Animal Behavior and Psychology

The task of choosing only two of the nine types of fighters and defending against the other seven is an example of an exciting topic for discussion. At the same time, however, it demonstrates the narrowness of perception of most reasoners, who are led to the conditions set without elaboration...

Reaction to Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

To manage companies, there are various methods of calculating financial data. Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) is an analysis of the behavior of costs and revenues in order to draw relationships between them (South University, 2022). This paper will review CVP analysis using the example of the real company. The sample shows the...

The Historical Context of Globalization

Introduction History offers the required perspective to comprehend how previous events have shaped current affairs. This research paper investigates the historical backdrop of globalization and NAFTA. The goal is to answer the study question, “What is the most important historical event that may have given rise to present globalization?” Today’s...

The Kroger and Albertsons Merger Analysis

Kroger and Albertsons, two large US grocery store chains, announced their merger in October 2022. The merger was expected to benefit customers, communities, and employees. However, the article by Creswell (2023) reports that the private-equity giant Cerberus and a group of investors may win the $24.6 billion deal. This poses...

Critique of Transitional Justice Blueprint for Ukraine

Transitional justice is a multifaceted process encompassing various methods and manifestations, depending on society’s unique environment and demands. In the case of Ukraine, which has seen tremendous political and social turmoil in recent years, different types of transitional justice might be established to promote responsibility, peace, and the rule of...

Fireproof by Stephen Kendrick – Film Study

Fireproof is a 2008 chef-d’oeuvre film directed by Stephen Kendrick. The movie explores different family attributes, but the overriding theme is on marriage and divorce. The contemporary marriage institution is constantly faced with numerous challenges, which ultimately lead to divorce. In the movie, Fireproof, Caleb’s marriage is replete with conflict...

“Ode to a Day in the Country” and “The Day My Mother Died” Comparison

Poetry is an effective form of communication. Literature students read and compare poems from different eras in order to understand their similarities and differences. This contributes to the knowledge of an array of issues that exist in societies such as culture, religion, and media. This paper outlines comparative literature of...

Discrimination, Affirmative Action, Sexual Harassment

Discrimination Discrimination implies any distinction, exclusion or preference, which denies or belittles the equal fulfilment of individual’s rights in the society. The country and its citizens are obliged to respect and ensure that all individuals in the territory and within the country’s jurisdiction have the same rights without distinction of...

Meditech Electronic Health Records

Overall Description of the “Meditech” Electronic Health Records The “Meditech EHR” is an electronic health record (EHR) that provides solutions for hospitals and health care institutions on recording, storing, processing and retrieving information about the patients’ health condition. Being a product of a major company, “Meditech” is used in a...

Tools for Hearing the Voice of the Customer

Learning the customers’ opinions is, perhaps, the most essential step toward creating the product that will become a success in the target market. No matter how sophisticated a marketing strategy might be, the clients are unlikely to be interested in the product that does not meet their demands or standards....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hispanic Communities’ Healthcare and Spirituality

Hispanic communities are communities, which practice Spanish culture. In the United States, the term Hispanic is a concept that refers to all individuals, who practice Spanish culture and speak Spanish. Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Mexicans comprise the Hispanic communities found in the American continent. As such, it is evident that...

Ionic Order Column From the Temple of Artemis

The Metropolitan Museum of Art (n.d.) presents multiple examples of the architecture of Ancient Greece, including the marble column from the Temple of Artemis at Sardis. The column is a representative of the Ionic order, which was developed by Ancient Greece and is still employed in modern architecture. As a...

Civil Rights Movement: Violence and Community

The Civil Rights Movement in the late 1950s and 1960s brought about a pivotal change in the race dynamics of American society. The nonviolent protesters were met with violence from the Ku Klux Klan, the police, and the private citizens. The literature on the subject focuses predominantly on the struggle’s...

The Yvonne Learning Center Health Literacy Program

Introduction Being a health literate is one of the essential characteristics any individual should have. Nevertheless, people, and especially minors living in low-income urban areas are not aware enough of the need to be self-sufficient in terms of their health (Marks, 2012). Thus, community nurses must take an important role...

Using a Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum

NAEYC Professional Preparation Standards provide a vision of excellent professional performance in early childhood education. The document is comprised of seven standards that can be efficiently used by the specialists in practice for the improvement of self-efficiency and provision of a high-quality service. The aim of the paper is the...

“Frankie & Alice” Motion Picture: Race and Mental Care

Frankie & Alice is a Canadian motion picture by Berry, Cirrincione, DeKaric, Zaidi, and Sax (2010). It is based on a real story of an Afro-American woman with a Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Frankie is the protagonist, a go-go dancer who begins to experience violent episodes and blackouts. However, it...

Premier One Company’s Business Outcomes

Enhanced competitiveness in the business environment requires entities to adopt a customer-focus in their operations. Increased competition, for instance, presents a challenge for entities to acquire new customers. This challenge enhances the role that processes that aim to retain existing customers play in driving and sustaining an entity’s performance (Baird...

Depression in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Research

Introduction This paper focuses on analyzing and evaluating a clinical research article entitled “Improving care for depression in obstetrics and gynecology: A randomized controlled trial” by Melville et al. (2014). Specifically, this paper discusses validity measurement, percentage, frequency distribution, cumulative percentage distribution, and a graph that the authors employed in...

