126 Heart Disease Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Heart Disease

✍️ Heart Disease Essay Topics for College

  1. Nursing: Safety for a Heart Failure Patient
    This case study about patient safety presents clinical indicators, team interactions, and safety concepts for a heart failure patient.
  2. Congestive Heart Failure and Orem’s Theory
    Agboola, Jethwani, Khateeb, Moore, and Kvedar found that the Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) could be controlled effectively through outpatient follow-up and patient education.
  3. Educating on Congestive Heart Failure: Impacts on Readmission Rates and Patient Outcomes
    The problem of educational deficit in relation to congestive heart failure (CHF) in elderly patients can be observed in an acute care setting.
  4. Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD): Flow Chart
    IHD is a condition that results in distress in the heart due to a lack of enough blood supply. It is also referred to as coronary illness and is a major cause of death worldwide.
  5. Congestive Heart Failure Discussion
    Chronic heart failure is a pathological condition in which the heart fails to supply the organs and tissues with the necessary amount of blood.
  6. Aspects of Congestive Heart Failure
    Congestive heart failure is a severe abnormality. It is characterized by the inability of the heart muscles to pump the right amount of blood.
  7. Heart Disease Risk Profiles and Gender Differences
    There are gender differences in heart disease risk profiles and associated chronic conditions, despite the similarity of the classical risk factors.
  8. Heart Disease in the Elderly: Risks, Pathological Changes, and Solutions
    Heart conditions or cardiovascular diseases are highly prevalent among elderly individuals and are considered a leading cause of mortality among individuals over 65 years.
  9. Heart Disease and Its Causes: Stroke Statistics
    According to a study published in the American Journal of Nursing, the leading cause of heart disease is lifestyle choices.
  10. Heart Diseases in the United States
    Cardiovascular diseases lead as causes of death worldwide, and they are credited with 10% of overall deaths, with 85% of these occurring in low-income countries.
  11. Heart Attack: A Specialized Heart Attack First Aid Team
    Heart attack is an acute pathology that can occur in people of all ages and genders. Having a specialized heart attack first aid team is helpful.
  12. Heart Failure as Dangerous Heart Disease
    Heart failure is a syndrome arising from the deterioration of the heart’s pumping function, resulting in its inability to provide a regular blood supply to the entire body.
  13. Congestive Heart Failure Patients Who Travel
    The paper analyzes that in patients with congestive heart failure who travel frequently, education about managing their condition reduces the incidence rate of exacerbations.
  14. Women and Heart Disease: Knowledge, Worry, and Motivation
    The study revealed that few women are worried about developing heart diseases though a majority of middle aged women are motivated to modify their cardiovascular risk factor.
  15. Congestive Heart Failure Project Proposal
    Educational intervention for congestive heart failure patients before air travel will decrease the probability of cardiac complications during or after the flight.
  16. Medical Intervention in Acute Heart Failure and COPD
    The essay evaluates the health condition related to the quality medical intervention in acute decompensated heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  17. Theories in Epidemiology. Stress and Heart Disease
    The impact of stress on heart diseases is highly controversial among scientists. Various studies support the hypothesis that stress is highly associated with heart disease.
  18. Teaching Plan Proposal on Heart Failure
    This paper will seek to write a teaching plan proposal on heart failure and the education that nursing provides to the patients admitted to the hospital.
  19. Health Profile Assessment: Coronary Heart Disease
    Health Profile Assessment is a way of understanding the health conditions of individuals and families. It aids individuals to make decisions relating to their health.
  20. Heart Failure, Its Causes and Risk Factors
    The development of heart failure is defined by blood not being pumped as actively as it should, causing the heart to malfunction.
  21. Heart Disease Is a Silent Killer
    People with cardiovascular conditions have to limit their physical activities due to fatigue, lightheadedness, pain, and other issues.
  22. Program Evaluation and Measurement Tools for Heart Failure Patients Attending Cardiac Rehab
    Medical experts have tried to develop programs that can be used by HF patients attending cardiac rehabs to help them remain healthy.
  23. Teach-Back Method for Heart Failure Patients
    The project focuses on how readmission of heart failure patients can be eliminated in hospitals within the United States through the teach-back method.
  24. The Heart Failure Patients: Health Belief Model
    The paper analyzes a model to promote healthy behavior among heart failure patients. A framework is identified and described, together with a justification for its selection.
  25. Heart Disease Risk Factors and Assessment Approach
    The discussion focuses on three risk factors associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases. Three factors associated with heart disease have been chosen for review.
  26. Congenital Heart Disease in Children
    Little remains known about the causes, effects, and remedies to congenital heart disease. The study provides the literature review that explores congenital heart disease in detail.
  27. Heart Disease: Types, Risk Factors, Symptoms and Treatment
    The paper acknowledges the different types of heart disease, identifies the risk factors, the symptoms from the disease, treatments available as well as preventive measures.
  28. Diagnosis and Clinical Management Strategies of Congestive Heart Failure
    Congestive heart failure is a disease, which appeared to be the most frequently met among other heart diseases, and all professionals search for strategies of problem decision.

