The “Factory Girl” Film Review

“Factory Girl” is a 2006 film about the complicated relationship between 1960s fashion diva Edie Sedgwick and iconic American artist Andy Warhol. The liberated and free atmosphere in which the characters of the film live, however, is also shown as superficial, insubstantial, and potentially dangerous. Throughout the film, Edie gradually...

Principle of Utility and Golden Rule of Jesus

Principle of Utility The principle of utility represents behaviors or actions that are either approved or discredited as per the degree of their benefit. It is one of the major theological principles related to hedonism. The author John Stuart Mill developed this phenomenon back in the 19th century, in the...

Kate Chopin’s “The Storm” vs. “The Story of An Hour”

Introduction “The Storm” and “Story of an Hour”, both written by Kate Chopin, bring out aspects of oppression, imprisonment, and struggle for freedom experienced by women in the nineteenth century. Women have always been portrayed as having weaker personalities and being emotionally fragile. On top of that, a patriarchal society...

Human Resource Management: The Importance for Business

In the article “Human resource management systems, employee well‐being, and firm performance from the mutual gains and critical perspectives,” the authors explore the influence of different HRM systems on employees and companies. They tested two main theories connecting HRM and performance to understand which party benefits from HRM practices more...

Governmental Organizations: Value for Money Audits and Performance Audits

Introduction In recent years, there has been a growing demand on the part of society for the audit of state organizations and departments, including the assessment of the effectiveness of state bodies and the misuse of budgetary funds. It is necessary to find balanced accounting and auditing methods to meet...

The Role of Ethnic Identity in Recreational Opportunities

With the recent wave of White migration in the U.S. from suburbs to Metropolitan areas, concerns arise about the social repercussions, specifically in the recreational aspect such inflow into previously majority-non-White stigmatized communities could entail. Following the history of divestiture in Chicago’s predominantly Hispanic neighborhoods, particularly Humboldt Park, exacerbated by...

Acquisition of Innovative Solutions by Multinational Enterprise

Introduction A small IT startup called Innovative Solutions (INOS) was acquired by a multinational enterprise (MNE). The cultural attributes of two companies are drastically different, which requires efforts on cultural assimilation to integrate INOS into the structure of MNE. The smaller company has horizontal, relaxed, non-hierarchical, and innovation-focused organizational culture,...

Fathers and Sons in “The Odyssey” by Homer

From the mythological perspective, the relationship between father and son, as in any mythological motif, is fundamentally ambivalent. On the one hand, in the traditional picture of the world, every son is perceived as a kind of continuation or alter ego of the father; on the other hand, a mythological...

Public Health: Person-Centered Therapy Practices

Introduction This paper aims to create a comprehensive care plan using the SBAR model for a client who has experienced multiple health, poverty, and social challenges. It assesses the client’s situation and also develops a plan and recommendations on how to move forward in caring for the patient. In addition,...

Ethical Principles in Accounting in Small Business

The given case study focuses on a scenario where a controller of a small clothing manufacturing business discovers an error in the physical counts of ending inventories. This could potentially impact the financial statements and consequently affect the profit sharing plans of the company’s key management employees (Voss, 2018). To...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Business Ethics and Dilemmas in the Film ‘Michael Clayton’

A Critique of the Dilemmas Presented The movie “Michael Clayton” addresses a wide range of ethical issues faced by corporations and advocates. The movie highlights how situational factors, corporate cultures, and professional business environment can be viewed from different perspectives. It offers an optimistic account of the moral resources that...

The Significance of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

Synopsis Purpose of the Study The study carried out by Prior, Wilkinson, and Neville (2010) was aimed at assessing the attitude of nurses to the concept of evidence-based practice (EBP), their understanding thereof, and the adequacy of their EBP skills and their application to a specific case. Data Contribution Participants...

Nursing’s Educational Preparation: Associate-Degree Level and Baccalaureate-Degree Level Competencies

The work of a nurse requires specialized education, considering the level of responsibility essential for health care system. Therefore, the need for the workforce having a quality education is rather high in modern hospitals and other facilities of such nature. Taking into consideration the peculiarities of associate-degree nursing and baccalaureate-degree...

Diabetes in American Adolescents and Its Effects

Introduction: Background of study Problem The problem of rising cases of diabetes among adolescents has raised concerns within the healthcare sector, in terms of the cost of managing the diseases and its impacts of the health of the young adults. In fact, recent statistics suggests that about 4% of teenagers...

