164 Belief Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Belief

✍️ Belief Essay Topics for College

  1. Importance of Having Faith for People
    Faith starts small and inside a person and can take many forms, it is important for human interaction and maintaining motivation, but it does not have to be religious.
  2. Faith and Reason: Critical Analysis of Faith
    Faith is something in the heart or soul of people, whereas religion is a set of rules created by a church to do what the church people do.
  3. Explaining James’s Statement “Faith Without Works Is Dead”
    The paper states that Paul emphasizes the justification with God apart from the works of Law, whereas James argues that believers’ actions should support the true living faith.
  4. The Influence of Faith and Reason on a Person
    Faith and reason are the most important determinants of both human character and the choices they make in regard to daily living.
  5. Theological Reasoning as a Basis for Faith
    Theological reasoning strives to pose questions and answer them in terms of sacred theology. Meaning, essences, causes, distinctions, and so on compose the core of reason.
  6. Religious Faith During the Era of Francois Voltaire
    Voltaire was born in the final years of the seventeenth century and died a decade before the beginning of the French Revolution.
  7. Eliezer’s Faith Struggle in “Night” by Wiesel
    Wiesel’s novel “Night” demonstrates Eliezer’s experience and struggle with faith as an example of how the majority of the Jews felt during the holocaust.
  8. Faith Healing in Bioethics, Its Pros and Cons
    Bioethics is an activity involving reflective examination and interpretation of ethical concepts that arise in health care, biotechnology, politics, law, and many other domains.
  9. Scientific Worldview, Faith, and Reason Comparison
    There is a group of people who argue that science is just a myth and, like other religious doctrines, it is based on faith.
  10. The Complementary Nature of Faith and Reason
    This article explores the relationship between faith and reason and argues that while they cannot be derived from each other, they complement each other in decision-making.
  11. James Fowler’s Six Stages of Faith
    James Fowler investigates and tries to explain the common characteristics of the adolescent period when a person goes through a crisis as they advance from one stage of development to the other.
  12. Eliezer’s Struggle with Faith in God: Themes of Resilience in “Night”
    Elie’s journey did lead him to doubting the concept of faith and the quest ended up with the reconciliation with Elie’s own religious beliefs and his final commitment to God.
  13. Elie Wiesel’s The Night – Faith in God Literature Analysis
    In his book Night, Elie Wiesel explores a variety of themes. One of them is the attempts of a person to reconcile one’s experiences with the belief in God.
  14. Faith Integration in 1 Peter 1:13-21 Message
    1 Peter 1:13-21 is a compelling message that was written to the Gentile Christians that were being persecuted which remind them that God had chosen them.
  15. The Christian Faith and Its Advantages
    The paper states that the Christian faith emphasizes the importance of peace and readiness to forgive, critical for the modern world.
  16. “Propositional Faith: What it is and What it is Not” Article Review
    Daniel Howard-Snyder dedicates his article “Propositional faith: What it is and what it is not” to the topic of faith.
  17. Baha’i Faith as a Global Religion
    The article is devoted to Baha’i Faith: the history of origin, essence, basic values, and uniqueness of this religion are discussed.
  18. Childhood Obesity Study and Health Belief Model
    A field experiment will be used in the research to identify the impact of a healthy lifestyle intervention on children diagnosed with obesity.
  19. Mary Rowlandson’s Story as a Faith Narrative
    Rowlandson’s story is a faith narrative that celebrates God’s will and desire for everything and emphasizes the importance of belief and purity, which is rewarded by God’s favor.
  20. Elie Wiesel’s Exploration of Faith in “Night”: Themes and Reflections
    In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, Eliezer’s faith in God was something beyond question. He spent time in devotion to God. He frequently prayed to Him and at times he even cried.
  21. Philosophy: A Change in a Personal Belief
    Everyone in the world is changing, as well as acquiring new knowledge, being convinced or questioning certain concepts, believing, hoping, or doubting.
  22. My Testimony of Faith: Dialogue with an Atheist
    The controversy about God’s existence between atheists and those who believe in the reasonability of religion lasts for hundreds of years
  23. Poverty, Faith, and Justice: ”Liberating God of Life” by Elizabeth Johnson
    “Liberating God of Life Context: Wretched Poverty” by Johnson constructs that the main goal of human beings is to combat structural violence toward the poor.
  24. Religious Prejudice in “Defender of the Faith” by Roth
    The article is an analysis of the issues raised by Philip Roth in his novel Defender of the Faith: Anti-Semitism and Religious Prejudice.
  25. Socrates’ Belief About the Pursuit of Truths
    From Plato’s dialogues, we have known Socrates to be a person who contributed greatly to the field of ethics and the Socratic critical method of inquiry for seeking the truth.
  26. Elie Wiesel’s Night: Faith and Disillusionment in the Holocaust
    Eliezer Wiesel, in his novel Night, succeeded in exposing the illusionary essence of people’s belief in God as an omnipotent entity that is supposed to be taking care of them.
  27. Recognizing Faith Diversity in Healthcare: Cultural Sensitivity in Practice
    Providers in healthcare practice should know the behavioral patterns of patients, especially as concerns their faith.
  28. Collaborating Community Nursing and Faith-Based Nursing
    The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate community nursing collaboration with faith-based nursing. Faith-based nursing is delivered by various religious or faith-based organizations.
  29. Is Belief in God Rational?
    One of the main epistemological dilemmas, which continues to be faced by philosophers/theologians, is whether one’s belief in God can be considered rationally justified.

