Cloud Computing Application for Decision Making

In the age of digitalization, the operation of almost every sphere of humans activities is impossible without the application of technologies. Digital developments hardly affected healthcare by improving methods of treatment, diagnostics, and decision-making. The current paper discusses how cloud computing facilitates decision-making and describes the role of nurses in...

Rapture of the Church of God

Rapture of God’s church is one of the most contentious elements in Christian eschatology, specifically its timing with relation to other events, such as Christ’s return and the great tribulations. It is a significant eschatological event that has a considerable impact on an individual’s viewpoint about life and subsequent hope...

Women’s Liberation Theory Critique

Theory The theory of women’s liberations based on the paradigm of gender inequality was first developed in 1970 in the United States due to changes in gender difference in crime in the social set up. Freda Adler came up with the theory in 1975 explaining the increase in crime rate...

Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia SWOT Analysis

Introduction Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia is a large enterprise that exists across various industries, including television broadcasting, publishing, household décor, and radio broadcasting. As a result of a series of socio-economic precedents of the company, the current SWOT analysis draft may be represented as follows: Table 1. SWOT Analysis Strengths...

Best of Rio de Janeiro: Brazil Tourism

City Description Rio de Janeiro is one of the largest cities in South America located in the southeastern part of Brazil on the Guanabara Bay. This is the second-largest (after São Paulo) city in Brazil, the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro, and the capital of the country...

Argumentative Essay on Cannabis

Cannabis is commonly the most used illicit substance in many countries around the world, including the United States. It comes from the cannabis plant, which evolved about 28 million years ago on the eastern Tibetan Plateau, according to a pollen study published in May of 2019. Its use, the study...

Discussion of Sleep and Its Influence

Sleep is a special state of consciousness, as well as a natural physiological process characterized by a reduced reaction to the surrounding world and specific brain activity. Scientists are still investigating the structure of human sleep, and the purpose of this need is not fully defined. Sleep occupies an important...

Stop and Search Policy and Race Discrimination

The problem of ethnic minorities’ discrimination in matters of policing is especially urgent, especially in the USA and European countries. The use of the stop and search method to fight against drug and weapons trafficking is particularly strongly discriminatory against ethnic minorities. Minor ethnic groups are disproportionately pursued, even though...

The Figure of David in Renaissance Art

An Overview of David’s Story One of the most well-known Old Testament stories in modern culture is the battle of David and Goliath. According to the Old Testament, the Philistines decided to fight the Israelites (Desnitsky, 2019). The Israeli army was led by Saul, and David’s older brothers were among...

Household Gun Ownership and Concealed Carry Legislation

Issue Presented What negative sub consequences might the residents of a community face when the policymakers implement the new governmental program allowing people to possess a gun within a concealed carry frame? Short Answer The governmental program “Gun Control- Right to Carry” has to be reassessed by policymakers and authorized...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Street Art Graffiti as a Culture

Over the past several years, graffiti was considered an unacceptable art, which was not acceptable in any form, and governments were striving to destroy it. However, for some people, graffiti is a part of life and their personal understanding of culture. For instance, in some parts of the world, graffiti...

The City Center Hospital: Improving Productivity

Introduction Defining the most beneficial activities that could aid in tackling the presented issue is a crucial element of the Organization Development (OD) approach. When appropriate instruments are used, it becomes possible to productively address the given complication, ensuring that the necessary changes are introduced effectively and will remain in...

Discrimination Against Addicts in Recovery

Introduction The problem of substance misuse has been a common concern in addressing mental health issues as a part of the public health management process. Apart from the challenges of constructing and applying a strategy for mitigating the addiction in patients, the recovery process is significantly complicated by the presence...

The Christian African American Community’s Care Issues

Cultural competency is necessary for comprehending and connecting individuals from different cultures. Coordination of care and its potential ethical and policy issues are crucial to understanding the context of special ethnical and religious domains. In this regard, nurses and care coordinators should possess cultural competence, which entails a desire to...

Understanding of Motivation: Motivation and Personality Psychology

Personality psychology focuses on the differences and similarities in various patterns of personality. A personality is a combination of traits, feelings, and thoughts that define a person as unique and dissimilar to others. Personality consists of motivation, behavior, and emotions, and each of these patterns influences how people view themselves...

Bar Mitzvah: The Ritual of Judaism

The Ritual Description The moment of transition from childhood to adulthood is celebrated in numerous religions. Every religion determines coming of age differently and puts specific criteria for adulthood. The concept of spiritual adulthood depends on how individual perceives themselves and what they consider the most important for themselves. Jewish...

Media Consumption’s Role in Youth Recreation

Introduction Modern youth spend their leisure time monotonously, unable to travel or devote time to an expensive hobby. Even the most common form of leisure, such as communication, has changed under the influence of modern technology, becoming the most petite deep. Social media, electronics, new security, and surveillance issues impact...