đź‘Ť Good Heart Disease Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Risk of Heart Disease in Obese Individuals
    World Health Organization (WHO) considers obesity a major risk factor for heart disease and other chronic conditions. WHO is actively studying this problem and analyzing the tendencies.
  2. Health Promotion: Coronary Heart Disease Prevention
    Assessment of the clinical history of the patient shows that the patient had demonstrated an elevated blood pressure level five years back, which is under control with medication.
  3. Stem Cell Therapy in the Treatment of Heart Disease
    Stem cell therapy is a viable strategy in treating heart disease, but it is still undergoing research; therefore, healthcare professionals should be cautious in pursuing it as a treatment option.
  4. Heart Disease: Post-interventional Practice and Monitoring
    Patient education plays a key role, as the man must be aware of physical conditions characterized by negative dynamics.
  5. Heart Disease and Stroke (HDS): Pathophysiology and Treatment
    Heart disease and stroke (HDS) can affect people of all ages, but the risk of developing HDS is increasing with age.
  6. The Causes of Congestive Heart Failure
    A literature review is a description of a publication on a certain subject. In the selection of the topic of study by the researchers, there are some procedures.
  7. Diuretics to Treat Congestive Heart Failure
    This essay discusses diuretics and drugs that increase cardiac muscle strength and are the main drug treatment for congestive heart failure.
  8. Home Visit to a Patient with Congestive Heart Failure
    This case study is a home visit to an 82-year-old female patient, who lives alone and was recently discharged from the hospital for exacerbation of her congestive heart failure.
  9. Chronic Heart Failure Management: Design Phase
    Ziaeian and Fonarow report that medical therapies that are found to be beneficial for CHF outcomes and readmission rates are critically underutilized in patients.
  10. Coronary Heart Disease Statistics and Population Health: Key Insights
    The selected health condition for this assignment is coronary heart disease, medically identified as coronary artery disease (CAD) or ischemic heart disease (IHD).
  11. Ethical Challenges in Advanced Heart Failure
    Heart failure is a serious health condition that requires researchers that study the problem to be aware of potential ethical issues.
  12. Heart Failure Readmissions: Nursing Study Design
    The paper is devoted to the literature review revolving around the issue of the readmission of patients with heart failure along with the description of the methodology.
  13. Preventing Diabetes and Heart Failure Hospitalizations
    The goal of this research is to acquire data regarding the opinion given by patients suffering from diabetes mellitus (DM) and heart failure (HF).
  14. The Role of the American Association of Heart Failure Nurses in Patient Care
    Nursing associations may play a considerable role in the professional development of a nurse by providing education and creating information-sharing networks.
  15. Heart Failure Education: Project Implementation
    Education of patients on the risks associated with congestive heart failure is expected to be multi-dimensional since different patients have various needs.
  16. Congestive Heart Failure: Planning a Research
    The study determines which educational methods are the most effective in the context of helping older patients with congestive heart failure faced with frequent readmissions.
  17. Readmissions With Heart Failure: Study Results
    The regression analysis revealed a correlation between the intensity of programs and people’s rate of readmission with congestive heart failure.
  18. Life with Heart Failure: Research Methodology
