One of Rose’s most significant contributions is his profound reappraisal of cognitive analysis and thinking processes. His work suggests that writing is an in-depth mental process that applies thoughtful consideration of word choice and the connotation one is trying to convey. His thought is actively traced throughout the article Hard...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 568
Pages: 2
Introduction Society and civilization exist solely due to human communication which is simultaneously the cause, product, and foundation of the civilized human world known today. Without the ability to exchange information – ideas, thoughts, and emotions – no progress of delineation from the basic biological system of animal species would...
Topic: Nonverbal Communication
Words: 1756
Pages: 6
Introduction The most important reason for learning a new language is to convey information in a certain language. Acquisition of language skills does not entail the use of extensively conscious grammatical regulations or hard drilling as many would think. It instead requires one to be patient since the process is...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 2483
Pages: 9
Author’s Claim In her essay “Mother Tongue,” Amy Tan talks about a personal issue that is close to her both as a writer and as an individual. This issue is the judgment passed by people based on the way somebody talks. Particularly, it concerns the English language version that is...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 593
Pages: 2
Linguistic situation in Spain is rather difficult. For many years the only official language of Spain was Castellano. Still, nowadays, there are three other languages which function on the territory of the country. The first one, Catala, is an independent language which belongs to the group of Romanic languages. It...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1429
Pages: 5
The term fossilization is bereft of general definition and it has not been explained empirically and sufficiently. The term introduced by Selinker captures the imagination that the majority of the second language learners are not able to meet native-like fluency in the language they wish to learn which is also...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1847
Pages: 7
Introduction Semiology refers to the study of sign processes or communication through signs and symbols and it can either be individually or grouped into a system of signs. The field of semiology is categorized under three branches namely; semantics which refers to the relationship between the signs and the specific...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 2281
Pages: 8
Introduction English has become a global language. It is the adopted language of many non-English speaking countries. Literary works are being produced in hundreds from places where English is still a second-language for the masses. However, the cultural influences on the language are undeniable. This influence has led to the...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1968
Pages: 7
Semantic analysis Semantic in linguistics is largely concerned with the relationship between the forms of sentences and what follows from them. Semantic analysis is an analysis of the sensible set of instructions that form part of programming in a language, for instance, the presence of subject-verb agreement, proper use of...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 409
Pages: 2
Denotation can be referred to the dictionary-like definition of a word; to provide the denotation of a word is therefore to give its basic meaning. On the other hand, connotation stands for what a word implies or suggests. I consideration of connotation of a word, one goes beyond its basic...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 600
Pages: 3
Introduction What is language? We all have a notion that a language is a tool of communication or the main purpose of language is to convey information. Arguably, any answer to this question would certainly involve the word communication. We, therefore, consider language as a tool which the main purpose...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 2595
Pages: 10
Introduction Diversity and multiculturalism have become essential characteristics of modern American society. The United States has been referred to as the ‘melting pot’ of cultures, religions, and ethnicities, but the current approach to language policy and multilingualism is not reflective of such a title. While the government has taken some...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 846
Pages: 3
Introduction In this text, the central idea is linguistic integration. It is about how the language spoken in the family plays a role in forming the child’s language. In other words, it is about how language is included in migrant families. Immigrants’ English language differs from native speakers, but this...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 900
Pages: 3
Language Arts and Literacy Every student must be able to comprehend visual, oral, and written material and, more significantly, analyze and apply the given information. Oral information entails a careful examination of tone, pace, and emotions, as well as exercising various techniques and knowledge. Meanwhile, visual and written materials encourage...
Topic: Literacy
Words: 1755
Pages: 6
Introduction The three main theories of language development are the nature theory (Chomsky), the nurture theory (Skinner) and the interactionist perspective. Chomsky’s theory points to the innate abilities of individuals to interact through language. This capability is due to a language acquisition device which is a hypothetical mental module that...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1228
Pages: 4
When writing a text, each author often resorts to authoritative sources or mass media to give the words strength and enlist the reader’s support, and the case in question is no exception. In the example shown and in other cases, it is common to use a literary vocabulary to make...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 579
Pages: 2
First Video The first child that we can see in the video is reading from a book, together with an adult. She exhibits some of the common phonological processes when attempting to say the worlds out loud, notably including cluster reduction and reduplication. The former can be observed in most...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 348
Pages: 1
While slang and dialect may seem similar, they represent two distinct scales of linguistic difference. Slang refers to the informal, unsupported institutionally term groups that are usually recently introduced and change rapidly. Individuals’ slang may indicate their belonging to a certain social class, particularly pertinent to groups with a degree...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 370
Pages: 1
Nacirema culture’s devotion to the holy-mouth men is among the strange parts of this essay. The Nacirema think that if they do not visit the holy-mouth men, their mouths will bleed, and their teeth will deteriorate, making them social outcasts in their communities (Miner, 1956). Their beauty standards are so...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1029
Pages: 4
Languages are typically viewed as the system of signs that allows people to articulate their ideas in a clear manner. However, no language is a monolith, which is proven by the presence of numerous dialects within every language. Although dialects are usually viewed as the characteristics that separate a certain...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 248
Pages: 1
Relations between different languages within one state are inseparable from interethnic relations, which are unanimously considered by politicians and sociologists to be the most vulnerable side of the coexistence of people within the framework of society. Therefore, a vision of a complex language situation is always a part of the...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 573
Pages: 2
Critical Thinking Nietzsche’s Apollonian and Dionysian have some differences which individuals can analyze. One of the differences is that factors that are explored in Apollonian include stillness and thinking, while movement and distinct and shared trance are involved in Dionysian. Additionally, dancing is another aspect of Dionysian, which makes it...