Bradbury’s Story vs. Teasdale’s Poem “There Will Come Soft Rains”

The title of Ray Bradbury’s short tale, “There Will Come Soft Rains,” is also the title of Sara Teasdale’s poem, which is interwoven in the short story. The poetry was composed in 1920, after the First World War, and the short tale in 1950, just after the Second World War....

The Pert Mustang Restoration Project

Proper planning when restoring a car is essential. Every nuance can play an indispensable role not only in this aspect but in many other industries as well. Regarding the case provided in the work, there are a considerable number of details, each of which is important, and it is necessary...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Emerging Technology’s Impact on France’s Economy

Current Problem The French are currently dealing with a significant obstacle in the form of a high unemployment rate. According to the latest available data, the unemployment rate in France came in at 8.06% during the fourth quarter of 2020 (Macrotrends, 2022). This places it in fourth place among the...

Diversity in the Workplace: Online Diversity Training

The success of every business depends on its employee’s cohesiveness. The diversity of cultures and backgrounds in the modern world affects the workplace. Due to rising globalization and technological advancements in recent years, the diversity of the workforce has taken on a crucial role in the operation of businesses. Age,...

Gambling in America

It is almost every day that we hear news about some rich and famous person who filed for bankruptcy because of their gambling problem and everyone knows at least one person from their surroundings who is struggling with the gambling addiction. These facts make some people think that gambling is...

The Code of Ethics in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice

In any organization, the code of ethics is an extremely important document. The purpose of the code of ethics is to outline the core values to which the organization employees are expected to adhere during the working process. The code of ethics presents guidance for the ethically appropriate behaviors and...

Consumer Behavior in Hamilton and Chernev Articles

Description of the basic purpose/focus of the article and the research question addressed The basic research question in the article by Hamilton and Chernev (2013) is exploring how price images are formed and how they influence consumer behavior. The focus of the article is on addressing the anomaly found in...

Psychology Issues: Childhood Development and Positive Parenting

Each stage of an individual’s development is important. However, childhood can be regarded as one of the most important periods in a person’s life. Children acquire new skills, knowledge and learn how to perceive the world. Five-year-old children experience loads of new things and this is why this period can...

Defining the Era of the 1960s

Introduction Scholars and archeologists use several events, objects, and fads to analyze the issues associated with the 1960s. This era is defined by many events and upheavals that changed the future of America. My team of archeologists has made a unique discovery. The discovery unveils several items that define the...

Starbucks Company’ Financial Analysis

Introduction Financial ratios are used to predict the liquidity, solvency profitability, as well as the performance of a given company within a specified period. Thus, investors and other shareholders need to understand accurately the meaning of each ratio before making any investment related decision (Lewellen, 2004). This paper provides an...

John Gillies’ Essay “Shakespeare’s Virginian Masque”

In the essay ‘Shakespeare’s Virginian Masque’, John Gillies analyzes Shakespeare’s play ‘Virginian Masque’ in reference to the historical events in South America’s around late 1600s. Specifically, he refers to the problems faced by new European settlers in the West Indies, their attempt to control the native tribes and the integration...

Psychological Attitudes, Their Nature and Origins

Introduction What makes people like lemon tea but hate fishing? To answer this question, an understanding of the origin and nature of attitudes is required. Many theories have been developed to try to understand what makes people have positive or negative attitudes toward different things. This paper will cover the...

Anti-Stress Workplace Interventions for Nurses

Background of Study The clinical problem in the research by Nowrouzi et al. (2015) is the reduction of work stress negative influence on recruitment and retention of nurses. The research problem is the assessment of workplace interventions aimed at managing occupational stress and burnout of nurses. The issue of professional...

The History of Slavery and Contemporary Society

Introduction Slavery is one of the most harmful concepts devised by humans. It strips people of their identity and uses them as property, rather than human beings. Throughout history, this practice took many forms. From the earliest recorded examples in Mesopotamia to modern examples of human trafficking and dictatorial rule....

Collaboration Between Faith-Based and Community Nurses

Introduction Faith-based communities have developed the concepts of health and healing that are consistent with the principles of nursing. For instance, parish nurses adhere to such principles as professionalism, care, compassion, understanding, support, empathy as well as spiritual and psychological guidance (Roberts, 2014). These values have been developed in the...

Suicide Among Adolescents and Family Support

Background The research problem is suicide ideation among adolescents, and the particular area to be studied is the role of family and professional support. To identify whether such support can help reduce suicide ideation and rates, it is primarily necessary to explore the causes of suicide ideation and attempts among...

New Constitution of 1787 Ratification Debates

While carrying out a comparative analysis of the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution of 1787, it is critical to take into account the fact that the latter appeared in response to the overall dissatisfaction with the Articles. Hence, the ratification of the Constitution signifies that this legislation was considered...

Gender Stereotypes’ Effects Career and Mental Health

There are various differences among the members of our society. A significant difference is the one that exists between men and women. This difference in biological in nature, and it is characterized by varying physical features in the two sexes. The society has traditionally used the biological differences to create...

