Professionalism and Ethics in Environment

Challenger Disaster Challenger refers to a space shuttle that was owned by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The Challenger was scheduled to launch on 28th January 1986. On the scheduled day, the challenger lit off but it disintegrated immediately after liftoff (Chow). It is estimated that it was...

E-Learning and Social Networking: Articles Comparison

Introduction In an article titled “The Impact of E-learning on end-users Satisfaction”, the author sets out to investigate the levels of satisfaction that come with e-learning experiences. In the second article, the main subject is Facebook and how it is used by students for learning purposes. The two articles follow...

Model Business Corporation Act: the Australian Law

The given case should be analyzed in terms of the Australian corporate law and basic regulations suggested by it. The fact is that the given sphere could be considered rather complex and there are several important factors that should be taken into account when cogitating about the actions which could...

Economic Benefits of Gender Equality in the European Union

Solution Gender inequality is a highly complex and extensive social issue that is prevalent in every layer of society and industry. It is difficult to pinpoint a solution that would lead to a resolution. However, one of the most efficient methods to combat sexism has been education. The proposed solution...

Divorce Effects on Children’s Behavior

Introduction A divorce is always an unpleasant event, even if two adults have no complaints against each other and want to stay in a friendly relationship. However, for children, the experience of parents’ separation is especially painful as it leads to the destruction of connections within the family, traditions, and...

National Incident Management and Command Systems

Disaster response and security management are complex processes that require a combination and coordination of various elements of the government, first response, financial considerations, personnel management, and inclusion of the private sector, among other aspects. Information technology such as the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System...

“Bad Leadership” by Barbara Kellerman

Introduction The book under consideration is called “Bad Leadership” and is written by Barbara Kellerman (US: Harvard Business Press 2004). The book is a kind of warning for those who blindly follow the false leaders and are unable to differentiate the qualities of a full-fledged leader. In addition, the book...

U.S. Public History and Policies

Introduction The field of public history has been developing over the years and, during this time, the concept of public history has acquired numerous definitions. Earlier, it used to be defined with regards to the work of the historians and different public agencies which carried out independent research. Since the...

Royal Mail Service Industrial Dispute

Introduction There has been an industrial dispute between royal Mail service and its workers. Royal mail has been faced with crisis since 2007 when the first major industrial crisis faces the mail service provides. From since, there has been recurrence of the crisis with the parties involved making different demands....

Collective Bargaining – Historical Trends & Developments

Overview Workers all over the world have often attempted to put pressure through a collective power so that their requests and demands can be heard. Such demands usually range from wages and salaries to terms and conditions of working. It is however important to explore the historical and current trends...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Curriculum Development in Higher Education

Introduction The rapid changes in society today are largely driven by the shift in resources. One of the aspects in which such changes can be reflected in education. Curriculum, as well as curriculum delivery, is constantly explored, looking for new and effective methods. Accordingly, the rationale for updating the content...

Play Based Programs and Learning

Introduction The ultimate goal of any learning process is to equip the targeted individuals with superior skills and ideas for confronting future challenges and pursuing their aims in life confidently. Researchers and scholars in the field of education have succeeded in presenting numerous ideas to improve the learning process and...

Better Education in the United States

Introduction It is impossible to imagine modern society without education because the latter allows young people to receive basic knowledge of how everything works in the world. A country is considered developing if its citizens do not have sufficient access to educational establishments. However, it is a typical case in...

Comparison of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam

Introduction Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are the main monotheistic religions of the world with millions of followers. Although tolerance has become more widespread in society, conflicts and disputes still erupt between representatives of these religions, since they consider their faith to be more right. However, one may note that Christianity,...

Language Evolution: The Major Schools of Thought

Introduction Different scholars and researchers in the field of linguistics have presented diverse views regarding the evolution and nature of language. Derek Bickerton is one of such theorists whose works have managed to shed more light on the matter. He wrote extensively in language evolution in an attempt to understand...

Servant Leadership: Chinese Culture and Confucianism

Servant leadership gained momentum several decades ago and has become quite a common approach to managing organizations on a global scale. An increasing number of people utilize this type of leadership style irrespective of the cultural background or the contexts they operate in. However, it is also necessary to note...

IOM Future of Nursing Report and Nursing

Robert Wood Foundation (RWF) Committee Work and IOM Report The Future of Nursing report was developed during a propitious period in the U.S health care – an era typified by the increasing need for modifications in the care delivery framework. First, the “IOM Vision of the Future of Nursing” report...

How Technology Advances Influences Crime Rates?