Early vs. Delayed Palliative Care Management

Key Information: Authors and Topic Alleviating pain in patients with oncology issues is one of the crucial tasks faced by nurses in the modern healthcare setting (Paice et al., 2016). In their study, Bakitas et al. (2015) compare early and delayed palliative care management techniques. Primary quantitative analysis was conducted...

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in History and Art

Historical influences and inspirations of the grand mosque The mosque is named after Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the first president of the United Arab Emirates. Born in 1918, Sheikh Zayed was the Emir of Abu Dhabi and is known for his contributions towards the social and economic development...

Affordable Housing Programs in “Poverty in America”

Introduction The documentary that was chosen for the reaction paper is called “Poverty in America”; the movie was filmed in 2017, and it aims to analyze the real situation with affordable housing programs in the United States (“Poverty in America Documentary 2017”). As for the main points of the documentary,...

Diseases in the Elderly Population

Introduction Over the recent years, there has been a significant increase of incidence rates for various diseases in the elderly population (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease: APC = 3.96%, 95% CI = 2.67, 5.26%; renal disease: APC = 8.56%, 95% CI = 7.62, 9.50%; melanoma: APC = 6.15%, 95% CI = 4.31,...

Elderly Fall Prevention Program Development

Introduction It is projected that one-third of the elderly people aged above 65 and more than half of those aged over 80 years experience at least one fall each year. According to Smith-Ray, Irmiter, and Boulter (2016), falls among the elderly increase with age. At the age of 75 years,...

Leadership Styles Analysis and Comparison

Introduction Leadership is one of the most important strategies used in achieving high performances and effective operations within a corporate organization. This implies that the success of an organization is greatly dependent on the kind of leadership it has (Agard, 2010). Leadership styles of the leader’s A, B, and C...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Parenthood as a Cause of Social Status Change

Introduction The development of a personality is greatly influenced by different events. The most significant experiences have the most impact on socialization because they cause the change in social statuses and roles. These experiences include education, employment, parenthood, etc. A person can experience role conflicts that finally shape his or...

Pacifism in the United States

Introduction Anti-militarism is a doctrine and political movement against militarism. Many socialists, libertarians, social liberals, and environmental activists profess anti-militarist ideology. Anti-militarism should not be confused with pacifism, which rejects any violence (Brock 27). Anti-militarism recognizes the right to self-defense, both individual and class, but opposes the monopoly of the...

Subaru Brand in Europe

The best-matched lifestage group is The Cosmopolitans: Upscale Younger Family Mix which belongs to the urban uptown social group and the midlife success lifestyle group. This group can be predominately found in major metropolitan areas and regions known for high economic success. There is a significant number present of this...

Impact of Influencers on American Society

Social media life has become a vivid and an essential part of everyday experience. Many people have their accounts on several networks and platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, to name a few. This stream has produced people who make their social media activity to be their occupation and main...

Color-Blind Racism as a New Face of Racism in Contemporary Society

Introduction The color-blind perspective of race is widely believed to be the new face of racism in contemporary society. People who adhere to the tenets of this ideology usually claim that they do not see race and that racism is not a significant problem in society anymore. While these claims...

The Moral Status of the Human Fetus

Introduction In the modern world, there are two popular opinions concerning the appropriateness of abortions. Crudely speaking, some people are convinced that pregnancies should always be controlled by women, whereas others tend to equate abortions with crimes. However, apart from these extremities, there is a number of intermediate positions that...

Critical Review of Voltaire Candide and Related Texts

Introduction The book that has been taken into consideration is a marvelous as well as an imperative chronological work in literature. Voltaire was a Renaissance Christian humanist who took part in the growth of the Enlightenment. First of all, the composition of his narrative Candide is Homeric, it is of...

Domestic Violence – A Grave Societal Concern

”I’m not doing anything wrong. If I am, I won’t get caught. If I get caught, I can talk my way out of it. If they “nail” me, I’ll get off light.” (Leigh). The following lines echo researcher/ psychologist Lenore Walker who shares the four most common believes of batterers...

Apple Computer, Inc.: Strategic Management

Introduction Strategic management aims at identifying best growth opportunities and creates defenses against threats to its competitive position and future performance. An analysis of the internal and external environment of an organization is very important for strategic management. The internal environment factors of the firm include its Strength(S) and Weakness...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Crevecoeur’s “Immersion Journalism” and Humes’ “What Is an American”

This essay will analyze the article by J. Hector St. John Crevecoeur, “Immersion Journalism,” and the article by Edward Humes, “What is an American.” The common theme of these essays is implicit and implied. Both authors describe different topics and issues but construct their works on the opposition between the...

