Importance of Business Scaling

The possibility of scaling a business is an influential aspect that entrepreneurs starting to develop their idea need to consider. A scalable company assumes the opportunity in which an increase in invested resources leads to a significant increase in output and accelerates the return on investment (Lund & Nielsen, 2018)....

Early Christianity and Secular Government Institution

Christianity dates back to the mid-first century CE in the province of Judea. The religion transformed from Jewish tradition that included the teachings of Jesus and later included the writings of Paul of Tarsus. At its earliest stages, Christianity represented a small and poorly organized belief group, the central message...

The Medicare Program’s Challenges and Lessons

Introduction Numerous issues that affect the efficiency of the current US healthcare system have long been in the centre of heated debates. The abundance of economic theories that continue to be the cornerstones of many perspectives on politics, do not allow for rapid transformation of the entire system. At the...

The East German Democratic Republic: Problems and Challenges

The East German Democratic Republic (GDR) had major issues, including its political practices, which contributed to the country’s collapse rather than triumph. East Germany adopted four separate constitutions throughout its existence, but none of them was truly used to govern (Orlow, 2018). Instead, East German Communists and their allies in...

The Economic Development of Latin America

Introduction Before the learning journey, I thought I knew enough about Latin America, but the trip made me change my mind. In recent years, Latin America has undergone significant changes. While some countries experienced major economic and social crises in the late twentieth century and early 2000s, the region experienced...

Herman Cortes’ Conquest of Aztecs

Introduction In 1519, Herman Cortes decided to adventure into the Mexican interior in search of gold rumored to exist on the American mainland. Together with his crew of eleven ships and five hundred men, they headed to Mexico and conquered the Aztecs in 1521 to claim the Aztec empire in...

Water Pollution in the Florida State

Florida State has 42 aquatic preserves along the Florida coastline. Florida is a state with many industrial activities as it is rapidly growing, which causes a threat to the dams, aquatic preserves, and the ocean. The Florida beach is one of the tourist attraction sites in Florida where people hold...

Aspects of Global Pollution of Water

Introduction Global pollution of water resources has had devasting effects on the environment that include the irreversible destruction of the ocean ecosystem and biodiversity, long-term health conditions, and contamination of seafood. Context and Value At the moment, many countries in Africa and Asia are facing serious droughts and famines that...

Retaining Teachers: Public Education System

Introduction The current public education system faces difficulties in retaining teachers. The profession’s popularity has reduced significantly, and low teacher retention rates make human resources and leaders find new effective ways to attract and retain qualified staff. Low teacher retention rates lead to a shortage of qualified educators, which decreases...

Unreliable Narrator in Gilman’s The Yellow Wall-Paper

The Yellow Wall-Paper, a short novel by Charlotte Perkins Stetson, tells a sad and dark story of a woman who lost her mind after unsuccessful rest cure treatment. Perkins Stetson portrayed her female protagonist as an unreliable narrator in order to demonstrate how the treatment based on a dismissive attitude...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Teaching: Rewards and Challenges

Teaching is widely considered a noble career or vocation because of the role teachers play in shaping lives. Being a teacher is indeed accompanied by many privileges; however, an objective analysis of the career also entails anticipating difficulties that may be encountered. Some of the rewards I will have as...

Plan for Transitioning to a New Electronic Health Record System

Introduction The testing of the implementation of the new electronic health record system by the staff of the hospital should be based on the proposed testing scenario. In particular, it is essential to track the performance of the IV pumps in the course of transitioning to the electronic health record...

Literature: “Darfur: The Ambiguous Genocide” by Gerard Prunier

Summary of the Case The article ‘Darfur: The Ambiguous Genocide’ by Gerard Prunier gives a critical view of the war that has been taking place in Darfur. According to this article, this war has continued for a long time, and it would be right to consider it genocide. Many innocent...

Racism in America between 1783 and 1836

The question that needs to be asked in this instance is whether the concept of the ace existed ninety years ago or still exists in America. Is it a cultural issue or a scientific fact? And lastly, have racial issues been conformed to the historical notions or should be abandoned...

Psychological Therapy of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Introduction Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a distressing condition that leads to brain disturbance due to exposure to dreadful situations. This condition also affects normal individuals who are exposed to stressful circumstances. Remarkable biological and psychological manifestations reveal the presence of PTSD in an individual. This essay explores the situational...

Defining Domestic Violence Reasons – Family Law

Introduction The social phenomenon of domestic violence has given rise to scholarly debates concerning its main causes and consequently, the methods for handling the issue. The measures offered for solving the problem depend upon the definition of the primary reasonsthe for abusing a spouse or a child which range from...

Birds Starvation and Death in Alaska

The article under consideration Thousands of Birds Found Dead along Alaskan Shoreline is written by Seth Kovar and Steve Almasy. It addresses the relevant issue, namely the death of the birds in Alaska because of starvation. However, it should be highlighted that the primary reason is somewhere deeper. The major...

“Creation and Wisdom: Three Themes” by Philip McMillion

Distinguish between key concepts and subordinate ideas. Concisely summarize these The key concept of ‘Creation and Wisdom’ by Phillip McMillion is that creation plays a vital part for a minimum of three ways in the acumen of the Old Testament: Wisdom and ethics, wisdom and idolatry, wisdom and praise. The...

