Applying ethical frameworks guide professionals in their everyday practice. The ethical issues that arise in a particular profession are often numerous, making ethics a practical and not theoretical concept (Moulton & King, 2010). In several cases, applied ethics defines the moral behind actions, even as differences between good and bad...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Purpose This article purposes to articulate the relationship and interaction between magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on one hand and implantable cardiac systems such as pacemakers and defibrillators on the other. The authors appear to stimulate the medical fraternity and manufacturers of cardiac systems to develop devices that can be used...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 679
Pages: 2
To design activities for kindergarten-level learners, it is vital to consider the characteristics of ELL students and language acquisition principles. The New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners (NYSITELL) was established to measure the English language proficiency (ELP) of New York state ELL students. According to the NYSITELL,...
Topic: Education
Words: 679
Pages: 2
In his article Class in America, Gregory Mantsios raises the acute question of a person’s social success dependence on class in modern America. Although the division into social classes is very arbitrary, nevertheless, in reality, there is a significant stratification of the U.S. population into various class categories. There are...
Topic: Interpretation
Words: 679
Pages: 2
So, you are in the market to purchase a vehicle, trying to decide on what to get. You narrow it down between two ruby red mustangs, both with low mileage, but you do not understand why one mustang is 5,000 dollars more than the other. That is because one is...
Topic: Business
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Both written pieces represent memoirs, which implies that those stories happened in real life, and it raises more exceptional emotions within the readers. Us and Them is a powerful piece discussing mindless beliefs and adaptation to something uncomplicated, like television. Sedaris’s purpose is to show how people are unable to...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction of Disease Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a disease of pelvic organs in women. Specifically, it is defined as “an infection of the upper genital tract occurring predominantly in sexually active young women” (Curry et al., 2019, p. 357). PID can cause infectious processing spreading through different parts of...
Topic: Disease
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Co-creation appears to be a modern marketing strategy, which implies designing a product or a service cooperating with customers. This approach is considered to be beneficial in a great number of ways. It contributes to avoiding the lack of ideas regarding product improvement and makes the relationships between a company...
Topic: Social Media
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction The Emancipation Proclamation and the speech by Fredrick Douglass were instrumental in turning the national tide against slavery. Douglass’s speech decried the treatment and suffering of the slaves in the United States and how they had to contend with the reality every July 4th when the country was in...
Topic: Speech
Words: 679
Pages: 2
In the article titled “Divine Foreknowledge, Divine Constancy, and the Rejection of Saul’s Kingship,” Fretheim discusses the implications of God rejecting Saul’s kingship and anointing David. First and foremost, the author aims to clarify the seeming contradiction regarding divine repentance in 1 Samuel 15. According to Fretheim, the passages about...
Topic: Religion
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Freedom of speech is very important to American citizens, culture, and politics. The overwhelming majority of people believe that the state should not limit the ability of citizens to express their opinions in public places, in the press, and on the Internet. Americans are sure that the right to express...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 679
Pages: 2
The correct presentation of data is one of the most important tasks associated with processing information. Regardless of the area, the data should be presented accurately and not allow different interpretations. One of the convenient tools for implementing these principles is categorization. Using this method, one can concisely present the...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Project cost and funding mix According to the S.C. Roşia Montană Gold Corporation S.A (n.d.), the principal company shareholders are the state-owned mining company Compania Naţională a Cuprului, Aurului şi Fierului “MINVEST” S.A. Deva (former Regia Autonomă a Cuprului Deva, until 1998), with 19.31%, Gabriel Resources Ltd. based in Canada,...
Topic: Business
Words: 679
Pages: 2
The genre of detective stories comprises a long history of the evolution of formats and themes. In today’s cultural environment, such works are highly popular as authors continue to extend the limits of the genre. Nevertheless, in spite of the abundant history of detective stories, many of their elements can...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Assisted living is a vital part of American society that provides a unique service for older people and their families. Facilities that provide this service regularly put their efforts into making the lives of their residents less burdensome by having assistants that are available at any time and facilitate...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Parenting is a task with many variables, from physical care and affection to challenging psychological moments and conversations occurring in a family. Parents have an essential responsibility to balance personal boundaries and an active role in the child’s life. Several aspects in this area are most interesting for discussion:...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 679
Pages: 2
In Ways of Seeing, which is a book adaptation of the short television show by the same name from 1970s, John Berger talks about the importance of seeing in the daily life and art. From childhood, people learn to recognize and place themselves in their surroundings based on what they...
Topic: Art
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Disruptive, Impulse-Control and Conduct Disorders Overview Disruptive, impulse-control and conduct disorders are characterized by the inability of a person to control their emotions and behavior so that to conduct accordingly to societal norms. People with these disorders tend to neglect others’ rights and disturb the authorities. Disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Chevigny, Paul G. “From Betrayal to Violence: Dante’s Inferno and the Social Construction of Crime.” Law & Social Inquiry, vol. 26, no. 4, 2001, pp. 787–818. JSTOR, Web. This paper by Chevigny considers contemporary grounds for crime classification. Notably, the notion that the seriousness of crimes is founded in the...
