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217 Substance Abuse Essay Topics + Examples

Writing a paper about addiction to drugs and alcohol is your chance to explore the substance abuse risk factors, experiences, treatment options, and prevention. Need catchy substance abuse research topics? You’re at the right place! StudyCorgi has plenty of essay and research topics on drug abuse, alcohol, and other psychoactive substances.

đź’Š 7 Substance Abuse Essay Topics

🏆 Best Research Topics on Substance Abuse

  1. Drug Abuse and Theories Explaining It
    This paper aims to examine several theories explaining drug addiction. The theories for analysis are biological, psychological, and sociological.
  2. Substance Abuse Prevention in Adolescence
    Parents and school administrations should implement measures of stopping substance abuse as the first step in safeguarding the future of the next generation.
  3. Overcoming the Drug Abuse Addiction
    The use of narcotic drugs brings irreparable harm to health and diminishes the quality of life. Opioid abuse is a predominant problem that continues to be a concern.
  4. Substance Abuse Disorder in “The Breaking Bad” Film
    The series that is built on substance abuse disorders is Breaking Bad, directed by Vince Gilligan. Walter White turns to producing and selling methamphetamine.
  5. Drug Abuse and Its Effects on Families
    Because of the lack of control that a substance abuse patient has over their actions, families of the people that develop chemical dependency are under constant threat.
  6. The Link Between Drug Abuse and Corruption
    This paper discusses that drug abuse and corruption deserve attention. It introduces causes and reasons for drug abuse and corruption.
  7. Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Workplace
    Alcohol and drug abuse is one of the major causes of accidents in the workplace. Random alcohol and drug tests would discourage employees of organization from abusing alcohol or drugs.
  8. Leadership in Drug Abuse Program Development
    Within the context of a potential intervention for drug abuse, the roles and competencies of leaders are the primary emphasis of this paper.
  9. Drug Abuse Relation to the Violent Behavior
    Various groups of drugs greatly vary and relate to violence in different ways. Any person with heavy drug habits may act negatively and involve in violent acts punishable by law.
  10. Substance Abuse Prevention and Effective Prevention Programs
    Substance abuse is a maladaptive pattern of drug or alcohol use that leads to clinical impairment or distress. Substance abuse is manifested in failure to fulfill adaptation at work, school, or home.
  11. Personal Relationship With Alcohol Abuse
    Given that alcohol abuse affects myriad families, ruining people’s health and harming social life, it is still a sensitive and critical issue to consider.
  12. Juvenile Drug Abuse Problems Analysis
    This essay describes the problem of juvenile drug use and applies the relevant delinquency theory. Additionally, the interventions or programs to fix the issue will be highlighted.
  13. The CAGE Substance Abuse Screening Tool Issues
    The paper states that the CAGE Assessment has a high rate of false positives, which can lead to individuals being wrongly accused of drug abuse.
  14. Drug and Substance Abuse: Sociological Causes and Explanations
    It is normal to think that drug and substance abuse affects only consumers. However, it also affects various aspects of society.
  15. The Factors Which Determine Substance Abuse
    Substance addiction is a disease that affects the patient’s behavior and physical well-being. It is associated with mood modification and chemical intoxication.
  16. Family Violence and Substance Abuse
    Substance abuse does not only affect the individuals but its consequences spill over to the society especially the community and also the work places.
  17. Substance Abuse Among Adolescents
    Substance abuse and addiction are rampant within the adolescent age. Children abuse substances due to peer pressure, poor parenting, and lack of sufficient sensitization.
  18. Parental Substance Abuse: Negative Impact on Child Development
    The researchers focus on the negative impact of parental substance abuse on child development, leading to addiction problems when these children become teenagers or young adults.
  19. Drug Misuse, Abuse, and Their Factors
    Addiction is a recurrent, chronic disorder characterized by compulsive substance seeking and use despite harmful consequences.
  20. Substance Abuse Issues in Modern Society
    Substance abuse entails using illicit drugs, prescription or over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, or alcohol for reasons besides those medically intended or at excessive levels.
  21. Alcohol Abuse: Causes and Solutions
    Alcohol abuse remains one of the key healthcare concerns around the globe, not least because addicts do not purely injure their own health.
  22. Predatory Crime Causation and Substance Abuse Problems
    Substance abuse problems, as the causes of deviant behavior, are a subject of study in biosocial criminological theories.
  23. Drug Abuse in Homeless Community
    The number of homeless people is continuously increasing, creating a severe threat to a country’s general well-being.
  24. Health Issue Analysis: Prescription Drug Abuse
    Prescription drug abuse is a rapidly growing epidemic that spreads worldwide. Various national and international health organizations research this field.
  25. The Theme of Drug Abuse in Egan’s Book
    In her novel “A Visit from the Goon Squad”, Jennifer Egan discusses a number of problems of modern society. Among them is the problem of drug abuse.
  26. Substance Abuse Counselling: Current Trends
    substance abuse is one of the major problems which have seized most individuals in the United States. It is a problem for all sets of the population.
  27. A Comprehensive Annotated Bibliography on Substance Use and Abuse
    The annotated bibliography provides a comprehensive overview of academic sources on the multifaceted issue of substance use and abuse.
  28. Drug Abuse and Alcohol-Related Crimes in Adolescents
    The current paper focuses on the topic of drug abuse and alcohol-related crimes among teenagers, showing that substances remain the most notable factor in juvenile crime.