Natural Disasters: The Budalangi Flood

The world is full of natural occurrences. Sometimes floods come when people are not aware. The Budalangi flood occurred when people believed that the dykes the government had constructed would protect them. When natural disasters occur, it is how people respond that determines the extent of the damage on human...

Aristotelian Philosophy and Empiricism

The Scientific Revolution of the 17th century marked the beginning of a new era of modern science that significantly transformed and advanced the existing knowledge and ideas. The philosophers Thomas Hobbes and Francis Bacon played an instrumental role in shaping the theory of empiricism that, to a considerable extent, challenged...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Terrorist Bomb Attacks in France

Friday 13th in November 2015 has become another black night in the history of France. A series of coordinated bomb and gun attacks claimed lives of 130 civilians in Paris not to mention seven perpetrators themselves and hundreds of wounded people. This tragedy became another red flag pointing to the...

The Desert World Company’s Business Model

Introduction This proposal presents the Desert World as a proposed provider of unique desert life experiences. The Desert World project would offer state-of-the-art facilities for the hot weather of Dubai through developing a huge ski centre, which would be close to the Dubai Shopping Mall. The closeness of the project...

Youngsters Needs and Accomplishments

Abstract Human beings go through various developmental stages before they attain the old age whereby the elderly are expected to mentor the youth by ensuring that they equip them with the necessary information that would facilitate the attainment of their wishes and aspirations in life. Several theorists, including Sigmund Freud...

Apple Company Returns and Earnings

In the paper, the returns and quarterly earnings of Apple Inc. will be analyzed. The company is a component of the S&P 500 index. The analysis will be carried out for a period of 5 years. Returns The share prices for a day before and a day after the announcement...

Family Nurse Practitioner as a Primary Care Provider

It is commonly accepted that the roles of advanced nurse practitioners in the sphere of health care can greatly vary in accordance with the location of the practices. The responsibilities of a nurse practitioner can include the diagnosis and treatment of chronic disease, the performance of minor procedures and surgeries,...

Correlational vs. Experimental Research

This paper defines correlational vs experimental research types and highlights the difference between correlational and experimental research designs. It includes advantages, disadvantages, and examples. Introduction In psychology, there are two predominant types of research – correlational study vs experiment. Although they share certain similarities, it is very important to understand...

Tanglewood Cases: Staffing Practices

Planning Tanglewood Case Two was about the planning of recruitment. Working on this case, I learned to analyze staffing data and determine whether staffing practices of an organization are adequate or not to fulfill its future needs related to human resources. Besides, Tanglewood case provides the learners with a great...

Problems of Transgender Patients in Health Care

We live in the humanistic society that is expected to be tolerant and cultivate such values as democracy, equality, etc. The results of this shift of priorities could already be seen. Depressed minorities became able to demonstrate their unique peculiarities and eliminate barriers that previously limited their lives. Moreover, we...

Amazon’s Supply Chain and Transportation Innovations

Amazon is one of the leading companies in the e-commerce industry. The company focuses on three “customer sets” that include “consumer customers, seller customers, and developer customers” (as cited in Lee, 2012, p. 53). The company has headquarters and over 70 fulfillment centers in the USA (“Amazon Fulfillment Network,” 2017)....

Childhood Obesity and Governmental Measures

It is imperative to mention that childhood obesity has turned into a crucial problem over the last few years, and it is especially problematic in the United States because the number of individuals that suffer from this condition has quadrupled over a relatively short period of thirty years (Sabin &...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Wellness, Academics & You: Obesity Intervention

Ethical Issues One of the primary ethical issues arising in the course of the research is making sure that the chosen Community Nursing Intervention does not compromise children’s health. A provider of healthcare should review the effectiveness of the chosen intervention, along with the executive capacity of the child (Perryman...

Solution of Every-Day Problems: Scientific Method

People use the scientific method to address the problems affecting them. The scientific method is effective because it reduces bias and prejudice. Individuals can use the scientific method to solve their every-day problems (Trefil, 2012). This discussion highlights two scenarios that describe the use of the scientific method. The Mysterious...

Healthcare Technology’s Usability and Integration

Introduction The concepts of usability, integration, and interoperability in the context of healthcare technologies refer to a variety of processes and events associated with the use of data to support the delivery of high-quality care to patients. The usability of healthcare technologies is explained as an extent to which individuals...

Multimodal Learning Preference and Other Styles

Introduction The choice of learning strategies is important since it predetermines the success of the learning process. People have diverse learning preferences. Some learn better through visual strategies, and some are more successful with reading or writing strategies. There are tests and questionnaires which help to determine learning preferences and...

“Field Notes from a Catastrophe” by Elizabeth Kolbert

Human civilization takes advantage of technological and scientific achievements and can make a certain prognosis about the future. However, the problem of climate change has always been in the scope of researchers, as it is one of the topical and burning questions nowadays. Dangerous natural climate processes and anthropogenic factor...

The Tyco Company’s Business Failure

Introduction Tyco International Ltd is a manufacturing company involved in the provision of fire protection and safety systems and electronic security services. Between 1996 and 2002, Tyco made management decisions that contributed to its financial failure. The management of the company employed some inappropriate practices that contributed to bankruptcy faced...

