Greenland Ice and Global Tour Precipitation

The first video by SomeoneSmol, “May 11, 2022 (a).” provides an overview of the methods of studying the Greenland ice sheet, revealing how exactly the age of the ice and the conditions it existed in can be determined. For example, one of the most recent ways of researching Greenland ice...

Micrococcus Luteus Under Microbiological Analysis

Background One of the central tasks of microbiological analysis is the identification of unknown microorganisms. The application of this need, namely the ability to qualitatively identify pathogens to select a plan for further clinical risk management activities, dictates the need for in-depth, detailed, and correct investigation of the strain and...

Human Body From Microbiological Perspective

Studying the human body from a microbiological perspective reveals to one that the organism is a much more structurally complex set of systems than most cutting-edge technologies. The microbiome is one of the most unusual and intriguing parts of the body due to its partial bio-autonomy in terms of existence...

The Biological Effects of Sleep Stages

The research summarizes and provides basic information on sleep stages. It shows the biological effects and human behavior at each stage, using Saladin’s (2017) research. However, sleep science is a developing field with discoveries and answers to the existing questions appearing consistently. One such study is the review research by...

How Is a Black Hole Formed at the End of a Star’s Life?

A black hole is a space object with a very strong gravitational field resulting from massive amounts of matter fitting into a small area. The gravitational pull in the black hole is so strong that not even light can exist there. The gravity from the black hole also attracts all...

The Importance of Reliable Scientific Knowledge

Misconduct by scientists in publishing their research can negatively affect the public. Careless, inattentiveness, making things up, and plagiarizing someone else’s work is a severe scientific crimes. By allowing them to occur, society can face wars, protests, and widespread racism. Providing false information causes significant harm to every aspect of...

The Communication of Neurons: Neuroanatomy

Neurons have a capability for both communication within the cell and between cells. These are done via sending electrical signals, or action potentials. This ability is called action potential conduction. The process of communication between neurons is called neurotransmission and can be done in various ways, including chemical and electric...

Research Designs in Human Development Studies

Naturalistic observation is a type of observational research technique that includes perceiving subjects in the natural environment—this qualitative research emphasizes amassing, assessing, and describing non-numerical information. It includes observing a subject’s behavior as it happens in a natural setting, without any attempts of interference by a researcher (Thakur, 2021). For...

Chile’s Economy and Political Stability

Introduction Chile is one of the Latin American nations that has been a Spanish colony and whose culture and social environment evolved in connection with Spain. It is a well-developed nation with a thriving economy; however, in recent years, there has been some political instability in this country. This paper...

Predicting the Replicability of Social Science Lab Experiments

It is quite obvious that the reliability of the facts and conclusions obtained by the researcher depends on how the latter came to these facts and conclusions, that is, on the method he or she used. Until recently, the philosophy and methodology of science were dominated by a simplified view...

Experimental Intervention and Validity

When applying a scientific method to the scenario, it is possible to offer null and research hypotheses. A null hypothesis is as follows: An experimental intervention does not lead to a statistically significant increase in students’ motivation to participate in discussions. Since a research hypothesis represents the expected outcome of...

The Use of Network Mapping Software in Statistical Research

Introduction The use of network mapping software is a cornerstone of applied statistical research. In this paper, NodeXL is used to study the interactions of five competing companies in an industry market to estimate the parameters of their Twitter communication. The central objective of such a study is to examine...

Electric Potential Lab: Longer Wires Create More Resistance

Introduction The PhET circuit for the lab requires building a circuit using a 9V battery, 10Ω resistor, light bulb, and connecting wire as labeled above before taking measurements. The battery and the resistor measured 9.00 V because the circuit was open. There is no loss of potential from the source...

Crested Gecko or Correlophus Ciliatus Description

Introduction Correlophus ciliatus is commonly known as the Crested Gecko, New Caledonian Gecko, or Eyelash Gecko. They are little native Australian arboreal reptiles found in the Isle of Pines, Grand Terre, and New Caledonia Islands (Carpenter Nature Centre, 2020). The crested geckos got their name ”eyelash geckos” due to their...

J. J. Thomson and His Innovation in Chemistry

At the end of the 19th century, disputes continued about the parts of which atoms consisted. Scientific minds have tried to determine whether atoms are the smallest material particle or if there are even smaller elements. An English physicist, J. J. Thomson, was an academic who made one of the...

Vegabonds: Definition and Functions

Vegabond is a commonly used terminology in astronomy which means a free movement of the Space’s planets and their moons. According to Lang (2018), the objects are flexible, and they can move in different parts of the Space. However, they have their specific orbits around the Sun in the Solar...

The Rings of Saturn from the Cultural Perspective

Introduction Astronomy was an important part of the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. Observations of the sky were not the task assigned to a limited circle of chosen individuals’ rather, they were an integral component of indigenous Australians’ life (Johnson, 2014). Aboriginal Australians had the knowledge not only...

A Ground-to-Satellite Demonstration of Quantum Teleportation

The foundational demonstrations over two decades ago, quantum teleportation, has become the fascinating implications of quantum physics and has been widely researched. The book Ground-to-satellite quantum teleportation by Ren et al., is one of the research projects that focuses on this concept (2017). Its ties to classical physics and its...

Genomic Data: The Role of Deoxyribonucleic Acid

Introduction Deoxyribonucleic acid commonly referred to as DNA is a heredity carrier in living organisms containing genetic information on growth and development. This information and instructions determine the traits of an organism and are usually transferrable from parents to offspring through different forms of reproduction. Unlike Ribonucleic acid, DNA assumes...

