Professionalism and Social Media

The Internet revolution of the 21st century has changed the way people interact with one another. Additionally, it has influenced how nurses could communicate, especially through social media. The different platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, among other related communication channels, provide nurses with options to express their views...

Analysis of Texas COVID-19 Response

Texas’s governor has issued several Executive Orders to fight COVID-19, including a requirement to wear masks in public, a reopening order, and an order that grants mayors the power to issue restrictions on the gathering of more than ten people. On Friday 9th, the state’s health officials reported 4,036 new...

The Concept of Multiculturalism

The multinational liaisons are becoming a widely practiced phenomenon in terms of modern society. However, the concept of multiculturalism is indeed a complex issue to examine due to outmoded and inhuman customs to which some immigrant families are strongly committed. Theodore Dalrymple is a retired physician who shared his professional...

Best Business Practices Overview

The report produced by the Defense Business Board (2012) describes the best practices of private business that could be applied for the management of the Department of Defense (DoD). The observation identified that the strategies are chosen by private sector companies and DoD are completely different. The practices of the...

“Father Soldier Son”: A New Documentary

The film “Father Soldier Son” reflects the intimate narrative of an American family whose father has lived on the battlefield for a decade. It reflects the reunion of a dad and his two young boys after a long period of deployment in Afghanistan. From a personal viewpoint, this film presents...

Sliding Versus Deciding: Inertia and the Premarital Cohabitation Effect

The main concept of the article stating that premarital cohabitation has a negative impact on the future of relationships is relatively new to me. Stanley et al. (2006) note that the couples who cohabit before the marriage experience more problems than those who do not. This information could be useful;...

“The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

“The Scarlet Letter” was written by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne at the end of the nineteenth century. An enormously popular work of fiction, it has been reproduced numerous times as a movie, an opera, and other forms of entertainment. Probably the most famous screen adaptation is “The Scarlet Letter” by...

Analysis of a “Good Man Is Hard to Find” by O’Connor

“A Good Man is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor continues to raise numerous questions. The book represents a great example of the Gothic Fiction of the American South. Nevertheless, it has some distinctive features, such as multiple references to social issues and religion. The book has a darkly menacing...

Social Isolation and Distancing Impact on People’s Life

Life Change Since the Start of Social Isolation and Social Distancing Humanity has already been confronted with some kinds of pandemics. However, it is the first time when outcomes touch all fields of human existence, accompanied by global panic, the global financial crisis, and a universal transition to virtual reality....

The Healthcare System Changes Caused by COVID-19

In recent months, the health care system around the world has undergone significant changes. The cause of these processes is a new unknown virus, COVID-19, which is not yet treatable and causes serious health issues. Due to the speed of its spread, a huge number of people are affected, which...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Dick Durbin “The DREAM Act”: A Threat to the Economy and Security of Americans

Introduction Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act was a plan by the American senate to allow a few immigrants to enjoy permanent residence. This act was forwarded to the Senate by Dick Durbin in 2001 for consideration (Mahony 98). He suggested that all non-Americans who graduate from American...

Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: Key Issues

Introduction The article “Bipolar Disorder” discusses psychological problems and unique symptoms found in children affected by bipolar disorder. The authors state that therapists who work with such children recognize that the rapid, skillful provision of crisis intervention services gives many victims the insight and tools to manage their own recoveries....

Discussion on Mysticism Viewpoints

Mysticism refers to practices and ideologies that aim at connecting with the ultimate reality and God. It is often associated with achieving an alternate state of consciousness and experiencing religious ecstasies. Various myths, legends, ethics, and beliefs attributed to mysticism might put some people off learning the subject in more...

The Unlicensed Assistive Personnel: Values and Functions

Values Related to cm Nowadays, more patients focus on the problems connected to poor medical care and inability to develop appropriate nurse-patient relations. If a nurse gets education and tries to find proper practical application to the received theoretical knowledge, it is easier for him/her to find out the most...

Nike Inc.’s Marketing and Manufacturing Principles

Nike is a worldwide leader in manufacturing, marketing, and sales of sportswear, footwear, accessories, and equipment. According to Childs and Jin (2018), its “sales exceed $21 billion in 2016, more than half of which is attributed to international markets,” and it is “an innovation leader in product development, marketing, and...

Community Resources that Promote Safety. Marion Senior Services

Community resources are assets that are accessible to all community members which help them meet their particular needs. The resources can be funded or run by the government, individuals, or non-profit groups, and they serve a community in different ways. People, community services, or structures such as clinics and safe...

Ford Motor Company Current Project and Long Term Project

Current project Presently, Ford Motor Company plans to install a photovoltaic system that is powered by solar energy at their Michigan plant. The project required a total of three million American dollars to be complete. Raising this amount of money appeared to be an insurmountable task, due to the after-effects...

Risk Factors in the Development of Osteoporosis

Risk Factors Several factors act as risk factors for the development of osteoporosis. The common risk factors have been discussed in the following paragraphs. To begin with, the development of osteoporosis is enhanced by risks that can hardly be changed. The frame size and gender are some of the key...

Movie Reflection – “Contagion” by Steven Soderbergh

“Contagion” is an electrifying medical film that was produced in 2011. Throughout the plot of the movie, it is vivid that fomite is a dangerous agent that transmits and spreads a deadly virus. Besides, public health officials and medical experts make every attempt to control the rapid spread of the...

