Moore’s Proof Presented in Hume’s Theory

Hume’s Theory in Brief Hume’s theory is a theory of based on how we can be able to make inductive references and knowledge. This theory revolves around skepticism which is the belief that people cannot have full knowledge on the nature because perception reveals things not as they are, but...

Louis Pojman Theory of Merit and Demerit

Introduction It has been argued over the years, whether to judge people based on their deeds, irrespective of their intentions. When this is done, they are subjected to judgments based on their actions, without considering if they are responsible. It is quite easy to note that people have different reasons...

Inconsistency of Socrates’ Arguments in Crito and Apology

It is often the case that philosophical judgments are self-contradictory. The matter is that philosophy as such is a very contradictory science and what at first may seem true, turns out to be absolute lies after thorough consideration. A number of philosophers are blamed for being inconsistent in their arguments...

Socrates in Aristotle’s and Plato’s Works

Thesis Statement Discussion Socrates’s decision of investigating piety was prudent and necessary. He was a wise philosopher who enlightened the citizenry against unjust laws and traditions which tend to be oppressive. He was charged, convicted, and condemned on the charge of impiety. Impiety charge had three specifications depicting Socrates’s thoughts:...

“Discourse on Method” by Rene Descartes

Rene Descartes was a remarkable French philosopher whose contribution to the development of modern science and philosophy can be best of all proven by such titles as the Father of Modern Philosophy and the Father of Modern Mathematics that are traditionally ascribed to him. There is no doubt that it...

Garrett Hardin: Mutual Coercion

Hardin and his work Garrett Hardin is known for his good attempts long with arguments to work out social reasons and effects that can damage the environment. His work ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’ explains the main source of the hazards that appeared in society with the flow of time....

Philosophical Word: Ontology and Ontological Issues

Introduction There are various different but related issues that are normally utilized in ontology in its implementation during concept description as well as determination of their existence. These issues of ontology include the situation involving a project in which types of things in existence are determined. The project in which...

Free Will in Hard Determinism, Soft Determinism and Libertarianism

The questions of free will were always agitating the minds of philosophers. This could be explained by people’s tendency to acknowledge the responsibility of one’s actions. The questions that might arise ask whether there were other options in doing certain options or it was already predetermined. As a purpose of...

God Existence: The Cosmological Argument

Introduction The Cosmological Argument for the existence of God, as propounded by Thomas Aquinas, hinged on the five general principles. This, in Aquinas’ masterpiece was entitled “The Summa” (The Five Ways). In what follows, we would be critically discussing the first, second, fourth and the fifth pillars of his argument...

Socrates’ Method and Philosophical Ideas

The paper’s aim is to study the main ideas of Socrates, the outstanding Greek philosopher. In the work the author studies the Socratic Method, sheds light on Socrates’ ideas of soul, virtue and knowledge. It would be hard to find a more mysterious and captivating historical figure among philosophers than...

Modernism, Postmodernism, and Metaphysics

Introduction Philosophy as a special form of society’s conscience can be said to have been occurred to fulfill the need for people to answer certain questions. The answers to such questions should be able to deliver a complete, logically relevant, and sufficiently broad in generalizations and conclusions knowledge about the...

Key Problems With Metaphysics

Metaphysics Before science developed into the sophisticated form that we witness it in today, solutions of problems that had possible associations with science were dealt with and studied under the umbrella of metaphysics. Before the advent of modern science and very well before Aristotle, metaphysics was the most commonly used...

American City: Dreams and Nightmares

Introduction It is not a secret, that urbanization is taking place as a process all over the world today and especially in America. It means that people tend to go to the large cities for a seemingly better fortune there. Despite this vastly developed tendency, some people of today are...

The Conceptual Metaphor by Lakoff and Johnson

The use of the conceptual metaphor is a powerful tool because it reaches the very center of our way of understanding the world around us. Generally speaking, a conceptual metaphor is defined as a metaphor “that is so basic in the way people think about something that they fail to...

Skepticism and Unreliable Knowledge Sources

Skepticism is associated with doubts about knowledge and its reliability. Skeptics stress that it is impossible to make sure that any source of knowledge is reliable enough, so people are likely to be mistaken all the time (Vaughn, 2018). The best illustration of this perspective is Plato’s assumption that the...

Locke and Hobbes as Human Nature Philosophers

Human philosophy is a field that continues to influence the way people think about specific subjects, issues, or things in life. The concept of human nature has remained divisive since many scholars present diverse views and opinions about its relevance or existence. This paper describes how John Locke and Thomas...

God Existence Argument in the “Forrest Gump” Film

Religion has always been one of the integral parts of human society. It appeared at the dawn of civilization with the first attempts to explain the nature of the universe and the origin of species and people. Communities created their gods to answer questions that were difficult for them with...

“The Theory of Moral Sentiments” by Adam Smith

Introduction Today, Adam Smith’s The Theory of Moral Sentiments is considered among the most important contributions to the history of moral and political thought. Given the fact that the book was written in 1759, it was a real breakthrough in scientific thought because it provided evidence for people’s actions and...

Kant’s Philosophy in the Movie “Gone Baby Gone” by Ben Affleck

Introduction In the contemporary world, people have to deal with moral dilemmas especially when deciding what is ultimately good. Philosophically, the definition of a good act varies depending on the different schools of thought. Immanuel Kant came up with the categorical imperative on moral philosophy, which defines what is right...

