🏆 Best Essay Topics on Civilization
📚 Easy Civilization Research Paper Topics
- British Civilization: Queen VictoriaThe evolvement of monarchy is important to understanding British civilization because the monarchical system has been defining the sociological life in the country.
- The History of Indus Valley CivilizationIndus Valley civilization was once considered a subsidiary of the Mesopotamian culture; nevertheless, archeological findings proved this conviction a fallacy.
- Genesis: Creation, Human Identity, and Civilization in the BibleGenesis is the first of 39 books of the Old Testament. It contains the topics of the world’s creation, human identity and relationships, and human civilization.
- Indus River Valley and Harappan CivilizationIndus River runs within the borders of modern Pakistan and represents the water and food supply for the ancient Harappan Civilization.
- Mayan Civilization in Modern Belizean and Guatemalan SocietiesThe culture of Maya did not only survive throughout the ages, it was able to take its unique place among other modern cultures that are more dominant without losing its identity.
- The Impact of the Wars on Western CivilizationHistory is full of wars and even though this phenomenon is considered to be negative, many of them are the basis of significant historical events.
- Early Civilization Interaction With Their EnvironmentThis paper discusses how and why early civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus valley, and China were able to successfully interact with their particular environments.
- “Columbus and Western Civilization” by Howard ZinnIn “Columbus and Western Civilization,” Zinn creates a bridge between American history and ideology and declares that it is only the viewpoint that matters to the historian.
- Beowulf: The Classic Hero’s Qualities and HeroismBeowulf is a poem that was written in Old English by an unknown author somewhere around the seventh or the eighth century.
- Renaissance: Rebirth of Art, Science, and LiteratureRenaissance is a rebirth of the things that happened within the three decades. During this period, people revisited the ideas which were forgotten for a long period.
- Ian Curtis and the Decline of Western CivilizationIan Curtis’ words, “No language, just sound, that’s all we need to know,” do not correspond as much to the fact that the general public in the U.S. lacks scientific knowledge.
- Christianity and Its Effects on Western CivilizationThe paper states that today’s development of philosophy, law, literature, and art is also due to Christianity, which became their source of origin.
- Markers of Roman Virtue in Western CivilizationThe value of the Roman Republic was seen as the virtuous life of every Roman. Identity was considered the main component of Roman virtue.
- A Review of Guns, Germs, and Steel – Factors Behind Civilization SuccessIn his book “Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies”, Jared Diamond reviews the ways through which human civilizations have developed over the past 13,000 years.
- Islam in Relation to the Western CivilizationDespite being so close to Western civilization, Islam is the most difficult religion to understand in Western countries.
- Inequality in the Mayan CivilizationThe research used a thought-provoking methodology to discuss the reasons for inequality and regions of Maya settlement.
- Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Game OverviewSid Meier’s Civilization VI is a turn-based strategy computer game in which one or more people fight against desktop AI competitors to evolve their Civilization.
- The History of Islam and Arabs and Their Contributions to Global CivilizationSince Islam stemmed and grew from the Arab traditions, other cultures which have embraced Islam also seem to be influenced by the Arabic customs.
- John Wesley’s Contribution to Western CivilizationThis paper delves into the aspects of John Wesley’s life, his contribution to Christianity history, and the impacts his actions had concerning Christianity.
- Civilization: Interpersonal CommunicationThe paper indicates that people are constantly striving to create a better society and increase the level of interpersonal communication.
- Civilization and Its Special FeaturesToday, civilization can definitely be seen as progressive and adjustable, as globalization improves cross-cultural awareness.
- Islamic Culture and Civilization Then and NowThe Arabian individuals are considered to be the prominent individuals who embraced the Islamic culture across the world.
- Relationship of the History of the Western Civilization II Timeline to HistoriographyThe main relationship of the history of the Western Civilization II timeline to historiography is rooted in the fact that the former focuses on western history since the Renaissance.
- Aztec Civilization: Ancient Aztec GovernmentDiverse forms of taking taxes utilized by the government of the Aztecs formed the specific features of their taxation system.
