John Winthrop lived from 1588 to 1649; as he was born into a wealthy family of land-owning merchants he received a good education. His father took a position at Cambridge University when John was young. As a result, John Winthrop was exposed to complex ideas from a very young age....
Topic: Charity
Words: 995
Pages: 3
Summary The main aim of the assignment is to review the historical records of the Quakers’ settlement, one of the settlements from Colonial Pennsylvania and the Delaware River Valley. The ten annotated materials are primary sources in proper Turabian bibliography form not found in Albion’s Seed, explaining the Swedish settlement...
Topic: History
Words: 995
Pages: 3
Introduction The recent focus of the American media on role models, especially in sports has raised eyebrows with many role models being caught on the wrong. Under these circumstances, it is imperative that people who are positive role models are identified (McClellan par. 1-10). In this paper, I explore two...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 996
Pages: 4
Salt is a 2010 movie directed by Phillip Noyce and starring Angelina Jolie and Live Schreiber. Depicting a story of a CIA agent Evelyn Salt, this thriller film is based upon the suspicion that the main female character is a Russian spy. The plot of the movie contains plenty of...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 996
Pages: 4
Introduction Cybersecurity becomes an essential part of healthcare and services linked to it Cybersecurity directly influences nursing practice Cybersecurity can have both a positive and adverse impact on healthcare Understanding and knowledge of informatics is needed to evaluate the issue Sensitive data is not protected enough Cybersecurity is linked to...
Topic: Cybersecurity
Words: 996
Pages: 4
Rationale An institutional policy is derived from the state one so that the crucial principle should remain intact, whereas the regulation could be adjusted to align with the values and mission of the organization in which it is implemented (Samadi & Jamshidi, 2016). Chart (Expert Policy (American Nurses Association, 2016a)...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 996
Pages: 4
Definition and Applications PESTEL analysis is an audit tool used to gain an overview of external factors relevant to the organization’s functioning (CIPD, 2015). It consists of six key elements exploring political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors that have a possibility of influencing the organization’s efficiency and efficacy....
Topic: Virgin Group
Words: 996
Pages: 4
The democratic order of the United States has been regarded as an illustration of equality and justice, although various issues still persist. Society was very different in the 17th century since slavery, as well as the distribution of gender roles, was often seen as the plague that could have destroyed...
Topic: Women’s Role
Words: 996
Pages: 4
Executive summary The case of the Lakeland Wonders is the classical example of the conservative outlook of the business world. Cheryl Hailstorm, CEO of Lakeland Wonders, proposes progressive modifications of the company’s development strategies, while the senior management resists them stressing the possibility of failure in international markets resulting in...
Topic: Business
Words: 996
Pages: 4
Introduction The social conditions make people live according to the moral consent to behave “rightly” not to be blamed or condemned by others. A man still makes up his mind in the American society where to go when it is considered that you are not the same as others. The...
Topic: Lesbian
Words: 996
Pages: 3
Leadership needs to be widely diversified to be truly successful. A leader must exhibit traits of accepting and solving a wide variety of business problems and issues, of different hues, and have varying levels of impact on the business environment. It could be in terms of trade union issues, or...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 996
Pages: 3
In the troubled days of economic crisis and recession the only way companies have to survive economic uncertainty is by making good use of business “performance management”. Arguments The decision making process used by companies has turned to have little, if none, value for the present situation of crisis that...
Topic: Management
Words: 996
Pages: 4
Love has many faces, and each aesthetic work presents it in its way. Still, a narration about love’s nature is endless as long as people are unable to word it; it is an infinite way of cognition that often sets its own rules. Homer’s famous character, Odysseus had to pass...
Topic: Homer
Words: 996
Pages: 3
Human Resources Management or the employee workforce is considered to be the most valuable asset or the resource of any organization. The people working in any organization are the basis of its existence and they are the ones who are responsible for building its image in the society and market....