In the last few decades, the world has embraced rise of many technological changes in almost all aspects of life. Many benefits have come up due to these developments as well as endangerment of people’s lives. The internet, cell phones, and ATM machines are some of the new technologies that...

Affect of Bond Prices in US Sub-Prime Mortgage Market

Introduction A bond price is the total amount of money paid to purchase a bond. The prices of bonds are negatively related to interest rates meaning that as interest rates increase, the bond prices will fall and when interest rates fall, the bond prices will increase. When interest rates rise,...

Women Health Issues: Prevention and Treatment

Screening Guidelines: Mammography Breast cancer is one of the central concerns of the US healthcare system. According to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (2020), in 2019, there were 271,270 new cases of invasive breast cancer diagnosed in women and 2,670 cases diagnosed in men in the United States. Mammography is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Video Games and Violence: Danger of Video Games

Introduction The idea of associating video games with violence has existed for almost as long as the medium itself. Many titles enable the person to enact a character that is encouraged to participate in violence against other people, both computer- and player-controlled, without suffering any consequences for it. In some...

“Esperanza Rising” by Pam Muñoz Ryan

Synopsis of the book The synopsis of Esperanza Rising is the girl’s life-changing year. Esperanza had a wealthy family in Mexico, but bandits killed her father; his brothers attempted to take advantage of Esperanza’s family situation. However, her mother was not willing to obey, and they managed to escape to...

Texas Should Not Legalize Marihuana for Personal or Medical Use

Introduction The drug use is one of the most urgent social and legal problems nowadays. Certain drugs have been historically used as the components of the medicines. Many are prohibited. The legalization of marihuana for personal and medical use is the subject of discussions and debates. The aim of this...

Yersinia Pestis: Microbiological Analysis

Background Numerous painful conditions of patients are caused by physical damage to the integrity of the body and the possibility of dangerous pathogens entering the internal environment. Overcoming the primary protective barrier of the skin, the pathogen activates its mechanisms of attacking human cells and suppresses the functioning of the...

Action Plan to Eliminate New Brunswick’s Demographic Deficit

Introduction The implementation of relevant concepts of demographic policy in conditions of a population deficit is a crucial practice not only nationally but also globally. In his article, Passaris (2007) examines the dangerous consequences of the population decline in New Brunswick and analyzes the possible prerequisites for the development of...

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission vs. UPS Freight

Introduction Workers feel comfortable and motivated when they are treated equally, and their safety is ensured. This means that managers should show determination in addressing issues affecting their workers by treating everyone fairly without discrimination. It becomes difficult for workers to achieve their objectives when working with unfavorable company policies...

Review of “A Stranger Among Family” Series

The series A Stranger Among Family is a project concerned with telling the story of an unusual family in which the protagonist is a teenager. The series is narrated in third person, concentrating on the character, exposing him gradually and focusing on the difficult moral and social situation of the...

Aging Process in the United States and Russia

Summary Currently, there is a trend around the world for a steady increase in life expectancy, as well as an aging population. These factors are especially relevant for developed industrial and post-industrial countries, including the United States and Russia. In these countries, an increase in life expectancy has been observed...

Han Fei and Aristotle: Interpret of the Passage by Confucius

Introduction The concept of harmony has always taken one of the central positions in both Western and Eastern traditions of philosophy. Prominent thinkers have utilized this notion to describe social aspects, such as cultural norms and sovereign regulations, and individualistic nature. Furthermore, the concept of harmony is frequently used to...

How Defamation Law Affects the Work of Professional Communicators

Introduction People and organizations rely on their reputations to sell their products, plans, ideas, and personalities in the current business and corporate world. With the advancement in the communication sector, more marketing platforms have been created, with social media being the most used. Social media demands great proficiency in communication...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Themes of Knowledge and Family in Shelley’s Frankenstein

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a narrative that brilliantly illustrates life, death, desolation, vengeance, ignorance, and the fundamental human sin of behaving like God. The primary purpose of Shelley’s writing of this narrative is to demonstrate how futile it is for humans to play God, no...

Southwest Airlines’ Change Management and Decision Making

Southwest Airlines Company is one of the iconic trademarks in the United States aviation sector. It has been operating for more than 50 years, since 1967, serving most of the U.S. population. Herb Kelleher and Rolling King founded the company in 1967, and with the leadership of Herb Kelleher, the...

Combating Compassion Fatigue – Nursing

Introduction: The Phenomenon of Compassion Fatigue Responsiveness and empathy are, perhaps, among the most important qualities of a professional nurse. However, because of stressful environment and the necessity to empathize with every single patient, whose needs the nurse is supposed to tend to, healthcare specialist often find themselves in a...

