Two Verdicts for Casey Anthony Murder Trial

Introduction Two parallel systems of justice coexist in the United States today, often operating at cross-purposes due to their different sets of rules. While the conventional court system is based on a strict application of laws and procedures, the court of a public opinion involves a more spontaneous use of...

Brazil and the United States Relations

Introduction Brazil is the most powerful country in the South American continent. Its social-economic status evokes the diplomatic enthusiasm of the United States of America[1]. To determine a country’s status in the sphere of global and regional leadership, three dimensions are critical to examine. These include territorial, economic, and military...

Leading and Managing Change in Business

Introduction Nowadays, the importance of change is emphasised by many business researchers. This tendency is explained by the rapid development of the world. Companies need to adapt to these changes to maintain high positions in the market and stay ahead of their competitors. However, in order to achieve this goal,...

Analysis of Current MRSA Health Promotion Pamphlet

Introduction Methicilin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterial strain that is resistant to beta-lactam antibiotic penicillin. It is also known as multidrug resistant Staph. In the hospital set up, patients who make use of invasive devices, have compromised immune system, and have open wound have greater chances of getting...

The Impact of the COVID-19 on the Mexican and Black

Introduction Presently, the United States is one of the most affected countries that are facing substantial socioeconomic and human damage during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this situation, minorities, especially Mexican and black, remain the most vulnerable groups of the population because of predominant poverty and limited access to quality healthcare...

20th Century Ideological Conflicts

The history of the 20th century was turbulent, but it is possible to trace at least one persistent feature present in each of its important moments and periods. As political and military struggles embroiled the powers of the world, there was always an evident ideological subtext present in the events....

“iGen” by Jean Twenge

The first chapter of Twenge’s book is titled “In no hurry: Growing up slowly.” The primary theme is that the iGen is taking longer to become adults. Essentially, Twenge is convincing the readers that, comparing to the previous groups, people who were born between 1995 and 2012 remain dependent on...

Scientific Management Principles by Frederick Winslow Taylor

Introduction The theory of scientific management was published by Frederick Winslow Taylor at the beginning of the 20th century. At present, the principles of scientific management introduced by Taylor are called “Taylorism”. The concept of this theory is different from traditional management methods based on initiative and rewards. It is...

Racism: Scene for Screenplay Illustrating Racism

Introduction This scene is a father-son after school conversation about racism. The boy, whose name is James, is six years old and he went to the first grade, where he met four other boys, the same age, the same race, all white. They spend a lot of time together, make...

Reading Lewis’ Works in the Faith Journey

Introduction C. S. Lewis was born in 1898 in Belfast in Ireland and died in 1963. He wrote many books, and several ones encompass Christian apologetics. His literary works contribute to religion and theology studies. Some of his works include Mere Christianity, Screwtape, and The Chronicles of Narnia, which is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Capitalism and Class Division in the “Parasite” Film

Introduction Directed by Bong Joon Ho’s Parasite (2019) creatively represents social issues connected with capitalism, class division, and unemployment in modern society. Capitalism dominates most of the world’s developed and developing countries, including South Korea. Bong’s explanation of capitalism applies to any country since the topic of inequality resonates everywhere...

Putnam’s “Twin Earth” Thought-Experiment

Throughout the history of analytic philosophy, the problem of meaning has been and remains one of its central themes. Semantic studies of recent decades have underscored the unrelenting interest of philosophers in this issue. The criticism of the traditional theory of meaning is one of the most critical developments in...

Plate Tectonic of the Dominican Republic

The topic of plate tectonic of the Dominican Republic is extremely important for geology in general. The subject of tectonic plates is also essential for understanding the mechanisms of the Earth’s existence. However, in tectonics, several issues should be studied in more detail. To do this, one should consider the...

Tupac’s Fake Death Conspiracy Theory

Introduction A conspiracy theory is a claim that some larger, more complex event was planned and orchestrated by a smaller group of people than is generally known. One of the most famous examples of a conspiracy theory is the idea that Tupac faked his own death and is still alive...

Sephora – A Beauty Products Company

Introduction Sephora is a beauty Products Company created in 1969 by a French beauty products enthusiast. However, in 1997, the business was acquired by Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH) (Moore et al., 2020). Over the years, the corporation has grown to become a leading retailer in the European beauty marketplace....

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (AIWS)

Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS) is a complex of disorientating neurological symptoms characterized by a wrong perception of the size and position of the body and violation of coordination. People who suffer from AIWS often see things smaller or bigger than in reality or feel their bodies changing in size...

Work-Life Balance for Europeans

Introduction Work-life balance is considered one of the most important professional values of the 21st century. Research has confirmed that it leads to greater financial returns, higher organizational performance and commitment, and increased job and overall life satisfaction (Lee & Sirgy, 2017; Wood et al., 2020). As a result, lawmakers...