Management Information Systems’ Distinctive Features

Defining an MIS Adamantios defines a management information system (MIS) as “a database of information programmed and organized in a specified way such that it can produce timely reports on operations for different departments in an organization” (12). This computerized database of vital data must be accessible and capable of...

Epidemiology Analysis: Clermont, Florida

Public health is one of the most important concerns of the federal and state governments. Healthcare professionals and officials develop various policies and programs aimed at prevention, screening, and treatment. Different states often have quite specific health issues due to environmental peculiarities and the economic situation in the area. Minority...

Cuban, Russian, Japanese Families’ Heritage Assessment

Introduction Health beliefs and perceptions are present in every culture. They shape the attitudes toward health and views of illness, as well as the causes that lead to the decrease of health and the occurrence of disease. Such beliefs tend to differ from one culture to another. The purpose of...

Hospital Revenue Sources and Models in Healthcare Industry

Revenue in Healthcare Inductry: Introduction Revenue management is an important aspect of functioning in any institution. Like any other business, healthcare organizations have to perform effective revenue management in order to maintain stable financial status and avoid critical losses. A revenue management system in the healthcare sector is particularly complicated...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Tata Group’s Problems and Recommended Strategies

Introduction Ratan Tata is recognised as a person that transformed the Tata Group (a massive Indian conglomerate) from a random collection of businesses into a nimble group that is ready to use new opportunities to expand and grow. The Tata Group is very quick an efficient in expanding its global...

Surgical Nurse’s Roles and Requirements

Abstract The roles of a surgical nurse in a healthcare setting have not been extensively studied despite that surgical nurses are crucial players in surgical procedures. This library research is targeted at searching for literature relevant to the topic. In the course of the research, the core competencies of a...

Tobacco Smoking Problem in Miami-Dade County

Introduction The issue of tobacco use has been an important health concern for decades. At present, it is a disturbing problem related to both youth and adults. Together with governmental interventions, communities pay attention to this issue because a tobacco- and smoke-free surrounding is crucial for the health and well-being...

India-Gulf Counterterrorism Cooperation: Opportunities, Barriers, and Challenges

India-Gulf Counterterrorism Cooperation – Opportunities and Challenges Policy brief to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. November 2018. Issue at Hand India has managed to alter its security landscape through governmental measures, which resulted in fewer people leaving the territory to launch assaults. Islamic State and Al Qaeda have...

Unequal Societies in China, Colombia and Australia

No one would deny neither the importance nor the breadth of scope of Chinese societal transformations initiated by the country’s industrial reform. However, relationships between Chinse private enterprises and the state are far from being balanced. One can argue that these relationships are equally far from promoting environmental sustainability. Neither...

Knowledge and Professional Skills Foundation

The Research Question(s) Addressed by the Study In the study, the authors sought to determine the correlation between different approaches that could be used in understanding the employment systems and customer services, dismissals, and quits in an organization. Therefore, the most important questions that the author addressed, include; “which management...

“Metamorphoses of the City” Book by Pierre Manent

Introduction The reading for this assignment consists of a part of the book “Metamorphoses of the City” by Pierre Manent. The book’s introduction attempts to define modernity as a massive collective project, the kind that would be impossible to carry out without a staging ground. Manent states that the city...

Childhood Issues Research: Causes and Consequences

Sutherland’s article research Thesis Statement The article by Sutherland (1992) focuses on the so-called voyeuristic empathy related to childhood reminiscence. The thesis posed by the author can be identified as follows: childhood is composed of structural states that may differ, depending on the certain period and cultural peculiarities that are...

“Lies My Teacher Told Me” and “The Loudest Voice in the Room”

Information is one of the most desired treasures of our world. One who possesses credible data can generate a significant advantage and win the rivalry. At the same time, corrupted data might also precondition serious alterations in people’s views and make them act in less effective ways. For this reason,...

The Future of Human Resource Management

To achieve success, human resources, along with other business units, must perform various functions from providing basic operations to strategic planning. It is essential to balance strategic and tactical actions for HR managers to get consistent results. HR professionals are expected to understand the internal and external environment in which...

Popular Research Paper Topics

American Revolutionary Crisis: History of Events

The second half of the eighteenth century will always be among the most eventful periods in the history of the United States. In particular, these fifty years will be best remembered for the American Revolution, which contributed to the formation of the country. In this letter to my dear descendants,...

Khrushchev: To Be or Not to Be Predictable?

Introduction The Cold War is a period that many politicians and global leaders continue to study and analyze today. It created tensions between the Soviet Union and the West. The events, happenings, and decisions associated with this political tension have become powerful models or lessons for many analysts, historians, and...