Critical Thinking and Ethics Today

Aristotle and the Question of Virtue: Why Bother Being Good? According to Aristotle, virtue is a center point located between two extremes. For example, virtue would be in the middle of an abundance of something and its deficiency (Roca & Schuh, 2017). This concept can describe not only the number...

Logical Consistency and Contradictions Definition

Contradictions Being logically consistent implies that a person has inner integrity. This is enhanced by avoidance of contradictions as inner desires are not permitted to conflict with one another. For instance, the need to be honest and brave might be contradicted by an urge to shun trouble and pain (Goldman...

“The Ethics of Belief” by William Clifford

Introduction In the essay “Ethics of Belief”, William Clifford argues that no one, choosing what to believe, can be free from the opinions of others. A person’s faith may incriminate him/her in unethical behavior, depending on whether he/she has the “right to believe” what he/she believes in, according to Clifford...

Karl Marx’s Critique of Capitalism

The socialist revolutionary, Karl Marx, singled out several socio-economic formations in history and considered the patterns of their development. Slavery, feudalism, capitalism, and communism aspects were discussed by this scholar. Marx revealed the economic contradictions inherent in capitalism, pointing to the inevitability of the transition to the next formation. This...

Jean-Paul Sartre’s “Existentialism Is a Humanism”

The passage “Obviously I do not mean that whenever I choose between a millefeuille and a chocolate éclair, I choose in anguish. Anguish is a constant in this sense – that my original choice is something constant. Indeed, this anguish is in my view, the complete absence of justification at...

Free Will from d’Hobach’s Determinist Perspective

Introduction The quote “Man’s life is a line that nature commands him to describe upon the surface of the earth…” is a great example of a determinist philosophy concept. It was written by d’Holbach in his work The System of Nature, which was published in 1770 (Speaks, 2006). The main...

Philosophy: The Power of Ideas

Explain (the main ideas and views) and evaluate (by giving arguments) the view of Heraclitus regarding the nature of reality? Heraclitus believed that the surrounding reality reflects the ongoing process of things being continually transformed. In its turn, this implied that the seeming spatial stability of this reality’s emanations is...

Power and Wealth as a Source of Strength

Administering life A good example of ‘administering life’ is when human beings link money with power. Wealth is seen as a source of power. Rich people in society are highly regarded as compared to poor ones. Society has a way of linking wealth with power; this is a belief that...

Mind-Body Dualism and Human Nature in Philosophy

Introduction Throughout the ages, people have tried to comprehend the world and understand their own place in this unique system. From the time the ability to think critically and analyze events first appeared, individuals used their brains not only to come up with ways to survive but also to improve...

Chisholm’s & Goldman’s Internalism and Externalism

Chisholm’s views on the alternatives to internalism In his view, Chisholm seems appears to support the externalism view that “justification of knowledge” depends on a number of factors that are “external to a person”. This argument means that the actions of a person cannot be justified only by determining the...

Socrates’ Metaphors as an Inspiration

Socrates and Plato were always perceived as wise philosophers and changed the perceptions of the society and the insufficiency of the government while underlining the gravity of the principles of good and bad. Socrates’ dialogue with Glaucon about the darkness of the cave and puppet-like nature of the world was...

Plato’s and Aristotle’s Views on Philosophy

Introduction It is worth noting that the two great philosophers Plato and Aristotle had polar views on the essence and the philosophy in general. Aristotle, unlike his teacher Plato, was interested not so much in the inner essence of the being, the fundamental principle of the world as such, but...

The Common Sense Realism Concept: Thomas Reid Views

Reid, a Scottish philosopher, held that common sense (sensus communis) should be the foundation of all modes of philosophical inquiry. He opposed the view of Hume on the subject (Forguson 23). The latter claimed that it was impossible for people to understand or know the external world since knowledge is...

Kant vs. Fuller: Law and Morality

Introduction The rule of law is a subject of practical philosophy that has always been of high interest to philosophers willing to arrive at principles of pragmatic governance by either separating empirical applications of sets of rules governing human action from the pursuit of ends valuable in the moral sense...

Honor: Traditional Meaning and Broader Definition

Introduction Our society rests on some basic ideas and notions that create the basis for its further rise and evolution. Such unique phenomena as pride, dignity, joy, devotion, etc. are an integral part of our everyday life. They appeared at the very first stages of the evolution of the human...

Kant’s and Mill’s Ethical Philosophies

Introduction Human beings have always been troubled by various ethical and moral issues. These issues are associated with the major principles that define what is wrong or right. Principles of human morality usually focus on the distinction between bad and good behaviors. However, societies and individuals have developed diverse values...

Virtue Ethics as an Army Officer’s Moral Code

Aristotle suggests that Virtue ethics is the foundation of a person’s moral character. At the core of the theory is the ideal virtuous person. A person that is kind and generous because part of their moral fabric seeks nothing in return for helping others develop good character traits. The development...

Suffering and Duty in Buddha’s and Siderits’s Theories

Are We Obligated to Prevent Suffering? It could be hardly doubted that Buddhism as a philosophy and religion had a significant impact on the development of Western moral and ethical conceptions (Garfield et al. 293). It is also possible to notice that such influence became more apparent since the 19th...

Aristotle’s and Machiavelli’s Views on the Virtue

Introduction There are many discussions and contradictions in the attempts to understand what virtue can mean and how it can define the quality of a human life. The ideas developed by Aristotle seem to be one of the oldest examples of how people should behave in regards to the virtues...