Moroccan Central Bank’s Ethics and Systems

Introduction The banking sector in the last two years has been impacted greatly by the COVID-19 pandemic. The situation led to emergence of various innovations and a new way of thinking in terms of the approach towards work. For instance, the Moroccan Central Bank adopted the idea of working at...

Environmental Issues in Namibia Due to Rössing Uranium Mine

Introduction The entire African continent suffers from environmental problems, and Namibia is no exception. Namibia is a large country rich in natural resources, but their extraction does not benefit the population. Incorrect processing and disposal of waste negatively affects the state of air, water and soil. Improper extraction of minerals,...

Leadership in Drug Abuse Program Development

Introduction For a program to be developed successfully, strong leadership is required. The process of designing and planning programs is a comprehensive endeavor that calls for an awareness of an organization’s core principles and cultural norms. Communication, human relations, and communication are all examples of leadership duties required during the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

FTE Networks Inc.’s Financial Statement Fraud

Introduction Proper governance mechanisms aid an accountant in determining whether financial statements present a firm’s financial performance and position. Therefore, financial statement fraud emerges when income reports are used to conceal a company’s true financial state or to disguise specific fraudulent acts. Financial statement fraud can take many forms but...

Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” vs. O’Connor’s “A Good Man…”

Introduction “A Rose for Emily,” written by William Faulkner, and “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor are two short stories that illustrate the complex relationship between the past and the present. Namely, common topics highlighted in both literature pieces are the time and location setting and...

The Gilgamesh and Ramayana Epic

Introduction The mysterious and legendary process carries the prospect of the ultimate fate of ordinary people’s lives. The Epic of Gilgamesh was written around 2000 BC, while the Ramayana was composed around 1800 BC by the ancient Indians (Bhide et al. 501). Both accounts provide extraordinary evidence to show people...

Canbide Corporation Operations Management Tools

Managers are the professionals who are assigned the role of overseeing the duties of every employee in an organization towards achieving mission statements. They are the people who work closely with the employees and quite often they are consulted by administrators when decisions are being made in an organization. They...

Biological and Humanistic Approaches to Personality

Introduction Personal reflection is a day-to-day analysis that caters for assessment of personalities especially among closely related people. The daily rumination of peoples’ behaviours has a close focus upon individuals, but the development in the psychology studies indicates that the focus is general. Various theories are in use in the...

Older Adult Falls Prevention: Teaching Experience

Summary of Teaching Plan A teaching plan for this assignment was based on one of the most critical issues not only in Miami, Florida but also in the whole world. It was developed to highlight primary prevention and health promotion related to falls among the elderly in the mentioned city....

Communicable Diseases in Miami

Introduction The number of years that people are expected to live has been rising gradually since the dawn of the 20th century. This rise may be associated with the advancements made to guarantee infant survival, thanks to the discovery of preventive measures, which include vaccines and other interventions. Such immunizations...

Starbucks Coffee Employees Training: New Equipment Usage

Introduction and Background The concept of employee training has become a common subject for researchers and practitioners over the years. The primary principle behind training is providing a workforce with flexibility and freedom in making decisions related to work based on knowledge and skills. This is an anti-thesis of traditional...

Werewolves: Meaning Behind Monsters

Introduction Werewolves are one of the most recognizable types of monsters in modern culture. They are almost constantly featured in both mainstream and niche fiction, and the number of interpretations of the same creature grows every year. While the details of the stories vary, the core idea of a werewolf...

America Anonymous: Eight Addicts in Search of a Life

America Anonymous is an ambitious project by a New York Times bestselling author and tenured professor of writing and literature, Benoit Denizet-Lewis. The writer is known for his non-fiction, characters’ multidimensional personalities, and in-depth profiles that hide not a single detail from the reader. Denizet-Lewis is bold and unapologetic in...

Marketing Business Case: How to Analyze It

As empirical inquiries, case studies investigate contemporary phenomena in their real-life contexts. When analyzing marketing business cases, the analyst introduces a measure of realism into management education (Cravens and Lamb 95; Ebneyamini and Moghadam 1). There are four fundamental steps in the process of a case analysis. Initially, the one...

Pressure Ulcers and Recommended Care Techniques

Introduction to the Problem Bedsores are frequent in long-term care Continuous pressure on the skin Problems related to proper blood circulation Sepsis and bacterial infections (cellulitis) A review of PU aversion methods PU protocols to be improved Pressure ulcers (PU) belong to the most common wounds associated with long-term hospital...

The Great Gatsby Themes

Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby depicts life in America in the 1920s focusing on the relationship between different classes and their representatives. The main character, Jay Gatsby, starts his life as a poor farm boy and earns his position in society and wealth through perseverance, commitment to his dreams, and hard work....

William Shakespeare’s Hamlet: Is He Insane?

Introduction The issue of insanity has often been uncomfortable, for the average human being as well as for the writer. It often provides a fascinating subject for drama, as has been demonstrated brilliantly by William Shakespeare as insanity plays a key role in Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet. In this play, the...

