COVID 19 as a Global Health Issue

Today, the global community remains concerned about the state of healthcare as new diseases arise, and the treatment for the widespread illnesses remains undeveloped. At the time of the global COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential to study the subject thoroughly. As the pandemic enters the second wave worldwide, and millions...

Pizza Hut’s Marketing Strategy

Product Pizza Hut is a well-known restaurant that is primarily focused on modern Italian and Western cuisine. The franchise represents the world’s largest pizza chain with over 12,000 establishments and delivery points worldwide. Furthermore, the chain is known for its innovative approach to new product development. Despite a fairly extensive...

Day of Compassion as a Social and Educational Engine

Introduction The world of the 21st century has become one of the most vivid definitions of the “cognitive dissonance” notion. While people have been struggling in a society replete with wars and innumerable flaws, the last decades have also symbolized an explicit discussion of equality and universal respect to an...

Troy vs. Family Conflict in “Fences” Short Story by August Wilson

Introduction In any normal setting, family and society conflicts are inevitable, whereby people misunderstand one another. People have different perspectives on how they view different life instances. Notably, what seems to be correct to one might be wrong to another, leading to a conflict. In playwriting, developing a conflict is...

Religious Freedom and Freedoms of Association

Religious freedom Religious freedom is a matter that is considered personal and sacred. Freedoms of association with religious affiliation and activity have always been protected by law. Many accepted laws promote religious leniency as a matter of individual decision and conscience. Some people have no affiliation. Their belief is basically...

Social Media and Its Effect on Mental Health

The rapid development of technologies has led to the inability of young people to imagine life without social media. There is a whole generation of adolescents who grew up with gadgets in their hands, and this situation caused concern among their parents and teachers related to the possibility of mental...

Industrial Ethernet: Requirements and Implementation, Acceptance and Adoption

Introduction Since its invention in 1973 and subsequent adoption as the network standard IEEE 802.3, Ethernet has grown to become the most widely used technology in networking business systems such as back-office mainframe computers, printers and data servers. Over time, factors such as improved speeds, ease of installation and maintenance,...

An Analysis of the Health Conditions of the Patient with Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction: Mr. M’s Clinical Manifestations The analysis of the health conditions of Mr. M. reveals that he has Alzheimer’s disease. This neurodegenerative disease is incurable and is usually associated with memory loss and decline of cognitive abilities (DeTure and Dickson, 2019). The early stages of Alzheimer’s disease are marked by...

Bacterial Growth Requirements in Different Environments

Introduction Bacteria are minute single celled organisms that live around and inside our bodies.They are so small that scientists often use microscopes to view and study them and each bacterium is estimated to be a micrometer long in size (Bauman & Tizard, 2004). Bacteria just like any other living organism...

Political Commercials: Are They Effective?

Introduction The use of media outlets to influence political debates and sway voter opinion is an integral aspect of political campaigns. Candidates use these platforms to sell their ideas and castigate opponents in an attempt to win the people’s favor. Political advertisements have both negative and positive influences on their...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Determinism, Libertarianism, and Compatibilism

Introduction In ancient times, people believed that everything in the world, including their own behavior, depended on the will of the gods. Today, people have different beliefs regarding the matter, but many think that humans have free will and are completely responsible for their actions. The philosophical views related to...

Mitigating Climate Change in Massachusetts: Policy Recommendations

Introduction Problem Statement Climate change is an acute problem that involves a number of harmful effects on the environment and living beings on Earth. The consequences include extreme weather events, rising maximum and minimum temperature, poor air and water quality, sea-level rise, heat waves, shrinking glaciers, biodiversity loss, ocean acidification,...

Symbolism in “A Jury of Her Peers” Short Story by Susan Glaspell

Introduction The problem of gender inequality has affected the relationships within society extensively, shaping people’s perceptions of themselves and the extent of their potential significantly. As a force that has caused multiple women to suffer injustice, gender inequality has been the center of numerous discussions and inspirations for artistic interpretations,...

Integrating Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice

Introduction Cultural competency is assumed to be the capability of acquiring particular behaviors, abilities, approaches, and strategies in a structure that allows efficiency in a cross-cultural work environment. With the growth of traditionally diverse inhabitants in the United States, it is critical for nurses to perform their duties without prejudice....

Discussion of “Aeneid” Story by Virgil

Introduction Virgil’s “Aeneid” is the story of the Trojans who had to flee their hometown after the Greeks destroyed it. This story explains both the details of the Trojan war, the Aeneas’s journey to Carthage, their arrival to Sicily, and Aeneid’s destiny as the founder of Rome. This paper will...

CDC Milestone Tracker: General Background and Application

General Background CDC Milestone Tracker Mobile App is a free application that helps track and encourage children’s milestones of early development. It was created and launched by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the basis of their “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” program (CDC, 2021). Students from...

Connie from “Where Are You Going…” by Oates

Introduction “Where are you going, where have you been?” is a diminutive story by Joyce Carol Oates, which illustrates the author’s perspective on how the community saw women in the 1960s. It is founded on a factual story of assassination and rape in Tucson, Arizona, in 1965. The novel is...

“Societal Control” Over Food and Weight Gain

Introduction Societal control involves the enforcement of specific behavioral standards considered socially acceptable within a community. It regulates an individual’s behavior in agreement with social norms and rules that have been established. In Knapp’s essay, “Add Cake, Subtract Self-Esteem,” the cultural control over food and women’s body weight is discussed....

