🏆 Best Essay Topics on Barack Obama
✍️ Barack Obama Essay Topics for College
- Comparison Between Jackie Robinson and Barrack ObamaThis short essay seeks to look at the comparative aspects that both men had in their historic breakthroughs in their respective fields.
- President Obama’s Remarks: Reflections on the Trayvon Martin CaseThe killing of Trayvon Martin, an African-American, by George Zimmerman, a Hispanic, meant a lot to the black community since they held different analogies to the incident.
- Obama’s Legal Authority Regarding Operation GeronimoThere are three aspects in which Operation Geronimo by Barack Obama is more justified from different points of view than not.
- President Obama and Legal Authority on the Operation GeronimoTo discuss whether President Obama had the legal authority to carry out the operation, this essay examines the limits of the jurisdiction of the President.
- Roosevelt and Obama: Critical Analysis of Two SpeechesThe most interesting concept of freedom is the one introduced by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in his famous speech. The concept of the freedom of fear deserves closer speculation.
- Education Policy by President Barack ObamaBarack Obama and Joe Bidden’s education policy is based on the fact that American children cannot stand any more neglect and indifference in their education system.
- Strategic Leaders: Barack Obama and Abraham LincolnAbraham Lincoln and Barack Obama are two of the most renowned personalities in American history. They both served as presidents at pivotal points in American history.
- Barack Obama: A Leader’s Psychological PortraitExploring Barack Obama’s presidency through the lenses of Freud’s psychoanalytic approach and the Five-factor Model of personality.
- Presidency of Barack Obama: a Narrative HistoryBarack Obama, who won the election in 2008, became a genuinely iconic US president. He was the first African American to be nominated for the presidency of the United States.
- President Obama’s Legal Authorization on Operation GeronimoPresident Obama had the legal authority to order Operation Geronimo and the execution of the plan. Research by Salway establishes that after September 11, 2001.
- President Obama’s Legal Authority to Order Operation GeronimoThe paper states that as a lawful representative of the American government and people, President Obama has the right to command Operation Geronimo.
- Obama’s and Clinton’s Speeches Rhetorical AnalysisThis article presents a rhetorical analysis of the speeches of the following historical figures: Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.
- Legal or Illegal: Operation GeronimoThe decision of President Obama concerning the execution of Operation Geronimo was legally justified. Osama bin Laden would not surrender peacefully.
- Did Barack Obama Have Legal Authority to Authorize “Operation Geronimo?”During “Operation Geronimo,” President Obama had the legal authority to approve the mission since he is the official accountable for national security principles.
- Obama’s Legal Authority in Operation GeronimoOperation Geronimo was actually legal and correlated with both U.S. and international law. President Obama had the legal authority to order the operation.
- Did Barack Obama Had the Authority to Execute Mission Geronimo?According to the paper, the authorization for the execution of the Geronimo mission by Obama was justified both legally and due to the global threat posed by bin Laden.
- Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama ComparisonThe paper states that between Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama, President Obama was the most successful both on domestic and international fronts.
- Analysis of Conservatism in the Clinton and Obama AdministrationsSpecific examples demonstrate how the Clinton and Obama administrations challenged the rise of conservatism and advocated for the continuation of the so-called conservative triumph.
- President Obama’s Actions Regarding Operation GeronimoDespite the existence of opinions that Obama did not have the legal authority to conduct the Geronimo operation, the rules of law were complied with.
- Operation Geronimo and Barack ObamaThe purpose of the study is to show how Barack Obama related to the plan and analyze the key aspects that required governmental authorities to start working on this program.
- Lincoln’s, Obama’s, Biden’s Speeches AnalysisThe essay analyzes Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, Barrack Obama’s final speech as the US president, and President Joe Biden’s recent speech on the Russian-Ukraine conflict.
👍 Good Barack Obama Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Aspects of Obama’s Tax ReformsThis essay discusses the taxation policies proposed during the Obamas administration, their implementation, and an evaluation of the policies’ achievements.
- Obama’s Legal Authority to Order the Geronimo OperationGeronimo’s operation culminated in eliminating Osama bin Laden, the leader of the al-Qaeda terrorist organization that was behind the September 11 attacks that shocked America.
- Obama’s Taxation Policies: Application and EvaluationThis essay deliberates on policies of taxation proposed through the government of Obama, their application, and evaluation.