Quantum Cosmology: Quantum Theory

With the changes in physics, numerous fundamental theories have become more distant from everyday experience. This has led to various challenges in understanding such theories, including quantum cosmology. Quantum cosmology refers to the attempt of theories of physics to explain the existence of the universe. The Quantum theory explains the...

Genomic Analysis DNA of Bacillus Subtilis

Introduction Determination of the genome of a bacteria culture is one of the complex biotechnological techniques. In this case, there is the genomic DNA of Bacillus Subtilis given to compare the utility of different types of DNA sequencing technologies. Currently, this technique is based on the determination of nucleic acids...

Gravitational Force and Its Main Principles

The essential principles of gravity depend on several critical variables. These are the objects’ mass – the larger the mass, the stronger the pull – and the distance between objects, which, with the increase, weakens the force with which these objects are pulled toward each other (Heppler, 2018). The mass...

Demographic Trend: Ethiopia’s Growth Rate

The demographic trends in many countries have been vastly different. This is the effect of many countries’ population growth or population-reduction initiatives. Ethiopia is demonstrating massive progress with relation to the development of health and living conditions of its citizens. Infant and maternal mortality are decreasing, and child mortality under...

The Kuiper Belt and Evolution of a Star

The Kuiper Belt The Kuiper belt is a circumstellar disk located 30 to 50 astronomical units from Neptune. The region has many smaller bodies that primarily consist of metal and rock, with most of these bodies comprising volatiles such as water, ammonia, and methane (Werner & Eisenhardt, 2019). The Kuiper...

Anthropology: Female Genital Mutilation in Guinea

Introduction Female genital mutilation or FGM, common in Guinea, is a ritual act. In the process of this tradition, either part of the external genitalia or the entire external genitalia is removed from women. These modifications may include the removal of the clitoris or the stitching of the labia. The...

The Mutual Connection between Currents and Voltages for Several Devices

The present work studies the relationship between the electric current applied to the body and the measured voltage using an experimental approach. It is known that current and voltage are related using Ohm’s law for direct current, so it was expected that the different resistances of the devices used would...

Aspects of Mathematical Functions

A mathematical function, often symbolized by f(x), defines a relationship between the input variables and the expected output. One property that makes a function accurate is that one input variable only gives a specific output value, of which the reverse would also give the variable input. Although a function is...

The Discovery of the Rings of Saturn

The discovery of the rings of Saturn presents a case of many observations performed throughout the history of humanity. People discovered Saturn early in prehistoric times because Saturn is easily visible to the naked eye despite being the most distant planet. The five planets visible to the naked eye presented...

Statistical Study of Alcoholism Among Students

Introduction: Research Question This research paper investigates the relationship between workday alcohol consumption and several characteristics of students’ social, economic, and academic status. In particular, a large set of gender, demographic, and family data allows several research questions to form. Does the number of absences from school affect workday alcohol...

Conditions That Cause Thunderstorms

Introduction Thunderstorms are violent atmospheric events characterized by lightning presence, strong gusty winds, thunder, hail or heavy rain, and dense clouds. They commonly result in local atmospheric instability, and one thunderstorm can cause severe flooding and tornadoes. They occur when rapid updrafts send warm layers of moist air to cooler...

Genetic Engineering: Cloning With Pet-28A

Embedding genes into plasmid vectors is an integral part of molecular cloning as part of genetic engineering. This technique is widely used to obtain comparably cheap biological materials in a short time on a large scale, so genetic cloning and cell engineering techniques are spreading rapidly. One such example is...

When the Death of a Star Becomes a Black Hole

Black holes are among the most exciting phenomena in the universe. They are thick and have a powerful gravitational pull that not even light can flee their clutches (Tillman et al., 2022). Wise et al. (2019) acknowledge that the formation of supermassive black holes in the centers of giant galaxies...

Homeland Security and Emergency Management Education

Introduction The sphere of emergency management has become an area of intense interest for researchers of the 21st century. Indeed, today’s complex environment, instigated by the growing degree of globalization, poses new unprecedented challenges as previously unseen threats emerge worldwide. Historically, humanity has been subject to the damaging effects and...

Determination of the Heat Capacity of a Substance

The use of instrumental methods of analysis enhances the laboratory capabilities of researchers and directly or indirectly measures important characteristics of substances. This takes on a special meaning when instrumental methods of analysis are used to identify an unknown substance qualitatively. The analysis is unlikely to name the unknown compound...

The Effect of an Antimicrobial Drug on Gene Expression

Many drugs with antimicrobial effects do not directly kill microorganisms but block the expression of essential proteins, which affects pathogen dysfunction. The antimicrobial drug that was discovered in this assignment should have a similar effect on Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). However, hypothetical claims require empirical examination, and it is for...

The Methods Available To Generate and Analyse Proteomic Data

Introduction Proteomics is known to be the study of proteins considered to be the essential part of living organisms. This interdisciplinary domain covers the exploration of proteomes, also referred to as sets of proteins produced by a biosystem. Several methods to generate proteomic data, such as gel-based proteomics and mass...

The Kuiper Belt’s History and Future

Introduction The Kuiper Belt is a large group of space objects, mainly consisting of ice. These objects make up a huge cold region of space from fragments of cosmic bodies that did not participate in the formation of the Solar System (Barucci, Prialnik & Young, 2019). More than a trillion...

