American Settlement of the West: History of the Expansion

Introduction The American settlement of the Western territories was essentially a conquest. The first conflicts between settlers and the native population began to occur from the start of the colonization in the 17th century. As the number of colonists grew, and they moved further into the continent in search of...

Leadership Challenges as the CDC Director

Introduction In the assigned article, Osterholm (2005) highlighted some problems associated with preparing for future influenza pandemics. Without going into the details of these problems, he also mentioned leadership challenges that underscore the existence of these problems. One of them was determining the format, or structure, for partners in the...

Stage Directions and Dialogs in Susan Glaspell’s “Trifles”

Introduction Trifles is a one-act play by an American playwright and journalist Susan Glaspell, first performed in 1916. The plot is centered around a scene in a local farmhouse where neighbors and the police investigate a murder of John Wright, of which his wife Minnie is suspected. The play explores...

Health Promotion Program Based on the Healthy People 2020 Target Objectives

Target Objective The vision of the Healthy People 2020 program is to develop “societies whereby all people live long, healthy lives” (Healthy People 2020, 2017, para. 2). In order to achieve this vision, the Healthy People 2020 project is guided by various goals or objectives that must be achieved. The...

Communication in a Hospital Setting

Introduction Communication in a hospital setting is a highly intricate and delicate process, which requires a collaborative effort from each party. The stakeholders in the given environment are mainly patients, medical professionals, and nursing professionals as well as administrators. The latter three comprise the hospital unit, which needs to communicate...

Federalism and Covid-19 in the United States

Introduction Although governments globally have adopted varying responses to mitigate the spread of Covid-19, the fragmented approach in the United States due to federalism has complicated the country’s proposed interventions. In the article “One Virus, Two Americas”, Ashish Jha illustrates how the pandemic has manifested the strengths and weaknesses of...

“The Great Gatsby” Is the Best Fitzgerald’s Novel

Introduction No doubt, Francis Scott Fitzgerald is one of the greatest American writers of the twentieth century, and, probably, of all times. He has created an image of Roaring Twenties and provided future generations with the opportunity to experience the atmosphere of this period and dive deeply into it through...

Feed, M. T. Anderson’s Novel Issues

Feed, M. T. Anderson’s novel, shows how technology, accessibility to goods and services, and the world of free entertainment make society morally starving. The work, written in 2002, is relevant nowadays as all the principles and behavior patterns observed there can still be noticed in today’s community. Besides, this book...

The Witchcraft Trials in Early Modern Europe

Introduction Witchcraft hunts and trials have always been a subject of interest for historians, primarily due to the religious beliefs and attitudes towards the supernatural typical of the studied periods that they reflected. However, these events provide the scholars with much information on various phenomena of all life spheres: political,...

Ancient Philosophers Overview

Thales Thales of Miletus is remembered for their influences on science and philosophy. Though there are no writings on Thales, his achievements are difficult to evaluate and are based on the legendary Seven Wise Men. As a practical statesman, Thales advocated the unification of Ionian cities in the Aegean region....

“Space Is the Place”: Reflecting the African American Culture in Cinematography

Introduction The issues concerning ethnicity and race have been complexifying public life for centuries. Every sphere of life is touched by inequality, unfairness, and varying attitudes towards different groups of people based on their race, ethnic identity, or any other feature. However, the questions regarding the absence of racial equality...

Social Media Behavior Analysis

Introduction It is important to note that social media became one of the most valuable instruments of the modern age, but it also brought a set of its own issue with it. Human behavior is a complex set of perceptive, interactive, and communicative expressions of one’s thoughts, emotions, and feelings....

Upgrading Computers in Business Organizations

Introduction The functioning of any company today critically depends on the technology it uses. The use of appropriate devices can help to attain numerous benefits. For instance, enhanced effectiveness, reduced cost, and higher client satisfaction can be achieved by integrating innovations. At the same time, it is vital to ensure...

Relation Between Religion and Neurology

Introduction Religion exists in every recognized global civilization, yet not all faiths hold a similar system of doctrines. The case for the presence of God can be made using the religious experience defense. According to this theory, the most plausible justification for religious encounters is that they represent a true...

An Event Analysis from a Sociological Perspective

Introduction The sociological perspective is a convenient background to assess different events and draw conclusions about their background and potential consequences by using relevant theories and concepts. As a target event to analyze, Joe Biden’s recent infection with COVID-19 will be considered. According to Ward and Berg (2022), on July...

