118 United Nations Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on United Nations

🔎 Easy United Nations Research Paper Topics

  1. The US Should Not Pay the UN Membership Dues
    The argument suggests that showing more respect for the US and criticizing other countries, which the author believes is justified, will allow the UN to expect US support.
  2. United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
    The article describes the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes essential directions for improvement.
  3. Protection of Vulnerable Communities by United Nations
    This report focuses on a global overview of the protection of vulnerable communities and the sustainable goals of the United Nations.
  4. United Nations Convention on Rights of People Living With Disabilities
    The United Nations (UN) convention calls on all social care professionals to recognize disability as a rising human rights issue.
  5. The UN Sustainable Development Goals
    Protecting human rights is of the utmost importance; consequently, all individuals, regardless of their communities, should be respected.
  6. The UN Climate Change Conference: Indigenous Concerns
    During the UN Climate Change Conference, it was clear that indigenous environmental defenders have a particular stake in the outcomes of climate change global negotiations.
  7. The United Nations vs Imperial Systems
    The international system under the leadership of the United Nations is more successful and effective than that under the empires.
  8. United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
    United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) purpose is to help people overcome poverty, violence, diseases as well as discrimination.
  9. UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
    The U.N. Guiding Principles are a necessary but still insufficiently effective tool to protect human rights from large business structures.
  10. The Foremost Problem Confronting United Nations Organization
    There can little doubt as to the fact that the most significant problem confronting the Organization of United Nations (U.N.) is this organization’s operational ineffectiveness.
  11. Internship Report Done at the United Nations
    UN is leading in offering internship openings to students in universities pursuing under- and postgraduate degrees. Objectives of UN internship program and students’ expectations.
  12. “The Role of the United Nations Development Programme in Post-conflict Peace-Building”: Article Analysis
    Endorsement of democratic values and supporting policies of good governance have become trademark characteristics of the UN in the approaches adopted to deal with issues.
  13. UN Significance in Politics of Minority Peoples’ Claims
    UN sole influence is not applicable in creating legal guidelines but with its significant influence it has managed to lobby for support from opposing odds to ensure that sustainable policies are put in place.
  14. Support for a Stronger United Nations Security Force
    Despite the important role assigned to the United Nations Security forces, one finds that there is growing decline for its support especially in United States due to various reasons.
  15. International Organizations. The United Nations
    The United Nations Organization was founded in 1945. The aim of this organization was to establish world peace and world order after WWII.
  16. President Obama’s United Nations General Assembly Speech
    President Obama is critiqued and praised as an exemplar of liberalism in international relations. His approach can also be viewed as an expression of Constructivist thinking.
  17. Role of Bariatric Surgery in Effective Management of Type 2 Diabetes
    This paper presents a UN opening speech from the name of the Republic of Uzbekistan about the problem and promotion of global food security.
  18. Florence Nightingale’s Legacy in the 21st Century
    The legacy left behind by Florence Nightingale was so strong that it is still relevant in the twenty-first century. Each person on any place in the world has his or her own role.
  19. The United Nations’ Security Council Membership
    The United Nations’ Security Council is increasing becoming a critical player in the world affairs and power relations between nations. The Security Council was established to manage threats.
  20. How the United Nations Leverages Digital Media for Global Outreach
    The United Nations (UN) is highly concerned about global citizenship and operates to encourage people to become a part of the international open-minded society.
  21. UN Ruling on Belgium v. Senegal: Prosecution or Extradition
    On June 20, 2012, the UN Court made a decision in the case related to the obligation to prosecute or extradite (Belgium v. Senegal). The Court ruled that it has jurisdiction to review the dispute.
  22. UN and the Digital Age
    The UN’s current approach toward the use of IT-related opportunities could use a deeper insight into the issues associated with economics and global trade.
  23. Nurses and Global Health: Florence Nightingale’s Impact on UN Goals
    The current paper analyses Florence Nightingale’s philosophy of nursing related to the UN Millennium Goals and the role of nurses in their application.
  24. United Nations in the Israeli-Palestine Conflict
    In some cases, the UN has played a major role in contributing to conflicts. One such case is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that still remains an issue to this day.
  25. Development in the United Nations
    This paper will discuss the various achievements that the UN has accomplished through its many agencies to stand out as the most successful international organisation in the world.
  26. Globalization’s Prime Principle: Interconnected Holistic Phenomenon
    This analytical treatise attempts to explicitly review the political, cultural, and economic impacts of globalization in the United Nations Institution.