The Role of Memory in Human Life

Memory is one of the most critical components of the human psyche. It is responsible for saving and retrieving information that is constantly coming to a person from outside. The value of memory lies in the fact that it also determines a person’s personality, forming it and giving it specific...

Rocks Categories and Geology of Florida

Rocks are defined as a solid mass consisting of one or more minerals. Their importance in human life is undoubtful: minerals and rocks are as integral a part of nature as plants and animals. The study of stones, minerals, and their cycles are interesting, and it also promotes observation and...

The Enzymes in Digestion System: Groups, Positive, and Negative Aspects

Introduction The digestive process is complex and multifaceted in its essence and structure, consisting of several stages and steps of processing biologically significant elements. Moreover, in this procedure, it is by no means possible to do without enzymes that convert complex substances into simple ones. In fact, with the help...

Electromagnetism Studies in Laboratory Works

Introduction One of the four fundamental types of interaction widely found in nature and used by humans in the industry is electromagnetism. In general, electromagnetism should be understood as a branch of general physics that studies the interaction of charges and the electric fields they create with magnetic fields (Braza,...

Nagel’s “What Is It Like to Be a Bat?”: The Concept of Conscious Experience

Thomas Nagel uses the bat as an illustration of the ability to understand the mind and body operation. Thomas Nagel provides an argument that organisms of different species have a specific viewpoint (Nagel 445). It can get demonstrated by how the organism displays its true character during its time of...

Sociolinguistics and Anthropology

Social interaction and language usage are significant themes in sociolinguistics, a field that examines the interplay between the two. The specialization focuses on the impact of language on a community’s social stratification. To better understand how people communicate in a given circumstance, sociolinguists try to identify the specific language traits...

The Nature of Man: Evolution and Adaption

Introduction Human beings are complex and unpredictable creatures with dual nature. They combine a biological essence, which is the result of evolution, and social identity, the development of society. However, it is significant to state that humans are composed of the same proteins and nucleic acids as animals, and several...

A Representative Sample and Sampling Error

A representative sample is usually several hundred, sometimes a thousand, respondents. Therefore, the starting point for calculating the selection becomes the question of determining the size of the sample population. The larger the sample sizes, i.e., the closer they are to the general population’s extent, the more reliable and reliable...

Sex Chromosomes’ Impact on Metabolic Diseases

Research A research article I found said that genetic specificities of sex chromosomes impact the likelihood and severity of developing diseases, such as hypertension, cardiac ischemia, obesity, aneurism, or atherosclerosis (Arnold et al., 2017). It is important to add that not only sex chromosomes determine biological sex of a person,...

Traveling to Arizona and Studying Its Geology

My favorite place on earth is Arizona and I have visited the state once. Every year, the state attracts hundreds of international and local visitors. Arizona has a diverse climate and is big enough to offer visitors enough room to explore. In addition, it is home to several world-famous tourist...

A pET Plasmid Into Escherichia Coli BL21

Expression systems, among which the recombinant vector pET, are widely used in biotechnology to introduce foreign genes into prokaryotes or simple eukaryotes. This technique makes it possible to eventually obtain recombinant proteins from those organisms that should not produce these proteins in the natural environment. For example, one of the...

The Neurobiology of Ecstasy (MDMA) Abuse

Introduction The current paper explores the neurobiology of ecstasy (MDMA) abuse and conducts an analysis of academic articles related to the topic. The theme of the study is relevant to the field of biological psychology because it concerns a widely used substance which significantly affects the well-being of people. Therefore,...

Feline Mental Health and Separation Anxiety

Introduction Physical health in cats has been a very commonly reviewed topic. But it also sparks discussions regarding feline mental health. Since mental health research in pets focuses typically on dogs, it is essential to review the existing studies related to cats. Moreover, the almost insignificant amount of data about...

Detecting E. Coli Using Anti-Salmonella H Antigen-Antibody

Two tests were carried out in the lab task. The first task was to detect E. Coli using anti-salmonella H antigen-antibody and anti-Shigella antibodies. This is a negative control because the control sample is the one that does not contain E. Coli. According to Tippe-Schindler et al. (2019), negative controls...

Researching of Genetic Engineering

DNA technology entails the sequencing, evaluation and cut-and-paste of DNA. Previously, DNA technology has involved an imagination that living organisms could get desirable characteristics by controlling the expression of specific genes in their DNA. However, in recent times, technology has been integrated into the production of valuable products, such as...

Measuring Mars Atmospheric Winds from Orbit

This paper is a comprehensive summary of a White Paper titled ‘Measuring Mars Atmospheric Winds from Orbit’ and submitted to the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032 on 15 July 2020. Its context is formulated by human and robotic Mars exploration developments by MEPAG (Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group),...

The World Without Us in Thousand Years

Introduction It is important to note that modern civilization is held primarily by the large networks of infrastructure regularly maintained and improved by humans. A sudden disappearance of humanity will mark the downfall of all human-made structures and objects, starting with the most perishable elements to the most enduring ones,...

The Universe’s Origins and Expansion

Questions about the origin and, consequently, the further development of our Universe have often bothered me since the uncertainty of knowledge breeds panic and arouses curiosity. In fact, in the absence of constructive information due to the lack of technological development, I used to find answers to all unexplained questions...

Lynwood, CA: Community Mapping

Everyone agrees that students must know the history of their community, however, there is no such consensus on them knowing about their local community’s resources. Meanwhile, community resources help meet the needs of an area’s residents and can be used to enhance a community’s quality of life. By engaging in...

