Determining Pros and Cons of Physician-Assisted Suicide

Abstract This paper discusses the ethical issues related to the legalization or forbiddance of physician-assisted suicide (PAS). It identifies various stakeholders that are involved and presents their arguments in support of or in opposition to medically aid suicide. The author argues that patients should have the freedom of choice concerning...

Healthcare Challenges of Vulnerable Populations

Issues of Increased Healthcare Demands for Vulnerable Populations Bhatt, J., & Bathija, P. (2018). Ensuring access to quality health care in vulnerable communities. Academic Medicine, 93(9), 1271-1275. Web. The authors explain that many Americans are living in vulnerable urban and rural communities. The hospitalization of these people is vital, and...

Analysis of Milgram’s Study of Obedience

Introduction The twentieth century left an enormous legacy of controversial psychological research, and Milgram’s study was no exception. Indeed, the American psychologist Stanley Milgram’s series of 24 experiments was one of the most famous social psychology studies (Gridley and Jenkins, 2017). Milgram also conducted studies about conformity in Norway and...

Fair and Neutral Public Town Hall-Style Debate

Executive Summary Social Influence and Politics Fair and unbiased hall-style debates are the current issues nowadays. People want to express their standpoint and viewpoint freely and not be afraid of being criticized. Open space for debates is an excellent opportunity to voice concerns and issues that are much spoken about...

Climate Disruption: Understanding the Problem and Its Significance

Introduction Now, the climate crisis is a significant challenge facing humanity. Rising average temperatures substantially impact the planet’s climate, and these effects will become even more potent over the years. Besides global warming and melting glaciers, there is also an imbalance in all-natural systems, leading to changes in precipitation patterns,...

“The Great Hack” Documentary by Amer and Noujaim

Introduction The Great Hack is a cinematic piece that presents the internet competency of modern society. This documentary is an original Netflix movie, which offers an investigation conducted by journalists revolving around a private British company – Cambridge Analytica – and its potential interference in more than 200 presidential elections...

The Second World War and the Cold War

Allied Military Strategy in both Europe and Asia The Allied coalition was mainly formed to counter the threat posed by the Axis powers. The Allies were led by the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union, forming the ‘Big Three” (Robinson, 2020). The three leaders, including Winston Churchill...

Influence of Dogs on Wellness During All Stages of Life

Multiple levels contribute to personal wellness and various factors that influence general health. People explore different approaches to improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and overcome fears. Dogs, often seen only as pet animals, could significantly influence a person’s life as therapy dogs through animal-assisted intervention (AAI) during all stages...

Negative Impact of Modern Democracy on Political Process

Introduction In recent years, there has been a lot of work by economists looking for factors that could explain the bias and inconsistency of the political process. The system of concentration of capital has led to the fact that large financial and industrial corporations and banking groups have become stronger...

The Role of Digitalization in Supporting SMEs During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Prompt 01 During the COVID-19 pandemic, SMEs and retailers faced various challenges. Notably, organizations play a crucial role in supporting the country’s economy and the needs of its customers. Thus, during the pandemic, providing services and attracting new leads has become more difficult than usual. The dissertation topic revolves around...

Canterbury Bankstown Recycling

Canterbury Bankstown residents witnessed the breach of ethics and breaking of the recycling rules. Another report aims to analyze the situation and find solutions and recommendations for this occasion. Stakeholder theory was used to examine the ethics violation and make the right and necessary decisions. That found that equal rights...

Adolescence: Developmental Theories

Introduction Adolescence is a transition period, and these changes may be so drastic that parents question whether they are witnessing normal adolescent behavior or reason for alarm. Sometimes, adolescents do not wholly comprehend the repercussions of their behaviors. Parents need to realize that many adolescent habits that are strange to...

Global Supply Chain Disruptions of 2020

Introduction Since the coronavirus outbreak in March 2020, practically all regions and nations have reported cases. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated 22 million COVID-19 infections and deaths by August 2020, totaling almost 800,000 (Siddiqui et al., 2020). If all governments had failed to contain the epidemic, it might have...

The Residential School Program in Canada

Residential schools in Canada were an extensive education program established by the government incoherent with the administered churches. This program was created in the late 1800s by the Canadian government in an effort to assimilate Indigenous people into the dominant culture (Miller, 2012). These were times when the world was...

Cosmopolitan vs. Maxim Magazines

Introduction The Cosmopolitan magazine is a widely recognized journal that showcases social topics in pictorial and descriptive forms. The magazine has about 64 global editions, each written in a different language to cater to a diverse target audience (Vicente, 2022). In addition to this Cosmopolitan, Maxim magazine has gained prowess...

Why Gilgamesh Is Different From the Other Mesopotamian Kings

The poem The Epic of Gilgamesh was composed in honor of Gilgamesh, a real-life ruler. The Gilgamesh Epic was a highly revered and worshipped poem in Mesopotamia. The poem was set in the Mesopotamian city of Uruk, now known as Iraq. Gilgamesh, who ruled as a hero king in the...

Calista Roy’s Adaptation Theory in Nursing

Introduction Sister Calista Roy is a nursing theorist, writer, and professor known for her exemplary contribution to nursing. Born in 1939, Roy went to school where she studied until she received a degree in nursing from St. Mary’s College, LA, in 1963 (Callis, 2020). She is known for her revolutionary...

