Discusses of the Role of Gender in the Employment

The Role of Gender in the Employment, Career Perception and Research Performance of Recent PhD Graduates from Dutch Universities Abstract Recent decades have seen a sharp increase in the number of female PhD graduates in the Netherlands. Currently, the share of females among newly graduated PhDs is almost on par...

Suicide Barriers on the Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is one of the most famous attractions in the world that has been notorious for its suicidal history. People intentionally jump from this bridge to end their lives every two weeks, choosing this method of suicide as the quickest and most available. Despite...

What a Failure at the Exam Taught People About Hard Work

Does hard work always guarantee that one will achieve success in anything that one is doing? I, like many other Americans, was raised with the belief that, indeed, hard work was the only way one can become successful in life. I did not believe that every single prosperous individual got...

Osnos’ Article “Survival of the Richest” Analysis

Introduction It is natural for civilizations to experience periods of prosperity and decline since it is a complex social structure where people are the mechanisms. Through experience, science, and surviving sources, people learned to identify some of the impending decline patterns to prevent or avoid the upcoming crises. One of...

Skill-Building Workshop Activities

The selected form of activities is a skill-building workshop for communication development. The group members’ age will be between 19 and 22 years old, and the name of the programs is “Effective Communication.” It will mostly be a community-based treatment because the given unit can contain individuals with a wide...

Individuals With Hearing Impairment: Social Anxiety

The lives of deaf people in society are often underestimated, despite various technological advancements and increasing social groups’ tolerance. Nevertheless, this marginalized segment of the disabled community still does not have access to multiple materials due to many challenges throughout their life. For these reasons, I have decided to choose...

Aging: Sociological Concepts and Controversies

A heightened debate on contentious issues, such as one concerning the criteria of sharing resources to the disadvantaged, especially to the elderly, is based on claims that assist leaders in decision-making. The case with Williamson and Watts-Ray debate, as provided by Moody and Sasser (2020, p.353-356), is not in any...

Writing Skills: Effective Communication

Effective communication is vital for delivering information in a manner which can be easily understood. Messages can be conveyed in written or spoken form, although there is certain specific communication for particular groups. To correctly relay information on a paper, an individual must ensure that the writing skills are well...

Message From Jeff Bezos to Amazon Shareholders

At first sight, Jeff Bezos’ preference of narratives to PowerPoint presentations may seem to violate some principles of good writing. According to Bailey (2008), a well-written material has to be easy to read, meanwhile, a six-page memo is not. Neither is such a writing likely to attract the reader, which...

A Community Mobile Food Truck to Serve Disadvantaged Children’s Needs

Date Submitted Grant Name Submitted to Address of Receiving Party Submitted by Address of Submitting Party Project Abstract The author of this proposal is seeking a grant of $94,735 for supporting the community project that is oriented toward addressing the needs of disadvantaged or low-income children and adolescents living and...

Aspects of the Non-Verbal Communication

Introduction The world is fluid by nature, and, therefore, people are in constant need to adapt to new conditions. Many processes are accelerated, and new tasks require a large amount of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Today, the leading global trends are globalization and digitalization. It means more cross-cultural contacts...

Policy Memo for Opioid Addiction Among Senior Citizens

Executive Summary This policy memo aims to communicate what needs to be done regarding opioid addiction among senior citizens. Since the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is well-financed by the federal government, it needs to develop robust strategies regardless of the cost. There is a need to strengthen...

Social Solidarity During the Pandemic

During the pandemic, sociological thinking is a tool that allows ensuring comprehensive protection of the population due to citizens’ responsibility to one another. Individual precautions are important, but if the community does not promote general safety measures, for instance, ignore threats to the most vulnerable segments of the population, the...

Issues of Paid Family Caregiving

Introduction Paid family caregiving is a widely discussed and controversial issue, which requires appropriate research to support or refute the necessity to continue this practice implementation. It is possible to outline several valid reasons, which clearly define why this care method can potentially deteriorate the quality of service and cause...

Social Problems Within Educational Institutions

It is necessary to understand and analyze the connection between various social problems within U.S. educational institutions. The impact of one’s socioeconomic status on a person’s ability to progress their training, alienation among peers, and high dropout rates can be viewed as the primary contributors (Sullivan, 2015). It is also...

Drug Use and Addiction Correlations

Introduction Drugs have a variety of diverse effects on humans. One individual may misuse substances and never develop an addiction, but another may have one encounter and become immediately addicted to that drug. Addiction is described as an unhealthy reliance on an illicit substance or medication. Chronic, relapsing addiction disorders...

Analyzing Social Problems – Case Study: Jake Levy

During the last therapy meeting, Jake Levy was talking about his emotional fixation on an email he got lately, about his comrade committing suicide. He expressed deep remorse for the gruesome statistics that every day, “22 veterans commit suicide in the US” (Laureate Education, 1:47). This occurrence led him to...

Poverty Prevalence and Causes in the United States

There are numerous social issues in the United States that hinder its progress, damage its reputation, and cause stagnation of its communities. Poverty is one of the most critical of them, as it affects approximately 12% of the U.S. population (Magnus, 2020). While the causes of poverty have been analyzed...

Human Rights Under Russian Leadership

Human rights are among the essential norms which standardize human behavior and are protected by local and international laws. Nevertheless, the governments of various countries do not grant their citizens the same liberties. There is a significant difference in human rights in the United States and Europe and such countries...

Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s Controversial Speech Analysis

Mayor Mitch Landrieu gave a controversial speech on removing four statues from the city of New Orleans. The confederate statues were erected over 100 years ago, and they were a part of the city’s heritage. They were identification markers, but they were removed in 2017 by the Mayor. In this...

Environmental Racism: Analyzing the Phenomenon

Today the humanity faces one of the most serious challenges it has ever experienced. The fast evolution of the industry, the rise of the consumer society, and the unwise use of natural resources placed people at the age of disaster because of the critical deterioration of the environment’s state. Global...

The Barbie Doll Controversy in a Latinx Community

Introduction Barbie is an American plastic doll that was introduced to the market in 1959. At first, the toy represented a figure of a young adult American woman. However, since that time, Barbie has changed hairstyles, clothes, and accessories. Finally, the overall appearance of a doll has changed dramatically for...

Intimate Partner Violence in the Modern United States

Intimate partner violence is historically known as domestic violence, describing physical, mental, and sexual assault. Domestic violence is a consequence of long-term societal, health, or economic challenges passed on to victims of assault. All individuals are at risk of assault from their partner, although women are more likely to suffer...

Review of Meaning “Kids in Crisis” Film

A film Kids in Crisis reveal significant issue related to childhood mental health. BBC Panorama (2018) illustrates three severe mental health problems and states the story behind them. The film aims to deliver the message that children with mental health issues are not receiving treatment until suicide attempts (BBC Panorama,...

Marijuana Use: The Impacts Among College Students

Marijuana use has risen in popularity among many college students, as evidenced in higher learning institutions. Legalizing the drug has facilitated increased intake among young adults attending colleges and universities (NIDA. 2020). Marijuana, through cannabinoid (CBD), is beneficial to patients enduring pain from advanced conditions such as cancer. However, tetrahydrocannabinol...

Support for the Legalization of the Drug Consumption

The appropriate use of drugs is everyone’s responsibility, and whether legalized or illegalized by the government may not reduce its abuse. Drugs offer a source of income for many people; hence illegalizing them may not help the situation. Instead, the government needs to provide civic education to use drugs rightfully....

Study of Whiteness and Major Concepts Used

Introduction The study of Whiteness in the social sciences has emerged and become widespread in the last century. As one can see, it has experienced a rebirth in the previous two decades. According to Hill (2008), “more recently, changing ideas of Whiteness have attracted much attention” (p. 13). It is...

The Pay Gap in Women and Minorities

The frame of reference The gender wage gap persists in most countries, including the world’s most developed economies. The reasons why women are paid less than men for the same job with the same qualifications are often explained by differences in experience, education, working conditions, or even self-confidence (Binns, 2021)....

Female Genital Mutilation and Reproductive Rights

Burrage, Hilary. Eradicating Female Genital Mutilation: A UK Perspective. Taylor & Francis, 2016. The book attempts a comprehensive discussion of the concept of female genital mutilation, particularly as it applies to the United Kingdom. It begins with a demographic, epidemiologic, and socioeconomic analysis of the issue’s origins, as well as...

Chemical Dependency: Crisis of Addiction

The issue of chemical or substance addiction has long since become rampant all over the world, and the United States is no exception to it. Substance abuse includes the use of any substances such as alcohol, nicotine, medical prescription drugs, illegal drugs and many other subjects. Drug abuse can take...

Confidentiality Challenges in Social Field Education Experience

Effective communication is the cornerstone of social work, and it must be maintained throughout the practice. At the same time, it is related to another crucial concept, which is present in the field. Confidentiality is a vital principle to which responsible social workers adhere without any exceptions. It serves as...

Muted Generation or How Internet Changes the Way We Live

Tim Berners-Lee invented the Internet in 1989-90, for the benefit of all humankind. Unfortunately, like any invention, the Internet is used today both for good and for harm. Due to the lack of awareness, many people misuse the Internet, damaging their daily lives. Several studies provide examples of how the...

Discrimination in the US: Du Bois’ “The Souls of Black Folk” and Present Days

In The souls of black folk, Du Bois (1903) argues that African Americans lack equal rights with their white counterparts. He supports his claim by stating that this demographic group started experiencing problems during the Civil War and period of Reconstruction. Du Bois narrates that color-line issues were more common...

Australian RedCross Supporting the Homeless

The homeless and people at risk of homelessness are among Australia’s most vulnerable and underprivileged demographics. At the moment, around 116,000 Australians are homeless, 20,000 out of which are in Queensland (Queensland Government, 2017). Half of the homeless population lives in severely crowded dwellings, 21% dwell in supported accommodation, and...

The Racial Experiences of Asian Americans and Pacific Island Americans

Despite the official non-discriminatory policy in the US, the signs of discrimination among Asian Americans and Pacific island Americans are evident. The two aforementioned minority groups consistently report higher poverty rates, lower education opportunities, and an ongoing segregation. Close examination of government policies, model minority, and perpetual immigrant stereotypes explain...

Global Society: Before and After The Coronavirus Pandemic

Humanity faced one of the most significant health crises in 2020 as the COVID-19 virus spread worldwide, impacting people’s perception of life and values. Lockdowns, uncertainty, isolation, and loss of beloved ones changed the global society and forced every member to revise their aspirations and roles (Fogarty et al.). Moreover,...

