124 Elections Essay Topics

🏆 Best Election Essay Topics

🔎 Elections Essay Topics for College

  1. Elections: Proportional vs. First Part the Post
    The First Past the Post system, which utilizes single-member districts and candidate-centered voting, is the most straightforward variety of the plurality or majority framework.
  2. Elections of Delegates in Louisiana
    Elections of delegates play a pivotal role in the US since they determine the overall country’s growth and shape the political history.
  3. The Electoral College: Ensuring Fairness and Equality in Presidential Elections
    Every four years, in November, Americans elect their president, and for this purpose electoral college was established which was included the electoral college in the Constitution.
  4. The 2020 US Presidential Elections
    Media played a great role during the 2020 US Presidential elections. Given the Covid-19 pandemic experienced globally, people depended on the media as the mode of communication.
  5. Lessons from Trump’s Election on Power in America
    This paper focuses on Trump’s election and the events in his administration that showed the role of racism, white supremacy, populism, sexism, polarization, and identity politics.
  6. The U.S. Supreme Court Election System
    The elections of the US Supreme Court members are politicized and ideologized, which is incompatible with democratic values and contrary to the Constitution.
  7. Parties, Interest Groups, and Elections in the US
    Political parties represent different common views on all crucial topics for society and allow their members to promote socially essential topics that are seen as critical.
  8. Elections: Citizen Participation
    Citizens’ right to vote, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic background, is referred to as citizen participation.
  9. Samuel Tilden in the Controversial 1876 Election
    The controversial election of 1876 can be considered stolen according to many researchers, but Samuel Tilden conceded the results without fighting for them.
  10. Presidential Election Process in The United States
    The United States presidential election process involves an indirect election in which citizens vote for electoral candidates.
  11. Election in the United States in the Context of Democratic Values
    Evidently, the United States of America became one of the first nations in the world’s history, which were built upon the principles of democracy.
  12. 2021 Virginia Gubernatorial Elections Contenders
    The paper is devoted to the 2021 Virginia Gubernatorial Elections contenders: Kirk Cox, Amanda Chase, Sergio De La Pena, Peter Doran, and Pete Snyder.
  13. Elections in Australia: Public Information Campaign
    This paper dwells upon how the campaign devoted to the issues of elections in Australia was effective and how the flow of information affected the movement.
  14. Public-Private Partnerships for Election Systems Cybersecurity
    The paper explores the public-private partnership and explains benefits for businesses, costs, and risks, and offers a recommendation for companies.
  15. Election Reforms in the State of Georgia
    Lawmakers in the state of Georgia recently passed a state election law brought by republicans. The bill passed due to the critics who protested outside the capital.
  16. Healthcare Reform Issue on Presidential 2012 Elections
    Coming closer to Election Day for presidential polls, the American people face one of the most challenging times in deciding on an appropriate office bearer.
  17. The 2007–2008 Kenya Post-Election Crisis
    This paper gives a negotiation analysis underlying the 2007 – 2008 Kenyan peace deal, which was struck through the mediation of Kofi Annan, ending the post-election violence.
  18. Factors That Edify the Outcome of Presidential Election
    This essay discusses the main factors which illuminated the possible winner of the recent US presidential election.
  19. Trump: Elections and Presidency
    The purpose of the paper is to describe the process of Trump’s election and governance, as well as his defeat in the current election.
  20. Will or Won’t: Trump’s Re-Election on November 3rd
    Pre-election surveys and poll opinions from diverse groups play a critical role in determining the possible winner in every election.
  21. The Presidential Elections in the US of 2020: Personal Review
    To become the president, a candidate should gain 270 votes out of 538. Since the process of the elections is repeated every four years, it is debugged, and nothing could go wrong.
  22. Politics in the United States: Elections
    This paper tells about voting as a democratic process that allows citizens to elect leaders whose manifestos resonate with their goals.
  23. The Activity of Citizens During Elections
    The activity of citizens during elections is a topical and discussed issue in developed countries. Speaking about the activity of voters in the USA recently, it’s, on average lower.
  24. Role of Economics in the Upcoming Elections
    The variety of topics to be considered by the voters is unprecedented, and the polarized views of society make the outcome even more unpredictable.
  25. Election of 1800 and Modern Presidential Election
    The essay will explain why the election of 1800 is considered “dirty,” and how the actions of the statesmen of that time are compared with that of contemporary politicians.