The “Construir Una Imagen” Book by María Alvarado

“Construir Una Imagen. Visión Europea del Indígena Americano” was written by María del Mar Ramírez Alvarado and published in 2001. The book presents a detailed document that illustrates different images of the Native Americans spread across Europe from the end of the fifteenth century to the start of the seventeenth...

Anne Bradstreet vs. Mary Rowlandson Comparison

Anne Bradstreet and Mary Rowlandson are American Puritan writers of the 17th century who focused their works on the individual, real-life aspects which were influenced by their spiritual development of personality and religious involvement. This period in literature was primarily associated with the religious influence on writers’ lives by focusing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Maintaining a Social Balance in Olympic Sports

Introduction The struggle for gender equality has become an essential part of the development of society and a reflection of civilizational progress. Numerous movements of activists supporting women as a vulnerable group are aimed at creating conditions in which females can count on equal conditions in education, politics, and other...

Nationalism in “The Wind that Shakes the Barley”

Introduction In the film The Wind That Shakes the Barley, the portrayal of patriotism and the concept of blood sacrifice are both prominent. Throughout the film, there is a great sense of Irish patriotism. The main protagonists are fervent nationalists who want an Ireland free of British authority. Following World...

Kowloon Dairy: Unsweetened Coconut Milk Marketing

The Hong Kong dairy market is shifting from cow’s milk to plant extracts with fewer calories due to the high prevalence of lifestyle diseases and health concerns (Wu, 2020). Coconut milk contains only one-third of the cow’s milk calories and therefore serves as an antidote to the dynamic dairy market...

Media Analysis: Chef’s Table Season 2

The subject of food and how it relates to an individual’s personality is an objective of the culinary scene. The intended audience of the Chef’s Table Season 2: Episode 4 Enrique Olvera is all people who are engaged in eating and cooking food. It discusses how food affects not only...

Research Process and Methodology

Hypothesis Testing and Inferential Analysis There are a number of procedures during the research process that are important to take into account. The two particularly significant ones are hypothesis testing and inferential analysis. Both ideas primarily relate to the way people evaluate their ideas and assumptions. The use of such...

Cultural Perspectives and Dimensions

Introduction Culture is diverse with multiple topics and is based on several aspects. Culture can be defined by ways of life, beliefs, attitudes, perception by a group of individuals, and norms of behavior. Due to many different people belonging to different cultural groups, it is vital to consider that no...

Perspectives of Russian Cyber-Attacks Against US Targets

With the swift progress in information and communication technologies in the late 20th – early 21st century, both private and governmental actors came to rely heavily on digital infrastructures in their activities. However, while the digital revolution facilitated information exchange, it also brought challenges along with benefits. Any information shared...

Cinematography and Animation Courses in Nigeria: Animation Courses Startup

Sustainability A startup of film and animation courses in Nigeria, developing mainly in the regions, will use its geographical location as its strong point. This business must compete primarily in regions far from Lagos, where these courses are not available or represented by a small market share in this area....

Domestic Violence Issue in Modern Society

Neutralization theory presents freedom in a relationship and condemns deviant behaviors. The approach aims to eliminate oppressive cultures and safeguard ethical human activities. Neutralization sheds light on human rights against violence; this way, the oppressed can get justice through law courts. Theoretically, molding a morally sound society is essential to...

White-Collar Crimes: Criminal Defense

It is possible to suggest that, when hearing the term ‘crime,’ most people imagine homicides, robberies, physical or sexual abuse, and some other examples. However, crimes are not limited to the listed unlawful deeds and sometimes can be not violent. For instance, some illegal activities can be classified as white-collar...

“Is Voting for Young People?” by Martin Wattenberg

“Is Voting for Young People?” – a book by Martin Wattenberg that analyzes the 2016 election. In turn, the author draws certain conclusions based on a sample of all voters during the voting period. In addition, an essential part of the work is the prediction of voter turnout in the...

John Kennedy Library and Museum

Introduction The John F. Kennedy Library and Museum is a presidential library and museum located on Harbor Point in Dorchester, Massachusetts. The library houses materials related to the life and Presidency of John F. Kennedy, while the museum displays artifacts and exhibits related to Kennedy’s life and legacy (Tsao 204)....

Childhood Obesity: a Population Health Issue

Abstract Obesity is increasing worldwide, and children have not been left out. An increase in the incidence rate of between 20% and 30% is realized every decade (Rosenbaum et al., 2011). Childhood obesity is a serious population health issue because of the adverse and fatal consequences that range from health,...

Consequences of Religious Freedom in America

Since 9/11 the most contentious issue pertains to whether or not religious freedom should be granted in America and whether granted or not, what would be the appropriate means of interpreting and applying the First Amendment’s clause. The answer takes us back to 1791, when Congress enacted the First Amendment...

Argument Against Physician – Assisted Suicide

All physicians swear by the Hippocratic oath before they start practicing medicine. The oath includes a strong admonition against the issuing of harmful and in fact deadly drugs to a patient. When it was being crafted, it did not consider that a physician would want to do anything other than...

Universal Healthcare System Reform

Introduction Despite being the richest and most powerful country in the world, the U.S. has a health care system that is on par with a developing country with a rank of 37 out 191 nations that were examined by the WHO (World Health Organization). Despite the extensive amount spent on...