- President Obama Did Have Authority to Order Operation GeronimoIt has been ten years since the death of the most dangerous terrorist. There is hardly anyone who has pitied the person responsible for the killing of so many innocent people.
- Obama’s vs. Trump’s US National Security StrategyThe U.S. National Security Strategy 2010 provides definitive ideologies on what contributes to global security, national security, and homeland security.
- In Support of President Obama’s Operation GeronimoOperation Neptune Spear, otherwise known as Operation Geronimo, was a CIA-led operation carried out on May 2, 2011, intended to kill Osama Bin Laden.
- Was President Obama Legally Justified in Executing Operation Geronimo?The legality of Operation Geronimo and the killing of the leader of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda Osama bin Laden in Pakistan remains debatable in terms of liberal democracy.
- Bush, Obama, and Trump: Healthcare PolicyThe following reflection will discuss how Bush, Obama, and Trump addressed the issues connected to AIDS and HIV.
- Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or Obama CareObama care inform that the main aim of the healthcare reform is to “improve community healthcare centers in an effort to improve health for those who cannot afford private health care”.
- Barack Obama’s Speech on Race in PhiladelphiaThe article analyzes in detail Barack Obama’s speech in Philadelphia on slavery and racial discrimination in the United States.
- Barack Obama’s Presidential LibraryPresidential libraries are usually run by the government and include thousands of hard-copy archives of national documents.
- G. Bush and B. Obama: Tools of Democracy, Public Policies, and PracticesThe use of tools of democracy provide a lot of alternatives through which the government may effectively influence the behavior of individuals for the benefit of the entire public.
- US Healthcare Policy: Obama’s Healthcare ReformPresident Barak Obama has a hard task ahead in making sure that the health situation of the country is addressed.
- Barack Obama: The Stimulus PlanIn order to deal with the crisis, President Obama and other leaders (democrats) came up with what is referred to as the economic stimulus package.
- Obama’s Address to CongressThe main theme of the President’s speech was the economical crisis and the ways to overcome it. The overall message was that the USA has to “act bodily and wisely”.
- Cuba Policy During Barrack Obama’s PresidencyThe recent olive branch by the Obama administration extended to the Cuban President has created an opportunity to come to diplomatic terms with the United States.
- Obama’s Stimulus Plan of 2009The essay examines Obama’s economic stimulus plan of 2009, its positive impact in making the economy bounce back to its old days of economic supremacy.
- Concepts of Obama’s PresidencyObama became the president when America was in a deep economic crisis posted by the last regime. Obama’s presidency. Challenges in Obama’s Government.
- President Obama’s United Nations General Assembly SpeechPresident Obama is critiqued and praised as an exemplar of liberalism in international relations. His approach can also be viewed as an expression of Constructivist thinking.
- Obama Speech: Rhetorical Analysis and EvaluationIn his speech, Obama starts by making reference to Martin Luther King Jr. He highlights the important role Luther played in the fight for the liberation of the Black Americans.
- Obama’s State of the Union Analysis: Economic and Social AspectsThere is a tradition on State of the Union night that the President of the USA gives a speech in which he outlines his main thoughts about his country and current state of affairs.
🌶️ Hot Barack Obama Ideas to Write About
- Obama’s Response to the Oil Spill Crisis: Analysis of Key Points and ImpactIn his speech on the oil spill crisis, Barrack Obama never promised to offer real help or a specific plan of action to the people of the Gulf.
- Missouri Gun Laws and Obama’s Reforms: Critique and SupportThe gun law in the state of Missouri was signed into law to regulate the use and control the session of firearms and ammunition among the civilians.
- President Obama’s Stance on Abortion: Pro-choice AdvocacyThere is a need for more states in the United States to embrace policies that protect the lives, especially by limiting the number of abortions.
- Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan Leadership StylesReagan and Obama are among the most respected presidents in the history of the United States primarily due to their exceptional leadership that transformed America in various ways.
- Barack Obama’s Campaign: A Rhetorical AnalysisBarack Obama tried to present himself as a candidate for the people. He wanted to show himself as a person who wanted to bring healing and unity into a divided nation.
- Nelson Mandela and Barrack Obama: Heroes of Modern SocietyThis paper explores the subject of heroism and its place in society. It also discusses the contributions of Nelson Mandela and Barrack Obama towards saving their societies.