Topic: Critical Thinking
Words: 709
Pages: 2
Each language in the world demonstrates features of a living organism, as some of them evolve and take new forms, while others gradually disappear and die. Arabic remains one of the most spoken languages globally, and there are several varieties of it. The diversity of Arabic is determined by its...
Topic: Communication
Words: 4517
Pages: 16
A non-literary text of the “Singapore” flyer is a type of analysis advertisement. This text aims at informing the reader about the chosen Central Singapore District and the importance to recognize its activities in society, underling the concepts of inequality and social support. At first glance, the author of this...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 329
Pages: 1
Introduction In my exploration of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), I came across words with interesting backgrounds and meanings. However, the ones that most interested me were –able, chagrin, and dictionary. Of the words to the left of chagrin, I chose chaft as I wanted to learn more about it....
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 863
Pages: 3
Discourse is a lengthy formal discussion of a certain subject. Discourse can be represented verbally or written. In linguistics, discourse is used to refer to texts and sometimes to a speech. There is a criteria used by writers that must be fulfilled in order for a text (spoken or written)...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1308
Pages: 4
Introduction Nowadays, schools across the country are working to bring a suitable and efficient prospectus for all students as pointed out by the passing of Goals 2000: Educate American Act of 1994. A variety of professional associations have reacted to this concern by calling for curriculum modification and by developing...
Topic: Teaching
Words: 4252
Pages: 15
Imagine a world of verbs and nothing else. Imagine a language whereby each and every word denoted an action, an occurrence or a state of being. To bring this scenario closer home, suppose all the nouns and other passive elements in our English language were non-existent. Such a scenario stretches...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 853
Pages: 3
Introduction The English language, like many other languages, has its own history. It can be shaped in points on division into several periods. It is necessary to admit that English originates from the Anglo-Saxon people who came to the Albion after the Celts settled the land. In this respect one...
Topic: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Words: 1111
Pages: 4
Introduction Bilingualism is a global phenomenon that has occurred basically due to migration and the choice of individuals, who are mostly parents, to move from one country to another for economic and, sometimes, political reasons. Bilingual students encounter difficulties aside from learning the usual formal lessons in school. The English...
Topic: Bilingualism
Words: 1842
Pages: 6
English and Hindi # Hindu English Comments 1 SOV SVO Unlike in the system of the English language, the system of Hindu presupposes that the subject of the sentence was followed by the object. 2 Place – Adverb – Verb Verb – Place – Adverb In contrast to English, where...
Topic: Teaching
Words: 960
Pages: 3
Description The study by Roberts and Liszka investigates the processes of second language learning. The authors examine a particular linguistic issue that is researched by other scholars from many angles, namely the acquisition of tense and aspect morphology (Roberts & Liszka, 2013). According to the researchers, they aim to assess...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1683
Pages: 6
Abstract The purpose of the proposed study is the analysis of the difficulties experienced by preschool children when studying letters. The research problem is the identification of a viable approach to promoting young learners’ understanding of the letter-sound correlation. Given this problem, the intervention has been selected that is aimed...
Topic: Day Care
Words: 1709
Pages: 7
Language is one of the major forms of cognition that distinguishes humans from other species on the planet. Representatives of many other species tend to rely on sounds produced by voice as means of communication, some species even use partially learned systems of vocalisations; however, humans are the only species...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1651
Pages: 7
Statement of Research Problem In the current globalized society, many people are finding it increasingly important to learn foreign languages because of socio-economic and political reasons. According to Huang (2011), the ease with which people learn foreign languages depends on many factors. Some people find it easy to learn a...
Topic: Motivation
Words: 2986
Pages: 11
Introduction English as a second language has proven quite difficult for many students. This has been attributed to the direct influence of their first languages. It is important to point out that it is not only cultural differences that make the students find second languages difficult, but also complex linguistic...