“Civil Disobedience” by Henry Thoreau

Thoreau’s essay called “Civil Disobedience” is a well known philosophical work that suggests a deeper understanding of human rights and freedoms. This work is truly progressive for the time when it was written this is why it still attracts the attention of the public nowadays. Besides, Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience” explores...

Texting While Driving: Risks and Prevention

Abstract The following research paper is devoted to the issue of texting while driving, the risks of it, and the feasible measures of addressing the issue. The paper addresses the problem of distraction when using the phone in the process of driving – particularly texting. As the author is well...

The B.E.A.C.H. Environmental Campaign

With the growing environmental change awareness, more nongovernment organizations engage in the development and environmental campaigns. These campaigns pursue two essential goals. First, they are intended to educate the public about the severity and irreversible consequences of environmental change. Second, they deliver important information on how communities can promote positive...

Implementation of the IOM Future in Nursing

Introduction It should be noted that The Future of Nursing Report was developed to cover several goals and objectives. Importantly, it intends to encourage healthcare practitioners and nurses to take on greater responsibility and exercise autonomy by taking on leadership positions. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has financed the evolvement...

Popular Research Paper Topics

General Motors Company’s Operational Effectiveness

Operational effectiveness, in general, refers to the way an organization sees the importance of operations in achieving strategic objectives and economic success. There are four stages of operational effectiveness, i.e. coming to a realization that processes are the key to high levels of performance and competitiveness. Organizations in stage 1...

Heavy Smoker’s Chronic Conditions

Introduction It should be stressed that the individual in the current case study has been a heavy smoker over half of her life. Also, she has been keeping a poor diet and did not exercise enough to keep her health status on a positive level. Due to the patient’s age,...

Nonmedical Use of Drugs and Negative Sexual Events

Introduction Parks, Frone, Muraven, and Boyd (2016) conducted an investigation dedicated to nonmedical use of prescription drugs (NMUPD) and negative sexual events (NSE) connected with this problem. The research problem of the study was to evaluate “prevalence estimates for three forms of NMUPD-associated NSE” such as “regretted sex, sexual aggression...

The Future of Nursing Impact and Implications

Discussing the Work of the R. W. J. F. Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) conducted a two-year study that focused on transforming the nursing profession (Altman, Butler, & Shern, 2016). The committee was primarily tasked with assessing the...

Models for Competitive Dynamics

Comparing and Contrasting DyB and GyB Business Strategies Sustainability of profits, retention of market share, and remaining relevant in the face of cutthroat competition has become problematic for many enterprises. In order to stand up to the challenge, businesses have developed various strategies used to ensure relevance and longevity in...

Cars in Popular Culture and Mass Media

The entirety of ideas, fancy images, attitudes, and perspectives within the cultural mainstream define what is known as popular (or pop) culture (Liu, Lee, & Groves, 2016). These attitudes and ideas are usually influenced by a wide range of mass media platforms such as social networks and television channels. The...

Computers in Patient Care and Nursing Administration

Introduction In the nowadays world, the ignorance of computer technologies is intolerable. Any sphere of human activity involves good knowledge of new technologies: because the modern world is built on information, electronic devices designed to work with raw data and process it according to the instructions (programs) help in various...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Major Depressive Disorder

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most widespread mental diseases across the globe. It affects approximately 25 percent of women and 12 percent of men throughout the lifespan and may have multiple severe, adverse effects on individual condition including impaired functioning, reduced productivity and motivation, poor quality of...

Islam and Politics’ Relations

Introduction The topic of interrelations between Islam and politics has been subjected to extensive research in the past few decades due to the complications in the processes of external relationships between Western institutions and those following the Islamic rule. In the very beginning, it is crucial to mention that the...

Laws on Pregnancy Discrimination in Workplace

Introduction It is imperative to mention that the role of fair employment policies and prevention of discrimination in the workplace has been increasing. The situation has improved over the last few years, but such incidents are still quite common. The primary problem is that many employers are not aware of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ethical Dilemma in Homer’s “The Odyssey”

Introduction Heroes depicted in ancient literature often face the necessity of making challenging life-and-death choices. As one example, Homer’s Odysseus faced such an ethical dilemma when he and his crew approached the area between Charybdis and Scylla as they were sailing. In the story, Circe had predicted that encountering Charybdis,...

Hardships of Coming of Age in Updike’s “A&P”

Introduction The charm of Updike’s slice-of-life stories may seem to come from the hidden layers of meaning that they contain, yet, on closer inspection, one will find out that they are quite straightforward. However, this discovery does not reduce the attractiveness of Updike’s nuanced storytelling; instead, it amplifies the lingering...

Unified Model of Patient Safety and Nursing Care

Introduction In the modern and complex healthcare systems, models serve as the basis of nursing practice to ensure the delivery of high-quality and accessible care that meets the needs and demands of the patient. Models are developed by nurses who use their experience and expertise to devise frameworks of care...

Nurse–Physician Collaboration in General Internal Medicine

Theoretical Framework Although nurses and physicians perform different functions, their major goal is to provide high-quality care and improve patient outcomes. Consequently, their cooperation should focus on quality. Thus, a theoretical framework for this type of interaction can be grounded on a middle-range theory developed by Joanne Duffy, which is...