Topic: Globalization
Words: 996
Pages: 3
Introduction When reviewed with other public policies, social security has been rated as one of the greatest successes that USA government has undertaken. However, there are various problems or challenges associated with it (Livingston, 2008, p.xi). It is estimated that the program, which started to function in USA around seventy...
Topic: Social Security
Words: 996
Pages: 3
Introduction Any organization that engages in the trade of goods and services with its clients is referred to as a business organization (Sullivan et al, 14). In any business setup, reports are generated to show the performance in a given area. Different types of reports are created for different purposes....
Topic: Business
Words: 996
Pages: 5
Abstract Although many individuals may argue that the obligatory sentence orientation has achieved a lot as far as crime taming is concerned, the entire process has many flaws; something that jeopardizes its mandate. In this regard, the paper will explore the ethical dilemmas relating to this form of a sentence,...
Topic: Law
Words: 996
Pages: 3
This is a chronic disease that results from a high level of glucose or sugar within the blood. This disease also arises from the body’s inability to produce and utilize insulin effectively. Insulin is important within the body because it enhances the transportation of glucose to various body cells for...
Topic: Diabetes
Words: 996
Pages: 3
Genetic information in DNA is transcribed to RNA and then translated into the amino acid sequence of a Protein. Transcription During the process of transcription, the information in the DNA codons of a gene is transcribed into RNA. Suppose that gene X has the DNA base sequence 3’-TACCCTTTAGTAGCCACT-5’. The resultant...
Topic: DNA
Words: 996
Pages: 3
Introduction The fire incident happened in the year 1940 on the evening of April 23rd at Rhythm Club in Natchez, an entertainment club for black people. Natchez is in Mississippi town with a population of 16,000 people. The incident left more than 207 dead and 200 injured. It was hard...
Topic: Design
Words: 996
Pages: 3
The peculiar story of the monkey and the girl Mizuki is full of symbols and metaphors. Mizuki leads an ordinary and, at first glance, satisfying life. Still, at the same time, in her childhood, she has gone through horrible traumas that made her suppress her feelings and emotions because it...
Topic: Literature
Words: 996
Pages: 4
The Aeneid is Virgil’s poem that depicts Aeneas’ journey. The Trojan has traveled to Italy, encountering romantic dramas, adventures, and problems on the way. A significant aspect of the epic poem is the love story between Aeneas and Dido. Moreover, the lovers’ first encounter is what subsequently caused them to...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 996
Pages: 4
Introduction The methods of analyzing the investment attractiveness of companies have been influenced by factors such as the specifics of the companies’ activities, a small material component, and high profitability. The rise in the value of Facebook’s securities is due more to investors’ optimism than the development of the main...
Topic: Facebook
Words: 996
Pages: 3
Overview Demographic Information The patient is a female American aged 24 years. Among the significant diseases there is chronic gastritis, which rarely affects the patient’s well-being as she tries to stick to a diet. Relevant Health Information Among the dietary restrictions, there are those that the patient herself realized during...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 996
Pages: 6
Introduction The Republic of India is the second most populated country in the world and the seventh-largest geographical area. A multitude of ethnic groups with distinct cultural traditions, languages, and dialects comprise the South Asia subcontinent, and such a factor is reflective in the music. Rich and diverse, Indian folk...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 997
Pages: 4
The experience of Sue Ferguson Gussow in teaching freehand drawing to architecture students is the central theme of the article. The theme was premised on the fundamental approaches to freehand drawing techniques that underline the preliminary stages for understanding architecture. Presented from a simplistic point of view, the article is...
Topic: Architecture
Words: 997
Pages: 4
Introduction Social change refers to the transformation in social structure and social order in society Giddens (2006 pp 43).In his study, France (2007, pp 8) found out that the pre-modern society was characterized by strong social classes and social order. It was also characterized by strong differentiation in gender. Young...
Topic: Social Change
Words: 997
Pages: 4
The case study by Quelch and Rodriguez (2016) provides the reader with an overview of the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) aspects of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. policies. In the context of the meeting discussed, the issue of positioning and differentiating is raised. Mainly, the CEO and the senior vice...
