113 Texas Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Texas

🌶️ Hot Texas Essay Topics

  1. Texas Secession: Major Problems in Texas History
    The Texas secession from the United States in 1861 was not an unforeseen political move as discontent among Texans with the Union’s direction had been continuously growing.
  2. Burning the American Flag: The Texas v. Johnson Case
    This research paper outlines the Texas v. Johnson case background, appellant and respondent arguments, the decision of the court, and the implications of the court’s decision.
  3. Natural Disaster Preparedness in Texas: Nursing Response
    Southeast Texas is the territory largely affected by hurricanes. In addition to property damage, hurricanes pose threats to public and individual health in different ways.
  4. Chicano Movement Development in Texas
    The current Chicano movement is not as large or organized as it was in the 1960s as many potential leaders choose to participate in mainstream politics.
  5. Obesity Prevention Policy Making in Texas
    Obesity is a national health problem, especially in Texas; therefore, the state immediately needed to launch a policy to combat and prevent obesity in the population.
  6. Criminal Justice in Texas: Todd Willingham and Death Penalty
    The case of Cameron Todd Willingham was a controversial criminal justice case handled in Texas. The man was charged with the murder of his three young children by arson.
  7. Labor Law in New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma
    Although the fundamental rights of workers in Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico are nearly the same, New Mexico is a more workers-friendly state.
  8. “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas“ by Carol Hall Review
    The most impressive thing in “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” by Carol Hall is the game of contrasts revealing all the social ins and outs.
  9. Lake Worth Church Fire, Texas: Causes and Fatal Consequences
    The fire in the single-storey building that acted as a church led to the death of three fire fighters after the roof of the church collapsed and barricaded them.
  10. Rethinking the Texas Constitution of 1876
    “Of Rutabagas and Redeemers” proved that the ideals enforced in the Texas constitution are not solely the effort of the Grange Democrats, but also non-grange Democratic members.
  11. Mexican Immigrants in Texas and Their Impacts
    Texas is the second-largest state in the United States of America. The following paper focuses on Mexican immigrants in Texas and their impact on Texas culture.
  12. The Case Lawrence v. Texas: The Violation of the Rights of Homosexuals
    The case Lawrence v. Texas determined that the violation of the rights of homosexuals was seen as a violation of constitutional rights.
  13. Police Management in Killeen, Texas
    Killeen police station workforce is made up of three different generations, including millennials, boomers, and generation X.
  14. Analysis of Health Insurance in Texas, USA
    Health insurance has a unique role in the transformation of the modern healthcare system of the United States because provides coverage of medical services.
  15. Hypertension Among the Elderly in Texas
    An analysis of the demographics and epidemiology of hypertension risk or its presence among elderly patients in Texas is needed.
  16. Budgeting Discussed on Texas Spring 2021 Session
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss some important bills related to budgeting from the Spring 2021 (87th) session of the Texas Legislature.
  17. Texas in Connection to the American Civil War
    During the Civil War, even though the war was taking place outside of Texas, people were able to contribute. More precisely, many served in the Union Army.
  18. Prevalence and Control of Obesity in Texas
    Obesity has been a severe health issue in the United States and globally. A person is obese if their size is more significant than the average weight.
  19. High Incarceration Rates in Texas
    Despite Texas state’s efforts to decrease expenditures on its prison system, there are almost 150,000 offenders currently being kept in jail.
  20. Political Leaning and Population Changes in Texas
    It is likely that the political leaning of the entire state of Texas as a whole will slowly change with the changes in its population.
  21. Solutions to Problems of Undocumented Immigrants in Texas
    There are millions of immigrants across the United States, some being legal immigrants while others are illegal. This has created serious concern in the US government.
  22. Discriminatory Voting Policies in Texas
    The paper discusses the issue of discriminatory voting policies in Texas, particularly regarding the restrictions placed on minority groups through voter identification exercises.
  23. Premature Births in Alabama and Texas
    The paper indicates that Texas must pay more attention to the rising number of premature births and seek to develop measures to reduce it.
  24. Tejano as a Musical Genre of Texas and Mexico
    Tejano, as a musical genre, encompasses a range of Texas Mexican musical styles. The Tejano label serves to identify musicians and groups affiliated with the US Southwest.
  25. Texas Revolution of 1835-1836: Causes and Key Events
    At the early stage of the Texas Revolution, the Texans wanted the restoration of the country’s federal structure threatened by Santa Anna’s dictatorship.
  26. Texas Senate Measure 8 or the “Heartbeat” Bill
    The study focuses on Texas Senate Measure 8, commonly known as the “heartbeat” bill. The bill is about abortion.
  27. Slavery in the Texas: Declaration of Causes and Address by Sam Houston
    The first document under review is titled “Texas Declaration of Causes”. This piece of writing represents an account of the grudge.