Marx’s and Weber’s Opposing Views of Capitalism

Introduction Marx and Weber are some of the leading classical social theorists that have shaped the modern discourse on capitalism. Weber is among the profound critics of Marxist ideologies, and thus the two have opposing views on the issue of capitalism even though they share some similarities on the same...

Zen Buddhism: Basic Teachings

Introduction If there has been any puzzle that has disturbed the human mind, then it is the search for truth. Human kind has always put all their effort to get the real meaning of life. In addition, they have tried to know the origin of life and the probable destiny....

Dynamics of Biomedical Ethics and Autonomy

Introduction With the millennium having clocked nine years old, leaders from different nations have experienced a lot of hardships over this period. The business world has also not been spared the ordeal with scandals such as WorldCom being witnessed. Local governments have seen adjudicators and other law enforcers convicted for...

Three Theories: Piagetian, Gestalt, and Behavioral Ones

The world of education and science is far huge in methods and means for effective and efficient learning and teaching. In present days the educational environment is rich in methodology and approaches to how the efficiency can be achieved in terms of contemporary stage of scientific progress. Owing to this...

E-Government and Knowledge Management

Introduction The development of the mankind in the modern era of technological progress becomes more and more connected to the ideas of digital technologies and computerization in all spheres of social and political life. With the proliferation of science and technology, people acquire deeper and more substantial knowledge in various...

Economic Change in California Between 1770 and 1845

Introduction California came under the control of the Spaniards in 1769, the policy of the colonisers to the Indian natives that they found here was to both civilise and Christianize them. In the process, missions, akin to semi feudal farms had to be established, thereby laying the foundation for agriculture...

Leadership Styles: Buffet and Ghosn

Introduction One of the most prominent names amongst leaders of the modern business arena is that of Warren Edward Buffet, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. Another such important leader is Carlos Ghosn, current CEO of Renault S.A. France. Their approaches towards businesses and leadership styles prove that theoretical expertise single-handedly is...

Titian’s “Venus of Urbino”

“Venus of Urbino” refers to an oil painting done by an Italian master known as Titian. It portrays a nude young female, recognized with Venus, the goddess lying down on a couch in the luxurious surrounding of the palace of Renaissance. The painting is found in Florence and the pose...

Price Dynamics and Minimum Wage

Introduction Minimum wage is the least pay given to employees by employers for work done within a given period of time. This duration could range from an hour; week or a month. In other words, it is the least pay at which employees may trade their labor services. Despite the...

PDA Sim Company’s Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

The company PDA Sim generates two products (PDA Phone and PDA phone with camera) and wishes to come up by way of a strategic decision on the subject of which product to be stopped from manufacture in the year 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009. The lifecycle of the two products...

Robotics, Its Merits and Demerits

It’s one of the various computer technologies branches that in the make and development of robots. The automation of the machines covers human beings in the dangerous environments or the manufacturing processes where the humans are prone to risk. They perform their activities well and have similar relations with humans...

Malawi Health and Education System Analysis

Introduction The social sectors of developing countries are often not high enough due to various criteria, for instance, economic, political, and other factors that hamper progress in specific areas. In Malawi, the state in which agriculture prevails over other fields, the topical issues of education and medicine are raised periodically...

“Think Biblically” by John Macarthur

Introduction The book “Think Biblically” by John MacArthur can be acclaimed as an appeal to the audience to view the occurrences of modern culture through Biblical teachings. In the following paper, the strong and the weak points of this book will be discussed along with the value of the book...

Decathlon: Supply Chain Management

Introduction The Indian sports retail sector is growing very fast due the presence of potential customers and changing lifestyles. The existing regulation compels foreign companies to source around 30 percent of their products locally. Decathlon has the potential to succeed in this market if it starts new stores and pursues...

Immortality Perception in Modern Philosophy

Introduction Eternal life, and the value of such an experience – this question has always worried philosophers of antiquity and modernity. Besides, since it is linked with the problem of life’s meaning, the question of immortality is one of the fundamental dilemmas of philosophy. In his article Williams (2010) presents...

Florida Health Information Technology Code of Practice

The current essay is a critical writing aiming to address the topic of health information technology (HIT) regulations and standards. A state (Florida) was chosen to approach the present subject. Concerning the content, the paper consists of the three following parts. In the first part, Florida’s privacy laws that are...

Family Health and Nursing Process

Family composition Janet’s family is a Black American nuclear family with both parents and three children. The father of the family is 57 years old, and the mother is 50 years old. The couple has two daughters. One is 19 years old and the other one is 16 years old....

Disney Films: Projector of Our Society’s Values

Disney Company is the most significant entertainment empire in the world, thanks to the creator Walt Disney and his brother. Since the inception of Disney, the society has experienced a change of influence in both gender roles and characters. Disney movies have shaped the skills, attitudes, behaviors, and morals of...

American Society Police Brutality Causes and Effects

Introduction With the recent death of George Floyd, police misconduct is especially topical in the United States. The statistics are given by the Police Violence Report (2017) states that while the police killed 1,147 civilians, only thirteen officers were legally persecuted. Thus, the lack of control over the rapid coercion...

Foreign Film Review through the Prism of Cultural Shock

Foreign Film Review through the Prism of Cultural Shock and “Foreign” Location Visit Plan The phenomenon of culture shock is an inevitable part of cultural adaptation for any individual. Understanding the psychological mechanisms of cultural shock as well as an early acquaintance with foreign social norms can speed up the...

