Lee v Ashers Baking Co: Violation of Liberal Principles of Equality

Introduction The issue of equality and the uniqueness of persons has always been a widely discussed topic. The case of Lee v Ashers Baking Co is an instance of discrimination that should be considered to show the Court’s approach to the violation of liberal principles of equality (Lee v Ashers...

Advanced and Developing Economy Countries: Germany and Bangladesh

Research Economic disparities are generally connected to a variety of societal factors determining the conditions of the environment for promoting progress. The link between the two areas can be supported by conducting an analysis of the situations in two different countries, one of which is an advanced economy, and another...

Towards Green Construction: Timber as Material

Introduction Today, there is a variety of options allowing to construct buildings in accordance with the population’s needs and modern tendencies, and a range of materials are available for realizing designers’ ideas. Timber is a resource, which has been used since early ages, and it is possible to construct with...

McClinton and Valencia at Anya Tish Gallery

Dave McClinton delves into the gravity of American history by depicting the life cycle of a black’s inner life. The meaning of McClinton’s work is the depiction of the strength and hardships of the African American community, which contributes to the study of collective identity. Dave McClinton channeled his life...

Open-Source Software Culture

Open-source software has been gaining increased popularity over the recent years and has become a standard of software development. In contrast to proprietary software, which can be altered only by its owners, open-source programs can be accessed by anyone, which provides multiple benefits for businesses and individual programmers. Its’ popularity...

Should the Green New Deal Be Embraced?

Introduction Energy is an essential topic in the US because of its effects on climate change and the adoption of the Green New Deal. The foundational question in determining the suitability of adopting the Green New Deal is based on how can the US society meet its energy needs while...

Google’s Monopoly in the Search Engine Industry

Introduction The internet search industry has experienced a rapid increase since its discovery. Search engines rank the highest among the most visited sites on the internet. The fact that they focus on providing relevant information from the internet to the consumers has significantly contributed to the success of such companies....

Othello: Iago and His Self-Knowledge

Introduction Most storylines require a villain or, at the very least, an antihero. Shakespeare’s plays are a case in point in this regard. The plot is typically advanced by the antagonists, who pave the way for the protagonists to either succeed or fail. In Othello, Iago is the villain who...

Business Model of McKinnie Real Estate

Business Model Canvas The Business Model Canvas is a tool for strategic management for describing, designing, and analyzing business models. It is has a favorable influence on both new and current enterprises. Using the nine parts of the Business Approach Canvas model, the research tries to determine McKinnie real estate’s...

Diet Modification for Five Diets

Personal Experience My initial experience with fasting was a wonderful success because I completed all the goals I set forth at the start. Among the achievements include physical detoxification, increased food appetite, offering an open forum for personal improvement for readers to discover about fasting without prejudice, and weight reduction....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Racism in Modern Canada: Taking Action as a Helping Professional

Cases of racial and ethnic discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, which occur daily, impede the improvement of the lives of millions of people around the world. Few social phenomena in the history of the world face such universal condemnation as racism. Although this topic is considered by various organizations, religious,...

Nando: International Marketing Mix Strategy

Recently, marketing has proven to be a key function for the continuity and success of any business regardless of the size or scale of its operations. As a result, businesses that want to survive and thrive in today’s market must focus most of their efforts on marketing their products both...

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Merger

Companies can decide to merge or acquire other businesses to grow further or solve a problem within the firm. For example, some organizations may see a merger to reach a new market or expand to new locations. In contrast, others wish to reduce the number of potential competitors and acquire...

Language Simulation Activity Plan Creation

This activity uses drama and storytelling to help children develop their language skills and improve their reading comprehension and expressiveness. Children can practice their vocal language skills and develop self-confidence through theater, while they can learn to listen and grasp through narrative. This activity also develops literacy skills because the...

Health Economics – Health Insurance

Introduction According to (Roemoeer, 1986), Health insurance pays for part or all bills of health care of a person. There are various types of health insurance which include individual plans, health plans for the government, health plans for groups and worker’s compensation. Health insurance is also classified into managed care...

Maternal Care Access in the Health Industry

Problem and Population It should be noted that maternal care is one of the critical areas within the healthcare industry. It strives for minimizing mortality and morbidity levels since the incidence rates are rather high in the state (Sakala, Yang, & Corry, 2013). Other crucial aspects of caring are family...