    Patients with heart failure “are often elderly and their primary chronic symptom is severe exercise intolerance that results in a reduced quality of life”.
  19. Congestive Heart Failure: Research Methodology
    Patients with comorbidities that are risk factors for repeated occurrences of CHF complications are significantly valuable for qualitative analysis in this research.
  20. Congestive Heart Failure Readmission: Study Design
    Readmission of congestive heart failure patients is a major problem in the United States because it exerts pressure on medical practitioners in the country.
  21. Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Nursing Theory: Impact & Education
    Self-care aims to redirect the decision-making process towards maintenance and management of congestive heart failure reducing instances of adverse events and readmission.
  22. Congestive Heart Failure and Nursing Care
    This paper aims to develop a research proposal on the topic of congestive heart failure and to reduce the readmission rates by providing background and overview of the problem.
  23. Methodological Approaches to Reducing Readmissions in Cardiac and Pulmonary Care
    This paper presents a methodology to estimate a particular impact on the rate of readmissions among patients diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or heart failure.
  24. Congestive Heart Failure Studies: Data Analysis
    The proposed research is meant to reveal the relationship between nursing care in the form of providing education for patients and admission rates.
  25. CHF & Asthma Exacerbation: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care Plan
    The patient is diagnosed with asthma, and she receives the required treatment. However, the symptoms remain because she takes other medicines.
  26. Heart Disease Prevention: Smoking Risks and Intervention
    The purpose of this paper is to create a patient teaching plan with the goal of heart disease prevention by addressing the most common risk factors.
  27. Heart Failure Rehospitalization and Nursing Care
    One of the emerging issues in health care is the prevention of unnecessary re-hospitalization of patients diagnosed with certain conditions such as heart failure.
  28. Donaho et al. (2015) Study on Reducing Heart Failure Readmissions
    The authors used no specific measurement instruments such as surveys, but compared the readmission rates for the experimental and the control groups.
  29. Reducing Heart Failure Readmissions: Effective Interventions
    There is a perception that home-visiting programs and multidisciplinary heart failure (MDC-HF) clinic interventions can reduce readmission rates.
  30. Nurse-Led Telephone Interventions: Improving HF Patient Care
    Patients diagnosed with heart failure or HF experience a significant reduction in their quality of life experience. The disease takes a tremendous toll on their financial resources.
  31. Congestive Heart Failure in Elderly: Causes & Symptoms
    Congestive heart failure (CHF) in elderly is a complex health problem that arises due to structural or functional cardiac disorder.
  32. Managing Congestive Heart Failure: Strategies to Reduce Patient Readmissions
    The problem of congestive heart failure is increasingly found not only in elderly patients but also among young people.
  33. Heart Disease Patients’ Education
    Promoting the active acquisition of knowledge and skills that are necessary for managing health-related issues is a crucial step toward meeting the needs of patients with heart disease.
  34. Telenursing: Enhancing Quality of Life in Heart Failure Patients
    Telenursing becomes a popular method of evidence-based care that helps patients to manage health conditions without having to drive long distances to the hospital.