Cosmological Argument as a Philosophical Concept

Introduction Numerous arguments have been advanced to validate the claim that science can explain the existence of everything in the physical and metaphysical world. However, given the limited scope covered by science, it becomes controversial to claim that humanity can have a theory on everything. Some physicists argue that it...

Plato’s “Republic” – What Is Democracy?

Poverty, inequality, and rising crime rates are some of the social problems that plague countries all over the world. Brilliant people argue that the only way to develop a cost efficient solution to these problems is to establish an effective system of governance. After a careful analysis of Plato’s ideas,...

The Meaning of Life: A Discussion

Introduction In philosophy, it is a good tradition (if it might be said so) to look for answers to very general questions, such as questions about the origin of the universe, human nature, good and evil, and so on. One of these is the question of the meaning of life....

Plato’s View of Art: Philosophies of Art and Beauty

Plato was known for being concerned about society and its morals. He knew that art had a great influence on the youths, which is why he expressed some concerns. The philosopher feared that certain negative influences depicted in it could have a negative impact on people. This is why the...

Martin Gardner’s Argument for the Objectivist View of Art

Since the era of Aristotle, aesthetics has been among the most challenging problems for philosophers to solve. It is possible to categorize the many theories of aesthetics into two classes: the cognitivist and idealists, although they differ in several aspects. Idealists maintain that a person can use an objective view...

To What Extent Is Truth Different in Mathematics, Ethics and Arts

Introduction Truth as a subject of investigation is very problematic. In this paper, through analysis of what philosophers have posited over time, it will be established that a universal understanding and appreciation of truth is possible. However, in given different contexts the approach to and appropriation of truth has to...

John Henry Newman, an English Philosopher

Introduction John Henry Newman was born in 1801 and died in 1890; and was an English philosopher, intellectual, academic, theologian, poet, scholar, writer, and historian, among many other titles or accomplishments. In addition, Newman happened to be the first Anglican priest who later became a Catholic cardinal. Newman was also...

The Intersection of Wisdom and Intellectual Skills

Reflection Paper: Wisdom and Intellectual Skills By taking the lecture on wisdom and intellectual skills, I learned the nature of wisdom from the philosophical perspective, the traits of a wise person, and a detailed breakdown of analysis, assessment, and argument. As a result, I understood the role of wisdom in...

Epistemology Based on Rationalism

Introduction The diverse routes of knowledge have created controversy in the field of epistemology, with rationalism being the most viable acquisition strategy. Various philosophers have tried to explain how individuals acquire knowledge about their environment and every other aspect of living. Socrates’s pursuit of wisdom begins with discovering facts through...

The Idea Behind Greek and Roman Epicureanism

Introduction Humanity constantly seeks happiness in different material and spiritual matters. Through the centuries, people have been referring to various philosophical studies to find the key answer to happiness and how to satisfy it. The teachings of Roman and Greek philosophers offer their ideas on content life leading. Epicureanism’s death...

The “Euthyphro” Dialogue by Plato

In Plato’s “Euthyphro,” the character Euthyphro offers four definitions of piety. The first definition states that piety is what is loved by the gods, while impiety is what is hated by the gods (Lu). The second definition states that piety is doing what is pleasing to the gods, while impiety...

Forms of Consent: Consultation–Trusted Digital Identity Bill Package

Consent is voluntary permission to receive or provide something in a legally binding contract or other circumstances. It creates the opportunity to make agreements between at least two entities, with one or both agreeing to initiate certain actions or avoid them in exchange for a certain outcome. Consent can be...

Epicurus’s View of the Greatest Pleasure

Epicurus defines pleasure as nothing more than the elimination of pain. If a person can attain a mental state without pain, they have achieved a state of pleasure. Therefore, Epicurus holds that individuals experience the greatest pleasure after all suffering has been eliminated (Voorhoeve, 2020). This implies pure, genuine pleasure...

Philosophical Anthropology and Theological Perspectives

Theology, like psychology, is driven by the urge to understand human nature. Clinical psychology dominates psychology’s discipline, and its subject matter frequently intersects with religious questions. The crucial question is whether psychology can help humans from the perspective of philosophical anthropology. Thus, the essay will compare philosophical anthropology’s psychological and...

Sartre’s Concept: Existentialist Philosophical System

The idea that existence comes before essence is a cornerstone of Jean-Paul Sartre’s existentialist philosophical system. It implies that humans create their essence via their choices and actions in life rather than being born with a predetermined nature or purpose. Sartre believed that a person’s existence, or the fact that...

William Rowe’s Argument on the Issues Concerned With Suffering

Introduction William Rowe is a philosopher who wrote extensively on the ethical issues concerned with suffering. He argued that it is unlikely that all critical cases of intense human and animal suffering bring about the greater good. It is possible to agree with the philosopher that suffering cannot obviously lead...

The Best Sushi Chef Jiro Ono’s Philosophy

The selected chef for this assignment is Jiro Ono, who is globally recognized as the best sushi chef. Sushi is a collection of delicious Japanese cuisines that are sold in several restaurants around the world. Ono is well known for his outstanding specialization in preparing sushi with his philosophy of...

Socrates’ Wisdom: A Quest for Knowledge or Material Gain?

Socrates’ statement reflects his belief that individuals should prioritize seeking knowledge and wisdom over acquiring wealth and fame. This attitude is consistent with Socrates’ philosophical beliefs, as he is known for valuing knowledge and virtue above all else; thus, I agree with him. As one of the founders of Western...