đź‘Ť Good Belief Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Quotes on Faith and Vocation from Courage and Calling by Gordon Smith
    Highlighting key quotes from Courage and Calling by Gordon Smith, this paper explores how balancing solitude with community shapes Christian vocation.
  2. Faith and Violence in the “Night” Memoir by Elie Wiesel
    “Night” by Elie Wiesel is a 1960 memoir that recounts the author’s experience with his father during the holocaust in concentration camps between the years 1944 and 1945.
  3. Belief in Life After Death: Descriptive Statistical Analysis
    This report proposes a descriptive statistical analysis for the distributions of two variables measured on different scales from the GSS2018 set.
  4. Research, Ethics, and Faith: A Comprehensive Exploration
    The course has brought a proper understanding that research findings are not the only essential aspects that should be considered.
  5. Faith Integration Into Business Administration Programs
    Christians can trust that God will give us the strength to persevere and the courage to take risks. Faith integration is a key part of MBA success.
  6. Faith Integration: Bible With Apocrypha
    Religion is an instrumental component of any society that shapes almost every aspect of human life, including business activities.
  7. Soulful Reflections: Dickinson and Herbert’s Metaphysical Poetry on Life and Faith
    Many famous writers have put their lives into their characters, not to forget their character traits but also to show their lives through the eyes of others.
  8. The Core of Christian Belief: Where Is Jesus?
    The Creeds not only teach Christians that Jesus Christ was the Son of God and a divine man but also propose the meaning of authentic kingship or leadership.
  9. Job’s Story: Demonstration of Suffering and Faith
    The story of Job in the Book of Job is a prime biblical reflection on the concept of suffering and the test of faith.
  10. Birth Control and Christian Faith
    The Catholic church, and faith as a whole, does not have a solid definitive stance on birth control, as it is determined on the basis of intent.
  11. Terrorism: The Faith-Based Discourses
    Although there are many discourses regarding the role of God and religion in terrorism, there are some similarities in what Falwell, the Jewish extremists, and Sayyid Qutb believe.
  12. The Faith of the Mongols and Other Conquered Tribes
    Throughout the thirteenth century, the Mongols of Central Asia marched across much of Eurasia, bringing ruin and chaos in their wake.
  13. Spirituality, Faith, and Placebo Effects on Health
    This paper strives to define spirituality, religious faith, placebos, and their anticipated health benefits for patients suffering from various diseases.
  14. Creative Layering of Belief in Southern BĂ©nin
    This paper will analyze African religions and spirituality, emphasizing the Benin culture in West Africa. he spirits are believed to be the sole healers and they answer prayers.
  15. Peculiarities of Religious Belief in Theology
    The intended audience is theologians and religious communities as well as all people interested in the issue of belief.
  16. The Book “The Future of Faith” by Harvey Cox
    The book “The Future of Faith,” authored by Harvey Cox, presents an interesting insight into the historical changes taking place in religion, specifically spirituality.
  17. “The Articles of 21st-Century Faith”: Reimagining the Definition of Religion
    “The Articles of 21st-century Faith” attempts to reimagine the definition of religion to fit realistic expectations set by an increasingly atheistic society.
  18. Which Belief Was the First: An Eternal Debate
    In his study, Akbar extensively compares Islamic and Zoroastrian teachings and points out substantial similarities, especially about the afterlife and the journey of a human soul.
  19. Improving Students’ Knowledge of Catholic Faith
    The research question of this article is how American Catholic youth’s lack of knowledge of their faiths can be amended.
  20. Idolatry in Peru and Eradication of Faith
    This paper provides a personal opinion on the extirpation of idolatry in Peru and conclusions on measures taken by the Holy Church against the traditions of these communities.
  21. Aspects of Faith Stages Development
    There are four stages of adulthood related to faith that can occur: Synthetic-Conventional, Individuative-Reflective, Conjunctive, and Universalizing faith.
  22. Religion and Faith for a Better World
    Religion and faith make a very pivotal aspect within the social setting because of the significant influence it has on the well-being and existence of individuals.
  23. Religious Beliefs: Reasons Behind the Faith
    Religious beliefs and the reasons behind them are very personal matters, and different people are likely to offer varying accounts and testimonies of faith.
  24. The Role of Faith in Social Work
    Social workers integrate faith in their profession using models like the latent and coping integration frameworks.
  25. Manifestations of Faith in 16th-Century Writers’ Famous Works
    The works by John Donne, William Shakespeare, and Christopher Marlowe were examined in this essay and compared based on writers’ attitudes towards the topic of faith.
  26. Overview of Abolitionism: Afire with Faith
    Although abolitionist societies were scattered across the North, they were not “tiny”, and still had great importance in terms of advocating for an immediate end to slavery
  27. Belief Systems in Projecting the Future
    The article argues in the context of communication, belief systems can have a critical influence on critical steps of encoding and decoding.
  28. Terror and Religious Belief System
    Contemporary fourth wave terrorists justify their use of violence through the theological and moral teachings taken from their chosen religious belief system.
  29. Implications of Faith and Leadership in a Real-Life Experience
    Nurses focus on the physiological, psychosocial, as well as spiritual aspects of persons during times of illness and in good health.