The Link Between Subcultures and Ethnocentrism

Positive interaction between subcultures is an ideal worth pursuing in any situation. Although the values and beliefs held by two subcultures or a subculture and broader culture may differ significantly, to the point of being difficult to reconcile, that is not necessarily the case (Adams, et al., 2015; Haviland, et...

Inequality Disparities in Georgia State

Introduction Georgia has been known for its social and cultural differences, encompassing people from diversified backgrounds. However, economic disparities have been manifested as the most significant social disparity separating Georgians from the rest of American society. The state’s discrepancy between the rich and the poor has been widening, which has...

Veteran Employment: Problems Veterans Face after Returning Home

Introduction Supporting the economic success of America’s military veterans is receiving national attention and funding. According to Edwards, “veterans often face numerous challenges living outside the military environment” (Edwards 7). Since many people successfully transit from the military to civilian life, some veterans may find it difficult to adjust from...

Doing Genders: Social Constructs of Gender

The evolution of human society is closely related to the development of such constructs as gender. This concept defines the roles and responsibilities that are characteristic of representatives of a particular group. However, physical differences are not always associated with the same gender differences, which makes them significant factors of...

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program

Addiction treatment is not universal for all, and it might differ depending on the patient’s requirements. The specialist can pick the treatment that turns out best for every individual considering the substance he or she is abusing, the degree of care required, the patient’s very own psychological wellness needs, or...

Trust and Relationships in Contemporary American Cinema

Most American films, to one degree or another, develop the theme of relationships between people. Some filmmakers make it their key focus, problematizing these relationships with an element of lack of commitment. Honesty and loyalty in human relationships are clearly called into question in the comparison of several American films....

Immigration and Red Scare Discussion

The Red Scare was characterized by a significant number of immigrants to the United States who were adherents of socialist, communist, and anarchist ideas. This phenomenon influenced the perception of immigrants in the years 1910-1920. The threat from the socialist regime prompted a response in the form of an anti-immigration...

“Kiss Me, I’m Illegal”: Reflection

Current US policy is aimed at tightening borders, especially with regard to illegal or undocumented immigrants. Such actions also reflect the sentiments of residents, who often stigmatize visitors from other, often neighboring states. Paul Vitello (2006), in the article “Kiss me, I’m illegal,” discusses the various names suggested for labeling...

Vision of Gender Stratification in an Advertisement

Gender Messages Conveyed Through Advertisement Instances of an advertisement directed toward women are often encountered in daily life. Permanently, the images of women appear in fashion magazines, such as Vogue, and convey gender messages which affect society. Preconceptions raised from advertisements include physical attractiveness, fashionable clothes, the use of cosmetics,...

Jacob Lawrence’s Migration Series: a Pictorial Memory of Black America

Introduction The current study focuses on the text Jacob Lawrence’s Migration series: a pictorial memory of black America written by Eliane Elmaleh. It is a commentary of the paintings done by Jacob Lawrence with elements of the historical background of both the artist and the African-American community at the start...

Policy Development to Overcome Child Poverty in the U.S.

There are almost 11 million children in the U.S. who currently live in poverty. The minors below the age of five are especially vulnerable and experience significantly higher rates of poverty than older children do. Not only do children in poverty lack basic human rights, but are also prone to...

Standardized Testing as an Evaluation Tool in Schools

Standardized testing based on high stakes is commonly used in accountability narratives. It is considered a tool that helps in promoting racial equality in schools, especially when it uses the frameworks of neoliberal multiculturalism and racial projects. The article is reliable in the research since it uses empirical and historical...

The Impact of Motivational Interviewing

Individuals prone to or suffering from substance abuse, smoking, eating disorders, gambling, etc., are less likely to have the motivation and desire to change. As a humanistic psychological practice, motivational interviewing has been treating addictions, disorders, and mental health issues. Motivational interviewing (MI) is an approach that “encourages people to...

How Police Supervisory Styles Influence Patrol Officer Behavior

The field supervisor, also identified as the patrol sergeant, directly oversees officers’ conduct, performance, appearance, and tactical operations assigned under their command. The management style of police officers’ field supervisors determines, to some extent, their performance when handling an ongoing issue or community problem. In his report, Robin Engel investigates...

Drug Addiction: A Choice or a Medical Disease?

Summary Does a person have a choice in being a drug addict or is drug addiction a medical disease? Who would want to undergo the suffering that comes as an outcome of drug addiction? On one side is what Dr.Jeffrey Schaler say’s in his book ‘Addiction is a Choice’: addiction...

The Straw Man Fallacy in Disagreements on Moral Issues

The straw man argument is a logical fallacy in which the appearance of refuting an argument is created by replacing the actual subject of the debate with a false one. The effectiveness of this technique is explained by the fact that when using it, the opponent’s argument begins to look...

How City Change and Gentrification Excludes Some People

Changes to cities, communities, and neighborhoods are inevitable as they have been developing and changing since the dawn of civilization. Whitehead and Arieff, in their articles, explore how gentrification and city change have excluded individuals. Those from low-income neighborhoods are affected because, with gentrification, the economy rises, prompting them to...

Phyllis Schlafly as a Conservative Activist

Phyllis Schlafly is remembered more as a conservative activist who proudly opposed issues such as abortion, homosexuality, and feminism. Additionally, many of her views were recorded in her publication, such as “A Choice Not An Echo,” which is arguably her most influential book. Further, she successfully campaigned against the ratification...