Technologies and Expenditures in Healthcare

Introduction As the development of healthcare and medical technology becomes faster, the cost of treatment also grows, demanding higher expenditures from patients who are not always able to provide payment for the services. Although technology has been helpful and has decreased the number of fatal outcomes in hospitals, it still...

The Insights of the Solow Model

Introduction Various economic growth models have been developed over time. These models help us to understand the sources of economic growth and why there are differences in economic performance across countries. One of these models is the Solow-model, called the neoclassical growth-model. The concept became established in the fiscal 1956...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Workplace Accidents in Hospitals: Musculoskeletal Injuries

Introduction Nurses are exposed to numerous hazards at the workplace, but some of them can be averted or prevented to a significant extent. Musculoskeletal injuries related to patient handling (MIPH) are among such avoidable dangers. Musculoskeletal Injury Case Zwerdling (2015) describes MIPH as a type of injury that can be...

Importance of Nursing in Women’s Health

Introduction It is worthy of noting that nurses should aim to make the practice environment more welcoming and safe. It implies the inclusion of sensitive population groups. It is important to educate both patients and the residents to be health literate and to promote safe practices for better patient outcomes....

Logic Models in Human and Social Services Programs

Logic models can be a helpful tool for formulating and assessing a wide array of programs. In particular, they may be of use for both creating and evaluating human and social services programs. In this discussion, some of how logic models can help with assessing such problems are considered. Also,...

Financial Analyst Interview at a Local Hospital

Managing financial operations within a healthcare facility is one of the jobs that are not related directly to addressing patients’ needs yet are critical to the functioning of a facility. In an interview with M., who is a Financial Analyst at a local hospital, a range of factors that affect...

Respiratory Complications Reduction: Stakeholders

The paper identifies stakeholders related to the change in preventing respiratory complications in patients undergoing interventional radiological procedures under conscious sedation at Kendall Regional Medical Center. Registered Nurses at ICU Place in Organizational Hierarchy Registered nurses in ICU are at the middle level of the nursing hierarchy. They usually report...

Violence and Violent Crimes in the US

Analysis I find the chapter interesting because it addresses the issue of violent crime in the United States, which has been a problem affecting almost all communities, regions, and states. In particular, I developed an interest in the history and origins of violent crime in the US. For instance, I...

German Delegation’s Comments to the Paris Peace

According to the authors of Germany’s complaint, how will various provisions of the treaty hurt Germany’s economy? The complaints of the German delegation help to comprehend the main economic challenges the country faced after the war. First, the League of Nation did not find it necessary to invite Germany and...

The Experimental Approach: The Causal Relationship Between Independent Variables and Dependent Variables

The experimental approach permits for concluding causal relationship between independent variables (IVs) and dependent variables (DVs) by observing change in DVs resulting from manipulating IVs in a controlled environment (Cozby & Bates, 2015). Mogilner (2010) exemplifies an experimental study using a factorial design to test the impact of time- and...

M. Sherry’s “Opening Belle” Novel & Literary Event

Introduction A meeting with Maureen Sherry took place at Harvard Association for Law and Business. Maureen Sherry is a famous writer, a former successful business lady, and a mother of four. During the conversation, she answered questions about her career, the role of women on Wall Street and in business,...

Concept of Brotherhood: Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Introduction The concept of brotherhood can have a significant impact on the formation of intercultural relations among countries. Nevertheless, various contradictions based on ethical, cultural, religious, and other backgrounds may outweigh the principles of solidarity supported by states. At the same time, other external factors, such as the influence of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Immanuel Kant: Categorical and Hypothetical Imperatives

Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, Immanuel Kant’s first mature work dealing with moral philosophy aims at exposing foundational principles that are to govern human behavior. One of the concepts indispensable from Kant’s metaphysics of morals is that of moral imperative. This essay will discuss the difference between categorical and...

World War I and American Neutrality

By the time that World War I erupted in 1914, it was seemingly inevitable, and most European powers were expecting a military conflict at this time. This came due to the rising international tension in Europe, both regional and broad. For years prior to the war, European countries adopted militarism...

Are Video Games That Dangerous?

Introduction In recent years the video game industry has become a profitable venture, and games themselves have entered the popular culture as solidly as literature or film. Most people know of popular franchises, even if they have never played a video game at all. Naturally, popularity creates controversy, and the...

Constitution and Contract: Is the Spirit of Barbara Jordan Dead in Progressive Politics?

Many people consider US democracy to be incomplete due to the racial issues that still exist in contemporary American society, which is associated with a quite pessimistic perspective regarding progressive politics and the future of the nation. For instance, Coates (2014) believes that the damage caused by the unjust trends...

Caring for Populations of Miami Community

Introduction of Community The city under the analysis is Miami, Florida. It has a dense and highly diverse population that is mainly represented by urban citizens. The city has both business and residential areas. Despite the fact that the popularity of business sectors is incomparably higher, there are also several...

“My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning

Introduction “My Last Duchess” is a beautiful poem written by Robert Browning and it also reveals the poet’s style of using dramatic monologue in writing his poems. The sixteenth century Italian background of the story adds richness to the theme, as Italy was the centre of arts. The attention of...