Topic: Crime
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Everyman is a morality play written by an anonymous author and printed in the 15th century. The play depicts an Everyman – an ordinary man representing humankind – who is searching for companions to accompany him on his journey to face God’s judgment. This paper aims to discuss the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Touching on the foundations of Puritan ideology, authors such as Winthrop, Rowlandson, and Bradstreet are founders of the diversity of voice. Moreover, their different approaches to a common ideology make it possible to view it from different perspectives, based on personal experience and intellectual exactions filtered through the prism of...
Topic: Religion
Words: 679
Pages: 2
When Boeing introduced an updated version of its original 737 aircraft, several faults were quickly uncovered after two tragic plane crashes. Critical safety issues riddled the original Boeing 737 MAX aircraft’s design, pertaining specifically to the functioning aspects of the maneuvering characteristics augmentation system (MCAS) system. The technical and human...
Topic: Boeing
Words: 679
Pages: 2
The discovery of the rings of Saturn presents a case of many observations performed throughout the history of humanity. People discovered Saturn early in prehistoric times because Saturn is easily visible to the naked eye despite being the most distant planet. The five planets visible to the naked eye presented...
Topic: Discovery
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction The first participant is the school counselor: an American woman with at least an undergraduate degree and undetermined ethnicity (not Hispanic). The other figure is Elena, 13, from an immigrant family with many siblings, perhaps a first-generation student. Her family lives in California: Mexican father and American mother. Their...
Topic: Culture
Words: 679
Pages: 2
This recommends new strategies for Netflix that can make it more profitable globally. Implementation will take place within 60 days of approval. Improved sales and reliability will result from Netflix expanding its operations into new markets in developing countries, where opportunities for video streaming abound. Head of Sales, Mr. James,...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction The goal of Sneaker Star is to inspire others. The company is aware of how important it is to take into account the elements that motivate employees to give their best effort. It is impossible to overstate how important having a worldwide presence is for any successful business. Within...
Topic: Business
Words: 679
Pages: 2
In the modern advertising age, there are numerous ways for a company to appear in any advertising media. One of the most sought-after services is placing a brand in audio-visual content. This is defined as product placement, where the product appears straight within the shot of the movie or episode....
Topic: Cinema
Words: 679
Pages: 2
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra is a British Orchestra located in London. This specific orchestra group began in 1946 and was founded by Sir Thomas Beecham, who directed this orchestra until he died in 1961. Since the death of Sir Beecham, there have been many conductors coming through but for the...
Topic: Dance & Music
Words: 679
Pages: 1
Acts that violate the rights of a weaker partner in a partnership are termed domestic abuse. Family settings are common locations for the incidence of gender-based violence, which the perpetrators virtually always conceal. The shame associated with naming and shaming perpetrators of domestic abuse has contributed to an increase in...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 679
Pages: 2
A journal is a type of publication done for a specialized group and thus focused on a particular field of study. An example of a journal is the Quarterly Journal of Speech (QJS). It was established in 1985 and is owned by the National Communication Association. QJS is a quarterly...
Topic: Speech
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Literary devices play a crucial role in the public speeches of political leaders. In addition to the fact that the metaphor makes speech more expressive, it allows to explain complex political phenomena through more familiar realities to the addressee. Moreover, metaphor is the most effective tool for manipulating public consciousness...
Topic: I Have a Dream
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction The Ten Commandments were given to humanity by God as a teaching on duties to God and guidelines on the relationship with each other. The law teaches Christians to honor God, live with respect for each other, observe the Sabbath day, obey their parents and live an honest and...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction The phenomenon of interest is clearly stated; the research focuses on delirium, which considerably influences nursing practice in diagnosis and management, with under-detection and inconsistent delirium care being international issues. A qualitative methodology, specifically semi-structured interviews, was employed to investigate nurses’ perspectives on various areas of delirium evaluation and...
Topic: Management
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Across the globe, government systems forcefully overthrow prevailing social orders in favor of new ones. Revolutions often trigger disastrous consequences in society’s economic, political infrastructural, and cultural sectors (Skidmore & Smith, 1984). In Mexico, the Revolution took place ten decades ago, while Cuba experienced its Revolution in 1960 (Jenkins,...
Topic: History
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Studying historical events such as the American Revolution helps to comprehend how historical occurrences contributed to the current state of the world. Drawing lessons from past events allows us to not only learn about how the modern world order formed but also develop the capacity to minimize errors and...
Topic: History
Words: 679
Pages: 2
The Type of Plant Required Nuclear is the best way to solve energy problems and reduce pollution. A nuclear plant will be safer and more efficient than a coal-burning power plant. A coal-burning power plant burns coal to produce electricity. Coal contains sulfur, which is not suitable for the environment...
Topic: Nuclear Power
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Obesity is a serious public health concern that requires specific recognition and solutions. The case study under analysis introduces Hillyard Companies which penetrated the manufacturing industry in 1907 to provide people with “clean, safe, and healthy facilities” and environmentally friendly products (National Healthy, n.d., p. 1). A human resources...