📚 Good Election Essay Examples & Research Topics

  1. Unprecedented – The 2000 Presidential Election
    The film Unprecedented – The 2000 Presidential Election can be evaluated as a great piece of reliable information featuring a row of true historical details.
  2. E-Consultation: Enabling Democracy Between Elections
    Increasing public involvement in political issues is a major issue in democracy. Most countries in the world are democratic.
  3. Kirkuk City and the 2010 Elections in Iraq
    Many politicians from Iraq have been head over heels campaign over Kirkuk, this is more so for the Kurds and the Arabs who want to control the city.
  4. America’s 2000 Presidential Elections
    The 2000 presidential elections in America saw a heated contest between George W. Bush, who vied as a republican candidate and Al Gore, who was a democrat candidate.
  5. US Presidential Election of 1896
    The essay recounts the major developments during the presential elections of 1896 describes why it was the most exciting in the history of the United States.
  6. The Agents Of Change: US Election
    Problems are part and parcel of every day life and in fact, it is rare to hear that any given individual has absolutely no problem.
  7. US Presidential Election Problems Analysis
    America needs leadership that will take its citizens in a direction that is of forgiveness, consultation, compassion, and peace to become a shining example for the aspirations of the world.
  8. The Role of the Economy in the 2008 Election
    The year 2008 is a presidential election year. Many people believed there would be a significant shift in government.
  9. John McCain vs. Barack Obama: Elections Campaign
    Never in the history of US Presidential elections has a campaign been more closely followed nationally as well as globally as that of the two contenders, John McCain and Barack Obama.
  10. American Government: Voting, Campaigns, and Elections
    The process of voting in the United States is complex, with several rules and outcomes. The modern voting system is not perfect due to weak voter registration and low turnout.
  11. Russian Cyberterrorism and the United States Election 2016
    The present paper attempts to contribute data to the discussion of the topic of the Russian electoral interference of 2016 by conducting a case study of that accident.
  12. Campaigns, Elections, and Political Participation
    The question of the role of “big money” in American politics elicits widespread controversies that remain unresolved to date.
  13. Marketing Techniques of Obama’s Election Campaign
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the marketing techniques of Obama’s election campaign as well as to define their positive and negative aspects.
  14. Election Ethics: Voting vs. Maintaining Neutrality
    In the Election Day Scenario, I believe that I ought to go to the polls and vote for Superior to be elected President.
  15. 2020 Presidential Elections in the United States
    At the next US presidential election, as usual, the Americans will choose the president of the country along with his candidacy for the position of vice president.
  16. Voters’ Characteristics in Presidential Elections
    The characteristics of voters involved in the presidential election campaigns are an important criterion for determining such indicators as prevailing age and race characteristics.
  17. Election Campaigns and Logical Fallacies
    The general direction of a country’s movement depends on the decision of voters. This paper aims to discuss three logical fallacies, an unfair election case and gerrymandering.
  18. Electoral College or Game of Elections
    The Electoral College selects the president as opposed to a popular vote. This paper argues that the Electoral College has become more democratic contrary to recent criticism.
  19. Party Platforms and Winning Elections
    According to the Republican Party’s policy, the party believes in freedom. It states that it is “a party of freedom”, with a vision of “free speech, labor and soil”.
  20. The First Lady: US Campaigns and Elections
    Over centuries, the role of the First Lady has significantly evolved to reflect current political realities and expectations of the public.
  21. Elections: From the Fresh Start to the Steady Leadership
    A proper research subject here may be the attempts of George W. Bush to win the political elections of 2000 and 2004, especially the advertisements used at that time.
  22. Elections in ABC News, The Guardian, PolitiFact
    The media content analysis dealt with the upcoming election. The ABC News, The Guardian, and the PolitiFact were selected for this assignment.
  23. Hillary Clinton’s and Donald Trump’s Elections
    The elections of the new president in the United States have never been more interesting and controversial as the current opposition of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
  24. Presidential Elections: Strengths and Weaknesses
    Mass media is one of the decisive factors in presidential elections affecting the outcome through three major areas: exit polls, presidential debates, and spots.
  25. The Vice Presidential Debate US Elections 2012
    The debate took place at The Central College in Danville- Kentucky. This was between Joe Biden of the Democratic Party and Ryan Paul of the Republican Party.
  26. Barack Obama Election: Events and Facts, That Defined the Occasion
    This paper will scrutinize the election of Barrack Obama by delving into the events and facts, which defined the occasion.
  27. American Ex-Presidents: the Election of Barack Obama
    The election of Barack Obama as the first African American president was a major event that transformed the country’s history. This paper offers arguments and discussions to support the thesis.
  28. Leaders Traits and the US Elections
    Based on popular theories of leadership, this essay dwells on this notion regardless of isolated exceptions. Tall personalities make better leaders than their short counterparts.