Martial Arts. Ultimate Fighting Championship

The world of aggressive sports currently lists boxing as its most popular incarnation. Why not? Boxing feeds off the need for an adrenalin rush and allows for the spending of excess energy among men. For decades, boxing was king. But in the 1990s, a new sport began to emerge that...

Gap Analysis: Global Communications

Situation Analysis Issue and Opportunity Identification The issues and the opportunities which are discussed in the table take their origin in the increase of the Global Communication market. It is necessary to emphasize that this market has reached the peak of its development and it is almost impossible to offer...

John Anderson’s Sustainability Speech at Berkeley

Introduction John Anderson, the Chief Executive Officer of Levi Strauss and Company on January 25th 2010 gave a speech about companies with the society in mind. In the speech he primarily talks about sustainability as part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the challenges that continue to face this aspect...

Morphological Rule in the Samoan Language

Samoan language can said to be a deleting or a separating language. It uses various supplementary morphemes in tenses and sentence constructions. For example, to denote present continuous tense – ‘olo’o is used. Although Samoan language uses the isolation rule, the morphological process of reduplication is also used to repeat...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Canterbury Tales: Chaucer’s Views on Social Mores

In The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer constructs a rich portrayal of medieval society and social mores. Chaucer’s world is vibrant and populated with archetypes that seem to fit neatly in social and moral categories. The knight is of high moral stature and chivalry, the prioress is “gentle” and “piteous.” The characters...

The Problems of the Older Adults

A topic of older adults is extremely significant, especially in our time. The older people require more attention than the young generation. The group of older adults has a much higher risk of developing dangerous chronic diseases, which have a great destructive impact on health. The seniors often feel defective...

Effect of Physical Activity on Motor Performance

Introduction Competitive swimming entails contesting and increasing speeds (Everett, 2015). Consequently, elite swimmers strive to enhance their aerobic capacity and hone their race strategies. Other technical aspects of swimming include starting and turning at the wall (Veiga & Roig, 2017). Inspirited swimming, relay starts are swifter than starts from a...

Gender Roles and Sexually Explicit Materials

In this paper, I reflect on the male and female gender roles. It seems that nowadays the apparent differences between men and women are becoming blurred. However, they still play an essential role in children’s upbringing. I have read Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides and gained valuable insights about the role...

A Worldwide Famous Tragedy: Othello by Shakespeare

Othello is a worldwide famous tragedy written by Shakespeare that has always been popular among theater directors interpreting it in different styles. Among the 37 plays created by Shakespeare, one of the most outstanding is the tragedy of the Moor of Venice. The BSC theater piece of Othello is seemingly...

Motivation Methods to Quit Smoking

Clinical interventions for patients unwilling to quit cigarette smoking Not all patients are willing to stop smoking cigarettes, and this issue needs to be adequately addressed. According to the recommendations for treating tobacco use published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the interventions for such patients should...

The US Budget’s Analysis

The annual expenditure used by 42-year old head of household with a $90,000 annual income having 2 children. In addition to income, other socioeconomic variables that will be considered include the number of children, family size, marital status and annual expenditure on food. Table 1. Variables Selected fo78 r the...

Equal Protection for American Workers Act

As a House of Representatives member, I will vote for the Equal Protection for American Workers Legislation. The bill is sponsored by Rep. Michael Burgess, who introduced it to the House floor on January 3 2019. Understandably, the Equal Protection for American Workers Act (EPAWA) fights to protect the legitimate...

The Transport 5th Wave Impact

Many stakeholders have predicted that the present wave will be in existence for 30 years, from 1990 to 2020. Currently, transport providers are capable of better management of their production and supply systems. This is due to a tremendously improved operational atmosphere (Malik, 2005). This wave is reliant on information...

Library Fundraiser’s Options and Approaches

Fundraising for any purpose can sometimes be an arduous task. People are usually not inclined to give their money, especially if the assignment requires them to take any action. However, there are many methods by which the attention of the target audience can be attracted to a particular problem. This...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Interrelationships Reflection in Humanities

Studying humanities can help individuals make a better sense of the human experience by providing alternative ways of perceiving reality. In essence, being more understanding brings healthcare providers to a new level of sensitivity and self-awareness and cultivates professionalism as well as skills in therapeutic communication and critical thinking. Therefore,...

Logical Statements: Venn Diagrams

Introduction To understand arguments in mathematics, it is of necessity to comprehend how known facts are combined, to be capable of proving new facts. In logic, a statement refers to a sentence that can be categorized as being false or true, but with no vagueness (Royden, 2001). Truth value refers...

Aspects of Children’s Sports

In this highly competitive world, where many people do not even know how to escape the traps of the rat race, a happy and responsibility-free childhood is more important than ever. As for sports, children should play and not compete, as Jessica Statsky emphasizes in her university essay about the...

Conceptualization of Homeland Security

Since September 11, 2001, the United States of America has made Homeland security an increasingly important political spectrum, significantly strengthening the law enforcement area. Despite the vitality of homeland security to the country’s protection, the government fails to provide a single clear definition of this department. The article by Bellavita...

Dorothy Height’s Biography and Significance

A leader is a person who has the power to influence a crowd of people to achieve a specific goal in life. A leader must lead by example and be focused and deep-rooted to the plan even if no one supports them. African American female leaders are mostly not recognized...

