Christ’s Relationships with Wealth and Poverty

The questions of wealth and poverty are some of the key ones in the narratives of early Christianity. The characters of the Biblical scriptures attempt to measure each other’s worth through indirect assessments of wealth and material possessions, manifested in their ability to worship notably. As the majority of religions,...

The Character of Yvain in “The Night of the Lion” by Chretien de Troyes

Introduction Chrétien de Troyes’ The Knight of Lion is an Arthurian tale about the heroic exploits of a gallant knight named Yvain. In several Arthurian stories, chivalry plays an important role in propelling the plot forward and providing context for the knights’ and the court’s organizational structures. Yvain’s actions and...

Roots, Radicals, and Quadratic Equations

In mathematics, numbers can be represented in whole, integer, fractional, and decimal forms. Depending on the form, the mechanics of arithmetic operations to add, subtract, multiply, and divide them change. For example, regular recalculation adds and subtracts whole numbers, as shown in equations 1 and 2. Integer numbers are added...

ezyVet and AVImark Veterinary Management Software

Veterinary management software is used in animal healthcare facilities to help in the day-to-day activities at the veterinary clinic or hospital. The software has thrived as sending clients notifications on their appointments, making payments, billing prescribed items as well as purchasing medical supplies, making follow-ups, and managing veterinary claims have...

Julius Caesar Analytical Essay

History tells us that sometimes decisions that change the fates of entire nations are based only on one person’s emotions. In other cases, long and careful rational analysis, individual or collective, precedes the final decision-making. Regardless of the method, there is always room for mistake, miscalculation, or just a pure...

Racial Discrimination Cases: Federal Hate Crime Charges in Black Jogger’s

Introduction Racial discrimination happens when a person is considered unacceptable or is denied the same possibilities as others in a similar position because of their ethnicity, birth country, racial origin, or skin color. Racial insults, insulting remarks regarding a person’s racial background, or the showing of racially offensive symbols are...

Neoliberalism: “Neuromancer” vs. “Blade Runner”

Neoliberalism in the 1980s espoused globalization and deregulation of economies, which encouraged open markets and corporate development. Consequently, the themes in popular cyberpunk literature showed the extrapolated effects of neoliberal policies, as shown in the novel “Neuromancer” and “Blade Runner” film. Themes include technological development and the idea of consciousness....

Information System and Its Main Components

The Primary Component of the Information System An information system combines various components such as hardware, software, and telecommunication networks built by people to aid the collection, creation, and distribution of data, especially in an organization. Moreover, information systems include such components as people, data, and processes. In simpler terms,...

Machine Learning in Tesla Self-Driving Cars

Introduction In modern society, significant attention has been paid to artificial intelligence and machine learning. Machine learning is the science of developing algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform tasks without explicit instructions, relying instead on patterns and logical inferences. There are four machine learning algorithms: with...

Disclosure and Nondisclosure in Drugs Prescription

Exploring scenarios can significantly improve knowledge about disclosure and nondisclosure in drugs prescription for advanced practice nurses, define ethical implications for stakeholders and analyze the prescription writing process to address all possible medication errors. The case focuses on the ethical and legal implications of prescribing new medication currently in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Book “The Life of Frederick Douglass” by David Walker

Overview Frederick Douglass has become a character of many historical books, but David Walker has found a new approach to this tragic and inspiring topic. Walker’s prose is interactive and adorned with plenty of illustrations, allowing the readers to immerse in Douglass’ story. The illustrations are shocking, forcing the reader...

Federal Acquisition Regulation Competition Requirements

Introduction The Federal Acquisitions Regulation (FAR) was established with the purpose of setting forth the basic regulations that govern how the US federal government should conduct its acquisitions (Feldman, 2013). The guidelines are divided into various sections, each elaborating on a specific method of government acquisition and the threshold requirements...

Self-Management Potential in Chronic Care

Introduction Research articles help the nurses to investigate the topic they are interested in and obtain information for further research and implementation of evidence-based practice. Thus, it is crucial to select appropriate articles and analyze them according to the set criteria. The purpose of this paper is to provide a...

Proof Requiring and Sentencing in Entrapment Cases

United States v. Diaz-Maldonado, 727 F.3d 130 (2013) Facts The case was argued for 5 days with the jury reaching a decision on 30 March 2012. Christian Diaz-Maldonado was a Commonwealth correctional officer and the target of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) during investigations of corrupt law enforcement officers...

Philosophy and Major Domains in Nursing

This paper focuses on the domains of nursing practice. Here, you’ll find definition of nursing, the major domains, and other useful information. Get some ideas for your paper on domains of nursing with our essay sample! Pursuing a nursing career is challenging and requires a profound understanding of the various...