Temporary vs. Historical Discourses about Nature and Humans

The fundamental problems of philosophy arise along with its development, which is inseparably linked with civilizational transformations. The problems that thinkers have always considered have changed with the development of human culture, knowledge, and practice, but there have always been such questions, the answers to which were traditionally expected exclusively...

The Human Soul, Its Nature and Status

Bonaventure, Averroes, and Avicenna were all medieval philosophers who wrote extensively on the nature and status of the human soul. However, their views on this topic differed in several significant ways. For Bonaventure, according to Löwe (2021), the human soul was the highest form of being in the universe and...

Agent and Possible Intellect in Saint Bonaventure’s vs. Averroes’ Views

Many philosophers considered the nature of knowledge and human intellectual capacities from different perspectives. Aristotle proposed the most influential theories that later became the basis for interpretations and discussions. Saint Bonaventure articulated a theory of the agent and possible intellect, which attributes the possibility of knowledge generation to each individual...

Grey Areas from a Christian Standpoint

The most important thing for Christians to acknowledge is that there is no black and white in the world. Only grey areas that must be navigated carefully exist and continuously call Christians to action. The discussed story is “Free Fruit for Young Widows” by Nathan Englander, featured in the May...

The God, Freedom, and Human Dignity Book by Highfield

Ron Highfield’s book, God, Freedom, and Human Dignity, offers a thoughtful and illuminating exploration of how to embrace a God-centered identity in a me-centered culture. The author draws on various sources, including scripture, literature, and philosophy, to present a compelling argument in favor of living a life of faith and...

Galileo: Role in the Scientific Revolution

The Scientific Revolution was when philosophers began to discover truths about existence and the universe through intensive research and experimentation without relying on the influence of Christian theology for solutions. Philosophers such as Galileo contributed knowledge to the Scientific Revolution through thought experiments that led to numerous discoveries (Zanatta 1)....

Morality and Ethics: Philosophical Theories

Ethical and moral standards form the basis on which an action is considered right or wrong in a particular society. Philosophers such as John Stuart Mill, Immanuel Kant, Aristotle, Sartre, and Singer developed different theories explaining the concept of morality and ethics (Tseng & Wang, 2021). Philosophical theories such as...

Socrates’ Philosophical Maxims Analysis

Introduction The Socratic maxims are both conscientious and conceptual in nature. These dicta were initially analyzed and critically assessed by Aristotle. Presently, these axioms have become an area of interest in the philosophy of education and general philosophy. Indeed, the intellectual and cultural development of the world has been shaped...

Postmodernism as a Philosophical Aspect

Postmodernism is a philosophical aspect that is described as a truism. It is a concept characterized by relativism, subjectivism, and skepticism. Postmodernism plays a role in asserting and balancing life through a general suspicion of reason. The basis of postmodernism is the reaction against the intellectual assumptions and traits of...

The Minimalism Concept in Japanese Daily Life

Introduction These days, the words minimalism and sustainability are most often mentioned in the same breath. A modern, minimalist lifestyle usually goes hand in hand with sustainable products and the fundamentally sustainable use of facilities. These two concepts were born from different parts of the same problem, which perhaps show...

The Problem of Evil from a Religious Perspective

The problem of evil has been debated since the dawn of time. Komodo Dragons hunt their prey by biting them; the blood attracts other dragons, and they all wait for the venom from the bite to take effect, which can take days, weeks, or even months (Smithsonian Channel, 2016). Fans...

HIS102: Western Civilization II

Middle class has historically exhibited higher internal complexity and greater regional volatility and has been highly vulnerable to changes in business cycles. It is commonly believed that middle-class status is most reliably associated with business people, even though it can also refer to a variety of other groups, such as...

Aspects of the Philosophy of Nature

Introduction The philosophy of nature is the hypothetical field that examines the natural environment or the actual universe in its broadest sense. This existence of distinction and focus on the origin’s dilemma has profoundly impacted present conceptions of creation. Nature is an inherent and essential component of humanity. It is...

Self-Consciousness in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit

The Phenomenology of Spirit is a philosophical work by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, first published in 1807. The result of this paper is a systematic attempt to chart the development of human consciousness as it moves from naivety and unconsciousness through various stages of self-awareness until it finally reaches a...

Epistemology From Rationalist and Empiricist Perspectives

Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, is well-known for his work in epistemology and metaphysics. The question, “What can we know?” is central to much of his work. The short answer is that human understanding is limited to mathematics and the natural and empirical sciences. Kant argues that it is impossible...

Solving the Problem of Free Will for Libertarianism

Introduction Libertarians argue that people are, indeed, free. A libertarian’s views on free will tend to fall into one of two camps: the principle of alternate possibilities (AP) or the principle of ultimate authorship (UA). AP conceptualizes the idea that one would have acted differently. On the other hand, UA...

Discerning Humean Compatibilism

Introduction Humean compatibilism is a belief in the possibility of free will within the context of determined actions. This viewpoint is a compromise between the philosophically opposed ideas of free will and determinism. Whereas free will argues for the absence of predetermined fate, determinism states that all events are caused...

Analysis of Ayer and Mackie’s Works on Moral Judgement

Moral judgment is the process of deciding what to do when faced with an ethical dilemma, including questions of right and wrong. Different philosophers have developed theories for criticizing right and wrong and the forces that drive people to decide what is wrong and right. These philosophers include David Humes,...

Kantian Perspective on Lying: View of Ethics

Close inspection of different perceptions of morality in Western philosophy allows identifying unique features of philosophical teachings. Furthermore, studying how different philosophical doctrines approach violations of morality can be used for a clearer understanding of philosophers’ views. In a significant part of her works, O’Neil defended Immanuel Kant’s philosophy and...