Cities’ Growth and Urban Living

Living in urban is a keystone of modern society. It is commonly associated with internal and international migration that led to the necessity of expanding cities in order to provide everyone with the needed living conditions. The process of active urbanization began around two centuries ago, and the number of...

Cost-Effectiveness Methodology in the Health Care

Introduction Cost-effectiveness analysis is applied in the healthcare system to determine the ways of redirecting the reserves in order to attain better results. This analysis shows the advantage of designating the resources from inefficient to efficient programs, and it also demonstrates the benefit of designating the resources from cheaper to...

Breast Cancer and Effective Medical Treatment

Introduction The evolution of mankind and changes in the social and ecological factors provoke the spreading of different diseases. Cancer is one of the most life-threatening ones nowadays. The modern healthcare does not have the medicines and methods of medical treatment of many types of cancer guaranteeing the 100% recovery...

Subway Restaurant Evaluation

There are several places that should certainly be visited by students attending Central Connecticut State University (CCSU). Among them, one can definitely distinguish Subway located near CCSU. This restaurant serves the needs of people who want to find a healthy alternative to conventional fast-food. In particular, clients can buy various...

Genesis 28:22 Passage from the Bible

The passage of the Bible titled Genesis 28:22-10 narrates about Jacob who was traveling to Haran. When the sun sets, he takes the stone, puts his head on it, and falls asleep. Jacob sees a dream about the stairway and the Lord who talks to him about descendants. Waking up,...

Lloyd’s Company Solvency: Unique Insurance Strategy

Among the key fields, which the British market has been known for in the global market, the insurance sector deserves to be mentioned first. Landing on the third position in the list of the world’s largest insurance sectors, the British one makes 26% of the total net worth of the...

White Space in Website Layouts

White space serves an important role in the web layout by providing an interface for readers to interact with various aspects of the web content (Laudon & Laudon, 2013). The most important aspect is that it improves reading of the web content by allowing users time to pause for the...

Jig’s Character in the “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway

Introduction This conversation shows that Jug has made up her mind to keep the pregnancy. This is quite interesting because she engages in an ironical conversation, which is full of satire. This can be observed through the symbols she uses in the conversation. Apart from this, Jig fakes her innocence...

Global Expansion of Business and Political Factors

Political Issues When planning to expand internationally, the political issues to consider are at the micro-level and macro-level. These include an assessment of the political systems of each of the countries for investment, their political structures, and major political risk factors. Political issues are vital components in influencing company executives...

Teaching Strategies Promoting Active Learning

Introduction The use of technology in education is beneficial for both educational establishments and learners since it provides many opportunities. First of all, online education enables more people to obtain the necessary education. On the other hand, educators can concentrate on individual teaching and assessment strategies. It is necessary to...

Roosevelt’s New Deal: Arguments For and Against

The thirty-second president of the USA, Franklin Roosevelt, was known for many political and historical decisions. His activity influenced not only the lives of U.S. citizens but also of other nations. However, the most widely discussed innovation offered and implemented by Roosevelt was the so-called New Deal ─ the politics...

ACME Fireworks Firm’s Contracts and Ownership

Introduction Investors and entrepreneurs must be aware of specific legal structures and laws that apply to their respective business operations, contracts, and human resource (HR) relations. Proper knowledge of such requirements can inform effective organizational decisions, options, and objectives. Existing laws should be guide issues such as liabilities, employment types,...

Analysis of the External and Internal Constituents of the Pantheon of Rome

Introduction Roman culture, especially the culture of construction, inspired and set standards for European architecture for many hundreds of years to come. One of the most striking examples of the embodiment of the ideas of the Roman architectural school is the Pantheon of Rome. According to Muench, “the Pantheon is...

Value of Genders in Society: Agents of Socialization

Agents of Socialization Being a rather typical representative of my generation, I have experienced numerous influences that shaped my self-representation as a female and my overall perception of what roles men and women should play in society. Among multiple agents of socialization, I might single out family, peers, and media,...

Suicide Prevention in Gerontology: Evidence-Based Project

Evidence-based project: Gerontology and suicide prevention The interest in gerontology and suicide prevention programs in gerontologic patients sparked because the importance of this particular area of nursing was realized only throughout the last two decades. This issue can be characterized as pivotal because the treatment of gerontologic patients majorly contributes...

Smoking Cessation and Patient Teaching Plan

Introduction Risk factors Genetic eyesight problems High blood pressure family history Current low blood pressure Smoking (uses one pack of tobacco per day) Several surgeries, head trauma Increased risk for developing a preventable disease Myopia, cataract, and glaucoma Hypertension Hypotension Lung cancer, diseases of heart and blood vessels Depression, continuous...

Staples’ “Just Walk on By: Black Men in Public Space”

Treating some categories of people in a prejudicial manner is in many societies a serious problem that currently has no remedy. African American men, frequently viewed as a threat to others, comprise one group that is the target of negative bias in the United States. In his short essay, Brent...

Should Plant-Based Dairy Be Labeled as Milk?

Statement of Purpose The issue of labeling plant-based dairy remains controversial within years that is largely associated with the increasing consumption of such products. On the one hand, people state that such should not be labeled as they look like traditional milk and may be used as its substitute. On...