Master’s Education in Nursing

Abstract The current paper explores the essentials of Master’s education in nursing as provided by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. After a brief introduction, each of the essentials is discussed individually; the meaning of these essentials is explained, and their effect in the practical setting is elaborated. It...

Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Change and Conflicts

The Role of Conflict in Change Management Conflict comprises wide-ranging emotional reactions to incompatible or divergent views or needs. It results from misunderstandings or a difference of opinion, professional values, or beliefs, which, if not managed well, degenerate into a dreadlock or inaction. Conflict in nursing roles originates from intra-group...

Bedtime Insulin Supplementation and Effects

Research Article The research article selected describes a quantitative study performed to assess the effect of bedtime insulin administration as a supplement in the glycemic management of hospitalized patients (Vellanki et al., 2015). The quantitative approach is appropriate in examining the corrective benefit of insulin administration at bedtime in hospitalized...

DaVita Company Leading Strategic Change

Introduction DaVita is an enterprise specialized in offering dialysis services. It was originally founded and managed by Victor Chaltiel but, after facing severe financial difficulties in 1999, the company offered the CEO position to Kent Thiry. Within the following six years, the new leader and his team achieved significant improvements...

Pirandello’s “Six Characters in Search of an Author”

Introduction The play written by Luigi Pirandello in 1921 under the title Six Characters in Search of an Author is an example of a drama that utilizes the method of theatre-in-theatre. The author is a Nobel Prize-winning Italian writer and dramatist. As the title implies, the play concentrates around six...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Importance of Miranda Rights

Introduction As a result of the significant influence of the mass culture of film and television series, most people know the standard phrase that the police use when arresting a suspect. Many young people who are just learning about the law enforcement system in different countries, including the U.S., will...

Hospital-Acquired Infections Prevention and Change

The given paper delves into the problem of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) and the methods that can be used to address this very problem effectively. This aspect is one of the most topical issues of the modern healthcare sector as significant deterioration of outcomes because of HAIs can be observed. That...

Role of Intermediaries Analysis

Discuss the role of intermediaries in Business-to-Business (B2B) In order to provide an answer to this question, it is first of all, necessary to understand what an ‘intermediary’ in a B2B transaction actually does. In real terms he/she could be said to bridge the gap between the buyer and seller,...

Developmentally Appropriate Environment for “Olivia”

The basis for education is empowerment; children and toddlers are also not exempted from this kind of empowerment. This enables them to discover their passion and raise their confidence in everything they do. Professionally trained teachers are made to understand this concept. Empowering toddlers to enjoy learning is critical because...

The Charity Organization in the Electronic Market

Doing Business Via the Internet Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an element that has profoundly affected all aspects of human life in the developed world as well as in developing countries. Business at local and international levels has significantly been affected by this new technological advancement, so much that...

Employment Communication: Informational Interviewing Tutorials

Introduction Informational Interviewing Tutorials are conducted in order to know more about the internal workings of business or not-for-profit organizations in order to collect information that may be useful for the interviewer’s study or employment prospects. “Informational Interviewing is a key strategy for career exploration and for building your network....

Teaching, Scholarship, and Leadership

Being one of the most important aspects of human society, the healthcare sector has experienced numerous changes in the course of its development. Additionally, the last dramatic alterations of the traditional approaches also conditioned the introduction of new practices and tools used to improve the level of performance and attain...

Vital Organs and Medical Practices

The course of human anatomy begins with the definition of the body’s organs and systems that have various functions. All these systems are essential, but some organs are called vital, while others are not vital. This paper aims to name and discuss the purposes of the key vital organs, describe...

Opportunities to Overcome Your Fear

Every person is afraid of something; fears often guide people through life without them realizing it. Some people are fearful of being vulnerable, so they never open up to others. Some people are scared of being let down, so they do everything on their own. Some people are afraid of...

Health Issues Bothering American Society

This paper analyzes important health issues that have been bothering American society lately. As we know, the main functions of public health institutions are assessment, assurance, and policy development. Assurance includes evaluation of the community health issues, providing care, enforcing laws to work with the problems of public health, assuring...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Electronic Health Records Effects

Kranz, A. M., Dalton, S., Damberg, C., & Timbie, J. W. (2018). Using health IT to coordinate care and improve quality in safety-net clinics. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 44(12), 731-740. This journal examines the significance of IT in coordinating care and improving quality in safe-net...