Topic: Students
Words: 2273
Pages: 9
Introduction English is required in Puerto Rico’s public institutions, while Spanish is the dominant language there. In this regard, teaching English in Puerto Rico is very important and requires taking into account the specifics of the language situation on the island. Teachers must consider the unique features of teaching English...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 569
Pages: 2
“The Date of Infamy” is the designation for the date on which the Japanese Empire’s air force attacked Pearl Harbor, the leading U.S. naval base. On December 8, 1941, U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave the speech that established the U.S. entry into World War II (War Archives, 2011). The...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 334
Pages: 1
Language and Identity Identity is a complex concept that includes countless facets and aspects. Shahrebabaki (217) describes it as stemming “from the Latin word idem, which means sameness.” In different contexts, this “sameness” can vary semantically and has various features. In the meantime, language belongs among the most vital identifying...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1037
Pages: 4
Introduction Linguistic science pays significant attention to the differences in language processing among people from different linguistic backgrounds in today’s globalized world. Formulaic sequences are word combinations that have their structure, stored, and reproduced holistically with a specific meaning, such as idiom, proverb, or collocations (Puimège & Peters, 2019). The...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1107
Pages: 4
Introduction The idea that exposing young children to two or more languages at once is beneficial for their language development is quite debatable. The topic is opposed by both questions and evidence that prove how exposing children to more than one language delays language development. However, it is important to...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1692
Pages: 6
Have you ever wondered what the official language in America is? If the answer is English, then this is the incorrect answer because the U.S. does not have an official language (Cremean). Although it may seem unreasonable and strange, there are specific reasons for not making English or any other...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 344
Pages: 1
The roots of relevance theory are grounded in a cognitive method that originally upheld two assumptions. The first included the belief that most human communication consists of overt expression and recognition of intention. The second related to the first by inferring that two or more communicators expect certain standards to...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 3320
Pages: 12
Introduction Learning a second language provides significant educational and career opportunities for students and represents a wide area of research. English is relevant for Egyptian students since it is often a separate subject of study, and many programs and disciplines are taught in English in the country (Mohamed et al.,...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 853
Pages: 3
Wordless picture books are increasingly being used in language learning, and there are many reasons why they are considered helpful for ELs. First, it can be argued that wordless picture books are much more efficient in engaging viewers in the storyline than traditional books with texts and pictures. This, in...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 287
Pages: 1
This paper reflects the importance of Cree communities retaining their language. The Canadian Government recognizes there are endangered native languages and need to be protected. Languages are important to Indigenous communities because they represent their culture, teachings, songs, and stories. These protocols are sacred to their ceremonial value, and this...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1120
Pages: 3
Linguistic changes occurred in historical migrations and the mass development of new lands. Native North American peoples initially settled the lands of Canada. Nevertheless, lands began to be filled with British and French colonizers, and after the struggle for American independence, many U.S. citizens migrated to Canada (Anderson). This led...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 700
Pages: 4
This paper aims to explore the role of nature and nurture in language development. Language is a free-form creative process with predefined rules and concepts. In contrast, the application of generating concepts is arbitrary and infinitely varied. Understanding and applying phrases is also a creative process. As a result, I...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 368
Pages: 1
Language planning and policy are vital elements in establishing a relationship between nationalism, language, and identity. In order to create a strong nation with a unified language, governments have the power to define one or multiple official languages. Being a part of the European Union, France and Finland face migration...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 561
Pages: 2
The issue, or topic, of the following case study consists of a number of elements. Firstly, the primary focus of the study is in understanding the process and challenges of second language acquisition that Arabic-speaking individuals face when in contact with any secondary language, though English is most frequently encountered....
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1659
Pages: 6
The native language of any person, regardless of nationality or social status, is an integral part that forms their personality. Comprehension of the first language for a child is associated with an acquaintance with the basic ideas about the world and basic moral concepts. In addition, the native language is...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 519
Pages: 2
The modern globalized world offers multiple opportunities for cooperation and interaction between representatives of various cultures and regions. Under these conditions, language, as a central communication tool, acquires the top priority. Multilingualism increases an individual’s chances for successful interaction, career building, and collaboration. That is why different methodologies to get...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 604
Pages: 2
Introduction Interpersonal communication is a rich, often complicated world that people navigate while being mindful of other people’s boundaries and their own comfort zone. Healthy communication is one of the essential human needs that form the core of one’s mental health and, to an extent, personal identity. It maintains the...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1668
Pages: 6
Introduction The tribute speech to be analyzed was delivered by Former U.S president Barrack Obama during the memorial service for Nelson Mandela in December 2013. The speech highlights the achievements of Nelson Mandela, who was a freedom fighter for South Africa and its first president. The speaker is a respected...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 831
Pages: 3
Introduction In the story ‘He Died with His Eyes Open’, the narrator explained how an upper-class drunkard was found cruelly murdered through being beaten, and left to die. The man was later discovered by an unidentified police officer, who worked in an outmoded branch of the ‘London Metropolitan police’. It...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1276
Pages: 4
There is a well-known model in which three circles of the English language spread: the inner circle, the outer ring, and the expanding circle. Countries of the inner circle are the states in which English is the official and native language for the vast majority of the population. However, even...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 576
Pages: 2
Introduction There can be few doubts as to the fact that when compared to what is being the case with teaching American literature to native speakers, teaching this literature to non-native speakers poses several different challenges. This is because, it is not only that many non-native speakers often lack the...