Consumer Behavior and American Identity After Covid-19

Introduction Consumer behavior is dictated by American identity, while at the same time being an identity-shaping force. Peterson’s article analyzes the change in behavior during the pandemic, demonstrating that the consumption paradigm is shaping American identity. The dictated civic responsibility was a force that provoked overconsumption, since it was believed...

How Societies Construct Gender Identities, Sexual Practices, and Gendered Bodies

Introduction Society has been subjected to universally uniform natural surroundings for quite some time, and these tend to follow a definite route. Specifically, in more conservative communities, the natural societal assumption is that people are either male or female and that any other gender presentation is aberrant (Eugenides, 2003). Simultaneously,...

The Danger of Racial Profiling

Introduction Often, it tends to be enough to change the perspective in order to achieve a greater understanding. Unfortunately, not every person is skilled in empathy enough to put themselves in the position of others. In this context, racism and discriminative practices are frequent “partners in crime” to this inability....

Christian Teaching by Saint Augustine

Saint Augustine was one of the philosophers who tried to explain the role of religion in society by observing that any decision has to be based on the teaching of God in the scripture. For instance, he noted that virtue is a rightly ordered love in the sense that individuals...

Medical Malpractice Problem in the World

Introduction Nurses, doctors, clinicians must use appropriate strategies whenever supporting the health needs of their patients. These professionals should analyze the implications of various medical standards and practices. Failure to support the health expectations of different patients will result in medical malpractices. Such malpractices occur “when a medical professional fails...

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Lobbying for Better Healthcare Technology: Local Government and Citizen Care

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From Novice to Expert: Nursing Theory

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Music of the African Diaspora

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Cocaine and Its Effects on Society and Individuals

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Immigration Reform: Asylum Ban and Mexican Immigrants

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“Othello” by Shakespeare: Desdemona as a Strong Character

Women have always played central roles in literature as they impacted the development of the plot, motivated main characters, and affected their actions. However, because of the patriarchal system of values and the adherence to the stereotypic perspective on females’ duties and rights, their position in stories was mainly passive....

Sustainability in Tourism Industry

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Death and Dying: A Case Study

The questions about death and terminal conditions are difficult subjects to discuss. For many people, faith explains such happenings, providing solace or guiding their decisions for healthcare. In the case of George, the diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) means that he has a limited time to live and that...

Urine Toxicology and Blood Testing History

At present, medical diagnosis includes multiple examinations that allow for better precision and more positive patient outcomes. Probably, the most significant tests that help with differential diagnosis are blood and urine tests. As seen from the term, blood test is a scientific test that examines a blood sample, typically for...

Process of Wound Healing and the Factors Affecting It

Introduction Wound healing is an elaborate and cautious course where the skin and body tissue resurfaces after damage. In the human’s usual skin, the outer cover, which is called the epidermis, and the internal one called the dermis, prevent the wound from infections. The wound healing process is vulnerable to...

Personal Experience and Reflections on Aging

Aging and experiences of aging are indispensable ingredients of the self. Most young people and adults have thought about aging at least once in a lifetime. Adults are more prone to think about aging than their younger counterparts (Steverink, Westerhof, Bode & Dittmann-Kohli, 2001). Simultaneously, self-conceptions predetermine how adults approach...

The U.S Healthcare System and the Roemer Model

The U.S healthcare system is the most elaborate healthcare system in the world. Healthcare reforms in the U.S are always under thorough scrutiny by the political class and always form a basis of almost all presidential campaigns. The complexity of the system is what generates a lot of interest in...

Islamic Reits: Real Estate Investment Trust

A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is a security that can be sold like stock. Concurrently, it can be invested (either directly or indirectly) in real estate through properties and mortgages. There are varying types of REITs with the major ones being Equity REITs and Mortgage REITs. There are also...

Research Article Critique: Using Evidence-Based Practice to Prevent Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Introduction Sedwick, Lance-Smith, Reeder, and Nardi’s (2012) main apprehension was the increasing rate of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) in critical care patients. Ventilator-associated pneumonia is currently becoming one of the common complications among the Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) not only within the United States but also around the world. Therefore, VAP is...

The Science Behind Dreaming: Medical Issues

The article “The Science behind Dreaming” was authored by Sander Van der Linden and was published on July 26, 2011 on the Scientific American website. This article explores on the science behind dreaming, strength and weaknesses. A large percentage of human beings have dreamt at some point in their lives....

Political Economy by Adam Smith and Thomas Green

Adam Smith was not an economist but a philosopher who initiated modern capitalism. On the contrary, Thomas Hill Green was a political radical, temperance reformer, and English philosopher, and he supported the human freedom theory. Although both individuals aimed to improve people’s living standards in society, they had contradicting ideas...