🎓 Most Interesting United Nations Research Titles

  1. Evaluating United Nations Peacekeeping Operations
  2. United Nations and Its Relevance in U.S. Foreign Policy Making
  3. Pakistan’s Relations with the United Nations
  4. United Nations Strategies to Eradicate Poverty
  5. Liberalism and the United Nations
  6. Estimating Dynamic State Preferences From United Nations Voting Data
  7. Japanese Isolationism and the Peacekeeping Involvement of the United Nations
  8. United States Influence Upon the United Nations
  9. United Nations, Self Determination, and State Sovereignty
  10. Kosovo and the Possibility of a United Nations Role as Peacekeeper
  11. United Nations Security Council and World Bank
  12. United Nations Convention Against Corruption
  13. North Korea and the United Nations
  14. United Nations Treaties and Laws Governing the Seas
  15. International Organizations and the United Nations
  16. Slavery and the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
  17. United Nations and International Law
  18. Oxford International Model United Nations
  19. Personnel Problems and the United Nations Secretariat
  20. United Nations Reform for Indirect Exporting
  21. North Asia and the United Nations
  22. United Nations Security Council Is Unsuccessful in Keeping Peace
  23. Peacekeeping Conduct and Discipline of the United Nations
  24. United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security
  25. Positive Routines: United Nations Military Training
  26. United Nations and Its Impact on Human Rights
  27. Global Governance and the United Nations System
  28. European Union and United Nations
  29. The Universal Human Rights of the United Nations
  30. United Nations and the 2003 Invasion of Iraq

đź’ˇ Simple United Nations Essay Ideas

  1. Policy Debate Over the United Nations System
  2. United Nations Trade WTO Australia
  3. United Nations Security Council Resolution
  4. Bureaucratic Culture Within the United Nations
  5. Reforming the United Nations Budgetary System
  6. United Nations Pros and Cons to Helping People Live Better
  7. United Nations Peacekeeping Operations Before and After the Cold War
  8. Spain and the United Nations
  9. Canada and Its Impact on the United Nations
  10. United Nations and U.S. National Security Policy
  11. Germany and the United Nations
  12. United Nations and First and Second World Wars
  13. Model United Nations Manifesto
  14. Israel and the United Nations
  15. Non-Refugee Children and the United Nations
  16. Collective Security and the United Nations
  17. United Nations and Big Powers
  18. Ghana and the United Nations
  19. American National Interests and the Responsibilities of United Nations Membership
  20. Global Business and the Impact of the United Nations
  21. United Nations Conventions and Declarations
  22. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
  23. Refugee Rights and the United Nations Convention of 1951
  24. United Nations Environmental Programme: Water Privatization
  25. Iraq War 2003 and the Issue of Pre-emptive and Preventive Self-Defence: Implications for the United Nations
  26. United Nations and World Order
  27. The Yugoslavian Conflict United Nations
  28. United Nations – Successes and Failures
  29. President-Elect, Donald Trump, and the United Nations Clash
  30. United Nations Security Council Reform

âť“ Research Questions on United Nations

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. Is the United Nations an Effective Organisation?
  2. What Is the Intended Purpose of the United Nations?
  3. Did the United Nations and the International Community Fail to Prevent the Rwandan Genocide?
  4. How Did the Special Agencies of the United Nations Help to Provide a Better Quality of Life?
  5. Why the United Nations Started the Program for Women?
  6. How Does the United Nations Support Environmental Sustainability?
  7. Why the United Nations Can Be Not a Powerful Force to Get Global Peacefulness?
  8. How Effective Has the United Nations Been in Dealing With Sudan’s Refugees?
  9. Why the International Court of Justice Is Important to the United Nations?
  10. What Determines Success and Failure in United Nations Peacekeeping?
  11. Why Collective Legitimization Is Considered as a Political Function of the United Nations?
  12. What Is the Symbol of the United Nations, and Its Meaning?
  13. How Did the Constitutional Crisis in the United Nations Happen?
  14. What Are Some Reflections on Reform of the United Nations?
  15. Should the United Nations Be Involved in International Affairs?
  16. What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of United Nations?
  17. What Is the Clash Between Intergovernmentalism and Transnationalism in the United Nations?
  18. What Are the Development Goals From the United Nations?
  19. What Is the Importance of America’s Continuing Presence for the United Nations?
  20. What Are the United Nations’ Alternative Approaches to Resolving Global Challenges?
  21. What Was the United Nations Role as Peacekeeping Force in the North Korean Conflict?
  22. What Are the Roles of the United States and the United Nations in Preserving World Peace?
  23. What Is United Nations Effectiveness in the Midst of Fighting?
  24. What Are the Degrees of Self-Determination in the United Nations Era?
  25. What Are Some Recent Trends in the Law of the United Nations?

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