Child labor refers to forced work that deprives children of their dignity, potential, and childhood. Ancient America is characterized by decades of abusive child labor that has surpassed several reforms to impact society up to the 21st century. This paper argues that child labor is by far the worst form...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 325
Pages: 1
In Chapter 4, Goode provides the crucial point for this section that refers to the contradictions within the scope of the definition of drug abuse (2015). According to Goode (2015), a number of scholars state that abuse is the use of drugs without a related medical prescription. He further argues...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 547
Pages: 2
Los Angeles Community Issues Los Angeles is one of the biggest cities in California, with a population of over 4 million people, whereas Los Angeles County is inhabited by more than 13 million residents. Los Angeles demonstrates a striking misbalance in living conditions for rich and poor, including the recent...
Topic: Health
Words: 948
Pages: 3
Introduction Iris is a 78-year-old female who started witnessing a few issues when she was getting older. Iris lost her independence and experienced difficulties with many daily routines, including driving. That situation resulted in the fact that the individual suffered from depression and anxiety, denoting that appropriate assistance was required....
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 548
Pages: 2
The black community needs help since they suffer due to police brutality, receive various kinds of injuries, and experience traumas. Pillay, A. L. (2020). Basic rights are caught in the web of racism, classism and police brutality. South African Journal of Psychology, 50(3), 316-319. This source provides a historical background...
Topic: Police
Words: 438
Pages: 1
Promoting the ideas of diversity, equity and inclusion certainly go beyond being a trend that every organization or a leader must partake in in order not to go out of business. One definitely should not do it without the proper understanding of the application of these ideas and where they...
Topic: Equity
Words: 373
Pages: 1
The Stresses on Sandra’s Middle-Aged Sisters and Their Families Caring for the loved one is rewarding as it is a core value, which everyone wishes to provide. However, at times, it can be daunting and straining even to the most resilient people. Sandra’s middle-aged sisters experience both physical and emotional...
Topic: Caregiver
Words: 558
Pages: 2
The ‘glass ceiling’ is a term applied to explain an invisible barrier hindering a particular demographic group from advancing beyond a given hierarchy level. It prevents minorities and women from attaining high positions in organizations. The pervasive resistance frustrates efforts made by individuals from these groups, making it difficult for...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1134
Pages: 4
The world keeps changing constantly, so new issues are brought into light every day. As our society is becoming more and more acceptable to transgender people, the case of changing identity arises in a different perspective. The start of discussions on transracialism – a transition from one race to another...
Topic: LGBTQ
Words: 366
Pages: 1
Racism has plagued American society for more than two centuries. Despite the country’s encouraging racial progress, many people still feel relationhips among the different groups have not improved. Approximately one hundred and fifty years after the passing of the 13th Amendment, which outlawed slavery in America, yet most black people...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 1407
Pages: 5
The first reports of outbreaks of coronavirus infection appeared in China in 2019. For a long time, scientists and doctors tried to assess the harm that COVID-19 causes to the human body. While the authorities took one measure after another to stop the spread of infection, and searched for a...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 931
Pages: 3
Since the modern world is divided into nations, states, and communities, these groups of people, different in size and their characteristics, give rise to even more controversial points in their relationships and views. This is the reason why there are such challenges in the world for which it is sometimes...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 846
Pages: 3
The concepts of race and ethnicity are used to describe distinct groups of the population. The difference is that race characterizes unique physical traits such as skin color or eye shape that distinguish one category of people from another. Ethnicity is about the culture with which a person identifies himself...
Topic: Ethnicity
Words: 366
Pages: 1
Embryonic stem cell research is a highly controversial topic, especially in developed nations around the world. The debate primarily focuses on the morality of destroying human embryos. In the United States, federal agencies are prohibited from funding human cloning. In 2001, the House of Representatives enacted The Human Cloning Prohibition...
Topic: Cloning
Words: 325
Pages: 1
This video, being the medium through which a harsh experience is shown greatly benefits the people who have not been to the scene. It reflects the most humane side of the conflict to all peace-loving individuals in the world by showing the problems refugees in Darfur undergo; women are raped,...
Topic: Genocide
Words: 1087
Pages: 4
Today, many spend in the car most of the day. This is where important calls are made and plan considered. A mobile phone is an integral part of any modern driver. When learning how to drive, we hear hundreds of times that you can’t talk on the phone while driving,...
Topic: Cell Phone
Words: 596
Pages: 2
The aspects of slavery in the United States started in the August of 1619, when 20 Angolans’ names were first recorded in a journal entry. These blacks were ushered into the British colony in Virginia, later to be sold to English colonists. The idea of enslaving Africans grew in the...
Topic: Church
Words: 1419
Pages: 5
Currently, in the United States, one of the most significant issues that people face is social injustice. The recent protests have shown that many of the social institutions remain to be discriminatory against certain people. However, this is a sensitive topic, which makes it unsuitable for an absurd decision, and...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 563
Pages: 2
Unfortunately, there is a high crime rate among adolescents. At the same time, as it is commonly believed, young people are considered to be the future of the country. Therefore, the fate of society and the state depends on their behavior, lifestyle, personal qualities, and the fact if teenagers conduct...