Impact of E-cigarettes on Human Health

Electronic cigarettes were invented as a safer delivery device for nicotine. Scientists have proven that nicotine is not the most harmful substance in smoking. The most harmful process is inhaling tobacco tar, which causes cancer and respiratory diseases. Since the tobacco in electronic cigarettes heats up and does not burn,...

Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection in Nursing Homes

Introduction Geriatric patients residing in assisted living facilities require a lot of medical attention and care from the nursing staff. As many such residents have serious chronic conditions, they are susceptible to various healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), including catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI). This essay will discuss two qualitative research studies...

Segmentation Targeting and Positioning Approaches

Summary Segmentation targeting and positioning are marketing approaches that are used by marketers towards achieving positive outcomes from a certain market depending on the consumer behavior that is characterized by that market. Before comparing these 3 forms it is important first to identify and define each of them in comparison...

Legal Justification of Operation Geronimo

Operation Geronimo, also known as Operation Neptune Spear, held by the U.S. special forces against the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda in 2011, resulted in the killing of its founder Osama bin Laden. Up to the present day, the legality of this operation still raises numerous questions and debates. The problem is...

Myth “Most People With Amnesia Forget All Details of Their Earlier Lives”

According to myth, the art of memory was born in the 5th century-B.C. when Simonides of Ceos, the Greek poet, after stepping outside came back to a banquet hall that had been raided and demolished (“People with Amnesia Forget All Details of their Earlier Lives,” 2021). When chaos and destructions...

Major Depressive Disorder in a Pakistani Immigrant

Presenting Problem Nadia Qadiri is seeking psychotherapy due to her apparent anxious mood and debilitating headaches. The headaches and anxious mood have increased and become more frequent within the last several months. Nadia’s presenting problems made her body extremely infirm and weak and had no physical medical explanation, which necessitated...

Health Effects of Smoking. Rhinosinusitis Symptoms

Smoking has become common among many people universally, including young adults. For instance, many college students are using tobacco due to peer pressure and lack of information about its dangers. Moreover, smoking a cigarette has become a part of leisure, more so to the youth. Although many young people smoke...

Global Warming: The Importance of Addressing the Climate Crisis

I agree with your statement that global warming has many consequences, and a few of them were listed in National Geographic’s video. Besides, multiple evidence-based scientific discoveries emphasize the importance of addressing the climate crisis urgently. As the population grows globally, industries that serve and feed them enforce production and...

Experiential Learning of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Introduction Studying entrepreneurship in higher education is both practical and theoretical research shows that one must employ experiential knowledge and go through the process called “learning by doing”. To many, it is a new phenomenon in a large field of inquiry that has enhanced new skills and knowledge in innovation...

“Pre-life” of the Name Olivia

Slaves in Algiers Rowson’s play is a reaction to actual events on Barbary Coast, where pirates raided American ships and captured passengers and sailors for ransom. The writer compares Arab culture and American values presenting the latter from a favorable perspective. Her characters are designed to demonstrate American faith in...

Baldwain’s “Sonny’s Blues” vs. Saunders’ “Sticks”

In a family setup, one always encounters situations where the relationship between close relatives becomes emotionally distant. Although parental love is always inherent, children tend to misconstrue their fathers’ reactions toward them. Parents, especially fathers, often try to anchor and remind the rest of their role as the head of...

Goods’ Cost and Factors Influencing It

Introduction The consumption of goods is a complex process that includes many variables influencing it. The customer’s decision towards one or another product differs depending on his or her level of wealth, the increase or decrease of the inflation, and the level of interest rates. All of the mentioned factors...

The Spiritual Goal of the Hindu Philosophy

Hinduism developed from the teachings of different founders due to its diverse traditions and long history. It urges Hindus to worship Brahman, the universal spirit, which permits the existence of a pantheon of various divinities. Theodor and Greenberg suggest that some scholars refer to Hinduism as a henotheistic religion because...

The Influence of the African American Civil Rights Movement on Other Groups

Introduction The concept of human rights and freedoms came to America with the revolutionary movements of the mid-nineteenth century. The civil rights movement is a term that refers to a series of political groups and movements that advocate the equality of citizens before the law. The peak of activity of...

Ethical Issues in Medical Care of Youth

Speaking of the importance of ethical considerations in medical care, it is worth saying that this applies to children and everyone in general. This point must be respected in any possible treatment and taken into account in the diagnosis and the simple communication with the patient. In addition, working with...

The “Haiti and The Dominican Republic” Documentary

Introduction The Caribbean Island of Hispaniola has a unique history as the transitioning point for enslaved people to the American coasts, Spanish colonization, occupation by the French army, and the United States. Today, Haiti and The Dominican Republic share the land, and the difference in their cultural, social, and economic...