đź“Ś Easy Belief Essay Topics

Stuck with writing? Try out our free toolkit:
  1. The Social Aspects Affecting Faith Ringgold’s Art
    Faith Ringgold is one of the most well-known representatives of the modern African American creative community.
  2. Bad Faith Law Suit: Activities of a Claim Representative
    In case of a lawsuit of bad faith against an insured, a claim representative would be expected to perform some specific activities to make the lawsuit successful.
  3. Faith and Science: Did Darwin Kill God?
    Did Darwin Kill God?, a documentary movie by Dr. Conor Cunningham, professor of the University of Nottingham, correlates with the classic definition of God.
  4. Religion and Belief: Comprehensive Review
    The study of these phenomena is crucial for understanding the peculiarities of the society, its background, current context, and further tendencies of development.
  5. Philosophy About the Soul and Fundamental Belief
    Axiology concerns the origin of values, their place in everyday life, the relationship of various matters with each other, social and cultural factors, and personality structure.
  6. Faith Integration in the “I Am Legend” Film
    In “I Am Legend” the media clip is expressive, and, at the same time, it makes me think about some aspects of the medical personnel work.
  7. Teaching the Faith Forming the Faithful
    The book under analysis called Teaching the Faith, Forming the Faithful is dedicated to discussing the current environment in terms of people’s affiliation to church.
  8. “Night” by Elie Wiesel: Struggle to Keep Faith in God
    Sort of a “shipwreck of faith”, this is what has happened to the author of “Night” book, laureate of the Nobel Prize, Elie Wiesel.
  9. “Twentieth Century Crisis of Belief” by Marheine
    This work briefly describes the article “Twentieth-Century Crisis of Belief”, draws attention to the main issues raised in it, and appeals to the problems of today.
  10. Is Belief in God Rational: Discussion
    This paper seeks to examine not the existence of God or negation, but whether man’s belief in god is rational and based on sound logic and deductive reasoning.
  11. A Belief System From Personal Point of View
    This paper discusses how one’s beliefs make up a religious belief system, how one acquires it, the benefits and disadvantages of having a particular religious belief system.
  12. Book Divided by Faith by Michael Emerson Review
    The writers of the book have been able to expound on the relationship between the White evangelicalism and Black evangelicalism.
  13. The Problem of Faith in Parables by Kafka and Nietzsche
    The essay reveals the main themes of allegorical readings – Law and God, discusses that that the characters are tested by the problem of faith.
  14. A Statement and Defense of Faith in Literature
    Everyone has faith – from the irrational religious zealot to the fervent philosopher and the meticulous scientist.
  15. “The Ethics of Belief” by William Clifford
    In the essay “Ethics of Belief”, William Clifford argues that no one, choosing what to believe, can be free from the opinions of others.
  16. Evidentialism in Faith: Challenges and Critiques
    The issue of the dogmatic nature of religion is a common point. While some people are willing to accept religious principles unwaveringly, others seek to question these postulates.
  17. Role and Influence of Religious Websites in Contemporary Faith Communities