Understanding Our Perceptions of Asian Americans

First of all, it is necessary to understand why the advisor said this particular phrase to Anthony. Most likely, they started from Anthony’s appearance and origin, thereby acting according to the stereotypes prevailing in society. Many people automatically attribute to people of a certain race a complex of traits that...

Safety Measures of Social Worker in Education

Emphasizing social workers’ wellbeing is significant, given the real factors of the social practice climate. All social organizations have strategies that address the security of employees, the board, and the organization, as well as customers. Almost 90% of 1,029 surveyed social workers reported encountering mental aggression in the course of...

Families, Gender Relations and Social Change in Brazil

Introduction The concept of family and family life has evolved significantly from the traditionally hierarchical and patriarchal structure to innovative modern patterns. Theories and Methods Used Feminism provides more plausible explanations and solutions to controversial issues. Postmodernism to explain challenges facing the contemporary family in Brazil. Scholars review existing literature...

Intersectionality: Specifics of Black Feminism

The article I use in my research and would like to examine is the paper by Stéphanie Garneau titled “Intersectionality beyond feminism? Some methodological and epistemological considerations for research.” The author analyzes the existing approaches to the subject and aims to synthesize a new vision of intersectionality as a reflection...

Autoethnography: The COVID-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic had a considerable impact on all the spheres of life, and the influence was aggravated by the abruptness of the outbreak. In addition, uncertainty about the virus, its influence on human organisms, and effective preventative measures contributed to the common confusion. In the context of political consequences,...

Crack Years in the United States in 1950-2000

The problem of drug abuse has been seriously influencing the history of the United States for the past centuries. One of the substances, which gave rise to much attention of the public, media, and government, is called crack cocaine. It appeared in the middle of the 20th century and today,...

COVID-19 Pandemic: Preparing a Presentation

Critical Elements of the Presentation The discussion question I work on is if society must keep its principles and get back to them after the profound life changes or establish new morals to follow. The issue is relevant to the audience as all of us are members of society for...

“Black Women and Black Power” by Rhonda Williams

Throughout history, women, primarily the Black, were not respected in most Western countries, including the United States. They were scorned and always put in a situation where their voices could not be heard. Until recently, they were not also allowed to carry out critical national activities such as voting. In...

Animal Testing: Finding an Alternative

Introduction These days, ecological problems present a pressing concern, and for this reason, a harmless attitude to nature, the planet, and animals is becoming an increasing trend among contemporary people. This tendency also regards animal testing, which is common in the beauty industry and medical field. According to Procon.org, “an...

Police Brutality on African Americans

Introduction Brutality against minority groups, especially the African American people, has continued to ignite political and social debates. Reports have indicated that police are the key perpetrators of aggressive acts against African American minorities (Schwartz, 2020). Police brutality against African Americans has been on the rise even after several constitutional...

Failure at Humanity: Animals in Zoos and Circuses

Due to the pronounced focus that the rights and well-being of animals have received owing to the efforts of PETA and similar organizations, the idea of using animals as the source of amusement seems barbaric to most audiences. However, despite the rise in the levels of empathy toward individual animals,...

Energetic Debate About Energy Drinks

The usage of energy drinks has become common across all ages, but is most prevalent among the adolescents and children. In the recent past, it was believed that these drinks are less harmful to human health (Seifert, Schaechter, Hershorin, & Lipshultz, 2011). However, the findings of very recent studies show...

Racialized Rhetoric: Domestic Violence and Muslim Community

The issues even overtly close to the Muslim community are regarded as highly controversial. Europe and the United States are still searching for the right balance between religious tolerance and the need to address human rights violations. The topic of forced marriages is one of the most highly publicized. After...

Gender Differences in Early Development

Sexual Orientation as a Critical Issue Gender development, which is based on social and genetic factors, is fundamental in explaining individuals’ behavior and sexual orientation. Related findings and insights are central to guiding contemporary society values into accepting the differences existing among individuals predisposed to influences or stimuli that make...

Can One Will Their Own Freedom Without Willing the Freedom of Others?

Freedom is defined as the right or the power to act, think, and speaks as individual desires. Humans tend to fight for freedom collectively, especially if the most influential individuals trigger its influence. An analysis of human psychology indicates that people act independently and always strive to abide by the...

Delight Essays: Observations in Everyday Life

Essay 1 About a week ago, I witnessed how my Black friend refused to buy herself lunch because she was supposedly saving for something important. I recklessly suggested sharing mine, but her negative answer was firm, which was a stark contrast against the diminutive figure. Perhaps, it was always there,...

Feminism Oppression in Islam

Introduction The issue of feminism has been debated for decades. There are various schools of thought on what feminism is, and what it should achieve. Ideally, a significant majority of these schools of thought are founded in the West, thereby, it can be argued that other cultures in other parts...

The Problems of Gender Inequality

Introduction Males and females are different from both biological and psychological perspectives. Despite numerous exceptions, men are generally physically stronger and more competitive, while women are kinder and more creative. Unfortunately, these highly subjective ideas have led to gender inequality, a critical and complex issue affecting everyone. Without any doubt,...

Program Prevention to Heroin Heroin – Campaign Program

The success of any health promotion program depends on how the program is implemented about method and the target population. The success of any intervention, which is determined by evaluation, prevails if the desired effect of the program is achieved. Evaluating programs is a very important step in the project...