Early Prison Release to Reduce a Prison’s Budget

The system of justice involves a variety of important institutions and regulations. Imprisonment is the final stage of a criminal’s deeds’ investigation and punishment. However, merely putting a person behind bars does not lead to the automatic eradication of all problems. Just punishment for those individuals who have broken the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Quality Management Observation in a Hospital

Main post The concept of quality management embraces a bulk of aspects and perspectives that are not always presented on data collection agenda. In particular, there are services and daily responsibilities that nurses should undertake and that are not specified in the officially compiled codes and policies. It is obvious...

American Food Industry in the “Food, Inc.” Movie

The movie in question dwells upon the US food industry. It unveils the secrets of the contemporary producers of food and the way food affects Americans. The movie reveals the downsides of the industry that has many negative effects on the environment as well as people’s health (Kenner, 2008). Clearly,...

Morals and Ethics in New Jersey Dental School

Nowadays, it is critical to use universal ethical and moral dogmas as guidance, as it will help avoid conflicts and find effective solutions. This matter is highly important in dentistry and other branches of medical sphere since the safety of the patient is highly dependent on following these principles. Apart...

Coal Industry in the United States

Introduction Due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic across the globe, many households and businesses are consuming less electricity, implying a decline in the demand for coal. As many utilities cut the use of coal power, it predicts an acceleration of the worsening of the coal industry in the...

“Letter From the Birmingham Jail” by M. L. King

The “Letter from the Birmingham Jail” is, perhaps, one of the most famous letters in entire American history. Written by Marin Luther King, JR. after being imprisoned, it addresses the problems of racism, inequality, and staggering injustice in American society. Focused on the idea of equality as the main tool...

For Humana Incorporation: Health Care Insurance and Financial Status

I am currently working for Humana Incorporation. Humana Incorporation is a non-profit organization providing “managed health care” in 50 states across the United States. Currently, the company offers different health care plans and insurance policies to over 11 million customers in the country. The organization accepts various health care insurances....

Choosing a Currency Trading Strategy: When Investments Start to Grow

Trading currency has always been considered a risky business. However, the reasons for these rumors are mostly invalid. While trading currency does involve a specific element of unpredictability, it still follows common economic laws, and its processes can be traced easily. Moreover, the possible revenues can be calculated with considerable...

“Our Blind Spot About Guns” by Baron

In “Our blind spot about guns,” Kristof (2019) argues that gun regulations are less strict than those imposed on cars and that changing the matter would save lives. In “Don’t make English official – Ban it instead,” Baron (2019) offers to make the English language illegal as an unusual way...

Belonging to Different Cultures or One Ethnic Group

Chosen by me researched article ponders on the issue of whether it is possible to be equally part of different cultures or belonging to one ethnic group means excluding oneself from all others. Through the prism of bicultural upbringing in a family of anthropologists who lived in Germany but also...

Innovative Nursing Care Delivery Models: A Transitional Care Model

There are 24 innovative care delivery models with each model having unique features. The 24 models fall under three care delivery strategies which include acute care, bridging the gap in health care, and care planning to address patients’ needs (Joynt & Kimball, 2008). Our focus will be on the transitional...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing Philosophy of Advanced Practice Nurse

Whenever a patient is brought to the hospital, his or her family members are the first to get to the hospital to give the required support. The role of a nurse is to ensure that the patient regains his or her state of wellness as quickly as possible. I am...

Responding to Threats Posed by Offshore Manufacturing

Topics and Issues to Investigate The fashion apparel industry of the 21st century centers around low-cost manufacturing. The most profitable global brands such as Zara, H&M, and others take advantage of low-cost labor in developing countries (Camargo, Pereira, and Scarpin, 2020). As a result, Vietnam, India, and Bangladesh are all...

Cockroach Infestation and Health Issues Caused by Cockroaches

Cockroaches, Bacteria with Antibiotic Resistance, and Prevention of Infestation The ability of cockroaches to harbor numerous infectious diseases and disseminate them, thus, contributing to a steep rise in the instances of diseases development, as well as the threat of epidemics (Pesquero & Carneiro, 2012). Therefore, there is a need to...

Bluetooth Security Risks: Bluejackin

Bluetooth refers to a short range wireless technology that is used with communication and computing devices. Just like the other types of wireless technologies, Bluetooth comes with several security threats. These threats compromise the security of a device as well as that of others in the network. One of such...

Market Designs and Entrepreneurship Innovations

Technology has played a significant role in elevating entrepreneurship globally. Innovative ideas have been diverse to fit the digital world in business and market systems. Products have been improved through technology; hence, encouraging competition in the market. When the quality of products advances through innovation, their value increases, enabling them...

Behavioral and Cognitive Mental Health Theories

Mental health approaches attempt to explain the development of human beings socially, psychologically, and behaviorally. Early and Grady (2017) explain that researchers focused on suffering and pain alleviation for an extended period. Therefore, they aimed to understand what was wrong with an individual and how to solve the situation (Early...

Orem’s Self Care Theory: Review

Introduction According to the provided article, health professionals have had gratifying experience when working with patients suffering from chronic diseases like arterial hypertension (Manzini & Simonetti, 2009). Currently, care for patients with chronic diseases is not well organized. It mainly focuses on medical assistance with no initial participation of nurses....

The Difference Principle by John Rawls

John Rawls was an American philosopher in the field of politics in the 20th century, who adhered to the liberal tradition. During his activity, he introduced several theories, such as justice as fairness and political liberalism. The first mentioned one involves the difference principle, which presents an alternative distributive principle....