Teenagers Impacted by Increased Screen Time

Introduction Smartphones and computers are an integral part of teenagers’ lives nowadays. Nevertheless, scientists have concluded that excessive fascination with it harms the health and well-being of the younger generation. Increased screen time affects the psychosomatic, cognitive and physical health of teenagers. Overuse of electronic devices has previously been linked...

Tallest Skyscraper in Rio: Global Collaboration and Cultural Challenges

Introduction Our construction company has been tasked with the responsibility of constructing the tallest skyscraper in the globe to be based in Rio de Janeiro. Dubai will finance the project, China will provide the raw materials, and management of the project shall be from the United States. On the other...

The Television Series “South Park” Analysis

Introduction Communication is one of the greatest aspects that make human life enjoyable by promoting understanding and interactions of individuals from similar or diverse backgrounds. It forms one of the agents that bind the society together despite the many personal and cultural differences that exist among human beings. The media...

Strategies for Preventing Hospital Readmissions Among Oncology Patients: A Comprehensive Review

Introduction The project is focused on finding pre-discharge and post-discharge techniques that can help reduce hospital readmissions of adult oncology patients. One of the best potential solutions belongs to Merkow et al. (2015), who suggest that the major evidence-based way to decrease the readmission rate is scheduling follow-up visits for...

Manual Therapy in Case of Chronic Lower Back Pain

In recent years, manual therapy has gained prominence in physiotherapy contexts due to its role in the management of painful and disabling conditions such as neck and back pain (Paanalahti et al., 2016). The present paper aims at creating a deeper understanding and awareness of manual therapy by defining the...

Advertising in Political and Social Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide

Advertising Student Name Professor Name Course April 21, 2017 Social Marketing and Political Advertising While some people may still focus solely on commercial use when considering advertising, the use of advertising in political and social marketing is also quite extensive. Advertising is a tool to communicate or sell ideas, concepts,...

HSBC Bank’s Staffing Change: Communication Plan

The Need for the Change in Staffing and its Impact on all Stakeholders HSBC Bank wishes to appreciate the contribution of all its employees to the organization’s productivity, thanks to the company’s advanced knowledge sharing base and its excellent connection with the widening array of co-workers and consultants. The outcome...

Integrating E-Commerce: Cloud, BI&A, and Mobile Solutions

Introduction Problem Statement The business presented in the case study is a brick-and-mortar business, i.e., one that has a physical building (e.g., a store) and performs face-to-face marketing (compared to e-commerce where there is often no physical building). The business has a website that does not provide opportunities for online...

Professional Ethics in Nursing Practice

What are the skills necessary for the provider to identify, address, and assess this clinical ethical issue? Professional ethics cannot be ignored in providing health or nursing care. It is hard to give some general guidelines and recommendations on how to stay ethically correct in all cases. A provider must...

Design for Change Proposal: Reducing Falls in Orthopedic Patients

Design for Change Proposal Every year, approximately 30-40% of orthopedic patients identify falls as the reason for why they address the emergency departments of their local hospitals (Hill et al., 2015). Besides, nowadays, falls are the frequent causes of mortality and morbidity among older adults (Ambrose, Paul, & Hausdorff, 2013)....

Greggs Company’s Communication Theory

Introduction Annual reports are written with the purpose to inform the shareholders about the situation in the company, about its achievements and the future purposes. Clatworthy and Jones (2003) state that it is highly important to provide both good and bad news in the report, focusing more on bad news...

Video Games: Negative and Positive Effect on Teenage Kids

Introduction Video gaming is a highly controversial issue. It is often argued that it is very harmful to the players, gives them nothing, and is plainly a waste of time. On the contrary, large numbers of people still play games very often and enjoy them much. Which opinion is true?...

Feminist Theory Applied to the “Passengers” Film

Traditional male-female relationships continue to be central to the plot of most modern movies. However, despite progressive attitudes in society, the representations of females are viewed through the scope of sexuality and voyeurism, which differs from reality. The film Passengers is a modern blockbuster that creates an intimate setting for...

Interpersonal Communication Skills in Healthcare

Introduction According to the Joint Commission (2015), the problem of miscommunication in healthcare persists and tends to have negative impacts on patient outcomes, including those related to safety. Consequently, it is important to analyze one’s workplace from the perspective of communication and collaboration. This paper will focus on the literature...

Violence and Conflict for Children and Women

Introduction The problem of domestic violence is a relatively newly recognized social problem in the Western community – it began to be debated only in the last three to four decades of the 20th century. Domestic violence, according to platform 4 of the UN World Conference on Women (Beijing, September...

Haiti: From Slavery to Emancipation

The Creation of Wealth and The Policies Justification Fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were crucial for European development as a bourgeois society. However, this socio-political transformation was done by means of exploiting new vast territories and enslaving their indigenous people. Sugar industry, which was brought and intensified in America, was an...

Understanding Christopher Columbus

Introduction The name Christopher Columbus’ has been heard and taught in schools worldwide while the Americans continuously rejoice in the achievements of this man. Since the 1970s, civilians celebrate a three-day holiday called Columbus Day yearly. They rest while appreciating this renowned and good man for discovering their country. He...

Difference between Folic Acid or Folate

Introduction Folate is a naturally occurring vitamin that is part of the B complex group of vitamins. Folate, a water-soluble vitamin is converted to various active forms in the body. Folate is a general name used to refer to folic acid or folacin. Folate is a core vitamin that is...