What Are Cyber Threats and What to Do About Them

With the growing number of cyberattacks on the government organizations that use third-party vendor vulnerability management to analyze their security, the need to introduce new solutions emerges. There is a concern that national technologies and tools can potentially be used for purposes incompatible with the tasks of ensuring international security...

Eddie Adams’s Photo of Shooting a Viet Cong Prisoner

Introduction Expressing emotions and impressions from looking at a photo can be quite a difficult task. This statement could be arguable because the main goal of such work is to have the people go through some sort of visual analysis. However, such analysis could stay private, rather than being described...

Zen Buddhism: Brief Giude

Introduction Religion has always been an integral part of human life. From the first polytheistic religions of the ancient world to the mono- or non-theistic religions of today, people has always looked for a force that created the world and rules all the events in it. Thus, in this pursuit...

“Who Shall be Judge” by Mayerfield Review

Mayerfield addresses the history and current state of the International Criminal Court and its tribunals. According to Mayerfield, the court was established to prosecute human rights abuses in the world. This was indeed the common agreement between the members who have ratified the court’s establishment. Human rights cases are forwarded...

Crisis in American Institutions: Privatizing America

Subsidizing Tobacco The United States government resorts to subsidizing the tobacco producers as the means of developing the country’s agricultural sector of economy (Skolnick and Currie, 2007, p. 58). The major programs and initiatives taken by the government to assist tobacco producers in their work include, according to Farm Subsidy...

Special Education and the Principles of NCLB 2001

A democratic society should provide equal opportunities for all citizens in all spheres of life. Moreover, since the appropriate educational level is one of the main factors that determine the successful future of every person, it should be the first consideration of the state to provide qualitative education to all...

Leadership vs Management: The Crucial Parts of Modern Companies

Management and leadership are two crucial parts of modern companies. The modern economy depends upon and is influenced by effective management solutions and leadership strategies. Management and leadership are concerned with setting goals, establishing policies and programs, and implementing business action for the entire firm. Management is defined as administrative...

Parallel Worlds: Country-And-Western and Rap Music

The historical changes of the USA outlined the emergence of many styles in music. It was because of the versatile nature of the American population. Nonetheless, some styles in music were presupposed to bear the notion of its original shaping because of some distinctive features maintained throughout the historical cut....

Reducing Cultural Blindness and Advantages of Cultural Diversity

The culture of a populace is a significant factor, which is always aimed at being kept alive, no matter where on the globe a person is located. With the world becoming a smaller place, it seems there are no cultures that are specifically pertaining to various localities, rather, every culture...

Organizational Problems: Stress and Burnout of Employees

Stress and burnout are the major causes of employee-related problems in organizations. Stress is defined as happenings that cause anxiety, discomfort, and tension. Stress not only affects the performance of employees in the workplace but also affects their personal lives negatively. Stress responses refer to the physiological and behavioral effects...

Peter’s Pizza Restaurant: HRM Overview

Introduction A company requires both physical and human resources for its operations. The human resource is the greatest asset that an organization can have; without it no business transaction can take place. It ensures that the business is run in the right way, and thus determines the current as well...

“A Walk in a Workhouse” by Charles Dickens

Introduction Charles Dickens is one of the most celebrated story tellers because of his unique description of existing realities. This uniqueness can be seen in the character development of the story. He uses similes, metaphors and imageries in all his writings. This story “A Walk in a Workhouse” is one...

A Valediction: “Forbidding Mourning” by John Donne

The metaphysical poet John Donne is one of those poets that are deservedly called the pre-eminent and prolific masters of poetry. His poem called A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning written in 1611 was a wonderful reflection of the seventeenth-century metaphysical poetry features. The title of the poem seems very intriguing. The...

Management. “Our Iceberg Is Melting” by Kotter

Introduction Following in the line of the innovative management and leadership book, Who Moved My Cheese? – Dr.Spenser Johnson, the work, Our Iceberg is Melting by Harvard Business School alumni and professor, Dr. John Kotter, is indeed a new vision to lead and shows innovative strategies of team spirit and...

The Teacher-Led Action Research

The concept of teacher-led action research was established in the early 1970’s and it was largely based on Lawrence Stenhouse’s works. While working at the Centre for Applied Research in Education commonly known as CARE, Stenhouse and his work counterparts conducted a research on curriculum development as well as teacher...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Theories, Tools, and Principles of Online Learning

Introduction Theories, tools, and principles of online learning Modern technology has changed education designs. Using a range of new communications and network tools it is now easy to design an online education platform is now easier than before. Successful online educational designs depend on the right combination of tools, theories,...

The Effect of the Internet on Advertisement

Introduction The adoption of disruptive technology has revolutionized business models around the globe. The advancement of communication and information technology continues to remodel the commercial and entrepreneurial climate; marketing issues, advertisements, accounting, and even issues of transfer pricing have greatly benefited from the advancement in technology. Specifically, the contribution of...

Sex in the Media: Effects on Behaviors and Relationships

The adolescents are among the groups that have much access to the media. They have access to such media as the internet, television, music, and video games among other media. These forms of media convey some sexual messages which are portrayed through dialogues, song lyrics, and images. Adolescents are at...

EMI Music: Company Analysis

Introduction EMI Music is one of the largest and trusted sound recording studios in the world. In general, this is the synonym of reliable cooperation, high-quality services, and trust of the clients, hence, the reputation of the company is high enough. As for the competitive environment of the company, there...

