security of nations all over the world, and tackling organized crimes has been a growing concern for the world nations as such criminal activities adversely affect the peaceful inhabitation and the normal lifestyle of people. According to the Council of...

Police-Community Relations: Leadership Project

Introduction Police-community relations are very essential in relation to curbing crime. This is because the community has got vast knowledge in relation to crime being practiced in the community. Many at times criminals are quite related in various ways with the society. They are neighbors, business partners, husbands and wives...

The Justice in Megan’s Law Review

Introduction Justice is a concept used worldwide in order to uphold what is supposed to be fair treatment according to the law or the standards of that particular location. Although justice is very common, it is presented in various ways. Nader and Sursock’s Anthropology and Justice, speak on the diverse...

Contract Law and Consumer Protection Act

A contract is a legally binding exchange of promises or agreement between parties that the law will enforce. Contract law is based on the Latin phrase pacta sunt servanda (pacts must be kept). Breach of contract is a legal concept in which a binding agreement or bargained-for exchange is not...

Organizational Culture in Public Safety in Harris County

Introduction The Harris County Sheriff’s Office is a localized law enforcement agency, which serves and operates for more than four million people. It is positioned in Harris County in Texas State. There are around 2500 sworn members of the given agency, whereas approximately 1000 unsworn members are also present. It...

Assessing Role of Technology in Police Crime Mapping

As the waves of change are intensifying in the Information Age, the role of technology in police operations has become pivotal because it aids our law enforcement agencies to do their tasks easier and less time-consuming. Indeed, the growth of technology in policing, from crime analysis and crime mapping to...

The Threat of Chinese Espionage on the US

The latest report indicating that a Pentagon Official, Gregg William Bergersen has been handing highly classified National Defense information to Chinese operatives in the US comes at a time when there is a growing concern on Chinese Espionages in the United States. This follows an earlier report which indicated that...

Terrorism and Other Crimes Against the State

Introduction Unlike most crimes that are committed with an intention to cause harm to particular individuals or property, crimes against the state have a much broader scope of effect. These offenses undermine the underlying security of the state and government by actions that contradict the law and the politics of...

US Safety in the State of International Anarchy

When assessing the US security under international anarchy from the standpoint of structural realism, one can note that there are no significant threats to the state. Anarchy assumes the absence of a single global system of government, and, as Nedal and Nexon argue, “fails to produce recurrent balances of power”....

Smoking Bans in Workplaces and Public Spaces

Introduction Smoking bans are public policies, including criminal laws and occupational safety and health regulations, which restrict tobacco smoking in workplaces and public spaces. Research has generated evidence that secondhand smoke causes the same problems as direct smoking, including lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, and lung ailments such as emphysema, bronchitis,...

Law: Drug Treatment and Testing Orders

Introduction The issue of drug-related offenses is a tragic phenomenon in recent days. This is drastically affecting the young people of the country. The criminal justice system of the country is to face a critical reality in addressing this complex psycho-social phenomenon. The frequent selling and purchasing of drugs are...

Criminal Justice System: Concepts and Practice

Introduction Policing is one of the three main departments of the Criminal Justice system, other departments include courts and correction. Each department works independently from the other. The main purpose of policing is to investigate suspected criminal activities and refer the results to the courts. Besides investigation, the police department...

Necessity and Enforcement of Labor Laws in the United States

Introduction Labor laws aim to outline the practices that regulate relationships between employees and employers to ensure that both parties can achieve the best results. They describe the fundamental rights of the individuals working for a company to ensure fair working conditions for all. This paper aims to explain the...

Juvenile Crime Concepts Review

The article I selected is from The Crime Report and was published on November 18, 2019. The article focuses on the frustrations, risks and impact of teenagers that commit minor crimes and then become “trapped” in the adult criminal justice system (TCR Staff). What lead me to choose this article...

Intellectual Property Theft in the US

Introduction Nowadays, technological advancements have created a situation where many valuable assets only exist in the form of information, and many physical ones can be replicated, given specific data. As such, the concept of intellectual property, which can be stolen, is gaining importance. However, the laws on the topic are...