Renaissance: Da Vinci’s “Comparison of the Arts”

Initial Reaction to the Work The work, which is within the analytical scope of this paper, is the “Comparison of the Arts,” which is the chapter from Leonardo Da Vinci’s notebooks, translated to English by MacCurdy (1955). Before dwelling upon the profound analysis of the work, it is essential to...

Solar Power as the Best Source of Energy

Introduction Human beings rely on different sources to generate energy for both industrial and domestic use. Some of the common ones include water, natural gas, coal, solar, and nuclear plants. Many emerging and developed economies are currently considering additional solutions that can promote sustainability and protect the natural environment. This...

Recidivism: What It Is and How to Prevent It

Introduction Recidivism is one of the most complex concepts pertaining to the sphere of criminal justice. It refers to the relapse of an individual into criminal behavior, predominantly after receiving a sanction or undergoing intervention for one’s previous crime. Recidivism occurrence is measured by the number of criminal acts resulting...

New Sustainable Development Goals in Healthcare

Sustainable development goals (SDGs) are “a new, universal set of goals, targets, and indicators” that the countries-members of the United Nations are expected to apply as a pattern for planning their activities and developing political policies during the following 15 years (Ford, 2015, para. 1). These goals apply to diverse...

Middle English Analysis on the Example of “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”

Introduction The English language, like many other languages, has its own history. It can be shaped in points on division into several periods. It is necessary to admit that English originates from the Anglo-Saxon people who came to the Albion after the Celts settled the land. In this respect one...

The Character of Hamlet’s Mother

Heilbrun: The character of Gertrude cannot be only described by such qualities as weakness, shallowness, and intelligence (201). Gertrude is a strong-willed woman and a rather reserved personage (205). Maxwell: Gertrude could be identified as a weak and neutral heroine, though her role in the story was very significant (237)....

Motivations of Human Behavior

Human behavior is a rather interesting area of study as far as human beings try to study themselves and it is always a complicated task. The motivations that drive people to acting in a certain way have always interested scholars and ordinary people in the light of the fact that...

Is Culture a Unifying or a Divisive Force?

Culture is one of the main features, which makes people different. This difference may be of two natures: a unifying and a divisive, what depends of different factors and social processes which occur in the society. Different countries have different national peculiarities, according to which people differ, but these differences...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Role of the Criminal Justice Administrator

The criminal justice administration in the courts plays many roles one of them being to ensure that justice is passed to a criminal in accordance with the Constitution and existing federal and state laws. This always entails the assessment of the available evidence obtained by the police and other law...

Talking Rubbish. How to Manage or Dispose of It

Introduction Rubbish is universal yet many do not understand how to manage or dispose of it properly. In many parts of the world, it is practically impossible not to see rubbish littered. Rubbish is produced on a daily basis as people consume goods. Some dispose of their rubbish properly whereas...

International Business Transactions: Major Barriers and Concerns

Introduction Over the past years, International Business Transactions have continued to grow as a result of the rapid expansion in technology. International business transaction is basically trade that is carried out among nations in order to expand and diversify their source of sales and obtain more resources. These business transactions...

Organization Policy and Management: Employment-At-Will Doctrine

Helping Slow Learners at WorkPlace People do not always take a similar amount of time to learn a concept. This sometimes puts managers in a frustrating position when some of their employees are not able to learn at the same pace as other employees especially when the subject being learned...

Offset Printing for Small and Large Production Runs

The importance of a product’s retail packaging in modern consumerist society is difficult to overestimate. The way that a product is completed from the place of fabrication to the storehouse and finally to the end-user is protected and accompanied by its retail packaging. The product handling without proper packaging could...

Homelessness in Los Angeles: Causes and Solutions

Introduction Los Angeles experiences several crises at the moment that affect the population. Nowadays, the traffic, gentrification, suburban deterioration, higher than ever real estate prices, racism, violent crimes, education degradation, and other issues slowly undermine the functioning of one of the most famous cities in the US. All these problems...

Online Pornography: A Road to a Fake Image of Intimacy

Online pornography appeared when the indecent photos in the 1990s were followed by salacious videos of the 2000s and lewd live streams in the 2010s. The access to pornography was facilitated by decreasing the size of gadgets used for its viewing. Not only has it become easier to access, but...

American Revolution: The Abolitionism Movement

The abolitionism movement was a significant event in the history of the state, changing the views and legal treatment of slavery. “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” is a speech by Douglas prepared for the celebration of the American Revolution, in which Douglass argues for the freedom....

“Eyes on the Prize” by Bagwell

Introduction African-Americans began fighting for racial equality from early years of the 19th century when the United States banned the slave trade in 1808. Victims of social exclusion in public development encountered significant challenges that needed public address. Eyes on the Prize provides vital information on how the black community...

The Launch of Healthcare Projects

Artifact 1 includes a description of the situation regarding the use of the EHR system that arose in our hospital. This artifact illustrates my personal growth as an effective communicator and the person prepared to implement change. Communication is a considerable part of nursing practice as we have to interact...