Sensory System Case Study

A definition of neuromodulators and how they work A neuromodulator is a chemical agent that influences the behaviors of neurons or effecter cells by modulating their interaction with neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. There are several types of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin (Bryant & Knights 2011, p....

The Positioning of Systematic Theology

In a detailed discussion of the differences in existing approaches to the study of the Bible, it is worth emphasizing the nature of the object understudy in the first place. Strictly speaking, theology itself involves studying the nature of God and the religious beliefs that enable followers to believe in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Epidemiologic Methods in the Study of Infectious Diseases

Introduction Epidemiologic methods refer to various concepts applicable in finding the causes of illnesses and other health issues in a population. An infectious disease can be transmitted to other organisms upon their exposure to the host. Movement from one host to another relies on the theory that organisms are within...

Evaluation of Levels of Evidence in Healthcare Studies

Discussion Post In spite of the fact that well-designed randomized trials (RCTs) are frequently appointed the most elevated level of proof, not all RCTs are conducted appropriately, and the outcomes ought to be deliberately investigated. An inadequately directed RCT may report a negative outcome when a genuine distinction exists between...

Fire Scene Investigation: Artificial Intelligence

Fires are destructive, and as they continue to grow, they will consume their evidence. In reference to the Michigan v. Tyler, the U.S Supreme Court ruled that consent to search, or a search warrant, must be obtained to conduct a search for the origin of the fire and cause under...

District Heating in the United States

Introduction The article analyzed in this discussion is from the PBS NEWS HOUR website (Mingle, 2021). The author evaluates the use of energy for heating in most United States home and the fact that change is necessary for environmental preservation. The article examines the historical perspective of home and business...

Performance Appraisals in Healthcare Settings

Performance appraisal is an annual examination of the results of the personnel’s performance that provides the chance to find the methods to improve operations and understand the role of each member in the organization. Although the purposes of this assessment are honorable, it often fails to follow this strategy. It...

Nutritional Practices for Infants and Toddlers

Poor diet is a significant cause of death in the US. The New York State Department of Health Division of Nutrition (NYSDF) aims at establishing a conducive environment that empowers residents to adopt healthy eating habits and physical activity. The NYSDF provides WIC foods for mothers and baby formula feeding,...

Competing Values, Social Work

Competing Values, Social Work Competing values and the dilemma they often create are common in all professional fields. Social work is the one where decisions regarding ethics have the most significant impact. It is due to the specific nature of social work. Experts note that “a historic and defining feature...

Judy Brady’s “I Want a Wife” as Feminist Manifesto

Judy Brady’s I Want a Wife is a feminist manifesto that dissects the early 1970s’ social stereotypes about the role of women in marriage and motherhood. Using rhetorical language, she paints a rather impressive new perspective of the seemingly familiar and clichéd picture of a married woman. Her essay is...

COTA and Occupational Therapy within Adolescent Population with Cerebral Palsy

The Role of the COTA in Physical & Developmental Disabilities Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA) is a certified position that provides people with an opportunity to assist Occupational Therapists directly in the setting through communication with OT patients and their guidance. Thus, when it comes to working with adolescent patients...

US Police Brutality and Human Resources Connection

Introduction Police brutality is one of the most pressing crisis problems in the United States. Plutocracy, the spread of COVID-19 and structural racism, along with this problem, are the main threats to the health system as a whole and the life of each individual (Krieger, 2020). The process of concern...

Experimental Studies Discussion

Experimental studies, also called interventional studies, are studies where the researcher arranges the conditions in which the participants are placed, or conducts an intervention on them to assess its impact and consequences and test a hypothesis. In experimental studies, the researcher has control over the specifics of an intervention, who...

Criminal Cases: Trial by Juries

Introduction The use of juries in trials remains a contentious subject, considering there are individuals who think it is bizarre to rely on twelve laypersons to make legal decisions. Jury trials are a fundamental pillar of criminal law since it is a right of every person facing serious charges in...

National Campaign: Social Media Campaigns on Dentistry

Social media campaigns denote coordinated marketing approaches for strengthening or promoting organizational objectives with the help of the existing platforms, for instance, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn Whatsapp, and Instagram. Such campaigns vary from the daily social media endeavors attributable to their enhanced concentration, measurability, and targeting. Social media campaigns...

Strategic Planning: Electronic Health Record System Launch

Implementation of Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems has become essential in the majority of hospitals across the state. However, choosing a proper EHR system is not the only step in developing the hospital’s environment. The introduction of new technologies requires a well-structured plan or strategy. There are two main types...

Object Relations Theory in Social Work Systems

Systems theory is a concept applied in social work to describe how various forces tend to influence behaviors and outcomes. Professionals working in this field need to be aware of various psychodynamic models and apply them accordingly to achieve the intended goals. The object relations theory is a framework that...

History of Industrialization in the United States

Introduction The skyrocketing expansion of manufacturing in the period between 1877-1900, named the Gilded Age, generated enormous wealth and made the USA the most economically developed country. Nevertheless, along with achievements, industrialization gave rise to many significant social issues, including a yawning break between rich and poor and economic instability,...

Macroeconomic Variables of Walmart

Walmart, one of the world’s largest retailers, owns sub-brands that manufacture products of different categories. Equate is a sub-brand that produces pharmaceuticals and cosmetic goods. Due to its affordable price and quality, Equate has stable sales of various drugs, but Ibuprofen may be considered one of the most popular medications...