Issues and Controversies in Policing Today

Introduction Policing organizations are the cornerstone of homeland security in all countries, and as comes big responsibility, come many problematic issues that require new approaches and solutions. Out of dozens of issues that 21st-century policing faces, this paper will focus on the damaging narratives regarding police as an institution that...

Employment Tribunal Legislation in the UK

Introduction Labor disputes in the UK are resolved through a system of employment tribunals. Although the activities of the tribunals are directly related to the administration of justice, they are not part of the court system and are administrative, not judicial bodies. Employment tribunals are not the only tribunals in...

The Controversy Over Marijuana Legalization

The topic of marijuana legalization has been debated at the global level for numerous decades. It is important to have a certain idea about the subject of discussion, therefore the policy differences and comparisons on cannabis in different states will not be the main subject. The given research proposal will...

Marijuana Legalization Controversies: Arguments For and Against

Abstract The topic of marijuana legalization has always been a subject of numerous heated debates for decades. The legislative measures and methodological tools to study both positive and negative effects are present. However, the social attitude towards cannabis is gradually shifting with an increased amount of acceptance and understanding. The...

Cardinal Health: Blaming in Violations

The case issue is the accusation of Cardinal Health in premature recognizing of litigation gains. According to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the company’s actions violated the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), which is unacceptable (Young, Cohen & Bens, 2019). Cardinal Health’s decision to deduct the expected litigation...

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act: Regulation and Violation

Introduction Regulations and laws regarding emergency departments and receiving patients can be complex as they are meant to both protect patients but also maintain the quality of healthcare provision. EMTALA is one of these regulations meant to promote the non-discriminatory nature in emergency departments. This report will examine a scenario...

Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences

A Summary of Social Control Crime as one of the threats to human safety and a destructing force for society is often explained from the point of view of sociology. All governments develop a system of controlling techniques and mechanisms to deter crime and ensure the safety of the citizens...

Crime Rates in the United States over 20 Years

When designing an informative report for the general public, it is most appropriate that its contents are simple and easy to understand. The following charts are obtained from the Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) data that is stored on the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) website. The information revolves around rates of...

Varieties of Homeland Security Article Critique

Introduction Robinson and Mallik (2015) presented an article titled “Varieties of Homeland Security: An Assessment of US State-level Definitions” in a peer-reviewed journal that is dedicated to Homeland Security (HS). As can be understood from this and other sources, the task of defining HS is often a complicated one. In...

The US Constitution: Abduction & Causal Mechanisms

Introduction Initially written in 1787, the US Constitution experienced little changes over the period of three centuries. Therefore, many representatives of the American legal system hold doubt for the theoretical and practical applicability of the document’s fundamental doctrines to the contemporary paradigm of US democracy. This assignment explores the two...

Geological Forensics and Its Evaluation

Introduction Geoforensics, which is also referred to as geological forensics, is a branch of study that collects and analyzes geological evidence to solve crimes. Soil is a geological sample that is commonly applied in geoforensics. The basis for its use is the “Locard’s exchange principle,” which states that physical contact...

Victims’ Advocates: Job Profile

Characteristics of a Strong and Effective Victims’ Advocate The National Center for Victims of Crime (n.d.) describes victim advocacy as the process of supporting victims that consists of diverse elements. Based on this information, an advocate needs to have well-developed interpersonal skills to ensure effective and positive interactions with victims....

Falsification of Application: Case Study

Kane may receive some credit for previous years of work for the Company as he is a valuable employee judging by the history of his hiring. It is also possible that Kane’s poor health was caused by years of work in harsh conditions for the benefit of the Company, since...

Homeland Security Concepts in the United States

Essay 1: Risk Management Risk management (RM) is a complex activity that has been undertaken by the US government structures for the tasks related to homeland defense (HD) and homeland security (HS). According to the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] (2010), some of the structures that are involved in RM...

