Female Arab Learners’ English Speaking Problems

Introduction The English language has increasingly become important throughout the world today particularly in the Arab world. This is why educators and parents in Saudi Arabia have become concerned about their children’s limited level in English especially in oral communication. English is a major problem in Saudi especially among the...

Linguistics: Contrast of English and Chinese

Language variations between speakers of two different languages have existed for quite a long time. The variations between Chinese and English are seen in their expressions of politeness, formality, solidarity, and discourse, and genre type often cause misunderstanding between the communicating parties. For example, when a native English speaker says...

Universal Babbling in Language Acquisition

Babbling is a period of childhood development and a condition of vocabulary acquisition in which a toddler attempts to explore with articulating sounds but cannot yet create identifiable phrases. Moreover, Morgan and Wren (2018) described babbling as a phase of pre-linguistic speech advancement characterized by repeating consonant-vowel sounds. When babies...

Test of English as a Foreign Language

Summary The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is the world’s most extensively used test for study, work, and immigration. The exam’s aim is to determine the English competence of persons whose first language is different from English. The test scores are generally utilized in analyzing overseas learners’...

Analysis of Oral Language Aspects

Introduction Oral language is one of the fundamental parts of human development. This aspect is the basis for the formation of reading and writing skills that young children will develop at further stages of development. Having a well-formed foundation in oral speech will also help develop communication, as well as...

Relevance Theory and Translation

The roots of relevance theory are grounded in a cognitive method that originally upheld two assumptions. The first included the belief that most human communication consists of overt expression and recognition of intention. The second related to the first by inferring that two or more communicators expect certain standards to...

Importance of Language Games for Child Early Development

The role of language games in infants’ language development during their early years is significant. This became apparent in the 1980s due to the research conducted by Bruner, who studied and was able to demonstrate and prove the social nature of language learning (Grazzani & Brockmeier, 2019). Since then, this...

Affixation Difficulties in EFL Learners

Research Methodology The current study explores the topic of errors that Egyptian EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners make. The research focuses on morphological errors in applying affixes and a separate group of population – senior secondary students. The research problem is an understanding of the morphological aspect of...

The Distribution of Verbal –S in Nain Inuit English in Consideration With Sex

Abstract This essay presents a case study of the variety of English spoken within Labrador and Newfoundland in Canada. Following a quantitative analysis of the data collected, I was able to monitor the frequencies of the use of the Inuit English variable, verbal –s, and develop the primary factor associated...

Language, Identity, and Discrimination

Contextualization There is a significant number of factors that affect and shape the identity of the individuals, including language, culture, ethnicity, race, and other defining features. These parameters are closely interconnected and determine the social behavior and perception of people. In particular, language has been explained as an indicator of...

Rhetorical Analysis of Steve Jobs Commencement Speech

In his commencement speech presented to the Stanford graduates of 2005, Steve Jobs provides the audience with parallels regarding the college setting and his own education and career path. Rhetorically, the speech is structured in a way that persuades the viewer to respect and trust. Steve Jobs. He is able...

Figurative Language and Its Usefulness in a Piece of Writing

Figurative language refers to the way a description is used to create a specific image and to elevate a person’s emotions. It seems essential to note that there are different kinds of this phenomenon. The latter may be considered as a vital part of writing, as well as of public...

Principles of Language Assessment – Speaking Exam

Assessment Design In this assessment, students will choose a topic and have a conversation about the chosen topic for six minutes in pairs. Students will choose from the following topics: art, childhood, food, hobbies. It will be a summative assessment of the students’ knowledge of the four topics they learned...

Teaching American Literature to Non-native Speakers

Introduction There can be few doubts as to the fact that when compared to what is being the case with teaching American literature to native speakers, teaching this literature to non-native speakers poses several different challenges. This is because, it is not only that many non-native speakers often lack the...

Dysphemism in Political Discourse Examples

In his inauguration speech, Donald Trump vowed to fight “radical Islamic terrorism” (Hizbullah and Al Makmun). This type of labeling offends the Muslim population. President Trump assigned a certain religion to terrorists. Terrorism should be considered separate from religion. President Trump often discussed his “America First” ideology with foreign representatives...

Using Corpus to Explain English Grammar and Usage Today

Introduction There are nouns in English that we classify as mass nouns. These nouns are uncountable and do not have plural forms. Occasionally, we refer to them as non-count or uncountable nouns. Mass nouns show whether a noun has a singular or plural form. The mass noun is useful when...

Pronunciation Teaching: Key Aspects

Introduction Pronunciation is one of the difficult facets of language in which to attain native competence teachers must find ways to assist learners overcome some of the most challenging aspects of pronunciation. Teachers must accord pronunciation teaching keen attention in classrooms as it contributes towards learner proficiency. The advancement in...

Bilingual Education Policy in Taiwan

One important role of a country’s education system is to ensure that its students can compete favorably in the international job market. To achieve this, the education system must emphasize the topics of relevance like technology, management, ethics and above all languages which act as the tool of communication that...

Syntax: Argument vs. and Constituent Structure

Syntax explains how sentences and texts should be formed. There are two categories of syntax that are similar to some extent but display a distinction between themselves as well. They are constituent structure and argument structure of the language. Thus, the constituent structure of the language is the set of...

