Immigration History: “Betwixt and Between” Identity

Introduction Accurate measurements require tools of precision. The more precise the tool, the more distinctions we could make in our attempts to produce knowledge. The study of American history is no exception. For many decades, a blunt toolset had informed our analysis of migration and identity whereupon historians adopted a...

Empirical Research and Developmental Theory

Sexual orientation remains an enigmatic topic despite the large literature pillar devoted to it. Whether it is inborn or acquired, the consensus regarding the nature of one’s sexuality is still not reached, as the evidence differs. Adults are of particular interest regarding the issue because a person changing their sexual...

Human Rights Violation in Ethiopia

The twenty-first century is believed to be the age of human rights, freedom, justice, and equality. However, it is impossible to consider the battle won and finished while there are still those who suffer from the violation of human rights. Not everyone knows about one of the largest ethnic groups...

Institutional Racism Against Native Americans: The Killers of the Flower Moon

Introduction The history of the United States is full of glorious and dramatic events that shaped the American spirit. In 2017, David Grann published The Killers of the Flower Moon about the murders that took place in Oklahoma in the 1920s and contributed to the creation of the Federal Bureau...

Does a Hashtag Create a Real Social Change?

Hashtags are mainly used as an unmoderated invitation to reflection and discussion. It is the combination of symbols starting with the # sign. Any hashtag supported by a sufficient amount of people can create a trend and attract even more users to the debate. These days, hashtags start creating global...

Men, Women & Money – How the Sexes Differ with Their Finances’ Article Review?

To support the subject that men spend more money than women, Amy Livingston’s article Men, Women & Money – How the Sexes Differ with Their Finances provides comparative gender-related research. Its main focus is divided between spending, saving, investment, and attitude to borrowing. The binary examples that the article delivers...

Labeling to Black Males in the Courtroom

The judicial system is supposed to be impartial and play by the rules of fairness to deliver justice without favoritism or prejudice. However, in the American justice system, minorities, especially black males, experience disproportionate unequal treatment due to their race or ethnicity. To some extent, blackness and criminality are almost...

Milgram Experiment: The Question of Ethics

Introduction Any study involving human subjects should adhere to specific ethical guidelines. Although the primary goal of the research is to prove or disprove a hypothesis, the participants’ physical, psychological, and emotional well-being is also important. This essay will discuss the Milgram experiment and the conflicting views on its nature....

What Is Partner Violence

Abstract The paper reviews partner violence and its position in the modern world. There are different approaches to defining the phenomenon, and each of them focuses mainly on the personality of victims. Partner violence is a general term that consists of smaller components that can affect people of different ages...

Communication Types in “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” Film

Introduction Interpersonal communication is an integral part of our everyday life and a subject of study of sociology, psychology, linguistics, and other disciplines. It is an informational exchange between two or more people. The success of the communicative process is based on the way the sender encodes a message and...

The Problem of Inequality of Criminal Justice

Pregnancy and maternity in correctional facilities are some of the controversial problems in criminal justice. There is a critical question if mothers in prisons should be treated differently compared to other convicts. Researchers note that some indulgences should be implemented in cases where a mother wishes to remain in contact...

Community Assessment Central City of Phoenix

Introduction The case study of Bill and Sally’s family revealed that they live in a high-crime area. The community of Phoenix that fits the description is the Central City neighborhood, which has a population of 53,865, a median income of $23,625, and a median home value of $86,237 (Sparkes, 2017)....

Brown vs. The Board of Education: Reality of the XXI Century

Introduction Brown vs. Board of Education is a remarkable case that took place in 1954 in Topeka, Kansas. The decision made in Brown was unprecedented since it was the first unanimous judgment against racial segregation of school children. The Supreme Court, therefore, marked that the separation was unconstitutional, even if...

The Problem of Inaccurate and Biased Stereotypes

Stereotypes are common in a variety of social settings. They are opinions that are generally appropriated about certain types of people or specific mannerisms aimed at representing the whole group of individuals or behaviors (Muntoni et al., 2020). It is vital to note that such opinions may be inaccurate and...

The Study of Culture in Sociology

The concept of culture is a widely used term in the field of sociology. There is often a presumption that it is equivalent to artwork, such as art, poetry, songs, and painting. However, sociologists’ viewpoint goes beyond such activities. Becker, the author of the article “Culture: A Sociological View,” observed...

White Power Never Disappeared: Supremacists in the Internet

White supremacists cause fear in their enemies by engaging in a variety of activities that promote their ideas. In this article, although the author states that it has not been easy to understand white-power activists, their actions nowadays, including marching in the streets, have revealed their existence. These supremacists never...

Measures to Counter Workplace Abuse in Developing Countries

Laws and Regulations One of the main steps necessary for eradicating the problem of violence in the workplace in developing countries is the adoption of laws protecting workers’ rights and their health and safety. They must also introduce severe punishments for employers and perpetrators who will decide to hurt workers...

“Race in the Schoolyard, Chapter 3” by Lewis Analysis

Understand West City School has many tensions due to the racial composition of its students and staff (Lewis, 2003). Students and teachers of color are put at a disadvantage by a white majority, who do not recognize racial issues. The school discourages discussions of racism, subsequently perpetuating the cycle of...