Transcription and DNA Replication

The central dogma of molecular biology postulates the formation of polypeptides and proteins from DNA by two processes called transcription and translation. The biological meaning of these processes, united by the name of protein biosynthesis, is the creation of protein structures in the body. These proteins are used from different...

Research Approaches in European Studies

Choosing a long-term research design when developing a research design is a key step in obtaining reliable results and validating the theory. Currently, in science, there are two main approaches to data analysis, which are divided into quantitative and qualitative. While quantitative methods are most commonly used in the natural...

Tissue Fluid and Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system of the human body is a complex mechanism that is based on the interaction of many different cells. One of the main elements of the lymphatic system is interstitial fluid, which is also called a tissue fluid, a solution surrounding the cells of all multicellular animals, including...

Gel Electrophoresis as Instrumental Analysis

Introduction DNA laboratory testing is an integral part of genetic analysis. A thorough, reliable, and correct study of the genome allows not only the identification of its qualitative composition but also the identification of potential abnormalities. It should be pointed out that DNA is genomic material inherent in many living...

Are Only Statistical Studies Worth Doing?

Introduction Statistics are integral to how people generate scientific breakthroughs, data-driven judgments, and forecasts. Psychologists utilize statistical data to aid research methodology and provide more accurate readings to determine whether something is statistically significant. Capdevila et al. (2015a) insinuated that the statistical issues were influenced by variables intrinsic to the...

Gram-Positive vs. Gram-Negative Cell Walls

It’s worth noting that the majority of bacteria own a cell layer, which normally contains one of two varieties, such as gram-positive or gram-negative. The cell layer of gram-positive microorganisms is made up of numerous coatings of peptidoglycan, which creates a hard and robust layer. Teichoic acids and phosphate are...

The Scheldt Valley Commercial Activity Zone

Clotuche is a respected archeologist who currently works for Inrap, the largest organization dedicated to archaeological research in France. He has been publishing studies on Gallo-Roman civilizations in scholarly journals for over twenty years. This particular article was featured in Britannia, a peer-reviewed academic journal published by Cambridge University Press...

Human Evolutionary Development in Antiquity

The evolutionary development of life on Earth is not random but rather is based on deep causal relationships and patterns. The study of these connections helps to understand the essence of evolutionary development better and to trace the chronology of metamorphosis that occurs with life. In addition, understanding the drivers...

“Antioxidant and Sensory Evaluation of Cocoa”: Objectives, Methods, and Results

Cocoa bean hulls are the byproducts of the processing of nibs to chocolate. The hulls are left to form fertilizers in the plantations during cocoa processing. However, there are concerns that the leaching nutrients from decomposing hulls contribute to pollution and eutrophication (Siow, Chan, Wong, & Ng, 2022). Consequently, utilizing...

Counseling Research: A Practitioner-Scholar Approach

Research Importance There are many advantages to relying on research in the practice of counseling. A mix of “practitioner-scholar” and “scientist-practitioner” models emphasizes its utility as clinical training, research, and practice are tightly intertwined, with the overlap in required skills and competencies (Balkin & Kleist, 2017, p. 16). According to...

Aspects of FOXO3: A Longevity Gene

The discussion presented by Jolois related to FOXO3, a longevity gene discovered in the brains of people living longer than 100 years. This development of gene science is thrilling and inspiring for the medical and layperson community for many reasons. First, humankind has been dreaming of eternal life for many...

The Yosemite National Park’s Geological History

Introduction Yosemite National Park is one of the significant nature reserves in the United States, located in the Sierra Nevada, California. Since 1984, the park has been under the protection of UNESCO. There are impressive granite rocks, picturesque valleys, meadows, transparent lakes and rivers, waterfalls, ancient giant sequoias, and a...

Does the Binge-Watching Cause Aggression?

Hypothesis As a matter of fact, in the present day, series may be regarded as an intrinsic part of peoples’ lives, and their popularity cannot be underestimated. A considerable number of individuals sacrifice their sleep for non-stop watching. However, the influence of this habit on people’s behavioral patterns and mental...

Analysis of Pythagorean Theorem Aspects

The law of theorem indicates that, for instance, in a right triangle, the sum of the square of one side and the other side is equivalent to the square of the hypotenuse, which is the opposite of the right-angle triangle (Dlab & Williams, 2019). For instance, a2+b2=c2 is among the...

How the Fear Module Works in Mammals

Fear is the basic emotion of humans and animals that allows them to respond to threats. Öhman and Mineka (2003) provide evidence that the fear of snakes is predominantly uncontrollable and originated in early mammals. These findings also explain the origin of the fear module, as well as the formation...

City of Canaveral: Tactile Evaluation Feedback System

Inputs, also known as factors of production, are important elements used to produce such outputs as goods and services. For instance, the City of Canaveral, Florida, uses resources to generate profit through generating goods and services. Therefore, according to Mikesell (2018), a firm’s purchases that are required for service delivery...

Mathematical Problems: Methodologies and Approaches

Background We invited five different students to take up the assignments, and out of the five students, we met three physically while two virtually. The participant’s identities remained unanimous and were labeled as participants 1-5. The students were ages 14 years and above and were neither currently enrolled nor had...

The Reproductive System in Females and Males

Reproductive System Anatomy The reproductive system in both females and males is located within the lower part of the body. While the female system is situated within the pelvis, the male system resides outside the pelvis. The systems contain both internal and external organs. Internal male organs include the duct...