Social Work in Mental Health Settings

Introduction Social workers are regarded as highly trained individuals working closely to foster the standard of life and the well-being of other people through crisis intervention, policy changes, and educational programs. Social workers play a crucial role in ensuring that there is an improvement in general well-being and mental health...

Racial and Class Discrimination in the History of the American South

Introduction The American South became famous in world historiography due to extreme forms of slavery and discrimination from the white planter class. The peculiar way of life and plantation culture of the American South developed during the British colonization of North America and evolved after the country gained independence. The...

Genre Analysis: Rhetoric and Social Movements

Introduction The Civil Rights Movement of the 20th was characterized by the wide use of rhetoric in order to convey the idea of social justice, equality, and the need for change. Rhetoric, being the art of public persuasion, has always been rightfully considered an agent of social change that enables...

Trend Analysis: Customer Co-Creation

Summary The paper aims to study the co-creation trend and explain its benefits in the marketing area in particular; the target includes marketing professionals. Research in this field is required to determine ways to support a firm’s success through customer co-creation. Essentially, the study is based on secondary data analysis....

Cold War: History and Impact on Population

Introduction The Cold War is a special term used to describe the military, economic, and political confrontation between the two blocs led by the USSR and the US in the second half of the 20th century. In the literal sense, this cannot be called a war since there were no...

The U.S. Media’s Problems

Profit Motive Influence Like any other organization that is profit-oriented and depends on various profit motives, media decide what they should report in society. Moreover, getting the most significant audience is the objective of multiple media profit motive, which indicates the possibility or availability of substantial returns (Hamborg et al....

Sexuality and Gender-Related Behavior During Adolescence

Introduction The adolescent stage of development is essential as the time when valuable social and cognitive skills are acquired. Moreover, at this step, a person learns new about one’s body, experiences physical and hormonal changes, and displays individual sexual characteristics for the first time. Adolescents are often viewed as a...

Gentrification and Its Implications

Introduction Gentrification refers to a process where the character of a neighborhood is changed through the migration of more affluent businesses and people. The terminology is a controversial topic in planning and urban politics. Gentrification leads to people moving out of their homes because of the area’s socioeconomic status change....

Why Euthanasia Should Not Be Legalised

At one of the American hospitals, Rose, a terminally ill sixty-six-year-old retired teacher is imminently dying. She has not had an appetite for two weeks and is even less interested in fluid intake. It appears her body is beginning to shut down as she approaches death. Her fluid and nutrient...

Ancient Olympic Games and Their Religious Roots

The religious roots of the ancient Olympics have left a lasting impression on the current games. Greeks placed a high value on the Olympic Games because of the reverence with which they held Zeus, their patron deity (Perrottet). In the beginning, the Olympiad was more about honoring the gods than...

Philosophizing About Music and Emotions

The main abstract question about music and emotions is how music communicates feelings. This question is extended to how and why emotions are experienced in reaction to music, the worth of those experiences, and why we seek out music that makes us feel negative emotions like despair. According to Hesmondhalgh...

Culture: Impact on National Development

Introduction Each country as a whole has a goal to improve the lives of its citizens through all means possible. National development covers all factors that potentially affect the quality of life of a country’s residents. In the era of globalization, it may appear that external factors prevail over internal...

Mussolini’s Idea of the State and Fascism

Introduction Fascism is a political system that became prominent in Europe in the 20th century. In the left-right political spectrum, fascism is mainly categorized as a far-right ideology. However, this definition has a problem because the most uniting factor of the right is free markets and limited government. Fascism is...

Growth Machine Conflicts in Post-Amazon Western Queens

The housing crisis in New York has resulted in the enactment of policies that are aimed at motivating developers to set up more houses. In the past politicians have been against the setting up of more projects because of gentrification. There is a fear that new housing development will make...

Literature Studies: “A Rose for Emily” by W. Faulkner

“A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner is a short story that contains many themes, but the story is undoubtedly built on the theme of aging out and decaying. The story tells readers that once the town of Jefferson was one of the nicest towns in the South but lost...

Political Influence of William Shakespeare in XVI Century in England

William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616) is the most famous English writer, poet, playwright, and theatre actor of all time. This talented author is nowadays admired by millions of people as a genius of literature and theatre, and this title is a deserved one. The heritage of William Shakespeare, consisting of...