Rhetorical Strategies Comparison

Introduction The issue of natural hair versus sleek and straight hair continues to affect the way people perceive the appearance of others. Both Rice’s “I’m A Black Woman And Yes This Is All Of My Hair!” and “Why I Refuse to Straighten my Hair” by Rodov focus on the topic...

Global Poverty: Tendencies, Causes and Impacts

Introduction The world community struggles with various significant issues that require a long-term, valid approach and comprehensive support to be resolved or at least mitigated. One such problem, which concerns every country, especially developing ones, is poverty which generally implies the state of lacking enough material resources or income to...

The ‘Selma’ Movie: Fight for Blacks’ Rights

The Setting Staged scenes in places where black bodies have been broken and beaten and bloodied. Selma was the real place since everyone on that bridge is local to the community, and there were some damages and scares. For example, the speech scene takes place in a big room, which...

Social Research: Interconnecting Theory and Practice

Introduction Social research is a process that connects theory and practice, being both scientifically grounded and practically oriented. It makes practice research-informed and uses the practice as the material for the immediate improvement of existing theories. In the social research that I have done, I was involved in particular social...

Cultural Racism in the Current Day

Both theoretical investigation, research, and cultural psychology suggest to observe the issue of racism as not only an individual quality but also one that is apparent on a larger scale in the world. While it can be described as individual prejudice, racism often has a systematic nature which can be...

Child Labor’s Negative Impact on Human Development

Child labor refers to forced work that deprives children of their dignity, potential, and childhood. Ancient America is characterized by decades of abusive child labor that has surpassed several reforms to impact society up to the 21st century. This paper argues that child labor is by far the worst form...

Analysis of Drugs in American Society by E. Goode

In Chapter 4, Goode provides the crucial point for this section that refers to the contradictions within the scope of the definition of drug abuse (2015). According to Goode (2015), a number of scholars state that abuse is the use of drugs without a related medical prescription. He further argues...

Complex Moral Dilemmas

Deontology ethics defines the morality of an action based on whether it is right or wrong, while teleological ethics constitute moral obligation justified by the desirable end or outcome. The two concepts often present myriad challenges among medical practitioners during decision-making scenarios. As such, given a chance, some of the...

Opioid Addiction Between 1850 and 1900 in America

The timeframe from 1850 till 1900 within American history is remarkable because of the initial crisis of opioids abuse, which affects society to this day. Opioids were viewed as a remedy by medical professionals due to their outstanding pain-relieving characteristics. Moreover, there was no legal regulation for the opioid market,...

Community Agencies for Single Elderly Individuals

Introduction Iris is a 78-year-old female who started witnessing a few issues when she was getting older. Iris lost her independence and experienced difficulties with many daily routines, including driving. That situation resulted in the fact that the individual suffered from depression and anxiety, denoting that appropriate assistance was required....

Police Brutality Toward Black Community

The black community needs help since they suffer due to police brutality, receive various kinds of injuries, and experience traumas. Pillay, A. L. (2020). Basic rights are caught in the web of racism, classism and police brutality. South African Journal of Psychology, 50(3), 316-319. This source provides a historical background...

Understanding Equity, Inclusiveness and Diversity

Promoting the ideas of diversity, equity and inclusion certainly go beyond being a trend that every organization or a leader must partake in in order not to go out of business. One definitely should not do it without the proper understanding of the application of these ideas and where they...

The Universality of Human Rights

Introduction “Human rights are “universal” rights in the sense that they are held “universally” by all human beings” (Donnelly 2007, p.4). Human rights are also said to be universal because most cultures and societies have upheld the concept of human rights throughout their history (Donnelly 2007). Therefore, the concept of...

The Bill of Rights: the Case of Domestic Violence

Jessica Gonzales is a case of domestic violence. She is a lady that has fallen victim to being shut out of court (Johnson, 2006). This happened after her children could not be protected from her estranged husband by the Colorado police. Despite the inhuman crime he committed in 1999 by...

The Moral Status of a Fetus and the Acceptability of Abortion

The case study involves four individuals presenting their views on the moral status of a fetus and the acceptability of abortion. Dr. Wilson informs Jessica that her unborn child does not have arms and is unlikely to develop them in the future, and the fetus has a 25% chance of...

The Glass Ceiling Concept

The ‘glass ceiling’ is a term applied to explain an invisible barrier hindering a particular demographic group from advancing beyond a given hierarchy level. It prevents minorities and women from attaining high positions in organizations. The pervasive resistance frustrates efforts made by individuals from these groups, making it difficult for...

Relation Between Template and Theories

Template theories suggest that the lack of description of patterns is necessary. They represent unanalyzed pattern data that is contrasted with alternative patterns with the implementation of degrees of overlap as a measure of similarity. This theory has some significant drawbacks. First, such an analysis would require both compared patterns...

Implications of Current Gender Expectations

The article by Mary Ellen Alu (2019) focuses on social differences between the sexes. Society places many stereotypes on both men and women, infringing certain values, which create conflicts and problems. As these values are ingrained during childhood, people find it difficult to resist them in adulthood. Understanding why the...

Why We Shouldn’t Compare Transracial and Transgender Identities

The world keeps changing constantly, so new issues are brought into light every day. As our society is becoming more and more acceptable to transgender people, the case of changing identity arises in a different perspective. The start of discussions on transracialism – a transition from one race to another...