Taking Pap Tests: Theory and Practice

The present description is about a consultation with a woman named Debbie, who has inquired about having the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination. Ms.Debbie has provided valuable information as revealed from her decisions; and the main objective of this article is to highlight the key aspects of this consultation and...

The Deception Role in “Silence”

The term “deception” has a lot of synonyms: deceit, lie, fraud to name just a few. Such diversity of terms to describe the act of deluding and giving false information proves the seriousness of the concept of lie for human beings: deception can cause a dramatic change of life of...

The Role and Specifics of Injury Report

Introduction An injury report is a useful tool in preparedness and dealing with emergencies. It spells out roles that will be taken up with various stakeholders when emergencies occur and reduce the occurrences of injuries in the first place. It has several advantages especially in areas where accidents are likely...

The High Cost of Specialty Drugs

Introduction Despite healthcare reforms and the introduction of methods to optimize the medical industry, individual aspects deserve particular attention due to the inability of stakeholders to address specific challenges. The high cost of specialty drugs is one of such barriers, which makes it impossible for many people to undergo a...

Analyzing Visual Media: “Don’t Worry Darling, You Didn’t Burn the Beer!”

Advertisements, photographs, and art bear more than an obvious written message or a call to action. Details like the historical context, the color scheme, framing, and political inclination can indicate numerous connotations that the author did not intend. In advertisements, these elements signal a particular culture rather than a contextualized...

Nursing Informatics and Leadership Competencies

The quality of the health care can be increased with the help of implementation of new management systems aimed at making the storage and use of information about the patients, innovations in medical practise, current events, and other issues useful for healthcare staff freely available, easily accessible, though more secured...

Fostering Civility Among Nursing Staff

Incivility means unacceptable and rude behavior within a workplace which results in psychological distress and becomes an obstacle for good work. It is a serious issue in the healthcare sphere affecting both the doctors’ welfare and the quality of provided services. It may seem strange that in such a profession,...

Tuberculosis, Its Causes and Symptoms

Regardless of extra efforts made to avoid TB, the disease has remained a primary public health concern across the world. Tuberculosis (TB) is an airborne disease and is caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterium. This disease is infectious and mainly affects the human lungs. The bacterium causing TB spreads from...

Healthcare Provider and Faith Diversity: Native American Spirituality, Buddhism, and Sikhism

Abstract This paper outlines an explicit view on the following diverse faiths in regard to healthcare provision: Native American spirituality, Buddhism, and Sikhism. It also elaborates on the spiritual perspective on healing as presented by the three faiths. The various ways of healing are also elaborated. These include meditating, trusting...

Risk-Based Reimbursement in Healthcare

In most cases capitation is used to cut the physicians’ compensation. However, it can be utilized as a tool for providing proper reimbursement to reduce inpatient hospital stays and specialist procedures which patients may not need (Erdek, 2018). The hospitals where the primary physician work make per diem arrangement with...

Determining Pros and Cons of Physician-Assisted Suicide

Abstract This paper discusses the ethical issues related to the legalization or forbiddance of physician-assisted suicide (PAS). It identifies various stakeholders that are involved and presents their arguments in support of or in opposition to medically aid suicide. The author argues that patients should have the freedom of choice concerning...

Effects of 9-11 Terror on the United States

On September 11, 2001, the United States’ economic center in New York, its worldwide military headquarters at the Pentagon, and its public air transport network were targeted by synchronized terrorist strikes. America, its regional partners, and the United Nations Security Council moved with speed and creativity to safeguard the country....

Healthcare Challenges of Vulnerable Populations

Issues of Increased Healthcare Demands for Vulnerable Populations Bhatt, J., & Bathija, P. (2018). Ensuring access to quality health care in vulnerable communities. Academic Medicine, 93(9), 1271-1275. Web. The authors explain that many Americans are living in vulnerable urban and rural communities. The hospitalization of these people is vital, and...

President’s Power to Affect National Policy: The Case of Abortion

Probably, none of the important and controversial policies can be implemented without the participation of the country’s chief executive. For this reason, it is crucial to analyze which official and nonofficial tools a president of the United States can use to influence the policy regarding the legality of abortion. On...

Analysis of Milgram’s Study of Obedience

Introduction The twentieth century left an enormous legacy of controversial psychological research, and Milgram’s study was no exception. Indeed, the American psychologist Stanley Milgram’s series of 24 experiments was one of the most famous social psychology studies (Gridley and Jenkins, 2017). Milgram also conducted studies about conformity in Norway and...

Fair and Neutral Public Town Hall-Style Debate

Executive Summary Social Influence and Politics Fair and unbiased hall-style debates are the current issues nowadays. People want to express their standpoint and viewpoint freely and not be afraid of being criticized. Open space for debates is an excellent opportunity to voice concerns and issues that are much spoken about...