🌶️ Hot Heart Disease Ideas to Write about

  1. Effective Strategies for Reducing Readmission Rates in Congestive Heart Failure Cases
    This study is concerned with the rate of readmissions for patients with congestive heart failure (CHF), which happens within 30 days after one’s discharge from the hospital.
  2. Congestive Heart Failure and Reducing Readmission Rates
    This paper discusses to reduce congestive heart failure readmission rate in adult patients 30 days after discharge, mainly through patient education.
  3. Congestive Heart Failure Patients’ Treatment Options
    Treatment options for patients with congestive heart failure are primarily determined by the professional skills of health workers and by the desire of sufferers.
  4. Reducing CHF Readmissions: Impact of Self-Care Education
    This study is concerned with the rate of readmissions for patients with congestive heart failure, which happens within 30 days after one’s discharge from the hospital.
  5. Smoking’s Role in Increasing Heart Disease Rates Among African Americans
    High prevalence of smoking in African-Americans leads to the increased incidence of heart disease in this population.
  6. Congestive Heart Failure: Patient Education Plan
    Congestive heart failure represents a serious economic burden for patients. It may adversely affect the quality of life and become a source of distress for the patient’s relatives.
  7. Heart Disease Patients’ Education and Barriers
    Relevant academic literature has been reviewed to identify major themes and important findings in the area of patient education among heart disease patients.
  8. The Main Causes of Heart Failure
    The paper aims to discover the main causes of heart failure and factors that have a direct impact on readmission rates of the patients with this medical condition.
  9. Congestive Heart Failure
    Congestive heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to perform its functions properly and, therefore, muscles and organs cannot be supplied with enough blood.
  10. Critique of Nurse-Led Heart Failure Intervention Research
    Research critiques provide nursing students and nurse professionals with a framework to synthesize evidence based practice (EBP) from research studies and provide feedback for improvement.
  11. Heart Disease Awareness: Addressing the Risk Factors in American Women’s Health
    This essay considers the issue of heart disease among women in the United States and describes a project to raise women’s awareness of the problem of heart disease.
  12. Investigating Heart Failure Studies and Their Implications for Human Rights Protection
    The present paper discusses ethical considerations and plans in the protection of human rights during the study on congestive heart failure (CHF) patients post-discharge.
  13. Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Strategies
    The purpose of this analysis is to identify the most efficacious policy strategies that can help prevent heart diseases and strokes.
  14. Key Implications for Nursing Practice: Current Trends and Future Directions
    The purpose of the given paper is to identify strengths and weaknesses of the article to understand its implications to nursing practice.
  15. Congestive Heart Failure and Patient Readmission
    This paper proposes research on the nature of congestive heart failure and why affected persons tend to be readmitted in their respective hospitals.
  16. Exploring the Link Between Chronic Bronchitis, Heart Failure, and Hypertension
    Chronic bronchitis (CB) is one of the usual occurrences during chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It presents divergent clinical complications.
  17. Evidence-Based Projects on Heart Failure Readmission: Findings and Recommendations
    The aim of this paper is to outline an evidence-based project proposal for the reduction of heart failure rehospitalization rates.
  18. Educating Heart Failure Patients: Reducing Readmissions and Enhancing Care
    This paper focuses on the provision of educational services to congestive heart failure patients and its effects on this population’s readmission rates.
  19. Education for Patients with Heart Disease
    Every hospital is obliged to conduct specialized training for people with heart diseases to make them aware of different actions that might have an adverse impact.
  20. Effective Care and Teaching Plans for Chronic Heart Failure Management
    This paper examines the case study of a 76-year-old patient with CHF and cardiomyopathy and proposes an approach to care, treatment plan, and education plan.
  21. Cardiomyopathy Treatment Options and Importance of Patient Education
    Cardiomyopathy is a health condition characterized by abnormal heart muscle. Congestive heart failure happens if the heart muscle is unable to pump blood efficiently.
  22. Preventive Measures for Heart Failure Readmission: Evidence-Based Approaches and Strategies
    This paper provides a review of the literature on strategies used to reduce readmission rates among patients with congestive heart failure.
  23. Educating Patients on Congestive Heart Failure: Importance of Follow-Up Care
    The proposed solution (education and follow-up) will be monitored to assess its effectiveness in reducing congestive heart failure readmission rates in geriatric patients.
  24. Effectiveness of Telephonic Case Management in Hispanic Heart Failure Patients
    The research problem was based on the realization that the effectiveness of heart failure management programs had not been tested when in Hispanic participants.
  25. Connections Between Anemia, Cardiomyopathy, and Congestive Heart Failure: A Comprehensive Overview
    There are very many serious health conditions. Anemia is one of the most serious diseases. The paper would cover the condition on Ms. A.
  26. Diagnostic Measures for Identifying Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in Young Athletes
    The literature review evaluates the studies that have been done on sudden cardiac arrest/death among the young athletes.