Master’s Education in Nursing and Healthcare Practice

Abstract A master’s degree program in nursing equips students with appropriate competencies, skills, and concepts that make them proficient caregivers. Learners should acquire various concepts, ideas, and competencies to become skilled providers of patient care. Practitioners should also be prepared to meet the diverse health needs of many patients. These...

Miami Coral Way’s Public Health Issues

Introduction Despite the existence of a well-developed infrastructure, the community of Coral Way, Miami, has several public health issues identified by a windshield survey. The following paper analyzes the issues pertaining to the health barriers experienced by people with disabilities, lists relevant local organizations, and outlines the role of community...

Seafloor Investigation: Characteristics and Analysis

Nowadays, humanity seeks to understand and discover the majority of the processes that occur in our Universe. People create new technologies and cognition tools to investigate far places and objects, understand their nature and peculiarities of the evolution. We manage to reach space, and there are numerous programs aimed at...

Fraudulent Practices of Recruiters on Migrant Workers

Introduction Recruitment is the process of analyzing, attracting and hiring qualified candidates to fill a given job position in the organization. However, this process is currently full of fraudulent practices, especially on migrant employees throughout the world. Fraudulent practices of recruitment agencies and employers make the biggest problem for migrant...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Virtual Reality in Education and Science

Introduction The modern global development is associated with a rapid increase in the amounts of information that should be processed and cultivated for the maintenance of progress in many fields of human performance. Nowadays, many scientists recognize the significance of interactive visualization of large information amounts for the understanding efficiency...

“The Yellow Wallpaper” and “The Laugh of the Medusa”

On reading “The Yellow Paper,” I established that the premise of writing bases on charlotte’s experiences. Before seeking medical attention, she had faced frequent nervous breakdowns. The physician advised a rest cure as the most efficient way of managing her condition (Gilman 34). According to the medical practitioner, rest cure...

Aggression Reduction and Social Behavior

Abstract Aggressiveness is a genetically determined characteristic of humans. However, it should be reduced to avoid other people and self-injury. Punishment is a widely used method to prevent aggressive behavior. However, it was demonstrated in several studies that the conception of punishment is not an effective approach to decrease aggressiveness....

Public Mental Health Program Planning

Leading Health-Care Indicators and Related Public Health Program in Florida Mental health is a leading health indicator included in the Healthy People 2020 national plan. Various mental disorders can equally affect individuals of differing multicultural backgrounds, and the prevalence of severe mental illnesses remains high in the United States. According...

El Portal, Florida: Community Assessment

Defining the Community The given paper is devoted to the detailed community assessment with the primary goal to determine its current state and problems that might affect its further development. The selected community is El Portal, Florida. It is a comparatively small diverse enclave placed between Miami Shores and Miami....

Post-Operative Readmission Rates: Literature Review

Introduction Cancer has become one of the major burdens in the healthcare system, leading to high mortality rates and significantly decreasing the quality of life of the surviving patients. In many cases, healthcare professionals manage to save their patients’ lives through surgical operations. However, there exists a considerable risk of...

Social Class Experience at College

Indroduction The autobiography of our time at the colleges we attend, identifying what about your social class makes it easy or challenging for you to be in college. In other words, identify the parts of your college experiences that are shaped by social class. Most teenagers and college students are...

“The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte P. Gilman

Charlotte Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” depicts the inner struggle of a woman unbalanced by post-partum depression, a problem for which even today’s doctors have no treatment. Her husband and brother are both doctors who have her best interest at heart but whose recommended rest cure is based on the accepted...

The American Civil War: A History of the American Revolution

When the former colony of the British Empire rose up in rebellion, the ragtag army led by General Washington defeated the well-oiled war machine of English. The founding fathers of the United States of America declared that all men are equal and proceeded to build a great nation. But less...

Education Reform Plan in California

The current California state propositions deal with educational reforms and additional funding provided for public education. The proposed plan implies additional spending on public education and support of local district schools. The funds will come from the Budget Stabilization Fund. It is supposed that “these payments would replace any payments...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Maurice by E.M. Forster Novel and Film Adaptation Comparative Analysis

It is not a secret, though the truth is rather sad, that the works of imaginative literature are not so popular today if compared with the demand for movies. There is no doubt that watching a film is less time-consuming in comparison with the reading of a book that can...