Female Circumcision Problem Overview

Contemporary society is focused on cultivating tolerance and an equal attitude to all people regardless of their age, sex, social status, and race. For this reason, there are multiple attempts to improve the position of vulnerable groups and provide their representatives with assistance. For instance, for the bigger part of...

The Civil Rights Movement: Minorities vs. Police

The tension between police and minorities started at times of the Civil Rights Movement. Specifically, a peaceful march in Selma, Alabama, led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was met with police aggression (Cunningham, 2018). This event that happened on March 9, 1965, on the Edmund Pettus Bridge, named after...

Book Report “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll

Introduction “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll is one of the most significant provocative works in world literature. It is an unusual fairy tale that does not leave either adults or children indifferent. On the beautiful summer day on July 4, 1862, the English writer traveled on the River Thames...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Problem of Domestic Violence

As a global public health and human rights concern, domestic violence affects the lives of millions of individuals throughout the entire world. Most frequently, the abuser violates the rights of the other family member due to low self-esteem, extreme jealousy, as well as difficulties in regulating anger and other strong...

Red Flags Rule in Red Clay Renovations

The so-called Red Flags Rule is one of the Fair Credit Reporting Act’s Identity Theft Rules. The Federal Trade Commission began to enforce it in 2011 in order to decrease stealing identities, which, according to the Commission, happens to approximately nine million Americans every year (Federal Trade Commission). Identity theft...

The Joffrey Ballet School “Nutcracker” Performance

In 2019, I visited the Koch Theater at Lincoln Center in New York City, where I watched Joffrey Ballet School’s performance. The crew performed the Nutcracker dance, a fantasy dance story written by Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann in 1816 (Owen and Crawford 13). In the story, the Nutcracker, one of...

Mass Shootings Issue on Example of Michigan

The problem of mass shootings is gaining momentum and is increasingly manifested in modern society. Despite the horror of this action, it is necessary to apply guidelines of notoriety. This phenomenon consists of the non-proliferation of information, such as, for example, the image of the person who committed the shooting....

The Connection Between Food Choices, Identity, and Nationalism

Korean nationalism in terms of food is different from that of American culture introduced by American fast food. Fast foods are snacks that often entail slices of bread and meat especially for hamburgers (Watson). While meat and bread as taken as snacks in American fast-food culture, they are taken as...

Leadership and Management Differences

The definition between a leader and a manager is still relevant, which is reflected in the materials read. Toor’s and Ofori’s research became key to understanding the differences between management and leadership. In the course of studying the material, it was concluded that there is no clear distinction between the...

James Baldwin and His Notes of a Native Son

James Baldwin had a significant contribution to U.S. culture and literature. A collection of ten essays called “Notes of a native” by James Baldwin was first published in 1955. The papers mainly cover racism in America and describe the author’s personal experience of growing up in such a discriminatory environment....

Ideas and Topics in Saint Mark’s Gospel

Saint Mark’s Gospel is the shortest and the most volumetric text out of the four existing ones. His telling is in some ways similar to Mathew’s narrative, but some occurrences are presented in the other order, and the descriptions are shorter. The Gospel of Mark is believed to be the...

Supply & Demand and Other Concepts in Economics

A greater understanding of the processes that govern market operations is an essential part of creating and running a successful business. The study of economics enables one to get a bigger picture of the relationships between companies, governments, and customers. This essay reviews the following topics: supply and demand, elasticity,...

Hypothesis on the Dangers of Wearing Masks

Introduction People have been wearing masks as a precautionary measure against COVID-19 in all public places around the world since 2020. It also applies to schools, colleges, and universities, which impacts students’ perceptions of their peers. One’s hypothesis is that masks negatively affect students’ communication perception of each other. The...

Masuzawa, Tomoko “The Invention of World Religions” Review

Tomoko Masuzawa is a modern specialist in religious and cultural studies. Her analysis of religions includes linguistic, semantic, and even pedagogical aspects, especially if the problem of teaching religious studies is considered. Masuzawa, working with primary sources on ancient religions, combines religious issues with modern science and sociology methodology. In...

Columbus’s Exploration of America and Its Significance

530 years ago, on October 12, 1492, the expedition of Christopher Columbus reached the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas. This day is considered the official date of the discovery of America. Columbuswrote: “I took possession of all discovered islands for our most fortunate King by making public proclamation...

5G Networks and Vehicle-to-Everything Communications

With the development of 5G networks characterized by ultra-low latency, high reliability, and high speed, the automobile industry currently pays particular attention to the implementation of data-intensive technologies, including the use of vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications. Operated through the Internet-of-things (IoT), V2X communications allow making cars autonomous. Their architecture is based...

Studying of Adolf Hitler’s Life

Through the course of more than seventy years, the character of Adolf Hitler was thoroughly studied and scrutinized multiple times, contemplating whether his experiences or practices could be applied in a positive key. While some prefer to distance themselves from the examination of Hitler’s motives and strategy and even suggest...

Intergenerational Transmission and Prevention of Adverse Childhood Experiences

Adverse childhood events (ACEs) are the traumatic events in childhood that increase the risk of negative consequences for physical, mental health, and social problems throughout life. Indeed, children who have been subjected to violence and abuse by parents, relatives, and other adults cause extremely negative consequences (DeNisco & Stewart, 2018)....