Topic: Teaching
Words: 6933
Pages: 25
The power of language is a unique ability peculiar to human beings. Although some animals can communicate in non-verbal ways, making different sounds can hardly be called a speech. The language became the primary tool for communication between people, with which thoughts were transmitted from one person to another, from...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction One can hardly imagine the modern world without any language. It would have been impossible to achieve the current level of development in the spheres of economics, culture, and others if people had not had an opportunity to express their thoughts verbally. It is challenging to overestimate the role...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 1085
Pages: 4
All the stories David Phillips told in the video evoked different kinds of emotions: from joy and interest to sadness and sympathy. The reason is that while listening to stories, the brain is filled with neurotransmitters and hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and others, the so-called “angel’s cocktail” (TEDx...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 312
Pages: 1
Amy Tan reflects on the varieties of English she uses as an Asian American. She notes the differences between the grammatically impeccable language she uses in her writing and the often incorrect phrasing she uses when conversing with her mother and husband. Amy’s mother does not possess the same grammatical...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 178
Pages: 1
DateDespite the decades of meticulous research, the notion of linguistic studies still has a variety of aspects that require further examination. One of these aspects concerns the emergence of a language as a verbal system of communication. Among the series of theories, researchers find it hard to identify the most...
Topic: Memory
Words: 1453
Pages: 5
Introduction Research in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies (ALDS) is often focused on describing inter-language systems, cognitive mechanisms accounting for the inter-language systems, examination of social, affective as well as neurobiological systems which impact the development of the second language (Bryan, 1988). Research is also used to evaluate the impact...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1761
Pages: 5
Introduction First language is usually learnt during child development and is normally related to the environment in which a child is raised. This is quite different from the way a second language is learnt, within four years of a child’s development, it is highly expected that the language will have...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 909
Pages: 3
Introduction This paper is a review of a journal by Lynne Young entitled Systemic Functional Linguistics. The need to develop language structurally to a well-understood form in recent society is vital for better interaction between individuals. The review of the SFL is considered under the following approach: Articulation of ideas...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 547
Pages: 2
Introduction First language or mother tongue is the primary language which children acquire due to the social impact of their environment and their surroundings. Thus, language acquisition is more or less a natural process which occurs in various stages and can be successfully achieved by way of practice. In the...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 575
Pages: 2
Examples of group terms used by a speech community in the university Parallel Program- The term is pronounced as the English words meaning degree program designed to transfer a qualified student to universities although not selected by the university. LM; a female student at the university. “The exam was difficult...
Topic: Speech
Words: 1424
Pages: 5
The text is a lyric from the song by Beyoncé Knowles called “If I Were a Boy”. It has been chosen since it vividly illustrates the grammar rule to be explained. In addition, the song is popular, and it is quite likely that almost all students know it and remember...
Topic: Grammar
Words: 357
Pages: 2
Introduction People have developed several misconceptions about the ability to acquire a second language, where, children are said to be at a better position to acquire a second language as compared to adults (Felser & Clahsen 2009). While the allegation could be true, it may not apply to all individuals....
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1685
Pages: 6
Phonetic Knowledge From the transcriptions, Richard showed that he did not have major problems with producing any sound. Most of the pronunciation errors Richard made were mainly due to excitement. He seemed so carried away with excitement that he mispronounced some words. For instance, he repeatedly left the letter “d”...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 2283
Pages: 8
The denotations and connotations of the word can coincide or be absolutely different for different people. The same person would name different connotations of the same word while being in a good or bad mood. English is a polysemantic language, which means that the same word can have more than...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 570
Pages: 2
Introduction Diglossia is defined by Fergusson (1959) as a specialized form of study where a specific ancient language is analyzed in the context of comprehending its dynamics for writing and oral works. However, he identifies that the summed up knowledge is not essentially used in day-to-day conversations. This is affirmed...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 2107
Pages: 8
Introduction At present, one of the detriments of teaching vocabulary in the English Learning Institutions (ELI) is the emergence of mixed-ability classes. As noted by Ansari (2013), a mixed-ability classroom environment is made up of different groups of learners with different learning interests, skills, and abilities. Over the years, EFL...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 3040
Pages: 12
Introduction The English language learners (ELLs) are those individuals who represent a diverse population of students who came from different countries, have a different background, and speak various languages. Mainly, they are united only by the desire to master English. They need some adjustment period to be ready to cope...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 827
Pages: 4
Introduction In order to define the pragmatic function of contrastive discourse markers during conversational exchange, several themes should be revisited. To begin with, it is necessary to define the discourse markers, as well as outline the main classification and characteristics of those. Second, the analysis of theoretical frameworks related to...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1718
Pages: 7