Concepts of Socialization and Self-Identity

Personal Status It is primarily necessary to mention that every individual is assigned with a specific social status from their birth as well as achieves other statuses during their lifetime. The term status refers to the measurement of a person’s value that gives a chance to experience certain privileges and...

Reflections on Christian Ministry Journey

Introduction The desire to study Ministry and dedicate one’s life to Christianity as a profession does not correspond in people’s minds with an easy entertaining career. It is a challenging path with many classes, insights, obstacles, and personal conclusions. The Ministry requires broad knowledge and understanding of details in various...

Global Issues of World Poverty: Reasons and Solutions

Introduction The term ‘poverty’ has almost become synonymous in association with the greater population of the third world, that is, countries that are currently considered either developing or under-developed, especially in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and Oceania in respect to their economies (Marie, 2002). The term ‘World poverty’ would therefore...

Prison’s Impact on People’s Health

The New Penology The concept of new penology states the importance of creating a new language of penology. While the traditional concerns of it focused on the individual, new penology shifts its focus to actuarial consideration of aggregates. The new penology involves various areas, which allow transformation. First of all,...

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Prominent Aspects, Management, and Prevention

Introduction Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized by a pattern of inattention or hyperactivity in a person. A patient with ADHD has a hard time keeping their attention on one subject, often suffering from hyperactive bursts of energy and struggling with impulsive decision-making (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). While...

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Irish Immigration to America

Immigration to America is an acute issue of the past and the present that has not lost its relevance. Powerful waves of migration began in the early 20th century, and some of the settlers were the Irish. Economic and humanitarian disasters spurred immigrants who could afford to move to America....

Analysis of Human Senses and Its Importance

Background Humans function through sensory nerves and organs that coordinate with the brain to bring emotions and perform physical activities. The primary senses include taste, vision, hearing, touch, and smell. Smell describes how individuals perceive scents; the concept describes eyesight, hearing is the ability to perceive sound, touch involves contact,...

Researching of Narcissism in Media

Summary Narcissism is a psychological concept and, in some cases, a disorder characterized by an unhealthy interest or admiration of oneself. Narcissism occurs on a spectrum, and in the modern day of self-focus and individualization, many people experience some forms of the concept. This paper will explore various media sources...

Picturing Will by A. Beattie: A Novel Review

Relationships are strange, especially as highlighted in the novel Picturing Will. Every single relationship is different from others and within them, there are different responsibilities each individual has to undertake. The gender roles that some relationships have are considered normalized and others are deemed to be out of the ordinary....

What Makes The Coca-Cola Company Run?

Introduction Multinational companies struggle to dominate the sales market and capture new economic niches. Such struggles are justified by the desire to gain consumer appreciation, improve sales and audience reach, and, most importantly, increase profits. To achieve these goals, companies use a variety of marketing strategies and business plans and...

President James K. Polk’s Policies and Goals

Introduction Several notable events marked the 11th presidency of the United States by James Knox Polk. An unlikely president, criticized by the Whig Party opposition before, throughout, and after his term, Polk worked relentlessly to accomplish his goals. Among them were the Mexican American War and the downward adjustment of...

Analysis of Keurig and Dr Pepper Merger

This paper is about a merger involving two companies: Dr Pepper Snapple Group, a soda-making company, and Keurig Green Mountain, a coffee-making company. It was announced in 2018 that the two companies wanted to come together to have combined efforts that would enable them to make new attractive beverages to...

“When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine” by Jhumpa Lahiri

Every person’s journey through life is marked by the presence of at least one individual who has made a profound impression on them. The influence may be favorable, but it might also be detrimental. Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine is a short narrative in which the reader can relate to...

Communism and Fascism Ideologies of the 20th Century

Communism and fascism became the two defining ideologies of the last century. People became adherents of one direction or another and were ready to defend it. Hitler’s ambitions, deeply affected by the ideas of the importance of war, led to catastrophic consequences for all mankind. The currents of the two...

Apple Inc.: Profile of a Successful Company

Introduction Apple Inc. is a technology firm founded in 1976. Since its formation, the corporation has expanded its business operation across the world. Currently, the business organization has several stores in the US, Africa, Europe, Asia, and North American markets. Despite rapid changes in the technology industry, Apple has managed...

Ethical and Legal Dilemmas in the Healthcare Case

Introduction This case study shows an example of a young woman, Janet, who survived an accident in which her husband died. Although Janet survived the accident, the doctor found that she had suffered a severe head injury, and the prognosis for the woman was poor. Moreover, the patient has been...

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and the “Mamma Beve Bimbo Beve” Campaign in Italy

Introduction When a mother drinks alcohol while pregnant, she puts her unborn child at risk for a wide range of severe health problems. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can have severe consequences for the mother and her growing child since alcohol crosses the placenta (Bazzo et al., 2012). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome...

Cybercrime Challenges in Lehman Bank’s Operations: Analyzing Irregularities

Henry Lehman had until recently been the head of one of the world’s largest and most successful investment bank. Now he was on the verge of bankruptcy and facing a damning criminal trial. He blamed his misfortune on two people in particular. A former employee of his bank named Paul...

Drunk Driving Essay: Effects, Dangers, and Prevention of Drinking and Driving

Drinking and Driving Essay: Abstract Driving under the influence of alcohol is a common practice in all countries where alcohol consumption is legal. This behavior has emerged as an important issue affecting road safety over the past few decades. This free drinking and driving essay discusses the issue of drunk...