Topic: Inequality
Words: 556
Pages: 2
The glass ceiling is a metaphor for artificial barriers that hinder women and another minority group of people from ascending to the senior and corporate positions in management. This term was first introduced in the 1980s to increase awareness of the invisible factors which prevented women from progressing in their...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1178
Pages: 5
Bambara, Toni C. Gorilla, My Love. 1st ed., New York: Random House, 1972. The author provides the audience with compelling illustrations of an array of fascinating characters in the scenes between New York and North Carolina, from stylish and rugged children to devious elderly men. The information herein indicates that...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 672
Pages: 2
Introduction The problem of poverty, not only among children but also among adults, has plagued this planet for a long time. It prevents people from living life to the fullest, consequently affecting society. When it comes to children, they are the ones who suffer the most from peer attacks, lack...
Topic: Poverty
Words: 862
Pages: 2
Wieden, A. (2016). Writing resistance: Anonyma’s narration of rape in A woman in Berlin. Women in German Yearbook, 32, 25-49. Web. This publication is an autobiography that gives firsthand accounts of World War II German rape victims. Anonyma, the narrator, recounts her rape experiences when men were helpless witnesses of the...
Topic: Army
Words: 1006
Pages: 3
Habitat for Humanity is a wonderful program that seeks to alleviate poverty by helping families with low income acquire a place they can call home. The service’s website data indicates that six out of ten children in the North Omaha metro area live in abject poverty (“Building a Better Community,”...
Topic: Poverty
Words: 832
Pages: 3
Introduction Africa has been a historically underdeveloped and financially disadvantaged region due to various factors, both internal and external. According to the neo-liberal school of thought, the problem is rather internal, with the blame focused on Africa’s corrupt and inefficient governments. Others disagree with the claim, suggesting that most of...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 2487
Pages: 9
Introduction Suicide is one of the health crises that Canada is facing in the recent years. It is high among the indigenous youths in Canada. Indigenous suicide was rare in the past (Chandler & Lalonde, 2008a). The native people connected with their natural beliefs, culture, and language which forbidden suicide....
Topic: Culture
Words: 1131
Pages: 4
The TEDx video discusses some factors that enhance recovery from substance use disorder. These include social support, mental wellness, and hope for the future People with addictions can only recover through the help of professionals, peers, and family. The lack of a support system can deter people from seeking help...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 384
Pages: 1
Social ills plaguing modern society have been a basic concern for many prominent philosophers throughout the ages. Marx, Weber, and Durkheim provide unique outlooks on the central social problem, which will be further discussed in more detail and applied to the ongoing pandemic. Marx saw the history of humankind as...
Topic: Social Problems
Words: 641
Pages: 2
Bullying is defined as the intentional desire by one or more individuals to threaten, frighten or hurt a person with actions, behavior, or words. Typically, bullying can be physical, verbal, psychological, or social and is one of the main problems experienced by young people (Committee on the Biological and Psychosocial...
Topic: Bullying
Words: 1194
Pages: 4
Gender bias is one of the main problems of present-day films, and such genre as horror is no exception to the rule. Meanwhile, the articles on this topic written by Erin Harrington and Beth Younger reflect on the gradual shift in the perceptions of women’s roles in them. Both authors...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 855
Pages: 3
Most ethnicities have habits, customs, and rules that may seem strange to representatives of other cultures. These habits often form a stereotype that cannot determine all representatives of the culture; for example, all Russians drink vodka. At the same time, some of the stereotypes are annoying but do not bring...
Topic: Communication
Words: 835
Pages: 3
The issue of health disparities remains a critical one for American society despite decades of research and various programs intended to tackle it. Differences in the level of provided care lead to an overall reduction in life quality and significant economic impacts. They are caused by multiple factors ranging from...
Topic: Health
Words: 655
Pages: 2
White Privilege Johnson describes being rich as a white privilege because the country’s employers favored whites, people of color (POC) were not well placed to earn a chance. He says that it is a long and complicated story since getting wealth during those days was a challenge for the POC....
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 633
Pages: 2
Introduction Several priority groups in Australia face higher risks of experiencing disproportionate harms associated with alcohol and drug use. A good example is the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (or the indigenous Australians). Several studies have established that the rate of alcohol and drug use among the indigenous is...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 1827
Pages: 7
The information offered in the Altruism and Bystander Intervention PowerPoint presentation is specific, actionable, goal-referenced, and precise and has an immediate impact on the audience. This PowerPoint is applicable because it addresses real-time social issues that affect the people residing within a society. Notably, everybody is susceptible to various kinds...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1132
Pages: 4
Although nowadays we have the recent technologies that allow people to become stars in a second, these technologies can destroy the reputation of famous people and impact them adversely. Some people might think that it is easy to become influential and famous today due to the emergence of social media...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 287
Pages: 1
Introduction The safe and effective delivery of care, as well as positive outcomes for people seeking addiction treatment, depends on the counselor’s application of the best practices and adherence to the established ethical and legal standards. Organizations such as the National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC) and...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 1741
Pages: 6
Discrimination has been the center of public attention over the past couple of years. People’s outrage fueled so many protests against police brutality and marches for equality. The United States is a country, which prides itself in the freedom its citizens enjoy and the historical background of America as a...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 1472
Pages: 6
White privilege is described by Johnson in detail as the process by which he used to acquire wealth. The British struggled to conquer Ireland and subjugate Irish people just because their skin was not white. The British felt that people in Ireland were inferior and savage people due to their...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 355
Pages: 1
The problem of drugs legalization is a topic for debate in many countries where politicians, sociologists, philosophers, and other experts try to address the consequences of using drugs illegally. In his article “Don’t Legalize Drugs,” Theodore Dalrymple focused on the situation in Britain. Dalrymple’s position is that drugs should not...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 493
Pages: 2
Introduction Sexual harassment and abuse are prevalent problems in the United States army. The issue extends the boundaries of one unit, department, or organization, affecting people throughout the military system. According to the Department of Defense (2020), the prevalence of sexual harassment complaints “grew by three percent in comparison with...