Visiting Lower East Side Museum

Introduction The lower east side museum is located on orchard street in New York City. Lower east side museum offers a great opportunity to visit the New York City tenement. Apart from this, the museum is the New York City tenement building. The museum offers a chance for visitors to...

Analysis of the Trend of Electronic Commerce

Outline This paper is an integration of the entire week’s activities. The paper briefly analyses the activities done in the week. Two topics were discussed in the week, namely the future trends of e-commerce and how to make an online business successful. And also the paper explains how these discussions...

The Laws of Medieval Japan

Medieval Japan came under a new system of government after the Taika reform edicts. All of the provinces were unified under the central, imperial government, and the emperor, who ruled by the dictates of the Heavens, was the central figure of this government. In the unification of Japan, the main...

Images and Messages Patterns About Gender Given by Advertisers in Mass Media

Introduction There is a need to appreciate the fact that in advertising, we cannot escape from media stereotypes. In the mass media industry, stereotypes are regarded as more of codes whose role is to award audiences a common and quick understanding of the available information. However, the use of gender...

Racism in Margaret Laurence`s Story ” The Loons”

Introduction Margaret Lawrence is one of the most acclaimed Canadian writers of the twentieth century. Born in Neepawa, Manitoba, her stories mainly portray the theme of strong women in a male-dominated world. The local life, native people in her land and her life experiences reflect on most of her stories....

Myths and Theories of Aging

Myths and theories about aging compile a big part of understanding the processes of aging. Throughout the history of science, there were different studies on interpreting the results of aging, its prevention, and consequences. However, most of the Earth’s population does not go as far as to research the topic,...

Psychological and Sociological Aspects of the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Introduction The school-to-prison pipeline is a tendency in which children are punished for minor disciplinary infractions by being placed into the criminal justice system. Notably, this system appears to be targeted against students of color. The reason why the school-to-prison pipeline exists is zero-tolerance disciplinary policies within schools that automatically...

The Views on HPV Vaccination in Sweeden

Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes an infection, which is also linked to a risk of developing a variety of cancers, and one way to prevent the harmful effects of HPV is vaccination. However, the practice of vaccination has faced a lot of pushback from people concerned with the safety of the...

Major Third-party Payers to Healthcare Providers

In the USA, healthcare services are partially or fully reimbursed by insurance carriers referred to as third-party payers (Fordney, 2015). Third-party payers that include private and public organizations reimburse healthcare services to healthcare providers such as hospitals, nurses, physicians, pharmacists, and other professionals providing care. The major third-party providers in...

Understanding the Yield Curve: Definition and Analysis

The yield curve is one of the most important concepts used by economists and fixed income analysts when it comes to analyzing bonds, getting a good grasp of conditions in the financial markets, and weeing out trading possibilities. It is basically the relationship expressed on a graph between the interest...

Education for Gifted and Disabled Children

Every child has a right to education, and schools worldwide provide this need. However, disabled and gifted children are not adequately catered for in the regular school setup because they are the minority. Society fails to accept remarkable mental abilities as a gift and maintains ambivalence towards intellectuals. Children who...

The Trauma of Enduring Racism and Ethnic Hatred: They Called Us Enemy

In the graphic novel They Called Us Enemy, George Takei provides his memoir after the presidential proclamation ordering all people of Japanese origin to be relocated to isolated camps. The title of the book and its cover page sums the struggles illustrated inside. The image of a policeman holding a...

Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dalí: Contrastive Analysis

It happened that two of the most prominent artist names in the history of the fine art of the 20th century belong to Spain, and these names are Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali. Calling the names of these two artists side by side, people tend to oppose them, which is...

Skull Evolution in the Rhinocerotidae: Phylogeny of Early Rhinocerotoids

My favorite taxon is rhinoceros. Modern rhinos, represented by a one-horned Indian rhinoceros with a pointed upper lip and a two-horned African rhino with a wide rectangular mouth, are pitiful remnants of a rich in species group of mammals. Many skeletons, bones, and teeth left from their predecessors in the...

Managing Dengue Disorder in the Middle East

Introduction The World Health Organization (2009) regards dengue haemorrhagic as well as dengue fever as critical arthropod borne viral disorder. Annually, there are about half a million individuals who are admitted to hospitals because of the disorder and 50 million new cases of dengue infections. In the Middle East, the...