  28. Transformation of Texas into an American State
    Texas is well-known for previously being a province in New Spain, a frontier state of Mexico. Such a transformation of Texas into an American state occurred in the 19th century.
  29. The Alamo Monument in Texas’ History
    The paper discusses the Alamo. It is a monument located in present-day San Antonio, Texas. It is a landmark site where Texas’ rich history is documented.
  30. Marijuana Legalization in Texas
    The problem of marijuana legalization in Texas is a recurring public discussion that includes various and sometimes polarized opinions.
  31. Electricity Consumption in El Paso, Texas
    In El Paso, people have a low income and are not ready to pay money for electricity, which is why there is insufficient demand.
  32. The Texas Border Security: Impact of Immigration
    Texas border is illegally crossed daily, which leads to an increase of unregistered individuals on the territory of the US.
  33. The Informal Power of the Governor in Texas in Social Media
    The social media aspect is part of the strategies that the leaders use to engage the public in making decisions and policies at the state level.
  34. Texas Judiciary During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    The current paper indicates that the main issues faced by the Texas justice system and state judges are caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

đź‘Ť Good Texas Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Advanced Nursing Practice in Texas
    In nursing practice, the scope of operation dictates the guiding principles a nurse practitioner (NP) is entitled to operate within.
  2. Researching of Board of Nursing in Texas
    In order to understand the differences between nursing professional associations and boards, it is vital to review the key features of each entity.
  3. Texas Political Events: Woodlands Incorporation Issue
    The residents of Woodlands are fighting to shift the location’s status from a township to a city, which might result in increased freedom of infrastructure management.
  4. Inequality in the Texas Legislature
    Over the years, the constitution of the Texas Senate and state legislative chamber has always been discriminative against certain groups.
  5. Texas State Government’s Response to the Winter Freeze of 2021
    The government needs to ensure better communication between government agencies and non-profit organizations to increase the number of resources available.
  6. Analysis of Local Human Resources in Austin, Texas
    The paper states that Austin Company is adapted for people of different needs. Agencies support senior people, physically challenged people, and immigrants.
  7. Health Access Advocacy Through Legislation in Texas
    Diverse populations within the United States face dilemmas regarding accessing health insurance. This paper will describe the process of advocacy through legislation.
  8. Chapter 14 of Texas: The Lone Star State by Richardson et al.
    The conservative Democratic rule discussed in Richardson et al.’s Texas: The lone star state was frugal and lacked wide public support.
  9. End of Life Terms for the State of Texas
    Health Care Proxy is a document containing the name of the person the patient wishes to speak on their behalf if they cannot speak for themselves and make their health care decision.
  10. The Peer Review Law of Texas
    The peer review law of Texas covers broad issues. Dr. Reed is governed by all of these statutes and her next course of action has to be within the statutes’ stipulations.
  11. Researching the Hispanic Community in El Paso, Texas
    The Hispanic community is an ethnic group residing in El Paso, Texas, on the border with Mexico. The community is dominant in the city as of the approximately 680,000 population
  12. Nursing Regulations in Virginia, Texas and Michigan
    This paper explains how the regulatory environment and the regulations differ in Virginia, Texas and Michigan in the field of nursing practice.
  13. History of Texas: Colonization and Slavery
    Texas has a rich history characterized by its unintended colonization by the Spaniards and the ultimate widespread African slavery.
  14. The Texas Oral Health Program and Policy Effects
    The Texas oral health program has resulted in an improvement in the quality of oral health care. The general health of individuals has improved significantly.
  15. Tort Reform and Its Public Policy Influence in Texas
    The tort reform in Texas bears a controversial character although it has positively contributed to alleviating the consequences of the crisis.
  16. Texas Should Not Legalize Marihuana for Personal or Medical Use
    This essay aims to argue why Texas should not legalize marihuana for personal or medical use. Drug use is one of the most urgent social and legal problems nowadays.
  17. Legal Aspects in Health Care of Texas and Florida
    In the case of professional negligence, a statute of limitation describes a stipulated time period, where legal proceedings can be instituted against a healthcare institution.
  18. Legislative Issues in Texas: Revolving Door
    This article discusses the revolving door, a phenomenon where high-level government officials move to the private sector and big business owners become legislators.
  19. Pursuit and Experiences of God in Texas
    Texas, as well as the Southwest, is introduced as one of the most religious regions in the United States. The history of the Texas religion.
  20. Texas Revolution of 1835-36 Causes and Texas Secession of 1861
    Texans had effectively rebelled against their states two times in a row, with merely a quarter of a century separating the Texas Revolution of 1835-36 and Texan secession of 1861.