Impact of Technology: Nicholas Carr’s Views

Introduction Carr touches upon a controversial topic of the impact of technology on our reading skills and human intelligence (par. 3). He expresses concerns about the changes in reading patterns that we experience due to the Internet; it makes our reading less deep and shallower. Our reading has indeed changed...

Pan-Slavism and Nationalism as Causes of World War I

Both nationalism and imperialism were major forces that drove the alliances toward the war. The Pan-Slavic movement itself was not created specifically by Russia to achieve its political goals. It was originally coined by various Slavic intellectuals, and at the beginning of the XX century, František Palacký invited various historians...

Psychotherapeutic Group Development: Termination Stage

The final phase of psychotherapeutic group work is the most difficult one for every participant, as well as for a therapist. Once the therapy comes to an end, such issues as anxiety and uncertainty about the future might arise due to the role of the group in every patient’s recovery...

Nucor Corporation’s Organizational Structure

Trends in the steel industry and its impact on Nucor’s strategy The current trends in the steel industry involve mergers and acquisitions. This is happening in the United States and other parts of the world. The rationale for the mergers can be attributed to the need for strong companies to...

Pressure Ulcers: Background, Management, and Key Issues

The modern healthcare sector is focused on the gradual reconsideration of all services it provides to patients with the primary aim to significantly improve the health of the nation and eliminate various health concerns threatening citizens living in different states. At the same time, there are numerous efforts to improve...

Euthanasia for Terminally Ill and Religious Ethics

Introduction The present study investigates the case of an attorney from Oregon named George who is in his fifties and has been recently diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). From the provided scenario one understands that the man fully realizes the seriousness of his disease and the outcomes it will...

Learning Portfolio: Key Elements and Skills

Introduction This portfolio contains the key elements that can be used to demonstrate the improvement of my skills and knowledge, as well as the progress toward the achievement of course objectives, that occurred over the past five weeks. Specifically, a concept map and objectives list will be included to set...

“The Secret Agent” Novel by Joseph Conrad

Introduction “The Secret Agent” by Joseph Conrad is based on the Greenwich Bomb Outrage of 1894 when a man named Martial Bourdi, had, like Stevie Verloc, the main protagonist of “The Secret Agent”, killed himself setting off a bomb in Greenwich Park near the Royal Observatory. Thus, the terrorists in...

Impact of Bioterrorism on the U.S Agriculture System

Introduction The fear that biological weapons of warfare might be used against U.S citizens has been a source of considerable concern among politicians as well as public health officials. Media coverage concerning the issue has also risen to such an enormous that it has been a cause of panic among...

Purchasing Control: Term Definition

Introduction Wine & Dine Café specialize in wines all around the world and healthy meals. The company started on June 2000 and has grown to employ more than two hundred internal employees now. Currently, we operate in over 100 countries worldwide with the branches we begun launching in 2003 after...

Is the USA a Democracy? American Politics

Although the United States of America prides itself on being the first truly democratic country in the modern world, an opinion that the US is not a democracy has been gaining more and more traction in the recent years. There are concerns that the American democratic system does not work...

Marketing Research of Competitors on the Market

Research Question There is no doubt that the development of business enterprises in conditions of the modern market is becoming challenging, caused by a number of political and economic factors, including the abundance of competitive core companies. This means that modern business cannot develop without hindrance, as when entering the...

Watson’s Theory to the Nursing Process

Introduction Nursing practice has continually improved over the recent years due to the integration of theoretical frameworks that advocate for more involving learning strategies and nursing process (Billings and Halstead, 2009, p.4). Furthermore, the embracement of community oriented and consumer driven system and its incorporation in learning has led to...

Nightingale’s Environmental Theory

Introduction It is evident to a modern person that treatment of patients should be accompanied by a versatile and careful medical intervention, which involves not only surgical operation or prescription of drugs, but also post-clinical examination. Not least, the environment surrounding the patient plays a role in overall recovery. Examples...

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Nursing Practice

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is widely debated as one of the controversial and less-researched medical conditions. The prevalence of GDM is at an all-time high of 15%, which is expected to grow significantly due to the increasing amount of obese women of reproductive age (Mensah et al., 2019). The reason...

Feminism and Domestic Violence

Unfortunately, domestic violence remains a sensitive topic for many American families, even today. However, tremendous work was done by various feminist movements to bring awareness to this topic and, thus, make “wife-beating” a crime rather than a private family tragedy. There were many explanations for the possible causes of domestic...

A History of the American People

The Civil Rights Movement The civil rights movement is based on the elimination of division and discrimination based on skin color. The first case, “Brown v. Board, 1954,” presents a lawsuit, the essence of which was to end the separation of education for black and white students. The court passed...

Analyzing Black Lives Matter Movement Through the History Lens

One of the most severe and challenging groups of issues that worsen people’s everyday experiences and make them fight for their rights and inclusion is the challenges of diversity. For example, Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a major international movement that addresses white privilege and all racially motivated incidents and...

Home Daycare vs. Child Care Center Services

Childcare Organizations Pros and Cons for Children Children are the future of society whose active development starts from the early years of their lives. Thus, accurate and productive childcare is essential to raise a decent generation. Parents often need to choose the organization to develop kids’ social skills and prepare...

Alzheimer’s: Aspects of the Illness

Summary Alzheimer’s is a medical condition resulting from progressive neuronal relapse in the brain. The world experiences increased pressure to combat or develop a better understanding of Alzheimer’s because more and more people continue to suffer from it as they age past fifty years. Many elderly Americans exhibit depression, apathy,...