Topic: Military
Words: 613
Pages: 2
The motivation for American citizens to lose weight and adopt healthy lifestyles can be found everywhere including public health advertisements, popular media, and social settings. However, obesity among American adults is still on the rise across the country. In order to motivate individuals to adopt the proper diet and lifestyle,...
Topic: Obesity
Words: 196
Pages: 1
School or campus violence in the United States is rising to a level that requires homeland security. In recent years, K-12 schools, such as Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Marjory Stoneman Douglas, and higher education institutions, such as Virginia Tech were among them. This paper explores the causes for the growing...
Topic: School
Words: 656
Pages: 2
The report was written by the experts of the National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center (NCVC). Dean G. Kilpatrick, Benjamin E. Saunders, and Daniel W. Smith discuss youth victimization and claim that the frequency of violence and physical abuse towards adolescents is immensely high in the U.S. The authors...
Topic: Youth
Words: 643
Pages: 2
Counseling approaches that operate along racial, ethnic, and national lines promote a strong multicultural view and approach Counseling aims at assisting a person to resolve problems that affect them. A trained person applies several approaches to guide a patient to overcome challenges. Counseling approaches that help understand the race, ethnicity...
Topic: Culture
Words: 673
Pages: 2
Europe has suffered the risk of economic stagnation as a result of a meager birth rate. Italy has been hit the worst among the European countries. The number of newborns has dropped drastically over the last few years, causing a shrink of the country’s population. This demographic mess of an...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 290
Pages: 1
Introduction Child abuse and neglect is serious issue as children are highly vulnerable and do not have means for self-defense or sufficient independence to avoid abusers (CDC, 2012). The prevalence of the problem is rather high (Nies & McEwen, 2013). The United States federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 848
Pages: 3
Introduction Security for students from all population groups is the principal provision, which should be ensured within educational institutions. However, the recent results of studies conducted by scholars in the context of these facilities reflected their inability to adequately address the racial and ethnic gaps (Cohen, 2015). This outcome is...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 314
Pages: 1
Introduction The magnitude of the relationship between income level and poor health is not appreciated enough (Woolf & Braveman, 2011). Regardless of individual characteristics, education and neighborhoods in which people live have a considerable impact on their health (Donatelle, 2014). Even though disparities in housing and transportation have been substantially...
Topic: Healthcare
Words: 895
Pages: 3
Identity politics has raised numerous debates on its effectiveness in tackling interlocking oppressions. In modern world societies, race, culture, and religion are recipes for an identity politics. However, politics, ethnicity, and race are intersected with femininity to form prejudiced and biased world organizations, thus, influencing life experiences. According to Crenshaw...
Topic: Oppression
Words: 860
Pages: 3
Introduction Even though the United States declares the equality of white and black people quite often, the socio-economic situation of African Americans still needs some significant changes for the better. Moreover, measures to “eliminate discrimination” are often only informational or propagandist. For instance, many black people live in extreme poverty,...
Topic: African American
Words: 1483
Pages: 5
The issue of teenage pregnancy is quite topical at present. Despite the fact that the awareness concerning the threats of teen pregnancy has been raised efficiently, the instances of teen pregnancy still occur, and, as a result, the rates of abortion among teens, as well as the number of abandoned...
Topic: Pregnancy
Words: 553
Pages: 2
Adolescence is dangerous for the appearance of addictions, as it brings many difficulties for both parents and children themselves. Due to modifications in the hormonal balance, the mood changes rapidly, and the appearance becomes more adult. Teenagers try to understand the world around them and find themselves. Moreover, parents’ authority...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 663
Pages: 2
Introduction The coronavirus pandemic (henceforth COVID-19) has had a devastating effect on global economies. Pandemics are known to be large scale outbreaks of infectious illnesses that significantly raise the mortality over wide geographical areas causing social, political, and economic disruption (Sun, et al., 2020). COVID-19 has been an international pandemic...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 3844
Pages: 14
My deep interest in health care and decision to devote my career to nursing brought me to the exploration of one of the most problematic issues in this field, namely domestic violence. It has been within the scope of my scientific and professional interests for a substantial amount of time....
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 573
Pages: 2
Introduction Suicide is one of the most debated social issues across the globe. Though various views have been raised about the different reasons why people commit suicide, no specific reason has been suggested and empirically verified. Despite that sociologists are not in particular interested in the reasons why people commit...
Topic: Suicide
Words: 876
Pages: 3
Introduction Lockdown measures are practiced in many regions to control the spread of the COVID -19 virus. It involves restrictions of movement and association in public. Although population health is protected by the set boundaries, several important activities have been hindered. For instance, the ability to socialize, and exercise human...