âť“ Research Questions on Substance Abuse

  1. How Does Substance Abuse in Utero Affect a Child?
  2. Does Substance Abuse Cause Mental Disorders?
  3. How Do Nature and Nurture Influence Substance Abuse?
  4. Does Substance Abuse Treatment Make a Difference for Child Welfare Case Outcomes?
  5. How Does Parenting Affect Teen Substance Abuse?
  6. What Is the Effect of Substance Abuse on an Individual and Society?
  7. How Does Substance Abuse Affect the Community?
  8. What Are the Causes and Effects of Substance Abuse?
  9. How Do Psychologists Define and Explain Substance Abuse?
  10. What Are the Social Problems That Are Caused by Substance Abuse?
  11. How Can Substance Abuse Addicts Benefit From Art Therapy and Spiritual Nourishment?
  12. What Are the Main Environmental Factors That Influence Substance Use and Abuse?
  13. How Does Substance Abuse Influence Youngsters?
  14. Does Substance Abuse Impact Conception?
  15. How Does Substance Abuse Affect the Family Unit?
  16. What Birth Defects Are Caused by Substance Abuse?
  17. How Has Substance Abuse Become a Worldwide Public Health Problem?
  18. Does Substance Abuse Affect Academic Performance?
  19. How Does Poverty Lead to Substance Abuse?
  20. What Are the Causes of Substance Abuse During Adolescence?
  21. How Does Substance Abuse Affect an Individual’s Social Life?
  22. Are There Strategies for the Prevention and Control of Substance Use and Abuse?
  23. How Can We Prevent Substance Abuse Among Youth?
  24. Why Is It Important to Talk About Substance Abuse?
  25. How Can Substance Abuse Be Addressed and Reduced?