Market Economy Emergence

Introduction The population of America began to expand in 1815 due to the accession of various states to the union and the appearance of immigrants from different countries actively. The first trends of freedom attracted residents of other countries, although slavery still took place. The South of America expanded cotton...

“The Great Gatsby” by F.S. Fitzgerald Hero Review

Nick Carraway is the novel’s narrator and protagonist who undergoes considerable personal change. He is a young man who graduates from Yale University and moves from Minnesota to New York as he gets the position of a bond salesman (Fitzgerald, 1925). Nick is described as responsible, innocent, honest, mild-mannered, and...

Context of “The Land of the Free” by Sui Sin Far

Introduction Sui Sin Far is a British-American female writer known for her literary portrayal of the Chinese people’s experience in North America, inspired by witnessing the hostility and prejudice against Chinese natives. Far discusses the underlying concerns of being a Chinese person overseas from historical and legal perspectives. The story...

Billings Mistakes and Measures to Address Them

The billing error is any possible mistake in the invoice resulting from a vendor error. For instance, the company could incorrectly add a debt amount or overlook a credit it should have included by accident. In such a case, the consumer does not have to pay for the company’s mistakes...

Conspiracy Theories and Distrust of Experts

Social media provides people with always-available options to discuss any news or occasions, and an enormous volume of different opinions leads to questionable explanations appearing. Conspiracy theories are on the verge today due to the increased number of people who develop and distribute them to broad online audiences. Moreover, many...

Discussion of Public Health Concept

Preparedness as a Universal Public Health Concept Regional, national, and global public health and emergency management institutions and systems are reorganizing around public health and emergency preparedness principles. These terms and concepts are defined in this paper emphasizing system-level and organizational difficulties (Belfroid et al., 2020). Public health providers have...

The Behavioral Economics Concepts

Introduction Behavioral economics is a discipline that studies human behavior and its reasons. Its subject is influences experienced by humans that change their behavioral patterns and force them to make certain decisions. It is deeply connected with marketing, as instruments for influencing human behavior are widely used for advertising. Behavioral...

Conflict Between Employee, Customer, and Manager

Conflicts are situations when parties in the conversation cannot understand each other. It is a frequent situation at work, where each has their own interests, which are sometimes contradictory. The situation with Elaine is an example of the conflict between the employee with the customer and the superior manager, David....

V. Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde About Community

V. Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll, and Mr. Hyde are the characters created by the famous writers M. Shelly and R.L. Stevenson. These are deathless, and in some way, cult images familiar to many of those who are interested in world classical literature. Each of these fictional personalities is incomparable, individual, and...

The Image of Zeus: Virtuous and Despicable Human Traits

Mythology has influenced the world up to the present time and remains meaningful for modern society as it is one of the most significant elements of culture. Contemporary arts, literature, and science continue using ancient myths, and people can find references to them in almost all the spheres of life....

Extravehicular Mobility Unit: Technical Description

The Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) is a self-contained anthropomorphic spacesuit that provides astronauts with extravehicular activity (EVA) in Earth orbit with environmental protection, mobility, life support, and communications. It is a two-piece semi-rigid suit first introduced in 1981 and is now one of two types of EVA spacesuits used by...

Albert Einstein’s Tongue Photo: History and Significance

Introduction Albert Einstein is an outstanding scientist who gained fame for his physics discoveries and became a cult image. In addition to scientific achievements, a photo of Einstein, where he stuck his tongue out, gained significant fame. Today, this image is widely distributed and used in various fields – from...

Should People Be Ashamed of Poverty?

Since the American Industrial Revolution era, the culture in the country places a huge value on work and employment. The assumption is always that a person is employed or working and employment is the way one provides value to society (Ali, Bahar, Gopalan, et al., 2018). Nevertheless, it is arguable...

“Words” Film’s Language, Composition, and Genre

Introduction The film Words has a specific form and content, explicit and implicit messages, and an innovative genre. These are seen from the particular scenes, their arrangement, sounds, and the visual image. There are a unique film language and film composition form, which makes the film meaningful and worth analyzing....

Tru Royalty Travel as Limited Liability Company

Introduction Starting a new business requires making several crucial decisions influencing the company’s future, including the structure of the venture. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) (2022) highlights five common types – sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), corporation, and S corporation. Each of them has its characteristics affecting the...

Project Management and Its Ethical Rules

Introduction It is hard to disagree that, while being a task beneficial for professional development, project management is actually a serious and challenging process that requires specific consideration of various aspects. While it may not be evident, ethical standards and professional conduct are critical throughout each step of any project....

Grotesque in “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka

The apparent expression of Kafka’s Metamorphosis is the battle to discover and express one’s individuality in a world of constant, all-consuming commitments. For instance, The Metamorphosis discusses a ludicrous occurrence “as Gregor awoke one morning from an uneasy dream he found himself transformed into a gigantic insect.” (Kafka 1), which...

Communication Skills Training Session

The analysis of the last quarter’s performance outcomes showed that the company failed to achieve its planned sales level despite long negotiations between the representatives of the marketing and sales departments and with partners. Many hours spent on meetings and negotiations did not produce planned results and cost the company...

Character Analysis of Nora Helmer in Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House”

Henrik Ibsen left a rich literary legacy, including several dramatic works that deal with contemporary issues and seem pretty popular. The issues that he raises in his works are timeless. Worth reading and appreciating. Many stories in Ibsen’s theatrical works are intertwined, which ultimately leads to the disclosure of the...