Battle in Seattle: Critical Writing

Introduction To make significant changes working in well-organized social groups is essential as it gives the vigor and teamwork needed to motivate the proper agencies to make the necessary adjustments. Usually, social movements emanate when there is evidence of systematic inequality between the governance and the people. Produced by Aloe...

Challenges in Studying Seniors’ Sexuality

Introduction Diverse and complex issues of seniors’ sexuality include homosexuality, the attitude of general practitioners and social service workers to the issue, peculiarities of sexuality issues in terms of gender and different countries. Seniors’ sexuality is a challenging and provoking subject to study and practice but crucial. Personal Growth Reflection...

“Freaks, Geeks and Cool Kids” by Murray Milner Jr. Review

Freaks, Geeks and Cool Kids, a research book that sociologist Murray Milner Jr. wrote, describes and explains the status-based relationships between teenagers. The book’s main purpose is to elucidate all aspects of status relationships and describe tools that can be used for further investigations. According to the author, “the book...

Panic Disorder: Causes, Signs, Symptoms, and Treatments

Panic disorder is a condition where one experiences repeated unanticipated panic attacks. People who have the disorder stay in fear of experiencing panic attacks. One may have a panic attack when they experience sudden, overwhelming fright with no definite cause. A panic attack’s physical symptoms include sweating, having difficulty in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Relation of Advertising and Ethics

Today, advertising is an essential part of our society’s business development. Advertisements of goods and services are constantly offered through personal devices and street billboards. To ensure stable growth, the company needs to perform the advertising programs of products it offers. People, responsible for the advertisements creation, focus on promoting...

Theme in “Miss Brill” Story by Katherine Mansfield

Introduction Modern societies face numerous challenges which affect the lives of people and, at times, significantly hinder their well-being and mental state. Isolation is among the main pressing issues encountered by individuals nowadays, and some experts state there is even a loneliness epidemic taking place (Klinenberg). The story “Miss Brill”...

September 11, 2001: Understanding the Present Through the Past

Introduction The events of the past live on in everyone’s memories. People often think about them, try to evaluate them, and draw valuable lessons. It is necessary to know a biography to understand a person; it is vital to know the history to understand a country. And to understand the...

Jaws by Steven Spielberg Review

Jaws the film is a classic; it is one of the most famous and influential films in western cinematic history. It was released in 1975 by Universal Pictures and gathered worldwide fame and influence, both in positive and negative lights. While some may consider it outdated in mechanics, stylistic choices,...

Abraham in the Old Testament and Early Judaism

Introduction Abraham was born in Ur, Mesopotamia, at the start of the second millennium. His father, Terah, raised Abraham when Mesopotamia was a highly developed ancient world. Before his calling, Abraham was known as Abram, and he was an idol worshipper. God appeared to Abraham and commanded him to move...

Future of Terrorism and Emergency Management

Today terrorism has become a serious threat to the security of the entire world and regional communities. It is expressed in the commission of explosions, arsons, or other actions which create the threat of death of people, causing significant property damage or the onset of other socially dangerous consequences, if...

Street Chargers Setup in Russia

The success of introducing any product to the market depends on numerous internal and external factors, which must be studied in detail. One of the most influential of them is the country of business, and Russia can be suggested as a convenient option for the project. According to the statistics,...

The Marijuana Use Effects on the Human Brain

Marijuana is one of the most controversial psychotropic drugs, the benefits or harms of which have been debated for many years. Marijuana is currently legalized in several countries around the world, with some allowing its use only for medical purposes and others banning all types of drugs altogether. It is...

Reducing Domestic Violence: Family Law

Introduction Domestic violence is a debilitating behavior and a significant public health problem that affects both men and women. Although the latter group is impacted disproportionately, domestic abuse can occur in any relationship regardless of the age, marital, social, or economic status of the partners. It can also happen between...

Children’s Book Rationale Discussion

Introduction The worth of children’s literature cannot be ignored in modern education for several reasons. First, this activity allows teachers to understand how to introduce new information to young readers and involve them in a learning process. Second, children use books to increase their language and cognitive development for problem-solving...

The Cell: Types, Characteristics, and Structure

Introduction The cell is one of the most important topics that form the basic pillars of microbiology. The latter involves the scientific study of the functions and properties of all living organisms that are too small to be seen with the unaided eye (Zeng, 2022). Archaea, bacteria, viruses, fungi, phages,...