Dairy Products Consumption and Obesity – Nutrition

Obesity is one of the most discussed health problems all over the world. The progress of obesity in the United States is closely associated with the population’s lifestyle and dietary habits. Effective diets and products which can reduce the obesity rates are actively discussed in the scientific world and in...

Phyllanthus Amarus Therapeutic Qualities

‘Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Activities of the Methanol Leaf Extract of Phyllanthus Amarus in some Laboratory Animals’ is an article devoted to the study of the therapeutic qualities of Phyllanthus Amarus. The authors suggest considering potential benefits of the plant in the framework of its application to such pathophysiologic condition as...

No Child Left Behind Act, Its Goals and Challenges

Introduction This child Act ensures that every child has a fair and equal opportunity to access high quality education. This act first enacted in 1965 following recertification of the secondary and elementary Act in 1964 and became a law in 2002 signed by President Bus. This law was a way...

US Employment Law and Human Resource Management

Introduction Business organizations use their human resources (HR) departments to focus on the issues affecting their employees. Organizational and motivational theories predict that positive employee-employer relations can drive performance and improve a corporation’s profitability. This means that HR managers must be keen to offer adequate support to employees throughout the...

Poverty in “Serving in Florida” and “Dumpster Diving”

Poverty and food insecurity are the issues that have been troubling American society for many years. Numerous citizens of the United States live below the poverty level and find it difficult to support themselves and their families. Some of them lack necessities such as food, housing, and health insurance and...

Models of Nursing Care

Introduction The content of nursing has changed over the centuries as the demands of society, and the conditions of life have varied. Nowadays, nursing care models define the essence of relationships between a nurse and a patient. Any model focuses on a patient and his or her health problems. The...

Miami Jewish Community’s Health Risk Factors

Selecting the Aggregate Location, Demographics The selected aggregate is the Jewish community of Miami, Florida. This population has been growing rapidly for the past decade (Varn, 2014). Varn (2014) states that the Jewish population has increased by approximately 10% during the past three decades. The western part of the city...

Nursing Shortage and Education Quality

Summary of the Problem The percentage of patients receiving quality medical services is quite small. This situation is attributable to the current issue of nursing shortage. MacPhee, Dahinten, & Havaei (2017) indicate that nursing shortage is a major concern making it impossible for many populations to receive desirable medical support....

Central Intelligence Agency in Vietnam War

A military confrontation between North and South Vietnam in the twentieth century took place for almost twenty years. The most important things about the discussed war include the fact that both parties to the conflict were receiving substantial support of two superpowers of the twentieth century represented by the Soviet...

Soren Kierkegaard Views on Ethics, Morals and Religion

There is no use denying the fact that humanity has always been affected by such phenomena as ethics, morals, and religion. Going along with society, these notions influenced human beings and introduced some changes to their lives. It should also be said with the increase in the complexity of society....

Australia’s Union Renewal Strategies

The influence of trade unions in Australia is significant. Among the largest and oldest trade unions in the country are such labor organizations as the Teachers’ Federation, the Australian Workers’ Union, and others. These trade unions conduct joint actions that sometimes result in clashes with government officials, but in general...

Technology, Distance Education, and Its Quality

Introduction Technology is a vital aid that helps many educational institutions offer distance learning programs to students in various places. Various issues have an impact on the usage of technological aids in distance education. Educational content and knowledge are disseminated through various electronic platforms such as the internet, audio, and...

The Nuance Group Company’s Image Restoration

Executive summary The case revolves around the problematic situation related to the functioning of The Nuance Group, a successful management consulting company that is focused on the provision of its services to different organizations and agents. At the moment, the company promotes its services by saying that is employees are...

Human Resource Management: Legal and Regulatory Environment

Advice to Goldstein Being the assistant vice president at Reliable Insurance, Amy Goldstein expects to take over the position of vice president from his retiring supervisor. However, this does not happen when the vice president explains the commitments that come with the position. Goldstein is aware that she cannot manage...

Parents Shape Early Adolescents’ Eating Behaviors

Parents’ behaviors have a significant impact on their children’s development. For children, parents tend to be role models whose authority cannot be questioned (Reicks et al. 8788). Parents are often the adults who are trusted and loved. They are also the source of knowledge as children observe the way parents...

The History of Kidnapping of John Paul Getty III

Background of the Case The case under consideration is one of the most discussed kidnapping stories of the twentieth century. The case roots back to July 10, 1973, when 1-year-old John Paul Getty III was kidnaped by Italian criminals in Rome. The people who organized the crime were the members...