The Theory of Utilitarianism: Philosophical Issues

Utilitarianism is a direction in ethics that presents utility as the basis of morality. It is the principle of evaluating phenomena, processes, objects, and information only in terms of their usefulness and ability to serve as means to a goal (Scarre, 2020). The essence of utilitarianism consists of its concept...

Safranin and Crystal Violet in Gram Staining Method

Staining allows us to detect microbes in the microscopic material, determine their number, and quickly study the morphological features of microorganisms. The ratio of bacteria to Gram stain is determined by their ability to retain the complex of gentian violet with iodine formed during the staining process. For coloring, the...

Money and Relationship in King Lear by Shakespeare

There is one constant throughout the ongoing evolution of the human species. Simply because it is human nature, people are motivated by money and power. King Lear, one of Shakespeare’s most well-known tragedies, is a nihilistic story of destruction, money, and power conflicts that was originally performed in 1606. The...

Jonathan Bennett’s Proposed Role of Sympathy in the Moral Life

Jonathan Bennett, a well-known philosopher, was intrigued by the role of sympathy in moral life. His study explored how people approach their moral views and personal sympathies. Bennet (1974) selected stories from the lives of people like Huckleberry Finn, Heinrich Himmler, and Jonathan Edwards to illustrate and support his point....

Biblical Principles in the Workplace

Introduction The Bible is not only a natural source of spiritual enlightenment but also a storehouse of valuable and helpful knowledge about virtue and a positive attitude towards people. For example, Holy Scripture teaches how to interact with individuals competently in the work conditions through the manifestation of kindness, care,...

Thoreau vs. Roosevelt on Individual Freedom

Introduction The freedom of the individual in its various manifestations is today the most important value of civilized humanity. A person is a member of society and is obliged to reckon with its laws, primarily because the complete freedom of one person would mean arbitrariness concerning another. Freedom and responsibility...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Changes in American Society from the 1790s to 1840s

Over time, change is an inevitable aspect of society. Specifically, America witnessed drastic societal revitalization from the 1790s to 1840s regarding politics, economics, and social and geographical alteration. These changes were influenced by various factors that have since inculcated the American civilization. For example, the Missouri crisis influenced America’s politics...

International Logistics: Ocean Transportation

With the rapidly growing global economy and the development of interstate supply chains, which is especially relevant for transnational companies, the phenomenology of ocean transport turns out to be most relevant. In general, this mode of transport should be understood as a synthesis of liners and tramp vessels, which make...

Trust and Contractual Agreements

People are so accustomed to the complicated idea of trust that they fail to perceive its presence and variation. Trust, as an intentional mental phenomenon, does not have to be purposeful (Baier 235). Intentional trusting necessitates knowledge of assurance that the trusted will not harm one, even if they could...

Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation: Berry Sullivan

CC (chief complaint): Berry Sullivan complains that he suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder after the war. HPI: Sergeant’s post-traumatic syndrome occurred on his return from a military action zone. At first it manifested itself in the fact that he reacted sharply to the sounds of salutes or the smell of...

Qualities of a Successful Leader: How to Lead and Foster Teamwork

Goals of the Project The two initial priorities to be addressed the by the group include: a collaborative approach to teamwork in the nursing home and improved team effectiveness; Provide an environment where employees contribute to organizational decision-making; This priority is essential because the nurses are the residents’ primary care...

Literature Review and Database Results Credibility

A literature review critically analyzes published works on a given topic. It is an integral part of research as it enables the researcher to understand the existing knowledge on the subject, identify gaps in the literature, and build upon existing knowledge. It also helps the researcher to develop an argument...

Forms of Consent: Consultation–Trusted Digital Identity Bill Package

Consent is voluntary permission to receive or provide something in a legally binding contract or other circumstances. It creates the opportunity to make agreements between at least two entities, with one or both agreeing to initiate certain actions or avoid them in exchange for a certain outcome. Consent can be...

Reducing Waste Generation Through Prevention, Reduction, and Reuse

Critical analysis of the issue The waste hierarchy is the basis for a circular economy that has changed consumption and business models. It emphasizes prevention, reduction, and reuse or recycling as important waste management methods for achieving sustainability goals, including SDG 12. Reducing waste generation and unnecessary resource use is...

Organizational Burnout of Employees

Burnout is one of the major reasons for the high rate of turnover in organizations (Childs & Stoeber, 2012). Clearly, companies have to operate in the highly competitive business world in quite difficult conditions, since such resources as funds, technology, human resources and so on are quite scarce (Childs &...

Moral Argument in Support of Abortion

Abortion has been a hotly debated topic since as far back I can remember with two groups always either in support or against it. Normally, you have to either be pro-life or anti-abortion. No gray area here. Coming from a deeply religious family, I tended to believe in the doctrines...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sociology: Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Problem

Drug prevention program is the process that devotes its efforts towards limiting the use of psychoactive substances and the development of associated problems. These efforts may be focused on a group or individuals depending on the aim of the program. Using drugs and alcohol may impair the user’s judgment, result...

Health Promotion: Scrutiny and Practical Implementation

Introduction There exist a number of definitions of health promotion (HP); one provided by the World Health Organization states that HP is “the process of enabling individuals and communities to increase control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health” (as cited in Dawson & Grill, 2012, p....