Chaos vs. Nova Great Math Mystery Documentaries

Introduction Documentaries are nonfictional films or records that document reality. Documentaries’ principal purposes are to educate audiences, preserve historical documents, or provide viewers with instructions. Some of the fundamental parts of a documentary are subjects, objectives, production techniques and processes and the type of experience they impart to the spectator....

Phlebotomy Practices in Paediatric Care

Pediatrics is an intricate sector of healthcare that requires significant care for children as the most vulnerable group globally. Accordingly, challenges in pediatric care are experienced in phlebotomy, a medical connotation for drawing blood specimens from patients (Thompso, 2018). Piazza et al. (2019) provided that invasive procedures could induce psychological...

Electricity vs. Solar Energy Compared and Contrasted

Introduction Currently, all people have become dependent on electricity, with the majority of electrical appliances operating on electric power for both commercial and residential environments. Solar energy has become a favorable alternative to energy with increasing popularity because of its ability to reduce costs and be environmentally friendly. Advancement in...

Theoretical Analysis of Criminal Behavior

The Beltway Snipers were responsible for a string of synchronized shootings that occurred over the course of three weeks in the month of October 2002 in the states of Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. It was first thought that these shootings were connected to a white van or...

Obama’s Legal Authority Regarding Operation Geronimo

Introduction Geronimo or Neptune’s Spear is an operation authorized by Barack Obama and carried out on May 2, 2011, by a particular unit of DEVGRU to eliminate Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda terrorist organization. After that, Barack Obama delivered a speech that caused an international outcry. Most approved of the results...

Healing Touch in Clinical Practice

Health is one of the important factors that influence all aspects of people’s lives. Every individual desires to lead a healthy life; however, availability and accessibility to care and treatment services determine the levels at which they meet this necessity. Healthcare professionals use varying techniques to manage and treat diverse...

The Incident Command System in Firefighting

Introduction The ICS, Incident Command System, is a management model that incorporates all risk incidences. The ICS concept is regulated in that its users match the varying demands and complexities of different incidences through an amalgamated organization structure without hindrances from jurisdictional restrictions. The ICS integrates various facilities, tools, workforce,...

Special Care Needs and Available Services

Introduction A significant percentage of our population is currently living under some special care due to their needs. The statistics are indeed a profound tragedy and a point of concern for the government and the society as a whole. Analysis of the care needs The care needs of disabled people...

Mohave Community College: Concept-Based Program

Research Product to Be Disseminated The research to be disseminated aims at evaluating the effectiveness of the use of a concept-based program for RN students at Mohave Community College. The major measurement will be the rate of the students who pass NCLEX. The program will be regarded as effective if...

Uber-U Education Technology for Global Connections

Introduction The 21st-century learning setting has been marked by the heightened use of Internet-enabled platforms such as Skype, Twitter, or even Google Hangouts among others that connect people around the globe. Although these learning environments embrace the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) framework whereby tutors deliver contents to learners who...

Honesty and Withholding Information in Nursing

The work of an advanced nurse practitioner presents a complex system of rules and priorities to be followed for the delivery of high-quality services. Healthcare in its historical advancement is such a social institution in which many bioethical ideas were incepted and developed. To solve the problems that confront the...

Conflict Resolution for Nurses and Other Providers

Introduction This paper discusses an argument between a nurse and a physician that appeared because of the patient’s desire to be assessed by the caregiver. It suggests the possible way of its elimination according to the Twelve Skills of conflict resolution. The paper reflects on the actions the involved parties...

Long-Term Investment Decisions and the Role of Government During a Merger

Introduction Typically, there are a number of reasons to undertake a merger. Many times, companies look to increase growth, increase efficiency, and extract very real profit during a period of irrational exuberance. In any case, the government indicates that it will approve a merger, but only on the condition that...

The United States’ Role in the World War I

Introduction Although starting at a local level, WWI quickly embraced the entire world, making nearly every state take sides in the military conflict. The U.S. managed to maintain neutrality for an impressive amount of time, yet even the American government had to define its position toward WWI at some point....

Race as a Social Construction in the US

The characteristics developed by the Census Bureau, whites include persons who belong to any people of Europe, the Near and Middle East, and North Africa by their origin. This category consists of those who, during the survey, identified their race as “white” or identified themselves as Irish, German, Italian, Poles,...