Topic: Motivation
Words: 679
Pages: 2
I am pursuing a degree in healthcare administration, and I want to advance up the hospital hierarchy in my future job. My capacity to assess my subordinates’ judgments will directly impact the success of the medical services delivered in the hospital where I will work. Evidence-based medicine (EBM) stands for...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 679
Pages: 2
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a great big event to which everyone is invited. There are no exclusions, no VIP lists, and no dress codes. It does not matter if you are rich or poor, young or old, sad or happy, everyone is welcome, and everyone is celebrated. In...
Topic: Entertainment & Media
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Brief Summary of the Film The Notebook is a romance drama film adapted from Nicholas Sparks’ novel. In the movie, Allie Hamilton and Noah Calhoun’s romance unfolds throughout the summer of 1940. Noah is a local worker raised in the region, while Allie is on holiday in Seabrook Island, South...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 679
Pages: 2
I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we’ll never know most of them. But even if we don’t have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. Stephen Chbosky Reflections at Dawn In the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Delinquency is a growing issue in the United States, yet the picture of delinquency can be a complicated one. Although the government provides official statistics from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), there are also unofficial sources of delinquency statistics. This essay will explore the official...
Topic: Law
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Fit Small Business is a delivery and manufacturing service for wholesome organic food. Its main goal is to improve the quality of people’s lives by providing them with healthy food. However, in this market segment, some challenges and risks may prevent the company from achieving its goals. For systematic,...
Topic: Business
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction The short story “How to Tell a True War Story” was written by Tim O’Brien, an American writer best known for his works about the Vietnam War. This story delves into the unreliability of memory and the difficulty of accurately describing wartime experiences. O’Brien was born in Austin, Minnesota,...
Topic: Literature
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction A great number of people are involved in project management. Projects can vary in scope from building a railroad through opening a small shop to planning a vacation. For realizing significant business projects, though, there are some steps that need to be made. These steps include choosing key figures:...
Topic: Team Management
Words: 680
Pages: 3
Introduction The Arab Spring, which started in 2010 and affected the countries of the Arabian world, was a major political event that drew the attention of the entire planet. In our paper, we will look into issues that were to be considered in the process of forming a political reaction...
Topic: Arab Spring
Words: 680
Pages: 3
Socrates’ Life Socrates is an Athenian and one of the founders of western philosophy. He is is mainly known through the works of conventional writers, especially the writings of his students, Plato and Xenophon (Ramose 69). Most of his achievements and thoughts appear in the writings of his students, for...
Topic: Death
Words: 680
Pages: 3
Sales Pitch The Birth of a Nation will open a new era in the cinematography. It is not just a movie, but a whole epic that reveals the intricate relationship between people, military battles, the lives of ordinary citizens, and the political intrigue that have been woven for the eternity...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 680
Pages: 3
Introduction It is important to know what to do in case of an emergency. This paper aims to review four articles that are devoted to the issue of disasters and thrift management, as well as to discuss three crisis-response organizations in Pennsylvania. Articles Review Chapter 17 “Disaster Response” is devoted...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction The essay is an analysis of procedures in the justice system. Two main issues addressed in the essay include listing reasons why bright-line decision may be preferable over case-by-case adjudication and the other way round. My preference from the two is then given. Additionally, issue of American enjoying a...
Topic: Justice
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction Self-development for improving leadership skills is an indispensable condition for any ambitious employee. It is not enough just to want to achieve high results; it is important to train and learn new techniques that will help to adapt to a competitive environment and, at the same time, become a...
Topic: Goals
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction My country is located in a landlocked region and is rich in natural resources. Constant wars destroyed much of the infrastructure, so much effort must be made to rebuild the necessary facilities. This paper describes the new governing style and provides a brief plan for improving the situation. It...
Topic: Democracy
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Global warming has been an internationally recognized problem for approximately two decades now. Being an issue around the world, climate change is regarded as something so distant and abstract that we are never expected to be conscious when its impact finally becomes noticeable. By reviewing and summarizing the assigned reading,...
Topic: Climate
Words: 680
Pages: 1
In recent years, the Iranian government has invested a lot of funds in the development of ballistic missiles. The act can pose a threat as it may indicate a possibility of a future conflict between the U.S. and Iran. While it is crucial to support peace between the states, the...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction After reading the first part of Descartes’ Meditation, it was interesting to learn other thoughts about the chosen topic. His Meditation 2 about the human mind and the body seems to be a logical continuation of the discussion. The goal of the chapter is to understand the essence of...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction Philosophy of nursing is an essential part of medical practice, which aims to represent and advocate the core values and beliefs of nurses. It plays a crucial role in guiding the professional activities of medical specialists as well as setting up their priorities. Personal nursing philosophy is strongly manifested...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 680
Pages: 2
According to her medical history, Mrs. J. suffers from four diseases at once: smoking, hypertension, obesity, and heart rate disorders. Clinical manifestations of these diseases include rapid breathing and coughing with thick sputum and heavy bleeding. This is also confirmed by the bilateral expansion of the jugular vein, pulmonary cracks...