Asking for a Password from Social Media

“In probably 99% of such cases… my answer would be ‘No, I will not share my password’… That said, my response… was from the perspective of the business owner.” (Edmond par. 3-4). Introduction Not very recently, perhaps just a few years ago, there came to existence a certain peculiar practice...

Childhood Obesity and Depression Intervention

Leading Health Indicators Leading Health Indicators (LHIs) are aimed at improving health and the wellbeing of the population, reduction of health inequities, and the development of health systems. This program considers the guidance and policy indicators, in particular, the 26 key indicators approved for measuring the progress in the health...

Strategies for Managing Misbehavior

Managing Misbehavior The classroom is a social environment, and teacher-student and peer interactions within any academic context largely impact the course of children’s development (Ratcliff et al., 2011). Students’ misbehavior in this micro-social environment represents a great problem because it may create barriers to the establishment of trustful relations between...

Innovate Church: Non-Negotiable Commitments

Which of the non-negotiable commitments to you find most difficult to keep? How do you plan to strengthen your commitment in that area? There are four non-negotiable commitments. Each of them plays an important role in understanding God, human beliefs, and the power of faith. First three commitments are clear,...

Clinical Problem: Suicide Prevention in Geriatric Patients

The clinical problem that will be considered in the proposed research consists of the challenge of suicide prevention in older patients, especially those suffering from terminal illnesses. In general, suicidal thoughts in older people can be viewed as a significant health concern; for example, in the US, over 6,000 older...

“The History of Love” by Nicole Krauss

Prompt How does the theme (love) provide a deep sense of interweaving between individuals otherwise unknown to one another? Introduction An eminent philosopher once said that human is a social animal. Indeed, people are rooted in society from the moment of their birth. They develop inside its ties, its relations,...

Psychiatry: Adjustment Disorder Case

Introduction The present case study considers the situation of Mrs. H., who appears to have developed an adjustment disorder as a result of a series of negative events, which followed her immigration to the US. Mrs. H. lives with her husband, child, and the elderly mother of Mrs. H. The...

Healthcare Organizational Values and Priorities

Organizational Values A set of beliefs every organization has Typically written down Strong inherent corporate culture Serve to guide administrative and employee’s actions Respect, integrity, excellence, trust, and caring May have significant differences Organizational values summarize the goals of a company and the means of obtaining them. Healthcare organizational values...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Insomnia, Its Possible Reasons and Treatment

The scenario for this paper presents ST, a 25-year-old male who comes to the clinic with a severe case of insomnia. His medication includes diazepam and alprazolam, and he says that they are helping him to go to sleep. His medical history shows that he was diagnosed with asthma at...

Chronic Fatigue in Diabetes

Subjective and Objective Data The patient might share the additional subjective data regarding the chronic fatigue he is experiencing as well as provide a detailed description of pain intensity. Further, the patient should describe the type of diet he has because cholecystectomy is recorded in his medical history and the...

Moses Mendelssohn and Saul Ascher on Judaism

Moses Mendelssohn is one of the central figures in developing the historical understanding of Jewish thought. He was harshly criticized for his unique opinion – synthesis of Jewish and Christian postulates – and active involvement in emancipation. Nevertheless, regardless of criticism, his peculiar stance was used for defending Judaism. To...

Early Childhood: Inclusive Programs and Social Interactions

Summary An inclusive program is an intervention plan for the development of children with developmental delays. Children with and without developmental delays attend the same schools and interact during their studies. When young children with developmental delays study together with young children without developmental delays, more positive outcomes are realized....

History of Social Welfare in the United States

Introduction The establishment of the social welfare system in the United States of America was one of the most critical undertakings in the history of the country. The institution of social welfare dates back to a few centuries ago when Queen Elizabeth introduced it in fifteenth-century England. In essence, the...

Educational Theories and Reading: Study Analysis

Dissertation Analysis The researcher aims at establishing if any one of the three pre-reading advance organizers that are the problematic situation, graphic and verbal organizers, has any effect on the comprehension of certain selected fifth-grade social studies reading materials. Two research questions were formulated. The first one aimed at ascertaining...

Measuring National Economic Health

Describe the use of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to measure the business cycle It is undeniable that the Gross national product can be used to measure the business cycle. The gross national product has occasionally been used to assess the US economy for a long time. This is as far...

Trump’s Campaign Promises and Actions

Introduction Among ones of the most conspicuous Donald Trump’s promises are repealing Obamacare, banning Muslims, deporting all illegal immigrants, building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and making the Mexican government pay for it, stopping Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP), and reversing Obama’s deal regarding the reopening of diplomatic relationships with Cuba....

Loss of Vision: Nursing Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction Loss of vision is associated with a number of adverse psychological effects. When identified, these effects can be addressed by nursing interventions. The following paper presents two nursing care plans based on nursing diagnoses related to vision loss. First Nursing Diagnosis The first nursing diagnosis is powerlessness/hopelessness related to...

IKEA Strategic Decisions: Inventory Management

    Abstract The road towards the newer millennium has been devised by IKEA based in Singapore. IKEA is working to improve the lives of people residing all around the world. The target that has been set by IKEA for the year of 2010 is to be the world renowned...