Contemporary Nursing Knowledge Components

Introduction Extensive research that is being carried out in the field of nursing has led to the expansion of knowledge in this field. The time when practitioners had to memorize only a few items for them to be ready for nursing is long gone. Each day comes with a new...

Psychotherapeutic Approach: Person-Centered Therapy

Introduction People from all walks of life encounter problems every day – some are trivial, and others are life-threatening or have lasting impact leaving them unable to cope with further challenges. Some people turn to psychotherapy to help them confront unresolved conflicts and deal with issues that prevent them from...

Benner’s Model for Advanced Practice Nurse’s Development

Introduction to the Professional Development Plan Benner’s Novice to Expert model is a powerful framework that can guide advanced practice nurses (APNs) to become competent providers of evidence-based care. The theory supports the concept of continuous improvement whereby APNs embrace new skills and lifelong learning. Nurses should implement powerful professional...

“The Minutemen and Their World” by Robert Gross

Introduction The history of the United States is today defined by the hardships and efforts of many heroes who stood against the wave of terror perpetrated by different colonial powers throughout the colonial period. Before different Europeans arrived in North America, the society was characterized by native people coexisted harmoniously...

Immanuel Kant’ Views on Moral Worth

Introduction In contemporary society, morality binds all rational beings, and their actions are considered moral only if they emanate from reason and not sensual inclinations (Atwell 44). The moral quality of an action is determined by the motive or intention for its performance. Therefore, the consequences of an action have...

Clothing as Class Symbolism in The Great Gatsby: Colors and Deceit

Regardless of the person wearing it, clothing is a gauge of the class that an individual belongs. The novel “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald is set up in the 1920’s, an era during which new liberties were being discovered in fashion. Customary clothing was being substituted by new,...

The Five-Factor Theory, Personality, and Gender

Abstract Personality is an attribute that everyone has that reveals their true identity. It helps to define a person. The behaviors that one portrays can lead to some characterization about the conduct. There have been various theorists who have come up with studies on personality and its development. Freud developed...

Interventions and Skill Teaching for Disabled Children: Approaches and Techniques

Motor delays are experienced when children fail to attain a certain stage of development within a given time. Causes of motor delays can either be genetic or environmental. There are many signs which indicate that a child is experiencing motor delays. These signs are behavioral, vision, gross motor, and hearing....

The 2008 Beijing Olympics: Public Relations Issues

Analyze the reasons why the Chinese government hired a Western public relations firm to work on the 2008 Beijing Olympics There are several reasons as to why the Chinese government decided to hire a western public relations firm during the 2008 Beijing Olympics. One of the reasons stems from the challenges...

Trends and Issues in the American Death Penalty System: A Comprehensive Review

Abstract Capital punishment has been one of the most controversial and commonly discussed subjects in the American justice system for many decades. To date, many states have abolished the death penalty; the others face challenges practicing it due to the heavy opposition. This paper attempts to discuss some of the...

Obesity as American Social Health Issue

American society continues to grapple with a wide range of social health problems. One of these problems is obesity. Within the past three decades, obesity in the United States has increased significantly. Consequently, the condition has led to numerous health problems that affect the health of many communities, families, and...

Strategies for Raising Awareness of Ebola in Sierra Leone: Effective Approaches

Evaluation Goals Table 1. Evaluation Goals. Type of Evaluation Evaluation Goal Formative Evaluation To assess the need for the Ebola awareness campaign in Sierra Leone, relative to the social, political and economic issues that have made the community vulnerable to the disease. To investigate whether there is a need to...

Recent Advancements in Information Technology and Economic Growth

The recent advancements in information technology have proven that economic and social development depends largely on the access to information and the quality of communication channels. The unparalleled economic growth displayed by the majority of the developed countries can be attributed in part to their emphasis on investing in communication...

Herodotus’ Histories: Ancient Customs & Traditions

Introduction Herodotus is one of the most famous historicists who provided people with the knowledge about the ancient era, how peoples lived, what customs and traditions they had. His works are a priceless heritage of that period of time. They promote a better understanding of the epoch and help to...

Biblical Texts: John 12:32

The original Bible was written in classical Hebrew, and thus as the gospel spread across nations, the texts had to be translated into different languages. Specifically, the gospels were originally written in Koine Greek and later translated into other languages. One of the contentious issues about Bible translation is the...

Mr. Karak Business Plan

Introduction The UAE is a very peculiar beverage market. Despite living in a perpetually hot climate of the Middle East, its residents have taken a liking to a variety of hot beverages, including various teas and coffees that used to pass through its ports and borders at some point in...