The Impact of Food Choices on the Economy and Environment

I live in Manhattan, New York, and I can find anything I need in local grocery stores. My favorite one is Gristedes since it is situated close to my home and works long hours. Also, there is a delivery option, which is highly crucial in the present-day pandemic situation. For...

Governor and Public Policy: Formal and Informal Powers

Introduction When a person becomes an elected governor, they use formal and informal powers to influence public policy. I have recently been elected the Governor of Texas because I promised to address four significant issues. They include controlling immigration from Mexico, controlling spending on social programs, ensuring that the death...

Situational Awareness of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operators

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operators stand for remote pilots of autonomous observation aircraft, such as drones, for example, that collect intelligence information. Space Systems operators functions include support of the space-related missions via air traffic controller. The current paper provides a comparison of situational awareness experienced by these two operators,...

Political Science: Human Security & Revolution-in-Military-Affairs

Human Security Human security is a strategic policy agenda within the arena of international politics since it aims at addressing all forms of human vulnerabilities which threaten the well-being of communities around the world. The major susceptibilities and challenges include protracted violence and political conflicts, diseases, epidemics, natural calamities, economic...

Those Lazy, Hazy Days

Winter blues are never as tiring and soul-wrenching as they are at the end of February. The sun rarely shows its face, and all of us feel as if we are trapped in an endless pool of grey. It’s ironic that when it’s hot and humid, all we think about...

Impact of Leadership Behavior and Style on Workplace

Introduction Leadership style is defined as leaders’ distinctive behaviors which they use to direct, encourage, monitor, and manage groups of people. Effective administrators inspire their followers to become innovative, more productive, and creative. However, there are significant differences in the manner in which people lead, and researchers have developed various...

Sociological Issues Display in Literary Works

Aravind, Kola, et al. “Nihilism in Flannery O’Connor’s ‘Good Country People.’” Journal of Critical Reviews, vol. 7, no. 4, 2020, pp. 646-647. This scholarly article draws attention to the topic of nihilism in O’Connor’s “Good Country People.” Aravind et al. have created a paper that is suitable for a broad...

Influence and Persuasion

Influence is a powerful currency in the business environment that gives a lot of leverage to those who master this skill. It is not surprising that there is an extensive body of literature on the art of persuasion and its application in real life. Such is the book by Bob...

Sociocultural Influence of Catholicism

Introduction The rapidly growing world population presupposes the increase in the number of religious and social communities that inevitably have a tremendous influence on global development. However, there exists a relatively small number of world religions that now have been shaping the overall behavioral patterns of the community for centuries....

Why Capitalism Is Superior to Socialism

The modern world is facing a myriad of cchallenges, including environmental issues, severe economic constraints, as well as global health-related threats. All these concerns fuel the discussion of the relevance and effectiveness of the economic agendas countries choose. The debate that involves comparing capitalism and socialism seems relevant these days....

Criminal Justice Authority Evaluation

Introduction The criminal justice system is important in every state as assists in bringing order in the society. The criminal justice process provides correctional facilities to reform those who go against the laws. The institutions of criminal justice use the constitutional in the justice and thereby make rulings based on...

Bitcoins and Their System: Payment Option for Business

Introduction Bitcoins appear to be the most well-known cryptocurrency in the world, which implies an electronic user payment system by analogy to digital wallets and bank accounts. Unlike traditional monetary resources, digital coins are not dependent on the economics of a particular country or central bank. All the operations regarding...

Interpersonal Psychotherapy and Alcohol Addiction

Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is a highly adaptable approach to treating an array of disorders, and it has been used to address the needs of various patient groups. In the beginning, IPT was designed as a brief intervention to use as primary care; later on, it was tailored to treat adolescents...

Health and Medicine: Facility Planning

Facility Name The name of the proposed facility would be,” THE SOUTH STATE HOSPITAL” and the logo that will identify the hospital is;- The choice of the name has been derived from the region in which the hospital shall be located; ‘SOUTHERN STATE OF CAROLINA’. The phrase depicts the quality...

The Fight for the Right to Vote for African-Americans

The right to vote is widely recognized as one of the fundamental human rights. In a democratic state, it is essential for each individual to impact the country’s sociopolitical life through voting. While the right is accepted as fundamental, it is denied to a multitude of people around the globe....

Corporate Social Responsibility in Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca

Introduction With the increasing profits of companies in the 20th century, the question about their potential contribution to society was raised. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) implies procedures and practices that are considered by companies to make a positive impact and achieve pro-social objectives. In terms of Carroll’s pyramid of CSR,...

Criminal Law: A Case Study

The issue(s) or principle(s) of law being argued This case is concerned with the issue of whether provocation can arise from the act of the accused having been found in bed with her lover – in other words, the issue was whether his conviction could be reduced from second degree...

“The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man”: Book Review

Introduction The emergence of racial differences presents a scope to investigate the nineteenth-century indications of African American male liberty and citizenship. The torture and abuse of the black parties reveal the widespread hypothesis about similarities and cultural regimes. This research about The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man reviews and investigates...