The Godfather: Management Style Analysis

Introduction Lessons one can learn about leadership or styles of management are in wide availability within the modern media. The different ways in which organizations are now led have been subjects to multiple movies or TV series that depict main characters dealing with important business issues. The Godfather (1972) is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Self-Care Education for Myocardial Infarction Patients

Introduction Lesson Title: Self-care education for older adults with myocardial infarction. Identification and Description of the Learners The learners for this lesson project are older adults who experienced myocardial infarction and are prepared for discharge from the hospital. Older adults with conditions such as myocardial infarction make vulnerable populations because...

John Dickinson and His Concept Liberty.

Introduction Concept Liberty may appear to be too narrow for a monograph but the essence of its feeling is as deep as the meaning itself. The word itself has fascinated the scholars around the world and taken a subject of deep consideration by the English people of eighteenth century. The...

Traditional Healing and Western Medicine

Introduction Traditional healing is believed to the earliest form of healing, which laid foundation for the development of the modern western medicine. Therefor it can be seen as the primitive form of the modern western medicine, on the sense the later developed western medicines they based their main premises on...

How Signs Are Used to Construct Meaning

Introduction Semiotics, the study of processes of signs, as well as the use of symbols in communication at both a personal and a grouped setting is often viewed at as the basic element of the construction and understanding of meaning. Furthermore, signs have been known to mediate meaning, thus confirming...

Russian Climate and German Progression in WWII

Introduction Russia occupies two continents; a large part of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. The country’s climate is close to generally continental, even though as it rises from west to east the influence of the Atlantic Ocean reduces. Continental climate is found in the East Siberia and an Artic climate...

Drugs and Drug Related Crimes

Introduction It is appalling to know that drug manifestation starts at a very stage and our children are exposed to them. Children are naïve and had impressionable minds thus when they tend to get attracted to everything that goes around them. In today’s society where children enroll in schools, an...

Business, Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability

Introduction There are a number of issues that a businessman can be preoccupied with. A person who is planning to start his/her own business should be aware about the incalculable aspects of the business world, the rules according to which this world works, and the ways to improve his/her life...

Comparative History of the Red Sea Trans-Saharan and Indian Ocean Slave Trades

Introduction Like most historians would put it, slave trade in Africa is linked to much of the external forces in western and European nations. The trends in development of slave trade provide the best foresight for understanding the political and socio-economic history of Africa. From an African view point, this...

Implementation of a Customer Relationship Management

Introduction Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the approach and the process that an organization chooses to adopt and implement in order to maintain customer loyalty amongst current customers and to attract in prospective customers. Purpose of CRM CRM strategies are designed to build upon current customers and to ensure that...

Waves of Immigration in the United States

Since 1877, the US had experienced several waves of immigration that shaped its policy and contributed to the creation of the different society characterized by great diversity and power. Nevertheless, there are still some opponents, who tend to believe that the policy of openness is unprofitable and it should be...

“Whole of Government Models of Estate Regeneration: The Way Forward?” by K. Arthurson

Introduction The article “Whole of Government Models of Estate Regeneration: The way forward?” by Kathy Arthurson examines some of the whole of government estate regeneration approaches and evaluates the pros and cons of different models in addressing inequality on estates in Australia. Kathy Arthurson is an associate professor and researcher...

Ethical Controversies During COVID-19 Pandemic Regulations

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic brings a global display of ethical controversies. The health threats posed by disease outbreaks and epidemics and the accompanying anxiety are associated with multiple economic risks. The severity of the consequences of such a scenario for the global economy will depend on how well the government’s...

Odebrecht Bribes in Latin America

Amongst the most problematic issues of the modern society stands corruption. Ever since the concept of power and ability to control people were discovered, some individuals began to use them to their advantage. However, with the increasing number of opportunities that the modern media gives to ordinary citizens, it becomes...

“Warrior With Trophy Head”: Analysis of the Piece of Art

Introduction Ancient people have not left a wide range of resources about their lifestyle. Modern people know a measurable number of written memorials, so archeological artifacts appear to be the most informative method of acquiring knowledge about ancient cultures. They involve architecture and sculpture, which specifics can be helpful in...

Lung Cancer: Causes and Treatment

It should be admitted that there are many diseases related to environmental conditions, health habits, and work routines. However, lung cancer seems to be among the most severe ones in this regard. A plethora of chemical substrates provides carcinogenic effects on lung tissues – starting from a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon...