Sexting and Related Cybercrime Legislation

Cybercrime is considered one of the critical adverse outcomes of the excessive use of technologies, which have become part of people’s daily lives around the world. The exposure to such adverse implications can lead to both financial and psychological issues, which is why the issue is high on the current...

Federal Courts: Activism Versus Restraint

Compared to the situation in different countries around the globe, the United States is characterized by a powerful role of law and the courts in its system. The law of the US Constitution is defined as a fundamental source and the only appropriate one to judge existing policies and laws...

Senate Bill 5: Change Penalties for Promoting Prostitution

The state of Ohio banned prostitution or the exchange of sex for money. However, it is evident that these cases occur regardless, and thus, policymakers aim at improving the current laws to ensure that fewer cases of prostitution and human trafficking occur in the state. Additionally, the topic of prostitution...

Business Law Concept and Employee Arbitration

The concept of business law is one of those control mechanisms that allow considering legal, ethical, and other issues arising in the work process within a single organization. This practice is common in the modern business environment, in particular, among big companies with a large number of employees. One of...

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: A Look at the Effectiveness of Anti-Bribery Laws

FCPA: Purpose and Penalties The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA) is a federal law of the United State that has provisions for addressing transparency in the accounting requirements that fall under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the scope of bribery of any foreign official. The act...

A Community Based-Approach to Juvenile Justice

Abstract The criminal justice system in the United States has faced criticism for its failure to have better ways of dealing with petty juvenile offenders. Sending them to prison for minor crimes only creates avenues for them to become hardened criminals. In this program, the goal is to come up...

Problem Definition in Statutes

Baker Act Analysis Approaches to the timely identification of mental disorders are largely dependent on certain legislation maintained in accordance with official programs. Taking the Florida Mental Health Act (The Florida Legislature, 2019a) as background for analysis, criminal justice issues with regard to the topic concerned will be considered, and...

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

Introduction The case to be studied in this paper is Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954). It was filed by students who were not admitted to public schools only because they were black. The court’s verdict was that school segregated by race violated the Fourteenth...

Juvenile Justice Program in the United States

Introduction The existing juvenile justice system in the United States is similar to the one for adults. The main goal is to intervene and correct delinquent behavior before it can become a major societal problem. The major stakeholders involved throughout the process include the police, correctional institutions, and courts. The...

African-American Political Science: 14th Amendment

The significance of the 14th Amendment and its different interpretation is clearly seen in the trial Plessy v. Ferguson of 1896, which became a landmark event in American history. The incident that occurred in one of the railroad cars in Louisiana became evidence of racial segregation and equality issues. The...

Car Accidents Statistics and Policy Change

Car accidents pose a significant threat to people’s health and wellbeing. In the United States, the number of police-reported car accidents is over 7 million, and every person who uses cars for transportation is at risk (National Center for Statistics and Analysis, 2018). One of the most prevalent causes of...

Divorce Law History in the USA

Introduction It is difficult to overestimate the significance of legislation for everyday life. Relevant laws are created to regulate relationships in all spheres where possible problems can arise. It refers to concluding various agreements, employment issues, safety, and many others. Among them, the laws that govern relationships between spouses are...

Albert Fish, The Grey Man and Serial Killer

Albert Fish: Overview If every single creepy story ever told by the campfire or within the confinement of anonymous Internet forums could come to life, it would probably take the shape of Albert Fish. With his record of kidnapping, murder, grand larceny, and overall deviant behavior, the man wrote himself...

Recidivism in American Prisons

Introduction A prison system appeared to introduce some impact on people who violated laws. In other words, prisons are a kind of deterrent measure that prevents people from acting unlawfully. Nevertheless, numerous people still keep committing misdemeanors and felonies irrespective of possible punishments. Consequently, if a person who has perpetrated...

“CSI: Web Adventures the Experience” Simulation TV Show Analysis

The CSI effect is a term used to describe the influence of TV shows that depict criminal investigators and their work. The researchers have argued whether the phenomenon has positive or negative effects on the general public. However, it is evident that such TV shows are favored; thus, people are...