Feline Mental Health and Separation-Related Problems

Introduction Physical health in cats has been a very commonly reviewed topic. But it also sparks discussions regarding feline mental health. Since mental health research in pets normally focuses on dogs, it is important to review the existing studies related to cats as well. Moreover, the almost insignificant amount of...

The US and Canada’s Approaches to the Energy Issue

The US and Canada are two of the world’s largest countries, requiring increased energy consumption and utilization as industrialized nations. Moreover, they necessitate industries to be completely reliant on a large volume of energy to operate within the countries and deliver products and services to other regions. The United States...

Anthropology of Childhood in America

The process of understanding human behavior can be complicated because people react and respond differently based on the situations and the overall surrounding. Children make the case even more confusing since they have the potential to interpret the conditions effectively in a way their parents might fail to comprehend. In...

The Failure of Armchair Economics

The article The Failure of Armchair Economics reveals the topic of scientific discoveries. The author of Scientific Discovery claims that the purpose of his work is to provide a comprehensive theory of the approaches that scientists use in their discoveries. In addition, an important task for the authors of the...

The Phylogenomic Analysis of Adephaga (Coleoptera)

Adephaga are a suborder of beetles and the second-largest suborder of the Coleoptera order, with around 45,000 recorded species. The members of these species are chiefly predators in various terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and some of them, such as ground beetles (Carabidae), serve as agricultural pests’ prominent natural enemies. According...

Theories in Gerontology Research and Work

Introduction A supportive advance toward getting what social changes would lessen the weight that aging accomplices put on society is the improvement of gerontology. Essentially, a theory is an endeavor to clarify why peculiarities happen. Aging theories empower what is known and clarify the how and the why behind the...

Importance of Checklists in Veterinary Practice

Introduction Animal companions are important and dear to the owners and thus, deserve much care. Individuals have for a long time adopted pets as part of their lives to the extent they treat them like family members. This has allowed many resources to be invested in the animals’ medicine, care,...

Global Warming and Crop Production in Africa

Introduction Many people are aware of the current and future negative effects of global warming. This problem threatens the entire planet, and each country and side of the planet faces various issues. For example, it is expected researchers that global warming will cause severe reductions in the crop in Africa,...

Mesohippus as Example of Horses

General Information The linking transitional link between primitive horses and their present-day forms is the extinct Mesohippus. This species inhabited the modern United States during the Oligocene period. They were adapted to live in wide-open spaces and were extremely fast, though they lacked hooves. Their diet was herbivorous, eating tall...

Gubernatorial Vote Share and Female Employment in the US and Europe

Quantitative analysis refers to the study of values of data expressed in statistics, with each array having a distinct numerical score. This data usually represents any measurable information that may be utilized for arithmetic operations and statistical analysis with the goal of making real-world decisions based on the results. This...

Psychological Statistics and Research Design

Psychological statistics are of particular interest to study, as they can provide helpful information. The central concept of this approach is to explain all psychological postulates using formulas, theorems, and numbers. A productive area of research design, which is the goal of this work, can be used for the study....

Organic vs. Inorganic Chemicals Difference

Introduction The experiment conducted for my lab report consists of two tests: iodine and emulsifiers. The objective of the experiment was to identify the difference between organic and inorganic chemicals. Both positive and negative reactions to the iodine test are included in the analysis as well. Furthermore, the experiment will...

The Experimental Type of Research and Research Methods

The experimental type of research is the most common in science. Typically, it manipulates and controls variables, measuring the effects. These experimental designs include a control group, randomization, and intervention. An example of such an approach is the research of Ziaei et al. (2020), evaluating the efficacy and safety of...

Oviraptor as Famous Theropod Dinosaur

General Information One of the true theropods, moving on two powerful hind legs, is Oviraptor. The reptile lived during the Late Cretaceous in what is now Central Asia, or more precisely, Tajikistan and Mongolia. A unique feature of this species was the presence of a crest on its head, which...

Space Studies: “Miss Leavitt’s Stars” by G. Jonson

Introduction Throughout the centuries, women have been fighting for equal rights with men. However, the truth is that females only gained the majority of their rights in the twentieth century, and such a state of affairs was accepted as the norm until then. In the early years of astronomical discoveries,...

Stephen Hawking: Outstanding Physicist and Cosmologist

It is certain that Stephen Hawking was someone with exceptional abilities to ask questions and figure out answers even if no one before has managed to do so. However, an essential factor that has established Hawking as a genius was the desire to ask “Why?”. Based on Hawking’s academic experience,...

The Power of Using Nuclear Energy

Introduction The majority of the world’s population cannot imagine their lives without electricity. Energy for daily consumption by individuals and organizations is produced in many ways, including nonrenewable sources (fossil fuels and gas) and renewable ones (solar and wind power). However, one type of energy production – nuclear fission –...

Movement Counts Video on Verbal Counting Exercise

The presented video reflects one of the primary and fundamental aspects of mathematics – verbal counting. This exercise examines ordinal counting from one to a specified number, teaches children to read the number dropped on the dice, and then correlate it with specific movements (“Movement Counts”). Although the considered aspects...

Sustainable Agriculture and Future Perspectives

Sustainable agriculture a system which combines animal and plant production in a given area. Sustainable agriculture is essential in that it ensures the earth can be reused and renewed by future generations. It focuses on using natural water, soil, and pest management instead of synthetic chemicals and petroleum-based fertilizers (Raliya...

