219 Rhetoric Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Rhetoric

✍ Rhetoric Essay Topics for College

  1. Rhetorical Analysis of “Hidden Intellectualism” by Gerald Graff
    The author claims that a person can be intelligent in many ways and differentiates between so-called “book smart” and “street smart” people.
  2. Steve Jobs’ Commencement: Rhetorical Analysis
    The speech by Steve Jobs was a part of Stanford University’s graduation ceremony. The author refers to his personal experience and his credibility as a technology company CEO.
  3. Usage of Rhetorical Appeals in “Letter From Birmingham Jail”
    In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” as a response to a statement by clergymen, accusing King’s peaceful resistance to the racism of violence.
  4. Rhetorical Analysis of Adidas “Break Free” Advertisement
    The “Break Free” advertisement is a great example of an inspiring video with an unpredictable plot. It uses original images that seem not connected to the sport.
  5. Steve Jobs’ Speech at Stanford: Rhetorical Analysis
    Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford university commencement address illustrates how rhetorical components should be utilized while giving a discourse.
  6. Rhetoric: The “Stressed Out” Song by Twenty One Pilots
    This paper was written for the purpose of rhetorical analysis of the song “Stressed Out” by Twenty One Pilots.
  7. Antigone and Creon’s Use of Rhetoric
    This analysis reveals that the rhetoric of Antigone and Creon is similar because they represent categorical ideas.
  8. Rhetorical Analysis of the Two Ads
    This essay is aimed at a rhetorical analysis of the two proposed ads in order to identify the means of Pathos, Ethos, and Logos.
  9. The Speech “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence” by Martin Luther King, Jr: Rhetorical Analysis
    In order to convince his audience that the civil rights movement in the U.S. should oppose the Vietnam War, Martin Luther King, Jr. appealed to their ethos, pathos, and logos.
  10. The 2018 Coca-Cola Super Bowl Commercial Rhetorical Analysis
    The analysis argues that “The Wonder of Us” commercial of the relaxing coke experience associated with the youthful propagate the urge to get the refreshing moments with the drink.
  11. Michelle Obama’s TED Speech: Rhetoric Devices
    Michelle Obama’s TED speech is an example of a well-designed public speech that will be analyzed according to the Aristotelian rhetoric framework.
  12. Algebra Development: Rhetoric, Syncopated and Symbolic Stages
    The study discusses the three stages of algebra development which includes rhetoric stage, syncopated stage and symbolic stage.
  13. The “Ain’t I a Woman?” Speech by Truth: Rhetorical Analysis
    “Ain’t I a Woman?” is a seminal speech by Sojourner Truth at the Women’s Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio. Truth uses numerous rhetorical devices to appeal to her audience.
  14. Rhetoric Analysis of Jack London’s “To Build a Fire”
    In his “To Build a Fire”, London incorporates the rhetorical triangle to demonstrate the power of nature over human beings and animals.
  15. Rhetorical Analysis Through Lyrics: “The Times They Are A-Changing” and “The Wind of Change”
    This paper examined “The Times They Are A-Changing” and “The Wind of Change” as examples of songs that highlight important social issues.
  16. Rhetoric of “Virtual Promise” by Claire Giordano
    In a persuasive essay, “Virtual Promise: Why Online Courses Will Not Adequately Prepare Us for the Future,” Claire Giordano discusses the pros and cons of taking online courses.
  17. Rhetorical Analysis of “Why Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness” by Begley
    This paper presents the rhetorical analysis of the article “Why Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness” by Begley, paying special attention to ethos and pathos.
  18. Hamlet’s Monologue: A Rhetorical Analysis
    The rhetorical devices used by Shakespeare in the monologue of Hamlet help readers better understand the main character’s uncertainty about his life, death, and revenge.
  19. Rhetorical Analysis of the Gillette Commercial
    This paper aims to convey the rhetorical analysis of the Gilette Commercial “We Believe: The Best Men Can Be” to identify how its text uses the rhetorical triangle to influence.
  20. Rhetoric of Barack Obama’s Victory Speech in 2008
    In his 2008 speech, Barack Obama used rhetorical strategies such as allusion, patriotic associations, simple language, and parallel constructions to capture people’s attention.
  21. Letter From Birmingham Jail: Rhetorical Devices
    Luther King wrote his “Letter from Birmingham Jail” with the aim to inform the clergy that he had a right to be in Birmingham and that his actions had moral and honorable reasons.
  22. Think Different: A Rhetorical Analysis of an Image
    The Apple statement “Think Different” celebrates individuals that think differently, such as Apple, since they are the ones who contribute to the betterment.
  23. “Dwellings” Rhetorical Techniques Analysis
    The essay discusses Hogan’s story and shows how it uses images pulled from the lasting changes of nature to show that homes are never as simple and as fixed as they sometimes believe.
  24. Rhetoric of “The Myth of the Charioteer” by Plato
    The Myth of the Charioteer by Plato is the part of his dialogue Phaedrus. Being presented as the Chariot Allegory, Plato aims to describe the nature of human soul using rhetoric.
  25. “The Rhetoric of Video Games” by Ian Bogost
    In his article “The rhetoric of video games,” Ian Bogost writes about how video games reflect the real life of people, their interactions, feelings, and worldviews.
  26. Rhetorical Analysis of a Film “Us”
    By pointing out metaphors, symbols, dialogues, and details in various scenes, The Film Theorists make a convincing argument about the film’s “Us” deeper meaning.
  27. Roiphe’s Confessions of a Female Chauvinist Sow: Rhetorical Analysis
    In this work, I am going to analyze Confessions of a Female Chauvinist Sow, written by Anne Roiphe. The main readers of Roiphe’s work are mainly women.
  28. “Get Out” Movie’s Rhetorical Analysis
    The movie Get Out is a horror satire. Its main purpose is to illustrate an exaggerated reality of interracial interactions from the African-American person’s perspective.
  29. Rhetorical Analysis Essay: an Example of a Web Page Case Study
    The use of rhetoric elements ⚛ in marketing helps stimulate ? customer demand. Learn more about how to do this from this rhetorical analysis essay sample!
  30. “Why Summer Makes Us Lazy”: Rhetorical Analysis
    The text of the article “Why Summer Makes Us Lazy” is presented sequentially, and the ideas follow one from the other, thereby creating a coherent narrative.
  31. Rhetorical Analysis of “The Disadvantages of an Elite Education” by Deresiewicz
    “The Disadvantages of an Elite Education,” the article by William Deresiewicz, claims that higher education can be disadvantageous and harmful for the personality and society.

