Recreational Marijuana Is Beneficial in America

Introduction The debates over whether recreational marijuana should be legalized provide various arguments that were propounded by both supporters and opponents. The legalization of the mentioned drug means not only to fully resolve its trade and use but also its support from the state, which will have the right to...

Organ Trafficking Problem and Policy Solution

Introduction In cases when failing vital organs resist the available types of treatment, the only option for survival may be associated with transplantation. However, there is a significant lack of organ donors who can provide enough resources to patients who need them. Because of the severe shortage, some patients may...

Digital Media as a Learning Distraction

Today, the digital world has expanded tremendously to include a broad range of uses and applications, varying from daily entertainment to scholarly research. Because of this, computers, tablets, and phones are indispensable tools, for both professional and personal use. Such a connection leads to either positive and negative consequences for...

Computer Crimes against Businesses

Introduction: Facts of the case On February 06, 2014, Ioan Leusca and Dezso Gyapias were charged in a U.S. Federal Court for stealing customer data from automated teller machines (ATMs). The two men had used data acquired from the ATMs to steal from bank customers in Connecticut, New Jersey and...

The Urban Space Depiction in the Cinema

Introduction The city and cinema have been inextricably connected to each other since the emergence of films. Gradually, the urban space begins to influence the movies so much that it is impossible to imagine one without the other. “The street in the extended sense of the word is not only...

Nursing and its Ethical Issues: End-of-Life Care

Introduction Health care across the world has arguably become one of the integral departments with significant advancements in the health care delivery and nursing practice becoming more eminent and increasingly imperative. As Hebert, Moore, and Rooney (2011) note, “Throughout history, nurses have sought ways to improve the quality of life...

Saudi Arabian Culture, History and Political Situation

Historical Background The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the original home of Islam and the Arab people and occupies a large part of the Arabian Peninsula (Vassiliev, 2013). Saudi Arabian citizens mostly support the Arab and Muslim cultures that connect them with millions of people in different parts of the...

Combating Recessions with Spending Hikes Rather Than Tax Cuts

Introduction The economic recession has a variety of negative repercussions on the economy, including increased unemployment, weak economic development, and reduced investment, among other things. To deal with a recession, many economic techniques are frequently employed. A recession also denotes a considerable reduction in general economic activity, largely a consequence...

The Movie “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” by Lasse Hallström

Introduction Mental diseases and psychological disorders often serve as factors impacting the development of the plot in movies. What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, 1993, is not an exclusion as it portrays the life of a family affected by a disease. Gilbert Grape has to care for Arnie, his younger brother with...

Impact of COVID-19 on Physical Activity Behavior and Well-Being of Canadians

Introduction The pandemic has changed the landscape of the public and personal life to a tremendous extent, causing a significant shift toward the meticulous attention to health-related issues. Specifically, the issues of maintaining the proper rates of physical activity and controlling the exposure to health threats require closer attention due...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hip-Hop Music, Culture, and Technology in Society

Introduction Hip-hop music, also referred to as rap music, is a category of popular composition developed in the US by African Americans with efforts reinforced by Latin Americans. The genre consists of a style of music accompanied by rapping, a chanted rhythmic speech, and vigorous dancing (Forman 158). Hip-hop music...

Warren Buffet as a Leader and the Leadership Style That He Embodies

Reason for Selection of That Particular Leader Company’s survival is greatly influenced by the individual temperament and abilities of its leader. There is probably a more exemplary illustration of this idea than Berkshire Hathaway. The most substantial investor in the entire globe is credited to Warren Buffett. In Omaha, Nebraska,...

The Two Major Approaches to Personality: Key Principles

Evaluation of the main approaches to personalities is essential in the context of understanding human nature and psychology. It includes reviewing existing theories and creating a personality profile that includes key behavioral and psychological traits. In addition, one should consider the chosen approaches from the perspective of a theoretical basis,...

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: Masculinity and Feminism Theory

Introduction Today, feminism is widely discussed in both academic and popular spheres. However, it is often forgotten that the origins of feminism can be traced back to early works of literature. One such work is Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, in which she challenges traditional gender roles and offers a more nuanced...

Space Studies: Why Should People Enter Space?

Introduction The world may benefit from space exploration by receiving new resources and technology. This exploration should go on because it might help both people and the ecology on Earth. There have already been numerous positive effects of space exploration on the economy, the environment, and public health. Even though...

Effects of Poverty on Education in the USA Colleges

Introduction Poverty entails a collection of several factors befalling an individual, family or a group of people that lead to impossibility for such a person, family or group of people to afford the basic human needs. Prolongation of such a state for at least three generations leads to a cycle...

