78 Marijuana Legalization Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Marijuana Legalization

✍️ Marijuana Legalization Essay Topics for College

  1. The Controversy Surrounding Marijuana Legalization
    Hashish, weed, marijuana, and hemp are all common names for a plant from Central Asia, which today is used not only in textile production and medicine.
  2. Supporting and Opposing Recreational Marijuana Legalization
    Approximately 28 million years ago, on the eastern Tibetan Plateau, the cannabis plant underwent evolution, as revealed by a pollen study released in May 2019.
  3. Legalization of Marijuana in the US
    The legalization of marijuana is one of the longest-running debates in the United States that has attracted public attention.
  4. Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized
    The paper is designed for adolescents and adults who are concerned with the issue of whether marijuana legalization is needed in the USA.
  5. Legalization of Marijuana in the Commonwealth of Virginia
    This paper focuses on marijuana legalization in the Commonwealth of Virginia compared to the states of Colorado and Washington and the advantages and disadvantages.
  6. Legalizing Marijuana: Analysis of Arguments
    Marijuana legalization has negative and positive impacts on the health of the people and society. This paper analyzes both sides of the argument.
  7. Discussion of Legalization of Marijuana From View of Law
    The review discusses and evaluates some of the existing perspectives on the legalization of marijuana, as well as to argue in favor of the initiative.
  8. The Marijuana Legalization Arguments Analysis
    Despite the increased debate about marijuana legalization, countries should not pass laws that permit its medical and recreational use.
  9. Marijuana Legalization in Texas
    The problem of marijuana legalization in Texas is a recurring public discussion that includes various and sometimes polarized opinions.
  10. Legalizing Medical Marijuana
    Marijuana has medical and scientific importance for patients suffering from such health issues as chronic pains, cancer symptoms, and Alzheimer’s disease.
  11. Why Marijuana Should Be Legal?
    There are many arguments in favor of legalizing marijuana, including that marijuana is used for medicinal purposes, it is safer than other drugs.
  12. Legalization of Marijuana in the United States
    The main objective of this study is to look at the problem of legalizing marijuana in the United States from different angles.
  13. Issue of Legalizing Marijuana
    Legalizing marijuana is a necessary step for the United States to provide people with the medical and recreational means they need.
  14. The Pros of Legalizing Marijuana
    Marijuana should be legalized because it has numerous medical benefits, it will boost the economy, lower the crime rate, and create employment opportunities.
  15. Marijuana: Benefits of Legalization
    The government’s control can help to monitor the composition of the drug and reduce the number of health problems linked to it.
  16. Discussion of Marijuana Legalization
    The paper argues that legalizing marijuana has some advantages and disadvantages and analyzes its effects on society.
  17. The Position Concerning the Legalization of Marijuana
    The paper argues in different ways for the position concerning the legalization of marijuana. They differ in the approaches to the analysis of this problem.
  18. The Legalization of Marijuana in Canada
    Legalizing marijuana improves the Canadian economy, allows the government to control marijuana sales, and increases the criminal justice system’s inequalities.
  19. Legalization of Marijuana in Canada
    In 2018, Canada became the first industrialized nation to legalize marijuana, which resulted in both positive and negative consequences.
  20. Legalization of Marijuana and Prostitution
    Every state should develop ways of controlling the influence of selling marijuana and prostitution before establishing a conclusion on legalizing it.
  21. Arguments Against the Legalization of Marijuana
    I am persuaded to state that legalizing marijuana is a serious mistake if committed by a state and it’s not only morally wrong but it’s a time bomb.
  22. Marijuana Legalization and Its Use Among American Teenagers
    Opponents against the liberalization of marijuana counter that marijuana is not a munificent drug and that its use can attract various problems to an individual.
  23. Perspectives of Legalizing Marijuana in Texas
    Marijuana has the capability of becoming an important substance in the world today. The government must take the responsibility to legalize it.
  24. Marijuana Legalization in Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, and South Dakota
    The current essay discusses how federalism relates to the legalization of marijuana and argues that the legalization of marijuana is an example of the states as “laboratories of democracy.”
  25. Legalization of Marijuana and Other Illegal Drugs
    The essay relates both the pros and cons of legalizing drugs, but since there is a solid argument for both sides, a conclusion cannot be reached unless more research is conducted.
  26. Legalization of Marijuana Essay Example
    The nationwide legalization of marijuana is not a positive option since it can contribute to motor vehicle crash fatalities, does not reduce crime rates, and affects teenagers’ health.