- Analyzing Leadership Styles of President Obama: Key Traits and ImpactObama’s administrative policies have influenced the economic stability of higher education and have an indirect impact on the educational system as a whole.
- Obama Administration’s Healthcare Agenda: Expanding Coverage for All AmericansThe proponent of this study examines capability to undertake a managerial role using an assessment tool called the Nurse Manager Skills Inventory framework.
- Obama’s Health Care and Housing Reforms: A Critical AnalysisPresident Obama contributed much to improving the image of the USA abroad, and the President’s administration should focus on following the positive tendency.
- Debate on Medicare: Obama vs. Romney Plans in 2012 ElectionPresident’s Medicare plan included the proposals to increase premiums for seniors, the need to cut the program costs, and changing the eligibility age for Medicare.
- Obama’s Economic Policy Response to the Financial Crisis: An Analytical ReviewThere were significant expectations laid on the new president after the election. The economic situation Obama had to face when becoming the president was a true disaster.
- Healthcare Reform: Obama’s Immediate ChallengesHaving initiated the healthcare reform, President Obama met stiff opposition to the insurance and pharmaceutics lobby. It would be disadvantageous and made them lose revenue.
- Historic Win: Barrack Obama Defeats John McCainThis paper will scrutinize the election of Barrack Obama by delving into the events and facts, which defined the occasion.
- Barack Obama and Sheikh Zayed: A Study of Diplomatic RelationsThis paper examines Barack Obama and Sheikh Zayed as influential leaders in the modern world who are heroic in their leadership and changing the world.
- Obama’s Bold Move for Workers’ RightsOn 31 August 2015 The New York Times published a rather controversial article by the title ‘As His Term Wanes, Obama Champions Workers’ Rights’. The story is an perfect example of labor economics.
- Barack Obama’s Election: Transformative Impact on AmericaThe election of Barack Obama as the first African American president was a major event that transformed the country’s history. This paper offers arguments and discussions to support the thesis.
- Syria Conflict: US and Russia’s Opposing RolesRussia and the USA show interest and participate in the development of combat operations on the territory of Syria, although the conflict refers to the Syrian government.
- Presidential Comparison: Leadership Styles of Bush and Obama in the U.S.It is possible to note that President Bush managed to expand executive power while President Obama is trying to stop the expansion.
- Analyzing Obama’s New Immigration Law: Implications and ReactionsImmigration laws are the policies that governments across the world establish to regulate who enters a certain country and the period that such s person is supposed to stay in the host country.
- Cigarette Tax Hike: Obama’s Plan to Raise $78 BillionCigarette smoking produces little marginal social benefits. This paper provides an insight into the debate surrounding cigarette smoking and public health.
- Confident Body Language: Body Language Exhibited by Barack ObamaWhen speaking, I sometimes use my hands to drive in points through gesticulation. I do this through waving of the hand, relaxing my palm to pose with an open hand.
- Barack Obama’s Citizenship, Religion, and Political Ideology: Influences on LeadershipIf there was one president whose life and leadership has been most controversial is that of the U.S president Barrack Obama.