Institutional Discrimination Related to Ageism

Older adults are often victims of negative stereotypes stemming from unfavorable cultural and socioeconomic attitudes. Nowadays, ageism is recognized as one of the most prevalent and socially ingrained types of prejudice in America. It entails systematic discrimination against individuals based on age (elderly or younger people). Notably, negative ageist attitudes...

Banyan Detox Boca Raton Center: The Mission and Activities

Introduction To deliver their services effectively, treatment centers need to focus on the implementation of evidence-based practices or the best practices determined in the area of treating addiction. Banyan Detox Boca Raton, Florida, is one of the nationwide Banyan Treatment Centers that specialize in treating addiction (Banyan Treatment Centers, 2020)....

“The Unknown Citizen” by Auden

Each poem carries a unique style of its author and a message that reflects the trends of society. An author conveys these meanings through elements and details such as images, rhythm, and tone to create a coherent story. This paper will interpret the meaning of “The Unknown Citizen” by Auden,...

Characteristic and Aspects of Gentrification

Introduction The environment forms a person in the same manner as a person forms the environment. This is one of the key principles and driving forces for designing better streets, housing, squares, parks, and other elements of cities. Most people enjoy comfort and strive to achieve it in places where...

History and Benefits of Artificial General Intelligence

Introduction Artificial Intelligence is a broad-based division of computer science specializing in the development of intelligent machines with the ability to perform tasks requiring human intellect. It is a science with many disciplines, approaches, and programmable functions and a capability to learn, reason, solve problems, and make decisions. This paper...

The Hierarchy of the Court System in England and Wales

Introduction The hierarchy of courts describes the arrangement in order of authority and influence in the judicial system. The arrangement determines the decisions that are binding to various classes of courts in the system. Courts that are ranked higher in the hierarchy have the ultimate authority to make decisions that...

Epidemiology of Breast Cancer in UK

Summary Table 1: A table showing incidences, mortality, and prevalence of breast cancer in UK Item Value Incidence Rates 50,285 Mortality Rate 11,716 Prevalence Rate 80 % of the patients are diagnosed and survive for a period of ten years 85% of the patients diagnosed are able to live up...

Research Proposal: Hypertension and Chronic Kidney Disease

Introduction Chronic kidney disease and hypertension are two serious disorders that are closely connected. This connection has not been fully researched yet. Thus, it has been found that up to 63% of people suffering from chronic kidney disease are hypertensive (López-Novoa, Martínez-Salgado, Rodríguez-Peña & López Hernández, 2010). It is also...

America’s Response to Covid-19

Introduction The exponential spread of Coronavirus, complacency and delayed response by the Americans contributed to the devastating effects of the pandemic witnessed today. Since the Chinese authorities publicly acknowledged the first case of Coronavirus in early December 2019, different countries adopted varying measures to mitigate the spread of the scantily...

The Bathsheba Syndrome: Overview

Business ethics and ethical conduct are the centerpieces of a properly functioning system, where leaders follow the core principles and value them. The given paper will discuss the prevalence of unethical practices in a world of business, where an ever-increasing number of successful leaders fail to adhere to key ethical...

Business and Cultural Audit of Germany

Country History The name Germany was first used by Julius Ceaser to refer to the area east of the Rhine as a way of differentiating it from regions like Gaul which he had already conquered. The industrial revolution modernized the country’s economy and led to the emergence of a socialist...

Mandated Nurses Patient Ratios for California

A mandated nurse-patient ratio is a legislative regulation that was passed as a law in the state of California, about thirteen years ago. The idea of the minimum nurse-to-patient ratios was first proposed and implemented in the State, where it was enacted into law. The enactment would facilitate significant changes...

Proposing a New Hotel: Marketing Plan

Introduction This paper aims to propose the attractiveness of a new hotel at Port Rashid, Dubai. The hotel will be 30 stories, including suites, king rooms, and double rooms. It is expected to cooperate with foreign businesses to offer customers the best food and beverage outlets, Asian and Mediterranean cuisines,...

Males and Females Learn: Similarities and Differences

Similarities in the Way Males and Females Learn A new wave of feminism has reintroduced the subject of gender equality in education. Supporters of inclusive academic environments, where all genders are welcome, argue that there are no distinct differences in the male and female thinking processes, which is proved by...

Functional Ovarian Cysts: Etiology, Clinical Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Ovarian cysts are defined as fluid-filled sac-like swellings which occur as a result of ovulation and blood circulation to the ovaries. Essentially, they involve adnexal masses, which may also be considered pelvic growth. There are numerous sub-clusters of functional ovarian cysts among women of reproductive age, including follicular, corpus...

Ethical Dilemma of Privacy in Technology

Introduction As technology develops, it changes the world through new scientific paradigms and new physical assets for humans to use. However, shifts in the field of applied sciences raise new ethical issues regarding the development and deployment of technology. Scholars of ethics have put forth various approaches in an attempt...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The State of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, has been in operation for six years since its enactment and has experienced several rocky moments that define its present structure and public perception. Overall, it is a successful initiative of the federal government to provide care for citizens universally. The successes...