Second Language Acquisition and Different Age Ranges

Introduction People have developed several misconceptions about the ability to acquire a second language, where, children are said to be at a better position to acquire a second language as compared to adults (Felser & Clahsen 2009). While the allegation could be true, it may not apply to all individuals....

Teaching English Language to Hindi Speakers

English and Hindi # Hindu English Comments 1 SOV SVO Unlike in the system of the English language, the system of Hindu presupposes that the subject of the sentence was followed by the object. 2 Place – Adverb – Verb Verb – Place – Adverb In contrast to English, where...

Thai Students’ Problems with English Grammar

Thai students often have problems with using the English grammar constructions and tenses because they do not use inflected forms of the verb in their language. Thus, much attention should be paid to the additional practice in using Past Simple constructions and verb inflections by Thai students (Swan & Smith,...

Semantic Analysis in Linguistics

Semantic analysis Semantic in linguistics is largely concerned with the relationship between the forms of sentences and what follows from them. Semantic analysis is an analysis of the sensible set of instructions that form part of programming in a language, for instance, the presence of subject-verb agreement, proper use of...

English Language Learning: Arabic and Romanian ESL Students

Introduction English as a second language has proven quite difficult for many students. This has been attributed to the direct influence of their first languages. It is important to point out that it is not only cultural differences that make the students find second languages difficult, but also complex linguistic...

Korean Language Learning: 4 Lessons

Korean is a language I know little (or rather nothing) about. However, I know that it is completely different from English and even such languages as Chinese, Japanese. Therefore, I am a bit anxious about my future lessons in Korean. I am aware of the fact that the communicative approach...

James Baldwin’s Idea that Language Is a Key to Identity

A person’s identity seems to be found in several elements, such as sex, religion, and culture. Of all these language play a significant in delineate a unique nature of a person. In most cases, language occurs in various spoken, written, and unwritten forms. Regardless of their unique characters, language not...

Neologisms: The Word and Its Origins

The 21st century can be described as one employing a major societal change. The shift can be attributed to the technological advancements that have generated various trends, innovations, and revolutions. One revolutionary change is the use of social media, which shapes how people communicate, interact, and live their lives. It...

Linguistics and Modes of Communication

There are several modes of communication in linguistics, including written and spoken words. Each of these modes has a potential list of advantages and disadvantages. In this particular case, one of the quick and easy solutions would be to just call a friend using the telephone. If the subject matter...

“The Rule of Metaphor” Book by Paul Ricouer

Basic Knowledge Paul Ricoeur is one of the most distinguished linguists and philosophers of modernity. His book on the evolution of the understanding of metaphors, titled The Rule of Metaphor, observes its evolution from antiquity to modern times. Ricoeur postulates that metaphors brought about the ending of old rhetoric and...

Language and Identity: What Is the Connection?

Language and Identity Identity is a complex concept that includes countless facets and aspects. Shahrebabaki (217) describes it as stemming “from the Latin word idem, which means sameness.” In different contexts, this “sameness” can vary semantically and has various features. In the meantime, language belongs among the most vital identifying...

The Language Role in Leaders’ Communication

Language is one of the mightiest and most influential tools of leadership. Leaders use the power of speech and language to affect their followers, explain ideas and beliefs, and gradually change the world. Many famous leaders struggled for justice and the well-being of their people: among others were Nelson Mandela,...

Literacy Is More Than Writing and Reading

Introduction The most widely accepted definition of “literacy” is that it is only a catch-all phrase for reading and writing. According to Darville, “procedures of reading and writing are constituents of forms of social organization – of social practices and the relations among people brought into being by those practices”...

Importance of Oral Language Activity

The most effective approach to engaging students in active speaking in a foreign language is the use of various communicative activities. The latter allows the teacher to create an environment of real communication. Spontaneous communication in the classroom occurs when the learning situation turns into a natural situation (Bachelor, 2017)....

Aspects of Studying English Phonology

First of all, it is worth highlighting that testing affects all the main aspects of language use, namely oral and written speech. In order to objectively consider the entire system, it is necessary to analyze each of the criteria in detail. First of all, teachers evaluate expressive oral speech, which...

Teaching English to Second Language Learners

Introduction Today’s classrooms provide a diverse environment with increased opportunities for teachers and students to learn. Most often, many institutions across the globe use the English language as a medium of exchange during the instructional processes. As a result, there is a need for the teachers and other instructors to...

Improving the Oral Communication Skills in Classroom

Discussions are used in the classroom for many reasons: discussions increase student interest and participation, help get feedback from teachers, facilitate good lecture preparation, and improve student skills. There are many benefits to having class discussions during class (Vetter et al., 2020). Classroom discussions are a common pedagogical approach that...

The Challenge and Advantage of Knowledge of Multiple Languages

The native language of any person, regardless of nationality or social status, is an integral part that forms their personality. Comprehension of the first language for a child is associated with an acquaintance with the basic ideas about the world and basic moral concepts. In addition, the native language is...

Language Wars: Descriptive and Prescriptive Grammar

Language is a subtle and multifaceted thing, which many specialists are studying. Grammar can be studied in many different ways. One can distinguish two types of grammar: descriptive and prescriptive. While descriptive grammar describes how the language is used, prescriptive grammar defines how the language should be used by native...