Topic: Safety
Words: 997
Pages: 4
Family Genetic History Family Member Description Paternal grandfather First and last initials: JL Birthdate: 1915 Death date: 1971 Occupation: Hoistman Education: 6th grade Primary language: English Health summary: He had cardiac arrhythmia and died from heart attack Paternal grandmother First and last initials: RL Birthdate: 1921 Death date: 1989 Occupation:...
Topic: Family
Words: 997
Pages: 3
Introduction This paper studies one of the most practiced nursing theories, the self-care deficit theory introduced by Dorothea Omen. The review explains its meaning and origins, providing insight into its ideas and purposes. The paper also revises its usefulness and testability, presenting an example of the study based on the...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 997
Pages: 3
Regardless of what many people may think, traffic safety is the most important thing when it comes to cars. Many people, who have disobeyed traffic laws, exist for the safety of everyone; have ended up dead or killing innocent people. The United States has an average of 42,000 car crash-related...
Topic: Safety
Words: 997
Pages: 4
Mary Flannery O’Connor authored the short essay “A Good Man Is Hard To Find” in a style and manner that is not often seen in women writers. She chose to deal with the real-life issues of parent-child relationships and violent murders. Certainly not a genre that women authors are known...
Topic: A Good Man is Hard to Find
Words: 997
Pages: 3
Introduction World War II, abbreviated as WWII, is known by various names like the Second World War, the Great War, and the War to End All Wars. It was a global war although its arena was primarily in Europe. This War involved not only the major European powers but also...
Topic: World War 2
Words: 997
Pages: 4
The COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus, significantly changed the world and forced humanity to revise its values and set health as the priority instead of production and growth. Most of the nations had to deal with the spread of disease by establishing lockdowns, obligating people to wear protective items, and...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 997
Pages: 4
A Compare and Contrast Analysis of Two Articles In the current essay, two articles on debatable news topics are chosen, analyzed, and compared in terms of credibility, validity, timeliness, and biases. The actual topic for the two articles is the COVID-19 pandemic and global changes in the world. The first...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 997
Pages: 3
Abstract The tradition of figural sculpture that emphasizes the role of warriors presents significant research opportunities, especially in the context of Costa Rican art, the history of which relies heavily on militarism. Warrior with Trophy Head is a sculpture depicting a helmeted warrior holding a trophy head in the right...
Topic: Art
Words: 997
Pages: 3
Introduction The undesirable behavior I chose to examine is swearing, which is not an uncommon occurrence at my household. I’m 32 and married, which primarily means there is always someone to swear at. Swearing is not the most socially acceptable habit, but research by Baruch, Prouska, Ollier-Malaterre, & Bunk (2017)...
Topic: Experiment
Words: 997
Pages: 4
This paper discusses the impact of United Airlines’ policy on its reputation among customers. There is a need to change the standards of interaction with the company’s clients since the regularly occurring removal of passengers from the airplane, and refusals in flight due to the non-compliance of passengers with the...
Topic: Airlines
Words: 997
Pages: 3
Introduction Hong Kong is a bustling city with many services available to its residents and tourists, from public transport to retail. However, despite the many benefits of these services, they also face many issues and challenges. Addressing these challenges requires a combination of strategies, including improving infrastructure and improving regulations...
Topic: Retailing
Words: 997
Pages: 4
The benefits a student may gain by studying philosophy and the Socratic Method of Teaching Studying philosophy benefits students as it develops their thinking abilities. Philosophical inquiries and debates contribute to the students’ critical thinking and encourage them to look at one issue from different angles. This can help students...
Topic: Critical Thinking
Words: 998
Pages: 3
Introduction Examination of special education progress can be effective only when the advancements of general education are observed first. The previous century is characterized by the enhanced popularization of democratic principles and the adoption of freedoms that guarantee quality education for various social groups. For instance, the people of race...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 998
Pages: 4
The law of the United States has been basically derived from the common law system of the English law. This law was in effect at the time of the revolutionary war. There are four most important sources from which the law has been derived. “These four sources are constitutional law,...