The “Freaky Friday” by Mark Waters

Relationships with parents, their attachment, care and love significantly affect the child’s entire life. This paper analyzes the relationship between fictional parent and child from the Freaky Friday film directed by Mark Waters (2003). The movie’s plot centered around the relationship between their mother, Tess Coleman, played by Jamie Lee...

Analysis of Structure of Copious Online Retail Company

Background Copious is an online retail company that employs virtual teams in its management Virtual teams are common in today’s workforce especially as more organizations move to a management-by-projects approach. It is easy to use each of the VT meetings as an opportunity for team building (Farahmandlou, 2018). There is...

The True Meaning of “Dulce et Decorum Est”

Dulce et Decorum Est is a poem written by Wilfred Owen in 1917 and then published in 1921 after the author’s death (Muttaleb and Hamadneh 3). Its title is the reference to Horace’s words, who once said, “It is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country.” In his poem,...

“Gandhi” by Richard Attenborough

Introduction Gandhi, produced and directed by Richard Attenborough, is a 1982 biographical movie that traces the life of a prominent political activist Mohandas (later Mahatma) Gandhi, who led the campaign for India’s independence against the British colonial rule. The plot focuses on the key events that arguably led Gandhi to...

Conflicts, Politics, and Conflict-Handling Styles

Conflicts in society and organizations are inevitable as any environment that presents a common ground for an exchange of different opinions is inevitably subjected to disagreements. Although conflicts are frequently associated with negativity and emotional involvement, conflict as a term stands for the clash between individuals with differences in interests,...

United States of America: Population Control Programs

The overpopulation of the planet and the subsequent struggle for survival are among the main fears of civilization over the past centuries. Society has taken the challenge seriously, launching programs for reproductive health and family planning: from promoting barrier-based methods of contraception to regulating abortion and managing migration. The measures...

Pirate Terrorists as an International Threat

The rise in globalization rates has brought numerous positive effects, including improvements in the economy, political relationships, and social interactions. However, it has also aggravated the threats to which people have been exposed, including one of the terrorist attacks. In his 2019 article, Mark Bowden describes an instance of a...

Changing the American Dream of Immigrants and African Americans

The American dream is a well-known concept throughout the world, and people from different countries want to achieve it. Today, many individuals align that dream with economic wealth, but this approach significantly limits the idea. Adams (1931) explains that the American dream is associated with a better and civil society,...

Sartre’s Freedom and Existentialism Today

Sartre in his work, “Existentialism and Human Emotion” provides arguments for the existence of human freedom. He does so by deliberating on the first principle of existentialism, “man is nothing else but what he makes of himself” (Sartre, 1957/2020, p. 5). This principle encompasses the notion of existence before essence...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Tracing Raphael’s Career Development

Introduction Raphael was a prolific Italian artist who made a mark in art and architecture. He was born in 1493 and was privileged to work under the mentorship of his father, who was himself a court painter. Raphael’s hometown, Urbino, was a cultural center contributing immensely to his early career....

The Book of Exodus: Brief Analysis

Introduction The Book of Exodus is one of the defining narratives of Western culture. It recounts the story of ancient Israelites being chosen by Yahweh to escape slavery at the hands of Egyptians and attain the Promised Land. It features many of the most famous characters and episodes from biblical...

Starbucks: An International Strategy

Introduction The global business environment of today demands that larger-scale businesses consider expanding their operations to maximize their efficiency and potential profits. In doing so, multiple challenges arise, forcing the management to analyze and reconsider their overall strategies. However, there are certain firms whose strategies have been exceptionally successful for...

Agency for Health Care Administration Analysis

Introduction The Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) is a highly sought-after and effective organization dedicated to providing the highest quality of healthcare services to citizens. However, it is important to emphasize that a lot of controversies have arisen around the activities and policies of this organization. Therefore, I would...

Researching of Life After Retirement

Introduction Retirement is a significant life event that is accompanied by changes in daily routines, social roles, social connections, and income in later adulthood. Older people are spending more time in retirement as their life expectancy increases. Pension and savings schemes have alleviated the financial demands of retirement in many...

Customary International Law as Source of Law

Customary law constitutes a key component of international law. It is established on the practices that over time come to be generally accepted as the law. Customary law has been adopted by different states based on agreed-upon procedures. This paper seeks to indicate the basis upon which customary law constitutes...

The Cree Language Importance to Indigenous Identity

This paper reflects the importance of Cree communities retaining their language. The Canadian Government recognizes there are endangered native languages and need to be protected. Languages are important to Indigenous communities because they represent their culture, teachings, songs, and stories. These protocols are sacred to their ceremonial value, and this...

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Standard Chartered Bank

Introduction Standard Chartered is a Public Limited Company based in the UK that provides financial services for people, corporate clients, and treasury services. The company primarily operates in the Asian region, the Middle East, and Africa, despite its headquarters being located in London. The bank has had a long story...

Care Coordination Process in the Healthcare

Introduction A coordination process allows effort integration between health providers to improve the quality of care. The health program should be comprehensive to include clinical information exchange, patient safety, performance evaluation, and care competency to create patient-oriented operational systems. Depending on the illness and needs, patients often see more than...

Influence on Development of Health Policy

Introduction Healthcare provision is an essential service required by humanity for survival. Most democratic nations use healthcare as a campaign tool to ascend to power. Therefore, healthcare policy is an essential tool that streamlines the sector to ensure that patients, healthcare organizations, and governmental regulatory entities relate well to the...