Laboring Client and Postpartum Hemorrhage: Case Study

Gestational age is a significant measurement during pregnancy with the help of which it is possible to track and control the changes of a mother and a fetus. The normal gestational age for giving birth is between 37 and 42 weeks. When a patient is at her 42 weeks, the...

Border Security and Immigration

Homeland security plays a central role in ensuring the overall safety within the United States, but it is important to understand that there are intricate factors at play in regards to the general approaches utilized by a wide range of agencies. Although there are certain limitations in the overall implementation...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Violent Computer Games Must Be Banned

In a rapidly changing world, computer technology is becoming an increasingly important factor influencing the formation of a young person’s identity. With the growth of the influence of computer technologies on the consciousness of a modern person, a tendency has emerged that allows one to notice the increasing dynamics of...

Volkswagen’s Diesel Fraud: Ethical Behaviour and Decision Making in the Workplace

The VW scandal The VW scandal is a case that highlights significant inefficiencies in management. As such, the whole management team would be assigned responsibility for the scandal. This would be led by the CEO, Martin Winterport, who was the company’s head in the fraud case and was responsible for...

William Blake’s Poetry and the Modern Republic in Crisis

Introduction Blake’s society was in the midst of revolutionary fever, and the hope of a better future prompted the poet to express views he hoped would guide the people to freedom. His poems show that apparent evil is the manifestation of energy working to oppose the established order. This new...

Event Management: Risk Management Assessment

Selected Festival: Burning Man Issue #1 Weather: What weather challenge have you selected to plan for? Fire Is this a controlled risk or respond hazard? It is uncontrollable hazard A L A R P What could be the degree of harm that could happen as a result of this risk/hazard? The...

European Debt Crisis: Fiscal Union Modern Perspectives

Introduction The European Union is currently experiencing one of its worst financial crises since the formation of the regional body in December 1991. So far, three countries namely Greece, Ireland as well as Portugal have admitted facing huge national debts while Spain and Italy are facing the danger of slumping...

Environmental Justice Issues in Miami

Introduction Environmental justice is one of the major concerns of society today. It presupposes the fair distribution of environmental benefits and burdens to ensure that no communities or groups suffer from unfair attitudes or being exposed to factors threatening their lives and well-being (Abel and Stephan 320). However, regardless of...

Environmental Problems in Today’s Belarus

Environmental problems in today’s Belarus go back to the times of the Soviet regime. An agrarian republic, Belarus suffered from one of the biggest tragedies of the 20th century: the Chernobyl disaster. Even though the accident occurred at the Ukrainian nuclear power plant, a neighboring Belarus endured the devastating effect...

Social Care: Linking Social Response and Migration

Introduction It goes without saying that for smooth functioning, any society should have a social order. However, no society across the globe and through human history succeeded in forcing all members to continually behave expectedly. In general, there are two responses from people when real or seeming pressures from others...

“Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent” by Wilkerson

Biography Isabel Wilkerson was born in 1961 in Washington DC, US. She grew up to join Howard University for a journalism course. She served as editor-in-chief for her college newspaper known as The Hilltop. While studying, she got a chance to carry out her internship in Los Angeles Times and...

Cafeteria in Watauga Campus: The Problem of Students’ Nutrition

Introduction Inadequate and unbalanced nutrition brings adverse outcomes to students’ health and negatively affects their general education performance. Canteens at universities and campuses used to be characterized by deterioration and rise in the cost of food. The facility that Watauga Campus of Caldwell Community College needs is a cafeteria. The...

When the U.S. Military Strikes

The so-called Operation Geronimo successfully ended a centralized leadership of Al-Qaeda, eliminating Osama bin Laden, its infamous head. Decentralized and diffused extremists continue to exist, but the threat has been minimized since. Both Americans and the international community were relieved to hear such news back in April 2011, mindful of...

The Book of Habakkuk: Interpretive Commentary

Introduction The book of Habakkuk is a religious text attributed to the prophet Habakkuk. It is believed to have been written in the 7th century BC and is the eighth book in twelve Minor Prophets.1 No biographical information is known about the author, with his name only appearing few times...

Pornography vs. Artistic Nude Photographs

Introduction The practice of depicting human nakedness has been evolving for the last few centuries, with marked changes being witnessed. There was a general distaste for viewing images of naked people in the past, but the new wave of liberalization has changed this aspect. People are bolder and more comfortable...

Impact of Toxic Substances and Resource Extraction

Types of Toxic Substances Asphyxiants When methane, a common breakdown chemical, builds up in low-lying areas (such as gulleys), it may cause asphyxiation in those who breathe it in. A simple asphyxiant is a non-toxic gas that only causes harm when abundant in the atmosphere at high levels to replace...