Topic: Criminal Procedure
Words: 998
Pages: 3
The book The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills discusses the relations between the wealthy social class of rulers and their impact on global political and economic power. The author vividly portrays that a strong sense of tradition, an abiding respect for the common ways, will frequently serve to deter...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 998
Pages: 3
Introduction The authors aimed to show how franchises in Spain established in the early 1950s – 1980s have been able to survive for so long due to their early entry into the market. This was done by comparing the survival rate of franchises established at later dates and those that...
Topic: Franchising
Words: 998
Pages: 5
Introduction The significance of job design is to develop jobs that fit effectively into the organizational workflow. The narrower focus of job analysis focuses on utilizing a formal system to collect data concerning what people do in their jobs and then use the collected data to generate job specifications as...
Topic: HR
Words: 998
Pages: 3
Graphic design is an artistic field which, in most cases, involves a designer and a client coming to a mutual agreement over some form of work. This work is usually completed with procedures from programmers, sign makers and printers who are geared toward conveying a given message to the specified...
Topic: Design
Words: 998
Pages: 3
Introduction Judiciary is a collective reference to the judges and their authority in a country. In England and Wales, the system consists of judges and commissions, and individuals responsible for ensuring that the process of appointing a judge is transparent. This newsletter article aims to explain to the students the...
Topic: Law
Words: 998
Pages: 4
Aviation remains one of the most important means of transport for the modern globalized world. The high level of safety and speed of delivery is viewed as the basic advantages that are usually associated with civil aviation. However, at the same time, the strategic importance of the sector and its...
Topic: Air Cargo
Words: 998
Pages: 5
A detailed study of the regularities of chemical molecule interactions at both the molecular and electronic levels allows summarizing the available knowledge and identify key trends qualitatively. Among others, it is of research value not only to generalize but also to identify the potential of reaction pathways and bias effects...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 998
Pages: 3
Historical Context Climate change enables communities to create environmental initiatives, industries to update their manufacturing, and politicians to influence the problem through their campaigns. Indeed, the Earth Day creation in 1970 was the government’s response to society’s increasing environmental consciousness, and the idea was to encourage individuals and businesses to...
Topic: Climate
Words: 998
Pages: 3
Quite possibly, Benjamin Graham would have called my philosophy and train of thought an attempt at speculation due to insufficient analysis of McDonald’s and Coca-Cola. The valuation could have been based on a broader time frame and many other external factors that affect the price. It is worth taking into...
Topic: Economics
Words: 998
Pages: 4
Death is perceived as natural and an inevitable part of life. We may not be sure about the outcomes of our lives, but one thing we are confident of is that we are all going to die. Although funerals help the living by giving them a chance to understand the...
Topic: Aging
Words: 998
Pages: 3
Introduction Traffic congestion presents a significant problem currently faced by large and growing cities. According to Ranjan et al. (2020), “with the increase in the economy, rapid urbanization, and desire toward private traveling, the traffic congestion level around the world has increased drastically, directly affecting the cities’ growth, development, and...
Topic: Communication
Words: 998
Pages: 4
Introduction In today’s world, cybersecurity threats are a growing problem for many companies as they must protect many data. To improve how to defend and counter the threats emerging in technology. Real-time cyber-attack simulation exercises allow organizations to test their defense systems and enhance coordination time and response strategies to...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 998
Pages: 4
Abstract This report aims to explore the issue of bullying in the workplace. The types of bullying, its causes and consequences for both the organization and individual employees are considered. A review of research on bullying is conducted, and data and statistics on workplace bullying cases and witness testimonies are...
Topic: Business
Words: 998
Pages: 4
Introduction The Affiliates of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), has set up its standards of work and performance. These standards and expectations of conduct at work are the ACHE’s code of ethics. The code has several specific standards of moral conduct to direct healthcare professionals through their professional...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 999
Pages: 3
CRM – Provide an example using the CSR (Corporate social responsibility ) Model Customer relationship management is a concept that, when applied properly, creates value for all stakeholders, including both suppliers and customers. However, it also harbors certain ethical issues that may complicate the outcome. The easiest way to illustrate...