Project Team: Definition, Principles of Function and Possible Conflicts

Introduction Project team creation means forming a group of people or a group of teams working together to achieve a common goal. Many reputed organizations build a good project team. Every organization must be doing many projects like launching a new product, opening a new branch, opening a new company,...

Ethics and Globalization in Business

Introduction A business will only manage to keep up its reputation if it fully recognizes the established business ethics in its environment. As such, each and every firm that aspires to grow to great heights must be prepared to follow to the letter the codes of conduct that govern its...

The Nature of Leadership

Leadership is an interesting subject that excites so many people. When the term is mentioned, images of powerful individuals who head top Corporations in the world and army officials who have commanded victories in various big wars and politicians who shape nations come into our mind. We also think of...

Intermittent Explosive Disorder: Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction The American Psychiatric Association (2013) defines intermittent explosive disorder (IED) as behavioral outbursts caused by failure to control impulses of aggression. The disorder differs from other kinds of aggression individuals may show, as it is a reoccurring issue. Due to the fact that patients with the disorder struggle to...

Wellness Education Program for African Americans

Introduction African Americans are a vulnerable group of the population as they tend to develop diabetes more often than other races, which is a concern for the healthcare system that has to undertake actions to educate them to improve their health outcomes. In addition, African American communities in the U.S....

Medication Error: Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan

Nowadays, patient safety still requires continuous improvements that are based on evidence and lead to the elimination of health care system deficiencies. The sentinel events that will be analyzed are medication errors taking place at Clarion Court, Minnesota. This patient safety problem has been deteriorating for six months what seen...

Io: Tragic Figure and Unsung Hero of “Prometheus Bound”

Introduction Prometheus Bound contains a plethora of colorful characters, exemplifying the inimitable nature of Greek mythology, where polytheism combines with a very human-centered perspective on the intentions and desires of the gods of the Greek Pantheon. Specifically, the play features a character that readers often barely notice, even though it...

How to Stay Healthy During Self-Isolation

History Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, self-isolation guidelines have been passed across the United States. People are being advised to maintain a distance from each other, and going out is frowned upon. Businesses that are deemed non-essential have closed or begun operating on a delivery basis, and the rest...

Tectonic Plates as the Big Idea in Science

There are theories and ideas that are considered to be of major importance, as they provide an explanation of the way our world functions. Einstein’s Relativity, Steven Hawking’s Black Holes in Astronomy, and Darwin’s Origin of Species are a few examples of the ideas that, at some point, fundamentally changed...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Realism and Naturalism in Spanish and French Literature

Introduction It might be stated that both realism and naturalism played a substantial role in the history of Spanish literature. Hence, the approaches of the founders of these genres are an appropriate theme to discover. It should be mentioned that French authors – such as Balzac and Zola – affected...

Network Security Devices: Effectiveness of Security Approaches

Introduction The primary protective mechanism underlying the physical component of NFC technology is the working area of the devices. It is assumed that due to the remote operating location of the technology, it is impossible to perform unauthorized actions about contactless data transmission. However, this is not the case: a...

Nietzsche’s Philosophy and Worldview

It is necessary to raise the question of the nature of the direction of the criticism of Nietzsche against thinking. Although it is comprehensive and very radical at first glance, the study allows us to see the ambiguity of such an understanding. Uncompromising criticism is directed primarily against the absolutization...

Comparing American Dream Collapsing and the Fading American Dreams

The first article is American dream collapsing done by Jim Tankersley in 2016. The author is writing about the decline in several children earning more than their parents. In 1940, 92% of children earned more than their parents compared to 46% in 1980 (Tankersley, para 2). The biggest conversation is...

Employment of People with Disabilities in the UAE

Introduction The problem of people with disabilities fitting into society and having an opportunity to lead an everyday life is urgent worldwide. Most of the time, things that regular people take for granted and consider a bare minimum for persons with disabilities can be unattainable. Many struggles to integrate and...

Failures and Successes of Operation Anaconda

Introduction On September 11, 2001, a number of militants associated with the Islamic multinational extremist organization al-Qaeda committed airline hijackings and suicide attacks against the U.S., making it the deadliest terrorist act in American history. Approximately a month later, the U.S. military forces invaded Afghanistan to avenge the attacks, starting...