👍 Good Rhetoric Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. “Letter From Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King, Jr.: Rhetorical Analysis
    By combining ethos, pathos, and logos in a natural way, the “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King, Jr. becomes a powerful speech supported by main rhetorical tools.
  2. Rhetorical Analysis of a Commercial
    The rhetorical analysis entails Nike’s commercial, “We’re short a guy,” which shows a young man playing multiple different sports.
  3. Visual Rhetoric in New-Age Beauty Advertisements
    The purpose of this paper is to examine how the advertisement “Feeling like Glossier” combines simple design and a memorable catchphrase.
  4. Video Advertisement: The Efficiency of the Aristotle’s Rhetoric
    This essay examines the effectiveness of using Ethos, Pathos, and Logos as the persuasive tools in the “Jason Momoa Super Bowl Commercial 2020. Rocket Mortgage” advertisement.
  5. Rhetorical Analysis Essay: Ethos, Logos and Pathos
    A rhetoric situation is an act of speaking or writing effectively. Rhetoric is also a situation that lacks a meaningful understanding.
  6. Douglass’ Rhetorical Strategy: Biblical Allusions
    In the present paper, two examples of biblical allegories used by Douglas in the Narrative will be analyzed to show why his audience could find those passages persuasive.
  7. Visual Rhetoric in L’Oreal EverCrùme Advertisement
    The objective of this study is to try to identify the use of propaganda and weasel words in the advertisement, “L’Oreal Ever Crùme”, which is about hair products.
  8. Alan Moore’s Rhetoric and Writing Style in Watchmen
    Alan Moore’s comic book Watchmen was a phenomenal breakthrough in the production of the comic. It was unexpected but a negative story about superheroes.
  9. Rhetorical Analysis of Steve Jobs Commencement Speech
    In his commencement speech presented to the Stanford graduates of 2005, Steve Jobs provided the audience with parallels regarding the college setting and his education and career path.
  10. Rhetorical Strategies Comparison
    Using rhetorical devices helps the writer find arguments suitable for the given audience. Both Rodov’s and Rice’s speeches established credibility and aimed to evoke emotions.
  11. Women in Classical Rhetorical Theory during Ancient Times
    Despite there were many restrictions on women’s rights in ancient times, they also have used the classical rhetorical theory to share their wisdom and were teachers of rhetoric.
  12. Angelina Jolie’s Rhetorical Speech on Female Empowerment
    Angelina Jolie delivered a powerful message to her colleagues to inspire them to fight for female empowerment through art.
  13. Use of Rhetorical Devices in Advertisement
    The Girls’ Trip- Subaru commercial ad effectively employs the use of pathos in the advertisement for the Crosstrek 2021 model.
  14. Rhetorical Triangle Assignment: “In The End” by Linkin Park
    Although it has produced a substantial number of memorable songs, In The End by Linkin Park is particularly meaningful.
  15. “Why I Won’t Buy an iPad” by Doctorow: Rhetorical Analysis
    The purpose of the essay is to determine whether Cory Doctorow has effectively convinced his readers why they should not buy IPad in the “Why I Won’t Buy an iPad” essay.
  16. Rhetorical Analysis of “Media Control” by Chomsky
    In the article “Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda” Chomsky exposes how political influence threatens democracy and the participation of the bewildered herd.
  17. Rhetorical Effects of Grammatical Choices in “Only Disconnect”
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss some of the rhetorical effects of grammatical choices in Gary Shteyngart’s “Only Disconnect.”
  18. Rhetorical Analysis of John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address
    John Kennedy was a good orator and delivered compelling messages of which considered the best was his inaugural address.
  19. Margaret Fuller’s and Frederick Douglass’ Rhetorical Styles
    The rhetorical styles of M. Fuller and F. Douglass may have been unusual but they left an indelible mark in the literary field. The work they wrote is rich in folklore.
  20. The Use of Rhetoric in Advertisements
    Advertisements use a specific type of rhetoric that prioritizes creating an appealing image alongside an intriguing message that will affect the audience’s buying behavior.
  21. Rhetorical Analysis of Simpsons: Trash of the Titans
    The present analysis focuses on the comparison of the two speeches by Homer Simpson that were presented in the episode Trash of the Titans.
  22. Chomsky’s “Media Control” Rhetorical Analysis
    In the “Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda” article, the author Noam Chomsky begins by analyzing two models of democracy.
  23. Rhetorical Scheme in “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck
    Just like any other novel this one utilizes three rhetorical schemes such as emotion, character, and logic. Yet upon closer examination the strongest is emotion or pathos.
  24. Roosevelt’s Speech to the 77th Congress: Rhetorical Analysis
    President Roosevelt’s speech to the 77th Congress is effective because he uses persuasion tools, including kairos, pathos, ethos, and logos.
  25. Antique Mobile Advertisement: Rhetorical Analysis
    Most successful businesses have created tactical and unique initiatives to build solid relationships with their client base.
  26. The COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy: Rhetorical Analysis
    This rhetorical analysis paper focuses on a video, presented by John Oliver, which discusses the prevalent skepticism surrounding the COVID-19 vaccination process in the US.
  27. Rhetorical Qualities of the 1969 Marijuana PSA
    This mini-essay will assess the anti-marijuana PSA from 1969. Due to the presence of several logical fallacies in it, presently produces the exact opposite effect of the intended one.
  28. Lincoln’s and Dickinson’s Rhetorical Discourses
    Abraham Lincoln’s “Second inaugural address” and Emily Dickinson’s “Success is counted sweetest” can be regarded as an illustration of close ties between poetics and rhetoric.
  29. Rhetorical Questions in Literature: Capturing Readers’ Emotions
    The book of Michael Pollan gives room for the reader to develop rhetorical questions, point out criticism as well as figure out solutions to the concerns raised by the author.
  30. Michelin’s New Pilot Super Sport Tires: A Game Changer
    In this paper we will analyze trade mark Michelin, its new product and will talk about the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.
  31. Rhetorical Devices in “The Monkey’s Paw” by Jacobs
    “The Monkey’s Paw” is a short story written by William Wymark Jacobs. Foreshadowing is one of the stylistic devices the author employs to create a unique atmosphere in the text.
  32. George W. Bush’s Speech: Rhetorical Analysis
    The speech under analysis is delivered by former US president George W. Bush on the crisis in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq. The speech’s aim was to outline the US policy.
  33. Visual Rhetoric of The Publicis Singapore Ad
    This work will explore visual rhetoric using the example of advertising from the Publicis Singapore created for Crisis Relief Singapore as an example of the degree of persuasion.
  34. I Have a Dream Speech: Rhetorical Analysis
    Martin Luther King’s speech “I have a Dream” is recognized as one of the best speeches of the XX century due to its vivid imagery, persuasiveness, and clear structure.