  21. How Is the Texas Constitution Changed?
    The changes to the Texas Constitution are being implemented rather often. A majority vote can only approve them in a statewide election.
  22. Analysis of Coronavirus in Texas
    In terms of health care for non-Texas residents, government COVID-19 precautionary websites lack information on specific health care support systems available in the region.
  23. Overview and Analysis: Texas Budget
    The final budget of Texas included the proposal to receive $900 million from the federal-state insurance program for the citizenry with low income and disabled people.
  24. The Key Moments of the Texan History and Their Impact on Today’s Texas
    Texas history is complex, rife with twists and turns that shaped the state’s identity. The essay defines the critical moments of Texan history and how they impacted today’s Texas.
  25. Perspectives of Legalizing Marijuana in Texas
    Marijuana has the capability of becoming an important substance in the world today. The government must take the responsibility to legalize it.
  26. Virtual Road Trip Through Texas
    The Mineral Wells Baker Hotel – an infamous place that has gathered the attention of many paranormal enthusiasts and horror fans around the United States.
  27. Housing Stability Task Force Recommendations in Texas
    Most houses in Texas are bought for money lent from banks, which means rent should be paid on time for landlords to pay for their liabilities.
  28. The Republic of Texas: Brief Overview and the End of the Republic
    The Republic of Texas was an independent North American state that was located on the border of Mexico and the United States of America.
  29. Crime in Texas: Security Strategies
    There is a need to implement serious self-defense and personal security strategies in Texas to protect its citizens and their loved ones from becoming victims of dreaded crimes.
  30. Capital Punishment in Texas
    Capital punishment also referred to as the death penalty, is the putting to death of an individual through a legal process as a penalty for a crime.
  31. Legislative Issues in Texas: Student Debt
    This article discusses the student debt problem and the economic impact of deregulating tuition fees in Texas.
  32. Legislative Issues in Texas: The Death Penalty
    This article discusses the problem of imperfect trials in Texas, which allows a person to be mistakenly executed.
  33. Descibing Texas as a One-Party State
    Texas has been a one-party state for a long period of time, ruled by the Democrats for decades after Reconstruction until the 1990s, when the Republican party took over.
  34. Texas-Related Current Events
    The authors touch on the highly social topic of police defunding and systemic racism, which appeared in public discourse due to the tragic events in Minneapolis.

🎓 Most Interesting Texas Research Titles

  1. Methods That Texas Companies Can Deal With Labor Shortages
    This article is relevant since the immigration situation and the pandemic have a detrimental effect on the Texas business sector, as Drexell Owusu shows.
  2. Should Casinos Be Legal in Texas?
    The status quo of casinos being prohibited by law has persisted, with occasional openings and closures of Native American casinos as one side or the other won legal challenges.
  3. Analysis of Texas COVID-19 Response
    Texas’s governor has issued several Executive Orders to fight COVID-19, including a requirement to wear masks in public, a reopening order, and a gathering of more than ten people.
  4. Exploring the History of Texas: From the 1920s to the Bush Administration
    This paper aims to explore the history of Texas: from the 1920s to the Bush administration: the rise and fall of the Ku Klux Klan and governorship of George W. Bush and Rick Perry.
  5. How People Change in “Mother Tongue” and “A Death in Texas”
    This paper aims to describe the positive changes that have happened with the characters of two literary works – “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan and “A Death in Texas” by Steve Earle.
  6. Legislative Process in Texas: Styles of Lawmaking
    The decision to pass a new bill is not spontaneous: on the contrary, the approval of a new law is a long and thoroughly examined process.
  7. Pursuit and Glory Experiences in the Mid-19th Century Texas Southwest
    The history of the mid-19th century southwestern Texas was inseparably associated with the pursuit of independence and glory.
  8. Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction in Texas: Comparison and Evaluation
    The process of Reconstruction was excruciatingly hard for Texas and its citizens, mostly due to the contradictory forces that were pulling the state apart on different levels.
  9. Workers’ Injury Compensation in Texas
    Workers’ compensation in the case of injuries and diseases resulting from performing work tasks is the principal challenge of a state’s policies.
  10. Three Biggest Turning Points in Texas History
    The formation of the state of Coahuila y Tejas, the Texas Revolution, and the annexation of Texas by the United States are the most significant turning points in Texas history.
  11. The Response of Texas State Government to the COVID-19 Crisis
    The current paper discusses the origins and outcomes of coronavirus. The essay also provides an overview of how the local and federal government deals with the pandemic situation.
  12. Tourism Resources Assessment in Castroville, Texas
    To enhance tourism in Castroville, there are various actions that need to be taken by both the community and the leaders in the area.