Imperialism and Racism During the Colonial Period

Introduction Modern society is still grappling with the long-term repercussions of colonialism. In the 19th century, Western European powers such as France, England, and Germany launched a new period of imperial expansion in particular regions of Asia and Africa. Europe needed new consumer markets and raw materials in the aftermath...

The Brick-And-Mortar Company: E-Commerce

Introduction Within the scope of this paper, we will discuss how Brick & Mortar Company might benefit from doing business online. The customer is king at Brick-and-Mortar establishments as well as at the most successful online merchants. Customer demands are evolving at a rapid pace, and online purchasing is becoming...

Kant and Nietzsche on Morally Good Human Life

Introduction There are three common frameworks for moral philosophy: deontology, utilitarianism, and virtue ethics. Virtue ethics is possibly the oldest ethical theory in the world, with origins in Ancient Greece. Ethics, also called moral philosophy, is the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad and morally right and...

Mobile Insulin Dosing System Usage

Introduction Mobile healthcare technologies have become an integral part of the health system globally over the last few decades. The increased technological advancements have made this possible with the new inventions bettering life and health in general. Mobile technologies are usually provided based on certain needs within the health field....

Racism Issue in the Play “A Raisin in the Sun” by Bill Duke

The renowned play A Raisin in the Sun, directed by Bill Duke, depicts the challenges and biases endured by black families in America as they attempt to better their socioeconomic wellness. In this way, racial prejudice is the central issue of the work, and it represents the conditions that occurred...

The Book and Movie Versions of “The Martian”

Introduction The Martian, by Andy Weir, is a science fiction novel adapted into a 2015 film directed by Ridley Scott. It has been adapted into a critically acclaimed movie and has become a worldwide sensation. Both the book and the movie present the story of astronaut Mark Watney, who is...

Identify World Music Terms

Indonesia Instruments Rebab: It is a fiddle with two strings. It’s mainly found within Muslim nations. Gambang: Is an instrument that resembles a xylophone. It’s made of wood and is commonly used in the Southern Philippines and Indonesia. Suling: A bamboo flute used by Indonesians in gamelan ensembles. Kendang: A...

Machavellian Ideologies in Europe in the 16-17th Centuries

Introduction Machiavelli advocated a government whose powers were centralized around one person, who allegedly represented the state. The main reason he stuck to this type of government was his long service as an aide to Cesar Borgia1. He took time to study the behavior of Borgia before coming up with...

Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Mortality Rate

A Quality Collaborative or HCAHPS Kendall Regional Medical Center is a 417-bed facility in Miami-Dade County, Florida. A CMS survey revealed that Kendall has below average scores in nine HCAHPS measures, including hospital recommendation (62%). It is suggested that the hospital focuses on patient satisfaction and safety to reduce mortality...

Nursing Education Regulatory Requirement

Opening Remarks New recommendations from influential agencies such as the Institute of Medicine, American Nursing Association, and American Association of Colleges of Nursing require nurses to hold a Bachelor of Science (BSN) degree to enhance patient care outcomes (Grant, 2014; Jones, 2015). In realization of the fact that most nurses...

Patient Transition Changes: Implementation Plan

Introduction Transition is an important element of patient care, and suboptimal transition may have highly adverse consequences for the patient, such as serious complications that could have been prevented and hospital readmission (Toles, Colón-Emeric, Naylor, Barroso, & Anderson, 2016; Verhaegh et al., 2014). The current paper describes the third phase...

Johann Sebastian Bach’s Biography

Johann Sebastian Bach is a name that comes up among the first when it comes to naming the most important musicians in human history. Despite this, during his lifetime Bach was mostly regarded as a famous organist, not as a composer. He has worked with some of the established musical...

Nephrostomy Care and Boundary Spanning

Nephrostomy care is an essential part of healthcare organizations (HCO), whose goal revolves around diagnosing and treating patients with kidney or renal dysfunctions. HCOs require a unique set of management skills and approaches, which enable to optimize the workflow among these institutions. Operational leadership in HCO is a crucial concept,...