Aspects of Adolescent Drinking

Adolescent drinking can be caused not only by various objective factors, such as social, economical, family, and educational conditions but also by the personal characteristics of an individual. Teenagers prone to alcoholism are characterized by a lack of decision-making, increased egocentrism, lack of social interests, and separation from adults (Kail...

Same-Sex Marriages: a Question of Legality or Morality

The existence of same-sex relationships and the eventual legalization of such marriages have been controversial in different societies around the world. In the US, before the Supreme Court’s ruling on June 26, 2015, that same-sex marriages are a right protected by the constitution, 13 states had illegalized this practice. On...

Community Action vs. Domestic Violence Against Australian Women

We are going to focus on the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion in this paper. The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion is a document which was adopted on 17-21 November, 1986 in Ottawa, Canada. One of the main decisions of the conference was to help people all over the world...

Autonomy in Harmonizing Gender Relations

In connection with the transformation of gender identity and sexual orientation, this non-binarity reveals the topic of democratization of personal life, which allowed to properly examine a person’s sexuality. There are deep sources of tension in contemporary gender relationships. It is important to focus on the successful role of autonomy...

Human Trafficking and Legal Aspects

Introduction Human trafficking is a severe crime against freedom, dignity, and well-being of an individual. Nowadays, it is a serious global issue, which includes different acts, means, and purposes. Besides, even though it is possible to identify potential victims, it is necessary to develop policies and legislation at the international...

The Article Analysis About Among Teachers in Ghana

Introduction For the current essay, the article entitled “Organizational justice and job satisfaction as predictors of turnover intentions among teachers in the Offinso South District of Ghana” by Addai et al. (2018) was chosen as the most relevant. To demonstrate concepts learned throughout the course, they will be applied for...

Prevention of Prescription Opioids Abuse

Introduction Substance abuse has been one of the major public health concerns for decades, and the most recent trends are rather alarming as an increasing number of people start misusing prescribed opioids. It has been estimated that the rates of drug treatment admissions grew 236% between 2002 and 2012 (Saha...

Sociological Issues in Health and Medicine

Introduction Some think that a person’s socioeconomic status does not affect the individual state of health. However, a study of the incidence rate made it clear that social origin determines why one disease spreads in one country than in another. Therefore, social roots, class, race, ethnicity, and gender influence the...

The Problem of Racism and Its Possible Origins

The article written by Tim Parrish discusses the problem of racism, regarding its possible origins, and steps that could be taken to lessen the issue. Parrish uses the case of Dylann Roof, a person responsible for the Charleston church mass shooting, as an example of the way racism can affect...

“We The People”: Preamble of the Constitution

Indeed, the first three words of the Preamble of the Constitution were incredibly significant since they indicated the beginning of a new nation and new country. The emphasis on these first words accentuates that the government of the United States as a new country is its citizens. Therefore, it is...

Social Identity and Moral Justification: Membership With a Perpetrator

Abstract This study aims to assess how group membership with perpetrators affects empathy towards the victim and moral justification towards the perpetrators’ actions among Malaysian citizens. A between-group experimental study was conducted virtually in which the participants answered an online questionnaire. In this study, the independent variable of group membership...

Effect of Violent TV Programming

Over the past years, violence has become one of the major issues in terms of adolescents’ behavior. Television and social media have become significant indicators of childhood violence. Researchers claim that the children who observe violent behavior on the TV are more exposed to violent behavior than those kids who...

Black Lives Matter: “Sitting upon Another Man’s Shoulders”

According to Thoreau, every human should follow his or her contemplations and pursuits without exploitation, “sitting upon another man’s shoulders.” As a matter of fact, this statement did not lose its actuality in the present day in relation to the “Black Lives Matter” movement. Its activists currently demonstrate against racist...

Polling: Strength and Weakness

Polling is a method used to study the opinions, attitudes, or behavior of individuals. Polling allows analysts to collect primary information based on direct (conversation, interview) or indirect (questionnaire) socio-psychological interaction between the researcher and the interviewee. The source of information, in this case, is a person’s verbal or written...

Perception of Race and Ethnicity

The topic for this week is race and ethnicity, and how these phenomena affect human relationships. Racial injustice is quite acute in modern society, so this topic is extremely relevant. In particular, it is essential to understand how racial and ethnic stereotypes are formed in childhood. The article I wish...

Pro-choice vs. Pro-life: The Question of Abortion

The issue of abortions has always been a highly controversial one, where the dynamics revolve around the problem of the authority of a number of different parties. Despite the recent trend of decline in the use of the procedures, the discussion remains valid (Jones & Jerman, 2017). These might include...

Ideals of the American Dream

The American Dream includes many ideals: democracy, liberty, rights, equality, and opportunity. Today I will talk about the last one: about the way, I think, one should own their opportunities. I firmly believe that hard work pays off. Ever since my first job at a supermarket in Produce, I began...

The Parasite Movie and Economic Divide in Developed Countries

Films and other types of media have been a source of entertainment and discussion for many individuals throughout the years. With the evolution of cinema as art, people start seeing it as a way to channel their concerns in an engaging manner. Social and political critique has been presented as...

Abortion as the Fundamental Right of Women

In light of the policies adopted recently in several American states, the issue of abortion has become particularly crucial to discuss. The subject matter is typically framed as the argument either in favor of a woman’s choice or a fetus’s life, which appears to be a fundamental misconception of what...