Is Belief in God Rational?

One of the main epistemological dilemmas, which continues to be faced by philosophers/theologians, is whether one’s belief in God can be considered rationally justified. As of today, the discursive validity of such a belief has been assessed from a variety of different gnoseological perspectives, among which the most ‘proposition-friendly’ appears...

Evidence-Based Practice – Nursing

Abstract Evidence-based practice has gained massive relevance in the field of nursing because of the need for accountability and efficiency among the nurses. The increasing demand for healthcare services in the global society has created a situation where nurses are no longer mere assistants to doctors. There are cases where...

Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

Abstract Increasing cultural diversity at the workplace is characteristic of many companies worldwide. The right management of a diverse workforce will bring an important advantage for the company and its employees. Moreover, the effective management of cultural diversity and equal opportunities are the key aspects of a healthy climate in...

P&A Company and Organizational Theory

With the course of time customers’ demands started to change extremely quickly, and P&A need to implement changes to meet them. Otherwise, the company will not be able to remain competitive, and its place in the market will be immediately occupied by some other firm. Unfortunately, the personnel does not...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Post-Disaster Fraud

Introduction This report covers an evaluation of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s post disaster fraud. FEMA came into place to deal with issues related to natural and manmade disasters in the US. Its major functions include, disaster preparedness sensitization, disaster prevention, responding to disasters, and helping victims recover from tragedies(Federal...

Integrated Approach for Literature and Mathematics

Synopsis of the first article This article by O’Neil (2011) is a guide for teachers to enable them to assist their students in attaining visual literacy skills. The article has placed attention on picture books that make use of both pictures and text to convey information. It shows that the...

Status Structures and Its Hidden Privileges

The relationships between the members of contemporary society might seem random and convoluted, yet numerous theories claim that there is a reason for them to exist. Conventional values and traditions have been defining the choices made by people for centuries, yet the system may finally change in the wake of...

Theories of Second Language Acquisition

Description The study by Roberts and Liszka investigates the processes of second language learning. The authors examine a particular linguistic issue that is researched by other scholars from many angles, namely the acquisition of tense and aspect morphology (Roberts & Liszka, 2013). According to the researchers, they aim to assess...

The UAE Aviation industry Issues and Strategies

Introduction The global aviation industry has been marred by numerous challenges over the recent past. From the volatile global oil price and the global economic recession to rising cases of terrorism and cyber threats, the aviation industry is in a precarious situation where individual companies have to find ways of...

Contribution of Raul Prebisch on Economic Development

Introduction Structuralism theories propounded on the role of the state and the market in promoting development in an economy. It advocated for state activism in trying to solve problems of underdevelopment and especially in developing countries. It opposed to the idea that international or free trade helped in development by...

Professional Nursing: Concepts and Philosophy

Introduction Over the last decades, the nursing profession has seen the emergence of many new challenges. The widespread innovation of healthcare systems forced nurses to acquire new skills and knowledge. However, the foundations of nursing remain immutable; that is why nurses still need to realize the essence of their job....

Society in The Great Gatsby

Introduction The novel “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald can be called a bitter satire to the American dream, which according to the ideas of the majority implies the heap of the happiness, which is missing to many, and in reality gold outer shell is converted into the empty...

US and Jamaican Stimulus Packages Comparison

Introduction By December 2007, the collapse of the U.S. home mortgage market and the resultant asset quality catastrophe at lending institutions had, as feared, exercised a domino effect on many sectors of the economy: gross domestic product had indeed declined two quarters in a row. The recession was officially on....

McDonalds’ Corporation’s System of Inquiry

Introduction Organizational decision-making is always a difficult task since the decisions made will affect to some extent the stakeholders, including the members of staff and the customers. There are some instances where the requirements of the customer may disagree with the organizational goals and mission. This implies that decisions need...

Shakespearean Characters: King Lear’s Daughters

King Lear is a story of an old headstrong king who is often blind to his frailties. This king decides to divide his empire among his three female offspring. However, the division is based on a love recital that the daughters are supposed to make. The daughter who makes the...

“Autonomy and Automobility” by Loren E. Lomasky

Introduction The society is transforming and adopting efficient transport and communication technology to meet the demands of modern lifestyle. People have invented efficient transport means that have transformed the world’s distant nations into global villages. To date, a person can have breakfast in America, lunch in Asia, and have dinner...

Use of Technology by Teenagers for Emotional Support

Introduction Nowadays, children receive a cellphone at the age of nine and use it daily afterward, which, for their parents, serves as a way of protecting a young individual. As the year’s pass, teenagers begin to feel the constant need to be connected to others through their smartphones. Technology has...