🎓 Most Interesting Rhetoric Research Titles

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Genre Analysis: Rhetoric and Social Movements
    The Civil Rights Movement of the 20th was characterized by the wide use of rhetoric to convey the idea of social justice, equality, and the need for change.
  2. Rhetorical Analysis of the Song “Permanent” by David Cook
    In the paper implements rhetorical analysis to the song Permanent by David Cook and discuss the major aspects brought up in it.
  3. Rhetorical Analysis of Steve Jobs’ Speech
    Steve Jobs, the legendary innovator and founder of the Apple Corporation, spoke at Stanford University in 2005, and this was one of the businessman’s landmark speeches.
  4. Rhetorical Analysis: Google Analytics App
    The intended audience of the analysis is represented by the users of the Google Analytics app, which means the people who want to search, organize, and save data on some subjects.
  5. Assisted Suicide: Critical Thinking and Rhetoric
    For assisted suicide to have positive consequences for people who yearn for such an early death, the practice must be published and not performed in secret.
  6. Rhetoric and Stereotypes in Society
    Stereotyping has been used as a tool in persuading others to embrace a certain cause. Different individuals will be viewed differently in society.
  7. Colonial Rhetoric in Art: Natives and Identity in 19th-Century Canada
    “Representation as a colonial rhetoric” by Poulter talks social impact of art on the natives. “Molinari and the Science of Colour and Line” by Welsh focuses on Molinari’s art.
  8. King’s Rhetoric in His Letter from Birmingham Jail
    Martin Luther King Jr.’s use of ethos, pathos, logos, and rhetorical questions in his “Letter from Birmingham Jail” to effectively communicate his message against injustice.
  9. Wellness Rhetoric: Personal Opinion
    Wellness is a state in which an individual feels good and has the strength to pursue goals, the achievement of which will support personal well-being.
  10. Rhetoric of The World Can’t Keep Fishing Like This by Allgeier and Punke
    The opinion article “The World Can’t Keep Fishing Like This” by Allgeier and Punke is an example of the effective use of various methods to make the audience follow the main idea.
  11. Donald Trump’s Crisis Rhetoric at the US–Mexico Border
    Donald J. Trump is a highly controversial figure in American politics, and his policies, statements, and manners of speaking have been repeatedly criticized and rethought.
  12. Rhetoric: The Ability to Learn from Mistakes
    Learning something new always goes through mistakes because this is a normal phenomenon. Learn from mistakes, be honest and eat sweets!
  13. Rhetoric: Different Types of Speeches
    Good speech builds support, which can be used to develop future interactions with the audience. Informative and persuasive speech types are aids in this endeavor.
  14. Comparative Analysis of Rhetoric by Different Authors
    Rhetoric, the art of effectively persuading or impressing the audience using different techniques, is an ancient art of discourse.
  15. Rhetoric Tactics in The King’s Speech Film
    The King’s Speech showcases the strategies used by the ascendant monarch of the British Empire to overcome his own fear of public speaking.
  16. Joe Biden’s 2021 Speech: Rhetorical Analysis
    Joe Biden, the current President of the US, gave a speech on the coronavirus pandemic on March 11, 2021. The speaker deployed various rhetorical strategies and devices.
  17. Obama’s and Clinton’s Speeches Rhetorical Analysis
    This article presents a rhetorical analysis of the speeches of the following historical figures: Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.
  18. Plato’s Gorgias Dialogue on the Power of Rhetoric
    Dialogue Gorgias by Plato consists of three conversations of Socrates: with Gorgias himself, with Polus, and with Callicles.
  19. “The History and Theory of Rhetoric” Book by Herrick
    The book “The History and Theory of Rhetoric” by James Herrick revealed some of the hidden facts about rhetoric and its implications on language and communication.
  20. The Essay “This Is the Kind of Storytelling that Economics Needs” by Peter Coy: Rhetorical Analysis
    The current paper presents the rhetorical analysis of the opinion article “This is the kind of storytelling that economics needs” by Peter Coy.