Topic: Ethical Dilemma
Words: 587
Pages: 4
Synopsis In the 21st century, the issue of teen pregnancy remains one of the key points of concern (Azevedo, Haddock & Muller, 2013). Despite massive awareness campaigns, the rates of teen pregnancy remain dangerously high among certain demographics. National and ethnic minorities still remain in the risk group, the rates...
Topic: Pregnancy
Words: 873
Pages: 3
In the modern world, the privilege of whites is felt in most areas of human life. It can be defined as the superiority of the white race over the black one and functions in matters of economics, education, medicine, and others. A vivid example is the situation of the house...
Topic: White Privilege
Words: 287
Pages: 1
The Human Resources Administration (HRA) is also called the Department of Social Services (DSS). HRA is a New York City government department that was founded on 15th August 1966 by Mayor Lindsay John and facilitates the majority of the city’s social services programs (NYC Human Resources Administration, 2020). DSS helps...
Topic: HR
Words: 2861
Pages: 10
Introduction The adult population is comprised of people aged above 30 years. The adult population is susceptible to obesity, colon cancer, diabetes, coronary heart diseases, and high blood pressure (Pan, Sherry, Njai & Blanck, 2012). In addition, this population is vulnerable to the mentioned diseases due to lack of physical...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 617
Pages: 2
The tragedy of the commons may be defined as an economic issue that relates to the motivation of every individual to consume a particular resource to the disadvantage of other individuals.When the resource’s demand overwhelms its supply, every person who consumes additional units automatically harms others who will not be...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 249
Pages: 1
Introduction Racism is nothing more than a theme of the next scary story you are going to read before bad. After all, in the United States, blacks, Asians, indigenous populations, and other groups, which faced oppression in the past, have the same political rights as any white American citizen. There...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1669
Pages: 6
Slavery has been a topic of hot debate throughout most of American history. The process, considered brutal and corrupt by many people, attained even more supporters who considered it the course of nature. It is essential to understand how could this unethical practice survive and thrive for decades. Slavery institution...
Topic: Slavery
Words: 869
Pages: 3
Introduction Research is consistent that most community development strategies aim to liberate communities by ensuring justice, self-reliance, and economic independence (Mutongu, 2012). In developing and developed economies, community service organizations have been at the forefront in helping communities to address their common needs and concerns through the use of available...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 622
Pages: 3
The high prevalence levels of suicidal tendencies have a huge impact on the health care institutions that deal with mental cases. These patterns must be monitored regularly since suicidal tendencies in various groups differ across time. Several measures can be utilized to curb teenage suicide. Community involvement is extremely imperative...
Topic: Suicide
Words: 809
Pages: 3
The ideals of contemporary democratic society are marked by a marked contradiction, characterized by the coexistence of diametrically opposed ideas. More specifically, the public recognizes and promotes a philosophy of diversity expressed, among other things, through people’s racial differences. On the other hand, an emphasis on an individual’s ethnicity can...
Topic: Inequality
Words: 349
Pages: 1
What Is Black Lives Matter (BLM)? Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a decentralized social and political movement that protests against instances of racially motivated crime and police brutality targeted at people of color. In the context of the systematic inequality between races that have existed in society for centuries, BLM...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 488
Pages: 2
Addiction to substances can develop as a result of several factors, and researchers have tried to explain this occurrence via different approaches. There are several theories that explain the nature of addiction and its development. The biological perspective implies that genetics and brain chemistry alterations are predisposing people to addiction....
Topic: Addiction
Words: 1142
Pages: 4
Introduction Due to the high crime rate, overcrowded prisons, and the problem of repeat offenders many are questioning the effectiveness of incarceration and what the Federal Bureau of Prison is doing to improve the operation of many U.S. prison facilities. As a result, many are also suggesting that it is...
Topic: Prison
Words: 1779
Pages: 6
The high level of relevance of race issues in the United States has continuously imposed equality considerations on multiple levels of human interactions. From the ethical point of view, the historically conditioned omnipresence of racism and racial or gender inequality in the US triggers the necessity of providing equal opportunity...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 552
Pages: 2
Drug trafficking, use, and addiction are some of the issues that affect Watertown. Frequently, individuals are charged with conspiring in the trafficking of drugs such as heroin, fentanyl, and cocaine to the city NYS (Attorney General). The city is associated with violent drug trafficking as individuals from different nationalities flood...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 274
Pages: 1
The US media often mentions Latinos in the news when discussing drug trafficking and crimes related to crossing US borders. In addition, according to the stereotype in the United States, African American men are dangerous criminals. These particular groups of the population are represented in greater numbers among those arrested...
Topic: Crime
Words: 333
Pages: 1
Introduction Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is a major public health problem. Despite the recommendation to abstain, many women still continue to drink alcoholic beverages while expecting. According to the report published in The American Journal of Preventive Medicine, in 2018, 11.3% of pregnant women reported having at least one drink...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 1108
Pages: 4
Introduction It is a non-profit organization whose mission is to empower families and young people to be successful through the care continuum that promotes growth and healing. Its vision is to lead in the creation of a community that provides every young person with an opportunity to thrive. It is...
Topic: Goals
Words: 857
Pages: 3
Gun control represents a critical set of laws and regulations regarding the control over the proper use, prevention, or restriction of firearms by the civilian population. In the United States, gun control policies are characterized by enhanced strictness; however, it is also a highly controversial concern in the country. The...