Nursing Education Change and Storytelling Method

The process of change requires the utmost attention and the involvement of effective leadership practices. For the practicum project in question, the most feasible risks lie within the domain of teamwork and cooperation. To minimize the risks associated with it, the persuasive leadership practices are required, with storytelling being the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Disaster Recovery Plan: Business Impact Analysis

Methods for Establishing Component Priorities Business Functions and Processes Disasters, be they natural or human-instigated, are rather difficult to forecast and, thus, extremely hard to handle (Johnson, 2014). As a result, it is crucial for an organization to design a comprehensive disaster management plan (DMP) in case of a disaster...

Toyota Company: Organizational Learning and Solving Problems

Introduction Leadership requires detailed information to make favorable decisions. The Toyota Company recognized this and came up with strategies to provide the organization with a blueprint for leadership. The Toyota Way is a policy initiative for developing and sustaining leadership in organizations. Genchi Genbutsu Section IV of the Toyota Way...

“Remember the Titans” Movie by B. Yakin

Introduction There is a number of factors that can impact a movie’s popularity, and one of them is the degree to which the plot reflects social and personal problems affecting the target audience. Yakin’s (2000) Remember the Titans is an award-winning movie that sheds light on the history of racism...

Health of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children

Introduction The purpose of this essay is to review a scientific article that describes a medical study. The authors of the paper selected for the purpose aim to evaluate the effectiveness of vaccination concerning improving the health of children when compared to infants who did not receive immunization. To that...

The Theories of Von Clausewitz and Understanding of Warfare

There have been multiple attempts to understand the nature of armed conflicts and study the topic of war and warfare from the philosophical viewpoint. To express his understanding of war as a socio-cultural phenomenon, Carl von Clausewitz, a prominent specialist in military theory and practice, formulated the concepts of the...

Intellectual Property Rights in Entertainment. Market Research

Introduction As the question of legitimacy in the rights and use of intellectual property rights continues to hit the entertainment industry, there is however a lack of comprehensive supportive data on the same. Every aspect of excessive use of these rights by the consumers in the entertainment industry remains unknown....

The Role of Serotonin in Impulsive and Aggressive Behaviors

Human brain is considered as the highly evolved organ to execute diverse environmentally adapted functions which may rely on the interaction between the cognitive and visual skills. Disorders associated with the mental function may lead to abnormal psychological behavior. I am having keen interest in understanding the psychopathology of certain...

The Last Scene of Miller’s “Death of a Salesman”

This scene is at the last of the play, beginning about line 780 in Act II and continuing to the end of the play. Willy and the boys have already had a fight, and the boys left with a couple of local tarts without telling their father they were going....

Prescribed Drugs With Complementary and Alternative Medicines

Pharmacological Management Plan CAMs Contraindicated with Current Prescription Creatine Creatine supplement is metabolized in the body to creatinine which is excreted through the kidneys. The body also produces its own creatinine; therefore, in individuals consuming creatine supplements, the total creatinine is high. Creatine supplementation results in water retention by skeletal...

Hwang’s “Trying to Find Chinatown” and Packer’s “Brownies”

For many minority families, identity and self-determination have been the main problems since ancient times. The play Trying to find Chinatown by Hwang and the short story Brownies by Packer describe life struggle and hardships faced by minority people in America. Both stories describe strong religious values and ideals kept...

Nature of Name in “The Namesake” by Jhumpa Lahiri

Introduction In most cases our backgrounds characterize us, for instance, where we grew up, our beliefs as well as traditions, the forms of education we acquire and the friends we make. It only becomes a problem when your background clash and as a result we are left torn between the...

Rhetoric. Should the State Know Your HIV Status? by Alfieri

Introduction / Thesis In her article “Should the State Know Your HIV Status?”, Rosemarie Gionta Alfieri sets a case against the proposals to make the practice of HIV testing mandatory. While doing it, she mainly utilizes the rhetorical devices of appeal to Pathos and Ethos, which is quite explainable, given...

Business Communication: Fitting the Message to Channel

Introduction The fact is that that the allover communication process is the transmission of a message from one person to another, which is aimed at sharing thoughts, considerations, opinions, and facts. As for the business communication process, and the messages, the issues of proper selection of the communication channel for...

Goodnight and Goodluck: An Evaluation of Its Historical Accuracy

Introduction Films as any form of media convey a message or more that either informs, entertains or stirs its viewers to take action. Others such as historical movies present a narrative of a past era of which its producers need to convey a clear understanding of the situations, characters and...