Deforestation Problem Overview and Analysis

Introduction Deforestation to create land for agriculture is an issue of great importance, it destroys native forests and affects the ecological balance. A greater percentage of global biodiversity is located in forests (Celentano et al. 2017). Cutting down trees hinders the survival of various animal and plant species. The forest...

Improve the Quality of Health Care Using TQM Methods

Introduction Providing high-quality health care using the best ideas and techniques while also being ready for potential costs is a priority for hospitals nowadays. Total quality measurement (TQM) as a management system aimed at achieving customer satisfaction and enhancing employee and organizational performance is considered one of the most prospective...

Catholic and Scientific View of Evolution

Introduction There has been a debate between scientists and theologians about evolution. Many individuals believe that accepting the scientific theory of evolution, which is based on the notion of natural selection, is equal to holding atheistic views. They interpret the story of Adam and Eve literally and use it to...

Human Trafficking: Ethical Issues

Introduction Human trafficking is often referred to as a modern form of slavery as people are deprived of their basic rights and are often treated poorly. Sex exploitation of women has been mainly associated with human trafficking for decades, although victims are often exploited in different ways (O’Brien, 2015). Human...

Public and Private Administration. Comparative Analysis

Public administration is a complex entity that exists on the political, legal, and managing levels. It strives to serve the people while executing its functions within the grounds dictated by those levels. Public administration is inherently democratic, and its proper functionality is at the core of democratic processes. However, it...

Eating In vs. Eating Out: Pros and Cons

Food is a category that determines the nature of a particular society. Fashion, influencing food culture, forms the choice of products, as well as the idea of cooking. In the modern world, more people stop cooking at home, or do it rarely, because a fast pace of life sometimes does...

“Fall Tiling” by Warren Chang

The painting of the famous contemporary American artist Warren Chang “Fall Tilling” is exhibited in the Monterey Museum of Art. This narrative artwork, painted in 2010, depicts typical agricultural workers who are tilling the soil in Monterey County, California. This portrayal of common people doing their daily work in the...

Korean and Finnish Education Programs Analysis

Introduction The education system is the branch of the state that determines the very future of the country. For several decades now, the Korean and Finnish education programs have provided their countries with highly skilled students, while the United States school education is experiencing stagnation. This work aims to analyze...

Cell Phones Should Be Allowed in Public Places

Cell phones have transformed the world by making it easier than ever for people to get in touch with each other. Cellular technology adds unparalleled mobility and versatility to communications, allowing people to speak with each other while moving or at any spot within signal reach. Smartphones enhance its advantages...

Reflective Practice in Personal and Professional Development

Introduction Reflective practice is one of the essential techniques for personal growth. It refers to self-examination and introspection into one’s actions, and decisions after the event have occurred in order to gain a deeper understanding of the potential for future improvements. This method of professional development is especially crucial for...

The Issues of Insurance of Health

Introduction People’s health depends on multiple factors, including diet, exercises, sufficient sleep, general well-being conditions, and other factors. However, income is the driving mechanism behind the striking health inequalities faced by many minorities. Revenue inequality has increased significantly in recent decades, which may perpetuate or worsen health inequalities. Moreover, the...

IPhone X by Apple Inc.: Articles Review

The iPhone X is one of the smartphones innovated and designed by Apple Inc. and it was released in 2017. The device delivered new features that lacked in its predecessors, such as the Face ID and OLED screen. It uses Apple A11 bionic system and delivers a slate form factor...

The National Museum of Women in the Arts

The subject is the National Museum of Women in the Arts because it is a manifestation of women empowerment and art appreciation. A characteristic feature of modern culture is the increased attention to the issue of gender equality, which, along with the problems of globalization, migration, the strengthening of fundamentalist...

US Legal System and Court Experience

The American legal system differs from other legal systems in the world. For understanding its structure and order, it may be useful to have insight into the legal proceedings. This paper aims to discuss the procedure and function of the jury trial. It will cover its primary stages, describe the...

Examining the Ideas of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X

Introduction Racial segregation, as a systemic effort to make African-Americans subordinate, was one of the critical problems of the US. Such a position denied equal access of African-Americans to public services and limited their rights. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X are the most prominent ministers and proponents of the...

Evidence-Based Practice: Evaluation of Process

Abstract In the current essay, an evaluation plan is developed for the final evidence-based practice project. The present paper consists of several parts to provide a comprehensive and concise piece of writing. First of all, the rationale for the methods used in collecting the outcome data is described. Secondly, how...

Popular Research Paper Topics

iPhone 12 Mini: Apple’s Smartphone Evolution

Introduction The iPhone is arguably one of the most competitive smartphone brands in the world today. The producing company, Apple, has within the past 13 years designed and delivered superior phones to different customers across the globe. Within this period, the technology giant has succeeded in releasing and marketing a...

Disadvantages of Vaping

Introduction Vaping is very popular and widespread among young people nowadays. According to a study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more than 37% of 12th graders reported vaping in 2018 (Shmerling, 2019). These numbers are quite alarming, as scientists do not know much about the potential short- and...

Socioeconomic Background as a Barrier to Success

The books The Dreams of Two Yi-min by Margaret Mai and Philip Vera Cruz: A Personal History of Filipino Immigrants and the Farmworkers Movement by Lilia Villanueva and Craig Scharlin have many vital points in common. In their stories, the authors reveal the lives of people who arrive in the...