Reflective Ethics Paper: The Moral Problem

Philosophy may be described as the pursuit of knowledge. Based on this viewpoint, we can attribute ancient Hebrews as exceptional thinkers and ethic founders since they had a lifelong love for knowledge. Morality dictates that philosophy must value the pursuit of understanding morals and ethics in the proper and hopeful...

The National Guard in Riot Control Situations

The issue of the deployment of the National Guard personnel is ambiguous and multilayered. Legally, local jurisdictions can resort to the state National Guard for assistance when community resources are depleted, but the actual societal benefit of such employment is questionable. The most revealing illustration of the National Guard’s unreliability...

Career in Cinema: Advices and Fundamentals

Nowadays, due to the development of many types of businesses, one has good opportunities to achieve great career success. Career growth is characterized by one’s perseverance, composure, and, most importantly, the ability to work hard. The film industry is no exception, and a person can feel oneself more freely in...

Nebraska’s Tourism Print Advertisement

Introduction Print advertisement is one of the most popular forms of advertising. Traditionally, it was done on print media, such as newspapers and magazines which are circulated in hardcopies. With the advent of the internet, print advertising is now also done on online platforms, such as social media. Ultimately, advertising...

How Modern Technology Is Changing Us

Introduction Over the previous few decades, communication as well as information technologies have undergone significant changes. All indications are that technical innovation and the use of information technology will accelerate. The dropping cost of connection as a result of both technological advances and more competition has followed and encouraged the...

Financial Management of Marks & Spencer vs. Next

Marks and Spencer Profitability Ratios Gross profit margin is calculated by dividing gross profit by revenue. Mark and Spencer’s gross profit for 2021 was £2,911.6 million (Marks & Spencer Financial Statements, 2021,p. 123). Mark and Spencer’s revenue for 2021 was £9,155.7 million (Marks & Spencer Financial Statements, 2021, p. 123)....

Cleopatra: A Historical Figure in the Movie

Cleopatra is a historical figure that has a frequent appearance in modern media. She is often associated with the tropes of power, beauty, and keen perception. This is one of the characteristics that are demonstrated in the 1972 film called Antony and Cleopatra. However, these descriptions may not be fully...

Frederick Douglass’s Prophetic Declaration

Introduction In the autobiography “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave” Frederick Douglass recounts his life as a slave, describing how the master was able to keep the slaves in servitude both physically and psychologically. The author described how he managed to break free from the bonds...

Communication, Leadership, and Organizational Skills in Emergency Response

The contemporary environment introduces additional requirements for the efficiency and quality of the emergency response. While certain challenges, such as natural disasters, have been a major force since the dawn of humanity, the changeable landscape of the 21st century poses new, unprecedented challenges. The rapid technological progress elevates the risks...

Evidence-Based Practice in Diabetes Nursing Care

Introduction It might be challenging at times to determine the credibility of resources, especially those from online sources. Nurses providing frontline care have an obligation to stay informed about changes in patient safety practices in their field. In order to provide the best possible evidence, evidence based practice relies on...

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Introduction Health care often focuses on the treatment of patients with acute conditions, while little attention is paid to the management of chronic diseases. Patients with chronic conditions may experience inequities in quality of care without adequate long-term therapy. The gap in the quality of care affects patients with chronic...

Friedrich Nietzsche’s “The Gay Science” Review

The work of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche titled The Gay Science features several arguments. Among the many submissions, one claim that significantly impacted my perception was The Value of Prayer. Nietzsche gives his viewpoint on prayer, its importance, and its purpose. Reading Nietzsche’s work titled The Value of Prayer changed my...

How Breastmilk Affects the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Introduction Breast milk is the perfect food for the baby because it contains the right nutrients. Although mothers know breastfeeding offers many benefits to the baby, they may not know that breastmilk reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Often, mothers choose to balance breastfeeding with formula thinking...

Russian Expansion in United States European Command

Introduction Current Russian efforts to challenge the United States leadership have fostered a multi-sectoral response from the government. Commonly focused on military prowess in destroying the enemy and celebrating victory, the United States now realizes the importance of other instruments of power in reducing Russian expansion in EUCOM (Rodriquez et...

Blood Pressure Screening as the Major Preventive Measure in Adult Primary Care

High blood pressure may be one of the most common chronic diseases in the adult population. Nurses and doctors need to conduct screenings to catch the disease early and change the patient’s lifestyle to prevent worsening the condition. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is the most accurate method. An alternative to...

Hub and Spoke Routing Concepts

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Prisoners’ Rights and Prison System Reform

An Agreement with Piper Kerman and her view of incarceration laws Today, few Americans have challenged the claim that the criminal justice system is broken and requires reform. Individuals who have first-hand accounts or relevant information on experiences of prisoners have called for massive reforms in the prison system. This...

Sea Dumping: Legal and Ethical Issues

The issue regarding the pollution of the environment seems to be significantly important to solve; otherwise, the society will be in a threat. The unlimited human activity has already influenced the surrounding. The negative impact resulted in climate change. One of the most dangerous factors that contribute to the problem...

Veterans’ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: How a Game Can Help?

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Incompatible Traditions and Communities

Karma is a theological concept that emphasize on living righteously (Moore & Bruder, 2011). This theological doctrine warns believers of consequences for actions and thoughts that are relived through reincarnation. Samsara describes the state of ignorance and assumptions of the current impressions. In this regard, the cycle of rebirth is...