Psychological Effects of Pandemic Control Measures

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic broke out in China in December 2019, and by March 2020 has affected almost all countries around the globe causing national governments to introduce a range of unprecedented measures. As for now, nearly half of the world’s population is on lockdown endorsed to control the spread...

Resistance to Change: Reasons and Consequences

Changes that are an integral part of development occur every day and might affect people in different ways. Some of them perceive the constantly altering world positively; others feel less optimistic and show a certain resistance towards changes. Still, the existence of a person under the conditions of continuous moderations...

Gang Membership in the USA

Background There were approximately 29, 900 gangs in the US by the year 2011, and 29, 001 in the previous year (Egley & Howell, 2013). In terms of membership, there were about 756,000 gang members in 2010, and 782, 499 in 2011. The number of homicides that these gangs committed...

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Programs

Introduction Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) programs were formed inside the communities all over the States of America. The participants of the program are expert forensic nurses who underwent specialized training to provide round-the-clock, first-response medical interventions and crisis management to rape survivors in hospital and clinic settings. SANE programs...

Research Base for the Proposed Solution of Diabetics

Comprehensive Education Program Current studies indicate that incidences of diabetes mellitus and diabetic foot are increasing within populations, especially among young adults and adolescents. According to American Heart Association (2010), the increasing incidences are due to changes in the lifestyles of young people relative to older people (Para. 4). Since...

Self-Service Kiosks Requirements Project

The current requirement is a clear indication that the library board has considered the proposed model for providing self-service to meet the demands of more young readers. The suggested attributes and procedures will support the functions of every kiosk, reduce operational costs, serve more customers, and eventually promote reading culture....

Popular Research Paper Topics

The US Healthcare Delivery System and Role of Nurses

The health care delivery system in the U.S. has undergone significant changes within the past decades to meet the ever-growing demand for medical care. Economic, social, and cultural factors, along with emerging technologies, influence patient care services. As primary care providers, nurses are affected by the transformation and expected to...

The Controversial Figure of Herod the Great

Herod the Great was one of the most well-known rulers in the history of the Jewish state he has been praised for the creation of notable building projects, such as the Jerusalem temple, the extension of the Temple Mount, the erection of the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron, and...

Immigrants as an Underserved Community in the US

Introduction The 21st century is characterized by the surge in globalization processes that bring different parts of the world closer together. These trends promote the worldwide talent exchange, meaning that people opt for better places of residence and countries benefit from skilled and motivated workers from abroad. From a theoretical...

Crossing Language Barriers in the Society

Society relies on communication between people to evolve, but many language barriers rise when different cultures interact. International communication becomes difficult with hundreds of different languages existing all around the world. Despite Internet’s accessibility and versatility, many struggle to learn more than their native language. While some languages gain international...

Impacts of Drugs on the Society

Drug usage has been a crucial issue worldwide for many decades. It impacts not only the particular individuals addicted to illegal substances but also the surrounding around them, and eventually, it leads to massive social issues. This essay aims to identify drug addiction’s influence on society on the local, national,...

A Head Nurse as a Hospital Manager

Introduction The profession of a head nurse occupies an important place in the modern world since the person in this position bears tremendous responsibility for organizing the treatment process. Patients and their relatives or friends trust the head nurse’s words and look forward to being active in the workplace. This...

An Ideal Hero in the “Beowulf” Old English Poem

A hero is believed to be an individual of great strength, courage, and fortitude, or one of the central protagonists in a literary or cultural work, including a movie or video game. Facing overwhelming adversities, the leader uses creative abilities, valor, or power in order to overcome them. Hero and...

The Marijuana Legalization Arguments Analysis

Introduction Over the past decades, the world has experienced increased debate on the need for marijuana legalization. Marijuana is the realm’s most prevalent illegal drug, with an extensive base of regular users. It is the third most commonly used recreational drug in Western countries after alcohol and nicotine. Marijuana, which...

Negative Impact of Technology on Children

Introduction In the context of the modern development of society, information technologies have begun to play an important role in everyone’s life. It is almost impossible to imagine a person who can easily do without a cell phone, tablet, or another similar gadget. Moreover, it is increasingly evident that even...

Matter in The Colloid and the Crystal by Krutch

Introduction The question of uniformity of matter has been explored through various perspectives in the philosophical dimension. A naturalist position may be a good option on which an emphasis can be made within the scope of the issue. Joseph Krutch, being a significant representative of naturalists, advocated the necessity to...