The Power of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

Introduction Interpersonal communication is a rich, often complicated world that people navigate while being mindful of other people’s boundaries and their own comfort zone. Healthy communication is one of the essential human needs that form the core of one’s mental health and, to an extent, personal identity. It maintains the...

“He Died With His Eyes Open” by Derek Raymond: Reading Critique

Introduction In the story ‘He Died with His Eyes Open’, the narrator explained how an upper-class drunkard was found cruelly murdered through being beaten, and left to die. The man was later discovered by an unidentified police officer, who worked in an outmoded branch of the ‘London Metropolitan police’. It...

Researching of Three Circles of English

There is a well-known model in which three circles of the English language spread: the inner circle, the outer ring, and the expanding circle. Countries of the inner circle are the states in which English is the official and native language for the vast majority of the population. However, even...

Translating Emirati Proverbs: Problems and Solutions

Abstract Proverbs are one of the most interesting fields of study when it comes to examining languages because of the characteristics they hold when it comes to their musical quality and aesthetic sounds they create in each language. This paper focuses on different Emirati proverbs and the assortment of techniques...

Nine Misconceptions About Language

Language is a subject not exempt from misconceptions, some of which are pervasive even among students studying linguistics. In an attempt to alleviate the situation, in the chapter “Nine Ideas About Language,” Harvey A. Daniels (1985) closely investigates nine such misconceptions, relying on compelling arguments and their rather extensive analysis....

Call Standard in EFL Instructions in Saudi Arabian Education

Introduction In the given paper, the issues concerning the way students and teachers in Saudi Arabia access, use and treat the CALL standard in EFL instructions concerning the preparatory year program at the University of Tabuk are going to be considered and the existing approaches are going to be evaluated....

Mental Lexicon and Language Lexicon

A lexicon is a group of words within the same language. Also known as thesaurus, a lexicon arranges the mental vocabulary of a language according to certain values. The lexicon of a language is the groupings of words, expressions, and vocabularies. A person’s mental lexicon, or lexical understanding, or idea...

Linguistic Analysis: Memory and Language

DateDespite the decades of meticulous research, the notion of linguistic studies still has a variety of aspects that require further examination. One of these aspects concerns the emergence of a language as a verbal system of communication. Among the series of theories, researchers find it hard to identify the most...

Ways of Forming English Words

Bound morphemes are morphemes that are considered from the structural point of view, they cannot be used separately. As a rule, these are affixes that help us to make different parts of speech and grammatical forms of words (-ly, -ance, in-, il-, -er, -ed). People often confuse bound morphemes, especially...

Language Acquisition Models Comparison

Introduction First language is usually learnt during child development and is normally related to the environment in which a child is raised. This is quite different from the way a second language is learnt, within four years of a child’s development, it is highly expected that the language will have...

Language Processing and Speech Mistakes

Introduction Language processing and word formation constitute the major dilemma for psycholinguistic and neuro-linguistic research. The word building deserves a special consideration in terms of different models of word organization. Hence, it is necessary to take into account morphological, lexicological, and psychological aspects. Processing mechanisms reveal the internal mechanism occurred...

Formal and Informal Verbs in the Japanese Language

In any language, the words that express the deed(s) of someone or something are called verbs. Verbs inform about actions being taken, things or beings held and the position taken by a subject. There are different classes of verbs; among them formal and informal verbs. The sense of formality and...

Gender Hierarchy in English Language

Throughout the known history of much of the world, including the regions where the English language originated and developed, society has been dominated and controlled by the patriarchal rule. The resulting product of the Language represents this dominance by means of categorizing the realities of society. Male references in everyday...

Linguistic Politeness: Brown and Levinson’s Theory

Introduction Numerous studies of the 20th century in the field of linguistic politeness play an important role in modern pragmatic works that touch on this topic and raise issues of verbal communication. As a basis for many ideas and hypotheses, Brown and Levinson’s theory is used as a valid background....

Language of the “Crimson Abbey” Horror Story

Introduction The short story under analysis is entitled “Crimson Abbey.” This horror story dwells upon a patient at a mental hospice of the future. It is necessary to note that the story addresses an issue of insanity, which is quite popular in modern society. At present, literate people tend to...

Communicative Activities for English as an Additional Language

Introduction The book “Communicative Activities for EAP” by Jenni Guse and Scott Thornbury is an English book meant for EAP teachers of both ESL and EFL that encompasses the framework for the four macro skills; speaking, listening, reading and writing. The writer chose the four resource model developed by Freebody...

Spanish Language: Phonology and Phonetics Investigating

Linguistics is the study of languages while the language is a medium for communication. The study of phonology and phonetics comprises of three aspects of language namely the form, meaning, and the context of language (Roach 14). The research will be based on the following research question: what is the...

Bilingualism: Development and Types of Bilingualism

Currently, the strengthening of economic, political and cultural ties between the countries has changed and continues to change the terms of the functioning and teaching of foreign languages. The knowledge of another language in the modern world is an acute need for the realization of interpersonal communication in optimal conditions....