Amenorrhoea: The Pathophysiology

Introduction Amenorrhoea is a health condition that is characterised by the absence of menstruation. However, for a woman to be diagnosed with the condition, she must have missed at least three consecutive menstrual periods (Porth & Matfin, 2009). Dysmenorrhoea is a health condition that is exemplified by pain just before...

Organizational Communication and Relations Between Employees

Organizational communication refers to the different channels and forms of communication used to pass messages effectively. With companies having a multitude of employees across varying levels of structure, communication plays an essential role in maintaining contact. All employees must understand each other within the shortest period to improve efficiency and...

Nursing Problem: Burnout and Patient Outcomes

Work Setting Associated with Burnout I have encountered numerous problems as a caregiver. Our health institution provides a wide range of medical services to many patients. The number of physicians and nurses in this organization is very small. This gap explains why the caregivers cannot support the health needs of...

Ethical Decision-Making: Case Studies

Ethical problems often arise in healthcare practice, since the health and lives of patients depend on the decisions of medical staff. For this reason, national associations create guidelines and ethical codes to guide and help doctors and nurses make the right decision. In this paper, I will examine three ethical...

Technical Communication Network Problem in Business

Introduction Any developing company requires an efficient communication network. To achieve great success in this area, transformational action needs to be taken. There is a need for an interconnection that can only be achieved by the use of computer systems. Computer systems have revolutionized the way things are done in...

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

Introduction Today, emotional intelligence (EI) is a crucial competence for the leader in any field, and nursing is not an exception. The level of the leader’s EI has the tremendous impact on one’s team performance, as well as the effectiveness of the leader oneself. In the following paper, the effects...

The Evolution of the Goals of the Justice System

Introduction The justice system in the early 20th century was different from the current justice system in terms of the goals held paramount by the system. Over the past 60 years, there have been tremendous changes in laws governing the justice system. While some people have a negative attitude toward...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mandating Ultrasound Prior to Having an Abortion

During a long period of time, American government made numerous attempts to create appropriate conditions for women, who wanted to have an abortion, and provide them with a chance to understand the outcomes of their decisions (Acharya et al., 390). At the beginning of 2011, the American citizens got to...

How Have Technological Advances Affected the Workforce in the Past 20 Years?

Overview Technological advancement has had a lot of impact on how man communicates and performs tasks. The most significant impact of technology is that it has globalized the whole world making the globe to be a small village in terms of communication and work. This research paper examines how technological...

Liberalism in Anthony Kennedy’s Judicial Decisions

Introduction The paper refers to liberalism in the judicial decision-making process. Judge Anthony Kennedy who is a liberalist distinguishes it from conservative Judgments. Liberalists believe that liberty is the right of an individual to define his own concept of existing and the mystery of human life. The fundamental idea of...

Utilizing Evidence Practice Guidelines in Medicine

Evidence-based medicine (EBM) strives to advance decision-making by highlighting the application of data from reliable and reputable research. The term’s use has been extended to incorporate the information in practice guidelines and strategies that refer to different combinations of patients. EBM is used to describe and guide specialists’ decision-making through...

Price Elasticity Following Taxation Policies on Certain Consumer Goods

Obesity and overweight are major public health concerns worldwide. Mexico is not an exception: as per recent estimations, two-thirds of adults and one-third of Mexican children and adolescents are carrying excessive weight (Colchero, Salgado, Unar-Munguía, Hernandez-Avila, & Rivera-Dommarco, 2015). In terms of obesity and diabetes rates, among all the country...

Aspects of Environmental Protection

The connections between the economy and the environment are multitudinous: the latter acts as a source of economic resources and as an outlet for emissions and waste. Environmental pollution, in return, leads to slow economic growth because it reduces the quantity and quality of resources. This means that the first...

Habitat for the Homeless: Poverty

Habitat for Humanity is a wonderful program that seeks to alleviate poverty by helping families with low income acquire a place they can call home. The service’s website data indicates that six out of ten children in the North Omaha metro area live in abject poverty (“Building a Better Community,”...

Research Proposal: McDonald’s Company

The research proposal aims at describing the current situation and the problem of McDonald’s in Dubai. The company is among the largest players in the segment and was characterized with high performance until recent years when its level of sales experienced fall, both due to not sufficiently competent cross-cultural policy...

Case Brief on Colon Cancer and Colostomy

Mrs. Wheeler is a 54-year-old woman suffering from colon cancer. She has undergone a surgery known as colostomy which involves opening the abdominal wall to get access to the colon. The patient requires particular care because the colostomy involves the removal of the colon from the human body to prevent...

Importance of Composites in Aviation

Introduction Modern aviation constantly faces the challenges of growing competition and rising fuel costs. An obvious solution to these problems is to reduce the weight of aircraft through the use of composite materials. Currently, the share of composites in the structures of modern aviation is not very high, but in...

“The Churching of America” Book by Finke & Stark

Despite being technically defined as constitutionally secular, the U.S. is largely affected by Christianity and the associated values, traditions, and perceptions. As a result, the role of the Christian church has been expanded to influence nearly every domain of most American people’s lives (Finke & Stark, 2005). In the range...