Healthy Lifestyle and Disease Prevention

The relevance of a healthy lifestyle today is caused, on the one hand, by an increase and change in the nature of loads on the human body due to the complication of social life, an increase in the risks of a technogenic, environmental, psychological, political and military nature. There is...

Is Bottled Water Dangerous for People and the Environment?

Introduction The quality of water is one of the key aspects that characterize the standards of living in the country. For humans, it is impossible to last more than three to four days without water; therefore, it is hard to overestimate the importance of this resource. In particular, bottled water...

American Settlement of the West: History of the Expansion

Introduction The American settlement of the Western territories was essentially a conquest. The first conflicts between settlers and the native population began to occur from the start of the colonization in the 17th century. As the number of colonists grew, and they moved further into the continent in search of...

Leadership Challenges as the CDC Director

Introduction In the assigned article, Osterholm (2005) highlighted some problems associated with preparing for future influenza pandemics. Without going into the details of these problems, he also mentioned leadership challenges that underscore the existence of these problems. One of them was determining the format, or structure, for partners in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Stage Directions and Dialogs in Susan Glaspell’s “Trifles”

Introduction Trifles is a one-act play by an American playwright and journalist Susan Glaspell, first performed in 1916. The plot is centered around a scene in a local farmhouse where neighbors and the police investigate a murder of John Wright, of which his wife Minnie is suspected. The play explores...

Yellowstone Caldera Pose: Threat to the US

Volcanoes have always been one of the central discussion matters in terms of geology and natural sciences in general. One of the reasons behind such interest is the fact that volcanoes have an extraordinary ability to deform over time, with the deformations being caused by various reasons such as subsurface...

Health Promotion Program Based on the Healthy People 2020 Target Objectives

Target Objective The vision of the Healthy People 2020 program is to develop “societies whereby all people live long, healthy lives” (Healthy People 2020, 2017, para. 2). In order to achieve this vision, the Healthy People 2020 project is guided by various goals or objectives that must be achieved. The...

Communication in a Hospital Setting

Introduction Communication in a hospital setting is a highly intricate and delicate process, which requires a collaborative effort from each party. The stakeholders in the given environment are mainly patients, medical professionals, and nursing professionals as well as administrators. The latter three comprise the hospital unit, which needs to communicate...

Federalism and Covid-19 in the United States

Introduction Although governments globally have adopted varying responses to mitigate the spread of Covid-19, the fragmented approach in the United States due to federalism has complicated the country’s proposed interventions. In the article “One Virus, Two Americas”, Ashish Jha illustrates how the pandemic has manifested the strengths and weaknesses of...

“The Great Gatsby” Is the Best Fitzgerald’s Novel

Introduction No doubt, Francis Scott Fitzgerald is one of the greatest American writers of the twentieth century, and, probably, of all times. He has created an image of Roaring Twenties and provided future generations with the opportunity to experience the atmosphere of this period and dive deeply into it through...

Feed, M. T. Anderson’s Novel Issues

Feed, M. T. Anderson’s novel, shows how technology, accessibility to goods and services, and the world of free entertainment make society morally starving. The work, written in 2002, is relevant nowadays as all the principles and behavior patterns observed there can still be noticed in today’s community. Besides, this book...

The Witchcraft Trials in Early Modern Europe

Introduction Witchcraft hunts and trials have always been a subject of interest for historians, primarily due to the religious beliefs and attitudes towards the supernatural typical of the studied periods that they reflected. However, these events provide the scholars with much information on various phenomena of all life spheres: political,...

Ancient Philosophers Overview

Thales Thales of Miletus is remembered for their influences on science and philosophy. Though there are no writings on Thales, his achievements are difficult to evaluate and are based on the legendary Seven Wise Men. As a practical statesman, Thales advocated the unification of Ionian cities in the Aegean region....

“Space Is the Place”: Reflecting the African American Culture in Cinematography

Introduction The issues concerning ethnicity and race have been complexifying public life for centuries. Every sphere of life is touched by inequality, unfairness, and varying attitudes towards different groups of people based on their race, ethnic identity, or any other feature. However, the questions regarding the absence of racial equality...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Media Behavior Analysis

Introduction It is important to note that social media became one of the most valuable instruments of the modern age, but it also brought a set of its own issue with it. Human behavior is a complex set of perceptive, interactive, and communicative expressions of one’s thoughts, emotions, and feelings....

Upgrading Computers in Business Organizations

Introduction The functioning of any company today critically depends on the technology it uses. The use of appropriate devices can help to attain numerous benefits. For instance, enhanced effectiveness, reduced cost, and higher client satisfaction can be achieved by integrating innovations. At the same time, it is vital to ensure...