The Importance of Linguistic Integration

Introduction In this text, the central idea is linguistic integration. It is about how the language spoken in the family plays a role in forming the child’s language. In other words, it is about how language is included in migrant families. Immigrants’ English language differs from native speakers, but this...

The Impact of Language Barriers on Knowledge Processing

Introduction It should come as no surprise that people from various cultural backgrounds have quite varied perspectives, ideas, and methods that they might use to alter an organization significantly. It is critical to understand how to create successful Business Communication Across Cultures in order to optimize international cooperation. The impact...

The Word “Bitch” in the Modern World

Introduction The word “bitch” in the modern world can be used in several ways, for example, traditionally as an insult or as a joke appeal among friends. This word has a long history of use in a negative context against women, but the peculiarities of its meaning were changing. Even...

The “Speech Genres and Other Late Essays” Book by Bakhtin

Basic Knowledge This book has improved my understanding of communication in three main ways. First, I have learned that language is used in all aspects of human activity, no matter how different the field. The study of the character of utterances and the variety of generic facets of expressions in...

Language Arts and Literacy Development

Language Arts and Literacy Every student must be able to comprehend visual, oral, and written material and, more significantly, analyze and apply the given information. Oral information entails a careful examination of tone, pace, and emotions, as well as exercising various techniques and knowledge. Meanwhile, visual and written materials encourage...

Technology for Learning English as a Foreign Language

Although online courses force students to face many difficulties, they also open up many opportunities. Professionals recognize that educational technologies as a means of regular improvement can be useful and motivating. Teachers and tutors are looking for advanced methods to facilitate the learning procedure, which online courses are. In the...

Children’s First Language Acquisition

Father, mother, banana, hello, and lollipop are among the first words that a child learns to pronounce. The adult spellings for these words are dad, mom, banana, hello, and lollipop. A child would pronounce these words in various forms as listed. The pronunciation of dad by kids is dada, daddy,...

Translanguaging in Second Language Acquisition

Name of study Research question/purpose Research design Sampling Data collection methods Data analysis and results Quality of study and summary. Reason for rating Using University students’ L1 as a resource: Translanguaging in a Puerto Rican ESL classroom. The study determines the effectiveness of employing two languages, Spanish and English for...

The Links Between Language and Culture

Nacirema culture’s devotion to the holy-mouth men is among the strange parts of this essay. The Nacirema think that if they do not visit the holy-mouth men, their mouths will bleed, and their teeth will deteriorate, making them social outcasts in their communities (Miner, 1956). Their beauty standards are so...

Regional and Social Dialects

Languages are typically viewed as the system of signs that allows people to articulate their ideas in a clear manner. However, no language is a monolith, which is proven by the presence of numerous dialects within every language. Although dialects are usually viewed as the characteristics that separate a certain...

For Hearing People Only Book by Moore & Levitan

Chapters 24–26 In the United States, deaf people use American sign language (ASL), which differs significantly in form and structure from English. Hearing people who use ASL may change it based on their first language. As a result, deaf people can feel as though their language, the only thing that...

Language Development in Critical Period of Life

In my opinion, language development occurs during a specific time in a person’s life, which is known as a critical period. First language acquisition happens due to exposure to the language between age two and puberty (Hartshorne et al., 2018). After this stage, it becomes more difficult for an individual...

Structured Query Language: Definition from Techopedia

SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and it is a computer language used to store, manipulate, and retrieve data from a relational database. SQL is the industry standard for Relational Database Systems. SQL is the standard database language used by all Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS) such as MySQL, MS...

The Second Language Acquisition Resources List

To begin my research, I had to define the keywords and search terms which would be utilized. They would also have to be divided into categories. First, it was important to find articles and papers that explore the more general topic of second language acquisition. Second, the search narrowed by...

A Study of Watching Movies as a Way to Practice Language Skills: Proposal

The modern globalized world offers multiple opportunities for cooperation and interaction between representatives of various cultures and regions. Under these conditions, language, as a central communication tool, acquires the top priority. Multilingualism increases an individual’s chances for successful interaction, career building, and collaboration. That is why different methodologies to get...

“The Perils of Indifference” Speech Analysis

Introduction The Perils of Indifference is one of the most influential speeches made by Nobel laureate Elie Weisel. The speech was given on the 22nd of April in 1999 during the Millennium Lecture Series occurring at the White House. Eliezer Weisel was directly invited by the president to give a...

“Why Redskins Is a Bad Word” by John McWhorter

In Why Redskins is a Bad Word, author and an associate professor of English and comparative literature, John McWhorter, writes about the phenomenon of the negative association of a word acquiring. In this essay, the author explains why ordinary words can possess another meaning different from their literal ones and...

Integrating Communicative Approach Into My Current Teaching Philosophy

The communicative approach, also referred to as Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), has occupied the central part of language teaching discussions since the late 1960s. This concept emphasizes problem solving and interactions as the means and final goal of learning a second language (Educopedia Aulas Inglês, 2020). Hence, it stresses essential...

Language Power: Experience, Knowledge, Skills

The power of language is a unique ability peculiar to human beings. Although some animals can communicate in non-verbal ways, making different sounds can hardly be called a speech. The language became the primary tool for communication between people, with which thoughts were transmitted from one person to another, from...