Women and Gender Roles in “Antigone” by Sophocles

The discussion of gender issues and female social roles in the literature has been associated primarily with the works of 19th-century feminist writers. However, there are examples of much older literary pieces that explored the same themes, and one of them is Antigone, written by an ancient Greek tragedian, Sophocles....

National Patient Safety Goals: Enhancing Critical Care Access and Quality

Limited access to healthcare services has been on the agenda of the modern healthcare system for quite a long, warranting the status of critical concern. Therefore, creating the Critical Access Hospital Accreditation Program as an inseparable part of the National Patient Safety Goals 2020 project was inevitable and indispensable (The...

Workers West: From Fascism to the New Left

The period from the Great Depression to the emergence of the New Left is quite significant for the history of labor force movements. Workers had to face and fight against the ideology of fascism, the oppressing policy of capitalists, and gender discrimination. Thus, this time might be crucial to discover...

Green Light in The Great Gatsby

Introduction Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald is an American writer whose works were never given proper appreciation to when he was alive. This was a person who died with a firm belief that he was a failure. Most of his works refer to the period of Jazz Age, the name he...

The Many Faces of Psychology

Psychology has proven to be highly relevant in today’s world. It is a multi-faceted social science that finds itself useful in all human situations. It involves the study of the mind and behavior and covers many aspects worthy of study. Its broad scope encompasses all areas of human behaviors in...

Apple Incorporation: Business Strategy Analysis

Introduction Apple Inc. is a company that specialized in the production of high technology consumer electronics, computers, and software. Established in the United States in 1976 the company essentially increased its sales only during the last ten years. Among the products of the company, almost every consumer in the world...

From Unilateral to Multilateral

The International Monetary Fund is a global organization formed in the year 1944 with the core mandate to oversee the financial systems as well as macroeconomic policies in all the member countries. The main focus was on the financial as well as macroeconomic policies with a significant impact on the...

Environmental Benefits and Challenges of Urbanization

Introduction Physical growth of cities is known as urbanization. This is a time that our environment undergoes serious changes. Involvement of human being is very high in worst changes in the environment. Many serious discussions are going on in different parts of the world for the protection of environment. Urban...

Two-Lives, One Partner: Indo-Canadian Youth Between Love and Arranged Marriages

Statement of the problem The main problem is stated by N. Netting in the following way: Indo-Canadian young people are nowadays living a dual life: on the one hand, they are successfully integrating into the Western society and learning its family patterns; on the other, they still remain a part...

Reflection Upon the Leadership Situation

Inasmuch as leadership is concerned, different people adapt to different approaches of leadership styles. Furthermore, different organizations require or rather adapt to certain leadership styles, which can best address or meet their needs and make them achieve their objectives. There exist various theories by various researchers that best explain the...

A Utilitarian Analysis of Capital Punishment

Introduction Capital punishment has existed for a few centuries of human history. It had previously been the main form of punishment for a criminal offense. Now, it has been abandoned in only several countries. Some states, for example, China, Iran, and others continue to use it actively. Such punishment as...

Modern Workforce: The Influence of Culture on Decision-Making Process

The influence of culture on decision-making is carried out mainly through shared beliefs and values that form a stable set of underlying assumptions among members of the organization. The individual’s perception of organizational reality is mostly determined by the fact that colleagues share the same views. Culture influences this process...

Environmentally Friendly Concrete Products

Problem The issue of human activities’ impact on the environment has become particularly topical in the 21st century. Simultaneously, the detrimental impact of industries is on the increase, consisting of air pollution, carbon emissions, and irresponsible handling of waste. Construction is one of the areas, which demonstrate significant growth while...

Formation and Development of Personality Traits

Introduction Personality formation is one of the crucial processes for a person. It occurs to one degree or another throughout human life. Through this process, people acquire certain traits. Many of them are universal for the society in which a person is brought up. For example, this is influenced by...

PiggyBac Transposon System in Genetics

Ideal delivery systems for gene therapy should be safe and efficient. Non-viral DNA transposons and retro-transposons have been successfully applied in mammalian gene transfer in vitro. For example, the Sleeping Beauty (SB) system has been utilized to generate transgenic mouse models. A more versatile tool developed recently for mutagenesis is...

“The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka in the Light of Freud’s Theory of Psychoanalysis

Introduction In his documentary and diary writing, Franz Kafka professed his knowledge and fascination, rather than belief, in Sigmund Freud’s theories of psychoanalysis. According to Freud, people’s mental health through making their unconscious thoughts conscious, thus gaining an insight into what is going ‘under the surface.’ Such insight can help...