Description of the Radiopharmaceutical

Introduction A radiopharmaceutical, otherwise known as nuclear medicine, is made up of one or more radioactive isotopes called radio-nuclides. Radiopharmaceuticals are pharmaceuticals prepared in readiness for applications in curing and/or identification of diseases in persons. Radioactive element 133Xe, 131I-NaI, or a labelled compound 131I-iodinated proteins and 99mTc-labeled compounds are a...

Deity of Christ in the First Chapter of the Hebrews

Summary The first chapter of the Hebrews portrays Jesus as the only Son of God, giving him a superior and absolute essence. He surpasses not only the angels who are his servants but also the prophets and is also a great priest. His sacrifice, in contrast to the previous ones,...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder During and After World War I

Introduction Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a medical definition of the condition closely associated with depression and the consequences of trauma. As a diagnosis, it was discovered and labeled in 1980 after the American Psychological Association incorporated it in its disease testing and Statistical Manual for mental health professionals (Crocq...

Shakespeare’s “King Lear” Play: A Long Analysis

Introduction The works by William Shakespeare are characterized by tragic humanism and both internal and external conflicts. His plays can be considered the pinnacle of the evolution of English drama that significantly influenced the development of world literature and culture. In this regard, Shakespeare’s King Lear embodies the main attributes...

Elements That Make a Movie as a Detailed Recording

Introduction A movie is a detailed recording that entails a series of moving images depicting a story that the directors purported. Movies have numerous themes expressed in the form of pictures in motion. Movies can be watched on the screen display by the respective audiences. Several components make a good...

“History and Topography of Ireland” Book by Gerald of Wales

Introduction The Norman vision of the Irish has primarily shaped the attitude of the English toward them. This is evidenced, in particular, by the manuscripts of Gerald of Wales, a clergyman whose ancestors were both Normans and Welsh. Gerald was descended from the Norman Lord Marcher, who was actively involved...

Climate Change: Concept and Theories

Climate change has become a concern of scientists rather recently. There are numerous theories as to the reasons for this process, but there are still no particular answers. Some researchers believe that this is a natural process, and there can be done anything while others stress that people’s activities harm...

Religious Studies: the Muslims Questions

Introduction Generally, Muslims in several parts of the world continue to experience cold relations with other members of the society with each side having negating stereotypes of the other. Much of the French and Malaysian communities view the Islamic followers as either fanatical in some way or violent in nature,...

Garcia’s Family in the Film “Real Women Have Curves”

In order for us to be able to choose in favor of the methodologically sound intervention-strategy, in regards to the family of Garcias (as seen in the 2002 film Real women have curves), we will need to identify the qualitative aspects of the relationship between the members of this family....

Transitional Care Model Effectiveness in Elderly Patients

Introduction In the context of health care services, nurses play an important role in strengthening public health, preventing diseases, and rehabilitation. The role of nurses is extremely great in modern health care for elderly people since the former make decisions in the field of management and organization of patients’ health...

General Worldwide Insurance Company Information Technology

Professional Postgraduate Diploma in GRC – Masterclass Evaluation template for Executive Summary Preamble Generali Worldwide Insurance Company (hereinafter referred to as Generali Group) recognizes the need for the effective and safe use of information technology (IT) for furthering its governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) functions. The company’s GRC practitioners take...

Learners’s Needs and Successful Outcomes Promotion

Assessment Evaluating students’ performance, as well as defining their overall progress and identifying the stage at which their current level of proficiency in the designated area is, is essential to the further location of the strategies for enhancing their learning process. It is also crucial for identifying the instructions that...

Climate Change Policies and Regulation

Introduction The current changes in climate patterns have attracted attention from researchers and institutions as they endeavor to formulate and implement policies. However, the debate on climate change has been controversial with some people supporting the idea of human activities as the core source of the change while others are...

Turkey’s Economic Policy Shifts and Failures

Introduction Turkey has experienced a series of shifts in policy since the 1920s. However, almost all these changes have been a result of crises, both financial and political. This brings into perspective the debate of which type of economic system is better and the role of the government in the...

Marvel’s “Black Panther” and Ethnic Consumer Behavior of Moviegoers

Abstract This review looks at the movie Black Panther, released in 2018 as a part of the Marvel cinematic universe (MCU). The film gathered significant attention and achieved box office success as well as some significant milestones in the film industry. Notably, it won three Oscars and became the second...