“Why We Hate Waiting”: Creating the Basis for the Essay

Writing an essay can be challenging when an individual meets a writing block. However, there are several writing techniques such as freewriting, responding to the text, brainstorming, or journaling that help to deal with this problem. This paper aims to utilize freewriting and responding to the text techniques to create...

“Kiduage” New York Times Article by Safire Review

On Language was weekly New York Times Magazine’s regular column that discussed some language-related topics such as new or unusual usages and popular etymology; the very first column was published on February 18, 1979. William Safire, a famous American journalist and columnist, was one of the most well-known and frequent...

Online Texting Variations: Chinese Writing

Introduction Since ancient times, the Chinese people have had a special attitude to the written language as a normative and correct one. On the opposite, spoken language has always been much more prone to deviations and the appearance of non-normative elements. However, the development of the Internet has led to...

Language Acquisition: Different Approaches

Introduction Under the processes of globalization and integration, the development of new techniques and methods of language acquisition becomes even more important. The ongoing cultural exchange and intensified business contacts stimulate the determination of the most effective and fastest methods for language acquisition. The term paper is devoted to the...

The Languages of Spain: Catalán, Gallego and Euskadi

Linguistic situation in Spain is rather difficult. For many years the only official language of Spain was Castellano. Still, nowadays, there are three other languages which function on the territory of the country. The first one, Catala, is an independent language which belongs to the group of Romanic languages. It...

Oxford English Dictionary Exploration

Introduction In my exploration of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), I came across words with interesting backgrounds and meanings. However, the ones that most interested me were –able, chagrin, and dictionary. Of the words to the left of chagrin, I chose chaft as I wanted to learn more about it....

The Concept of Discourse Analysis

Discourse is a lengthy formal discussion of a certain subject. Discourse can be represented verbally or written. In linguistics, discourse is used to refer to texts and sometimes to a speech. There is a criteria used by writers that must be fulfilled in order for a text (spoken or written)...

Why TOEFL Scores Should Be Lowered Across University?

Why TOEFL scores should be lowered across university? The aim of this research paper is to advocate for the lowering of TOEFL/IELTS and any other standardized English proficiency test scores in university. In doing so, the author will argue on behalf of the interests of the international student to determine...

The Saussure’s Theory of the Sign on Human Acquisition of Knowledge

Introduction The theory of signs proposes that a word never has a particular natural meaning and only acquires one when the people using it come together and agree that the combination of sounds represented by the word indicates a certain object or idea. This, according to Ferdinand de Saussure creates...

Area Studies and Foreign Philology

Introduction Area studies, as interdisciplinary fields of research, have assumed greater importance in the light of the growing need to understand the cultural differences that exist between nations. Area studies programs usually include subjects that are associated with humanistic disciplines. Foreign philology constitutes an important part of area studies. This...

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis: An Etiquette Without Gender Discrimination Terms

Introduction Modern political communications in democratic countries are substantially built on general principles. Such principles are not limited exclusively by the requirements of tolerance but also are dictated by the considerations of political correctness. Nevertheless, when looking at the latter terms, i.e. political correctness, it can be seen that the...

Features of Mandarin Chinese

Introduction Language never exists separately from the society this is why it can be considered only in terms of culture it belongs to. Each language can be characterized not only by words typical for it, but by certain set of gestures used as means of emphasis in verbal communication. When...

Language “Hidden” Meaning of the Message

Introduction “Of all forms of culture, it seems that language is that one which develops its fundamental patterns with relatively the most complete detachment from other types of cultural patterning.” (Sapir, 1929:211) A curious characteristic of language is its “hidden” meaning of the message. Hidden meaning that makes it possible...

Culture and Second Language Acquisition

Critical analysis of the literature Culture and SLA The relationship between language and culture can not be clearly defined, though different disciplines have tried to define their similarity and difference. For instance, a second language (L2) acquisition should be structured to incorporate a cultural environment for it to be effective....

English as the United States’ Official Language

The United States of America has gone for more than two hundred years without a designated official language. The United States is a unique country with a very diverse population. The American Community survey conducted by the Census Bureau shows that the number of minorities is increasing and that of...

Language Patterns in Miami, Florida

Introduction Human language is very unique in itself because it is not acquired biologically like other human traits but it is learned. Human beings use language to communicate by the use of symbols and signs that are conventional (Raymond, 1997). Communication systems especially language is very flexible, that is it...

Development as a Language Learner

Introduction While teaching and learning language are sometimes perceived as merely providing and obtaining a particular set of prescriptive forms, language is a structural and multifaceted system that integrates knowledge about cultural and social phenomena. This paper aims to examine my personal development as a language learner based on the...

Saudi Heritage on Improving Teaching of English

Introduction Research Background Since time in sundry, the art of movement and gesture were the main tools of communication among human beings (Assalahi, 2013). Basically, as a visual language, art has expressive and receptive components through which different ideas may be communicated void of any audible speech (Amin, Benachaiba, &...

Teaching Grammar: Subjunctive Mood

The text is a lyric from the song by Beyoncé Knowles called “If I Were a Boy”. It has been chosen since it vividly illustrates the grammar rule to be explained. In addition, the song is popular, and it is quite likely that almost all students know it and remember...