Topic: Gun Control
Words: 307
Pages: 1
Summary Hunger problem, income gap, race discrimination, poverty in rural regions, and COVID-19 outbreak have severe effects on the hunger problem. For instance, the income gap directly impacts the hunger problem through citizen’s wealth-income ability. Additionally, race discrimination also significantly affects the issue, leading to most territories comprising African Americans...
Topic: Social Problems
Words: 1172
Pages: 4
Currently, along with growing attention to artificial intelligence (AI), a new focus is emerging in many areas of thinking about human intellect. Scientists fear that AI in the future may cause a singularity when the development of technology becomes irreversible and uncontrollable, which will lead to incomprehensible changes in civilization...
Topic: Critical Thinking
Words: 497
Pages: 2
Cell-Phone Users Cell-phones have become powerful devices that make it easier for individuals to achieve their goals and communicate effectively. Analysts group users of such innovative tools depending on their favorite applications and aims. First, there is a group that relies on them mainly for interacting with other people. Some...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 829
Pages: 3
Anthony, C. (2017). The Idea of a Realistic Utopia (Publication No. 2168) [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania]. Scholarly Commons. According to this dissertation, an ideal society is the one whose occupants identify themselves with because it has specific conditions that they view as the most appropriate for them. Such a...
Topic: Equality
Words: 1197
Pages: 4
A text discussing something as important as racism is bound to invoke some personal connections in everyone. These should not necessarily be personal experiences of racial prejudice –it might be increased awareness of racism as represented in culture. The reading made me more aware of two examples of such representation:...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 397
Pages: 1
Introduction Alcohol dependence is a wide and diverse topic that needs to be well evaluated and understood for sustainability (Inaba and Cohen, 2007, p. 7). This is because it relates to a lot of issues that are relevant in our society. Alcohol dependence can also be described and termed as...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 662
Pages: 2
The use and distribution of marijuana is controversial issue in many countries around the world. The attitude towards this culture can be very different, even within the same state. For example, in the United States, some states allow the use of marijuana, but federal law prohibits it. Thus, a person...
Topic: Marijuana
Words: 365
Pages: 1
Racial profiling occurs when the law enforcement base their criminal investigations on race, ethnicity, or religion, which in the process undermines human rights and freedom. Although some people consider racial profiling as a means of improving security, it must be stopped at all cost because it is discriminatory. In the...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Haroutunian, H. (2016). Not as prescribed: Recognizing and facing alcohol and drug misuse in older adults. Simon and Schuster. The book in question dwells upon substance misuse in older adults and ways to address this problem. Chapter 2 provides valuable insights into the peculiarities of this population’s addiction development with...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 1195
Pages: 4
In Capitalism and Slavery, Williams writes: “Slavery was not born out of racism: rather, racism was the consequence of slavery” (7). The author proves this fact by describing the historical development of slavery; in this essay, a similar attempt at proving the thesis will be done. First of all, Is...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 648
Pages: 2
Modern economies have adopted liberal practices aimed at improving stakeholder value among profit-making entities. Developed regions, such as North America, Europe, and East Asia, have adopted contemporary approaches to ensure sustainable profitability (Gupta et al., 2019). Management officials and the workforce benefit from professional experience and networks which accompany lucrative...
Topic: Equality
Words: 1381
Pages: 5
Introduction It needs to be said that sexual assault is the topic that has been actively discussed over the last few years. It is described as an action with a body of a person that is performed without his or her agreement. It needs to be said that it is...
Topic: Sexual Assault
Words: 1378
Pages: 5
Introduction Teen pregnancy is common in the United States as teens are increasingly having sex before 16. Notably, since the responsibility lies equally with teen mothers and teen fathers, there is a need to develop government programs to inform and support father teens. Besides, to reduce the incidence of unwanted...
Topic: Pregnancy
Words: 411
Pages: 1
Human beings tend to generate preconceived notions about others, often to their detriment, despite insufficient information: this is more commonly referred to as prejudice. While the word may have negative connotations, prejudice is innate in human beings and is born from the ability to observe and make deductions from stimuli...
Topic: Prejudice
Words: 340
Pages: 1
Introduction Photovoice offers the community leaders and policy makers with an opportunity to gain insight regarding the interests and the needs of a certain population. Photovoice is an engagement tool that provides a springboard for action, either through the population involved, by the local authorities and well-wishers, or together in...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 852
Pages: 3
In 1865, king Leopold II ascended the throne of Belgium – a small country, surrounded by the influential European empires. Therefore, throughout his reign, the king was obsessed with gaining a colony. Indeed, the European countries entered the new era of intensified industrial expansion, with personal profit and immediate enrichment...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1392
Pages: 5
Mental disorders can emerge from drug dependency or addiction; paranoia or schizophrenia; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (combat-related and other); neurocognitive deficits; domestic abuse, as well as other types of mental disorders. About 15 percent of people with extreme mental illness were homeless over one year in California (Smartt et al., 2019)....