Introduction The struggle for nationalism was one of the significant events during the colonial period in Indonesia. It was facilitated by the unity of the Indonesian tribes. The natives of Indonesia achieved unity through the adoption of a common language that facilitated communication. Therefore, the adoption of a common language...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1939
Pages: 8
Introduction This case study report examines Lilly, a Year 1 student, and her reading development. The data set contains Lilly’s reading of the book “Room on the Broom,” her retelling summary, and her responses to comprehension tests. Regarding the goals and content of the NSW English K–10 Syllabus (2022), Lilly’s...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1086
Pages: 4
Justification of Curriculum The prevalence of social challenges, such as drug abuse in urban learning environments, has negatively impacted learning in various grades. Students experience a myriad of physical, social, and psychological problems as a result of the aforementioned social challenges. As a result, they have difficulty learning English in...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1103
Pages: 4
How RTI and MTSS Frameworks Support ELLs in Reading RTI (Response to Intervention) and MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support) are frameworks for identifying and supporting struggling learners. RTI/MTSS is an effective framework for providing targeted interventions to struggling students, including ELLs (English Language Learners). However, implementing RTI/MTSS in schools with...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 532
Pages: 2
Introduction It is essential to note that learning a language is one of the most critical aspects of acquiring skills for people. The reason is that it allows them to interact with each other and creates significant opportunities in their later life. Children who quickly learn their first language can...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1348
Pages: 5
Introduction One of the most promising professions in education is teaching elementary classes to English Language Learner students. There are several reasons for this. First is the possibility of implementing innovative strategies in English learning. Second is the specifics of ELL students and the presence of cultural diversity in the...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 536
Pages: 2
Introduction Credibility is an essential writing quality that captures and maintains the reader’s attention and engagement. Presenting and developing effective argumentation through an appropriate tone and proper references is vital for good writing. However, some credibility qualities might be more difficult for a writer to achieve than others. Applying the...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 332
Pages: 1
Background The student is 18 and his first language is Thai. The level of the student’s proficiency is elementary. The learner has quite significant vocabulary but his writing and grammar are poor. The young man is learning English as he wants to master the language to obtain a well-paid job...
Topic: Lesson Plan
Words: 1395
Pages: 6
Language learning represents a major challenge for non-native speakers. Therefore, programs providing additional options for developing ESL skills are particularly helpful in building the required level of language proficiency. The Dual Language Learning program provides an immersive experience for children who are still learning their first language and, therefore, develop...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 405
Pages: 1
Amy Tan, an American author of Chinese origin, in her essay “Mother Tongue,” highlights her understanding of the difference in language depending on the subject and the field of application. Interestingly, in her life, she uses one English with her mother, another in work situations, and the one her mother...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 319
Pages: 1
For ages, people have used the art of storytelling to transmit culture, information, and wisdom from one generation to the next. Baba has been working with them to educate a group of third graders on the craft of storytelling for several years (Lakusta et al. 162). In this essay, I...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 333
Pages: 1
Introduction Language behavior defines how humans develop verbal communication. Language is acquired like any other skill and is gained from the surroundings and reinforced by responses. Babies achieve philological milestones by showing understanding and producing various sounds. Discussion Dialectal indicators successfully mark the development of a child through different stages....
Topic: Communication
Words: 278
Pages: 1
Introduction The most frequently spoken language in the United States is English, which has long served as the nation’s official tongue. It is employed for official business and communication. Making English the national language of the United States has sparked several discussions since the US does not have an official...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 590
Pages: 2
It is important to note that the purpose of the given comparative essay is to analyze the sentence and language use. The texts of interest include Andrew Jackson’s speech to Congress on Indian Removal with Michael Rutledge’s “Samuel’s Memory.” The comparison below will begin with the analysis of language use...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 579
Pages: 2
Introduction The role of talk in supporting early years students from English as an Additional Language (EAL) backgrounds in understanding and remembering a simple story is an important aspect of language development. As such, various methods and theories have supported the use of talk in the classroom to support EAL...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1418
Pages: 5
Introduction Creating a language-rich environment is a complex process that requires significant effort at each stage. To study a foreign language, a student must put forth the effort, so having the desire and knowledge of why they are doing it is crucial. When it comes to school-age students, it is...
Topic: School
Words: 1699
Pages: 6
Official language is a special language that has a privileged legal status in the state or international organizations, in the international sphere of activity. Accordingly, the official language is used for office work, legal proceedings, official correspondence in public administration, lawmaking and representative activities. Moreover, public statements, communications and speeches...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 675
Pages: 2
Introduction Nowadays, people have become more aware of the types of developmental differences and tend to spread such information. Among the developmental disabilities that used to be not well-recognized by the general public is autism, which is mainly characterized by relatively slower learning of language and cognitive skills and impulsivity....