Topic: Disease
Words: 680
Pages: 2
The nursing profession suffers from a shortage of well-educated, experienced professionals that can fill a variety of roles. The question of improving teaching and learning methods becomes relevant, as nursing education is still developing. This essay discusses appropriate theoretical and practical approaches for the situation in the present and future....
Topic: Nursing
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction The number of gender non-conforming and transgender children/adolescents presenting to mental health providers is increasing. Therapists are liable for delivering care that is unbiased and comprehensive (Guss, Shumer, & Katz-Wise, 2015). Professionals who work with children and adolescents who are transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) should be prepared to...
Topic: Gender
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction As a nation fights its internal threats, as it falls into the tremors of war and discord it has the possibility of losing much of itself in the flow of blood and turmoil and is often at the hazard of not ever being able to stand back up on...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction Helen Lansdowne Resor represents one of the greatest minds in advertising career and copywriting. She is a role model to emulate. Resor was born from a family of nine siblings and emerges out as a great mind in advertising industry. She eventually holds a position few women have attained...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction The formation of the European Union is considered a remarkable achievement that has far-reaching consequences in world politics, economy, and balance of global power. The emergence of two superpowers, namely the erstwhile Soviet Union and the USA, had resulted in an imbalance of power with regard to European nations....
Topic: European Union
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Human society can be compared with a living organism that is the constant process of development. Certain external factors determine the directions of this development. The same pattern occurs in human society as well, the changes are determined by several major currents, the value of which is unquestionable due to...
Topic: Black Death
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction In practice, there are basically three international pay systems: the home country-based pay, headquarters-based pay, and host country-based pay. These systems are determined on the basis of standard of living, and the tax scheme used in the host country of a company. For this assignment I will consider theoretical...
Topic: Business
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction Social change is societal change in the aspects of the social institutions, structures, associations, and behavioral models. When these aspects change to a large extent and the changes are kept, social change is said to have taken place especially changes in the behavioral aspect. (Aron, 1967) The change or...
Topic: Karl Marx
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction The aim of this essay is to suggest a healthy weight management plan for an obese individual. In doing so, I will evaluate some associated parameters of the subject including assessing the health impact of obesity, and how it is possible to restrict oneself to a caloric diet in...
Topic: Diet & Nutrition
Words: 680
Pages: 2
The Principle of Legality The principle of legality is one of the fundamental principles in modern criminal law. Its primary purpose is to protect a person from being wrongly charged with any crime. It means that nobody can be convicted of a crime without a trial or accused of a...
Topic: Law
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction Choosing to pursue higher education online becomes more and more frequent because of its efficiency. However, some specific tools and devices are required for online learning. Online students can access their courses from any part of the world via their mobile phone, tablet, or laptop – these are the...
Topic: Literacy
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Art is born when individuals are eager to express themselves and show the audience what concerns them and what is important to them. Occasionally, when people contemplating it do not understand the message or do not relate, they call it controversial. In other words, they promote a dispute about the...
Topic: Censorship
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Fundraising Plan There are different possibilities of external fundraising for an athletic team. From these sources, one can note concerts, auctions, sales, and sports events (Mullick, 2018). After considering the key variables, hosting a field day seems to be an appropriate activity to perform and raise the funds needed. To...
Topic: Athletics
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction The over-policing of minority communities has emerged as a salient issue for activists in the United States. While policing is intended to uphold the public order and protect citizens’ rights, the excessive deployment of law enforcement resources in minority neighborhoods undermines both of these priorities. Due to systemic flaws...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 680
Pages: 2
The communication between the Chinese and Americans went wrong from the very start. Cory Wright right neglected the basic Chinese politeness and addressed Jackie Wong as “Jackie” without honorifics, which is typical for Americans but disrespectful for Chinese, especially when recognizing the person for the first time (Cardon & Scott,...
Topic: Culture
Words: 680
Pages: 2
The relevance of the topic regarding cash flow management remains essential in the modern market. Sustainable profit is the main source that contributes to the proper functioning and development of any company as well as a stable financial position. According to researchers, cash flows can be defined as “the amount...
Topic: Cash Flow
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment Working with children is a challenge requiring specialized knowledge and skills. This task is complicated by the presence of a large number of ethical dilemmas. The main principles of responsible behavior with children are reflected in The NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct. It sets...
Topic: Ethical Dilemma
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction The Electric Storage Battery Company was established near Philadelphia in 1888. It marketed its first Exide battery in 1900. Its growth record was dramatic over time, fuelled by the growth of the automobile industry in the US and Europe. Its success could be largely attributed to product innovation, better...
Topic: Business
Words: 680
Pages: 2
The preparation for pregnancy can be frustrating for a woman, and the role of a nurse is to provide significant assistance to the patient in this process. In the first case study, a 25-year-old female comes to the office on 1-15-13 and states that her home pregnancy test was positive....
