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104 Reforms Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Reforms

đź‘Ť Good Reforms Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. The Republican China Key Figures and Reforms
    This paper provides information about three key figures in the reforms and establishment of the People’s Republic of China: Liang Qichao, Lu Xun, and Mao Zedong.
  2. Aspects of Obama’s Tax Reforms
    This essay discusses the taxation policies proposed during the Obamas administration, their implementation, and an evaluation of the policies’ achievements.
  3. Tax Law Reforms and Individual Tax Burden
    Two tax reforms that were discussed in the podcast by AICPA are the reduction in corporate tax rates and qualified business income deductions.
  4. Policy Reforms for Affordable Healthcare in the US
    The three presidents, Trump, Obama, and Bush, used different approaches in advocating for affordable healthcare policies to improve the general population’s wellbeing.
  5. The United States History Reforms Chart
    This paper provides the United States history reforms chart, including reforms in the fields of public education, temperance, abolition, and women’s rights.
  6. The Affordable Care Act and Healthcare Reforms
    The Affordable Care Act was enacted to bring healthcare delivery changes and ensure more Americans had access to quality healthcare.
  7. Importance Healthcare Reforms and for Governments
    Healthcare reforms are necessary since they help in increasing the accessibility and affordability of quality primary healthcare.
  8. Jerome Miller’s Reforms
    Miller’s reforms can be described as neither “good” nor “bad”. Americans realize that Bible-thumpers should be removed from a strong influence on the formation of policies.
  9. Health-Related Lobbyists and Health Care Reforms
    Health-related lobbyists consist of health professionals, pharmaceuticals, and health associations responsible for agitating better policies and conditions for the health sector.
  10. Reforms on Racial Composition of the Jury
    There has been a need to reform this crucial arm of the United States government in terms of its racial composition. The paper discusses this idea of reform.
  11. Election Reforms in the State of Georgia
    Lawmakers in the state of Georgia recently passed a state election law brought by republicans. The bill passed due to the critics who protested outside the capital.
  12. Police Reforms Implementation: The Los Angeles Police Department
    83% of the LA residents vouching for the good job of the police especially because the LAPD has desisted from using serious force since 2004.
  13. The U.S. Healthcare System’s Problems and Reforms
    The U.S. healthcare delivery system’s primary objective is to integrate people, institutions, and resources to meet various healthcare needs and preferences of the targeted group.
  14. Reforms Examination: Rape and Sexual Assault
    The paper is a critical examination of reforms that need to be done in regards to rape and sexual assault. There are eight categories of reforms that need to be initiated.
  15. Stock Markets in China and the Reforms
    This paper is a case study that analyses the conditions of stock markets in China, which is a typical emerging market.
  16. Religious Liberties in the Face of Employment Discrimination Reforms
    The Human Rights Campaign primarily focuses on protecting and spearheading the civil and human rights of LGBTQ individuals within the United States.
  17. Criminal Justice System: Fairness and Reforms
    The precise evaluation of the criminal justice system’s fairness should be done through routine collection and competitive analysis of the relevant data.
  18. The Major Rights and Reforms Wanted During the French Revolution
    The revolution activists aimed to redefine the nature of political authority, address social reform, and fight the economic unrest and the wide disparity between the classes.
  19. Religious Liberties and LGBTQ Employment Discrimination Reforms
    The biggest resistance to LGBTQ rights has been religion, with members of society who disapprove of homosexuality.
  20. The Impact of Political Reforms on My Life
    Reform movements have greatly impacted today’s life by creating ideal social, economic, and political transformations and bringing them close to the people.
  21. Employment Discrimination Reforms: Religious Liberties
    Federal Law and the laws in many American States do not explicitly prohibit employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
  22. Reforms and Modernization in Asia in the 20th Century
    The twentieth century revolution in Asia was due to Euro-American imperialism force, which begun earlier in nineteenth century.
  23. National Health Service’s Reforms by New Labour Party
    The National Health Service reforms introduced by the New Labour government have noble goals of improving the healthcare industry in England.
  24. Social Security Reforms in the United States
    The United States of America should focus on the danger predicted in its Social Security fund system and derive ways of avoiding it.
  25. Various Reforms in the Intelligence Community of the USA
    The paper describes the history of intelligence agencies of the United States and the reforms that the agencies have been through.
  26. The Politics of Health and Care: Reforms Timeline
    The adoption of HIPAA was among the key healthcare reform events of the 1990s (the presidentship of Clinton), and the act did not encounter significant opposition.
  27. Reforms to Improve the Level of Family Education
    Children’s education of great importance for tightening up the relations between the state and family units because the success of social reforms largely depends on this issue.
  28. Nursing Advocacy Role in Healthcare Reforms
    The paper discusses the definition of the advocacy role of a nurse and shows that the opinion of a medical specialist can change the situation in the healthcare segment.
  29. Ethical Conflicts of Obama and Trump Healthcare Reforms
    The healthcare reforms advanced by President Obama in 2010 have a number of similarities with the recent reforms introduced by President Trump.
  30. Missouri Gun Laws and Obama’s Reforms
    The gun law in the state of Missouri was signed into law to regulate the use and control the session of firearms and ammunition among the civilians.
  31. US Financial and Banking Reforms History
    The paper reviews articles that analyze the challenges of the US financial institution in 1832 and explain the significance of the US banking reforms under Nicolas Biddle.
  32. Education Reforms under the Bologna Treaty in Romania
    The Bologna treaty was characterized by a series of reforms undertaken by 45 European countries. The reforms aimed at creating an integrated higher education era in Europe.
  33. State Strategies: Massachusetts’ Health Reforms
    This paper describes the Massachusetts’ Health Reforms, explains the rationale, how it was adopted, the funding structure, and its impact.
  34. Labor Market and Legal Reforms in Ontario, Canada
    The current paper pertains to the changes in the labor legislation that is currently under consideration in the province of Ontario, Canada.
  35. The Egyptian Revolution and Resulting Reforms
    This paper concentrates on the evaluation of economic, political, and social reforms implemented by the government after the Egyptian revolution.
  36. Cuban Colonial History: The Effects of Spanish Government’s Reforms
    This paper is aimed at examining the effects produced by the reforms that were carried out by the Spanish government in order to improve the defensive capabilities of Cuba.
  37. Healthcare in the United States: Timeline and Reforms
    An analysis of important events, major figures, the formation of health related organizations gives an insight into the history of U.S. health care.