🎓 Most Interesting Research Topics on Elections

  1. Lobbyists and Their Role in Presidential Elections
  2. Free Zambia and Kenya Elections Analysis
  3. Macroeconomic Policy and Elections: Theories and Challenges
  4. Information Warfare Attack Vectors and the Influence Upon Democratic Elections
  5. Socio-cultural Influences and Elections in Russia
  6. Internal Processes Governing Party Positions in Elections
  7. Elections and Market Provision of Information
  8. Presidential Elections and Democratic Party
  9. Elections, Ideology, and Turnover in the U.S. Federal Government
  10. Mexican Americans and Presidential Elections
  11. Have Village Elections Democratized Rural China?
  12. Elections, Voting Rules, and Paradoxical Outcomes
  13. Should Social Network Structure Be Taken Into Account in Elections?
  14. Political Parties Should Have Restrictions During Elections
  15. Elections, Fraud, and Election Monitoring in the Shadow of Revolution
  16. Social Norms and the Paradox of Elections’ Turnout
  17. Interpreting the Predictive Uncertainty of Elections
  18. Elections and Political Risk: New Evidence From Political Prediction Markets in Taiwan
  19. Has Immigration Affected Spanish Presidential Elections Results?
  20. Elections and Subjective Living Conditions in Sub-saharan Africa
  21. Free and Open Elections Are the Cornerstone to Any Democracy
  22. Incumbency and Parliamentary Elections in India

❓ Research Questions About Elections

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. Are Elections Debt Brakes?
  2. Are Free Elections Necessary to Have a Democracy?
  3. How Are Elections Done?
  4. Are State Elections Affected by the National Economy?
  5. Why Do We Need Elections?
  6. Can Information Increase Turnout in European Parliament Elections?
  7. What Is the Role of Elections?
  8. What Is Elections Awareness?
  9. Does Satire Influence Elections?
  10. When Was the First Elections Held in the World?
  11. What Are the Stages of Elections?
  12. Have Village Elections Democratized Rural China?
  13. Who Is Responsible for the Conduct of Elections?
  14. Why Are Elections Important in a Democracy?
  15. What Are the Biggest Challenges for Economic Policy After the German Bundestag Elections?
  16. What Role Does the U.S. Election Assistance Commission Play in the Administration of Elections?
  17. What Are Swing Voters and How Important Are They in US Elections?
  18. What Is the Duration of the Elections Period?
  19. What Explains the Decline of Voter Turnout in Parliamentary Elections Over the Last 40 Years?
  20. How Elections and Parties Shape the Provision of Local Public Goods?
  21. How Sensitive Are Governors to Coming Elections?
  22. How Many Members Are There in the Elections Commission?
  23. How Does the Electoral College Work in Contemporary Presidential Elections?
  24. How Campaigns Enhance European Issues Voting During European Parliament Elections?
  25. Who Can Be Appointed as Presiding Officer in Elections?
  26. How Did the Internet and New Media Affect the 2008 Presidential Elections?
  27. What Is Security Deposit in Elections?
  28. What Is the Meaning of Local Elections?
  29. How Effective Are Elections in the UK?
  30. How Do Elections Affect Fiscal Policy and Growth?

✍️ Great Voting Essay Titles

  1. Exercising Democracy: The Role of Voting in Shaping the Nation’s Future
  2. The Role of Media in Voter Perception and Decision-Making
  3. Exploring Innovations in Electoral Systems: Future of Voting
  4. Youth and the Vote – Encouraging Political Engagement among the Next Generation
  5. Non-Citizens in Democratic Voting Processes
  6. Voting Rights in Times of Crisis: Ensuring Access Amidst Challenges
  7. Empowering Citizens Through Informed Decision-Making
  8. Voting as Civic Duty: Nurturing a Culture of Responsible Citizenship
  9. The Influence of Campaign Finance on Electoral Outcomes
  10. Analyzing the Effects of Low and High Participation Rates
  11. Impact of Gerrymandering on Electoral Representation and Democracy
  12. Electoral College Debate: Pros and Cons of America’s Unique Voting System

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "124 Elections Essay Topics." January 28, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/elections-essay-topics/.

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