    This paper will give a summary on a religious website on Faith Communities Today, which provides essential information on a variety of issues in regard to congregational life in the USA.
  18. Rastafarianism Belief System, Sacredness, Rituals
    Rastafarianism is a religion that even though not as old as Christianity, it has many followers around the world.
  19. Muslim Faith and Healthcare Relationship
    This paper discusses the relationship between the Muslim faith and health care. Cultural backgrounds have a significant effect on a person’s attitudes toward health care.
  20. Paul’s View on Faith, Grace, Spirit, and Flesh
    The question of how one may be purified and allowed into the realm of heaven haunts many Christians. The answer becomes quite clear once one considers some of the passages from St. Paul’s writing.
  21. Cognitive Biases and Belief Bias: Insights from Keith Stanovich
    This paper is concerned with the way cognitive sciences scholars, in particular, Keith Stanovich, view the belief bias and its components.
  22. Christian Ethics in Health Decisions: Faith vs. Medical Intervention
    The patient’s parents are facing an ethical quandary that requires them to allow the medical practitioner to intervene or follow their Christian teachings.
  23. Faith in “The Hollow Men” and “The Funeral Blues”
    The current essay is dedicated to the analysis of the theme of faith in Thomas Stearns Eliot’s “The Hollow Men” and Wystan Hugh Auden’s “The Funeral Blues.”
  24. Faith-Based & Community Nursing: Enhancing Collaboration Benefits
    Faith-based communities have developed the concepts of health and healing that are consistent with the principles of nursing.
  25. The Intersection of Faith, Ethics, and Organ Transplantation: A Complex Dialogue
    This paper examines the issue if the healing by faith over proven medical methods is ethical with regards to the eight-year-old boy in need of an organ transplant.
  26. Faith Factor and Mental Health in Young People
    The necessity to appeal to the emotional state of the patient often serves as the justification for introducing the concept of faith into the process of therapy.
  27. The Faith in God in Night by Elie Wiesel
    Night by Elie Wiesel speaks of the way Eliezer changes and how his faith in God is tested. It will be a good idea to take a look back at the original Biblical story.
  28. Christian Counseling Psychology: Integrating Faith and Therapeutic Practices
    The four models of Christian counseling include cognitive and solution focused approach, active listening, inner healing, and mixed models.
  29. Elie Wiesel’s “Night” – Eliezer’s Faith in God
    The Elie Wiesel’s story “Night” reminisces Jews’ suffering during the holocaust. The book reflects what happened in Germany and its colonies during the Nazi era.
  30. God Had Never Existed and That Human Belief Shaped History
    The paper explains and evaluates philosophical ideas of such religions as Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism, Catholicism, and also European philosophy of religion.
  31. Classical Christianity: Faith, Beliefs, and Practices
    Classical Christianity connects between the present and the past thus permitting continuity in faith, beliefs, and practices.
  32. Religion: Jain Belief and Practice in South Asia
    This paper will focus on the historical development of Jain belief and practice in South Asia. The paper will also delve into the three Jainism doctrines.