Topic: Disorders
Words: 568
Pages: 2
In his writing, Russell Baker questions the argument against abortion that is associated with the fact that every aborted child may become a great composer, an artist, or some other prominent person. A similar story is often cited by the opponents of abortion, arguing that Beethoven’s mother was sick with...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 552
Pages: 2
Applying lessons from the U.S. Indian Child Welfare Act to recently passed federal child protection legislation in Canada. Indigenous children are overrepresented in child protection systems in the United States and to an even greater degree in Canada. Canada has recently passed federal child welfare legislation, Bill C-92, with the...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 619
Pages: 2
The previous analysis revealed a scope of services available to the older community members. As can be seen from it, this population group’s essential needs are covered through various facilities (see Appendix A). Moreover, living in the neighborhood is optimal for them due to low crime rates, with 0.12 cases...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 873
Pages: 3
Introduction In the twenty-first century, terrifying customs, cultural norms, and social problems that degrade human dignity, health, and life still exist in the world. Although these issues are all consequences of a person’s personal choice, many of them are also supported by law or cultural and religious characteristics of the...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 1427
Pages: 5
The juvenile justice and the adolescent treatment systems have various linkages that can be looked at for long-term sustainability. A linkage between various serving agencies is one of the most notable system linkages. As far as system linkages are concerned, building positive relationships are always existent between the two. This...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 701
Pages: 3
Introduction In the execution of analysis, ethics applies to the proper rules of procedure. Persons have a legal duty to avoid damage to study participants. The landmark studies in psychology mentioned the episode of “Redefining the reality: the intellectual Implications of Modern Science” will be considered unethical in modern days....
Topic: Ethics
Words: 686
Pages: 2
Bullying in workplaces comprises of deeds that directly bring forth emotional effects directed to a person over a given period. It is prevalent in the healthcare sector and acts as a menace to peer associations. It also impacts the rates of attrition and turnover in nursing (Meires, 2018). Bullying can...
Topic: Bullying
Words: 648
Pages: 2
Along with the ethnic and gender identities, religious ones are likely to be stigmatized at the workplace due to stereotyping. There are many documented cases regarding discrimination against specific religious groups. For instance, Christians are stereotyped as close-minded and naïve, Jewish – as disloyal and greedy, Muslims – as menacing...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 1152
Pages: 4
Prostitution is a situation whereby a woman decides to practice underproductive sex to be paid in return (Prostitution is not a choice, n.d., para.1). People usually decide to become sexual objects to anyone who can pay them in return. Women are the highest placed victims of prostitution in the world....
Topic: Prostitution
Words: 626
Pages: 2
The problem of racial bias within the police department has been an issue of concern both for the general public and policymakers. One of the recent and notorious deaths of an African American citizen George Floyd that was perpetrated by officer Derek Chauvin has reinvigorated public debates regarding racism and...
Topic: Bureaucracy
Words: 1127
Pages: 4
Introduction Bullying is usually associated with aggression and abuse of power. It can occur regardless of social status or income; however, there lies a direct connection between bullying incidents and poor parenting. A significant number of these incidents occur within educational establishments. Bullying takes many forms, such as physical, verbal,...
Topic: Bullying
Words: 1221
Pages: 4
Introduction The “war against illicit drugs in the United States has led to more questions than answers” (Hendricks and Wilson 2). Contreras believes strongly that “the war has led to numerous inequalities among different racial groups in the country” (24). The law enforcement practices and criminal systems have been targeting...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1390
Pages: 5
The period of slavery in the United States is one of the darkest periods in the history of the country, associated with the humiliation and misfortune that befell black people. For learning about these events, it is best to turn to the words of direct witnesses to slavery. The purpose...
Topic: Slavery
Words: 405
Pages: 1
The article written by Elizabeth Beaumont reveals how gender-based biases impact an individual’s behavior, which in turn spreads inequality. The author explained that there is a gendered cycle of inequality endorsed by laws and policies which undermines multiple opportunities and discriminates against one sex. Gender-based disparities result in severe legal...
Topic: Gender
Words: 277
Pages: 1
Introduction Due to social status, homeless people in the US are vulnerable to health problems compared to people who are drawn from high socio-economic status. Many homeless persons also tend to belong to low socio-economic families (Johnson & Haigh, 2012). Ensuring good health for such persons calls for the creation...
Topic: Homelessness
Words: 919
Pages: 3
Cultures define humans because they dictate how a group conducts its activities and how its members interact based on beliefs and traditions. Although in some instances an individual has the liberty to decide whether to belong to a particular culture or not, it is not always the case. For instance,...
Topic: Culture
Words: 888
Pages: 3
Three commonly abused substances and their effects It is with no doubt that a sizable number of people engage themselves in illicit utilization of substance for both personal and commercial use. The most frequently abused substances are cocaine, heroin and PhenylCyclohexylPiperidine (shortened as PCP). These substances normally have different business...
Topic: Crime
Words: 908
Pages: 3
Substance and alcohol misuse among adolescents is a considerable bother for the US healthcare system. Since adolescence is commonly known as a time for experimentation, substance use disorder (SUB) and alcohol abuse are often rooted in the period (Beaton, Shubkin, & Chapman, 2016). In order to address the problem, I...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 227
Pages: 1
Righteous Dopefiend by Philippe Bourgois and Jeff Schonberg is an ethnography following several homeless heroin addicts in San Francisco’s Edgewater Boulevard (not the real name of the area) between 1994 and 2006. The book starts by describing its primary subjects and the area they inhabit, immediately establishing them as persons...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 304
Pages: 1
In times of the raging opioid epidemic and increased recreational drug use, the local police departments need more money and manpower to address the rising challenge. Although young people in Missouri tend to avoid binge drinking, cigarette, and alcohol use, the illicit drug abuse of marijuana, cocaine, inhalants, and meth...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 1210
Pages: 4
Over the past decades, scientists and psychologists all over the planet have conducted a variety of studies concerning LSD. The uncontrolled use of the hallucinogen has impacted nearly all areas of society, including religion, politics, and the art industry. The research confirms that hallucinogens can be beneficial for curing psychological...