đź‘Ť Good Substance Abuse Research Topics & Essay Examples

Stuck with your research? Try our online toolkit:
  1. Drug Abuse and Its Impact on Creativity
    The boosting effect of drugs on creativity is a myth because changes in thinking are a brain reaction to a narcotic that is temporary yet severe.
  2. The Problems of Substance Abuse in Homeless Veterans
    The problem of homelessness often affects the most vulnerable segments of society, among them veterans. This group also experiences excessive alcohol consumption.
  3. Victimless Crimes: Drug Abuse and Sex Work
    This work’s primary objective is to research and analyze victimless crimes, namely drug abuse and sex work, from the viewpoint of criminology.
  4. Drugs and Substance Abuse in College: Effects and Treatments
    The paper will give a review of a treatment approach to drug abuse and describe the effects of substance abuse on a person who is in college.
  5. Developments in Global Tobacco and Alcohol Policy
    WHO reports that about 8 million people die from smoking every year. Tobacco is a major cause of the emergence and development of multiple complications such as cancer, heart disease.
  6. Psychotherapy and Counseling for Drug Abuse Treatment
    Drugs are the biggest vice of humanity, along with the mental and moral deviations, horrible diseases of modern times, social neglect and abuse it causes and goes along with.
  7. Substance Abuse and Its Promotion in Advertisement
    Substance abuse is very common in the world, and lately, the general populace has perceived substance abuse mentally as one of the vital questions facing almost all countries.
  8. Cultural-Based Substance Abuse Treatment in Guam
    The results of this study have huge consequences for indigenous societies like Guam’s treatment and rehabilitation from drug dependence.
  9. Substance Abuse in the New Jersey Community
    In this essay, we will explore the effects of drugs and alcohol on my community in New Jersey, as well as potential solutions for these issues.
  10. The Issue of Substance Abuse in the Military
    The paper discusses substance abuse in the military. The Army Substance Abuse Program should merge with the Army Family Advocacy Program.
  11. The Army Substance Abuse Program Overview
    Substance abuse in the military is mainly caused by low family engagement issues. The Army Substance Abuse Program should merge with the Army Family Advocacy Program.
  12. Substance Abuse Counseling Approaches
    Behavioral counseling is effective in dealing with addiction, while the humanistic theory of counseling does not have the necessary scope to solve the problem accurately.
  13. Substance Abuse Among Teenagers
    This research paper will discuss how substance abuse affects teenagers and outline measures parents can take to limit the problem of substance abuse.
  14. Tobacco Smoking as Substance Abuse
    Tobacco smoking is the inhalation of smoke from burning tobacco leaves. Tobacco smoking is primarily used for recreational purposes but can also be used for other reasons.
  15. Overcoming Writer’s Block and Substance Abuse in Teenagers
    The paper provides tips for writers on how to overcome writer’s block and for parents on how to reduce substance abuse among teenagers.
  16. Adolescent Substance Abuse and Family Dynamics
    One of the critical problems of modern adulthood continues to be teens turning to substances in search of easy fun or an escape from reality.
  17. Drug Abuse in Pregnant Women: Effective Ways to Combat
    Several policies have been proposed to tackle the problem, namely financial support for therapy, voluntary sterilization, and criminal persecution.
  18. Drug Abuse During Pregnancy: Policy Options
    Heated discussions on whether or not drug abuse during pregnancy should be illegal due to the potential risks to the developing fetus or child persist.
  19. How Does Substance Abuse Affect Mental Health in High School?
    The paper states that the number of students who begin to try drugs has increased. The reasons may be a banal interest to try something new in their life.
  20. The Experience of Substance Abuse in Homeless Veterans
    The problem of homelessness often affects the most vulnerable segments of society, one of them being veterans. This particular group also experiences significant issues.
  21. Aspects of Substance Abuse Group Counselling
    The paper discusses the substance abuse counseling group. It is based on minimizing the substance abuse cases that are among the youth.
  22. Substance Abuse in Population and How to Address It
    Substance abuse is one of the issues in the population that affect not only the people who conduct the abuse but those around them as well.
  23. Parental Alcohol Abuse as a Family Issue
    Parental alcohol abuse is a serious problem in the community that impacts not only one individual but spreads to different social units.
  24. Substance Abuse and Its Financial Dimension
    The purpose of this paper is to explore substance use as a healthcare finance issue and review its significance with regard to healthcare policy.
  25. Assessment of Clients with Substance Abuse
    Up-to-date medicine struggles with treating humans’ bodies and spirit as sometimes spending more attention to the first aspect lead to an increase in human addictions.
  26. The Drug Abuse Problem in Indiana
    Drug usage is one of Indiana’s most serious societal problems, affecting the state’s health, economy, behavioral, and criminal elements.
  27. Substance Abuse in Media: Godfather of Harlem
    In the Godfather of Harlem film directed by Chris Brancato and Paul Eckstein, the character meets two criteria of the DSM-5 qualifying signs and symptoms.
  28. The Problems of Drug Misuse and Abuse and Their Management
    This research aims to determine the best ways to prescript drugs, the importance of drug interactions, and the potential dangers of drug abuse.
  29. Drug Prescription Issues and Abuse
    This paper aims to determine the best ways to prescript drugs, the importance of drug interactions, and the potential dangers of drug abuse.
  30. Drug Abuse Demographics in Prisons
    Drug abuse, including alcohol, is a big problem for the people contained in prisons, both in the United States and worldwide.