The Words on Your Plate: Analysis of the Food Words

Food Words Food words in any language have completely different origins, as some of them are were borrowed and became an integral part of its vocabulary when the need for them occurred. Moreover, the meaning of any word drifts with time, just like its pronunciation. Nevertheless, people have a chance...

A Security Director’s Role in a Company

Introduction A company is an organization made up of people working together in a bid to achieve the objectives set by the company’s stakeholders. The fact that an organization is made up of many tangible and non-tangible assets it therefore calls for the services of a security director. Thus, a...

Economic Model for Global Warming

Introduction The current challenge of climate change is attributable to different factors, including global warming, pollution, and deforestation. The sustainability of the planet might become unfeasible if different stakeholders fail to collaborate and apply evidence-based measures. The adoption of various economic models is a superior strategy that appears promising and...

The Impact of the Wars on Western Civilization

Introduction History is full of wars and regardless of the fact that this phenomenon is considered to be negative, many of them are the basis of significant historical events. The consequences of some wars still affect the population of the modern world. They manage to turn history in a different...

Gendered Communication in the Workplace

Gender communication differences have been studied by a plethora of sociolinguists and sociologists all around the globe. Although the world becomes more globalized and versatile, there is still room for gender stereotypes or even discrimination that affects male-female discourse in different environments. It often results in misunderstandings, anguish, or distress...

Behavior Intervention Plan for Tantrums

Abstract E.J. is an 8-year-old boy who was diagnosed with autism and referred to the Functional Behavior Analysis that revealed tantrums as interfering behavior. It is suggested that his tantrums occur when he fails to obtain peers’ attention to satisfy the need for sameness. This paper presents the behavior intervention...

Denial of Service Attacks and Countermeasures

Introduction Online threats remain a reality for today’s businesses, especially those relying on the internet. Active and passive attack incidents are escalating every day and network administrators are having a daunting task of detecting, controlling or minimizing the effects of such attacks. Stewart, Tittel and Chapple concur in that one...

Cancer Treatment Practice Data Research

Abstract This position paper offers a glimpse review of evidence-based practice in the management of cancer. The case study is based in Korea. Nurses are supposed to utilize evidence-based practice in their daily duties. It is only through evidence-based practice that nurses can gather adequate knowledge. Moreover, it is the...

Importance of the Middle-Range Theory in Nursing

Introduction Theory in nursing provides the framework of defining the field of nursing, determining when nursing is needed, and exploring the objectives of the nursing activities. Concepts and propositions “form the basic elements that build a particular nursing theory” (Watson, 2008, p. 112). Propositions are elements that manifest how concepts...

Ethical Dilemma: Justifying a Right to Die

Introduction Everyday we hear of death cases occurring in hospitals. Some of the death cases are on a voluntarily basis while others are involuntarily. The concept of a right to die is a central debate on the issue of euthanasia. Application of ethics on the other hand has become very...

The Covid-19 Pandemic of 2019-2021

Introduction The latest outbreak of COVID-19, short for “coronavirus disease of 2019”, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has had an undeniable permanent impact on a global scale. The pandemic has influenced the life of every member of the human society without any exception, whether in an irrevocable way or through...

We Are Hiring: A Financial Advisor Job Description

Summary Many organizations and business enterprises are driven by the focus on profits arising from sales of goods and services. Our company has been experiencing rapid growth and advancements for the last few years. The management structure has undergone frequent changes as new tasks and obligations arise from expanded business...

Life Influences and the Works of Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Introduction Literature has existed for centuries, teaching, admonishing, and highlighting social issues. Every piece of literature is unique, from the source to the intended message to the audience. In every case, authors are motivated to compose their works by several circumstances and life experiences. Although some authors may not directly...

Review of “New England Bound” by Wendy Warren

New England Bound is a social-historical book written by Wendy Warren in 2016. The book is about slavery and colonization in the period between 1600 and 1775. Warren’s main argument is that the growth of European colonies in North America was closely interconnected to slavery. Slavery existed in New England...

Assessment of Borderline Personality Disorder Patient

Patient Isabel, 26 years-old female from Michigan, came to a social worker feeling pain and as if she was guilty; she was anxious, sleepy, and depressed. She narrated that her problem started immediately after her parents divorced when she was only three years old. For the better part of her...

Epistemology. Epistemology of Perception

Throughout the history of humanity, people have been striving to comprehend the world they live in, constructing theories of various kinds to explain their observations. Some of the most fundamental philosophical problems are addressed by the branch of philosophy called epistemology, which studies the nature, origin, and limits of human...