Work Ethics and Productivity: Leadership Theory

Introduction This paper explores the standards of professional ethics and how it affects the employees’ productivity at a workplace. In addition, the work ethics of different generations is investigated. As a result of the thorough literature review, it becomes evident that the older descents are more hard-working than, the younger...

The Global Chocolate Industry and Madecasse’s Business

Five Forces Analysis of the Global Chocolate Industry The study of various industries and their various components can provide a considerable amount of helpful information. An interesting approach for this scientific work is the practical application of the five forces model by Michael Porter. The main task of this method...

The Theory of Transformative Justice

In the legal and political realms, justice is believed to be one of the most fundamental moral ideals. Law and order are essential, but they can only be achieved if justice is also established. In many facets of the community, social justice fosters consistency and fairness. Equal economic, cultural, and...

The Red Bull Product Promotion

The penetration of Red Bull’s new flavored drink into the market depends significantly on the effectiveness of the brand ambassadors. The effectiveness of brand ambassadors is essential in appealing to the needs of the market expectations. For instance, ambassadors are good time managers and always readily available thus making them...

The Hurricane Katrina: Consequences

Introduction Natural disasters encumber economic and social growth since they destroy resources that are hugely depended on by a given society. While some of the disasters are unpreventable, the governments and all stakeholders have taken steps to counter their negative impact. Hurricane Katrina is one of the unprecedented disasters that...

The Social Work: Eliminating Shame and Stigma

The paradigm of cultural sensitivity and quality support system for the population implies a client-oriented approach that can account for every socio-cultural aspect of one’s development and perception. Such sensitivity is especially relevant in the context of multicultural and diverse groups, as shame and stigma associated with certain identity characteristics...

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The Clinical Systems’ Impact on Outcomes and Efficiencies

Introduction The healthcare sector deals with human life and hence quality in service delivery is of uttermost importance. Stakeholders in this field have embraced the use of various clinical systems for easy operations and better patient outcomes. Improvement in technology has helped the health sector in advancing its procedures especially...

Nursing Advocacy: The Ethical Issues

Description of the Clinical Issue Wrong diagnosis and treatment is a medical scenario where a medical report does not conform to the patient’s actual condition. In a hypothetical case, Mss. Elizabeth Brown was admitted to St. Benedict’s teaching and referral hospital, a hospital specializing in heart diseases. The physician who...

Nursing Staffing Levels’ Impact on Patient Outcomes

Introduction Nurses serving in health care facilities are obliged the provision treatment and care services for several patients admitted and those who seek outpatient services. However, due to the greatest acuity level, the number of nurses performing such services has substantially decreased across the US (Tawfik et al., 2020). When...

Book Review of “Paul the Jewish Theologian” by Young

Introduction Paul the Jewish Theologian: A Pharisee among Christians, Jews, and Gentiles is written by Brad H. Young. The author is an emeritus professor at Oral Roberts University, where he has served as a Tenured Professor of Judaic-Christian Studies for 31 years. Young holds a B.A. from Oral Roberts University,...

Fundamental Beliefs in Different Religions

Introduction Asia is the origin of all major faiths and numerous lesser ones. Asian religions, like all kinds of civilizations, can be examined regionally concerning their genesis and dispersion. Hinduism, the earliest of various faiths that arose in South Asia, has a polytheistic and ceremonial heritage that comprises various rituals...

Leadership Philosophies: Development in Education

The leadership philosophies and behaviors of Dr. Alex Torres, Millie Franqui-Borrero, and Reba Aldridge are all different and have various implications for organizational design. Dr. Alex Torres’ leadership philosophy of transformational leadership aligns well with the organizational design that focuses on growth and innovation. His behavior is based on the...

Impact of the Nurse Shortage on Hospital Patient Care: Comparative Perspectives

Introduction Nurse shortage is one of the major challenges that face the health care system today. The nursing shortage has severe consequences that affect the well-being of nurses and their ability to provide quality care. In addition, it affects hospital capacity, health care processes, the efficiency of health care systems,...

Abortion Legalization: Empowering Women’s Rights

Introduction In the United States of America, the issue of abortion has long been one of intense controversy. There are two sides to this debate: those in favor of abortion (pro-choice), who hold that each individual has the moral power to decide whether to live or die and those opposed...

Media Censorship and Its Impact

The freedom of information, the press and free speech is arguably an important human rights deeply rooted in the structures of democracy. Democracy, which largely derives its origin from the US, is one of the legal rights that should be provided and protected in the modern context (Goldberg, Verhulst and...

Wealth Inequality and Its Effects on Democracy in America: A Critical Examination

Abstract Democracy has always been associated with social inclusion and a closing gap between the rich and the poor. However, theory and reality change in the historical perspective – so does the situation with inequality. Undoubtedly, a deeper insight is needed to study the relations between democracy and inequality. The...

Children Labor in Sweatshops

Introduction Contemporary discussions on global labor practices often feature sweatshops and child workforce. Opponents advocate for stricter regulations against the use of child labor in sweatshops (factories) run by multinational firms or outsourced to subcontractors in developing economies. On the other hand, economists contend that sweatshops help developing nations expand...

Genesis: Creation, Human Identity, and Civilization in the Bible

Introduction The Bible is one of the most influential books in human history. Words τὰ βιβλία are translated from Greek as “the books”; and indeed, The Bible is a collection of books. The Old Testament is generally divided into 39 books (Bible: Old Testament, n.d.). The first of them, Genesis,...