Army Leadership Values and Characteristics

The model of leadership qualities assumes leader character – personal values ​​and fighting spirit, attention to people, professional appearance, and proper level of physical training. Roman V. and Roman M. describe the leader as a military leader as a person who combines the physical characteristics of a fighter, emotional stability,...

Psychodynamic vs. Ecological Systems Theoretical Perspective

The psychodynamic theory, otherwise known as psychanalytical theory, describes that humans develop through phases where they encounter different challenges of bodily needs and societal demand standards. The ability to address these challenges as they grow describes a person’s potential to acquire knowledge and interact with other people to control uneasiness....

English Language Learners: Educational Strategies

What It Means by Good Comprehension Instruction Takes Place Before, During, and After Reading Effective or good comprehension instruction means helping students or learners become metacognitive, strategic, and independent readers who can develop, utilize, and control various comprehension strategies to ensure they understand what they read. This objective is achieved...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Monitoring Compliance of IV Pump Integration in a Healthcare Setting

Business Case For this project the focus is monitoring compliance of IV pump integration from old HER to EPIC. In this process the IV pump machines used by hospital is the brand Hospira Infusion smart pumps. They will remove the old drug library and replace with new drug library that...

Ireland’s Education System and Student Performance

Introduction Education is an essential aspect of a person’s development. It allows people to obtain knowledge, various skills, and social identity. Social factors of education include the building of confidence, compassion, and the ability amply to communicate one’s thoughts and feelings. It allows pupils to obtain a wide-encompassing perspective of...

Lamb – the Gospel According to Biff

There are many ways to view religion and interpret various events related to a specific religion. There can be the moments of joy and the moments of sadness, the times when God seems a threatening, powerful and mysterious creature, and the times when God appears a caring and loving Father...

The Role of Conflict Management Plan

The Role of Conflict Management Given the possibility of undesirable influences of conflict on teamwork, it is worthwhile for organizational heads to adopt strategies for the management and resolution of conflict. Coyne et al. (2015) identified the need for health officials to “work and institute norms and guidelines about how...

Pain Assessment in Elderly Adults

The assessment of pain and home environments with the focus on possibilities of falls is important for understanding experiences of older persons and developing appropriate interventions. The purpose of this paper is to provide the results of the interview with an older female regarding her perception of pain. The paper...

“The Young Atheist’s Handbook” by Alom Shaha

Introduction The Young Atheist’s Handbook is an exciting story of one man who decided to stop following the religious path that was dictated by society. The book is a deeply personal account of the author’s journey from religious to non-religious, which includes life experiences and thoughts that question the very...

Obesity Education Plan for Older Adults

Introduction The given paper presents an obesity education plan targeted at adults and older adults who are overweight or obese and, therefore, are at risk of developing various diseases. The proposed project will complete in December 2018. Nowadays, the prevalence of abnormal BMI in both children and adult people can...

GM Company’s Capacity, Scheduling and Location Planning

GM’s use of forecasting and the way it drives the capacity planning strategy Forecasting is necessary for generating the strategy and the plan for carrying it out because it is close to impossible to design the company’s development plan without trying to figure out the future prospects. The company might...

Chronic Kidney Disease: Locating Resources

Introduction There are many national and community resources for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), but I will focus on the three possibly biggest ones. These are the National Kidney Foundation, the American Association of Kidney Patients, and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. These resources...

The Problem of Evil and Suffering

The nature of evil No matter what an optimist a person may be, the surrounding reality is not always the merriest place for living. No matter what religious beliefs an individual has, everyone during his life bears the burden of suffering and faces evil. It is useless to deny the...

Human Trafficking: National and International Challenges

Social workers must respond to any humanitarian crisis domestically and abroad. The international issue of human trafficking and its impact requires the attention of social workers. Many are antagonized by the scope of the issue and feel helpless. However, small actions within a social work organization and community can begin...

Managing Chronic Pain in Primary Care

Introduction The problem of this study is the challenges for nurse practitioners associated with pain management in primary care settings. The topic of pain management and the difficulties associated with it are underexplored. Pain is the primary reason for individuals to seek care providers’ help. Nahin, Boineau, Khalsa, Stussman, and...

Workplace Surveillance and Employee Privacy

Issues in the labour relations case study The matter presented by the management of Harding Space, Inc concerns the subject of employees’ privacy at the workplace. This topic falls under employee privacy Act. In the recent, issues related to working environment privacy and how companies address this topic has brought...