Philosophy of Leadership Statement

Introduction The philosophy of leadership is a theory that describes the art of leading and serving a group. This philosophy is not just any group; it includes authors, researchers, and businesses seeking to improve their operations through organizational changes (Bolman and Deal, 2017). The philosophy is especially appealing because it...

Groundhog Day: Philosophical Parallels

Summary Groundhog Day is an iconic film that has a classic rethinking of the time loop theme with deep philosophical overtones. Even though I had watched the movie several times before, I rewatched it a few days ago and found a lot to think about. The film builds parallels with...

Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: Introduction

Experience is the utmost source of knowledge. People go through new experiences all the time, which gives rise to new knowledge. This means that future lives will always have new knowledge. Experience is also the source of understanding. Empirical knowledge is gained by experience and not innate ideas or deductive...

Is Money a Virtue or Evil: Discussion

Abstract This research proposal is based on whether money is evil or virtue for Christians. To adequately address this research problem, the researchers have decided to address the topic using four factors: meanness versus generosity and greed versus frugality. This will be a qualitative study because it aims to evaluate...

Ethical Theories: Privileges and Disadvantages

Classical utilitarianism is traditionally understood as an ethical doctrine that asserts happiness as the primary value. All human actions are based on the desire for happiness, understood as the maximization of human activity, the maximal avoidance of suffering, and the approximation of the pleasures of life (Alican, 2021). Utilitarianism determines...

Embracing the Power of a Liberal Arts Education

A college education that teaches general information and fosters intellectual development is often referred to as a liberal arts education in the twenty-first century. A degree in the liberal arts can equip a student for various careers in today’s economy. As Jamila Lyiscott said in the video, getting a top-notch...

Discussion of a Fable for Modern Times

A fable is a short narrative that can be written in prose or rhyme and conveys a straightforward moral or lesson. Examples of animal characters that are humorous, clever, or foolish creatures who reflect human flaws and vices abound in tales. The moral lesson of a fable may occasionally have...

Plato’s Arguments Against the Sophists Essay

Plato’s whole Doctrine of Ideas was founded on his ethics, politics, and humanity as a Greek philosopher. Plato believed that Sophistry was harmful, so his primary concern was that its rhetorical techniques, debate strategy, and social standing would eventually cause the cultures and communities to disintegrate. Sophistry and the Sophist...

Lakatos and Kuhn: Science is Progressive

Introduction Science has a history characterized by an incommensurate succession of paradigms. Kuhn asserts that a sole paradigm’s empirical work is of little significance to that of another (Kuhn, 1974). Comparing paradigms on identical grounds, for instance, empirical adequacy, proves inconclusive. Diverse paradigms differ on the meaning of truth or...

Rousseauism: The Voice of Nature

Rousseauism The dream of a better life and the idea that each generation should live better than the previous one has made a decisive contribution to the pursuit of scientific and technological innovation, reform, and continuous progress. However, not all concepts agree that moving forward is tantamount to approaching a...

Philosophy: Theory of Knowledge of Plato

Introduction The cave’s inner part embodies the sensual world; it is dim, gloomy, and devoid of natural light, where a group of prisoners sees the shadows. Consequently, the outer part illustrates the intelligible, material world, filled with the magnificence and beauty of light from the sun. Thus, the prisoner’s journey...

Justice: Libertarianism and Utilitarianism

Introduction Justice is primarily concerned with the ideals that should support the state, politics, and the law relevant to Western pluralistic cultures. Sandel provides a three-way argument between utilitarian, liberal, and communitarian viewpoints, with the latter emerging victorious, aided by a healthy dose of neo-Aristotelianism. Reasonable explanations are provided, and...

The Problem of Self as a Philosophic Question

Introduction The problem of determining human nature has always been topical. Individuals have always tried to determine the nature of their selves and find their places in the world. For this reason, the question of self is one of the fundamental ideas in both Western and Eastern philosophies. Thinkers have...

John Locke and Thomas Hobbes’s Perspectives on Absolute Sovereignty

Introduction Sovereignty is the ability of states to make laws and shape policies in their territories. Territories must obey the sovereignty in force and fulfill obligations by complying with laws and regulations. Different perspectives on the power of sovereignty determine how public policy operates to legislative and executive powers. The...

The Mind-Body Problem in Philosophical Theories

Introduction The mind-body problem is a philosophical discussion explaining the relationship between the body and mind. Various past and modern philosophers have developed varied positions regarding whether the mind is independent of the body. Sufficient evidence shows that the mind is what the brain does and that both are interdependent....

Exploring Peter Singer’s Ethical Concepts in “Famine, Affluence, and Morality”

Explanation of the Principles and Concepts For millennia, philosophers have been searching for the truth of ethics by making new observations. Modern research is focused on the search for ethical inquiries in the practical activity of a people, reducing the metaphysical part. Among contemporary philosophers of this trend, one should...

The Scottish Enlightenment: Stadial History and Early Anthropology

Similar to many other regions of Western Europe, the Enlightenment era greatly affected the social, cultural, and political aspects of life in Scotland. In particular, the concept of “useful knowledge” was a significant term that many Scottish thinkers of the 18th century frequently used in their writings and presentations. In...

The Phrase “I Think Therefore I Am” by Descartes

Descartes’ Rules Accept nothing as true that is not self-evident Divide problems into their simplest parts Solve problems by proceeding from simple to complex Recheck the reasoning “I Think Therefore I am” The famous phrase is attributed to Descartes’ writings on the nature of self, and reality. Fundamentally, Descartes was...