🔎 Research Questions on Drug Abuse Among Students

  1. What are the commonly abused drugs among students?
  2. How does peer pressure affect students’ drug abuse?
  3. What are the gender and socioeconomic differences in students’ substance abuse?
  4. How does drug abuse influence the overall campus environment?
  5. What are the psychological and behavioral effects of drug abuse on students?
  6. What is the link between the accessibility of drugs on campus and student drug abuse?
  7. How does stress affect the development of student substance abuse?
  8. How does social support impact students’ susceptibility to drug abuse?
  9. Does the use of random drug testing reduce student substance abuse rates?
  10. What are the long-term consequences of student drug abuse?

🌶️ Hot Drug Addiction Research Topics

  1. Elderly Health and Substance Abuse Relationship
    The topics chosen for this scientific paper are elderly health and social care and alcohol and substance abuse.
  2. Pandemic’s Impact on Mental Health & Substance and Alcohol Abuse
    While substance use disorder can impose mental health challenges on those who consume drugs, COVID-19 affects the psychology of all humankind.
  3. Challenges of Treating Substance Abuse in Homeless Population
    Substance abuse remains among the major problems the health care industry is facing, also in developed countries.
  4. Drug Abuse at the Workplace and a Policy to Address It
    In this proposal, a policy to address worker substance abuse and addiction, will be discussed, with both its major goals and potential benefits being outlines.
  5. Alcohol Abuse and Self-Management Program
    The main self-management program for a high school student with alcohol addiction is to set long-term and intermediate goals, and the development of a reward system.
  6. Substance Abuse Counseling Practices
    The main statistic of the research is that trauma in childhood is an indispensable part of the substance abuse experience.
  7. Substance Abuse Experience and Treatment
    Substance abuse is a major issue that can affect an addicted person’s life profoundly. Furthermore, it has a strong impact on those around this individual.
  8. Personalized Substances Abuse Assessment
    The paper discusses the fact that the client was addicted to marijuana and methamphetamine, and she realized that this addiction changed her life for the worse.
  9. National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors
    This paper will consider the fourth principle of the organization’s ethical code, which reads: “Working in a culturally diverse world.”
  10. Substance Abuse Treatment in Pembroke Pines City
    Pembroke Pines is a beautiful suburban city close to Miami. Unfortunately, the town is infamous due to the high number of people suffering from substance abuse.
  11. Substance Abuse Addiction: Guide for Colleagues in the Workplace
    If a colleague exhibits an addictive behavior, there is need to handle the situation properly and professionally to ensure better productivity after addressing the issue.
  12. Types of Drugs and Types of Domestic Abuse Correlation
    Understanding that the consumption of particular drugs causes physical changes is essential in ascertaining the probability of a specific type of domestic violence.
  13. Prescription Drug Abuse Problem
    Providing access to prescription drugs is among the key tasks that the modern healthcare system should fulfill to increase recovery rates.
  14. Substance Abuse and Its Social Determinants
    The paper argues that substance abuse is intensely predisposed by relational, domestic, and communal changing aspects.
  15. Substance Abuse: Determinants, Widespread Use, Financial Costs, Defense Mechanism
    Substance abuse is also referred to as drug abuse. Substance abuse has been defined as the harmful use of both prescription and illicit drugs.
  16. Substance Abuse and Its Effect on the Community
    This paper discusses how substance abuse contributes to teen pregnancy, HIV, domestic violence, child abuse, and how the epidemiological problem has affected the entire community.
  17. The Availability of Recovery High Schools in Overcoming Substance Abuse
    The article by Deborah Yaffe, titled “Recovery High Schools Make Dent in Teen Substance Abuse,” was published in District Administration journal in 2019.
  18. Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986: Crack vs. Cocaine Sentencing Disparity
    The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 imposes disproportionate sentences for offenders convicted of using or possessing crack and powder cocaine.
  19. Researching of Pregnancy and Alcohol Abuse
    In order to address the issue of alcohol abuse during pregnancy, the interprofessional team should consider the current trends and recommendations on maternal alcohol consumption
  20. Accessory Plus Incorporated’s Drug Abuse Case
    In the case of Accessory Plus Incorporated, the issue of drug abuse has been suspected. However, there is no policy framework for the company to deal with the case.
  21. The Link Between Culture and Substance Abuse
    Drugs and substance abuse have become a very important element of youth culture as time goes by. The abuse of drugs has become a normal trend among the youths.
  22. Adolescent Males With Depression: Poly-Substance Abuse
    Depression is the most crucial aspect that makes young males indulge in poly-substance abuse. There are various ways in which male adolescents express their depression.
  23. Prescription Drug Abuse as a Community Health Issue
    Consumption of prescription drugs in a manner that has not been prescribed by the doctor is an outstanding community health issue. This can be more harmful than people understand.
  24. Crime Trends: Drug Abuse in Adults and Juveniles
    One notes a mixed trend in the different crimes over the years. Drug abuse, for example, increased steadily from the 1970s in both the adult and juvenile populations.
  25. Substance Abuse Problem Analysis
    This essay explores substance abuse and its general impact on society and on individuals. Substance abuse has been a major concern for all governments over the last century.
  26. Substance Abuse: Alcohol and Drugs in the Movie “Ray”
    The movie “Ray” by Taylor Hackford. In “Ray,” the issue of substance abuse helps understand the problems that a person faces when dealing with addiction.
  27. Treatment of Substance Abuse Problems among Adolescents
    The study involves an examination of the effective treatment models utilized in the treatment of substance abuse problems among adolescents.
  28. Substance Abuse among Black Women Aged 22-55 in Miami
    Substance abuse in black women who are aged between 25 and 55 years is rarely considered an issue of major concern and it is often relegated to the background.
  29. Substance Abuse Therapy Positive and Negative Outcomes
    The indispensable role played by substance abuse therapists, in providing rehabilitative measures to curb this drug abuse scourge.
  30. Social Factors of Substance Drug Abuse
    Substance abuse refers to the pattern of continued use, despite adverse consequences. Socio determinants of substance abuse imply social factors that affect the outcome of drugs.