Topic: Management
Words: 999
Pages: 3
Formal Paper A cultural approach to health care providers is one of the most important elements that ensure improved patient outcomes. There are various nursing theories that define culturally-competent qualities and strategies to assist patients with their needs. This paper focuses on the use of the model developed by Giger...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 999
Pages: 4
Introduction The very word research gives us an impression of authenticity. It is not based on bias or prejudices neither it’s superfluous, nor is it a simplistic argument about any problem. The research employs quantitative and qualitative methodologies as tools to achieve this end. It is used in all walks...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 999
Pages: 4
Introduction Philosophy as a special form of society’s conscience can be said to have been occurred to fulfill the need for people to answer certain questions. The answers to such questions should be able to deliver a complete, logically relevant, and sufficiently broad in generalizations and conclusions knowledge about the...
Topic: Metaphysics
Words: 999
Pages: 4
The past can be treated as an important source of information about the way systems will respond in the future. Still, it cannot be considered a perfect source since it is impossible that a situation will occur again with every single little detail. Nevertheless, it will be logical to believe...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 999
Pages: 3
The Nature of Emotional intelligence The term Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a widely accepted term which means the ability or a special and professed skill to make out, evaluate, and manage the emotions of one’s self, others and particular groups. There are three models of Emotional Intelligence. Ability EI Models,...
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Words: 999
Pages: 3
Introduction When researching on Witchcraft in Salem using the web sites that were given, I learnt that Salem was not the first place where witchcraft was performed. This is so because witchcraft is something that has been there quite long time before Christ. For instance, witchcraft was condemned in the...
Topic: History
Words: 999
Pages: 3
Introduction Pollution can be defined as the introduction of contaminants into the environment which can cause environmental imbalances, instability and harm to living organisms. There are many forms of pollution. These include air, water, and noise pollution among others (Lalitkhungar, n.d, P.1). The individuals or organizations that cause pollution are...
Topic: Environment
Words: 999
Pages: 4
Introduction Transport hubs and routes are in principle associated with particular safety concerns, as transport accidents are frequent causes of injury and death of passengers. At the same time, the airport administration is especially diligent in ensuring passenger safety. Numerous checks and security measures can cause anxiety among people, as...
Topic: Airport
Words: 999
Pages: 4
Introduction Both the poem “Do not Go Gentle into That Good Night” by Thomas (1951) and the song “Tears in Heaven” by Clapton (1992) are imbued with the theme of death and reasoning on this topic. However, the authors use different contexts and take distinctive approaches in their messages. Clapton...
Topic: Literature
Words: 999
Pages: 4
The assignment’s task was to discuss the adaptable abilities I have created at ICHM and on industry arrangements. I will likewise ponder these abilities I have procured and portray where I figure my vocation may take me later on. Hospitality is one of the concepts of civilization, which, thanks to...
Topic: Tourism
Words: 999
Pages: 4
Organizational behavior knowledge is of utmost importance in the workplace since it provides an understanding of why people behave in a particular way. Therefore, it is critical not only to study these theories but to reflect on them to be able to apply them in professional life and career plan....
Topic: Organizational Behavior
Words: 999
Pages: 4
The painting is named “And Life Anew.” and was created by Rita Kernn-Larsen in 1940. It is an oil on canvas painting that measures 26 7/8 x 20 7/8 inches or 68.3 x 53 cm (Detroit Institute of Art, n.d.). The painting is a naturalistic landscape view that shows the...
Topic: Art
Words: 999
Pages: 4
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the United States released a statement called SFAS No. 115, “Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities.” It provides instructions on how to handle equity investments and debt instruments that are not treated as part of business combinations. This standard’s primary...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 999
Pages: 4
The person inspected in this case study has purchased juice from a street vendor and developed abdominal cramping and diarrhea several hours later. By the end of the attack, she felt fatigued and had a headache, though her fever had disappeared. The most likely cause for the condition is an...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 999
Pages: 4