  21. The “Rhetoric in the Middle Ages” Book by Murphy
    The book “Rhetoric in the Middle Ages” by James J. Murphy, clarified how, why, and when classical rhetoric ceased, and medieval rhetoric began.
  22. The Rhetoric and Public Affairs Journal Analysis
    Rhetoric and Public Affairs covers technology, subjects, and issues in Language and Linguistics, Communication, Sociology and Political Science, and Public Affairs.
  23. A Rhetorical Analysis of “Daddy Issues” by Sandra Tsing Loh
    In her essay “Daddy Issues”, Sandra Tsing Loh, a Chinese American, talks about the plight of people who are faced with caring for their elderly parents.
  24. Rhetorical Analysis and Fallacies of Argumentation
    The rhetorical analysis involves analyzing the content in terms of three components: ethos, pathos, and logos. There exist fallacies in logical, emotional, and ethical arguments.
  25. The Art of Rhetoric for an Effective Speech
    The art of rhetoric provides people with helpful recommendations on how they can effectively talk. In arguments, participants should use multiple techniques.
  26. Importance of Rhetorical Features in Literature
    The rhetorical devices help people to understand the importance of communication. The former US president demonstrated what his policy emphasis would be.
  27. Secularism and Buddhism: Rise of Violent Buddhist Rhetoric
    Since the dawn of civilization, the paradigm of religion has been one of the central narratives for a national community and its value system.
  28. Rhetoric: “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All” by Slaughter
    This paper provides an analysis of how the article’s author manages to persuade the reader by employing a rhetorical strategy that relies on ethos and testimony evidence.
  29. Bill Clinton Presidency: Grand Strategy, Grand Rhetoric
    The late presidency of George Herbert Walker Bush was associated with the vast military success in the Gulf War and the associated increase in approval ratings.
  30. Discussion of Aristotle Rhetoric
    The reading discusses the idea of rhetoric as a means of persuasion because Aristotle argues effective persuasion depends on the successful use of ethos, logos, and pathos.
  31. Rhetoric as Style Choice in American Literature
    American literature is broadly defined as English-language literature produced in what is today known as the United States.
  32. Rhetoric of Article “Want to Save Civilization?” by Malady
    In his article, published in 2013 in “The New York Times Magazine, ” Malady argues that the queue is one of the fundamental social constructs.
  33. Paul McCartney: Rhetorical Analysis
    Paul McCartney’s example is constantly pushing me towards self-development and motivating me to become a better member of our society.
  34. Thesis for Rhetorical Analysis Essay: That Sugar Film Directed by S.Dalton
    An Australian director and actor, Damon Gameau, decides to test whether sugar is harmful to the body: That Sugar Film directed by S.Dalton.
  35. The Problem of Finding a Job for College Graduates: Rhetoric Analysis
    The discussion of the issues in finding a job for college graduates is efficiently presented by Alina Tugend, who used numerous rhetorical devices for this purpose.
  36. The Principles of Rhetoric in Media
    This review will discuss all of the principles of rhetoric in regard to a specific example and cite appropriate evidence when needed.
  37. Analysis of Thomas Paine’s Rhetoric
    The paper analysis Paine rhetoric which contributed to the success of the American Revolution by motivating the masses to rebel against Britain.
  38. Rhetorical Strategies of FIFA Franchise
    The website central to this review provides its viewers with reasons for either pre-ordering or waiting on the newest instalment in the FIFA franchise, FIFA 22.
  39. The Rhetoric of the Gettysburg Address
    Lincoln’s speech during the Civil War had a meaningful impact on listeners and helped people continue to fight for independence.
  40. Racialized Rhetoric: Domestic Violence and Muslim Community
    The work analyzes the rhetoric in the news article, which discusses forced marriage and compares it to the existing research regarding violence against women and racialization in the media.