Topic: Pregnancy
Words: 680
Pages: 3
Community-based healthcare delivery has recently become the most popular approach among American medical institutions because it is crucial for the prevention of diseases, improvement of sanitary conditions, and successful recovery. It is usually mentioned with regard to low-income people who cannot afford insurance. Nurses are supposed to play an important...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction Opinion polls play an important role in the formulation of crucial public policies in various regions in the world. Perlstadt and Holmes’ article, The Role of Public Opinion Polling in Health Legislation, shows how the public health sector in Michigan and Los Angeles employed public opinion polls’ results in...
Topic: Health
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Geographic Description location in the south-eastern part of Florida (“Miami, Florida,” 2017) location of the city on the Atlantic coast the territory is dominated by flat terrain Gulf Stream flows nearly the coast height above sea averages 4.5 m Miami’s location on the ocean coast, elevation above sea level, and...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Coming of age stories have been prominent in many literary works. Aging and crossing a line between being a child and moving into adulthood is a topic that every single person can relate to. However, growing up is different for everyone and depends on their gender, socioeconomic, and cultural background....
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 680
Pages: 2
In the epoch of globalization, multinational corporations (MNCs) became powerful and international actors on the international stage. This position was achieved partly due to the practice of attracting external resources from third-world countries. Alongside globalization, in the modern world, global stratification is an immensely significant phenomenon that refers to the...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Halophiles are organisms that inhabit environments with high concentrations of salt. Depending on the salt concentrations in their environment, halophiles can be grouped as extreme halophiles which can survive in areas with salinity as high as 35% and moderate halophiles. Moreover, there are some halophiles that survive in habitats that...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Nurses are the first line of defense in the healthcare sector, patients’ advocates, and also a source of information on medical diagnosis and the course of care for relatives and the families of the sick. In some situations, decision-making requires principled considerations, and this requires nurses to know about delivering...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 680
Pages: 2
La Jetee (from French – “Jetty”) is a featurette by a French director Chris Marker. This is the only story film by the famous documentary maker who decided not to stand back from the genre of science fiction that was gaining popularity overnight in early 1960s. However, the film’s specialties...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 680
Pages: 2
The quest for freedom and full enjoyment of rights was not an easy task, with most black slaves facing harsh treatment and even death. The majority of them were deprived of personal liberty and the right to move from one geographical area to the other. There were also limits to...
Topic: Riot
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction The elderly face many challenges, such as physical and mental health issues, financial constraints, and negative societal attitudes toward aging. In the United States, age discrimination is a common problem for older adults, adversely affecting their well-being. The baby boom generation lives in a distinctive historical moment due to...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Setting and Background Mythology is a collection of narratives, which explain the origin of the world without factual credibility. For instance, one the main characters Thorgil references the in-universe mythology: “That’s Asgard where the gods live and that’s the gate of Valhalla” (p. 360). Legends are stories of real events,...
Topic: Mythology
Words: 680
Pages: 2
The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ) populations worldwide experience various forms of discrimination, causing their poor health outcomes. Some of the health disparities among the LGBTQ community are higher rates of mental health problems, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and substance abuse and use (Baptiste-Roberts et al. 72). Although there...
Topic: Global Issues
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Diagnosis K. W. is a 26-year-old female who complains of vaginal discharge, painful intercourse, and irregular bleeding between menstrual periods during the last month. The young woman is single, no children, and she takes tests for gonorrhea and chlamydia annually. She was diagnosed with chlamydia (positive urethral swab) two years...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Overview The case at hand features a young woman, Julia, who has moved from Detroit to Los Angeles and has been facing challenges in interacting with her family. Having accepted the role of a mediator between her parents and siblings, as well as the guardian of her brother, Julia has...
Topic: Family
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Animal ethics is a broad field that concerns the relationship between humans and animals. It encompasses issues related to philosophy, animal rights, veganism, industrial and scientific exploitation of animals, religious views on how they should be treated, and others. The need to consider such aspects arose from a gradual understanding...
Topic: Animal Ethics
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction In light of the article by Anna Wiener published on September, 15, 2021, the matter of tariffs deserves a special notion. As Mrs. Wiener (2021) points out, “steel tariffs imposed by the U.S. in 2018 led to a shortage of steel sheets”, which led to the increase in production...
Topic: Economics
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Types of states and their internal structures depending on the political regime. Special interaction between the monarch, his entourage and peoples. Three types of government, monarchical, aristocratic and democratic, each of which has its own hypertrophied dual alternative – tyranny, oligarchy and mob rule, respectively. Polybius describes the formation of...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Without significant changes, any community will gradually fall into stagnation. While most European countries developed synchronously, traditional China staggered significantly by the beginning of the 20th century. This was especially clearly seen in Chinese literature that emerged in its present form only by the middle of the last century (Gu...