Examining Racism in American 21st Century Society

Racism has plagued American society for more than two centuries. Despite the country’s encouraging racial progress, many people still feel relationhips among the different groups have not improved. Approximately one hundred and fifty years after the passing of the 13th Amendment, which outlawed slavery in America, yet most black people...

Communication: Self-Evaluation Commentary

Communication is a powerful tool that can be used to present oneself and achieve various goals. Any job requires some extent of written and oral communication, which is critical to interact with managers, colleagues, and clients, properly translate the ideas and understand others. This self-evaluation paper focuses on two assignments...

“What Has the Pro-Life Movement Won?” by Douthat

In the article “What has the Pro-Life Movement won?” published in The New York Times journal, the author criticizes the pro-life movement’s strategy. Supporting his argument, he applies to professor John Finnis, who claims that “the pro-life movement’s longtime legal goal, overturning Roe and letting states legislate against abortion, is...

Analyzes of Consequences of COVID-19

The first reports of outbreaks of coronavirus infection appeared in China in 2019. For a long time, scientists and doctors tried to assess the harm that COVID-19 causes to the human body. While the authorities took one measure after another to stop the spread of infection, and searched for a...

Dominicans’ Attitude Towards African Descent

Since the modern world is divided into nations, states, and communities, these groups of people, different in size and their characteristics, give rise to even more controversial points in their relationships and views. This is the reason why there are such challenges in the world for which it is sometimes...

Race and Ethnicity. Minorities Issues

The concepts of race and ethnicity are used to describe distinct groups of the population. The difference is that race characterizes unique physical traits such as skin color or eye shape that distinguish one category of people from another. Ethnicity is about the culture with which a person identifies himself...

Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability: Schwartz Values Survey

Abstract In all people’s lives, there are many critical points where they have to make an ethical decision. From time to time, everyone becomes a part of the moral choices of other persons, and some of them may or may not have an influence on one’s life. Precisely these experiences...

Human Embryo Cloning in the United States

Embryonic stem cell research is a highly controversial topic, especially in developed nations around the world. The debate primarily focuses on the morality of destroying human embryos. In the United States, federal agencies are prohibited from funding human cloning. In 2001, the House of Representatives enacted The Human Cloning Prohibition...

Reflections on the Video About Genocide in Darfur

This video, being the medium through which a harsh experience is shown greatly benefits the people who have not been to the scene. It reflects the most humane side of the conflict to all peace-loving individuals in the world by showing the problems refugees in Darfur undergo; women are raped,...

Cell Phone Ban While Driving

Today, many spend in the car most of the day. This is where important calls are made and plan considered. A mobile phone is an integral part of any modern driver. When learning how to drive, we hear hundreds of times that you can’t talk on the phone while driving,...

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a set of principles that advocates for the rights of all humans as a means of ensuring their freedom and justice. These rights help to protect and safeguard the dignity of individuals from barbarous actions. The current paper, thereby, is a reflection of...

Animal Testing and How It Should Continue

Introduction Humans have been finding new ways of exploiting animals for many centuries. Animal testing has become an integral part of the pharmaceutical, biomedical, and cosmetics industries. This process has provoked many hot debates in recent centuries, with different arguments and opinions on both sides. Some people believe that animal...

Free and Non-Free Actions

Stace and compatibilists say, “Acts freely done are those whose immediate causes are psychological states in the agent. Acts not freely done are those whose immediate causes are states of affairs external to the agent” (Vaughn 253). This statement is not entirely correct since it does not consider the influence...

Reflections of the Black Church From Yesterday Till Today

The aspects of slavery in the United States started in the August of 1619, when 20 Angolans’ names were first recorded in a journal entry. These blacks were ushered into the British colony in Virginia, later to be sold to English colonists. The idea of enslaving Africans grew in the...

Weber’s Idea of Bureaucracy

A system that helps control a state’s operations and aids its citizens is a necessity for modern-day states. The majority of contemporary developed countries have bureaucratic procedures that are strictly regulated by laws. However, several philosophers voiced their ideas on the proper set up of these systems during industrialization, and...

Aspects of Social Injustice

Currently, in the United States, one of the most significant issues that people face is social injustice. The recent protests have shown that many of the social institutions remain to be discriminatory against certain people. However, this is a sensitive topic, which makes it unsuitable for an absurd decision, and...

Voting Rights of Convicted Felons

Convicted felons are individuals found to be guilty of serious offenses, including raping, first-degree murder, and kidnapping, therefore, leaving them no choice but to spend more than one year in prison. According to Whitt, 8% of the US’s current total population represents the number of convicted felons, and, as a...

Health Implications by Indigenous Australians

Introduction This Indigenous population makes up 2.4% of Australian population according to the 2006 Census and face incredible social disadvantage with about two-thirds living in areas that are classified as “rural”. Recent literature suggests that the Indigenous people of Australia are disproportionately affected by health problems. As it is, there...

Social Inequality and Juvenile Delinquency

Unfortunately, there is a high crime rate among adolescents. At the same time, as it is commonly believed, young people are considered to be the future of the country. Therefore, the fate of society and the state depends on their behavior, lifestyle, personal qualities, and the fact if teenagers conduct...

The Controversies of Animal Testing

Science has made tremendous progress in the last few centuries. Since the introduction and subsequent application of the scientific method, almost any scientific discipline has seen the rise not possible otherwise. Many of the branches of science, like applied physics, chemistry, and medicine, have also changed the level of welfare...