“Renaissance Italy” by Phil Sheppard

The Renaissance was an era of great achievements in science and art that originated in the Italian states of the 15th century and lasted until the 17th century. It symbolized the transition from the Middle Ages to early Modernism, which began with the era of Enlightenment. This paper aims to...

Bulgur Stuffed Acorn Squash Recipe’s Ingredients

Introduction There is a variety of products that can be used in cooking to create delicious and exciting dishes. Not all plants are presented in a meal in their natural appearance; instead, plants are used to create products. This paper will discuss which plant products are added during the cooking...

Nurses’ Compliance with Safe-Handling Practices

Introduction Oncology nurses often handle medications and devices that can be harmful to one’s health. Thus, they should adhere to specific guidelines in order to protect themselves. Colvin, Karius, and Albert (2016) analyze nurses’ compliance with the safe-handling practices outlined by the NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)....

Suburban Population in Miami: Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles

Introduction Each community is in need of well-trained nurses who may assist in promoting health, predicting diseases, and improving the quality of life. The role of a forensic nurse is crucial for different populations as it combines medicine and law (Drake, 2019). This community health nurse may work in hospitals...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Male and Female Attitudes to Housework

Introduction Nowadays, due to the modifying of traditional values of society, many women go to work. However, even though the roles of males and females became different over the years, the issue of housework remains topical. Despite the changes that occurred in gender roles, women have more welcoming attitudes toward...

FIRO-B Assessment for Lesley Love

Abstract When evaluating individual behavior, psychotherapists often do not consider two essential characteristics: behavior towards other people and expectations about other people’s behavior. The purpose of this study was to assess Lesley Love’s individual behavior. The FIRO-B instrument was used as a primary method of assessment. Study results showed that...

The Problems of Severe Traffic

Life today has become far more complex and difficult than it used to be a few years ago, not merely in terms of the dilapidating culture or the inflation of the economy, or the soaring oil prices or the global face of terrorism, but something which affects us daily and...

“One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” by Solzhenitsyn

The novel ‘One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich’ written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn is considered to be a prominent work of Russian literature dedicated to the disclosure of life in Soviet labor camp experienced by the protagonist Ivan Denisovich. It is necessary to underline the fact that the author...

The Cultural Identity of Turkey

The issue of ethnic minorities seems to have played a significant role in the history of the Turkish Republic. Amy Mills characterizes the Turkish nation as ethnically Turkish and religiously Muslim while mentioning many minorities that play a significant role in defining the identity of Turkey. According to Mills, even...

Children’s Appearance and Attitude of Adults Toward Them

Appearance does not determine the nature, actions, or qualities of a person; however, it is important for the first perception. Adults are used to making the first impression of a stranger by judging his or her clothes, appearance, and even skin color, as they are more or less affected by...

Jealousy in Art and Literature

Introduction Love, passion, and romance have always been an inherent part of human history, influencing individual lives and the stories of entire populations. The exploration of various sides of romantic relationships, therefore, lies at the core of the humanities’ research – it helps one understand how people acted towards each...

The Judicial Principles and Laws

Introduction In the United States of America, criminal cases are always handled by the judicial system which follows an elaborate process governed by criminal procedures. Criminal procedure is mainly concerned with the rules and guidelines that govern several legal proceedings which enables the government to effectively enforce the set rules...

Edinburgh Depression Screen for Treating Depression

Introduction Edinburgh Depression screen is also known as Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale which is used to screen pregnant and postnatal women for emotional distress. It has ten questions for the correspondent to answer. Women are required to rate how for last been feeling for last seven days (Klein, Dougherty &...

Alpine Inn and Spa: Service Management Improvement Plan

Introduction Alpine Inn and Spa is a 2-star hotel situated in South Lake Tahoe, California. Its 38 non-smoking rooms are equipped with air conditioning, television, ironing facilities, and tea and coffee makers. The hotel offers its guests free Wi-Fi and parking, as well as an outdoor swimming pool and a...

Crime Intermidiate Houses and Communities

Introduction Correction centers for crime offenders exist in an assorted list. They may include recreation, trial, parole, public duty and penalty alternatives. Majority of the type of systems command little attention from the society and hence do not usually cause public upheaval. Public duty like sweeping or mowing the lawn...

Introducing the Geography and Economics of England

Introduction England is one of the most visiting countries on the globe, attracting tourists by historical heritage and traditions, picturesque lands, and the latest achievements in all fields of human activity. However, no matter how much time travelers may spend in England, it will still not be enough to comprehend...