Topic: Literature
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Nil Zacharias and Gene Stone’s engrossing book Eat for the Planet: Saving the World One Bite at a Time; shares new research, fascinating infographics, and arguments that endorse what scientists around the world are starting to profess: that the only way to rescue the earth is to gradually replace meat...
Topic: Environment
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Families headed by single mothers are a widespread social phenomenon all over the United States. At the same time, often, such families are vulnerable and unprotected against the socio-economic challenges that face all the parents raising their children and maintaining the household. However, some single parents with a more stable...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Sex work and sex workers’ unionization are highly sensitive and controversial topics. An opinion persists that sex work should be prohibited and outlawed in various forms. This often translates into sex workers lacking agency and being endangered in their workplaces, both physically and economically. Therefore, it is crucial for sex...
Topic: Law
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction It is extremely likely that one has heard at least once in their life that the United States is one big melting pot. As a person gets older, they start to debate whether America is actually a melting pot – or if it is a salad bowl. In order...
Topic: War
Words: 680
Pages: 2
A.E. Housman’s poem “To an Athlete Dying Young” is about a record-breaking athlete regarded as a legend. The poem’s tone abruptly changes, causing the reader to realize that the athlete has died. The poem is notable for its themes of the bitterness of death at the pinnacle of greatness. Housman...
Topic: Literature
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction The idea of the New Belgium Brewing Company (NBB) was founded by Jeff Lebesch an electrical engineer. Since then the business has been experiencing some issues when performing its daily duties. These matters include environmental problems, social responsibility, and the B Corp Certification. These concerns have contributed to the...
Topic: Business
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Phonemic Awareness Phonemic awareness (PA) is considered an essential skill and an important step towards literacy in the children’s early development stages. First of all, a research by Milankov et al. (2021) showed that there was a direct correlation between the kids’ ability to read and the level of PA....
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Attitudes Toward School and Conflicts with Teachers Albert Einstein is arguably one of the most famous scientists in physics of the twentieth century. During his short biography, he revolutionized the way people think about science. He is recognized as the greatest theoretical physicist who ever lived. Countless discoveries were made...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 680
Pages: 3
One event has inevitably changed the world once and forever: COVID-19 affected every person materially, mentally, or physically. Unfortunately, the Indigenous people of Canada were not an exception. Due to the lockdown, these people suffered from different mental health problems and disorders. Some women were exposed to violence, and the...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 680
Pages: 2
The case study focuses on the expansion of the Sony VAIO premium laptop brand into China and the challenges that the product manager Richard Lopez had with selecting which segments were most relevant for the market. VAIO laptops were created by Sony as another major successful line of consumer products...
Topic: Computers
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Apple is one of the well-known organizations, which pays a lot of attention to its financial position in the market. The company’s fiscal period is 52 or 53 weeks; during this time, they consider different accounting strategies to increase revenue and decrease useless expenditures (Apple Inc., 2021). Increased attention is...
Topic: Apple
Words: 680
Pages: 2
The DSM-5 classification is written and used in order to help psychiatric professionals within the industry more universally understand, diagnose and describe mental disorders. The classification contains many common and rare conditions, each of which are properly separated into types and categories. The book is extremely useful to any practicing...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Moonlight is an American film that was produced and released in 2016. Barry Jenkins wrote and directed the movie, which starred eight black men. The movie features only black characters and is about the LGBTQ community. Essentially, it tells the story of Chiron, a young boy who showcases his life...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 680
Pages: 2
System dynamics is a field of science that allows creating complex systems at high levels of abstraction with the assumption in a number of different small details that reflect the insignificant properties of products, people or their groups. Such models provide an overview of the system and are well suited...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Many literary works assess various aspects of life, and Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll‘s House explores important social matters. Ibsen was born on the southeast coast of Norway, and his childhood was not particularly easy (Gundersen). His parents were relatively affluent and had five children, with Henrik being the oldest son...
Topic: A Doll's House
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Tortilla Soup is a 2001 film that represents the genres of both comedy and melodrama. The story focuses on the father of the family, Martin Naranjo, a retired culinary talent who has lost his sense of taste and smell but continues to indulge his three daughters with delights of Mexican...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction Laryngotracheitis, otherwise known as croup, is a severe respiratory disease. The disease affects the larynx and trachea, resulting from a viral or bacterial infection (Ferri, 2021). The first symptom of laryngotracheitis is a violation of the voice function. Therapeutic measures for laryngotracheitis are reduced to antiviral or antibacterial therapy,...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction The Sound of Waves is a fishing love story in the style of the poem about Daphnis and Chloe. Yukio Mishima focused on the story of noble heroes with strong and invincible characters. Consequently, the novel’s key theme is cognition of oneself and the world around these individuals through...
Topic: Literature
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction It is foolish to deny that the music business is booming nowadays. It has continued to evolve and uncover new methods of delivering and satisfying consumers for nearly a century. Long ago, the ability to listen to music was limited geographically, economically, culturally, and technologically; it is available almost...
Topic: Music
Words: 680
Pages: 2
“The churching of America, 1776-2005: winners and losers in our religious economy” is a provocative book by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark that has profoundly shifted how American religious practices are viewed. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of changes, trends, and developments within American religious practices, thereby challenging previous...