Socializing Agents and Personal Values

Social and personal values are critical to human development and ultimately influence behavior which, in turn, impacts society on a macro level. Values are provided by a variety of socializing agents such as family, school, religion, and cultural groups. However, sometimes values may clash and it is up to the...

Solving Problems Caused by Homelessness

The problem of homelessness has been a serious issue for a very long time According to the reported data more than half a million people have been experiencing homelessness in U.S. in 2014 (National Alliance to End Homelessness, 2015, par. 3). The problem hits both large cities and small local...

Teju Cole’s: Colonialism and Imperialism Ideologies

Introduction The world’s societies are characterized by various factors, some of which reside from administrative, economic, and societal realms. An African-American writer of Nigerian origin reveals these factors emanate from the western cultural ideology that is rigid with colonialism and imperialism phenomenon. The writer is Mr. Cole, who raised the...

The “Angry” Black Woman’s Guide to a Social Detox

Escaping Social Media & Traditional Society Modern life is difficult and full of stress, especially for a black woman in the traditionally masculine white society. Feeling content and happy, being satisfied with who you are, living a balanced life, and bringing love and harmony into the world is the purpose...

The United States Criminal Justice System

Marc Mauer is the executive director of the Sentencing Project. This group advocates criminal justice reform and tackling racial inequality in the United States criminal justice system. Despite progress, many of the problems of the black population in the United States remain relevant. The number of racial incidents concerning African...

Stigmas of Mental Illness and People of Color

Abstract This study explores the factors that contribute to particular misconceptions and stigmas related to mental illnesses and their treatment that are common in communities of people of color. People of color who have mental illness may conceal it and avoid proper treatment due to fear of others’ negative attitudes....

Research of Social Welfare Policy

Bill C-92 addresses the issue of social protection for Indigenous children and families. The Act works towards respect for the diversity of Indigenous populations, their rights, cultures, languages, history, and traditions (Bill C-92, 2019). Moreover, the policy aims to eliminate the gaps and improve the services provided to Indigenous children...

Stigma Associated With Disease

Introduction Cases of alienation of people suffering from health impairments, diseases, or even unwanted pregnancies are common across the globe. The prejudice that most communities have against people suffering from chronic illnesses like HIV/AIDS and disabilities leads to such people being stigmatized (LaMont, 2014). One may cite lack of knowledge...

Gender Stereotypes in the Modern World

Introduction Gender stereotypes are a widely debated topic in the contemporary world. The About Face project aims to oppose a culture that promotes the belief that women are weak, incapable, and have a particular set of duties and responsibilities that should be obeyed. About Face conducts classes, workshops, and summer...

Agitation against Social Ills: Call for Action

Growth in and access to social media has made it possible for people to agitate against social ills. Social media has provided a platform for everyone to exchange information about some of their issues and, in a way, call for action both within and beyond their country’s borders. Individuals from...

The Definition of Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication is defined as an exchange of information, feelings, and emotions between individuals. Through interpersonal communication, humans seek to achieve personal and relational goals, for which they use both verbal and non-verbal cues and techniques. Empathy, the ability to take another person’s perspective, and understanding the context of the...

Homelessness and Housing-Levels of Policy Impact on Services User

The definition of a house is not only limited to a roof over an individual’s head. Apart from shelter, housing has several other purposes in modern societies. It can be referred to as a significant investment for many homes and is also classified as an industrial sector because it provides...

Religious Liberties and LGBTQ Employment Discrimination Reforms

Literature Review Introduction Discrimination against LGBTQ communities has been a highly contentious issue in contemporary society. However, despite increased public awareness, the discrimination persists, exacerbated by a lack of legislative and judicial infrastructure that protects this particular subset of the population. Many states within the US do not offer adequate...

Explaining Attachment Theory and Romantic Relationships

Introductory Paragraph Although the attachment theory was initially developed in terms of children and their caregivers, in recent decades, it covered the functioning and development of romantic relationships. Support for Thesis 1 Topic Sentence: there are many critiques of the attachment theory and its assessment criteria (Fitzgerald, 2020). Nevertheless, it...

Substance Abuse Problem in the Miami City Community

Evaluating the Project Interpretation of results The vulnerable population of Miami City requires increased support from local support resources to deal with the problem of substance abuse. The project has pointed out the importance of developing a new solution or a community resource that would result in a broader adherence...

Ethics in Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry

Introduction Ethics in the medical and pharmaceutical industry is a vital component of providing quality services and developing products that will benefit the patients. The interactions between a healthcare provider and a patient, or a researcher and study participants, should be based on the principles of ethics to ensure the...

Cyber Violence: Structures and Effectiveness

Recently, social media has become a platform for cyber violence. This issue primarily concerns public health and is associated with adverse mental or physical outcomes. As a result, cyberbullying is one of the top contemporary problems that needs to be approached from different angles to be resolved entirely. The purpose...

Caste and Stigma in Yemen

In Yemen, the issue of caste discrimination has become a real problem. Yemeni people created a stigma that is expressed by calling special group of people “Al Akhdam”. These people are not supposed to deserve to be treated as equals. This essays aims to define terms as stigma and caste,...

