Confucianism as Ethical-Philosophical Doctrine

Confucianism is an ethical-philosophical doctrine that became widespread in the countries of the Asian region. The main issues are the relationship between rulers and subjects, moral qualities, and virtue as obligatory character traits for all people. The teachings of Confucius have developed as one of the greatest because they include...

Social Influences: The Power of Any Social Situation

It is hard to disagree that most people are influenced by other individuals or the whole society in various situations. The power of any social situation is rather significant, and there are three forms of influence processes that can affect the way people act in a social setting. The purpose...

360 Express Collision: Staffing Policies

Staffing Policy to be Incorporated An ethnocentric approach allows for the integration of uniform practices for members of the same institution across different countries. Using the ethnocentric approach, 360 Express Collision company will select workers different from the domestic country to the headquarters and vice versa. Reasons for Choosing the...

Virtual Games as Platforms for the Development of Criminal Activities

The virtual world is a sort of reflection of real-world issues and complexities. Virtual games have long been used as educational tools that help people acquire different skills. However, the examples provided reveal the dark side of gaming. Both RuneScape and EVE games are not completely virtual, as gamers often...

“An Introduction to Film Studies” by Jill Nelmes

In her article about the cinematic codes, Jill Nelmes (2003) describes eight main elements through which the film director may communicate with the viewers; these elements include props, costumes, sound, editing, performance of the actors, settings, lighting, and the scene in general. The exploration of the communication via editing was...

Financial vs. Managerial Accounting Differences

Accounting gained popularity across different industries, with financial (FA) and managerial accounting (MA) being the two major types. According to Accounting Stuff (2019), the former reports “entity’s financial transactions” to extant and prospective creditors, lenders, or investors (2:04). Meanwhile, the latter communicates financial analyses to the administrators “to assist them...

The Separate But Equal Education and Racial Segregation

Racial segregation was common in the U.S. in the previous century. For instance, a “separate but equal” doctrine implied the provision of separate facilities of the same quality for people of color. In 1947, the Coordinating Board of Texas Colledge and University System established a new, separate university (Texas College...

Dark Energy and Its Significance for the Universe

It is known that the universe is expanding at the present day, while its expansion rate is accelerating. As the universe consists of both dark energy and matter, they may have an influence on its expansion rate. There is a possible assumption that matter alone is enough for the universe...

Green Building Systems and Laws in New York City

Currently, some plans will see New York become greener with great buildings. This development is in respect to a bill that was signed into law by Mayor Bloomberg barely two years ago. The first step is the implementation of the Lighting upgrade law, which requires tenants to upgrade their lighting...

Young’s Memorandum and Its Importance

The recently discovered memo dated 1966 is a subject for discussion in the modern world of sport. In his writing, an American football player Buddy Young covers the issue of African-American players and warns that disrespect towards them may lead to protests (Lukas para. 2). Personally, I see this memo...

Privatizing Government Functions in the United States

I agree that government bureaucracies are ill-equipped to handle simple, everyday tasks since they manage them as a monopoly. The lack of competition affects the performance and, therefore, the quality of provided services. Such services can cost less than those of private companies, but the price is not what matters...

The Efficient Market Hypothesis Definition

The purpose of the capital market is the efficient reallocation of funds between investors and borrowers. Individuals and firms may have excess capacity to invest in production but do not have sufficient funds to use them all for their purposes (Renshaw, 1984). If the capital market exists, they can borrow...