Individual Project: Statistical Study of Cemeteries

Several virtual cemetery sites were used to collect a sample of one hundred people for this assignment. Each of the cemeteries is located in the Canadian province of Ontario: a total of four different cemeteries were used. # Name of the Cemetery Location 1 Assumption Catholic Cemetery Toronto Twp, Peel...

Validity and Reliability in Conducting Applied Research

Scientists lead research to affirm that the scores bode well dependent on their comprehension of the development is estimated. This is a critical point since researchers do not just expect that their actions work. They gather information to show that they work. If their exploration does not exhibit that action...

Wason Selection Task in Deductive Reasoning Study

In a move to study deductive reasoning, a four-card problem is a popular puzzle usually applied. There are four cards to use, where one is marked number 3, the other one number 8, and the last two have red and brown colors. The puzzle holds the proposition that if a...

General Physics: Increasing Internal Energy

Introduction The first law of thermodynamics deals with the state of energy and its transfer between objects. According to this law, energy is conserved in an isolated system, and it can be transformed but not destroyed or created (Brown & Singh, 2021). Therefore, there are two ways to increase internal...

The “Why Trust Science?” Book by Naomi Orestes

Introduction In the modern world, there is an overwhelming amount of information used by people, most of which is based on scientific data and research. This scientific paper analyzes the book Naomi Orestes, in which the researcher raises the question of the essence of science and makes an attempt to...

Analysis of Canada’s Natural Resources

Introduction Many countries across the world have relied on natural resources for their economic development. Different nations have varied endowments, which has often determined their economic growth and development. The industrial revolution has been a critical age because it led to massive exploitation of natural resources, which fueled growth and...

Discussing the Observation Approach and Its Methods

There are multiple approaches to exploring the world and the relationships between its components. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, while a certain research method suits only certain situations and is unsuitable for others. It is possible to combine naturalistic and laboratory approaches to the observation method with their...

Complete Microbiological Profile: E. Coli

Introduction In microbiology, there are a tremendous number of microorganisms that are important to human life. Many are naturally parasitic forms and cause harm, but symbionts are essential to study. When a microorganism lives inside the human body and consumes its resources, offering practical support in return, clinicians must know...

The Yosemite National Park’s Geologic History

Introduction Various geological processes have taken place at Yosemite National Park. These processes include volcanicity, weathering and erosion, faulting, and glaciation. Yosemite National Park is located along the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada Mountain range in central-east California. Yosemite National Park is a place where geological processes are well...

Hawksbill Turtle Scientific Description

Hawksbill is a sea turtle scientifically known as Eretmochelys imbricate. Hawksbills are named after their narrow, pointed beak resembling that of a hawk, and they use it to find food from cracks and crevices (Miller & Meindl, 2019). They have a unique pattern of overlapping scales on their shells which...

Evidence of Non-Random Mutations in DNA

Introduction In the recent article “New study provides the first evidence of non-random mutations in DNA,” Harry Baker (2022) discusses the findings of Grey Monroe et al. regarding non-random DNA mutations. The scholars discovered that the thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) plant’s essential genetic information is more protected than other, less...

Correlation Between IQ and GPA: Analysis

Introduction The correlation between GPA and IQ, given for analysis, can be interpreted as having positive dynamics. At first glance, there is a hypothesis that the intelligence of a student is directly related to their overall attestation results. The higher the intelligence, the higher their GPA, and vice versa –...

Cause and Clinical Characteristics of Rib Fractures in Cats

The essence of this study lies in the peculiarities of the occurrence of rib injuries in cats. Based on the data in this article, two main factors of rib fracture manifestation are demonstrated, which are associated with traumatic and non-traumatic causes. According to the study, the appearance of rib fractures...

Sex Hormone-Cortisol Ratios Modulate Risk-Taking in Men and Women

Sex differences in risk-taking turn out to be a common theme in many current studies. Barel et al. (2017) aim to prove the hypothesis that testosterone and cortisol have a different impact on risk-taking in men and women, and this change is related to the effectiveness of estrogen and progesterone....

Data and Measurement: Reliability and Validity

The concepts of reliability and validity are the two fundamental approaches to conducting and analyzing experiments in the behavioral sciences. Reliability helps to set the clear distinction between particular notions. For example, if the researchers estimate the reaction speed, they should hold the test repeatably to develop the dependence of...

Maximal Oxygen Consumption: Treadmill Running Test

Purpose The purpose of the lab is to learn how to measure maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) by a treadmill running test of participants. It also intended to demonstrate how to organize the test and provide its results via tables and graphs. Methods These two healthy male participants of the study,...

Blue Macaws: How to Prevent Their Extinction?

Unfortunately, today the peculiarities of the life of blue macaws are already from the category of history. There is not much information about the lifestyle of these birds since serious observations began only in the 70s of the last century, and the groups that were observed were few. Therefore, the...

Inductor-Capacitor-Resistor Circuit Experiment

Abstract This experiment aims to discover and demonstrate a connection between the voltages across the resistor, capacitor, and inductor in an LCR circuit. We needed a capacitor, resistor, inductor, voltmeter, and power source. To acquire the voltage across the resistor (VR) and the voltage across the capacitor, we employed a...

Sampling Methods: Probability, Non-Probability, and Stratified Samplings

Probability Sampling Probability sampling is the method that is based on the premise that all the members of the population have an equal possibility of being chosen for study or observation. It usually includes such main sampling types as simple random, systematic, stratified, and cluster samplings (Etikan and Bala, 2017)....