Relation Between Religion and Neurology

Introduction Religion exists in every recognized global civilization, yet not all faiths hold a similar system of doctrines. The case for the presence of God can be made using the religious experience defense. According to this theory, the most plausible justification for religious encounters is that they represent a true...

An Event Analysis from a Sociological Perspective

Introduction The sociological perspective is a convenient background to assess different events and draw conclusions about their background and potential consequences by using relevant theories and concepts. As a target event to analyze, Joe Biden’s recent infection with COVID-19 will be considered. According to Ward and Berg (2022), on July...

The Vodafone Qatar Firm’s Organizational Change

Introduction This presentation aims at analyzing the organizational change in Vodafone Qatar in 2018. On February 26, 2018, before publishing the annual report, Vodafone Qatar announced that it would exit the business in Qatar and pass it its joint venture, the Qatar Foundation (Holton, 2018). This presentation discusses the process...

Consumer Behavior and American Identity After Covid-19

Introduction Consumer behavior is dictated by American identity, while at the same time being an identity-shaping force. Peterson’s article analyzes the change in behavior during the pandemic, demonstrating that the consumption paradigm is shaping American identity. The dictated civic responsibility was a force that provoked overconsumption, since it was believed...

How Societies Construct Gender Identities, Sexual Practices, and Gendered Bodies

Introduction Society has been subjected to universally uniform natural surroundings for quite some time, and these tend to follow a definite route. Specifically, in more conservative communities, the natural societal assumption is that people are either male or female and that any other gender presentation is aberrant (Eugenides, 2003). Simultaneously,...

The Danger of Racial Profiling

Introduction Often, it tends to be enough to change the perspective in order to achieve a greater understanding. Unfortunately, not every person is skilled in empathy enough to put themselves in the position of others. In this context, racism and discriminative practices are frequent “partners in crime” to this inability....

Christian Teaching by Saint Augustine

Saint Augustine was one of the philosophers who tried to explain the role of religion in society by observing that any decision has to be based on the teaching of God in the scripture. For instance, he noted that virtue is a rightly ordered love in the sense that individuals...

Medical Malpractice Problem in the World

Introduction Nurses, doctors, clinicians must use appropriate strategies whenever supporting the health needs of their patients. These professionals should analyze the implications of various medical standards and practices. Failure to support the health expectations of different patients will result in medical malpractices. Such malpractices occur “when a medical professional fails...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The US Economy Impact on Transportation and Logistics Management

Introduction The US economy has been recovering from a recession crisis, and its logistics and transportation management sectors have shaped up to new realities. Other than subtle economic variations, recessions and subsequent upturns present opportunities for reviewing management practices. This paper reveals some of the considerations and changes that management...

Elon Musk’s Entrepreneurial Performance

Introduction “Entrepreneurship is simply a matter of luck, being in the right place at the right time.” This quote relates to entrepreneurial performance-based on sheer luck against other ingredients of success, such as talent, education, training, hard work, and skills, among others. To this end, it is a problematic statement...

Nursing Leader’s Empowering Models

Nurse Leaders (NLs) can use various models to empower their followers and ensure the targeted patients receive quality care (Gray, Sarnak, & Burgers, 2015). The targeted nursing model was observed in my working environment. The NL in our department has always been embracing the power of team nursing. The leader...

Self-Care Deficit Model and Collaborative Care

Introduction Models of nursing care delivery characterize skills, leadership concepts, decision-making procedures, quality improvement methods, outcome measures, and initiatives used in a particular nursing care setting to address patients’ needs. This assignment will focus on reviewing the literature on existing nursing care models, analyzing observations of the nursing environment for...

Falls Prevention: Hopkins’ Evidence-Based Nursing

Introduction The paper at hand is aimed at elucidating the problem of falls prevention. It is assumed that this problem is particularly acute with elderly patients – it leads to negative health complications and impedes the treatment process. Therefore, a thorough analysis of the relevant scientific literature has been carried...

“So Long a Letter”, “Kindred” and “Trumpet”

One of the reasons why the novels So Long a Letter (by Mariama Ba), Kindred (by Octavia Butler) and Trumpet by (Jackie Kay) are being commonly regarded to account for a high literary value by critics, is that they contain a number of clues, as to what are the qualitative...

Homeless and Mass Incarceration’s Connection in US

Introduction Today homelessness is considered to be a critical issue for the USA as almost half a million of citizens do not have their own houses or flats. They are in a constant search of subsidized homes, shelters, goods, clothes and food. These people have limited opportunities and are not...