đŸŒ¶ïž Hot Rhetoric Ideas to Write About

  1. The Rhetoric of Condemnation in the Book of Job
    The Book of Job belongs to the Ketuvim (“Writings”) section of the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament part of the Christian Bible.
  2. Rhetoric in Moore’s “Idiot Nation” and Gatto’s “Against School”
    Two of the essays that discuss the problems of the modern education establishments are “Idiot Nation” written by Moore and “Against School” written by Gatto.
  3. Rhetorical Analysis: “In Defense of the ‘Impractical’ English Major” by C. Gregoire and “Top 10 Reasons You’re Not Wasting Your Time as an English Major” by S. Reeves
    In their articles, Carolyn Gregoire and Sophie Reeves aspire to prove that English majors are capable of gaining success in this life, as well as of developing important skills.
  4. Siren et al.’s Study on Red Wines: Rhetorical Analysis
    The article “Evaluation of organic and inorganic compounds levels of red wines processed from Pinot Noir grapes” by Siren et al. studies the compounds in red wines.
  5. Steve Jobs’ Commencement Speech Rhetorical Analysis
    Steve Jobs, one of the founders and shareholders of Apple, is famous for introducing unique strategies that tend to evoke general interest to his model of business.
  6. Brooks’ “Reading Too Much Political News…” Rhetorical Analysis
    The current paper contains a rhetorical analysis of the article “Reading too much political news is bad for your well-being” by A. C. Brooks.
  7. Rhetoric. James Q. Wilson on Gun Ownership Laws
    The author examines the views and arguments of Time correspondent James K. Wilson regarding the tightening of gun control legislation.
  8. Rhetorical Appeals as a Means of Convincing the Audience
    The purpose of this article is to explore rhetorical appeals as a means of persuading audiences, using the example of Judge Pauley’s decision and Abdo and Toomey’s article.
  9. Rhetorical Devices in Debates: Biden, Harris, and the Issue of Women and Race
    In the 2019 conversation between Biden, Harris, and Booker, the active use of idiom as a rhetorical device reinforced the arguments made by Booker.
  10. Rhetorical Analysis: Capitalism and Socialism
    Both systems have their flaws, but capitalism is more practical and efficient in bringing prosperity and reducing scarcity, which means that it is better.
  11. Rhetorical Appeals: The Benefits of Using Rhetoric Instruments
    Rhetorical appeals make an individual’s speech more appealing and effective as the speaker can achieve the established goals.
  12. The Art of Rhetoric
    This paper seeks to determine the arguments of Plato and Aristotle on rhetoric, make a comparison of them and then make an application of rhetoric in speech.
  13. A Rhetorical Defense of Leonard Peltier
    Leonard Peltier has been a prisoner for 28 years. This is due to crime that he did not commit. He was falsely accused to have murdered two FBI agents.
  14. Subject-Informal Logic: Rhetoric & Stereotypes
    The fundamental learning process indicates that stereotyped examples will always remain. Evaluating people based on stereotyping is unfair and a flawed method.
  15. Rhetorical Writing Analysis of Jenna Berko’s Essay
    Rhetorical writing is a special kind of activity that involves the ability to analyze the plot of the object under consideration.
  16. The Analysis of the Rhetoric in Film “Henry V”
    The rhetoric is the scientific discipline studying the laws of origination, the transfer and the perception of good speech and the qualitative text.
  17. What Is the Role of Rhetoric in Public Relations Practice?
    In public relations, rhetoric helps PR managers and administrators to appeal to the emotions of the target audience and their internal feelings.