Moral Intelligence and Leadership Success

Introduction The role of leadership has become quite broad in the contemporary business environment. At present, they not only perform planning, motivate employees, and execute control but also set moral and ethical guidelines on the organizational level. The book by Lennick and Kiel examines the domain of moral intelligence as...

Clinx Clinic’s Organizational Structure and Staffing

Organizational structure refers to established formal relationships among various units of an organization. The purpose is to ensure that organizations get their work done. This is made possible by having some subdivisions in form of division of labor, which bring coherence within the whole organization. In the structure, each job...

Maori Culture Throughout History

Introduction New Zealand’s Maoris are the indigenous people that originated from Eastern Polynesia and inhabited the archipelago in waves from 1250 through 1300 AD. The relationships between the indigenous Maori and the European settlers have always been turbulent and complicated. To this day, there is still a certain tension that...

The Concept of Orem’s Theory of Self-Care Deficit

Meaning The main idea behind Orem’s theory is that the vast majority of the patients desire to be able to care for oneself and the individual members of one’s family. Some of the major assumptions behind the theory are as follows (Alligood, 2017): Every patient is a distinct individual with...

Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences

Introduction A hereditary predisposition, unhealthy lifestyle habits, and a lack of overall physical-wellness education are factors that lead to developing otherwise preventable conditions, of which obesity is one of the most popular. Through analyzing a family’s genetic history, the danger of becoming overweight was identified as one of the most...

Portable Oil Wells: Author`s Trip to Fallujah

As I walk down the street of Fallujah I look at the faces of people I see death lurking in their eyes, I see hopelessness in the eyes of people I see people trying to flee all of them displaying a vacant image. They don’t know whether they will live...

Amphetamine Intoxication and Interventions

Introduction Nowadays, the use of various psychoactive drugs and stimulants is illicit in the majority of countries. It is well known today that such synthetic and semisynthetic psychoactive substances as cocaine and heroin have multiple side effects and lead to addiction. Nevertheless, less than a century ago, they were commercialized...

“Suddenly, Last Summer” by Tennessee Williams

Individual versus society is probably the oldest theme employed by writers, playwrights, and film producers to demonstrate a difference one might make by their positive or negative deeds. In “Suddenly, Last Summer,” Tennessee Williams shows homosexuality as the central point of the conflict between the characters and makes broader implications,...

Short Story Analysis: Sleepy by Anton Chekhov

Introduction Anton Chekhov’s “Sleepy”, was published in 1888. The author in his story describes in-depth how one feels when one is deprived of a need- a necessity. In this case, the need is nothing but the most basic necessity- sleep. Right from “half-open eyes”, and “her half slumbering brain”, to...

Observation of an Orange

Introduction Observing an orange can be one of the most difficult yet enjoyable tasks that any person can ever undertake. There are so many factors to consider, and so many different methods of natural thought. An orange can be an expression and it is on the observer to realize this...

Program Planning Models for Adult

Introduction Let us start by saying, that planning on the whole and planning educational process in particular is a very complex thing due to a number of reasons that are characteristic for this type of activity. It must be mentioned that the context of planning and social factors connected with...

Sir Sidney Poitier’s Work Review

Making the audience fully believe in the reality of the character is the fundamental objective of an actor/actress. Truthfulness, sincerity, and naturalness coupled with an insight into human nature, intelligence, and a sense of imagination constitute the nucleus of an actor’s craft/creed. Acclaimed actor Sir Sidney Poitier epitomizes these attributes...

Communication Processes in “Le Jaguar” Movie

Introduction Communication skills are the most important skills in our everyday life. Nevertheless, all the communication difficulties originate because of the inability to understand the motifs and intentions of the collocutor. Hence, people need to analyze the communication process in general. This paper aims to provide a detailed analysis of...

Correlation Between Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is a way of solving indifference. The process of resolving conflicts involves processes such as negotiating on the conflict, mediation between the two parties in dispute, and diplomacy. For conflict resolution to be successful there must be clear communication between the two parties. Solving the problem is also...

Consumer Buying Behaviour and Advertising in UK

For consumers to make a purchase, they go through a decision making process which requires them to recognise their needs followed by searching for information that will influence their purchase. They then go through the other available alternatives which are vital in the choice they will make and finally settle...

Effects of Smoking on Your Health

Identification The Findings Smoking causes an increased risk of respiratory infections; Smoking results in decreasing bone density; Smoking severely compromises blood vessels’ functions; Smoking causes severe damage to the lungs; Smoking has a probability of causing cancer. The modifiable risk factor chosen for this paper is smoking. Although most of...