Modern Missionary Work and Religion Decline

About 100 years ago, and even at the beginning of the 21st century, religion spread much faster than in recent years. The period from 1981 to 2007 was analyzed for the spread of religious trends and missionary activity in 49 countries (Inglehart, 2020). As a result, it was found that...

“A Letter From Adelgida” Epistle Analysis

Authored by Adelgida in October 1030, the epistle “A letter from Adelgida” talks about Amadeus, the son of count Humbert, and his wife Adelgida’s requested gift charter. The letter, whose general focus is based on giving, encourages through the biblical verse stating that “Treasure for yourself treasures in heaven where...

Childhood Obesity in the US From an Economic Perspective

Background Childhood obesity is a complex issue that requires consideration from the perspective of several areas, including economics. Looking at the problem of childhood obesity from an economic point of view offers an understanding of a wider range of causes and consequences and the definition of government intervention in solving...

Teaching, Caring, and Transformation

Introduction In the examined article, Sonia Nieto addresses the importance of caring in the teaching context. She intentionally connects three vital terms – teaching, caring, and transformation – to demonstrate that cultural integration and a deep understanding of students are necessary for this line of work. The current essay investigates...

The Haitian Revolution and Slavery

The history of slavery is filled with tragedy, sadness, and grievance. Independently on the place of its occurrence, slavery always brought the same consequences. While the enslaved nation craved liberty and justice, their slavers put a great effort into maintaining the usual order. The history of the Haitian revolution is...

Mumbai Attack: India’s Counterterrorism Approach

The Mumbai attack in India led to the change of the counterterrorism approaches used in the country. The attack led to the establishment of the National Investigation Agency (NIA), which was given the power to deal with terror incidents by the central government. The agency has the power to investigate...

Carl Rogers’ Beliefs on Change in Counseling

Carl Rogers’ beliefs on self-acceptable being the catalyst of change offer a number of practical applications of theories of change to an individual’s life. In my personal interpretation of this concept, I believe the thesis message that the only change that is acceptable and sustainable is one that is guided...

Aspects of Social Identity Theory

Introduction Social identity theory is recognized as one of the major theories in social studies. Especially in the last several decades, interest in it has grown considerably. From the theory’s origins in the 1960s to the present, the theory has undergone evident development. The seminal works in this field have...

Electronic Medical Records and Their Capabilities

Introduction EMR capabilities for physicians are defined by their functions in the workplace, namely the need to perform examinations and treatments by job descriptions (Janssen et al., 2021). EMRs allow for the adjustment of administrative and workplace medical processes that must be performed according to specific standards (El-Yafouri et al.,...

Challenges and Techniques in Making Dental Impressions

Each oral cavity is unique and has different aspects. Some people can easily endure the procedure of making a cast, but others will find it incredibly difficult. Dentists often have difficulties because the materials used for such work can have inevitable negative consequences for patients. In particular, other parts of...

How to Create a YouTube Channel for Beginners

The given report is focused on the video titled “How to create a YouTube Channel for Beginners (Step-by-step tutorial)” uploaded by the Think Media channel. The channel Think Media has 2.17 million subscribers and is focused on providing weekly tips and tools for building online influence. The structure and format...

Data Analytics and Its Role in Healthcare

Big data analysis technology is rapidly developing, becoming an important characteristic of management. For example, IBM develops a super-computer that scans millions of scientific articles and utilizes machine learning to correlate symptoms and predict clinical outcomes (Cozzoli et al., 2022). Predictions have become a necessity; modern healthcare undergoes a transition...

Japanese Internment During World War II

Japanese American internment refers to the forced relocation of numerous Japanese Americans to detention camps by the United States Government during World War II. The occurrence marked the culmination of discriminatory actions against Asian immigrants by the federal government initiated during the late 1800s. Despite a lack of adequate evidence,...

The Advantages of a Failure in Society

Introduction Society considers failure a significant obstacle in the way of personal goals and objectives throughout all stages of life. The concept brings immediate negative connotations and associations. Hence, the idea created even more complex issues such as fear of failure and connected emotions such as anxiety, humiliation, and shame....

Conceptualizations of Advanced Practice Nursing

The Circle of Care is a comprehensive model that demonstrates how social and behavior change (SBC) may be utilized before, during, and after treatments across the healthcare ecosystem to enhance health outcomes. The approach emphasizes the interaction across services, including the use of SBC to encourage clients to utilize services,...

Alkoxysulfenylation of Alkenes: Development

Introduction The article Alkoxysulfenylation of Alkenes: Development and Recent Advances by Cao et al. reviews the academic literature on the dysfunctionalization of carbon-carbon double bonds. As a target method to consider, the authors evaluate alkoxysulfenylation of alkenes as a mechanism to obtain b-alkoxysulfides at minimal cost and through the use...

Ontario Pension Board: Insights From our Leadership Team

The Public Service Pension Plan, a significant fixed benefits retirement plan supported by the Government of Ontario, is administered by the Ontario Pension Board (OPB) – a chosen tribunal for the discussion. Some personnel of the local administration’s departments, committees, and bodies make up its constituency. The PSPP is one...

McDonald’s: The Sexual Harassment

Ten McDonald’s employees in Reedsburg, Wisconsin, continuously reported workplace sexual harassment. The objections were repeatedly overlooked, which led to a worsening of the problem. One of the harassed employees resigned as a result of the spike in tension in the workplace. The way the complaints were handled led to unjust...