Ethics and Diversity in the Workplace and Management

Introduction The United Nations General Assembly has declared the new millennia and this century to be the century where diversity should be celebrated. As in many other fields of life, even in business diversity has become part of its routine. Globalization along with the triumph of free trade and capitalistic...

Standard Expectancy Model in Sports

People estimate their targets and outcomes through following certain fundamental behaviors and actions. This aspect of decision making referred to as expectancy theory has three components namely efforts, performance and outcomes or rewards (Averbeck & Miller, 2014). The probability in which a person is deemed fit to take a venture...

“Human Freedom and the Self” by Roderick Chisholm

“Human Freedom and the Self” is a paper written by Roderick M. Chisholm in the middle of the 20th century. The author’s main idea is to discuss determinism and libertarian beliefs, relying on human actions, attitudes, and knowledge. In this paper, the first nine sections about deterministic and indeterministic views...

Minor History and B. Kruger’s “I Shop Therefore I Am”

Minor History Defined by Branden Joseph Branden W. Joseph introduces the concept of minor history in the first chapter of his book Beyond the Dream Syndicate: Tony Conrad and the Arts After Cage (Joseph, 2011). He uses this concept to place Conrad’s art in a theoretical perspective grasping his endeavors...

The History of Slavery: Its Formation and Development

Historically, slavery was spread across the world, taking many forms. These days it is seen as a quintessence of injustice, which brought suffering to many people, and is forbidden by international and national laws. However, there are still reminiscences of slavery present in the modern world, particularly in America. That...

Nuclear Weapons Strategic Role in National Security

Introduction The strategic role of nuclear weapons in national security is crucial. The main goal of any national security policy is to ensure stability, defined as the absence of war. The core principle underlying the United States nuclear policy is deterrence. The presence of a nuclear arsenal provides the potential...

Middle County Hospital: Quality Management Intern

In the case study, Katie Bent, CEO of Middle County Hospital (MCH), invited a new management intern to participate in the morning meeting. During the meeting, Katie announced that the Hospital Board had asked her to prepare a presentation on the status of continuous quality improvement (CQI). The program is...

Workplace Psychology Theories: Human Relations

Introduction Organizational behavior is an important branch of science that explores people’s relationships in the workplace and can help leaders and employees organize the working process better. Several psychological theories discuss and explain organizational behavior. Note on Workplace Psychology Theories, an article by Karen MacMillan published in 2018, briefly overviews...

Operating in a Union vs. Non-Union Environment

Unions are an essential agent in helping a company to ensure that the rights and needs of its employees are met. Therefore, increased safety of staff members and greater trust in relationships between employees and the company can be considered the key characteristics of a unionized setting. Rights of the...

The Impact of Medicare on Today’s Healthcare Ecosystem

Introduction Medicare is one of the government-funded health insurance programs in the United States. It offers health coverage for people older than 65 years, people of any age with specific disabilities, and people of any age with end-stage renal disease (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2019). As an effective...

The Effect of Music Therapy on the Elderly

Purpose of the Study Improvements in medicine and technology have increased life expectancy, leading to a rise in the elderly population. However, health problems associated with advanced age continue to persist, thereby increasing the risk of mental health disorders such as depression. Pharmacological interventions for depression are available but may...

Spirometry Test for Respiratory System

Respiration is one of the vital physiological processes required for a normal homeostasis. It is also a complicated process where various mechanisms are interconnected to ensure a smooth air flow through the relevant pathways (Guyton and Hall, 2006). A defect in the respiratory system could lead to various complications which...

Juvenile Delinquency: The Marginalized Youths

Introduction Juvenile delinquency is a legal term used to describe children or adolescent behavior that would otherwise be termed as criminal in a court of law if done by adults. Oxford dictionary defines a delinquency as “bad or criminal behavior usually committed by young people”. The age limit that defines...

Violent Crime in the USA

There are many crimes in the world as well as those that considered as violent. They mean infliction of harm to human life or health and are divided into several types. FBI allocates the following: rape, aggravated assault, murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, and robbery. To understand whether law enforcement agencies...

Heat-Related Mortality

Abstract Heat is associated with high mortality rates in the United States. The main route of entry of heat is the skin. The study was conducted using data that were collected in 105 cities in the United States in the 1987-2005 period to assess the mortality rates that were correlated...

Escuchando a Nuestros Jovenes: Overview

Synopsis Noone, Allen, Sullivan, McKenzie, Esqueda and Ibarra (2014), the authors of the article Escuchando a nuestros jóvenes: a Latino youth photovoice project on teen pregnancy, attempted to analyze the situation regarding increasing rates of teenage pregnancy among the representatives of the Latino culture. However, due to the specifics of...

Fetus Abnormality and Morality of Abortion

Generally, there are various theories which have been used to determine the fetus’s moral status. Each of them has a significant impact on the choices taken by people. They affect the worldview of individuals, especially when faced with challenging issues. The essay aims at discussing theories utilized by Jessica, Marco,...

“A Few Good Man” by Rob Reiner: Organizational Behavior

Organizational behavior is a theme that combines elements of sciences such as psychology and sociology. With this concept’s help, both the demeanor of individuals and the entire management system as a whole is described. In general, five types of organizational behavior are distinguished; however, regarding the film “A Few Good...