Sociolinguistics: Language Teaching and Age

Discuss William Littlewoods’s point of view on choosing what to teach William Littlewood (1981) argues that language education should reflect the communicative needs of students. The problem is that in many cases, children are supposed to learn mostly about various structural elements of the language. For instance, one can speak...

Chapters 4-5 of “Story, Performance, and Event” by Bauman

Chapter four summary This chapter concentrates on the role played by a reported speech in oral literature. The author begins by asserting the importance of excellent structural elements in reported speech. Direct speech is restrictive in the way of reporting while the reported speech gives the speaker some flexibility to...

Theories of Second Language Acquisition

Description The study by Roberts and Liszka investigates the processes of second language learning. The authors examine a particular linguistic issue that is researched by other scholars from many angles, namely the acquisition of tense and aspect morphology (Roberts & Liszka, 2013). According to the researchers, they aim to assess...

Language and the Brain: Speech Mechanics Discovering

Brain and Language Production Parts of brain There are four parts of the brain, which are the Broca’s area, the Wernicke’s area, the areas known as “the motor cortex and the accurate fasciculus” (Yule, 2010, p. 139). Localization view The ability of the human brain to correlate different aspects of...

Teaching Literature for ESL Students

Topic Teaching literature in a language course to ESL students has been a topic of a lasting debate. Some researchers argue that, even though there can be certain hazards in the use of literature, it helps students to expand their linguistic knowledge and be exposed to cultural peculiarities of people...

Concept of the Fiction in Writing

What Is Fiction? In writing, fiction is a type of story that can be characterized by a specific set of features. To be more precise, fiction commonly refers to the kind of setting or a scenario that was made up by the author (“How the language really works,” 2000). Such...

Tongue in Communication and Personality Generation

The tongue is vital for communication and understanding of the ideas, values, emotions, and desires of the other people. It could be assumed that language creates new conceptions of self-identity, as it is an essential component of one’s personality and can change one’s perceptions, attitudes, and values. The analysis of...

The Onlife and Verbophobia Neologisms Analysis

Introduction Humanities is the field that examines human expression. However, while other approaches are based on psychological, sociological, and biological explanations, humanities encompass a more analytical and subjective approach. Language, art, and philosophy are among the branches included in this subject, elements that lack objectivity but provide an overview of...

New Lexical Items: Long-Term Retention

Introduction Researchers have concentrated on incidental vocabulary learning, especially when examining the efficacy of glosses. From the backdrop of most empirical research studies, Rott and Williams (2003) have established that incidental vocabulary learning can be swiftly enhanced when glosses are made available. This conclusive finding works best when both non-gloss...

Long Term Retention of New Lexical Items

Introduction Incidental vocabulary learning has been a major area of study by researchers especially when examining the efficacy of glosses. From the backdrop of most empirical research studies, it has been established that incidental vocabulary learning can be swiftly enhanced when glosses are made available. This conclusive finding works best...

Policy Change Regarding Multilingualism in US

Introduction Diversity and multiculturalism have become essential characteristics of modern American society. The United States has been referred to as the ‘melting pot’ of cultures, religions, and ethnicities, but the current approach to language policy and multilingualism is not reflective of such a title. While the government has taken some...

“The Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan

Amy Tan, an American author of Chinese origin, in her essay “Mother Tongue,” highlights her understanding of the difference in language depending on the subject and the field of application. Interestingly, in her life, she uses one English with her mother, another in work situations, and the one her mother...

Language Development: Evidence for a Core Representation

For ages, people have used the art of storytelling to transmit culture, information, and wisdom from one generation to the next. Baba has been working with them to educate a group of third graders on the craft of storytelling for several years (Lakusta et al. 162). In this essay, I...

Language Behavior: Verbal Communication

Introduction Language behavior defines how humans develop verbal communication. Language is acquired like any other skill and is gained from the surroundings and reinforced by responses. Babies achieve philological milestones by showing understanding and producing various sounds. Discussion Dialectal indicators successfully mark the development of a child through different stages....

Should English Be the Official Language of the US?

Introduction The most frequently spoken language in the United States is English, which has long served as the nation’s official tongue. It is employed for official business and communication. Making English the national language of the United States has sparked several discussions since the US does not have an official...

Jackson and Rutledge: First-Person Narrative Language and Simple Sentence Structure

It is important to note that the purpose of the given comparative essay is to analyze the sentence and language use. The texts of interest include Andrew Jackson’s speech to Congress on Indian Removal with Michael Rutledge’s “Samuel’s Memory.” The comparison below will begin with the analysis of language use...

Exploring How ‘Role of Talk’ Will Support a Group of EAL

Introduction The role of talk in supporting early years students from English as an Additional Language (EAL) backgrounds in understanding and remembering a simple story is an important aspect of language development. As such, various methods and theories have supported the use of talk in the classroom to support EAL...

Language-Rich Environment in Hong Kong Schools

Introduction Creating a language-rich environment is a complex process that requires significant effort at each stage. To study a foreign language, a student must put forth the effort, so having the desire and knowledge of why they are doing it is crucial. When it comes to school-age students, it is...

Official Language of the United States

Official language is a special language that has a privileged legal status in the state or international organizations, in the international sphere of activity. Accordingly, the official language is used for office work, legal proceedings, official correspondence in public administration, lawmaking and representative activities. Moreover, public statements, communications and speeches...