Tinker v. Des Moines: Landmark Case on Student Speech Rights

Introduction The Tinker versus Des Moines Independent Community School District case is one of the most well known historical cases that dealt with the infringement of the constitutional liberties of public learning institutions’ learners. Although many decades have passed since the Supreme Court handled the case, even presently the case...

Improving the Quality of Patients Life

Introduction The research article seeks to assess and determine the importance of nurse care and self-care intervention programs in the management and improvement of patients’ health conditions and quality of life. Nurses are the primary care specialist in a hospital set up with fundamental expert-patient relationships forming the first and...

EU Automotive Industry Policy: Current Regulations and Future Directions

Executive Summary EU automotive industry (AI) policy is concerned with two primary aims: promoting economic growth and ensuring safety and sustainability. The focus of the policy on research and development (R&D) is obvious; it allows the EU industry to fulfil the goals of the region and abide by the numerous...

Developing Business Plans: Insights from Collaborative Learning Communities

Contemporary medicine needs innovating solutions and effective organization of the care process. However, implementing innovation involves taking risks that have to be carefully assessed. Writing a business plan is usually the first step towards elaborating on a new initiative that helps to evaluate its strengths, weaknesses, and feasibility. While there...

Psychology of Feeling and Thinking

Motivation, Emotion, and Behavior Motivation refers to a desire or driving force that compels or prompts someone to perform a task or take action. It could be a belief, a need, an instinct, or a habit. Motivation is the inner drive and provides the reason and direction to someone’s behavior....

Political Campaign Strategies: Bush’s 2000 and 2004 Elections

Introduction When it comes to gaining power over the whole country, political leaders do their best to persuade people that they are the correct and the only choice. Election campaigns involve hundreds of people working on the image of the candidate. They use a variety of resources to attract the...

Marketing Management Aspects and Questions

Define what is meant by “brand equity” and discuss what a company can do to maintain brand equity Coherent society is characterized by great rivalry. To be successful a company or a person should be able to compete with the rest of the world. Especially topical this question is for...

Actions to Counter Risk of the Oil Spill

Courses of Action Do Nothing If I were Amora Srinivar, I would choose to sit back and watch as events unfold because my immediate supervisor has no confidence in me. There is nothing that can be disgusting as sharing ideas with someone who undermines your efforts. The supervisor is one...

World War I: Prerequisites and Consequences

Introduction Involving countries in military conflicts always implies certain circumstances that directly affect the specific interests of states. World War I is an example of how political ideologies and movements can influence the course of history and people’s perception of current events. The participation of different countries in this global...

Transgender Women Athletes in Professional Sports

Introduction With the global recognition of the LGBTQ+ community and its rights in recent decades, one topic which has faced significant controversy is the presence of transgender athletes in all levels of professional sports. The debate centers around transgender rights, limitations of science in influencing biology, and the inconsistency of...

Transparency and Termination in Group Psychotherapy

Introduction Upon the completion of the working portion of a group, the final stage becomes prominent. It is termed by Corey (2015) as the stage of termination and consolidation, and despite being less time-consuming than the previous phase, it is also crucial for the effectiveness of the therapy. In this...

Stress and Its Effects at the Workplace and Home

Introduction Research has shown that, both organizational and home stresses are great threats to reputation because it causes a lot of anxiety. Such kind of stress will have effects equally on both employees as well as employers. (Eaker, 2000 p66) argued that, “The anxieties generated at place of work are...

Japan and China: Political Systems

As a subfield within the larger discipline that is political science, comparative politics may be defined as “a combination of a substantive focus on the study of countries’ political systems and a method of identifying and explaining similarities and differences between these countries using common concepts” (Mair, 1996). There are...

The Failure of American Dream in Death of a Salesman

‘Death of a salesman, written by Arthur Miller portrays the real life of a typical American middle-class man who dedicates most part of his life to a private company. The central character in the play, Willy Loman, and his wife fail to understand the real pulse of society. He is...

Personal and Organizational Ethics

Personal values, personal mission statement, and personal code Business ethics or corporate ethics is sometimes referred to as a form of professional ethics or applied ethics examining moral ethics or problems in a business environment (Velasquez, 2006). Business ethics should apply to all businesses activities, thus ethics must be associated...

How Technology is Changing Our Lives

Introduction The era of technological innovation has resulted in constant changes across different spheres of life. Education is one of the primary areas that have been directly affected by changes in the machine age. This situation has given rise to a race between education and technology. The everchanging technological front...

The Vietnam War and the United States Involvement

Discussion Shortly after World War II ended, the United States of America was involved in a divisive conflict, the Vietnam War, which lasted for two decades. Americans fought alongside the South Vietnamese army against the communist North Vietnam government and its allies in the South, the Viet Cong. The Southern...

Othello, Cassio and Iago in the Play “Othello” by William Shakespeare

In the play “Othello” by William Shakespeare, a close look at the characters is being taken. Othello, Cassio and Iago are very different people with their own life experiences and this plays a very important role in the play. Each of them was raised uniquely and this makes up their...

School Nurse Role in Providing School Health Services

Reaching Out a Solution In the course of a high-school athletic event, a person experienced a cardiac arrest. As time was essential, the coach of the home team rushed to the medical office to bring an automatic emergency defibrillator (AED). Nevertheless, the appliance was not at the expected location, which...