đź‘Ť Good Marijuana Legalization Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Should Marijuana Be Legalized?
    This paper analyzes two research articles in an attempt to present arguments for the legalization of cannabis.
  2. Opposition Towards Legalization of Marijuana
    The international community has not yet come to the consensus as to the legalization of soft drugs, and marijuana, in particular.
  3. Economic Effects of Legalizing Marijuana
    The paper will concentrate on looking at the economic benefits of legalizing the drug and also the possible negative effects that may result.
  4. Marijuana Should Be Legalized in the United States
    It can be clearly seen how the legalization of Marijuana if only for medical purposes can bring the United States some much-needed revenue in these dire economic times.
  5. Marijuana Legalization: History, Debate, and Policy Implications
    The topic of marijuana legalization has been debated at the global level for numerous decades. It is important to have a certain idea about the subject of discussion.
  6. Marijuana Legalization Controversies: Arguments For and Against
    The topic of marijuana legalization has always been a subject of numerous heated debates for decades. The legislative measures and methodological tools to study both positive and negative effects are present.
  7. Marijuana Legalization: Economic and Medical Benefits
    Considering the many economic, health, and social gains, which may result as a product of legalizing Marijuana, it is very important for the federal government to weigh such gains, hence legalize its usage.
  8. Marijuana Legalization and Criminalization
    The government can introduce awareness programs to sensitize the citizens on the dangers of excessive use of the drug.
  9. Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative: Impacts and Regulatory Considerations
    This paper at hand will analyze the Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative, Amendment 2, which was passed in the state of Florida on November 8, 2016, and came into legal force on January 3, 2017.
  10. Weighing Marijuana Legalization: Health, Use, and Risks
    Legalization of recreational marijuana consumption has garnered much support in recent years as the movement spread across several states in the US.
  11. NY Marijuana Laws: From Arrests to Summonses
    Issuing tickets to people smoking marijuana in public places will free up police resources and will decrease racial disparities.
  12. Marijuana Legalization: PREPARE and IMAGINE Models
    Marijuana is a common drug that is present in many regions around the globe. This research uses the PREPARE and IMAGINE model to evaluate the legalization of marijuana.
  13. Marijuana Legalization: Health, Economic, and Social Benefits
    Marijuana is a psychoactive substance that is classified as an illegal drug in the United States. This study analyzes the reasons why should legalize marijuana.
  14. Debating Marijuana Legalization: Pros, Cons, and Policy Considerations
    Most Studies reported that around 60% of all Americans consider that marijuana should be legalized, and the remaining 40% considers that marijuana should be prohibited.
  15. Legalization of Marijuana for Pain Management: Analyzing Health Implications
    Media discusses the necessity of legalizing marijuana to be used for medical purposes and help patients deal with chronic illnesses.
  16. Should the Federal Government Legalize the Use of Marijuana?
    Such fear and the need to exploit the numerous benefits of marijuana are what have triggered a very controversial debate on whether the government should legalize its use.
  17. Washington Post: Why D.C. Should Delay Marijuana Legalization
    Article posted by the Editorial Board of the Washington Post newspaper, the rush to legalize the use of marijuana should be rejected by Washington D.C voters.
  18. The Impact of Marijuana Legalization in Washington and Colorado: An Overview
    Legalizing marijuana will definitely make it cheaper in the market in spite of the associated taxes that will be levied by the respective state authorities.
  19. Legal Implications of Marijuana Legalization in the U.S. Healthcare Sector
    Marijuana is a useful drug that can have a lot of benefits to the society contrary to the common belief that it is a harmful drug.
  20. Legalization Debate: Comparing Marijuana and Crack Cocaine Policies
    Marijuana (cannabis) has varied medicinal uses, and many States in the Americas have allowed the possession and use of small quantities of marijuana for medicinal purposes only.

🎓 Most Interesting Marijuana Legalization Research Titles

  1. Marijuana Legalization and How It Affects the GDP
  2. How Marijuana Legalization Would Benefit the Criminal Justice System
  3. The Cross-Border Spillover Effects of Recreational Marijuana Legalization
  4. Marijuana Legalization Could Lower Crime Rates and Reduce the Amount of Money the Government Spends on Prisons
  5. The Debate Over the Controversial Subject of Marijuana Legalization in the U.S
  6. Legalization of Recreational Marijuana: Facilitators and Barriers to Switching From an Illegal to a Legal Source
  7. Ethical Issues for Legalizing Marijuana in the Caribbean
  8. Marijuana Legalization – Good for the Nation? The Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana
  9. How Legalizing Marijuana Could Help Boost the Economy
  10. Legalization of Marijuana and Its Effects on Licit and Illicit Markets in the United States
  11. The Effects of the Legalization of Recreational Marijuana
  12. Does Marijuana Legalization Help or Harm Americans?
  13. Marijuana Legalization: Growing the Economy or Destroying Lives
  14. Measuring the Criminal Justice System Impacts of Marijuana Legalization and Decriminalization
  15. What Do We Know About Opportunities and Challenges for Localities From Marijuana Legalization?
  16. Marijuana Legalization: The Reasons for Legalizing Marijuana and for Keeping It Illegal
  17. The Benefits of Marijuana Legalization and Regulation
  18. Legalizing Marijuana: What Does the Evidence Say?
  19. Time for a Change: Legalizing Marijuana in the State of Texas
  20. America Loses Potential Profit for Not Legalizing Marijuana Production
  21. How Marijuana Legalization Will Impact Society
  22. Marijuana Legalization: Impact on Physicians and Public Health
  23. The Cost and Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana for Recreational Uses
  24. Marijuana Legalization Will Pose Bigger Problems for America
  25. The Economic, Medical, and Industrial Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana

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