🎓 Most Interesting Research Topics on Drug Abuse

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Drug Abuse in Correction Facilities
    The purpose of this article is to consider the problem of drug abuse in correctional facilities, as well as to suggest possible solutions to this problem.
  2. Adolescents With a Substance Abuse Issue Treatment
    The study is a review of the current treatment modalities employed in management of substance abuse among adolescents.
  3. Costs and Effects of Substance Abuse
    There are a number of factors of social, economic, environmental, biological and psychological factors that are recognized as the most common determinants of substance abuse
  4. Substance Abuse in the Young People
    Substance abuse refers to unsafe or hazardous use of substances that are psychoactive. Such substances may include alcohol or illicit drugs.
  5. Substance Abuse Among African American Women in Miami
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss substance abuse among African American women aged 25-55 years living in Miami.
  6. Impact of Alcohol Abuse on Breast Cancer Risk in Women
    This paper will examine the effects of alcohol abuse on the development of breast cancer in women to uncover its devastating consequences.
  7. Drug Abuse in the United States’ Social Context
    Drug abuse is one of the problems affecting people in the United States. Society has contributed to the continued misuse of drugs today, through bad parenting or the environment.
  8. Alcohol Abuse: External and Internal Perspectives
    This paper will examine the social costs of alcohol abuse problems, in particular, the external rise of violence and the private stigma surrounding addiction.
  9. The Drug Courts: The Question of Drug Abuse
    Drug abuse is one of the most prevalent crimes in the world. It is a concern for both local governments and international organizations.
  10. Impaired Nurses: Substance Abuse Treatment
    Many organizations are more likely to provide impaired nurses with substance abuse treatment rather than with punishment that is considered to be a less effective approach.
  11. Alcohol Abuse as It Pertains to High Risk Families
    The main objections of the promotion and prevention program are to ensure reduced substance abuse among young people to protect their health.
  12. Community Health: Prescription Drug Abuse
    The rising access to frequently abused prescription drugs via the internet has created public anxieties within the healthcare system in the United States.
  13. Family Involvement in Substance Abuse Cases
    The family systems theory underlies eight interconnected concepts, which purport to highlight the source of different conflicts and other emotional problems within the family.
  14. The Link Between Cultural Family and Substance Abuse
    The paper identifies the prevalence, correlates, and negative implications of substance abuse among African American women.
  15. Substance Abuse and Health Care Cost for Employers: A Review of the Literature
    Substance abuse is a condition that can be prevented and treated. Substance abuse disorders impose huge financial costs to both the employer and the society at large.
  16. Dealing With Alcohol Abuse in Adolescents
    This research evaluates how the public can be incorporated in developing effective interventions aimed at dealing with alcohol abuse and binge drinking among youth.
  17. The Drug Abuse in the U.S. Navy: The Problem Analysis
    The purpose of this report is to capture drug abuse in the U.S. Navy and to analyze some of the measures that the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) has put in place.
  18. OxyContin as a Legitimate Drug and a Drug of Abuse
    OxyContin is the brand name used to sell the extended-release form of oxycodone, it describes a semi-synthetic prescription opioid used to manage severe pain.
  19. Substance Abuse in Low-Income Community
    Cocaine abusers become heroin-addicted fifteen times more, whereas people with addiction to prescription drugs are forty times more likely to shift to heroin abuse.
  20. Hispanic Community: Alcohol & Substance Abuse Among the Female Gender Population
    This study will focus on alcohol and substance abuse among the female gender population proportion (12-20 years and 25-45 years) in the Hispanic community in California.