Music: “Like a Rolling Stone” by Greil Marcus

Introduction Songs bring different flashbacks and memories to different individuals. Songs sometimes keep history, which reflects the events or activities that took place during the song’s composition. Moreover, songs reflect and forecast personal, cultural, political, and communal memories, usually with significant events or occurrences. Like a rolling stone is a...

Baghdad, the Capital of the Abbasid Islamic World

Introduction The city of Baghdad is the capital of Iraq and one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world. The city has a rich history as being the center for the Muslim empire at one point in history. In the modern society, the city of Baghdad is known for...

Receptive Letter Identification

Introduction The program used in performing discrete trial training (DTT) is called “Receptive Letter Identification.” Discriminative stimuli (Sd) used to trigger responses were letters, namely, “a”, “b”, “c”, and “d”. The student identified each letter by following five series of steps with a progressive level of distraction. In the first...

Rhetoric in “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass”

Introduction During the legally forced labor in America, which took place between 1830 and 1865 when towards the end of the civil war, African American narrators intensified one of the country’s truly aboriginal kinds of published texts. The narrative by Douglass examines the North American slave story. Just like all...

Religious and Ethnic Groups in Personal Worldview

Introduction Human beings develop unique worldviews to guide them whenever interacting with their neighbors, friends, and colleagues. The outstanding fact is that there are several theories, concepts, and ideas that influence every person’s thoughts and values. The personal reflection paper presented below gives a detailed analysis of my personal worldview,...

Indian Boarding Schools’ Impact on Native Americans

Introduction In the US and Canada, education was used as a tool to address the so-called Indian question by outing children from their families and placing them in boarding schools. Namely, children aged five and older were forcibly removed from their families, while only the English language was used during...

“The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life” by Goffman

Introduction According to one of the most famous Shakespearian memes, the world is a stage and all the individuals in it are merely performing actors. This suggestion implies that the way in which people go about trying to achieve self-actualization within the society cannot be discussed outside of how they...

HIV&AIDS Education in Afro-American Community

The HIV/AIDS epidemic is one of the biggest public health crises nowadays. For this reason, prevention of this adverse health condition is of significant importance. The major activities utilized in the United States to stop the dissemination of HIV include targeted healthcare interventions, condom distribution through regional centers, promotion of...

NAPP Business Research: Overview of The Company

Introduction NAPP is an American company specializing in providing babysitting services. The company has a network of babysitters who are matched with parents through the NAPP mobile application, currently available on App Store only. NAPP is headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, and its network of sitters is mostly limited to the...

From Novice to Expert: Nursing Theory

Introduction Many practitioners use different nursing theories to develop superior care delivery models and meet their patients’ medical needs. A proper application of emerging concepts in this field can empower clinicians to transform the United States’ health care sector. The paper below gives a detailed analysis of Patricia Sawyer Benner’s...

Phillips Financial Services Company’s Challenges

Introduction Phillips Financial Services is a fast-growing consulting company that currently employees fifty people of diverse backgrounds and cultures. The main issue of this business is the need to structure and formalize the operational activities to ensure that new staff members can be successfully integrated into the work environment. Based...

Workers East: Taylorism and Revolution

Introduction In the first half of the 20th century, a number of countries in Eastern Europe were struggling to improve their workflow and cover for the losses experienced in the Great War. One of the driving forces of such improvement processes was Taylorism – the system of scientific management developed...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“It’s a Wonderful Life” Movie by Frank Capra

Introduction The impact of old written works, which have remained till now, on modern film and book industry is great. The ancient writings are taken as the basis for modern stories. Bible is one of the main references which authors use as the base for their stories. Bible motives may...

Intercultural Communication in the Workplace

Introduction Culture covers vast societal issues that are shared such as values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts. This is handed down one generation after another through learning. Generally, it is the way of life of a particular people. In the current economic environment of globalized businesses, cultural difference is a major...

Music of the African Diaspora

Introduction Africans are unique people with distinctive traditions embedded in literary works such as music. Olaudah Equiano’s narrative sheds some light on the cultural heritage of the African diaspora, including music that developed from that period. From the narrative, one can learn how three genres of music – spiritual, gospel,...

The Importance of Health and Safety Training at the Workplace

The implementation of health and safety regulations is one of the inevitable measures that promote employee well-being. Many hazards are present in work environments, and the employer must protect employees against harm. The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has a set of occupational safety standards that must...

Cocaine and Its Effects on Society and Individuals

Drug abuse is one of the most critical modern social issues. Recreational drugs are used worldwide, and while some of them are free to use, for example, alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine, several major ones, such as cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin, are banned. The severity of effects from illicit drugs is...

