Globalization Influences in TED Talks by Ghemawat & Goldin

Navigating our Global Future

Some people may indeed end up cursing globalization as others rejoice while reaping its great benefits. It all depends on the motive of coming together: is it for a course that will benefit everyone, for selfish gains, or destruction of what already exists? Businesses may do better by utilizing the global networks provided by the liberalization of markets, and on the other hand, ill-minded people such as terror groups can use technological advancement resulting from globalization to advance their destructive agendas. If nations across the globe do not manage the dynamics occurring as a result of the rapid technological advancement, then they will have laid a foundation of more severe harm that is not worth the technologies. Therefore, it is necessary to face the realities head-on and early enough so that the necessary measures can be put in place to reduce the possible negative effects of globalization.

The World is not Flat

Globalization is taking place but at a pace slower than what global business interests assert. Judging by occurrences around the globe, it is almost impossible to have a flat world. Technology has connected a significant proportion of the world’s population but not to the extent of claiming that everyone is included in the global web. The gap between the poor and the rich will never come to closure since the mighty step on the weak to get to higher levels. A good example is the existence of poverty in most of the third world countries despite having valuable resources. This is because they lack the expertise, exposure, and resources needed to enable them to exploit what they already have. As a result, multinational firms from developed nations become the beneficiaries.


Ghemawat, P. (n.d.). Actually, the world isn’t flat. TED: Ideas worth spreading. Web.

Goldin, I. (n.d.). Navigating our global future. TED: Ideas worth spreading. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Globalization Influences in TED Talks by Ghemawat & Goldin." April 10, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Globalization Influences in TED Talks by Ghemawat & Goldin." April 10, 2021.

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