Planning for the Redevelopment of Providence, RI

Introduction Redevelopment, redesign, and renovation are key elements of municipal centers’ transformation, enabling responsible authorities to facilitate public welfare. Providence, Rhode Island, underwent physical renovation between 1960 and 2000, transforming its center through several designs and implementation programs. Although the different plans were tailored to different needs within the center,...

Social Networks’ Impact on Society

Introduction Cause-effect phenomenon means the consequences of something: for example, an influence of technologies on society and the world in general. The technology that I will discuss is social media. In my opinion, they are the most influential disruptive technology because they changed and widely expanded the ways of communication...

The Film “Memoirs of a Geisha” by Rob Marshall

Introduction The movie Memoirs of a Geisha (2005), directed by Rob Marshall, is based on the book of the same name, written by Arthur Golden in 1997. The film represents the life of a young Japanese girl, Chiyo Sakamoto, whose parents sold her and her sister, Satsu, into prostitution because...

Alcohol and Drug Foundation’s Public Relations

Introduction In the modern marketing system, PR is an indispensable tool for psychological impact on society. It occupies a prominent place in the positioning and transaction of goods and services and the formation of trust and opinion. Attempts to form public consciousness into the necessary model do not sweep away...

“History and Topography of Ireland” Book by Gerald of Wales

Introduction The Norman vision of the Irish has primarily shaped the attitude of the English toward them. This is evidenced, in particular, by the manuscripts of Gerald of Wales, a clergyman whose ancestors were both Normans and Welsh. Gerald was descended from the Norman Lord Marcher, who was actively involved...

Characteristics of the Information Management System

Introduction In order to improve their performance in the market, companies are introducing information management systems into their work. A management information system is a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, forming unquestionable integrity and unity for collecting, processing storing, and providing information about...

Stressful Events’ Impact on People’s Lives

A person’s development throughout lifetime is based on events that impact him and determine the quality of his life through the change of life conditions or mindset. In general, there are four main components that constitute the well-being of an average modern individual, including money, work, family, and health. Both...

Human Resource Analysis of Walmart Inc.

Human Resource Management is the main component of the company’s activities, which is responsible for the efficiency and productivity of work. An organization can earn a competitive advantage by efficiently using its people and developing plans based on its knowledge and abilities to accomplish well-defined goals. These essential departments play...

The Financial Accounting Standards Board: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

Introduction of Topic and Facts The Financial Accounting Standards Board is an independent, non-profit organization that establishes specific accounting standards for companies in the private and public sectors. The set of rules is called Generally Accepted Accounting Principles or GAAP. The organization annually publishes the Accounting Standards Update (ASU) because...

Feminism in the Play “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell

Introduction Despite being written at the beginning of the 20th century, the play “Trifles” still presents an important source and obligatory to read for people interested in feminism. It was created by an American playwright and journalist, Susan Glaspell, in 1916, and the author conducted pioneer research on the topic...

Theodore Roethke’s “My Papa’s Waltz” Poem Explication

Introduction Theodore Roethke’s poem “My Papa’s Waltz” explores the recollection of the speaker on a childhood experience centered around a waltz performed with their father. This piece exhibits noteworthy qualities in terms of its linguistic choices, tone, and employment of imagery, which collectively serve to communicate intricate feelings within a...

Abraham Maslow Theory of Motivation & Hierarchy of Needs

Abraham Maslow: Essay Introduction Abraham Harold Maslow was an American psychologist born in 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. He died in 1970 in Menlo Park, California (Poston, 2009). Maslow is still one of the most influential people in the field of psychology. He was a professor in four major institutions...

Utilitarianism and Corporate Social Responsibility

A corporation can be loosely defined as a business enterprise owned and governed by a group of people. The definition provided can be enhanced by citing notable examples such as Wal-Mart, Procter & Gamble, Uniliver, Google and Microsoft. In the last two centuries corporations are viewed as powerful and as...

Practice of the Teachings of Jesus and Also Understand Their Impact

In Matthew 6: 19-24, Jesus has three main teachings for Christians to apply in their lives. First, he talks about the importance of storing treasures in heaven where they cannot be destroyed (Bible Gateway, n.d). He explores the concepts of storing treasures in heaven (spiritual) and on earth (material). This...

The Concept of Terrorism

Introduction The concept of terrorism is well-known all around the world. Also, it is one of the most commonly mentioned problems in modern society. Terrorism has been seen as a major threat to the world’s peace and national security in many states. It currently affects a wide range of countries...