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1756
Pages: 6
Introduction Humanities is the field that examines human expression. However, while other approaches are based on psychological, sociological, and biological explanations, humanities encompass a more analytical and subjective approach. Language, art, and philosophy are among the branches included in this subject, elements that lack objectivity but provide an overview of...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 3545
Pages: 13
Introduction A quote from NASA’s article published in 2021 devoted to Katherine Johnson holds that “from her humble West Virginia roots to leading humankind to the Moon, the accomplishments of Katherine Johnson can be measured beyond the numerical problems she solved for NASA” (“Katherine Johnson’s STEM Contributions Marked on her...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 858
Pages: 3
Introduction It should come as no surprise that people from various cultural backgrounds have quite varied perspectives, ideas, and methods that they might use to alter an organization significantly. It is critical to understand how to create successful Business Communication Across Cultures in order to optimize international cooperation. The impact...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 654
Pages: 2
Introduction The general area that is important to study is formulated by questions about the influence of language on the person and on psychological processes. This area is vital under the general aspect, namely second language acquisition (SLA), as it forms the basis for understanding these issues. It includes the...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1417
Pages: 5
What It Means by Good Comprehension Instruction Takes Place Before, During, and After Reading Effective or good comprehension instruction means helping students or learners become metacognitive, strategic, and independent readers who can develop, utilize, and control various comprehension strategies to ensure they understand what they read. This objective is achieved...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 937
Pages: 3
Reading is one of the most complex and significant forms of human mental activity that performs psychological and social functions. In order to read correctly and at high speed, the coordinated work of several analyzers is needed: visual, speech motor, and speech hearing (Olulade et al., 2020). The process of...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 361
Pages: 2
Based on the information from the table provided, from the main lexical categories of words, the child uses nouns more often, utilizing not only monosyllabic but also two-syllable words. This suggests that the objects that are called are most often of an objective nature, and it is easier for the...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 271
Pages: 1
Basic Knowledge This book has improved my understanding of communication in three main ways. First, I have learned that language is used in all aspects of human activity, no matter how different the field. The study of the character of utterances and the variety of generic facets of expressions in...
Topic: Speech
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Many school systems in the English-speaking world use English for school activities and communication. Simultaneous or dual language learner (DLL) is a term used to describe children under the age of three who learn their first and second languages at the same time. When the language spoken at home is...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 319
Pages: 1
Introduction Arabic is the primary language of about 300 million people in North Africa and the Middle East. A recent study found that Arabic is the second most spoken language in Pakistan, the Philippines, and Iran. According to Ayoub (2018), Arabic is the official language in Chad. Minorities speak Arabic...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 3102
Pages: 11
Introduction Literacy is a complex subject due to its importance and ambiguity. The significance of literacy is evident from the requirements modern society places on its members. It is expected from virtually every individual that they can communicate effectively via reading and writing. Meanwhile, the ambivalent nature stems from the...
Topic: Ethnography
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction. Oral Language This component implies the ability to communicate and transmit information through speaking and listening. Often, in children, it appears due to imitation of adults. For example, they hear the everyday speech of their parents and remember the names of things and phenomena. Oral language learning strategies include...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 614
Pages: 2
Although online courses force students to face many difficulties, they also open up many opportunities. Professionals recognize that educational technologies as a means of regular improvement can be useful and motivating. Teachers and tutors are looking for advanced methods to facilitate the learning procedure, which online courses are. In the...
Topic: Technology
Words: 300
Pages: 1
There are a plethora of studies on the efficiency of various interventions and programs for English language learners (ELLs), yet their real-life applications require a thorough assessment of each specific situation. Exploring such proposals may provide significant insight into their applicability in a teacher’s specific learning environment, making reflections an...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 839
Pages: 3
Human civilization is predicated on the principle of collaboration. We collaborate in multi-ethnic groups, with relatives and confidants, and with new people, we have not encountered before. Nevertheless, we are unified in our participation in social interactions be conditioned on commonly agreed notions that determine how certain group members need...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 277
Pages: 1
Introduction Language is a method for exchanging information in societal structure. Conversation internalization is described through the linguistic structure. Through language, people maintain their society’s heritage, culture, value, memory, unique forms of reasoning, purpose, and manifestation. Social justice preservation, effective leadership, resolution of conflicts, rehabilitation, and ecological sustainability depends on...
Topic: Inequality
Words: 3322
Pages: 12
Many kinds of people with differences in race, ethnicity, and social status speak the same language. However, depending on their background, they will use the varieties of the language that challenge the concept of Standard Language Ideology (SLI). According to Kircher and Fox (2021), SLI is a socially constructed hierarchy...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 304
Pages: 1
The Problem of the Teachers and Students In connection with the transition to communicative learning, the possibilities of a foreign language have increased in solving the urgent tasks of modern society in the field of educating the younger generation and increasing the educational, educational, and developing potential of the subject...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 886
Pages: 3
Introduction Exploring socio-historical elucidation for distinctions linking worldwide English variants has pushed language differences into the limelight. However, up to now, there have been limited large-scale empirical assessments of non-standard British linguistics, and essentially none of the languages authenticated in the specific parts of Britain produced the key establishment populations...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 2572
Pages: 9
The alphabetic principle is a fundamental ability that involves reading and writing by associating letters with their sounds. For most children, learning and using the alphabetic code requires time and dedication. When educating children to understand the alphabetic principle, explicit phonics instruction, and extended practice are critical. Learning that pronunciation...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 348
Pages: 1
Father, mother, banana, hello, and lollipop are among the first words that a child learns to pronounce. The adult spellings for these words are dad, mom, banana, hello, and lollipop. A child would pronounce these words in various forms as listed. The pronunciation of dad by kids is dada, daddy,...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 363
Pages: 1
Raciolinguistic ideology was born from European colonialism, and it suggests that language and race are correlated, which leads to a deficiency of language practices among racialized communities. According to historians, colonialism “resulted in the uneven development of forms of capitalism across the world and the destruction and/or transformation of other...