Hoarding and Opportunistic Behavior during COVID-19 Pandemics

The “Hoarding and Opportunistic Behavior during the Covid-19 Pandemic” article demonstrates that there has been a rise in unethical practices. The practices include opportunistic behaviors, such as hoarding of products and profiteering (Sobirova, 2020). For instance, the digital thermometer, which was retailing at $18 before the pandemic, now retails at...

The Use of Animals in Psychological Experiments

The method of experimentation is of great significance for multiple fields of psychology, especially for the behaviorist branch. When learning the patterns in behavior and neurobiological aspects of psychological development, researchers attend to animals as available and controllable experiment participants. The overall domain of findings in psychology and other naturalistic...

The History of Slavery: Its Formation and Development

Historically, slavery was spread across the world, taking many forms. These days it is seen as a quintessence of injustice, which brought suffering to many people, and is forbidden by international and national laws. However, there are still reminiscences of slavery present in the modern world, particularly in America. That...

Gay and Lesbian Adoption: Normalizing a Healthy Childhood

Introduction In the contemporary world, most societies claim to be democratic and aim to achieve ultimate equality for all. While some inequalities are seemingly in the past, others persist. One of many highly controversial topics is gay and lesbian adoption. Although sexual minorities fight for their right to adopt, others...

Institutional Discrimination Related to Ageism

Older adults are often victims of negative stereotypes stemming from unfavorable cultural and socioeconomic attitudes. Nowadays, ageism is recognized as one of the most prevalent and socially ingrained types of prejudice in America. It entails systematic discrimination against individuals based on age (elderly or younger people). Notably, negative ageist attitudes...

Gender, Sex, and Sexuality in the U.S.

Relationships Between Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in the American Society Although sex, gender, and sexuality are different phenomena, they are closely interrelated. Sex is seen as a biological category defined by one’s genitals, hormones, and chromosome set, while gender includes social behaviors and traits essential for biological sex. The concept...

The Poor Living Conditions of the Slaves

The housing structures and arrangements were used during the period of slavery to define the racial boundaries and exercise power. In Building the dream: A social history in America, Wright (1983) explains the background of architecture and its history in the United States. The big houses, where the masters lived,...

The History of the Idea of Race

The fields of sociology and anthropology have been investigating human differences in relation to their biological and cultural characteristics. Race as a concept has been tackled from various perspectives to explain the reasons for a distinctive appearance and behavioral differences between groups of people inhabiting different geographic locations. With the...

Healthcare Provision to Homeless People in the US

Homeless people in America are disproportionately vulnerable to disease compared to other population groups in society. With the exception of cancer, obesity and stroke, the homeless are more likely to suffer from all the other diseases compared to the rest of the population [NCH, 2007]. Homeless people have a mortality...

Racist Assaults Against Asians and Coronavirus Pandemic

At the very beginning of the year 2020, the world has encountered an unexpected and unprecedented virus outburst that changed millions of people’s lives across the planet. One of the critical outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic appeared to be a distorted view of the public towards Asian people. This paper...

Legalization of Marijuana Essay Example

The legalization of marijuana is still among the most controversial topics for American society. At the moment, state laws significantly vary in terms of the limitations imposed on those willing to use marijuana for recreation and as part of treatment strategies. Even dozens of studies conducted to explore the effects...

Social Theories and Artistic Practice

Introduction Some people do not see the practical or any value of social theories and believe those are reflections of some people that deserve limited attention. These individuals acknowledge the benefits of natural science theories that provide specific laws regarding nature that can often be quantified and witnessed clearly. However,...

“What the Black Man Wants” by Frederick Douglass

In his essay, Douglass calls for giving the fate of African-Americans into their own hands, to save them from the domination of Europeans. It also requires them to have the right to choose work, employer, and working hours, which free people can do. Voting right is also an essential requirement...

Why Illegal Immigrants Should Receive Social Services

Introduction In the US, many states have adopted tougher laws to deter illegal immigration. Views and reports focused on the effect of immigration on the US economy have always been contentious (Yoshida 6). Proponents of these laws argue that it is unfair for US citizens to sacrifice their hard-earned taxes...

Black Lives Matter: Social Movement Reflection

Introduction Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a highly centralized political and social movement that supports non-violent civil disobedience in protest of police brutality and all racially based oppression against blacks. The wider movement typically advocates against police brutality towards black people as well as multiple other issues such as policy...

Humanity: Understanding and Observing Othering

All over the world, there is still discrimination against individuals and entire groups that differ in one way or another from the generally accepted norm’s notion and are perceived as Others. The emergence of a system of social perceptions is an integral part of cultural production and the exchange of...

The Meaning and the Purpose of Social Science

Understanding the meaning and the purpose of social science, or sociology, is not only detrimental for further studies within the context of the discipline but also the general and multi-dimensional knowledge of an individual. Social sciences are essential for exploring the relationships and interconnections of human beings, including the conditions...

Impact of Communication in Mass Media World

The practice of being able to switch key elements of identity in an online communication process is mostly harmful to people’s self-concept. It is stated that an authentic and in-depth self-presentation on Facebook was highly associate with higher levels of self-esteem (Yang & Bradford, 2015). In other words, one should...

Gender Stigmas: From the Past to the Present

In the context of the 21st century, gender has become a construct, bringing together various elements of the puzzle that creates one’s identity. However, decades ago, the history of gender roles and their social perception underwent the phase of set rules predetermined for each gender, the violation of which caused...