A Perception of Kant’s Moral Value

Introduction People determine the moral value of acts differently since environment and experience play a role in shaping one’s opinion of morality. The criterion for the acceptability of deeds is different for everyone, so it is difficult to choose a single view of morality and the morality of an act....

Hellenistic Philosophies in the Present Day

In the present day, four Hellenistic philosophies are less followed by people due to their changed perceptions of reality and life values. From a personal perspective, cynicism in its understanding by ancient Greek philosophers has less importance for modern individuals in comparison with other teachings. It emphasized the importance of...

“The Critique of Practical Reason” by Immanuel Kant

Basic Knowledge The Critique of Practical Reason is Kant’s second commentary, one of his three main expositions on morality, and a highly influential work in the history of ethical theory. The Critique, which was first released three years after Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, expands on the central...

Philosophical Thinking as an Important Skill

Learning philosophy helps one critically analyze their life, knowledge, the universe, and everything it holds. The three core branches of philosophy, ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology, evoke creative thinking through questioning. Although the approach used within each division is constant, they are distinct in content and objective. The subject of epistemology...

The “Permanence and Change” Book by Burke

Basic Knowledge Burke is notable at supplying the reader with an abundance of information on psychological and sociological topics alike. The most useful of them in terms of philosophy of communication would be occupational psychosis, piety as a system builder, and the pathetic fallacy. Occupational psychosis is concerned with the...

Forum: The “Allegory of the Cave”

The “Allegory of the Cave” represents the fact that information acquired by the senses is little more than belief and that actual knowledge can only be attained through philosophical deliberation. We are to understand the cave as a metaphor for those who place their faith in the evidence they gather...

“The Nicomachean Ethics” Book by Aristotle

Basic Knowledge of the Book The Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle is a major guiding force in academic and political ethics, which is a fundamental factor for human existence. The book is based on the author’s views and is subject to constructive and negative criticism from its intended audience. From my...

Coronavirus Pandemic in Context of Existentialism

Introduction Many philosophies are trying to provide their own, unique explanation of the world and humans’ place in it. One of them, existentialism, suggests that people “exist before there is the essence and cannot but create or construct essence and meaning” (Vandekerckhove, 2020, p. 130). Discussion According to that philosophy,...

The “Confessions” Books by St. Augustine

Confessions by Augustine is a series of books by St. Augustine, which describe his life’s journey and transformation from a sinful paganistic individual to a devout Christian. These books are some of the earliest theological and scholastic works depicting one’s path towards religion. It is often described as a ‘self-help’...

The “Philosophy of Communication Inquiry” Book by Holba

Metaphors for Other Philosophy provides people with a basis to reflect on various aspects of life and the meanings behind them. In Chapter 13 of her book Philosophy of Communication Inquiry, Annette Holba introduces her selection of metaphors for the Other, with one of the major arguments revolving around connections...

“Cartesian Meditation” Book by Edmund Husserl

Husserl presents an excellent introduction to phenomenology and develops a new approach to looking at reality, and this is one way the book advanced my theoretical knowledge. Husserl meditations depict a huge influence of Leibniz’ Modadology because the Cartesian ego attains conversion into the monad (Husserl 68). Hence, this brings...

“The Future of an Illusion” by Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud is a highly controversial figure among philosophers, often criticized. Despite the significant number of published works, they have often been considered frauds. Nevertheless, some of Freud’s writings, especially later ones, deserve more detailed attention. One such work is “The Future of an Illusion”, in which Freud examines the...

Free Will vs. Determinism as Philosophical Problem

The problem of free will or the question of determinism is a fundamental problem of human cognition and the nature of one’s thoughts. This problem is characterized by a well-known philosophical reflection on whether man’s mind generates his being or vice versa, and a great deal depends on it. Whether...

Deterministic Approach and Free Will

In philosophy and social sciences, a debate regarding the existence of free will resulted in the creation of a deterministic approach. The classical doctrine of determinism suggests that every event and incident in human life is controlled by laws of nature and mystical powers. Thus, the deterministic views opposed the...

Plato’s Concept of Forms and the Soul’s Immortality

Introduction The question of the existence of the soul and its fate after a person’s death occupies the minds of many philosophers. One of the dialogues introduced by Plato, “Phaedo”, contains his view of the soul, presenting it as indestructible and the opposite of death. The philosopher provides dialectical evidence...

The Theory of Utilitarianism: Philosophical Issues

Utilitarianism is a direction in ethics that presents utility as the basis of morality. It is the principle of evaluating phenomena, processes, objects, and information only in terms of their usefulness and ability to serve as means to a goal (Scarre, 2020). The essence of utilitarianism consists of its concept...

Productive Study of the Subjective Through Physicalism

The fact that humans are aware of time and space demands that science investigates consciousness from a near-spiritual perspective on existence. Physicalism is a worldview rooted in the notion that everything is physical with no room for any other domain, such as epiphenomenalism or soul. This essay answers Thomas Nagel’s...

A Non-Skeptical View of Morality

Introduction Morality is a philosophical view concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behaviour. Overall, morality is a particular system of values, which are dictated by individual’s inner standards or principles. There are two views on morality; they are skeptical and non-skeptical views. Moral skepticism is...