Ayurvedic Medicine in T. R. Reid’s Documentary

Introduction Ayurvedic treatment grew in India and is well-thought-out to be the world’s firstborn healthcare organization. It is labeled for the Sanskrit term Ayurveda, which may be interpreted as the “knowledge of life.” It is a comprehensive classification. Ayurvedic medicine is completely all-inclusive. Its supporters attempt to produce synchronization between...

Mark Zuckerberg’s Leadership Strategies

Check out our essay sample on Mark Zuckerberg leadership style! Here, you can learn more about the roles and leadership strategies of Mark Zuckerberg and how he uses situational, charismatic, and democratic leadership styles. Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most successful leaders despite the criticisms presented by many stakeholders...

The US Intelligence Community Role in Countering Terror Threats

The U.S. intelligence community is comprised of many agencies that integrate their efforts to fight crime and terror. Since the 9/11 attacks, the United States charged the Department of Homeland Security with the responsibility for ensuring that the nation was secured through the development of different lines of defense. Homeland...

Mackmurdo’s and Dresser’s 20th Century Design

Each period of development of our society is characterized by some unique phenomena which took place in the world of art. Ancient times gave the world wonderful shapes and forms of antiquity. Renaissance presented us with a constellation of artists which changed the whole image of art and created unique...

Print and Social Media in 2011 Egyptian Revolution

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Hospitals’ Revenue Sources and Management

Revenue Sources Health care organizations operate in an environment requiring an intricate system of financing. Hospitals generate revenue from both private and public sources thereby ensuring that health care services are being delivered to communities in an efficient manner. The majority of revenues for the provision of medical services comes...

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Nurse Example

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Medical Ethics in the Christian Narrative

The case study presents a medical dilemma. Joanne and Mike encounter a unique problem arising from their son’s health condition. James has been diagnosed with acute glomerulonephritis and is in need of a kidney transplant. James’ physician suggests that immediate dialysis is needed to address his health needs. However, the...

Jolly Ranchers Company in the Candy Market

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Wells Fargo’s Workforce and American Labor Market

Introduction Wells Fargo embraces the best business models in an attempt to support the needs of its customers in the United States. The firm hires competent workers from different regions and backgrounds. Such professionals are empowered and mentored to focus on targeted organizational goals. Wells Fargo liaises with different firms...

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Best Buy Company and Result-Only Work Environment

The Culture of Best Buy Best Buy Company is an organization that consists of many departments and sections which are governed differently but all are aimed at contributing to the best of all the individuals and the company at large. The culture at best pay has undergone some changes as...

Transitional Nursing Practices in Oncology

Introduction Transitional nursing in oncology is an under-researched theme, which, nevertheless, needs to be addressed. While some of the researches are primarily focused on transitional nursing practices with no specifics, others provide an insight into the transitional care of cancer patients and cancer survivors. For example, McCorkle et al. (2009)...

Ethnicity, Class and Social Stratification in China and Japan

Introduction The Chinese ethnic, social and class stratification have been reflected n the different fifty-six ethnic groups with Han being the majority group and the other fifty-five being the inferior clusters in the population of China. These groups account for only ten percent of the country’s population, and most of...

Burnout Syndrome Experienced by Nursing Professionals

Research Problem/Purpose The article written by Cañadas-De la Fuente et al. (2015) is focused on the issue of burnout syndrome experienced by nursing professionals because it is seen as a trigger of various health problems. The researchers claim that “the burnout syndrome is beginning to be regarded as an occupational...

Nutritional Support During Pregnancy

Introduction There is a variety of changes that transform a woman’s body during pregnancy. The nutritional pattern followed by the mother will affect both her and her baby’s health. Eating healthy is an essential requirement during pregnancy. It is also important to stick to a balanced diet so as to...

Arab Spring, Terrorism and Libyan Political Changes

Introduction The Arab Spring refers to a wave of protests, coups, demonstrations, and civil wars that took place in several African and Asian countries between 2010 and 2012. The protests affected countries in North Africa and the Middle East. The countries affected include Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and Syria. The...

Therapeutic Group for Children and Adolescents

Group therapy has been used to help people of different ages to solve their issues. Children and adolescents also benefit from the participation in therapeutic groups as they develop skills necessary for their effective integration into society (Lin & Bratton, 2015). The choice of the topics or activities utilized during...

Implementation of Cycled Lighting in Intensive Care Units

The Strength of Presented Evidence The articles analyzed in the previous paper examined the influence of cycled lighting on the health outcomes of patients’ treatment in intensive care units (ICUs). Hospital conditions, especially in ICUs, could impact patients’ recovery due to experienced sleep disturbance and disrupted circadian rhythm. Changing lighting...

Water Resources in Australia: Usage and Management

Introduction Australia is one of the driest continents in the world. This condition informs policies concerning water; various governmental and non-governmental institutions have teamed up to face the challenges facing people as far as water is concerned. The organizations have joined hands to lobby the government and town councils to...

United States and Negotiation With Terrorists

Abstract Negotiation is a practice embraced by governments to address conflicts and prevent further standoffs. However, the decision to negotiate with a given terrorist group is believed to be inappropriate since the process might become a way of rewarding the use of violence. This is the case because many terrorist...