The European Expansion and Chinese Dynasties

The partition of Africa by Europe and its impacts Africa was the last continent to be colonized in the world. This was because of the frequent emergence of diseases such as malaria in great parts of it. However, due to its high fertility content, the Europeans reconsidered it and advanced...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases in the Case of Mrs. J

Smoking harms the heart and blood circulation, heightens the risk of coronary artery disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, and cerebrovascular disease (damaged arteries that supply blood to the brain) (Fowler & Landry, 2019). In Mrs. J’s case, the disease history shows that her condition is related to the unhealthy lifestyle...

Google Chrome OS Description

Introduction Chrome OS refers to a Google-designed, open-source operating system based on Gentoo Linux. The aforementioned technology is derived from the Chromium OS–free software. It also utilizes the Google Chrome browser as its primary or main user interface (Hachman, 2019). Chrome OS stores user data/information and applications in the cloud,...

Metabolism and Energy: Cellular Organisms Adaptive Features

Introduction All Chemical reactions, reproduction processes, cellular functioning, and general body development require energy for proper functioning. Deficiency in energy supply to body parts leads to death in all living organisms. Photosynthetic organisms utilize the sun as their main source of energy, through the conversion of solar energy to chemical...

Change Agent for Breonna Taylor’s Case

Introduction If I was an executive investigator of the Police Integrity Unit (PIU) working Taylor’s case, I would focus on ensuring the transparency of the investigation and punishment for the involved officers. Firstly, enacting fair legal proceedings for the officers in Taylor’s case and redefining the criteria of racial injustice...

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal: Seattle Primary Community Clinic

The setting for this project is a primary community clinic situated in Seattle. It serves the most part of the population living in this urban area and is visited by many patients seeking primary care for their chronic conditions. The clinic’s personnel have noticed that older patients’ non-adherence often stems...

The Nordic Countries: Cultural Values

What is your first association with Scandinavia? The earliest thing that comes to mind is that everyone must be cold; however, very few people are educated in this region’s cultural values. The Nordic region countries include Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden and are often associated with utopian life. These...

Master’s Education for American Nurses

Nursing is a complicated field of study covering various healthcare-related issues. Due to the complexity of the discipline, it is necessary to define the main principles of education in nursing and identify its major directions. While baccalaureate studies are aimed at providing students with basic skills and knowledge, graduate education...

Poems by Gilbert K. Chesterton and M. Oliver Analysis

Introduction Poetry can take many forms and use a variety of rhyme types and literary devices. Despite the diversity of forms, poems have one thing in common: they elicit deep feelings from people’s souls and make readers reflect on important philosophical questions. This essay will discuss two pieces of poetry:...

Universal Healthcare for Chronic Respiratory Diseases from Economic Perspective

Introduction Universal healthcare is already adopted in several countries, and their economic system is adjusted to effectively provide free medical care. Switching to it from any other plan is a complicated procedure regarding all the diseases and injuries. Most of the general measures and results will apply to the current...

Freedom of the Media: The Near v. Minnesota 1931 Case

Introduction Free media are designed to ensure that the government provides information to its citizens in the United States, and citizens can control the government. The U.S. press offers a wide field of expression, limiting government action by law and representing a wide variety of ideas. The highest institution in...

Legacy of the Family. “Snow Falling on Cedars” Movie

Introduction Culture is the cognitive constructs and the shared patterns that identify a particular group of people (Egede, 2006). Culture transcends the material objects and the tangible aspects of human societies. It forms the basis of ethnic differences and practices. The following paper is an assessment of family culture and...

Hypertensive Patients in Evidence-Based Practice

Research Support In the PICOT question for this project, the constituent parts are as follows: P – patients aged 50 years and older; I – the adherence to antihypertension drugs; C – inconsistency or nonadherence to antihypertension drugs; O – decrease in hypertension; T – when done over six months....

The Depiction of Culture in Alfonso Cuarón’s “Roma”

Introduction Roma is a 2018 film directed by Alfonso Cuarón, who based the story upon his childhood memories. The semi-autobiographical narrative focuses on Cleo, a servant woman working for a middle-class family, whose character is inspired by Cuarón’s caregiver. The movie is set in the 1970s in the neighborhood of...

Honig Verses DOE Case Analysis

Introduction Honig versus Doe case was a milestone case argued in California courts during the year 1987 and decided in the year 1988. After the final court ruling, the rights of the mentally challenged students regarding school disciplinary actions were enhanced. Throughout the 1970s, several disabilities related laws were presented...