Lithium and Polytetrafluoroethylene

Introduction It is safe to say that people have found a use for all the chemical elements of the periodic table. Synthetic elements are also used in various fields of industry and science. The modern world requires future specialists to know the basics and nuances of multiple materials. That is...

Puerto Rico’s Languages, Religion, Geography

Puerto Rico, formally known as the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, is a Caribbean Island with a population of 3,142,779 people as of July 2021 (Central Intelligence Agency, n.d.). Puerto Rico has a rich culture that includes Spanish, American, and Afro-Caribbean influences (Greiner, 2018). Tropical rainforests cover part of the island’s...

Down Syndrome: The Genetic Disorder

It is important to note that Schlapp’s piece is heavily impacted by the worldview and paradigmatic assumptions rooted in the reversion theory, although he presents the explanation on the basis of glandular or chemical cause. The observed data by Schlapp is still based on him accepting the notion of polyphyletic...

Functions of the Skeletal System

Movement Due to the ligaments that hold bones together, the bones work as levers driven by muscles. Moreover, the shape of the skeletal system facilitates movement; for example, the small bones of the hands warrant precise action, and the small bones of feet help people adapt to any terrain. Protection...

Statistics: Hypothesis Testing Article by Form Plus

Statistics in today’s world is one of the fundamental disciplines since the world population makes decisions based on the available information. The today’s review subject will be the hypothesis testing, analyzed in Part 8 of our textbook. In this review, I will present you with the ‘middle-quality’ type of source,...

The Decrease of the Pull of the North and South Poles

The main proof that the Earth is an oblate ball can be found with the help of a magnetometer. This shape is possible because all the angles of the magnetic poles represent different values. The Earth swells more at the equator as the world rotates due to the high magnitude...

Research Process and Methodology

Hypothesis Testing and Inferential Analysis There are a number of procedures during the research process that are important to take into account. The two particularly significant ones are hypothesis testing and inferential analysis. Both ideas primarily relate to the way people evaluate their ideas and assumptions. The use of such...

10 Types of Variables in Research and Statistics

The article “10 Types of Variables in Research and Statistics” by Indeed Career Guide has several advantages. Although it is written by a somewhat commercial website, the work presents an informative introduction to statistics, namely the variables. The language of the article is concise and can easily be understood by...

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Differences

Quantitative and qualitative researches present different opportunities and focus on dissimilar data. The former concentrates on mathematical and statistical techniques, whereas the latter prioritizes observation and interviews. In other words, quantitative research principally involves numbers, and qualitative can apply data in the form of text, recordings, or images. The two...

The Facts About SpaceX Missions

Introduction SpaceX was created in 2002 to revolutionize space technology and make life on other planets accessible to all people. More specifically, the company’s missions are centered around innovations and a leadership atmosphere bringing the result to the whole world. Since its inception, the corporation has demonstrated its seriousness of...

Simpson’s Paradox as a Statistical Effect

Introduction One of the most sensitive areas of research is statistical analysis because the output interpretation of the results depends on their reliability and validity. Many academic studies aim to use quantitative methods of measurement to gather initial results and, from them, draw conclusions about the nature of the phenomena...

Socio-Political and Cultural State of Virgin Islands Community

The United States Virgin Islands is a group of islands in the Caribbean Sea. The capital of the U.S. Virgin Islands is Charlotte, situated on St. Thomas island. The given area consists mainly of such islands as Saint Croix, Saint John, and Saint Thomas and is not more than 300...

Governance System of United Kingdom and United States of America

It is impossible to learn about a country’s history and culture without understanding how it is governed. Having a basic understanding of the governance systems of two major English-speaking countries, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, is crucial. With the help of a comparison of their structure...

Soil Profiles in Australia

Introduction In Australia, all types of soils characteristic of the tropical, subequatorial, and subtropical natural belts are represented in a regular sequence. In the region of humid tropical forests in the north, red soils are widespread, changing towards the south by red-brown and brown soils in moist savannas and gray-brown...

Discussion: Science in the Real World

At present, information is paramount in most areas of life, and learning to observe things from a critical perspective is essential. For instance, Annie Murphy Paul (2012) states that the scientist’s gaze is different from a casual observation in terms of attention and analysis. It is easier to take information...

Archaeological Obsidian Hydration Dating With Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry

Knowledge of history is key to the survival of civilization. It is important to understand how people lived before and what mistakes they made that led to entire nations fading from existence. The Mayan civilization is an excellent example of a nation collapsing, and the mystery of its failure continues...

Scientific and Engineering Methods: Theory of Science

Introduction Engineering projects play a significant role in the general development of technology in the modern world. Working on the specific task helps evaluate diverse spheres of life, starting from science and finishing with business branches. This essay will cover scientific and engineering methods used in the project called “Expert...

Research Design: Methodology, Data Collection, and Sampling

Research Methodology Quantitative research, as the name implies, involves counting the results of observations. This kind of analysis should be used when something needs to be confirmed or verified, such as a theory or hypothesis. Qualitative research should be used if something needs to be understood, such as concepts, ideas,...

Functional Differences between the Right and Left Cerebral Hemispheres

Functional asymmetry of the brain’s cerebral hemispheres is currently considered one of the main factors determining the individual characteristics of human cognitive activity. It is widely believed that the left and right hemispheres are different, control certain aspects of cognitive functions and determine certain personality traits. However, the division of...

Evaluation of Articles on Food and Water Security

The distinction between popular and scholarly sources is vital to consider when conducting research. First of all, popular sources are often divided into subsections based on the discussed topics or are not separated at all. However, academic articles always follow a similar structure, which includes an introduction, literature review, methodology,...