Topic: Capitalism
Words: 277
Pages: 1
Popular culture is undergoing shifts and changes that are reshaping how we experience it, where we experience it, and what our experience of it means for the ways we engage with our lives (331). The changes have been impacted by the transformation of technology that has provided for digital platforms...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1470
Pages: 5
Belleview Park and Avenue The origin of the word Belleview comes from the combination of two words: belle and view. In French, ‘belle’ means ‘beautiful’ and, in general, this word is often associated with women. French speakers associate it with softness, lightness and purity. These characteristics are often attributed to...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 577
Pages: 2
Different theories of language development contribute to language acquisition in diverse ways. According to Skinner’s operant conditioning theory, children learn words when they receive rewards (Human Language Development, 2016, para. 2). For example, when a child is hungry, they discover the word ‘eat’. A child receives something to eat when...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 367
Pages: 1
Introduction Arabic language has three different forms, namely, classical, or Quranic Arabic, modern, or standard Arabic, and colloquial, or daily Arabic. With 420 million people speaking the language globally, Arabic is one of the most commonly spoken languages globally. In addition, about 28 countries use Arabic as an official language,...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 2459
Pages: 8
Introduction The creation of a scenario centered on the Common European Framework of Reference (CERF) is essential for establishing a discourse on what must be taught via the use of a language for communication. In this scenario, migrants have problems acquiring a basic understanding of the English language, particularly in...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1577
Pages: 7
Introduction Due to better global education opportunities that students have during the current century, it has become increasingly common for students from various continents to interact with each other through education. International scholarship programs have been essential in enabling students to travel from their native countries to foreign ones in...
Topic: Teaching
Words: 1102
Pages: 4
Introduction The most widely accepted definition of “literacy” is that it is only a catch-all phrase for reading and writing. According to Darville, “procedures of reading and writing are constituents of forms of social organization – of social practices and the relations among people brought into being by those practices”...
Topic: Literacy
Words: 640
Pages: 2
The economic and cultural influence of the United States and the remnants of British colonialism resulted in English becoming the global language it is today. Scholars and researchers around the world have coined various terms for the phenomena, including Ahulu’s “General English” and Brutt-Griffler’s “World English” (Rao, 2019). It is...
Topic: Success
Words: 1006
Pages: 4
The paper focuses on the topic of English as a lingua franca (ELF) and the idea of its replacement of English as a Foreign Language (EFF) in the curriculum. It was written in 2016 by Tünde Nagy from the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Department of Humanities. The author is...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 629
Pages: 2
Bremner’s Article Analysis “The death truck: how a solution to Mexico’s morgue crisis created a new horror” by Matthew Bremner is a catchy headline. I would have scrolled past it if it were not for the intriguing title. The article did not deter me because it has an exciting topic...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 346
Pages: 1
When assimilation and multiculturalism, two contradicting styles, are used together, they provide a very well-anchored discourse of a text. Rosa uses these two elements in her book “Looking Like a Language, Sounding Like a Race” to show how language and race impact Latinos in Chicago and the general US. The...
Topic: Race
Words: 1143
Pages: 4
Introduction Literary genres refer to linguistic conventions that operate within specific contexts and possess similar text structures, purposes, and functions. As a result, genre analysis evaluates the communicative styles and techniques adopted by speakers to achieve their goals. Genre analysis also looks into the texts’ descriptive elements and how the...
Topic: Abraham Lincoln
Words: 1173
Pages: 4
Research Methodology The current study explores the topic of errors that Egyptian EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners make. The research focuses on morphological errors in applying affixes and a separate group of population – senior secondary students. The research problem is an understanding of the morphological aspect of...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1495
Pages: 5
Acquisition A good level of language proficiency corresponds to the ability to successfully communicate in the target language and speak about something in a suitable, precise, and purposeful way. Comprehension and the ability to convey your message is a more critical aspects of good language proficiency than the success of...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1995
Pages: 7
Each person’s language is unique, as it is a communication mechanism with many subjective determinants, including the accent. According to the public, accent spoils the language, and there are many sites where they offer services to eliminate it. However, the accent is, at the same time, a manifestation of the...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 284
Pages: 1
Name of study Research question/purpose Research design Sampling Data collection methods Data analysis and results Quality of study and summary. Reason for rating Using University students’ L1 as a resource: Translanguaging in a Puerto Rican ESL classroom. The study determines the effectiveness of employing two languages, Spanish and English for...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 3181
Pages: 12
Mother Tongue by Amy Tan is a short story that discloses the author’s thoughts on the role of the language being spoken as a native or a second language in the life of a speaker. The story brings awareness to the widespread bias towards the Asian community and other origins,...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 552
Pages: 2
Introduction Acquisition of a native language appears as an automated process, and it is presumed that once it happens, it becomes immune to change. However, there are these individuals who routinely make use of more than one language, and or reside in a bilingual environment. Attrition research documents that in...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1215
Pages: 5
The most effective approach to engaging students in active speaking in a foreign language is the use of various communicative activities. The latter allows the teacher to create an environment of real communication. Spontaneous communication in the classroom occurs when the learning situation turns into a natural situation (Bachelor, 2017)....