Document Conflict: Alternative Dispute Resolution

Summary of Dispute The source of the dispute is an insufficiently precise document, which was incorrectly interpreted by one of the parties that signed the corresponding agreement. As a result of the misunderstanding, both contract participants refused to accept each other’s demands. In particular, Dazzling Dough Co. believes that the...

Salesperson’s Negligence and Consumer Law

Issue In the given case, Jeff, the customer, purchased skis in Sport Chalet, and one of them was broken due to the defect in the fiberglass. The Court is likely to rule that the salesperson was negligent to Jeff, the plaintiff while advising him to buy Rossignol skis for downhill...

Arbitration System in International Commercial Transactions

Abstract This report focuses on the study of the arbitration system in terms of international commercial transactions. Arbitration is understood as a contract concluded between the parties to a foreign economic transaction on the establishment of procedural rights and obligations. They are aimed at transferring possible disputes to the parties...

Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act

Bill summary Seeks to amend the Public Health Service Act (Congress.Gov, 2019). To raise the number of permanent faculty in palliative care institutions. Beneficiaries: accredited osteopathic and allopathic training institutions. Aim: promote education and research in hospices and palliative care. Specifics of the Bill All palliative care and hospice education...

The Patriot Act as a Feat in American Legislation

The USA Patriot Act is legislation passed focused on providing law enforcement with tools and abilities to intercept and prevent terrorist acts. It is a multifaceted law that first ensures that law enforcement can use tools of surveillance against figures of interest, including electronic surveillance, following potential terrorist investigations, and...

State vs. Federal Taxes: Which Must Be Abolished

Taxation is the primary source of revenue for federal, local, and state governments in the United States. There are different types of taxes that are common in this country, including those imposed on property, payroll, gifts, estates, transfers, import and export goods, and sales. The total revenues collected in the...

HIPAA Violation: Case Study

The healthcare industry imposes a crucial issue of information privacy for professionals within different departments. The case study describes a situation in which a medical social worker unwillingly violated the HIPAA Privacy Rule. Tom represents a covered entity and has authorization for access to the records of the patients. However,...

Introduction of New Legislation Regarding Smoking in Miami-Dade County

Introduction According to the University of Miami Hospital and Clinic, the leading cause of death in Florida is heart disease (“Community health needs assessment 2019-2021,” n.d.). This issue is indeed a burden in the community, having taken the lives of 5,399 Miami-Dade County citizens in 2017. Florida Health Department identifies...

Mass Arrests at 2004 Republican Convention Protest

Parties Hacer Dinler, et al., Michael Schiller, et al., Deirdre MacNamara, et al. (Plaintiffs) v. The City of New York, Raymond Kelly, Commissioner of the New York City Police Department, et al. (Defendants). Facts Protests at the Republican National Convention held in NYC in 2004 resulted in the arrests of...

The Importance of Miranda Rights

Introduction As a result of the significant influence of the mass culture of film and television series, most people know the standard phrase that the police use when arresting a suspect. Many young people who are just learning about the law enforcement system in different countries, including the U.S., will...

Affordable Care Act and Health Disparities

Racial and ethnic disparities make one of the primary concerns in health care today. Representatives of minorities usually have worse insurance coverage and lack access to high-quality care, which leads to significant discrepancies in health outcomes. Consequently, there is a need for interventions with the potential to reduce disparities and...

The Report on the Courtelaney Pass Police Department

Introduction The situational report on the Courtelaney Pass police department presents a number of important issues that should be addressed by the police administration, including the Chief of Police. Racial tensions, questionable investigative and enforcement practices, poor community crime reporting, and the lack of diversity in the department are among...

Labor and Income Inequality in the U.S.

Introduction Every day people meet and try to fight with various forms of injustice. Some persons are discriminated against by their religion, nationality, and culture. One may also notice discrimination and inequality in labor and income as, usually, women and ethnic minority groups get a smaller salary or cannot get...