Whole-Genome Sequencing in Genome Epidemiology

Introduction Genome epidemiology is a relatively young but promising sphere of scientific knowledge that appeals to genetics to anticipate and cease the spread of infectious diseases. One of the innovative methods it applies to study outbreaks is whole-genome sequencing. As apparent from the name, it enables depicting of the entire...

Our Place in the Primate Family Tree

Abstract Environmental studies provide learners with an opportunity to advance their knowledge of how organisms interact with their environment. The study enhances one’s knowledge of how the interaction shapes the species of organisms. Some species have gone extinct, while others have undergone significant changes to fit in the new environment....

Washington’s Channeled Scablands

At the end of the last ice age, the Columbia River basin experienced one of the most catastrophic floods. The ancient ice-dammed lake Misula, periodically breaking through the ice dam, flooded the plains of the modern states of Washington and Oregon about 15 thousand years ago (Mystery 5:10-5:30). The Missoula...

The Equation for Intelligence by Wisner-Gross

Wisner-Gross combines science and engineering principles to obtain an equation for intelligence F = T ∇ Sτ. He goes ahead to elaborate that intelligence is a force that acts to create more options while using a strength T incorporating the diversity of possibly accessible features S up to a future...

Colibactin and Its Chemical Impact

The major development relevant to the selected news story is the super-power ability of colibactin and how it contributes to the destruction of other cells. The scientist who contributed to the current topic research was Emily Balskus, who discovered that in the presence of some gut bacteria, there exist some...

Homologous and Analogous Structures in Biology

Homologous structures are found in organisms with a shared origin, while analogous structures have the same function but in organisms that do not share a common ancestor. Homologous structures refer to the morphological traits found in living things that existed from a similar ancestor. Closely associated organisms normally share homologous...

Auxins Hormone and Rice Dwarf Virus

Summary Auxin hormone is one of the plant hormones, among other hormones, which include cytokinins, abscisic acid, salicylic acid, and ethylene. Unlike the other hormones, some of the roles of Auxin to plants include helping in the interlinkage of many behavior and processes of growth of the plants in their...

Analysis of Variance to Verify Information

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a strategy aimed at finding dependencies in experimental data. Referring to the 11th chapter of the book, variance analysis is a unique tool that allows one to check some differences in the averages in any group, unlike t-tests (Foster et al., 2018). However, according to...

Columbian Exchange and Sea Route to India

At the end of the fifteenth century, Christopher Columbus managed to convince the royal family of Spain to equip an expedition in search of a sea route to India. The expedition was quite modest, so the trophies brought did not differ in abundance and variety. Nevertheless, cocoa beans, hammock, turkey,...

Genetics of Personality Disorders

People with mental illnesses have persistent patterns of strong, inflexible cognition and respond to stimuli in unusual ways. Furthermore, certain psychological problems share characteristics with others, and individuals may simultaneously have two or more mental conditions. An individual with a personality disorder may also have another psychological illness, such as...

Emotions in Scientific Research

Scientists can hardly be completely objective when they conduct any research. First of all, research is based on the already existing ideas of scientists about a certain phenomenon or object. For example, Achenbach (2015) notes that scientists say GM foods are safe because there is no evidence to the contrary....

Agricultural Adaptation to Changing Environments

Introduction Chapter 2 of the book under review, whose authors are Mike Brklacich and Maureen Woodrow, provides a detailed explanation of how agriculture is adapting to the recent changes in the environment. Specifically, the authors regard the case study of the farmers from Eastern Ontario, Canada, who are adjusting their...

Continental Collision, Rock Deformation, and Folds

Continental Collision Continental collision is a process of two continents pushing each other, which leads to the growth of a mountain belt. When a subduction at a convergent plate boundary happens, oceanic lithosphere of a subducting plate slides beneath the overriding plate, which consists of either oceanic or continental lithosphere....

Population Science Meets Real Life

Introduction We are in an age of information where almost everything is probable and available. However, the question of the relationship between science and real life remains unanswered. There has been a significant growth in technological development, which has promoted scientific creations and exploration (Epel et al., 2019). Several years...

Statistics for an IT Project Manager and in Cybersecurity

Summary The role of IT and ICT has increased extraordinarily over the past decade, with the recent environmental issues, particularly the spreading of the coronavirus, have incentivized companies to transfer most of their activities into the digital context. As a result, IT projects have become a critical aspect of any...

Plasmodium Vivax: Scientific Name, Structure, and Functions

In these logs, we take a deep analysis of the various microorganisms and outline them to regular people who are interested in understanding various aspects related to treatment and symptoms for the microorganisms. Today, we will take a look into the Plasmodium Vivax eukaryote which has in the recent past...

Caste, Class, and Ethnicity in Rynkiewich’s “Soul, Self, and Society”

Chapter 9 of Rynkiewich’s Soul, Self, and Society reflects on caste, class, and ethnicity. What are caste, class, and ethnicity? Caste is the system of arranging society into groups according to their ranks. At the same time, the class can be referred to as an outstanding category. Ethnicity can be...

Sustainable Methodologies to Post-Harvest Waste Prevention

Sustainable agriculture is an integrative approach to livestock, fruits, and vegetable farming that makes use of soil science, agronomy, ecology, and microbiology concepts to yield foodstuffs that are better for the environment. These environment-friendly techniques limit the use of agrochemicals while encouraging the use of traditional practices that mimic the...