The Danger of Leaving a Child in a Hot Car in Florida

A few parents leave their child in the car. This act may lead to death of the baby. Since the 1990s, many hot car deaths have taken place in Florida. Appropriate precautions should be taken to avoid hot car death. Average temperature in Florida is 80 degree Fahrenheit (F). Between...

Motivating Employees: Company Performance and Employees’ Productivity Level

The major role of the head of sales and marketing of any company is to ensure customers are satisfied. When all the customer demands are met, and customers are fully satisfied, there is a likelihood of attracting more customers in the company hence expanding the business. In case the department...

Important Factors in Personal Investment

Introduction When making an investment, it is important to look at a number of factors in order to ensure that the returns are within the investor’s expectations. In many cases, people make investment without a proper analysis of the underlying forces. When this happens, it is possible for the investment...

Positive and Negative Impact of Technology on Communication

People have adopted various ways of doing things in order to satisfy their needs in the modern world. This has led to the adoption of modern technology in the process of production in various activities. Human beings continue to invent and innovate various ways of doing things to ensure they...

Thailand National Export Priority Market

International business is a common practice in many parts of the world. Many countries engage in international trade in order to export their products and import whatever they do not produce (DEP: Department of Export Promotion Thailand). New business concepts have emerged in order to cushion every developing country from...

“Come Alive” and “Shitty First Drafts” Comparative Literature

Introduction Derrick Brown’s poem, “Come Alive” dwells on designing arguments when describing an item. Besides, Anne Lamott the passage “Shitty First Drafts” discusses arguments in terms of the ethos, pathos, and logos. Thus, this reflective treatise attempts to identify critical writing issues that these authors identify in relation to the...

Wal-Mart Stores’ Reputation and Corporate Citizenship

How does Wal-Mart Stores organization manage its reputation and corporate citizenship? Having become a global organization, which has a presence in nearly every country of the world, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. faced the necessity to transfer to the principle of corporate citizenship. Traditionally defined as “logical extension of corporations’ search for...

Better Academic Performance Working Conditions

The place of study, building, and facilities impact the motivational level and the involvement of the students in the studying process. Numerous schools and colleges across the globe are in an unacceptable condition, which influences not only the way students are motivated; however, it may impact their health and safety....

Nurse Manager Position: Recruitment Process

The paper overviews the recruitment experience, which concerned the application for the position of a nurse manager. Primarily, it is critical to assess the essential duties of the corresponding specialist as well as the fundamental skills and competences that refer to the job type. The position of a nurse manager...

Health Promotion: Health Insurance Costs Reducing

Health and well-being are the notions that stand in the middle of our society. These notions are guided by different factors like age, gender, ethnic heritage, previous history of diseases, economic status, geographic location, etc. Those involved in health promotion should pay attention to what the concept of health means...

Everpix Business’ Failure

Everpix was a business establishment that focused on providing customers with an excellent app for managing their photos. The founders of the firm aimed at making the startup become a world choice for the management of photos. The service could help people to manage their photos using digital cameras and...

Principles of Forensic Toxicology

Introduction Forensic toxicology is the scientific study of the identification of drugs, poisons, chemicals, and metals that are present in the fluids and tissues of an organism. Forensic toxicology represents their various uses as well as their importance. These include the following issues. Uses forensic toxicology Forensic toxicology helps investigate...

Industrial Fermentation as Energy Conversion

Industrial fermentation is the way of making products useful to people by the use of the microorganism’s fermentation. Fermented products can be generated in food and other industry sectors. One of the most common examples of employing fermentation in the industry is producing alcoholic drinks and dairy products. This type...

Amazon Company Advantages and Disadvantages is a recent response to the traditional retailing business. The company represents an efficient model of electronic commerce, which offers a wide choice of computer devices, bookstores, video games as well as clothing and furniture. The business is centered in Seattle and dates from 1994. The company was founded...

Sharp Healthcare Organization’s History and Mission

Introduction Sharp HealthCare, a well-being maintenance provider located in San Diego, is a medical organization that includes several hospitals, medical groups, and centers. Sharp HealthCare traces its roots from the establishment of Donald N. Sharp Memorial Community Hospital, named after the young pilot from San Diego who sacrificed his life...

Parkinson’s Disease Case: Patient’s History, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Scenario Jack is an 80-year-old male who was admitted to the primary care physician’s office. He is a widowed person, and his family currently consists only of his two sons and their wives. Even though they are in the same state, the client lives independently and is distanced from his...

Terrorism Definitions in the US Legislation System

Introduction Today, terrorism is a topic that bothers many people globally. Though the word “terrorism” was on all lips, its definitions and impact remain unclear from different perspectives (Whittaker, 2013). In this paper, special attention to the statutory definitions of international and domestic terrorism, criminal penalties, and the essence of...

Law and Ethics in the Nursing Profession

Introduction The nature of the nursing profession requires nurses to make numerous decisions based on careful consideration of laws and ethical standards. Taking into consideration that nurses are confronted with dozens of ethical challenges in their practice daily they have to be familiar with the codes of ethics outlining how...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Behavioral Risk

The Major Behavioral Risk Factor for COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the condition that affects patients’ lower airways and lungs and seriously damaging their respiratory systems. The major signs and consequences of COPD are the shortness of breath that appears alongside such symptoms as progressive coughing with the...