Search Warrant and Data Acquisition

Search Warrant A search warrant is a document which gives the authorities the right for searching a place for specific items. The permit is signed by a magistrate and should list the objects which the officers ought to look for. A warrant is based on an affidavit, a document signed...

Retail Trends of the Millennial Generation

Introduction Generation Y (Millennials) have confused many informed retailers for longer than a decade. They are characterized as those born within the early 1980s and the late 1990s (Fry, 2020). Most importantly, Millennials are currently the largest generation (Fry, 2020). Overall, about seventy-five million United States residents are part of...

A Preliminary Care Coordination Plan: Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction Care coordination (CC) is an indispensable healthcare strategy providing the elaborated organization of patient care activities and information exchange among all stakeholders in inpatient treatment to deliver safe and productive care. Due to such plans, medical providers can ensure that the right people are familiar with the patient’s needs...

Wells Fargo Applies Ethical Decision-Making Model

Introduction Until recently, many business enterprises and business leaders focused solely on making and maximizing the profits of their owners. Some companies conducted their activities with a total disregard for ethical standards and values. However, there has been a radical change in the importance of ethical practice in the global...

Significance of the Speech “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King

This discussion is devoted to the analysis of the speech I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King. Dr. King was a renowned African American Baptist preacher, doctor of theology, and one of the brightest orators in history. He was the leader of the Black Civil Rights Movement in the...

The Basics of Peoplehood of Indigenous People of Canada

Introduction Studying the cross-cultural dynamics of indigenous populations is exceptionally important if people want to achieve true equality and find the most appropriate ways to minimize the effects of centuries-long oppression. It is crucial to learn about the cross-cultural concepts, which dictate the daily lives of the Native people in...

Economic Evaluation Of The Health Care System

Introduction Health economics is a crucial aspect of the health care system, even though it is a branch of economics. Health economists often assess the quality of health by determining the effectiveness of the health policies that are put in place. Therefore, good health care should be effective and efficient,...

The Same Theme and Different Connotations in Stevens and Herrick’s Poems

Introduction The theme of the “seize of the day”, or Carpe Diem, is a widespread theme in English and American poetry. Various poets encourage readers to celebrate life while they are young as it is too short to wait for the right moment. Wallace Stevens and Robert Herrick are two...

Starr Carter’s Two Identities in “The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas

Introduction The Hate U Give is a critically acclaimed young adult novel written by an American author Angie Thomas and published in 2017. The book’s protagonist, sixteen-year-old Starr Carter, balances between two worlds: her poor black neighborhood, and her rich white school. She manages two different versions of herself without...

Connections between the Quotations: The Constitution of the United States

Introduction Strengthening territorial integrity and ensuring the security of its borders has always been one of the US priorities in both domestic and foreign policies. Nevertheless, the country’s history knows many examples when, due to insurmountable circumstances, individual regions were controlled by other states. In addition, there were disputes within...

The Evidence-Based Policymaking in Africa

It is impossible to argue that evidence is important for public policymaking. Essentially, the evidence provides data on what works and what does not. Parkhurst (2017) speaks about proponents of greater utilization of evidence tending to point to various examples that show how a stricter or more extensive evidence use...

Globalization and Technology Impacts on Ethics

Introduction Technology and globalization have immensely contributed to a variety of shifts in political and social spheres as well as economic sectors. These shifts have led to greater interdependence, giving rise to the concept of globalization. The primary impetuses behind globalization are the proliferation of new technologies and the loosening...

The “It Will Never Happen to Me” Book by Claudia Black

Introduction Every concerned adult wonders where the current generation is headed regarding responsibility, drug and substance abuse, family life, and general humanity. Alcoholism is already a significant problem among American teens and college students, according to Skrzynski et al. (1991). Over 40% of young couples in the U.S. hardly celebrate...

Pensions: Understand and Mitigate Risk

Introduction Numerous people have stopped taking care of their retirement security in old age, becoming accustomed to having the state accomplish it. At the same time, the state system of pensions and various social benefits has become hostage to what has brought it privileges in the past. Therefore, understanding the...

Aging People: Personal Statement

Early Adulthood People have difficulties on their path to maturity, and they need the constant presence of lively and energetic young adults. In my early adulthood, I will concentrate on developing my travel abilities and need to complete this adventure stage. The capacity to adapt to change is crucial, as...

Amazon: Business Model Analysis

Amazon is one of the world’s most extensive and expensive companies. In 2020, Forbes ranked it 4th in the list of the most valuable brands after Apple, Google, and Microsoft, with a valuation of $135.4 billion (Swant, n.d.). In one year, the company was able to double its performance. In...

Qualitative and Quantitative Data Analysis

Introduction Social research utilizes two data analysis methods: quantitative and qualitative. The qualitative approach interprets textual data and observations, while the quantitative method analyzes numerical data using statistics. This paper will compare qualitative and quantitative data analyses based on two articles published in the Public Administration Review. One study, conducted...

“The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka: A Book Review

Introduction Like many other works by Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis is a surreal look at human psychology. This story bizarrely combines fantastic events and the dry style of realistic narration, as well as the lack of emotions in the presentation and the personal drama of the protagonist. The current paper...

Researching of Cervical Cancer

Definition It is essential to mention that the cervix is the lower part of the uterus, the main organ of a woman’s reproductive system, and the walls of the cervix are formed by muscular and connective tissue (Cohen et al., 2019). In addition, the upper part of the cervix opens...