News on the Internet vs. Traditional Media

Introduction The credibility of news on the Internet is a topic that often becomes the cause of controversy and even lawsuits against unscrupulous media resources due to the high frequency of fake news published online. Massive access to the global web and relative freedom to post digital content are factors...

The Mexican Drug War and “Queen of the South”

Introduction It is common for artists to use real-world experiences to make their artworks more influential, close to the audience, and meaningful. Some events from the past or modern issues and circumstances may inspire creators and later be used in their movies, books, paintings, or music. One example of an...

The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Gemeinhart

Summary Future and self-imagination go hand in hand. Whether or not to take a step to the next level is a personal decision that requires a cognitive evaluation. For instance, Coyote’s journey is the book that indicates the outcome of the next step, which is often uncertain in the real...

The Bike Racks Industry, Major Players and Consumers

Introduction The bike rack market is proliferating as bicycles have always been one of the most common convenient means of transportation or used for leisure purposes. The major players in the industry hold up to 75% of the total share in the market. They include ACPS Automotive GmbH, Allen Sports...

Impact of Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” on Life

I think that the life of every person can be described as a set of choices made under the influence of various factors. First, our parents make decisions for us, then we become responsible for our lives and start acting independently. Every step gradually transforms us, helps to acquire specific...

Polygamy: Violation of the Rights and Freedoms of Women

Polygamy is considered a violation of the rights and freedoms of women. Since polygamy is widespread in various traditional and poorly economically developed societies, its existence is explained by the peculiarities of customs that reinforce women’s dependent position in the family and community. These days, the question of whether polygamy...

Automation of Insurance Industry: Personal Reflection

With the sudden outbreak of Covid-19, different industrial companies have invested in advancing digital platforms and technologies to guarantee the sustainability of their operations. As technological developments accelerate, customer expectations are constantly changing. Through a variety of innovative solutions, an essential change in the insurance industry is, therefore, being encouraged....

How the Bible Portrays a Unified Story

Considering its diversity and rich storyline, the Bible can be converted into billions of classic books of different genres. The foundation of all the stories created is to glorify God’s supreme authority since everything on the earth was created through him. Therefore, the Bible tells the same story based on...

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Plato’s Approach to Economic Matters in “Symposium”

While Symposium is not the most famous of Plato’s works, like Republic or Allegory of the Cave, it still occupies a prominent place within the philosopher’s legacy. Although mainly concerned with questions of love and virtue, Symposium, true to the multifaceted nature of its author’s thought, covers a broad range...

Role of Denial and Deception in National Security Affairs

Introduction Geopolitical, economic, and other contradictions that arise among world powers are accompanied by intelligence operations and the principles of ensuring national security. One of the strategies that have been used for decades is the denial and deception tactics that consist in planting false and implausible data on opponents regarding...

Stylistic and Literary Devices of “Hamlet”

The play Hamlet is one of the most dubious and intriguing works of William Shakespeare. The author shows Hamlet, an educated man, always in the search process, with a deep sense of empathy for everything that surrounds him. However, life forces him to face true evil in various manifestations. With...

Approving and Executing the Operation Geronimo

Introduction Former President Obama was the US commander-in-chief who authorized the Geronimo operation that led to the death of Osama bin Laden – the most wanted man at the time. Various reports show a series of consultations between the National Security Council (NSC) and the president way before the strike...

The Role of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion in Environment

Criminal Justice experts accept that it is their higher reason to make a reality where everybody has equivalent rights, equivalent compensation, equivalent admittance to schooling, and equivalent freedoms to succeed. They are cooperating with the whole local area to construct a way ahead. Concurring on normal terms and learning the...

Rewriting Hamlet by Shakespeare

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Social Work Assignment: Gender, Money, and the Charity Organization Society

Throughout the history of its development, the sphere of social work has witnessed the work of various contributors dedicated to achieving social equality and creating an inclusive environment in which all people can feel accepted and valued. Considering the diversity of such professionals is important for illustrating the multi-dimensional nature...

The Happiness Concept in Aristotle’s Ethics

The concept of Happiness presented by the Greek philosopher Aristotle in his classic work Nicomachean Ethics lies beyond the traditional notion of Happiness that has developed in the collective consciousness. Happiness is not determined by the amount of wealth or the constant pleasures that a person is able to experience...

ICARE Principles in Public Nursing

Introduction This paper focuses on the public health setting, which includes interprofessional teams based on decision-making and knowledge-sharing activities. However, within these teams, there are often limited means for effective communication that do not allow for achieving better patient outcomes and promoting relevant change initiatives. The use of iCARE components...

Sprout&Co Firm’s Entry Mode and Internationalization

Given the nature of the business, Sprout&Co plans to adopt a licensing and franchising entry strategy into the international market since it offers numerous benefits over other market entry approaches. Franchising is a global market entry option referring to a licensing agreement between two parties, the franchisor, and the franchisee,...

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An Analysis of Last Year’s Lemons TV Ad

Introduction It is no secret that the primary function of advertisement of any type is to promote a company’s products and services to the target audience. Since the advent of the advertising industry, advertisers have developed many diverse and practical approaches to convince one that they need what the business...