Japanese Animation: “My Neighbour Totoro” Film

“MI VECINO TOTORO – Clip #2 Subtitulado “Paraguas””. YouTube, uploaded by Vértigo Films, 2018, Web. The video “MI VECINO TOTORO – Clip #2 Subtitulado “Paraguas” shows a scene from the animation “My Neighbour Totoro” and can be found on YouTube. It was uploaded in 2018 and served as a good...

The Regressive Tax System in Texas

Introduction Public policies are crucial to promoting public economic well-being, health, infrastructure, and K-12 education accessibility. In Texas, recent financial reports have revealed an increased concentration of wealth among high-income households. Local and state tax policies have played a major role in promoting inequality (Lavine). Texas’s tax system is primarily...

Violent Revolution in Response to Political Oppression

Introduction Culturally and economically marginalized groups endure constant injustice and inequality that stem from limited access to basic health services, education, food, and job opportunities. As such, oppression persists in constructing new realities in a world where the complexities and dynamics of socioeconomic and political change have been interwoven throughout...

Women’s Suffrage and the Nineteenth Amendment

Introduction The place of women in politics was a controversial topic in the nineteenth century. Although women could vote in some states in the late 1700s and early 1800s, their rights were later revoked due to the perceived lack of financial contribution to society (Wayne, 2020). In the 1840s, the...

The Advanced Practice Nurse Consensus Model

The Impact of the APRN Consensus Model on APRN Practice The professional training of medical personnel is carried out in many areas, among which nursing is diverse. Different staff qualifications allow hospitals to allocate workloads and shape work processes adequately. Nurses at different levels study for different years, their programs...

Tobacco and E-Cigarettes Smoking: Negative Effects

Introduction Cigarette smoking is well known to have diverse health effects on humans. Some of the common illnesses associated with cigarette smoking include those that affect the lungs, liver and heart. The diseases include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, bronchitis and heart attack. This habit has also been associated with...

What Feminist Theory Teaches Us About the Internet?

The article that is going to be analyzed in the paper at hand is called The Internet Is Full of Jerks, Because the World Is Full of Jerks: What Feminist Theory Teaches Us About the Internet and is written by the feminist scholar Adrienne Shaw. The title is partially self-explanatory:...

7 Practices of Effective Ministry

7 Practices of Effective Ministry is the book written by Stanley, Joiner, and Jones with seven main tasks for effective leaders being discussed. The peculiar feature of the book is the authors’ intentions not just to teach the reader but to share a story that demonstrates how to use hints...

Motivational Strategies for Employee Productivity

Introduction Today, the environment in which public organizations exist is rather competitive, but each company is willing to achieve success. Trying to enhance organizational effectiveness, they recruit talented personnel that should be directed towards task fulfillment. This aim can be reached only if an organization has strong and positive relations...

Terrorism: A Philosophical Investigation

Introduction Unfortunately, in the modern world, the acts of terrorism are not rare. When a person hears about one building or airplane crash, the first thought is that it is a terroristic attack. In this paper, the analysis of one of the supposed acts of terrorism will be developed, using...

Laundromat Laundry’s Small Business Accounting

Introduction Laura’s Laundromat is a registered laundry business that is located at Czech Road, Yukon Oklahoma. The business has been in operation for the last 3 years. Due to its location, the business is able to serve its target market that includes low-income tenants and busy career home owners due...

The Vancouver Art Gallery: Perception of Space

Introduction At the moment, the Vancouver Art Gallery is located in what was previously the provincial courthouse. The former courthouse is an impressive and imposing building built originally in 1906 and has been constructed following the neo-classical style. In readiness for its conversion into an art gallery, the building underwent...

Cybercrime and the Culture of Fear

Introduction to The conclusion adopted by most criminal justice practitioners and criminologists since the 1990s—that a distinct field of policy and theory referred to as ‘cybercrime’ has emerged—is flawed on both empirical and theoretical grounds. He states that not only is it a construction that depends upon a plethora of...

Health Informatics: Impacts on Patient Safety and Care

Role Description and Education Level Informatics is significant in any clinical setting because it provides an opportunity to code data so that it can be processed in different ways. As a result, healthcare professionals obtain a possibility to receive meaningful and understandable information. If a person is willing to be...