Terrorist Campaigns of Extremist Organizations

Introduction The spread of terrorism on a global scale has a number of prerequisites and causal factors. The demands that criminals make against the authorities, as a rule, are based on several forms, implying the ultimate goals of radical citizens. In particular, the forms of ideological, nationalist, and religious terrorism...

Is It Morally Permissible to Drive After Having One Drink?

Introduction The very term “ethics” has a great number of definitions, naturally, it is not necessary to present all of them, but overall we can single out two definitions, which seem to be the most appropriate. First, ethics is a branch of philosophy, which studies the moral value of human...

The Stamp Act of 1765: Historical Review

The Stamp Act of 1765 was passed at a time when the United States was a colony of the British Empire. The significance of the Act was not the provisions of the Act itself. The passing of the Act was indirectly instrumental in leading to events that led to the...

Creating a Rainbow of Culture

Schools are challenged with the mounting diversity of students enrolled every year. The fact that teachers need to cater to the individual needs of students in a homogeneous class of students from one culture is already a challenge, then how much more if students from other cultures are added? It...

Overweight Physical Effects and Related Health Issues

Viewing the trends of increase in body sizes has become a current trend in the United States. This is conducted by medical sources, media periodicals as well as commercial industries. According to American Obesity Association (2009), statistics are measured by the use of Body Mass Index (BMI). This index can...

Privacy and Government Surveillance

Introduction Currently, a substantive study of the implementation and protection of the right to privacy in the US has shown that it is subject to numerous violations and restrictions. The practical civil law protection of this right is not sufficiently effective. It is due to the historical tradition and a...

Role of Evil in Shakespeare’s Macbeth

The Three Prophecies and Meaning of Each Prophecies in Shakespeare’s Macbeth occurs in act 1 and act 4. These prophecies play a significant role in advancing the themes of good and evil, treachery and betrayal, loyalty, crime, and violence, which are common in the play. Shakespeare used various characters and...

The Impact of ICT on the Environment

Introduction The challenge of creating and maintaining a sustainable environment is becoming more embedded into the consciousness of humanity. Such a direction has emerged from the reality of the dangers that are currently posed to man’s existence by greenhouse emissions and the accumulation of poisonous substances in our environment. In...

The Role of Organizational Culture Health Care

Introduction The nature of the health care industry is like combining the medical industry and the human touch. The health care industry includes the delivery of health services by health care providers. Merger means joining of two companies together to form a new company. This gives firms competitive advantages like...

Utilization and Effectiveness of Coping Strategies in Job-Related Stress among Nurses

Abstract Nursing is a discipline that is constantly evolving and requires professionals to use their skills and evidence-based practices to achieve good outcomes in their responsibilities. Knowledge deficiency is one of the major challenges that affect outcomes attained by nurses in their duties in different healthcare settings. In addition, nurses...

Evidence-Based to Reduce Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Assessment Evidence-based practices to reduce VAP have been known to critical care nurses for some time. Unfortunately, these widely prescribed guidelines do not all the time result in alterations in performance. The reason is that critical-care nurses are not repeatedly integrating the evidence into their practice. As a result, VAP...

American Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy

Introduction John Wayne Gacy was an American serial killer who killed 33 victims. He was born in 1942 and died in 1994 after injection with a lethal chemical. He was famously known as the killer clown, a name he earned from his habit of murdering people despite his generous and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hedda Gabler’s Relationships with the Men in Her Life

Introduction Hedda Gabler is a play written by ‘the father of modern drama’, Norwegian playwriter Henrick Ibsen, in the last half of the 19th century. The play reveals the lifestyle and thoughts of a desperate housewife, who is limited by Victorian values. He has to marry a man without loving...

The Evolution of the Panspermia Hypothesis

Introduction Illustrating enormous biodiversity, life on the Earth has been a prominent area of natural science research for centuries. The panspermia hypothesis is among the controversial theoretical propositions touching upon the possible origins of life on the planet and the existence of extraterrestrial life. Panspermia supposes that life in the...

Possum Inc.’s Multinational Financial Management

Introduction Possum Products CEO wants to expand the company to the international market, but different issues need to be addressed. The CEO wants to expand its geographic footprint in selling dried, low-fat smoked opossum, venison jerky snacks, and ostrich packs. The company has enjoyed success in the United States, but...

Autism in the School Environment and Inclusion in the Classroom

Learning a second language can be challenging, but it is even more difficult for individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a developmental condition that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior. Various characteristics define the disorder, such as difficulties in verbal and nonverbal communication and social interactions. ASD affects many students...

Discovering Texas History: What Influenced Texas and Native Texans?