Disney’s Pre-COVID Sustainability Strategy

Definition of corporate sustainability strategies Corporate sustainability strategies ensure that sustainable development activities aim at social, environmental, and economic dimensions (Baumgartner & Rauter, 2017, pg.82). Corporate strategy is whereby an organization focuses on long-term stakeholder value by looking at the social, environmental, economic, cultural, and ethical dimensions of doing business....

Promoting Ego Integrity: Group and Individual Activities

Group Activities for Promoting Ego Integrity Eight stages of the Psychosexual development theory suggested by Erik Erikson exist. The eighth stage is integrity versus despair (Gilleard, 2020). It lasts from about sixty-five years of age till death (Gilleard, 2020). Counselors, nurses, and psychologists use the psychosexual development stage concepts by...

The Foundation of Leadership in the US Army

My essay aims to discuss the foundation of U.S. Army leadership. Knowing the foundation of leadership in the Army is very important to being a leader. By its very nature, war is a place of chaos where nobody knows exactly what to do, where to run, or where to shoot....

Five Periods of Personnel Management

Personnel management focuses on recruiting, selecting, training employees, and maintaining a satisfied workforce and relationships within the organization (Berman et al., 2019). In addition, personnel management is part of Human Resources Management (HRM) that involves a strategic approach that helps an organization to effectively and efficiently manage and control employee...

Discussion: Nursing Documentation System

The documentary system of nurses plays a rather important place in the process of providing health services. Access to clinical information plays a unique role in the decision-making process related to the well-being of patients. To ensure the safety and proper use of medical data, it is necessary to develop...

Amazon Relational Database Service

Introduction RDS, an acronym for Relational Database Service, is an offering from Amazon Web Services. Amazon Web Services RDS makes development more affordable, convenient, and responsive through pay-per-click pricing. Amazon Relational Database Service is a web service that helps users create, run, and scale relational databases in the cloud (Soni...

Students’ Academic Performance in Ney Jersey

Introduction The main reason for this meeting is to discuss some issues in our schools. It is our culture to be competitive and push our students to perform better in their examinations. Thus, when there are any changes in how our students have performed, they better be addressed. Thus, this...

A Doctor of Nursing Practice-Prepared Nurse in the Work Area

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)-A prepared nurse plays an important role in ensuring patients receive high-quality and safe care. Similarly, DNP-prepared nurses are directly involved in improving the healthcare system – they provide a link between health policy and practice. Beeber et al. (2019) observe that hiring practicing DNPs is...

Addressing Website Downtime: Identifying Root Causes and Implementing Solutions

Introduction Organizations in the current age have adopted technology to enhance their visibility and to link with their customers. Websites can be used by organizations to provide potential clients with insight into the firm, which can facilitate better business. An issue that has happened at the workplace a significant number...

Industrial Revolution Affects on British Workers Lives

In 1833, a law was passed in Britain limiting working hours about women and children working in textile mills; this came as a result of a parliamentary investigation into the conditions of working in the textile industry. In the course of the investigations, several people were called up to give...

Get Real in Northern Exposure

The use of metaphors always makes any art/literary/musical work more interesting, more captivating, and more educative to any person. When a person gets a chance to comprehend the meaning of the metaphor, its intentions, and expected effects on people, this person has one of the most significant lessons in his/her...

Social Issues: Digital Divide in Washington

Background The term ‘digital divide’ has become popular with the recent developments in the information and technology sector. According to McGrath (2011), the term basically refers to the gap that exists between those individuals who can readily access information and communication technologies and those who are unable to do this....

Management Issues: Local Strategy Concept

Businesses exist to serve specific clientele depending on the offerings of the company. Strategies are formulated by businesses to reach their target clientele depending on their dispersion or concentration in a region or countries. It is this classification that gives rise to either a local or a global strategy for...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Obamacare

Introduction Obamacare or what is commonly known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) refers to a law that seeks to ensure that Americans have access to health insurance. Additionally, the law aims to minimize the cost of healthcare in the United States. The law dictates that no American should be...

The Story of an Hour and The Storm by Kate Chopin

Introduction The two stories, The Story of an Hour and The Storm by Kate Chopin, are the representatives of the American literature of the XIX century. The author of the stories touched upon the problem of family relationships in her works. Thesis statement: Love, faithfulness, and the relationships between husband...

Myasthenia Gravis Financial Costs

Introduction of the source This paper is aimed at discussing the website maintained by California Pacific Medical Center. This organization provides information about the impact of Myasthenia Gravis on different stakeholders representing the community. In particular, one can speak about the article written by Jonathan Katz (2014) who examines various...

Eliezer’s Struggle to Keep His Faith in God

Introduction: Eliezer’s Trial Of all the torturous experiences that Elie has to face in the course of his ordeal, the one regarding his faith must have had the greatest effect on him. While the change in his relationships with his father is crucial to understanding the character and the pain...

Ethics of Obamacare and Trumpcare

Conflicts Between Ethics and Obamacare / Trumpcare The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was introduced by Obama to improve access to health care services and promote their quality, focusing primarily on adults aged between 19 and 64 years. It allowed more than 25 million previously uninsured persons to...

Equality in “The Politics” by Aristotle

The issue of equality has always been a ground for social conflicts. It was a subject of active debates and numerous pieces of philosophical and political writings. One of the outstanding works that discuss the origins of political life and organization of society is The Politics by Aristotle. Written centuries...