  18. Blogs on Euthanasia: Rhetorical Analysis
    Euthanasia is the act or practice of deliberately ending the life of an individual who could either be suffering from a terminal illness or be in an incurable condition.
  19. Rhetoric in Holland’s Endangered Pleasures: Travel
    The chapter “Travel: Getting There” of Barbara Holland’s Endangered Pleasures is a witty insight into the world of travel as most people know it today.
  20. Paranoia & Rhetoric: From McCarthyism to Anti-Islam Sentiments
    One of the bright examples of such manipulation is the cultivation of the irrational fear of communism during the Cold War by Senator Joseph McCarthy.
  21. Exploring Race-Based Slavery and Interracial Romance in Get Out
    The “Get Out” film’s primary medium is the modern illustration of a slave plantation, where the owners are represented as Caucasian people.
  22. Rhetoric of Ali Siddiq’s ‘Prison Riot’ Standup
    Using various rhetorical tactics allows achieving a level of both belief and awe in listeners, as may be seen in Ali Siddiq’s “Prison Riot” standup.
  23. Rhetoric: “The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States” by Oboler & Deena
    According to Oboler and GonzĂĄlez, the US continues to celebrate itself as “a nation of immigrants,” the increasing inflow of migrants represents an important problem.
  24. Analyzing JFK’s Inaugural Speech: Effective Rhetoric
    John Frederick Kennedy’s inaugural address is one of the most rhetorically effective speeches performed by a United States president.
  25. Analyzing Rhetorical Strategies in Anti-Smoking Persuasion
    This paper narrates a rhetorical moment in which I had an argument with my brother on his smoking behavior while he was in high school.
  26. Rhetoric Essays: Lessons from Feedback and Revisions
    Proficient writing is a skill developed through regular practice and response to issues raised by readers. It is a two-pronged approach reflecting on one’s writing style and responding to readers’ feedback.
  27. Rhetoric in “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass”
    Just like all other slave narratives, Frederick Douglass analyzes the tensions between slaves and slave owners resulting from the conflict between the two entities.
  28. Obama Speech: Rhetorical Analysis and Evaluation
    In his speech, Obama starts by making reference to Martin Luther King Jr. He highlights the important role Luther played in the fight for the liberation of the Black Americans.
  29. Rhetorical Analysis: “I Have a Dream” Speech
    It can be stated without a doubt that Martin Luther King’s speech “I Have a Dream” is among the most memorable and outstanding speeches up to date.
  30. African-American History: Rhetoric, Evidence, and Impact
    In the sphere of African-American history, authors seem to wield the information perfectly, which makes it a distinct community of discourse.
  31. The Power of Political Rhetoric: Article Review
    This paper analyzes Krebs and Jackson’s article, which examines the concept of rhetorical coercion and its influence on political outcomes worldwide.
  32. Barack Obama’s Campaign: A Rhetorical Analysis
    Barack Obama tried to present himself as a candidate for the people. He wanted to show himself as a person who wanted to bring healing and unity into a divided nation.
  33. Rhetoric and Stereotypes: Their Impact on Social Interaction
    Stereotyping takes place in people’s lives at one point of their lives concerning people who they view as outsiders.
  34. Executive Leadership for Women: Examining the Rhetoric and the Reality
    It is true that Men and women are not randomly distributed through out organizations but there are evidences of discrimination on the ground of gender are evident.