  21. Adolescence Substance Abuse: Over The Counter Inhalants And Cough Syrup
    Over-the-counter drugs, commonly known as OTC, refer to the prescription of drugs that are not meant for medical use.
  22. Drug Abuse Factors: Substance Use Disorder
    The various reasons for the abuse of opioids, alcohol, and nicotine account for the challenge in research and treatment.
  23. Substance Abuse Problem in the Miami City Community
    In Miami City, teenagers are at a particularly high risk of developing alcohol use disorder. More efforts should be implemented into screening and surveying this at-risk.
  24. White Collar Crime, Corporate Crime and Substance Abuse
    A single corporate crime can cause harm to many people. The fiscal impact of white-collar crimes significantly surpasses those of blue-collar offenses.
  25. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety and Substance Abuse
    Mark is a student who suffers from social anxiety and alcohol abuse problems. The assessment regime is needed to identify the cause of Mark’s substance abuse.
  26. Drug Abuse and Addiction: Risk Factors
    People with drug abuse issues have enhanced motivation to take drugs, increased probability of reacting to stress, emotional dysregulation, and impaired self-control.
  27. Linking Obamacare Policy, Substance Abuse, and Mental Health
    Obamacare, or The Affordable Care Act, is one of the most prominent health care policies in the United States because disputes over its advantages and disadvantages last for years.
  28. The Relations Between Drug Abuse and Criminal Justice
    The purpose of this article is to use conflict theory to analyze how race, class, and gender affect drug abuse and crime in the United States.
  29. Drug and Alcohol Abuse in Organizations
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of drugs and alcohol on the behavior of the employees and the relationships between business owners and their subordinates.
  30. Drug Abuse: Impaired American Society
    The history of American society as far as drug abuse is concerned has had a dark past where drugs and alcohol were considered a lifestyle.
  31. The Issue of Drug Abuse in the Community of Kinsburg
    This paper aims to research the community of the city of Keansburg, located in the state of New Jersey and its issue of substance abuse.
  32. Adolescent Drug Abuse: Diagnosis and Cultural Awareness
    The paper examines the effect of amphetamine on human and, as a consequence, the development of mental illness, namely, mood disorder.
  33. Substance Abuse Relapse among Women
    For substance abuse relapse among women, it is the issue of resumption of females to substance abuse after they have recovered from using such drugs.
  34. The Problem of Prescription Drug Abuse in the United States
    Prescription drug abuse is a serious health concern that causes an overdose crisis in the United States. There are determinants such as social, economic, and healthcare-related issues.
  35. Substance Abuse Among Teenagers: Factors and Causes
    This study seeks to investigate the impact of gender, family structure, parental influence, and peer pressure on teenagers’ alcohol use.
  36. Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction and Various Policies Related to Drugs
    The harm reduction policy is concerned with reducing or minimizing the risks that are accrued to drug abuse in various societies.
  37. Drug Abuse and Crime Correlation
    The correlation between drug use and crimes go, most prisoners said they commit crimes for obtaining money for drugs, so drugs are the motivation.
  38. Drug Addiction: The Problem of Xanax Abuse and Its Consequences
    Xanax as a drug can be very addictive and difficult to stop and it is very important for anyone using the drug to be cautious and follow the instructions that are provided.
  39. Alcohol Abuse Among Students: Reforming College Drinking
    A large number of works are devoted to the problem of alcohol abuse among students. One of them is Drinking in College: Rethinking a Social Problem by George Dowdall.
  40. The Impacts of Substance Abuse on Pregnancy
    The consequences of substance abuse on pregnancy are very diverse: both physiological and psychological and there are many specific aspects which have not been fully discussed.