Topic: Religion
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Step 1 Scientists apply three traditional study designs, namely experiment, quasi-experiment, and non-experimental study. Random assignment and control groups are the distinctive framework elements and tools that distinguish the first category from the others. According to Rogers and Reverz (2019), it is a procedure in which “participants are randomly placed...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction Beauty standards, particularly, in relation to women, have been incredibly fluid, changing from era to era and from culture to culture. Though often clashing in their perceptions of an image of an ideal woman, the specified interpretations of the female beauty lead to the detriment of female health, as...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction The definition of the business environment includes all possible internal and external factors as a set that affect the corporation. External factors include economic factors since each corporation needs to adapt to a recession or decline in the economy. Another factor is the legal one since when government officials...
Topic: Business
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Kate Chopin’s The Awakening is a one of the first books about feminism with a heroine desiring freedom from societal expectations. The main character is Edna Pontellier, a married woman in her late twenties with two sons and a husband, Léonce Pontellier. The latter is a successful businessman who loves...
Topic: The Awakening
Words: 680
Pages: 2
The Medicare program’s history goes back to 1912, when President Roosevelt suggested a health insurance platform for all Americans. Roosevelt’s idea was implemented 54 years later, when President Johnson signed legislation to launch the program. President Truman, and his wife became the first official Medicare beneficiaries due to his contribution...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 680
Pages: 2
In “Remember the Titans”, the football team’s stages of group development were described using Tuckman’s five stages of team development. These phases, according to Tuckman, are “necessary and inevitable for the team to grow, to face up to challenges, to tackle problems, to find solutions, to plan work, and to...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction Social media refers to internet-based platforms that allow individual communication for information sharing, education, and advertisements. Healthcare providers must be sensitive to the patient’s information and keep it confidential. The enforcement of health insurance portability and accountability act rules is one of the activities of the regulatory bodies. This...
Topic: Social Media
Words: 680
Pages: 2
The healthcare field is undergoing continuous change and development, and the quest for better patient outcomes has led to various processes that strive to enhance the standard of care. The research process, Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), and the nursing process are all distinct yet interrelated processes. The main aim is to...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Yoga is a collection of mental, spiritual, and mental exercises that originated from India but is practiced worldwide. Indeed, most or the original yoga poses are in the Indian language. Exploring yoga practices through history, humanities, natural and applied sciences, and social sciences lenses reveal the importance of yoga to...
Topic: Spirituality
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Outbreaks of communicable diseases happen in diverse areas, and one consequential infection is the respiratory syndrome coronavirus. The national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2020) recognizes several types of human coronavirus. However, the most recent one that affects respiration is severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which...
Topic: Flu
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Why COVID-19 Is Classified as a Pandemic, Not an Epidemic COVID-19, or SARS-CoV-2, is a novel coronavirus that was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Since then, the virus has spread to over 200 countries and territories, leading to the World Health Organization declaring it a pandemic in...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Improving the Nurse-Patient Ratio Reasons for Concern A sharp change in the nurse-patient ratio, which typically declines with the increase in the number of the latter, affects both parties significantly. First and most obvious, a drop in the number of nurses presupposes that the quality of the services provided is...
Topic: Tuberculosis
Words: 681
Pages: 3
Introduction Circumcision is an operation that can be performed on both men and women. Male circumcision is part of the traditions of some ethnic groups, such as Jews and Muslims. Female circumcision is now actively performed in Africa and the Middle East. The ethics concerning circumcision is argued among different...
Topic: Culture
Words: 681
Pages: 3
Techniques for Maintaining Positive Relationships If a person does not achieve the desired results in the workplace, it means that he or she does not fulfill the obligations to an employer. It is necessary to define the methods that will help to bear responsibility for achieving professional goals to avoid...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 681
Pages: 3
In the case under consideration, the patient’s complaints included sharp chest pain that worsened with inspiration and movement and a non-productive cough. In emergency departments, acute chest pain is a frequent clinical syndrome in about six million patients annually (Foy, Liu, Davidson, Sciamanna, & Leslie, 2015). Its causes vary from...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 681
Pages: 3
Abstract The debate as to whether women should serve in military combat units or roles has been ongoing and still continues. Those who believe that they should be allowed to participate in combat units argue from the gender equality perspective. However, this line of reasoning ignores the fact that there...
Topic: Women’s Role
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Abstract Wikipedia is currently the largest collaborative source of knowledge about different things and subjects. This paper provides a brief review of Wikipedia’s structure and purpose, its overall “look and feels”, its target audience, and the most useful technical and information features. The value and implications of Wikipedia for information...
Topic: Web Technology
Words: 681
Pages: 2
The first part of Inchbald’s “A Simple Story” is about Miss Milner who is left in the care of Mr. Dorriforth who was to act as her guardian. This is just after the demise of her father. Miss Milner develops lots of love for Mr. Dorriforth despite the fact that...