🎓 Most Interesting Belief Research Titles

  1. Christian Doctrines Are Not Crucial for Faith and Belief
  2. The Belief and Attitude Toward New Technology
  3. Time, History, and Belief in Aztec and Colonial Mexico
  4. The True Belief Theory of Knowledge
  5. The Role and Significance of the Belief in Karma and Samsara in the Hindu Religion
  6. Religion and Belief Systems in Australia
  7. Does Science Make Belief in God Obsolete
  8. Truth, Belief, and the Holy Bible
  9. Confucius and Laozi Have Differing Belief in Reaching the Way
  10. Gandhi’s Actions Were Based on the Belief in the Truth Force
  11. Belief Systems: Self-Uniqueness Meets Religion
  12. Belief: Things Fall Apart and Chinua Achebe
  13. Comparing the Christian and the Buddhist Belief Structure
  14. Humanism and Christian Belief: Change in the 15th Century
  15. Christian Religious Belief and the Grieving Process in Teenagers
  16. Belief and Doubt and Modern Mind Religion
  17. Difference Between Belief and Truth
  18. Plato Has Justified True Belief and the Gettier Problem Argumentative Essays Example
  19. Oedipus the King: Examples of Sophocles’ Belief and Fate
  20. Health and Society: The Health Belief Model
  21. Why the Distinction Between Knowledge and Belief Might Matter

đź’ˇ Simple Belief Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Gattaca Supports the Belief That Human Flaws Are Preferable to a Genetically Engineered Existence
  2. Belief Systems Analysis: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam
  3. Chinese Belief Systems, Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism
  4. Christian Faith and the Belief in the Divine
  5. Roman Catholic Church’s Belief in Vitro Fertilisation
  6. Belief and Higher-Order Belief in the Centipede Games: An Experimental Investigation
  7. The Health Belief Model Is an Individual
  8. Christian Belief About Suffering, Death, and Resurrection
  9. Health Belief System Theory and Community Assessment
  10. Blind Faith and False Belief: An Examination of the Development of The
  11. Belief Systems and the Spiritual Side of Their Cultures
  12. Belief and Knowledge According to Plato
  13. The Ancient Egyptian and Roman Religious and Belief Systems Within Their Cultures
  14. Catholic Belief About the Eucharist
  15. Common Belief, Contested Meanings: Development and Faith-Based Organisational Culture
  16. John Locke’s Belief That People Are Born With Rights
  17. Belief Systems Characteristics: Islam and Hinduism
  18. Can Children Understand False Beliefs Before the Age of Four?
  19. Conservative Belief and Rationality
  20. Difference Between Belief and Knowledge
  21. Biblical Foundation Martyrs Belief in God Theology Religion

âť“ Belief Systems Research Questions

  1. Are Chinese Belief Systems Considered Religion or Philosophy?
  2. What Is the Difference Between the Belief System of Islam and Christianity?
  3. How Can Belief Systems Be Shattered Through the Inspiring Story of Esperanza?
  4. Does the Media Support a Belief in God?
  5. What Are the Ancient Beliefs in Astronomy?
  6. Are There Belief Contradictions Between Transcendentalists and Dissenters?
  7. How Do Belief Systems Affect Politics?
  8. Why Is It Important to Respect Others Beliefs?
  9. Is There a Relationship Between Faith and Belief?
  10. Do Buddhism and Hinduism Share a Belief That Life Suffering Is Caused by Desire?
  11. How Does Cultural Adaptation Influence Professional Belief?
  12. What Is the Belief of Many Ancient Astronomers During the Golden Age of Astronomy?
  13. How Did the Belief in Vitalism End?
  14. Why Can There Never Be Any Justification for a Belief?
  15. What Is the Relationship Between Individual Belief and Performance in Parapsychological Phenomena?
  16. How Could Existentialism Affect One’s Belief in God?
  17. Does Religious Belief Connect Humans With Nature?
  18. What Are the Issues of Belief Systems?
  19. How Successful Have Psychological Approaches Been in Accounting for Religious Belief and Experience?
  20. Does Superstitious Belief Influence People’s Perspective?
  21. How Have the Belief Systems of the Modern World Helped Determine the Policies and Politics of Today?
  22. What Does the Evidence Reveal About Belief in the Afterlife in the New Kingdom of Egypt?
  23. How Do Values Belief Systems and Experience Affect Working Practice?
  24. When Does Your Belief Become the Truth?
  25. How Would Religious People Explain Why Their Belief in Life After Death Is Important?

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