Six Sigma for Performance Improvement

Challenges and Benefits for the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation The emphasis on quality has always been strong in the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation. However, the idea of meeting the corresponding demands has never gone beyond the company’s environment. In their paper, Kukreja, Ricks, and Meyer (2009) suggest that the attitudes toward meeting...

Radicalism Phenomenon During the American Revolution

The main purpose of this article is to shed light on some of the aspects of the Revolution, which is typically viewed as a rebellion of the British colonies in North America against the British rule. The author insists that the history of the Revolution has been sanitized to a...

Treatment of Depression in Lesbians

Introduction There is ample evidence suggesting that lesbian, bisexual and transgender women experience unequal treatment by health care providers (Zuzelo, 2017). Taking into consideration the fact that nurses are on the frontline of the delivery of health care services to marginalized communities, they have to be able to use the...

Nursing Theories Variety, Its Pros and Cons

It was not until 1950s that first nursing theories began to be formulated and applied to nursing practice after many centuries of tradition-based experimental learning. Since then, a whole number of theories manifesting different approaches, philosophies, and perceptions have emerged. These worldviews provide contrasting paradigms of knowledge comprehension and development...

Curriculum and Assessment for ESL Students

The ESL student needs are integral parts of our curriculum because students are divided into different language proficiency levels in K-2 according to the expectations based on the study level. In this respect, students are assessed in terms of the listening/speaking, writing, and reading skills that are essential for further...

Wounded Patient’s Condition in Initial Assessment

Initial Evaluation First of all, it is necessary to assess the wounds of the patient, examining them in detail. The additional information, including previous injuries, hospitalizations, and family history are required to identify potential allergy and predispositions. The blood test is necessary to eliminate blood poisoning and reveal any other...

Florida National University’s Insufficient Research Funding

Introduction One of the functions of universities is to generate knowledge through research (Brennan, King, and Lebeau 11). While this function is typically assumed by research universities, other educational facilities must recognize the role of research in students’ education and teachers’ development. The lack of sufficient research funding at Florida...

Railroad and Its Impact on America’s Growth of Wealth

Introduction The transcontinental railroad was build despite opposition from the Indians. They were fighting to preserve their culture. To them the railroad meant bringing more white people to their territory. They held meetings seeking counsel to protect their land. This dispute did not stop the construction of the railroad, as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ethical and Legal Issues of the Physician

Physicians face challenges in decision-making whenever a patient reuses treatment. They have to focus on the ethical guidelines and legal requirements before making a decision in response to the patient’s non-compliant nature. This paper looks into the ethical and legal decisions required in a case where a patient refuses to...

Universal Health Care Funding and Free Enterprise System

From an ethical standpoint, it is obvious that universal health care is one of the fundamental human rights. Health is directly associated with the quality of life and at least in some instances can be tied to the right to life. From a broader perspective, it is possible to consider...

Responsibility in the Nursing Workplace

Background Although the concept of responsibility might not seem like a difficult one to grasp, it often eludes members of healthcare (Düchting 11). The specified phenomenon can be attributed to the fact that following a set of rigid ethical standards in the environment that can be described as extremely challenging...

Genes and Its Influence on Personality

Extensive research exists on the topic of genetic makeup and its influence on personality. For example, a study conducted in 2004 found that such character traits as agreeableness and conscientiousness showed a complex genetic architecture, whereas the common pathway model could be used for the explanation of neuroticism and extraversion...

Barcodes and Radio Frequency Identification Effects

The use of bar codes and Radio Frequency identification has certainly had some positive and negative effects on basic logistics processes. Technology has greatly improved shipping, transportation, receiving and in-facility operations. While improvement in these basic logistics processes is welcome, it is important to note that the gains have been...

Waste Elimination: Essential Vocabulary

Elimination The process of eliminating waste, though seemingly simple, in fact, requires a careful analysis of the factors that contribute to it. In the realm of an organization, the identified process will require embracing the operations performed in every single department, which is a rather challenging task. However, reaching the...

Peer-Reviewed Research as Medical Progress

Introduction Peer-reviewed scholarly research is the backbone of medical advancement. Medical theory, research, and literature reviews are only some of the aspects that go into the development of new medicinal practices. This paper will explain the importance of literature reviews, the influence of theory and research on each other, and...

Empathic Responses to Clients’ Feelings in Human Services

Professionals must listen to their clients appropriately so that they can understand their thoughts and feelings with no mistakes. This is a crucial aspect of effective communication, and its value is undeniable. However, being a good listener is not easy. One is to be able to summarize the obtained information...

American Nurses Association: Professional Membership

Being the chairperson of membership in American Nurses Association (ANA), it is necessary to design a paper to recruit new members. Function of Organization ANA is a non-commercial professional organization that aims at representing the interests of the entire nation and, in particular, those of registered nurses (RN) by the...

Advanced Nurse Practitioner Competencies

Who is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner An advanced nurse practitioner (ANP) is a professional that has a full capacity to work as an advanced generalist as well as offer help and care to patients whose social needs and healthcare needs span across a variety of types and levels. In the...

Heart Disease Patients’ Education

Key Ethical Concerns Promoting the active acquisition of knowledge and skills that are necessary for managing health-related issues is a crucial step toward meeting the needs of patients with heart disease (HDPs). HDPs need to be able to recognize essential risk factors to which they may be exposed and, therefore,...