May-Can-Should Model for Education Policies

Physical disabilities constitute a fundamental element of diversity in modern communities. Individuals living with physiological challenges encounter difficulties accessing public social services, including healthcare, security, and transport services. Specifically, the May-Can-Should model presents a helpful framework for assessing recently passed legislation concerning physical disabilities (Caimotto, 2020). In essence, the Individuals...

Ethical Issues: Appropriate Culturation

Introduction In 2014 Christina Fallin posted a picture wearing a traditional Native American headwear with a tongue-in-cheek title “Appropriate Culturation” that sparked an online scandal. The controversy forced her music band, Pink Pony, to publish an official statement in response to the criticism. This essay will analyze the ethical issues...

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Brazos Valley Food Bank Case Study

Introduction Brazos Valley Food Bank, situated in Texas, is currently dealing with various non-profit sector issues, including the operational challenge of seasonal food availability. The study indicates that the food supply was inconsistent during summer. The organization’s second challenge was the operational inefficiencies caused mainly by the old manual distribution...

Tennessee During the American Revolution

The Discovery of the New World by the Europeans started a long history of colonizing modern US territory. This process involved Great Britain, France, Spain, those who decided to permanently move to the American continent, and the local Indian tribes. After protecting its colonies from the French, Great Britain was...

Creating a Successful Informative Speech

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“From the Works of John Leguizamo East Coast to East Los”: Play Critique

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Pesticide Contamination and Sustainable Policies

The topic of pesticide contamination is of paramount importance for humanity today. Getting into the soil, these substances find their way into vegetables and plants, with which they get into animals and eventually into humans through the food chain. The entry of pesticides into the soil happens during planting and...

GAP Inc.: Researching of Market Segmentation

Introduction Gap Inc. is a world-famous American brand that produces clothes, footwear, underwear, and accessories in various styles and tastes and from several fabrics, colors, and cuts. Gap Inc. achieved unprecedented success and prosperity due to competent business management, clearly put forward brand promotion strategies, and well-established customer communication. In...

Raising Taxes: Is It Really Necessary?

Introduction Raising taxes is a rather controversial and contentious moment in solving financial problems in the country. Without any doubt, such measures are necessary to correct the issues gathered in the American economy. Nevertheless, there are multiple cases in world history when such procedures led to chronic and structural “distortions”...

Schizophrenia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction The provided case contains sufficient information to diagnose the patient with schizophrenia. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI, n.d.), the presence of signs such as hallucinations, delusions, cognitive issues, and negative symptoms is a marker of developing schizophrenia. Based on the information given in the summary,...

Workplace Ethics: How Restaurants Design Menus

Ethical decision-making is an important aspect of any company’s work, as it allows business owners and their employees to evaluate the effects and consequences of their choices and actions. To evaluate ethical principles and their effects, this essay will analyze an article published in The Globe and Mail on the...

Roderick Chisholm on Human Freedom and the Self

Introduction In the modern world, disputes persist over the freedom of the human role, whether it is complete or whether the will is caused by external influence. Philosophers hold different opinions in this discourse: some adhere to deterministic positions, others libertarian. Determinists declare that there is no free will based...

Environmental and Conservation Efforts Social Movement

Introduction Social movements are significant groups of people who are united by a desire for social change. They can advocate for a specific social change or unite to resist a social change promoted by another institution. Environmental and conservation activities, opposition to mass surveillance, second-wave feminism, and the American civil...

Social Control in Cities, Suburbs, and Towns

Every city is full of people who are not familiar with each other; they do not know who they came from or who their friends, family, employer, or teacher are. People are strangers to each other in a biographical sense because they cannot accurately identify those around them. Theorists, public...

Colonists and Patriots in United States History

Some changes in American life have been noted since the beginning of the XVIII century. The settlers mastered many fertile lands, founded successful farms, and created many industrial enterprises. The metropolis pursued its policy towards the colonies: the grounds were mainly supposed to give almost gratuitous income to the treasury...

Birth Control vs. Natural Birth Control Methods

Introduction One form of family planning is strict adherence to birth control measures. There are two types of birth control: scientific birth control and natural birth control. The scientific method of birth control uses medically proven interventions to ensure reduced chances of getting pregnant. The natural birth control measures are...

Forbidden Freedom Glimpsed Through a Window

Introduction The life of women on the verge of the 19th and 20th centuries was characterized by their performance as companions for their husbands and families without opportunities for independence. A woman at that time was expected to clean, cook, and raise children; without the chance to be employed with...

Readings That Are Necessary to Obtain Academic Success

It is a simple fact that any student who wants to succeed in their studies must dedicate themselves to reading. Oftentimes, these readings are dry and tedious, and many struggle in an attempt to finish them. However, some texts found in a curriculum or related to it somehow can become...

Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory

The Validity of the Theory Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory highlights the significance of enhancing patients’ independence to ensure the treatment process in healthcare organizations is effective. The concept is valid as it makes a broad focus on human needs, which offers direction on the practitioner’s activities in attaining positive treatment...

Stocks Evaluation: What Is a Market Maker?

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Nasdaq Stock Market (Nasdaq) are the largest stock exchanges in the United States. The fundamental similarity between them lies in the trade organization model — both NYSE and Nasdaq use market makers to maintain a fair and orderly market (Hayes, 2022). A...