Managing Scope Change During Implementation Phase in a Project

Introduction How one manages change is very vital to the success of a project and more so during its implementation. What the managers do may benefit the entire players or even turn disastrous at the end. Scope change is basically the adjustments made in the products related to a project...

General Electric’s Global Research

Introduction “Imagination at work” (General Electric, 2010, para. 3) is the slogan for General Electric’s research and development arm, GE Research. The company has lived up to this phrase if the number of innovations and patents coming from it are anything to go by. Edison, one of the company’s researchers,...

“House Made of Dawn” by Richardson Morse

The movie “House Made of Dawn” (1972) is based on the novel by N. Scott Momaday. This movie vividly portrays the problems faced by many Native Americans and their national identity. The producers portray that many Native Americans are classless, so they are excluded from modes of collective action, have...

Online Business: Amazon vs Traditional Booksellers

The online business that I am going to compare and contrast is the online bookseller, Amazon, against any traditional bookseller. The question is really, how are there any traditional booksellers still in business? Amazon enjoys so many competitive advantages over the traditional bookseller and has so transformed the way in...

Navigating Organizational Change: Continuing Education in the Health Care Sector

The importance of continuing education regarding organizational change Continuing education in the health care sector is essential in achieving institutional goals. Various methods needed to meet the customers’ specifications in the provision of goods and services are defined in the continuing education system. Meeting the customers’ needs is essential in...

Data Collection and Management Techniques of a Qualitative Research Plan

Introduction Data collection is an integral step in research because it determines the reliability and validity of data. The methods of performing data collection in both qualitative and quantitative research are similar, but the nature of the data is different. In this view, the validity and reliability of data are...

The Influence of A. Gentileschi’s Self-Portraits on Early Feminist History

Introduction The emergence of feminism was accompanied or, as it is often said, provoked by certain trends in art. One of the most famous painters, who supporters of this movement refer to, is Artemisia Gentileschi. Her revolutionary works attract attention and inspire thousands of people. Along with that, Artemisia’s biography...

Sources and Levels of Organizational Conflict

It goes without saying that conflict situations within organizations are currently inevitable. Conflict may occur at different levels – within people, between individuals within one group, and between various groups and organizations. Incompatible vision and objectives are frequently regarded as a powerful source of multiple conflicts between colleagues. In addition,...

The Right-to-Work Laws in the US

The right-to-work law is a central provision that gives employees the freedom to choose whether to join a workers union or not. As such, under this law, employees have some freedom at the workplace, even in a unionized environment, to decide whether to pay union dues for representation. The debate...

The Actual and Budgeted Food Costs

The first task of the new Director of Food and Beverage is to choose a concept for a new outlet: either a fast service restaurant or a French fine dining restaurant. Both ideas have certain advantages and disadvantages for the Marina Bay Sands resort. A fast-food cafe may be a...

“The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath

Introduction The Bell Jar is a chef-d’oeuvre semi-autobiographical novel by an American poet and writer, Sylvia Plath, in the 1950s, but it was first published in 1963 in England. However, as one interacts with the contents of the book and the writer’s life, the novel becomes more of an autobiography...

Homicide Rates in the United States

According to FBI statistics, the crime rate in the United States is growing. In the early 2000s, it declined significantly, especially in the number of homicides and other serious violent crimes (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2019). However, in recent years, the murder rate has risen significantly across the country, and...

Intersectionality of Religion with Gender, Race, and Class

Religion is an act of devotion towards the existence of a true God. There are some aspects of faith, which make it susceptible to being a potential source of discrimination. As stated by Adams et al. (2013), every religion has its accepted dogma, which followers must accept without question. In...

Midsummer Night’s Dream: Perspectives on Marriage

Introduction “The course of true love never did run smooth” (Shakespeare 1.1.134). This quote ironically represents the complex relationships full of romantic complications which dominate the plot of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Written as a romantic comedy where marriage is the central theme, Shakespeare presents various views on love and...

Preventing Hospital Falls: Research Article Analysis

Introduction Patient falls have been documented as a major area of concern for health institutions and the public due to the adverse outcomes associated with the incidents. Available literature demonstrates that patient falls may result in patient death and disability, pain, exposure to expensive lawsuits, and associated financial costs (Spetz,...

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