đź’ˇ Simple Substance Abuse Essay Ideas

  1. Personal Issues: Marriage, Obesity, and Alcohol Abuse
    The actions of every person have a particular impact on society and its development, and this impact is sometimes underestimated.
  2. Substance Abuse and Preventive Measures
    The paper analyzes socio-economic and health issues for families, communities, and nations caused by psychoactive substances abuse.
  3. Drug Abuse Among Teenagers
    Before analyzing the causes of addiction among teenagers, we have to look at this issue from sociological point of view.
  4. Substance Abuse: The Cause of Social Problems
    Substance abuse is a contributing factor to social problems but cannot be said to be the one that is most responsible.
  5. Substance Abuse, Lack of Treatment, Prejudice and Incarceration – A Community Health Problem
    Substance abuse and poor mental health form some of the biggest concerns of society. People of all ages especially the young are influenced by substance abuse.
  6. Drug Abuse Case: Jenny G
    This paper present the case of drug abuse. Jenny G., a 48-year-old recovering IV drug abuser, presents with general malaise, anorexia, abdominal pain, and slight jaundice.
  7. Interprofessional Health Promotion Resources: Substance Abuse in Adults
    Available interventions, risks, and factors contributing to substance abuse in adults will be discussed in the present paper.
  8. Substance Abuse and Impact on the Family
    This report will investigate the background, impact on personal lives, and cultural perspectives of the critically dangerous opioid epidemic in the United States due to substance abuse of legal medications.
  9. Fear Appeal in Anti-Drug Abuse Public Campaign
    The problem of prescription drug abuse has become a crucial concern for Florida residents. The public campaign proposes raising awareness about the dangers of prescription drugs.
  10. Substance Abuse Effects on Person and Community
    Substance abuse is a well-documented problem that can lead to numerous complications on a personal, family, community, and national level.
  11. Alcohol Abuse: the Economist Approach
    To an economist, the problem of alcohol abuse is viewed as an externality in both consumption and production. The value to consumers is greater than the value to society.
  12. Alcohol Abuse’ Treatment Among the Elderly
    This research focuses on finding the best treatment for the problem of alcohol abuse among the elderly as it may pose serious health problems.
  13. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Effectiveness
    The production and consumption of drugs is a core challenge in the modern world. It is the reason why there is an increased need for treatment of people affected by drug addiction.
  14. The Treatment of Alcohol Abuse among the Elderly
    Alcohol abuse among the elderly is an issue that has raised concern among medical practitioners and society in general.
  15. Substance Abuse and Frustration Relationships
    A report released by the Harvard health institute indicated that substance abuse is high among frustrated individuals.
  16. Drug Abuse Treatment in Nursing
    Jenny G., a 48-year-old recovering IV drug abuser, presents with general malaise, anorexia, abdominal pain, and slight jaundice. She is currently staying in a women’s shelter and looking for a job.
  17. Substance Abuse Versus Addiction
    When abuse of psychoactive substances is regularly repeated, dependence syndrome develops a person begins to crave the drug or alcohol more.
  18. Caring for Vulnerable Population: Substance Abuse
    Substance abuse is a rampant problem in the current society despite the availability of information regarding the consequences of drug abuse.
  19. Teenage Drug and Substance Abuse
    It is crucial for governments, not just the U.S., where teenage drug and substance abuse are on the rise, but also other countries, to establish mechanisms that can help to fight the menace.
  20. Drug Abuse Among Homeless People in Miami
    This paper aims to better assess the disaster of drug abuse among homeless people in Miami, and develop ways to counter this issue.
  21. Drug Abuse, HIV/AIDS, and Songs on Social Issues
    Drug abuse and HIV/AIDS are some of the major social issues affecting society today. Songs have been used in raising awareness about social issues that affect the world.