How the Native Texans impacted the Europeans and later Americans who came into the region? The native Texans mostly influenced both the Americans and the Europeans who came to spread Christianity and to seek for land. However, the importance of the Texan residents to the two groups differed considerably as...

The Impact of Globalization on Immigration Control

Introduction There exist an overwhelming connection between globalization and immigration. Within the recent past years, there have been numerous studies attempting to exhaust the connections between the two subjects1. These researches indicated extensive effects of globalization on Immigration control. In fact, it is noted that globalization is one of the...

Pandora Internet Radio and Unprofitable Clients

The dotcom bubble grabbed headlines in the latter part of the 20th century. It became apparent to many people that not every start-up that bore the Silicon Valley label can be considered as a fail-proof business venture (Fox 39). But aside from the failed businesses associated with Internet start-ups, another...

W. E. B. Du Bois and Marcus Garvey’ Works Comparison

Introduction It is imperative to mention that the works by Du Bois and Garvey are truly fascinating, and both leaders were extremely influential. “The Souls of Black Folk” and “Africa for the African” are the ones that are especially noteworthy. Both pieces are regarded masterpieces by many scholars, and they...

Response to Intervention Approach and Its Integration

Synopsis of Denny’s article Deeney, T. A. (2010). One-Minute Fluency Measures: Mixed Messages in Assessment and Instruction. The Reading Teacher, 63(6), 440–450. This article explores the issues of the response to intervention (RTI) and Learning Disabilities in quite a systematic manner. The author, Deeney, intended to examine the effectiveness of...

Collaborating Community Nursing and Faith-Based Nursing

Introduction The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate community nursing collaboration with faith-based nursing. Faith-based nursing is delivered by various religious or faith-based organizations (FBOs). These organizations have a rich history of autonomously and collaboratively advancing health promotion programs in different areas, including health education, screening for illnesses, management...

Culturally Competent Healthcare Native Americans

Abstract Culturally competent care is a new approach in the context of delivering healthcare services to members of minority groups. At its core, this concept espouses the need to acquire a certain level of cultural sensitivity that stems from the realization that there are certain factors and historical precedents that...

Nursing Education and Nursing Practice

Introduction One’s education should be structured in a way that prepares a student for his or her future work. However, the educational process often lacks the necessary resources that could help students gain more practical knowledge. For instance, after graduating, nurses may feel that some of their skills are not...

Second Language Acquisition and Different Age Ranges

Introduction People have developed several misconceptions about the ability to acquire a second language, where, children are said to be at a better position to acquire a second language as compared to adults (Felser & Clahsen 2009). While the allegation could be true, it may not apply to all individuals....

Criminal Law: Case of Susie and Perry

In this case, Susie can be charged with being an accomplice to attempted murder because she verbally instigated Perry to commit the felony and physically acted towards the accomplishment of the crime by opening the back door and giving Perry the idea to use a particular weapon. Perry can also...

Relocation Orientation Booklet by Bright, Incorporate

Introduction Moving to another country is always full of various kinds of difficulties. These include questions about the very process of moving, arranging a home in a new place, and acclimatization in a cultural and linguistic environment. Relocating to such a unique country like Japan can easily surprise an unprepared...

Family and Medical Leave Act Law

Introduction Respect and protection of employee rights is one of the fundamental functions that an organization should aim to achieve. Primarily this is a function of the human resource and planning department, whereby they always have to advocate for good working conditions and equal treatment of all workers regardless of...

A Closer Look at Age, Peers, and Delinquency Relationship

Introduction Delinquency is a major problem among teenagers all over the world. It is therefore common to hear people say that there is a link between age, peer association and delinquent behavior. But researchers, criminologists, and social scientists will not be contented with simply assuming that the phenomenon called delinquency...

American Histories from Different Chronological Perspectives

Introduction This essay seeks to compare, contrast, evaluate and analyze the American histories from different chronological perspectives. It first addresses the aspect of cultural diversity by investigating into the similarities and differences between the American cultures before1492. It also explains and critically evaluates how the British, French and Spanish colonization...

Lost Colony of Roanoke Island

Introduction The mystery of the disappearance of the English colonists on Roanoke Island provokes many questions even in the 21st century, and the history of the Roanoke colony is a subject for the investigation event today. The reason is that there is no single opinion regarding the causes and aspects...

The Teacher and School Responsibility Issues

Introduction Modern pupils have a considerable number of tools, ways, and methods of obtaining knowledge opened for them by the new information society. However, despite this, parents are increasingly faced with children’s low academic achievement, and today this problem is particularly urgent. Moreover, society’s demands for education are growing: it...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Comparison of the Culture of China and Japan

The world is made of many nations, unique and mostly unknown to others. The cultures that are close by geographically are better known between themselves, as people have to communicate with each other. But if cultures are far away separate from other peoples, then very little is known about them....