- Rhetoric of Article “Want to Save Civilization?” by MaladyIn his article, published in 2013 in “The New York Times Magazine, ” Malady argues that the queue is one of the fundamental social constructs.
- The Bronze Age: A Significant Civilization Shift in HistoryThe paper states that the Bronze Age was a significant civilization shift in history. This era was a kind of industrial revolution in the ancient, pre-Christian world.
🔎 Good Research Topics about Civilization
- Gandhi’s Concepts of “Civilization”, Passive ResistanceThis paper discusses how Gandhi explains the concept of “civilization”, “being civilized”, passive resistance, and the possibility of Muslims and Hindus living in one nation.
- Astronomy and Its Influence on CivilizationThe paper addresses the influence of astronomy on civilization focusing on agriculture, education, medicine and industrialization.
- Civilization and Oppression in World LiteratureThis paper aims to explore oppression and being civilized or uncivilized in relation to three literary works: The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Tempest, and Heart of Darkness.
- Medieval Civilization: Examining a Crusade-Period ExcerptUnderstanding the motives behind theories of war created in medieval times is an essential part of the knowledge regarding this civilization.
- Mayan Civilization: Political Collapse TheoriesThis paper presented possible causes of the political collapse of the classical era of Mayan civilization and explained ceremonies of sacrifice and rain and harvest rituals.
- The Mayan Civilization in the Cultural ContextThe Mayan civilization is one of the most ancient and advanced civilizations that existed in Latin America in pre-Columbian times.
- The Significance of Scientists in Western CivilizationThis work is a comprehensive analysis of the activities of the most significant Western thinkers: Freud, Darwin, and Marx.
- Argiculture in the Mayan Classic CivilizationThe Mayan refers to a group of communities who had similar cultures and lived in Mesoamerica and specifically in the Yucatan peninsular.
- Black Death Impact on the Direction of Western CivilizationThe Black Death was a catastrophic global Bubonic Pest outbreak in the mid-1300s that affected Europe and Asia.
- The Development of a Unique American CivilizationIn spite of a significant number of challenges and thanks to the Americans’ bravery and desire for freedom, the U.S. became one of the most influential nations in the whole world.
- Women in the Ancient Maya CivilizationAccording to the book ‘Ancient Maya women’ by Traci Arden that the civilization put much tension on women’s social representation.
- Babylon: Ancient Mesopotamian CivilizationBabylon’s science was very advanced during King Nebuchadnezzar’s time. They already had astronomers amongst themselves.
- What Is the Criteria for a Great Civilization?Civilization is defined as process through which societies advance in development and technology. It a way of life for people and religion is its defining aspect.
- Eruption at Thera and Minoan Civilization’s DownfallThere can be an assumption about the fact that the volcanic event could have weakened the Minoans on Crete for assault, but this cannot be confirmed today.
- Civilization Concepts: Religion and HistoryCivilization comes as change is made in the political social, economic and religious doing. Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, and Blaise Pascal contributed a lot in the western civilization.
- Western Civilization: Renaissance Art and ArchitectureMost people today recognize the term ‘Renaissance’ as meaning a specific time period in Western European culture.
- Western Civilization: Christian HeresiesEstablishment of the orthodox Christianity result from the emergency of the danger of new converts following teachings that differed from those widely accepted by Christianity.
- Golden Age of Islamic CivilizationMuslims were very ready to protect their language, law and religion from external influence and would only allow other religious groups to their territories only if they recognized Muslim faith.
- Ancient Maya Civilization’s Authority and ControlAncient Maya civilization takes an important place among Central American topics. The secrets of the Maya epoch cover the aspect of their control system and Maya elite order.
- The Minotaur Islands: Civilization that CollapsedThe Minotaur Island came as a result of a myth, that is, according to archaeologists, there used to be a famous King named Minos and his creature Minotaur.
- Greatest Challenge Facing Western CivilizationThe greatest challenge facing Western Civilization today is gender inequalities and the low position of women in society.
- Confucianism as Foundation of Chinese CivilizationConfucianism is considered the foundation of Chinese civilization as it provided a system of both ethical and social philosophy that people could use on an everyday basis.