Climate Disruption: Understanding the Problem and Its Significance

Introduction Now, the climate crisis is a significant challenge facing humanity. Rising average temperatures substantially impact the planet’s climate, and these effects will become even more potent over the years. Besides global warming and melting glaciers, there is also an imbalance in all-natural systems, leading to changes in precipitation patterns,...

“The Great Hack” Documentary by Amer and Noujaim

Introduction The Great Hack is a cinematic piece that presents the internet competency of modern society. This documentary is an original Netflix movie, which offers an investigation conducted by journalists revolving around a private British company – Cambridge Analytica – and its potential interference in more than 200 presidential elections...

The Second World War and the Cold War

Allied Military Strategy in both Europe and Asia The Allied coalition was mainly formed to counter the threat posed by the Axis powers. The Allies were led by the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union, forming the ‘Big Three” (Robinson, 2020). The three leaders, including Winston Churchill...

Influence of Dogs on Wellness During All Stages of Life

Multiple levels contribute to personal wellness and various factors that influence general health. People explore different approaches to improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and overcome fears. Dogs, often seen only as pet animals, could significantly influence a person’s life as therapy dogs through animal-assisted intervention (AAI) during all stages...

Negative Impact of Modern Democracy on Political Process

Introduction In recent years, there has been a lot of work by economists looking for factors that could explain the bias and inconsistency of the political process. The system of concentration of capital has led to the fact that large financial and industrial corporations and banking groups have become stronger...

The Role of Digitalization in Supporting SMEs During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Prompt 01 During the COVID-19 pandemic, SMEs and retailers faced various challenges. Notably, organizations play a crucial role in supporting the country’s economy and the needs of its customers. Thus, during the pandemic, providing services and attracting new leads has become more difficult than usual. The dissertation topic revolves around...

Canterbury Bankstown Recycling

Canterbury Bankstown residents witnessed the breach of ethics and breaking of the recycling rules. Another report aims to analyze the situation and find solutions and recommendations for this occasion. Stakeholder theory was used to examine the ethics violation and make the right and necessary decisions. That found that equal rights...

Adolescence: Developmental Theories

Introduction Adolescence is a transition period, and these changes may be so drastic that parents question whether they are witnessing normal adolescent behavior or reason for alarm. Sometimes, adolescents do not wholly comprehend the repercussions of their behaviors. Parents need to realize that many adolescent habits that are strange to...

Global Supply Chain Disruptions of 2020

Introduction Since the coronavirus outbreak in March 2020, practically all regions and nations have reported cases. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated 22 million COVID-19 infections and deaths by August 2020, totaling almost 800,000 (Siddiqui et al., 2020). If all governments had failed to contain the epidemic, it might have...

The Residential School Program in Canada

Residential schools in Canada were an extensive education program established by the government incoherent with the administered churches. This program was created in the late 1800s by the Canadian government in an effort to assimilate Indigenous people into the dominant culture (Miller, 2012). These were times when the world was...

Cosmopolitan vs. Maxim Magazines

Introduction The Cosmopolitan magazine is a widely recognized journal that showcases social topics in pictorial and descriptive forms. The magazine has about 64 global editions, each written in a different language to cater to a diverse target audience (Vicente, 2022). In addition to this Cosmopolitan, Maxim magazine has gained prowess...

Why Gilgamesh Is Different From the Other Mesopotamian Kings

The poem The Epic of Gilgamesh was composed in honor of Gilgamesh, a real-life ruler. The Gilgamesh Epic was a highly revered and worshipped poem in Mesopotamia. The poem was set in the Mesopotamian city of Uruk, now known as Iraq. Gilgamesh, who ruled as a hero king in the...

Calista Roy’s Adaptation Theory in Nursing

Introduction Sister Calista Roy is a nursing theorist, writer, and professor known for her exemplary contribution to nursing. Born in 1939, Roy went to school where she studied until she received a degree in nursing from St. Mary’s College, LA, in 1963 (Callis, 2020). She is known for her revolutionary...

Teenagers Impacted by Increased Screen Time

Introduction Smartphones and computers are an integral part of teenagers’ lives nowadays. Nevertheless, scientists have concluded that excessive fascination with it harms the health and well-being of the younger generation. Increased screen time affects the psychosomatic, cognitive and physical health of teenagers. Overuse of electronic devices has previously been linked...

International Business Communication Problem Case

Introduction Our construction company has been tasked with the responsibility of constructing the tallest skyscraper in the globe to be based in Rio de Janeiro. Dubai will finance the project, China will provide the raw materials, and management of the project shall be from the United States. On the other...

Industrial Age and Early Capitalism

Introduction It is a common truth that those people who do not remember the past have a limited opportunity to understand the real nature of things that happen to their society. The mindset of society has experienced significant changes during the last centuries; however, the repercussions of older values can...