Mental Disorders in the US: Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction S: The patient is a 49-year-old female complaining of impermanent memory losses, unreasonable mood changes, and rare vision problems. She has been teaching Math for second-grade students for the last twenty years. She likes her job, and her cooperation with children makes her happy and satisfied. She is married...

Gay and Lesbian Adoption: Normalizing a Healthy Childhood

Introduction In the contemporary world, most societies claim to be democratic and aim to achieve ultimate equality for all. While some inequalities are seemingly in the past, others persist. One of many highly controversial topics is gay and lesbian adoption. Although sexual minorities fight for their right to adopt, others...

The Ugly American Political Novel by Eugene Burdick and William Lederer

The Ugly American is a political novel by Eugene Burdick and William Lederer. It was first published in 1958 and caused a tremendous political resonance, including establishing the Peace Corps by the Kennedy administration. The authors’ main goal was to criticize the deficiencies and show the US diplomatic service failures...

Christianity and Shintoism: Death and Dying

Every religion has its peculiarities and customs that determine what life the followers of this religion lead. A person’s belief may have a significant influence on the decisions they make and their worldview. Some of the things that are influenced by beliefs are views on diseases, death, dying, and human...

Analyzing “Stand and Deliver” by Menéndez

Introduction Stand and Deliver is a film in which a high school mathematics teacher Jaime Escalante helps students from Hispanic neighborhoods to pass a difficult test. The teenagers initially have no ambitions to succeed in class but search for ways to express themselves through defiant behavior. The film shows the...

Scientific Revolution and Technological Advancement

Introduction Before the French revolution, there were only two nations that acknowledged the concept of human right, which are the Great Britain and the USA, its former colony. Despite the interpretative differences in the national history of the French revolution, the country embraced only civil and political rights. However, the...

Families, Gender Relations and Social Change in Brazil

Introduction The concept of family and family life has evolved significantly from the traditionally hierarchical and patriarchal structure to innovative modern patterns. Theories and Methods Used Feminism provides more plausible explanations and solutions to controversial issues. Postmodernism to explain challenges facing the contemporary family in Brazil. Scholars review existing literature...

Is Sobriety Truly an Achievable Goal?

Introduction Different theorists present powerful arguments to guide human beings to solve ethical dilemmas and pursue their goals in life. The application of moral concepts to the challenges of alcoholism and substance overuse remains a common practice today. Aristotle’s teleological virtue ethics supports the notion that is it impossible for...

OnePoint Software’s Strategic Marketing Plan

Executive Summary This document entails the OnePoint Software Strategic Marketing Plan, which is a new open-source software company that seeks to come up with a sophisticated operating system. Several companies have come up with suites that offer different computer packages; however, none of these make efforts to have professional products...

Understanding General Medical Ethics Principles

General Ethical Principles In terms of medical ethics, it is crucial for every healthcare practitioner to maintain general ethical principles throughout their professional practice. Ahmed et al. (2020) state that ethical principles are “intended to shape the moral values and professional conduct” of practitioners in order to “prioritize the well-being...

Essential Skills for Effective Leadership and Management

Introduction In the digital era, leadership and business management have taken a new direction, necessitating advanced skills for handling the complex business industry. Leadership and management are two different concepts in which individuals need to consider the context of their applications for successful operations. Leaders and managers have relied on...

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway Review

Ernest Hemingway recounts to the readers of The Old Man and the Sea a story about an older man named Santiago who loves his life as a fisherman, although he lives in terrible poverty. The novel’s main event is Santiago’s lengthy fishing trip, during which he reels in one of...

Project Management and Cross-Cultural Issues

Introduction Today, business and interpersonal relationships have been significantly shaped because of the impact of globalization and the importance of promoting international trade. The era of globalization has changed many multinational organizations and improved the connection between technological, communication, and production achievements (Kyove et al., 2021). As soon as companies...

Methods of Collecting Primary and Secondary Data

Introduction Surveys and questionnaires can be used to gather primary data, while a library, bots, and other automated methods can be used to gather secondary data. It is easy to see the distinctions between these two methods of data collecting, and they can both be utilized in conjunction with one...

Startup Capital Ventures Investing in Zero2IPO

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze the intention of American Startup Capital Ventures (SCV) to invest in the Chinese Zero2IPO. SCV is headed by managing partners John and Danny, both of whom have experience of geometrically increasing the revenues of technology startups. Zero2IPO is a Chinese market...