- Tikal vs Calakmul: Ancient Mayan Rivalry ExplainedThe collapse of the Late Classic Mayan kingdoms is attributed to many factors. But it is wrong to blame the invasion of the Europeans as the major reason for the downfall of the said kingdoms.
- European Civilization: Cultural and Economic ChallengesIn order to estimate the influences of Europe as a force in world events, it is important to consider social, political, cultural, economic, and ideological aspects.
- Christianity in Western Civilization and ThoughtThe adoption of Christianity by the majority of Western Civilization peoples triggered by multiple changes in the social and political structures of the society.
- China’s Ancient Civilization: 5000 Years of History and GrowthConfucianism ideas contained three central parts namely the modification of names, the relationship between human-heartedness and justice, and knowing Ming or fortune.
🎓 Most Interesting Civilization Research Titles
- Ancient Egypt and Greek Civilization
- African Civilization and What It Means to Have an African Outlook
- Climate and Its Role in the Decline of the Maya Civilization
- Civilization and the Importance of Iron and Oxygen
- Modernization and the Mainstream of Human Civilization
- Art, Literature, and the Carriers of Civilization
- Malaria and Its Effects on Human Civilization
- Ancient Greek and Modern Western Civilization
- Ancient Egyptian Civilization and the Creation of the Universe
- Ancient Egypt’s Religious Contributions to Western Civilization Assignment
- The Ancient African Civilization Aksum
- China Was the World’s Most Advanced Preindustrial Civilization
- Ancient Greek: The Birthplace of Western Civilization
- Technology and Its Effects on Human Civilization
- Islamic Civilization and Its Impact on Western Civilization
- Egyptian Civilization and Greek Civilization
- Religious Extremism, Drug Addiction: Two of the Greatest Threats to Civilization
- The Aztec Civilization and the Mayan Civilization
- Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization Characteristics
- The Great Sparta Civilization
- Ancient Chinese Civilization, East Asia, and the Spread of Buddhism
- Hinduism and Its Relation to the Indus Valley Civilization
- Greek, Mycenaean, and Minoan Civilization
- Global Civilization and Muslim Contributions
- Advanced Cities, Record Keeping, and Technology as Important Characteristics of a Civilization
- Cultural and Civilization Aspects of the Higher Education Development in Kazakhstan
- Gerontology and the Relationship to the Human Civilization
- The Catholic Church and the Western Civilization
- Aztec and Inca Civilization
- Early and Classical Civilization Periods
💡 Simple Civilization Essay Ideas
- The Greek Civilization and the Han Dynasty in the History of China
- Civilization and Barbarism Cruelty
- French Civilization Seen Through Art
- The Ancient Incas Civilization in Latin America
- Greek and Roman Ancient Civilization
- Cultural Differences Between Indian Civilization and Western Civilization
- Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents
- Civilization and Human Nature
- Alexander the Great and His Impact on Greek Civilization
- Ancient Chinese Compass and Its Effects on Civilization
- Famine and Anasazi Civilization
- Political Institutions and the Foundation of Civilization
- Rebuilding the Societal Structure of Modern Civilization
- Ancient Egypt and Judaic Civilization
- Learning About Ancient Civilization From the Indian Mahabharata
- Culture and Civilization Arab World Museum
- Ancient Aztec Civilization and Culture
- Ancient Civilizations and the Egyptian Civilization
- Human Rights Form the Crux of Human Civilization
- The Ancient Egyptian Civilization and the Egyptian Pyramids
- Conflict Between Civilization and the Individual
- Chinese Civilization and Ancient China
- Minoan Civilization During the Bronze Age
- Incas Mayas Aztec Ancient Civilization of the New World
- Jacob Burckhardt’s The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy
- Mesopotamia and Its Impact on Ancient Civilization
- Aristotle’s Life and Contributions to Western Civilization
- Asian Civilizations: Comparison Between China and European Civilization
- Ancient Egypt and Ancient Egyptian Civilization
- Ancient and Medieval Western Civilization