Ethical Decision-Making Model Dilemma and Determination

Introduction The ethical issue identified from the case study is related to the controversy between the warden’s willingness to take the inmate off of suicide watch and the real facts that speak against such a decision as the inmate is at high risk of committing suicide. Therefore, the staff psychologist...

Declaration of Human Rights Influence on Government

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is one of the essential documents of international law since the mid-twentieth century. It provides the rules for the action as well as the base for future implementations. The UDHR states the rights, responsibilities, and sets the regulations for the operations of governments,...

Disability and Society, the Theory of Marginality, the Minority Group Model

Why is the Sociopolitical Model Also Known as the Minority Group Model? There have been many attempts to define disability throughout times and suggest how people with impairments should be treated. Those views eventually transformed into models, which had a certain understanding of disabilities and determined the attitudes towards them....

The Impact of Gender on Pay and Their Gap

The difference between the amount of money paid to men and women is a worldwide issue. The problem has been persistent for decades despite women’s efforts for equality in the job market. According to Schieder and Gould (2016), “women are paid 79 cents for every dollar paid to men”. (1)...

Dispelling the Myth of Welfare Dependency

Introduction Nowadays, there is a broad discussion on the nature of means-tested programs. While they target the poor and provide the necessary assistance for those in need, such programs are surrounded by unappealing public attitudes. People who receive certain benefits from available programs undergo unfair contempt for being lazy or...

Relationship Between Men and the Environment

This reflection paper starts with the discussion of the complicated relationship between men and the environment, as this is believed to be a key to understanding the shape of modern environmental law. Even though the historical perspective to grasp this relationship’s nature is essential, the values that the societies at...

The History of Evolution of Thought and the Significance of the Affirmative Action

Abstract Discrimination has always been an issue. Even in the XXI century, when the rights of all nations over the world have been recognized, instances of discrimination occur insultingly often (Price, 1965). Among the possible means of fighting discrimination, especially in the workplace and the field of education, affirmative action...

The Analysis of Sociological Theories

The theory of functionalism proceeds from the assumption that social inequality is an intrinsic property of any typically developing social system. Durkheim has already justified in his work the idea that in each society, specific activities are given the highest preference, which lays the hierarchical structure of society (Schaefer 18)....

“Discrimination in the Age of Algorithms” by Kleinberg

In their article titled “Discrimination in the Age of Algorithms,” Joh Kleinberg, Jens Ludwing, Sendhil Mullainathan, and Cass R. Sunstein explore how algorithms can be used to determine whether discrimination occurs during a decision-making process. Often, discrimination occurs within the cognitive sphere, making it difficult to trace and prove. However,...

Black Lives Matter: Analyzing a TED Talk

Introduction The problem of systemic oppression of African American people in the U.S. remains tremendous injustice and a shameful part of everyday reality in the U.S. The level of violence that African American people experience has been unprecedentedly high particularly over the past several years (“An interview with the founders...

History of Slavery and Contemporary Society

Introduction Slavery is a dark page in the history book of our world. The idea of inequality and the divided nature of society persisted in the earlier ages. Since the beginning of time, people were often used as a currency. Nowadays the practices have changed, and we, as humanity traveled...

Racial Discrimination in the Modern Society

Introduction Racial discrimination presupposes intolerance towards people with a different skin color or to those of other ethnicity, origin, and sometimes gender. Those who discriminate, refuse to work, communicate, and do other activities with people of a specific group. Likewise, racism occurs when there is a governmental standard or policy...

Social Class in the United States

Introduction Poverty is one of the most serious problems in the modern world. Moreover, it is a universally recognized obstacle to sustainable economic and social development. Poverty has always been an urgent problem, but in America of the 21st century, this issue is especially acute. At the present time, the...

Human Rights and the Rwandan Genocide

In the first half of 1994, Rwanda lost approximately 800,000 citizens due to tribal clashes that led to what is referred to now as the Rwandan Genocide. I can apply several concepts that I have learned about human rights on this incident after reading an article by Helen C Epstein...

Sociology of Sport: The Bulls vs. the Nets on April 22, 2013

The field of sociology of sports is a subdivision of the discipline of sociology. Sociology of sports highlights the relationship between sports and the society. This field of sociology identifies how a sport is influenced by the culture of different people and their values. It also identifies how culture and...

Cultural and Emotional Intelligence Self-Development

Introduction People are social creatures, and the majority of them cannot live isolated. It means that individuals engage in multiple communications every day and meet many persons who have different peculiarities. Under these conditions, cultural and emotional intelligence acquire the top priority as they help to understand people better and...

Muller v. Oregon and Women’s Rights Advocacy

Introduction The US labor law is based on the Constitution, which has historically determined its implementation features. Notably, at the beginning of the 20th century, government intervention in labor relations and business was redefined. Companies did not like that the state continued to operate within the ‘police procedures’ given to...

Article Critique about Alcohol & Society

The research efforts of recent years aimed to shed light on the interconnection between alcohol outcomes and socioeconomic factors. In terms of homelessness, the literature on alcohol outcomes and housing status reflects a clinically significant and unequivocal association. Nevertheless, there is a strong need for further studies to adequately address...