The Television Series “South Park” Analysis

Introduction Communication is one of the greatest aspects that make human life enjoyable by promoting understanding and interactions of individuals from similar or diverse backgrounds. It forms one of the agents that bind the society together despite the many personal and cultural differences that exist among human beings. The media...

Oncology Patients’ Hospital Readmission Prevention

Introduction The project is focused on finding pre-discharge and post-discharge techniques that can help reduce hospital readmissions of adult oncology patients. One of the best potential solutions belongs to Merkow et al. (2015), who suggest that the major evidence-based way to decrease the readmission rate is scheduling follow-up visits for...

Manual Therapy Education and Treatment Claims

In recent years, manual therapy has gained prominence in physiotherapy contexts due to its role in the management of painful and disabling conditions such as neck and back pain (Paanalahti et al., 2016). The present paper aims at creating a deeper understanding and awareness of manual therapy by defining the...

Social Marketing and Political Advertising

Advertising Student Name Professor Name Course April 21, 2017 Social Marketing and Political Advertising While some people may still focus solely on commercial use when considering advertising, the use of advertising in political and social marketing is also quite extensive. Advertising is a tool to communicate or sell ideas, concepts,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

HSBC Bank’s Staffing Change: Communication Plan

The Need for the Change in Staffing and its Impact on all Stakeholders HSBC Bank wishes to appreciate the contribution of all its employees to the organization’s productivity, thanks to the company’s advanced knowledge sharing base and its excellent connection with the widening array of co-workers and consultants. The outcome...

Brick-and-Mortar Business’ Challenges

Introduction Problem Statement The business presented in the case study is a brick-and-mortar business, i.e., one that has a physical building (e.g., a store) and performs face-to-face marketing (compared to e-commerce where there is often no physical building). The business has a website that does not provide opportunities for online...

Professional Ethics in Nursing Practice

What are the skills necessary for the provider to identify, address, and assess this clinical ethical issue? Professional ethics cannot be ignored in providing health or nursing care. It is hard to give some general guidelines and recommendations on how to stay ethically correct in all cases. A provider must...

Fall Preventive Programs and Nursing Plan

Design for Change Proposal Every year, approximately 30-40% of orthopedic patients identify falls as the reason for why they address the emergency departments of their local hospitals (Hill et al., 2015). Besides, nowadays, falls are the frequent causes of mortality and morbidity among older adults (Ambrose, Paul, & Hausdorff, 2013)....

The New Horizons Community Mental Health Center

Introduction The New Horizons Community Mental Health Center serves the diverse population of Miami, FL, which predominantly includes Hispanic, White American, African American, and Haitian clients. Patients with depression constitute a large part of the population that the Center serves, but the Center’s health providers have been reporting issues in...

Greggs Company’s Communication Theory

Introduction Annual reports are written with the purpose to inform the shareholders about the situation in the company, about its achievements and the future purposes. Clatworthy and Jones (2003) state that it is highly important to provide both good and bad news in the report, focusing more on bad news...

Video Games: Negative and Positive Effect on Teenage Kids

Introduction Video gaming is a highly controversial issue. It is often argued that it is very harmful to the players, gives them nothing, and is plainly a waste of time. On the contrary, large numbers of people still play games very often and enjoy them much. Which opinion is true?...

Feminist Theory Applied to the “Passengers” Film

Traditional male-female relationships continue to be central to the plot of most modern movies. However, despite progressive attitudes in society, the representations of females are viewed through the scope of sexuality and voyeurism, which differs from reality. The film Passengers is a modern blockbuster that creates an intimate setting for...

Interpersonal Communication Skills in Healthcare

Introduction According to the Joint Commission (2015), the problem of miscommunication in healthcare persists and tends to have negative impacts on patient outcomes, including those related to safety. Consequently, it is important to analyze one’s workplace from the perspective of communication and collaboration. This paper will focus on the literature...

The Necessity of Obama’s Health Care Plan

Health care is the management as well as the deterrence of sickness performed by qualified professionals in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, and nursing. After long years of struggle by the Americans, as a result of societal along with opinionated issues contiguous to the contact with health care, there was...

Violence and Conflict for Children and Women

Introduction The problem of domestic violence is a relatively newly recognized social problem in the Western community – it began to be debated only in the last three to four decades of the 20th century. Domestic violence, according to platform 4 of the UN World Conference on Women (Beijing, September...

Climate Change: Forecast of Possible Events

Introduction If the world does not address climate change, workforce shifts, apocalyptic issues, water shortage, and biodiversity decline will occur, and we will end up with collapsed civilization. According to Amanda Ruggeri (2017), major climatic changes will heavily impact the workforce, where organizations will become more concerned about global threats...

Haiti: From Slavery to Emancipation

The Creation of Wealth and The Policies Justification Fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were crucial for European development as a bourgeois society. However, this socio-political transformation was done by means of exploiting new vast territories and enslaving their indigenous people. Sugar industry, which was brought and intensified in America, was an...