Thompson’s Lamp Paradox as a Philosophical Puzzle

Since the beginning of time, paradoxes have fascinated both scientists and laypeople, igniting debate. Some have not yet been resolved or cannot be resolved in general, while others appear paradoxical because the solutions defy logic. In science, the emergence of any new field of understanding often starts with discovering previously...

Major Philosophical Concept: Existentialism

This lecture is the primary source that focuses on existentialism, where the author argues how it is synonymous with humanism. According to the author of this article, everyone tries very hard to become what they wish to be. From the onset, Sartre has a conflict with his public image, which...

Argument Analysis: Rene Descartes and Princess Elisabeth

It is important to note that the first five correspondences between Elisabeth and Descartes delve into the subject of soul and body. The central question posed by the Princess is about how an immaterial substance, such as a soul, can move and affect a material body. The analysis of the...

John Locke’s Essay and Definitions Conceptual Analysis

In the John Locke’s Of Identity and Diversity under review, the author discusses several definitions of identity and self and separates them into component parts and terms. His philosophical definitions of thought, perception, and interaction intersect with rejecting and denying certain definitions and concepts. It is necessary to analyze and...

Confucianism as Ethical-Philosophical Doctrine

Confucianism is an ethical-philosophical doctrine that became widespread in the countries of the Asian region. The main issues are the relationship between rulers and subjects, moral qualities, and virtue as obligatory character traits for all people. The teachings of Confucius have developed as one of the greatest because they include...

Deontology: The Concept of the Moral Law

It is important to note that the moral law is a mandate which dictates how a person must act. The latter is Kant’s perspective on ethics and morality, where the supreme principle of morality or Categorical Imperative lies at its core. The act of lying contradicts the morality of truth,...

The Evolution and Stability Concepts Comparison

The word evolution refers to social changes that are carried out according to general principles. In the evolutionary process, each new state about the previous one appears to be better both quantitatively and qualitatively. Evolution is interpreted as a process carried out by itself and is thus a kind of...

“The Communist Manifesto” Book by Karl Marx

Karl Marx was a German philosopher, currently known for such works as Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto. During his lifetime, he was not that popular among his contemporaries, however, later, he gathered a large number of followers. In the latter work, Marx criticizes the current system and current ruling...

Thomas Aquinas and His Philosophy

The philosophy of Thomas Aquinas is one of the brightest systems of thought in medieval Europe and world philosophy in general. Thomas Aquinas himself did not consider his philosophy original and claimed that he was striving only for an exact reproduction of the main ideas of Aristotle (Brook, 2018). However,...

That Which Concerns a Prince on the Subject of the Art of War

It is important to note that warfare and the ability to defend oneself are key aspects of rule and governance. There is a reason why the largest and most powerful nations on the planet invest heavily in their militaries, such as the United States, and China, or Russia. The strength...

Philosophical Theories on Moral Duty

Introduction There are a few different reasons why philosophers might think that there is a formula for determining moral duty. One reason is based on social contract theory, which holds that humans have a duty to obey the law because they have agreed. Another reason is based on the role...

Virtue Ethics: The Moral Ideology

Virtue ethics is a moral ideology developed as early as ancient Greece by the famous philosopher and thinker Aristotle. He believed that our purpose is to pursue our true human goal, eudaimonia, which is best understood as human prosperity or a life of abundance. It is a fundamental concept in...

Consequentialist Approaches to Ethics

Introduction Consequentialism is a theory of ethics in which people should choose actions based on the expected outcomes of those behaviors. Consequentialism does not specify which virtues should be maximized, but people can choose values in a way that corresponds to what is important to them (Ivlampie, 2017). Thus, this...

Sartre’s Theory of Existentialism

Introduction The focus of the philosophical trend of existentialism is the question of existence. The absurdity, despair, freedom, alienation, and responsibility became entrenched in the system of theoretical science and the social and moral cultural model emerging in the twentieth century with existentialism (Hayim 14). The supporters of existentialism aimed...

Political Thinkers: Compare and Contrast

Introduction: Marx, Nietzsche, and Du Bois Marx, Nietzsche, and Du Bois have contrasting views on modern ideology, specifically liberalism. Liberalism as a concept, both from an individual and societal level, has been criticized by all three political thinkers, yet for different reasons. Marx, who was the founder of the communist...

Sartre’s Existential Philosophy

Jean-Paul Sartre is a renowned philosopher of the 20th century, belonging to the same group of philosophers as Kierkegaard and Nietzsche and contemporaneous to Albert Camus and Simone de Beauvoir. The latter ones all experienced the same significant event that tremendously influenced their life and philosophy: The Second World War....

Incompatibilism and Determinism in Human Life

When it comes to the philosophical aspects of life, many people support the idea of free will. This idea is deeply ingrained in their actual experiences to the extent that it is nearly hard to consider the possibility that their perspectives are incorrect. For example, when individuals contemplate various actions...

Skepticism in Descartes’ Meditations

Rene Descartes was a famous philosopher from the era of Enlightenment who has made some relevant points today. Throughout his life, he has challenged the views he was taught and one’s perception of the world. This made the philosopher one of the most influential figures in skepticism and rationalism. The...

Utilitarian vs. Kantian: Comparative Analysis

A utilitarian person is usually characterized as having a desire for practical benefits. The concept of utilitarian means imbued with narrow practicality, limited by immediate interests, needs or prescriptions of utility motives, benefits (Mensah & Agyemang, 2020). This means that such a person will see a valuable advantage in having...