Case Notes on Court: BGP Properties Pty Limited v Lake Macquarie City Council

The facts of the case The case is about an application filed by BGP Properties Limited against Lake Macquarie City Council. It is seeking to compel the latter to allow BGP Properties Limited to continue with its development plan on a site that is under the jurisdiction of the Council....

Long-Term Goals and Objectives in an Organization

Organizations’ Long-Term Goals and Objectives Every organization or business has aspirations and future positions they want to occupy as compared with competitors. The future image is broken down into long-term goals and objectives, to which all business operations are aligned. According to the video “9 Startup Funding,” long-lasting objectives are...

Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa

Introduction People do not always understand the severity of eating disorders and the difficulty of their treatment. Perhaps, that happens because, for the general public, food intake seems a natural and easily controlled action. Despite this misconception, Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and Bulimia Nervosa (BN) are serious psychiatric disorders. They usually...

Relation Between Global Health and External Factors

Introduction Climate change is as a subject of worldwide concerns because of its overarching effects on global health. It leads to increasing global average temperature and heat waves, consequently exacerbating cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and chronic kidney (Hess et al., 2020). Other threats to global health are pollutants from households, industries,...

Alcohol Use Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder: The Case Study

Introduction Unhealthy patterns of alcohol use and poor impulse control when dealing with potentially addictive substances have negative influences on all aspects of life. In the case of Thomas, alcohol abuse exacerbates his pre-existing psychological issues even more. This paper discusses his case with attention to symptoms, treatment, goals, and...

FlowEsScents Firm’s Marketing Strategy

Summary Any business requires a thorough marketing strategy to ensure it will stay relevant for loyal customers and attract new ones. Therefore, a proper analysis of the market is necessary, after which the company will create engaging marketing campaigns that will increase the profits. The business needs to develop new...

Causes, Symptoms and Advised Treatment of Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a severe condition that affects the reproductive system of a woman. It is a chronic inflammatory disease when the endometrium is located outside the uterus. The endometrium is a tissue that lines the inside of the womb (Symons et al., 2018). Parasar, Ozcan, and Terry (2017) explain the...

Apple Inc.’s Strategic Operations Management

Introduction Operations management is an essential tool used for planning, monitoring, and organizing the business functions, especially the production processes of a company. It primarily focuses on enabling organizations to successfully convert their inputs to outputs while ensuring optimization of profits (Choi et al., 2018). Apple is a multinational corporation...

Cultural Artifacts Through History and Social Science Lenses

Introduction Liberal arts fields offer a distinct perspective on the world that other fields do not match. Professionals in natural sciences, social sciences, arts, and history all ask questions to gather information. Still, they may do it in various ways to enable them to study various facets of a subject....

Critical Review the Rob Reich Text

The author of the book under study, Rob Reich, in his specialty is quite far from philosophy in general and from such a specific topic as philanthropy in particular. This writer’s main field of activity is politics since he is a professor of political science. However, this knowledge allows the...

Criminology: Legal Rights Afforded to the Accused

Introduction The issue of rights provided to the accused in the criminal justice system is an area that has many interpretations and debates. There are cases when the rights of the accused are violated at the earliest stages and later. The case of John Doe presents a valuable ground for...

Internalization of National Economies and Political Risks

Recent systemic transformations due to globalization, trade and investment growth, and nations’ growing interest in economic internationalization to remain or become more competitive led scholars to evaluate the potential political risks of the internationalization process. There are three main sources of political risk in the internalization of the national economy....

Potato: Origins, Diffusion and Adaptation

Introduction Potato is one of the most significant world’s vegetable crops for several reasons: the inherent capacity for production, beneficial income from distribution, and even nutritional advantages. Nowadays, it contains the fourth place for largest food crop after rice, maize, and wheat. It has also become the fundamental component of...

Social Media Regulation as Question of Century

Introduction In the ‘information’ age, access to facts and subjective opinions is the most valuable asset in the world. The biggest companies are constantly struggling to get as much insight into their customers as possible since good knowledge of the target audience allows them to offer services most effectively to...

The Military Profession’s Culture and Ethics

The Army is undoubtedly one of the most respected professions. This respect is based on the noble duty of providing security to the American people at the expense of their lives. The risks associated with the duties of the military require dedication and intrinsic motivation to develop the courage to...