🎓 Most Interesting Barack Obama Research Titles
- President Barack Obama’s Communication Style
- Barack Obama’s Practice Opposite of Machiavelli
- Barack Obama: Greatest Moral Failure
- Orlando Florida Shooting Speech by Barack Obama
- Barack Obama Presidential Campaign for America
- The United States President Barack Obama Congress Changed Health Care
- President Barack Obama’s Communication Style
- Barack Obama and Donald Trump the Reform of Immigration
- Barack Obama’s Overall Positive Performance in His First Year as President
- President Barack Obama’s National Drug Control Strategy Focuses
- Why Barack Obama Should Be President
- How the Current Economic Crisis Has Changed Barack Obama’s Plans and Policies for the United States
- Government: Democratic Party and Barack Obama
- The Presidency and Significance of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States
- The Early Life and Career of Barack Obama
- President Barack Obama Lifts Cuban Restrictions
- Approval Ratings Fall For Once Popular President Barack Obama
- The Troublesome and Complex Legacy of Barack Obama
- The Problems and Leadership Skills of Margaret Thatcher and Barack Obama
- How Does Media Coverage of Barack Obama Differ in the US and the UK
💡 Simple Barack Obama Essay Ideas
- Barack Obama and the Environmental Protection Agency
- Barack Obama and Donald Trump the Reform of Immigration
- President-Elect Barack Obama’s Economic Policies
- Obama: Al-Qaeda and President Barack Obama
- Transforming America for the Best in the Speech of Barack Obama
- The Important Elements Used in Both Barack Obama’s and Mark Antony’s Speeches
- How Will Barack Obama Change the United States of America
- Democrats: Barack Obama and the American Middle-Class
- The 2012 Presidential Election: Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney
- The Controversies Surrounding the Use of the Mathew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Names in the Hate Crimes Prevention Act
- Signed by President Barack Obama
- Transforming America for the Best in the Speech of Barack Obama
- Barack Obama’s Political Centralism: The Development of Political Consciousness
- The Barackavellian: Machiavellian Policies Used by Barack Obama
- Michelle Obama, the First Lady and the Wife of Barack Obama
- Comparing and Contrasting the George Bush and Barack Obama Presidencies
- Barack Obama and Donald Trump‘s Views on the Trade System
- The Issues and Critics of the Idea of Free Tuition Fees in President Barack Obama’s America’s College Promise
- Comparative Analysis: George Bush and Barack Obama’s Inaugural Addresses
- How Does Barack Obama Use Language to Create Impact in His Speech
📌 Easy Barack Obama Essay Topics
- Barack Obama: Founding Member of the Board of Directors of Public Allies in 1992
- Racism From the Point of View of Barack Obama
- President Barack Obama Lifts Cuban Restrictions
- How Barack Obama Has Impacted America
- Democratic Party and Barack Obama’s Influence
- Leadership: United States and President Barack Obama
- Comparison Between Barack Obama and John Mccain
- President Barack Obama’s Speech on the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington
- The Centralist Political Philosophy of Barack Obama: Useful Fictions
- The Strength and Weakness Barack Obama
- Comparing Barack Obama’s Leadership to That of Mitt Romney
- The Argument for Barack Obama: The Greatest President of the Last 40 Years Essay
- The Way Barack Obama Makes Use of Rhetoric Language
- Abortion: Barack Obama and Birth Abortion Ban
- Barack Obama’s Presidential Campaign Speech in Berlin
- The Public Speaking Skills of Barack Obama
- What Theme Does President Barack Obama’s Inaugural Speech Have?
- Barack Obama and Donald Trump‘s Views on Environmental Policies
- President Barack Obama Won the United States Presidential Election
- The Federal Government Under Barack Obama
❓ Questions about Barack Obama
- What Was the Unemployment Rate During the Barack Obama Administration?
- How Did Barack Obama Change America?
- How Would Martin Luther King Jr. Have Felt About Barack Obama’s Election Victory?
- Can Barack Obama Run Again for President?
- How Did Barack Obama Get Into Politics?
- What Was the Biggest Success of the Barack Obama Presidency?
- What Political Party Is Barack Obama Affiliated With?
- What Nobel Prize Did Barack Obama Win?
- Which State Did Barack Obama Represent at the US Senate From 2005 to 2008?
- Who Did Barack Obama Win Against During His First Election?
- What Was Barack Obama’s First Political Position?
- What College Did Barack Obama Attend?
- When Did Barack Obama Become President of the United States?
- How Many Terms Did Barack Obama Serve?
- What Was Barack Obama Before He Became President?
- What Challenges Did Barack Obama Face?
- Did President Barack Obama Serve in the Military?
- Did Barack Obama Get the Nobel Peace Prize?
- What Did Barack Obama Do for the Civil Rights Movement?
- Did Barack Obama End the War in Iraq?
- What Is Barack Obama’s Religion?
- What Did the Barack Obama Administration Accomplish?
- How Did the Barack Obama Administration Change U.S. Policy Regarding Cuba?
- What Did Barack Obama Accomplish as President?
- How Many Times Was the Barack Obama Administration Sued?
- What Did Barack Obama Contribute to Society?
- Did Barack Obama End the Space Program?
- Which Event Tarnished the Accomplishments of Barack Obama’s First Term Foreign Policy?
- What Are Barack Obama’s Strengths and Weaknesses?
- How Did the Barack Obama Administration Handle the Economic Crisis?