Autistic and Neuro-Divergent Experiences of Language

Introduction Nowadays, people have become more aware of the types of developmental differences and tend to spread such information. Among the developmental disabilities that used to be not well-recognized by the general public is autism, which is mainly characterized by relatively slower learning of language and cognitive skills and impulsivity....

“The Date of Infamy”: Roosevelt’s Speech Analysis

“The Date of Infamy” is the designation for the date on which the Japanese Empire’s air force attacked Pearl Harbor, the leading U.S. naval base. On December 8, 1941, U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave the speech that established the U.S. entry into World War II (War Archives, 2011). The...

The Structure of Relative Clauses in Serbo-Croatian

Introduction The Structure and Acquisition of Relative Clauses in Serbo-Croatian, written by Helen Goodluck and Danijela Stojanović and conducted at the University of Ottawa, is a study that examines the syntactic structure and acquisition of relative clauses (RCs) in Serbo-Croatian, a South Slavic language. The research aims to thoroughly describe...

Katherine Johnson’s Contribution to STEM (Science)

Introduction A quote from NASA’s article published in 2021 devoted to Katherine Johnson holds that “from her humble West Virginia roots to leading humankind to the Moon, the accomplishments of Katherine Johnson can be measured beyond the numerical problems she solved for NASA” (“Katherine Johnson’s STEM Contributions Marked on her...

The Second Language Acquisition: Impact on a Person

Introduction The general area that is important to study is formulated by questions about the influence of language on the person and on psychological processes. This area is vital under the general aspect, namely second language acquisition (SLA), as it forms the basis for understanding these issues. It includes the...

English Language Learners: Educational Strategies

What It Means by Good Comprehension Instruction Takes Place Before, During, and After Reading Effective or good comprehension instruction means helping students or learners become metacognitive, strategic, and independent readers who can develop, utilize, and control various comprehension strategies to ensure they understand what they read. This objective is achieved...

Pineman’s Processibility Theory in Linguistics

Second language learners are individuals who are learning a new language after they have already learned one or more languages. Pineman’s Processibility theory (PPT) holds that a second language learner’s proficiency in a language is determined by their ability to process its individual units (phonemes, morphemes, and lexemes) (Dalamu, 2018)....

Oral Language Development Stages

Reading is one of the most complex and significant forms of human mental activity that performs psychological and social functions. In order to read correctly and at high speed, the coordinated work of several analyzers is needed: visual, speech motor, and speech hearing (Olulade et al., 2020). The process of...

Discussion: Second Language Acquisition

Second-language acquisition (SLA) is the process through which a person learns the elements of a new language, such as vocabulary, phonological components, grammatical structures, and writing systems, after having learned a first language. Rod Ellis comments on language pedagogy, teacher education, and second language acquisition (Ellis, 2010). He argues if...

Researching of Lexical Categories of Words

Based on the information from the table provided, from the main lexical categories of words, the child uses nouns more often, utilizing not only monosyllabic but also two-syllable words. This suggests that the objects that are called are most often of an objective nature, and it is easier for the...

Simultaneous Language Acquisition

Many school systems in the English-speaking world use English for school activities and communication. Simultaneous or dual language learner (DLL) is a term used to describe children under the age of three who learn their first and second languages at the same time. When the language spoken at home is...

Foreign Influences Aided Arabic Linguistic Development: Evaluation of the View

Introduction Arabic is the primary language of about 300 million people in North Africa and the Middle East. A recent study found that Arabic is the second most spoken language in Pakistan, the Philippines, and Iran. According to Ayoub (2018), Arabic is the official language in Chad. Minorities speak Arabic...

Aspects of the Ethnography of Literacy

Introduction Literacy is a complex subject due to its importance and ambiguity. The significance of literacy is evident from the requirements modern society places on its members. It is expected from virtually every individual that they can communicate effectively via reading and writing. Meanwhile, the ambivalent nature stems from the...

Components of the Reading Process

Introduction. Oral Language This component implies the ability to communicate and transmit information through speaking and listening. Often, in children, it appears due to imitation of adults. For example, they hear the everyday speech of their parents and remember the names of things and phenomena. Oral language learning strategies include...

Exploring Interventions for English Language Learners

There are a plethora of studies on the efficiency of various interventions and programs for English language learners (ELLs), yet their real-life applications require a thorough assessment of each specific situation. Exploring such proposals may provide significant insight into their applicability in a teacher’s specific learning environment, making reflections an...

The Main Language Development Theories

Introduction The three main theories of language development are the nature theory (Chomsky), the nurture theory (Skinner) and the interactionist perspective. Chomsky’s theory points to the innate abilities of individuals to interact through language. This capability is due to a language acquisition device which is a hypothetical mental module that...

Interrelation of Human Language and Primates

Human civilization is predicated on the principle of collaboration. We collaborate in multi-ethnic groups, with relatives and confidants, and with new people, we have not encountered before. Nevertheless, we are unified in our participation in social interactions be conditioned on commonly agreed notions that determine how certain group members need...