Understanding Christopher Columbus

Introduction The name Christopher Columbus’ has been heard and taught in schools worldwide while the Americans continuously rejoice in the achievements of this man. Since the 1970s, civilians celebrate a three-day holiday called Columbus Day yearly. They rest while appreciating this renowned and good man for discovering their country. He...

Encainide and Flecainide Effect on Mortality in a Trial of Arrhythmia Suppression

Design: Case control study. Setting: CAST Centres. Sample Population: 4400 patients, who had attended various CAST centres and had suffered from myocardial infarction, had been analyzed through the Holter test. Furthermore, the patients were required to have experienced six or more premature depolarisations within an hour. Inclusion Criteria Case patients:...

Difference between Folic Acid or Folate

Introduction Folate is a naturally occurring vitamin that is part of the B complex group of vitamins. Folate, a water-soluble vitamin is converted to various active forms in the body. Folate is a general name used to refer to folic acid or folacin. Folate is a core vitamin that is...

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Development, Treatment, and Prevention

Introduction Rheumatoid arthritis is among the common ailments destabilizing the community today. The disorder is autoimmune and provokes the body to attack the membranes lining of human joints mistakenly. This disease causes abnormal inflammation, which can be chronic, and even worse it primarily affects human joints. In the past, diseases...

Concepts of Socialization and Self-Identity

Personal Status It is primarily necessary to mention that every individual is assigned with a specific social status from their birth as well as achieves other statuses during their lifetime. The term status refers to the measurement of a person’s value that gives a chance to experience certain privileges and...

Reflections on Christian Ministry Journey

Introduction The desire to study Ministry and dedicate one’s life to Christianity as a profession does not correspond in people’s minds with an easy entertaining career. It is a challenging path with many classes, insights, obstacles, and personal conclusions. The Ministry requires broad knowledge and understanding of details in various...

Global Issues of World Poverty: Reasons and Solutions

Introduction The term ‘poverty’ has almost become synonymous in association with the greater population of the third world, that is, countries that are currently considered either developing or under-developed, especially in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and Oceania in respect to their economies (Marie, 2002). The term ‘World poverty’ would therefore...

Prison’s Impact on People’s Health

The New Penology The concept of new penology states the importance of creating a new language of penology. While the traditional concerns of it focused on the individual, new penology shifts its focus to actuarial consideration of aggregates. The new penology involves various areas, which allow transformation. First of all,...

Acupuncture in the Treatment for Low Back Pain

Abstract Acupuncture is a time tested treatment used by mankind because it has been used for a long time around the world. Most people have thought about the treatment as being helpful making it a very effective treatment to mankind. However, most researchers do not know how the treatment works...

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Prominent Aspects, Management, and Prevention

Introduction Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized by a pattern of inattention or hyperactivity in a person. A patient with ADHD has a hard time keeping their attention on one subject, often suffering from hyperactive bursts of energy and struggling with impulsive decision-making (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). While...

Irish Immigration to America

Immigration to America is an acute issue of the past and the present that has not lost its relevance. Powerful waves of migration began in the early 20th century, and some of the settlers were the Irish. Economic and humanitarian disasters spurred immigrants who could afford to move to America....

Analysis of Human Senses and Its Importance

Background Humans function through sensory nerves and organs that coordinate with the brain to bring emotions and perform physical activities. The primary senses include taste, vision, hearing, touch, and smell. Smell describes how individuals perceive scents; the concept describes eyesight, hearing is the ability to perceive sound, touch involves contact,...

Researching of Narcissism in Media

Summary Narcissism is a psychological concept and, in some cases, a disorder characterized by an unhealthy interest or admiration of oneself. Narcissism occurs on a spectrum, and in the modern day of self-focus and individualization, many people experience some forms of the concept. This paper will explore various media sources...

Picturing Will by A. Beattie: A Novel Review

Relationships are strange, especially as highlighted in the novel Picturing Will. Every single relationship is different from others and within them, there are different responsibilities each individual has to undertake. The gender roles that some relationships have are considered normalized and others are deemed to be out of the ordinary....

What Makes The Coca-Cola Company Run?

Introduction Multinational companies struggle to dominate the sales market and capture new economic niches. Such struggles are justified by the desire to gain consumer appreciation, improve sales and audience reach, and, most importantly, increase profits. To achieve these goals, companies use a variety of marketing strategies and business plans and...

President James K. Polk’s Policies and Goals

Introduction Several notable events marked the 11th presidency of the United States by James Knox Polk. An unlikely president, criticized by the Whig Party opposition before, throughout, and after his term, Polk worked relentlessly to accomplish his goals. Among them were the Mexican American War and the downward adjustment of...