  13. Ethical Treatment of Employees at BP’s Texas City Refinery
    This case study is about BP’s Texas City refinery where there was an explosion in 2005, March. It was a result of BP’s poor training on safety to its staff
  14. Northeast Texas: Geographical Analysis
    Northeast Texas has attractive geographical features both man made and natural. Its tourism industry is expected to grow with the development of more man made lakes and waterfalls.
  15. Peak Oil and Texas’ Energy Future
    The concept of peak oil refers to situations regarding the reserves of oil in the world is limited and being gradually being depleted due to excessive use.
  16. Hypothyroidism in Type-2 Diabetics in Texas
    The paper assesses the relationship between non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or type-2 diabetes and hypothyroidism in the ethnic population in Texas, USA.
  17. Fossils and Edwards Aquifer Rocks in Texas
    The looming water crisis in Texas has been attributed to the fact that serious tensions are observed in big cities in respect of securing water rights.
  18. Transforming the Texas Plant: Possible Solutions to the Problems
    The current work includes the case that presents communication issues, unity of command, and structural issues on the example of the staff of the Texas plant.
  19. Texas vs. Johnson: Landmark of US Supreme Court
    The Texas v Johnson case, considered by the US Supreme Court thirty years ago, is on the list of Supreme Court decisions that have had the greatest impact on American society.
  20. Low Voter Turnout in Texas and Its Causes
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the reasons that lead to low voter turnout rates in Texas through specific examples and data.
  21. The History of Oak Cliff Neighborhood, Dallas, Texas
    The city of Oak Cliff (initially known as Hord’s Ridge settlement) was founded when the first farmers started to appear in the area in the 1830s and developed with the arrival of William Henry Hord.
  22. Texas v. Johnson (1989): An Evaluation
    The present paper will consider the historical background of the case, describe its connection to the First Amendment, and offer an analysis of the key opinions.
  23. Childhood Crime at School in the State of Texas
    The safety of children should be a priority for the citizens of Texas because they represent the future of the state.
  24. Civil Rights: Same-Sex Marriage in Texas
    Using the case of Texas, this paper identifies different cartoons published within the past two years to discuss the predicaments associated with the given civil rights concern.
  25. Texas v. Johnson: Flag Burning and Free Speech
    The case Texas v. Johnson explores the scope of protection that the First Amendment can grant to citizens as the flag burning was a form of free speech and should be protected.
  26. Texas History from 1870 to 1960
    This paper discusses history of Texas: drastic reform, racism and importance of the oil industry in the early 20th-century, Jim Hogg’s and Fergusons’ governance.
  27. Texas Health Hospital’s Change Using TeamSTEPPS Framework
    In the Emergency Department of Texas Health Hospital, healthcare providers cause delays in work with patients. To change this, it is possible to apply the TeamSTEPPS framework.
  28. Abortion in Texas as a Political Issue
    The debate about abortion in Texas is very sensitive and must be approached with caution. This paper looks at abortion in Texas as a political issue and presents arguments from two opposing sides.
  29. Waste Management in Acres Homes of Houston, Texas
    This proposal suggests ways of cleaning up trash and maintaining hygiene in the dumpsites with an aim of reducing carbon gases emission known to cause various diseases.
  30. Mass Prophylaxis Dispensing Plan in Dallas, Texas
    The paper develops a mass prophylaxis dispensing plan for Dallas County of Texas. The responsible company will be the Federal Health Services Department in Dallas.
  31. Medial Use of Marijuana in Texas: Pros and Cons
    Medical marijuana is a topic that has gained much attention in Texas. It should be observed that the policy has attracted both supporters and opponents.
  32. Weapon Legalization, Its History and Texas Laws
    The question of legalization of weapon is a stumbling block in America. Since the birth of the American nation open carry has been considered as a natural state of things.
  33. Analysis of the Constitution of Texas
    This paper is aimed at examining the systems of checks and balances included in the Constitution of Texas. These provisions are supposed to limit the authority of the government.
  34. Should Concealed Handguns Be Allowed in Texas Classrooms?
    Cases of violence and crime among licensed handgun holders are very few. They should be allowed to carry their weapons in Texas’ colleges because they promote their personal and public security.
  35. Discovering Texas History: What Influenced Texas and Native Texans?
    The native Texans mostly influenced both the Americans and the Europeans who came to spread Christianity and to seek for land.
  36. Texas’ Local Government and Its Organizational Structure
    The Texas local government is made up of several members in the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, the Texas House of Representatives, and the Texas Senate.
  37. Concealed Handguns in Texas Colleges
    The debate on gun control has increased especially after recent high profile shootings such as the shootings in the University of Texas, the Connecticut school massacre, and Northern Illinois University.
  38. The Code of Ethics in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice
    The Texas Department of Criminal Justice adheres to an elaborate code of conduct and code of ethics. The paper analyzes the standards from various perspectives.

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