💡 Simple Rhetoric Essay Ideas

Stuck with your paper? Explore our free toolkit:
  1. Rhetoric, Propaganda, and Animal Farm
  2. Crisis Management Through Rhetoric
  3. Popular Editorials and the Rhetoric That Drives Them
  4. Rhetoric Theory Development and Richard Nixon
  5. Contemporary World and the Role of Classical Rhetoric
  6. Advertising and Women: Visual Rhetoric of the Post-War Era
  7. Eminent Rhetoric: Language, Gender, and Cultural Tropes
  8. Rhetoric and Group Stereotyping Issues
  9. Persuasive Rhetoric: The Death Penalty Should Be Abolished
  10. Agricultural Trade and Policy Reform: Rhetoric and Reality
  11. Bias, Fallacies, and Rhetoric in Citizen Kane Speech
  12. Political Rhetoric During the American Revolution
  13. The Poisonous Rhetoric and Toxic Conversational Tone Surrounding the European Union
  14. Rhetoric and Its Effect on Society
  15. Visual Rhetoric and the Case of Intellectual Capital
  16. The Connection Between Psychology, Philosophy, Rhetoric, and Religion
  17. Rhetoric and Its Impact on Politics
  18. General Information About Greek Oratory and Rhetoric
  19. The Difference Between Classical and Modern Rhetoric
  20. Contrastive Rhetoric Between Arabic and English Languages
  21. The Rhetoric Techniques Literary Devices Used in King’s Letter From a Birmingham Jail
  22. Rhetoric: Creating Community Through Public Speaking
  23. The Gap Between Rhetoric and Reality
  24. Classical and New Rhetoric: Importance and Relevance
  25. Australi Rhetoric, Reality and the Road Ahead