Analysis of Keurig and Dr Pepper Merger

This paper is about a merger involving two companies: Dr Pepper Snapple Group, a soda-making company, and Keurig Green Mountain, a coffee-making company. It was announced in 2018 that the two companies wanted to come together to have combined efforts that would enable them to make new attractive beverages to...

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“When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine” by Jhumpa Lahiri

Every person’s journey through life is marked by the presence of at least one individual who has made a profound impression on them. The influence may be favorable, but it might also be detrimental. Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine is a short narrative in which the reader can relate to...

Communism and Fascism Ideologies of the 20th Century

Communism and fascism became the two defining ideologies of the last century. People became adherents of one direction or another and were ready to defend it. Hitler’s ambitions, deeply affected by the ideas of the importance of war, led to catastrophic consequences for all mankind. The currents of the two...

Apple Inc.: Profile of a Successful Company

Introduction Apple Inc. is a technology firm founded in 1976. Since its formation, the corporation has expanded its business operation across the world. Currently, the business organization has several stores in the US, Africa, Europe, Asia, and North American markets. Despite rapid changes in the technology industry, Apple has managed...

Ethical and Legal Dilemmas in the Healthcare Case

Introduction This case study shows an example of a young woman, Janet, who survived an accident in which her husband died. Although Janet survived the accident, the doctor found that she had suffered a severe head injury, and the prognosis for the woman was poor. Moreover, the patient has been...

The Lehman Bank: Irregularities and Cybercrimes

Henry Lehman had until recently been the head of one of the world’s largest and most successful investment bank. Now he was on the verge of bankruptcy and facing a damning criminal trial. He blamed his misfortune on two people in particular. A former employee of his bank named Paul...

Drunk Driving Essay: Effects, Dangers, and Prevention of Drinking and Driving

Drinking and Driving Essay: Abstract Driving under the influence of alcohol is a common practice in all countries where alcohol consumption is legal. This behavior has emerged as an important issue affecting road safety over the past few decades. This free drinking and driving essay discusses the issue of drunk...

Impact of Technology: Nicholas Carr’s Views

Introduction Carr touches upon a controversial topic of the impact of technology on our reading skills and human intelligence (par. 3). He expresses concerns about the changes in reading patterns that we experience due to the Internet; it makes our reading less deep and shallower. Our reading has indeed changed...

Pan-Slavism and Nationalism as Causes of World War I

Both nationalism and imperialism were major forces that drove the alliances toward the war. The Pan-Slavic movement itself was not created specifically by Russia to achieve its political goals. It was originally coined by various Slavic intellectuals, and at the beginning of the XX century, František Palacký invited various historians...

Psychotherapeutic Group Development: Termination Stage

The final phase of psychotherapeutic group work is the most difficult one for every participant, as well as for a therapist. Once the therapy comes to an end, such issues as anxiety and uncertainty about the future might arise due to the role of the group in every patient’s recovery...

Nucor Corporation’s Organizational Structure

Trends in the steel industry and its impact on Nucor’s strategy The current trends in the steel industry involve mergers and acquisitions. This is happening in the United States and other parts of the world. The rationale for the mergers can be attributed to the need for strong companies to...

Pressure Ulcers: Perspective and Treatment

The modern healthcare sector is focused on the gradual reconsideration of all services it provides to patients with the primary aim to significantly improve the health of the nation and eliminate various health concerns threatening citizens living in different states. At the same time, there are numerous efforts to improve...

Euthanasia for Terminally Ill and Religious Ethics

Introduction The present study investigates the case of an attorney from Oregon named George who is in his fifties and has been recently diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). From the provided scenario one understands that the man fully realizes the seriousness of his disease and the outcomes it will...

Learning Portfolio: Key Elements and Skills

Introduction This portfolio contains the key elements that can be used to demonstrate the improvement of my skills and knowledge, as well as the progress toward the achievement of course objectives, that occurred over the past five weeks. Specifically, a concept map and objectives list will be included to set...

“The Secret Agent” Novel by Joseph Conrad

Introduction “The Secret Agent” by Joseph Conrad is based on the Greenwich Bomb Outrage of 1894 when a man named Martial Bourdi, had, like Stevie Verloc, the main protagonist of “The Secret Agent”, killed himself setting off a bomb in Greenwich Park near the Royal Observatory. Thus, the terrorists in...

Marketing Ethics. Consumer vs. Corporate Responsibility

The recent New York Times article on marketing provides an extensive and informative discussion of the recent initiatives, undertaken by marketers for the purpose of helping the disabled and improving their image (Elliott, 2009). In particular, the author states that despite the current financial crisis and downturn of sales, companies...

Impact of Bioterrorism on the U.S Agriculture System

Introduction The fear that biological weapons of warfare might be used against U.S citizens has been a source of considerable concern among politicians as well as public health officials. Media coverage concerning the issue has also risen to such an enormous that it has been a cause of panic among...