Elections an the Role of Ethical Behavior

Modern society is based on the ideas and concepts created by the civilizations of the past. Ethics, morality, and the logic of the structure of society have worried humanity for a long time. Over the thousands of years of the history of civilization as such, many peoples have created models...

The Balanced Scorecard Analysis

Introduction A balanced scorecard is a system of strategic management of an organization based on measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of its activities among employees. An essential stage of this system is the analysis of internal processes that affect the institution and the consequences of these processes on the external...

Parenting Styles’ Impact on Children

Introduction Parenting is a holistic process of raising children to protect them, prepare them to be responsible adults, and instill values in them. Different parenting styles have different outcomes, and a parent can choose a technique aligned with the desired result. Research on parenting style is paramount because it informs...

Body Shaming in PETA’s ‘Save the Whales’ Advertisement

Introduction In our society, people often become insensible, thinking that the ends justify the means, even if they sacrifice the dignity of others. This is the case with the PETA “Save the Whales” advertisement, which implies that women who are overweight are similar to whales. While the commercial’s original intent...

Pablo Picasso Essay: Art of Painting

If you are looking for an example essay on Pablo Picasso, you are at the right place! Here, you’ll learn more the characteristics of Picasso’s paintings, his biography, and more. Pablo Picasso: Essay Introduction Pablo Picasso is one of my most admirable and inspirational artists. Picasso’s accomplishments in art have...

Eastman Kodak Company: Vision and Mission Statements

Introduction According to Collins and Porras (2008), an effective business strategy must define the company’s business by incorporating three major factors- customer needs, customer groups, technologies, and competencies employed. According to Sawhill and Williamson (2001), the managerial value of effective mission and vision statements is achieved when the statements manifest...

Data Integrity: Legal and Ethical Implications

Data encompass structured ideas and facts that can be used to generate important information capable of being communicated and interpreted in a series of processes. Data integrity refers to an important element of information security and can be defined as the consistency and accuracy of stored data in a database...

Mandiant Cyber Security Company’s Leadership Style

Mandiant Cyber Security Company, renowned for forensic expertise and computer security programs, was founded in America by Kevin Mandia in early 2004. Its formation was based on the computer insecurity that was predicted to take place in the future (Harms, 2006). Currently, Mandiant Cyber Security Company’s headquarter is located in...

American and Spanish Healthcare Systems

Introduction The paper is aimed to contrast and compare the information and statistics related to health care systems in the United States (US) and Spain. The purpose of the discussion is the identification of differences and issues observed in the selected health systems. Health Statistics The following discussion provides information...

Universal Health Services: Financial Statement Analysis

Abstract The paper provides the discussion of the financial statements’ analysis related to operations of Universal Health Services. This company is one of the leading providers of healthcare services in the United States. The analysis of the data indicates that the financial health of Universal Health Services can be regarded...

Power and Race Symbolism in Coetzee’s “Disgrace”

Symbolism is a unique literary device that conveys depth within a story. It is difficult to implement as readers should be aware of the author’s meaning behind a symbol. The most memorable symbolism in literature could interweave the plot with the thematic elements, generating complex ideas that cannot be easily...

Beach House Company’s Team Performance Management

Introduction Promoting employee engagement and performance improvement is an essential step toward succeeding in the environment of the global market. For this purpose, an efficient leadership strategy must be applied, and the appropriate values must be promoted to the employees. Furthermore, it is crucial to understand that the elements of...

Mental Health Needs of Patients with Comorbidities

Patients with Medical Comorbidities The observation of the mental health needs of patients with comorbidities has shown the necessity of proper attention that needs to be paid to this population’s care. A lot of research has been conducted to investigate the relations between physical health issues and mental conditions (Alamri,...

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A Study Schedule as a Success Strategy

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Literature: Relationships With Society

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Anne Bradstreet and Phillis Wheatley: The Change of Status Quo in Literature

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Qi Gong Practices’ Effects on Depression

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Working-Class Resistance in Updike’s A&P

A&P is a short story by the American writer John Updike published in 1962. It recounts an episode from the life of Sammy, a cashier working for the local A&P grocery store during the summer to help provide for his family. He contemptuously observes and narrates the inner life of...

Forensic Psychology and Its Essential Feature in the Modern World

Subfield of Forensic Psychology Forensic psychology is a branch of legal psychology, the study, analysis, and interpretation of psychological aspects directly related to legal proceedings. The subject of these studies is, first of all, a person. Consequently, forensic psychology acts as one of the tools for assessing the identification, development,...