  22. Female Drug Abuser’s Recovery Care Plan
    A woman is an IV drug abuser. The laboratory tests reveal elevated alanine aminotransferase and antibody-positive for Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B.
  23. Substance Abuse: Environmental Influences and Biology
    Substance abuse is not a new problem the human society faces. This paper examines different ways biological and environment influences interact and affect drug taking behavior.
  24. Substance Abuse in Reducing Frustration
    Frustration usually co-occurs with substance abuse. The research question is whether substance abuse can reduce frustration.
  25. Contingency Management for Patients With Substance Abuse
    Contingency management is a behavioral treatment for patients with substance abuse problems. This work discusses methods of treatment and contingency management.
  26. Substance Abuse Disorder Causes, Syptoms, Types
    Substance abuse – illicit, prescriptive, or licit drugs – has been linked to multiple chronic behavioral and psychotic disorders.
  27. Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Obamacare
    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) offered an opportunity to improve healthcare for people with mental illnesses. The implementation of new regulations required certain payment reform.
  28. Substance Abuse Treatment and Domestic Violence
    The histories of child abuse and neglect form the present behavior of a person a define his administering treatment needs regarding the fact of whether a person was sexually or emotionally abused.
  29. Substance Abusers Alcoholics – Psychology
    Alcoholics suffer from a distinct physical yearning to take alcohol past their capability to manage it, irrespective of every law of common sense.
  30. Minimizing Prescription Drug Abuse in Oklahoma
    Over the past few years, the rates of prescription drug abuse in Oklahoma have grown impressively. The issue must be addressed by raising awareness via modern media.
  31. Crisis of Chemical Dependence: Drug Abuse
    Drug abuse mainly begins during teenage. The first part of this essay discusses social and cultural determinants of substance abuse. The second part focuses on the dynamics of addiction.
  32. Substance Abuse: How Much Is Enough?
    Drug and substance abuse is caused by many factors that include environmental, age, race and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, income level and socioeconomic class
  33. Social Cultural Determinants of Substance Abuse
    This paper presents a discussion on the social cultural determinants of substance abuse. It also addresses the dynamics of addiction and the mechanisms that are cope with challenges that arise.
  34. Personality and Substance Abuse
    This article looks at personalities of frequent substance users, experimenters, and non-users from the point of view of social psychology.

đź“ť More Substance Abuse Research Questions

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. How do genetic factors contribute to one’s susceptibility to substance abuse?
  2. What is the impact of substance abuse on brain development in adolescents?
  3. How do co-occurring mental health disorders affect substance abuse treatment outcomes?
  4. What are the long-term physical health consequences of prolonged substance abuse?
  5. How does substance abuse affect family relationships?
  6. What are the economic costs of substance abuse?
  7. How do healthcare professionals’ attitudes affect substance abuse treatment quality?
  8. How does substance abuse affect occupational performance?
  9. What are the unique challenges of LGBT people in accessing substance abuse treatment?
  10. How do drug laws affect substance abuse rates?

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StudyCorgi. (2022, May 10). 217 Substance Abuse Essay Topics + Examples. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/substance-abuse-essay-topics/

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StudyCorgi. "217 Substance Abuse Essay Topics + Examples." May 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/substance-abuse-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "217 Substance Abuse Essay Topics + Examples." May 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/substance-abuse-essay-topics/.

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