Purchasing Control: Term Definition

Introduction Wine & Dine Café specialize in wines all around the world and healthy meals. The company started on June 2000 and has grown to employ more than two hundred internal employees now. Currently, we operate in over 100 countries worldwide with the branches we begun launching in 2003 after...

Is the USA a Democracy? American Politics

Although the United States of America prides itself on being the first truly democratic country in the modern world, an opinion that the US is not a democracy has been gaining more and more traction in the recent years. There are concerns that the American democratic system does not work...

Watson’s Theory to the Nursing Process

Introduction Nursing practice has continually improved over the recent years due to the integration of theoretical frameworks that advocate for more involving learning strategies and nursing process (Billings and Halstead, 2009, p.4). Furthermore, the embracement of community oriented and consumer driven system and its incorporation in learning has led to...

Nightingale’s Environmental Theory

Introduction It is evident to a modern person that treatment of patients should be accompanied by a versatile and careful medical intervention, which involves not only surgical operation or prescription of drugs, but also post-clinical examination. Not least, the environment surrounding the patient plays a role in overall recovery. Examples...

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Nursing Practice

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is widely debated as one of the controversial and less-researched medical conditions. The prevalence of GDM is at an all-time high of 15%, which is expected to grow significantly due to the increasing amount of obese women of reproductive age (Mensah et al., 2019). The reason...

Feminism and Domestic Violence

Unfortunately, domestic violence remains a sensitive topic for many American families, even today. However, tremendous work was done by various feminist movements to bring awareness to this topic and, thus, make “wife-beating” a crime rather than a private family tragedy. There were many explanations for the possible causes of domestic...

A History of the American People

The Civil Rights Movement The civil rights movement is based on the elimination of division and discrimination based on skin color. The first case, “Brown v. Board, 1954,” presents a lawsuit, the essence of which was to end the separation of education for black and white students. The court passed...

White Privilege and Black Lives Matter Movement Through the History Lens

One of the most severe and challenging groups of issues that worsen people’s everyday experiences and make them fight for their rights and inclusion is the challenges of diversity. For example, Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a major international movement that addresses white privilege and all racially motivated incidents and...

Home Daycare vs. Child Care Center Services

Childcare Organizations Pros and Cons for Children Children are the future of society whose active development starts from the early years of their lives. Thus, accurate and productive childcare is essential to raise a decent generation. Parents often need to choose the organization to develop kids’ social skills and prepare...

Alzheimer’s: Aspects of the Illness

Summary Alzheimer’s is a medical condition resulting from progressive neuronal relapse in the brain. The world experiences increased pressure to combat or develop a better understanding of Alzheimer’s because more and more people continue to suffer from it as they age past fifty years. Many elderly Americans exhibit depression, apathy,...

Work Ethics and Productivity: Leadership Theory

Introduction This paper explores the standards of professional ethics and how it affects the employees’ productivity at a workplace. In addition, the work ethics of different generations is investigated. As a result of the thorough literature review, it becomes evident that the older descents are more hard-working than, the younger...

The Global Chocolate Industry and Madecasse’s Business

Five Forces Analysis of the Global Chocolate Industry The study of various industries and their various components can provide a considerable amount of helpful information. An interesting approach for this scientific work is the practical application of the five forces model by Michael Porter. The main task of this method...

The Theory of Transformative Justice

In the legal and political realms, justice is believed to be one of the most fundamental moral ideals. Law and order are essential, but they can only be achieved if justice is also established. In many facets of the community, social justice fosters consistency and fairness. Equal economic, cultural, and...

The Red Bull Product Promotion

The penetration of Red Bull’s new flavored drink into the market depends significantly on the effectiveness of the brand ambassadors. The effectiveness of brand ambassadors is essential in appealing to the needs of the market expectations. For instance, ambassadors are good time managers and always readily available thus making them...

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The Social Work: Eliminating Shame and Stigma

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Media Censorship and Its Impact

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How Wealth Inequality Affects Democracy in America?

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Children Labor in Sweatshops

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Genesis and Its Topics

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Tinker versus Des Moines Independent Community School District Case

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Improving the Quality of Patients Life

Introduction The research article seeks to assess and determine the importance of nurse care and self-care intervention programs in the management and improvement of patients’ health conditions and quality of life. Nurses are the primary care specialist in a hospital set up with fundamental expert-patient relationships forming the first and...

The European Union’s Automotive Industry Policy

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Psychology of Feeling and Thinking

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Elections: From the Fresh Start to the Steady Leadership

Introduction When it comes to gaining power over the whole country, political leaders do their best to persuade people that they are the correct and the only choice. Election campaigns involve hundreds of people working on the image of the candidate. They use a variety of resources to attract the...

Marketing Management Aspects and Questions

Define what is meant by “brand equity” and discuss what a company can do to maintain brand equity Coherent society is characterized by great rivalry. To be successful a company or a person should be able to compete with the rest of the world. Especially topical this question is for...