Changes in the Institution of Family in America

The institution a family has been changing over the years in America characterized by variation in roles, composition, setup and values. The changes which started all the way from the 1500s are inspired by the development in America. Some of the developments such as slavery, industrial revolution, immigration, and the...

School Choice: Educational Sector Thriving

Competition among different players in any given sector within a nation’s economy is essential in enhancing the effectiveness of the sector in question. This calls for the government to set up policies that pave the way for healthy competition within the parties in any given sector. Over the last two...

Gary C. Kelly’s Leadership at Southwest Airlines

Introduction Effective leadership is one of the crucial elements that ensure organizational success. Organizations are multifaceted entities that require commitment and truthfulness with regard to management, leadership, and other related undertakings (Bonnici, 2011). Southwest Airlines ranks among organizations that have demonstrated strict adherence to globally accepted elements of effective leadership....

Exploitation and Profit in Capitalism

Introduction Profit is defined as the financial benefits one receives when the revenue gained from a business transaction is greater than the expenses that were necessary to perform said operation, including costs and taxes required for a business to remain sustainable. Regardless of the nature of the business, the end...

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The European Union’s Preference of Soft Power

Introduction After European involvement in major military wars during the 20th century, the region’s foreign policy approaches changed significantly. An important feature in this change is the establishment of the European Union, which brought together 27 member states with the aim of developing an economic and social system. It sought...

Literary Psychoanalysis: Medicine River and The Things They Carried

One of the main indications that a particular literary piece represents a high literary value has traditionally been considered the psychological soundness of how the featured characters address life-challenges. The reason for this is quite apparent – it is specifically one’s deep-seated unconscious anxieties, which largely define his or her...

Human Relations: Values, Leadership and Power

Human Relations Human relations is the management process that involves bringing the activities of workers to match those of the organization. It also involves ensuring the individual employee objectives, goals, and those of the organization are achieved. While the organization is concerned with goals such as profit-making, growth, and survival,...

Patient-Centered Approach: Workflow and Staffing

Process Designs – Workflow and Staffing: Case Study Analysis Managing the process design in an organization and, therefore, contributing to an efficient exchange among the project members is a challenging task (1). The issue of workload deserves to be mentioned first. A number of nurses suffer from workplace burnout due...

The Loss of Mobility Issue in Geriatric Patients

Loss of mobility is a prevalent age-related health topic that affects older adults and geriatric patients. Mobility is essential to maintaining an adequate quality of life, promotes independence, and is beneficial for health. However, many experience a decline in mobility with age, causing significant social, mental, and physical consequences. Immobility...

Wal-Mart Business Strategy and Marketing Mix

Introduction A successful business organization will always invest heavily in marketing strategy in order to develop a marketing mix that yields the best results as well as making the organization earn a competitive advantage over its competitors. Marketing competition in the current business climate has advanced significantly such that a...

Review and Analysis of ‘A Good Man Is Hard To Find’

Flannery O’Connor is best known for her obscure, but thought-provoking short stories unlike most of the other 20th century American writers. She makes use of tragedy and brutality in her works to create an atmosphere of terror to deal with the subject of spirituality. The theme of ‘A Good Man...

Early & Intermediate Development Stages: Standards for Reading and Writing

Early Stages The standard for reading and writing in kindergarten and first grade (K-1) in North Carolina is a threshold attained through numerous approaches to achieve a universal language benchmark for all children. Kindergarten and first grade are considered to be the foundation-forming echelons and hence it is a precondition...

The Rights of the President of the United States of America

Introduction The United States of America’s constitution has granted the president a range of diverse powers. These powers of the president in the United States of America are contained in the executive part of the constitution; in which the president is expected to exercise these powers in his or her...

Separation of Ownership and Control in Business

Introduction In most modern businesses, ownership and control are two distinct entities. This is because under certain circumstances, shareholders may be widely dispersed to an extent that it becomes hard for them to exert control over the management (Anechioco & Jacobs 1996). In order to ensure that the business is...

Interplay of Literary Elements in Shakespeare’s Hamlet

Introduction In literary works, many elements strengthen the position chosen by an author, improve storytelling, and provoke critical thinking among readers. According to Mays, “the language of poetry is often visual and pictorial,” which makes poems dependent on specific words and their creative meanings (834). Metaphors, allusions, flashbacks, similes, and...

Exegesis of Jeremiah 1:4-10

Biblical Text The Call of Jeremiah The word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew[a] you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” “Alas, Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I do not...