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 578
Pages: 2
First of all, it is worth highlighting that testing affects all the main aspects of language use, namely oral and written speech. In order to objectively consider the entire system, it is necessary to analyze each of the criteria in detail. First of all, teachers evaluate expressive oral speech, which...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction Baecher et al. article was chosen because it presents the challenges encountered in planning the language objectives, particularly in content-based English as a Second Language instruction. The authors argue that in the PreK-12 ESL context, the teacher gives instructions to the learners with little or no preparation in the...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1275
Pages: 4
American Sign Language (ASL) is a unique and structured way of communicating. ASL has developed as a combination of Old French Sign Language and Old American Sign Language (Moore and Levitan 37). The former was brought by Laurent Clerc, whereas the latter is an indigenous sign language used on Martha’s...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 325
Pages: 1
The importance of language in the life of a person and society and the functions that it carries is an essential aspect of the existence of humanity. It preserves the spiritual and cultural values of people. Through language, people express their thoughts, express emotions. The words of outstanding people are...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 387
Pages: 1
Introduction The reflection critically focuses on my personal learning experience, which shall remain memorable throughout my learning course. My native language is Arabic, and most students begin learning the English language as early as they advance from grade three. Even though our institutions attempt to avail the best learning resources...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 931
Pages: 3
Foreign language proficiency has an enormous number of advantages, from memory improvement to confidence in conversations with foreigners. It is a useful tool, which can be helpful for every person. In addition, it is important to understand that language skills are needed almost everywhere nowadays. Even if the person does...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 634
Pages: 2
Linguistics is a comparatively large field of study, one that encompasses a variety of different approaches towards both analyzing and applying language. The English linguistics, in particular, have come to be known as considerably well-established, researched and discussed in the academic circles. However, the amount of materials currently present on...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1719
Pages: 6
Abstract A substantial body of research findings in the field of language teaching and learning report that the successful use of one’s native language (L1) can facilitate the acquisition of a second language (L2) (Almoayidi, 2018). The growing desire to learn an additional language has resulted in many English as...
Topic: School
Words: 2485
Pages: 8
Introduction Effective communication refers to an individual’s ability to convey information to other parties more effectively as well as efficiently. Leaders who have good verbal nonverbal cues and excellent written communication skills assist in sharing information with their followers. According to DuBrin (2015), effective communication is more than just sharing...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1735
Pages: 6
Abstract This essay presents a case study of the variety of English spoken within Labrador and Newfoundland in Canada. Following a quantitative analysis of the data collected, I was able to monitor the frequencies of the use of the Inuit English variable, verbal –s, and develop the primary factor associated...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1610
Pages: 5
Introduction Today’s classrooms provide a diverse environment with increased opportunities for teachers and students to learn. Most often, many institutions across the globe use the English language as a medium of exchange during the instructional processes. As a result, there is a need for the teachers and other instructors to...
Topic: Teaching
Words: 3881
Pages: 14
Summary According to the YouTube video by Amochi013 (2014, Jan 9), when babies reach 4 months, they have the ability to read and understand the movement of lips. These actions form the transition to the first stage of the baby’s language development (Amochi013 2014, Jan 9). In the bubbling stage,...
Topic: Literacy
Words: 675
Pages: 2
Contextualization There is a significant number of factors that affect and shape the identity of the individuals, including language, culture, ethnicity, race, and other defining features. These parameters are closely interconnected and determine the social behavior and perception of people. In particular, language has been explained as an indicator of...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 580
Pages: 2
Writing skills are essential in many areas of human activity, such as interpersonal communication or seeking a job. Being an experienced and proficient writer opens many doors and helps with various issues. Therefore, evaluating writing skills can bring many benefits to people who seek to analyze their strengths and weaknesses...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 564
Pages: 2
Rate, loudness, pitch, articulation, pronunciation, tone, pausing or silence, breath, and fluency are all aspects of vocal delivery related to one’s voice. The tone of voice is vital when giving a speech since it helps engage and interest the audience. Moreover, a proper tonal variation is essential in vocal delivery...
Topic: Speech
Words: 332
Pages: 1
Chapters 24–26 In the United States, deaf people use American sign language (ASL), which differs significantly in form and structure from English. Hearing people who use ASL may change it based on their first language. As a result, deaf people can feel as though their language, the only thing that...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 356
Pages: 1