🎓 Most Interesting Reforms Research Titles

  1. Economic Reforms and Growth in Franco’s Spain
  2. British Lord Cromer’s Responsibility for Economic Reforms
  3. Constitutional Reforms, Fiscal Decentralization, and Regional Fiscal Flows in Italy
  4. Energy Reforms and Consumer Prices in the EU Over Twenty Years
  5. Germany’s Growth Potential, Structural Reforms, and Global Imbalances
  6. Algeria’s Political and Civil Reforms From 1870 to 1920
  7. Mexican Labor Unions and Economic Reforms Over the Past 20 Years
  8. 1990s Global Financial Crises, Causes, and Reforms
  9. Government-business Relations and Catching up Reforms in the CIS
  10. American Presidents and Their Economic Reforms
  11. Economic Globalisation, Nationalism & Reforms in India
  12. Early Egyptian Religious Beliefs and Akhenatens Reforms
  13. Foodgrain Market Integration Under Market Reforms in Egypt
  14. Capital and Consumption Tax Reforms in a Small Open Economy
  15. Financial Reforms and Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in the Season Countries
  16. Black Markets for Currency, Hoarding Activity and Policy Reforms
  17. Macroeconomic Trends and Reforms in Germany
  18. Economic Crisis and Fiscal Reforms in Latin America
  19. Banking Crises, Labor Reforms, and Unemployment
  20. China’s Unfinished Open-economy Reforms: Liberalisation of Services
  21. Japanese Military, Social, Political and Economic Reforms
  22. Lessons From Enterprise Reforms in China and Vietnam
  23. Bank Reforms, Foreign Ownership, and Financial Stability
  24. Higher Education Reforms and Signaling Equilibria
  25. California Strengthen Health Reforms
  26. Banking Sector Reforms and Co-operative Credit Institutions in India
  27. Anti-money Laundering Reforms and Trends in Asia
  28. British Welfare Reforms Between 1880-1914
  29. Decentralization Reforms and Regionalism in China
  30. Fiscal Policy and Structural Reforms in Transition Economies

đź’ˇ Simple Reforms Essay Ideas

  1. Financial Reforms and Consumption Behaviour in Malawi
  2. Economic Reforms and Human Development Indicators in India
  3. Central Bank Reforms and Institutions
  4. China Healthcare Insurance Reforms
  5. Japan-Korea Free Trade Area and Structural Reforms
  6. Economic Reforms and the Poor
  7. Czech Public and Occupational Pension Schemes and Reforms
  8. Elements for Understanding Economic Reforms in Montenegro
  9. Economic Reforms and Finances of Andhra Pradesh
  10. Labor Market Reforms, Temporary Workers and Wage Inequality
  11. Constitutional Reforms and Food Policy
  12. Agricultural Policy Reforms and Structural Adjustments in Bangladesh
  13. ICT and Nigerian Banks Reforms
  14. Debates Over Labor Reforms in Post-mao China (1978-1995)
  15. Banking Crises and Reversals in Financial Reforms
  16. Agricultural Trade Policy Reforms in India
  17. Daily Seasonality and Stock Market Reforms in Spain
  18. Church Reforms During Renaissance Era
  19. Interactions Between Product and Labour Market Reforms
  20. Cuts Drive Health System Reforms in Spain
  21. Institutional Reforms and Dualism in European Labor Markets
  22. Euro Area Structural Reforms in Times of a Global Crisis
  23. Crises, Reforms, and Regime Persistence in Sub-saharan Africa
  24. Financial Sector Reforms and Currency Crisis: The Indonesian Experience
  25. Labor Market Reforms and the Great Recession
  26. Agrarian Crisis and Economic Reforms in the USSR
  27. Governance Reforms and Macroeconomic Policies in Europe
  28. Economic Reforms and Exchange Rate Pass-through to Domestic Prices in India
  29. Banking Reforms and Its Impact on the Economy
  30. Abolitionist Movements and Social Reforms

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