The Ethics of Care Concept: Summary

The Gulf oil spill of 2010 is explored based on the ethics of care concept about the global perspective of human development. According to Webteam (2011), Carol Gilligan, the author of the ethics of care term, applied it first in a feminist context to delineate the difference between the two...

Civil Rights Movement and Actual State of Human Rights

Ending racial discrimination and equalization of rights between the variety of ethnic groups found on the territory of the United States is a struggle with a long history. It gained momentum, approximately, in the middle of the last century, when Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his monumental speech. Diversity may...

The Safety Hierarchy and Hierarchy of Controls

Understanding the safety of professionals working in hazardous environments is vital for every discipline. The article On the Safety Hierarchy and Hierarchy of Controls has been informative in understanding how safety protocols work in the mechanical industry. The author, Ralph Barnett, has been objective in implementing a methodology approach that...

Defining Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination

Discrimination is usually defined as a negative attitude towards other people based on prejudices and stereotypes regarding their gender or ethnicity. Stereotypes represent convictions regarding a particular community that is fixed in society. The primary distinction between a stereotype and a prejudice is that the former is based on experience...

Bullying in the Modern Society: Review

Bullying is one of the major concerns of modern society. Following the statistics, about 40% of all individuals have experienced being bullied at least once during their studying or work (Bowes et al., 2014). Moreover, regardless of multiple attempts to improve the situation, there are no signs of significant improvements....

Schemata: Perception and Social Situations

Schemata can have a noticeable effect on social situations, as people’s perception of others often defines their attitude towards them. Stereotypes, personal constructs, and scripts are widely used by people to help deal with similar situations efficiently. Although these schemata are usually helpful, there are cases when such preconceptions can...

Manifesto: the Coronavirus, Technologies, and Unity

Today, the world passes through turbulent times. People in every region know about the danger of COVID-19 or coronavirus that can become lethal. We can now witness how the world changes and adapts to the new conditions to face all challenges, survive, and continue its evolution. I am sure that...

Drug Abuse and Addiction: Risk Factors

Brief Summary of the Client and Problem The clients being addressed in this case are individuals with substance abuse problems. People with drug abuse issues have enhanced motivation to take drugs, increased probability of reacting to stress, emotional dysregulation, and impaired self-control. Drug use and abuse contribute significantly to mortality...

Can Money Buy Happiness?

Abstract Sandee LaMotte wrote a fascinating article for CNN that explores the concept of happiness and its relation to monetary rewards. Based on her analysis of the latest psychological research, she claims that acquiring and spending money can make people feel happier. LaMotte describes the benefits of giving money to...

Alleviation of Homelessness in California

Introduction California is one of the states with the largest number of homeless persons in the US. Homeless people in the US are among the most marginalized individuals, and they disproportionately experience high cases of mortality and morbidity, thus making homelessness a public health concern. Over 150,000 people in California...

Oppression of Women in Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a Middle East power, occupying the majority of the Arabian Peninsula. The country is not demographically diverse as almost all of around thirty million of its citizens are Arabs. The economy of Saudi Arabia is primarily driven by its substantial oil and natural gas...

Animal Testing in the Modern World

Introduction Animal testing is among high controversial and ethical issues of the modern world, where both commercial and scientific organizations are increasingly generating products, which require extensive testing on model organisms. The concern is manifested in the fact that animals are sentient beings as well, which poses a dilemma in...

Racism May Be Natural in Modern Society

Introduction Human existence has more than one thousand years, during which humanity has changed both biologically and spiritually. It is possible to notice, how through tens of past epochs, the structure of society changed: the ideas and opinions put in consciousness reflected a degree of development and tolerance of people....

“Addicts Who Survived” by David Courtwright

Introduction The drug problem in the USA dates far back before obtaining national independence. Nevertheless, only a few literature sources examine this issue from historical, political, and private perspectives. Among them is one of the most notable books is Addicts Who Survived: An Oral History of Narcotic Use in America...

On the Influence of the Disease on the Personality

In the current essay, I consider how my past experiences have helped me build courage and resilience to persist in academic and life challenges. I will focus on my challenge – living with type 1 diabetes (a chronic disease) for five years, and how this struggle has impacted my achievements,...

Concept of Humanity: Changing the Way People Live

Humanity is you, humanity is me, humanity is everyone. I never thought of people being so inhumane at times until the danger came. They say, “Crisis does not build character, it reveals it” (Perry). The world now scrapes through the crisis that taught me something about being a human and...

Immigrants Human Rights Violation in the United States

Many families from South America are trying to escape violence, climate displacement, and economic hardships, and seek protection in the U.S. The problem becomes even more pressing when the public receives information about the number of separated families. It has been reported by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that...

The Ethical Side of Animal Testing

Animals often become objects of scientific research aimed to test new cosmetics, medicines, methods of treatment, and food. It leads to the endless hardship of hundreds of thousands of animals, which until recently were considered to be a sole means to check drugs and products. Nowadays, new advanced technologies, especially...

Sociology: Subject, Basic Notions, and Theories

Communal life with various social institutions and interactions is an indispensable part of human experience. The diversity of expressions of humanity’s social nature constitutes subject and primary interest for sociology. This field of knowledge, which can be defined as a methodical study of societies formed by humans and their behavior,...