Topic: Therapeutics
Words: 568
Pages: 2
Childbirth is considered an immensely important but also distinctively painful and challenging experience. There is a hypothesis associated with childbirth becoming more complicated for humans when they began farming. Without the lack of available medical solutions, childbirth in the past was challenged by improper handling and the absence of knowledge...
Topic: Childbirth
Words: 841
Pages: 3
Introduction In the correctional system, reentry refers to processes that surround prisoners’ returning to the community after being released. Time spent at correctional facilities can have profound influences on a person’s behaviors, values, and psychological well-being, and such changes can create barriers to resocialization after imprisonment. Common obstacles to successful...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 894
Pages: 3
Gentrification is a complex process that involves wealthy people occupying low-income communities, transforming them in many ways. While the general definition of the word is positive, its sociopolitical manifestation has ambiguous consequences. As the two sides are involved, the rich and the poor, some will benefit from the process, and...
Topic: Gentrification
Words: 609
Pages: 2
Introduction In economics, poverty, wealth, and society’s economic stratification are interrelated concepts linked to racial, gender, and regional inequalities. Disparities in income and wealth distribution contribute to societal stratification and the emergence of social classes. In a capitalist economy such as the United States, the conflict arising from competition for...
Topic: Poverty
Words: 2007
Pages: 7
Body Copy Home is where people gather together to share their emotional state, have dinner with a family, and, simply, it is a place where anybody feels safe and happy. The problem is that not many are lucky to have a home where they can feel protected. In a time...
Topic: Youth
Words: 574
Pages: 2
This article mainly draws attention to the widening gap between the rich and the poor in the global community. The paper argues that despite America declaring itself as one of the highly developed nations, it is still facing a high economic disparity level. According to the article, wealth distribution among...
Topic: Wealth
Words: 291
Pages: 1
At present, the world is confronted with an unprecedented situation due to the global spread of COVID-19. People are forced to face death, being affected by the demise of their loved ones, watching helplessly the course of their disease, or being infected themselves without knowing the possible outcome. It is...
Topic: Death
Words: 949
Pages: 3
Population aging is a global problem that is estimated to be at its worst. The United Nations (2004) echoes this by stating that in the history of mankind the world has never seen an aged population as the one existing currently. To this end, the United Nations has predicted that...
Topic: Aging
Words: 816
Pages: 3
Enrollment and Graduation Rates Higher education is among the fields where racial disparities are most evident. This is mainly because higher education in the United States is optional, and thus there are many factors that affect students’ willingness and ability to enroll and graduate. Native American students are at a...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 5595
Pages: 20
Mozambique is a third world country located in Southern Africa. The country is a former Portuguese colony and has been independent since 1975. The health indicators for the country are very worrying as is common with many countries in South Saharan Africa. This paper analyses the current state of the...
Topic: Health
Words: 1423
Pages: 5
Introduction Mistreatment of the elderly population is a hidden and often overlooked problem in society. Many people in the public domain have probably heard of elderly abuse and neglect but know very little beyond that, other than the occasional news coverage of problems in elderly homes. Elder abuse and neglect,...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 2296
Pages: 8
Introduction Morals are a unique feature of the human world that had emerged with the sophistication of relations between individuals and became an integral aspect of society. Being a set of behavioral standards and principles, this phenomenon had been determining the people’s actions and the course of history. Moreover, morals...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1134
Pages: 4
Reading: A defense of abortion In the first reading, Judith Jarvis Thompson evaluates various arguments against abortion from the perspective of ethical reasoning. The key idea conveyed in the text is that, even if the premise that an unborn child is a person is accepted, there are cases where abortion...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 660
Pages: 2
Even though the government has allocated significant resources towards curbing the substance abuse menace, this vice continues to thrive. Moreover, new substance abuse related problems keep emerging. This essay explores substance abuse and its general impact on the society and on individuals. Substance abuse has been a major concern for...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Definition of the Problem Domestic violence often occurs among partners who are in an intimate relationship. Governmental and non-governmental agencies have often argued that domestic violence as a serious social problem in America (Lockhart & Danis, 2010). Although men and women may be victims of domestic violence, many cases often...
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 579
Pages: 4
The position of women in modern society is a burning ethical issue, which has particularly exacerbated during the pandemic. Traditional gender roles are challenged by the pandemic of coronavirus. More and more critical functions are executed by women, yet the distribution of privileges and finances favors men disregarding the rising...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 298
Pages: 1
In the present-day world, there are plenty of issues connected to various forms of discrimination. One of them is known as racial profiling and is used primarily in police investigations. Teasley et al. consider it as “an act of injustice that uses race as the foundation for shaping perceptions” (37)....