Maintaining Hierarchical Interactions with Concealed Inequality in Language

Introduction Language is a method for exchanging information in societal structure. Conversation internalization is described through the linguistic structure. Through language, people maintain their society’s heritage, culture, value, memory, unique forms of reasoning, purpose, and manifestation. Social justice preservation, effective leadership, resolution of conflicts, rehabilitation, and ecological sustainability depends on...

Analysis of Standart Language Ideology

Many kinds of people with differences in race, ethnicity, and social status speak the same language. However, depending on their background, they will use the varieties of the language that challenge the concept of Standard Language Ideology (SLI). According to Kircher and Fox (2021), SLI is a socially constructed hierarchy...

English Language Education in Thailand

The Problem of the Teachers and Students In connection with the transition to communicative learning, the possibilities of a foreign language have increased in solving the urgent tasks of modern society in the field of educating the younger generation and increasing the educational, educational, and developing potential of the subject...

Children’s Language Development: The Role of Transcripts

I hope you are doing well. I have chosen 24-month-old child transcript and I counted that there are 74 morphemes out of 74 utterances. The MLU figure which the division of 74 to 72 is 1.02 which drives the conclusion that the child needs evaluation as for his age the...

A Regional Analysis of the United Kingdom and Ireland English

Introduction Exploring socio-historical elucidation for distinctions linking worldwide English variants has pushed language differences into the limelight. However, up to now, there have been limited large-scale empirical assessments of non-standard British linguistics, and essentially none of the languages authenticated in the specific parts of Britain produced the key establishment populations...

Importance of Phonemic Awareness for Development

The alphabetic principle is a fundamental ability that involves reading and writing by associating letters with their sounds. For most children, learning and using the alphabetic code requires time and dedication. When educating children to understand the alphabetic principle, explicit phonics instruction, and extended practice are critical. Learning that pronunciation...

Raciolinguistic Ideology: Language, Capitalism, Colonialism

Raciolinguistic ideology was born from European colonialism, and it suggests that language and race are correlated, which leads to a deficiency of language practices among racialized communities. According to historians, colonialism “resulted in the uneven development of forms of capitalism across the world and the destruction and/or transformation of other...

How the Internet and Digital Culture Have Changed Language in Canada

Popular culture is undergoing shifts and changes that are reshaping how we experience it, where we experience it, and what our experience of it means for the ways we engage with our lives (331). The changes have been impacted by the transformation of technology that has provided for digital platforms...

Place Names in Englewood: Belleview Park and Avenue and Broadway Street

Belleview Park and Avenue The origin of the word Belleview comes from the combination of two words: belle and view. In French, ‘belle’ means ‘beautiful’ and, in general, this word is often associated with women. French speakers associate it with softness, lightness and purity. These characteristics are often attributed to...

The Language Acquisition Process: Theories and Elements

Different theories of language development contribute to language acquisition in diverse ways. According to Skinner’s operant conditioning theory, children learn words when they receive rewards (Human Language Development, 2016, para. 2). For example, when a child is hungry, they discover the word ‘eat’. A child receives something to eat when...

Phonological Fragment of Arabic Language

Introduction Arabic language has three different forms, namely, classical, or Quranic Arabic, modern, or standard Arabic, and colloquial, or daily Arabic. With 420 million people speaking the language globally, Arabic is one of the most commonly spoken languages globally. In addition, about 28 countries use Arabic as an official language,...

What Must Be Taught via the Use of a Language for Communication

Introduction The creation of a scenario centered on the Common European Framework of Reference (CERF) is essential for establishing a discourse on what must be taught via the use of a language for communication. In this scenario, migrants have problems acquiring a basic understanding of the English language, particularly in...

Processing of Formulaic Sequences in Non- and Native Speakers

Introduction Linguistic science pays significant attention to the differences in language processing among people from different linguistic backgrounds in today’s globalized world. Formulaic sequences are word combinations that have their structure, stored, and reproduced holistically with a specific meaning, such as idiom, proverb, or collocations (Puimège & Peters, 2019). The...

Exposing Babies to More Than One Language

Introduction The idea that exposing young children to two or more languages at once is beneficial for their language development is quite debatable. The topic is opposed by both questions and evidence that prove how exposing children to more than one language delays language development. However, it is important to...

English Proficiency: The Key for Success in Business World

The economic and cultural influence of the United States and the remnants of British colonialism resulted in English becoming the global language it is today. Scholars and researchers around the world have coined various terms for the phenomena, including Ahulu’s “General English” and Brutt-Griffler’s “World English” (Rao, 2019). It is...

English as a Lingua Franca and the Idea of a Foreign Language

The paper focuses on the topic of English as a lingua franca (ELF) and the idea of its replacement of English as a Foreign Language (EFF) in the curriculum. It was written in 2016 by Tünde Nagy from the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Department of Humanities. The author is...

An Official Language for America: A Necessity or a Threat?

Have you ever wondered what the official language in America is? If the answer is English, then this is the incorrect answer because the U.S. does not have an official language (Cremean). Although it may seem unreasonable and strange, there are specific reasons for not making English or any other...

Linguistic Development: Skinner’s and Chomsky’s Views

Skinner proposed a linguistic development theory referred to as operant conditioning. He believed this involves giving children rewards when they use language practically. For instance, if a child learns the word “drink” and pronounces it correctly when thirsty, their parent or guardian should provide them with something to drink. This...