Hate Crime: History and Prevalence in the US

The American Psychological Association defines hate crime as a legal offense against an individual or property instigated in whole or part by the bias of the offender against the minority. The victims may be targeted due to disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or gender. Hate purveyors use arson,...

Racialized Rhetoric: Domestic Violence and Muslim Community

The issues even overtly close to the Muslim community are regarded as highly controversial. Europe and the United States are still searching for the right balance between religious tolerance and the need to address human rights violations. The topic of forced marriages is one of the most highly publicized. After...

Management of Mammalian Bites in Emergency Setting

Introduction Nowadays, animal bites are common (Rothe, Tsokos, & Handrick, 2015). Consequently, treating them promptly is essential, as, otherwise, it may lead to health complications. The primary goal of this paper is to describe the initial treatment, determine the most effective choices of antibiotics, and define follow-up care. In the...

Why Businesses Should Embrace Remote Work?

Why Businesses Should Embrace Remote Work Transition to remote work has been a business trend even before COVID-19, but the pandemic forced organizations to adopt this employment type more rapidly and extensively. The study conducted by Felstead and Henseke (2017) shows that the percentage of people working mainly remotely rose...

“Christianity and the Creed of Postmodernism” by Diogenes Allen

The article by Diogenes Allen, “Christianity and the Creed of Postmodernism”, examines the intellectual positions on the end of the world. According to Allen (1993), there are grouped views referred to as postmodern that claim the modern universe’s end. The end of the world is considered important since it was...

Initiating Tourism Recovery: New Approach to COVID-19 Travel

Specific Purpose: To persuade my listeners that novel traveling measures are required to alleviate the impact of COVID-19 on world tourism. Central Idea: Supplementary policies are needed to improve the economic state of the world countries and elevate the interest in international travel. Introduction Attention Getter: The consequences of COVID-19...

Symbolism and Character Motivation in Glaspell’s “Trifles”

Introduction Trifles is a short play composed by Susan Glaspell and revolves around the killing of John Wright and the murder apprehension of his wife, Mrs. Minnie Wright. Despite being written more than a hundred years ago, its primary subject, the difference in the perspective between males and females, is...

Persian, Roman, Mongol, and Inca Empires

In ancient times various political and socio-economic systems of the empires either contributed to their power and success or eventually led to the catastrophic downfall of the nation due to flaws in the system. Such empires as Persian, Roman, Mongol, and Inca are among the most prominent empires of all...

Meaning, Illusion, or Reality: Philosophical Puzzle

Summary Philosophy as science often questions topics that the average person does not consider. The purpose of this approach is to identify such categories as meaning, illusion, or reality. One of the riddles to solve the problem is, “If a tree falls in the forest and there’s no one around...

Air Defense Artillery in World War II

The history of Air Defense Artillery (ADA) as an independent branch of the United States Army started on the 20th of June 1968. Before that, ADA had been part of the United States Army Coast Artillery Corps (CAC) and the Army’s Field Artillery Branch (FAB). ADA was part of CAC...

Increase in ADHD Diagnoses

Introduction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is among the world’s most common neurodevelopmental disorders. In this context, substantial growing trends in the frequency of ADHD diagnosis and treatment cases were registered across the globe. For its main reasons, the research includes a different approach to its diagnosis previously and nowadays,...

Haitian Compas Music and Its Crossover Crisis

Introduction The culture of Haiti is a unique mixture of old traditions and new influences, coming together to create a complex and distinct national image. Haitian music has been affected by individuals who lived on the Caribbean Island before the colonization. It is comprised of a broad scope of influences...

Homelessness in Western Australia

Homelessness is a concern that has received widespread attention in Australia’s social justice framework. Individuals frequently are forced to find alternative, safe homes for various social reasons, and occasionally, this need to move may lead to homelessness. Human services providers and public housing are difficult to access for those suffering...

Christian Education in American Schools

Introduction Education in many parts of the world, including the United States, began in Christian centers. However, today, Christian education in America is in crisis. In more than three centuries of the existence of Christian education in America, the sector is experiencing difficult circumstances that threaten to end it. 1The...

Escherichia Coli: Analysis and Intervention Measures

Introduction The growing number of infectious diseases in the United States and the world is a consequence of man’s lifestyle choices. Bacteria-resistant strains make these infections increasingly deadly, making them global health risks. Escherichia Coli is a prime example of a bacterial infection whose prevalence and continued impact on society...

Leadership and Managerial Styles

Introduction In the context of the assignment, three teams with different approaches to management were considered: autocratic, permissive, and democratic styles. The management style directly affects the development of employees, the success of the organization, and the retention of specialists. Wrong leadership pattern demotivates employees, reduces their efficiency, and productivity...