Immigration Reform: Asylum Ban and Mexican Immigrants

Immigration is one of the most controversial political issues that the United States of America faces. Various administrations have addressed it in various ways, implementing various mitigation measures and policies. However, immigration has remained a contentious issue that has caused heated debates among politicians and the public. The Trump administration...

“Othello” by Shakespeare: Desdemona as a Strong Character

Women have always played central roles in literature as they impacted the development of the plot, motivated main characters, and affected their actions. However, because of the patriarchal system of values and the adherence to the stereotypic perspective on females’ duties and rights, their position in stories was mainly passive....

Sustainability in Tourism Industry

Introduction Tourism is one of the world’s fastest developing industries, with its continuous growth having an enormous impact on the environment. Following the rise of environmental awareness over the last several decades, a number of strategies and initiatives were introduced to address the issue, with the concept of sustainability being...

Death and Dying: A Case Study

The questions about death and terminal conditions are difficult subjects to discuss. For many people, faith explains such happenings, providing solace or guiding their decisions for healthcare. In the case of George, the diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) means that he has a limited time to live and that...

Urine Toxicology and Blood Testing History

At present, medical diagnosis includes multiple examinations that allow for better precision and more positive patient outcomes. Probably, the most significant tests that help with differential diagnosis are blood and urine tests. As seen from the term, blood test is a scientific test that examines a blood sample, typically for...

Saudi Classic Aniridia Genetic and Genomic Analysis

The hypothesis of the study This research was conducted in Saudi Arabia to determine the genetic and genomic alterations that underlie classic anirida. Though the topic seems scientific, the researchers did not include the genes the research deals with in the topic. The topic does not give a clear picture...

Process of Wound Healing and the Factors Affecting It

Introduction Wound healing is an elaborate and cautious course where the skin and body tissue resurfaces after damage. In the human’s usual skin, the outer cover, which is called the epidermis, and the internal one called the dermis, prevent the wound from infections. The wound healing process is vulnerable to...

Personal Experience and Reflections on Aging

Aging and experiences of aging are indispensable ingredients of the self. Most young people and adults have thought about aging at least once in a lifetime. Adults are more prone to think about aging than their younger counterparts (Steverink, Westerhof, Bode & Dittmann-Kohli, 2001). Simultaneously, self-conceptions predetermine how adults approach...

The U.S Healthcare System and the Roemer Model

The U.S healthcare system is the most elaborate healthcare system in the world. Healthcare reforms in the U.S are always under thorough scrutiny by the political class and always form a basis of almost all presidential campaigns. The complexity of the system is what generates a lot of interest in...

Islamic Reits: Real Estate Investment Trust

A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is a security that can be sold like stock. Concurrently, it can be invested (either directly or indirectly) in real estate through properties and mortgages. There are varying types of REITs with the major ones being Equity REITs and Mortgage REITs. There are also...

Research Article Critique: Using Evidence-Based Practice to Prevent Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Introduction Sedwick, Lance-Smith, Reeder, and Nardi’s (2012) main apprehension was the increasing rate of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) in critical care patients. Ventilator-associated pneumonia is currently becoming one of the common complications among the Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) not only within the United States but also around the world. Therefore, VAP is...

Criminal Mind: Truth or Fiction?

Introduction The study of criminal minds has been in existence for many centuries but has only gained prominence in recent times. This can mostly be attributed to popularization by the media especially in the West. Psychologists and criminal profilers have been gathering valuable data regarding to the reasons behind any...

The Science Behind Dreaming: Medical Issues

The article “The Science behind Dreaming” was authored by Sander Van der Linden and was published on July 26, 2011 on the Scientific American website. This article explores on the science behind dreaming, strength and weaknesses. A large percentage of human beings have dreamt at some point in their lives....

Political Economy by Adam Smith and Thomas Green

Adam Smith was not an economist but a philosopher who initiated modern capitalism. On the contrary, Thomas Hill Green was a political radical, temperance reformer, and English philosopher, and he supported the human freedom theory. Although both individuals aimed to improve people’s living standards in society, they had contradicting ideas...

Social Work in Mental Health Settings

Introduction Social workers are regarded as highly trained individuals working closely to foster the standard of life and the well-being of other people through crisis intervention, policy changes, and educational programs. Social workers play a crucial role in ensuring that there is an improvement in general well-being and mental health...

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Culture: Impact on National Development

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Mussolini’s Idea of the State and Fascism

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Political Influence of William Shakespeare in XVI Century in England

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Immanuel Kant’ Views on Moral Worth

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