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 1106
Pages: 4
Marijuana consumption and prostitution should have legal terms as any other business. Despite that, in some countries, the consumption of marijuana, as well as prostitution, has been labeled as immoral. More specifically, prostitution is one of the acts that a significant percentage of society regards as indecent. Marijuana consumption and...
Topic: Marijuana
Words: 549
Pages: 2
Introduction The Ku Klux Klan is considered as one of most racist and anti-Semantic group in the US. It employs all forms of techniques to achieve its interests. It is not surprising that the group employs violence to achieve its wishes and desires. It is comprised of whites and its...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 1440
Pages: 5
Racial identity is considered one of the most important issues in a culturally diverse country like the US. This issue brings up many controversial debates. Some believe that racial identity is based on blood percentage and others believe that it is a sum of the physical, cultural, and social characteristics...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1439
Pages: 5
Introduction Violence in schools is a huge public health problem. The statistic is rather disturbing: the prevalence of violent acts in schools is high, and the number of those has vastly increased during the previous several years. This paper examines the problem, provides the literature research, investigates factors that have...
Topic: School
Words: 1464
Pages: 5
The rapid development of modern technologies has utterly transformed the corporate world and traditional business practices. Although it would be reasonable to admit that the generation accustomed to these novelties should be better suited for the new operations, it often turns out differently. Many experts indicate the critical problems faced...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 399
Pages: 1
Introduction (Why I Chose Somalia) After the civil war that saw the toppling of hitherto president of the country in 1992, Somalia has remained in the category of failed states torn by civil war and other natural catastrophes (World Bank, 2009). The country is located in the Horn of Africa...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1438
Pages: 5
Introduction Smoking simply refers to a practice in which a known substance, usually cannabis or tobacco, is burnt and the smoke it produces is inhaled directly. The combustion releases active substances like tar and nicotine that are responsible for lung poisoning and infection. When inhaled, the smoke induces spiritual enlightenment...
Topic: Health
Words: 861
Pages: 3
Introduction Human beings are social entities who are usually attached to specific societies where they live, learn, and grow. They are equally accustomed to the norms and values upheld that are specific to that society. For that matter, communities are vital to the support of human life as they are...
Topic: Suicide
Words: 828
Pages: 3
A book titled “Addicts who survived: An oral history of Narcotic Use in America before 1965” by David Courtwright et al. is a history of the American addiction to narcotics problem and anti-drug policies. The value of this work is in the approach that the authors took to uncover the...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 602
Pages: 2
Introduction Methamphetamine, also known as meth, has contributed highly to the increase in population of drug addicts in many countries and it is linked with severe health and psychological effects such as brain damage, psychotic behavior, memory and thinking problems, and heart problem. Methamphetamine is also linked with the spread...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 2493
Pages: 9
The problem for discussion is established in a rectilinear way. In the first paragraph, Stoughton et al. indicate that “brutal encounters between the police and the people they are supposed to serve” continue for a long time and “people of every race and class” (par. 1). This way, it becomes...
Topic: Police
Words: 315
Pages: 1
Definition of the Problem Alcoholism is a broad term used to define the consumption of alcohol that leads to problems. According to the American National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, more than 70% of Americans drink alcohol regularly, but at low-risk levels (NIAAA, 2015). Independents studies reveal that 86.8%...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 510
Pages: 3
Substance abuse refers to the pattern of continued use, despite adverse consequence. Socio-cultural determinants of substance abuse imply to social factors that affect the outcome of drug abuse. The group characteristic determines social-cultural determinants and the general beliefs in history of the set community. For instance, smoking was considered fashionable...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 903
Pages: 3
Introduction Decisions people make in specific situations are the product of inner beliefs and values. Evaluating these decisions from a theoretical perspective can help identify critical motivations, causal relationships, and external factors prompting certain behavioral responses. As an example of such an analysis, the case study about fetus abnormality will...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 838
Pages: 3
Status of women in Honduras ranks very low owing to gender inequality. In social, economic, and political aspects, women are in lower positions than men because cultural factors deny them the opportunity to participate actively in the society as their male counterparts. Culture, norms, and traditions have restricted roles that...
Topic: Health
Words: 627
Pages: 2
Suicide has been a common phenomenon in the world for centuries. Suicide may be committed by single individuals or groups of people varied in size and age composition. Suicide is observed among people of all social backgrounds, ethnicities, sexes, and ages. Suicide is generally described as a person’s decision to...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 859
Pages: 3
Old age is a critical period that often results in the deterioration of various spheres in an individual’s life, for example, one or more of either physical, social, or mental domains. However, with the right community services to support elderly individuals, it helps improve their quality of life and delay...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 945
Pages: 3
Introduction Marijuana has different names in the streets and these include; Aunt Mary, Ganja, Grass, Mary Jane, Pot, Reefer, Sinsemilla, Skunk, Weed. Marijuana is said to be among the most smoked illicit drugs. In America, marijuana tops the list of the most abused illicit drugs. It is not only smoked...
Topic: Marijuana
Words: 969
Pages: 3
For the last four decades, the debate about legalization of marijuana has attracted myriad controversies (Scorza 32). Intransigent proponents of permissive marijuana policies support the notion that individuals should be allowed access to restricted amounts of marijuana for personal use. In addition, they criticize the numerous criminal sanctions associated with...
Topic: Marijuana
Words: 2871
Pages: 10