📌 Easy Rhetoric Essay Topics

  1. Rhetoric and Spirit-Detecting Devices
  2. The Loss Function Has Been Mislaid: The Rhetoric of Significance Tests
  3. Anti-Communist Rhetoric and American Patriotism
  4. The Importance of Rhetoric and Persuasive Speech
  5. Guns Don’t Kill People, People Kill People, and Other Nonsensical Rhetoric
  6. The Importance of Rhetoric in the Event Campaign
  7. Rhetoric with the Political and Public Affairs Arena
  8. Rhetoric and the Safety of the Participant and Confidentiality
  9. Differentiate Between Epideictic and Deliberative Rhetoric
  10. Rhetoric and the Political Theory of Ideologies
  11. Visual Rhetoric and Its Effects on Today’s Society
  12. Solving Social Conflicts Through Rhetoric
  13. Rhetoric and Conceptual Problems in Economics: The Case of General Equilibrium Theory
  14. Rhetoric Challenges the Virtue of Society and Individuals
  15. Aristotle’s Rhetoric and the Ethics of Modern Advertising
  16. How Does External Perception Affect Occupational Rhetoric
  17. WWII Rhetoric Among East and West Leaders
  18. The Direct and Indirect Impact of Rhetoric in the Movie The Color Purple
  19. Argumentation Pragmatics, Text Analysis, and Contrastive Rhetoric
  20. The Relationship Between Rhetoric and Social Conflict
  21. Rhetoric and Organizational Method Works
  22. The Rhetoric and the Discourse of Poverty Condition
  23. Rhetoric and Morality According to Classical Authorities

❓ Questions about Rhetoric

Out of ideas for your paper? Generate them instantly with our toolkit:
  1. Is Using Rhetoric Instead of Physical Play Effective?
  2. What Are Rhetorical Patterns for Argumentative Writing?
  3. How Does Machiavelli Use Persuasive Rhetoric?
  4. What Is the Relationship between the Rhetoric of Aristotle and the Ethics of Modern Advertising?
  5. How Does Rhetoric Affect Our Life?
  6. What Is Missile Anti-American Rhetoric?
  7. What Are the Differences between Epideictic and Deliberative Rhetoric?
  8. How Does External Perception Affect Occupational Rhetoric?
  9. What Are the Rhetorical Devices?
  10. What Is the Relationship Between Rhetoric and Social Conflict?
  11. Will Rhetoric Ever Become Reality?
  12. What Is the Rhetoric of World War II Among Eastern and Western Leaders?
  13. How Did the Context of Rome Influence the Role of Rhetoric during Roman?
  14. What’s the Gap between Rhetoric and Reality?
  15. How Is Character Revealed Through the Use of Rhetoric in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar?
  16. What Is the Contemporary World and the Role of Classical Rhetoric?
  17. Should the Engineers Apply Rhetoric Strategy to Popularized Technology?
  18. What Does the Term Rhetoric Mean?
  19. How Does Barack Obama Use the Language of Rhetoric?
  20. What Is the Philosophy and Rhetoric of the Auditor Independence Concepts?
  21. How Does Visual Rhetoric Influence Contemporary Society?
  22. What Are Rhetoric, Discourse, and Phronesis?
  23. How Has Rhetoric Influenced the Modern Electronic Age?
  24. What Is the Relationship between Psychology, Philosophy, Rhetoric, and Religion?
  25. What Is Warren Buffett’s Two-Faced Rhetoric?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, November 12). 219 Rhetoric Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/rhetoric-essay-topics/

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StudyCorgi. "219 Rhetoric Essay Topics." November 12, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/rhetoric-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "219 Rhetoric Essay Topics." November 12, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/rhetoric-essay-topics/.

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