The Effects of Contract Law on the Country’s Economy

Summary of the Proposed Study This study establishes the impact of contract law on the economy of the country. The economy of a country is majorly composed of trade and employment. The two economic aspects, trade and employment, are greatly affected by laws of contract. For example, every kind of...

Risk Analysis and Risk Management Plan

A risk is any unforeseen event that has the potential of derailing plans and projects. If the risk takes place, it is likely to have a positive or negative impact on the project or a venture being undertaken by a company or an individual. The chance of the risk-taking place...

Nuclear Power Must Be a Part of Future Energy Grids

Introduction It is evident and well-known that the current energy grid’s dependency on fossil fuels is unsustainable and requires a major shift towards more renewable and environmentally friendly sources of energy. There is a wide range of more sustainable sources of energy, which include solar, geothermal, wind, hydropower, biofuel, and...

The Impact of Advertising on Adolescents

Introduction Advertising has become an integral part of every person’s life. Teenagers can also see advertisements on the street, hear on the radio, watch on their smartphones or TV. Every year, advertising is being researched more deeply, and advertisers are using more powerful techniques that affect people’s behavior. Due to...

Assessing Past Leadership Experiences

Introduction Creating conditions for the productive work of colleagues and subordinates is a responsible task for any leader involved in team activities. In my practice, I have faced examples of both good and mediocre leadership, and this experience is useful for me to compare individual approaches and draw conclusions about...

Influence of Anne Frank’s Diary on Dutch and World Society

Biography of Anne Frank Anne Frank was a diarist who was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, in 1929. Before she died in Bergen-Belsen in 1945, she was able to maintain a two-year-long diary reflecting on her life under Nazi occupation in Amsterdam that has influenced literature since its first...

Integrative Group Intervention for the Enhancement of Emotional Intelligence

In general, empathy may be regarded as a person’s ability to feel and understand another individual’s experience, reality, and perspective from within his frame of reference. At the same time, according to Teófilo et al. (2018), there are multiple perspectives on the concept of empathy that exist in modern scientific...

Professional Development Plan: Analysis

Introduction The global economy has become more advanced and dynamic due to the forces of globalization, technological breakthroughs, and changing human interactions. Leaders operating in the 21st century need to develop their competencies continuously while transforming their abilities in such a way that they can succeed in diverse environments. The...

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Curriculum Guide: Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Mathematics

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Taylorism as Ideology and Russian Revolution

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Prenatal Issues and Birth in Mayan Culture.

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Challenges Faced by Managers in Social Care Services

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Politics in Iraq: Background and Major Issues

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Women From an Age Bygone: A. Wingfield and E. Grierson

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The Sufficiency of the Term “Stolen Generation”

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Comparing and Contrasting Public Health Partnerships

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Investing Power in Architects

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Civil Engineer Career: Overview

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Educational Philosophy: Progressive or Traditionalist?

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Workplace Bullying and Its Implications on Organizations

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Analysis and Criticism of the US Gun Control Laws

Firearms can be a means of attack and defense, which in both cases can lead to the death of people. At the same time, there is no definite evidence that allowing the carrying of weapons for defense reduces or increases the safety of the population and the number of attacks...

Autoethnography: The Subculture of Sneakerheads

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Chinua Achebe’s Life, Igbo Culture, and Things Fall Apart

Introduction All literary works are created within a specific historical era characterized by distinct beliefs, cultures, and experiences, which shape the artists’ story, perspective, and style. Published in 1958, Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart (TFA) mirrors the everyday socio-cultural context of the Igbo people as they struggled with the complexities...

Hurricane Response Plan: Analysis

Summary Responding to major hurricanes is one of the major challenges for emergency services on the U.S. Pacific Coast. Hurricane Katrina left more than 300,000 people homeless in 2005, and many social service organizations and individuals have negatively assessed the level of preparedness and response to this disaster. The City...

Modern Advertising, Its Role and Significance

Introduction Revolutionary wealth is a book that presents the perspective of the future world. It narrates who will gain wealth, how it will happen, and what it means for the population worldwide. This work describes new opportunities that the future economy opens up for people in diverse areas, such as...

The French Revolution and the Rights of Men

Introduction Before the French revolution, there were only two nations that acknowledged the concept of human right, which are the Great Britain and the USA, its former colony. Despite the interpretative differences in the national history of the French revolution, the country embraced only civil and political rights. However, the...

Are We too Dependent on Technology?

Do we rely on technology too much? Read this essay and learn whether people have become overly dependent on technology in the modern world. Introduction “Are we too dependent on technology?” is a popular question for debate. Many think that people’s dependence on technology is becoming too much. Others believe...