Being Black in America: Hughes, Baldwin, Evers, Lomax

Langston Hughes Langston Hughes was born in 1901 and became a famous American columnist, social activist, playwright, novelist, and poet. Hughes is mostly known for insightfully portraying the U.S. black life from the twenties to the sixties (“Langston Hughes”). Notably, he decided not to differentiate between the general experience of...

Genocide in the Twentieth Century: Rwandan Case

Introduction The genocide in Rwanda officially called the genocide against Tutsi, is the massacre of Rwandan Tutsis by local Hutus in 1994, carried out by order of the Hutu government. Pre-colonial Rwanda was not a caste society; there were no rigid social categories. However, over time, the concept of “Tutsi”...

UK Media Representation of Ethnic Minorities

British society is not outnumbered by ethnic minorities, although new immigrants have come, mainly from Asia and Eastern Europe. 85% of UK citizens are white British, while the remaining 15% are recognized as ethnic minorities (Georgiou & Zaborowski, 2017). Black African, Black Caribbean, Indian, and Pakistani are the four largest...

Sociological Issues About Social Class and Poverty, Race and Ethnicity, Gender

Social Class and Poverty Consequences of poverty in the US There are two main consequences of poverty that can be defined. The first one is food insecurity, which threatens the well-being of families (Leon-Guerrero). The inability to acquire enough food or get a varied diet negatively impacts people’s health and...

The Repercussions of Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

In recent times, the socio-economic and legal problem of migration to the US has begun to acquire an increasingly political connotation. It became not only an object of discussion about the methods and forms of migration regulation but also a battlefield for leading political parties and opposition between legislative and...

Communication Technologies: Symbolic Communication

Introduction Language is the mirror of the world. At its most basic form, language is a communication system meant to convey thoughts, ideas, feelings, and emotions between human beings (DeLamater, Myers, & Collett, 2015). However, the epistemological view of the subject expanded the meaning of language beyond these notions, granting...

The Issue of Affordable Housing in the US

In the modern world, the issues of segregation and inequity remain acute, even though much effort has been put into fighting them. The conflict of interests exists in many fields, and the use of land is one of them. In the US, zoning laws were implemented at the beginning of...

“Neighborhood Racial Discrimination and the Development of Major Depression” by Russell

Introduction Even though the days of slavery are long over, unfortunately, racism did not become a matter of the past. There are still many stereotypes and prejudices around the world that negatively influence innocent lives by implementing a systematic restriction of the rights of people of color. African American women...

Social Learning Theory and Delinquency

Introduction In conditions of social disorganization and the weakening of cultural values ​​and norms, delinquency is a phenomenon that creates challenges for different spheres and structures. In this regard, studies on the prerequisites of crime are closely associated with theoretical approaches and practices that involve analyzing the causes of people’s...

Sociological Considerations for a Movement against Overpolicing in Minority Communities

Introduction The over-policing of minority communities has emerged as a salient issue for activists in the United States. While policing is intended to uphold the public order and protect citizens’ rights, the excessive deployment of law enforcement resources in minority neighborhoods undermines both of these priorities. Due to systemic flaws...

Why People Obey Authority: Milgram Experiment and Real-World Situation

Milgram Experiment Human beings tend to follow instructions and obey authority depending on the existing situation. In July 1961, a psychologist from Yale University by the name of Stanley Milgram started a series of experiments to understand why human beings were willing to obey orders from their superiors (Griggs, 2017)....

Racism v Justice. “The New Jim Crow” by M. Alexander

The book focuses on exploring the social status of African Americans, in the context of the judicial and mass incarceration system. The socio-economic status quo and political policy forced a whole race into poverty, and subsequent crime and arrest. Law enforcement is given a carte blanche in combatting crime that...

Racism Is the Problem of Society

History consists of racial controversies: the European colonization and the annihilation of the indigenous population of the Americas, the Holocaust, and other genocides. Today racism exists in various aspects; people of color suffer from violence, hear racial slurs, and the authorities do not work in their favor. This paper provides...

Censorship Issue: Books Should Never Be Banned

Book banning began in 259BC when a Chinese emperor destroyed previous accounts of information that were in a printed form. One of the examples of book censorship happened in 1933 when the leadership of Nazi Germany burned publications written by distinguished authors like Einstein, Freud, and Hemingway. Other books have...

Social Workers Ethical Issues

In a scenario where a colleague believes that a particular subset of clients does not deserve the same attention and care as other groups, several ethical issues arise. The most prominent value that social workers have to uphold is the person’s dignity and worth (National Association of Social Workers [NASW],...

The Problems and Rules of Intercultural Communication

Communication with other people is a complex and multi-layered task to engage in. For some people, interaction comes as second nature, for others, it presents a significant challenge. Understanding others and clearly articulating one’s needs and ideas is often done through trial and error, with each individual having their peculiarities....

American Society Police Brutality Causes and Effects

Introduction With the recent death of George Floyd, police misconduct is especially topical in the United States. The statistics are given by the Police Violence Report (2017) states that while the police killed 1,147 civilians, only thirteen officers were legally persecuted. Thus, the lack of control over the rapid coercion...

Abolitionist and Women’s Rights Movements

During the 19th century, the abolitionist movement was developing in the United States, which set itself the goal of putting an end to slavery. In the 1930s, following the creation of The Liberator newspaper and the organization of Anti-Slavery Society, the movement began to get supporters actively. Some women also...