The Red Bull Firm’s Pricing Strategy Analysis

Pricing Strategy in Relation to Competition Red Bull’s pricing strategy is to demand a high cost for their goods. This is due to the fact that Red Bull’s product is thought to be of superior quality than those of its rivals. Red Bull also has a highly strong brand, which...

Nursing: The Importance of Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction A 52-year-old patient visited the emergency department of a hospital complaining of blurred vision and numbness in their hand. They were diagnosed by Nurse A with a transient ischemic attack and their symptoms quickly resolved (Nurse Case Study, n.d.,). However, a later examination by another nurse, B, revealed slurred...

Understanding Childhood Stress: Research on Social Integration

More than 25% of youths in America experience a severe traumatic event before their 16th birthday, and many more suffer repeated or multiple trauma (Lecarie et al., 2022). According to The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), the leading causes of trauma develop from child abuse, neglect, physical injuries, accidents...

Substance-Related Disorders: Opiates and Alcohol

Subjective: CC (chief complaint): Scared of going to rehab. HPI: L. T., a 33-year-old female patient admitted to a detox facility in Naples, FL, wants to discuss the possibility of going to a rehabilitation center. Past Psychiatric History: General Statement: Alert, oriented in time and space, reluctant to communicate. Caregivers...

Benefits of Being and Staying Positive

The secret of character and leadership It is commonplace that character forms the basis on which all pertinent decisions that influence leadership can be made. It should also be noted that a leader’s behavior is the best indicator of his or her character. As a result, scholars have argued that...

Construction of the America’s Great Wall

Introduction The Great Wall of America is made up of a metal structure that is 2000 miles long. It is a physical barrier between Mexico and the United States of America. In the 1990s, the number of immigrants crossing the border to the USA was very high. The situation led...

Evidence and Practice: Pressure Ulcer Management

The present paper considers the process of translating evidence into practice, using the example of the implementation of pressure ulcer management practices, which are based on high- and moderate-quality evidence. It is suggested that the engagement of the staff is crucial for the successful implementation of the practice. It is...

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing

Abstract Master’s education for nursing students is guided by the Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing that also prepare them for the doctoral level, flexible leadership, and changing systems. They determine what is expected from the learners as they accomplish Master’s nursing programs. Introduction Master’s education is critical for future...

Auditing and Metrics in Process Safety Management

Characteristics of effective metrics Effective metrics have four key characteristics. They are (De Waal, 2013): Easily measurable and calibrated. A good metric should be easy to measure and give the same results in the same conditions regardless of the person recording it. Correlated to the current business performance and predictive...

Hiring Male Nurses: Evidence-Based Practice

Challenges during the evidence-based capstone project To acquire the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), one must be comfortable and experienced in researching topics. Indeed, evidence-based research is hard to overestimate, as it is the primary source of reducing unnecessary risks...

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Proper Education Through Music for Youth for HIV, AID Prevention

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“Discourse on Method” by Rene Descartes

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The Declaration of Independence

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“A Supermarket in California” by Allen Ginsberg

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Racial Discrimination as a Public Problem

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Early Childhood Development in “Born to Learn” Video

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Women Have the Right to Decide the Abortion

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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

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Gun Violence: Solutions to the Issue

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Analysis of Problem-Oriented Policing and Community-Oriented Policing

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Interpersonal Relationships and Conflict in “Malcolm & Marie” Film

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Theoretical Approach to ADHD: Case Study Analysis

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Mental Health Issues in Uganda

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The Technology of Human Gene Editing

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Women in Business and Gender Diversity Policy

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“When Leaves Turned Red”

The story begins in Ancient Greece, in the times of Gods and Heroes. It starts in a small town at the edge of the country. People here grow olives, catch fish, and hunt deer to sell their produce to bigger cities. Here the main heroine Chrosta lives on her tiny...

Economic Impact of Opioid Epidemic in Virginia

The opioid epidemic has been a problem in the United States for years, and the situation in some states is only getting worse. In particular, Virginia has seen a steady increase in the number of opioid overdose cases and deaths associated with it (Virginia Department of Health, 2021b). The situation...

The Song “I Shot the Sheriff” by Bob Marley

Analysis Bob Marley released the song “I Shot the Sheriff” in 1973 for The Wailers’ album Burnin’. The song’s story is told from the narrator’s point of view and is filled with a catchy yet mellow rhythm. The narrator confesses to killing the sheriff in self-defense but vehemently denies having...