Debate on Lowering the Drinking Age

“Why the Drinking Age Should Be Lowered” by Ruth Engs The article by Engs uses logical appeal to convince the audience. Logos uses logic to persuade the readers with facts and figures. The writer details a systematic increase in the number of students who missed classes, fought, and obtained lower...

Slavery and Slaves in the United States of America

It is hard to disagree that slavery has been a major problem in the U.S. for centuries, and tremendous efforts have been made to eliminate it. In 1843, Henry Highland Garnet, an African American newspaper editor, gave his speech called “An Address to the Slaves of the United States.” In...

The Origins of Race: Environmental and Socio-Political Roots

The concept of race as a biological criterion to divide humans has been influential in the past few centuries despite lacking any scientific proof. The question of whether it is a biological fact or a social construct rages on, with both sides providing evidence for their views. Some of the...

Analysis of the Term “The Glass Ceiling”

The glass ceiling is a metaphor for artificial barriers that hinder women and another minority group of people from ascending to the senior and corporate positions in management. This term was first introduced in the 1980s to increase awareness of the invisible factors which prevented women from progressing in their...

The Arab Spring and Its Main Causes

Recently, North Africa and the Middle East have been hotspots of conflict, driven by political, social, economic, and cultural differences. The Arab Spring was caused by a combination of many political, economic, and social factors (Gelvin, 2015). Nevertheless, in my opinion, economic reasons can be identified as the most acute...

Art of Arguing and Elements of Debate

Frequently, one should not expose his or her beliefs and ideals in the argument in case the topic is exceedingly sensitive. In such cases, it might be a good idea to take a neutral stance and provide reasons for different points of view. It is true that people might acquire...

Social Workers’ Responsibility in Research

Although ethics are highly dependable on the context and the values, there are some guiding principles, which distinguish ethical behavior from inappropriate conduct. The social worker in Parker’s case has violated the standard of Voluntary Informed Consent, according to which participants agree to participate “by choice, not because of coercion...

Success of US National Anthem Protests by Colin Kaepernick

Introduction Today, sport is the field that unites millions of people around the globe. Individuals with various backgrounds and from different geographical areas are eager to share a common interest and passion for a particular kind of sports, following specific rules and standards. However, even professional sports may be challenged...

Counseling Service Coordination: Overview and Analysis

Definition of Service Coordination Addiction counseling is one of the most sensitive treatment programs, requiring careful implementation and application of various skills, attitudes, and knowledge. Service coordination is an essential function of offering counseling services. It entails the evaluative, administrative, and clinical actions that case managers take to harmonize community...

Abortions. Perspectives, Federalism, Court Cases

Introduction Abortion is the termination of pregnancy, which destroys the fetus. The procedure may be a result of miscarriage where the fetus is delivered due to underlying fetal or maternal complications. Conversely, pregnancy may be ended, for instance, in the case of surgical or medical abortion, where the fetus is...

Disclosure of Traumatic Events

“Disclosure of Traumatic Events” is a chapter written by Denise M. Sloan and Blairo R. Wisco in a research anthology “Facilitating Resilience and Recovery Following Trauma”. This piece is dedicated to studying the importance of retelling the damaging experiences to other people. The authors delve into the essence of maintaining...

Effective Communication Skills for Presentations

Introduction As Hoppe (2009, p.1) argues, business communication skill are not inborn, but rather learnt as one interacts with different business scenarios; so long as one is flexible to learn. A combination of both non-verbal and verbal communication abilities is an important component of any business presentation, owing to the...

The Impact of Poverty on Children and Minority Groups

Introduction The problem of poverty, not only among children but also among adults, has plagued this planet for a long time. It prevents people from living life to the fullest, consequently affecting society. When it comes to children, they are the ones who suffer the most from peer attacks, lack...

Negative Consequences of Social Inequality

Feminization of Poverty Poverty has become extremely widespread among women worldwide, which led to creating the term “feminization of poverty”. The reasons for this are connected to the physiology of women and their unsatisfactory life conditions. Firstly, women are responsible for the child-bearing process, which impacts their opportunities at career...

Child and Youth Work Trouble Youth

Child and youth care (CYC) domain of social awareness is the significant sphere for today’s youth. In this respect the paper is dedicated to the role of the CYC practitioner. The thing is that in so multiple varieties of opportunities for children most of them are of bad side. This...

Habitat for the Homeless: Poverty

Habitat for Humanity is a wonderful program that seeks to alleviate poverty by helping families with low income acquire a place they can call home. The service’s website data indicates that six out of ten children in the North Omaha metro area live in abject poverty (“Building a Better Community,”...

The Plato’s “Leaving the Cave of Ignorance”

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave presents an excellent metaphor for how easy it is to confuse truth and illusion, and how challenging the path to enlightenment can be. Like the prisoners’ eyes would hurt if they were exposed to the light of day, many people are living with a fear...

Foreign Aid to Africa: A Vicious Cycle

Introduction Africa has been a historically underdeveloped and financially disadvantaged region due to various factors, both internal and external. According to the neo-liberal school of thought, the problem is rather internal, with the blame focused on Africa’s corrupt and inefficient governments. Others disagree with the claim, suggesting that most of...