Principles and Literature Materials on Democracy and Governance

Introduction This paper discusses documented concepts and democratic principles. Besides, it provides a brief discussion on and an evaluation of democracy and governance literature materials. The paper concludes by summarizing the main points in the essay. The Principle of Human Rights Human rights are considered universal and inalienable, interconnected, indivisible,...

Race and Ethnicity and Meaningless Conflict

History, which is full of violence and division among people, has shown that race and ethnicity are notions that imply and result in meaningless conflict. Although considered important and valuable, both concepts only fueled war, segregation, and genocide. It is crucial to embrace individuality and the past, including the harsh...

Hate Crimes Against Homosexuals in American Colleges

The United States Laws related to Hate Crime is instrumental in providing protection against crimes that are stimulated by animus or enmity against a certain class who are under the protection of the state. Hate crime laws in the United States vary in accordance with federal and state laws. However,...

Ethical Dilemma: Regained Custody Through Legal Action

The dilemma discussed in the present paper deals with a married couple addicted to drugs in the past and rehabilitated later. Since the parents could not care for their daughter, she was placed in a foster home. Her foster parents loved her as their own child, and the girl loved...

Women Have the Right to Decide the Abortion

Introduction An archaic patriarchal world dominated by masculinity is obsolete today, and numerous women’s rights movements attest to this fact. However, some aspects of social life are perceived as biased, and little freedom in decision-making limits women’s rights. This work aims to describe abortion as a controversial phenomenon that always...

Stigma About Mental Illness Among Communities of People of Color

Introduction This literature review examines various issues related to misconceptions and stigma about mental illness among communities of people of color. These include the actual rates of mental illness among ethnic and racial minorities, health disparities and their specific types, prejudices, and stigma of people of color in this regard,...

Reproductive Health Care and the LGBTQ Community

Medical services appear to be the aspect that is equally important for all people regardless of their race, nation, and sexual orientation. This way, today, providing qualified care for all the patients and coping with diversity present a pressing concern. This problem also addresses reproductive health care, as people with...

Illegal Immigrants: Not a Threat to the US

Introduction In the late 1990s and the early 2000s, the US witnessed an upsurge in the number of illegal immigrants who moved and resided in the country without extreme government intervention and control. On the one hand, such high numbers of illegal immigrants provided adequate cheap labor for businesses to...

Southern Whites Defending Slavery Analysis

Slavery was a significant part of the American social and economic system from the beginning of the nation until the 19th century when the Thirteenth Amendment was approved. It deprived Africans and African Americans of freedom and basic human rights. Slavery was legal and endorsed by the government, church, and...

Unemployment Rates in the United States

Unemployment is unevenly distributed across the U.S. population (OpenStax, 2018). For instance, with regards to race, racial minorities tend to be faced with higher unemployment rates as compared to Caucasians. On the other hand, in the past, the unemployment rates of men used to be lower than that of women,...

Legal Drinking Age in the United States

The legal drinking age in the world The alcohol minimum purchase age differs from country to country across the world. As Howard reports, research was carried out in 2016 by the World Health Organization to study the legal age to buy and consume alcohol in different countries. The results showed...

The Sociological Issues Analysis

Sociologists can study human populations based on different parameters, such as region and race. In the United States, the biggest groups by race include non-Hispanic white at around 60 percent and Latinos at 18.3 percent (Noël, 2018). African Americans comprise 13 percent of the total American population (Noël, 2018). In...

Ethical Dilemma of Worldwide Gender Equality

Throughout one’s personal life, along with his or her role as a conscious member of society, a person is obliged to make certain choices that would potentially influence some major tendencies in the overall social behavior. Thus, when a person in charge is making a crucial decision in terms of...

Disparity and Disproportionality in the Criminal System

Introduction Background of Study and Opening Statement Americans are proud of their democratic society where all people are claimed to enjoy equal rights and have equal opportunities. In reality, this equity is quite limited and the criminal justice system is an example of existing disparities. For instance, 40% of imprisoned...

Skin Color as Reason for Oppression and Discrimination

Today, millions of people think that they live in a world that is equal and fair to everyone. However, recent studies and communication with blacks could reveal the truth that discrimination based on skin color exists and challenges many individuals. Compared to the current health COVID-19-based problems and climate changes...

The Issue of Inequality in the United States

Inequality, as a social phenomenon, does not arise in a neutral environment in which all cultural and ethical values, without exception, are maintained. The current situation in the USA proves that the growing level of inequality is relevant as long as there are people who consider it normal. According to...

Ethical Theories and Principles: Moral Dilemma Analysis

Introduction People have to make decisions every day in a variety of situations. Ethical theories exist to guide us through the depths of morality when the question of right or wrong presents itself. When the actions of a human and a professional might impact a person’s health, well-being, or even...

The Relations Between Drug Abuse and Criminal Justice

Sociodemographic factors such as race, class, and gender have a huge impact on human behavior. Conflict theory sees these factors as evidence of inequality and the reasons for offenses. This sociological perspective searches for the relationship between sociodemographic background with drug use and crime rates. With the help of the...

Violence and Conflict for Children and Women

Introduction The problem of domestic violence is a relatively newly recognized social problem in the Western community – it began to be debated only in the last three to four decades of the 20th century. Domestic violence, according to platform 4 of the UN World Conference on Women (Beijing, September...