🔍 Heart Disease Research Paper Topics: How to Choose

Need more ideas for your research? Check our free toolkit:

There are several aspects to consider while picking a research paper topic:

  • Keep it narrow but not too much. Don’t be deceived by the simplicity of broad themes such as “heart disease” because you’ll never cover everything about it in one paper. Narrow down your topic, but keep it manageable – after all, it’s hard to do research when there’s barely any information available.
  • Follow your interests. Work goes much faster if you’re doing what you like. Pick the area of study that will keep you engaged and focused throughout the research.
  • Double-check with your research requirements. If you have any second thoughts, check the directions you received about your assignment to ensure you stay within the requirements.

Here are some of the most promising research areas where you can find a perfect topic:

  1. Women and heart disease.
    Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women in the US. Your research in this area would contribute to our understanding of this complex issue.
  2. Preventative cardiology.
    Preventing an illness is much better and less invasive than treating it. This is true for heart disease as well. Research the best ways to avoid it and write a paper about your findings.
  3. Interventional cardiology.
    A complete opposite of preventative measures, interventions are the most invasive type of treatment. Such approaches are often life-saving. Write about how they can be made safer and more affordable.

âť“ Research Questions About Heart Disease

  1. How Does Congenital Heart Disease Affect Homeostasis?
  2. What Has Epidemiology Contributed to People’s Understanding of Heart Disease?
  3. Is Hypertensive Heart Disease Genetic?
  4. What Are the Most Common Risk Factors for Heart Disease?
  5. What Is Ischemic Hypertensive Heart Disease?
  6. Does Poor Choices in Diet Affect Heart Disease?
  7. What Cardiac Structures Are Affected by Rheumatic Heart Disease?
  8. What Personal Habits Can Lead to Heart Disease?
  9. Is Peripheral Artery Disease Considered Heart Disease?
  10. Why Does Exercise Benefit Ischemic Heart Disease?
  11. Is Heart Disease Related to Stress at Work?
  12. What Are the Symptoms of Valvular Heart Disease?
  13. What Genetic Mutation Causes Congenital Heart Disease?
  14. Does Congenital Heart Disease Cause Weight Loss?
  15. What Criteria Are Needed to Define Stable Ischemic Heart Disease?
  16. How Does Smoking Cause Heart Disease?
  17. When Was Hypertensive Heart Disease Discovered?
  18. How Does Congenital Heart Disease Develop?
  19. When Was Hypertensive Heart Disease Discovered?
  20. Why Does Valvular Heart Disease Increase the Risk of an Embolism?
  21. How Do Psychological Factors Contribute to Coronary Heart Diseases?
  22. Is Congenital Heart Disease Communicable?
  23. How Does Congenital Heart Disease Affect the Body?
  24. What Are the Consequences of Heart Disease on Other Organ Systems?
  25. What Body System Does Ischemic Heart Disease Affect?
  26. What Is the Incidence of Heart Disease in Each Country?
  27. How Is Left-Sided Valvular Heart Disease Diagnosed?
  28. How Does Rheumatic Heart Disease Affect the Heart Valves?
  29. What Are Some Complications of Hypertensive Heart Disease?
  30. Is an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Considered Heart Disease?

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