Visual Art Analysis: The Mural Entitled Reaching Out

The mural entitled Reaching Out can tell us several stories. It is the story of a turbulent journey through a raging sea. The waves as tall as a two-story building collapsed onto the vessel, leaving no trace of it, with a single survivor reaching out from under the waters in...

Aspects of the American Pop Culture

Introduction The American film industry is one of the main components of the nation’s popular culture. The main reason for choosing this culture is because it majorly highlights the social, economic, and political domains in the United States of America. The film industry has made it easy for most Americans...

Romanticism in the 18th and 19th Century Great Britain

Introduction Romanticism as a cultural phenomenon was formed in Great Britain earlier than in other countries of Western Europe. Pre-romanticism took shape in a single ideological and artistic system in the second half of the 18th century. Its components took on concrete outlines – the Gothic novel, sentimental poetry, the...

Verbal Communication and Identity in Kafka’s “Metamorphosis”

Introduction “The Metamorphosis,” a short story by Kafka, explores the implication of losing one’s physical body and the abilities that it provides. The process of metamorphosis itself represents the lack of the protagonist’s self-understanding and self-reflection. Further, verbal communication and its challenges play a pivotal role in the narrative development,...

Penguins and Environmental Changes

Introduction Exploring nature and numerous creatures by which it is represented is, perhaps, one of the most exciting and at the same time challenging tasks. Unfortunately, not everyone can witness the incredible diversity of nature in person. The American Museum of Natural History, in turn, offers ample opportunities for diving...

Evolution of Network Systems from 1G to 4G

Introduction Access to information is among the most important aspects of contemporary life. The popularity of portable devices capable of Internet connection has created a strong demand for network systems that provide fast and reliable data transfer. The following paper is a literature review on the evolution of network systems...

Strategies for Improving Quality and Conflict Management in Healthcare

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a critical health problem in the United States and other developed countries that have a high prevalence rate and a significant number of risk factors. Apart from the conventional therapy involving lifestyle changes and pharmacological treatment, bariatric surgery is also used to treat T2DM...

Citino’s “The Path to Blitzkrieg” Book’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Introduction In history, there are a number of books that have been written depicting the wars of the past centuries. The books have mainly been centered towards numerous interests on military forces and the way that they organized their war plans chiefly regarding their ammunitions and leadership. Military excellence is...

The Improve of Health Status for Elderly Patients With Hypertension

Introduction Hypertension is one of the common health issues affecting the aging population. This disorder has an adverse impact on people’s quality of life as its symptoms include visual impairment, metabolic syndrome, heart failure, aneurysm, cardiac arrest, stroke, and dementia (Currie & Delles, 2018). In 2014, the leading cause of...

American Family in Death of a Salesman

The play “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller depicts life and destiny of an American family which dreams about prosperity and high social position in society. in this play, Miller tries to escape social contradictions by using a dramatic form. Fundamental in this play is the fact that Miller...

Mark Antony: The Ancient Hero

People who lived in the ancient days and made an impact in the world through either bravery or great leadership are referred to as ancient heroes. They are usually of Greek origin and are greatly respected and viewed as role models by many people around the world (Minister, 2008). During...

Steps for the Decision-Making and Final Decision

Introduction The business world is the specific sphere where people are to make decisions. There are a great many different techniques and methodologies in decision-making. The better method is used, the better decision is made and this decision is sure to influence the whole working process. Taking the scenario of...

Pevensey PLC: Report About Buying Machine

Introduction This paper is a class assignment that supposes the student to be a graduate trainee at Pevensey PLC with a responsibility to second the company’s secretary, Mary Fulton. It is considered that Mary has requested the graduate trainee to evaluate a project with respect to helping the company in...

Counselor’s Professional Values and Personal Beliefs

Harmony Between Professional Values and Spiritual Beliefs From the ACA code of ethics, there are two values that were previously not in harmony with my spiritual beliefs. The first one is A.4.b “personal values” that instructs counselors to refrain from imposing their own beliefs and values onto the clients (American...

Da Vinci Robotic Technology in Healthcare

Medical robotics is a big step in the development of medicine. The Da Vinci Robot is a technological innovation named after the artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci. The use of this robot-assisted surgical system has become an essential stage in the development of minimally invasive surgery, primarily in cancer...

Leadership Theories Applied in Northwell Health Care

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a disruption to the healthcare facilities across the world, making operations a challenge to many hospitals. Coronavirus disease spread to 198 nations, with currently millions of confirmed cases and deaths being recorded globally (Shaukat et al., 2020). COVID-19 pandemic has affected the health and life...

Classification of Legal and Illegal Drugs

Drugs pose a significant risk to the health of an individual mainly because of the chemical compounds used during manufacturing. In this case, it is important to classify drugs based on the chemical composition due to the relational risks and impact. Researchers argue that there is a significant possibility of...

Healthcare Reimbursement in the US

Reimbursement and the Revenue Cycle What Reimbursement Means to a Healthcare Organization The U. S. healthcare system is rather complicated due to the existence of several approaches to paying for the provided care. Private payers (insurers and individuals) as well as the government (through Medicare or Medicaid) pay for the...

Drug Abuse and Theories Explaining It

Introduction Drug addiction is a serious menace to society and to the individuals who engage in it. Many theories have been composed to try and explain the phenomenon. It makes sense for there to be a biological explanation of addiction since drugs are chemicals interacting with a biochemical system. Psychology...