Basic Ethics and Bioethics Principles in Health Care

Summary The field of health care ethics addresses the wide variety of moral decision-making situations that can arise in medical practice. The areas of moral concern can include the clinical relationship between medical professionals and the patient, human subject research, the harvesting and transplantation of human organs, euthanasia, and abortion...

The Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Academic Achievement

Introduction Sleep is a basic necessity for every person because the entire organism receives the required rest while an individual is sleeping. However, not all people understand this fact, which results in the deprivation of sleep, and this issue is typical among adolescents. Objective and subjective reasons can result in...

Frank Stella’s Black Series Paintings

Introduction Frank Stella is a prolific American painter working in the minimalist genre. His works display an array of skills and high technical mastery while also challenging the idea of art as a monolith. In particular, the present discussion will concern his “Black Painting” series – a collection of early...

The Causes and Effects of Obesity

Introduction Today, obesity is one of the most common diseases in many countries. Obesity is not so dangerous but leads to several complications and causes many life-threatening diseases. Currently, many ways to treat and prevent obesity often do not require medication intervention but only a human lifestyle change. Nevertheless, more...

Types of Assessment in Psychology

Introduction Neuropsychology refers to a discipline in the field of psychology concerned with exploring how an individual’s behavior and condition are connected within the brain and the rest of the nervous system. Specifically, professionals working in the branch are predominantly focused on how illnesses and injuries of the brain impact...

The Role of the Federal Reserve

Introduction Federal Reserve, otherwise known as the Federal Reserve System, is the United States central bank. It was created under Federal Reserve Act signed by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913. The act dictates its roles and responsibilities in the financial sector. The Federal Reserve is headed by a Board of...

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Show-Don’t-Tell in Mise-en-Scene of “Psycho”

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Leading Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare

Introduction It is important to note that interdisciplinary collaboration can be used to achieve desired patient and systems outcomes. The given report focuses on the analysis and assessment of the interview conducted with the nursing colleague, where key organizational issues were identified. The emphasis will be put on incorporating evidence-based...

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The Samsara reveals that the human cycle is a journey. People go through a cycle of desire and suffering because of their ego and ignorance. As a result, they go through a cycle and series of rebirths until they can escape the treadmill. Karma imprisons an individual by the transmigratory...

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Popular Research Paper Topics

Telenursing: Nursing Practice in Cyberspace

Telenursing is one of the emerging nursing practices that involve the use of information technology to provide nursing services to patients without necessarily interacting with them physically. According to Soar, Swindell, and Tsang (2011), telenursing is an interesting practice that allows the nurses to reach out to patients who are...

“Catch Me If You Can” a Film by Steven Spielberg

Introduction The life and adventures of Frank Abagnale were portrayed in the film Catch Me If You Can by Steven Spielberg. The movie was released in 2002. It represented the biographical and the detective genre. The aim of this essay is to analyze the plot of the film and to...

Burnout Syndrome in Professional Nurses

Introduction Burnout syndrome is a serious issue that negatively affects many workers in any profession, especially nurses. The syndrome is associated with a number of psychological distress forms, such as the sense of low personal fulfillment, emotional exhaustion, and depersonalization (Dde, Magnago, Sakae, & Magajewski, 2009, p. 1559). To resolve...

Future of Nursing Report’s Role in Practice

The IOM report titled “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” was written as a set of guidelines designed to transform the nursing practice, education, and leadership into more modern incarnations of these concepts. It includes such ideas as the implementation of residency training for nurses, the increase of training...

The Importance of Cultural Framing

Introduction Setting the premises for a conflict, cultural frames determine the scope of the vision of the world for a specific social or ethnic group. Preventing the members of the groups in question from seeing past the frames set by the philosophy, which they created, the given phenomenon explains basically...

Tesco Corporation’s Internalization Strategies

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Short Hand Graphic Design Company’s Profile

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Watson’s Theory for Oncology Intervention Project

Applicable Nursing Theory Utilized For current project, Jean Watson’s theory of human caring seems suitable. The theory’s principles incorporate such values as spiritual care, equality, and kindness (Watson, 2013). Therefore, the theory is closely associated with the suggested interventions since relieving pain and eliminating adverse outcomes of treatment is one...

Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Theory

Introduction Dorothea Elizabeth Orem (1914-2007) was a nursing theorist and the pioneer of the self-care nursing theory. She received a nursing diploma from Providence Hospital School of Nursing in Washington, DC. Also, Orem earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Education and a Master of Science in Nursing Education from...

Nursing Change Initiative Implementation and Sustaining

Evaluation of the change plan To determine whether the change plan is effective or not, both intermediate and outcome assessments are required. In the course of the project realization, it is necessary to specify how well the initiative is implemented. It can be done through an assessment of stakeholder engagement...

Balance of Power Theory and Modern World Order

The modern world is characterized by a great deal of instability that can threaten the world order established after the Second World War. It becomes clear that the created paradigms are inefficient in meeting the challenges of the world that ceased to be two-pole over two decades ago. The issues...