Human Services Ethical Considerations as to Tobacco Addiction

Introduction Although there is no risk related to the issue of tobacco use in the United States, it continues to be one of the leading causes of preventable illnesses and death. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2021) reports that the number of smokers in the country is close...

Poverty: Behavioral, Structural, Political Factors

Introduction Poverty is a major global issue, which affects all nations across the globe. It is important to note that the given problem is a complex matter, which requires a multifaceted understanding rather than a generalized or simplified approach. In other words, it has a wide range of causes and...

Power Suburbs and the Construction of Race by Nicolaides & Wiese

In the chapter named “Power Suburbs and the Construction of Race” by Becky M. Nicolaides and Andrew Wiese, the authors discuss suburbanization and its effects on racial segregation in postwar America. They claim that, while white people could access the market freely, which gave them access to property ownership and...

The Problem of Poverty Among Children

The given assessment will primarily focus on the issue of poverty among children, which is considered to be one of the most prominent groups of vulnerable populations. Pregnant women, older adults, people with disabilities, and refugees can be regarded as highly vulnerable groups. The most common social issues among these...

Researching of Stigmatization Process

During the times of ancient civilization in Greece, lawbreakers and slaves were branded with a hot iron to portray a sign of failure or disgrace on the individual who was bearing the mark. This process of tattooing an individual was referred to as stigma. In the present times, the term...

The Role Cultural Continuity Plays in Youth Suicide Rates Among Indigenous People

Introduction Suicide is one of the health crises that Canada is facing in the recent years. It is high among the indigenous youths in Canada. Indigenous suicide was rare in the past (Chandler & Lalonde, 2008a). The native people connected with their natural beliefs, culture, and language which forbidden suicide....

Analysis of Problem-Oriented Policing and Community-Oriented Policing

With globalization, immigration, and urbanization taking the lead, as a part of the global evolution, police need to cultivate a harmonious relationship with the general public. For police to foster friendliness with the general public, they mainly implement Problem Oriented Policing or Community Oriented Policing. In this essay, I discuss,...

The Practice of Hiring Undocumented Immigrant Children

The idea of bending the existing regulations and laws for the sake of meeting not only the needs of the company but also those of potential staff members is quite alluring. From the standpoint of Utilitarianism, the suggested solution, being rooted in the idea of maximizing utility, the described solution...

Team Work in Think Tanks

Making decisions that can affect many human lives – in politics, economics, culture, sociology, and other spheres requires a foundation formed by research and analysis. To provide the necessary knowledge, facts and forecasts, think tanks, also known as policy institutes, or brains trusts were created. Employees of such analytical centers...

The Necessity for the Early Conversations About Race

It may seem that race issues with regard to prejudice have already been thoroughly discussed. Nevertheless, parents need special approaches to talking about skin colors and discrimination problems. The authors of the book discuss the need to have conversations with children about this topic. Moreover, they dispel the myth that...

Perspectives on the Central Social Problem in Modern Society

Social ills plaguing modern society have been a basic concern for many prominent philosophers throughout the ages. Marx, Weber, and Durkheim provide unique outlooks on the central social problem, which will be further discussed in more detail and applied to the ongoing pandemic. Marx saw the history of humankind as...

Prisoners’ Human Rights Protection

Introduction Though limited in power and resources, the advocacy agency may advocate for human rights in different ways. Prisons have become centers of various law violations as the current system does not treat prisoners fairly. For the protection of human rights in prisons, it is important to examine the existing...

Problem of Bullying Overview and Analysis

Bullying is defined as the intentional desire by one or more individuals to threaten, frighten or hurt a person with actions, behavior, or words. Typically, bullying can be physical, verbal, psychological, or social and is one of the main problems experienced by young people (Committee on the Biological and Psychosocial...

The Development of Female Characters in the Horror Genre

Gender bias is one of the main problems of present-day films, and such genre as horror is no exception to the rule. Meanwhile, the articles on this topic written by Erin Harrington and Beth Younger reflect on the gradual shift in the perceptions of women’s roles in them. Both authors...

Organizational Socialization in Public Administration

The article to be analyzed in this paper is “Organizational socialization in public administration research: A systematic review and directions for future research” by Moyson et al. The authors present a systematic qualitative review of the articles related to the topic of organizational socialization, comparing the findings to determine the...

American and Chinese Cultures and Communication

Most ethnicities have habits, customs, and rules that may seem strange to representatives of other cultures. These habits often form a stereotype that cannot determine all representatives of the culture; for example, all Russians drink vodka. At the same time, some of the stereotypes are annoying but do not bring...

Health Disparities: Primary Causes and Possible Solutions

The issue of health disparities remains a critical one for American society despite decades of research and various programs intended to tackle it. Differences in the level of provided care lead to an overall reduction in life quality and significant economic impacts. They are caused by multiple factors ranging from...

Racial Injustice, Racial Discrimination, and Racism

Introduction Many people struggle with ethical dilemmas on an almost daily basis. Some range from really unimportant to serious. Racial injustice is one example of an ethical dilemma that plagues millions around the world mainly based on the color of your skin and your race. This essay will argue that...

Nature and Nurture Approach in the Light of Effect of Violence on Children

The responsiveness of a child to violence and the reproducing mechanism that follows is deeply connected to their innate ability to absorb the information that surrounds this young human being. This innately human ability to learn fits well both to the worldview of Nativism and the Behaviorist approach. Due to...