“Number 5, 1948” Painting by Jackson Pollock

Abstract In the context of the mid-20th-century culture, Number 5, 1948 is one of the most wonderful phenomena. It is often considered to be the culmination of Jackson Pollock’s oeuvre. The present paper examines two aspects that made the painting a valuable abstract expressionist pattern and inspired the next generations:...

Fast-Food Industry’s Market Place and Environment

The fast food industry is experiencing the revenue of over $ 15 billion growth a year, and the future growth rate at an average of 2.7%. Other industries in this sector experience a total conversion of their total revenue of up to 4.6% while the fast food experiences 4.8% (McGowan,...

Review of Hook & Spanier’s American Foreign Policy

Structure of the Book and a Summary of its Contents This paper is a book review of American Foreign Policy since World War II, by Hook and Spanier (1). An acclaimed literary work, researchers have used the book in educational and political fields. It has only two parts. The first...

Watson’s Care Theory and Its Application in Nursing

Introduction Nursing as a science experienced significant development in the past 50 years. The sheer expansion of medical care efforts across the world and the overall increase in the number of active nurses solicited the development of numerous nursing frameworks to help guide them in their practice. One particular framework...

Black Lives Matter vs. Animal Rights: Prioritizing Justice

Nowadays, many Americans assume that the legacy of racism no longer affects the qualitative dynamics within American society. One of the reasons for this is that for the duration of the last few decades, the government remained strongly committed to endorsing the policy of multiculturalism/political correctness. In its turn, this...

Hispanic Communities and Policing Plans

Introduction While dealing with the increasing crime within the cities and societies, police use community policing as a police administrative strategy or a police strategic plan for crime control. Apart from the idea of using community policing as an administrative tool of supporting the law enforcement plans among the communities,...

“The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror” by Lewis

Introduction The book “The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror” narrates the complex history of Islam and how most of its followers continue to reject modernism in favor of conservative ideas that oppose most of the changes experienced in the Middle East and other parts of Asia. The...

Gun Control and Safe Firearm Ownership

Introduction The problem of gun ownership and control in the United States of America has been a controversial issue for many decades. It is not surprising because the number of crimes related to gun violence rapidly grows. Moreover, mass shootings that spread over the country and take the lives of...

Anne Moody’s Coming of Age: Segregation and Civil Rights

Introduction The problem of discrimination and biased attitude towards the representatives of particular groups of society has always been an ongoing issue. Even today, despite significant progress in this sphere, some manifestations of this remnant of the past can be observed. The situation was even more complex a half-century ago...

Vasa Company: Innovative Strategies for Distribution and Logistics

Evaluation Sanchez Loppacher et al. (2013) report about three possible options available to VASA. First, the glass producer can utilize its fleet to ensure complete control over its delivery operations. Second, the company can “take direct action with” its partners to ensure high-quality delivery to its customers (Sanchez Loppacher et...

Physical Assessment in Health Care

Patient History and Physical Examination Patient Name: Jessica Chief Complaint: losing vision in her left eye. It began this morning when she woke up, and it is progressing. It is painful for her to look around. History of present illness: The patient denies any trauma or injury. Losing vision started...

Review of Telehealth Tools and Interventions for Supporting Family Caregivers

Introduction The research problem of the study under analysis is to reveal opportunities that telehealth technology provides for support and better coping of caregivers. The research question is to investigate the effects that telehealth can have on caregivers. In fact, this study is a systematic review of evidence regarding the...

Geographical Conditions’ Affect of Globalization

North-South Divide The North-South divide aims to outline the gap in economic development and the welfare of different regions. In general, one can argue that there is a clear divide between the wealthy and developing nations. The scholars of the 20th century conceptualized this idea, by creating the North-South divide...

Gaps in Care Access for Vulnerable Populations

Introduction There is a variety of problems and risks patients may encounter when receiving care. For the purpose of the current paper, the focus on the issue of access to care among vulnerable populations was selected. The purpose of this assignment is to review relevant literature that addresses the problem...

“The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka

Introduction The Metamorphosis is considered to be a well-known novella written by Franz Kafka in 1915; this book is aimed at the disclosure of dramatic actions and transformations making the story expressive and emotional at the same time. It is important to stress that refection play and reality are the...

Feminism and Social Phallocentrism: Psychoanalytic Approach

Language is a unique feature typical of representatives of the human race; it is natural for people to talk because language is the means of communication. We transmit some messages through language and speech; we learn something new with the help of common rules established in various languages. It is...