Principle of Utility and Golden Rule of Jesus

Principle of Utility The principle of utility represents behaviors or actions that are either approved or discredited as per the degree of their benefit. It is one of the major theological principles related to hedonism. The author John Stuart Mill developed this phenomenon back in the 19th century, in the...

Law Obedience and Moral Principles

Introduction Philosophy has always played a significant role in humans’ lives, and the greatest philosophers create laws that are different from governmental regulation but close individuals’ beliefs. The Crito is one of the famous ancient dialogues where the main character Socrates states that injustice should not be replied with injustice,...

The Enlightenment According to Kant

Introduction Enlightenment in history was an era that appeared in the 18th Century, with many people being stakeholders in this significant change. It was a movement that turned out to be philosophical and intellectual. The ideologies of this era focused on the worth of human contentment, the pursuit of knowledge...

Philosophy of Plato: Theory of Knowledge

Philosophy is the highest science, which embodies the pure desire for truth. It is the only way to know yourself, God, and true happiness. Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave is its image in a fragment of the expression of the main ideas of the perception of the world, the...

The Human Nature Concept Analysis

It is important to note that human nature is a highly complex and intricate subject because it is rather challenging to define and pinpoint. Such an elusive characteristic of the concept makes it challenging to prove or disprove its existence. However, an argument can be made that human nature is...

Ethical Philosophy in Business

In this essay, I argue that Thomas Donaldson’s view of global businesses being held accountable for their harmful activities in foreign countries is ethical and justifiable. I begin by outlining Thomas Donaldson’s strong arguments about justice practices that subject foreign citizens to technological risks that are more destructive than in...

Philosophical Discussion of Justice by Rawls and Hobbes

In their philosophical discussion of justice, Rawls and Hobbes adhered to different considerations, which informed their opposing definition of this concept. On the one hand, Rawls defined justice, emphasizing its so-called ideal state without proper consideration of the injustices (Wilburn 96). In particular, Rawls perceived justice as the prevalence of...

Sartre’s Theory Against Placing Meaning in Human Existence

Sartre’s theory argues against placing meaning in human existence and believes it to be meaningless. Sartre believes that existence preceded essence, which means that we are born and then define ourselves over time through our own free will choices. Whoever we are, according to Sartre, is a result of the...

“Learning from the Germans” by Neiman, Susan

Embracing historical instances of global injustice, one must admit that of all the evils that the humankind has ever created, the Holocaust as the persecution and extermination of Jews and slavery as the failure to recognize the humanity of African American people in the U.S. represent by far the worst....

Aspects of Humanistic Theories

I agree with the statement that humans are products of their choices. According to existential theory, people have responsibility for their actions and incorporate meaning by creating their world (Glowiak, 2017). According to research, people are more inclined to seek counseling and self-help when they maintain belief in their ability...

Relation Between Religion and Neurology

Introduction Religion exists in every recognized global civilization, yet not all faiths hold a similar system of doctrines. The case for the presence of God can be made using the religious experience defense. According to this theory, the most plausible justification for religious encounters is that they represent a true...

Ethics in Confucianism (Chinese Religion)

Religion and philosophy are thought to be inextricably linked in the East. Confucianism is a belief founded on the ethics and philosophy of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher (Weiming, 2021). Confucianism is more commonly described as a social and ethical doctrine than religion. Confucianism does not have a deity, but it...

Determinism and Compatibilism

Introduction The issue of free will has been discussed in philosophy since Aristotle. A tremendous literature has been devoted to it, perhaps more extensive than that dedicated to any other philosophical question. There is no wonder that the fate of higher values and sanctities is closely connected with a beginning...

Platonism, Stoicism, and Christianity

In Plato’s works, The Republic and Timaeus, the philosopher presents two ideas – the allegory of the cave and the analogy of the divided line. In the analogy, Plato describes a line that is unequally separated into four parts. Each of these segments represents two parts of the visible and...

Descartes’ Worldview and Concepts of Skepticism

Understanding certain philosophical concepts can have many positive aspects for an individual. This scientific work aims to examine Descartes’s worldview and compare it with the concepts of skepticism. Descartes’ main contribution is to initiate significant changes in philosophy. Moreover, the philosopher started by questioning everything in order to gain an...

The World of the Past and the Value of Time

Introduction The past always seems frightening and mysterious, and sometimes it is rather unpleasant to stir up past events because they make people remember. These memories may not always be pleasant, but that does not mean that the past is necessarily bad. Forgetting the path that led a people to...

Chapter 7 of The Archetypes of Wisdom by Soccio

The Archetypes of Wisdom Seventh Chapter’s Summary The chapter discussed hedonism as a doctrine, a system of views and beliefs that form a system of values, according to which pleasure is the highest good and the meaning of human life. Further, few other concepts are mentioned. Stoicism, which was founded...

Principles of Morality and Happiness

Numerous thinkers contemplated ever-lasting principles of morality and happiness. David Hume suggested his perspective on this phenomenon, stating that if a person is incapable of differentiating between good and evil, then there is some extra-human ability for distinction (“Hume notes for ethics,” n. d.). When claiming that morality is a...

Anticipatory Perception of Making a Difference

Introduction People are different, and each has unique qualities, yet it seems common for many individuals to wish to be someone else. I aspire to become a finer person than I am now, and the proposals of such historical figures as Plato, Martin Luther King Jr., and Hegel can assist...

Free Will in Characters of Literary Works

Free will could be described as an ability to choose. People have always wanted to be free, and to achieve this; people gave their lives. Modern people are much more fortunate because they have rights. However, there is still no concept of absolute freedom, and a person cannot be free....