Topic: Literature
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Convertible variable’s influence on asking price for used Mustang cars Scatter plot The initial assessment of the relationship between two variables is done by the pictorial representation of a scatter plot. The scatter plot for our data will be not similar to the ordinary one as the independent variable is...
Topic: Vehicles
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Abstract Texting while driving is more dangerous than driving under the influence of substance abuse or alcohol. Drivers who drive while texting has increased likelihoods of colliding with other motor vehicles, running over foot travelers, and injuring travelers. Even though people acknowledge that texting while driving is a major cause...
Topic: Distracted Driving
Words: 681
Pages: 3
In this paper, I consider the topic of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as an example of healthcare policy and the key effects that it can have on individuals. I argue that the effects are most significant, which implies that it is every person’s right and business to work towards...
Topic: Affordable Care Act
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Fyodor Dostoevsky became a classic of Russian and world literature due to his ability to feel the subtle psychology of broken people, to create them in his works so that they seem frighteningly real. In the novel Crime and Punishment, the author tells readers about the tragic events in the...
Topic: Crime
Words: 681
Pages: 2
The appearance of the Magna Carta of 1215 in England is rightfully considered one of the most significant events in the development of medieval law. This document is a product of the historical development of the English state, a logical result of the political and legal thought of feudal lords....
Topic: History
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Coke’s Case Coke introduced a new taste to the audience in 1985; however, the company received negative feedback from the customers. Coke decided to alter an old taste after Pepsi presented the “Pepsi challenge” advertisement that had success, and Coke started losing its popularity. Hence, they decided to develop a...
Topic: Business
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Introduction Pregnant women receiving specialized advice during pregnancy may be crucial to increasing the quality of their well-being throughout the childbearing process. A study by Ahmed (2016) appraises this claim’s verity, conducting a research process aimed at evaluating “the effect of counseling intervention on women’s knowledge, practices and lifestyle of...
Topic: Counseling
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Introduction Artificial hydration refers to the medical practice of introducing nutritional fluids and water into a patient’s body by means of tubes, catheters or needles. The issue of artificial hydration in the context of patients who are terminally ill is an emotional one for many patients and families because giving...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Introduction Retail forms or combinations are money spinners for owners and shareholders, but carry a high degree of security and monitoring risks. A certain portion of profits of such businesses is eroded by damages, pilferages, storage losses, and lowered inventory controls, resulting in decay and wastage of items, especially certain...
Topic: Retailing
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Alcoholism refers to the prolonged and uncontrollable use of alcoholic drinks which results in addiction and in effect severe health and social consequences. Billy Lynch is a character from Charming Billy and is the focus of the novel. Billy is an Irish migrant who lives in New York just like...
Topic: Alcohol Abuse
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Introduction Evidence-based nursing, which combines research data with clinical expertise, is essential for improving patient outcomes. The issue of non-compliance with VTE prophylaxis negatively affects the quality of care and requires adequate research evidence. The purpose of the following work is to discuss two articles representing different types of evidence,...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 681
Pages: 2
August Wilson is an American playwright awarded for his exemplary work that illuminated the struggles that African Americans faced in the U.S. He wrote the Pittsburgh Cycle of Plays, encompassing ten texts produced during different periods of time explaining the issue of racism in the U.S. Wilson was born in...
Topic: Literature
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Throughout its history, humanity has developed numerous methods of multiplication or repeated addition. These can be more or less time-consuming and also vary in effectiveness: while some are better for education, others pursue purely practical purposes. Three such methods are traditional, Ancient Egyptian, and the method of cups and counters....
Topic: Ancient Civilizations
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Leadership styles refers to the approach that a manager adopts in order to exercise authority in the work place and be able to direct staff towards meeting the organizational mandate as outlined in their job descriptions (Foti, 2007). It is the way that a manager resorts to conduct things in...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 681
Pages: 2
The skin is the outer vertebrates guarding and protecting the underlying muscles, internal organs, ligaments, and bones. Different body locations have different skin layers which support diverse appendages and subsequent functioning. The hand skin aids in preventing the inner body against harm and regulating body temperatures. Therefore, the hand’s skin...
Topic: Anatomy
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Regarding the important issues in feminism, it is necessary to refer to the term socialist feminism, to examine the issues of the dualistic typification, beauty ideals, and the beauty industry in the context of feminism. It is also important to suggest some solutions and criteria stabilize newly appeared tense situations...
Topic: Feminism
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Konigsbrau A.G is a corporation based in Greek, it produces premium beers, and its worldwide sales were estimated to 2.6 million US dollars. By the time its director was Mr. Wolfgang Keller, Konigsbrau was one of the companies that enjoyed recognition in the whole continent as it was the best...
Topic: Business
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Introduction According to De Souza (2018), Durkheim defined the concept of division of labor as follows: “a way of investigating the moral consequences of the growing complexity within modern societies” (p. 655). An example of that concept, in this case, is the process of drug manufacturing, distributing, and medical care...
Topic: Functionalism
Words: 681
Pages: 2