German Comments on the Paris Peace Conference

As the authors of “Comments of the German Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference on the Conditions of Peace “, the allies would take control over Germany’s rivers, canals, and railroads, which would evidently hurt the country’s economy. Furthermore, the authors of the document also mentioned coal pits in Saar...

Schizophrenia Features Among African American Men

Introduction Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder that may occur at any age. It is usually characterized by several positive and negative symptoms, including auditory or visual hallucinations, reduced emotional expressiveness, also known as flat affect, and cognitive changes (Mattila et al., 2014; Peltier, Cosgrove, Ohayagha, Crapanzano, & Jones, 2017)....

Callista Roy’s vs. Betty Neuman’s Model in Nursing

Conceptual Differences While both theorists (Roy and Neuman) define the metaparadigm concepts of person, environment, health, and nursing and use the reciprocal interaction worldview, their key assumptions are fundamentally different. They differ concerning their perspectives on the goal of nursing, health, and definition of the environment. Goal of Nursing In...

Arizona Department of Transportation Permitting Process

In the modern world, the importance of effective transport systems is extremely high since mobility has become one of the key values in business and everyday life. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) belongs to the number of governmental organizations in the United States that are responsible for the creation...

Professor-Student Communication Using Technology

Introduction To begin with, it should be said that innovative technologies have become an essential part of modern life. Innovations have entered all the spheres of human life (education is not an exception) and have made it easier. No one dares to say that innovative technologies have created conditions which...

Republican Factionalism and Black Empowerment

Article Review The main argument in Fitzgerald’s article is concerned with the intersection of the factional conflict and black social aspirations during the Southern Reconstruction (474). The author notes that due to the divisions among white Republican leaders, African Americans received more power in the southern party. Particularly, there was...

HIV/AIDS Treatment Obstacles in Mumbai: Research

Introduction The present article dwells upon the major issues concerning HIV/AIDS treatment in India’s lower-middle class. Naik et al. (2009) claim that the reduction of medication costs and educational programs concerning the disease and its treatment can improve the situation in the region. Kinds of Research The present article is...

Nurse’s Role in Reforming Health Policy

Policy Changes Forward-looking nurses should be cognizant of the fact that their influence on health promotion and disease prevention can be amplified by political actions. Given that health reform in the US, in addition to cost, coverage, and quality, should address prevention, it is impossible to overemphasize the importance of...

Facebook Critique: “With Friends Like These…” by Tom Hodgkinson

This essay is written by Tom Hodgkinson, and it is a critique of Facebook, its founders, and its business model. The author is skeptical about the validity of Facebook’s business model as well as the motives behind its institution. The author is also unimpressed by the tremendous success that Facebook...

Different Tendencies of Renaissance and Baroque

The Renaissance has been one of the brightest periods in history which brought many talented artists such as Michelangelo and Palladio. The main aspects of Mannerism developed between1510 and 1520 in Italy are the approach of reacting to the harmonious ideals and naturalism. Michelangelo is one of the greatest artists...

McDonald Corporation: Operations Management and Productivity

Introduction Operations management is a key aspect in an organization and centers on planning and control of an organization whether a product or service through study of concepts from several engineering angles such as design, industrial and management which comprises information systems, production and accounting. Customers of different companies order...

Falling in Love in Winter: Meeting the Prince Charming

What is love? Is it related to the butterflies flying in the air, the flowers blossoming and the birds singing? It usually associates with the springtime, as it is a start of something new. It is the best season for beginning a romantic adventure. The girls could not leave home...

Substance-Related Disorders and Dual Diagnosis

Reassuring the patient. It would be appropriate to show empathy by acknowledging and understanding Rebecca’s nervousness about the D&A service, while at the same time addressing her exaggerated or unfounded fears. Other health services. Rebecca is in need of a social worker to help her establish normal relationships, and a...

Islamophobia: Homogeneous or Heterogeneous?

Introduction The focus of the research is the concept known as “Islamophobia” and its nature. Islamophobia is a neologism that was first used at the beginning of the 1990s. This term was introduced by the Runnymede Trust Report as the concept that referred to a groundless hostile attitude towards the...

Math Vocabulary and Performance: Research Design

Research question The author investigates the relationship between the learners’ vocabulary comprehension and students’ performance. The main research question that has been applied in this research is: What is the impact of applying mathematical vocabulary on students’ achievements? Other questions that have been provided in the study are: Is there...

Raffles’ vs. Clifford’s Writing Styles Analysis

Introduction The writing style is an essential part of any science. Although the experiment’s results can be assessed with a certain degree of certainty, which excludes bias, the ability to write often determines the way the readers get to perceive certain subjects, be it literature, anthropology, history, sociology, or others....

Death Penalty and Utilitarian Ethics

Introduction The U.S has the largest prisoner population in the world. As it stands, over 2.3 million people are locked up in prisons and other correctional facilities (BJS). While a great portion of that population is incarcerated for relatively harmless crimes such as marijuana usage and storage, there are also...

Van Gogh’s “The Starry Night” and “The Sea Coast”

Introduction The paintings of impressionists are bright and imaginative. The art encourages creativity and promotes inspiration. The Starry Night painting is used as the object of inspiration. Individual work is based on the technique of Van Gogh. The comparison of two pieces of art can be performed. The analysis of...

The Dialogues of Self and Society Course Advocacy

Introduction I think that the Dialogues of Self and Society course that I took at the College of Liberal Education of Lynn University corresponds to the area four criteria of General Education offered at American University. The area is primarily devoted to the study of various aspects of human society...