Circular Economy as an Emerging Trend

Introduction The trend that appears one of the most significant for organizational and societal future on the global scale is circular economy. Simply put, it is a mode of production that makes the most use of recycling, eliminating waste and reusing it in a fashion that can be described as...

Anglo-Saxons: Trial by Ordeal

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Distance Learning for Addressing Nurse Shortage

Critique of a Research Article: Introduction The article “Is Distance Education the Answer to the Nursing Shortage” raises an interesting issue that should be analyzed by stakeholders in the healthcare sector. The author examines how the increased demand for nurses and nursing education has led to the promotion of diverse...

Major British Banking Group and Financial Crisis

Financial crisis 2008 is a critical debate today due to its significant effects on the economy. Most importantly is the fact that there exists a close connection between financial crises and liquidity of banks. The study will demonstrate that before the crises the banking sector experienced an unusual positive creation...

Heart Disease Patients’ Education and Barriers

Introduction Relevant academic literature has been reviewed to identify major themes and important findings in the area of patient education among heart disease patients. Many studies have been dedicated to the issue, and it is generally acknowledged that patient education efforts made by health care providers can be effective in...

Effective Nursing Leadership Skills and Approaches

Continuous Quality Improvement and Patient Satisfaction Nowadays rapidly changing world sets new opportunities and challenges in the field of nursing. Nevertheless, proposed by Florence Nightingale as the top priority, permanent improvement and patient satisfaction remain important. McFadden, Stock, and Gowen (2015) define quality improvement as a combination of knowledge, skills,...

Heritage Assessment: Mexican, Russian and German Families

Introduction The provision of safe and effective health care requires the acknowledgment of the cultural and ethnic backgrounds of patients, which shape their beliefs about proper health care practices. The recognition of health-care disparities across groups of patients from different ethnic heritage calls for the need to increase the level...

The Problem of Pressure Sores in Elderly Patients

This paper aims to review the issue of pressure ulcers in elderly patients in long-term care facilities. Research suggests considering modern-day evidence-based methods of preventing pressure ulcers, methods of management of PUs, and its causes, and the prevention methods and comparison of the effectiveness of existing management practices. The study...

Fall Prevention Techniques and Patient Exercises

Literature Review Fall risk in acute care is one of the primary causes of the appearance of a wide range of complications. The latter may significantly decrease the quality of lives of elderly patients and deprive them of an opportunity to recover. Realizing the importance of the discussed topic, many...

Communication Role at the Today’s Workplace

Is Communication Important in the Workplace Today? The success of any business is predetermined not only by the careful choice and implementation of market strategies, quality of products and services, or strong leadership but also by communication established among all people involved in it. Communication serves two major purposes: it...

The Civil Rights Movement and Reconstruction

The Civil Rights Movement With the end of the Civil War in the United States, several groups, including the government and other non-governmental organizations, came up with many propositions to protect the rights of minorities, such as Africans and Asians, who were always under constant threats from the whites. This...

The Nursing Process to Deliver Culturally Competent Care

Introduction In contemporary society, the delivery of the health care process that is culturally competent has become essential. Cultural competence entails the attitudes and behaviors held by nurses that enable them to communicate effectively with patients from different cultural backgrounds. It involves the delivery of health care that befits the...

Friedman’s Free Market Capitalism

Milton was a pre-eminent American Economist who earned accolades for his free-market economic theory (407). A free market economy is a system in which the prices of goods and services are determined purely by the demand and supply in the market. There is no government intervention to determine such prices....

America in the Great War and Leading Factors

Many historians believe strongly that the Great War was an unforgettable event that changed global relationships forever. Although the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in the year 1914 is what triggered the global upheaval, the agreeable fact is that several forces and events experienced throughout the 19th century led to...

Family Life Education: Heritage Assessment

Common Health Traditions Based on Cultural Heritage The assessment of heritage characteristics of three families revealed some common traits and also differences. It seems appropriate to analyze each family in detail. The Latin family consists of the mother from Cuba, the father from Mexico, and their son. This nuclear family...

Organizational Behavior Aspects and Leadership Style

Team dynamics For an effective business, leaders should ensure they have orchestrated teams that are focused and responsive to the needs of an organization; to develop the teams, managers need to understand their team dynamics. Generally, teams are formal groups within an organization; formal groups have some set goals and...

Tiffany & Co.’s Strategic Choice and Evaluation

Tiffany & Co is a company with a strong brand name and famous for its luxury goods. The company was started in 1837 by Charles Lewis Tiffany and John F. Young. They opened a store in New York that was intended to sell Stationery and costume jewelry. In 1845, the...

Compromised Rulers in Literary Works

Introduction Modern societies long for democratic values including equality and the ability to make major decisions. People who lived centuries ago could only dream about democracy or any manifestation of this form of rule. People were to abide by the law and do whatever their ruler might ask them to...